The Anchor: Fall/Winter 2022

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How Sorority Benefits
94 No. 3 Fall/Winter 2022


Addison Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech)

LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana)

Katherine P. Onyshko, Esq. (Delta Phi 2006/NYU)

Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley)

Julia Mann (Beta Mu 2017/Salisbury)

Melissa Abriola (Alpha Tau 2014/PennWest Edinboro)

Cassie Helmer (Alpha 2015/Eastern Michigan)

Mary Reid Howard (Beta Zeta 1988/UAB)

Kristi Gdanetz MacCready (Gamma Theta 2009/Penn State Behrend)

Kelly Rogawski Shelly (Gamma Pi 2017/Lycoming)

Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami)

Amanda Cruz (Beta Omega 2018/Monmouth)

Lindsay McDowall Davis (Gamma Mu 2010/WVU Tech)

Kathryn McCoy (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)

Marj O'Neill (Gamma Tau 2018/Lebanon Valley)

Kennedy Salts (Epsilon Omicron 2014/Southern Indiana)

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 1 Table Of Contents
2022 - 2024
National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) National Vice Presidents
Chief Executive Officer James R. Paponetti
of Communications and Engagement
Communications Coordinator
Scan this QR code to see the entire staff and volunteer directory at THE ANCHOR STAFF Director
Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend)
Regan Hewitt (Epsilon Tau 2015/Kenyon) Editor
Staff Writers
In This Issue: In Every Issue: 02 PRESIDENT’S NOTE Greetings from the National President 03 THEN, NOW, NEXT The Anchor: looking back and ahead 04 SORORITY NEWS Sorority news, events, and updates 09 WOMEN’S WELLNESS INITIATIVE Sisters empowering women 11 SHARING OUR SISTERHOOD Moments of spreading the AΣT experience 12 BEYOND THE BADGE Meet a Sister 17 FOUNDATION IMPACT The impact of your generosity 21 FOUNDATION RECOGNITION Recognizing Sisters' contributions 25 ON CAMPUS Collegians in action 29 ALUMNAE CONNECTIONS Alumnae gatherings and happenings 31 ETERNAL CHAPTER In loving memory of our Sisters 33 ANCHORING THOUGHTS Letter from the Editor The Anchor is the official magazine of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority and is published semiannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, Headquartered at: 3334 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION: Visit: Email: Call: 317-613-7575 or send a note to the mailing address below POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 CONTACT THE ANCHOR: Do you have a question, response, story idea, or update for The Anchor? We want to hear it! Email us at WE HAD ANOTHER RECORDBREAKING FOUNDERS DAY OF GIVING! Learn more about all the good the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation is doing for our members. 19 13 FIND YOUR WAY HOME Explore the mental health challenges that current college students face, and how Alpha Sigma Tau – and sororities in general – can improve members’ mental health. 25 ON CAMPUS Check out our Campus Updates section to see what your collegiate chapter has been up to during the fall semester!

Dear Sisters,

Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters, encouraged her Instagram followers to ask themselves three questions before accepting or regretting invitations to events during the holiday season.

First, what do you actually want to attend? Second, who do you want to spend time with or build community with? And third, what occasion or moment are you hoping to mark and with whom? She summed it up this way: “When you think more deeply about what you want to attend and why, you start building the community (and life) you actually want.”

As I received and responded to invitations throughout the holiday season, I asked myself those three questions. My intentions quickly became clear: I would be decisive and therefore, courteous to the host by immediately replying with a yes or a no response. I would not say yes and then bail at the last minute. I would not be stressed about trying to make it to everything; instead, I would be thoughtful about who I really wanted to gather with. I would be selective about how I spent my time and realistic about what I truly had the capacity for. I would be present and in the moment rather than worrying about racing off to the next event.

I would send the host a thank you and share a few words about what made that event special for me. I would savor time spent with family, dear friends, and sorority Sisters after over two years of lost opportunities due to the pandemic. Come 2023, I would look back on the holiday season and feel recharged and joyful rather than drained and dreading the first day back in the office after vacation.

Over the past year, I’ve heard from many Sisters who are anxious about how they show up for their Sisters, friends, classmates, and families. Research tells us that sorority women feel more connected to their peers due to their membership, find their chapters to be supportive of them, and feel like their chapter Sisters genuinely care about them. Additionally, alumnae are five times more likely to be satisfied with all five areas of well-being: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual.

This tells me that the sorority experience and membership in Alpha Sigma Tau provides a sense of belonging and sets the stage for overall wellness in ways other communities don’t. Isn’t that the value proposition for membership? By joining Alpha Sigma Tau, you will build and maintain meaningful and sincere lifelong relationships and graduate into the world with a better education, a stronger network and support system, and more life-changing experiences.

Let’s take Priya’s advice. Think about who you want to gather with and why. Start building the community that YOU want. Leverage your membership in Alpha Sigma Tau to help you navigate the challenges you face. And always remember that you are not alone.

FALL/WINTER 2022 • THE ANCHOR 2 President's Note

Last Issue:

In our Summer 2022 issue, we celebrated our 44th National Convention! From Convention awards to Dress For Success volunteering, everyone who attended Convention had a fulfilling experience that reinspired their love for the Sorority. And in Spring 2022, we explored the joyous and valiant lives of four Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae, including Hayley Arceneaux (Phi 2010/Southeastern Louisiana), the youngest American to have orbited the earth!

FALL 1960

This Issue:

In this issue, we explore the complex mental health issues college students face today and how sororities – and sisterhood – can improve mental health amongst members. Additionally, you can celebrate our record-breaking Founders Day of Giving, get updates from our collegiate chapters, and find a note from our brand-new The Anchor editor. Enjoy our Fall/Winter 2022 issue!

On The Cover:

To embrace our theme of Sisterhood and togetherness, we are thrilled to feature four Sisters from the Delta Tau Chapter at Oakland University! When the chapter posted this picture to their social media, they captioned it: “Better together.” We couldn’t agree more – but you have to flip to page 13 to find out why!

Finding a sense of belonging and support among Sisters is not a new part of Alpha Sigma Tau. In Fall 1960, Judy Gorman Gardner (Alpha Gamma 1960/Henderson) wrote, “I love Alpha Sigma Tau and my wonderful sisters in it. It means to me these things: sisterhood, love, understanding, and helpfulness. There are many other things that AΣT means to me, but they are in my heart and I can’t find words big enough, deep enough, and lovely enough to express them.” We hope that everyone can agree with Judy’s words when they think on Alpha Sigma Tau!

Coming Up!

In our Spring 2023 issue, we will delve further into the history of Alpha Sigma Tau, and how it impacts us today as we prepare for a very special, upcoming project. Stay tuned for more details!

Find all issues of The Anchor online at

3334 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 3 Then, Now, Next
THEN NOW NEXT Get In Touch! Follow Us! Flipping Back: @alphasigmatausorority @alphasigmatau
Photo courtesy of Delta Tau/Oakland’s Instagram


Congratulations to our Sisters and chapters who celebrate milestone anniversaries in 2023!

2023 Membership Milestones

Initiates of 1948 celebrating 75 years

Initiates of 1973 celebrating 50 years

Initiates of 1998 celebrating 25 years

Initiates of 2013 celebrating 10 years

2023 Chapter Milestones

25 Years:

Delta Mu/Cumberland (November 21,1998)

10 Years:

Epsilon Omicron/Southern Indiana (January 13, 2013)

Epsilon Pi/RIC (April 20, 2013)

Epsilon Rho/SUNY Geneseo (April 27, 2013)




Four past and present AΣΤ campuses announce name changes.

Earlier this summer, several campuses with Alpha Sigma Tau chapters merged and changed names. Clarion, Cal U, and Edinboro Universities have merged to become Pennsylvania Western University—one university with three campuses. All three institutions play a big role in Alpha Sigma Tau’s history, as AΣT has had a chapter on each of these campuses for a combined total of 141 years. Additionally, the University of the Sciences, where we have had a chapter for 22 years, has merged into Saint Joseph’s University.

While the alumnae and collegiate members of the campuses have already been given this information, keep an eye out for these changes in Alpha Sigma Tau materials moving forward!

