Destination Middle East - North Africa 2017

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TABLE OF P. 4 - News Section P. 6 - Timeline P. 8 - Israeli Relations P. 12 - Iraqi government fighting for Western Mosul P. 14 - Immigration of Syrian Refugees Affects Surrounding Countries P.16 - Fighting in the Gaza Strip and West Bank P. 18 - Women Fighting ISIS P. 20 - The Pope?s Hardships in Cairo P. 22 - Must See P. 24 - Voluntourism P. 26 - Graphs of Comparable Data

CONTENTS P. 28 - Arts Section P. 30 - Les Temps dans Morocco (Weather in Morocco) P. 31- Mind Your Manners P. 32 - A Taste of Greatness in the Middle East and North Africa P. 36 - Religious Festivals in the Middle East and North Africa P. 38 - Movies Based in the Middle East and North Africa P. 39 - Activities in the Middle East and North Africa P. 40 - Music and Dance in MENA P. 42 MENA Travel Souvenirs



March 15, 2011

June 4, 2014

Syrian civil war

July 19, 2012 Battle of Aleppo

Fall of Mosul

October 9, 2012 Malala shot

October 16, 2016 Battle of Mosul

April 6, 2017 US launches missile strikes in response to chemical attack

April 5, 2017 20 children and 52 adults killed in Syrian chemical attack

I sr aeli Relat ions I an BendaĂąa During the last couple of years, tensions in the Middle East have risen dramatically. This friction is largely due to Israel?s bombings in Syria. Israel has chosen to bomb certain areas in Syria due to intelligence that shows that there are terrorist groups such as Hezbollah operating in Syria. Since Syria is involved in a Civil War, it does not want to be involved in any other conflicts. Russia wants to remain neutral and seems playing on both sides of the Israel and Syria issue while the two countries are feuding. Over the past few years, there has been a brewing conflict between Israel and Syria. The conflict stems from Israeli air strikes on Syrian soil. Recently, Israel has conducted air strikes in Syria on terrorist weapon caches. These acts have angered the Syrian government. Bashar Assad, the Syrian president, has accused Israel of direct involvement and aid with these ?terrorists.? He believes that Israel has flown planes over Syrian airspace and dropped bombs on Syrian soil. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli president, has not made a statement about Israel?s involvement with these rebel groups. Assad feels that Israel is trying to destroy their country with these ? terrorist? acts while Israel has publicly tried to remain neutral in the Syrian Civil War. The former prime minister of Israel says that Israel gives humanitarian aid to any group aligned with their ideals. In response to these attacks, Syria has shot missiles at an Israeli plane. Although the pilot was unharmed, this action angered Israel. The tension between these two countries continues to increase.

To try to ease tensions due to the Syrian Civil War and other events in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu in Russia to discuss their countries? relations. The two men had peaceful talks about improving trade and economics between Russia and Israel. They decided that they wanted to allow the exchange and the development of comprehension of each other ?s culture. In addition, Russia and Israel want to avoid any misunderstandings that might involve the Syrian Civil War. Although Russia is one of Assad?s greatest allies, Russia says that it will not intervene if Israel bombs suspected terrorist sites in Syria. People in There are also many former Soviet Union residents that immigrated to Israel. In fact, Lieberman, the Israeli defense minister, is a Russian immigrant. Neither Israel nor Russia wants a war, so they are both trying to find common ground and stay out of each other ?s way. This ?coexistence? policy has kept Russia and Israel on ?good? terms. Although Russia wants to keep the peace with Israel, it also wants to maintain a strong relationship with Syria. The Israelis say that they have not have not been restricted by Russia in conducting these air strikes in Syria. On the other hand, the Syrians say that Russia told Israel that Israelis were not allowed in Syrian airspace. These strikes have caused enormous tension between Syria and Israel. Russia seems to be playing to both sides of this conflict

