2010 Fall 2011 Winter ANCHOR

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features 7

Meet the Headquarters Team


Meet Your Educational Consultants


20 I 0-20 I I Strategic Plan


Meet the Board ofTrustees


Convention Highlights


In Memoriam


20 I 0 National Panhellenic Conference Annual Report

departments 4 5 6 24 32

Reader's Guide From the President Sorority News Alumnae in Action Collegians on Campus


reader's guide

the 0

THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published semiannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 3334 Founders Road; Indianapolis, Indiana 46268


How to Receive THE ANCHOR

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Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters.

Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual alumnae dues to either National Headquarters or through their local alumnae association ($40 annually).

~ Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council National President: Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda Nationa l Vice President: Shelly Marie Redmond, Psi National Secretary:Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Treasurer:Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield, Beta Xi Director of Alumnae:Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Director of Collegiate Chapters: Michele Hujarski Golob, Delta Alpha Director of Extension: Vacant Director of Fraternity Programs: Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda Director of Publications: Vacant Board ofTrustees Chairman: Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Vice Chairman: Mary Ellen Willmitch , Alpha Rho Secretary: Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha Mary Glor Bolton. Sigma Patricia Nayle , Phi

How to Update Your Name and Add ress You may call (3 17) 613-7S7S or e-mail us at headquarters@alphasigmatau.org. If you prefer to submit your information via US mail, please complete the form on the National Homepage and mail it to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis, IN 46268. How to ContactTHEANCHOR anchor@alphasigmatau.org www.alphasigmatau.org How to Send a Lett e r to t he Editor Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue of THE ANCHOR? We want to hear from you ! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (anchor@alphasigmatau .o rg) ; regular mail (THE ANCHOR, 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis, IN 46268); or fax (317) 613-71 I I). Please include your name, chapter, school and year of initiation. THE ANCHOR reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor and edit for space and clarity.

National Foundation President: Debi McCain Pyszka, Aipha Nu First Vice President: Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Second Vice President: Vacant Secretary: Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi Treasurer: Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta Research & Development: Ricki Bargman Trosen. Alpha Sigma Financial Development: Cynthia Peckhart McCrory, Alpha Alpha National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker. Aipha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: C arol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate:Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Third Alternate Delegate: Joanne Rupprecht Walter, Psi

A Note to Parents of Collegians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is no longer in college or living at home, please send us her updated address , as indicated above . Subm iss io n Deadlines Fall/Winter: July IS Spring/Summer: December IS

Alpha Sigma Tau National Home Page www.alphasigmatau.org National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road; Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 Phone: (317) 613 -7575 Fax: (317) 613 -7111 Email : headquarters@alphasigmatau.org

4 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

Fall/Win ter 20 I 0


from the president Dear Sisters, Building the Exceptional Sisterhood! This was the focus of the 38th National Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau. And working together we accomplished so much! Convention brought Alpha Sigma Tau members together in unique ways as we learned about ourselves as individuals, our legacy, our special talents and gifts, and the many inspiring aspects of our Sisterhood that unite us. Take this spirit and share it within your chapters and with alumnae with whom you are in contact. In this issue of THE ANCHOR, you will have an opportunity to learn about our advances: our new governing documents, our strategic structure, strategic plan advances, our new Headquarters team and facility, and so much more. While one amazing Convention has ended, I want to invite you to make plans now to attend the 39th National Convention at the Hyatt Regency in Indianapolis, Indiana in June 2012. Beauty of Spirit. Fulfillment of Self. Exceptional Sisterhood,

Christina Covington, Alpha Lambda National President


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sorority news Group finances n ad

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Greetings Alpha Sigma Tau! The 2009-20 I0 year has been an interesting one for the world economy. Coming out of one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression, it has been interesting to watch the United States stabilize. During this abnormally volatile period with so much negativity in the air, we thought we would share some itive news with you: w ith the help of Billhighway, your organization's chapter financial strength has only increased! Here is some data that reflects how you have done over the past 12 months:


Average Increase in Revenue: 9.29% Average Increase in Donations to Philanthropy: 29.56% Average Collection rate of 99%

From a technology standpoint, we are continuing to make enhancements to our site every day. Our major goal over the past year has been to improve the experience of every person in your organization that logs into Billhighway. Over the past 12 months, here are the updates we have released to you with no additional cost to your organization: Improved member payment process including ability to pay via Facebook New and improved Billhighway.com Simplified transaction pages Customizable reporting tools All-new user homepages for every level of your organization Enhanced database syncing functionality Improved online support tools including searchable Knowledge Base/help library & ticketing system Enhanced fraud protection with Verified by Visa & MasterCard Secu reCode Our existence as a company is about YOU. We approach everyday trying to come up with better ways to serve you and enhanced tools that exceed your organ ization's needs. The AST chapters that are utilizing Billhighway are becoming financially stronge r by the day and your numbers are certainly available to prove it. It is amazing how quickly a year goes by. We are looking forward to the fall activity and what 20 I I has to bring! Sincerely, Meghan Doyon Client Relations Manager, Billinghighway

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meet the headquarters team Jim Paponetti - Executive Director- jpaponetti@alphasigmatau.org General Areas of Responsibility: • Hire and Supervise Headquarters Staff; Appoint and Supervise Volunteer Personnel; Execute Objectives of the Strategic Plan; Financial Management of the National Organization; Serve as a Representative of the Sorority; Work as an Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member of the National Council to serve the best interests of the Sorority; Manage Relationships with Partner Organizations and Licensed Vendors.

Jennifer Gray -Administrative Assistant- jgray@alphasigmatau.org General Areas of Responsibility: First Point of Contact at the Headquarters; • Answer Telephones; Process Daily Mail & Deposits; Work with Membership Data in Patriot; Support Headquarters Staff Members with Administrative Items; Receive and Ship Supply Orders; Respond to General Information Questions; Manage Relationships with Facility Vendors.

Holly Morris - Collegiate Services Coordinator- hmorris@alphasigmatau.org General Areas of Responsibility: Hire and Supervise Educational Consultants; Respond to Questions Regarding Chapter Management Issues: Recruitment, Risk Management, Leadership, Scholarship/Academics, New Member Education, Membership Development, etc; Wo rk with Collegiate Services Team: District Coordinators, Chapter Advisory Board Members, Educational Consultants, and Volunteer Personnel to ensure appropriate support is delivered to collegiate chapters and colonies; Manage Extension Program Responsibilities: GreeklifeEdu, BiiiHighway, GIN System

Allison Bressler- Alumnae & Volunteer Services Coordinator -abressler@alphasigmatau.org General Areas of Responsibility: Chapter Advisory Board Appointments & Training; Alumnae Association and Chapters; Alumnae Volunteer Interest; Alumnae Chapter Expansion; Alumnae Affiliation Ritual



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meet your educational consultants General Areas of Responsibility: Conduct chapter/colony visits; assess chapter/colony strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for improvement; serve as an expert in chapter management, risk management, recruitment, leadership education, new member development, membership development, campus relations; meet with campus FSA; work with Chapter Advisory Boards and House Corporation Officers. Educational Consultants will be visiting every Alpha Sigma Tau chapter and colony during the 20 I 0/20 I I academic year. To request specific assistance in addition to a standard visit, contact Holly Morris, Collegiate Services Coordinator.