• Alpha Omicron/Clarion → Alpha Omicron/PennWest Clarion

• Alpha Tau/Edinboro → Alpha Tau/PennWest Edinboro

• Beta Phi/Cal U → Beta Phi/PennWest California

• Delta Sigma/USciences → Delta Sigma/Saint Joseph’s

'60s AND '70s ALUMNAE

On April 8, 2022, alumnae from the Upsilon Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas gathered for a reunion, specifically for members who attended the university from 1964-1972. Over 50 women attended – for many, it was their first visit back to campus in over 50 years, and the first time they could see the Upsilon Chapter house.

The reunion consisted of a luncheon, a chapter house tour with a display of memorabilia, and a memorial service to honor the thirteen sorority Sisters from these years who have passed away.

Debbie Connelly Allison (Upsilon 1968/Central Arkansas), a planning committee member, told the university’s alumni association, “The Sorority has always been a leader at UCA, so the energy and commitment of its members have not changed over time. If any group has dedicated members who will make things happen, it is Alpha Sigma Tau.”

Sorority News


On April 1-3, 2022, with nearly 170 Zeta Chapter alumnae, collegians, and guests in attendance, the Zeta Chapter at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania celebrated 100 continuous years. While their Centennial Celebration technically fell in April 2021, the chapter waited to celebrate a year later due to COVID-19. Longtime Zeta Chapter Advisor Amy DuPree Brooks (Alpha Xi 1978/Mansfield) and New Member Education and Ritual Advisor Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven) worked together to organize the event, a feat which earned them the Order of the Yellow Rose award at the 44th National Convention in June 2022.

“Returning to Lock Haven for Zeta’s Centennial Celebration was an amazing experience. I reconnected with Sisters I hadn’t seen in over forty years. As the saying goes, it was like we never left. I met Sisters who live close to me, and one of the collegians I met lives in my neighborhood. I’m especially proud of our chapter for remaining active for 100 years!”

– Sheri Leymeister (Zeta 1975/Lock Haven)

Over the weekend, attendees participated in Zeta’s Initiation for the spring 2022 new member class, visited an alumnae open house that highlighted Zeta memorabilia from throughout the years, learned more about the local philanthropies that Zeta supports, and attended a centennial celebration luncheon with National Council speakers and a Candlelighting Service.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 5 Sorority News

“[The] Centennial was an incredibly fulfilling experience. [I was] initiated by members of the National Council, which is not something many Sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau can say. It made the whole Ritual ten times more special. Later that night, we connected with our chapter's alumnae. Their bonds made me realize how truly special this Sisterhood is and see first-hand how this is for life. Overall, this was a once-in-alifetime experience that made me appreciate and understand the core values of this organization more than I ever have before.”

The luncheon program featured six Sisters from a variety of generations who spoke about how meaningful being an Alpha Sigma Tau at Lock Haven was to them. Each speaker recounted memories and times when Sisters showed them support.

“The strong and bright bond between Sisters doesn’t dim as the years pass. When we come together, as we did at the Centennial Celebration, we see love abounding and know that the deep commitment we pledged when we were much younger remains.”

The weekend’s celebration attracted alumnae from across the country and involved members of all generations, ranging from newly initiated collegians to 50+ year members. Zeta Chapter members were able to reconnect with each other, reminisce on their chapter, and reinvigorate their love for Alpha Sigma Tau!

If your chapter has an upcoming milestone (see page 4) and you are interested in volunteering for a milestone planning committee, contact

Thank you to these Committee Members for

organizing Zeta’s Centennial Celebration:

Kristina Straley Akeley (Zeta 1987/Lock Haven)

Linnette Bidelspach (Zeta 1983/Lock Haven)

Amy DuPree Brooks (Alpha Xi 1978/Mansfield)

Tracy Bond Ciabattoni (Zeta 1984/Lock Haven)

Jessica Dunkleberger Cole (Zeta 2016/Lock Haven)

Natalie Confer-Immel (Zeta 2004/Lock Haven)

Samantha Curran Croall (Zeta 2012/Lock Haven)

Dana Deshler (Zeta 1994/Lock Haven)

Lynette Czuday Fink (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Kaitlynne Jones (Zeta 2018/Lock Haven)

Kate Rice Milliken (Zeta 2016/Lock Haven)

Andrea Dougherty Mull (Zeta 2000/Lock Haven)

Sadie Nahman (Zeta 2021/Lock Haven)

Kayla Quinn (Zeta 2011/Lock Haven)

Kelly Ray (Zeta 1997/Lock Haven)

Brittany Ferrizzi Robertson (Zeta 2013/Lock Haven)

Stephanie Litz Rosenblatt (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Jordyn Thompson (Zeta 2016/Lock Haven)

Beth Fischer Wolford (Zeta 1991/Lock Haven)

Darla Charles Zimmerman (Zeta 1969/Lock Haven)

Thank you to these sponsors for supporting the Zeta Centennial Celebration:

Registration Bag Sponsors:

Natalie Confer-Immel (Zeta 2004/Lock Haven)

Jennifer Rinehart McCoy (Zeta 2013/Lock Haven)

Carolyn Rheiner Schroeder (Zeta 1975/Lock Haven)

Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Darla Charles Zimmerman (Zeta 1969/Lock Haven)

Registration Sponsors:

Linnette Bidelspach (Zeta 1983/Lock Haven)

Phileshia Dombroski (Zeta 1994/Lock Haven)

Lynette Czuday Fink (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Heather Frankhouser Griffin (Zeta 1993/Lock Haven)

Ann Marie Heiser (Zeta 1989/Lock Haven)

Kim Stoll Jenness (Zeta 1995/Lock Haven)

Susan Sullivan Kefover (Zeta 1967/Lock Haven)

Joanne Baioni Kucsma (Zeta 1994/Lock Haven)

Grace Stasky Lyle (Zeta 2007/Lock Haven)

Emalea Mills (Zeta 2018/Lock Haven)

Jim Paponetti (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Jacqueline Crowell Sham (Zeta 1971/Lock Haven)

Sue Shirey (Zeta 1971/Lock Haven)

Jamie Alunni Vinci (Zeta 1989/Lock Haven)

Beth Fischer Wolford (Zeta 1991/Lock Haven)



During the fall semester, the Alpha Chapter was reorganized at Eastern Michigan University. The chapter welcomed wonderful new members to Alpha Sigma Tau throughout the semester, using continuous open bidding (COB) to find collegiate women who honored our core values.

The chapter’s recruitment and Sisterhood-building efforts culminated in November with a National Council visit, where they conducted Initiation for the Alpha Chapter. Our newest members were excited and moved to join the legacy of Sisterhood at Eastern Michigan.

After Initiation, the collegiate members, Alpha Chapter alumnae, and other special guests – including Panhellenic and campus

representatives – celebrated with a luncheon. During the celebration, the seven new Executive Committee officers were installed by National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison).

To close the luncheon, newly-elected Chapter President Megan Shackelford (Alpha 2022/Eastern Michigan) spoke to the gathered alumnae and guests, saying, “We all made the decision to join Alpha Sigma Tau for a variety of reasons. Leadership opportunities, community engagement, and being a part of such an amazing organization are only a few to name. We all expressed the desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We now understand what that means and are forever thankful for Alpha Sigma Tau.”

In July 2022, at the 44th National Convention, the Alpha Sigma Tau Convention body voted to make the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee a permanent standing committee of the organization. The DEI committee focuses on high-level tasks in the DEI space, collaborates with the National Council to execute the strategic direction of the organization, and offers expertise in the DEI space to support implementation. In August, applications went out to the general membership, and appointments were made in early September.

To learn more about the DEI Committee, visit


• Kristina Moron Eaton (Gamma Delta 2000/UMass Dartmouth), Co-Chair

• Courtney Klein (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa), Co-Chair

• Sofia Almanzan (Beta Theta 2020/St. Mary’s)

• Leah Evans (Alpha Psi 2019/Northern Iowa)

• Megan Kerns (Psi 2010/James Madison)

• Sanzida “Sanzi” Sultana (Epsilon Iota 2020/NYIT)

• Kendall Tallmadge Tryhane (Delta Nu 2006/Beloit)

• Sarah Harmon Wessel (Epsilon Gamma 2013/Georgia SouthernArmstrong)

• Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley), National Council Vice President

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 7 Sorority News


Collegiate chapters work diligently each year to support our National Service Partner, Dress For Success. However, many campuses are not located close to an affiliate Dress For Success location. Collegiate chapters wanted recommendations on more creative ways to support their local Dress For Success affiliates from both near and far.

