Destination Asia 2017

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D estination Asia

Table pf C ontents News: 1. Ten sion s Gr ow on Kor ean Pen in su la - pg. 8 By: Wilson En gelh ar dt

2. Dr u g User s Bein g Killed in Ph ilippin es - pg. 10 By: M an n Bou gh t on

3. Air Pollu t ion in In dia Kills M illion s - pg. 12 By: Celia Fu n der bu r k

4. Ch in a Ban s Islam ic Baby n am es, Bear ds, an d Veils - pg. 14 By: Tir za Ar aya

5. As Ocean s t em per at u r es Rise Cor al Bleach in g Rises - pg. 16 By: Naylor St on e

6. Volu n t ou r ism in Asia - pg. 18 By: Naylor St on e

7. M u st -See - pg. 20 By: M an n Bou gh t on 8. Act ivit ies - pg. 21 By: Celia Fu n der bu r k

9. Tim elin e - pg. 22 By:Wilson En gelh ar dt 10. Gr aph s of Com par able Dat a - pg. 24 By: Tir za Ar aya 2

Arts: 1. Five M u st -See Cu lt u r al Fest ivals in Asia - pg. 30 By: Celia Fu n der bu r k

2. M in d You r M an n er s - pg. 32. By: Naylor St on e

3. Food Tr ips - pg. 34 By: Naylor St on e

4.M in d You r M an n er s - pg. 32 By: Naylor St on e

5. Food Tr ips - pg. 34 By: Tir za Ar aya

6. Sou ven ir s - pg. 36 By: M an n Bou gh t on

7. M ovies f r om Asia - pg. 38 By: Wilson En gelh ar dt

8. A Tr ip t o Viet n am w it h Isabel an d Adelaide - pg. 40 By Isbel Lu sign an an d Adelaide Jack son

9. Cook in g Sin an gag - pg. 42






C urrent E vents M ap Ten sion s bet w een Nor t h an d Sou t h Kor ea.

Ch in a ban n in g M u slim baby n am es.

Dr u g u ser s bein g k illed in t he Ph ilippin es.

Air pollu t ion in In dia.

Cor al bleach in g in Au st r alia an d t h e Gr eat Bar r ier Reef .

Celia Funderburk


Tensions grow on the Korean Peninsula By: Wilson Engelhardt North and South Korea have both been politically and economically divided since the Korean W ar. The tensions are growing to an unsafe level between the two countries and the conflicts are dragging other countries in. The United States, Japan, and China are all countries that are affected by these conflicts between the two Koreas. The United States currently has trade sanctions on North Korea because of their willingness to test nuclear weapons. Even though there are conflicts the two Koreas might one day reunite into one. Th is is a ph ot o of t h e pr ogan da sen t by Sou t h Kor ea t o t h e Nor t h . The division of the two Koreas occurred in 1945 at the end of W orld W ar two. Since 1945 the two countries have been socially, politically, and economically divided. Tensions after the decision to split apart erupted into the Korean W ar in 1950 causing the two countries to be even more divided than before. The North was a communist country and the South was democratic. The results of the war were the division of the Koreas and extreme poverty on each sides of the Korean peninsula. Soon South Korea became prosperous enough to host the olympic while the North was still in poverty. Under the Kim dynasty North Korea is still in poverty and the South is very prosperous. However tensions have begun to rise even more due to North Korea's test launches of nuclear weapons. Aswell South Korea reportedly fired upon a northern drone after it was warned but did not comply with the request for it to return back over to North Korea. However out of the twenty shots fired the drone was not hit. South and North Korea have also both launched propaganda into each of the countries with balloons. The South plans to build electric bill boards at the "DMZ" (the North Korean border) revealing messages such as "Come over to the Republic of Korea." Diplomats from the United States, Japan, and South Korea met in Seoul, South Korea in order to discuss possible sanctions on North Korea. Those countries want China to put sanctions on North Korea. 8

