Alpha USA 2015 Annual Report

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Alpha USA Annual Report 2015

Contents 02 Letter from the Chair 03 Why Alpha? 04 What is Alpha? 05 Alpha Through the Years 07 2015 Global Numbers 08 Alpha Stories 09 Revitalization of the Church 11 Alpha's Global Footprint: 2015 13 Reaching the Next Generation 14 Alpha Innovation 15 Alpha Film Series 16 Global Alpha Campaign 17 Alpha in a Catholic Context 18 Lead Team & Engagement Process 19 Financial Review 21 Alpha USA Board Members Alpha USA's 2015 data estimates have been validated by Barna Group. 01

Letter from the Chair

I am delighted to present to you Alpha USA's Annual Report for 2015. In 2015, 2.2 million people experienced Alpha around the globe, and over 41,000 churches, schools and prisons ran 84,000 Alphas. Alpha has been running successfully in the U.S. for over 20 years, however most recently it has collided with what is seen to be a growing "crisis" in the U.S. Church. In just two years, the percentage of Americans who qualify as "post Christian" rose by 7 percentage points, from 37% in 2013 to 44% in 2015. As a result, many church leaders are seeking to create non-judgmental environments where those outside of the church feel welcomed and safe to ask questions about Christianity. This unique space is the core of Alpha. Already we have hosted hundreds of church leaders at Experience Alpha events in London and the U.S., with diverse groups of tribes and denominations—

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015

the hunger that these churches share for a tool like Alpha has been truly humbling. Alpha USA is realigning to prepare for this anticipated growth by focusing on strategic churches, cities and contexts. We have streamlined our strategy in the U.S. to deliver Alpha to more churches than ever before, at a fraction of the previous cost. We are especially excited about the new Alpha Film Series, which is completely free for churches all over the world to use. Thanks to your generosity, along with the support of our volunteers, staff and partners around the world, 2015 was an amazing year. We look forward to our continued partnership as we conclude 2016. With best wishes,

Mark Emery Chairman, Alpha USA


Why Alpha? At Alpha, our vision is to see the evangelization of the nations, the revitalization of the church and the transformation of society. Such change will come only through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore the meaning of life and ask their questions in the context of a local church, where Jesus, community and love can be seen in action. We work to equip the local church on a global scale with free and simple tools that help share God’s love. We are seeing individuals, communities and countries transformed at an everincreasing rate. Thank you for all you do.

Rev Nicky and Pippa Gumbel

E m m a n u e l’ s sto ry Pariti Emmanuel participated in the 1994 Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi. While in prison for the murders he committed, fellow prisoners invited him to try Alpha. "I went, but struggled to engage, unable to cope with the things I had done. I realized that I needed to tell the truth, so I wrote a letter asking for forgiveness from the relatives of those I had murdered. Life was so hard after being released from prison. I found my wife with two children that weren't mine, and I faced many heartbreaking situations. I didn’t know how I was going to live with the genocide survivors after what I had done. My heart was filled with agony, loneliness and fear. Remembering Alpha in prison, I decided to try it again. I learned that Jesus forgives, and I experienced love in a way I had never known before. With the help of a local pastor, I went to find Vincent, whose mother and grandmother I had killed, to ask for forgiveness. I now live in a village built for genocide survivors and perpetrators. Vincent lives in the same village. We have formed a friendship, and I now experience peace like I have never felt before. Day to day life continues to be a challenge, but I have found forgiveness and healing for the things that I’ve done."

I experienced love in a way I had never known before


What is Alpha? Alpha is an opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to freely explore their unique questions about life, faith and God. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each session includes food, a short talk that looks at a different question of faith and a small group discussion. Alpha is run all around the globe and transcends social, geographic and denominational borders. Alpha can be run almost anywhere – in cafés, churches, schools, universities, homes, bars, prisons.

"Alpha creates the right kind of social dynamic where people open up. And then they are open to each other, and then they are open to the truth, and soon they open themselves up to the Holy Spirit... and we all know what happens when that happens!"

