OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU Vol. 90 No. 2 Summer 2017
Special Wrap-Up Issue:
Officer Academy & Recruitment Boot Camp
Letter from the President The Anchor is the official magazine of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published semiannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 3334 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. How to Receive The Anchor The Anchor is mailed to Alpha Sigma Tau volunteers, donors, and dues-paying alumnae members. Each issue of The Anchor is digitally available and accessible to everyone online at How to Update Your Name and Address Members can update their name, address, email, and other contact information by using AΣT Connect, the Sorority’s new web portal for members. To access AΣT Connect, visit and click “Member Login” at the top of the page. Log in and click “My Information” to make changes, or use the “Sign Up” feature to get a user name and password. Non-members may call 317-613-7575 or e-mail us at How to Contact The Anchor 317-613-7575 How to Send a Letter to the Editor Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue of The Anchor? We want to hear from you! Letters to The Anchor can be sent to the Editor via email at; regular mail at The Anchor, 3334 Founders Road; Indianapolis, IN 46268; or fax 317-613-7111. Please include your name, chapter, school, and year of Initiation. The Anchor reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the Editor and edit for space and clarity. The Anchor Staff Editor: Kate Sweeney, Gamma Theta Alumnae Editor: Beverly Singel Molnar, Delta Collegiate Editors: Shanee Frazier, Gamma Rho; Leah Hollingsworth, Delta Upsilon; Kelli Purcell O'Brien, Delta Eta Staff Writers: Joanna Barrett, Epsilon Epsilon; Darcy Coulter, Epsilon Xi; Tori Dixon, Epsilon Gamma; Shanee Frazier, Gamma Rho; Leah Hollingsworth, Delta Upsilon; Ashley Hoogstraten, Beta Pi; Lauren Irby, Zeta Tau; Beverly Singel Molnar, Delta; Samantha Rill, Delta Delta; Elizabeth Schilling, Delta Upsilon; Elizabeth Miller Villegas, Delta Rho; Lauren Crawford Welch, Delta Psi
Dear Sisters, This summer Alpha Sigma Tau hosted Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC). The purpose of this event is to empower Executive Committee Officers and Growth Team members with proven skills needed for successful chapter leadership. I had the honor to attend the event and visit with many of our collegiate chapter leaders. Throughout the event, I was overwhelmed by the glowing smiles on the faces of the women in attendance. The women were excited to learn more about their responsibilities as chapter leaders, and it was apparent that they take these responsibilities seriously. As the National President of Alpha Sigma Tau, this also put a smile on my face and makes me even more excited about the future of this organization. I left the event energized knowing that the ongoing efforts of the National Council, National volunteers, and Headquarters Staff are recognized and appreciated. Educational events like Officer Academy and RBC provide opportunities for personal and leadership growth for our collegiate women, which is evident in many ways. Alpha Sigma Tau has seen a significant growth in our collegiate membership in the last few years by adding nearly 12,000 new Sisters. Results like this do not occur by coincidence, but through a deliberate strategy for membership growth. Our strategy has produced positive results for the growth of Alpha Sigma Tau:
results-driven approaches to recruitment that provide skills training and effective recruitment techniques. Guided by our partners at LaunchPoint Solutions, RBC participants learned proven skills and techniques for engaging potential new members and welcoming new Sisters into their chapters. Chapter Growth Teams also had the opportunity to create action plans to significantly improve recruitment performance within their chapters. The women received coaching from speciallytrained RBC facilitators, some of whom are Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae. With increased growth comes new challenges that are thrilling to overcome. More Alpha Sigma Tau members mean the need for increased member programming, service and philanthropic opportunities, and campus engagement. Fulfilling these needs is just one benefit of Officer Academy. Chapter Executive Committee Officers learned about strong leadership, motivation, and handling difficult conversations, as well as specific training for their particular offices. The chapter officers in attendance told me personally that they left Officer Academy with improved leadership knowledge and confidence, and that they can make a positive impact in their chapters, campuses, and communities. I want to personally thank everyone who made Officer Academy and RBC such a huge success. That includes not only collegiate chapter leaders who traveled to Indianapolis, but also the speakers, presenters, RBC facilitators, and staff. All of these dedicated people worked tirelessly on the front lines and behind the scenes to create the best possible event for our Sisters.
• Establishment of more collegiate chapters. • Intentional growth action plans for our collegiate chapters. • 70% of our collegiate chapters have recruited to total in the last year or are only a few members away from total. • In our first 113 years, Alpha Sigma Tau initiated 50,000 members, but in the last five years, we have initiated an additional 10,000 members.
I hope that you enjoy this special wrapup issue of The Anchor and that you are as inspired as I was by this event and the impressive young women in attendance.
Another aspect of our growth strategy is due to programs like RBC that have empowered chapters with systematic,
Tiffany K. Street, Delta Mu National President
In Sisterhood,
In This Issue:
Epsilon Iota (L-R): Patricia Hidalgo, Vice President of Finance; Michelle Shinder, Vice President of Growth; Diana Lopez, Vice President of Member Development; JV Aine, Director of New Member Education.
Now Trending
Special Wrap-Up Issue: Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp
Ginny Carroll: The Gift of Sorority
Jessica Gendron Williams: Creating Social Excellence through Relationships
Lorin Phillips: Fierce Confrontation: Compassionate, Strategic Leadership in Difficult Situations
Laurel Peffer Price: Bring It Home: Using Passion and Know-How to Get Things Done
Chapter Presidents
Vice Presidents of Operations
Vice Presidents of Member Development
Vice Presidents of Organization Development
Vice Presidents of Finance
Vice Presidents of Community Relations
Recruitment Boot Camp
Chapter Awards
Legacy & Tradition: Headquarters Tours
National Foundation
Collegiate Chapter Updates
Alumnae Chapter Updates
Anchoring Thoughts
Read past issues of The Anchor online at
Connect with Alpha Sigma Tau Group: Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority
S U M M E R 2017
On the Cover: Top Left (L-R): Christina Imana, Delta Pi Chapter President and Katya Stoyanova, Delta Delta Chapter President. Middle Top (L-R): Gamma Upsilon: Alexis Onofre, Vice President of Community Relations; Desiree Caro, Chapter President; Raveena Jamu, Vice President of Organization Development; India Warren, Vice President of Finance; Karen Millan, Vice President of Member Development. Top Right (L-R): Epsilon Chi: Emily Lind, Vice President of Finance; Abby Pinor, Vice President of Organization Development; Lexi Olson, Vice President of Growth; Victoria Prasek, Vice President of Member Development ; Hope Enright, Director of Structured Recruitment; Alaina Dauth, Vice President of Community Relations; Haley Jordahl, Chapter President. Middle Left (L-R): Alpha Xi: Justine Colegrove, Vice President of Operations; Ella Walsh, Vice President of Member Development; Nicole Ezbiansky, Chapter President; Meghan Weber, Vice President of Community Relations. Middle Right (L-R): Gamma Lambda: Christine Herritt, Vice President of Finance; Nicole Senneca, Vice President of Operations; Lindsey Gorab, Vice President of Organization Development; Jillian Dove, Chapter President. Bottom Left (L-R): Gamma Gamma: Alyssa Suddith, Vice President of Finance; Morgan Thrash, Vice President of Growth. Bottom Middle (L-R): Gamma Rho: Isabella Scarantino, Vice President of Organization Development; Alex Urbanski, Vice President of Operations Stefanie DiPaolo, Chapter President; Denise Donnelly, Vice President of Finance. Bottom Right (L-R): Epsilon Beta: Kaylee Appleton, Vice President of Operation; Sara Velasco, Vice President of Organization Development; Mayte Menchacha-Pino, Chapter President; Jeanne Son, Vice President of Finance.
President's Letter
(L-R): Allison Rudacille, Alpha Lambda Vice President of Community Relations; Tiffany K. Street, National President; Abby Davenport, Alpha Lambda Vice President of Member Development.
Now Trending: #alphasigmatau
alliemoran4 Chicago reunions with sisters are the best reunions #EIU #AlphaSigmaTau
Alpha Sigma Tau
S U M M E R 2017
Alpha Sigma Tau RSU @ASTRogersState
Had a great time at the @okfoodbank doing all kinds of great work. Can't wait to come back next time!! #AlphaSigmaTau #GreeksDoingGood
"Being in Alpha Sigma Tau means sisTAUS for life and what's better than that?!" #alphasigmatau 1:09 PM - 29 Jul 2017
8:56 PM - 21 Mar 2017
Alpha Sigma Tau Epsilon Eta "we weren’t sisters by birth, but we knew from the start‌ fate brought us together to be sisters by heart." #alphasigmatau
stylefromaz Anchored in sisterhood and friendship in 2001. My heart was full last night as we celebrated our friendship and an early birthday. Friends forever. #friends #friendsforever #alphasigmatau
Alpha Sigma Tau at Penn State Behrend We love watching our sisters travel the world and taking in all the different cultures; but we especially love it when they do it together! Daniella and Alina are traveling the cities of Italy during their summer break!
Alpha Sigma Tau
yspsiannarborastalum What's better then doing service with sisters? #growinghope #alphasigmatau #alum
Family. Where life begins, and love never ends. #ASTfamilyday #alphasigmatau
S U M M E R 2017
8:48 PM - 23 Apr 2017
Alpha Sigma Tau - LVC This summer our sister Brianna took her Alpha Sigma Tau flag on vacation with her! Below you can see pictures from Kinzua Bridge, Niagara Falls, and Parker Dam State Park.
Join the Conversation
astuml We love being a part of the Lowell community! GO SPINNERS!!! #AST #alphasigmatau #alphasigmatausorority
Special Wrap-Up Issue: Officer Academy & Recruitment Boot Camp
In June, more than 300 Alpha Sigma Tau Sisters in collegiate chapter leadership positions traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, to participate in the Sorority’s Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC). Throughout the four-day event, Sisters from all walks of life laughed and learned together from speakers, facilitators, educational presenters, and each other.
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Officer Academy Tracks were designed to equip officers with tools to more effectively lead their chapters, and to feel more confident in their positions and the impact they can have on their chapters, campuses, and communities. Topics were tailored to meet specific officer position needs and goals, with specialized learning for Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents of Finance, Vice Presidents of Operations, Vice Presidents of Organization Development, Vice Presidents of Member Development, and Vice Presidents of Community Relations. In addition,
attendees learned about strong leadership, motivation, and handling difficult conversations. RBC was open to Vice Presidents of Growth, Directors of Structured Recruitment, Directors of Membership Selection, and other members of Recruitment Committees from selected chapters. Participants learned how to streamline their recruitment practices to grow their chapters with quality new members. They also learned how to authentically network with potential new members and created action plans to take home to their chapters to significantly improve recruitment. We know that your Sisters loved Officer Academy and RBC. We hope you enjoy reading about their experiences and how they plan to take their chapters to the next level!