Cont. p.g. 10

Russia and Syria are allies, but Russia is determined to keep a peaceful relationship between both countries and stay out of the conflict. Israel has many enemies in the region, and one of their biggest antagonists is Iran and the terrorists groups funded by Iran such as Hezbollah. Iran hopes to eliminate the Western influence in the Middle East because Iran views this influence as neocolonialism. Iran feels that the Western world is trying to colonize the Middle East and resents their presence there. Iran regularly threatens Israel with Hezbollah, and Israel does its best to stop this terrorist organization. In order to completely cripple Hezbollah, Israel must take away their weapons. The Israelis conduct air strikes in Syria where Hezbollah weapon caches can be found in order to try and eliminate this group's power. Iran has strong ties with both Syria and Russia; therefore, their involvement in the Syrian Civil War is of no surprise. Syria gives Hezbollah free reign in their country, and Russia turns a blind eye to Hezbollah. This causes the Israeli and Russian forces to be constantly at odds. In conclusion, Syria and Israel are in conflict. Syria is involved in a Civil War, and Israel is worried about terrorist groups operating in Syria. Iran cannot stand any type of Western influence and wants to destroy Israel. Throughout this entire conflict, Russia has been playing on all sides and making a profit. All of these factors have led to a violent, unstable region.

Mall of Du bai W here the shopping never stops.

I r aqi Gover nment Fight ing f or West er n Mosul Livy Nieset In July of 2014,Isis jihadists spread all over Mosul, a very well populated city in Iraq. The leader of Isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, closed in on the populated city and the great Mosque of al-Nuri. Since then, Isis has destroyed multiple bridges and air strips to prevent the Iraqi government from attacking and reclaiming

land. In

2017, the


government is trying to reclaim land in Mosul in which the jihadists took control of. The invasion has caused hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee Mosul and take refuge. The civilians either take refuge in nearby camps outside of Mosul, with friends or family, or in reception camps. More than 580,000 civilians have fled Mosul since the launch of the operation. Almost more than half of the casualties in the battle are of civilians, with 2,041 killed and 1,516 injured. However, Iraqi government is trying to get more civilians out of Mosul because of the food shortages and the unsanitary water. In January of 2017, the Iraqi government advanced to the Tigris River. However, the gains of territory slowed down when the Iraqi government met stiff in the resistance in the city of Mosul. At this point of the battle, the Iraqi government has gained a great amount of territory back. The government reclaimed all of Mosul?s eastern territory, a key village that looks over the airport, the Mosul airport, bridges, and over 10 villages.

The air strip was destroyed by Isis to prevent use of it. However, it is harder to reclaim land in the west of Mosul. This is because the west has narrow winding roads. Also, Isis destroyed all of the bridges which are the only way to get to the west of Mosul. The village that looks over the airport is a major key in reclaiming the west because of its elevation. The village also looks over the Ghazlani Army Base. A new operation has launched this April. The goal of the operation is to reclaim all of the land Isis has taken. One of the beginning stages in the operation is to reclaim the Ghazlani Army Base. Isis has previously used this base in the past. On the first day of the operation, Iraqi Federal Police killed 79 Isis militants and destroyed numerous weapon facilities. According to the Lt. Gen. Othman al-Ghanmi, Iraqi Army?s chief, Mosul would be won in a maximum of three weeks. The Ninth Division of the Iraqi Army troops were pulled from another assignment to start pushing into Mosul from the north. Their goal is to invade from the north and make Isis have to fight from all around. To accomplish this, the Iraqi Army troops have to be totally synchronized. To finally end this battle, the Iraqi Army will invade Isis and cut their supply lines and routes to the west. However, the only way to attack Isis will be either to go around Mosul to the north of it, because of the bridges that were destroyed so that the Iraqi government will not attack them.