- Bi l l H y be l s, Se n ior Pa st or , W i l low Cr e e k C om m u n i t y Ch u rch

Pab lo's Sto ry Pablo always thought his life would be so much better if he had the car, or the girlfriend or the money. He blamed everyone, especially God, for everything he didn’t have. He turned to drinking and drugs. Even after he signed up for AA meetings, he realized there was something still missing. Pablo remembers, “I started thinking, ‘I need to go back to church.’” At church, there was an announcement about Alpha. Pablo reflects back on his experience, “Today I look back at those weeks as so instrumental in giving me a foundation for what it means to walk with Christ. It’s not just a belief, it’s my faith, it’s my fact.”

I'm okay being me.

Pablo shares that growing up, “I was such a rotten kid…My mom would always get these nasty looks as people said ‘Oh! Your son is Pablo.’” Recently when he brought his mom to church, people came up to her and said, “That’s your son? That’s Pablo! He’s awesome!” She started crying. “So many times people said how rotten you were. But today, it’s different.” Pablo still doesn’t have the car, the girlfriend or the bank account, but, “It doesn’t matter,” he says. “I’m okay being me.”

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015



Through The years

HTB holds the first national Alpha conference attended by 1,000 church leaders.

Nicky Gumbel takes over the running of Alpha at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) and repositions it for nonchurchgoers.

Tricia Neill, now President of Alpha, joins the team and rolls out an international strategy.

Four churches are running Alpha.

1990 05

The first international Alpha conferences are held in Africa, Europe and North America.





29 MIL 29,000,000 people have experienced Alpha in 169 countries and 112 languages.

1 MIL 1,000,000 people have experienced Alpha.

10 MIL 10,000,000 people have experienced Alpha.

10 K 10,000 churches are running Alpha.



Alpha USA Annual Report 2015


2016 06

2015 Global Numbers

83,943 41,745 Churches *ran Alpha*


2,215,319 Alpha Participants


Alpha Courses


Participants per day

Participants per hour

Participants per minute




Alpha Prison & Re-Entry

Alpha in a Catholic Context

* Includes 2,302 schools, prisons and other organizations that ran Alpha. These Alphas are often affiliated with a local church.


Alpha Stories


Mary Anne’s



"I needed to figure it out for myself."

"No one ever judged me."

When Jackson moved to New York a year and a half ago, he had just gotten engaged to his girlfriend, Holly. Church and Christianity had never been a big part of Jackson’s life, but he wanted to explore more. While scrolling through Instagram one night, he saw an advertisement for Alpha at Trinity Grace - Park Slope, a church that Holly followed. He decided to go.

As a single mom, Mary Anne felt completely alone. She was navigating endless questions, all while trying to figure out how to raise a child. “I knew that there was a God, but I didn’t feel that he was helping in any way,” says Mary Anne.

During Alpha, somebody said, “Pursuing a relationship with God is just like pursuing a relationship with a person.” Jackson thought about his relationship with Holly. They could have analyzed every moment of their lives together, but at some point they decided it was right and got engaged. Their relationship was built on trust, understanding and belief. Jackson realized that this was a perfect model for building a relationship with God. Jackson was eager to share his experience with Rob, their pre-marital counselor. As they walked out near the water by the east river, Rob helped Jackson through a simple prayer, inviting God’s presence into his life. After they prayed, a Bible verse popped into Jackson’s mind. It was the Prodigal son – “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24).

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015

When Mary Anne was invited to Alpha, she agreed to go, but assumed she would be judged because of her background. However, Mary Anne says, “No one ever gave me a look like, ‘What are you doing here at church if you had a child out of wedlock?’ Never.” In fact, she found that she was treated with more dignity, love and respect than she was used to anywhere else in life. After Alpha, Mary Anne decided to go to church. “It was like I understood what church was about—community and enjoying the experience together with people that you love.” This idea of community is new to Mary Anne, but she shares, “I have the ability now to be present in people’s lives and to care for other people when I didn’t think I had anything to give before.” She credits this to God. “I’m finding God’s grace and provision as I go.”



