The Anchor: Summer 2022

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We Will Onward Go 44th National THEANCHORConvention Vol. 94 No. 2 Summer 2022 OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU


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Were you at Convention? Hoping to find chapter Sisters? Come play an AΣT version of “Where’s Waldo” in our Convention Scrapbook as we share some wonderful photos from our 44th National Convention. THE COVER Collegians enjoy our Welcome Night event at the Florida Aquarium!



CONTACT THE ANCHOR: Do you have a question, response, story idea, or update for The Anchor? We want to hear it! Email us at

One of the most important events at Convention? The election of a new National Council to determine who will guide the Sorority for the next two years! Meet the six Sisters who will be at the helm until 2024.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU1 Table Of Contents NATIONAL COUNCIL National President 2022-2024 Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) National Vice Presidents Addison Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech) LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana) Katherine P. Onyshko, Esq. (Delta Phi 2006/NYU) Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley) Chief Executive Officer: James R. Paponetti THE ANCHOR STAFF Director of Communications and Engagement Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend) Communications Coordinator Regan Hewitt (Epsilon Tau 2015/Kenyon) Editor Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) Designer Elizabeth Dawson (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisiana) Staff Writers Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami) Cassie Cristea (Gamma Theta 2013/Penn State Behrend) Lindsay McDowall Davis (Gamma Mu 2010/WVU Tech) Cassie Helmer (Alpha 2015/Eastern Michigan) In This Issue: 24 CELEBRATE CONVENTIONYOURAWARDS At each Convention, we’re so excited to award individuals and chapters who have “defined excellence” over the past two years. See if your chapter brought home an award or two! 02 PRESIDENT’S NOTE Greetings from the National President 09 WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON Joi Gordon speaks on "The Power of WE" 10 NATIONAL SERVICE PARTNERS Supporting our National Service Partners 11 CONVENTION EXCURSIONS Exploring Tampa with our Sisters 13 GENERAL SESSIONS Defining the future of our Sorority 21 EDUCATIONAL BREAKOUTS Learning together to improve our Sisterhood 23 YELLOW ROSE BANQUET Our Sisterhood's biggest night 29 FOUNDATION AT CONVENTION The impact of your generosity 37 ETERNAL CHAPTER In loving memory of our Sisters 39 ANCHORING THOUGHTS Letter from the Editor 40 2020-2022 DIRECTORY Find officers, volunteers, and staff members



The Anchor is the official magazine of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority and is published semiannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, Headquartered at: 3334 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268.

It is hard to believe that it had been four years between our National Conventions in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Tampa, Florida. Between seeing the faces of old friends and making new connections in Tampa, it felt like no time had passed at all. And yet it feels like everything has changed since we were last together.

Almost one-half of the attendees at our 44th National Convention were initiated between 2020 and 2022 and were attending their first Convention. I will never forget my first Convention— especially the feeling of racing through the airport with three of my Psi Sisters to make our connection to Detroit for the 1998 Convention in Ypsilanti! At the time, it was impossible to imagine what it would feel like to walk into a room full of hundreds of Sisters from across the country. When we first stepped into the opening general session, we were in awe. How could it be possible that each of these women were having an Alpha Sigma Tau experience at a chapter other than ours? What did it mean to be an Alpha Sigma Tau on their campus? Did they face the same challenges we did? What could we learn from them? And the most important question: How could we take the energy and momentum from Convention and bring it back to our chapter and our alumnae who were spread across the country? I hope that each member brought a similar sense of pride and excitement about Alpha Sigma Tau back from Tampa to their chapters and networks. And for those members who were not able to join us in Tampa, we hope that this edition of The Anchor brings a little taste of Convention to you. The Creed of Alpha Sigma Tau guides us in our aim to live joyously and valiantly. We’ve been living valiantly during the pandemic. It is time to live joyously! You will find a candle on the Crest of Alpha Sigma Tau and our Candlelighting Service reminds us that “a candle gathers joy and makes dark days bright.” The outstanding speakers featured at Convention illuminated a path for us to follow through their keynote remarks. Dr. Lauren Cook charged us with finding joy through goal setting, gratitude, and giving back. Joi Gordon reminded us of the power of “we” and asked us to invest in ourselves by shining a spotlight on the importance of showing up, having a presence, and being seen. Dr. Grace Henry challenged us to set boundaries, to be bold, and to foster a sense of belonging within our Sisterhood.

I believe that Alpha Sigma Tau was built for moments such as those we faced over the past two years. We are a community of Sisters who are there for each other, no matter what life throws at us. We hold high the torch so that others can find their way. We contribute our share to the progress of humankind. There is no better time than now for us to recommit ourselves to helping our fellow Sisters and members of our communities through these challenging times and to help one another achieve our personal and professional goals.

Let us share our aim to live joyously and valiantly with new members as we welcome them into the bonds of Sisterhood. And let us maintain our fidelity to purpose as a roadmap for defining excellence in our daily lives. And above all, remember that Alpha Sigma Tau is always with you, just as the Sorority has been there for tens of thousands of women for almost 123 Weyears.will onward go, Jamie Jones Miller Psi 1995/James Madison National President

SUMMER 2022 • THE ANCHOR 2 President's Note Dear Sisters,

ALPHA SIGMA TAU3 In-Spirit Sponsorships Rebecca Fennewald Beal (Beta Eta 1975/SIUE) Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit) Jenna Winborne Lewis (Gamma Gamma 2007/UWA) Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven) Jennifer Trainum (Gamma Gamma 2011/UWA) Education Session Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit) In honor of Ellen Joyce (Delta Nu 2009/Beloit) and Alice Mitchell (Delta Nu 2011/Beloit) Memorial Service Floral Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit) Officer Recognition Floral Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois) Women’s Hospitality Items Esther Fontenot Barrios (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisiana) Alumnae Reception Delta Nu Alumnae We’d like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the listed Convention sponsors. Without your support, we could not have put on the programming, events, and receptions that we know all our attendees enjoyed! CONVENTION SPONSORS See more at SHOP FOR ALPHA SIGMA TAU MERCHANDISE OR FIND CUSTOM DESIGN INSPIRATION FOR YOUR CHAPTER’S NEXT ORDER!


Thursday: Night at the Aquarium


Sorority News

Whether you were in attendance or not, everyone knows that the 44th National Convention is what Alpha Sigma Tau From seeing each other in person again to making some impactful leadership decisions, Convention allowed us the time to celebrate and recognize how much we have overcome in the past two years and how much we have to do in the future. Look through these Convention photos and see if you can spot any familiar faces! You can also watch our 2020-2022 rewind video, which debuted at Convention, showing what your Sisters have accomplished over the last two years by scanning the QR code here!


ALPHA SIGMA TAU5 Friday: Collegiate Pool Party 2.0

Sorority News: Convention Scrapbook

Friday: Keynote with Dr. Lauren Cook



Friday: Alumnae Reception


Meet the new Educational Consultants!

Alpha Sigma Tau is delighted to announce the hiring of three new Educational Consultants (EC) for the 20222023 academic year. Bailey Harper, Fllanza Jusufi, and Jasmine Witkowski have joined our 2021-2022 Educational Consultants Gabby Nelson (Epsilon Omicron 2017/Southern Indiana) and Allyson Tolles (Epsilon Sigma 2019/ Bridgewater State). Together, the team will support our collegiate chapters and help reestablish two collegiate chapters in the coming year.

Welcome your newest Sister, DR. GRACE HENRY!

During the 44th National Convention, the National Council and a select group of members were honored to initiate Dr. Grace Henry as an alumnae initiate of the Psi Chapter at James Madison Univerity. Dr. Henry has been working with the Sorority since 2020 to help us establish anti-racism practices in our chapters, alumnae groups, and at the national level. We are so excited to officially call her a Sister!

BAILEY HARPER Gamma Tau 2019/Lebanon Valley FLLANZA JUSUFI Alpha Phi 2017/West Chester JASMINE WITKOWSKI Gamma Lambda 2019/Kutztown

Sorority News: Convention Scrapbook




With only eight reserved tables for our National Council members, Dress For Success guests, and local guests from other Panhellenic groups, members were encouraged to sit with new friends and engage with other members.

Nominated by Bethany Vos (Alpha 2009/ Eastern Michigan), Sally Brancheau Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan) was awarded for her dedication to Alumnae Panhellenic Associations in both Indianapolis and Detroit, where she has served in a variety of officer roles and chaired multiple committees and Afterinitiatives.lunch was served, Joi Gordon, the CEO of Rapport and a longtime friend of Alpha Sigma Tau, spoke to the crowd and shared her message on The Power of WE. This was Joi’s second Convention, as she was the keynote speaker in 2018 when she was CEO of Dress For Success. Her participation in the 44th Convention was made possible by a grant from the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. In her address to attendees, Joi discussed the intricacies of imposter syndrome and how to combat it: by forming communities and connections. Women, in particular, she noted, should lean into each other when faced with challenges in their personal or professional lives.

The Women’s Leadership Luncheon, which aims to uplift women and our National Service Partners, provided an opportunity for collegiate and alumnae members to mingle casually outside of the General Sessions and more serious Sorority business.

The luncheon started with the presentation of The Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle Panhellenic Award, which honors individual members or chapters who have made outstanding contributions to the Greek cause on campus, in a community, or to the National Panhellenic Conference through Panhellenic service.

Ultimately, her message was that “The Power of WE” leads to more opportunities, more impactful relationships, and more confidence in ourselves and in each other.


Women's Leadership Luncheon

“During Joi’s speech on The Power of WE, I was truly inspired to look inward and see that I have so much more potential than I believed I did prior to joining Alpha Sigma Tau and hearing her talk.”

Joi then explained that intentional relationship building can lead to lifelong impact, giving a personal example of when she was called to be the CEO of a technology company. Three years prior, Joi turned down the job when it was offered to her by a friend, as she felt underqualified –letting imposter syndrome get the best of her. Yet, when asked again later on, with the support of her community behind her, Joi decided to take on a new challenge and has thrived while doing so.

“I learned more about the power of ‘we.’ I was never self-centered, but I found myself having an ‘I’ll do it myself’ approach throughout the last semester. Therefore, I will be stressing the importance to my Sisters of doing things together rather than alone. Our chapter is stronger when we have all hands on deck rather than having a ‘me’ attitude.”

Katie put the volunteer group to work almost immediately. After a brief tour of the location, the volunteers split into three groups: one would make notebooks for an upcoming Dress For Success community event, one would sort sizes in the boutique area, and one would reorganize, count, and add new donations to the bra bins. and band sizes, the number of bras in each bin, and the number of bras in each size. Jamie jokingly stated that she was getting very good at bra sorting. “I’ve done this in several states,” she said, referring to past volunteer experiences with Dress for AfterSuccess.the afternoon was over, the group was in high spirits, ready to return to the rest of the Convention attendees and share what they’d accomplished at Dress For Success.

On Saturday afternoon, a group of 12 volunteers joined National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) to spend a few hours at Dress For Success Tampa Bay. Compromised of collegiate and alumnae members alike, many of them had never spent time volunteering with our National Service Partner before and were eager to get started. They were also eager to spend time with each other, meeting new Sisters outside of their normal circles and chapters.


National Service Partner Feature

“It’s never too late to get involved [with Dress For Success],” said Cat Rubens (Gamma Rho 2017/Seton Hall). “It’s a great experience, regardless of whether you’re a collegian or alumna. I got to connect with new Sisters and [Dress for Success Tampa Bay] went above and beyond my Throughoutexpectations.”Convention,

Alpha Sigma Tau members had dropped off Dress For Success donations at registration. Bit by bit, these donations added up to two boxes worth of supplies, which were presented to Katie McGill, Executive Director of Dress For Success Tampa Bay, alongside a check for $5,000 from Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority.