Alpha Sigma Tau @AST_IUP
Delta Nu (Front to Back): Wendi Wingerson, Vice President of Organization Development; Emrys Hodkinson, Chapter President; Claudette Breaux, Vice President of Operations; Abbie Harms, Vice President of Community Relations.
We had so much fun at Officer Academy & Recruitment Bootcamp, thank you for an amazing weekend! @alphasigmatau 10:06 AM - 25 Jun 2017
Sisters toured Headquarters on the last day of Officer Academy & RBC pictured here with Tiffany K. Street, Delta Mu, National President.
(L-R): Raychel Fitzwater, Delta Beta Chapter President; Jessica Poling, Delta Beta Vice President of Member Development; Alexis Branch, Gamma Mu Chapter President; Elizabeth Chandler, Omicron Chapter President; Madison Stone, Gamma Mu Vice President of Member Development.
summer skye
This weekend was such a life changing experience @alphasigmatau #ASTOA17 10:20 PM - 24 Jun 2017
Posing with our Crest was a popular thing to do during Headquarters tours.
Gamma Pi (L-R): Morgan Valle, Chapter President; Megan Goodrich, Vice President of Member Development; Kelly Rogawski; Samantha Barrett, Vice President of Growth.
(L-R): Beta Xi: Samantha Schultz, Director of Structured Recruitment and Cece Attwell, Vice President of Growth.
Taylor Moyer, Alpha Phi Vice President of Operations.
Jackie Albert, Delta Upsilon Vice President of Growth.
These Alpha Sigma Taus arrive for four days of shared growth and Sisterhood.
Delta Upsilon (L-R): Juliette Stratis, Vice President of Community Relations; MacKenzie Jones, Vice President of Organization Development; Kristina Kieffer, Vice President of Operations; Taylor Constantino, Director of Structured Recruitment; Casey Fagan, Chapter President; and Jackie Albert, Vice President of Growth.
Sitting (L-R): Victoria Alves, Epsilon Pi Vice President of Operations; Jacqueline Jarocki , Epsilon Omicron; Amber Rains, Epsilon Omicron Vice President of Operations; Rachel Coleman, Epsilon Omicron Vice President of Organization Development. Standing (R-L): Elisabeth Radwan, Epsilon Pi Chapter President; Annabelle Leskinen, Epsilon Omicron.
Upsilon Chapter (L-R): Haeden Waymack, Vice President of Member Development; Ashton Purtle, Chapter President; Sarah Grace Brown, Vice President of Finance; Rachel Efken, Vice President of Community Relations.
Victoria Valentino, Delta Epsilon (second from right), bonds with Sisters during Officer Academy.
(L-R): Sara Velasco, Epsilon Beta Vice President of Organziation Development; Taylor Constantino, Delta Upsilon Director of Structured Recruitment; Ana Jano, Epsilon Theta Vice President of Community Relations.
Alison Bastian, Gamma Theta, Vice President of Growth and 100th donor to the 1899 Society.
Gamma Psi (L-R): Sukhman Matharu, Vice President of Organization Development; Emma Murphy, Chapter President; Samantha Rosa, Vice President of Finance; Katrina Syrakos, Vice President of Community Relations; Paige Harrington, Vice President of Member Development; Kayla Deluca, Vice President of Operations.
Alpha Psi (L-R): Angel Peterson, Vice President of Member Development; Jenn Arnold, Vice President of Growth; Kaylee Clemens, President; Megan Zwaschka, Director of Structured Recruitment; Cassidy Nulty, Vice President of Community Relations.
Bethany Nicole @bethnicole91
Grateful for this amazing group of professionals & friends who helped me through my first professional facilitation experience! #ASTRBC17 9:34 AM - 25 Jun 2017
Beta Xi (L-R): Stephanie O'Neill, Vice President of Member Development and Hannah Getschman, Vice President of Finance.
Gamma Mu (L-R): Alexis Branch, Gamma Mu Chapter President and Geneva Hutchison, Vice President of Member Development.
Delta Eta (L-R): Katherine Heidecke, Vice President of Operations and Molly Smith, Chapter President.
S U M M E R 2017
leahlamb_ I had such an empowering experience this weekend with my sisters at officer academy & recruitment book camp and I can't wait to bring back everything I learned to all my Phi girls. #ASTRBC17#ASTOA17 #astphi
schweinfus815 Love my sweet sisters!!!!
eiu_alphasigmatau As you can tell by the smiles, our sisters had an awesome time at Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp this past weekend! They also met our National President, Tiffany Street! We cannot wait for the school year to begin and hear about everything they have learned! TLAM #astoa17 #astrbc17
Speakers Proudly funded by the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation through a donor-supported grant
Ginny Carroll: The Gift of Sorority By Samantha Rill, Delta Delta
he Founder and Executive Director of Circle of Sisterhood Ginny Carroll has spent over 25 years in management and consulting, including five years as the Executive Director of Alpha Xi Delta Women’s Fraternity. She is a woman who truly believes in the value of the sorority experience and the power of the sorority community to make the world a better place for girls and women.
10 S U M M E R 2017
This June, Ginny presented “The Gift of Sorority” to the women of Alpha Sigma Tau at Officer Academy. “Sororities founded themselves in the 19th century in response to the very real obstacles women of the time faced trying to achieve a college education,” Ginny told participants. “Sorority founders bonded together to fight for their right to a higher education and created a ‘safe space’ for women to learn. That history was part of what inspired me to found Circle of Sisterhood over 160 years later. And I vow to continue all of our Founder’s legacies to encourage the sorority community to stand together and help girls and women achieve education around the world.”
Sisters realize the sheer number of integral life skills they are building because they chose to join a sorority. — Ginny Carroll
This presentation was not the first time she has made the speech, nor will it be the last. “My objective is to help collegians realize all that the sorority experience has to offer – in terms of leadership development and life skills, as well as fun and a social outlet,” she explains. “The Gift of Sorority focuses on what I believe to be the four most important 'gifts' of the sorority experience: Ritual, Personal Development, Sisterhood, and a Lifetime of Opportunity.”
Ritual Sometimes, it can be difficult to connect Ritual to today’s world, so understanding the history of the sorority movement – including Ritual’s place in it – is key. “History gives Sisters context, especially when they try to navigate Ritual and ceremonies,” Ginny says. “History gives a glimpse of what life was like when your Founders came together to identify and solidify the values important to them. Their priorities and beliefs are beautifully expressed through ceremonies. They were written in a different time and with different words than we would use today, yet we know the intention.”
Personal Development Personal development within sorority can occur at a very deep level. The social skills necessary to thrive in today’s world are increasingly not taught in the classroom, regardless of the college or university, but sharpened through the triumphs and challenges of the sorority experience. “Hopefully, our youngest Sisters realize the sheer number of integral life skills they are building because they chose to join a sorority,” Ginny states. “Sorority life is a living laboratory of interpersonal and leadership skill development. The social intelligence and personal development gained makes sorority women more marketable post-college than students without this experience.”
Thanks to @GinnyofCircle for her awesome presentation at #ASTOA17 9:01 PM - 22 Jun 2017
11 Isabella
Ginny Carroll is absolutely amazing, thank you @alphasigmatau for giving us the opportunity to hear from her tonight #ASTOA17 9:23 PM - 22 Jun 2017
Alpha Sigma Tau @alphasigmatau Front Row (L-R): Chi: Ally Brunelle, Vice President of Organization Development; Miranda Godfrey, Vice President of Growth; Samantha Mellot, Vice President of Finance; and Emily Kane, Chapter President. Back Row (L-R): Beta Mu: Tinsley Foster, Vice President of Member Development; Liliana Gual, Chapter President; and Natalie Gammel, Vice President of Organiztion Development.
"Think for a moment of the one time to date that you felt the most proud to be an Alpha Sigma Tau?" -- @GinnyofCircle #ASTOA17 #ASTRBC17 7:50 PM - 22 Jun 2017
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In closing, Ginny circled back to the importance of education for women – the focus of her foundation, Circle of Sisterhood. “Sorority women are fortunate to have the one thing that will help most women out of poverty – an education,” she shares. “We have a responsibility to those less fortunate because we are the most educated women in the world.”
Alpha Sigma Tau EB
Sisterhood and a Lifetime of Opportunity Sororities in America have the saying, “It’s not four years, but for life.” Yet for many, the alumnae experience does not reach the same level of involvement as the collegiate experience; therefore, participation post-graduation falters. “This is perhaps the most important part of the sorority experience,” Ginny says. “Recently-graduated sorority women who disengage miss all the opportunities to be role models and stewards to younger Sisters. The experiences and opportunities I’ve had as an involved alumna far outweigh the benefits from being in a collegiate chapter. The friendships I’ve made during my alumna years are invaluable.”
Jessica Gendron Williams: Creating Social Excellence through Relationships By Joanna Barrett, Epsilon Epsilon
ith a deep understanding of sorority life, Jessica Gendron Williams, Beta Pi, presented the secret to strong recruitment at Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC).
12 S U M M E R 2017
“Women join sororities because of relationships,” says Jessica, CEO of Phired Up, an organization that teaches, coaches, researches, and writes about how fraternities and sororities can recruit and retain more high-quality people through a values-centered, research-based, and relationship-focused approach. “They stay there because of relationships. They lead, follow, engage, and believe in their sororities because of relationships.”
The Sorority gave me a safe place to explore who I was and who I wanted to be, surrounded by love and support of my Sisters and friends. — Jessica Gendron Williams
For Jessica, Alpha Sigma Tau provided a place where, for the first time in her life, she discovered what real, true female friendship was all about. “The Sorority gave me a safe place to explore who I was and who I wanted to be, surrounded by the love and support of my Sisters and friends,” recalls Jessica. “It challenged me to be better, and gave me incredible opportunities to learn and grow.” It’s because of these experiences that Jessica feels called to share her work with sorority women, and was excited to share with her Alpha Sigma Tau Sisters at Officer Academy and RBC. In her daylong presentation, Jessica shared that successful relationships must be at the forefront for individual chapters and the Sorority to thrive. “We know that when relationships are not there, people leave and disengage from the Sorority,” she says. “Relationships are at the heart of what we do. They are the foundation of what we do and who Alpha Sigma Tau is as an organization.” Building great relationships requires an emphasis on what PhiredUp calls the “Four Pillars of Social Excellence,” which Jessica shared: Curiosity, Generosity, Authenticity, and Vulnerability.