Emily Jessee - ejessee@alphasigmatau.org Emily was initiated into the Psi chapter at James Madison University where she served as the Risk manager and Chapter President. She graduated in fall 2009 with a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies. She grew up in Midlothian Virginia and has an older sister and a younger brother. She became an Educational Consultant in January 20 I0. I wanted to be an Educational Consultant so that I could visit chapters all over the country and help members improve their experiences in Alpha Sigma Tau. I had such a wonderful experience being a collegian, and I wanted the chance to enhance the experiences of other members as well. As a consultant I have enjoyed having the chance to get to know women in AST from different schools. We have such diverse women throughout all of our chapters and it has been an amazing experience learning from members as well as giving hints and advice that I have learned from other chapters. The ties that I have made with many chapter members as well as my fellow consultants have been amazing; it is great to know that I have sisters all over the country that I can relate with. This position has helped me become more patient, flexible when needed and it has enhanced my creativity. I have learned to be very resilient in many situations and to also have back up plans, you never know when a power point won 't work or when you will miss a flight because of delays. Outside of what AST has taught me I have become a very prepared traveler, getting through the lines of security runs very smoothly now and I have just about anything you cou ld think of in my purse at all times. I am very thankful for what I have learned so far and what I will continue learning, I know I will carry this knowledge throughout life .

Rachel Bourgeois - rbourgeois@alphasigmatau.org Rachel was initiated into the Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University and served as Recruitment Director, Vice-President of Public Relations and Events on the Panhellenic Council, Courtesy Coordinator and Vice-President. Rachel earned her bachelor's degree in Communication with a concentration in Organizational Communication from Southeastern Louisiana University. As an alumna, she is a member of the Southeast Louisiana Alumnae Chapter and serves as the Social Coordinator for the group. She continues to assist the Phi Chapter with recruitment efforts and Panhellenic relations. I have a problem giving a short, sweet, to the point answer to questions like "Why did you want to be an educational consultant?" and 'How do you feel about this job?" Experiences I've had as an undergraduate member and special moments I've shared with Alpha Sigma Tau members across the country come to mind .Those experiences and those moments are all the reasons I wanted to be in this position and all the reasons I chose to stay as an educational consultant for a 2nd year. I applied for the position thinking it would be just a one year contract job in and out of chapters across the country "checki ng-in" to make sure that "everybody's fine"- - rules are being followed , numbers are good and that each group has the ever so magical presence of "sisterhood." I was wrong. I was wrong. I WAS WRONG .

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meet your educational consultants I quickly realized that this educational consultant position was more than a just a job. It was (and still is) an opportuni ty for me to encourage, inspire and influence the collegiate women of this amazing sorority. Most of the time, the situation is reversed. I am the one being encouraged, inspired and influenced by the women of this exceptional sisterhood . When people ask me what I do for a living, it's difficult for me to reply with the short, blunt answer of "I'm a traveling consultant for my sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau ." I much rather respond with what I believe to be the truth , "I work with Alpha Sigma Tau women across this country who are going to change the world." Sure, this job is filled with uncertainty. The questions that run through my head on a daily basis include, "Will my flight land on time? Will I make my connecting flight? Will my flight make it to the ground at all? What will the next chapter I visit be like? What will I learn from them? What will they learn from me? Will they like me? Will they think I'm weird?" Hmmm ... But, there is certainty in this job. I am certain I have made lasting relationships and connections with women across the country. I am certain that our Alpha Sigma Tau chapters are reaching new heights of success and victory. But most of all, I am certain that I am in the right place, at the right time, and right where I belong as an Alpha Sigma Tau . Jourdan Stauffer, a member of the Phi Chapter, recently told me in conversation, "Rachel, you have the best job in the world! I'm so jealous." Yes, Jourdan , thanks for the reminder. I certainly do.

Amy San Fillippo - asanfillippo@alphasigmatau.org I was initiated into the Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University.As a collegian mem ber I held numerous executive committee and staff positions. By joining AST, I was able to meet amazing people that I know will be in my life for a very long time. Alpha Sigma Tau helped to shape me into the person I am today.AST is where I grew as a person and most importantly learned some of life's important lessons. I could not imagine my college experience without AST and most importantly without my sisters. AST has given so much to me in leadership skills, experiences, adventures, and memories that will last a lifetime that I decided that it was now my turn to give back to the organization that has given so much to me. My time as an Educational Consultant has been an incredible journey. I can honestly say I had no clue what I was getting myself into when I accepted the position, but every day I am grateful that I did. It has taught me to enjoy the moment and make the most out of every opportunity in front of me. During my time as an EC I have been able to truly see the power and impact of our sisterhood across the nation. I have met incredible sisters and it excites me to ey are the future of our organization. I don't know if I can say this enough, but we have amazing collegians that impress and blow me away with every meeting and interaction I have with them. Our chapters are doing incredible things and I know great things will continue to come from them. Even though I go to chapters to be a resource and help to them , they have all taught me something along the way. But it's not just our collegians, we also have incredible alumnae members that I have had the opportunity to work with and meet.

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- meet the educational consultants continued from page 9 I do this job because I love it and most importantly because I love Alpha Sigma Tau. I hope I have been able to pass my love and excitement for the organization to the women that I meet and have been able to form positive connections between our chapters and the National Organization . I may joke about the 3 a.m. phone calls, but I love hearing from the collegians after I leave no matter what time of day it is. Alpha Sigma Tau truly has an Exceptional Sisterhood. I thought I would include some funny travel tips that I have learned along the way: Even though I love liquid detergent, don't pack it in your suitcase cause it may explode during a flight. Find out the weather of your destination before you pack because only having pumps in the snow is not fun . Frequent Flyer or any other programs that rewards brand loyalty are amazing because you never know when you may be getting a free upgrade or dessert. Just because you are out of town does not mean you eat like you are on vacation. Those pounds snuck up on me fast! Take tons and tons of pictures so you always have a lasting memory of where you were and who you were with . (I wish I would have taken more pictures during my travels.)

Candice Nivison - cnivison@alphasigmatau.org Candice was initiated into the Epsilon Delta Chapter at Rogers State University where she served as President, New Member Director, Philanthropy Chairman , and Fundraising Chairman. Candice earned her bachelor's degree in Communications. As an alumna, she is serving as a second term Educational Consultant and is a petitioning member of the Northeast Oklahoma Alumnae Social Team. After finishing a second year as an Educational Consultant, she will be working on a master's degree in Corporate Communications.

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20 I 0 - 20 I I strategic plan

Alpha Sigma Tau Priority Goals for Each Strategic Area of Focus M embership Development (Collegiate, Alumnae and Volunteer Leadership)


Have all chapters at or above their respective institution's all-women 's GPA or above a 3.2 whichever is higher) by June 20 14


All chapters will perform the ritual as written , and all members will understand and live by the Ritual


Develop a collegiate/alumnae lifelong membership development program


Have all volunteers and staff receive training (initial and continuous training)


Development of an emerging leader institute to cultivate talents and passions


Engage more collegians, alumnae, and other volunteers (to assist) in key areas of operations


Evaluate current National educational events for broad member population inclusion (general, officer, convention delegates, alumnae, volunteer leaders, etc.), effectiveness and outcomes


Have each chapter participate in an external leadership development program (campus, NPC , NIC , Regional Greek, etc.) by May 2015


Members contribute 250,000 collective service hours per calendar year by December 20 15


Members donate/raise $750,000 per calendar year to charitable causes by December 20 IS

I I.

