Innovation in healthy ingredients
All the changes in eating habits have disad- ALSEC S.A., with its expertise in functional vantaged healthy and balanced diet, increa- foods and great desire to constantly come up sing the risk for all kinds of diseases. with innovative alternatives for nutrition, presents its product EMULSEC OMEGA 3, gives Nowadays is common to find ingredients that producers of beverages, juices, and milk, the help to improve the health status by supple- possibility to apply functionality and value to menting the nutritional deficiencies of the their products, with this ingredient, reliable rhythm of life of the society and setting trends source of omega 3 DHA and EPA. in the food and beverage industry. Data from the World Health Organization Over 20 years ago, the Japanese invented the (WHO) state that cardiovascular diseases are concept of functional beverages with elixirs one of the main causes of death worldwide, that showed its beneficial effects against the being the main risk factors: high cholesterol, effects of fatigue, stress, among others. The high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, diabeEuropeans and Americans have become ma- tes, hereditary factors and little or no type of jor producers and consumers of functional regular practice of sport. drinks incorporating ingredients such as milk proteins, vegetables, specialty fibers, probio- Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most stutics, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids like died nutrients in different medical and scienOmega 3 and 6, in order to provide beneficial tific fields due to the demonstrated benefits health effects. In Colombia the presence of on cardiovascular diseases, eye health, brain these drinks has spread in supermarkets, de- development in children, depression and other partment stores and natural products’ stores, mental disorders, inflammatory processes and showing its propensity to growth. skin care.
The relevance of the product EMULSEC OMEGA 3 as a functional ingredient in food, is supported by statements of entities worldwide, including the US Agency for food and medicines (FDA) that based on data declare that daily consumption of Omega 3, it has beneficial effects on reducing cardiovascular risk factors, including the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, decreasing the elevated levels of triglycerides and reducing homocysteine levels. The main source of omega 3 DHA and EPA, are oily fish such as anchovy, mackerel, sardines and
salmon. But today these fish oil is consumed in the form of soft capsules as a dietary supplement, which tend to produce stomachache and leave a nasty taste in the consumer due to the characteristic flavor of the fish. The product development of EMULSEC OMEGA 3, provides consumers an excellent choice for increasing the intake of omega 3 to choose drinks such as orange juice, yogurt, malt, tea, milk, among others fortified beverages that contain DHA and EPA from fish, with adjustable organoleptic profiles to each product.
ALSEC ALIMENTOS SECOS S.A. is a company that is specialist in the production of innovative ingredients for the food industry, using the technique of SprayDry as the principal technological base in addition to nanotechnology in wet and with extensive experience in micro-encapsulation of bioactive ingredients. We invite you to consult with our experts about your specific needs and give you the customized solution for your needs, increasing the value added of your products, while being at the forefront of healthy foods and functional properties.
AUTHOR: MSc. Julio Palomeque
Leader of Research, Development and Innovation in ALSEC SA
For further information contact us and request a visit from one of our business consultants who will let you know our line of functional ingredients and teach you how to use our ingredients in your formulation. Consult our experts about your specific needs, we have a sufficiently motivated and qualified team to provide a customized solution for your needs.
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