Minutes in Pages Issue I

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Minutes in Pages VOLUME I ISSUE I On the weekend of April 20th– 22nd, the 20122013 service year’s first board meeting was held. During this spring board meeting, the District Board met some people for the very first time, bonded, and expanded friendship. Aside from this bonding experience, we’ve also established the committees and the official service projects of the District. For the very first time in NYDKC history, I will present to you “Minutes in Page” (a summary resource of the minutes taken during board meetings ) - District Secretary Amber Lee

Before we begin… To the mighty New York District, My name is Amber Lee and I am your newly elected 2012-2013 New York District Key Club District Secretary. Welcome to the first edition of the “Minutes in Pages” Within these 10 pages, I will be abridging the 10-15 pages of minutes taken during each board meeting. I know that a lot of Key Clubbers are curious and a lot of officers would like to see what is exactly discussed during our board meetings. Though Lieutenant Governors usually hold a divisional after the board meeting about what went on, not all of us are able to attend.

Secretary’s Message

With this volume of ‘Minutes in Pages’ I hope that I can answer any questions and satisfy any curiosity. The longevity of the minutes during each meeting is way too extraneous even for myself to reread again. Therefore, with some pictures and some condensed words, please enjoy reading what exactly went on during the Spring Board Meeting. A complimentary video will be created with each issue of the ‘Minutes in Pages’. Yours in the spirit of service,

New York District Secretary Key Club International

Table of Contents Secretary’s Message……………………………………………………….……Page 2 Table of Contents…………………………………………………………….…..Page 2 Introductions……………………………………………………………………....Page 3 Old Business……………………………………………...……………………..Pages 4-5 Statistics…………………………………………………………………………….Page 5 New Business………………………………………………………………………Page 6 Future Business………………………………………………………………...Pages 7-8 NYDKC Bonding Time…………………………………………………………....Page 9

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SPRING BOARD MEETING Friday, April 20th – Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

INTRODUCTIONS I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Key Club Pledge IV. Invocation V. Roll Call VI. Introduction of Guests

1. What is the Parliamentary Procedure? All board meetings follow the parliamentary procedure. During the beginning of each service year, a brief explanation of this procedure is provided. -All motions must be seconded. -District Governor opens the floor for discussion. Once discussion ends, voting begins. -Voting based on voice. A Call for Division of House is made if necessary. -Point of Information: Repeat the motion again. -Call the Question: End of debate and proceed to voting after set amount of time. -Orders of the day: call to bring meeting back into agenda. -Appoint personal privilege -Motion to recess Commonly misconceptions: It is “I move to…” not “I motion to…” Motion is a noun; not a verb. The verb usage of motion would be “move”. You can make a motion, but the action of making a motion is called “move.” So therefore, “I move to vote on…”

2. What is Dress Etiquette? Both females and males must be in business professional clothing during all board meetings.

3. What is communication etiquette? All District Board members should keep in contact with their Kiwanis Committee Representatives, clubs, District Executive Board, District Administrator: Mr. Goldstein, Kiwanis clubs, and advisors. The most formal type of communication is through email, mail, or phone call. Text messaging and social networks are for convenient purposes only but not considered etiquette. Note: Just like how Lieutenant Governors make the effort to perform communication etiquette, the club level should also do the same. The club level should always be cc’ing their emails sent to the club to their respective Lieutenant Governor, advisor, and sponsoring Kiwanis.

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Old Business I. Words from the Administrator A. Fall Rally—free location B. Communication Etiquette C. Contact Kiwanis Lieutenant Governors D. Board Meeting at ICON E. Contact Consistency II. Financial Report III. Words from the Governor A. Aim for the District Directory B. Annual Achievement Report Forms C. New Monthly Report Forms D. New Election Report Forms IV. Secretary’s Update A. All clubs MUST send in their Election Report Forms. This is very important. B. Monthly Report Forms should be sent on the 7th of each month. V. Treasurer’s Update A. Process of submitting dues. VI. Approval of Executive Board A. Motion was made, seconded, and passed. VII. Editor’s Remark A. Lieutenant Governors and Club Officers should send group shots of their division during divisionals to the editor. B. Clubs should remember to send service spotlight articles. VIII. Webmaster’s Remark A. All clubs should send their club websites to the webmaster. B. Division websites will be attached to District website. IX. Executive Assistant Remarks A. Bi-weekly Updates sent to Emily and Tina. B. Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Forms. X. Advisor Emails A. Advisor contact information, especially emails should be sent to Mr. Berthel and Included on Monthly Report Forms.