I mmigr at ion of Syr ian Ref ugees Af f ect s Sur r ounding Count r ies Emma Singley Due to the Syrian war in 2011, Syrian refugees continue to flee their country usually leading them to Jordan, Turkey, or Lebanon. Some would say all Syrian refugees are citizens and permanent residents of Syrian Arab Republic, but many refugees beg to differ. After President Bashar al-Assad?s lack of maintaining power in Syria, over 60,000 innocent civilians have been killed and along with thousands trying to relocate within the country or flee across the border. Roughly 650,000 Syrians registered as refugees by the United Nations and about 100,000 in the past month. This also includes the 155,000 in Turkey, 148,000 in Lebanon, 142,000 in Jordan, 73,000 in Iraq and 14,000 in Egypt along with thousands who are still not registered (Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon face an uncertain 2017). Millions of Syrians have fled due to army troop bombings and sexual violence including gang rapes and being raped in front of family members. Unfortunately, there is a severe lack of medical care and counseling to help them recover in refugee camps and the United Nations identified about 13.5 million Syrians in need of medical assistance whether it be physical or psychological. Millions of refugees suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which could result in self harm and even suicide if not treated for. Along with those suffering physical and psychological damage, 38% of all Syrian refugees are in the poor regions of the south-east and 29% in the south of the country (Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon face an uncertain 2017). Syrians migrating to the poorest regions could result in over thousands of deaths, which is what the refugees try to avoid in the first place.

Luckily, neighboring countries have set up other camps, clinics and schools in order to help the refugees recover. The United Nations? refugee agency has requested one billion dollars from the international community in order to meet the needs of refugees, and another $500 million in order to aid Syrians still trapped in the country. The United States and 27-member European Union are currently the top two donors giving $210 million from Washington and $477 million from the E.U (The Syrian Refugee Crisis). Although much has been done for the Syrian refugees, they are still in need for more help especially from Russia and China. Roughly six million Syrian refugees are internally displaced within Syria, meaning they are not considered refugees, but asylum seekers is what they will be called until granted a refugee status. Along with the six million internally placed asylum seekers, there are nearly 4.9 million are refugees outside of Syria. Turkey currently hosts roughly 2.8 million Syrian refugees, over one million in Lebanon, and close to 656,000 in Jordan (Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon face an uncertain 2017). Out of the three, Turkey has been said to have the most accessible border policy, making it easier for Syrian refugees to enter and exit the country when needed. Although Turkey was well aware of the fact that Syrian refugees would be entering their country, but the number of Syrian refugees is as large as it is also due to the fact that Turkey officially created policies which grant Syrians the right to work legally within the country, inviting more and more refugees to come. Turkey has now began to build a concrete wall along the 900 kilometer border with Syria which will close 17 of its 19 border crossings. Turkey has received much criticism for accepting such a large amount of Syrians so 2017 will continue to bring new and continuous border








Fight ing in t he Gaza St r ip and West Bank Lyons Cook In the Middle East, specifically the Israel area, there is fighting going on because of disputed areas. The fighting is between Israel and Palestine. The disputed area is the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Gaza Strip is a small piece of land located on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Israel. The West Bank is a fairly large piece of land in the north-western part of Israel. The fighting started after World War Two when the Jewish people said they deserved their own country. Israel was given to them but


citizens living in

Israel were

unhappy because they were kicked off of their land. Many wars have happened to finally see who gets the land. Israel laid down laws of the land over the Arab people. The Arab people were unhappy because they were getting ruled over. Israel started to build communities in the Gaza Strip but pulled all military officers out. The United Nations has gotten involved too. The United Nations has argued who should be in charge of the land. In the West Bank, Israel has built a long wall to keep Palestinians out. Israel says that the wall is to protect the Israeli citizens from Palestinian suicide bombers. Palestine took control of the Gaza Strip and now currently control it. Israel occupied Palestine in the 60?s but gave up control in 2005. Israel has put the Gaza Strip on a blockade. Israel can decide what gets in and what gets out as well as who gets in and who gets out. Currently Hamas is in control over the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is a political group that uses terror methods as a weapon. Hamas was founded by Palestinian-Islamic leaders. The United States and the European Union consider Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas is a very dangerous political group that despises Israel. They often try to attack Israel by terrorist attacks. However, Hamas and the Islamic Arabs have been in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank for hundreds of years. They have settled is many different parts of the area and have had a government system in place. The Hague Convention/Fourth Geneva Convention took place. The Convention was for general responsibility on the occupying state for the safety and welfare of civilians living in the occupied territory. The laws of occupation apply if a state has "effective control" over the territory in question. Israel cannot evade its legal responsibility to respect the human rights of residents of the Gaza Strip in those areas of life that Israel controls. That means that Israel has to respect the humanitarian laws and they cannot harm the people of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The disputed areas have affected many people since World War Two. Fighting continues today because of the importance of the land. The Gaza Strip is on the Mediterranean so, it is easy access to trade. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has said Palestine is not a real country and Hamas is not a real political organization. Thousands of civilians have died because of the fighting. The fighting affects people every day because of air strikes and terrorist strikes. This is why the Gaza Strip and West Bank is disputed.