Katie could not have been more grateful for Alpha Sigma Tau’s support, stating, “Empowerment comes in different ways. [Alpha Sigma Tau’s] support through the Convention luncheon, volunteering, and monetary donation helped to strengthen our process to help women become stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their lives and claiming their rights to economic independence. "Your contribution will allow us to continue working towards our vision of a world where women do not live in poverty and are treated with dignity and respect, and who will thrive in work and life.”

“I feel much more connected to Dress For Success after volunteering and actually seeing what they do in person,” shared Cat. She even took the initiative to contact her local Dress For Success affiliate in New Jersey. “When I returned home following Convention, I called them up and started building a relationship with their staff. I’m an advisor, so I’ll be able to loop in my collegians,” she said.

Nicki Stanley (Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State) and Jamie led the charge with the bra sorting, creating a system to track cup

Rita Bertolino (Phi 1997/Southeastern Louisiana), Emily Lomax (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine), National Vice President LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana), and Cat worked together to sort through clothing racks to match sizes and remove out-of-date styles. LeeAnn and Cat also delighted in creating new outfits for the Dress For Success mannequins, even dressing one in Alpha Sigma Tau’s signature emerald and gold colors with a pearl necklace. “This event was one of my big highlights from Convention,” said Cat.

Quickly the volunteers figured out how best to serve their specific group. In one room, Deborah Rudloff (Alpha Rho 1969/ Youngstown State) worked to untangle wire notebook bindings while the trio of Delta Tau/Oakland collegians organized and cut pages, matched up covers, and bound the books together.


Those who opted to stay at the hotel had the opportunity to explore local trails and mangroves, play a game of tennis, catch some rays at the pool, or, like Adrianna Duchene (Alpha 2011/Eastern Michigan) and Verónica López-Alvarez (Beta Theta 2011/St. Mary’s), to rent paddleboards. “Neither of us had paddle boarded before, and we didn’t know one another before we did this,” Adrianna explained. “We were determined to try it, learn something new, and we had a great time! It was really satisfying to accomplish this goal we had for ourselves. I’m still so proud of us for making it to the standing position!”



Attendees could explore some of Florida’s natural wonders at the Weedon Island Preserve. With various trails and boardwalks to explore, this preserve allows you to see the ecosystems of the Tampa Bay area.

Weedon Island Preserve

During the afternoon of Saturday, June 25, Convention attendees had various opportunities to explore Tampa! Many of these excursions were led by a National Council or Foundation Board member so Sisters had an opportunity to both visit with friends and make new connections on the national level.

A local treasure, Sparkman Wharf is an eclectic gathering of retail shops, food trucks, and entertainment and activity options. This group explored the Channelside district of downtown Tampa, near the aquarium where our welcome night event took place.

Sparkman Wharf and the Channelside District

Members, including National Vice President Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/ Penn State Behrend) and Foundation Board President Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan), explore Sparkman Wharf Paddleboarding at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay was never easier!


Communications Assistant Francie Grasso (Epsilon Sigma 2019/Bridgewater State) took a group of Sisters – Amanda Cruz (Beta Omega 2018/Monmouth), Zoe Spangler (Epsilon Alpha 2021/Embry-Riddle Prescott), Josie Smith (Epsilon Alpha 2021/Embry-Riddle Prescott), Sarah Bale (Epsilon Xi 2015/ Gustavus), and Megan Ganser Lynsky (Epsilon Gamma 2011/ Georgia Southern-Armstrong) – to Hyde Park Village.


Members enjoyed cupcakes at Sprinkles in the Hyde Park Village area

Clearwater Beach

Hyde Park Village

A small-town feeling in the middle of a city, Hyde Park Village offered a variety of restaurants, retail shops, and experiences - whether attendees were looking for something casual or highExecutiveend.

Francie said, “Even though we had only met each other minutes before hopping into an Uber, it felt like an afternoon catching up with old friends. We talked about our careers and ambitions, Sisterhood, and everything in between over pizza and cupcakes, and we enjoyed lots of shopping in Hyde Park Village.” She even ended up sitting with Zoe and Josie at the Yellow Rose Banquet later that night. “It was the perfect extension of our day and the best way to round out the weekend,” she added.

In a state known for its beautiful beaches, attendees who visited Clearwater Beach were able to relax, take a swim, and explore nearby shops and restaurants. Fun fact: Clearwater Beach routinely ranks as one of the best beaches in the country!

Ybor City

One of the oldest parts of Tampa, Ybor City dates back to the 1880s and was initially known as “Cigar City.” Now, their 7th Avenue is packed with some of Tampa Bay’s most famous shops and restaurants, including The Columbia.

Tampa Bay History Center Located near Sparkman Wharf, the Tampa Bay History Center was the perfect place to explore the rich story of Tampa and its surrounding areas.


The 44th National Convention officially began with General Session I and the biennial report to the membership, delivered via video. To view this video, scan the QR code on page 4. National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) welcomed Convention attendees, ranging from collegiate chapter delegates to returning alumnae representatives. After some quick guidance from Padgett Communications on their voting devices and a review of the parliamentary procedure with Margie Borges, Parliamentarian, the Convention body started official Sorority business. Several reports were presented by National Vice Presidents, including the Credentials Committee Report, Convention Standing Rules Committee Report, and the Convention Program Book Committee Report. All were unanimously adopted without Afterrevision.the reports were finished, the National President introduced the consent agenda, which contained two amendments to the Bylaws. The first amendment was to create a Standing Committee titled the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (“DEI Committee”). The second amendment was to strike all instances of the word “colony” in the Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority.

National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) and National Vice President-Collegian LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/ Southeastern Louisiana) were elected without ballots, as they were the only members nominated for their positions. In addition to the candidates slated by the Nominations Committee, Shae McLin (Phi 1993/Southeastern Louisiana) was nominated from the floor for a Vice President-Alumna position. “Convention really helped give an emphasis on how big our organization is and how many people we can make connections with and learn new ideas from.”


National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) leads the Convention body in the Pledge of Allegiance

During General Session I, delegates had the opportunity to remove items from the consent agenda. The second amendment was removed for further discussion, but the first amendment was adopted with the two-thirds majority vote as required for changes to the Bylaws. As a result, Alpha Sigma Tau’s DEI Committee is now a permanent pillar of the Sorority’s infrastructure. Past National President Patricia L. Nayle (Phi 1971/Southeastern Louisiana) is escorted into General Session by Phi Chapter Advisor Rita Bertolino (Phi 1976/ Southeastern Louisiana)

The Nominations Committee Chair Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley) then introduced the Nominations Committee Report and presented the slate of candidates for the 2022-2024 National Council. Each candidate gave a speech to the Convention body.

The ultimate purpose of Alpha Sigma Tau’s Conventions is to meet with our Sisters and better the future of the Sorority by voting on pieces of legislation, electing a new National Council to guide the organization for the upcoming two years, and recognizing those members who are contributing their share to the Sorority.

General Session I


General Sessions

“I really enjoyed the award ceremony. There was no envy in the room. Everyone was so proud of each chapter and was so supportive of all the chapter accomplishments.”

“Having empowered women come to encourage me and my collegiate peers has given me the confidence to continue learning as a leader and reminded me that it’s okay not to know it all yet or to be perfect!”

We'd like to thank and recognize these members for serving on their respective committees. Their dedication & committment to the Sorority's future, and their work on the 44th Convention, benefits all the members of Alpha Sigma Tau. Her eligibility and statement of qualification were received 90 days before the opening day of Convention, per Alpha Sigma Tau bylaws. For the National Vice President-Alumnae positions, the slated candidates were all elected via ballot - Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech), Katherine Onyshko (Delta Phi 2006/NYU), Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/ Penn State Behrend), and Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley).

National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) presents Past National Vice President Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/ Northern Iowa) with a special award for her service during General Session III

Friday’s morning session revisited the amendment removed from the consent agenda during General Session I. The Governing Documents Committee chair Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) guided the Convention

Nominations Committee Chair Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley)


Katherine Onyshko (Delta Phi 2006/NYU)

Dr. Lauren Cook engages with members during her address after General Session II

Haley Tuttle (Delta Tau 2018/Oakland)

In the closing session of the 44th National Convention, the National President called for new business. When no new business arose, the 20202022 National Council presented awards to 31 outstanding collegiate and alumnae chapters for “Defining Excellence” over the past two years. You can see a complete list of Convention award-winners starting on page 24. After these awards were distributed, the National President also presented three National Vice Presidents – Katherine Onyshko (Delta Phi 2006/NYU), Amanda Michele Davis Smith (Delta Upsilon 2004/Saint Leo), and Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa) – with unique National Officer rings. These rings feature an emerald stone with a gold rose and are presented to members who have served for four years on the National Council. With much celebration of our wonderful chapters and members, the General Session – and the business portion of our 44th Convention – was adjourned!

Verónica López-Alvarez (Beta Theta 2011/St. Mary’s) Kathryn McCoy (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)

Adeline Hummel (Beta Xi 2015/Michigan Tech)


General Session II

Thebody.amendment was to strike all instances of the word “colony” in the Bylaws of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. After respectful debate, the proposal was adopted with the two-thirds majority vote required for changes to the Bylaws. As a result, the Sorority will no longer refer to chapters in the process of establishment as “colonies.”

After the Convention body voted, the National President recessed the General Session and welcomed Dr. Lauren Cook. In her keynote address, “Rise to Shine: Building Happier Lives and Organizations,” Dr. Cook inspired members to celebrate their wins, appreciate the people around them, and reconnect to Alpha Sigma Tau’s values each day. Members were thrilled to hear from her, and many collegiate delegates stayed after the keynote to chat with her one-on-one.

Katie Wheat Perschbacher (Gamma Xi 2003/Grand Valley)

Governing Documents Committee Chair Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

General Session III

Ashley Harris Cozart (Zeta Tau 2011/Longwood)

Courtney Klein (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa)

MEMBERS Allison Abayasekara (Gamma Tau 2004/Lebanon Valley)

Nicki Stanley (Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State)

Camryn Booms (Beta Chi 2017/Ferris)

it clear that for the greatest benefit of the Sorority, the focus of the National Council’s efforts is on planning for the future rather than staying in the present or the past. “The simple answer is, I believe in what we are doing. I believe that we must empower women to excel in life,” she stated. Her commitment as a Council member and as a Sister of Alpha Sigma Tau is to continue developing the Sorority as an organization that adds value to the lives of its members for years to come.

Meet the 2022-2024 National Council

Introducing the 2022-2024 National Council

Jamie has previously served the Sorority in a wide variety of roles including, but not limited to, Vice President of the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation, Chief Panhellenic Officer, and the National Panhellenic Conference’s Extension Committee Chairman.

Jamie Jones Miller is passionate about helping to shape the future of Alpha Sigma Tau. This will be her second term on Council as National President. “I made a very conscious decision that I was ready to run,” Jamie recalled. “Was I the right person at the right time, and did I have the personal capacity and will to do it?”

National President Jamie Jones Miller


Psi 1995/James Madison


Outside of the Sorority, Jamie is the inaugural Dean and CEO of Northeastern University’s Arlington, VA, campus and has sixteen years of experience in government, including her service as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs (SES III) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (SES II). She has also served as Chief of Staff and Legislative Director for members of Congress. Highly sought after for her mentorship and expertise in national security, Jamie completed one hundred informational interviews in the first year of the pandemic, a personal feat she credits with getting her through that tough time. She said she enjoys the opportunity to share her experience and facilitate connections between the people she meets.

Connections is the Alpha Sigma Tau value that Jamie practices constantly. It makes sense that her favorite book is Priya Parker’s The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters. Jamie described the importance of knowing who is in the room with you, not only for expanding and deepening one’s personal and professional connections, but especially when it comes to recruitment of potential new members. “I want every woman who wants to be an Alpha Sigma Tau to be an Alpha Sigma Tau,” she said.

