alt + shift magazine | issue 04

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alt + shift. LOCATION: New York City

issue 04 @altshiftmagazine

COUNTRY: United States



the local issue..

CONT ENTS "Images courtesy of

Google + Pinterest + and the respective photographers."

08 ________

taking control.

10 ________

instagram accounts.

14 ________

cheffin’ it up with alt + shift.

18 ________

resources vs. resourcesfullness.

20 ________

the homies.

24 ________


26 ________

texture in bloom.

28 ________

letting go.

34 ________

platonic friendships.

36 ________

things we love but can’t afford.

40 ________

community shifters.

52 ________

why traveling is good for you.

54 ________

vashtie kola.

60 ________

social media x relationships.

62 ________

beauty products.

72 ________

this is: royal khaoZ.

for the best viewing experience, please turn your smartphone horizontally. enjoy!

alt + shift magazine noun. [/olt / + / SHift / mage ‘ zen] 01. a digital magazine 02. the + is silent

We’re in a time of change. Not only as creators, not only as people but in every aspect of life. We are changing the way we think, the way we buy, the way we consume, the way we act all due to this generational shift influenced by many extenuating factors such as technology, consciousness, and our new desire to care. In this process, we asked ourselves that exact question: “what do we care about?”

ABOUT THE MAGAZINE Described as “a cross between Nylon and Essence”, alt + shift magazine is an online platform and digital magazine cultivated to guide us as we “shift” through life. alt + shift magazine is made of various content pieces catered to each platform and audience. We offer a unique perspective on fashion, design, opinion, culture, innovation + more through aesthetic, social, and cultural lenses. Consider alt + shift to be a digital magazine without borders - a living and ever growing embodiment of what we as the creators and what you as readers care about. We can only hope that the things that stress us now will be minor as we go through this journey, making space for new cares and worries just the same, along with new ways of expressing them.

welcome to the shift.


We update the online platform with the latest issues and all thing alt + shift magazine to keep you inspired and connected with us. You can also subscribe to us, submit your own pieces, and also purchase our merchandise on our digital space.


FOUNDERS Sage Hunter + Arianna Alleyne

ABOUT US Let’s set the stage of where our worlds overlap. We are friends of nearly 10 years sharing many life-structuring experiences, recent college graduates wanting more than this workforce can offer, lovers of travel constantly looking for our new adventures, and avid fashion enthusiasts. With that being said, both of us as creatives and as individuals have polar opposite backgrounds, one in engineering with an analytical mindset and the other in marketing with an artistic twist. Therefore, morphing and molding this magazine into a common ground for our passions, pain points, and provisions has been nothing short of a journey. Our biggest goal was to prioritize inclusion by bridging the gap between our truth and inclusion everyone in between. We welcome you to grow with us, share with us, and learn with us. This isn’t about us but for us and for all of you. Rather than being afraid of this shift, embrace it - those who don’t will simply be left behind. With alt + shift magazine, we hope for it to become a staple and ultimately a part of your life. Thank you so much to those who have extended your support whether through simple words of affirmation or retweets and to everyone pushing us to work even harder with the lack thereof. We see you. And thank you for seeing us.

when we feel out of control of our lives, it can result in a slew of unhealthy behaviors and the birth of bad habits. ask yourself some overarching questions to assess what has been going on:

taking control .

what are you doing at this stage in your life?

what patterns have you noticed within yourself?

have you discovered what you want to accomplish?

are your current actions vital for you to meet your purpose?

of the things that you’re doing, what should you let go of?

instagram accounts you need to be following


if you’re into mixing the business + pleasure of editorial fashion: @lpeopleswagner

business woman but make it fashion


if you’re a hopeless romantic with a sense of humor:



if you need business, fashion, + aesthetic inspo:

