Destination Europe 2017

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Tabl e of Cont ent s Mi nd Your 8 Movi es 10 Food Tri 12 Souveni 14 Regi onal Festi 16 Españ 18 Andalusi 20 Must See i n Sw i 22


Turk i sh governm ent block i ng Wi k i pedi a 26 Brexi t Poli ti cal 28 Hosti le Eli m i nati on of Hom osexuals by Chechen Governm 30 French Electi 32 Cataloni a 34 Russi an Forei gn Affai 36 Ti m e li 38 Must 40 Must 42 Voluntouri sm 44 Graphs of Com parable 46 5

Mind Your Manners Cr oat ia:

By: Parker Piacun

When in Croatia and you are greeting someone always remember to give a firm hand shake , maintain eye contact, and say Zdrovo . Always bring a gift when you go to some to someones house. Never bring up work or how much money you make even if you make minimum wage, because chances are you are still making more money than them.

Fr an ce:


When in France and you are greeting someone always be sure to greet people with a light , breif handshake. While walking around be sure to keep good posture and avoid chewing gum and putting your hands in your pockets. Good posture is a sign of class. Always dress in conservative , stylish, good quality cloths. Apperances matter; your social status is reflected by what you wear and how you wear it.

It aly: When greeting someone in Italy be prepared for them to kiss you on both cheeks. Remember to greet them bye saying "Buon giorno" which means "Hello". Remember that capichino is a morning drink and after lunch switch to espresso. Don't slurp up spaghetti and avoid eating it with a spoon . When in Spain do not Spain : expect big personal space, Spaniards like to get up close and make frequent physical contact. Spain has one of the most flexible timetables in the world , it is common to be half an hour late for a social event.

Ger m an y:

When in Germany punctuality is important. Remember to give a firm good handshake when greeting someone. When dining the host is always suposed to pay for the bill. Do not fight of the bill. Refusing food is okay, Germans are direct communicators and expect you to be honest and direct. 9

Most Famous Movies in Europe By: Sophie Daly

Th e Pian ist "The Pianist" is a historical fiction film which portrays a Jewish musician struggling to survive the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto during WWII. The film won three academy awards and is said to use the most effective "small, vivid, almost unbearably poignant human moments to make the film stand out".

Am ĂŠlie "AmĂŠlie" is a comedy about a young woman who controls the lives of people around her thus creating a world exclusively of her own making. Critic Alan Morrison says it is "the most inspiring and hilarious movie of this century". 10

Lif e is Beau t if u l A Jewish librarian, Guido, and his son are captured and sent to a concentration camp during the Holocaust. Guido uses his will, humor and imagination to shield and protect his son from the dangers around their camp. Join Guido and his son as they come together to fight against their conditions.

Baccalau r eat Romeo, a Romanian doctor, takes matters into his own hands when his daughter is attacked on her way to college testing. The attack would have jeopardized her future and her scholarship at a prestigious British university if Romeo did not step in. Romeo wants to do anything he can to help his daughter get a second chance at the university but, in the coarse of his actions will he know how far is too far? 11

Food Trip Locations By: Austin Passler

It aly Italy is the home to many foods, including pizza, pasta, lasagna, and gelatos. Pizza was invented in Naples and you can buy some of the best pizza there. Italy is home to many pasta dishes around the region including fettuccine alfredo, spaghetti and meatballs, and more.

Fr an ce France is the cheese capital of the world. There are over 350 types of cheeses in France include brie, and Bleu d'Auvergne.


Cooking Shows Cooking show by: AndrĂŠ Dumez and Ian BendaĂąa

Marzipan from Southern Spain Cooking show by: Gibbs Hooper and William Messersmith

Carbonade flamande from Belgium


Souvenirs By: Henry Pipes

Eif f el Tow er Key Ch ain s- Fr an ce


Rom an Coliseu m - It aly

?26.76 14

Lean in g Tow er of Pisa - It aly


Big Ben Clock Lon don

?3.57 15

Regional Festivals of Europe By: Theo Taylor

Ru n n in g of t h e Bu lls Pam plon a, Spain The Running of the Bulls festival is a week-long festival where hundreds men and women dress in white clothes with red belts and bandannas and run for their lives through the narrow streets of Pamplona.

