alt + shift magazine | issue 06

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alt + shift. LOCATION: New York City

issue 06 @altshiftmagazine

COUNTRY: United States




CONT ENTS "Images courtesy of

Google + Pinterest + and the respective photographers."

09 ________

daily affirmations.

16 ________

hectic schedule.

18 ________


20 ________

pink power.

32 ________

items that describe me.

34 ________

means and ends.

36 ________

trend watch.

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58 ________

kombucha love.

62 ________

alt + shift records.

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64 ________

winter skincare.

72 ________

declutter your life.

76 ________

motivation app.

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84 ________

same name different vibe.

94 ________

self love.

for the best viewing experience, please turn your smartphone horizontally. enjoy!

We’re in a time of change. Not only as creators, not only as people but in every aspect of life. We are changing the way we think, the way we buy, the way we consume, the way we act all due to this generational shift influenced by many extenuating factors such as technology, consciousness, and our new desire to care. In this process, we asked ourselves that exact question: “what do we care about?”

ABOUT THE MAGAZINE A cross between Nylon and Essence, alt + shift magazine is an online platform and digital magazine cultivated to guide us as we “shift” through life. alt + shift magazine is made of various content pieces catered to each platform and audience. We offer a unique perspective on fashion, design, opinion, culture, innovation + more through aesthetic, social, and cultural lenses. Consider alt + shift to be a digital magazine without borders - a living and ever growing embodiment of what we as the creators and what you as readers care about. We can only hope that the things that stress us now will be minor as we go through this journey, making space for new cares and worries just the same, along with new ways of expressing them.

welcome to the shift.

FOUNDERS Sage Hunter + Arianna Alleyne

ABOUT US Let’s set the stage of where our worlds overlap. We are friends of nearly 10 years sharing many life-structuring experiences, recent college graduates wanting more than this workforce can offer, lovers of travel constantly looking for our new adventures, and avid fashion enthusiasts. With that being said, both of us as creatives and as individuals have polar opposite backgrounds, one in engineering with an analytical mindset and the other in marketing with an artistic twist. Therefore, morphing and molding this magazine into a common ground for our passions, pain points, and provisions has been nothing short of a journey. Our biggest goal was to prioritize inclusion by bridging the gap between our truth and inclusion everyone in between. We welcome you to grow with us, share with us, and learn with us. This isn’t about us but for us and for all of you. Rather than being afraid of this shift, embrace it - those who don’t will simply be left behind. With alt + shift magazine, we hope for it to become a staple and ultimately a part of your life. Thank you so much to those who have extended your support whether through simple words of affirmation or retweets and to everyone pushing us to work even harder with the lack thereof. We see you. And thank you for seeing us.

alt + shift magazine noun. [/olt / + / SHift / mage ‘ zen] 01. a digital magazine 02. the + is silent



just in case you needed a reminder that you are that b*tch - here are a few affirmations to follow you through your every day activities. read them when you wake up first thing in the morning or just when you need a quick pick me up!







Ways to Deal with a Hectic Schedule

We’ve all been there: prioritizing your work over yourself (for the sake of your career or business,) barely getting any sleep, checking and responding to emails all night, your mind running at a million miles an hour, and not remembering the last full meal you ate. Then you think to yourself: where the f*ck is my work-life balance? It’s very easy to breakdown at this point and let stress get the best of you, but it is really important to find positive ways to get through it. Having that balance is crucial for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Here are a few tips to help you get through your day, work week, + beyond.

When the stressful week is finally over, take time to reflect on it. This gives you the opportunity to improve on the week ahead. Stressful days, weeks, and months are inevitable, so reflecting on how you manage it beforehand will help in the future. Remember to take time for yourself. You are the first priority. Always.


Morning and Bedtime Rituals


Having a morning routine can help get your day off to a productive start. This can be meditating, or waking up earlier to make that breakfast you’ve been wanting. Starting off the day with things you want to do will automatically begin your workday on a positive note. For bedtime, designate some time beforehand to unwind. Read a book. Jot down some notes/ to-do’s, or anything you feel that is calming without touching your phone. Try and get to bed around the same time to keep up that same amount of sleep you should be getting (hopefully 8+ hours.)


