7 Secretary Guidelines

Page 1

Volume I Issue I

7 Secretary Guidelines S


se 7 guidelines! e th h it w r a e y l o tart off the scho

etary Amber Lee

Secr A Publication by District 7 Secertary Guidelines:

Secretary’s Introduction s r e t r a t The 7 S t Forms

Repor n io t c 1. Ele


rt F ly Repo h t n o M 2. g

3. Meetin Dear Club Secretaries, The school year is here which means this is the year for you to lead and serve. This is the time of the year for you to recruit club members. Though many of you attended the Leadership Training Conference and are well aware of your duties, there will always be exceptions. Perhaps, one of us have forgotten some secretary responsibilities or do not know the exact way to do them. This is fine, because this guideline is here to help you. This guideline is a revised and modified version from previous secretary guidelines released throughout the years. Referring to any of them would be fine. Of course, this volume is aimed towards the 2012-2013 service year. Hold onto this guideline and always refer to it when you have a problem! Your other resource will always be reaching me as well.

District Secretary Amber Lee Page 2

inutes M + s a d Agen s r / Point

ste 4. Club Ro

Records s r u o H / Projects .5 Service Reports e e t it m 6. Com n unicatio m m o C 7.

Secretary’s Intro

duction...Page 2 Table of Conte nts...Page 2 The 7 Starters... Page 2 Defining Key C lub Secretary...P age 3 Election Report Forms...Page 3 Monthly Report Forms...Page 4-7 Meeting Agend as + Minutes...P age 8-9 Club Roster / P oints...Page 9 Service Projects/ Hours Records. ..Page 10 Committee Rep orts...Page 11 Communicatio n...Page 11 Secretary’s Final Note...Page 11 Contact Inform ation...Page 11 Volume 1, Issue 1

The Key Club Secretary is a very important job that is recognized by the New York District and Key Club International. Just like many of the other Key Club officers, the Key Club Secretary holds a very important role to the district, club, and its members. It is a lot more than the common misconception of paperwork. A Key Club Secretary is  The Administrative Officer of the club  A record keeper  The liaison between the club officers and members  Member of the Division  A Leader

s m r o F t r o p e (1) Election R

a total of time, you have er m m su e th it an election re th of February to m n b o su m e to th e n m o ti d te le. enough Upon being elec as soon as possib his is more than T ly er e. p n o ro d p t is u o th t ed to be fill Lieuten7 months to ge port forms need trator, and your is re in n o m ti d A ec t el ic ll tr A is port form. tary, the D l, or email. ur District Secre yo to t n line server, mai se n e o b e th gh It is to u ro ing: can be sent in th clude the follow in ld u ant Governor. It o sh rm port fo The election re your club  Name of of your club  Address t of at the club is par th n io is iv D  anis Sponsoring Kiw ry,  Name of resident, Secreta P e ic V t, en d si r club (Pre l officers in you al f o s n o ti si o r, Webmaster) s  Names/P Treasurer, Edito sses of all officer re d ad l ai m E d mbers, an d Email l/Telephone Nu el C , es ss ne Number, an re o d h d A ep e el T m o l/ H el C ,  n: Address sor(s) Informatio vi d A y lt u ac F  be submitted. If ld u o sh rm fo rt infornew repo new officers, a he most crucial ts T . ec el rm b fo u d cl r se u vi As soon as yo n. When hand ays submit a re io w at al , rm d fo ge in an r ch so n is dress culty advi any informatio , names, and fa that the email ad es re ss su re d e ad ak l m ai o ls gibly. A mation are em e sure to write le ak m s, rm fo e es yday use. writing th written is of ever

Please click to Your left You may have seen these links a billion times. The left icon links to the website. The first tab should be the Election Report Form’s PDF file. The icon to the right is the online ERF submission. The 7 Secretary Guidelines