Birthed out of the local church, Holy Trinity Brompton, Alpha is committed to being a story primarily defined and delivered through local church communities. This is because we believe the church is at the core of God's plan to reach and transform the world. We are excited to support what God is doing through vast and unique expressions across our nation. When churches adopt and run Alpha, it has the ability to shape the culture of those communities in four powerful ways:

"Alpha has impacted our church culture by bringing evangelism back to the forefront in what we do.... We found that for us, this has helped us embed the values of Jesus' heart for the lost in a natural format and program that anyone can jump into."

"Alpha has radically altered the DNA of our church. People go through Alpha, then they invite their friends and then they lead. It’s been an unbelievable revival."

"Alpha encourages my parish to be evangelists, to form disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ. They become the mission."

Carolyn Haas, Co-Lead Pastor, Substance Church, Minneapolis, MN

Father James Mallon, Pastor, Saint Benedict Parish, Halifax, Canada

Jon Tyson, Lead Pastor, Trinity Grace Church, New York City, NY


o f t h e c h urc h


Culture of Hospitality


Culture of Listening



Alpha catalyzes a culture of hospitality, making churches naturally more inviting as it reclaims the art of a warm welcome.

Alpha fosters a culture of listening. It suggests that the best evangelism can happen through allowing others to share and ask questions in a safe context.

Culture of Expectancy Alpha facilitates a culture of expectancy. As churches learn to rely on the work of the Holy Spirit, we discover His power to change conversations and lives.

"I especially appreciate the ecumenical spirit of Alpha. There is no pressure on anybody to join a different denomination, but just to join Jesus." Father Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household Rome, Italy

Culture of Empowerment Alpha plays a powerful role in activating and empowering people at every level of faith to step into service and leadership, discovering the gifts God has uniquely given them.

"Alpha makes us feel part of a global family. It connects us with Christians across the globe who share the sole objective of lifting and glorifying the name of Jesus." Gerardo Muniello, Senior Pastor, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015


Alpha's Global Footprint: 2015



churches ran Alpha





people did Alpha including over 70,000 youth

schools ran Alpha



growth in Alpha participants



growth in Alpha in a Catholic Context: 4,750 participants

Latin America


growth in Alpha Youth across Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil: 17,182 participants


Key Office (57) Hub (6) HQ



Throughout the war, Alpha ran in Syria’s capital




participants •


38,000 leaders

youth did Alpha through a partnership with Compassion International



40,000 people

did Alpha


58 prisons ran Alpha: every prison in the country

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015



growth in youth and university student Alpha participants: 13,563 people


Reaching the next generation The “under 25” demographic, which also represents half of the world’s population, is increasingly disconnecting themselves from the church. • According to Barna, 59% of American teenagers stop attending church after age 15. • According to Pew, millennials are significantly more unaffiliated than Generation X or Boomers were at a comparable point in their life cycle. As more and more young people turn away from faith, some believe the church is in danger of losing an entire generation. That’s why we believe that engaging young people on their own terms is a non-negotiable for subsequent generations to grow up knowing

Jesus. But, engaging millennials in a post-Christian culture is precisely where church leaders often feel most vulnerable. Consider… • Where is the space within your church where anyone is welcomed? • Where can young people feel a sense of belonging, before we introduce them to the teachings of Jesus. • Where exactly can young people explore their faith, without fear of shame or guilt? Alpha creates this space organically. Are you looking for a real, authentic and honest context where individuals can ask any question, no matter where they are in the faith journey? #tryalpha

L i va' S s to r y Liva grew up in a home where she watched her dad hit her mom every single night. As an adult, she found that she was always searching for how her life could be better. One day, Liva’s coworker said to her, “I just want to tell you that God loves you,” and then he invited her to Alpha. She had never felt that there was anyone who loved her. She wanted to know more. At Alpha, they talked about a picture that God is always there, knocking. Liva imagined that she was behind the door, refusing to open it. She felt God speaking to her, “Liva, knock knock, here I am,” and then a warm, electrifying heat ran through her. In that moment, all she could say was “Thank you God for saving me.”

