Alpha in a Catholic Context

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Alpha in a Catholic Context Answering the call for the New Evangelization

ALPHA ESSENTIALS What is Alpha? Alpha is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, a place where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting.The course usually meets once per week for 10 weeks and includes a day or weekend getaway in the middle. Each session, people enjoy great food, laughter and learning about the teachings of Jesus in a fun and friendly atmosphere where no question about life or God is seen as too simple or too hostile. There is no charge to attend Alpha.

Who Is Alpha For? Alpha is for anyone. People attend Alpha from all backgrounds, religions and viewpoints. They come to investigate questions about the existence of God, the purpose of life, what happens after death, the teachings of Jesus and more. Many guests have never been to church; others may have attended church occasionally but feel they have never really understood the basics of the Christian faith. Everyone is welcome.

How Did Alpha Start? Alpha began at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) church in central London in the late 1970s as a means of presenting the basic principles of Christianity to new Christians. Alpha teaches the basic biblical teachings of Jesus Christ. Alpha continues to spread around the world, as more churches and groups find it to be an effective way to answer people’s questions about the Christian faith.

What is Alpha in a Catholic Context? Alpha in a Catholic context is simply the Alpha course hosted in a Catholic setting using optional talks given by Catholic clergy. Alpha is a practical tool that parishes use to inspire Catholic renewal and answer the call of Christ and His church to ‘go and make disciples of all nations.’ Alpha is often lay-driven and has proved to be an effective tool for awakening faith in people who are on the fringe of parish life, faithful Catholics and those outside the faith.

QUICK FACTS: 23 Million People 112 Languages 169 Countries 100+ Denominations

Estimated number of Alpha guests worldwide

in printed Alpha materials

running Alpha courses

All major denominations run Alpha


“… We need a new evangelization that, while being open to all the fullness of the truth and the Christian life, will be simple and basic. This is the reason why I look with interest and appreciation to Alpha. It seems to me that it answers precisely this need of ours. The very name shows this. It is not called “Alpha and Omega course,” but simply “Alpha” because it doesn’t claim to lead people from beginning to end in faith, but only to help them get acquainted with it, to foster a personal encounter with Jesus, leaving it to other church departments to develop the newly rekindled faith.”

“The Alpha course, which I have had the opportunity to attend…is a providential tool because it precisely tries to reach out to those who are far from the Church, who are indifferent to the faith. By means of a very simple and humane tool based on fraternity and friendship, Christ is introduced to them and enters little by little into their hearts.” Archbishop Octavio Ruiz Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

“Not only is Alpha an effective means to introduce people to an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is an opportunity to find out who are the evangelists in your parish. It is becoming increasingly common that parishes establish “evangelization committees;” but, as a good friend of mine said, ‘Committees are fine, but what we really need are evangelists.’ Put on an Alpha course in your parish, and you will find your evangelists.” Bishop Michael Byrnes Archdiocese of Detroit, Auxiliary Bishop

“Alpha sees itself as committed to exactly this task [The New Evangelization that John Paul II spoke of in Novo Millennio Ineunte]. Parishioners who feel that their faith has been renewed invite friends and acquaintances to a further discussion about faith. They have found the courage to tell others around them about their faith and to get them excited about it. Alpha, which came originally from an Anglican background, provides an opportunity to strengthen ecumenical togetherness among Christians and a joint proclamation of faith in Christ in today’s world.” His Eminence Walter Cardinal Kasper President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Father Raniero Cantalamessa Appointed Preacher to the Papal Household by Pope John Paul II

“Before all else, the gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.” Pope Francis, Joy of the Gospel

ALPHA IN THE PRESS “A novel approach to Christian education that has been catching on nationwide.”

“Alpha is certainly a powerful medicine for a sickly old church.”

(Susan Lee, Senior Editor) “It works. I can testify to that. Indeed it even worked for snobby old me.”

“... Many claim Alpha has changed their lives and appear genuinely happier for the experience.”

“Alpha ... uses modern methods to promote and explain Christian teachings around the world.”

“Alpha … may be the effective evangelization tool Catholic parishes have been searching for.”