Conduct an annual academy for Chapter Presidents


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20 I 0 - 20 I I strategic plan Growth and Retention

I. 2. 3. 4.

Have I00 active collegiate chapters by May 20 IS Develop a comprehensive extension strategy Have 75% of our chapters at or above total on their campus by January 20 IS Ensure that women who join Alpha Sigma Tau, leave the chapter in good standing (December 2013)

Communication and Marketing

I. 2. 3. 4.

Develop a comprehensive communication plan Utilize technology to remain current and relevant Effectively, consistently, and proactively communicate with all internal and external stakeholders Conduct a branding and visual identity campaign through outsou rced vendo r


I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create a fully-staffed , state-of-the-art Headquarters facility lead by an Executive D irector by December 20 12 Assess and improve the current volunteer structure to execute the strategic plan by May 20 I I Align our governing documents and structure with mission and vision by June 20 I I Develop and formalize the procedure of utilizing collegians, non-staff alumnae , and non-Alpha Sigma Taus to serve on committees and help guide and evaluate operations Have the National Organization complete the shift to a governing model by 20 IS Explore the viability of a National House Corporation by January 20 14

Alumnae Member Engagement

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Increase the number of alumnae involved in alumnae associations by I 0% by 20 I 3 Have 50 active alumnae associations by 20 IS Create more opportunities and roles for alumnae to direct their talents Ensure alumnae associations in 20 most Alpha Sigma Tau populous rich areas by August 20 13 Evaluate alumnae dues structure/program and if it is preventing more suppo rt at the ground level Have I 00% placement and training of all available Collegiate Chapter Advisory Board pos itions by May 20 IS

Maximize Financial Resources

I. 2. 3. 4.

Develop and evaluate a long-term financial plan Fully fund all strategic objectives by 20 IS Improve the level of transparency Collect I 00% of accounts receivable by December of 20 I I

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20 I 0 - 20 I I strategic plan Realizing Our Shared Vision -Turning Ideas into Action Work to advance the Sorority in the direction mapped out by the strategic plan is already underway.The National Council, in concert with the Headquarters Staff, has begun to align operational procedures to further each of the six strategic areas of focus. As the So ro ri ty populates a fully-staffed Headquarters team in Indianapolis, the team members will execute objectives for each of the areas of focus with the support of numerous volunteers and deliver measurable results to the National Council. Alpha Sigma Tau will also need to align its operations, functions and structure to meet the strategic areas of focus identified by the membership. Doing so will open many planned opportunities for volunteers to wo r k di rectly with our collegiate members and on special projects for the Sorority. In the com ing years, Alpha Sigma Tau will work in a strategic manner to provide greater services to ou r members by on-going maintenance of the plan and informing the membership of the work and status through ou r publication and communication tools, webinars, and at National events. As plan detai ls a re further unveiled , the National Council hopes each member will consider how she can participate with her time , talents and treasure to help Alpha Sigma Tau bring our shared vision to life.


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Alpha Sigma Tau Vision Beauty of Spirit. Fulfillment of Self. Exceptional Sister hood.

Alpha Sigma Tau Mission To foster intellectual, cultural, ethical and social development To instill a commitment to lifelong leadership To develop women who enrich the lives of others To promote an environment of shared understanding and respect for values, expectations and goals To sustain relationships that transcend the collegiate experience

Alpha Sigma Tau Core Values Intellect- The pursuit and cultivation of knowledge , wisdom , truth , and cu ltu re. Excellence -Always seeking to perform at the highest level; having a disdain for mediocrity; creating and taking advantage of opportunities to excel. Graciousness - Creating an environment of pleasantness and embodying kindness, gener osity of spirit , charm, tact, courtesy, and authenticity in all we do. Respect - The highest level of esteem fo r the worth of ourselves, ou r sisters, our peers, our commun ity, our history, our future, and our values. Connections - Building and maintaining meaningful, sincere, and lasting relationships w ith ou r member s, our alma mater, and our community.

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meet your board of trustees The Board ofTrustees is a Standing Committee of the Sorority and acts as an advisory committee which functions to preserve the purpose, ideals, standards and historical integrity of the Sorority. Membership is composed of at least five but not more than seven alumnae members in good standing.The Board of Trustees establishes its procedures and performs the following duties: reviews and renders opinions to the National Council on proposed amendments to the Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Tau; receives and holds in confidence the minutes of the National Council; reviews publication drafts as requested; and responds to questions and concerns by members related to the history of the Sorority The Board ofTrustees is currently composed of the following five members: Bobbie Nichols Tucker: Alpha Gamma ( 1968), Chairman Bobbie earned a BSE in Business at Henderson State College where she pledged Alpha Gamma Chapter in 1968. She was proud to be initiated at the 1968 National Convention by Susie McBee and Margaret McDonald . As a collegian , she chaired Rush and Programs Committees, served as Pan hellenic Alternate Delegate, was Chapter President, and was her chapter's delegate to the 1970 Convention. She wrote for the school newspaper, was Greek editor for the yearbook, was a member of a service organization and ROTC Auxiliary, and was Vice President of the senior class. Nationally, Bobbie has served as Area Alumnae Representative, Director of Expansion, District President, Chapter Advisor, Chapter Consultant, NPC Alternate Delegate serving on the College Panhellenics Committee, and on the AST Headquarter's Site Search Committee. Bobbie has held the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Director on the AST National Foundation. She is presently serving Alpha Sigma Tau as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Bobbie holds several securities registrations for her work at Stephens, Inc., an international, privately held , investment banking firm headquartered in Little Rock. After working as a member of the Municipal Trading Desk, Bobbie currently is a SeniorVice President in the Public Finance Department. Bobbie and husband , Jack, are proud parents of Elizabeth (Kappa Delta, University of Mississippi} and reside in Little Rock, Arkansas. In addition to her volunteering services, she is a Past President of the Henderson State University Alumni Association . She is most honored to serve on the Board ofTrustees.

Mary Ellen Willmitch,Aipha Rho ( 1968), Vice Chairman Mary Ellen Willmitch was in the first "pledge class" of Alpha Rho colony at Youngstown State University,Youngstown, Ohio. She was initiated in 1968, serving as Chaplain and Fund-Raising Chairman. Upon graduation, she joined the newly-formed Youngstown Alumnae Chapter, serving as Chaplain. She is still a member of that alumnae chapter and currently serves as Treasurer. In 1973, Mary Ellen served as Chapter Adviser until AP's closing in 1975. When it recolonized, she served as New Member Coordinator and Training Coordinator for Advisers. In 1978, she was appointed Chapter Consultant for the Alpha Tau chapter, to guide their rebuilding/retraining process. She is proud to note that they grew from three members and were the first chapter to receive the Founders Award. She served in that capacity at Alpha Tau for 24 years, until 2002.

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meet your board of trustees continued from previous page Mary Ellen Willmitch Also in 1978, Mary Ellen was asked to be National Chaplain, and, in 1979, Director of Fraternity Publications to fill an unexpired term. She was re-elected in 1980, serving until 1984, when she became the Lambda District President (which was, at the time, mostly Western Pennsylvania). She was Lambda DP for I0 years. Mary Ellen served as Regional Collegiate Director - originally the only one - eventually two more were added. She directly supervised one-third of the District Presidents and their chapters. Mary Ellen became a member of the Board ofTrustees in 2002 and is currently Vice-Chairman.