Curiosity means taking the time to be genuinely interested in others. “Look below the surface of who people are and seek to discover what’s important and personal to them,” says Jessica. “Asking personal questions show a genuine interest in the stuff that is important to people.” Generosity is about kindness, compassion, understanding, and selflessness. “We have to look beyond ourselves and ask how we can truly live in alignment with who we are as Alpha Sigma Tau Sisters,” Jessica explains, “Our Sorority Prayer says, ‘May the lives of all with whom we come in contact be a little happier and richer because of us.’ That is generosity.”
Alpha Sigma Tau "It's about the relationships, it's about people. What we do is about relationships." - Jessica Gendron Williams, Beta Pi, CEO of Phired Up Productions #ASTOA17 #ASTRBC17
Vulnerability is an openness and willingness to let other people in. “When we’re vulnerable, we share pieces of ourselves with others,” explains Jessica. “Vulnerability is a sign of courage and strength, and the only true way to build relationships.”
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Patti Klausing Simmons Jessica Gendron Williams is the best!! Carrie Knutsen Love to hear her speak! Like · Reply
Jennie Kuhns YES!! JESS!!!!!! Like · Reply
Epsilon Upsilon (L-R): Bekah Mozingo, Vice President of Organization Development and Ashley Langston, Vice President of Growth.
Alpha Sigma Tau
13 S U M M E R 2017
Understanding these four pillars is just the first step. It is equally important for members and chapter leaders to regularly reflect on what the authentic versions of themselves are. “I reflect on these daily,” Jessica shares. “I reflect on being the ‘perfect’ me and what about that version feels good, but also what about that version feels lessthan-great. I think about the people I am around when I am those versions of myself, too. Then I look at how I behave and who I’m with when I feel that I am at my best. When we do this work daily, the closer we get to our best, most authentic version of who we are.”
Authenticity is a deep understanding of ourselves. “It’s the differences between our regular, everyday selves, our perfect selves, and our best selves,” she says. “Alpha Sigma Tau asks our leaders and members to represent their best selves, not the perfect ones. Being ‘perfect’ isn’t relatable to our members or potential new members.”
"People join, stay, engage in, follow, and care about sorority because of people." - Jessica Gendron Williams, Beta Pi @PhiredUp 4:30 PM - 23 Jun 2017
Rho (L-R): Breanna Carswell, Vice President of Member Development; Mary Cobb, Chapter Vice President of Organization Development; Zoe Reed, Chapter President.
Fierce Confrontation: Compassionate, Strategic Leadership in Difficult Situations By Lauren Welch, Delta Psi
orin Phillips is the Assistant Executive Director at Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri Sigma), and over the past fifteen years, she has built her expertise listening to, assisting, and providing for numerous women in sorority leadership. As a sorority leader, she has more than 20 years experience educating sorority women about hazing, alcohol, and (more recently) confrontation and successful communication. A celebrated national speaker and educator, Lorin shared her insight with Officer Academy attendees on how compassionate, strategic leadership can resolve difficult situations.
14 S U M M E R 2017
“My role is to help students and make sorority members successful leaders by developing their confidence and self-esteem,” Lorin explains. “My technique is not a ‘don’t do it’ system, but a process. Instead of telling sorority women, ‘don’t drink,’ I ask them to look at alcohol education as an opportunity to learn what to do differently. How can I still have fun, while being safe and ethical?” She used this unique approach to encourage Officer Academy participants to, in her words, “get fierce with difficult conversations—intentional, meaningful conversations that come from the heart.”
Get fierce with difficult conversations intentional, meaningful conversations that come from the heart. — Lorin Phillips
When first hired by Tri Sigma, Lorin spent a lot of time listening to college students. She tried to understand the challenges they were facing as young women leading a local chapter. “Right away, I recognized that many potentially great conversations were going south,” she recalls. “What I found out was that young women knew the right choice, knew the difference between right and wrong, and knew what to do. But, they were compromising their values and even losing sleep because of their inability to communicate effectively, understand confrontation, and recognize their ability to be successful in both. Speaking about
confrontation became a personal development goal and a passion for me.” Lorin believes in education, prevention, and teaching sorority women proven skills and processes so they can make a difference, have the tough conversations, and take action. At Officer Academy, she empowered Executive Committee Officers with tools for tackling the big conversations, sharing four steps Alpha Sigma Tau leaders can use to start their own chapter discussions: 1. Identify your most pressing issue. 2. Clarify the issue. 3. Determine the current impact. 4. Determine the future implications.
Omicron (L-R): Skylar Stark, Vice President of Finance and Elizabeth Chandler, Chapter President.
Gamma Rho (L-R): Stefanie DiPaolo, Chapter President; Denise Donnelly, Vice President of Finance; Alex Urbanski, Vice President of Operations; Isabella Scarantino, Vice President of Organization Development.
"Confrontation isn't about being right but what is important" -- @LorinPhillips #ASTOA17 7:23 PM - 23 Jun 2017
15 S U M M E R 2017
At the end of the day, that is Lorin’s goal. “Be empowered to try and keep trying,” she concludes. “Be what I call a ‘conversation ninja.’ Being a conversation ninja is more about listening and being curious about the other person's perspective than about making statements and winning. It makes you more confident in your values and intentions.”
Alpha Sigma Tau
"Confrontation isn't about being right, but about what is important,” Lorin emphasized in her presentation. “Hard conversations are the ones that, if done well, can lead to positive change, opportunities, and strong leadership. Do not be afraid to raise the bar and challenge your organization. Ask, ‘How can we do better?’” Lorin says. “It’s not just about following rules, but about empowerment”.
(L-R): Tiffany Corvino, Alpha Pi Chapter President; Molly Farthing, Zeta Tau Vice President of Operations; Tiffany K. Street, Delta Mu, National President; Stephanie Piazza, Alpha Pi Vice President of Operations.
Gamma Xi (Front to Back): Casey Blashill, Vice President of Growth; Kate Irwin, Director of Sisterhood; Elizabeth Itoney, Vice President of Member Development; Kelsey Monahan, Chapter President.
Laurel Peffer Price: Bring It Home: Using Passion and Know-How to Get Things Done By Kelli O'Brien, Delta Eta
aurel Peffer Price is the Vice President of Consulting Initiatives for LaunchPoint Solutions, a national leader in teaching systematic, resultsdriven approaches to recruitment that provide skills training and effective recruitment techniques. In addition to coaching Alpha Sigma Tau Chapter Growth Teams during Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC), Laurel spoke to both Officer Academy and RBC participants about going home to their chapters with the passion and know-how to get things done.
16 S U M M E R 2017
Laurel is a member of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity, and previously worked on their national headquarters staff. She currently volunteers with Circle of Sisterhood and Phi Mu Delta Fraternity, and serves as the recruitment advisor for the Alpha Chi Omega chapter at Lehigh University. She has been facilitating recruitment programming since 2006. “Sororities should align their actions and messages with their values,” Laurel says. “Happiness and success happen when actions and values become indistinguishable.”
Sororities should align their actions and messages with their values. Happiness and success happen when actions and values become indistinguishable. — Laurel Peffer Price
Laurel encouraged chapters to consider how they actively deliver their chapter’s values and image to others – their “offensive” (as opposed to “defensive”) branding. “This means confidently expressing each chapter’s specific personality and goals,” she explains. “In terms of recruitment, it also means seeking a unique group of potential new members whose ideals and lifestyles are in sync with the chapter. Confidence in your chapter’s profile and goals lead to a strong ‘offensive’ branding.” “Defensive” branding is also an essential piece of chapter expression and communication. “Every Alpha Sigma Tau is a walking, talking advertisement for her Sisterhood,” Laurel says. “Just as the Sorority as an organization must put forth a clear and confident
offensive message, each Sister must also protect that message through her own actions and messages.” In addition to a focus on values-based branding, Laurel reminded participants to pay attention to relationships and authenticity. “No one joins a sorority because they had the best t-shirt or because they liked your Facebook header,” she coaches. “Women join sororities because they made a connection with you or one of your Sisters.”
In closing, Laurel offered a simple bit of advice for being more authentic. “It’s scary to be authentic,” she says. “You risk embarrassing yourself or looking bad, but all it takes is 20 seconds of bravery. If you commit yourself to being brave for 20 seconds and then genuinely reach out, you’ll be amazed at what can happen.”
This encouragement to build relationships with individuals applies to both formal and informal recruitment. Many women who initially choose to not join a Sorority do so because of some negative stereotype that they have heard or even witnessed. “We unwittingly perpetuate these stereotypes through much of our formal activities,” Laurel says. “Lavishlythemed events in which we dress identically, clap, and chant do not express our individuality or our values. While it can be challenging to make authentic and genuine connections during the extremely brief period of formal recruitment, pressing toward the goal of aligning our values and our messages will help us with this goal.”
High-performing chapters will determine what they want to hear from potential new members (PNM). They will seek to ensure that PNMs espouse and embody the values and experiences that the chapter seeks. “Don’t merely ask PNMs to list their leadership experiences, a list that they have already included on their recruitment applications and have undoubtedly been asked to regurgitate at each recruitment party they attend,” Laurel advises. “You must ask each woman more interesting and productive questions to determine her fit for your chapter. A conversation about a particularly challenging leadership experience, how it changed the woman, and how she handled it leads to a more engaging and authentic conversation. That may lead to a bonding experience and maybe even a new and truly spectacular Sister.”
17 S U M M E R 2017
Chapter Presidents with Angie Bong, Associate Executive Director of Member Services.
Alpha Sigma Tau @alphasigmatau
"Say 'I'm going to be brave... because I believe in Alpha Sigma Tau.'" -- Laurel Price #ASTOA17 #ASTRBC17 @LPeff @theLaunchPoint 9:57 AM - 25 Jun 2017
Epsilon Psi (L-R): Victoria DiSanto, Vice President of Finance; Karolina Pasierb, Chapter President; Cassandra Cabrera, Vice President of Organization Development; Morgan Rinehold, Vice President of Member Development.
Leadership Development
Chapter Presidents By Samantha Rill, Delta Delta
ne of Officer Academy’s key strengths is bringing together chapter leaders from across the country to learn and grow. This is the case for two Chapter Presidents: Desiree Caro, Gamma Upsilon, and Kaylee Clemens, Alpha Psi. The two women, despite having the same position, entered their presidencies – and Officer Academy – with different experiences and expectations.
Officer Academy offers many intangible benefits as well, which also made an impact on Desiree
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Desiree and Kaylee joined 62 other Chapter Presidents for Officer Academy tracks tailored to create success in their positions. Participants learned how to build trust in teams, alleviate risk, plan successful events, and run effective meetings, among other important topics. Both Desiree and Kaylee plan to review what they learned about effective and efficient leadership from their tracks, and implement those skills right away this semester. Key takeaways included steps for improving communications and member engagement, and for creating stronger accountability within the chapter.