STARS OF THE WHITE NIGHTS FESTIVAL - ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA The festival runs throughout the season of the midnight sun, a part of the summer when the sun never completely sets. To celebrate the 24 hour long days, there is a true extravaganza of the performing arts all conducted during the night hours by the light of the sun. One of the most anticipated festival highlights is the magnificent fireworks display that announces the appearance of the Scarlet Sails, a fleet of red-sailed tall ships. 16

St . Pat r ick ?s Day - Du blin , Ir elan d St. Patrick?s Day, or Lá Fhéile Pádraig in Irish, is a huge celebration to commemorate the death of St. Patrick the patron saint of Ireland. Normally, St. Patrick's day includes wearing green and drinking beer but Ireland takes it to a whole new level. This year Lá Fhéile Pádraig festivities last from March 16-19 and involves all manner of parades, concerts and even treasure hunts!

Ven ice Bien n ale - Ven ezia, It aly The Venice Biennale is one of the largest international art exhibitions. Artist and art lovers from all over the world come to Venezia to show off their latest work. The art in the exhibition includes paintings, sculptures, experimental medias, photographs all on a large scale. If you love going to art galleries or museums, this festival is a city wide gallery of all the best art from the past year.


España Por: Joen Sercovich y Frank Whiteley

La capital de España es Madrid. Al este está el Mar Atlántico y Portugal. Al oeste está el Mar Mediterráneo. Al norte Francia. Estrecho de Gibraltar y Africa. En Espana usan Euros. (The capitol of Spain is Madrid. To the East is the Atlantic and Portugal, to the west is the Mediterranean, to the north is France, and to the south is the strait of Gibraltar and Africa. In Spain they use Euros.)

El Flamenco es la música y baile es Preformado en una pequeña escenario. La música usa castañuelas. La persona quien toca los castañuelas baila también.

Ella lleva un vestido rojo y muy grande. (The Flamenco is a music and dance, it is performed on a small stage. The music uses castanets. The person who uses the castanets is also dancing. The dancers also wear large red dresses.


Miguel de Cervantes fue el autor de los libros Don Quijote de la Mancha. En el libro son Don Quijote, Sancho Panza, y Dulcinea. El libro es muy divertido y cómodo y famoso. Miguel de Cervantes nació cerca de Madrid en 1547. Se convierte en soldado en 1570 y es gravemente herido en la batalla de Lepanto. Es capturado por los turcos en 1575, Cervantes pasa cinco años en la cárcel. Entonces, regresa a casa y se convierte en escritor. Escribe Don Quijote en 1605.

and Dulcinea. The book is very fun, comical, and famous. Miguel was born near Madrid in 1547. He became a soldier in 1570 and was seriously wounded at the Battle of Lepanto. He was captured by the Turks in 1575, Cervantes spends five years in prison. Then he returns home and becomes a writer. Don Quixote wrote in 1605.

Miguel de Cervantes is the author of Don Quijote de la Mancha. The book is about Don Quijote, Sancho Panza, 19

Andalusia, España Por: Clayton Murphy y Will Randle

La capital de Andalusía es Sevilla. (The capital of Andalucia is Sevilla) Al este está mar Mediterráneo. Al oeste está Portugal. Al norte está Francia. To the east is the Mediterranean, to The most famous music in the west is Portugal, to the Andalucia is copla and north is France. flamenco. The copla is a Las más famosas son formal dance in Spain, that copla y flamenco. La copla is normally done during a es una danza formal en wedding. The España, que normalmente Flamenco is a haría esta danza en una form of dance boda. El flamenco es el in Spain. The was formala bailar en España. El Flanco Flamenco music Flamenco fue originally by the originalmente de los judíos jews and christians and the y cristianos y los gitanos lo gypsies copied it. copian. 20

El mas común instrumento es la guitarra. La flamenco es el formala bailar en España. El baile flamenco viene de los Romanos. El baile flamenco es un baile donde usan sus pies como instrumentos. Es una danza única, su origen es de Europa y Roma. The most common instrument is the guitar. The Flamenco is a form of dance in Spain. The dance was brought by the Romans. The Flamenco is a dance where you use you feet as instruments. It is a unique dance that originated in Europe and Rome. Antonio es un actor, productor. muchas

como Shrek, Evita Perón, y los niños de espionaje. El era la voz de "Puss In Boots" en Shrek. Él está en muchas películas de alta calidad de Hollywood. (Antonio Banderas is an actor, director, and producer. He is in many movies like Shrek, Evita Perón n, and Spy Kids. He was the voice of "Puss in Boots" in Shrek. He is in many Hollywood movies.)