Martha Drouyor DeCamp: Alpha ( 1958), Secretary Martha Drouyor pledged Alpha Chapter at Eastern Michigan College in 1958, where she earned her BS in Homemaking and Vocational/Occupational Education . She served as Alpha Chapter President, National Student Loan Chair, National Social Service/Philanthropy Chair, National Director of Fraternity Programs, National President, and is a member of the Board of Trustees since 2002. Nationally, Martha has been awarded Collegiate Top Tau ,Ada A Norton, Order of the Yellow Rose , Outstanding Alumna, and was recognized as a Sustainer at the 2000 Convention. She was honored by her mother, Gertrude Drouyor, who established and endowed the Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp Outstanding Philanthropy Award, through the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation . The award recognizes a Sorority member for leadership in philanthropy and service . D r. Edward Jervey, Professo r Emeritus of Radford University and Alpha Lambda Chapter Advisor and patron for over 30 years, established the Edward Jervey/Martha DeCamp Award to honor the highest achieving chapter at each Alpha Sigma Tau convention. Martha taught Home Economics in Secondary School in Michigan. While living on the west coast, she was a Home Economist for Cuisinart Food Processor Corporation , Berndes Cookware Company, and Calphalon Cookware Corporation. She has been active in the Catholic parishes wherever she lived as a Eucharistic Minister and lector. Martha and her husband, Sam, moved back to Michigan after her Sorority presidency. He died in February 2009. She has two sons: Ralph and John (wife: Kelly Evans) Belknap. Martha loves her Sorority and believes that her real treasures are the friendships , wh ich span time and history, and enrich her life beyond all measure. She can certainly live this as a Trustee of Alpha Sigma Tau.

Patricia L. Nayle: Phi ( 1971) Member Patricia was initiated into Phi Chapter in 1971, while attending Southeastern Louisiana University. She earned a BS in Home Economics Merchandising in 1974. While in Phi Chapter, she served as Historian,Vice President, and Treasurer and received the Chapter's Top Tau Award . She was involved in various campus organizations, including holding the office of President of the Student Union Board. She was elected to "Who 's Who in Fraternities and Sororities of America" and "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges," as well as to SLU's Thirteen Club Honor Society and Phi Kappa Phi . Her biggest honor was receiving the 1974 "Outstanding Female Greek" Award. As a senior in college, Pat attended her first Convention in 1974 and has attended every convention since.

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meet your board of t rustees Mary Glor Bolton: Sigma ( 1951) Member Mary was initiated into Sigma Chapter at the SUNY College at Buffalo in 1951 and Buffalo Alumnae Chapter in 1953. She served the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter as Secretary, Editor, Historian , National Alumnae Representative, and currently serves as its Treasure r since 1985. Nationally, Mary served as an Alumnae Representative ( 1960-1972), National Program Chairman ( 1973-1974), and National Sorority Growth and Development Chairman ( 1974-1979). She chai red the Officers' Reception at the 17th National Convention in New Orleans ( 1968), was Local Convention Chairman for the 18th National Convention in Toronto ( 1970), and assisted w ith the 30th National Convention in Buffalo ( 1994). Mary served on the Board of Directors of the AST Nation al Foundati on as 2nd VP ( 1987 -90) and on the AST Board of Trustees from 2002 to the present. Mary was Alumnae Top Tau in 1992 and 1998, honored as she received the Ada A No rton Awa rd in 1976, and w as recognized as a Sorority Sustainer at Convention 2000. She has attended 24 National Conventions. Aside from Sorority, Mary lives in Williamsville , NY with her husband, Douglas, and had three daughte rs (Maureen , Colleen and Kathleen), sadly losing Colleen to illness in 200 I. She has four grandchildren. As a teacher in the Ma ryvale School System, until her retirement in 1990, she taught all elementary grades as well as secondary Math, English, and Social Studies. She served as President,Treasurer, Secretary and Building Rep with the Maryvale Teachers' Association and was on the Board of Directors of the Maryvale Schools' Federal Credit Union ( 1961-1994). She is a member of St. Grego ry the Great RC Church. She enjoys her summers in Canada, some of he r winte r in St. Pete Beach , Florida, and traveling. Mary enjoys and feels honored to serve Alpha Sigma Tau as a membe r of t he Board ofTrustees

Correction: In the Sp r ing 20 I 0 ANCHOR, the article titled , " Is There Greek Life After College", the re was an omission . The article was adapted from an article by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Alpha Xi Delta, which was o riginally published in The Quill magazine The Editor apologizes for this omission .


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18 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

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38th national convention awards

Zeta Tau Delta Beta Phi Delta Eta Si Gamma Rho

e Panhellenic Award


of the Yellow Rose

Gamma Delta

S ma Chi

Jr. Award of Excellence

Lambda Chi AI

Excellence Award


Excellence Award



Gamma ha Beta Eta Ph i Gamma Rho n/a n/a Delta Ph i Delta

Delta Theta Gamma Rho Zeta

ry Charles Adams Ashby Alumnae Convention Tau Award

Gamma Gamma

Charles Adams Ashby Colleg iate Conventi on u Award

20 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

Fall/Winter 2010




20 I 0 annual report - national pan hellenic conference Prepared by Jenn ifer M. Siler Alpha Delta Pi Editor, The Adelphean Delegates, inter/national presidents , executive directors and ed itors of the 26 member organizations of the National Pan hellenic Conference (NPC ) gathered Oct. 21-23 for the 2010 annual meeting at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center in Grapevine, Texas . With the theme - Commemorate , Collaborate , Celebrate ,II the group celebrated the accompl ishments of the past year and looked forward to future achievements ; focused on collaborating with the med ia and with campuses ; and commemorated what makes NPC unique. Scheduled as a working meeting , comm ittees met throughout the three days to plan for the future and for personal development in their areas . A special session on Thursday of delegates and inter/national presidents with the Long-Range Planning Committee led by Ginny Carroll , founder and CEO of lnGINu ity, produced several items for further discussion with all conference participants on Saturday morning . Attendees also visited with 60 exh ibitors , the largest number to display their products and services at an NPC meeting . At the opening general session on Friday, an inspiration given by Cynthia Weston , Kappa Delta third alternate delegate, described sisterhood as a high concept of values-based friendship that depends on diverse values and backgrounds . The roll call included a PowerPoint presentation of photos of the members of each delegation. Carroll , Alpha Xi Delta , gave a brief presentation on-The Gift of Sorority.II She discussed what life was like for our founders in the 1800s and how they had to overcome ridicule and meet in secret to form our organizations . She encouraged everyone to connect the dots between sorority experience and real life and to acknowledge our sorority membership by being visible and involved . During the second general session on Friday night, the proposed legislation for the meeting was presented to the delegates. The group also held a short -town hallll meeting discussion on : How to educate College Panhellenics and collegiate chapters on the Release Figure Method (RFM ). Ways to partner with un iversities to combat underage drinking . The question of offering Panhellenic chapters at online universities . On Saturday, Kyle Niederpruem , president of Kyle Commun ications , and Glen Welling , a photojournalist at an Indianapolis TV station , presented a med ia training session for all attendees . The focus centered on respond ing to the mediaduring a crises situation: what to say, how to say it, and whom to say it to (see sidebar). Based on information from the Thursday workshop of the Long-Range Plann ing Committee , all attendees were assigned to small groups Saturday. The small groups discussed how NPC is uniquely positioned to advocate , support and collaborate and talked about the ideal model for NPC that would allow this to work. The feedback from the small -group discussions will be compiled and sent to the delegations. continued next page 22 • TH E AN CHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

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Your story during a crisis: Know it, live it, tell it "Only you can tell your story. You have to know your story, live your story, and tell your story, " says Kyle Niederpruem, president of Kyle Communications. Niederpruem and Glen Welling, a photojournalist at an Indianapolis TV station, presented an interactive media training session for all attendees Oct. 23 during the NPC annual meeting. They circulated throughout the room asking questions and filming the responses. They then played back the responses, and Niederpruem commented on the interviewees "performances." She also advised attendees to follow several key communications strategies: Establish an after-hours number for our executive office phone system, and ensure that the designated people can respond in 10 minutes. If you cannot respond to a reporter when contacted, find out the deadline and get back to him or her before that time.