Women Fight ing I SI S Gibbs Hooper One of the most effective militia?s combating one of the world?s most feared terrorist group, ISIS, is the YPJ, or the Women?s Protection Units. The YPJ is a group of Female Kurdish guerrillas fighting against ISIS in the offensive to liberate Raqqa, located in Blackburn, a Syrian town. ISIS fears these groups more than any other, due to them being women, because ISIS believes women are to be enslaved raped, and terrorized. These women are from the ages of 20 to 35, and they have been learning to fight since they were little. For these kurdish women, it has been a basic principle for decades that they cannot wait for someone to defend them, so they must learn to defend themselves. The YPJ started in august 2014 when a religious group, the Yazidis were forced into hiding in the mountains by Isis, These Kurdish Women banded together to save and protect this people. Today, the YPJ, is now encircling the capital of ISIS? proto-state with the help of US airpower, they are trying to take power away from ISIS and are on the offensive to liberate Raqqa. They are also still devoted to protect the Yazidis and how they wish to accomplish this is allow them to move freely. The Yazidis are trapped in ruined and destroyed areas, and the YPJ are trying to allow them to move somewhere safe, and set up their civilization so they can leave peacefully.

Some of these women say they fight for other women, because they know the horrors they endure. The efforts of these women group not only encourage females to physically defend themselves, but also to take charge in a government and social setting. Female guerillas are exemplars showing that female leadership is very important, in the area in Syria where many of these women live, Rajava, every part of government has both a male and female leader, giving women control over issues that matter most to them, such as forced marriage and domestic violence. The female guerillas of the YPJ have become an example of the things a women can accomplish and the group has now joined the ?Women?s International League for Peace and Freedom?, becoming a leader for women worldwide. In the YPJ women are not only soldiers, but are leaders. In 2016 an american website did an interview with one of these women, Kimberly Taylor. Taylor is a foot soldier of the YPJ or the Women?s Protection Units, who said ?It starts with fighting Daesh, then the mentality of the male?. Taylor does not have the look of someone fighting one of the world?s most feared terrorist organizations. She has no army boots or body armor, instead opting for cheap chinese trainers and an embroidered keffiyeh. The casualties on her mission is supposed to be ?significant?.She said ?Hundreds and hundreds of us will die in Raqqa, I?m going to lose so many friends.? Kimberly Taylor says that her and her comrades provide a powerful counterimage to the raped victim of war women are portrayed as, and even though he job is dangerous, she is proud to serve her country and the freedom of all.

The Pope?s Har dships in Cair o I an Yang On April 28 2016, Pope Francis paid a visit to Cairo, Egypt to discuss the importance of Muslim-Christian brotherhood and co-existence within the country. In his short visit he spoke with prominent Muslim leaders in the country, stressing the importance of Muslim and Christian unity especially in Middle Eastern countries. Pope Francis held his 2 day voyage speaking for Christians and Muslims alike. This trip was not planned out of thin air; tensions have been rising between the people of both religions and debate has been surging rapidly. On April 18th, ISIS fighters bombed and attacked two Coptic Christian churches on Palm Sunday, killing 45 people and wounding dozens more (Most Christians in Egypt belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church). The recent news has impacted the people of Egypt, as people (especially Christians) are unsure about the future of the country?s sovereignty if not able to control conflicts within. Pope Francis?s visit is believed by Christians to be the perfect way to start the path to unity and understanding between the two religions, and that they understand how long and hard this process may be. Part of this visit included the Pope speaking on a podium in front of over 15,000 people at Air Defence Stadium. In his words he expressed his feelings towards Islamic extremists, calling out Muslim leaders in Egypt to take responsibility and work against these terrorist groups. Pope Francis urged the Islamic-majority nation to ?set aside their differences and to let go of history.? The division and hatred of Muslims and Christians started in the 11th Century, and ISIS attacking Christian churches and Christians themselves only increases these tensions. With this Pope Francis also spoke on human rights, and how the violent attacks violate human rights on ?every level.? The mass seemed to be effective and a distraction from Egypt?s current problems, but tensions were still very high.