In 2021–2022 academic year, three collegiate chapters were selected as part of the Dress For Success pilot program to foster more impactful involvement with local Dress For Success affiliates. Here's what these chapters learned after working for their local affiliates:

this amazing organization, connect with them more, and bring up some more opportunities and ideas that we could do in the future.”

After the project ended, Deanna sent out a survey and found that many people were interested in donating yearly and learning more about Dress For Success. She said, “I had people emailing and reaching out to me already asking if we would be doing it again. It was truly amazing and rewarding seeing how many people truly loved this project and organization.”


Working alongside Dress For Success South Central PA, the Gamma Tau Chapter hosted a two-week clothing drive to collect professional attire, shoes, handbags, and accessories. “It was advertised as a ‘spring closet clean out’ for students and their families,” said Director of Philanthropy Deanna Jones (Gamma Tau 2021/Lebanon Valley). “I went around town posting flyers, sharing on social media and community pages, and asked some local alumnae to share.”

After just one week, the chapter ran out of room to store the donated clothing. “Since it was the first time holding this event, we were unsure how it would turn out. After just one week, we ran out of room on our clothing racks, and our school’s Community Service Coordinator had to hold some stuff in her closets to make room,” said Deanna.

This project also strengthened the chapter’s relationship with Dress For Success South Central PA. Deanna said, “I feel this project helped our chapter learn even more about

To other Alpha Sigma Tau chapters who are looking to improve their involvement with Dress For Success, Deanna recommends just trying. “Try all different types of projects. Communicate, have meetings with Sisters to ask what they think, talk with your Dress For Success affiliate to learn more about them, and most importantly, enjoy it. You have to enjoy it as much as everyone who donates.”

Excitingly, the chapter currently plans to host this clothing drive every year. Deanna shared, “It makes me feel good that now we have a new spring service event that not only the chapter and Dress For Success look forward to, but families and surrounding communities can keep an eye out for. All the Sisters loved being involved with this and cannot wait for it.”


With COVID-19 restrictions in place, the Phi Chapter embraced a virtual option to empower women and support Dress For Success – a career panel with local businesswomen and former Dress For Success clients. Part networking opportunity and part seminar, attendees had the chance to attend breakout sessions on everything from starting a business to professional interview attire.

The event was primarily for the Panhellenic women on Southeastern Louisiana’s campus, but anyone from the campus and community was welcome to attend. Overall, nearly 100 women attended the panel. Director of Philanthropy Kelsey David (Phi 2019/Southeastern Louisiana) shared, “The Tri Sigma chapter even made event attendance mandatory!”

Attendees found the event well-done and informative. “It was rewarding to see that work pay off,” said Kelsey. “Everyone loved hearing the personal stories of the panelists, and everyone got something out of it.”

For other chapters considering a Dress For Success event like this, Kelsey had these words of wisdom: “Believe in yourself, your team, and your event. When establishing a

Gamma Tau members pose in front of a Dress For Success van (Deanna Jones, second from left) Gamma Tau Sisters at Lebanon Valley College sort through donated clothing
Women's Wellness Intiative
Attendees listen to panelists during Phi’s Zoom event

new event, you want it to be impactful. It was an eye-opening experience – I learned a lot about myself and doing something from the ground up. If you don’t believe, your event isn’t as impactful.”

UPSILON /CENTRAL ARKANSAS Outfit Slideshow & Sponsorship Budget

The Upsilon Chapter focused on developing a two-fold project that would support individual Dress For Success clients visiting the local affiliate and help the affiliate garner support and sponsorships from the local community.

For clients, the chapter’s flyers and slideshow provided outfit inspiration during a Dress For Success appointment. For the community side of the project, the chapter crafted a monthly budget for

each client. “This budget shows costs for transportation, toiletries, cosmetics, and additional expenses the [client] may have,” said Director of Philanthropy Addison Dawson (Upsilon 2020/Central Arkansas). Using this budget, the chapter was able to advertise how an individual or business in the community could sponsor a Dress For Success client by covering those costs.

The chapter decided on these digital pieces of support because the university is almost three hours away from the closest Dress For Success affiliate. Addison said, “I was concerned about how we would be able to help… but when we brainstormed unique ways for us to get involved, I learned that you can make an impact [from] anywhere.”

Upsilon’s monthly budget shows Dress For Success donors how they make an impact


technology solutions for businesses—for an evening of networking with their employees. This meet-up was an inspiring event that allowed me to meet my peers and women who face similar roadblocks and struggles, like imposter syndrome.

and the only intern with no background in this field in whom they saw potential. That’s why I love our amazing Sisterhood. We support each other and are there to remind each other of our successes!

Over the summer, I interned as a Natural Learning Processing (NLP) intern at Brain Technologies, Inc., a machine learning and artificial intelligence start-up in California. This internship was an amazing learning experience for me. When I learned about this field, I thought it would be too difficult, but with the support of others, I proved myself wrong.

One source of support was Girls Who Code, which helped open the doors to my passion for technology and become a leader for my fellow women in tech. That’s why I love all the opportunities Girls Who Code provides for their alumni while they enter the workplace.

In August, Girls Who Code hosted the New York City Interns Meetup. They worked with TransPerfect—a translation and language services company that offers

During this meetup, I met interns from companies such as L’Oreal and Microsoft, as well as incoming freshmen attending university at Columbia and Syracuse. Most importantly, however, I made two incredible connections. First, I met an alumnus from New York Institute of Technology who worked at TransPerfect. I also met a fellow machine learning intern who, like me, felt intimidated by machine learning and wanted to find a fellow woman to support her and help one another out.

This NLP internship has been a rollercoaster, from underestimating myself and not believing that I belonged to realizing this is a field in which I excel. Girls Who Code, my friends, and my Sisters reminded me that I do belong and that this was something I could accomplish.

During the internship, my Sisters would remind me every day that I was one of two undergraduates accepted to this program

If you are interested in how Girls Who Code can support you in your career journey, visit their College and Career programs here:

Women's Wellness Intiative


Over the past semester, our collegiate chapters have welcomed over 600 Sisters to Alpha Sigma Tau! From structured recruitment to COBs, our collegians have been working hard to share our Sisterhood with everyone they meet.


Get involved with Alpha Sigma Tau by volunteering! From writing for The Anchor to serving as a Chapter Advisor, there’s a role for you. It’s the perfect way to stay connected to your Sisters, your chapter, and your organization long after you walk across the graduation stage.

Scan the QR code to start the process.


You can also help spread the good word of Alpha Sigma Tau by sharing stories with the young women and girls in your life! If you know of a high school student who you think would be an excellent fit for Alpha Sigma Tau, please fill out a recommendation form. Both collegiate and alumnae members can make recommendations for potential new members.

Scan the QR code to request a form.

Upsilon/Central Arkansas celebrated their “heavenly” new members! Beta Eta/SIUE exceeded quota during recruitment! Beta Rho/Arkansas Tech had a great work week, and put their all into recruitment! Psi/James Madison matched to 69 women during recruitment! Phi/Southeastern Louisiana kicked off our year with 17 new members! Epsilon Beta/UT Rio Grande Valley celebrated Bid Day in style! Gamma Upsilon/Cal State LA welcomed 24 new members during COB! Sharing Our Sisterhood

This or That:

Meet: Lisa Phelan Confer


A proud alumna of the Beta Xi Chapter, Lisa Phelan Confer joined Alpha Sigma Tau at Michigan Technological University. While at Michigan Tech, she met her husband, Scott; they have been married for 36 years. After graduating with a degree in Environmental Engineering, Lisa worked for the Ford Motor Company for 16 years. She retired when her son, Matthew, was in elementary school. Lisa said, “I don’t regret it one bit.”

After Scott retired, the two moved to Celebration, Florida, where they are currently remodeling their home and enjoying the sunshine. In Lisa’s free time, she enjoys entertaining, cooking, baking, traveling, and spending time with her family, including her granddaughter Ella.

I am most proud of…

My family! Scott and I have a true, lasting relationship that has been forged from love, honesty, and a lot of laughter! Matthew was a joy to watch grow up, and we are so proud of him, [his wife] Sierra, and little Ella.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received…

Just keep showing up. Showing up is half the battle. No matter what the environment, just show up and make the best of every situation.

The advice I’d give to younger Sisters…

Be your genuine self. This can be very difficult and stressful at a young age with the pressures of society, but with age comes wisdom.

Also, listen, listen, listen! You don’t always have to speak to enjoy someone’s company, and you can learn so much from others when you just take the time to listen.