"I was looking for how my life could be better."

It had been 7 years since Liva talked with her dad, but she started to write him. “God loves you and forgives you,” she said. “And I want to forgive you. I love you always.” And she sent the email. Liva and her dad talk every day now. She says she is able to move forward, because God has become her real father.


Alpha innovation Alpha Tools at your Fingertips

Inviting a generation

Alpha Builder

Introducing guests and leaders to Alpha

Training Center

Campaigns to invite a new, younger demographic to Alpha

31 national websites 12 in progress

Alpha Film Series Launch Alpha reimagined for the next generation

Equipping leaders with online tools

Developing leaders through training

Alpha Youth Film Series

12 episodes to engage 11–18 year-olds in a conversation about faith, life and God

Alpha Film Series 200 contributors 38 interviews 12 countries 3 presenters 1 new global product

The Alpha Film Series (AFS) is a part of our strategy to equip the church in reaching the next generation with the good news of Jesus Christ. It covers all of the traditional Alpha content. There are fifteen 30-minute episodes, one 10 minute introduction to the weekend, as well as two 30-minute training videos.

"The AFS brings it all to life in a more compelling way."

There were a number of churches across the U.S. who piloted the Alpha Film Series this past spring. Here is what they had to say.

"Quite frankly, many were moved beyond their ability to speak initially after the video...very thought provoking."

"A film series that must be shown frequently!"

"Continues to be engaging and relevant!"

"The age of our participants ranged from 13 to over 70, and the feedback from all age groups was positive."

"How Does God Guide Us? is a great topic to get people curious and excited about asking God for things as a means to determine whether or not He is real. A woman in our group who is not a believer prayed for something very specific a few weeks ago, and her prayer seemed to be answered. She struggles with all of the pain and suffering in the world, but this personal experience is forcing her to consider that God is real."

"Guests were moved by the transparency of the talks and stories. Made them feel more comfortable and able to be human too."

"The consensus definitely is that the new AFS will engage so many more people from a variety of backgrounds."

"All components led to deep discussion and engagement very early on in the course."


Global Alpha campaign Alpha’s first ever global advertising campaign to invite the potential guest to try Alpha launched in September 2016 across continents, countries, cities, towns and villages around the world. In the campaign, Bear Grylls, a British adventurer, writer and television presenter with over 1.5 billion fans worldwide, tells his personal story of finding faith and true adventure on Alpha. He invites the world to do the same. Sixty-one countries are preparing to participate in the Global Alpha Campaign, with advertising planned across TV, cinema, radio, print and digital.

Bear has extraordinary global reach, particularly among millennials. He is recognized from New York to New Delhi, and his biggest market is now China, positioning the campaign for huge global success. The campaign will invite a new audience to try Alpha, inspire an invitational culture among churches and leaders and engage the world in a conversation about faith. Together with the Alpha Film Series, the Global Alpha Campaign will equip churches worldwide with free, effective tools to invite, welcome and share the gospel across generations.

"My simple faith has so often brought light to a dark path, warmth to a cold mountain and strength to a failing body. I remember crawling onto the summit of Everest and clearing the snow from my mask to see the curvature of the Earth at the edges. But finding a simple faith that empowers my life? To me that’s been my greatest adventure."

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015


Alpha in a catholic context

Roman Catholics are the largest religious group in the U.S. with over 78 million people - four times the next largest denomination. There are 195 dioceses that oversee 17,500 parishes. At a single point of influence, diocesan offices have a powerful reach, as each is responsible for an average of 90 parishes and 400,000 Catholics.

Since the Pope's call for a New Evangelization, almost every diocese and parish are actively developing a plan, and there is an urgency to secure effective tools. This opens a significant window of opportunity for Alpha.

