Division 13 West Hedgehog News | October 2020

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This Issues



3 DNE, LTG, EA Messages 6 Division Update 8 Monthly Recognition 9 Upcoming Event 10 Serve-tember 12 JOH Overlay

Upcoming Event: Service Competition

Sep 23 - Oct 20

14 Event Recap 16 Service Competition 18 CNH SOSP 21 Club Update & Contact Info 25 CNH Information

Message from the

NEWS EDITOR Hello Hedgehogs I hope everyone is doing well and not stressing too much about school. We are all trying to adapt to all of these new changes in our life but I believe we can make it through. We are already into our first month of school! It is an exciting time seeing multiple clubs start back up, new students being interested in Key Club, and the club rushes that rush to get new members. I’m sorry I will stop with the puns. Anyways, as the month of September comes to a close I am excited to enter the month of October with our Spooky theme! Hope to see you guys in the upcoming month!

Rolling to Service,

Mikaela Dinh Division 13 West News Editor



What's Up Hedgehogs

Can you believe it’s been a month since we’ve gone back to school? Then I bet you also can’t believe that we are halfway through the term! Time has been flying by so quickly and I would just like to take the chance to thank everyone who has been with us from whenever you may have joined our 13 West Family. It makes me so happy to see new and returning faces each month coming together to serve their communities even from home. With the school year finally settling in and club rushes happening, it is more important than ever to emphasize the importance of member recruitment and retention this term! Let’s do all we can to make our end of the term goal of 250 dues-paid members. Please continue spreading the word about Key Club to others and don’t be afraid to reach out. Who knows? You might just be able to help make someone’s moment in Key Club. Whether you are an old or new member, your Division Leadership Team has a lot in store for you this month that you don’t want to miss out on. September was an amazing month for progress for ALL of our Division goals, so let’s keep that momentum going for this month and the next! With that being said, remember to be kind to others now, more than ever and continue doing your part to flatten the curve. For my fellow seniors, good luck on college applications! It may be stressful now, but we are all going to get through it together! Finally, remember to prioritize your mental health. Do things that make you happy and bring joy. Let’s keep that spoo-KEY spirit and I’ll see you all Rolling to Service,

Javier Nunez Division 13 West 2020-2021 Lt. Governor



“WHAT’S SPIKIN HEDGEHOGS?!” Whether it be online school, work, clubs, extracurriculars, I understand it IS stressful! Please always feel free to reach out, I’ll be here! As September is about to come to an end and we’re entering Spooky season, please watch out for our exciting DCM themes! We always love to hear feedback from you, so please feel free to reach out or fill out the feedback form!”

HEYY THERE! I hope you all are doing well. I also hope you all have adjusted to DISTANT LEARNING. I know it sucks starting the new school school year this way and not being able to see each other. But let’s hope everything changes soon and we get the chance to meet in person :) It’s also that time to recruit others into joining Key Club. Let’s encourage others to join and make them part of this journey. I hope you all stay safe and take care!

Rolling to Service,

Rolling to Service,

Alexia Cerilo

Jennifer Magana

Division 13 West Executive Assistant

Division 13 West Executive Assistant



Alpine YES Drop-Off

Grand Yes Drop-Off

Articles and Visuals Due

MRF Due + August SOSP

Club Update Form Due Recognition Nominations Due

September DCM

Service Competition


JOH Overlay Closes


Funds Raised: $256/ $2500

Service Hours: 188.5/ 1500



Division Update

We start this month with our Drop Off Locations at Alpine and Grand Park. Members will drop off their donations of $5 for a 2020 DCON shirt. All the money will be donated to PTP. On September 19th, we will have our PoKEYmon September DCM. At this meeting we will teach members on what dues are really all about and our Spotlight on Service for the month of September and October. Lastly near the end of the month, we will be holding our Service Competition. Members will use the Free Rice and Charity Miles to gain service hours.



RECOGNITION officer of the month N/A member of the month Maya Henry | GALA

Club of the month Lincoln High School

New category Service Project of the month!

ANYONE can nominate a member, officer, club, or advisor each month


Saturday, September 19th 1:30-2:30 pm Where: Zoom

Sign Up Link: tinyurl.com/d13wseptember dcm2021


SERVE-TEMBER The Initiative

What is SERVEtember? Well, SERVEtember is an ongoing month-long initiative while in the month of September. The month is a time to promote and encourage service and the recognition of members in the Cali-Nev-Ha District. The initiative emphasizes Key Club as a service organization. It allows members to focus on the organization’s purpose during the month of September.