Security was tight the entire duration, helicopters circling the stadium as well as soldiers and police officers around the stadium made spectators uncomfortable. Alongside his time at Air Defence Stadium, Pope Francis discussed the tensions between the majority Muslim community and the Christian community in Egypt, and how they must overcome their differences despite the history. When Pope Francis said this, this was in no exaggeration or lie. Since the Great Crusades, Muslims and Christians have fought and hated each other, historically over land and territory. Around the time the Syrian Civil War began in 2011, there were numerous series of attacks on Coptic Christians and churches in Egypt because of Al-Azhar?s breaking relations with the Vatican. This prompted emergency in Egypt, and military shut cities down as riots and mass protests against the violence struck up. In all the trip should be short visit but monumental one towards rebuilding relations between the two religions at such a controversial time. Coptic Christians are obviously grateful and hopeful of Egypt?s future and understanding that world leaders care and are indeed working to fix inner country problems. However it?s a long path, and building connections has only started recently. Again, one visit



change a

religion?s history of over a thousand years, but change has to begin somewhere at some point. Through these recent attacks communities within Egypt have shown mixed emotions, feelings of sadness and embarrassment and some feelings of happiness and joy. However a large amount of Muslims have shown anger towards these attacks, not just in Egypt but from around the world, asking for forgiveness on behalf of themselves. With such a large community slowly readjusting to restoration, these attacks and blatant acts of hate can only last for so long, and change will naturally occur. Exactly what the Pope envisioned during his time in Cairo Egypt.

Must - See Emma Singley The Great Sphinx of Giza This one is a must-see! A sixty-six foot tall and 240 wide sculpture, with a lion body and the head of an Egyptian king, Khafre, was carved out of limestone on the Giza plateau.

The Dead Sea Pay a visit! The Dead Sea is also known as the ?Salt Sea? and is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. There is so much salt in the Dead Sea, it can possibly float on the surface of the water! The Dome of the Rock An architectural extravaganza sitting upon Haram Al-Sharif in the heart of Jerusalem, The Dome of the Rock is one of the world?s most holy sites. Built in the 7th century, the building features an octagonal structure, a beautiful golden dome and amazing tile work. Within the Dome is the Foundation Stone, a holy artefact of great importance to Muslim and Jewish faiths.

Khor al-Udaid This site is a beauty! Khor al-Udaid consists of an extraordinary juxtaposition of desert and sea on the Qatari coast of the Persian Gulf. During the day the sea washes up against the soft white sand, making a gorgeous, clear sea, before retreating at night. Nasir al-Mulk Mosque The Pink Mosque, also known as the Nasir al-Mulk mosque in Shiraz, Iran has become famous for its beautiful tile work and extravagant use of colored glass in its windows. The stained glass makes it one of the most beautiful places of worship in the entire world. Make sure to pay a visit around sunrise or sunset for a beautiful, colorful, sight! Shah Square A blue beauty! Shah Square in Isfahan, Iran is one of the largest squares in the world. The square was constructed within the early 17th century and features buildings from the country?s Safavid era. The square brings a few of Isfahan?s gorgeous and culturally important sites together, including the Shah Mosque, the Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, the Ali Qapu Palace, and the Isfahan Grand Bazaar forming the square?s four sides.