Banderas director y Está en películas 21

La Suisse; a Voir Absolument (Switzerland; Must See Destinations) Par: Will Robert, Charlie Aucoin, and Max Daly

Ch illon Cast le Á Montreux, nous visitons le château de Chillon. Nous marchons dans le château. Au château, nous mangeons un sandwich au fromage, un hot dog, et une pizza. Après, nous marchons au lac de Genève. Nous apprenons l?histoire du Château. Nous avons fait de la voile sur le lac. Nous avons passé une journée fantastique! In Montreux, we visit the castle of Chillon. We walk into the castle. At the castle we eat a cheese sandwich, a hot dog, and a pizza. Afterwards, we walk to Lake Geneva. We learn the history of the Castle. We sailed on the lake. We had a fantastic day! 22

M u sée de Tr an spor t Su isse À Cervin, Charlie et Max font du ski. Will fait du snowboard. Nous faisons du ski les pentes bleues et noires. Charlie et Will sautent du tremplin. Max fait du ski en arrière. Nous aimons faire du ski. Au Musée de Transport Suisse, nous observons l?exposition de ?spaceflight?. J?aime cette exposition parce que c?est une expérience pratique. Une autre exposition que j?aime, c?est l?aventure du chocolat suisse. In Cervin, Charlie and Max go skiing. Will snowboarding. We ski the slopes blue and black. Charlie and Will jump off the springboard. Max ski back. We like to ski. At the Swiss Transport Museum, we observe the "spaceflight" exhibition. I like this exhibition because it is a practical experience. Another exhibition I love is the adventure of Swiss chocolate. 23


Cu r r en t Even t s in Tu r k ey By: M ar ian n e Viller e

Turkey is a transcontinental country located in between Asia and Europe. It is surrounded by eight other countries and is a democratic, secular, unitary, with a diverse cultural heritage. Turkey has been in many wars, for example, Operation Euphrates Shield in 2016 which prematurely ended in March 2017, and American-led intervention in 2015, and these are just a few recent ones. In seminar, there were two guests who moved to New Orleans from Turkey. In class we were asking them questions and their responses reflected on the wars in Turkey and how unsafe it is to live there. They were telling us that if they had the chance to go back to Turkey, they wouldn?t because their passports would be taken away by the government and the president would put them in jail for life. The current president of Turkey is Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish people all have very different opinions on him. Some day he is a polarizing figure for making significant progress in ending the 30 years of guerrilla war with Kurdish separatists. Others think that he is forming the characteristics of a dictator, and some question whether the election was fair, and say that they plan to challenge the election results in court. Turkish state media reports that 51% of people voted yes on the referendum, but the votes still could be fake. Erdogan is also heavily


criticized for failing to protect women's and human rights, curbing freedom of speech, and attempting to curb Turkey's secular identity. The guerrilla war is a form of irregular warfare with a small group of combatants use military tactics to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president, is growing greatly in power. Some say that his presidency is growing more into a dictatorship, than a presidency. Ever since the last year ?s failed coup, President Erdogan has been tightening control on the country by a great number. Since then, the Turkish government has purged 140,000 civilians from the state, closed down 1,500 civil groups, and detained over 1,000 workers. Erdogan called social media "the worst menace to society" and that saying came with actions. The turkish government also banned all access to the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Turkey government officials have yet to

tell a real reason behind blocking Wikipedia, other than it had taken ?an administrative measure? after technical analysis and legal consideration. The government also says that Wikipedia is a threat to national security and the government because an article on Wikipedia read that Turkey was aligned with various terrorist organizations. Turkey has acted like this before by blocking different webpages and social media like youtube, twitter, and facebook. Turkey asked wikipedia to remove the article, but it refused to do so, so the Turkish government took matters into their own hands and removed the whole site from the country. Turkey's communications ministry said that Wikipedia was attempting to run a "smear campaign" against Turkey. Some part of the article explained that Ankara was coordinating with militant groups, which the Turkish government was not content with.In July 2016, there was an attempt for a coup d?etat in Turkey which marked a monumental turning point in Turkey's political history. This has been the bloodiest coup in Turkey's political history. A coup d?etat, or just coup, is a sudden overthrow of an existing government by a small group of rebels. This small group attempted to overthrow the Turkish Government, but they failed to do so. The crowds resisted tank fire and air bombardments and, with the