How to Submit Clubs who complete the SERVEtember Bucket List will receive recognition at District Convention. Fill out the form and follow all instructions after completing the SERVEtember bucket List as proof of completion for your club’s name to be projected at DCON 2021. Make sure to take pictures of each task and have a description in order to completely fill out the form. Submission Form: https://tinyurl.com/servetember 2020 Those who complete the SERVEtember Bucket LIst will also be featured in the District Newsletter! This is your chance to be recognized for all the service you do by participating in our SERVEtember initiative. Clubs who complete the SERVEtember Bucket List will receive recognition at District Convention.




-Attend or host a service event with another branch of the Kiwanis Family: Attend or host any service project or event; as long as you are interacting with another Kiwanis Family branch!

-Host a service project/event with another school in the division: From making dog toys to creating resources out of recyclables, there are many service projects you and another club can do together! Check out Spotlight on Service Program Focus Guides or At-Home Service Ideas List for more ideas (find these at https://linktr.ee/cnhcsp) -Host a "Kiwanis Family House" service or educational event: Volunteer at the Kiwanis Family House, donate items, or host a fundraiser! For clubs that don't have easy access to the Kiwanis Family House, hold an informational workshop at a club meeting to educate your members! -Host a Pediatric Trauma Program service project: Create items to donate to our partner hospitals and emphasize topics such as Bicycle Safety, Helmet Safety, and Car Safety. Remember to educate the members your serve about Pediatric Trauma Prevention. -Raise $1 for PTP for every member in your club: Increase funds raised for PTP by setting a goal: the amount of members in your club. While this is a fun way to set goals, the ultimate goal is to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program! -Submit to the Spotlight on Service Program for September: Host a service project/event that matches the theme for the month of September, "Pediatric Trauma Program" Then submit your project to the SOSP for September. -Ask a member, officer, or advisor what "service means to them: Submit a 15-30 second video clip with their response

Remember to record videos of members, officers, and advisors sharing what service means to them and submit to the September Spotlight on Service Program

Any questions, comments, concerns or if members want more information? Contact SP Chair Tobi Yao: cnhkc.sp@gmail.com All information was provided by SP Chair Tobi Yao



August 17th - September 30th Email your name, division, position, reason YOU joined, and a photo of you to cnhkc.overlay@gmail.com


Take advantage of the overlay and use it in your club promotion this term!

WHAT IS JOIN OUR HIVE? This is a annual Key Club marketing campaign help between the month of August and September. The major goal is to recruit new members into Key Club

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Key Club has been experience a membership decline over the past couple of years. We also have a lack of opportunities for in-person club rush and events.



Want to feature your Article or Visual in the Newsletter? Send in YOUR Article and Visuals to DNE Mikaela (d13w.cnhkc.dne1@gmail.com)


Allison Ojeda Historian | Lincoln High School In late August, D13W held its August DCM. The theme of the event was ‘Game Night’. At the beginning of the meeting, we went over some slides about what the event would hold such as activities and other information. Once everyone was in, the DCM began. We played a couple of games such as ‘Taboo’, a word-guessing game were one person tries to describe the given word without saying the given word and 5 additional listed words, and ‘Never Have I Ever’, a game where everyone holds up 10 fingers and go around in the group and say “Never have I ever…” followed by an activity. If you have done said activity, you would put one finger down, and whoever was left at the end with their finger(s) up won. Whoever had won the games/rounds would gain points for their school. Overall, our August DCM was a great way to be able to bond with other schools within our district while also having lots of fun.



Maya Henry Historian | Girls Academic Leadership Academy On August 15th, 2020, the Circle K club at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) hosted an Intro to College webinar. Though only one and a half hours, I personally learned more about college than I have in all my years of education. Close to 150 people showed up to the Zoom when I last checked, and thanks to the large panel of experts, all the questions the 150 people had were answered in a timely structure. Some of the most important pieces of information learned were what one should look for in colleges(not just academics! One panelist brought up clubs, environment, sororities, and fraternities, etc and other things that would make your campus life more or less enjoyable), tips for writing scholarship essays(reading the prompt fully and entirely, using similar essays for multiple scholarships, just changing some key details to save time and energy, applying to as many as possible to increase your chances of getting one), and leaving your hometown(when possible, not relying too heavily on living with your family while in college and/or staying in your city for high school friends/relationships). seeing as GALA is a very new school, and since the first batch of seniors only graduated this past year, any and all college information and education is heavily appreciated by our Key Club members. A big thank you to UCLA Circle K, and we can’t wait to apply all of this knowledge!


Simon Zhong Historian | Downtown Magnet Happy to announce that we had a bingo fundraiser that just ended not too long ago. From out of our bingo card that our member collectively made, people were able to pay for a dare for a specific DLT member that could range from $1 to $4. There wasn’t a limit to how many a person was able to get. Like Eric for example, he got $20 dollars’ worth of dares and presented a video of all the dares he did in the game night.