Looking t o Volunt eer I an Yang Volunteer abroad in the Middle East with Volunteers for Peace Volunteers for Peace (VFP) is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 that offers placement in over 3,000 voluntary service projects in almost 100 countries. Each year the organization allows 1,000 positions with opportunities to strengthen their abilities to communicate with diverse groups and new people. Building these new connections and understanding cultures from around the world is only one of the factors naturally evolved from volunteering abroad. With this program people are allowed to volunteer for positions in locations around the world, not just the Middle East. Their programs in Jordan and Turkey have been renowned as their bests, with a 96 percent approval rating in courses such as studying or teaching Arabic, working with poorer or unstabilized communities, and rebuilding and forming uneducated children to their full potential. Truly a program to not pass up on. Volunteering in Palestine with Project Hope The mission of Project Hope is simple: to provide peace and education in Palestine. With this 3 month program, you as well as hundreds of volunteers from across the globe will reside in lower income or poor communities and teaching and showing children a new path to life with education. These classes will include language arts, technology, and sports. Bringing light to these children is not only rewarding, but a glimpse of Palestine?s future. Be a part of the program and change lives forever.

in t he Middle East ? Lyons Cook The Abraham Path Initiative In the Middle East, there is a voluntourism journey that traverses through ten countries. It is called the The Abraham Path Initiative and the Abraham Path. It is a walking path that follows the path of Abraham and his fellow tribespeople. The 3,000 mile





Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt,






Muslims, to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and Harvard University worked hard to restore the path of Abraham. The Abraham Path pulls travelers from around the world to rediscover and participate in the Abraham Path. New Plantation In Egypt, there is an eleven day journey. Some volunteer opportunities includes working with the El-Gerous Elgood, which means ?New Plantation.? It?s a Christian orphanage that serves girls aged 6-14, who either come from families who are too poor to provide them with food, clothing and shelter or are foundlings from the streets in Cairo. You can teach them or help them. You can participate in renovating and refurbishing school equipment, painting a classroom/tables and/or chairs in the local school. There is many opportunities to do while in Egypt.

MI DDLE EAST & Gr aphs of Compar able Dat a Gibbs Hooper

Religion Practice in North Africa

Literacy Rate

NORTH AFRI CA Economic Activity

Population Density



Les Temps dans Mor occo "Weather in Morocco"

Jack Mor t on and Lee Reymond Samedi, le 29 avril, il fait nuageux et chaud avec une température maximale de 69 degrés Fahrenheit. Dimanche, le 30 avril, il fait nuageux et chaud avec une température maximale de 67 degrés Fahrenheit. Lundi, le premier mai, il fait beau et chaud avec une température maximale de 70 degrés Fahrenheit. Mardi, le 2 mai, il fait bon et chaud avec une température maximale de 78 degrés Fahrenheit. Mercredi, le 3 mai, il fait beau et du soleil avec une température maximale de 86 degrés Fahrenheit. Jeudi, le 4 mai, il fait beau et du soleil avec une température maximale de 83 degrés Fahrenheit. Vendredi, le 5 mai, il fait beau et chaud avec une température maximale de 86 degrés Fahrenheit. Samedi, le 6 mai, il fait bon et du soleil avec une température maximale de 77 degrés Fahrenheit. Dimanche, le 7 mai, il fait bon et du soleil avec une température maximale de 80 degrés Fahrenheit. Lundi, le 8 mai, il fait beau et chaud avec une température maximale de 81 degrés Fahrenheit. Layout : Emma Singley

Mind Your Manner s I an Bendana When dealing with people in or around the Middle East and North Africa, one should try to respect their customs and values. Rules must be followed in order to make a good impression and not offend others in the Middle East. For instance, one must not shake hands with the left hand and a person should wait for someone of the opposite gender to offer you his or her hand. One must not show the soles of his or her shoes while sitting, and a person must greet the eldest person in the room first. In addition, one must dress conservatively.

A Tast e of Gr eat nes and Nor t h Emma Hummus A classic! A treat so savory and delicious and can be lathered on top of any kind of meal from a burger to a baked potato.