CHANGED PARISHES Father Michael Izen Deacon Mike Thoennes Mary Hagar, Director of Religious Education

The Church of St. Timothy MAPLE LAKE, MN

The most obvious and visible change since we started Alpha in this rural community is the mushrooming Mass attendance and involvement of our Alpha grads in the parish. Prior to Alpha, weekend Mass attendance was somewhat sparse. Masses are now packed to overflowing. Daily Mass attendance has grown from barely a dozen to more than 100 since Alpha came to the parish. Many parishioners have changed their work schedules to attend Mass. Fifteen years ago, the elementary school was closing, with just 63 students. Today that same school is full, with a waiting list in some grades. The silent auction, which helps support the school financially, was considered successful if $10,000 was raised. Today that figure ranges from $80,000 to $100,000. Our small farming parish is able to fully staff a 24/7 Eucharistic Chapel, and parishioners are eager to share their time and talent, stepping forward in excess numbers as any committee, group or project has a need. Particularly prominent are pastors’ stories of Alpha graduates. People have returned to the church after decades of absence as a result of Alpha. Because of Alpha, the breakdown of denominational barriers and growth in ecumenical collaboration are evident on all fronts.

Father J.J. Mech

St. Anastasia Roman Catholic Church TROY, MI Alpha has been amazing. The percentage of people who will come to Mass is very small, but if invited to a non-liturgical event, they will come. Alpha is a very non-threatening and welcoming event. I like it that it is community based and is centered around excellent meals and hospitality. “If you feed them, they will come.” What happens is that the guests meet the Body of Christ and then end up building a relationship with Christ. This happens so naturally. They get engaged in the process and it is so nice to see folks come alive in their faith. We see the benefit both in terms of those who are attending the course, as well as active Catholics who are serving on Alpha and becoming more deeply engaged in our own parish. They are recognizing their own talents and gifts and they are immersing themselves in other areas of the parish because of their experience on Alpha. Alpha is a wonderful gift. I so appreciate what it has done for our parish. It doesn’t hurt that they invite me to come to the meals. Alpha is a well developed program that provides a time for people to share their thoughts in a small group after the meal and the video. In engaging in the personal relationship, the Holy Spirit allows their faith to come alive and people come to know the Lord.


usually lasts 10 weeks, with a day or weekend getaway in the middle. Courses vary in size from one small group meeting in a home to hundreds of people in a church. Some courses are held over morning coffee or during a lunch hour. Most are evening courses, typically lasting 2 to 2.5 hours. Alpha’s express version is available for courses that need to be run in a one-hour time frame. The talks each week cover the following topics, acting as a springboard for the small group discussions: INTRODUCTION DINNER Is there more to life than this? (Listen to this talk; visit WEEK 1...................................................................................... Who is Jesus? WEEK 2...................................................................................... Why did Jesus die? WEEK 3...................................................................................... How can we have faith? WEEK 4...................................................................................... Why and how do I pray? WEEK 5...................................................................................... Why and how should I read the Bible? WEEK 6...................................................................................... How does God guide us? WEEKEND / DAY AWAY.............................................................. Who is the Holy Spirit?

What does the Holy Spirit do?

How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

WEEK 7...................................................................................... How can I resist evil? WEEK 8...................................................................................... Why and how should I tell others? WEEK 9...................................................................................... Does God heal today? WEEK 10.................................................................................... What about the church? * some talks have been recorded by Catholic clergy and are available at

A Typical Alpha Evening




Each Alpha gathering begins with a meal, refreshment or snack. This is a time of relaxation and fun in a casual atmosphere. We love meeting new people and making new friends as we share a meal together.

Alpha talks look at a different aspect of the Christian faith each week. Many churches use the Alpha DVD set that features Nicky Gumbel. Talks may also be presented live using Alpha course outlines.

Guests break into small groups where everyone is welcome to share thoughts and ask questions. The small group emphasis is on exploration and discovery in a nonjudgmental and relaxed setting.

TRANSFORMED LIVES Alpha’s Impact on the New Evangelization .

Meredith Boldischar

Dan Shores

MaryJane McArthur

Rick Torres

“My husband and I were both born and raised Catholic, but we weren’t going to Mass and were exploring other religions. I went back to my church for Alpha and met the most amazing people. I received so much love, encouragement and support—especially regarding my fear that this would potentially destroy my marriage.