Alpha Sigma Tau helped me get where I am today because…

I was the person who was overly involved on campus. Being part of Alpha Sigma Tau helped me to understand prioritization and multi-tasking. It also gave me an extended Sisterhood of lifelong friends that I am proud to call part of my family.

Defining Excellence means…

Be the best person you can be and make the most of every situation in which you find yourself. This includes using your time, talents, or treasures to place others in a better position so they can be the best they can be.

FALL/WINTER 2022 • THE ANCHOR 12 Beyond The Badge


The study found that:

• 30% of sorority women reported feeling depressed.

• 82% said that they struggled with anxiety.

• Of the women who develop substance dependencies in college, two out of three struggle with mental health issues – and women are more likely to depend on alcohol and binge drinking overall.

• Suicide is the #3 cause of death for this generation, with 1 in 5 women reporting suicidal thoughts over the past year.

• 1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault on some scale.

The study also found that this generation – comprising the very tail end of millennials and primarily Gen Z – is the most likely to be plugged into technology but also the most likely to report being lonely, with a whopping 60%. Additionally, 50% of sorority women said they felt isolated and stressed during the pandemic, despite all the technological access. This is where sororities step in. We provide the social, face-

We hear about mental health all the time – it’s practically the newest buzzword, and as popular items often are, it’s frequently looked upon with suspicion: Can you really not do this because you have anxiety? Are you actually experiencing a depressive episode? Or are you just a worn-down, tired college student? Why can’t you recover and move on?

The answer from college students is a resounding yes. Yes, I have anxiety. Yes, I am experiencing depressive tendencies. Yes, I am a worn-down and tired college student. And no, I cannot recover on my own – not without help.

Dyad Strategies, a higher-ed consulting service, provides an annual assessment of the state of sorority and fraternity life. In their most recent assessment, a college student's mental health is their number one issue. Students will prioritize their mental safety and well-being over almost anything else, including their education.

50% turn to a friend or Sister when they are struggling, and 84% report feeling more connected to their peers due to their membership. 80% of sorority women find their chapters supportive when they need something, and 74% feel genuinely cared about by their chapter Sisters.

to-face interaction that these women have been craving as well as help them find a support system in each other.

“I struggle with social anxiety, like so many others, and I never once felt an ounce of that at Convention. I felt like I could walk up to any Sister and have a conversation with them about anything. I never met a person who was unwilling to help, talk, give advice, laugh, or recount old stories with me. I was met with warmth and love from everyone. The Sisters I met and the conversations I had have changed my outlook on life and the Sorority.”

By creating those caring connections and friendships on campus, sorority involvement improves the college

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 13 Defining Excellence
Beta Rho/Arkansas Tech shows off how they support and empower women

experience and Sisters’ lives after college. Sorority women are three times more likely than the average college student to graduate, two times more likely to have internships during their college career, and three times more likely to have a full-time job within months of graduation. Alumnae are five times more likely to be satisfied with all five areas of wellbeing: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual.

Sororities also allow women to explore complex topics, develop new opinions, and learn more about themselves in a safe environment. 63% of sorority women say their chapter respects and honors their differences, and nearly half of the sorority members surveyed say they feel comfortable discussing difficult topics with their Sisters.

“Everyone has a voice and wants to feel like it is being heard. It is so important that we make sure their voices are being heard, and they feel like they have a platform where they are comfortable enough to share their opinions.”

These feelings of acceptance are especially important as we consider that demographically, 33% of incoming college students are first-generation, 45% identify as non-white, and 12% identify as LGBTQ+ or non-straight. These students are also searching for a place to belong, and only 5% of them believe they will join Greek life.

Of the sorority women surveyed, 83% reported that their confidence and leadership skills improved due to their sorority membership.

76% said they experience joy daily, and almost 80% felt positive and excited about what the sorority experience offered them.

“Everyone is struggling right now. We need to work together to create an Alpha Sigma Tau that is welcoming to everyone.”

“After a tough past year losing my dad and struggling in school, the burnout I experienced really impacted my outlook [on life]. Convention reminded me of why I joined Alpha Sigma Tau. I wanted a like-minded, supportive, and hilarious group of women who will always be there for me.”

Most importantly, 80% of alumnae would relive their sorority experience, reporting that they found their time in a collegiate chapter meaningful and that being a member gave them a sense of direction in college. Maybe that’s why sorority members are five times more likely to give financially to their alma mater and two times more likely to encourage others to attend than an average student.

As we embrace another recruitment season in the spring semester and welcome new women to Alpha Sigma Tau, let’s keep these statistics in mind. Just as in 1899, women want a place to belong and bring meaning to their lives. Sororities, like Alpha Sigma Tau, help them do so and allow them to build Connections throughout their lives.

“The bond of sisterhood is stronger than I ever could have imagined.” Let’s help each other find the women looking for a home and welcome them in – after all, most women hear about sororities from friends!

A key takeaway I found is that imposter syndrome can happen to anybody and that I am every bit as capable to represent my chapter as everyone else. I feel more confident and encouraged to keep learning how to be a leader for my chapter.

Beta Epsilon/Shippensburg’s annual MeToo event informs their community about sexual assault Delta Pi/Oglethorpe celebrated mental health and spread the word about self-care on campus

Through Alpha Sigma Tau, I’ve learned about setting healthy boundaries and how to bring positivity back into my life.

It was so inspiring to see all of our Sisters working together to make a great experience and lifting each other up.

I wasn’t alone in the feelings I have had over the past few years. It made me feel a lot better to know that I wasn’t alone in these experiences.

I am currently battling depression. [Convention] made me take a step back and realize that I need to be more positive but also love myself for who I am.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 15 Defining Excellence


Health and Safety Resources

Alpha Sigma Tau has worked to keep up with the demand for mental health resources. Thanks to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation, which funds our Health and Safety courses, we address everything from mental health to prescription drug abuse, providing information and resources for the challenges facing current college students across the country.

We also offer free mental health screenings to all collegians and alumnae, which can give them basic information and get them in contact with a mental health care provider. In this way, our resources support our chapter members by encouraging them to touch base with each other about their mental health and care for each other to the best of their abilities, but also to reach out to professionals when circumstances are beyond their control.

“The power we have to help each other with the smallest of actions is incredible.”

Chapter Accountability Task Force

Starting in 2021, based on feedback received from collegians, the National Council prioritized reworking the Tau Honor Council process, Alpha Sigma Tau’s current peer accountability and judicial standards system. Although currently in a test stage with select pilot chapters, the new Chapter Accountability Task Force is focused on establishing a process that centers on care and concern rather than punitive measures.

National Opportunities for Connection

One of the best ways to further connection amongst our collegians is through national events that allow them to meet other collegians and alumnae. Our Conventions and Officer Academies are consistent ways for many collegians to establish stronger bonds, see long-lasting relationships in action, and make new friendships. In fact, 63% of Convention attendees made new friendships and connections, while 54% could reconnect with old friends and contacts.

“[My favorite part of Convention was] reconnecting with women I met during Officer Academy!”

“It’s astounding how many similarities I found myself having with Sisters from across the country.”

Additionally, these events include opportunities to hear from professionals and leaders in mental health and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion fields. Hearing others’ stories and sharing their own allows collegians and alumnae to find safety in their Sisters and feel the ultimate truth of our Sisterhood: you are not alone

Without Alpha Sigma Tau, I never would have realized my full potential or had the courage to make big life changes.

“I shared my struggles with mental health and how I wanted to help those who are feeling similar. This opened up a welcoming door of arms from people all across Convention. It truly touched my heart and made me even more grateful I was not successful in my attempt to take my life.”

“I am sitting at a table with people I met less than 30 minutes ago feeling more connected with these Sisters than I had in a long time. I was surprised at how similar our difficulties could be, and was thankful for the thoughts, ideas, and advice they shared.”

Epsilon Chi/Minnesota-Duluth lean on each other during the 44th National Convention


For the 2022-2023 academic year, the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation had over $90,000 in scholarships to award to our collegiate members and alumnae. More than 50 members received scholarships, ranging from special Founders Day of Giving awards to established, named scholarships for a field of study.