Remember that "no comment" is not a good response. Create a crisis communication check list for your executive office. Maintain a relationship with the media in the city where your executive office is located. Create a national media list in case your situation "explodes" nationally. "No matter the crisis, you can own your story, " says Niederpruem. "Be unflappable and stay on message while giving information but not specifics.• Finally, she advises, don't be afraid to ask the reporter what he knows, what he's heard, and who he's talked to.

20 I 0 annual report - national pan hellenic conference continued from previous page The second town hall meeting Saturday featured Dr. Frances Lucas , Delta Gamma , vice president of the University of Southern Mississippi. She provided valuable insights and information about dealing with the Greatest Generation (aged 64 and up), Baby Boomers (45- 63), Generation X (30 - 44) , and Millennials (18- 29) and what she sees as trends in higher education Dr. Lucas also outlined her -Ten Commandments on What Chapter Advisors Need to Know: Reduce the cost of the sorority experience as much as possible . Emphasize the need to pledge women who are not Caucasian . Understand the Millennials. Realize that sexism is alive and well , and we should educate members about it. Understand that today's students are predicted to have seven careers . Consider higher education colleagues as part of our team . Get educated about the new norms regarding sexuality. Listen . Be a role model. Be calm and controlled in all types of situations . "Students are more isolated today, yet more connected than ever before . They need to take care of somebody and be there for them ," says Dr. Lucas . 'There is a need for special memberships- flexible models - since students drop in and out of school." During the final general session , delegates discussed and voted on changes to the bylaws and passed three resolutions : A change to Article IV, Section 1 of the NPC bylaws authorizes the use of conference calls as a way to conduct a vote for the Executive Committee . A change to Article XI , Amendments of the NPC bylaws , changes the seven-eighths vote needed to amend the bylaws by a mail vote between meetings to a unanimous vote of the board of directors. Resolution 1 officially recognizes February as the Month of the Scholar beginning in 2011 and that all NPC member groups , the College Panhellenics Committee , and the Alumnae Panhellenics Committee will promote the Month of the Scholar. Resolution 2 recommends that pursuant to the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 confirming the single sex designation of women 's sororities , that members refrain from participation in men 's fraternity recruitment and encourages College Panhellenics to adopt a policy that restricts Panhellenic women from participating in any men 's fraternity recruitment events . Resolution 3 concerns recruitment counselor involvement regarding the membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement. Effective in Fall 2011 , recruitment counselors will not be involved with any potential new members during the completion and signing of the MRABA.

The 2011 NPC annual meeting will be Oct. 12- 16 in Austin , Texas .

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order of omega; sisterhood survives; alumnae in action

order of omega initiation On the Friday morning of Convention, the Alpha Sigma Tau chapter of the Order of Omega gained sixteen new members, including Executive Director Jim Paponetti. With over 500 chapters in the United States, many of our collegiate members already have had the opportunity to become active with Order of Omega. This unique initiation extended the invitation to our alumnae members in good standing. The Order of Omega was founded at the University of Miami in 1959 by a group of outstanding fraternity men , who felt that individuals in the Greek commun ity should be recogn ized fo r their service to the fraternity system and the University. It became a co-ed organization in 1977, and wo r ks to recogn ize Greek men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities.According to their website, Omega strives to "help create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed openly across Greek lines and to help work out solutions." Rick Funk, senior associate director of admissions and the adviser of the Order of Omega chapter at the University of Alabama, graciously volunteered his time to perform the initiation ceremony. Jamie Jones Miller and Laura Clark assisted. Alumnae initiates include Joanna Barrett, Rita Bertolino, Mary Bolton, Tammy Bon ifie ld, Dana Bortz, Rachel Bourgeois, Stacey Fragile, Cathi Gervase, Michelle Golob, Kirsten Heck, Barb Heeb, Cand ice N ivison, Diana Roth,Amy San Fillippo and Nazie Spurrier.

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SisTERI-tood SuRvivEs NATURAL DisASTER Written by Stephanie Sanders Sisterhood reappears as Alpha Sigma Tau (AZ:T) arrived in May in the form of a birthday gift for Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU) alumna, Angela Tyrone, 53, who received not just another piece of jewelry but a pearl badge to replace the original that Hurricane Katrina floodwaters seized five years ago. The former resident of Chalmette, a census-designated place in St. Bernard Parish , La. completely destroyed by IS feet-high waters, chuckles in light of her new badge-a reminder of the unity that always seems to find her, even in the stormiest of days. Interesting enough, having sisters and friends surprise Tyrone with the badge would not be the first occasion AZ:T was lost and then found . After graduation, "I cried when I had to leave [SLU] , because it had been such a good experience. It felt like I was losing my family, at that point," says current Louisiana State Supervisor for School Social Work Services. Little did the Social Welfare major know that 30 years later Katrina would cause her to lose more than just belongings but return to a home in Hammond, Louisiana. "Sorority is the one place I come to and have history. I know the people and they know me, and that's really important," says Phi's former chaplain . Following her relocation, Tyrone revived life in Hammond with a new job, where casual conversations transpired with new co-workers; she clicked well with one in particular and reached an incredible conclusion. Demonstrating the union between sisters, out of a new friendship with a coworker revealed an AZ:T who pledged years after Tyrone! Amusingly, she retains a flair for astonishing events such as these . Where would she be without her siste rs? Other accounts quickly rush to mind. Angie or "Ang" to sisters, she fades into nostalgia and remembers a Spring Break where she finds herself in an unpleasant state but fortunately learns AZ:T resides in the same hotel. Again, sisters to the rescue! Recollecting further, Tyrone thanks sorority for finding a best friend , someone who graduated from high school with her but did not associate with one another until after rush . " I can't even begin to tell you what it all means to me . It's unbelievable . The reason I came back to Hammond was because of good vibes. To reconnect with my sorority sisters is just incredible," she says. A 1979 graduate of the oldest sorority at SLU,Tyrone pledged herself to AZ:T late during her undergraduate studies, but the constant contact with sisters rewards her life day to day. Upon receiving a new badge and sharing her journey,Tyrone wants " people to understand that this [sorority] is not just a fly-by-night commitment. Sorority is family. When we get together, it's like we never left [each other)." In fact, the week of obtaining her badge ,Tyrone purchased new white attire to attend Phi 's initiation , something she had not experienced in years, to proudly recommit her pledge. Her only birthday wish came true . What began as chitchat in a coffee house among alumnae now serves as a famous tale of sisterhood and triumph , and every moment a "Tau" places the badge over her heart, hopefully she feels that sisterhood pulsating in return .