Through these conflicts between the United States, North Korea, and South Korea the North accused the United States and South Korea of creating a plot to assassinate Kim Jong Un. According to the North Korean news agency there was a terrorist group controlled by South Korea and United States. They said that the group was paid 20,000 dollars and was going to use a bomb at a North Korean military parade. Kim jong Un said he would destroy the terrorist group responsible for the supposed attack. Th is ph ot o is of t h e Nor t h an d Sou t h Kor ean bor der North and South Korea both f en ce. agreed in 2000 that they might soon put efforts in to unite their countries back together. Experts predict that if there was a nuclear war between the two countries Kim Jong Un would seek refuge in China causing the possible reunification of the two Koreas. The problems of the reunification is that it would cost up to 3 trillion dollars and it is hard to unite two different cultures into one. However the mass immigration from the potential reunification would boost South Korea's economy. But with North Korea test launching nuclear weapons and causing anger with South Korea, reunification of the two Koreas is only a dream. W ith the ongoing threat of nuclear war between these two economically and politically divided countries, the chances of reunification between the two countries are very slim. The reunification of the two countries would cost up to 3 trillion dollars. If these tensions keep growing larger North and South Korea will soon be at war. Th is ph ot o is of a Nor t h Kor ean m ilit ar y par ade.


Drug Users Being Killed in Philippines By: Mann Boughton In the Philippines, drug users and distributors are being killed in the thousands. Up to 7,000 people suspected of drug use or distribution have been killed in the Philippines as part of President Rodrigo Duterte?s war on drugs. This war on drugs has been in effect for not even a year and has claimed thousands of lives. President Duterte has made his position on crime clear, eliminating criminals eliminates crime. Many people are both against and many people are for this grisly war on drugs. A New York Times journalist went to the Philippines to experience the horrors Filipin o Pr esiden t Rodr igo Du t er t e of the Filipino war on drugs. The journalist reported on 57 murders in 41 different locations in 35 days. Murders done by police or extra-judicially with vigilantes. People are killed anywhere, most people are killed in drive-by shootings by people on motorcycles. Murders have taken place on street sidewalks, in 7-11s and McDonald?s, in people's houses, and in front of a girls?school. The journalist had been in Iraq during the Iraq W ar and West Africa during the Ebola outbreak, but he had never seen as much ruthlessness than on the streets of Manila. One Manila citizen said ?They are Slaughtering us like animals?. People who are living in Poverty are then have to pay a small fortune for funeral arrangements for their dead loved ones. The carnage in Manila is destroying communities and ruining lives. Since President Rodrigo Duterte declared war on drugs in 2016 there have been thousands of killings by police and others. The government acknowledges their role in the killing of civilians by police but deny involvement in vigilante killings. Government officials deny involvement in the extra-judicial killings though they admire the impact. There is a possibility that Duterte is leading the extra-judicial killings but the government of the Philippines denies it. During 10

the two decade leadership of Davao City, Philippines, a group known as The ?Davao Death Squad? killed over one thousand drug users in the city of Davao. Duterte denied involvement in the Davao Death squad as well.President Duterte has said he wants to eliminate all criminals and he doesn?t care about human rights violation. The Filipino government has blatantly denied the human rights of its citizens. The citizens have little power in this ordeal because of the powers of the police. Police target lower class communities in their search for drug users. Police regularly raid In m at es in an homes without warrants and plant evidence to justify over cr ow ded pr ison killings. in t h e Ph ilippin es The Filipino government has denied involvement in the extra-judicial killings of drugs users. They have acknowledged the killings of over one thousand people at the hands of law enforcement. The government denies the involvement in extra-judicial killings but refuses to condemn the actions of the vigilantes. President Duterte commends the actions of vigilante groups because they follow his ideology of ?Eliminating criminals eliminates crime?. This is evidence of a possible connection between the Duterte administration and vigilante groups killing thousands of people on the streets of Manila. The Filipino war on drugs has had a devastating effect on the citizens and the communities of the city of Manila and the Philippines. Police of f icer s n ear t h e scen e of a m u r der 11