None of these scholarships would be possible without gifts from Sisters, friends, and loyal Foundation donors. Here’s what just some of our 20222023 scholarship recipients have to say to everyone who helped them not just survive but thrive in their academic, professional, and personal lives:



Beta Eta Chapter – Emma Caserotti Memorial Scholarship

Rose Marie Schmidt Scholarship

My parents were first-generation college students who put themselves through school. They instilled in me the value of hard work and education’s importance to my future success. My dream is to attend law school to work as a public interest attorney and perhaps someday run for public office. My passion lies in helping and positively impacting as many lives as possible. During my academic year, I only work weekend evenings to make ends meet so I can prioritize my education and Sorority commitments. To be able to do this, I deeply rely on scholarships to help support my educational pursuits. These scholarships help alleviate the financial burden and assist me in reaching my goals. My collegiate experience was made and defined by my sorority involvement, and I am eternally grateful for Alpha Sigma Tau.



Elizabeth Wilson/Dorothy Bennett Robinson Scholarship

In September 2021, I discovered I had Papilly thyroid carcinoma [throat cancer]. Because of this, I have had a biopsy, surgery, and countless doctor visits. To be able to pay for medical bills and the personal expenses usually covered by employment, I had to take out more student loans than I would in a typical semester. My Sisters have taught me what true friendship is, sacrificing their time to check on me, driving me places, and praying for me through all my procedures. The support system I have had this year is stronger than anything I have ever been able to count on. While this semester has been overwhelmingly stressful, a scholarship from the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation eliminated some of that stress and allowed me to focus fully on my educational goals.



Ferne Shumate Phipps Scholarship

2020 Founders Day of Giving Scholarship

With the dream of becoming an educator, I have saved as much money as possible since high school, worked through all my college breaks, and have been employed on campus for the past three semesters. I have developed a monthly budget and use MoneySmartsU [a Foundation-funded program] for guidance. While I have been able to pay for my time at college thus far, I am entering a time when help is needed. Receiving an Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation scholarship relieves a financial burden and opens doors for future educational pursuits. I intend on obtaining higher levels of education in the near future, and receiving a scholarship [will] allow me to pursue that directly after completing my undergraduate degree.


Alpha Sigma Tau taught me the true meaning of philanthropy. I hope to work in underserved communities as a physician assistant and bridge the gap between healthcare and rural communities to help them maintain health and wellness. I have dedicated the past year of my life to intense education, involving 8-hour days, all-night studying, and weekly exams. In May, I began clinical rotations, which allowed me to apply that knowledge. However, they also required me to travel to receive the best experiences possible, [and] housing, food, and gas can add up quickly. With a scholarship, I can obtain my education at a more affordable cost and focus on learning medicine instead of worrying about the financial burden.



Charlotte Evans Floyd Scholarship

Receiving this scholarship is a great honor and a testament to the generosity of the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. My decision to pursue higher education is all thanks to the opportunities that Alpha Sigma Tau provided me throughout college. With the continued support from this organization I hold so dear to my heart, I will be able to obtain my MBA with a concentration in Leadership/Consulting. Four years ago, public speaking was my worst nightmare… now, I can command an auditorium with certainty and confidence. I am beyond thrilled to continue my education in direct response to the impact that Alpha Sigma Tau has made on me in my personal and professional pursuits.



Thomas J. King Jr. Scholarship

I am studying biomedical engineering and have had a job or internship during the summer every year. I try to save and budget for the entire year based on just that income. I apply for financial aid, along with other scholarships throughout the year, but I have also had to take out student loans. I have thought about taking on a job during the school year, but I really love all the organizations that I am a part of and would like to stay as involved as possible while still being financially stable. Overall, receiving this scholarship helps me finance my school costs!

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 17 Foundation Impact


Alpha Sigma Tau has given me the confidence I lacked. I feel empowered to speak up when things are not right, and I am inspired when I see my Sisters doing great things every day. [Receiving a scholarship] gives me the confidence to head into the professional world knowing I was supported by my chapter Sisters and my Sisters nationally. This scholarship allows me to finish my communication major and human resources minor while focusing on my honors acceptance.


Alpha Sigma Tau provided me with leadership and professional development opportunities during my time at Duquesne and continues to inspire me to grow even after graduation. A scholarship from the Foundation allows me to continue my education and further my career as a teacher. I hope to become a school library media specialist, where I [will] be able to extend my reach beyond the classroom and inspire a larger population of students to discover a love of reading and learning. A scholarship helps me make this dream a reality.


Receiving an Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation Scholarship decreases the financial burden of paying for my education. With the aid, I’ll spend more time focused on my studies, be able to reduce my working hours, and spend part of my summer interning to prepare for my future career. Studying abroad, which has always been a dream of mine but a far-fetched one due to financial issues, [will] also become a possibility!

This scholarship means so much to me and my family. I am a first-generation college student. My parents didn’t attend high school and have worked their whole lives to help me get a great education. When I decided to attend Penn State Behrend, they supported me with all their life savings and are continuing to support me, but I had to take out several loans just to put me through this year. My parents don’t know the concept of a sorority because they didn’t have those in Mexico, but Alpha Sigma Tau helped me find a home away from home. I have never felt so loved by someone who isn’t related to me. Receiving a scholarship will help me tremendously because it will be less stressful for my family and allow me to focus more on academics and my positions in my sorority.

Dear Sisters,

Welcome to 2023! As we think back over the last year, we’ve had tremendous wins for the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. From an incredible Convention campaign to our most recent Founders Day of Giving success, you have spent the past year supporting essential programs for our Sisters.

On November 3-4, 2022, Sisters, family, and friends banded together to celebrate another record-breaking Founders Day of Giving, when we raised $242,119!

With chapter challenges, pop-up bonuses, and alumnae groups getting involved, it was fun to see everyone engage in a little friendly competition. However competitive we may become, though, we always have a common goal in mind: to use our gifts to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation to empower women.

As we look forward to what 2023 will bring, the Foundation will continue to provide essential programs and opportunities to empower our collegiate and alumnae members, including:

• Officer Academy – a virtual two-day program held every January that teaches Executive Committee officers about leadership concepts, such as managing a team and delegating tasks

• AΣΤ Excel – a cohort-based program held every other summer for collegiate and alumnae members focused on emotional intelligence skills that apply to personal and professional lives

• MoneySmarts U – an on-demand program that provides all members with specific, action-based financial wellness education so they can set themselves up for financial success, both now and in the future

Thank you to everyone who gave during 2022 – your gifts contributed to a great year for the Foundation and set us up for success in 2023. However, there is still much work to be done, and our collegians need support in many facets of their lives, from continued mental health resources to scholarships.

We look forward to what 2023 brings, and thank you for your continued investment in the Alpha Sigma Tau experience!

In Sisterhood and Gratitude,

Erika Sigma Tau Foundation

Together we raised




This year we offered some top-notch prizes! From bid day packs to 1899 Society t-shirts, we know that our collegiate members will really enjoy the prizes they earned during the Chapter Challenge. We were also excited about our Level 4 prizes! Chapters that raised over $25,000 during Founders Day of Giving could win a VIP Speaker or Coaching Pass from one of our very special guests: Dr. Lauren Cook, Dr. Grace Henry (Psi 2021/James Madison), and Jessica Gendron Williams (Beta Pi 1999/Eastern Illinois). Thank you to these women for agreeing to donate their time and talent to our chapters!

need to excel in life. This year, we were thrilled to have 175 ambassadors who helped the Foundation raise more than $33,000 during Founders Day of Giving. Ambassadors represented scholarships or their chapters, and

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 19 Foundation Impact
Thank you,Ambassadors! On November
united to
Tau by donating during our
Sisters, friends,
Alpha Sigma
7th Annual Founders Day
helped spread the word about challenges, prizes, pop-up bonuses, and
without them! While we appreciate all our
we want to give
which tracks
the number of gifts
$2,325.00 JESSICA MURPHY ZETA 1997/LOCK HAVEN 44 Gifts $1,137.97 LILI PERRUSO DELTA UPSILON 2021/ SAINT LEO Meet Lili on page 23! 53 Gifts $2,749.00 MEGAN ESCOBAR GAMMA TAU 2008/ LEBANON VALLEY 38 Gifts 1 2 3
provide women with the resources,
more. Founders Day of Giving would not be a success
a special congratulations to these three who topped the Ambassador leaderboard,
and the donation total!

A much-loved tradition, the Chapter Challenge tracks how much support each chapter raised for the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. Congrats to our 2022 Chapter Challenge winners!