cheffin’ it up with alt + shift

Is it summer time yet? Summer is always that season that comes and goes so quickly. With summer approaching soon, it’s time to take advantage of new recipes without letting the season pass you by. It’s always a busy time, especially with the heat creeping up, so you don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen. In this article, I will give you some recipes that involve “no cooking” that I truly love to indulge in during the summer months (actually every month!) *For all of these recipes, feel free to swap out or add ingredients, this is a guide to help put your own spin on your upcoming summer creations!* Recipe 01: Spinach Cranberry Walnut Salad with Poppyseed Dressing Ingredients: 6 cups baby spinach leaves (washed and pat dry) 1 cup dried cranberries walnut pieces raisins 4 strawberries cut up (quarter pieces) Poppyseed dressing (Brianna’s Gluten-free Poppyseed dressing is my ultimate fave!) Mix all the ingredients together to create a bomb spinach salad, everyone will be jealous over! Quick Alternatives: Sometimes you just don’t have time to whip up a salad. My suggestion would be to head over to Costco (or your local supermarket) and pick up a salad kit. The alternative I love for this recipe is the Taylor Farms Sweet Kale Chopped Kit that includes kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, radicchio, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and poppyseed dressing. Feel free to check out the link to the Taylor Farms Sweet Kale Chopped Kit to find this quick alternative in a store near you!

Recipe 02: Fruit Salad Ingredients: 2 or 3 cups diced pineapple (preferably, fresh) ½ pint blackberries (cut into halves) 1 pound of strawberries (cut into quarter pieces) 3 or 4 ripe kiwis (cut into halves, peeled) Add all the ingredients into a bowl to make a beautiful fruit salad for the summer months! Optional: To add a little excitement to this dish, feel free to incorporate a creamy yogurt dressing on the side to take your fruit salad to the next level! Quick Alternatives: The majority of the time I am too lazy to “cook” during the summer so an alternative to making a fruit salad, would be buying any ole’ fruit salad from your local grocery store, but why not make one for cheaper!!

Recipe 03: Balsamic Black Bean Salad Ingredients: 1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed well) 1 can of corn (drained well) ½ onion (finely diced) ½ cup of chopped cilantro (fresh) 7 ozs salsa verde (optional, it adds a spicy kick!) 1 lime (squeezed onto salad once complete) ¼ balsamic vinegar (drizzle on salad when complete) Salt and pepper to taste Once all the contents are mixed together, pick up a spoon and dig in, or grab your fave tortilla chips to dip and enjoy! My fave tortilla chips are the Xochtil White Corn Chips. Quick Alternatives: I LOVE black bean salads. I like to pick up this salad from Stew Leonard’s, but any grocery store near you should carry a delicious black bean salad.

Recipe 04: Southwest Tortellini Pasta Salad Ingredients: 1 Avocado 1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed well) 1 ½ cups of cherry tomatoes ¼ cup cilantro (chopped, fresh) 1 can of corn (drained well) 1 clove of garlic 2 limes (squeezed onto completed salad) 1 red bell pepper ¼ cup of red onion (finely diced) Salt and pepper to taste 1 20oz pack of your fave three cheese tortellini (refrigerated) Once the pasta has been cooked, allow for it to sit to cool off so it’s not soft. Once it is a bit firm, add all the ingredients into a bowl and enjoy!

resources vs. resourcefullness

access having the tools, connections, or commodities that you need at your direct reach without any major obstacles or struggles.

who or what has made it possible for you to have access? this is can be connected to your race, class, education, skin tone, location, and more.


drive how have you made use of what you have in spite of what you may lack? if you want something, you still make it happen with proper prioritization, hard work, and discipline.

you can see what you want and the steps it takes to make that happen. seeing what you have and filling the gaps as you go along.





Meet The Homies This hip-hop collective based out of Louisville, KY is comprised of five multi-talented individuals that each bring a unique sound and perspective into their group dynamic. The Homies -- Quiiso, Shloob, Ace Pro, 2forwOyNE and Ronnie Lucciano handle all music production and sound engineering in-house. Before I came across The Homies dope vibes, I started listening to Jack Harlow, also out of Louisville. His flow immediately sparked my interest leading me to look into more musicians coming out of Louisville. After doing said research, I found The Homies. Their joint record, Leaf Wraps is what made me a fan of both The Homies and Jack Harlow. The beat is the first thing that immediately attracted me to this song. The whole track is smooth, cohesive, and a vibe. Their tones flow over the beat effortlessly for a truly dope song. Each record that The Homies present compliments the last and provides a sense of cohesiveness making them a group to most definitely keep an eye out for. Check out The Homies below.


key ways to establish boundaries

we tend to find ourself in tough situations when we over-extend different parts of ourselves - especially when it’s to the wrong people. here are some ways you can establish what works for you during varying stages in life:

reflect. ask yourself what has and hasn’t worked across your relationships in the past and where you want them to be. out with the old and in with the new.