One goal for her Council term is to design strategies for forwardthinking collegiate chapter growth and retention. She points to lower college enrollment rates in the past few years and an increased variety of extracurricular activities, both of which directly impact the availability and diversity of potential new members at a school. “We have to go out and find them and offer them that opportunity, but also offer them a good experience once they join,” she counseled. Some of her favorite moments at Convention were centered around reconnecting with the goals and familiarity of the Sorority. Her takeaway from those moments: “We can all come together and really share in the joy of our membership.”

For Sisters who are interested in taking on leadership roles - and maybe one day running for National Council - Jamie had these insights to share: “Get as much experience as you can in your career, your community, and other organizations you're a member of… we need people who have cross-functional, interdisciplinary experience.” For example, Jamie is the co-chair of the Leadership Council for Women in National Security as well as a member of the National Advisory Council of Blue Star Families. In 2020, Jamie was honored with the Ronald E. Carrier Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award by the James Madison University Alumni Association. In the same year, the Secretary of Defense awarded her the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. Despite her busy schedule, Jamie enjoys a good spy thriller novel in her free time. She noted that while the storylines are pretty overthe-top compared to most situations she faced on Capitol Hill and in her first term as National President, all involve rapidly changing circumstances where solutions need to happen on the fly. She summed up the missions of both her governmental and National Council work by saying, “[You’re] taking really complex issues and figuring out how to deploy resources against them and solve Jamieproblems.”makes

National Vice President - Alumna Katherine P. Onyshko, DeltaEsq.

As a Sister and member of the National Council, Katherine reflected that she has the opportunity to connect with women in fields in which she wouldn’t normally interact. Katherine is a lawyer that works in internal investigations – her firm is the one that gets a call if a company has questions such as: Are marginalized employees being treated fairly? How did this incident occur? Was there illegal Particularlyactivity? in the last couple of years, more of her work has been focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, which hasn’t necessarily been her professional area of focus. However, as a member of the National Council, Katherine has already worked on these types of initiatives. It gave her a base of knowledge from which to work, as well as an interesting perspective. She went from being on the Council that got presented the results to being the one presenting results to a company board. She said, “I really love my job – the only way I can describe it is that it’s fun. I love puzzles, new and interesting issues, breaking them apart, and seeing how to tackle them. No matter what the future holds, I want to keep being challenged.”Whensheisn’t tackling a new challenge for work or the Sorority, you can find Katherine watching Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives or anything from the 90-Day Fiancé universe. “It’s such a ‘guilty’ pleasure – except there’s no guilt at all. I want to step away and disengage to de-stress, and these shows let me do just that,” she said.Katherine is really looking forward to this next term, especially after the challenges of the last term. She’s ready to get back out and engage with Sisters at recruitment events and alumnae dinners. Throughout the challenges of the last few years, there have been good memories. She said, “On a Zoom call, as we’re talking through our project, someone asked a question. The Sister that answered, who shared my name, said, ‘As old Katherine said, …’ and I just froze and kept telling myself not to react, and just didn’t know what to say! It was funny, in the moment, that I got designated that way, but it took me by surprise because I’m not that old. For the rest of the term, many people called me ‘Old Katherine’ as a joke, and I just have to laugh!”

Appointed in 2017 to fill a vacancy on the National Council, Katherine was elected to her third term as Vice President at the 2022 National Convention. Katherine has already accomplished remarkable things during her tenure on Council, such as helping to completely revamp committee training. She’s looking forward to seeing the work in action, saying, “Last term was the first time we really dove into and revamped the training for all committees. The new training worked really well the first year – I’m excited to see it for the second year. If it works twice, you know you’ve really got it!” Katherine is also looking forward to rebuilding and strengthening connections after two years of pandemic-related isolation and challenges. With collegiate Sisters literally coming to campus for events for the first time, it’s an opportunity to really showcase Alpha Sigma Tau’s values as a sisterhood and develop deeper connections. Making connections and keeping them is something Katherine particularly excels at and enjoys. She explains, “I’m closest with those who were initiated with me or immediately after, but I also still see Sisters who were a few years ahead of me for things like birthday dinners. And I’m the one pulling out the calendars and encouraging everyone to pick the dates; I organize my close contacts and get them there and push others to do the same.”



There’s a special feeling when you enter a room of your closest Sisters – the ones who know you better than anyone else, the ones you excitedly call with the best news, and whose phone calls you answer whenever they need you. That special magic of Sisterhood is what every Alpha Sigma Tau member looks forward to, and it’s that magic that keeps National Vice President Katherine Onyshko returning to serve. “Sorority has given me so much,” she says. “It’s taught me leadership skills and helped me grow as a woman. I want to do my part to help other women get the same opportunities that I had and still have.”

LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana) is elected as Vice PresidentCollegian while Phi Chapter Advisor Rita Bertolino (Phi 1977/Southeastern Louisiana) looks on.

FUN FACT: Did you know That Alpha Sigma tau is the only NPC organization to have a collegian as a voting member of their national council?


Having just been initiated in the fall of 2021, LeeAnn knows many people are asking the question: why run for Vice President? She says, “My advisor, my Sisters, and my parents really encouraged me to go for it – they reminded me that I’m a good leader, and despite my short time in the Sorority, I love it and have things to bring to the Hertable.”supporters are correct. In 2022, LeeAnn was awarded a scholarship from the Greater New Orleans Alumnae Panhellenic and the For Our Future Award from the University of Louisiana Yet,System.LeeAnn’s resume remains atypical for what Sisters may picture when they think of a National Council member. While she holds positions within her chapter (currently serving as both Director of Housing and Director of Ritual), she has yet to serve on the Executive Committee. “You don’t have to fit a certain mold – I don’t. It’s a matter of being driven and not letting your age or class define you,” she says.

LeeAnn’s experience could, in fact, be a bonus – by providing a newer perspective on Sorority operations. “I’m passionate about the work the Sorority is doing with diversity and inclusion,” she says. “I want to expand it and build upon what we’re doing.”

Overall, as a Vice President, LeeAnn is excited to connect with other Sisters. “I want to form connections with other collegians – let’s trade Instagrams! I want to be able to get to know Sisters from everywhere,” she says.

As a music education major, LeeAnn spends more time than most people using her hearing, listening for patterns and hearing the practice of her students. It’s made her particularly conscious of an entire population – those who are hard of hearing or entirely deaf.

LeeAnn wants everyone to share in the experience of Sisterhood.

LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana) gives her speech at the 44th National Convention.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU17 Meet the 2022-2024 National Council National Vice President - Collegian LeeAnn Hovis Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana

Quirky, bubbly, and driven – even from a short conversation, a Sister knows these words describe LeeAnn Hovis, National Vice President - Collegian. She’s quick to laugh and has an infectious kindness. As a music education major, teaching others and leading the way are embedded into LeeAnn’s daily life. “I want to see what I can do,” she says, of being the youngest Vice President in Alpha Sigma Tau history.

“There’s an entire community we can’t currently communicate with. I want to dive into how to make Alpha Sigma Tau more inclusive from their perspective,” she says.

So far, her fond Sorority memories include dragging mattresses to the basement to wait out a tornado and munching on waffles left over from the day’s philanthropy event. “We didn’t know how long we’d be down there without power, but we made the best of it,” she recalled with a laugh.

National Vice President - Alumna Joell Sperry Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State BY:BehrendCASSIEHELMER 2015/EASTERN MICHIGAN)

Of Alpha Sigma Tau’s core values, she feels most strongly about Connections and Graciousness, which is reflected in her commitment to intergenerational mentorship within Alpha Sigma Tau. Joell’s favorite line in the Creed is, “I believe in the fulfillment of self and will strive to contribute my share to the progress of humankind.” This promise, she believes, illustrates the way she hopes to always carry herself as a Sister of Alpha Sigma Tau and as a National Council member. She said, “Every decision we make focuses on what’s best for our members, both collegians and alumnae – does every decision follow our values and the mission of the Withorganization?”thatgoalinmind, it sounds like the 2022-2024 National Council is ready to get to work.

Outside of Alpha Sigma Tau, Joell has also served as a board member of Rebuilding Together: Baltimore, a non-profit dedicated to repairing unsafe housing and supporting local communities.

“If you have passion for an organization, every organization needs leaders,” she notes. Friends, family, and fellow Alpha Sigma Tau members describe Joell as generous, motivated, loyal, and dependable – an apt description of someone who, in 2016, won the Louis Schweikart O’Dell Anchor Award, which is given to an outstanding alumna who has faithfully served her alumnae chapter and community for a minimum of five Finally,years. the timing of her candidacy felt right, professionally and personally. Now that she has been elected to the National Council, she has a goal in mind: to show and promote the multiple ways to serve and be served by the Sorority. There isn’t just one path to being elected as a National Council member, and the variety of experiences that each member brings is invaluable to the team’s efforts. “Women can volunteer in many ways, from chapter advisory board to writing for The Anchor, but also locally in alumnae chapters or serving as mentors to nearby collegiate sisters,” Joell pointed out.

Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) is sworn into the National Council by National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison).



Joell Sperry, newly elected National Vice President, wants to invite you over for chicken wings. At the 44th National Convention, she had the chance to meet many new Sisters and reconnect with those from the extended Baltimore area, inviting them all over for dinner because she always looks forward to cooking for a crowd. Joell said, “I look at every connection and every relationship as a learning Sheexperience.”saidthat moments like those were her favorites of the weekend, describing Convention as “catching up with old friends, but catching up with new friends too.” Despite the flight delays and sleep deprivation that plagued the start of her trip, Joell eventually made it to Tampa, where she received the election results she had been anticipating. This will be her first term serving on the National JoellCouncil.considered the possibility of running for the National Council very carefully over the past several years. Sisters reminded her to believe in her experience, which was gained from serving as the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter Treasurer and Panhellenic Delegate, as well as an inaugural AΣT Excel participant and session leader.

As a former President of the Beta Rho Chapter, Addie constantly seeks to achieve new heights. She said, “During my time as Chapter President, I started to understand the ‘bigger picture’ and how [Alpha Sigma Tau] operates on a larger scale. I came across the [National Council] application online, and following a conversation with our chapter’s Educational Consultant, I decided to apply. The rest is history!”

Addie aims to create a safe, values-based Sisterhood for all Sisters, relying on the intentional and loyal nature that served her well as Chapter President. Creating an environment where Sisters feel heard and seen is important to Addie, and being a strong leader has helped her develop a positive experience for those around her.


Addie enjoys time with fellow Beto Rho Chapter Sisters during the Yellow Rose Banquet at the 44th National Convention L-R: Madison Starks (Beta Rho 2020/Arkansas Tech), Olivia Rowe (Beta Rho 2019/Arkansas Tech), and Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech)

ALPHA SIGMA TAU19 Meet the 2022-2024 National Council National Vice President - Alumna

Addison Beckham – better known as Addie – previously served Alpha Sigma Tau’s National Council as Vice President-Collegian and is now Vice President-Alumna. “I realized that I wanted to continue service on the National Council and contribute to the work we started,” she said. In her 2020-2022 tenure on Council, Addie served on both the Collegiate Chapter Accountability Task Force (CATF) and the Sorority Advisory Committee.

Addie applies this same dedication and forward thinking to her career. Her undergraduate degree is in agricultural business, and she is now focusing on agricultural communications for her graduate studies. Agriculture is in her blood. Hailing from a small town in Arkansas, Addie saw firsthand the intricacies of the agriculture system and how little others understand the system due to the lack of quality educational materials.

Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech

With a focus on agricultural literacy, Addie hopes to target children’s literature and reshape what kids are taught about agriculture. Communication lies at the heart of her career – and her goals as a Vice President.