Desiree hails from a long-established chapter, where she feels inspired and motivated by Presidents that preceded her over the chapter’s 24-year history. “I am grateful for the past Chapter Presidents and all that they have done for Gamma Upsilon,” she says fondly. However, she was also looking to break a pattern of burnout that she knows afflicted some past Presidents. “They came in and did so much, and then the burnout happened just in time for the new President to come in.” Officer Academy rejuvenated Desiree and the rest of the chapter’s officers in attendance. “It was a place for fresh and new ideas to be shared,” she says. “Officer Academy was a humbling and insightful experience, with ideas we can begin implementing now.” Kaylee’s experience as the Founding Chapter President for Alpha Psi gave her a different outlook on her learning at Officer Academy. “We had no chapter history to base anything on in this new position,” she explains. “And since we are a newly re-chartered chapter, I had no prior Executive Committee position to refer to, either.” Officer Academy alleviated the doubts and uncertainty that plagued Kaylee during Alpha Psi’s first year because she realized her actions, and the leadership of the entire Executive Committee, had put the chapter on the right path. “Officer Academy helped reaffirm that all we had done was good, and going forward will be best for the chapter,” she shares, proudly. “We built a foundation and continue to build it.”
Top: Desiree Caro, Gamma Upsilon Bottom: Kaylee Clemens, Alpha Psi (right) with Tiffany K. Street, Delta Mu, National President and Kaylee. They both view Officer Academy as a positive and invaluable experience. “Officer Academy reiterated and re-sparked my passion for my position,” Desiree shares. “It uplifted my spirits. I not only met other Sisters, but learned from others in the same position as well. Seeing what Alpha Sigma Tau does for others is inspiring.” “The energy of Officer Academy was amazing,” agrees Kaylee. “We all felt revitalized afterward. It is so wonderful to be around people who share your values. It felt like a higher power brought us together to interact with people who ‘get it.’” Desiree added, “It was an amazing and gratifying experience.”
Vice Presidents of Operations By Elizabeth Schilling, Delta Upsilon
wise person once said that life isn’t about finding yourself; it’s about creating yourself— where you choose to spend your time, and where and how you choose to lead. That’s what Officer Academy is all about: taking the time to empower Alpha Sigma Tau chapter officers to effectively lead.
Katherine Heidecke, Delta Eta, and Victoria Alves, Epsilon Pi, both serve as Vice President of Operations for their chapters, and had the opportunity to attend Officer Academy this summer. Both also participated in the Operations Track, which included sessions on how to master training, transitions, bylaws, elections, parliamentary procedures, and more within their chapters.
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“This was my first Officer Academy and I learned a lot,” says Katherine. “My huge ‘a-ha!’ moment came during the Operations Track, when I realized that other chapters have many of the same issues and goals that we do.” Victoria’s key takeaways included doing more to cultivate chapter leadership and make new members as comfortable as possible with the chapter’s leadership selection and transition processes. “New members often don’t know where to start when it comes to taking on a leadership role,” she says. “Everyone is a leader in some way. We’re just each unique in our leadership styles. I want to bring in the DiSC leadership profiles that Ginny Carroll shared in her presentation, ‘The Gift of Sorority.’ If a member has a better understanding of her leadership style, she will have a much stronger starting point. I look forward to working with our chapter’s Director of New Member Education on this and helping make new members more comfortable.” Learning about S.M.A.R.T. goals also resonated with Victoria. The S.M.A.R.T. approach builds goals around being Smart, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely, which makes them more likely to be accomplished. “We talked about how to exactly set up S.M.A.R.T. goals and the impact a S.M.A.R.T. goal can have on effectiveness, follow-through, and overall success,” she explains. “As a Vice President, I now want to craft a vision for my team and develop S.M.A.R.T. goals that directly align with that vision. I believe this will create a better, streamlined focus for chapter leadership, which I plan to encourage other chapter officers to do as well.” For her part, Katherine was inspired to take better advantage of the resources, technology tools, and
Top: Victoria Alves, Epsilon Pi Bottom: Katherine Heidecke, Delta Eta structure that Alpha Sigma Tau provides chapters. “We’re a big chapter.” She says. “The tools Alpha Sigma Tau provides for chapters are amazing! This includes the GINsystem, which can better organize our large group. For example, there are times during meeting check-in when we have members lined up for 30 minutes waiting to sign in. With GINsystem, members could check in on their phones. I plan on bringing this and other ideas back to my chapter.” Big or small, Officer Academy equipped chapters of all sizes with the tools and know-how to thrive. “We are a new chapter on a small campus,” says Victoria in closing. “The investments Alpha Sigma Tau makes in us at the national level, like Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp, are equipping us with the tools we need to guide our chapter in the right direction.” Katherine couldn’t agree more. “Officer Academy provided a better understanding of how to be the best chapter that we can be,” she says. “Alpha Sigma Tau doesn’t just tell us how to be as chapters. They give us the training and the tools necessary to carry it out.”
Vice Presidents of Member Development By Ben Nemenoff, Director of Marketing and Communications
or Vice Presidents of Member Development Jessica Silva, Gamma Delta, and Maria Van Tine, Epsilon Theta, Officer Academy had one clear benefit: meeting their peers.
“Socially, it was wonderful,” agrees Jessica. “There were so many women I’d never met, but we have a shared experience being in Alpha Sigma Tau. We decided to create a Facebook page so we could continue to share and I am very excited about that!”
Academic success is a key part of the Alpha Sigma Tau experience, and members who don’t meet the Sorority’s academic standards risk being put on academic probation. Chapter leaders like Vice Presidents of Member Development and Directors of Academic Success promote educational achievement by creating opportunities to learn, facilitating study groups, and connecting Sisters with on-campus resources for assistance. “I learned so much about ramping up academic success,” says Jessica. “I heard a lot of good ideas from other chapters to make student success a chapter-wide goal instead of a personal challenge experienced by individual members. I can’t wait to share what I learned with our Director of Academic Success.” Related to this was Jessica and Maria’s embrace of Alpha Sigma Tau programming that offers personal and professional growth, teaches skills to successfully navigate life, and equips young women to make safe, healthy choices for themselves, their Sisters, and their friends.
Left: Maria Van Tine, Epsilon Theta Right: Jessica Silva, Gamma Delta “Not Anymore and GreekLifeEdu are so important,” says Jessica, referring to the Sorority’s two online programs to raise awareness of alcohol, hazing, sexual violence, and healthy relationships. “I care very much for every one of my Sisters. Part of my job is to help them overcome barriers, avoid pitfalls, and become the best they can be. What I learned about implementing these programs will be a big part of that.” Similarly, Alpha Sigma Tau’s innovative personal and professional growth program, Illuminate, teaches Sisters proven leadership strategies through peerfacilitated discussions. “Illuminate teaches some very important life skills,” says Maria. “But just as importantly, it builds bonds between Sisters during the group discussions. I look forward to working with my chapter to have even more Illuminate sessions in the future.” Both Jessica and Maria would recommend Officer Academy to anyone looking to grow and share their experiences with others. “Never underestimate what you know and can share, and what other people will appreciate,” says Jessica. “It’s amazing to learn so much from women who wear the same letters as you.” Maria agreed. “It was a wonderful experience. If you are open to new ideas, Officer Academy is an awesome opportunity to better yourself and your chapter.”
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Jessica and Maria joined other Vice Presidents of Member Development in their Officer Academy Track. The track was designed to teach topics most relevant to successful member growth and development. Among other things, participants learned about creating a culture of individual and chapter academic success, and effectively using programs like GreekLifeEdu, Not Anymore, and Illuminate to foster a shared sisterhood.
“I loved meeting Sisters from across the country,” says Maria. “We all operate a little differently, but we’re the same where it counts. We all had very positive experiences. Every night, we went back to our hotel rooms and discussed what we were doing in our chapters – what worked and what we could improve.”
Vice Presidents of Organization Development By Shanee Frazier, Gamma Rho
his year’s Officer Academy proved to be an enlightening experience for many of the chapter leaders in attendance. This was certainly true for Raveena Jammu, Vice President of Organization Development for the Gamma Upsilon Chapter.
“Being a Vice President of Organization Development means you oversee Tau Honor Council,” Raveena says, referring to Alpha Sigma Tau’s judicial and standards process. “It makes me feel like the chapter’s police officer, which is viewed negatively at times. But that’s not all my position entails, and I left Officer Academy determined to change that perception.”
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A San Diego, California, native, Raveena studies political science and philosophy at California State University, Los Angeles, and would like to be an attorney one day. When she isn’t studying or indulging her passion for drawing henna tattoos, Raveena is a busy intern at Los Angeles Superior Court. Raveena felt called to her leadership position in Alpha Sigma Tau because she wanted to be a positive influence for her Sisters. “Being Vice President of Organization Development means being able to understand what is happening in my Sisters’ lives, and tailoring event planning and sisterhood activities that are meaningful to them,” she says. “Sometimes through Tau Honor Council, I find out about something going on in a Sister’s life and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. It gives me a way to understand what she is going through and possibly discover that more women in the chapter are going through the same thing.” One of Raveena’s key takeaways includes learning how to better use Tau Honor Council to help her Gamma Upsilon Sisters. “We can be a bit more creative in how we administer sanctions,” she says. “If done right, we can show that there is a genuine benefit to members and that they can actually gain something out of the process rather than just feeling punished. Even if we must sanction a Sister, it can be tailored to meet her individual needs.” In addition to learning how to effectively use Tau Honor Council to enrich members’ Sorority Experience, Raveena and other Vice Presidents of Organization Development learned about planning
successful events, risk management, and creating a culture of sisterhood. Raveena feels that all of this new information will only add value to her chapter. “I can breathe easier now,” she says. “What we learned at Officer Academy is enormously positive, and will help us make the right adjustments to benefit each Sister in our chapter.”
What we learned at Officer Academy is enormously positive, and will help us make the right adjustments to benefit each Sister in our chapter.
— Raveena Jammuu, Gamma Upsilon Chapter
Vice Presidents of Finance By Elizabeth K. Schilling, Delta Upsilon
oney matters. From hosting events to a night out with Sisters, successful fiscal responsibility is a necessary fact of chapter life.