Air Pollution in India Kills Millions By: Celia Funderburk Air pollution has gotten so bad in India that it has raised attention from all over the world. India?s rapidly worsening air pollution is causing over 1.1 million people to die prematurely each year. India has recently surpassed China as the deadliest polluted place in the world. The number of premature deaths in China caused by dangerous air particles, known as PM2.5, stabilized M an y ch ildr en in In dia ar e dyin g becau se of t h e globally in recent years but has risen sharply dan ger ou s air pollu t ion . in India. In India air pollution has increased by nearly 50 percent in premature deaths from particulate matter between the years 1990 and 2015. Air pollution in India is causing millions of premature deaths around the world, and India has recently been named the most polluted place in the world. As India is trying to industrialize the country, pollution levels are worsening more than they expected. Air pollution has worsened in all parts of the world such as South Asia, but improved in Europe and the United States. Though air pollution has improved in America and Europe, 88,000 Americans and 258,000 Europeans still face increased risks of premature death. Even though air pollution is becoming better it will never truly be defeated and finished because there are always new technologies that will cause air pollution in the world. Outdoor air pollution in India is causing more than half a million premature deaths each year. As India continues to try and industrialize it is becoming more and more polluted, unlike Europe and the United States that is improving pollution wise. It is no new finding that air pollution is bad for the human body and systems, but they are starting to find the affects that happens to the body as a result. Air pollution causes ischemic heart disease, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, and an increased risk of stroke and lung cancer. Air pollution is caused by 12

Fact or ies in In dia ar e cau sin g m or e air pollu t ion .

tiny toxic particles that can be released by a variety of sources. These particles can be released from the burning of fossil fuels or organic matter. The effects of air pollution are becoming more known and these diseases are starting to make more people aware and interested in bringing air pollution to an end to improve their health. India has recently made a plan to make every single car electric by Air pollu t ion in In dia cau ses st r eet s t o be f oggy an d 2030 in order to help defeat the air u n clear . pollution problems they face. According to plans unveiled by the country?s energy minister, every car sold in India will be powered by electricity by the year 2030. This plan is also intended to lower the cost of importing fuel and lower costs for running vehicles. The country plans that the electric car industry would need between two and three years of government assistance. This year, an investigation by Greenpeace found that 2.3 million deaths occur every year due to air pollution in India. In the year 2030, India plans to make all cars in their country electric in hopes to bring the harsh air pollution they face in their country to a near end.

Teen s st r u gglin g t o su r vive t h r ou gh t h e h ar sh air pollu t ion in In dia.


China Bans Islamic Baby names, Beards, and Veils By Tirza Araya In the province Xinjiang of China, the government had banned Islamic baby naming because China wants to end the spreading of extremism around Muslim populated areas in china. Extremism is the belief and/ or ideas that people do not usually believe are correct. In china people believe the Muslim religion is based upon extremism but the Islamic religion is mainly peaceful. China wants M u slim w om en an d M en pr ot est in g in Xin jian g to ban baby names such as, Imam, Hajj, Pr ovin ce Islam, Quran, Saddam, and more. The babies with these names are closed from the Hukou which provides them with education and medical attention. The reason china is banning these names, unusual length beards, and public wearing of veils is because of this rebel group called Uyghurs. The Uyghurs ethnic group has caused lots of violence of terrorism in China causing misconceptions of the Muslim religion. The banning and advance security China?s government established has began a rise of violence from the Uyghurs. According to an article, China is not trying to end extremism but trying to bring down the amount of extremism spreading throughout China . There are lots of misconceptions and interpretations between China and the Uyghurs ethnic group. China believes the religion consist of ethnic separatism, unwanted foreign influence, domestic confusion. China plans to control the certain group, Uyghurs. In Xinjiang the ethnic group says they experience discrimination. The ethnic group Uyghurs believe the government is against them. They Uygh u r w om en gr ab a r iot policem en as t h ey pr ot est in Ur u m qi in Ch in a's f ar w est Xin jian g also state ? The government is 14