Page 3

s m r o F t r o p e R ly h (2) Mont

evements, ub’s activities, achi cl ur yo ng yi la re d to the utmost care an the MRF is the key ith as w n t ow ou it kn l so fil al u , yo rt form sential that The monthly repo ct. It is therefore es ri st di e th to s m le thought. the preprogress, and prob e projects held on ic rv se e th r fo th each mon ugust.) Elecitted by the 7th of projects held in A bm e su th r be fo to is is r be rm es fo em rt rm asks for / includ on the 7th of Sept The monthly repo fo F R rt M po a re g he tin T it n. bm mple: Su g it is an optio vious month. (Exa erred, though mailin ef pr is F R M e th of the following: tronic submission rmation  Contact info th ects in the past mon oj pr ’s ub cl ur Yo  the past month ld by your club in  Meetings he ith your club  Problems w ents r additional comm  A section fo ns Governor Evaluatio nt na te eu Li r fo s  Checkboxe

ation 1. Contact Inform at you include coner, it is preferred th

ev s information. How y’ h. ar et cr se e th lly etary can easily reac n is usua cr io Se t at ic rm tr fo is in D t e ac th nt The co the officer that port form.) tact information of ve a mistake on a re ha u yo if u yo t ac cont (I may or may not

2. Club Projects

g: ked for the followin as be ill w u yo , ts ec long.) For club proj (This is going to be e (optional)  Project Nam ect  Date of Proj ints d –or- Advocacy Po se ai R nt ou m A r–o  Total Hours -Service Categories 


Project Name

t service ovide a hint of wha pr to lly ia nt se es is e, Relay for ended. This name. (For exampl tional, but recomm its op e is ud rt cl in pa n is ca th u p, oject was, yo As it is said on to c) in. Whatever the pr s ng lo be t ec oj pr e iser, Walkathon, et category th Life, School Fundra

Date of Project

e tips: . Follow these simpl is th e ud cl in to et ople forg April 7th.) simple, but many pe ch MRF (filled on ar M e th on be This part is rather sly will obviou may put ring March, then it ember exactly, you m du re ld t he no as do w t u en yo ev If  If your y purposes. quired for efficienc re is k...etc. te da d an th on onth or second wee m is th at a soup of  Both the m k ee w st fir e, if you volunteer pl am ex or (F s. te ember to indicate if ts held on many da em ec R oj /. pr r 18 fo 1/ e , ac 16 sp 1/ t e projec like 1/11, ation.  Only use on tasks in the explan s volunteered there e te th da n e ai th pl l al Ex e y. ud da cl urs on each kitchen, you can in rent number of ho ffe di or e m sa e th d you volunteere

Page 4

Volume 1, Issue 1

... d e u in t n o c s m r o F t r o p e R (2) Monthly y Points nt Raised/Advo

ou Total Hours/Am


is est part of filling th ki ic tr he T t. ec oj pr lying the rved on the termined by multip ber of hours you se m de is nu s e ur th ho te ca of r di be In he total num ent together. Total Hours: me simple math. T at attended this ev so th rs do be to em et m rg fo of r le the numbe out is peop urs) ed at the event and rv se s ur ho of 5 hours NOT 5 ho r 22 be = 5 x num 45 is ch g 5 hours ea please include the e, rv se u yo le (45 members servin hi w e t to the t or fundrais example, if you wen a fundraising even r to Fo . go is u th r yo fo If er d: t ur se Amount Rai you raised for Breas act with your Treas nt ey co on m in e p th ee K so . al t ed is you walked, bu amount you fundra service hours that e purposes. th e ud cl in k, al is crucial for record s hi T ELY e. is Breast Cancer W ra nd fu d This is COMPLET . em st Cancer if you di sy t in po ’s ures for ith your club trying to get signat get this confused w e t ar u no yo do if se e, ea pl Pl am s: Advocacy Point n purposes. For ex of an advocacy protio ur ti ho pe r ch fo Ea e t. ar s in nt po y Poi ature = one different. Advocac restrooms. One sign ic bl pu in r pe pa t ject = 5 points. having more toile