Increased financial options have made the job easier for Samantha, such as Billhighway’s prepaid card that acts like a debit card. Still, there are challenges. “Managing expenses has gotten simpler since we started using prepaid cards,” she explains. “But, thanks to what I learned at Officer Academy, I also want to start evaluating items within the chapter budget to find more cost-effective ways of reaching the same goals and objectives. For example, I learned about a great tool that Alpha Sigma Tau provides, the Budget Request Form.” Chapter members can use the Budget Request Form to request an expenditure on a budgeted item, which the Finance Team can then review and approve. “We have recently started using it, but not everyone is on board yet,” continues Samantha. “I am now confident that, in time, people will realize the value and see just how effective planning ahead and being specific with requests can be. As Samantha returns to her chapter this fall, she plans to implement what she learned at Officer Academy. “I was impressed by what Laurel Peffer Price said during her presentation, ‘Bring It Home,’” Samantha says. “She emphasized the importance of bringing back what we learned in a positive manner – with a positive light shed on change. I agree and think it’s very important that while we implement changes, we also need to communicate the reasons behind each
23 change so our Sisters don’t feel left out or in the dark about chapter business. Samantha’s most valuable lesson from Officer Academy is the power of change. “Change is necessary for growth, and that’s what we’re trying to do: grow as a chapter,” she says in closing. “Change is inevitable, but growth is optional. It’s part of our role as leaders to implement the right kind of change into each of our chapters when it’s needed.”
Thanks to what I learned at Officer Academy, I also want to start evaluating items within the chapter budget to find more cost-effective ways of reaching the same goals and objectives. — Samantha Mellott, Chi Chapter
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“Budget is definitely a recurring issue in our chapter,” Samantha says. “Creating a budget can be a challenge. We sometimes get budget requests that are too high or unaffordable for the chapter at the time. Then once we make a budget, we work hard to stick to it. Thankfully, we learned how to handle this during Officer Academy.”
This point is not lost on Vice President of Finance Samantha Mellott, Chi. She joined other Vice Presidents of Finance from chapters across the country to learn about building and managing budgets. Samantha and her peers also learned about wisely managing their personal finances and the “ins and outs” of Billhighway, the online tool chapters use to collect payments, pay dues and other bills, and manage their budgets.
Vice Presidents of Community Relations By Ashley Hoogstraten, Beta Pi
or Crystal Nevin, Gamma Epsilon, Officer Academy was full of “a-ha!” moments. Crystal is her chapter’s Vice President of Community Relations, where she leads branding, communications, social media, and other chapter outreach and engagement efforts. "I left Officer Academy feeling empowered and connected,” she says. “After attending, I feel that I can portray Alpha Sigma Tau in a whole new way.”
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The Community Relations Track at Officer Academy focused on values-based branding, motivating members, and engagement on campuses and in communities. Vice Presidents of Community Relations from across the country spent an entire day hearing from marketing and communications experts, and learning and growing together as peers. “I loved being able to network with other Vice Presidents of Community Relations from other chapters,“ Crystal says. “It was wonderful to exchange contact information and plan to stay in touch.” The track sessions equipped chapter leaders like Crystal with the skills to drive branding, communications, and social media both in their chapters and as representatives of the larger Sorority. "I learned that every brand has a certain set of values that they uphold, and that Alpha Sigma Tau is no different," she recalls. “Branding is more than just colors and a logo.” As a result, she strives to have her chapter better incorporate branding – and the Alpha Sigma Tau values it represents – into recruitment in the upcoming fall semester. Track sessions also touched on the strategic side of communications, from identifying audiences, to developing plans, to delivering key messages that resonate. A big part of this is social media on multiple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Crystal found the focus on media analytics especially valuable. “I learned a lot about what to post and what to say," she says. “But, just as importantly, I learned to really dissect what is working and what may need adjustment.”
Aside from branding and structured communications, one of Crystal’s biggest take-aways was learning more about effective verbal communication. "I loved learning about how to start more meaningful conversations,” she says. “I've already started engaging my chapter on how to ask better questions and have been using these skills myself in everyday conversations." She believes that she and her Gamma Epsilon Sisters will be better able to open dialogue with potential new members and truly make them feel more welcome throughout the recruitment process and beyond. Crystal knows that what she learned from Officer Academy will help her in her position and resonate with her chapter long after this summer. "I'm thankful for the experience,” she says in closing. “I am very eager to bring everything back to my chapter this fall and start incorporating all that I learned!”
Recruitment Boot Camp By Ashley Smith, Psi, Assistant Director of Growth and Extension
ayler Anderson, Beta Pi, began her leadership experience in her chapter as the Director of Structured Recruitment, a role that helped her see her own potential as a leader. “After the structured recruitment process, I understood how much I could affect the chapter and leave my mark through recruitment,” she recalls. “That was interesting to me, and I thought I could do more to help.”
Networking in this way requires organization and an “all-hands-on-deck” attitude from the rest of the chapter. Casey Blashill, Gamma Xi, is eager to present this approach to her chapter at Grand Valley State University. “I’m bringing back accountability to my chapter from RBC,” she says. “Every Sister needs to be involved in the recruitment process, and we should be recruiting all year to bring women of quality into the chapter.” Casey also mentioned that setting expectations for all members to be involved with yearround recruiting was her biggest takeaway from the weekend. After RBC, chapter Growth Teams walked away with an action plan filled with goals and objectives to implement ‘smarter, not harder’ recruitment tactics. Both Tayler and Casey aim to follow through on their actions plans to achieve campus total and retain their members. “I think the members will be more open to trying new things because we will not be harping on the same things that we have year after year,” says Tayler. “Our members like to try new things, so it will help make recruitment easier and more fun.”
Chapters at RBC work in small groups with other chapters who have similar recruitment structures on their campuses. “The chapters in my small group had similar strengths and weaknesses as ours,” recalls Casey. “I am excited to stay in contact and check in with them to see how and what they are doing to implement their action plans.” “It was extremely beneficial and insightful to see other chapters in the same boat as our chapter,” agrees Tayler. “I loved the opportunity to network with other Sisters.” RBC does not just provide chapters with the tools they need – RBC gives them the whole toolbox. Participants learned tactics for how to succeed and make positive, healthy changes to achieve the outcomes they desire. “It was definitely a powerful weekend,” concludes Casey. “I am so happy that I had the opportunity to attend!”
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Tayler represented her chapter at Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC) this past June. At RBC, participants learned how to authentically network with potential new members so that the pool of women on campus who are interested in joining is always growing. “It was eye-opening to see what new things we could pull from the program to use in our chapter,” Tayler explains. “How we recruit determines what kind of members are joining and if we are going to retain them so they can continue to be contributing members of the chapter. Having the opportunity to network with women on campus and build a friendship with them makes it easy to recruit members who share our Alpha Sigma Tau values.”
Left: Tayler Anderson, Beta Pi Right: Casey Blashill, Gamma Xi
Tayler then pursued and attained the position of Vice President of Growth for her chapter at Eastern Illinois University, a position that has been fulfilling for her. “It’s a lot of responsibility, and it’s not always easy,” she says. “But I really enjoy it so it doesn’t seem like work.”
Defining Excellence
Chapter Awards 2017 Membership Excellence Award: Beta Mu Chapter (Salisbury University) The Membership Excellence Award honors the collegiate chapter that exhibited a culture of excellence in membership recruitment and retention over the 2016-2017 academic year. 2017 Membership Improvement Award: Alpha Chapter (Eastern Michigan University) The Membership Improvement Award was presented to the collegiate chapter that exhibited significant improvement in membership recruitment and retention results over the 20162017 academic year.
2017 Elizabeth Wilson Award for Chapter Management: Delta Eta Chapter (Belmont University) The Elizabeth Wilson Award for Chapter Management honors the collegiate chapter that exhibited excellence in operational and organizational management.
Congratulations to our Membership Award winners at #ASTOA17 and #ASTRBC17! The Alpha Chapter won the 2017 Membership Improvement Award and the Beta Mu Chapter was honored with the 2017 Membership Excellence Award. Both awards recognize outstanding recruitment and retention efforts. Way to go!
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Congratulations to the Gamma Xi Chapter, winners of the 2017 Illuminate Leadership Award at #ASTOA17 and #ASTRBC17!
Congratulations to the Delta Eta Chapter at Belmont University, winner of the 2017 Elizabeth Wilson Award for Chapter Management at #ASTOA17 and #ASTRBC17!
2017 Illuminate Leadership Award: Gamma Xi Chapter (Grand Valley State University) The Illuminate Leadership Award recognized the collegiate chapter that achieved group or individual leadership enhancement results from participation in Illuminate programming.
Legacy & Tradition: Headquarters Tours After programming concluded on Sunday, attendees were invited to National Headquarters to take in the Sorority’s legacy through guided tours of the many historical artifacts and photos on display.
Attendees received guided tours, took home a souvenir poster, and had the chance to connect with National Headquarters Staff and National President Tiffany K. Street. Perhaps most importantly, they also soaked in the history of the dedicated Alpha Sigma Taus who came before them. The tour included highlights like Sybil King’s desk, Ada A. Norton and Effie Lyman’s Badges, children's books authored by members throughout the years, and the original Standing Rules of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority, featuring the organization's first Ritual ceremonies.
S U M M E R 2017 Delta Upsilon (L-R): Casey Fagan, Chapter President and Kristina Kieffer, Vice President of Operations.
Epsilon Theta, Front Row (L-R): Sarah Abdelmessih, Vice President of Operations and Micaiah Sandoval, Vice President of Organization Development. Back (L-R): Maria Van Tine, Vice President of Member Development and Ana Jano, Vice President of Community Relations.
Delta Upsilon (Front Row): Jackie Albert, Vice President of Growth; Taylor Constantino, Director of Structured Recruitment; Tiffany K. Street, Delta Mu, National President Back Row: Juliette Stratis, Vice President of Community Relations; Kristina Kieffer, Vice President of Operations; Casey Fagan, Chapter President; MacKenzie Jones, Vice President of Organization Development.
Sisters take in their Sorority's history and legacy with tour guide Justina Solties, Gamma Theta, Member Engagement Coordinator.
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Alpha Sigma Tau @ast_csula
. . . May we ever live to honor thy dear memory. #nationalheadquarters #ASTOA17 #ASTRBC17 9:22 PM - 25 Jun 2017
leahlamb_ I had such an empowering experience this weekend with my sisters at officer academy & recruitment book camp and I can't wait to bring back everything I learned to all my Phi girls. #ASTRBC17#ASTOA17 #astphi
National Foundation
Foundation Launches 1899 Society for Collegiate Giving
s an exciting kick-off to Alpha Sigma Tau’s 2017 Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp, Emily Kindred, Beta Delta, who serves as Director of Development, announced the launch of the 1899 Society: an exclusive giving society for collegiate members contributing $18.99 or more to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation in a calendar year.
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During the announcement, which was streamed live over the Sorority’s Facebook page on the evening of Thursday, June 22, Emily emphasized the tremendous impact of collegiate giving to the Foundation in recent years. The Foundation celebrated 286 collegiate donors in 2016, and collegiate donors made up 20% of the total gifts contributed on Alpha Sigma Tau’s inaugural Founders Day of Giving. “Collegiate giving matters. When you invest in yourself, even at smaller, more accessible levels, you drive alumnae giving and support a National Organization you’re proud of,” Emily said during the announcement.