Addison Beckham

Within Alpha Sigma Tau, the Tau Honor Council is a crucial communication tool that is being reevaluated. It is a project Addie is particularly looking forward to working on. She said, “I am excited to work with the CATF as we reevaluate our Tau Honor Council process and procedures. I am so grateful for the opportunity to continue contributing to the work done during my last term.”

In her downtime, Addie loves a good 2000s-era rom-com and has watched the series New Girl at least 15 times. “I could watch it anytime or leave it on in the background! You’ve Got Mail is also a top favorite movie,” she said.

National Vice President - Alumna Tsai–Ann Yawching

In a time where we are constantly competing with an endless stream of information, sometimes we just want to be heard. TsaiAnn Yawching is listening. At this year’s National Convention in Tampa, Tsai-Ann was elected to the 2022-2024 National Council to serve as National Vice President. Her goal for her council term is to share what inclusive and diverse experiences for an Alpha Sigma Tau member can look like and bridge the gaps she observed while serving on the Sorority Advisory Committee from 20202021. Through fellow committee members, listening sessions, and surveys, she encountered stories of Sisters who had not had entirely positive experiences in their chapters. She decided to apply for the National Council to help drive the positive growth of the Theorganization.supportTsai-Ann received after she gave her speech at Convention, not only from her chapter’s collegians but also the surrounding delegates, was truly special. “That was my favorite moment… I loved meeting so many different people, talking with them, and hearing their stories,” she remembered. After the election results were announced, Sisters surrounded Tsai-Ann to congratulate her and ask for advice. “When committees come up, just apply for them. Keep an eye peeled for the Alpha Signal or look on social media for those opportunities,” she recommended. She credits her fantastic chapter advisors for providing her with guidance and cultivating her active listening skills. When Tsai-Ann graduated and joined Gamma Tau’s Chapter Advisory Board, serving as the Organization Development and Tau Honor Council Advisor, she enjoyed encouraging collegiate members with the same advice that had helped her find her way. Outside of work and Sorority responsibilities, Tsai-Ann is dedicated to self-care. She picked up yoga after college and aims to be on the mat four to five times a week when she can. She prioritizes traveling in the summers and recently had the opportunity to show friends the sites on her second trip to Greece. Tsai-Ann aims to extend her favorite AΣΤ value – Graciousness – not only to others but also to herself when times are tough. She says, “Graciousness, to me, means taking that step back, being understanding, and being kind to others, even when you don’t agree with them or you don’t see eye to Tsai-Anneye.”


recalled the beginning of her Alpha Sigma Tau journey, joining Lebanon Valley College’s Gamma Tau chapter when there were just six active Sisters. “I held two executive positions at the same time… we all just really hit the ground running,” she said. The chapter’s hard work certainly paid off, resulting in an almost 300% increase in active members in a year and a half. She also attributes the chapter growth to her Sisters’ high level of campus involvement and commitment to making connections to women outside of Greek life. She said, “We took that step back and looked at who was around us, focusing on who was in the room, [and] we thought about who else could be in the room.”

Tsai-Ann still uses that skill in her professional life to bring people together. There is a clear parallel between her daily work as the Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy at Goucher College and the work she will be doing as part of the National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau. Tsai-Ann’s favorite people describe her as ambitious, compassionate, and innovative character traits that aid her daily in making connections and finding new ways to engage. It is clear she is ready and willing to strengthen Alpha Sigma Tau at a national level.

Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley) attends the Women's Leadership Luncheon at the 44th National Convention as a newly elected Council member.

Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley BY: CASSIE HELMER (ALPHA 2015/EASTERN MICHIGAN)

Chapter Accountability Task Force Update

The EC Life: Preparing for the Educational Consultant Role Educational Consultants (ECs) are recent college graduates who provide support to new and established collegiate chapters. In this session, the Director of Chapter Services broke down the challenges and rewards of the role and how collegiate members can prepare themselves to be potential EC candidates.

This session, led by Headquarters Staff members, provided a refresher on the importance of Initiation and how to properly conduct Ritual now that all campuses are back in person. Chapter officers ensured that their chapter’s ceremonies would be meaningful and memorable experiences connecting all Sisters.

Dr. Grace Henry (Psi 2022/James Madison), who developed Alpha Sigma Tau's anti-racism resource library in 2021, guided this session, which was full of practical advice on how chapters can attract and retain a diverse membership. Attendees were asked to share their membership experience, as well as their challenges and wins when it comes to creating a welcoming chapter environment.

Ashley Smith Ried (Psi 2009/James Madison), members learned how to manage the Sorority’s brand in their own lives and chapters, whether they’re involved with an alumnae group or on a college campus.

Educational Breakouts

Ritual Refresher: Returning to In-Person Ritual



On Saturday morning, Convention attendees participated in various 45-minute educational breakout sessions, covering topics from recruitment to DEI initiatives! Each session was well-attended by collegiate and alumnae members alike, all eager to hear the latest and greatest from Alpha Sigma Tau. Learn more about each educational breakout session here:

Appointed in August 2021 by the National Council, the Chapter Accountability Task Force focused on updating the Tau Honor Council process to reflect something more practical, educational, and restorative rather than punitive. Members of the task force walked through the new process and fall pilot program with collegiate members and advisors.

Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Spaces: Moving DEI from Theory to Practice

Be The Brand: Protecting & Reinforcing the Alpha Sigma Tau Brand Identity

From social media to personal interactions, each Alpha Sigma Tau member is responsible for reinforcing our brand identity and Sisterhood. In this session led by Assistant Director of Engagement

For chapters struggling to get involved with Dress For Success (one of our National Service Partners), this session offered insight into the newly-developed pilot programs that four collegiate chapters participated in during the Spring 2022 semester. These chapter leaders discussed their projects, experiences, and tips for getting other chapters started on similar projects with local affiliates of Dress for Success.

Alumnae Group Officer Huddle


In these sessions, select collegiate officers provided advice to their fellow collegiate Sisters and navigate issues specific to the collegiate chapter experience.

Brandi Himes (Gamma Tau 2021/Lebanon Valley)

Thank you to these collegiate members & advisors for hosting educational breakout sessions:

Remy Parker (Phi 2020/Southeastern Louisiana)

Kaitlyn Valendo (Gamma Rho 2022/Seton Hall)

Kaitlyn McKenna (Beta Upsilon 2019/NJIT)

Kayla Ketchum (Beta Iota 2021/Millersville)

Makenzy Davidson (Upsilon 2019/Central Arkansas)

Lindsay Vena (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)


Karah Fissel (Delta Omega 2012/Penn State Altoona)

Verónica López- Alvarez (Beta Theta 2011/St. Mary’s)

Successful recruitment and retention remain a priority of Alpha Sigma Tau, as our new members will determine the future. Recruitment leaders and advisors from two chapters shared their successes with proven growth strategies, including the Seven Touch Model, for both structured recruitment and the continuous open bidding (COB) process.

Mallory Lambert (Phi 2020/Southeastern Louisiana)

Catherine Rubens (Gamma Rho 2017/Seton Hall)

Breanna Dominguez (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana)

Chapter Growth

Dress for Success Pilot

Anna Van Hese (Delta Tau 2019/Oakland)

Development & Engagement

Kaley Brennan (Gamma Tau 2020/Lebanon Valley)

Hannah Walker (Upsilon 2020/Central Arkansas)

Up until now, the “Alumnae Group Officer Huddle” was just an engaging online series, but this in-person session offered alumnae officers an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics, including alumnae recruitment, engagement ideas, and inclusive environments for all members. Held as a roundtable discussion, participants shared their thoughts, asked questions, and worked together to brainstorm solutions to pain points.

LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana)

A panel of Chapter Advisory Board members from various chapters discussed everything related to advising. In additon to a Q&A portion for the audience, topics included proactive advising strategies, navigating difficult situations, and managing relationships between your fellow advisors. Participants were encouraged to ask questions and provide advice to others.

The past two years have introduced unforeseen challenges to member morale, engagement, and connection. Three collegiate chapter leaders discussed how they turned challenges into opportunities by creating member development and engagement programming, ranging from an alumnae networking event to a wellness series based around the Women’s Wellness Initiative.

Rachel Detlev (Epsilon Kappa 2009/Trine)

Chapter Advisory Board Huddle


Our Yellow Rose Banquet celebrates all the best parts of Alpha Sigma Tau. A long-standing tradition at Convention, Sisters gather to honor and share time with each other over a wonderful meal. During the banquet, awards were presented to individuals, collegiate chapters, and alumnae groups. We also inducted the 2022-2024 National Council, honored the outgoing National Council members, and participated in a Candle-lighting Service. Thank you to these members, groups, and chapters for sponsoring Yellow Rose Banquet tables during Convention: Past National Presidents gather for a photo with current National President Jamie Jones Miller (middle) during the Yellow Rose Banquet Banquet

Emily Ashby McIntire (Alpha Lambda 1978/Radford) and Carol Cooper (Zeta Tau 1977/Longwood) and Greater Chicago Area Alumnae Louisiana Alumnae Chapter Chapter at James Madison University Detroit Metro Alumnae

Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison), National President Bobbie M. Nichols (Alpha Gamma 1968/Henderson) Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/Southeastern Louisiana) Patricia Klausing Simmons (Delta 1970/IUP), Past National President


Yellow Rose





Honors both an alumna and a collegiate member who shows an enthusiasm for the Sorority, displays a friendly attitude, contributes to the success of the Convention, and presents behavior that reflects the ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau.

Shae McLin (Phi 1993/Southeastern Louisiana)

Honors an initiated Chapter Advisory Board member for exceptional service to their chapter and to the Sorority. (pictured above)

Amy DuPree Brooks (Alpha Xi 1978/Mansfield)

Honors individual members or chapters who have made outstanding contributions to the Greek cause on campus, in a community, or to the National Panhellenic Conference through Panhellenic service.



CARRIE W. STAEHLE AWARD Katie Chung (Gamma Rho 2012/Seton Hall)

Julianna Foy (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine)


Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven)

Honors an alumna who has demonstrated outstanding service to the Sorority in an effective, creative, and dedicated manner.

Shun Ingram, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Associate Director of Panhellenic at the University of Central Arkansas



Tina Opal Velt (Alpha Lambda 1994/Radford)


Honors an outstanding alumna who has been dedicated and given faithful service to her alumnae chapter for a minimum of five years.

Jenni Kemmery (Delta 1995/IUP)



Honors individuals who are neither members of Alpha Sigma Tau nor faculty advisors, but who have still greatly contributed to the growth and development of the Sorority.

Honors an alumna who has given long, faithful service to Alpha Sigma Tau OR has worked on a special project for the Sorority.


Honors a Chapter Advisory Board member in their first two years of advising who has demonstrated exceptional service and a deep commitment to advising practice.

Sally Branchaeu Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)


OUTSTANDING NEW ADVISOR AWARD Cat Rubens (Gamma Rho 2017/Seton Hall)

One of the joys of Convention is recognizing and rewarding our Sisters and chapters who define excellence in our Sorority and our communities. Awards were presented throughout Convention, but most were announced during General Session III, which concludes the Sorority’s Convention business, and the Yellow Rose Banquet, a night to celebrate everything Alpha Sigma Tau!

L-R: Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA) and Allie Ellis Mills (Gamma Gamma 2006/UWA) of the Birmingham Alumnae Association

EDWARD JERVEY/MARTHA DECAMP AWARD Beta Iota/Millersville Honors the chapter which has exhibited in all its actions the highest adherence to the ideals and integrity of Alpha Sigma Tau as set forth in the Creed.

Presented to alumnae groups demonstrating excellence in cultivating collegiate chapter relationships, support, and programming.

Presented to alumnae groups with a culture of excellence and commitment to membership recruitment and retention.


Detriot Metro Alumnae Chapter


ALUMNAE INNOVATION EXCELLENCE AWARD Birmingham Alumnae Association Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter

Presented to alumnae groups demonstrating innovative solutions to alumnae opportunities or challenges and successfully executing initiatives for positive outcomes or improvement.