Service Catego

You service categories. of ns tio op nt re ffe titioned ves the di n you served for, pe e is a section that gi er tio th za ni F, R ga M or e t th ha t w s ou When filling tten explanation de rict Secretary know ri ist l-w D el e w th a t so ou ry l go fil te e ca ict bantegory, please MUST indicate th icking on the Distr e unsure of the ca cl ar by u ts yo ec If oj r. pr fo e ic ey rv is year’s se u will also for, or raised mon will find links to th district projects Yo u ’s yo ar ye ow is el th B of t. en ns ev io ’s explanat scribing the ries. the District website to u yo k lin ill the following catego w of at l al to ner th w lo be ks ar.) find other lin rict Governor every ye ist D e th by n se ho (c r’s Project e  The Governo ram (MEP) Initiativ og Pr is as ph Em or aj  M year.) ng and changes every isi ra nd fu r fo ly al su ts (u  District Projec Projects  International / General category  Local Causes

phasis ational’s major em Key Club Intern very wards children. E to ed m ai is t ec proj e oral works with thre year, Internation ng t) as the fundraisi gh ri e th o (t s n io ganizat he curajor Emphasis. T M of t en n po m co e tive is of course th rent service initia t. Eliminate Projec all elations—includes Kiwanis Family R gs. divisional meetin ur ojects done for yo Local Causes— pr s. , and communitie ls oo h sc , es om h local s not listed as Dis General—project service to n the ks you to the trict Projects but provides o lin e k ov ab c ks i l lin The C al ns. large organizatio ation explaining the n r e t NYDKC website n I ts e year’s District prorojec ap t P os m e 2012-2013 servic th t ou Be sure to fill or’s Project. Projects/Govern r your projects. priate category fo The 7 Secretary Guidelines

Page 5

. .. d e u in t n o c s m r o F t r o (2) Monthly Rep Explanations

anything. can include almost u yo n, io at an pl ex accut the MRF. In the raised, and points ou ey g on lin m fil s, in ur rt ho e pa t ud portan It can incl t service This is the most im n about the event. to distinguish wha io y at ar an et pl cr ex Se e t at ic tr or is ab D d el le for the Write a detailed an anation is it possib pl ex d ile ta de a h it ur project in. mulated. Only w category to place yo

s 3. Club Meeting

in that your club held gs tin ee m e th l al e to indicate e meetspace where you ar eetings, committe a m d l ve fin le ill w ub u cl yo ly F, on e MR meetings, . At the bottom of th t include divisional no es do s hi the date is enough T g e: in ot ud N cl . In th . on gs m tin st the pa e board mee ings, and executiv

s 4. Club Problem

If you list it perience problems. ex n ca it l, al sm or ssible. club is big ed. Whether your you as much as po ag lp ur he co to en t ng yi bu tr l, na ck email you ba This part is optio etary will see and cr Se t ic tr is D e th , here

mments ading 5. Additional Co Secretary will be re ct ri ist D he T . ve ha

mment you may in your club. Any co in this section that g ts in en rr m cu m oc co l ng hi na et tio addi osen or som Please include any ts on the projects ch en m m co ve ha ay is welcomed. this as well. You m

vernor Eva o G t n a n te u e Li 6.


s month. These form at th r fo rm fo n nor evaluatio s will ernor. These form e Lieutenant Gover ov th t G ou nt l na fil s te er eu fic Li of ur /club Representamance of yo Make sure your club r to rate the perfor iwanis Committee K no , er or ov at tr G is ct in ri ist dm it D A are essential to the ed by your District rm. A club can subm ew fo e vi th be ed ly itt on ill bm w su s which at you have henever always be anonymou also submit one w is box to indicate th n th ca ck y he he C T r. ). ts no er en Gov ent comm tives, and District ch officer has differ ea es im below. et om (s rm the form is found to k lin more than one fo he T t. an they w

Click on picture above. Go on second tab link for the MRF in PDF format to submit by email/mail.

Page 6

Click on picture above which forwards you to the MRF online submission format.