WHAT IS SOSP? The CNH Spotlight on Service Program was created to promote International and District initiatives as well as to encourage active participation with organizations/initiatives. Each month has unique service projects that positively impact their home school, and community. Your club's submission can be showcase in the District Newsletter. Submission Process:

Submission forms are found at the CNH CyberKey under the "Project" tab under the "Spotlight on Service Program" page. Pictures should be sent to cnhkc.sp@gmail.com. All submissions are due on the fifth of the following month by 6:00PM. Multiple clubs can be featured every month in the District Newsletter in recognition of any outstanding service project!


Learn more about SOSP: cnh.keyclub.org > Projects > Spotlight on Service Project

Spotlight on Service Project


PTP is short for Pediatric Trauma Program. Pediatric Trauma is the leading cause of death among children. PTP strives to reduce the amount of children going through trauma and saving lives. They help by reaching out to hospitals and donating to fund for research, equipment, and education for our doctors. We are helping our first responders, nurses and doctors to be fully equipped to aid children facing these problems by donating to PTP.




Members can fold square paper into paper cranes. The cranes can be decorative as well. They can be made into mobiles or just simply donated to hospitals.

Hold a sticker design competition and the winner will have their design to sell stickers. Afterwards, you can sell those stickers to your members, Kiwanians, and even other divisions! The money raised will be used to go help PTP!

Learn more about SOSP: cnh.keyclub.org > Projects > Spotlight on Service Project


Spotlight on Service Program


Key Club and UNICEF have partnered together for many causes, helping communities all over the world: "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has empowered generations to make lasting change in their global community by collecting donations on Halloween to help save and protect children. In 1994, Key Club has been trick-or-treating for UNICEF and has raised over $7 million. Since 2011, Trick or Treat funds have gone towards the Eliminate Project which combats Maternal and Neonatal tetanus. MNT is still a threat in 12 countries around the world. A $1.80 donation to the Eliminate Project is enough to buy a vaccine to save the life of a mother and her child.




Create small/grams with positive messages or letters of appreciation to your local healthcare and essential workers. You can add notes about UNICEF and candy to the card.

Create a Bingo Care sheet for members and officers to participate in! Pricing each day by severity and craziness. Dares such as eating a certain food or making a tiktok! First to fill up a Bingo sheet gets a prize of their choice.


Learn more about SOSP: cnh.keyclub.org > Projects > Spotlight on Service Project


Downtown Magnets | President For the month of August, our club has attended DCMs. Girls Academic Leadership Academy | President For the month of August, our club focused on how we would start the virtual school year off strong. We continued to host service events, such as a letter making and origami heart project. Also, our club had a high attendance of members at the August DCM and Kiwanis Family meeting. Membership recruitment is an ongoing process we will continue to work on. Hamilton | President For the month of Agust, our cabinet talked about how the school year was going to look like. Jefferson For this month of August we will continue to plan for future events, service projects, and fundraisers. King Drew | President For the month of August, I have spoken with members and my officers. My plan is to have my very first meeting this month and plan rush week. Lincoln | Vice President For the month of August, our club attended the August DCM and Intro to College Zoom with Circle K.

VAPA | President For the Month of August, Vapa Key Club had a board meeting discussing future plans for the upcoming club rush including talking about getting more members and engagement. We also attended DCM game night which was very fun.


Hamilton President Arianna Rios ari.rios21@gmail.com Lincoln President + DNE Mikaela Dinh mikaeladinh360@gmail.com

VAPA President Nicole Magno lovenick1215@gmail.com

Club President Contact Info Downtown Magnets President + EA Alexia Cerilo aecerilo@gmail.com

King Drew President + EA Jennifer Magana jennifermagana514@gmail.com


Girls Academic Leadership Academy President Franchesca Belisle fbelisle0001@mymail.lausd.net

Jefferson Name Email

Alexia Cerilo Executive Assistant aecerilo@gmail.com Mikaela Dinh News Editor d13w.cnhkc.dne1@gmail.com

Jennifer Magana Executive Assistant jennifermagana514@gmail.com


INFORMATION Lieutenant Governor | Javier Nunez d13w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (323) 272-9138

Simon Zhong Head Spirit Coordinator zhongsimond@gmail.com

Erik Villarreal Head Spirit Coordinator evillarre0009@mymail.lausd.net

Sofia Gurrola Tech Editor sofiagurrola1005@gmail.com






CNH Instagram: @cnh_keyclub CNH Cyberkey: cnhkeyclub.org Key Club Website: keyclub.org CNH Newsletter: issuu.com/cnhkc


THANK YOU FOR READING! Google Group: tinyurl.com/D13W2021 Remind: text "@d13w2021" to 81010 Instagram: d13w.keyclub

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