help of soldiers and the police, they defeated the coup attempt in a matter of hours. A faction of the military was saying that the "political administration that has lost all legitimacy has been forced to withdraw." The rebels never overthrew the government, but injured over 1,400 people, and killed over 290 people. There were many explosions and tanks rolled through the streets of the

capital of Turkey, Ankara, and Istanbul. Soldiers blocked the Bosphorus Bridge so no one could get out and leave. The Bosphorus Bridge connects the Europe and Asia, runs right through Istanbul. The bridge a key factor for escaping the coup, hence all of the soldiers blocking it off. Most forms of media, like CNN Turk, Wikipedia, Youtube, and more were forced off air, which left all of the citizens of Turkey knowledgeless of the situation. All of the events that have recently occurred that were stated above show the culture and what it is like to live in Turkey, which is being run by which people say is an ?unfairly elected dictator ? also known as Tayyip Erdogan.


Th e Polit ical Side of Br it ain?s Exit By: Hen r y Pipes Recently in Great Britain the British people have decided to leave the European Union and the British exit is commonly now dubbed ?Brexit?. ?Brexit? is a shorthand way of saying the British exit from the European Union by merging the words ?Britain? and ?exit? to form ?Brexit?. A referendum vote was held on Thursday June 23rd in 2016. Leave won by 51.9% of people voting to leave compared to 48.1% of people voting to stay. The voter turnout was 71.8% with more than 30 million people showing up to vote. England voted for Brexit with 53.4% of people voting to leave compared to 46.6% of people voting to stay. Wales also voted for Brexit with 52.5% of people voting to leave compared to 47.5% of people voting to stay. Scotland however, voted to stay in the EU with 62% of people voting to


stay compared to 38% of people voting to leave. Northern Ireland also voted to stay in the EU with 55.8% of people voting to stay compared to 44.2% of people voting to leave. Although, Scotland and Northern Ireland?s efforts did not stop Britain from exiting the EU. Ten provinces of Great Britain voted to Brexit and only three provinces of Great Britain voted not to Brexit. However the final percent was only 51.89% in favor of leaving compared to 48.11% in favor of staying (BBC). The political side of Brexit caused Britain to have David Cameron resign as Prime Minister and have Theresa May took over for him. David Cameron announced that he was resigning as Prime Minister the day that the referendum votes showed that Brexit would happen. Theresa May was originally against Britain leaving the EU

but never spoke out about it and when she found out David Cameron was against it she saw an opportunity to become Prime Minister. Theresa May also was not very enthusiastic about the EU. Theresa May was unopposed to become Prime Minister when the rest of the Leave side of Brexit pulled out. Now, May is for Brexit because she realizes it is what the people want. May?s key message is ?Brexit means Brexit? which is her way of saying that she is backing the Brexit campaign. Another important quote by May is ?This is a historic moment from which there can be no turning back.? (BBC). The process of Brexit began on March 29th in 2017 when May triggered the two year process of exiting the EU. Britain is using Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon to help with Brexit. Article 50 is a plan for any country that wishes to leave the EU that was created as part of the Treaty of Lisbon. Article 50 is signed by all EU member states and became an EU law in 2009. The law says that any state that wishes to leave the EU may but it must notify the European Council and the state must negotiate the terms of withdrawal with the EU, but the state wishing to leave may not be a part of the discussion among the

EU. The UK (Great Britain) is scheduled de leave the EU on Friday, March 29th in 2019. The date can be extended if all 28 member states of the EU vote and agree on it. The referendum vote happened on Thursday, June 23rd in 2016. After the vote, it sent shockwaves through the global economy. When May triggered Article 50, she started the two year timer on Brexit talks. On the official day of Brexit, the Great Repeal Bill will go into law and end the supremacy of EU law in Britain (CNN). There will not likely be another vote because the government would become unpopular if it ignored the will of the people. Almost 4 million people in the UK signed a petition calling for a second vote. Scotland?s First Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has suggested that the Scottish Parliament could veto the decision to leave the EU. Sturgeon wants to put Scotland?s potential independence from the UK on the table. Brexit should happen by 2019 (two years) but it could take longer because of how deeply entwined with the EU, the UK is, but if everything goes according to plan, Brexit will have happened by late March in 2019 (Express).