"Alpha is equipping us to move into a new time. A new time of ministry, a new time of discipleship, a new time of mercy." Father Bob La Croix, Holy Family Parish, Novi, MI

In response to the dynamic Catholic landscape, Alpha USA is focused on engagement at the diocesan level with key diocesan leaders in all of our key cities. • Thirty-nine of the 195 dioceses are currently engaged in Alpha. • Catholic parishes and key diocesan leaders have attended Experience Alpha events in London with their strategic church counterparts. • 6 national Catholic coaches have been appointed to coach strategic churches after the Experience Alpha events. • 10 parishes are actively scheduling national training events, which they will host.


"I've never seen anything be as fruitful as Alpha is in leading somebody into an encounter with the person of Jesus, then being able to build on that friendship that develops." Father John Ricardo, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth, MI

Lead Team & Engagement process Meet our executive team who collectively drives Alpha USA's vision and strategy. Along with our national and regional staff, our executive team works with churches across the country to make Alpha accessible to anyone, anywhere. The team includes Chris Sadler, National Director; Todd Proctor, Church Networks Director; John Wentz, Ministry Director; and Dane Sanders, Development Director. Together we have a vision to see 30,000 churches running Alpha across the U.S. from different cities, "tribes," socio-economic and ethnic groups. As a movement birthed out of and deeply embedded in the local church, Alpha USA will grow in commitment and capacity to advocate the local church as the primary means of Alpha and champion local leaders as the "MVP's" of the Alpha story. Alpha USA will increase our investment in friendship and partnership with strategic churches: building new trust, honoring and adapting to their rhythms and contexts, and establishing a

E x pl o re

kinship of new Alpha stakeholders in churches of influence across the country. Alpha USA's goal for 2016 is to appoint 25 hub churches (churches of influence across multiple denominations and contexts) throughout the country, learn what works and scale the program to establish 100 hub churches by 2020. This model of 'churches helping churches' will contribute to our goal to see 30k churches running Alpha. Our relationship with these churches is actively managed through the Alpha engagement framework. This framework (see below) classifies where a church is in their development of Alpha and the set of activities Alpha USA employs to help them at that stage. It assumes that a church is either exploring, experiencing or extending Alpha and can be applied to any sized church. The aim is to help them develop into churches that influence others to run best in class Alphas.

E x perience

E x tend

"Alpha has been a multi-dimensional gift to our local church. We have also experienced an increase in the confidence of our church for sharing the gospel or engaging in faith conversations in their workplace and neighborhoods... It has become a vehicle for shaping the culture of our church and we are so grateful for the generous accessibility to the resources, as well as their quality and applicability to our urban context." Pastor David Louw, Trinity Grace Church, New York, NY, Park Slope Parish

Alpha USA Annual Report 2015


Financial Review Total funds ($) Income Publishing Gross Profit Giving Regional Teams

419,896.00 2,789,604.00 1,135,954.00

Alpha Prison & Re-Entry


Other Specialty Ministries


Total Giving Other Income Total Income

4,960,812.00 140,563.00 5,521,271.00

Expense * Regional Teams * Alpha Prison & Re-Entry *Other Specialty Ministries

2,606,848.00 502,223.00 1,071,481.00





*General and Admin


*Conference Expenses Total

49,803.00 5,936,560.00

* Expense figures calculated by estimates from Management (Overhead Allocation)