Set Time for Yourself

Your week is jammed pack, yes, but remember to listen to your body. If you are running on E, your quality of work may not be at your best. It is important to take breaks every once in a while and to give your body and mind that necessary rest it needs. Get that glass of wine, take that yoga class, jam out to your fave playlist, whatever it may be, find a way to relax and distress. It is time to get your mind back on track.


Let Your Creativity Flow

Make time for some creative expression and step out of your comfort zone. It will help you stay centered when stress takes over.


Spend Times with Friends and Family Spend time with those you love the most. Get dinner with friends. Hit up that happy hour you’ve been meaning to try. Enjoy the company of others and relish in it as long as possible.

Nourish Your Body

When you have a super busy schedule, sometimes resorting to fast food is the easiest option, but fueling your body with the right nutrients is essential to a healthier lifestyle. Incorporate colorful fruits and veggies, whole grains + much more.


Disconnect Try and put away your electronics a few hours a day. Disconnecting helps you to connect more with yourself, experiences, and others.


As 2019 is coming to a close, I think how do I become a better version of myself. Not only just for 2020 but for the many more years I have on this planet. This year, I realized a lot about myself. I knew I needed to take a step back and look at myself in the mirror. I was getting to a point in my life where I didn’t feel like me. From my emotions. The way I was thinking. The way I was acting. The way I interacted with others. My work ethic + much more. I knew I just didn’t feel right and it was time to take a step back and look at myself. That feeling of being centered within yourself was missing for me, but I didn’t know how to get back to it. The happier me. The dedicated and ambitious me. The loving and nurturing me. I felt like I was losing myself each and every day. As I sit here writing this piece, I’m getting emotional thinking about the past year. There were highs and many lows, but I knew I needed to get back to “myself.” As you can see, I put myself in quotations. I realized that getting back to myself, was much more than I thought it was going to be. When I referred to myself, I was referring to the past me but as humans we evolve day to day so me trying to get back to myself was all wrong. I was trying to get back to a version of myself that I remembered but it was time to evolve into something bigger than “myself.” It was time for a change. First, I needed to look at myself an re-evaluate the past and present. I looked back at some of the stuff I went through years ago to show me how I got to where I am right now. I needed to ask myself what I wanted to potentially evolve into. How do I want to feel? What do I want to accomplish? Where do I want to see myself? Who do I need to surround myself with? Many questions popped up in my head and I just didn’t have the answers right then and there. I questioned if I will ever have all the answers to the trillion questions I had. I tend to always internalize and over think everything and that can make or break me sometimes. I knew that the way I felt in that moment, will most likely be different in a few months down the line. From that, I knew I needed to breathe, let shit go, and the evolution will begin. After being able to finally breathe and take a step back to look within, I knew all my questions would be answered in due time. You can’t rush the journey and the path set forth for you. I come to you all today to say that I’m in a better head space than I was in before. I’m happier, healthier, and feel more grounded. I realized that when the going gets tough, take a moment for yourself. Become more in tune with your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self. The changes that I needed to continue to flourish have presented themselves and now I must continue to evolve into something bigger than “myself.”

issue 06.

Pink Power a collection of aesthetically pleasing pink looks we love.

alt + shift magazine

5 Items That Describe Me Scented Hand Sanitizer


This is something I usually always have in bag. I’m that person that packs everything because you just never know, honestly. I usually use the little ones from Bath and Body Works but I’ve been feeling the Dr. Bronner’s Natural Lavender one. It is the spray version and I’m in love.

This is essential for me, especially when writing a magazine because ideas pop-up off the top of my head and I need to jot them down quickly or they will be lost in the cloud. I also need a notebook for work purposes, doodling, my future kids names, and much more. I also use a planner because I try my best to keep my life orderly. It does help me stay on top of things and help with planning ahead. My downfall is that I have one planner, and then go into a store that happens to sell planners and I immediately want to buy one, but then remember that I have one at home but this one is just so fresh and new. Ultimately, I buy it and get home and look at my new collection of planners and cry internally knowing that this vicious cycle needs to end. Story of my life.