ALUMNAE SERVICE AND PHILANTHROPY EXCELLENCE AWARD Birmingham Alumnae Association Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter

ALPHA SIGMA TAU25 L-R: Chapter President Makenzy Davidson (Upsilon 2019/Central Arkansas) and Vice President of Growth Hannah Walker (Upsilon 2020/Central Arkansas) accept the Founders Award on behalf of the Upsilon Chapter


Presented to alumnae groups demonstrating an exceptional commitment to supporting the Women’s Wellness Initiative through philanthropy, service, or advocacy efforts.

ALUMNAE GROWTH AND RETENTION EXCELLENCE AWARD Birmingham Alumnae Association Southeastern Louisiana Alumnae Chapter

Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter

Honors the chapter that exhibits excellence in multiple facets of Sorority, campus, and community life - it is the highest honor a chapter can receive.

Presented to alumnae groups cultivating an exceptional member experience through fun and innovative programs, events, and activities.


FOUNDERS AWARD Upsilon/Central Arkansas

Presented to chapters exhibiting the best use of social media, website content, and additional marketing mediums to promote their chapter and the Sorority experience.

Upsilon/Central Arkansas Beta Delta/Duquesne Beta Rho/Arkansas Tech Epsilon Beta/UT Rio Grande Valley

ALUMNAE ENGAGEMENT EXCELLENCE AWARD Upsilon/Central Arkansas Beta Chi/Ferris


ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT AWARD Alpha Gamma/Henderson Beta EpsilonDelta/DuquesneChi/Minnesota Duluth



Upsilon/Central Arkansas Delta Eta/Belmont

Presented to chapters demonstrating excellence in alumnae programming, communications, and connections.

Presented to chapters achieving individual or chapter academic success through academic programming efforts.

Beta Eta/SIUE Beta XI/Michgian Tech Delta Epsilon/Marist Delta Sigma/Saint Joseph's Epsilon Iota/NYIT

L-R: Kay Lorenz (Epsilon Chi 2020/Minnesota Duluth), Director of CollegiateAlumnae Engagement Kaleigh Yohn (Epsilon Chi 2018/Minnesota Duluth), Chapter President Sophie Cocchiarella (Epsilon Chi 2020/Minnesota Duluth), and Vice President of Operations Katie Linderholm (Epsilon Chi 2019/ Minnesota Duluth) accept Epsilon Chi's award

CAMPUS CITIZENSHIP EXCELLENCE AWARD Upsilon/Central Arkansas Beta Chi/Ferris Beta Delta/Duquesne

Presented to chapters with the highest average chapter GPA for the preceding three semesters.

Presented to chapters with the greatest improvement in their average chapter GPA from Fall 2020 to Fall 2021.


L-R: Beta Delta Faculty Advisor Linda Donovan (Beta Delta 2018/Duquesne), Chapter President Oliva Price (Beta Delta 2020/Duquesne), and Vice President of Operations Kenzie Phillips (Beta Delta 2021/Duquesne) accept Beta Delta's award

Presented to chapters exhibiting the best use of a values-based promotional video or digital scrapbook that realistically portrays the chapter’s membership and the chapter experience.

Presented to chapters demonstrating active engagement in their campus and Panhellenic communities.


GROWTH & RETENTION EXCELLENCE AWARD Psi/James BetaUpsilon/CentralMadisonArkansasIota/Millersville

Presented to chapters exhibiting an outstanding commitment to risk prevention, education, and management.

Presented to chapters exhibiting strong budgeting and billing practices, financial management, and overall financial health.

Presented to chapters demonstrating innovative solutions to chapter or Panhellenic opportunities or challenges and successfully executing initiatives for positive outcomes or improvement.


Beta DeltaDeltaChi/FerrisEta/BelmontTau/Oakland

Presented to chapters exhibiting a culture of excellence and commitment to membership recruitment and retention.

GROWTH & RETENTION IMPROVEMENT AWARD Beta Theta/St. Mary's Epsilon Kappa/Trine Epsilon Psi/Rowan

Presented to chapters exhibiting significant efforts and improvement in membership recruitment and retention.

Presented to chapters demonstrating a commitment to chapter management and outstanding operational performance.


Beta Chi/Ferris Beta Xi/Michigan Tech Delta Zeta/East Stroudsburg Epsilon Kappa/Trine Gamma Tau/Lebanon Valley


L-R: Vice President of Organization Development Kaley Brennan (Gamma Tau 2020/Lebanon Valley) and Vice President of Operations Brandi Himes (Gamma Tau 2021/Lebanon Valley) accept Gamma Tau's award

Alpha Phi/West Chester Beta Xi/Michigan Tech Delta Sigma/Saint Joseph's Epsilon Kappa/Trine Epsilon Theta/Fairleigh Dickinson

L-R: Chapter President Allie Mathias (Beta Iota 2020/Millersville), Vice President of Member Development Kayla Ketchum (Beta Iota 2021/ Millersville), and Operations and Finance Advisor Violet De Stefano (Epsilon Phi 2016/Winona State) accept Beta Iota's award

Collegiate Chapter Convntion Awards continued

Psi/James Madison Zeta/Lock Haven Beta Mu/Salisbury Beta Theta/St. Mary's



L-R: Vice President of Member Development Madison Bowling (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine), Chapter President Julianna Foy (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine), and Vice President of Finance Emily Lomax (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine) accept Epsilon Kappa's award




Upsilon/Central Arkansas Beta Delta/Duquesne

L-R: Past National President Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp (Alpha 1958/ Eastern Michigan) helps present Beta Upsilon's award to Vice President of Operations Kaitlyn McKenna (Beta Upsilon 2019/NJIT) and Vice President of Growth Kennedy Pfeifer (Beta Upsilon 2020/NJIT)

Beta Upsilon/NJIT

Presented to chapters demonstrating an exceptional commitment to supporting the Women’s Wellness Initiative through philanthropy, service, or advocacy efforts.

Presented to chapters successfully cultivating healthy interpersonal relationships between members.

Former National President Chris Covington (Alpha Lambda 1986/Radford) hugs Dr. Edward Jervey (Friend of Alpha Lambda/ Radford) after his donation was announced during the Rose Banquet.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU29 Foundation at Convention CONVENTION BY THE NUMBERS During the Alpha Sigma Tau National Convention, Sisters and friends contributed their share to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. From collegiate giving to scholarship funds, each donation is an investment in the future of Alpha Sigma Tau, our members, and the communities we support. ...from 2800+ yellow rose honor gifts, $17,000 from the Virtual Silent Auction, and 117 New 1899 Society Members! the Christina Covington scholarship from Dr. Edward Jervey (Friend of Alpha Lambda/Radford) How did we get there? Let's do the math: Convention Campaign total: $54,000! $34,000 + $20,000


Our Generous Donor

L-R: Rita Bertolino Louisiana),1977/Southeastern(PhiPastNational President Tiffany K. Street (Delta Mu 1998/ Cumberland), and Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/ Southeastern Louisiana)

L-R: Past National President Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp (Alpha 1958/ Eastern Michigan) and Sally Sally Brancheau Belknap (Alpha L-R:Michigan)2000/EasternMaryEllenWillmitch (Alpha Rho 1968/ Youngstown State), Deborah Marik Rudloff (Alpha Rho 1969/Youngstown State), Past National President Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda 1971/Radford), and Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA).

Dear Sisters, What a Convention! As we gathered in Tampa to celebrate our Sisterhood after four long years apart, we also gathered to support the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, which brings essential programs and support to our Sisters every day. At the 44th Convention, Alpha Sigma Tau’s members and friends raised an incredible $34,000 for the Foundation’s area of greatest need – the Anchor Fund. These donations came from many different kinds of donors, from collegiate members joining the 1899 Society to silent auction bidders, but all of them contribute to the same goal: empowering women through the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation.



During the 44th Convention, Sorority National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison) and Foundation President Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan) co-hosted a reception for loyal Foundation donors. Foundation donors mingled during the Presidents' Reception

I want to give an especially big thank you to all the Sisters sending Yellow Roses – whether they were virtual or in-person at Convention, you made each Sister smile when she received her Yellow Rose sticker. In fact, so many of you gave Yellow Roses that we ran out of cards, and then envelopes. Still, members were excited to purchase the stickers to hand to a Sister! We couldn’t have asked for stronger support and dedication to the Foundation. The Foundation also received an extraordinarily generous pledge from Dr. Edward Jervey, a long-time friend of Alpha Sigma Tau and Alpha Lambda advisor, to the Christina Covington Scholarship – another $20,000! This brought our Convention Campaign total to $54,000! These donations will be used to create even more health and safety programming, provide educational measures and opportunities for collegiate and alumnae members, and ensure academic support for our Sisters in need. Thank you to everyone who donated to our 2022 Convention Campaign! Your gifts, generosity, and investment in Alpha Sigma Tau are Ininspiring.Sisterhood and Gratitude, Erika McManus Bukva Delta Rho 2000/Chowan President, Board of Directors Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation

Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter

Visit Tampa Bay 510 Pearl Napa Valley

Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority

Jodi O’Toole (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Esther Fontenot Barrios (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisiana)

Jim Paponetti (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Sailynn Doyle (Gamma Delta 1999/UMass Dartmouth)

items for the Virtual SIlent Auction!

Angie Bong (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/Southeastern Louisiana)

Susan Zilka Swartz (Alpha Pi 1979/Slippery Rock)

Detroit Metro Alumnae Chapter

Thank you to these members and friends who donated

Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison)

Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami)

Samantha Pankau Thomas (Beta 2008/Central Michigan)

ALPHA SIGMA TAU31 Foundation at Convention Virtual Silent Auction

Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay Herff Jones

Ashley Brown Beasley (Beta Zeta 1989/UAB)

Rhyan Geiger (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Pam Emory-Siedling (Beta Mu 1984/Salisbury)

Dr. Kristin Walker-Donnelly (Alpha Lambda 2000/Radford)

Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation

Kyle Cavan Lara Cegala-Williams (Psi 1990/James Madison)

Beth Knaus McOsker (Alpha Lambda 1980/Radford)

Bethany Yost Lestochi (Beta Delta 2012/Duquesne)

Diane Wehby (Gamma Xi 2015/Grand Valley)

Julie Ruel (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Kristi Geiger (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Southeastern Louisiana Alumnae Chapter

Tidewater Alumnae Chapter

Melissa Hatfield Atkinson (Gamma Mu 1992/WVU Tech Nikala Bacon (Beta Rho 2015/Arkansas Tech)

Shayla Boone (Delta Rho 2021/Chowan)

Landrie Armstrong (Beta Mu 2021/Salisbury)

Kaley Brennan (Gamma Tau 2020/Lebanon Valley)

Sierra Addams (Delta Phi 2020/NYU)

Tracy Bond Ciabattoni (Zeta 1984/Lock Haven)

Taylor Clemmons (Epsilon Omicron 2020/Southern Indiana)

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Convention campaign! We greatly appreciate your gift and are excited to fund the Sorority’s programs and initiatives in the next two years.