Members of the 1899 Society will be recognized with an annual colored anchor dangle to display proudly on their Badge. There are four versions of the anchor dangle, with one color available exclusively each calendar year. Members are encouraged to collect as many colors as possible throughout their collegiate experience. Additional benefits include 1899 Society name tag ribbons at national events, and recognition on Alpha Sigma Tau’s website and in Foundationrelated communications.
Additionally, members of the 1899 Society are encouraged to apply for the 1899 Society Collegiate Ambassador Program. Collegiate Ambassadors will serve as a primary chapter contact for the 1899 Society and will be expected to complete small tasks throughout the academic year that promote the Foundation and grow a culture of philanthropy within their chapters. More than 100 collegians joined the 1899 Society over the course of the event weekend, and more names continue to be added each day. Previously, the Foundation’s annual giving recognition levels began at the $100 level, regardless of membership type, making this new society even more notable. “Our collegiate Sisters are the future leaders of this organization, and we are proud to introduce a society and volunteer program that recognizes their extraordinary support,” said Foundation President Kris Haskin, Beta Pi. “The generosity of all members, at whatever level works best for their lifestyle, is critical to our continued growth and success, and we are excited to highlight that commitment in a fun and engaging way.” Join the 1899 Society today! Learn More and Apply for the 1899 Society Collegiate Ambassador Program at Already a member? Share a photo of your dangle and why you give on social media using #AST1899
The Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation is pleased to recognize the following collegians as members of the 1899 Society for calendar year 2017. Collegiate giving is integral to the success of our organization, and your generosity is truly appreciated. Thank you! Please Note: This list is accurate as of July 31, 2017. For the most current list, please visit Alpha Chapter at Eastern Michigan University Becca Ledwick Katey Meredith Zeta Chapter at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Skyler Dunham Courtney Evans Omicron Chapter at Concord University Tori Shinn Skye Stark Rho Chapter at Southeastern Oklahoma State University Breanna Carswell Mary Cobb Zoe Reed
Zeta Tau Chapter at Longwood University Lauren Atkins Naomi Cary Molly Farthing Sara Kendle Taylor Lawler Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University Desiree Acosta
Alpha Gamma Chapter at Henderson State University Summer Revels Jennifer Stephens Alpha Pi Chapter at Slipper Rock University of Pennsylvania Tiffany Corvino Tia Maxwell Stephanie Piazza Olivia Zamiroski Alpha Phi Chapter at West Chester University of Pennsylvania Katie Bamberski Alpha Psi Chapter at University of Northern Iowa Kaylee Clemens Angel Peterson Beta Delta Chapter at Duquesne University Jenna Gallipoli Rachel Todd McKenzie Trader Beta Eta Chapter at Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville Taylor Bosch Beta Iota Chapter at Millersville University of Pennsylvania Olivia Stoner Beta Xi Chapter at Michigan Technological University Cece Attwell Hannah Getschman Adeline Hummel Abigail Payne Alana Young
Beta Rho Chapter at Arkansas Tech University Nikala Bacon
Epsilon Beta Chapter at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Kaylee Appleton Dennise Hernandez Sara Velasco
Beta Phi Chapter at California University of Pennsylvania Madison Ansell Tori Hanni Hannah Romagnoli Gamma Gamma Chapter at University of West Alabama Sarah Coffey Autumn Daniel Alyssa Suddith Morgan Thrash Gamma Delta Chapter at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Jess Silva Gamma Zeta Chapter at Frostburg State University Sarah Polkabla Gamma Theta Chapter at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Alison Bastian Gretchen Shaffer Lizzy Young Gamma Xi Chapter at Grand Valley State University Casey Blashill Gamma Pi Chapter at Lycoming College Megan Goodrich Morgan Valle Gamma Rho Chapter at Seton Hall University Stefanie DiPaolo Alex Urbanski Gamma Tau Chapter at Lebanon Valley College Holly Mitman Gamma Upsilon Chapter at California State University, Los Angeles Desiree Caro Gamma Psi Chapter at Fitchburg State University Emma Murphy Samantha Rosa Delta Beta Chapter at Fairmont State University Taylor Crawford Raychel Fitzwater Jai’Ehir Jackson Delta Eta Chapter at Belmont University Madison Bounds Delta Theta Chapter at Moravian College Emily Bevans Kristy Harrison in Memory of Olivia Noel Delta Iota Chapter at Providence Campus of Johnson & Wales University Emma Hunt Delta Rho Chapter at Chowan University Tiffany Cox Danielle Henry Amber Smaltz Shataya Titus Delta Tau Chapter at Oakland University Samantha Deckard Delta Psi Chapter at Denver Campus of Johnson & Wales University Kari LaRonde Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Olivia Bosma Hannah Bryner
Epsilon Gamma Chapter at Armstrong State University Ellisa Davis Megan Hill Courtney Felton Jakeline Salas Nikki Vatistas Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at North Miami Campus of Johnson & Wales University Linaya Clarke Isabel Raese Epsilon Eta Chapter at University of the Incarnate Word Dora Cantu Diamond Hernandez Savanna Juarez Epsilon Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University Maria Van Tine Epsilon Iota Chapter at New York Institute of Technology J.V. Aine Epsilon Lambda Chapter at Indiana University South Bend Catherine Conlin Tia Romig Janyelle Wiltfong Epsilon Mu Chapter at SUNY University at Buffalo Claudia Vazquez Epsilon Xi Chapter at Gustavus Adolphus College Kiersten Bredeson Laura Hardekopf Kelsie Undem Epsilon Omicron Chapter at University of Southern Indiana Madison Hays in Memory of Emma Caserotti Epsilon Pi Chapter at Rhode Island College Heather Chenot Elisabeth Radwan Epsilon Sigma Chapter at Bridgewater State University Jamey Cullinan Haylee DeLuca Melissa Guimond Lauren Kern Epsilon Tau Chapter at Kenyon College Evangeline Warren Epsilon Upsilon at Dalton State College Ashley Langston Anna Nelson, Epsilon Upsilon Allika Peeler-Bagley Epsilon Phi Chapter at Winona State University Kaylin Hardwig Ashlee Newhart Epsilon Chi Chapter at University of Minnesota Duluth Victoria Prasek Epsilon Psi Chapter at Rowan University Kaitlyn Gilmartin
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Chi Chapter at Shepherd University Ally Brunelle Miranda Godfrey Emily Kane Samantha Mellott
Taylor Catenacci Marianne Edmonds Maria Obradovich
Sigma Chapter at SUNY Buffalo State Mackenzie Elliott
Beta Pi Chapter at Eastern Illinois University Nora Kollar Nicole Wheatley
Save the Date!
19 S U M M E R 2017 Save the date to make a big dierence in a short time during Alpha Sigma Tau's second annual Founders Day of Giving, a 27-hour online event to grow a stronger future for Alpha Sigma Tau through support of the Foundation. Become a #foundersdayofgiving ambassador today at
#foundersdayofgiving #AST118
Announcing the Inaugural Class of the Summer Leadership Series The National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau is excited to announce the Inaugural Class of the Summer Leadership Series. The Summer Leadership Series is an intensive, 12-week program grounded in four critical leadership topics: Self-awareness, Analytical and Problem Solving/Critical Thinking, Anticipation and Forward-thinking, and Communication Skills. The Series kicked o the week of July 10 and will run through September 25, 2017.
The 2017 Summer Leadership Series will also serve as a pilot to identify useful topics and formats for future emerging leader programs. Congratulations to all of our participants!
Meet the Inaugural Class:
Chandler Arterberry, Rho
Sarah Massie, Gamma Zeta
Theresa Gallo Osorio, Delta Phi
Rachel Presskreischer, Delta Phi
Alli Miller, Phi
Joell Sperry, Gamma Theta
Katherine Onyshko, Delta Phi
Lauren (Bendes) Warren, Beta Xi
Breathing in all things Alpha Sigma Tau
Collegiate Chapter Updates Most chapters attended Officer Academy and RBC. We asked them to share their favorite moments and some of the cool things they learned.
Alpha, Eastern Michigan University Sisters who participated in Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp benefited from sharing ideas to help their chapter, and are looking forward to using the new meeting model this year.
Sigma, SUNY Buffalo State Our Chapter President and Vice President of Growth were excited to attend OA/RBC this June! They enjoyed creating a recruitment action plan for our chapter, and learning how to enhance membership and Sisterhood. Plus, they loved meeting many Sisters from other chapters!
Rho, Southeastern Oklahoma State University The Rho Chapter’s favorite part of Officer Academy was meeting and connecting with Sisters all over the U.S. We learned from their successes, and how Rho can be more successful.
Beta, Central Michigan University Chapter President Carly Densmore shares that she and other chapter officers “learned how to make Alpha Sigma Tau the best it can be.”
Zeta Tau, Longwood University Our Chapter Sisters really enjoyed all of the speakers. They all gave us useful advice that will help our chapter. Our Chapter President liked meeting the other Chapter Presidents and is glad that she made those connections.
Phi, Southeastern Louisiana University Our chapter’s favorite part of Officer Academy was learning to build Social Excellence from Jessica Gendron Williams. We learned how to be authentic through recruitment, how to hold more engaging meetings, and how to lead in Alpha Sigma Tau.
Omicron, Concord University The Omicron Chapter attended Officer Academy this June and made so many memories! Our favorite part was the adventures we would have with Sisters we met on breaks. We even planned some get-togethers with other chapters for the upcoming semesters.
Upsilon, University of Central Arkansas The ladies of the Upsilon Chapter had a blast this year at Officer Academy. It was a great bonding experience for these four lovely members of our Executive Committee. We are grateful for everyone who helped put together this wonderful event, and are thankful for all of the knowledge we gained and fun we had!
Psi, James Madison University Five Psi Chapter Sisters attended Officer Academy. We loved the opportunity to bond as an Executive Committee, and we gained helpful material that we can take back to our chapter to implement in the fall!
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Collegiate Chapter Updates
Beta Epsilon, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Members at Officer Academy had the best time connecting with other Sisters while sharing and learning new ideas, such as the importance of utilizing tools like GINsystem.
Beta Xi, Michigan Technological University Meeting Sisters from around the nation, learning personal development skills, and setting goals for the year were all highlights of Beta Xi’s time at Officer Academy.
Alpha Xi, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Members attending Officer Academy were pleased to work with Sisters from other chapters and to learn from their Sister, Jessica Gendron Williams, Beta Pi, CEO of Phired Up Productions.