Watches I have a thing for watches. Not only does it help tell time, but it is a fashion statement. I love all kinds of watches. Small faces, large faces, I do not discriminate. For me, the watch is a part of my whole fit. I feel naked if I don’t have one on. I have this one gold, slim Casio watch that I got from this vintage store for really cheap, but the only thing was, the watch was broken. Hence it being extremely cheap. A normal person wouldn’t have got the watch because, well, it’s broken.. But me, a watch feen, I just needed it for looks. No need to tell time, that will be my secret! Sunglasses You really never know when you will need to put sunglasses on. I do use sunglasses for the purpose of shading my eyes from the intense UV rays, BUT I also use sunglasses as, again, a part of my fit. It could be day or night, sunglasses are needed. Sunglasses during the night hours is really douche in a sense but I mean… why not? Need to complete your look, pop them shades on. Want to look incognito at an event/function, pop them shades on. You just simply want to wear shades for their intended purpose, pop them shades on!

White + Pink Stan Smith’s My boyfriend got me my first pair of Stan Smith’s years ago and I instantly fell in love. I meant fell in love with the sneakers, I’ve been in love with my man … hi babe! Back to the story. The crisp white with the pink detailing was beautiful. I wore the sneakers day in and day out. They were super comfortable and went with anything. Who doesn’t love a touch of pink? These sneakers became a staple in my wardrobe and still are. They are officially my beaters (sneakers that you’ve worn so much and you can see that written all over them.) Although, they are beaters at this point, the origin of them is what I love so very much. A very special person bought them for me so we could match and now they have been the start of my Stan Smith collection.

your means don’t have to justify your ends.

“the ends justify the means” said Machiavelli. this term can be found sprinkled throughout history and has been used to qualify horrid actions that led to “ideal” outcomes. it excuses the wrong doings, specifically of those in positions of power, for the sake of attaining even more power that have systemically displaced and negatively transformed the lives of many people. a spin on this classic historical quote, your means don’t have to justify your ends. everything doesn’t have to hurt in order for you to feel as if you deserve it. you don’t need to pull out the negatives along the way to prove anything to anybody including yourself. pain is not the price for praise. you deserve it. it was meant for you. having full respect of not only your journey, but the journey of those around you, takes a lot of acceptance and forgiveness. these must exist throughout the good, the bad, and the ugly to build an omnipresent layer of gratitude. harping on the pain that it took us to reach a certain level can also hinder us from going forward. your achievement will serve as a constant reminder of what you’ve been through. take a moment to soak in your new reality and congratulate yourself regardless of everything else. rest. reflect. repeat.

trend watch:

explore this seasons trends that you’ll be seeing on feed and in stores these coming months.

leather. leather. leather.

snakeskin. snakeskin. snakeskin.

organza. organza. organza.

puffers. puffers. puffers.

meet aijah.

un.packing is told from the perspective of a young woman that no one would expect to say or think the words they will read. Articulation and emotional consciousness created a project that reveals what it’s like to fall in and out of love with others and oneself. The seemingly trivial experiences in her young adult life became the forefront of an enchanting and vulnerable story. In moments of panic and despair, the author would jot down her thoughts. There was a poetic and reparative nature to the scribbles that inspired the composition of this poem book. Years of suffering in silence birthed an intricate and unique collection of writing. What was once stuck in the monotonous mind of Aijah Monet, will now allow others to join in on an important conversation. … Aijah Monet is a 23-year-old writer from Connecticut. At a young age, a soft spirited Aijah became a lover of words. She connected with the way words made her and others feel and embarked on the journey of storytelling. Aijah made it her goal to try and understand the human experience and heal from the pain of life. She faced uncertainty in love and herself. She compiled these poems to help to ensure that no one else “flew under the radar” and suffered in silence. Aijah decided to write un.packing and share it with the world to break down stereotypes and stigma around mental health. She hopes that you too will begin to un.pack. With time the load will get too heavy. So she asks, before then, take the time, you can un.pack too. You can join the #unpacking family at


Aijah Monet

I felt like people stopped understanding me and then I soon realized I had stopped understanding myself. I lost control and regained it the very next day. I fought hard for what I believed in and then learned quickly where my effort was not welcome. I learned self-sabotage and I were closer than any friendship I had ever kept. I did not realize how unnatural self-love was to me until I was instructed to worry about myself. And who was that? I stood up for myself and crumbled under gazes. I’d build others up and tear myself down in the very next breath. I saved lives by day, talked strangers off the ledge by noon, and plotted my own demise by dusk. In a routine fashion, with repetitive thoughts, a way out, and no way to self soothe. The person in control you couldn’t see. The person in control was not me.