be direct. you’ve gone through all of this work and reflection to find out what works for you and now it’s time to let them know. think of it less as an open forum and more of laying down the law. although there may be very few loopholes, it’s mostly non-negotiables. prioritize yourself in this stage and make it clearly known what it is from here on out.

ask yourself what you’re willing to give and stick to that. this will be different depending on the nature of the relationship whether it is romantic, platonic, familial, or even business. another thing to consider when establishing this is where you are in life. if you’re in a stage of healing, your boundaries may be very strict as those wounds heal but if everything is great, you may be open to a lot more.

seek support. these changes won’t be easy. you may need external support to coach you through this whether it is a close friend, family, or a therapist.

tap into your feeling and practice self-awareness. have continuous self check-ins. ask yourself: are these newly set boundaries garnering the results i wanted in the beginning? is my mental health suffering or prospering in light of these changes? the answer to these questions will determine if you may need to reestablish the terms of these boundaries.


I know the struggle. I’ve been there and am still learning to love my hair everyday. I used to want my hair to be sleek, tamed, and more “manageable.” I associated all of that with having straight hair. It took me years to appreciate the beauty and essence that grows from my scalp. This is my crown. I’ve learned to appreciate my hair in all its ways. The versatility. The flow. The movement. The shine. The beauty. With learning to love your hair no matter what texture or form, you must be smart. Study your hair. Learn more about it. Become in tune with your hair. Listen.


No, your hair can’t communicate with words but it can communicate with you by its appearance and texture. Try different products. Learn what your hair likes and dislikes. The process of loving and living for your hair will be filled with trial and error. Take it a day at a time. In the end, your hair will thank you. Patience is key. No matter if you cut it off or let it grow, your hair will be with you for quite a while so embrace, love + live for it when you can. It truly is a marvel. Loving + Living For Your Hair


Letting go of anything can be hard but there always comes a time when you really need to let go. Let go of relationships, drama, the past, hurt, etc. Now, here are some steps to start the process.


OFFICIALLY MAKE THE DECISION TO LET GO. This seems easy and self-explanatory but this is probably one of the hardest steps to do. Having a plan before the plan to let go. Make sure you are ready to really let go. Take a moment to sit down marinate on this decision. Think about how this decision will affect your life in the long-run. Think about, “what will happen if I don’t let go?” This can be an extremely powerful motivator to decide to officially let go. Once you are able to make this decision reality,


you are ready to let go.


You have let go and now it is time to accept it and continue on your journey. Why? “Because when you’re still struggling in your mind and soul against what has happened then you feed that memory or situation with more energy.” By accepting that it has happened and now it is time to let go, is a huge move in the process of letting go.


STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM OR BLAMING I say this in the nicest way possible -- get over yourself. A lot of times when someone is hurt, they tend to blame the other people involved without taking a step to look at themselves. When in the process of letting go, take a moment to step outside of your shoes and try to evaluate yourself in the situation and in life. It will help you to understand yourself better and help you, moving forward in life. “Remember, if we crowd our brains — and lives — with hurt feelings, there’s little room for anything positive. It’s a choice you’re making to continue to feel the hurt, rather than welcoming positive vibes back into your life.”





The aspect of forgiving can be hard for some. People tend to harbor these emotions that can take a toll on your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. It’s time to forgive. It’s time to breathe.


Reliving the hurt won’t help you move forward. Stay in the present. When you focus on the here and now, you have less time to think or dwell on the past. It is time to remind yourself to embrace the present and all that it has to offer. You may hit some hurdles while on your journey of letting go, but the present is always here so that you don’t have to stay stuck on the past.

Now, are you ready to let go?



This tired notion that men and women can’t be friends is so unhealthy and wrong. Having platonic friends who identify as the same gender as your love interests is vital to maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner -- you know, the person you should be having romantic relations *sex* with. Having healthy platonic friendships can help with all that drama that surrounds relationship stuff. Maintaining a friendship with someone of the opposite sex will open your world up and ultimately benefit all aspects of your love life. It will help foster communication within your relationship and in your life. Sometimes when you are in a relationship you may have to filter what you say but in a platonic relationship you can be #unfiltered. You can fight, not speak for a month or so and then patch things up. In a

romantic relationship, the stakes are little higher because when you are officially involved with someone on a romantic level, that can change the dynamic. In a platonic relationship you can talk openly about your dating/relationship troubles without worrying about how it makes you look or feel. Having a platonic relationship could also open your eyes to things inside your relationship. It can help bring insights and perspectives you might not be able to get from your romantic partner.