Beta Iota, Millersville University of Pennsylvania Beta Iota ladies had an amazing time meeting women from so many different chapters. Their favorite takeaway was learning how to maximize their chapter meetings to prevent over-programming.
Beta Pi, Eastern Illinois University Beta Pi Sisters learned how to be better leaders, have confidence in themselves, and to give their chapter their all.
Beta Delta, Duquesne University Beta Delta Sisters learned new ways to become better leaders and communicate the chapter’s needs more effectively.
Beta Nu, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Attendees loved all the awesome speakers at Officer Academy. They were excited to explore their individual leadership styles and the resulting effective dynamic.
Beta Chi, Ferris State University Beta Chi attendees had a great time meeting and connecting with Sisters from all over the country, and learning how to better their performance in their offices.
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Alpha Phi, West Chester University of Pennsylvania Alpha Phi Sisters loved attending Officer Academy and especially enjoyed focusing on their individual positions with other members holding the same office.
Collegiate Chapter Updates
Gamma Theta, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College The Gamma Theta Chapter attended both Officer Academy and RBC! The best part of the weekend was meeting Sisters from all over the country with which to share ideas about our respective chapters. The speakers and facilitators were incredibly insightful!
Gamma Mu, West Virginia University Institute of Technology The Sisters of Gamma Mu had an amazing time at Officer Academy! Our favorite part was meeting Sisters from across the country. It was great to learn new ways to start a conversation with strangers. We can't wait to try them out during recruitment!
Gamma Upsilon, California State University, Los Angeles Our chapter gained a lot from Officer Academy! It was exciting and refreshing to be in a room with people who knew exactly what you were going through. We learned how to be better leaders for our chapter.
Gamma Iota, York College of Pennsylvania Our chapter sent four members to Officer Academy. Their favorite part was the network breaks and meal times which allowed them to mingle with Sisters from other chapters. They also enjoyed learning new ways to improve themselves, as well as our chapter.
Gamma Xi, Grand Valley State University The Sisters of the Gamma Xi Chapter were honored to attend Officer Academy this June. We received the Illuminate Leadership Award, and left with many new skills and goals for the upcoming year. We made lots of memories and had a wonderful time with Sisters.
Delta Alpha, Gannon University Attendees praised Jessica Gendron Williams’ presentation, and are excited to implement her advice about making genuine connections within their chapter.
Gamma Lambda, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Our favorite part of Officer Academy was meeting Sisters from all over the country! We learned how to effectively run chapter meetings, improve our chapter Bylaws, use the Tau Honor Council for more than just discipline, and better manage our finances.
Gamma Tau, Lebanon Valley College Our chapter sent two Sisters to Officer Academy. Both agree that their favorite part was getting to bond with Sisters from all over the country, as well as sharing new ideas with other chapters.
Delta Theta, Moravian College Our Sisters Mikaylah, Emily, and Kristy enjoyed their time at Officer Academy in June! They are very excited to start the fall semester off by encouraging strong relationships and meaningful conversations among their Sisters!
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Collegiate Chapter Updates
Delta Pi, Oglethorpe University Our favorite part of Officer Academy was meeting Sisters from all over the country and planning to stay in touch! We all learned about our leadership styles and how to better use them. It was a great experience!
Epsilon Beta, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Our favorite part of Officer Academy was networking with all of our Sisters in our tracks. We offered each other different solutions to implement in our chapters, and learned how to handle situations better after listening to fellow Sisters talk about similar experiences.
Delta Iota, Providence Campus of Johnson & Wales University All ladies present agreed that their favorite part of Officer Academy was meeting Sisters from other chapters. Vice President of Community Relations Taylor Lemay is looking forward to using new ideas for improving attendance and campus presence.
Delta Upsilon, Saint Leo University Delta Upsilon members were thrilled to send six members to Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp. Our members loved seeing how other chapters operate. Our favorite part of the trip was realizing how amazing our advisors are!
Epsilon Epsilon, North Miami Campus of Johnson & Wales University Our favorite part of Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp was meeting so many Sisters from across the country. We loved being able to share stories and come up with new ways to improve all of our chapters. We learned great ways to better brand Alpha Sigma Tau throughout our campus!
Delta Nu, Beloit College The Delta Nu Chapter is planning a philanthropy event with Saint Baldrick's: a fundraiser for childhood cancer research. People are invited to raise money to shave their heads in solidarity with the children fighting cancer.
Delta Omega, Penn State Altoona The Delta Omega Chapter Sisters were thrilled to have the opportunity to attend Officer Academy this summer! Our favorite part was meeting members from other chapters while exchanging ideas and traditions.
Epsilon Eta, University of the Incarnate Word Our favorite part of Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp was spending time with empowering women who all share the same values, ambitions, and goals. We loved how we were taught ways to improve our chapter instead of just changing it.
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Delta Mu, Cumberland University Our favorite parts of Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp were meeting new Sisters that we can always lean on, and learning more about our positions. We learned that we don't have to make recruitment "big and glamorous." We just need to be genuine and authentic to help each other grow.
Collegiate Chapter Updates
Epsilon Theta, Fairleigh Dickinson University Our favorite part of Officer Academy was meeting Sisters from all over the country and exchanging ideas with them. We loved learning how to build meaningful relationships through Sisterhood, and through programs like Illuminate, Not Anymore, and GreekLifeEdu.
Epsilon Omicron, University of Southern Indiana Epsilon Omicron Sisters are eagerly anticipating their annual campuswide cook-off, tASTe! All proceeds from this fun event will benefit SMILE on Down Syndrome.
Epsilon Iota, New York Institute of Technology It was special to go to Officer Academy with the people I met when I entered college. We all learned new skills and built new relationships with other Sisters.
Epsilon Rho, SUNY Geneseo While we did not attend Officer Academy, Sisters were able to study abroad together this summer. Sisters went to Greece, Prague, and Paris together to bring the values of Alpha Sigma Tau all over the world.
Epsilon Lambda, Indiana University South Bend Our chapter sent four women to Officer Academy. We loved meeting Sisters from other chapters and learning valuable information that we're ready to bring back to our chapter! Meeting National President Tiffany K. Street was also a highlight.
Epsilon Sigma, Bridgewater State University Our chapter attended Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp! Our favorite part of the trip was connecting with Sisters from all over the country. We learned so much about recruitment and chapter management, and we can't wait to share it back home!
Epsilon Psi, Rowan University As one of Alpha Sigma Tau's newest chapters, our members enjoyed being surrounded by women who share the same values as we do! Everyone helped welcome us into the Sisterhood! We learned that no matter where we are from, we all share the same love for Alpha Sigma Tau!
S U M M E R 2017
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Alumnae Chapter Updates Alumnae chapters/associations are gearing up for fall after an active spring and summer. Many took part in the second annual Night to Reunite. See what they've been up to and what they have planned!
S U M M E R 2017
Spring and summer have been busy for the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter with book clubs, a cookout, wine festival, and champagne brunch. We held a Night to Reunite at On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina, where we hosted a group of Sisters from Columbia. An Orioles game is planned for late summer/fall. If you are in the area and interested in attending events, please email baltimorealumnae@
Blue Ridge
The brand new Blue Ridge Alumnae Association, formed in May, kicked off summer in a strong way with a family cookout, a service project for the local rescue mission, a sisterhood event at a brewery, and a philanthropy event distributing book bags and school supplies to low-income families. We look forward to fun social events, working with some special local philanthropies, and great educational programs in the near future!
In early June, members of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter participated in their annual mystery trip. For this year’s “Adventures in AΣT scavenger hunt, members teamed up to look for photos based on clues that could be found all over Buffalo. It was a fun way to bond and start off the summer.
Central Indiana
This summer, the Central Indiana Alumnae Association attended an Indianapolis Indians game on $1 Hot Dog Night, and enjoyed a wonderful evening of bowling. Other plans include an outdoor symphony concert and end-of-summer BBQ. We hope to have one event during each month this year.
There is no stopping the Birmingham AL Alumnae Association! We had two Night to Reunite venues: The Levee Bar & Grill in Tuscaloosa and Newk’s Eatery in Birmingham. Sisters invited their mothers and daughters to enjoy Tea with a Tau in April. In May, we went out to the ballgame, enjoying a night of Birmingham Barons baseball, and met for happy hour later that month. After our business meeting in June, we all took time to enjoy the summer with our families. Come August, we’ll be back together to support the Gamma Gamma Chapter, participate in two 5K events, and make more memories with our Sisters.
The Boston Alumnae Chapter hosted a Night to Reunite dinner at Tremont 647 in Boston. Sisters Joanna Barrett and Samantha Karwin were happy to meet Anne Mulvaney, who just moved to the Boston area. Kellie Vehlies organized a summer gardening philanthropy project at Ripples of Hope for July, August, and September.
Detroit Metro
This summer, the Detroit Metro Alumnae Chapter hosted an ice cream social to welcome new members. We celebrated summer with our annual July Night Out, held our annual pet shower to collect items for a local shelter, and supported the Detroit Area Panhellenic Association in their spring tea and wine tasting fundraisers. For fall, we look forward to our new alumnae induction and celebrating Founders Day with our phenomenal sisterhood.
Alumnae Chapter Updates of planning and collaborating on ideas to get new members involved. The chapter organized a successful Night to Reunite in downtown Erie, where we caught up with both collegians and alumnae. This spring, we spent an afternoon horseback riding and ended the day sipping wine at a local winery. Our main goal for the upcoming months is to work with Dress for Success in support of Alpha Sigma Tau’s Women’s Wellness Initiative.
installed a new leadership team, and looks forward to kicking off another great year in September. Be sure to check out our website or Facebook page to see other fun events we have coming up.
Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Greater Chicago
For Night to Reunite, the Greater Chicago Alumnae Chapter hosted a lounge-style bowling event and went live on the Sorority’s Snapchat! The group also met on June 22 at Uncle Julio’s Mexican restaurant to host elections for the coming year, finish out our 2017 calendar, and discuss other open items. We celebrated a great meeting with an Uncle Julio’s Chocolate Piñata!
Northern Virginia Erie
The Erie Alumnae Chapter has been busy working on some new and exciting ideas for the coming months. We came together at a Mexican restaurant for a fun night
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter held an enjoyable Night to Reunite that brought together new and familiar faces. We also had the privilege of meeting new alumnae and collegiate members at a barbecue event. The chapter has
This summer has been full of sisterhood and growth! We enjoyed a lovely Night to Reunite at Olive & Ivy in Phoenix and were happy to meet some new Sisters. In June, we enjoyed our third annual wine tasting event at Daniele Gottlieb’s home, courtesy of her son Jake’s winery, League of Rogues. In July, we gathered for an afternoon of bowling fun. High tea at the Arizona Biltmore is planned for August. In October, we will support our local Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign by installing smoke alarms in at-risk neighborhoods. We welcomed four new alumnae to the Phoenix area and honored Karen Anderson as our Top Tau.