Mary Elizabeth Askins (Alpha Lambda 2013/Radford)

Ashley Brown Beasley (Beta Zeta 1989/UAB) Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech)

Vivian Beltran (Gamma Upsilon 2021/Cal State LA)

Rita Bertolino (Phi 1977/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Katelyn Brnjac (Gamma Xi 2020/Grand Valley)

Lilly Garcia Cisneros, MSW (Beta Theta 1986/St. Mary’s)

Nadiya Siregar Conner (Gamma Upsilon 1994/Cal State LA)

Julia Butchkoski (Delta Zeta 2020/East Stroudsburg)

Jessie Read Bouclier (Gamma Psi 2005/Fitchburg State)

Teanna Colleen Cattani (Beta Eta 2020/SIUE)

Ashley Credit Borges (Beta Tau 2004/UMass Lowell)

Angie Bong (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Aurora Chavarria (Delta Sigma 2019/Saint Joseph’s)

Sally Brancheau Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Jazmin Cerritos (Epsilon Eta 2015/UIW)

Jen Cohen (Gamma Rho 2005/Seton Hall)

Megan Anderson (Alpha Omicron 2011/PennWest Clarion) Sarah Anderson (Beta Xi 2018/Michigan Tech)

Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho Jonathan2000/Chowan)Bukva(Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Madison Bowling (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine)

Addison Catlett (Epsilon Delta 2019/Rogers State)

Vivian Cerritos (Epsilon Eta 2009/UIW)

Linnette Bidelspach (Zeta 1983/Lock Haven)

Samantha Bernard (Gamma Psi 2020/Fitchburg State) Olivia Berryman (Gamma Xi 2019/Grand Valley)

Nicole Moretta Ball (Sigma 1998/ SUNY Buffalo State)

Emily Bovard (Beta Mu 2020/Salisbury)

Julia M. Beyer (Gamma Rho 2014/Seton Hall)

Lisa Carmichael (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Morgan Carroll (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)

Evynand Akombi (Gamma Psi 2019/Fitchburg State) Jennifer DeMaggio Albert (Delta Upsilon 2018/Saint Leo)

Amy DuPree Brooks (Alpha Xi 1978/Mansfield)

Sharon Fulgham Chewning (Zeta Tau 1989/Longwood)

Esther Fontenot Barrios (Phi 2006/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Candace Clark (Beta Chi 1985/Ferris)

Jeanne Egan Brunworth (Beta Eta/SIUE)*

Alexa Casares (Beta Theta 2020/St. Mary’s)

Tylar Benedetto (Epsilon Mu 2016/Buffalo)


Allison Billings (Alpha Lambda 2013/Radford)

Alice Ball (Epsilon Gamma 2009/ Georgia Southern-Armstrong)


Tamara Stegehuis Bonifield (Beta Xi 1986/Michigan Tech)

Lara Cegala-Williams (Psi 1990/James Madison)

Cosette Bayles (Beta Phi 2022/ PennWest California) Liz Gray Bazemore (Alpha Lambda 1997/Radford)

Kendall Allsopp (Alpha Pi 2021/Slippery Rock)

Seleena Carpenter (Alpha 2000/ Eastern Michigan) Sharon Langford Carpenter (Epsilon Alpha 2009/Embry-Riddle Prescott)

Becca Allen (Alpha Lambda 2021/Radford)

Chrislynne Bard (Chi 2019/Shepherd)

Breanna Carswell (Rho 2016/ Southeastern Oklahoma)

Katie Chung (Gamma Rho 2012/Seton Hall)

Kellie Vehlies Beretta (Epsilon Epsilon 2010/JWU North Miami)

Bianca Brattoli (Epsilon Theta 2021/Fairleigh Dickinson)

Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami)

Kaya Boyd (Zeta Tau 2022/Longwood)

Kathy Pulice Baecker (Theta 1975/Wayne State)

Mindy Justina Cao (Delta Tau 2010/Oakland)

Isabella Chavarria (Gamma Rho 2021/Seton Hall)

Melissa S. Chavez (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana)

Sofia Almanzan (Beta Theta 2020/St. Mary’s)

Caroline Bandelin (Beta Mu 2020/Salisbury)

Sarah Bale (Epsilon Xi 2015/Gustavus)

Julie Bell Bruington (Iota 1979/Emporia State)

Christina Ciaramitaro (Beta Tau 2019/UMass Lowell)

Emily Borra (Epsilon Chi 2018/ Minnesota Duluth)

Kiley Callow (Delta Iota 2020/JWU Providence)

Tracey J. Gordon (Alpha Lambda 1993/Radford)

Caitlin M. Gilmore (Epsilon Theta 2013/Fairleigh Dickinson)

Ariana McClellan D’Arms (Delta Pi Makenzy2011/Oglethorpe)Davidson (Upsilon 2019/Central Arkansas)

Paula Garcia (Gamma Pi 2020/Lycoming)

Kirsten Newman Heck (Gamma Pi Joy2001/Lycoming)Helsel(Friendof Alpha Sigma Tau)

Valerie Patton George (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Jess Harper (Delta Mu 2015/Cumberland)

Elyse Doeden (Epsilon Xi 2020/Gustavus)

Christie L. Fidura (Zeta Tau 1990/Longwood)

Tina Patrice Dugas (Beta Theta 2010/St. Mary’s)

Lisa-Marie Cox Fredericks (Beta Xi 1983/Michigan Tech)

Lizzie Mikes Henningfeld (Epsilon Epsilon 2010/JWU North Miami)

Amy S. Creed (Phi 2006/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Tiffany Cox (Delta Rho 2016/Chowan)

Gretchen Stahl Foran (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau) Cat Garcia (Epsilon Beta 2017/ UT Rio Grande Valley)

Christine Gravelle (Beta Xi 2002/Michigan Tech)

Ashley Harris Cozart (Zeta Tau 2011/Longwood)

Kristin Donnelly (Alpha Lambda 2000/Radford)

Chapter Kelly Detwiler (Delta Theta 1997/Moravian)

Meilyng Gonzalez-Adams (Gamma Theta 2011/Penn State Behrend)

Jacy Farace (Delta Theta 2020/Moravian)

Callie Fraling (Epsilon Lambda 2019/IU South Bend)

Shel Hujarski Golob (Delta Alpha 1995/Gannon)


Taylor Deitch (Delta Tau 2019/Oakland) Kiley Delp (Gamma Lambda 2021/Kutztown)

Ellen S. Weismiller Eldridge (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Josie Frazier (Rho 2019/ Southeastern Oklahoma)

Lauren Golden (Epsilon Sigma 2020/Bridgewater State)

Lexi Gouthro (Epsilon Sigma 2018/Bridgewater State)

Peyton Edinger (Delta 2021/IUP)

Sailynn Doyle (Gamma Delta 1999/UMass Dartmouth) Adrianna Duchene (Alpha 2011/ Eastern Michigan)

Nicole Noyse France (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Diana Ramirez Gonzalez (Epsilon Beta 2006/UT Rio Grande Valley)

Julianna Foy (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine)

Tiffany Hanna (Omicron 1999/Concord)

Beth Carney Ebberman (Phi 1974/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Dr. Rachael Green-Smith (Beta Eta 1992/SIUE)

Brandi Himes (Gamma Tau 2021/Lebanon Valley)

Karah Fissel (Psi 2012/James Madison)

Rachel Adelaide Detlev (Epsilon Kappa Detroit2009/Trine)MetroAlumnae

Stacey Daniel Fragile (Gamma Mu 1995/WVU Tech)

Hiley Graham (Beta Tau 2020/UMass Lowell)

Bailey Harper (Gamma Tau 2019/Lebanon Valley)

Foundation at Convention: Convention Campaign Donors

Naoina Catherine Gartee (Delta Nu 2000/Beloit)

Lacy Heinlein Favila (Beta Chi 1991/Ferris)

Jadasia Harrison (Epsilon Upsilon 2021/Dalton State)

Phi 2016/Winona State)

Carol Cooper (Zeta Tau 1977/Longwood) Jenni Cornelius (Beta Eta 1994/SIUE)

Breanna Dominguez (Phi 2021/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Ashlyn Dunn (Epsilon Delta 2018/Rogers State)

Jeannie S. DeClerck (Beta Xi 1985/Michigan Tech)

Carrie Ann Elk (Beta Phi 1988/ PennWest California)

Kristi Geiger (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau) Rhyan Geiger (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Francie Grasso (Epsilon Sigma 2019/Bridgewater State)

Veronica Leitner Hill (Psi 1982/James Madison)

Benna Curole (Alpha Lambda 1993/Radford)

Andrea Edwards (Epsilon Gamma 2021/ Georgia Southern-Armstrong)

Pam Emory-Siedling (Beta Mu 1984/Salisbury)

Tara Riggs Foncannon (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana)

Adia Greer (Epsilon Gamma 2020/ Georgia Southern-Armstrong)

Robin Burroughs Davis (Zeta Tau Violet1998/Longwood)DeStefano(Epsilon

Gabrelle Garcia (Epsilon Eta 2021/UIW)

Morgan Givens (Alpha Lambda 2021/Radford)

Linda Donovan (Beta Delta 2018/Duqeusne)

Kenda Harris (Epsilon Delta 2022/Rogers State)

Regan Hewitt (Epsilon Tau 2015/Kenyon)

Anne Hayes (Epsilon Sigma 2021/Bridgewater State)

Gail Fowler (Alpha Lambda 1973/Radford)

Noel Scarpa Farner (Gamma Iota 1998/York)

Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley)

Madison Dunkel (Beta 2019/Central Michigan)

Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Dr. Ginny Correa Creager (Iota 1961/Emporia State)

Shawn Crouthamel (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Alex Graham (Alpha Gamma 2019/Henderson)

Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

Meghan Herrington (Gamma Gamma 2021/UWA)

Sarah Elizabeth Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Dawn Scott Lecker (Beta Delta 1993/Duquesne)

Sandy Leff (Beta Pi 1986/Eastern Illinois)

Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison)

Brianne Ludlow (Epsilon Theta 2012/Fairleigh Dickinson)

Aundrea Kalchik (Beta 2021/Central Michigan)

Madelynn Lyle (Alpha Lambda 2020/Radford)

Mackenzie Mathis (Alpha Lambda 2021/Radford)

Samantha Elizabeth Katus (Sigma 2015/SUNY Buffalo State)

Jennifer L. Lancaster (Upsilon 1976/Central Arkansas)

Isabell Hunter (Gamma Delta 2020/UMass Dartmouth)

Lauren Lukacz (Delta Theta 2020/Moravian)

Kaitlyn McKenna (Beta Upsilon 2019/NJIT)

Carol Mooney (Alpha Lambda 1970/Radford)

Suleima Mestanza (Epsilon Theta 2021/Fairleigh Dickinson)

Bethany Yost Lestochi (Beta Delta 2012/Duquesne)

Rose McGrath LaVista (Gamma Rho 1993/Seton Hall)

Holly Primus Morris (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Jamie Garside Kovacs (Delta Zeta 2003/East Stroudsburg)

Laura Theresa McGinty (Psi/ James Madison)* Molly McGraw (Psi 2020/James Madison)

Stephanie Lathrop (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau) Kayla Lauver (Psi 2020/James Madison)

Shae Woodward McLin (Phi 1993/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Lauren Matz (Delta Tau 2019/Oakland) Sarah McCracken (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Andrea Kate Kumm (Delta Tau 2013/Oakland)

Veronica Lopez-Alvarez, MPA (Beta Theta 2011/St. Mary’s)

Andrea Rogers Mersiovsky (Rho 1996/Southeastern Oklahoma)

Megan Ganser Lynsky (Epsilon Gamma 2011/Georgia Southern-Armstrong)

Bonnie Burns Murray (Delta 1991/IUP)

Mary Kish (Gamma Gamma 2019/UWA) Kaylee Klein (Alpha Pi 2021/Slippery Rock) Kimberly Kovacik (Epsilon Mu 2013/Buffalo)

Ashley Deppe Moyer (Gamma Zeta Annalysa2009/Frostburg)Munoz(Epsilon Eta 2021/UIW)

Emily Lomax (Epsilon Kappa 2020/Trine)

Jenn Moriarty (Beta Mu 2015/Salisbury)

Marisa Mihalko (Alpha Omicron 2012/PennWest Clarion)

Sydney Kunkel (Delta 2021/IUP)

Emma Lenthe (Delta Theta 2020/Moravian)