“CCD classes were always the most dreaded event of my week. However, my last year of religious education was in the form of Youth Alpha and gave us a whole new insight into God, Jesus and our Christianity.

“Before Alpha, if I attended church, it was mostly against my will. Doing things on my own has always been hard. So going to Alpha alone was a good exercise for me. Little did I know that one decision would be so life-changing. I came with an open mind and at a point in my life when I was reevaluating who I was as a person, mother, friend and daughter. Since Alpha, I have a 100 percent different outlook on life. I have made friends and have a new view of the Catholic church. I no longer am forced to go to church; I go on my own, and I actually listen and reflect. Now I have the courage to make hard decisions that I could not make before taking the course. I have become a better person. I pray more, and am less stressed and more patient. I opened my mind and heart to Jesus, and I will never regret it.”

“For most of my adult life, I have been reckless with my body, going from one thing to another, trying to fill that emptiness. My wife Shari and I were living the American dream, but I still had that hole in my heart. I did drugs, but after awhile, it started to take its toll. When she told me she was afraid of how violent I had become, it really broke my heart.

During Alpha, I fell in love with Christ and was introduced to the Holy Spirit. God also confirmed that my husband had been handpicked for me by Him. I found a confidence in my marriage that I never had before, and I have never wavered since.”

We were all captivated by the discussions and personal talks during each session. We all discovered our own relationship with God, rather than someone forcing beliefs on us. This meant a lot to everyone, especially those who never thought they would believe. When it got to the point when I was looking forward to going to Youth Alpha each week, I knew that this truly was a fantastic program.”

Then a friend invited us to Alpha. Some things I had heard before, but it was explained in a new way. During the retreat I asked the Lord to forgive me and to be filled with His Holy Spirit. I received the gift of the Holy Spirit in a powerful way. At that moment, I felt everything come off of me. Then, on the following Sunday, Mass came alive! Every part of it.”

“ Alpha is a way to explore what we hunger after — meaning, intimacy and relationship — in a very non-pressured, nonjudgmental environment.” “ My wife, Shara, and I did Alpha together a few years ago, and it really helped us in our lives. Over the years, I’ve seen Alpha touch so many people. Alpha is easy. It’s loads of fun and very low-pressure. It’s a chance to ask some of the big questions and try to find some of those big answers. I always say to friends, ‘What have you got to lose, and what have you got to gain?’ I think ultimately that’s what it comes down to. There’s everything to gain from doing Alpha.”

Bear Grylls

Host of NBC’s Get Out Alive, Channel 4’s Wild Weekends, Man Vs Wild & Born Survivor Voted 38th most influential man in America ( Alpha participant, enthusiast and endorser


Sarah Kaczmarek “I am the Director of Youth Ministry at St Paul’s on the Lake Catholic Church in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, and I see Alpha as a great way for my kids to engage in a relationship with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit in a real way - not just with head knowledge but with heart knowledge. This builds a strong base for ministry. After Alpha, we continue with programs that are more theologically Catholic or related to a Catholic spirituality. Alpha helps build a good foundation to start with.We have kids from different churches, faiths, and some that don’t really practice anything. They know that they are coming to a Catholic Church youth group. But we encourage our kids, who are regular attenders, to use this opportunity to invite someone new to church or even someone who belongs to a church but doesn’t ever go.

Fr James Mallon

Saint Benedict Parish HALIFAX, NS, CANADA

“Since running the Alpha program in my parish, I have seen lukewarm Catholics come alive, nonbelievers come to Christ, and committed Christians become more committed and be formed as leaders. I consider Alpha to be not just another program that can be put on by a church, but the program at the heart of renewal in the local church. The fruit has convinced me that this course has been blessed by God.”

For us, it’s sort of like answering the call in the Catholic Church for the New Evangelization, in that we’re called to evangelize ourselves first. We sort of have to evangelize from the inside out. We still have a considerable amount of work to do within our own church - in terms of engaging people in a real relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”

Barb and Bob Schneider “We attended church all our lives, and intended to raise our kids the same way. But when our son Christopher was killed in a car crash at age 17, we were lost, doubting our faith, and looking for answers to questions we never thought we would have to ask. We kept going to church, but we felt empty, let down by our faith and desperate to find an answer to, ‘Why?’