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~ alumnae in action atlanta 20 I 0 has been another great year for the Atlanta Social Team . The year started out strong with a brunch at J. Christopher's in Sandy Springs and pizza dinner at an alumna's home . The alumnae helped the local chapter, Delta Pi, celebrate its I0 year anniversary during Oglethorpe University's alumni weekend . This spring, we hosted our first annual welcome picnic for the new inductees into the Alumnae Association. After assisting Delta Pi with their formal recruitment this fall, we followed the chapter's Bid Day celebration with our own lunch and frozen yogurt extravaganza. The Atlanta Social Team will finish out the year with our second annual holiday party and philanthropy, which will highlight Dress for Success as our service project.

baltimore We are coming up on one full year as an active group holding regular meetings, and are extremely excited to announce that our installation as an alumnae chapte r is scheduled for February 26, 20 I I! Thank you all for your support and encouragement along the way! The ladies of Baltimore have been very busy this year. In April, five sisters served lunch to underprivileged residents of our city at Our Daily Bread, a soup kitchen run by Catholic Charities. In July, our group partnered with Goldman Sachs for a Habitat work day. Organized by Debi Meeks, we had nine sisters participate, including National Philanthropy Coordinator Sara Brown. Between the informal luncheons and brunches we held over the summer, Kirsten Heck, Katie McNulty and Nazie Spurrier were pleased to attend Convention as representatives of the Baltimore Alumnae .What an incredible experience! Going forward , our group has planned events on the second weekend of each month. We kicked the fall off with a Black Lotus Designs " Pearl Social" jewelry party in September. In October, we are observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a luncheon and " pink party," and will be celebrating Founder's Day at the home of Diane Raycob in November. As always, if you're in the area and would like to join us , please email us at baltimorealumnae@gmail.com.We 'd love to meet you!

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buffalo Not unlike many alumnae groups, the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter is always looking for ways to connect with the local collegians. Last year, it became apparent that in recent years Sigma Chapter at Buffalo State College had mostly been in contact with the advisors in a formal setting but not so much with the general alumnae membership socially. Sigma members had been asking for etiquette training and the alumnae were anxious to acquaint themselves with the newly formed Epsi lon Mu colony at University at Buffalo. Alumnae member Jean McNamara saw this as an opportunity to create an event where everyone could socialize in a fun yet educational setting. Thus, the AST Dinner and Etiquette Presentation was born . On Sunday, April 25, 20 I 0, at 5:00 p.m., the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter hosted an elegant dinner for members of Sigma and Epsilon ¡ Mu at Alice's Kitchen , a restaurant owned by Buffalo Alumnae Chapter membe r Michelle Luppino. Sixty women were in attendance! Interestingly, this included almost equal numbers from each group. Place cards ensured that there would be a mix of attendees at each table fostering interaction among all participants. The atmosphere was lovely with formal place settings and centerpieces, and the conversation was lively as sisters became better acquainted . During each of the seven courses, a lesson would be presented by members of the comm ittee . For instance, one sister demonstrated the incorrect method of eating soup-lifting and drinking straight from the bowl and slu rping. This was followed by the proper technique of spooning the soup away from oneself -without vocal accompaniment! Everyone seemed to enjoy these little skits while learning something useful. The program included the following statement: "Our purpose (as stated in the constitution): "The purpose of Alpha Sigma Tau is to promote the ethical, cultu ral and social development of its members". Tonight, we specifically want to help develop in each member the social graces to the extent each will be able to take her place in life with true dignity and poise." It is hoped that this event brought us all a little closer together as sisters. While events of this magnitude would be cost prohibitive on a regular basis, the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter is hoping to build on this foundation by find ing more opportunities to interact socially with our collegiate sisters.

detroit/northeast suburbs Detroit/Northeast Suburbs Alumnae Chapter members and guests celebrated the 75th Anniversary of our alumnae chapter on Saturday, April 24, 20 I 0 at Embassy Suites in Troy. Many long time members and some sisters we had not seen for many years attended. A Rededication ceremony was held to mark the occasion . Kathy Baecker presented a history of the alumnae chapter, highlighting its evolution over the last 75 years, and members sha red memorabilia. Dinner was served; dancing continued until the wee hours of the morning. Convention was attended by several alumnae chapter members. Our delegate, Kathy Baecker, accepted several honors for us: Philanthropy Award, I st place; Alumnae Scrapbook Award, I st Place; and Gold Level of Chapter Excellence for both years. Tammy Bonifield was elected to a second term as National Treasurer. continued next page www.alphasigmatau.org

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detroit/northeast suburbs continued from previous page As evidenced by our first place award, Philanthropy remains a primary focus of the Detroit/Northeast Suburbs Alumnae Chapter. Local Entertainment books are sold to raise funds for national and local organizations, including Pine Mountain, Habitat for Humanity, and Special Olympics. Members make monetary donations to support social issues and collect a variety of items from canned goods to pet supplies throughout the year and participate in convention philanthropy project. Alumnae vo lunteered for two events sponsored by Women Healing Women (WHW) featur ing Helen Phillips, Michigan's own Biggest Loser winner.The events included a health luncheon and a health walk/run.Aipha Sigma Tau was well represented at both; two sisters used the event to run their first SK together. For more information on our chapter, please contact Lauren Bendes Warren at labendes@mtu .edu

erie On Saturday, October 2nd, the Erie, PA Hope Group was officially installed as the Erie Alumnae Chapter. Officiating at the ceremony were National President Christina Covington, D irector of Collegiate Chapters Miche le Golob, and Alumnae and Volunteer Services Coordinator Allison Bressler. Also present were Mary Bolton of the National Board of Trustees and Buffalo Alumnae Chapter treasurer; Cathi Gervase , president of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter; and Diana Roth, vice president of the Pittsburgh Alumnae Association . Collegiate members of the Delta Alpha and Alpha Tau chapters also attended. The following officers were installed at the ceremony: President- Laurie Manning, Gamma Theta; Vice President- Julianna Zawadzki, Delta Alpha;Treasurer and Chaplain- Jacklyn Oesmann ,Delta Alpha ; Secretary and Historian- Shauna Jackson, Delta Alpha; Editor and Philanthropy Chair- Kathy Kraus Sahlmann, Beta Delta; and Alumnae-Collegiate Liaison- Andrea Carnicella, Delta Alpha. Additional founding sisters are Jill ian Johnson , Katherine Jones, Kanchana Rimnongrua Matson, Kristi Tyler, and Christine Williamson, all of Delta Alpha. The ceremony was followed with a candle lighting ritual and reception. Guests present were the fraternity and sorority advisors from Gannon University and Penn State-Behrend, Eric Pope and Lindsey Hopkins Hall . President Laurie Manning accepted a gift and donation from the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter and shared her remarks on sisterhood and service. The afternoon ended with an hors d'oeuvres and dessert reception. The new alumnae sisters are looking forward to Founders Day and sharing social and philanthropic activities.

northern virginia We 're trying something different! Instead of meeting only on the third Wednesday of each month at someone's home, we're mixing it up a bit for the 20 I 0-20 I I year. We've had dinner at a local Chinese restaurant named "Tau Tau" and made stromboli for our dinner at Marti Peter's home. Later this fall we'll be taking the Ghost Tour of Old Town Alexandria, and will visit the new Gaylord Hotel at the National Harbor in Maryland right before Ch ri stmas. We 'll celebrate Founders Day with a dinner in November.