bad, Han is bad ? these things are against us, they say ? and they resist.?People and government of the Xinjiang province say they are trying to avoid discrimination for it may create more violence. The more advance security is established against the Uyghurs ethnic group the more terrorist/ violence occurs. The rules against the Muslims are not put in place out of discrimination but out of misconceptions of their religious beliefs. China does not plan on banning Muslims from any provinces but just adding to the security of their people; mostly the Uyghurs rebel group because they are so violent. Most of the violence/ terrorism in the province of Xinjiang, where about 10 million Muslims live. The Uyghurs is the most populated Tw o Ch in ese Hu i M u slim gir ls r ead t h e Qu r an . Muslims in Xinjiang. Many people of the Xinjiang province agree with the government and they are just doing their job to protect others. Others believe the government is discriminating their religion. They also believe the government?s policies are violations of the right to freedom of belief and expression. China?s laws that prohibit the right to expression are not allowing them to wear what they want or name their children traditional names. Many Muslims do not understand the measures China has put on them is not out of spite but, because of the tension between China and the Uyghurs. Some of the advance security China has brought on to the Muslims are fewer mosques and strict control over religious schools. The most recent and uprising ban was some Xinjiang government departments banned Muslim civil servants from fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Due to these measures the rate of violence increased from the ethnic group Uyghurs. China and the Uyghurs have a history of tension since the 1990?s. The tension had escalated in 2009, with lots of ethnic rioting in the capital, Urumqi. About 200 people were killed, most of them Han Chinese according to officials. The violence and rioting continued through 2015 and is still ongoing. Currently, the Uyghurs ethnic group has not create violence in china since 2015. The banning of the baby names, unusual beards, veils, and fasting is still a controversial subject on whether not it is reasonable and fair to other Muslims. Another issue that is debatable is the misconception from China of the Muslims religion of extremism. The tension between China and the Uyghurs are still a recurring issue. 15

As Ocean Temperatures Rise, Coral Bleachings Rise By Naylor Stone Coral bleaching is a very serious problem yet many people do not even know what it is. Coral bleaching affects not only the reefs, but also the animals that live in the reefs. The bleaching also has an effect on the economy. This issue is focused in Australia in the Great Barrier Reef because that is the largest coral reef in the world. Coral bleaching is happening worldwide but it is most severe in Australia. Coral bleaching is predicted to be more frequent as the climate changes. Zooxanthellae, which are tiny algae that live in the coral, provide the coral with much of their color and energy. The zooxanthellae make up 90% of the coral?s energy used for reproduction and growth ("W orking Together Today for a Healthier Reef Tomorrow...".) Coral bleaching occurs when the relationship between the algae and coral falls apart. W hen this happens the coral looks transparent and the coral's skeleton is shown. This is why it is called coral ?bleaching.? Sea temperatures and coral stress from other impacts have increased the reef's vulnerability to bleaching. Once the bleaching happens, the corals begin to starve. After bleaching occurs, it can take up Th is is a u n bleach ed sect ion of cor al in t h e Gr eat Bar r ier Reef to decades to recover the coral. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest collection of reefs with around 400 different types of coral. The Great Barrier Reef also is an ecosystem for 1,500 species of fish. The Great Barrier Reef has experienced a massive amount of coral bleaching. In 1998, there was a global bleaching where 50% of the reefs on the Great Barrier Reef were bleached. One of the biggest bleachings ever recorded was in 2002 when 60% of the reefs were bleached. In both event 5% of reefs in the Great Barrier Reef were severely damaged. More than two thirds of the Great Barrier Reef?s coral have experienced bleaching. Bleaching events from 2016 and 2017 have devastated 900 miles of the UNESCO W orld Heritage Site in Australia. This is the first time bleaching events have occurred in back-to-back years. "I was surprised to have to be getting in a plane again this year [to survey fresh 16