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The Edwardsville Alumnae Chapter began spring with our Sisters in the Beta Eta Chapter at a Night to Reunite event at El Maguey restaurant. In May, we enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant and set our calendar for the next six months. For our June event, we enjoyed blues music and catching up with one another at the Missouri Botanical Garden. We attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s production of The Addams Family in July. For information on upcoming events, please check our Facebook page: Alpha Sigma Tau Edwardsville Alumnae.
Alumnae Chapter Updates of wine and enjoyed one another’s company. We are planning a special event in November for local alumnae to celebrate the Delta Upsilon Chapter’s 15-year anniversary and Alpha Sigma Tau’s 118 years of sisterhood.
Tidewater Southeastern Louisiana T H E AN C H OR
St. Louis
S U M M E R 2017
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter hosted a small but successful Night to Reunite. As always, when Sisters get together, fun happens. Our best summer meeting idea was to bring a photo album from National Convention. So many memories and laughs as we enjoyed remembering the fun events, longtime friendships, changing fashions, and chapter awards. In June, one of our young alumnae, Bethany Marshall, represented Alpha Sigma Tau at the Pi Beta Phi National Convention in downtown St. Louis. She met women from 26 other National Panhellenic Conference sororities, who exchanged stories of their collegiate and alumnae years. Bethany is enthusiastic about the friendships she made and thanks NPC Delegate Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, for the opportunity.
The Southeastern Louisiana Alumnae Chapter has been busy and having fun. In January, many Sisters gathered at Champagne Bingo, an annual event to support athletics at Southeastern Louisiana University. In February, we sold grilled cheese sandwiches at the Rock ‘n Roar which is a literary rally for local high school students. We raised almost $700 for our foundation scholarship. We gathered for an Anchored Alumnae Brunch with Phi Chapter in March. It was a wonderful event put on by the collegiate members with a raffle, slideshow, and make-your-own waffle station. We are so proud of our collegiate women! April 6 was Night to Reunite and we had three different events (Baton Rouge, Northshore, and Hammond) to allow for the most Sisters to attend. In May, we held a meeting at a local landmark restaurant in Hammond that is closing. We elected our new officers and awarded Genie Carter Powers as our Top Tau. In July, we had a cooking demonstration with Shelly Redmond from Skinny Louisiana. She taught us how to make healthy recipes. We are looking forward to our upcoming events for continued fun and sisterhood.
The Tidewater alumnae chapter had a lively Christmas party and a January meeting with 23 sisters attempting to knit “arm scarves.” Sisters have given generously to the local Beach Bags Program to benefit Virginia Beach high school students during weekends. We are planning an Irish pub night for our March outing the day before St. Patrick’s Day, and plan to wrap up spring with the annual Tidewater Alumnae Panhellenic Association luncheon in April, a wine tasting event, a Paint Night, and a yard sale fundraiser in early May. We look forward to meeting more collegians from Radford, Longwood, and other schools in the future!
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor
The Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter has made it a priority to get together more often this summer since we normally don’t have summer meetings. In June, we met up to plan for upcoming fundraisers and service events. In July, we volunteered with Growing Hope, a local organization that focuses on alleviating hunger. Plans for August include a housewarming event to celebrate the Alpha Chapter’s new sorority house.
South Florida
In late April, the South Florida Alumnae Chapter was officially installed by National Vice President Erika McManus Bukva. We are busy planning the calendar for the upcoming year, and look forward to a trip to Orlando and Universal Studios in August.
Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay Alumnae Association started the summer by electing new officers and planning events for 2017–18. Most recently, we held a wine tasting where we learned about different types
in Alpha Sigma Tau Style!
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Anchoring Thoughts By Kate Sweeney, Gamma Theta, The Anchor Editor
I started writing this after I read Tiffany Street's letter at the beginning of this issue. I read, like you did, that our membership has grown from 50,000 Sisters to 60,000 in just five short years. Then I remembered reading past issues of The Anchor from six or seven years ago, discussing AÎŁT's long-term strategic plans. I remember reading those plans initially and thinking the goals were ambitious. T H E AN C H OR
However, looking back and knowing where we are now, it amazes me to think about how far the Sorority has come in improving not only the size of our membership, but the quality of it for collegians and alumnae alike. New collegiate chapters are chartered each year, and the number of alumnae chapters and associations has exploded recently, indicating that our message of "lifelong membership" is becoming clearer to collegians. AÎŁT Connect has allowed all of us to find "lost" Sisters. Illuminate has encouraged personal and professional growth. Partnerships and programs like GreekLifeEdu and Not Anymore help Sisters address issues that are relevant on campus. Founders Day of Giving has encouraged more Sisters to give back financially to the programs that allow members to thrive, and Night to Reunite has brought all of us closer together.
S U M M E R 2017
Officer Academy and Recruitment Boot Camp are just some of the events that allow Sisters to meet, collaborate, and understand the larger organization that they're a part of outside of their relatively small chapters. The education and insights that are taught to collegiate members is invaluable, as evidenced by the stories told here. And these skills - how to lead, start a conversation, engage new members, and live out our values - while relevant in college, can also be used long after graduation. Fortunately, technological advancements and social media have allowed for bigger and better connections after Officer Academy and RBC have ended. Well-known sisters like Tiffany and Jessica Gendron Williams become your Facebook friend. A Sister in Texas can Facetime with a Sister in a chapter in New York to discuss their recruitment struggles and successes. Ironically, our Sorority world feels a whole lot smaller as our organization has grown dramatically. As a volunteer and member, I'm proud to serve Alpha Sigma Tau, and I couldn't be happier with the positive changes that have come with our growth. Events like the ones featured in this issue of The Anchor put these changes in perspective and showcase the greatness that is still yet to come. In Sisterhood, Kate
Officer, Volunteer, and National Staff Directory NATIONAL COUNCIL National President Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Vice President Erika McManus Bukva, Delta Rho National Vice President Jenni Kemmery, Delta National Vice President (Collegian) Kristin Palmsiano, Delta Delta National Vice President Emma Bunnell Rice, Phi
PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENTS 1984-1986 Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda 1986-1992 Patricia Nayle, Phi 1996-2002 Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha 2002-2008 Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta 2008-2014 Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda
THE ANCHOR Editor Kate Sweeney, Gamma Theta Alumnae Editor Beverly Singel Molnar, Delta Collegiate Editor Shanee Frazier, Gamma Rho Collegiate Editor Leah Hollingsworth, Delta Upsilon Collegiate Editor Kelli Purcell O’Brien, Delta Eta Staff Writers Joanna Barrett, Epsilon Epsilon; Darcy Coulter, Epsilon Xi; Tori Dixon, Epsilon Gamma; Shanee Frazier, Gamma Rho; Leah Hollingsworth, Delta Upsilon; Ashley Hoogstraten, Beta Pi; Lauren Irby, Zeta Tau; Beverly Singel Molnar, Delta; Samantha Rill, Delta Delta; Elizabeth Schilling, Delta Upsilon; Elizabeth Miller Villegas, Delta Rho; Lauren Crawford Welch, Delta Psi
NATIONAL FOUNDATION BOARD President Kristin Haskin, Beta Pi Vice President Rita Bertolino, Phi Vice President Jamie Jones Miller, Psi
Chair Katherine Onyshko, Delta Phi Members Ashley Hoogstraten, Beta Pi; Tara Shaffer, Gamma Pi; Kristina Moron Eaton, Gamma Delta; Ashley Harris, Zeta Tau; Amanda Gelbart, Delta Phi
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair Patricia Nayle, Phi Secretary Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha Members Amy Brooks, Alpha Xi; Erika McManus Bukva, Delta Rho; Carol Cooper, Zeta Tau; Emily Ashby McIntire, Alpha Lambda; Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta
Executive Director Jim Paponetti Associate Executive Director of Member Services Angie Bong Director of Meetings and Events Rachel Bourgeois Green, Phi Director of Development Emily Kindred, Beta Delta Director of Operations Holly Morris Director of Finance Pam Myhre, Gamma Theta Director of Marketing and Communications Ben Nemenoff Assistant Director of Chapter Services Brittany Booth Assistant Director of Growth and Extension Ashley Smith, Psi Chapter Services Coordinator Kate Wehby, Gamma Xi Chapter Services Coordinator Alex Kennedy Member Engagement Coordinator Justina Solties, Gamma Theta Member Engagement Coordinator Kirsten Heck, Gamma Pi Communications Specialist Michelle Zewe Markley, Alpha Tau Growth Specialist Jessa Albert, Delta Upsilon Educational Consultant Emily Boockoff, Epsilon Sigma Educational Consultant Sara Burns, Delta Eta Educational Consultant Jess Harper, Delta Mu Educational Consultant Sarah Pinkerton, Delta Pi Educational Consultant Megan Smith, Gamma Rho Administrative Assistant Jessi Zabriskie
47 S U M M E R 2017
VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL Academics Coordinator Amy Sherman St. John, Zeta Tau Music Coordinator Vacant New Member Coordinator Jennifer LaBonte, Delta Omicron Master Facilitators Melissa Hatfield Atkinson, Gamma Mu; Chelsea Belote, Beta; Jen Cohen, Gamma Rho; Jenn Craig, Zeta Tau; Steven Crudele; Maureen Filmore; Lisa-Marie Fredericks, Beta Xi; Jordan Frederking, Upsilon; Jenny Greyerbiehl; Brieanna Hodskins; Zachary Littrell; Aly McKenna, Delta Upsilon; Grace Nelson, Beta Eta; Katie Perschbacher, Gamma Xi; Will Takewell; Nicole Tunage, Beta Rho; Mary Woodbury, Epsilon Sigma; Brittani Wyskocil
NPC Delegate Jamie Jones Miller, Psi NPC 1st Alternate Delegate Elizabeth Knaus McOsker, Alpha Lambda NPC 2nd Alternate Delegate Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda NPC 3rd Alternate Delegate Joanne Rupprecht Walter, Psi
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Chair Shauna Heinsler Jackson, Delta Alpha Members Shae McLin, Phi; Rachel Roller, Delta Pi; Pam Steele, Psi; Dr. Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda Alumna Alternate Vacant Collegian Alternate Taylor Hogg, Zeta Tau
National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268
Indianapolis, IN Permit 5409
Alpha Sigma Tau’s 42nd National Convention
J UNE 221-24, 1-24, 2018 P ITTS BUR GH, PENNSYLVA NIA PENNSYLVANIA Photo Credit: VisitPittsburgh