Other Income




Program Services







Alpha USA Annual Report 2015



Alpha USA Board Members Mark Emery is the president of US Operations Management Group. Prior to this role, Mark was President and CEO, of Northstar Aerospace Inc. He has over 20 years of experience in leadership with companies in Europe, North America and Asia. Tory Baucum is Rector of Truro Church in Fairfax, VA and adjunct professor at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of Evangelical Hospitality: Catechetical Evangelism in the Early Church. Today he serves on the board of Alpha USA and Fresh Expressions USA. Bishop Michael J. Byrnes holds a doctoral degree in Biblical Theology from Pontifical Gregorian University and has served on faculty at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, he serves as the Regional Moderator of Northeast Region of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Tony Cimmarrusti is the CEO of Majestic Capital. He and his wife, Martha, have four sons and live in Grosse Pointe, MI. Heather Grizzle is a partner at ASG Advisors. Previously she has served in the White House and the U.S. House of Representatives. Heather currently serves on various boards including Board of Trustees of Stewardship, VisionFund International, Innovations for Poverty Action and KidsMatter. She and her husband, Ben, have four children and live in Manhattan. Christopher Hill is an entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder of Spotlite and the Chairman of PerkSpot. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Chris spent five years working in investment banking and private equity. Chris is a graduate of Taylor University. Jody Jonsson is a Partner with The Capital Group Companies in Los Angeles, having worked in Capital’s San Francisco, Geneva and London offices. She received an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Princeton University. Jody serves on the board of Alpha USA and the Stanford Business School Investment Trust. She is married with three teenage children.


Brad Lomenick is a business entrepreneur, speaker, leadership advisor, author and longtime President of Catalyst. He is largely credited with growing Catalyst into one of the largest and most recognized leadership brands and gatherings in the U.S. and around the world. He is also the founder of BLINC and author of H3 Leadership. John Mackay is a founding principal of the Strand Real Estate Organization based in Vancouver, Canada. He serves on the board of Alpha International, Alpha USA, and Alpha Canada. John and his wife, Rebecca, have three children. Tricia Neill is the President of Alpha International and serves on the boards of numerous Alpha offices worldwide. She is a well-known speaker on the subject of leadership and church growth, and she is the author of From Vision to Action. Chris Sadler is the National Director of Alpha USA, and from 2003 to 2013, he was Chairman of Alpha Asia Pacific. Chris is a Non-Executive Director of Daniels Sharpsmart Group (Healthcare). Prior to 2004, he spent twenty years working in several leading international investment banks. David Segel is an American businessman, investing in financial services and media assets. He founded Mako Global, which has become one of Europe’s leaders in options market-making. He is also an Executive Partner in MPower Pictures, Telescope Magazine and the Video Genome Project. David Thomas worked in investment banking and corporate finance before becoming an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, serving congregations of varied sizes in Kentucky. Educated at Vanderbilt (BA) and Emory University (MDiv), David earned an MA in theology and has recently completed a PhD in historical Theology, both from the University of Bristol, England. David is now a part of the leadership team of Seedbed, a new division of Asbury Theological Seminary. David and his wife, Karen, have three children. Samuel Wolgemuth is an operating partner of New York-based Morgan Joseph TriArtisan Partners. He has served as President and CEO of Freedom Communications, Executive Director of Alpha USA and CEO of World Relief. Sam holds a BA in Philosophy from Taylor University with continuing studies at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and Harvard Business School. He and his wife, Mary Gayle, have four children and ten grandchildren.

We are pleased to announce that Craig Springer will become the Executive Director of Alpha USA on November 15th. Todd Proctor, John Wentz and Dane Sanders will continue to form the Lead Team with Craig at its helm. Craig has a strong personal history with Alpha from his time at Willow Creek Community Church (he was the Lead Pastor of the first campus to start Alpha) and Cherry Hills Community Church, where he currently oversees Adult Ministries and is a Teaching Pastor. Craig has a deep passion for the local church and a broad church background including Vineyard churches, Willow Creek Community Church, Evangelical Presbyterian churches and church planting. As a result, he views Alpha as a vital tool for all churches. We believe that Craig's unique operational and leadership experience will usher Alpha USA into an exciting new phase of increased fruit and that he is the right leader "for such a time as this." We believe that God has a great future ahead for Alpha USA. We hope you will join us in praying for God's continued blessings on this ministry.

Chris Sadler National Director Alpha USA

The generosity and prayers of our Alpha Partners enabled 2.2 million people to experience Alpha in 2015. Join us in giving Alpha to millions more this year.

Give transformation Give life Give here: Alpha USA, 1635 Emerson Lane, Naperville, IL, 60540

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