Host ile Elim in at ion of Hom osexu als by Ch ech en Gover n m en t By: Soph ie Daly Imagine being persecuted based upon your sexuality. Being captured by the government and tortured in different ways just because you are gay. For many gays in Chechnya, this abuse is a harsh reality. Within recent years, Russian leaders have personally victimised gay individuals to try and eliminate them from certain areas of Russia. The most prominent execution has been in an area of Russia called Chechnya. The Chechen leaders have a reputation for attacking groups of people, but they never had a problem with the LGBT community until now. Not only are they targeting the gays, but also everyone who speaks out against the executions. The series of attacks in Chechnya have been orchestrated by their leader, Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov has put into


place many different tactics to try and eliminate the gay population. For example, he had the government set up fake dating profiles online to try and ?catfish? or trick the gay men into giving themselves up so they could be brought to the concentration camps. He also passed a law which says that if any gays show any displays of public affection then they are eligible for the death sentence. Finally, he has denied any application for gay protests within Chechnya. Upon hearing about the new regulations and targeting of gays, more and more people were shocked and began to stand up for gay rights. On May 1st, there was a huge riot in Chechnya where human rights activists along with civilians all dressed up in rainbow colors

and protested in the streets. Police heard word of this protest and immediately set out to shut it down. Seventeen activists were detained in the process of bringing down the riot. This riot is not the only example of ways that the government has tried to keep gay propaganda out of Chechnya. A few months ago, the president, Ramzan Kadyrov, denied the permit for a Moscow-based gay pride group to set up protests around the area of Chechnya because it ?violates what the Chencha government stands for ? and creates an image for the people that is not welcomed. Kadyrov was then asked what he thought the government stands for and he said that the government stands for strength and prosperity and not weakness. The recent targeting and exclusion of the LGBT community has no clear purpose or reasoning other than the Russian government not supporting the expression of gay rights. Some say that other more serious issues have boiled down so now they are focusing on improving their population. Not only is the government targeting the gays but they are also physically abusing gays in compounds which resemble the concentration camps of WWII. Newspapers have reported different stories about abuse. One man, identified as Adam in the article, reports that men would clamp his fingers and toes with metal clamps and send an electric shock through his body until he screamed. After he screamed, they would beat him

with a wooden board out of enjoyment. ("UN Rights Agency Condemns Abuse of Gay People in Chechnya." Fox News. FOX News Network, n.d. Web. 15 May 2017.) Adam?s story is one of many reported in different sources all over Russia and in some other areas of Europe. All reports have been denied by the Russian government and claim to not have had a single person report a crime of abuse or suspicious activity which shows that the government is trying to cover up whatever is happening within Chechnya. In summary, the homosexual population in Chechnya is being victimized and attacked by the government through various violent actions. People are being run out of their hometowns just because of their sexuality. Hopefully soon, this persecution will end and the people of Chechnya will be free to live whatever lifestyle they please.


Fr en ch Pr esiden t ial Elect ion of 2017 By: Th eo Taylor Just like in America, French elections are often heated and controversial and this year ?s election was no exception. However, French elections are carried out slightly differently. Every election for the Presidential of France consists of two rounds. The first round is open and this year contained five candidates. Only the two top candidates move on to the ?runoff ?. French elections are always on Sunday and this year ?s were no different occurring on Sunday, April 23 and Sunday, May 7 respectively. Usually the final two parties are the conservative Les Republicains and the Left-wing Socialist Party. However, this year Le Pen of the National Front and Malcolm of En Marche were favored to win the first round. Malcomb was predicted to win the runoff. Emmanuel Macron is a centralist ex-banker who has never held an elected office. Macron is clean-cut, pro-business, and pro-European Union. Emmanuel Macron was born in Amiens to two public doctors. He was extremely close to his grandmother and that relationship was the seed for his passion in politics. He has held many jobs including Finance Inspector, Deputy Secretary General of the ElysÊe, and Minister of Economy, Industry and Digita. He also worked for François Hollande during the 2012 Presidential campaign. He believes that, ?it is through work that one can become


the one that one envies being.? (translated from French) After he was told to run for President by the President of the Republic, he took preparatory classes so that he would be better prepared. His lack of experience in politics gives him an advantage and a disadvantage. There are many good reasons to vote for Emmanuel Macron.