That was 2018.



issue 06.


1. 7.21-17_substitute_hifi_v3 by Toro y Moi 2. Zeiss_hifi_v2 by Toro y Moi feat. Caleon Fox 3. El Toro Combo Meal by Earl Sweatshirt feat. Mavi 4. MTOMB by Earl Sweatshirt 5. Rules by Doja Cat 6. Highest in the Room by Travis Scott 7. Smile by G-Unit 8. Play Games by Summer Walker feat. Bryson Tiller


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9. Them Changes by Thundercat 10. Yo x Ti, Tu x Mi by Rosalia & Ozuna 11. White Bronco by Action Bronson 12. Geeked by Lucki 13. Dior by Pop Smoke 14. Sandy by Rico Nasty 15. The Palisades by Childish Gambino feat. Christian Rich 16. Binz by Solange



winter skincare


no matter where in the world you are, the changing of seasons calls for a change in routine. during the winter, add more hydration to your skin to maintain that supple summer glow until next year. winter is also a great time for treatments due to our lack of sun exposure and hibernative nature. glow on.


Biossance Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil


Clinique Moisture Surge 72-Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask in Vanilla


Ohii Get Fresh Toner Pads


Indie Lee COQ-10 Toner


Teami Skincare Fridge



Recently, I’ve gotten rid of almost 15 bags of clothes. Yes, 15 bags of clothes. Those bags were ultimately baggage holding me back. I kept saying I needed to clean up and get rid of stuff but kept putting off for a later date. This meant that the shit would keep piling up until I took care of it. It was haunting me at one point. I knew I needed to handle my business and just sit down and declutter my life. This wasn’t only my clothes but my idea, thoughts, visions, etc. Everything was clouded with that one major task I’ve been putting off. Finally, I decided to dedicate time to decluttering. Once I started, I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to get rid of everything to just start fresh. It felt like a weight had been lifted. It felt great. I realized that this was a sign to really start releasing things in my life that are dead weight and to start fresh. To uncloud my vision and tune into my goals. To take life to the next level. To stay focused and grow.

Now, let’s get decluttering!



What is SAD? According to Mayo Clinic, Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, SAD causes

depression in the spring or early summer. Treatment for SAD may include light therapy (photo therapy), medications and psychotherapy. Don’t brush off that yearly feeling as simply a case of the “winter blues” or a seasonal funk that you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year.

“Women are diagnosed with SAD about four times more often than men.”

Facts about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

“Managing Stress Can Alleviate Symptoms of SAD.”

“There are ways to cope with and treat SAD.”

“Most people with SAD experience symptoms during the winter months, but some experience symptoms during the summer months instead.”

“Exercise Helps Reduce SAD Symptoms.” “Lack of sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin levels in the brain which can trigger depression.”

“Symptoms are physical and emotional.”

“About 5% of the US population experiences seasonal affective disorder (SAD) each year, with higher prevalence in northern latitudes.” sources: mayo clinic, evergreendrugrehab, medoptions, + psychcentral.



Why DON’T You LOVE me? by Tory Lanez

Why Don’t You Love Me by Beyoncé

Butterflies by AJ Tracey feat. Not3s

Butterflies by Michael Jackson

Chanel by Frank Ocean

Chanel by Young Thug feat. Lil Baby & Gunna

Juicy by Doja Cat

Juicy by Notorious B.I.G.

everyone is a selflove advocate until someone chooses to love themselves before you.

The performative and consumer facing self-love movement started a few years ago and has yet to slow down. We’ve seen it all, from paragraph long instagram captions spilling ones deepest insecurities riddled with “#ad” to people using false girl power as a foundation to their career with an alternative agenda. Thankfully, what started off as a marketing scheme has now riddled into internal action. Luckily we’re getting smarter. We’re learning that there isn’t one way to practice self-love with ourselves. We’re learning that our personal definition of self love can be the bane of someone else’s demise. We’re learning that in many ways than one, falling in love with ourselves may very well mean falling out of love with many other people around us. Is that where we cross the line? Is that where it’s no more body positivity and back to body possession? Understand your part, or lack thereof, in someone else’s journey, and respect how that relationship changes the one you have with yourself. If someone has to fall out of love with you to fall in love with themselves, let them & take notes.

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