Maria and Ricardo Ortega “Before Alpha, we said we believed in God, and we were going to Mass every Sunday, but we felt something was missing. We were looking and looking, but we had doubts if God heard us or that we heard God. After Alpha, we found that it is not enough to just go to church and say, ‘I believe in God.’ We learned that God speaks to us in the Bible and through prayer in a powerful way. It was through prayer that God cleansed the wounds of my childhood. We learned about the Holy Spirit and how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Today it is easier for us to share God’s love and evangelize our family. We have been given special gifts, like a better relationship with family, especially my parents.” For more testimonies, visit

Bob: A friend invited me to Alpha, where I hid behind questions and refused to commit from week to week. But God reached me through Alpha in a way nothing else had. Suddenly, I felt less alone, surrounded by caring people. During the weekend retreat, I felt the power of being lifted up in prayer and knew that the Holy Spirit was beside me. Barb: Getting me to Alpha took some time, but finally Bob wore me down. The weekend retreat ‘blew my socks off.’ I finally accepted Christ as my Savior, and I found the peace I’d been looking for. Alpha changed everything for us. We realized that we are not the only ones with struggles, questions and heartaches. We learned that we are not alone. I don’t know how our family would have survived without it.”

THE PRIEST’S ESSENTIAL ROLE Alpha should be run under the authority of the parish priest. However, the course is distinctive in that it mobilizes the laypeople of the parish to spread the Gospel. Alpha is most effective when the parish priest supports the course and encourages the team, but he need not attend every night of the course. The priest has a twofold role: •  Provide spiritual direction of the leadership team. •  Welcoming newcomers to the church. “I first heard about Alpha in summer 2001, when some of our people asked if they could run the course. We looked at the Alpha books, tapes and videos, and we wanted to go with it right away. A group then went to an Alpha conference to learn how to put on the program. The first course was by invitation only. About 65 took part in fall 2001. Before the second Alpha, I invited three people during Mass to say what it had done for them. That was an unusual thing to do at Mass. I referenced Alpha in my homilies—praising what it was doing and using it as an example of how to accomplish the goals of a renewed faith life and deeper spirituality. On our second course, we had about 120 adults. We then had our third and fourth course. We have now had about 500 people come through Alpha. Alpha has provided us with new men to help with the Eucharistic ministries and with the confirmation program. For me, I think it is the total program with Alpha that makes it successful. People are having a spiritual renewal experience on Alpha. It is helping them reclaim the basic message about salvation, the Lord’s love for them and trusting in the Spirit and so forth. They also become more planted in the life of the church. Other pastors have called to find out whether they should have this in their church. I’ve talked to them and encouraged them about it.”

Monsignor Ronald Groth, Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA “During my 18 years as a Catholic priest, I have been privileged to help many people on their Christian journey. It’s been a particular joy to welcome people into the household of faith through baptism. Although our archdiocese has experienced a significant increase in adult converts in recent years, it was not until I became involved with Alpha that I could say I had personally helped an individual move from no religious faith to full membership in the family of Christ. The numbers of those whom I have personally brought to the Lord are few, but what is significant is that they all flowed from the Alpha course in the parish where I lived. Alpha is an ideal way to introduce seekers to the fundamentals of the Christian faith, leading them to seek a deeper connection to the Lord in the church.”

Monsignor Gregory Smith, Vancouver, Canada “The way I see it, people are looking for a new way to grow in their faith. There is a hunger in the heart of people, church goers and non church goers. Alpha offers an easy, non threatening way for people to step in and get comfortable learning a little bit, sharing a little bit and becoming part of the community in a different way. It allows the Holy Spirit to guide them wherever they are meant to go next. We hear the buzz word, ‘New Evangelization.’ OK, so what are you doing? What does that look like? For us, Alpha is one of those things. When I meet someone who says they are really struggling in their faith, I can say, “I’ve got something for you.” I think Alpha is part of the treatment for a culture that increasingly does not know Jesus. This is something we are doing to draw people back to the church.”

Fr. Christopher Walsh, Pastor at Saint Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

AFTER ALPHA Alpha works best as part of an ongoing process of catechesis within a church. There is a range of different followup materials and courses available to help people to grow in their faith and retain the key ingredients of Alpha: friendship, worship, Bible study teaching, discussion and prayer. There are more suggestions for After Alpha available on the website:

RCIA People who have had no prior experience with the Catholic Church and are interested in finding out more are recommended to consider making contact with a parish where there is a group of people who are being helped to learn more about Christ and the life of discipleship in the Catholic Church through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).