He speaks his mind regardless of consequences. Macron says he will focus on unemployment. He doesn't owe anyone money or favors. Also, he is able to see ideas with an unbiased view regardless of the party from which the idea originated. Le Pen herself is a former lawyer from the far right who hopes to use Trump?s populist tactic to win the election. Le Pen is fighting hard to bring

the party back to it?s former glory. Now, the Front National party is a populist party that focuses on nationalism. Is is against immigration and the political establishment. Its goals are to strengthen the nation by making it more ethnically homogeneous, or of the same race and religion, and returning it?s focus to ?traditional? values. They want everyone in France to be French. They don?t want any immigrants that they need to pay for and want rights for the true French. They are angry at the elites for putting relations with other nations ahead of the France and putting their own interests in front of the interests of the people. The second election was held on Sunday, May 7 and Macron won. Hours before the vote, hackers leaked documents stating that he had an

offshore bank account that would allow him to raise taxes without affecting himself. However the news did not travel far due to a law that French news sources cannot cover political topics the

day of or preceding an election. Consequently, Macron was inaugurated last Sunday, May 14. After the long struggle that always comes with an election, Macron came out on top and will be the President of France for the next five years.


Cat alon ia In depen den ce M ovem en t By: Au st in Passler Catalonia's Parliament voted 72 to 11 in favor of a referendum to leave Spain. This vote occurred in the Catalonian Parliament with 85% of Catalans in favor of this referendum. 47.7% want to leave Spain, but 42.4% wanted to stay and 8.3% were undecided. According to Catalan government's director of international communications, Joan Maria Pique, "If we have 50% turnout and a majority in favour of independence, this will be legitimate. Then Madrid will have to ask itself if it is going to impose its laws by force, if the Catalan people choose their future peacefully and democratically." Catalonia is very different than the rest of Spain. Catalonia wants to leave Spain because their small region makes up 20% of the Spanish economy. They are rich while the rest of the nation is poor. If Catalonia left Spain, they would


have the 34th largest economy in the

world. In Catalonia they do not even speak Spanish, they speak Catalan. Spain's supreme court made a unanimous decision that Catalonia will not get a referendum. Central parliament politician Xavier Garcia Albiol said the act of declaring for a referendum is equal to a coup against Spain. The vote for a referendum has put the president of Catalonia?s parliament, President Mas, under trial. Mas could be prevented from running for office for over a decade. Catalonia's "illegal" vote was the only option because the central parliament in Madrid did nothing. According to Javier Garcia Roca, professor of constitutional law at Madrid's Complutense University, "If the Catalan government does not negotiate the calling of a referendum with the state, it is not legally possible, because this power is held by the central state." RaĂźl Romeva, the Catalan foreign affairs minister, said ?The

(Spanish state) has left us feeling that we just don?t have an alternative. We have always said that we would have preferred a Scottish-type scenario, where we could negotiate with the state and hold a coordinated and democratic referendum. We keep talking to Madrid, but all we get back from them is an echo.? Currently, Catalonia can run its own healthcare and education and has minor control over tax. As a response to Madrid blocking the referendum, 787 of Catalonia's 947 towns and cities have symbolically declared independence. This has led to the courts investigating many local politicians. These politicians are being

investigated for declaring independence, not accepting Spanish holidays and burning pictures of the King of Spain. The courts have also blocked many laws made by Catalans parliament. These laws include laws against fracking and gender inequality. Brexit has reignited the push for independence in Catalonia, it showed how Catalonia is not the only place upset. The President of Catalonia's parliament, Carles Puidgemont, said that he thinks Catalonia will be independent by the end of 2017. If Catalonia does get a referendum, some politicians have already started working on a new government. A free Catalonia would remain in the European Union. Catalonia?s 72 to 11 vote to leave Spain shows how the Catalans feel about Spain.


Ru ssian For eign Af f air s By: Par k er Piacu n How does Vladimir Putin and Russia benefit from meddling in other countries elections, wars, etc.? Putin and Russia have been caught or suspects in meddling with other countries affairs with no obvious benefit for himself or his country. Putin and Russia has offered to bail Ukraine out of financial trouble and give them their own private oil reserve which would hurt Russia because they are Ukraine?s only source of oil and rely heavily on them. Russia hacked the US election to make sure Trump wins and is now suspected of hacking the French election. Putin also has allied with Assad to help him in Syria?s civil war, helping the government by providing craft. Russia has been suspected of hacking the US election and it was now