Grilled Halloumi Always a crowd pleaser. Made from goat or sheep?s milk, these chewy cheeses satisfy all! And during the processing, no acid or bacteria is used unlike in many other cheeses. Falafel Here?s a good one! Fried chickpeas with herbs could simply be considered as a delectable snack or a spicy pita filler, but for Middle Easterners, the origins of falafel are a matter of patriotic interest!

ess in t he Middle East h Af r ica Singley Kofta A spicy specialty. Most commonly found in Iran and Pakistan, strips of minced lamb or beef have a spicy, onion kick to them. The patties can be grilled, fried, barbecued, and even baked, but are best served with a singular, spicy sauce. Baklava A sweet treat! Made from a recipe that comes from the Ottoman empire, these buttery, sweet, nutty pastries are one of the most beloved dishes in the Middle East and on the planet! Harira A savory soup! Mostly served in Algeria and Morocco, the soup is always eaten during the Holy Month of Ramadan, when the fast comes to an end at sunset, but is also eaten throughout the year usually as a snack or appetizer. The dish can be prepared with lamb, chicken or beef, and is usually mixed with lentils, chickpeas and tomatoes.

Panda Cheese No one says no to panda.

Regional Fest ivals in t he Middle East and Nor t h Af r ica Livy Nieset Mawlid an-Nabi Mawlid an-Nabi is a festival that marks the birth of the Prophet Mohammad. This is a major Islamic festival and most cities have parades with dancers, acrobats, bands, and musicians. In Arabic, Mawlid translates to ?Birth of the Prophet? and the festival is celebrated in the third month of the Islamic Calendar.

Ramadan Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayers for Muslims. Fasting is one of the five principles of Islam. For everyday of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset and avoid bad behavior. The festival commemorated the spiritual journey of the Prophet Muhammad and ends with a three day festival called Eid al-Fidr.

Eid al-Fidr Eid al-Fidr is the festival celebrating the end of fasting and marking the end of Ramadan. This festival is The date of this festival depends on the sight of the moon. Families and friends gather for the end of Ramadan and show gratitude to Allah. The festival focus on community, family, and the spirit of generosity.

Eid al-Adha Eid al-Adha is the ?festival of sacrifice?. The festival related to the story of Abraham who proved his devotion to Allah by sacrificing his son. God stopped the sacrifice and replaced Abraham?s son with a sheep. The families celebrate this by sacrificing an animal and then sharing the meat with their family.

Movies Based in t he Middle East and Nor t h Af r ica Gibbs Hooper

Sahara(1942) In this drama war film set in Libya during World War II, Humphrey Bogart, an American tank commander, is fighting around the port of Tobruk we he becomes separated from his unit. He has a very challenging trip back and he meets many different people along the way. The Hill(1965) This film is set in a British army prison in during World War 2, and it follows a group of british soldier who were out in the prison for attacking their superiors and being drunk while on duty. These men clash with the authorities of the prison and try to escape. Control Room(2004) A documentary film about Al Jazeera and its relations with the US Central Command. This film shows the relations between America and the Middle East in a media-based and political way.

The Children of Heaven(1997) It deals with a brother and sister and their adventures over a lost pair of shoes. After this happens they go on many adventures throughout the middle east to try and help their families and learn more about their culture.

Act ivit ies in t he Middle East and Nor t h Af r ica Livy Nieset

Shopping at Gold Souks in Dubai Shop at gold and spice souks in Dubai and see what the commerce of Dubai was like back in the day. Dubai has been a main area for trade for centuries. The Gold Souk is known for its outstanding bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. There are over 300 different retailers that sell many different items. The Gold Souk also is one of the world's most renowned trading centers. Other items that can be purchased can also be platinum, silver, or diamond. Take a Walk in the Corniche in Qatar Corniche is a very popular park in capital of Qatar, Doha. Walk, run, or bike and soak in the beautiful scenery that surrounds you. If you want to see the scenery at night, take a traditional boat ?Dhow? down the Doha Corniche. Check out the beautiful night lights of the capital!

Have a Spa Day in Oran, Algeria Feeling like you need time to replenish your energy? Check out Oran, Algeria which is also known as the spa city. If you want to go to the most luxurious spas many high end hotels have great spa services.