Catholicism 201: A new follow-up to Alpha Father James Mallon, a parish priest from the Archdiocese of Halifax, Canada, has created a course called Catholicism 201, which is designed as a Catholic follow-up to the Alpha. This eight-session DVD resource is intended to directly follow the last talk of the Alpha, “What About the Church?” The talks cover topics such as The Church, Sacraments and Sacraments of Initiation, Mary and the Saints, Introduction to Christian Morality, Sacraments of Healing, The Eucharist, The Thorny Issues, and Sacraments of Vocation. For further details go to

Alpha, Transforming Lives, Churches and Communities “A dynamic Alpha brings growth through new members and leadership. Alpha graduates become disciples of Jesus with all that it brings – better family relationships, an interest in deepening their spiritual life, a desire to serve others both within and outside the church, and an awakened joy in sharing. “ –Gerard Long Executive Director, Alpha USA

Alpha Resources also have been developed by Alpha International to specifically follow up after Alpha: A Life Worth Living – A nine-week video course based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The Jesus Lifestyle – A three disc – 18 talk series based on the Sermon on the Mount.

The Great Adventure Bible Time Line The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible learning system designed by Jeff Cavins that makes the complex simple by teaching the story (the narrative) of the Bible. Every day, more and more people are encountering God’s Word through the methods taught in The Great Adventure. To order Great Adventure products, visit

Alpha answers the call to the New Evangelization “Alpha is more than another program. It’s about people coming to Jesus Christ, being filled with the Spirit, getting excited about Jesus and spending the rest of their lives serving Him. Therefore, it’s about parishes growing – parishes being filled and parishes being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.” –Nicky Gumbel Senior Pastor, HTB



PREPARE & PLAN One of the most important steps in preparing for your course is in the planning. Everything is laid out for your leadership team. • NEW Directors Handbook • Getting Started Booklet • Alpha Cookbook • Telling Others



Many are not in the pews or reading the bulletin. The people in the pews can reach those who are not connected to parish life. Use Alpha’s invites to give personal invitations. Additionally, you can promote through mass advertising such as banners, bumper stickers, yard signs and more. • Brochures • Postcards • Posters • Invites and more...


TRAIN YOUR TEAM Training your team is vital to the success of a course and should take place right before your course. Alpha offers training at local events and training resources that give you the necessary tools to train your course leaders. • Small Group Team Manual • Small Group Training DVD • Searching Issues

RUN YOUR ALPHA COURSE Alpha creates a space for an encounter with Jesus Christ. Alpha’s DNA has proven effective time and time again. Alpha’s non-judgmental approach creates an inviting atmosphere where guests are engaged. • New English/Spanish Course DVD • Alpha Course Guest Manual • Questions of Life Book




Father James Mallon: Catholicism 201

Jeff Cavins: Great Adventure Bible Study

Rev. Robert Barron: Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith

Relationship Central Alpha also has excellent resources for strengthening marriages and family life that can be used either before or after Alpha that answers questions like: • How can we be happily married to the same person for a lifetime? • How do engaged couples put down good foundations for marriage? • What’s involved in being a good parent of toddlers and teenagers? Our aim is to provide practical, relevant help to parents, couples and individuals in different areas of family life and relationships.

Whom do I contact to find out more about running Alpha in my parish? There is a U.S. Catholic National Director and a team of experienced Canadian Alpha coaches ready to answer all your questions about getting started in running Alpha at your parish. Alpha USA Tel: 800-362-5742 Alpha Canada Tel: 800-743-0899 Resources:

Alpha USA 2275 Half Day Road Suite 185 Bannockburn, IL 60015 Tel: 800-DO-ALPHA (362-5742) Alpha Canada 11331 Coppersmith Way Suite 230 Richmond, BC V7A 5J9 Tel: 800-743-0899 Fax: 604-271-6124 David C. Cook Distribution Canada (To purchase resources in Canada) P.O. Box 98, 55 Woodslee Ave Paris, ON N3L 3E5 Tel: 800-263-2664 Fax: 800-461-8575

Explore the meaning of life #alpha

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