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northern virginia continued from previous page In 20 I I. we'll be scrapbooking, hosting a "Taus and Tin is" night with guests, and will go lette rboxing at Burke Lake Park. We welcome all alumnae in the Greater Washington, DC area! This summer, we hosted a farewell party for Kristin Walker, who served as chapter president for fou r years. Kristin started grad school at Clemson University this fall and we are excited for this new direction in her career. We've been very active in the Northern Virginia Alumnae Pan hellenic Association . Carol Mooney and Marti Peter have served as our alumnae chapter delegate an d alternate delegate for many years. Carol has recently served as Panhellenic treasurer and has served on a number of committees. The alumnae chapter has participated in the holiday gift wrap to benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which is held at a local mall every December. A number of our members and friends attend the annual play sponsored by Panhellenic every spring. Finally, we'd like to congratulate our members who have been nominated for the Northe rn Virginia Alumn ae Panhellenic Woman of Distinction award -Jamie Jones Miller, Kristin Walker and Ma rti Peter.

southeast louisiana alumnae The Southeast Louisiana Alumnae Chapter has been busy. Over the summer, members enjoyed a Wine and Design fun night where we learned to make wreaths and arrangements. A group of members also had an outing for dinner and a movie , and one Saturday organized a sew-in to make ritual garments for the collegiate chapter. Of course we were there during recruitment and bid day for Phi Chapter providing sisterhood, food and moral support. Members met for a monthly meeting in September and afte r the meeting stuffed trick or treat bags full of goodies as part of the Treats for Troops project sponsored by the Stars & Stripes Alumnae . These bags were for Alpha Sigma Tau family members who are serving in the armed forces . Members had a great time putting together the treats an d it was a fun and rewarding way to end the meeting. The Chapter has quite a few functions coming up in October and November, including the Southeastern Homecoming game and tailgating. The night befo re the football game, October 22, is the Southeastern Alumn i Awa rds Evening and Phi Chapter will be recognized for seven ty years on campus! We are very proud to be part of such a great university for so long. As proud as we are of being recognized for our long association with Southeastern , the most exciting event is ou r Alumnae Chapter installation November 13. The day w ill start with Relay for Life , then the installation, which will be attended by Alpha Sigma Tau national officers, and will conclude with a Celebration Banquet in conjunction with the collegiate Chapter's formal dance. The activities of our club have reacquainted "old" sisters and helped many find new sisters. We are thrilled to establish the Southeast Louisiana Alumnae Chapter, are eagerly awaiting the installation, and will repo rt more after our big event.


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pittsburgh Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA! The Pittsburgh Association has had a great spring and summer of bonding, networking, sisterhood and exploring Pittsburgh. We have fine-tuned some impressive cooking skills after our personal cooking demonstration. Sisters have been good about bringing those recipes to meeting potlucks for us to enjoy over and over again! After we fed our stomachs, we spent time feeding our souls working with Habitat for Humanity. Who knew a house in Pennsylvania needed so many hurricane straps? We kept up our summer tradition of cooking out in the parking lot before a Pittsburgh Pirate's baseball game. This one was extra special as our president Heather's baby girl made her first of many games. We are busy planning a vendor/crafter show in order to raise funds for Animal Friends, our local philanthropy. Put November 13th on your calendar and let us know if you are going to be in the Pittsburgh area. We will make sure you can find us with the vendors and crafters for some shopping. We would love to have more sisters in the Pittsburgh area join us! Drop us an email at ASTPittsburgh@gmail.com. Join our face book site- Pittsburgh AST Alumnae Club. We are on Yahoo!, too: groups.yahoo.com/group/AST pghAium/.

saint louis The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter is a group of dedicated, loyal sisters. We are enjoying touring a variety of local museums and trying out new restaurants for our monthly meetings. It's fun and no one has to cook or clean .We we lcome all new members.Your talents are needed to increase our Philanthropy and recruiting efforts.

tidewater What is a "Boo Boo Bunny"? After we learned that children put an ice cube in a folded wash cloth to put on their boo boos, we made bunnies with washcloths and delivered them to Samaritan House where they currently house 250 children. Our second Samaritan project was collecting and bagging toiletries and other items that could be used by the battered women and their children who res ide there . In January our chapter president, Becky Schnekser (Zeta Tau) presented a program of handwriting analysis. She amazed us with her knowledge of script psychology.

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tidewater continued from previous page Wine tasting was the topic for the February meeting. Joy Wotherspoon (Zeta) presented interesting wine facts and led the discussion on the various donated wines. Wine was enjoyed with snacks prepared by our hostess, Diane Forrest (Psi) . Susan Schleicher (Psi), our Panhellenic Representative, presented two Panhellenic opportunities. Several sisters attended the play in January and several attended the Spring Fashion show in April. Once again our very own Becky Schnekser modeled. The Tidewater Panhellenic let us know that our basket donation for the Silent Auction was the absolute best. Installation of officers was held in May following a delicious pot luck dinner. We were honored to have as our guest National President Christina Covington. She presented us with information on the New Strategic Plan and Bylaws. We were thrilled to initiate Ash lee Williams (Zeta Tau) and Elizabeth Poyner (Zeta Tau). Beth McOsker (Alpha Lambda) arranged to use her church for the event. We are very proud of Beth's involvement in Alpha Sigma Tau, serving as the Nat ional Panhellenic Delegate . Two social events were held in the second half of our year. The annual holiday party was hosted by Mike and El ai ne Eason (Psi). We always get a laugh from the gag gifts that are among the wrapped gifts in the exchange . It has become a challenge to find the most creative gift. Bill and Joyce Jonak (Alpha Lambda) once again have offered thei r Beggar's Bridge Hunt Club to enjoy an afternoon of skeet shooting, canoeing, volleyball and a pot luck meal. It is the perfect way to enjoy a day, reflect on another good AST year and to make plans for the next year together.

ypsilanti-ann arbor The Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter has spent the summer busily planning for the Midwest National Founder's Day luncheon that we are hosting this year. We have invited over 20 collegiate and alumnae chapte rs along with unaffiliated alumnae from the upper Midwest to come and celebrate our national Founder's Day with us on November 6, 20 I 0 in Lansing, Michigan. We will be sponsoring a philanthropy project at the luncheon that wil l allow us to connect to the sisters of the Stars and Stripes alumnae chapter. The expanded luncheon was the idea of former National President, Martha DeCamp, who has done the majority of the planning for the event. Our chapter has numerous activities planned for the upcoming year including a holiday party, a chapter "fun night" outing, and a Mother's day luncheon.We also funded a weekend's worth of meals (with alumna sister Amanda Campbell Feaganes) for Alpha Chapter's retreat in August. We are currently working on expanding our membership and finding ways to include unaffiliated alumnae in our area in our activities.