Click on picture above which forwards you to the Lieutenant Governor evaluation online submission.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Monthly Report Form Reminders There are several things to keep in mind when filling out a monthly report form. Please take time to read this as many of you make these common mistakes. Keep these 10 tips in mind! 1. If your club did not hold any service projects/meetings during that month, fill out a BLANK MRF so we can mark down that you at least submitted one. 2. Make sure to include the RIGHT number of hours, money raised, and points accumulated. Even with an elaborate explanation, I can not predict how many hours you served. 3. Make sure you receive a receipt after you filled out your MRF. If you do not, please notify your District Secretary immediately. Remember to check your spam folder. 4. You can submit MRFs early if you are positive that you will not hold any more events/meetings for the remainder of the month. 5. If you are unsure whether you submitted your MRF or not, email your District Secretary immediately. 6. Do not list every service project under local causes. Put it in the most appropriate service category. 7. The MRF is to be sent to your District Secretary, Lieutenant Governor, and Club President. 8. You can submit the MRF through postal mail, email, and online submission. 9. If you forgot to include something on the MRF or want to revise a part, you may submit a new one. Please indicate that it is revised. 10. The MRF submitted on the 7th of that month is for the service projects held on the previous month.

s F R M in g in t it m b u Rewards for s

rtunity to club has the oppo ur yo e, m ti on g all your MRFs When submittin Award. work Certificate er d out. ap P ct fe er P e perwork to be fille pa l al  Receive th e ir qu re at ards th ated for other aw  Be nomin ard. hed Secretary Aw  Distinguis New . Let’s show some al n io at rn te In b Key Clu ict send records to tr is D k or Y ew e! N This also helps York District prid

The 7 Secretary Guidelines

Page 7

(3) Meeting Agendas + Minute


Agendas serve as a pr ofessional tool to en sure that the meeting the meeting starts to runs smoothly. It is co run away from the to nsidered out of orde pics on the agenda. Re organized, concise, an r if gardless of format, al d to the point. l agendas should be ne Depending on your at, club, the secretary, vi ce president, or presid agendas. This job is us ent may be in charge ually given to the vice of writing the meetin president or secretar ing agenda: g y. Here are some tips before writing the m eet Ask all officer s if they have any sp ec ifi c topics that they want cifically include in th to discuss at the next e agenda. meeting and to spe Provide a tim e frame that the mee ting will be held to an  You should no d from. t have to go over two subpoints. For exam the agenda and then ple, you can bullet co list out all the comm mmittee reports as pa ittees that need to gi go further than that rt of ve a report. You SH . Don’t describe what O U LD N th O e T committees should sa have to  A good agenda y. They should know like a report/resume . sh ou ld not need to go over a sion packet, not an ag page or else it begins enda. to become a discus Always include the day, date, time, an d location of the mee  Include the Ke ting on the agenda. y Club Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, and In meetings and club m troduction of Guests eetings. in your agenda in bo ard  Include the pe rson that is to speak ab ou t a certain point if it is  At the end of not the presiding offic the agenda, it is reco er. m m en de d to can bring up somethi include a section kn own as “open forum ng at the end of the ” so officers meeting that isn’t re  Include a ques lated to the rest of th tions, comments, sugg e ag en da. estions section at the  Write out ad end of the agenda. journment at the end of the agenda.  Utilize graphi c standards to make a Key Club agenda ne at and organized. Li nk is on the next page .