proven. In an article in newsweek Nikki Haley described the current relation between US and Russia. Haley claimed ?there is no love? and Russia was certainly involved in the election?. The US FBI director tried to bring attention to Russian tampering months before the election. Trump is in denial and even praising Putin calling him ?Very smart?. Haley claims Trump doesn?t trust Putin and doesn?t like him because if he did he would have stopped her from talking so negatively about him. Although this is happening we have still allied with Russia to fight against ISIS. Russia was also involved in the Ukraine crisis. Hackers have turned the tables on Putin after hacking into and publishing the emails of Kremlin. The

emails reveal evidence of Putin aiding separatists. One email revealed a map of Ukraine carved up into three separate pieces and the farthest east was labeled ?New Russia?. The hackers according to have no link to Ukraine nor Russia. The Hackers claim they are planning on leaking more information from the emails soon. Multiple Cyber groups in Ukraine have begun cyberlly- attacking Russia. A cyber group activist says ?We live in the 21st century, so possessing information, analysing it and using it in the proper way plays a very big role?. Putin and Russia have denied the claims so far but plays active role in the separatist crisis and fighting that has killed nearly 10,000 people since 2014.

of a government bombing backed by Russia. Russia has not attempted to limit the use of their craft after Assad has used it to murder not only rebels but civilians too. Russia has also not attempted to help the civilians who were injured or push Assad to set up a way for his civilians to get help. Putin has stated he ?will do anything to help[Assad]?. Trump and Putin had a telephone conference to discuss ways to end conflict, leaving out Assad. They came up with ?de-escalation zones? for civilians to get help with their injuries. There will be four zones throughout the country. Trump and Putin, however, have not provided a way for fighting to be prevented within the zones. Assad has rejected every proposal so far so Russia is currently involved in the there is slim hope. However, multiple rebel representatives have stated they Syrian civil war and has allied with is theNothing.? ?Impossible government and Assad providing them do not want help.

Impossible is Nothing.

with the craft they need to win against the rebels. According to the New York Times the rebels are in hiding because

Overall, Russia, in my opinion, has gotten involved in many foreign affairs that do not concern them.


Eu r ope T hr ou gh the A ges

Th e Ref or m at ion (1500s)

Major event in Church history which initiated Protestantism from Catholicism and made a major division in religions which still exists to this day.

Th e Seven Year s?War (1754 - 1763

A war across seven continents tha included most of the European powers a the time. The two sides were lead by the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of France.

Begin n in g of t h e Ren aissan ce(1400s) A period of time which emphasized the importance of individual achievement in a wide range of fields. More people became more independent and created new art forms.

Th e Fr en ch Revolu t ion (1789 - 1802) A r evolu t ion w h ich t h or ou gh ly ch an ged t h e gover n m en t , m ilit ar y an d cu lt u r e of t h e st at e. Fr an ce w en t f r om a m ain ly ?f eu dal? n at ion , t o a n at ion u n der Napoleon Bon apar t e


at at e e

En d of t h e In du st r ial Revolu t ion (1835) Marks a shift in the manufacturing and production of materials in Europe. More factories were opened and less people produced materials in their households.

Wor ld War I (1914-1918) Sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the "Great War " was a war between the world's greatest powers.

Th e En d of Th e En ligh t en m en t (1800) An intellectual and philosophical movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century,

Wor ld War II (1939-45) Hitler persecuted the Jews in Germany. Many other countries fought against and with Hitler.

Sophie Daly and Theo Taylor

Must see places that you have to visit during your next trip to Europe By: Marianne Villere The Colosseum in Rome, Italy is a place like no other. Its architecture built in 70 AD out of concrete and sand. This is a place that you just have to see. If you are looking for someplace romantic, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France is defiantly a must see vacation spot. Sit under the tower and watch the sunset, and you will for sure have a great time. In Venice, Italy, you can venture down the streets that are actually water ways. You can canoe down the streets and have a very calm and peaceful vacation. There are many places to visit in Italy, and Venice is defiantly a great option for a vacation. 40

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Italy is a place that you will not regret seeing. With its beautiful paintings by Michelangelo in the 16th century, this is a site that will defiantly catch your eye . If you are looking for a place to visit while in France, you should spend a day in London, at the Tower of London. With its beautiful structure, you defiantly won't be let down. The Louvre is a fantastic place to visit while on your trip to Paris, France. Art lover or not, the Louvre will defiantly catch your eye one way or another. Once you walk in, you will instantly love it. When in the Gothic Quarter, in Barcelona, Spain, your jaw will drop at the sight of the old architecture from the late 19th century. This is a place that you have to visit in order to max your vacation to the top. 41

Must Do Activities in Europe By: Austin Passler

Th e Blu e Gr ot t o The Blue Grotto tour in Capri, Italy is one of the most amazing activities you can do in Europe. The tour starts with you boarding a small wooden boat. You then float down the river and through a hole in a the stone wall. This takes you into a cave with extremely blue water. The following photos are unedited, not including cropping.