The Raise the Bar Challenge allows chapters to compete, regardless of membership size, by encouraging donations from members. Congrats to these chapters, which saw the largest increase in the number of donors from the 2021 Founders Day of Giving!

Alumnae Groups

This year, for the first time, Founders Day of Giving included a special pop-up challenge for alumnae groups! During a twohour window, alumnae groups competed head-to-head to see which group could win a special prize. It was a tight contest, with lots of jumping around on the leaderboard.

Congrats to the Birmingham Alumnae Association, which held the top spot on the Alumnae Group Challenge leaderboard during 2022 Founders Day of Giving!

Let's see who raised the bar
The Chapter Challenge
Join In!



Delta 1992/IUP

A Foundation donor since 2014, Jessica is a proud member of the Friendship & Fidelity Monthly Giving Circle. Jessica is a kindergarten teacher, a wife of 21 years and a mother to a 19-year-old son, an avid reader of romance novels, and is currently participating in the Frozen Feet Challenge, during which she must log an hour of exercise outside every day between January and March. Learn a little more about Jessica here:

Thinking back on your college days, why did you join Alpha Sigma Tau?

I joined Alpha Sigma Tau because when I started college, I was five hours away from home and homesick. A friend down the hall in my dorm invited me to come to recruitment in the fall of my freshman year. I immediately knew Alpha Sigma Tau was what I needed to get involved in college life and help find life-long friends.

Why do you give back to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation?

Alpha Sigma Tau meant so much to me throughout my college years. As a collegian, I attended two National Conventions – to see the decision-making process up close and meet other AΣT Sisters was an amazing experience! When I graduated, I took my Initiation vows seriously. That meant that I set up recurring donations each month to help other collegiate members.

What inspired you to become a monthly donor?

I would rather invest in the future of Alpha Sigma Tau than other philanthropic causes because I developed life-long friends being an AΣT. I also experienced leadership opportunities and personal development that are important for future collegiate women to have.

The Friendship and Fidelity Monthly Giving Circle honors the recurring donors of the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. Having a consistent donation base each month helps the Foundation plan and operate more efficiently and helps us give our generous supporters the best return on their investment. Find the full list of active recurring donors at Thank you to all our Friendship and Fidelity Monthly Giving Circle donors!

Want to become a recurring donor? Visit and select “Monthly” on your gift recurrence.

Which of AΣT’s core values do you most connect with and why?

Graciousness and Respect. They are values that all women can apply to their daily lives in their interactions with others and themselves. Being gracious with yourself in daily living and embracing self-care is necessary for women of all ages.

What is the last TV show you binge-watched?

Schitt’s Creek, for the second time. It’s so funny! What's your favorite memory with your Sisters?

Living with several Sisters over my collegiate years are some of my best AΣT college memories. Whether picking up garbage off the side of the road for service, celebrating Sisters’ birthdays, or having chapter meetings on a Sunday night, there were so many activities that provided bonding experiences! The homecoming parade and float (and winning a few times) were always a high point of the year!

What’s your proudest moment?

Raising a wonderful, thoughtful, and amazing son with my husband! He is continuing the tradition of fraternity/sorority life in our family, and held the positions of social chair (in charge of social media – that didn’t exist in my college years!) and philanthropy chair for his Beta Theta Pi chapter at Drexel University. Seeing our son succeed and thrive in life brings us a huge amount of joy!

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 21 Foundation Recognition
Get To Know Me:

Planned gifts are at the core of our vision of empowering women and growing the future. They allow Alpha Sigma Tau to continue our work, as well as allow our donors to enjoy immediate tax benefits. It is never too late, or too early, to consider planned giving. Thank you to those listed below, who have confirmed a planned/estate gift of any amount or percentage to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation and are recognized as members of the Legacy Society.

Carol Baril (Beta Zeta 1977/UAB)

Esther Fontenot Barrios (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisana)

Ashley Brown Beasley (Beta Zeta 1989/UAB)

Sally Brancheau Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Julie Bell Bruington (Iota 1979/Emporia State)

Brandy Vaux Carr (Zeta 2001/Lock Haven)

Christina Duggan Covington (Alpha Lambda 1986/Radford)

Heidi Simon Craft (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp (Alpha 1958/Eastern Michigan)

Ellen Weismiller Eldridge (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Charlotte Evans Floyd (Psi 1974/James Madison)

Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda 1973/Radford)

Stacey Daniel Fragile (Gamma Mu 1995/WVU Tech)

Nicole Noyse France (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Lisa-Marie Cox Fredericks (Beta Xi 1983/Michigan Tech)

Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/Southeastern Louisana)

Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

Kirsten Newman Heck (Gamma Pi 2001/Lycoming)

Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Dr. Edward Jervey (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Jo Ann Mentzer (Chi 1958/Shepherd)

Patricia Nayle (Phi 1971/Southeastern Louisiana)

Bobbie Nichols (Alpha Gamma 1968/Henderson)

Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA)

Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta 1944/Wayne State)

Kathleen Orrison Sharp (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Patricia Klausing Simmons (Delta 1970/IUP)

Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend)

Christina Oates Turner (Gamma Gamma 2016/UWA)

“When I went to college in 1965, I was a homesick homebody. But when I joined Alpha Sigma Tau, I found where I belonged. AΣΤ is where I found some of my best friends. In fact, there’s a group of three of us who have been best friends since 1966! AΣΤ was so much a part of my collegiate experience. I support the Foundation through the Legacy Society because I want to be sure Alpha Sigma Tau continues on so that other women get to experience what I did.”

–Ellen Weismiller Eldridge (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State) If you have included the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation in your will/estate and are not listed above, we may need more information. Please email or call 317-613-7566 to confirm your planned/estate gift and be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society today. Thank you!





Lili was the top ambassador during Founders Day of Giving! “I joined Alpha Sigma Tau because throughout recruitment I felt at home and knew it was where I wanted to be. Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel like I belonged,” she said. She is currently studying criminal justice, with plans to attend law school and become a criminal defense attorney.

As an ambassador for the 1899 Society, Lili sees the effects of the Foundation first-hand and encourages other Sisters to donate. She said, “Without the Foundation, we would not have Officer Academy or scholarship opportunities. Alpha Sigma Tau invests a lot in us and empowers us to do great things, so it’s important to give back.”

I give to Alpha Sigma Tau because I know I support an incredible cause and help Sisters all over. The programs that are made possible by the Foundation have led to some of my favorite memories. I can’t wait to see what the rest of my Alpha Sigma Tau journey has in store for me.

Get To Know Me:

What is your favorite social media platform?

TikTok! My friends and I always send them back and forth to each other.

What is your favorite part of your campus?

My favorite part of campus has to be Lake Jovita, which is a small lake on campus here at Saint Leo. I love walking past it on my way to class, and when the sun sets, the reflection is beautiful.

The 1899 Society is our exclusive giving society for collegians who donate $18.99 or more within a calendar year.

When collegians donate, they demonstrate their commitment to empowering fellow Sisters and growing the future of Alpha Sigma Tau. To learn more about the 1899 Society, visit


Annual giving is integral to the success of our organization. The Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation is pleased to recognize collegiate or alumnae members, parents, and friends contributing $1,899 or more annually (January 1-December 31, 2022) to the Anchor Fund. Your generosity and support are truly appreciated!

Allison Abayasekara (Gamma Tau 2004/Lebanon Valley)

Ashley Brown Beasley (Beta Zeta 1989/UAB)

Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech)

Kellie Vehlies Beretta (Epsilon Epsilon 2010/JWU North Miami)

Angie Bong (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Julie Bell Bruington (Iota 1979/Emporia State)

Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan)

Laura Clark (Psi 2000/James Madison)

Dr. Ginny Correa Creager (Iota 1961/Emporia State)

Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley)

Noel Scarpa Farner (Gamma Iota 1998/York)

Lisa-Marie Cox Fredericks (Beta Xi 1983/Michigan Tech)

Valerie Patton George (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Dr. Shel Hujarski Golob (Delta Alpha 1995/Gannon)

Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Janice Clock Grundy (Beta Xi 1982/Michigan Tech)

Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Jenni Kemmery (Delta 1995/IUP)

Dawn Scott Lecker (Beta Delta 1993/Duquesne)

Nadia Sawka Maddens (Theta 1975/Wayne State)

Ruby Marcelo (Delta Nu 2002/Beloit)

Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison)

Patricia L. Nayle (Phi 1971/Southeastern Louisiana)

Bobbie Nichols (Alpha Gamma 1968/Henderson)

Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA)

Katherine P. Onyshko, Esq. (Delta Phi 2006/NYU)

James Paponetti (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Susan Engel Penfield (Zeta 1980/Lock Haven)

Katherine Sopper Saffer (Alpha Lambda 1991/Radford)

Markella Saliaris (Gamma Tau 1992/Lebanon Valley)

Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

Nicole L. Stanley (Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State)

Samantha Pankau Thomas (Beta 2008/Central Michigan)

C&K Clark Family Foundation

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 23 Foundation Recognition
Epsilon Pi/RIC
Beta Xi/Michigan Tech
Epsilon Kappa/Trine
On Campus

CHI Shepherd University

We welcomed five new Sisters during formal recruitment and two more Sisters during the continuous open bidding (COB) process! We also hosted a Sisterhood retreat.