#friendzone #letsbefriends

things we love but can’t afford (or simply shouldn’t purchase)

Jacquemus Le Chiquito $486

Louis Vuitton

Keepall Bandouliere 50 in Prism $3,85O

Iris Van Herpen Shift Souls Spring 2019 Collection

Cartier Love Bracelet $6,300

Dior Saddle Bag $2,700

Versace Vinyl Logo Snake-Print Mules $875

Christian Louboutin So Kate 120 Tiaga Specchio Ruche $775





Visit them here: 203 Wilson Ave Brooklyn, NY 11237

Francesca Chaney Sol Sips is a community centered vegan cafe that focuses on making plant based food accessible for all.

freshly made, feel good food.

weekly sliding-scale brunches

free cooking classes

Visit them here: 131 Alexander Ave Bronx, NY 10454

The closure of the Barnes & Nobles in Bay Plaza, previously the only bookstore in The Bronx, left more than 1.5 million people grossly underserved as far as bookstores are concerned. Nicole Santos saw this as an opportunity to open The Lit. Bar giving locals access to literature as well as a communal space for a range of intellectual entertainment.

To create a haven that inspires reading, encourages healthy social interaction, highlights diverse voices, and increases intellectual visibility in the Bronx.

Founder, Noelle Santos


The Bronx is burning with the desire to read.

Visit them here: 485 Flatbush Ave Brooklyn, NY 11225

The Gentlemen’s Factory is the epicenter for today’s forward thinking multi-cultural man designed to help you reach your full potential in the company of likeminded Gentlemen through a range of offerings such as seminars, trips, workspace, and more.


entrepreneurs activists

Est. 2014

thought leaders

by Jeff Lindor

corporate professionals

This is where street savvy meets sophistication and where innovators revolutionize the world.

Visit them here: 3805 Church Ave Brooklyn, NY 11203

an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Big Apple Walk-In Urgent Care is a black owned, locally operated, community focused urgent care clinic that serves East Flatbush and the surrounding Brooklyn neighborhood. Alongside treating illnesses and offering medical services, they also provide wellness solutions and health education resources in order to create a healthier and happier community.

Offerings: - Drug Screening - Immunizations - Medicine Refills - Stitches/ Wound Care - X-Rays & much more!


Dr. Tamara Moise DO

Wadson Fils, PA-C

Visit them here: 1082 Fulton St Brooklyn, NY 11238

Heal Haus believes healing of the mind, body, & soul is more than just a trend

— but a lifestyle. Founders Elisa Shankle + Darian Hall

offerings: daily classes

private sessions

including yoga, meditation, and other various practices

such as facials, astrology readings, and more!

workshops explores diverse healing modalities and expression through different mediums

WHY TRAVELING IS GOOD FOR YOU -Who doesn’t love traveling? … I mean, I guess some people don’t like traveling but this article ain’t for those people. Having the ability to travel provides new experiences, memories, and so many adventures that you will remember forever. Here are some reason why traveling is good for you!

1. It can relieve stress and help boost your m 2. Helps sharpen your mind + shift your pers 3. Opportunity to explore other cultures *res 4. Meet new people 5. Come home renewed and refreshed 6. Builds confidence 7. Getting to know yourself 8. Trying new foods 9. Etc. - I say this because this is your time to m

Now, get out there and expl

mental health spectives spectfully* + build cultural sensitivity

make new experiences of your own.

lore, live, and travel.