Gian t 's Cau sew ay Giant?s Causeway is amazing to see, but it is even more fun to climb. It is a completely natural set of stones in Ireland. Legend has it that the causeway was built by the Irish giant, Fionn mac Cumhaill. He accepted a fight against a Scottish giant, Benandonner, and built the causeway to Scotland. There are multiple versions of the rest of the story. In one of them, Fionn wins the fight against Benandonner. In the other, Fionn hides as a baby because he is smaller than Benandonner. Fionn?s wife tells Benandonner that the baby is Fionn?s. Benandonner runs back to Scotland, breaking the causeway in the process, because he believes that Fionn must be huge among giants. The amazing part of the myth is in Scotland, there are identical stones to those in Ireland.


Cast les One great activity you can do all over Europe is visiting various castles. No matter where you go in Europe, you will be near a castle. Each castle has a story and shows its time period. All though it is not a castle, Mont Saint-Michel is also a great place to visit. It is near Normandy and it has many old shops.

Scan din avia The Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have great activities. My personal favorites include viking tours, ice hotels, and Tivoli Gardens. The viking tours include woodworking and exploring a real viking town. You also get to hear the stories of the vikings. The ice hotels are very cool. You can visit them for the day and experience snow or you could be brave and stay for the night. Recommended locations include SnowCastle of Kemi in Finland. Tivoli Gardens is the best amusement park in the world. Located in the center of beautiful Copenhagen, Tivoli Gardens offers many rides including The Demon, Fatamorgana, and my favorite, the Star Flyer. The Demon is an extremely fast roller coaster, Fatamorgana is three rides in one, and the Star Flyer is a high set of swings that gives riders an excellent view of Copenhagen.


Voluntourism in Europe By: Theo Taylor and Sophie Daly

Volu n t eer at a You t h Cam p in Polan d

ELI, a youth camp, teaches children independence and other values during the sessions. In order to work at ELI, you must attend a two day orientation in Krakow where the leaders of the camp review all of the requirements and teach the applicants everything about the camp. ELI operates July through August, with 4 two-week sessions in total. There will be approximately 20 children in each session, divided by age into 2 groups.

Rebu ildin g Cast les w it h People f r om Ar ou n d t h e Wor ld Have you ever looked at an rundown castle, and wondered why people do not try to keep the beautiful and cultural buildings in better shape? Volunteers For Peace is an organization that organizes volunteers from all over the world to preserve and restore the castles all throughout Europe. Volunteers from different countries live and work together, learning about each other 's cultures and important teamwork skills.

En joy a su m m er in Spain w h ile Teach in g En glish Cultural Homestay International's program matches a volunteer with a host family in Spain and the volunteer teaches the children English for a maximum of fifteen hours a week. Over the course of three months the volunteer experiences Spanish culture first hand and is able to explore the city as a tourist. The experience leaves the volunteer with lasting memories and enhanced Spanish skills.

Europe by the Numbers By: Henry Pipes

Country Population

Popu lat ion


10 M ost Popu lar Cit ies

Popu lat ion

An n u al Tou r ist s

1. London, England

8.7 million people

17.4 million tourists annually

2. Paris, France

2.2 million people

30 million tourists annually

3. Rome, Italy

2.9 million people

4.2 million tourists annually

4. Dublin, Ireland

1.4 million people

3.5 million tourists annually

5. Madrid, Spain

3.2 million people

6 million tourists annually

6. Barcelona, Spain

1.6 million people

30 million tourists annually

7. Frankfurt, Germany

2.3 million people

3.2 million tourists annually

8. Milan, Italy

1.3 million people

10 million tourists annually

9. Athens, Greece

3.8 million people

15 million tourists annually

10. Amsterdam, Netherlands

1.4 million people

3.5 million tourists annually


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