Radford University

We had a successful school supply drive for the local public schools! We have also had success with continuous open bidding (COB) this semester! At the end of October, we had a really cool mindfulness Sisterhood retreat that everyone was super excited about.

BETA XI Michigan Technological University

We recently had a Sisterhood event at Breakers Beach. We had some awesome training from some of our officers and had a great time roasting marshmallows and hotdogs over the campfire and just spending time with our Sisters.

BETA RHO Arkansas Tech University

Our Sister, Hannah Lomax, was awarded Arkansan of the Day! She is in the Army National Guard, the Arkansas Tech University Marching Band, joined Alpha Sigma Tau in the fall semester, and competes in the Miss Arkansas pageant circuit! She also has built her own philanthropy: Letters of Hope, where people write letters and send packages to military members!


University of Massachusetts Lowell

We have spent the semester dedicated to philanthropy! Sisters participated in Walk A Mile in Her Shoes, where participants walk one mile in red high heels to stand against sexual assault, rape, and gender violence, and in the Wags to Whiskers Festival for the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. As part of recruitment, we hosted a philanthropy event where we made blankets for House of Hope, a shelter that helps homeless people find stable housing for themselves and their families.

BETA UPSILON New Jersey Institute of Technology

In September, Sisters from our chapter woke up extra early to do a park cleanup at Branch Brook Park in Newark, NJ! We were tasked to pick up debris and litter on the neglected east side of the park to create a safer and cleaner environment. We picked up about 12 full trash bags of litter that was scattered in greenery, the river, and pavilion spaces. We're proud to preserve the largest park in Essex County, which is also the United States' first county park!

Gamma Rho/Seton Hall Beta Tau/UMass Lowell Gamma Gamma/UWA


PennWest California

During the Fall 2022 semester, the Beta Phi Chapter has been up to a lot! Starting the semester off, our Vice President of Community Relations, Krista McParland, organized a team to walk in the Dress for Success walk. Sisters suited up in their favorite workout gear and raised money for one of our favorite philanthropies!

Once recruitment started, our Vice President of Growth, Lena Wankel, led the way in planning amazing events highlighting our values. She even went on to plan a Breakfast Sandwich fundraiser with our Vice President of Finance, Cosette Bayles, to highlight our philanthropy, Girls Who Code. After a successful few weeks of recruitment events, the chapter welcomed home eight new members.

With recruitment over, that meant Homecoming was right around the corner! Our chapter volunteered to clean up the town of California before and after the Homecoming festivities. A few weeks later, our Vice President of Organizational Development, Rachel Leib, planned an amazing Sisterhood event to Trax Farms. The sisters enjoyed an afternoon full of hayrides, corn mazes, and pumpkin patch fun! To celebrate the holidays, the Sisters of the Beta Phi Chapter wanted to give back to the community and participated in a campus-based food drive competition. The Sisters gathered 300+ non-perishables to help replenish the campus's food pantry, leading to them winning the competition!

Before everyone went home for Thanksgiving break, a group of Sisters attended a local elderly residence to help serve Thanksgiving dinner to the residents. The night was filled with yummy food, dancing, karaoke, and lots of smiles! The Sisters of the Beta Phi Chapter eagerly await the next semester to see all we accomplish.

GAMMA GAMMA University of West Alabama

The Gamma Gamma Chapter welcomed four new members into our Sisterhood this semester! We're also proud of those who were recognized as leaders and representatives of our campus. Sisters were selected for UWA's Homecoming court and inducted into the Order of Omega, with Meghan Herrington voted as their President! We finished the year by celebrating Founders Day with the Birmingham Alumnae Association and are thankful to have a wonderful relationship with our alumnae!


Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Our chapter finished fall recruitment and welcomed nine new members home! We also hosted our first philanthropy event of the year, Anchor Slam, a cornhole tournament we hold annually.

GAMMA RHO Seton Hall University

Our chapter held our philanthropy event, Anchor Splash, on September 15th, through which we raised over $1,000. It was so nice to see the Seton Hall and Greek community unite to raise money for Girls Who Code. It was a very fun and successful event!

DELTA ETA Belmont University

For our AΣT week on campus, we had a partnership event with the Nashville Humane Association, who brought a litter of puppies to campus for “Alpha Sigma Paws.” We raised over $900 for Girls Inc. and Nashville Humane (donations were split down the middle). We had our Sisterhood retreat on campus, where we created our blankets together for self-care and had a yoga instructor come in for a beginners' class.

DELTA PHI New York University

This semester, our chapter finished our first in-person formal recruitment since the fall of 2019. Our Chapter President, Angela Lee, attended the Dress For Success 25th Anniversary Celebration and met some alumnae and Sisters from the Epsilon Iota Chapter at NYIT. In October, a group of Sisters attended the NYC National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Walk, and our Sisterhood retreat was at Central Park.

EPSILON KAPPA Trine University

We hosted “Trine Talent,” our local philanthropy event for Women in Transition, an organization that supports women struggling with addiction. We raised $4,900 through the event from selling t-shirts and pins and a silent auction! Some women from the organization were able to attend and thanked us for giving them such a positive memory.

In August, we had a retreat where we reviewed chapter rules, completed a Growth workshop, and participated in Sisterhood activities. In October, we also held a Big/Little reveal and Initiation for our three holdover new members.

EPSILON PI Rhode Island College

We have been having recruitment workshops and getting ready for recruitment, where we celebrated with an Emerald City–themed Bid Day!

EPSILON PHI Winona State University

We completed recruitment and Bid Day!

On Campus
Gamma Lambda/Kutztown Beta Upsilon/NJIT Beta Phi/PennWest California Delta Phi/NYU Delta Eta/Belmont Epsilon Phi/Winona State



Serving the greater Baltimore area, we hosted an End of Summer Cookout at a member’s home, attended concerts together, and went for wine tastings at local vineyards. We even have a virtual book club option for members who can’t attend the inperson events! In December, we had our annual Holiday Cookie Exchange, hosted by Alumnae Chapter Vice President Erica May Richards (Beta Mu 2010/Salisbury).


The Birmingham Alumnae Association had a successful summer and fall. We supported the Birmingham Barons at our annual baseball outing in May. In June, Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA) and Allie Ellis Mills (Gamma Gamma 2006/ UWA) attended Convention where our association received five Convention awards!

This fall we sponsored a Panty Drive for My Sister's Closet, helped the Gamma Gamma Chapter during recruitment, met for a casual dinner in town, and celebrated Founders Day with Sisters from the Gamma Gamma Chapter. During Founders Day of Giving, we also won the Alumnae Group Challenge! We wrapped up 2022 with our annual Christmas party.


Hi Sisters! It has been a busy and exciting year for the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter. Over the summer, we gathered together with family and friends for a Buffalo Bisons baseball game coordinated by our VP of Event Planning Christy Oliver (Sigma 2008/SUNY Buffalo State). In September, we gathered for our 'Welcome Back' meeting to discuss upcoming events and philanthropy opportunities.

In October, we connected with our collegiate sisters from Epsilon Mu/Buffalo and Epsilon Rho/SUNY Geneseo at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk held at the Outer Harbor in Buffalo. In November, we celebrated Founders Day together and welcomed guest speakers from Dress For Success Buffalo and Bury the Violence - a local organization that assists women in domestic violence/abuse situations. We look forward to the new year ahead and strengthening our bonds of sisterhood in Buffalo.


The Charlotte Alumnae Association hosts multiple events per month – typically a more casual "drop-in" option for the more busy members, as well as other options that take a little more organizing. Recently we took a trip to a local arcade – a great event option to have fun with Sisters!