damage]," Dr James Kerry at James Cook University said on bleachings occurring in back-to-back years. Before 2016, there were only two major bleaching events. One in 1998, and the other in 2002. Coral bleaching is the response of sea temperatures rising which eliminates the coral?s main energy supplier. The coral bleaching is directly linked to global warming. Since the temperature has been rising because of global warming, the sea temperature has also risen. Every year, temperatures rise due to global warming. Research has shown that there is 95%chance that global warming is caused by humans. The coral is very sensitive to the temperature. If the water temperature goes up just one degree Celsius for four weeks, the algae start to die. If the temperature goes back to normal after four weeks, the algae have a chance to survive. Even if the algae survive, the coral are not able to reproduce or grow as well as they used to. If the temperature does not become stable for a longer time such as 9 to 10 weeks, the algae fully die. The temperature is not the only stressor of coral bleaching. Low salinity in the water and poor water quality due to sediment or pollution also cause the algae to die which bleaches the coral. Poor water quality is harmful to coral growth, Th is is a sect ion of bleach ed cor al in reproduction, and to young coral. t h e Gr eat Bar r ier Reef . Luckily, there is a way to give the coral reefs a fighting chance. Though coral bleachings are inevitable, there are ways to lessen the amount that happen. The main way is through reducing carbon emissions. Reducing carbon emissions will lessen the rise of the ocean temperature. Another way is by improving the quality of water in which the coral live. Also, by controlling fishing, coastal development, trawling and shipping, reefs will have a chance of survival. Coral bleaching has a massive effect on the animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef. Hundreds of thousands of animals rely on the reef as a habitat. W hen the coral dies, these animals are without a habitat. The coral is also home to some endangered species as well such as the large green turtle and the dugong. The bleaching also has an impact on the economy. Australia?s economy relies on fishing and tourism, both of which the bleaching deteriorates. Coral bleaching is an important issue because it affects so many different things. 17

Voluntourism in Asia By: Naylor Stone There are many voluntourism programs in Asia. Many of the programs are focused in South Asia yet there are many programs all over.

Habitat for humanity is one program. Habitat for Humanity is a worldwide program as there are projects all over the globe. There are many projects all over Asia.

This is Cross-Cultural. In Cross-Cultural, volunteers help in areas of caregiving, teaching, healthcare, and community development. This programs works all around the world and in Asia, this program is in Thailand.


This is the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. The center is in Lampang, Thailand. Volunteers help take care of the elephants who have been caught in the wild and mistreated by their caretakers, or have been caught by poachers trying to remove the elephant?s ivory tusks.

This is Teach English in Bangkok. Every year, people who can speak English go to Bangkok and teach people the language. The volunteers are provided a host family who they live with. The volunteers work in schools, community centers, and day-care revenues.


M ust-See in Asia and P acific Angkor Wat: A temple complex in Cambodia built in the 12th centur y. Constr ucted for the Hindu god, Vishnu by the Khmer empire and gr adually tr ansfor med into a Buddhist Temple. Ter r acotta Ar my: An entire ar my of soldier s made of Ter r acotta in Xi?an, China. Created in the late 3rd centur y BCE and found by far mer s in 1974.

Sydney Oper a House: The premier per for ming ar ts center in Sydney. Opened in 1973, this place will give you a night to remember ! 20

By: Mann Boughton

F or the best snorkeling experience in your life, come visit the C oral R eef in Australia.


Activities to do in Asia By: Celia Funderburk


1. Visit the Singapore Zoo.

2. Visit M asada National P ark.

3. H ike through F uji H akone I zu National P ark, Japan. 23

Time Qin Dynasty (221 - 207 BC) constructs the first parts of the Great Wall of China.

Christianity emerges.

221 BC 50 AD 200 BC

The Silk Road trade routes are established.



Chinese empire becomes largest in the world.

L ine Gandhi leads first movement.

1920 1922

Soviet Union formed.

Arab Spring causes protest, uprisings, and revolutions to Middle Eastern countries.

2010 2011

Kim Jon Un becomes supreme leader of North Korea.