Jenna Winborne Lewis (Gamma Gamm Kathryn2007/UWA)Linderholm (Epsilon Chi 2019/Minnesota Duluth)

Natasha Ledoux (Gamma Delta 2018/UMass Dartmouth) Angela Lee (Delta Phi 2020/NYU)

Grace McManimie (Epsilon Eta 2021/UIW)

Michelle Macey (Gamma Delta 2006/UMass Dartmouth) Nina Martinez (Epsilon Eta 2021/UIW)

Michelle Lame (Alpha Lambda 1973/Radford)

Emily Ashby McIntire (Alpha Lambda 1978/Radford)

Miranda McCord Lopez (Epsilon Eta 2021/UIW)

Allie Ellis Mills (Gamma Gamma 2006/UWA)

Sarah Jackson (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana) Shauna Heinsler Jackson (Delta Alpha BobbieGammaTeenaPennWestAlexandra(ZetaBeckyofMarshall1999/Gannon)Janevicius(FriendAlphaSigmaTau)McLaughlinJohnson1992/LockHaven)Johns(BetaPhi2012/California)MarieJohnson(Alpha1993/Henderson)Jones(FriendofAlphaSigma

Mary Reid Howard (Beta Zeta 1988/UAB)

Hailey Leach (Epsilon Pi 2015/RIC)

Elizabeth Knaus McOsker (Alpha Lambda 1980/Radford)

Yasmeen Rose Khodadoust (Delta Iota 2020/JWU Providence) Emily Kindred (Beta Delta 2008/Duquesne)

Kristina Cathryn Kane, MSW (Zeta 2008/Lock Haven) Ashton Kapelanski (Alpha Psi 2019/Northern Iowa)

Carole Bicking Keily (Alpha Xi 1975/Mansfield)

Jenni Kemmery (Delta 1995/IUP)

Mia Mascaro (Epsilon Rho 2021/SUNY Geneseo)

Allie Mathias (Beta Iota 2020/Millersville)

Kelly McCloskey McInnis (Phi 2001/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Allison McCrady (Epsilon Kappa 2016/Trine)

Elizabeth Langston-Tullos (Alpha Gamma 1997/Henderson) Mallory Lambert (Phi 2020/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Megan Kerns (Psi 2010/James Madison) Kayla Ketchum (Beta Iota 2021/Millersville)

ReAnna Hart Moore (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana)

Pamela Myhre (Gamma Theta 2013/Penn State Behrend)

Michele Pearce Mitchell (Alpha Lambda 1995/Radford)

Allyson Musser (Delta Upsilon 2021/Saint Leo)

Emily Hoff (Epsilon Delta 2022/Rogers State) LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/ Southeastern Louisiana)


Fllanza Jusufi (Alpha Phi 2017/West Chester)

Olivia LaPrise (Beta 2020/Central Michigan)


Lolita Contreras Murrah (Alpha Lambda 1998/Radford)

Olivia Price (Beta Delta 2020/Duquesne)

Alayna Starll (Beta Xi 2019/Michigan Tech)

Katie Hultquist Smallegan (Epsilon Kappa 2013/Trine)

Carolina Oyola-Rodriguez (Epsilon Upsilon 2016/Dalton State)

Charlie Wilder Reed (Delta Pi Amy2004/Oglethorpe)SmolinskyReese

Sandra Le Nguyen (Epsilon Iota 2021/NYIT) Bobbie M. Nichols (Alpha Gamma Northern1968/Henderson)VirginiaAlumnae

Heather Schumacher (Delta Alpha Gabriela2009/Gannon)Sesin(Epsilon

Sophie Lorrine Roane (Delta Rho Lauren2021/Chowan)M.Bromley

Anna Neal (Beta Rho 2020/Arkansas Tech) Gabby Nelson (Epsilon Omicron 2017/Southern Indiana)

Southeastern Louisiana Alumnae Chapter

Betsy M. Ross (Alpha Alpha 1969/Ball State)

Kacey Rae Schaum (Delta 2006/IUP)

Isabella Scarantino (Gamma Rho 2015/Seton Hall)

(Beta Mu 1993/Salisbury)

Kennedy Pfeifer (Beta Upsilon 2020/NJIT) Mackenzie Phillips (Beta Delta 2021/Duquesne)

Foundation at Convention: Convention Campaign Donors

Nichole Murphy Ramos (Beta Mu Kristen2011/Salisbury)Rediker(Delta My 2017/Cumberland)

Callie France Sterling (Upsilon 2010/Central Arkansas)

Remy Parker (Phi 2020/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Carla Parks (Rho 1984/ Southeastern Oklahoma)

Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/ Penn State Behrend)

Sara Wilson Perez (Beta Delta 1993/Duquesne)

Cassie Pershyn (Sigma 1998/ SUNY Buffalo State)

Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend)

Vanessa Perez (Epsilon Beta 2022/ UT Rio Grande Valley)

Maddy Rivera (Epsilon Rho 2020/SUNY Geneseo)

Deborah Mark Rudloff (Alpha Rho 1969/Youngstown State)

Mandi Pitt-Reed (Delta Chi 2005/ Christian Brothers)

Haley Alexandra Poust (Beta Iota Genie2015/Millersville)CarterPowers(Phi 1973/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Jodie O'Toole (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Katherine Rachon (Beta Chi 2011/Ferris)

Monica Rincon (Beta Theta 2008/St. Mary’s)

Elizabeth Plume (Beta Tau 2013/UMass Lowell)

Dr. Michelle Sahr (Beta Chi 2011/Ferris)

Cathy M. Schreiner (Chi 1966/Shepherd)

Niamber Stedman (Beta Upsilon 2019/NJIT)

Faye Pleasants (Psi 1963/James Madison)

Kathleen Wheat Perschbacher (Gamma Xi 2003/Grand Valley) Kirk Perschbacher (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Catherine Rubens (Gamma Rho 2017/Seton Hall)

Alice Richards (Theta/Wayne State)*

Ashley Smith Ried (Psi 2009/James Madison)

Amanda Michelle Davis Smith (Delta Upsilon 2004/Saint Leo)

Kelli O'Brien (Delta Eta 2004/Belmont) Kassity Ochoa (Gamma Upsilon 2019/Cal State LA)

Lily Pearl Poirier (Gamma Delta 2019/UMass Dartmouth) Chloe Porter (Delta Eta 2020/Belmont)

Alyson Riddle (Epsilon Omicron 2020/Southern Indiana)

Madison Starks (Beta Rho 2020/Arkansas Tech)

Alexandra Stefani (Delta Tau 2018/Oakland)

Nicole Santucci (Epsilon Mu 2021/Buffalo)

Theta 2018/Fairleigh Dickinson)

Chapter Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa)

Julie Ruel (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau) Ariana Ruvalcaba (Alpha Lambda Samantha2021/Radford)WilsonRyan (Epsilon Kappa 2011/Trine)


Karen Brandt Siler (Zeta Tau 1990/Longwood)

Morgan Shiflett (Alpha Lambda 2010/Radford)

Amanda Passiglia (Gamma Pi 2019/Lycoming) Sadie Pawluck (Delta Zeta 2021/ East Stroudsburg)

Olivia Rowe (Beta Rho 2019/Arkansas Tech)

Nicholle Potter Probst (Epsilon Kappa 2011/Trine) Rowie Profozich (Delta Eta 2020/Belmont)

Keira Rothwell (Psi 2019/James Madison)

Katherine Pulley Onyshko Esq. (Delta Phi 2006/NYU)

Amie Hunt Spangler (Beta Eta 2013/SIUE)

Melinda Primorac (Gamma Rho 2019/Seton Hall)

Roberts (Epsilon Alpha 2006/Embry-Riddle Prescott)

Zoe Spangler (Epsilon Alpha 2021/ Embry-Riddle Prescott)

Nicki L. Stanley (Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State)

Taylor Stevanson (Epsilon Lambda 2021/IU South Bend)

Melanie Plunkett (Delta Mu 2019/Cumberland)

Courtney Route (Delta Upsilon 2021/Saint Leo)

Kelly Breen Napiorkowski (Beta 2005/Central Michigan)

Jim Paponetti (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Kayla Parkhouse (Beta Iota 2020/Millersville)

Joanna Rose-Gross (Epsilon Rho 2013/SUNY Geneseo)

Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA)

Patricia L. Nayle (Phi 1971/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Saamanthy Rajenthiran (Gamma Xi 2021/Grand Valley)

Susan Swartz (Alpha Pi 1979/Slippery Rock)

Laurie Suson (Beta Upsilon 1991/NJIT)

Tidewater Area Alumnae Chapter

Natalie Wilson (Zeta 2020/Lock Haven)

Consider A Donation To The Foundation

Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

Cheyanne Thomas (Epsilon Delta 2022/Rogers State)

Brandy Marie VanLoo (Delta Tau Dana2009/Oakland)CainVann(Delta Rho 2001/Chowan)

Cheryl Zilligen Wagner (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Bettie Brubeck Utter (Alpha Epsilon 1948/Western Illinois) Kaitlyn Valendo (Gamma Rho 2022/Seton Hall)

Felicia Vaughn (Zeta 2014/Lock Haven)

Arianna Vega (Gamma Upsilon 2018/Cal State LA) Tina Opal Velt (Alpha Lambda 1994/Radford)

Jennifer Hanner Toomey (Beta Iota Jessica2014/Millersville)Treneer(Epsilon Lambda 2011/IU South Bend)

Joanne Rupprecht Walter (Psi 2002/James Madison)

Erica White (Zeta Tau 2021/Longwood)

Kayla Streepey (Alpha Gamma Tiffany2020/Henderson)K.Street,DNP, ACNP-BC (Delta Mu 1998/Cumberland)

Lindsay Vena (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)

Lisa Webb (Beta Pi 1988/Eastern Illinois)

Christina Wigman (Beta 1999/ Central Michigan)

Tia Washah (Psi 2019/James Madison)

Ellie Winemiller (Beta Mu 2020/Salisbury)

Diamond Wyche (Delta Upsilon 2016/Saint Leo)

Anna Van Hese (Delta Tau 2019/Oakland)

Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority Fairwinds Estate Winery Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay Herff

James Wankel (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Alyson Stone (Gamma Omega 1995/La Salle)

Marie Stott (Beta Delta 2006/Duquesne)

Maria Walczyk (Beta Xi 2020/Michigan Tech)

Colleen Reese Stiening (Zeta 1990/Lock Haven) Karen Mayfield Stitt (Alpha 1967/Eastern Michigan)

Katie Wilshaw (Delta Tau 2018/Oakland)

Allyson Tolles (Epsilon Sigma 2019/Bridgewater State)

Diane Marie Wehby (Gamma Xi 2015/Grand Valley)

Lauren Bendes Warren (Beta Xi 2005/Michigan Tech)


Sanzida Sultana (Epsilon Iota 2020/NYIT)

Jenny Kay Thomason (Rho 1997/ Southeastern Oklahoma)

Sabrina Varrasso (Beta Tau 2015/UMass Lowell)

The Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation funds the programs and initiatives that impact the lives of Alpha Sigma Tau members. Your donation to the Foundation helps Alpha Sigma Tau members during their collegiate experience and beyond, from personal growth to professional skills. Alpha Sigma Tau is working to keep up with the times, create more opportunities for collegiate members, and develop alumnae-accessible programming. We know you loved your Alpha Sigma Tau experience, and your donation ensures that current and future members also have experiences that last a lifetime. To donate today, scan the QR code. Thank you!