The Detroit Metro Alumnae Chapter has been up to quite a bit. We had our elections in September and enjoyed Founders Day with the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter. We adopted a large family for the holiday season and had our annual ornament exchange meeting. In 2023, we look forward to welcoming newly graduated sisters at our Cozy Sock exchange meeting and volunteering with the Delta Tau Chapter at Oakland University.


Earlier this year, Sisters from the Harrisburg/Hershey area started an alumnae interest group. An interest group is formed to generate interest from Sisters before becoming a chapter or an association. Three alumnae in the area planned a summer social and partnered with Headquarters Staff to help market the event – they had a great turnout!


We have enjoyed many activities this past year, including Coffee with the Taus, Sisterhood Bingo, brunch following a hike, and our Founders Day celebration and potluck luncheon. Our club members contributed to the Phoenix Alumnae Panhellenic by volunteering at the Charles Schwab Golf Tournament and collecting stuffed animals for A Mighty Change of Heart (which focuses on foster children in Arizona). We also celebrated our holiday brunch, a favorite of our Valley Sisters!

Alumnae Connections
Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Baltimore


Our Alumnae Chapter has had a wonderful fall with our newer Sisters taking pivotal roles in our chapter. We started our year with a hot walk on the boardwalk for Dress For Success Virtual Power Walk. Next, we met in September at the home of Hannah Cook Bademian (Alpha Lambda 2008/Radford) and passed the yellow rose to see what each person wanted from our group. That is how we set our goals for the year. We also had a candlelight service for Hannah, who is expecting in January.

Our Sisters had a spooky time in October at the home of Elayne Goode Weinbrecht (Alpha Lambda 1974/Radford). We welcomed a storyteller and more new Sisters to our chapter. One Sister even traveled from Williamsburg to meet with us! We had Halloweenthemed desserts, goody bags, and a spooky story. Sisters brought 83 pounds of food to share with the food bank.

In November, we gathered for our Founders Day. We welcomed two more Sisters, Michelle O’Neill Johnson (Alpha Lambda 1988/ Radford) and Hannah, and prayed for two new alumnae chapter members who were sick that night. We honored our Founders from 1899, and our 13 Sisters who have entered “The Eternal Chapter” from our chapter since 1964.

Every Sister went home with yellow roses from Veronica Leitner Hill (Psi 1982/James Madison) and Kate Miller Brown (Zeta Tau 2010/Longwood). Each Sister was given a beautiful handmade anchor magnet made by Mary Elizabeth Askins (Alpha Lambda 2013/Radford). Our chaplain Melissa Day (Alpha Lambda 2001/ Radford) set up beautiful ceremonies for us. Alumnae Jen Cohen (Gamma Rho 2005/Seton Hall) and Kacey Rae Schaum (Delta 2006/IUP) ensured that our dinners were ordered and presented on time.

In December, we had a “Sisterhood Sunday” ornament exchange at Elayne’s home. See you all in 2023! Looking forward to a great year, and happy 123 years of Alpha Sigma Tau to all of our Sisters around the country!

Interested in starting an alumnae group in your area? Want to join one but aren’t sure how to get involved? Contact Ashley Smith Ried, Assistant Director of Engagement, at aried@ or 317-613-7573, or visit alphasigmatau. org/members/find-a-chapter to learn more.

Charlotte Birmingham Harrisburg/Hershey Tidewater Detroit Metro


We forever remember these Sisters who have entered the Eternal Chapter. Their legacy lives on through their loved ones and their contributions to the progress of humankind. This memorial listing includes all members whose passing was reported to National Headquarters between June 17, 2022 and November 17, 2022.


Florence Huizenga Breitner (1957)

Katherine Buchner (1960) Mary Wanat (1963)


Elizabeth Hitchcock Anderson (1947)

Jo Dombrowski Sala (1982)


Toletha Anne Amigh (1961)

Barbara Atwell*

Charlotte Wray Fowler (1958) Lynn Wolfe Mengle (1988)


Melva James Engers (1941)

Bonnie Martin (1960)

Arneida Gunier Miller (1955) Karen Adams Nicholas (1960)


Shirley DePorter Batman (1949)

LaVonne Lippitt Carlton (1952)

Vicki Thompson Garrett (1948)


Juanita Grant (1951)


Dorothy Jaynes (1949)

Janice Lasley Manley (1941)


Arlene Mislin Heilemann (1952)


Gay Fazekas Attaway (1948)

Barbara Hymel Bergeron*

Jane McLendon Core (1946)

Terry Rodriguez Cusachs (1968) Charlotte Stewart Duborg (1940) Edna Jones (1942)


Jane Kottler Arnold (1944)

Meda Badeaux (1940)

Miriam Wiest Boyd (1951)

Evelyn Dorsey Grant (1940)

Sara Poisal Hollis (1947)

Gladys Lewis Jones (1945)

Nancy Millar Lewis (1940)

Georgianna Twigg Llewellyn (1942) Mary Lumm Munch (1940)

Alda Hays Sencindiver (1947)

Laila Lingamfelter Stout* Margaret Kendig Tabler (1943) Katherine Hodges Wilt*


Mary Smith Byrd (1946) Katherine Stokes Hart (1944) Eulah Layton Legg (1950) Mary Elizabeth Ryland (1944) June Wheatley Safrit (1951) Elizabeth Wilhelm*


Ellen Loe Burthold (1953)


Rose Crooks Knight (1949)


Ginny Eastland Robbins (1948) Debra Wilcockson Tomlin (1971)


Rosemary Hedlund Nichols (1958)


Janis Cash Raber (1962)


Janet Lovern Klamerus (1960) Katie Hite Lee (2002)


Iris Malkin Goldberg (1964)


BETA ZETA / UAB Melissa Martin McCarthy (1977) Julianne Cornelius Waddell*

BETA PHI / PENNWEST CALIFORNIA Tabitha Clark Cumer (1991)


Lauren Mabee (2011)

* Initiation date unknown

ALPHA SIGMA TAU 31 Eternal Chapter


Learn more about volunteering for AΣΤ as an advisor.


Each year as temperatures drop and the holidays draw closer, we often find ourselves reflecting on all we have accomplished in the past 12 months and setting goals for the year ahead. To me, this time of year always feels like we’re closing one chapter and turning the page to the next. In the spirit of new beginnings, I’m excited to begin my next chapter with Alpha Sigma Tau as editor of The Anchor!

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Julia Mann, I’m an alumna from the Beta Mu Chapter at Salisbury University, and I currently live in Austin, Texas. Since graduating in 2019, I’ve been pursuing my career in communications while also continuing my sorority involvement in multiple volunteer capacities, including serving on the 2020 Sorority Advisory Committee and the 2021 Awards Review committee.

Right now, we’re in the midst of the season of giving – the time of year when we amplify our contributions to our loved ones and our communities. This year, Sisters kicked off the season of giving with a bang, raising $242,119 on Founders Day of Giving! Chapters across the country have also been facilitating philanthropic events of all kinds to give back to their communities, which you can read more about in this issue.

And while this time of year can be merry and bright, it can also be overwhelming and strain our emotional, social, and even financial wellness. I encourage you to consider that this time is also a season of graciousness. With more and more people struggling with mental health, empathy and embodying kindness toward others is paramount, especially during stressful seasons. In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can also be easy to forget to check in on yourself. Be kind to yourself and prioritize your health and well-being. Ending the year with a healthy mindset will be crucial to setting yourself up for a successful 2023!

I look forward to ringing in the New Year with Alpha Sigma Tau!

In Sisterhood,

*Badge must be ordered through AΣΤ headquarters. Badge, Pendant and Chain sold separately.


A. G.

*Badge must be ordered through AΣΤ headquarters. Badge, Guard and Dangles sold separately.



H. I. J.

E. F. M. K.

A. Pearl Bracelet, 7.5”, #636008


B. Pin-on Badge* Pendant, #3365 with Snake Chain, 18”, #SNAKE

C. Plain Badge,* #0103

D. Plain Single Letter Chapter Guard, #J0100

Pearl Drop Earrings, #622054

Pearl Drop Necklace, #682054 Stole, #STOLE

Sunburst Crest Ring, #79011 Betsy Ring, #BETSY

EM-2979 • 800.542.3728
National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Connect with your best gal pals or get ready to meet new Sisters! Save the date and spread the word! NIGHT TO REUNITE IS BACK IN APRIL!

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