Lifestyle magazine Cyprus January 2022

Page 14



Following simple hearing protec;on prac;ces is one way to prolong healthy hearing (or even put you in the lucky one-third category of seniors without hearing loss). And hearing aids are the recommended way to manage and control hearing loss if and when it does occur.

MORE PEOPLE OVER 70 HAVE HEARING LOSS THAN DON’T with Economou Hearing As an added bonus, not only will trea;ng hearing loss help ensure you don’t miss out and can s;ll enjoy the things you love, if you treat it early enough, experts think it might help prevent another one of those seeming inevitabili;es of aging — cogni;ve decline. To experience how far hearing aids have come and what they can do for you, simply call at 77772627 and book a free hearing appointment with one of our hearing healthcare professionals in your area, who can test your hearing and consult with you about treatment op;ons available.


s humans age, numerous things become inevitable. Our hair will grey. Our bones will weaken. Dinners will be eaten earlier. And our hearing abilities won’t be what they once were. In case seeing-it-withyour-own-eyes isn’t enough to convince you that this future holds true, statistics like today’s hearing fact should. Research shows that more than twothirds of adults 70 and older have clinically meaningful hearing loss — meaning your odds of having hearing loss if you’re past 70 are better than not having hearing loss. While these changes to our body are normal and natural — tradeoffs to living a long, fulfilling life — that doesn’t mean we can’t prolong their

inevitability or manage and control the changes when they come. Following simple hearing protection practices is one way to prolong healthy hearing (or even put you in the lucky onethird category of seniors without hearing loss). And hearing aids are the recommended way to manage and control hearing loss if and when it does occur. As an added bonus, not only will treating hearing loss help ensure you don’t miss out and can still enjoy the things you love,

if you treat it early enough, experts think it might help prevent another one of those seeming inevitabilities of aging — cognitive decline. To experience how far hearing aids have come and what they can do for you, simply call at 77772627 and book a free hearing appointment with one of our hearing healthcare professionals in your area, who can test your hearing and consult with you about treatment options available.

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