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miss beach cities; beta xi celebrates 30 years; collegians on campus

beauty and grace: alpha sigma tau collegian is crowned miss beach cities Written by Kirsten Heck, StaffWriter The Miss Beach Cities Scholarship and Awards Pageant, a tributary to the Miss California and Miss America Pageants, has crowned 19-year old Milena Violet (Millie) Grgas from the Delta Phi chapter at NYU as Miss Beach Cities. Millie is currently a junior at New York University where she is majoring in Liberal Studies. She is the Philanthropy Chair for Delta Phi and a Dean 's List Scholar, as well as an accomplished ballroom and Latin dancer. In 2007, Millie was an honoree of Bentley University's top 25 Leaders ofTomorrow award, and was featured in TIME magazine. Millie is no stranger to pageantry, having done well in another pageant as a young teen. " I felt as if I needed to intensify my preparation for this pageant, because everyone else was so well prepared both mentally and physically. It really came together for me ." Millie drew combined top scores in Interview, On-Stage Question, Lifestyle, Evening Gown and Talent, before a panel of seven judges. Since winning over a field of 8 finalists in November, Millie has returned to her studies at NYU, and will begin preparations for the state wide Miss California competition in July of 20 I 0, wh ile fulfilling her one-year reign as Miss Beach Cities.

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beta xi celebrates 30 years at michigan tech Beta Xi chapter at Michigan Tech University in Houghton, Michigan recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. Seventy-five alumnae, 24 active sisters, 25 spouses and children gathered together together to reminisce with ritual, a picnic, business meeting and a formal. To say that their installation story is "interesting" is putting it mildly. Just ask Martha Drouyor DeCamp. Here is her recollection of that day: "By December 6, 1980, installation trunks were delivered to Christy Cutbill's (later McCormick) apartment in snowy and cold Houghton-Hancock, Michigan . Mary Ellen Willmitch, Director of Fraternity Programs, had arrived. Martha Belknap (later DeCamp), representing Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter, arrived early Friday to shop for fabric with Christy, founder of Beta Xi Colony. Christy was a Sigma Chapter member who moved to Houghton and missed her Sorority sisters: so she started a chapter at Michigan Tech . Saturday morning with more than 20 collegiate women ready for initiation , word was received that the "official " installation team was grounded in Green Bay, Wisconsin . No planes could land at Houghton-Hancock Airport through the dense fog caused by the otherwise wonderfully balmy weather that we were enjoying.They were to be bused to Houghton. This was going to be a very long day for them. Mary Ellen said that we "had to wait for Sybil , Gail" and who ever else was on the installation team . Christy sai d with determination " my girls are having their pins to wear to the banquet". Martha said "let's unpack the trunks and get going". Thus, Beta Xi founding sisters were installed (by default) by the only three initiated members of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority present. The "official" installation team climbed out of their bus in time for the banquet dessert." Erin Bertocchi, current president of Beta Xi, had a very special moment, " Meeting all of the past Presidents of Beta Xi." She also said , "Two of our founders were there; feeling the bonds of Beta Xi and seeing all the support the alumnae have for the active members."

L to R: Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Past National President and Board ofTrustees Secretary; Erin Bertocchi, Beta Xi President; Mary Ellen Willmitch, Past Director of Fraternity Programs and Board of Trustees Vice President, Trish Goggin, Beta Xi alumna and Chair of the reunion.


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chapter news alpha tau The Sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau had an exciting Spring 20 I0 semester! Ou r Chapter, Alpha Tau, founded on March 2, 1969 at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, celebrated their 41st local Founde r's Day this year. The month of April kept the Ladies of Alpha Tau busy, kicking off the month with the annual Yellow Rose Formal. The Sisters enjoyed a wonderful evening of din ner and dancing! Greek Week was a blast, with the old school Nickelodeon theme! Alpha Tau remains in the first place spot for Tug-of-War! Alpha Tau welcomed and initiated 4 new members this spring! As always, the Chapter gathered for " Uncle Charlie's Night"; an Alpha Tau tradition, where everyone enjoyed dinner together. The ladies of Alpha Tau created an Alumnae newsletter,The Alpha Tau Times , this spring and a second issue was released this summer. We also debuted a new website , www.alphatau.yolasite.com . Alpha Tau held their first Kid 's Carnival fundraiser, an event with games for ch ildren, raffles for adults, snacks and a movie. The event was a success and Alpha Tau hopes to make this an annual event! The chapter took first place in the Craze for a Cure philanthropy event on campus. All the proceeds went to benefit the John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation. Alpha Tau is looking forward to a new fall semester. Plans for recruitment are well underway and they are looking forward to Homecoming 20 I 0 and are anxious to welcome back thei r alumnae!

alpha phi The Tau Talent Show is an annual event. Every year the Alpha Phi chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau holds the talent show in the spring in order to raise money for both of our national philanthropies Habitat for Humanity, Pine Mountain Settlement School and our local philanthropy, Camp Dreamcatcher. This year, the Tau Talent Show was held on April 13th in the Sykes Student Union Theater on the West Chester University campus.The show featured a number of acts ranging from Irish step dancing to standup comedy and welcomed all students to participate. In addition, prizes were raffled off at the beginning and end of the event. Although at a glance Tau Talent Show appears to be all fun and games, all sisters worked hard throughout the semester in order to fundraise , acquire donations and plan the showcase of many talents. The sisters of Alpha Phi participated in the first mother-daughter pinning ceremony.This activity brought mothers and daughters of the sorority together. It introduced our mothers directly to the so rority life that we all know and love. The ceremony occurred at the end of April and was a great hit between ou r biological families and our soro rity families.

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chapter news alpha phi continued from previous page

Alpha Phi sisters attended the Legacy of Leadership dinner in support of our honored sister Kimberly Taylor class of 90'. Kim was inducted into the exclusive group of leaders for her work at West Chester as a student leader, and also for what she has accomplished since. Our chapter is also very involved on campus with other sororities and fraternities. This past spring five of our sisters participated and won Delta Zeta's Best Dance Crew.AII the proceeds went to Delta Zeta's philanthropy for the speech and hearing impaired. Sisters also participated in the Beta Theta Pi 3k walk for their philanthropy. Lastly from the spring, our mother daughter pinning was a great success.We enjoyed family, performed a ceremony, and got to show our mothers what AST at West Chester is really all about.

gamma omega Gamma Omega Chapter recently sponsored an event for Special People In Northeast, Inc. (SPIN). Sunny Cho, a Gamma Omega alumna, works at SPIN, a non-profit organization which provides services and facilities to individuals with disabilities. SPIN's mission is to establish and provide community resources, services and initiatives in support of people with mental, physical or sensory impairment, their families and those who provide support so that they may exercise responsibly their choice , preference , and right, without limitation, to a fully integrated life as citizens of Pennsylvania. In April 20 I 0, the sisters of the Gamma Omega Chapter at LaSalle University were one of a few organizations in the community who sponsored the 4th Annual Stroll in the Park. Sunny contacted the sisters to request help and sponsorship and they were more than willing and excited to participate in sponsoring this event. Many of the sisters came to this event to help advocate and bring awareness to the inclusion of adults and children with mental and physical disabilities in their community and in the society they live in. According to Sunny, this is the second year that the women of Alpha Sigma Tau were involved in the Stroll in the Park as Lauren Craig, the President of Gamma Omega, was involved in a school project at LaSalle in 2009. Lauren brought together many students, along with sisters to the event to support the mission, as well. Sunny was very proud of the Gamma Omega women and wanted to inform everyone of their accomplishments in community service initiatives.


Fall/Winter 20 I0

THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 3 5

alpha.sigma.taua National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

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