Music and Dance in MENA Lyons Cook

Afghanistan is home to some of the most unique music in the world. Since prehistoric times, music in Afghanistan clearly indicates that the country due to its central location, was an important contributor to the development of music with people of Central Asia, Persia, and the Indian subcontinent. Afghan music is a combination of these areas creating a very interesting sound. Instruments in Afghanistan are also important to the music created. The Rubab is a guitar-like instrument used in Afghanistan. It is the national instrument of Afghanistan. It originates from central Afghanistan and from the 7th century. It is played in traditional and folk music. Dance in Afghanistan is also unique. The Attan, national dance of Afghanistan, is a old group dance that originated because of religion. The Attan is a slow dance that gradually gets faster. It is very upbeat when it finishes.

Another dance that is common throughout all of the Middle East is the belly dance. The belly dance, also known as Raqs Sharqi, is a traditional dance danced during festivals as well as religious events. Images and paintings have been found on temples in Egypt dating back to 1000 B.C. and also in Greece. It is believed by many that this dance started as an ancient ritual dance for fertility and childbirth. The dancers would dance during the birth of children. In the 1900?s, belly dancing was changed. It was modernized to a more active/upbeat dance.

In the Egyptian life, music in all forms is important. Music was played in temples, during processions and holidays, and at parties. Egyptian musical instruments were well developed and varied. They included string instruments such as harps, lyres, lutes, percussion instruments like drums, rattles, tambourines, bells and cymbals, wind instruments like flutes, clarinets, double pipes, trumpets, and oboes. Flutes were among the first musical instruments used. Double flutes were at first made of two parallel pipes, but later the two pipes were separated and set at an acute angle. They are still used in Egypt today. Music is still very important in Egypt. Harps, developed from the hunting bow and used since the Old Kingdom, were triangular or arc-shaped. They usually had eight to twelve strings made of animal gut, and both men and women played them and it was rare for women to participate in religious ceremonies

MENA Tr avel Souvenir s I an Yang Camel milk chocolate: Camel milk chocolate is a true home-grown delicacy to purchase when in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. A rare chocolate to find outside of the UAE (it is only produced by one company, Al Nassma), these exclusive treats are certainly a change of flavor and taste from your ordinary store-bought chocolate. This chocolate even appeals to more spoiled consumers, as the chocolate comes in five different varieties (whole milk, 70% cocoa, dates, macadamia, and Arabic spiced) for all to enjoy. Lastly these treats even come shaped as camels for the perfect souvenir gift for family and friends. The price range from these chocolates vary from AED 44 (12 US dollars) to AED 165 (45 US dollars) and will most likely be located in any convenience stores or malls in Dubai. You can even find them at Dubai International Airport, so in case you?d like to try these small delicacies while in Dubai for the short amount of time you have, the airport?s duty free shops will most likely have you covered.

Middle Eastern Dates: Dried fruits such as dates and plums have played a monumental role in the culinary history of the Middle East. Used as toppings for bigger dishes or in soups and stews or even for snacking these dried dates are convenient on the go and can be found almost anywhere in the Middle East. When visiting countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, or Kuwait be sure to be on the lookout for these candied fruits. Small local stores known as Bateel shops

have many varieties of dates and Khidri, Sokari, Medjool, and Kholas each with very few calories. Almond and hazelnut bars are usually matched with these fruits and are also a must try. Although these fruits can be found practically anywhere in these countries at any time the best time to shop for dates are during Ramadan, or the season of fasting. When fasting is over, the ritual is typically broken by eating small foods including dried fruits, making them extremely popular during Ramadan. Dried fruits range anywhere from AED 35 (10 US dollars) to AED 250 (68

Persian Rugs and Carpets: Persian Rugs and Carpets are going to be on the expensive side of the souvenir list. Although pricey, these works of art are certainly something that you will hold and cherish for the continuation of your life and will not want to miss out on. Usually affordable at certain souks (rug stores), these rugs aren?t only magic carpets, but will also turn out to be quite the investment for you, as visitors and guests to your home will be in awe with such an extravagant work from such a foreign place. If you are looking for a more expensive and more authentic piece, buy at National Iranian Carpets or the Persian Carpet House. These two stores are normally the spots for purchasing, and if you don?t like what you see you can even have one specially made for you. The price is from AED 400 (100 US dollars) and anything above that price.

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