V Vashtie aka Va$htie is a New York based DJ, Designer, Director, Creative Consultant and a phenomenal woman. From being the first woman to have a

branded Jordan sneaker, directing celebrities such as Kendrick Lamar, Joey Badas$$,

and Drake and cultivating Downtown NYC scene for decades as a style icon and “it� girl worldwide, Va$htie is an all-round BOSS.



alt + shift magazine @altshiftmag

people always claim that social media has “ruined” relationships and how things are much different than “back in the days” in reality, this mindset is held by #1 those with something to hide and #2 those who have let social media run them instead of the other way around a tread.

alt + shift magazine @altshiftmag ignoring the impact technology has would be foolish but “ruined” is a strecth. i think of it as a different way to do the same things.

alt + shift mag @altshiftmag at this point, social media has made its mark and proved that it isn’t going anywhere. i would like to think we are moving out of the initial unhealthy practices of it our job is to now move seamlessly across our chosen platforms and make them work for us, or else we run the risk of repeating those aforementioned practices. put the most realistic versions of yourself. if i post something, it’s because it aligns with me.

alt + shift mag @altshiftmag now that i’ve developed digital practices that are healthy, my various profiles have become an extension of who i am what i like, how i feel, my thoughts and opinions- most of it’s all there!

alt + shift mag @altshiftmag

instead of using the access we have to all of this information to be sneaky and manipulative, both in platonic and romantic relationships, we should be using it to build a stonger foundations with those we know and new people alike.

alt + shift mag @altshiftmag in order to do this: - control the content you consume - focus on those in your inner circle and block influences - show support and engage to build relationships that can survive outside of the digital world


b prod

beauty ducts.




Meet Royal KhaoZ This creative collective hailing out of Jamaica brings a distinct sound to music by putting their own twist to the traditional and conventional reggae sounds we’ve all come to know and love today. Their Reggae Fusion sound draws inspiration from Jazz, Funk, Rock, Pop and R&B while representing reggae in its truest form. Their energetic and raw vibes flow throughout each song they play allowing for a dope and soulful experience. The group is comprised of Jermaine “Bama” Williams, who is the lead vocalist, Andre “DreTegs” Hawthorne who is the group’s sole producer and keyboard player, Kavi “Coco” Forgie on the bass and guitars; Damion “Dam Drumz” on the drums, Vassell on percussion and Damion “Damidon” Hawthorne, the band’s manager. The collective, which officially formed in 2010 out of the Bronx (NYC,) has evolved over the years as they continue to create music that delivers an empowering message to their audience. “No revolution will be had without chaos, no change without disruption. From the crumbled standards and forms, a royal way of thinking will rise.” Royal KhaoZ on the origin of their name


Q1: What inspired all of you to do music? We definitely take a lot of inspiration from music we grew up listening to. Growing up in the church, I was always near the musicians, setting up and breaking down the instruments. It just segwayed into me learning how to play an instrument. Everything is just an evolution- we just developed more love for it & now we’re here doing interviews and we were just on 9 Mile.

“I take music very seriously, it’s intertwined into my life”

Q2: Does church or any inspiration of church come out in your music? Especially in the music we’ve been making in the past 2-3 years. I didn’t realize the influence that gospel music plays until we played it back. That only means we’re not faking it- it comes from an unconscious place and when you make the music, it just comes out. We’re a throwback. We fuse the old with the new. We break down with the organs and the keys- there’s a part where everyone gets in the spirit.

Q3: What is your music making process?

“We’re musicians, we’ve paid our dues”

We never take out a pen and paper to write lyrics. Sometimes we would just wake up with a vibe. All I get is a bunch of voice notes from Bama and by the time we come to the studio, the song is there.

Q5: Who

If you kn rebel mu also repr you have also no c chaos- h

Bama ch what the were like means e You kind

Q4: How did you all meet?


We met when we were rehearsing for a show. I don’t know, it just happened. The dynamics, we just worked through it and the energy is still here. At one point there were 10 of us on the stage. When the vibes are good, you keep them.

o chose the name? How and why?

now anything about reggae music, it is definitely usic and as revolutionaries, we felt the name should resent that. If you’re going to be in a revolution, e to understand that change is imminent. There is change without chaos. So, why not be royal in the hence Royal KhoaZ.

hose it. We were having a long conversation about e group means to us and he just said it and we e “yeah this is it” . We didn’t disrupt the energy. It exactly what we do. It means exactly what we say. d of embody the Royal Khaoz

“It’s the thing that feeds our soul”

“Even on a deeper level we honestly see bigger artist in each other…”

Q6: Where do you all see yourselves in going forward? We’ll take whatever comes. We ain’t shit yet. We’ve never had a song play on the radio, we just put in the work. So whenever we feel entitled over something as simple as playing a festival, we have to remind ourselves of that. That’s where the hunger comes from. If you start to get complacent, you can’t create - there’s no more space, you’re too full.


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