Examples were taken from 2011-2012 District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin. Page 8

Volume 1, Issue 1

(3) Meeting Minutes continued... was done for a recount of what ow all es ut in M y. ar ber, the key as club secret rtant part of your job be referred to. Remem po to s im ed r ne he t ot in an po is c es ifi ut ec Taking min lps when a sp r that minutes was discussed, and he ke agendas, remembe Li at t. wh in g, po tin e ee th m to in d an rta at a ce , yet concise es is being informative ful tips: to taking good minut the d. Here are some help ze ni ga or d may abridge/change an , u at Yo ne e. al, bl ssi rm fo po y be wa o should als the quickest wn EVERYTHING in do ite wr g, tin ee m e  During th . st. sentences afterwards you will remember fir at th s es. se ra ph ite wr to tendees in the minut it is best at p, w to ne e lap th a ce ve du ha t tro no e meetings. In  If you do eeting, lot attendance before th ou ll ca s ay alw d, club), date of the m ld ar ou bo sh , y ee ar itt et m cr se om e (c Th g  pe of meetin e taker as well. e name of the club, ty th de clu in to also include the minut r n be ca em u Yo g. tin  Rem e used ee m e de the duration of tim g, and the time of th clu In tin d. ee m de e en th it of e n tim tio e ca started and th e when the meeting tim e th rd co re to re  Be su n. during each discussio sed. lly major points discus cia pe es information. ts, in po all de becomes extraneous  Inclu it , es do it e nc O s. nt oi ld not go over 4 subp n topics.  Minutes shou votes) and all discussio e th te la cu al (c s te vo ajor motions,  Include the m es as well. e guest speakers’ nam th y the same. de clu in to r be em ats should be relativel  Rem rm fo th Bo . es ut in m sh. of your agenda to take ronic device if you wi ct ele  Use the outline an th wi g tin ee en if it was m ain in the minutes ev at is being said in the ag it wh rd ite co wr re to ay ve m ha u t Yo  ade, you do no a point was already m If ts. in po at pe re t  Do no es during the meeting. mentioned multiple tim ting as well. made during the mee ts en m m co d an ge. ns estio may include a cover pa u  Jot down all qu yo , es ut in m ur yo t t if you wish to presen  It is optional bu eeting. oever attended the m wh to t ou es ut in m ur utes. Send yo ll. nant Governor as we ckup file for your min te ba eu a Li ve ur ha yo s ay to alw py co ld a You shou tendance. Send visors regardless of at ad b clu s de clu in is Th

s t in o P d n a r e t (4) Club Ros

Club y e K or s Click f Standard ic Graph

of your the Vice President ith w k or w ld ou sh You bers in roster of all the mem ch club to create a club ary information whi ss ce ne r ei th ith w your club class, me, grade, official , may include their na , address, phone #s ee itt m m co r, be m school nu and emails. isu record due subm yo lp he to d ne sig This is de s backup s completed. Alway ur ho e ic rv se d an sion right away in the be ne do be ld ou sh is memthis file. Th to when recruiting ar ye ol ho sc e th of ginning bers is over.

The 7 Secretary Guidelines

n out to memPoints can be give motivation. It is bers as a form of to count and rethe secretary’s job ey deserve. You cord the points th r ts out in a regula should send poin know how many basis so members Set a goal for them points they have. points as well. when it comes to

Page 9

s d r o c e R s r u o H / s t c e j o r P (5) Service s records Service Project found below.)

ing: (A ude the follow cl in ld u o sh s cord rtant. These re are very impo

n example can


ct Name of Proje ject tion of the Pro  Descrip place e Project took th th n o M  s teers/Attendee n lu o V f o er b  Num d of Hours Serve ptional)  Number it necessary (o d n fi u yo it this in if t Fundraised You can subm n : u te o o m N . A / to ts r in fe cy Po nce to re  Advoca ey have a refere th se au ec b , e future well. officers for th to l fu p el tary award as h re is ec is S Th ed h is gu r the Distin your binder fo 

le p m a x e s t r a h C s d r o c e R ervice Projects

S Project Name



# of Volunteers

# of Hours

Local Beach Clean-up

Members went to the school’s local beach to clean up with other members of the club and division. Reached out to the other clubs in the division. Key Clubbers set up booths, set up, and cleaned up before, during, and after the event. Walked 5 miles to help Breast Cancer. Sponsored by American Cancer Society. Raised $280 for ACS. Rang doorbells of people nearby for UNICEF. Raised $580 after months. Used three weekends to serve food to the poor. Washed dishes. Helped the school wrap flowers for Valentine’s Day. Raised $1200. Key Club received $100 for own funding. Annual conference in Albany, New York where all division clubs gathered to learn, retire/elect the new board. Sponsored by ACS. School created a 12-hour long event with events and booths to raise money for cancer patients and cancer research with a luminaria ceremony. Retired the old board and celebrated the year’s of hard work.




