By: Wilson Englehardt 25

G raphs of Asia B y: Tirza Araya






F ive must-see cultural festivals in Asia B y: C elia F underburk

C hinese New Year in Singapore

H oli in I ndia 30

H arbin I nternational I ce & Snow Sculpture F estival in china

Thaipusam in M alaysia

Taiwan L antern F estival in Taiwan 31

"M ind your M anners" Australia:

B y: Naylor Stone

- When meeting somebody for the first time, be sure to smile and shake their hand. - When addressing somebody, it is not considered rude or impreprer to address somebody by their first name.

I ndia: - Drinking alcohol is not accepted in India as much of Indians do not keep alcohol in their homes. - Saying "thank you" at the ends of meals is considered rude. One should invite their hosts. - Most Indians disaprove of public displays of affection.

Vietnam: - Always be punctual. Arriving late is considered rude. - Handshakes are always done at the meeting and departing. - Handshakes are always done by the same 32

P hilippines: - When greeting, the eldest or most important person is greeted first. - Use academic, professional, or honorific titles with ones surname until you are invited to use their first name.

C hina: - Introducing oneself is considered inappropriate. You must have somebody else introduce you. - Dining may only begin once everybody at the dinner has been seated. - Do not hug or slap somebody's back as this makes the Chinese uncomfortable.

North K orea: - Always wear shoes that are easy to take on and off as when entering the temple, everyone must remove their shoes. - Treating an elder as an equal is considered incredibly rude. - When invited into someones home, always bring a small gift. 33

F ood Trips B y: Tirza Araya Seasoned Gr illed Meat on a Stick The meat on a stick is tr aditionally a street food but they also ser ve it in restaur ants. The meat is seasoned in heavy spices. The meat is between a var iation of lamb, beef,chicken, or gizzards.

Dumplings Dumplings are a ver y tr aditional dish in China. Tr aditional Dumplings include beef, pork, or veggie. Some are often either fr ied or steamed. Tr aditionally people dip their Dumpling in a sweet and/or spicy sauce such as, black vinegar with chili sauce.


Ameyoko Mar ket, Tokyo, Japan The Market star ted in World War II as a black market but went str aight after the war. The market offer s matcha- and- ice- cream confections and expensive fr uits, but its specialty is fish. The market is known for its unique products and the smell of the seafood in the air. The market also sells cheap casual wear and spor tswear, as well as tr aditional clothing like kimonos and yukata.


Souvenirs F rom Asia B y: M ann B oughton Bring back a M an ek i-n ek o figurine, the classic waving cat. This figurine is a part of Japanese culture thought to bring good luck to the owner. Figurines can be made of ceramic or plastic but are always a fun gift from Japan.


If your in India and want to bring back a gift unique to India, try some authentic In dian Cu r r y. Though you may be able to buy curry anywhere, none of it compares to curry grown in India. For lovers of Tea, take home an authentic Ch in ese t eapot ! Also take home some Chinese tea to go with it. This will be a great way to remember your time in China! 37

Asian M ovies B y: Wilson E ngelhardt

A fire-breathing monster causes terror in Japan after an atomic bomb awakens it from its deep sleep.

A village request the help from a talented samurai to protect themselves from bandits. The samurai gathers six other men to protect the village. They teach the villagers how to defend themselves from the bandits. 38

Two friends search for lost friend and are forced to deal with a funeral, wedding, and a forgotten bet.

A nine-year-old boy spends his summer looking for his lost mother. that hes has never met.


All You Need to know about Vietnam Information by: Isabelle and Adelaide Layout by: Celia Funderburk Location - East of the South China sea - West of Thailand - South of China

The Coat of Arms of Vietnam. The red represent the Communist Party of Vietnam


This is the county flag of Vietnam. The five points of the star represent the five groups of workers in the construction of socialism. Red represents the carnage and the revolutionary test.

The currency is the Vietnamese dong. One U.S. dollar is equal to 22,730.89 Vietnamese Dongs.


Sinangag: Gar lic Fr ied r ice f r om t he Philippines By Alex Fr iedlander and Mann Bought on

Sinangag is a garlic-fried rice dish from the Philippines. It is known as the Poor Man's Fried Rice" because it needs few ingredients and is easy to make.

Watch our cooking show!




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