Lena Wankel (Beta Phi 2021/ PennWest California)

Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley)

Sandra Swat (Gamma Rho 2021/Seton Hall)

Christianne Yentz (Beta Xi 1985/Michigan Tech)

Samantha Pankau Thomas (Beta 2008/Central Michigan)

Emily Hope Waters (Zeta Tau 2012/Longwood)

*YourCause,VisitKyleKendraJonesScottCavanTampaBayLLInitiationdate unknown

Gabriela Villar (Gamma Pi 2020/Lycoming)

Lisa Surrency (Phi 2004/ Southeastern Louisiana)

Jen Wickham Thomas (Gamma Xi 2009/Grand Valley)

SIGMA / SUNY BUFFALO STATE Mary Wickham Hoare (1954) ZETA TAU / LONGWOOD Mary Buck (1952) Sarah Danby Eddins (1954)

DELTA / IUP Barbara Woods Craig (1943) Sue Decker (1982) Andrea Smiesko (1981) ZETA / LOCK HAVEN Jean Abbey (1968) June Cochrane Edwards (1942) THETA / WAYNE STATE Valentina Hotra Bulota (1968) Sheila Stefanac McBride (1949) IOTA / EMPORIA STATE Peggy Eckles Poland (1954)


UPSILON / CENTRAL ARKANSAS Edna Spurlock Brannon (1962) Nancy Smith Bright (1965) Anne Harper Elwood (1969) Amelia Skinner Haggard (1970) Mary Rainwater (1965) Louise Gallegly Wilson (1943)

NU / NORTHERN COLORADO Janet Sinclair (1951)

PSI / JAMES MADISON Barbara McKnight Benham (1968) Jean Bradley Cegala (2002)

OMICRON / CONCORD Cynthia Farmer Rinaldi (1970)

ALPHA EPSILON / WESTERN ILLINOIS Marilyn Moehn Sullivan (1950) Phyllis Decker Lathrop (1950) ALPHA ETA / ALMA Jane Elsley Thompson (1961)


CHI / SHEPHERD Harriet Harris (1958) Barbara Harris Osburn (1956) Nancy Boyd Leidenfrost (1955)

BETA PI / EASTERN ILLINOIS Mary Boarman (1985) DELTA IOTA / JWU PROVIDENCE Geraldine White Evangelista (1997) DELTA PI / OGLETHORPE Amanda McCormick (2018) LAMBDA / IU SOUTH BEND Tia Romig (2015) * date unknown

ALPHA SIGMA TAU37 Eternal Chapter

We forever remember these Sisters who have entered the Eternal Chapter. Their legacy lives on through their loved ones and their contributions to the progress of humankind. This memorial listing includes all members whose passing was reported to National Headquarters between February 28, 2022, and June 17, 2022.

ALPHA LAMBDA / RADFORD Betty Robertson Basham (1954) Betsy Jolly Russ (1967) BETA DELTA / DUQUESNE Maria Marie (1978) BETA MU / SALISBURY  Jasmin Andrade (2014) Christina Sheehan (1993)


Joanna Rupprecht Walter (Psi 2002/James Madison) led the Memorial Service

Collegiate members lit candles in honor of their chapter Sisters

Willmitch (Alpha Rho 1968/ Youngstown State) shared a few words about Ricki Bargman Trosen (Alpha Sigma 1983/ Truman), a dedicated alumnae initiate. Sam Seidel (Alpha Xi 2016/Mansfield) honored her chapter Sister Lexi Caviston Ashmar (Alpha Xi 2016/Mansfield), who recently lost her battle with brain cancer.

At the end of the individual recognition, all deceased Sisters are honored with a candle lighting service, where an appointed representative for the chapter comes forward to light a candle in their memory. We offer heartfelt condolences to those members who lost Sisters, friends, mentors, and more from 2020 to 2022.


During Convention Memorial Services, we gather to honor Sisters whose passing is reported to National Headquarters since the prior Convention. This year, the Memorial Service was presented in memory of members whose deaths were reported between June 2020 and May 2022. At the 44th Convention, we dedicated the Memorial Service, led by Joanne Rupprecht Walter (Psi 2002/James Madison), to more than 130 sisters from over 40 chapters. During this service, we honored four members with special videos made by their Sisters and Maryfriends.Ellen

Convention Memorial Service

Colleen Coffey-Melchiorre (Delta Eta 1998/ Belmont) honored her chapter Sister and Big, Samantha Welch Urbanek (Delta Eta 1997/ Belmont). Samantha suddenly passed away in 2021 and was the former Lambda District Finally,President.Nadia Sawka Maddens (Theta 1975/ Wayne State) shared her recollections of Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta 1944/Wayne State), who played a significant role in both Alpha Sigma Tau and the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. Rose Marie’s full biography can be found in previous issues of The Anchor as well as on

Much like convention, this marks both an end and a beginning for me. I have served as The Anchor Editor for the last eight years, and this is my last issue. This is a bittersweet moment. I can't believe it's been eight years! But I recognize it's time to move on, pass the torch, and determine other ways I can serve Alpha Sigma Tau. I'd like to thank every single staff member who has worked on this magazine with me since 2014, who volunteered their time and effort to this publication and made my job so much easier. And thank you to Jim Paponetti for his leadership and to the communications directors and coordinators who have guided me and acted as liaisons between The Anchor staff and the national organization - Ben Nemenoff, Justina Solties (my great-grand little!), and Regan Hewitt. I can't thank you all enough! And thank you to all of you: my Sisters who have supported me and helped me succeed. I can't wait to see where I go from here and what I do next. I can't wait to see where Alpha Sigma Tau takes off from this new beginning. And I can't wait to read the next issue of The Anchor - not hundreds of times during the editing process, but simply when it shows up in my mailbox.

39 Anchoring Thoughts

Every convention marks both an end and a beginning. It's the end of one National Council's term and the beginning for those who have been newly elected. It's a way to celebrate past awards and successes and provides a pathway to the future. It's a time to hug old friends and shake hands with the new. And after the past couple of years and all we've endured, those feelings of starting anew were especially palpable in Tampa. Collegians talked openly about their struggles but were also incredibly excited to learn more and take information back to their chapter Sisters. Alumnae reconnected with old friends who they hadn't seen since the last in-person Convention four years ago. Smiles seemed larger than ever before at such an event, with everyone recognizing the challenges we've faced but eager to move forward together.

In Sisterhood, Kate Sweeney Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend Editor, The Anchor


ALPHA SIGMA TAU Convention is an amazing experience. For anyone who has yet to attend, I would encourage you to go at least once, whether it's two, 10, or 20 years from now. From singing the Fraternity Hymn with hundreds of Sisters to helping guide the future of Alpha Sigma Tau as a voting delegate, it's a sorority experience that can't be matched.

2008-2014: Christina Duggan Covington (Alpha Lambda 1986/ Radford)

Nominations Committee Chair: Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley) Members: Allison Abayasekara (Gamma Tau 2004/Lebanon Valley); Camryn Booms (Beta Chi 2017/Ferris); Adeline Hummel (Beta Xi 2015/Michigan Tech); Verónica López-Alvarez (Beta Theta 2011/St. Mary’s); Kathryn McCoy (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall); Katie Wheat Perschbacher (Gamma Xi 2003/Grand Valley)

The Anchor Editor: Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

The Anchor Associate Editor: Tara Walker (Zeta Tau 2003/ Longwood)


National Vice President Katherine P. Onyshko, Esq (Delta Phi 2006/ NYU)

Sorority Advisory Committee: DEI Co Chairs: Lauren Bolden (Alpha Phi 2009/West Chester) and Kate Wheby (Gamma Xi 2009/Grand Valley) Members: Melissa Chavez (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana); Francie Grasso (Epsilon Sigma 2019/Bridgewater State); Brenae Leary (Delta Phi 2006/NYU); Julia Mann (Beta Mu 2017/Salisbury); Jabaubi Nash (Gamma Gamma 2019/UWA); Nina Quist (Epsilon Phi 2016/Winona State); Savannah Summerlin (Delta Phi 2016/NYU); Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley); Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech); Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa); Angie Bong, Chief Operations Officer; Erin Snyder, Assistant Director of Chapter Services Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee

Volunteer Personnel Community Leaders: Katie Mellos (Beta Mu 2016/Salisbury); Bri Metsger (Gamma Tau 2017/Lebanon Valley); Jennifer Fritz Casella (Gamma Pi 2002/Lycoming); Cassidy Cooper (Beta Delta 2013/Duquesne); Kailyn McMahon (Beta Xi 2012/ Michigan Tech); Annie LeSage Nelson (Beta Xi 2011/Michigan Tech); Jackie Oesmann Kruk (Delta Alpha 2009/Gannon); Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/ Lebanon Valley)


Members: Melissa Chavez (Epsilon Omicron 2013/Southern Indiana); Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa); Kristie Olson (Epsilon Xi 2018/Gustavus); Hannah Seahan (Beta Eta 2020/SIUE); Tiffany Vasconcellos (Delta Phi 2012/NYU); Alissa Wade (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa); Dr. Grace Henry, Committee Consultant National Foundation Board 2020-2021

Panhellenic Specialists: Jennifer Cohen (Gamma Rho 2005/Seton Hall); Megan MacFeat (Beta Mu 2008/Salisbury); Erica Richards (Beta Mu 2010/Salisbury); Victoria Seader (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley); Joanne Rupprecht Walter (Psi 2002/James Madison); Bethany Yost Lestochi (Beta Delta 2012/Duquesne); Jordan Frederking (Upsilon 2012/Central Arkansas)

1986-1992: Patricia L. Nayle (Phi 1971/Southeastern Louisiana)

Chief Panhellenic Officer: Carol Zorger Mooney (Alpha Lambda 1970/ Radford)

1996-2002: Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp (Alpha 1958/Eastern Michigan)

Board Members: Rita Bertolino (Phi 1977/Southeastern Louisiana); Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan); Chris Duggan Convington (Alpha Lambda 1986/Radford) National Foundation Board 2021-2022

National Vice President Jenni Kemmery (Delta 1995/IUP)

National VIce President Addie Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech)

Designers: Melissa Abriola (Alpha Tau 2014/PennWest Edinboro); Elizabeth Dawson (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisana)

2002-2008: Patricia Klausing Simmons (Delta 1970/IUP)

National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison)

National Council 2020-2022

National Vice President Amanda Michele Davis Smith (Delta Upsilon 2005/Saint Leo)

Panhellenic Support Team

Staff Writers: Cassie Cristea (Gamma Theta 2013/Penn State Behrend); Ashley Hoogstraten Burk (Beta Pi 2007/Eastern Illinois); Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami); Lindsay McDowall Davis (Gamma Mu 2010/WVU Tech); Cassie Helmer (Alpha 2015/Eastern Michigan); Samatha Rill (Delta Delta 2012/UIC)

Past National Presidents 1984-1984: Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda 1973/Radford)

Co Chairs: Ashley Colwell (Alpha Epsilon 2003/Western Illinois) and Kendall Tallmadge (Delta Nu 2006/Beloit)

Chair: Kate Sweeney (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) Members: Ashley Harris Cozart (Zeta Tau 2011/Longwood); Courtney Klein (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa); Katherine Onyshko (Delta Phi 2006/ NYU); Nicki Stanley (Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State); Haley Tuttle (Delta Tau 2018/Oakland))

President: Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

National Vice President Cassidy Nulty (Alpha Psi 2016/Northern Iowa)

Governing Documents Committee

Board Members: Nadiya Siregar Conner (Gamma Upsilon 1994/Cal State LA); Lizzie Mikes Henningfeld (Epsilon Epsilon 2010/JWU North Miami); Elizabeth Plume (Beta Tau 2013/UMass Lowell)

2014-2020: Tiffany K. Street, DNP, ACNP-BC (Delta Mu 1998/ Cumberland)

Executive Communication Assistants: Delaney Crowe (Psi 2017/James Madison); Francie Grasso (Epsilon Sigma 2019/Bridgewater State)

The Anchor Alumnae Editor: Bev Singel Molnar (Delta 1981/IUP)

President: Erika McManus Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan)

National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

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