Dragon Boat Festival Breast Cancer Walk UNICEF Trick or Treat Soup Kitchen Flowers for Favorites Leadership Training Conference Relay for Life


(5) Service Hours Records As club secretary, it is also important to record the number of hours each member served throughout the year in an efficient manner. You can include this in the club roster.  Make sign in/out sheets during events.  Create spreadsheets using different software (ex. Microsoft Excel)  Have a person be in charge of these sheets during each event. Set a time that they have until submitting the sheet.  Post updated service hours on the website and at club meetings. Page 10

Volume 1, Issue 1

s t r o p e R e e t it m m (6) Co It is usually the job of the Vice President to assign work for the committees in your club. However, it is your job to collect their committee reports, read them, revise them, and give suggestions. This can also be done with the rest of your club. Set up a format of how you want their committee reports to look like. It is best to revise it each year. Here is an example of what you can include:  Name of committee leader(s)  Name all the meetings held during that month.  Specifically indicate what was discussed during each meeting.  After these meetings, what were some notable ideas/discussions?  Please include the links, files, work that you and your committee members have completed during the month.  Questions/Comments/Suggestions Committee reports are important so that they can be passed on to the next officers and committee leaders so they know how to run their committee(s).

n o i t a c i n u m (7) Com

e t o N l Fina

Remember to hold these guidelines with at all times: le is p it o , e p rs g u you before Fall Rally. If you follow these rvice ho followin ing their se ct with the a rd ta , o n c re o c o re l in il rm e guidelines, your year will run a lot p w Kee faces. Furth : Since you d rs e n b a s m . e e ll m e m a w club smoother. I will be coming out with their n embers  Your memorizing our club m y in w g o e b n k to in u l a o more resources for the Fall Rally. Even helpfu when y e the m b is created fficers will b o lu c s se r y e e a h li if I am not at your Fall Rally, you will lw d T a : n frie people are ittee board m se e m o th c t / a rd th a get the resources from your Lieutenant ke sure club bo m.  Your ation so ma ns with the ic o n ti u la m re m d o o Governor so don’t worry. c o source of s help. . Develop g d e u e o n y e h it sh / w g nt if he -District Secretary there workin to ask the preside sk a s y a u will need lw o y A , t: e n m e ti d e si Pre Amber Lee st of th  Club faculty: Mo l o o h sc / rs adviso urces spect.  Your portant reso ow them re h im S e . v rs a o h v y fa a Contact Information: ership : They m them for CON/Lead b Secretary D lu re C fo st e a b P u diate 1935 Cropsey Ave train yo  Imme will usually y e th r d e n a th with o for you Brooklyn, NY 11214 rence. ant to work fe w n y o a C m g u o in y s e m Train ti e 1 (347) 653 3656 ries: Som u o lub Secreta y C e r id e s. v a th e ro O id p re  amberlee.sec@nydkc.org ey will ries and sha LTG is. Th menr m u o o c y re o club secreta a h g w n es writi www.issuu.com/amberlee.editor or: Know ay be the on ant Govern m n d te n u a ie t L ic tr  is D e om th y be with news fr re. He/She ma tu . u fu o e y r th fo in ou rYoutube channel: Click the link below! be there dation for y s as well. Fu will always rd e a h w S a / r e fo H r : on lette t Secretary duties. ommendati c  Distric re r u all secretary o y h g it n w ti r ri ia w il e ost fam the on person is m is th , re o therm The 7 Secretary Guidelines

Page 11

www.keyclub.org /


8 • 317.875.8755 DIANAPOLIS, IN 4626 IN E AC TR IEW DV 36 WOO



September 2012


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