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Congratulations to the Newly appointed Executive Board. Holy Cheong—District Bulletin Editor Barry Lee—District Webmaster Emily Gicewicz—District Executive Assistant Tina Lee—District Executive Assistant Editor Holy Cheong

Webmaster Barry Lee

Executive Assistant Emily Gicewicz

Executive Assistant Tina Lee

STATISTICS This meeting, the 2012-2013 District Board had a total of  A total of six motions were made, seconded and voted on after a discussion was conducted.  A total of six votes after the motion was made based on voice.  A total of one vote using a standing ovation was made and calculated.  A vote on t-shirt color was made.  Three roll calls were conducted.  Two motions for recess were made.

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New Business

District Committee Chairs/Members After holding a long process of interviews, Governor Daniel Ivan Lin finally chose next year’s committee representatives.

I. Governor’s Project A. Keys to Accessibility B. The goal is 5000 hours. II. International Convention 2012 A. T-Shirt Design for ICON B. New Key Club District cheer III. District Committees A. The Distinguished Key Clubber committee will change to the District Awards committee. B. ((Page 6-7)) IV. Board Reports V. District Goals A. The goal is 60,000 service hours. VI. District Project Goals and Charities A. There is a Chase challenge to raise Money for the Kiwanis Pediatric Center. B. Presentations of Charities C. Finalization of Charities (hours later) D. ((On page 8)) E. Goal for next year’s District Charities Is $200,000. F. Each month will be set for each District Project. VII. Lieutenant Governor Paperwork A. Newsletters 1. Each Lieutenant Governor will release ten newsletters. B. Lieutenant Governor Visitation Forms C. Lieutenant Governor Divisional Reports D. Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis Visitation Forms. E. Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Forms. F. Lieutenant Governor Division Project Forms.

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Advocacy Chair District Bulletin Editor Holy Cheong Committee Members Lt. Governor Emily DiGiovanna Lt. Governor Caitlin Roberts Lt. Governor Mariah Barranco Conference Co-Chairs District Executive Assistant Tina Lee District Webmaster Barry Lee Committee Members None District Awards Chair1 Lt. Governor Carla Pacheco Lt. Governor Nabiha Qudsi Committee Members Lt. Governor Alexandra Jannello Lt. Governor Elana Chapman District Projects Co-Chairs Lt. Governor Jessica Harper Lt. Governor Herman Li Committee Members Lt. Governor Michelle Ung Lt. Governor Josh Hill Lt. Governor Shelby Wadsworth EliMiNaTe Chair District Treasurer Annie Porfido Committee Members Lt. Governor Sean Charles Lt. Governor Michelle Espinoza Lt. Governor Victoria Clabeaux Governor's Project Chair Lt. Governor Grace Lin Committee Members Lt. Governor Emily DiGiovanna Lt. Governor Shelby Wadsworth Lt. Governor Arianna Schneider Lt. Governor Nabiha Qudsi

Future Business I. Result of District Committee Chairs A. ((Page 6-7)) II. Divisional Executive Board Committees III. Fall Rally/Division Training Conference A. Invite Faculty Adivisors B. Icebreaker events should only be 10-15 minutes. C. International website for Resources to use on training Rallies. IV. Robert F. Lucas Awards/Executive Officer Awards V. Lieutenant Governor Divisional Updates A. from Lieutenant Governor of Division 8, 8A, and 11. VI. District Unity/ Bonding Events A. Boost bonding across the club.

Continued... International Projects and Programs Chair Lt. Governor Alexandria Mandriota Committee Members Lt. Governor Herman Li Lt. Governor Alexis Rogers Lt. Governor Elana Chapman Kiwanis District Charities Co-Chairs2 Lt. Governor Paul DeSantis Lt. Governor Nicasia Beebe-Wang Committee Members Lt. Governor Caitlin Roberts Lt. Governor Michelle Ung Lt. Governor Michelle Espinoza Kiwanis Family Relations Co-Chairs Lt. Governor Jason Roman Lt. Governor Josh Hill Committee Members Lt. Governor Sean Charles Lt. Governor Victoria Clabeaux Lt. Governor Helen Wong Laws and Regulations Chair District Executive Assistant Emily Gicewicz Committee Members None

Governor’s Project: Keys to Accessibility Goal is to perform 60,000 Service hours. Remember to constantly check www.nydkc.org and www.keyclub.org for information. Page 7

New Club Building and Reactivation CoChairs Lt. Governor Stephanie Behrens Lt. Governor Helen Wong Committee Members Lt. Governor Mariah Barranco Lt. Governor Alexandra Jannello Lt. Governor Alexis Rogers Public Relations Chair District Secretary Amber Lee Committee Members Lt. Governor Stephanie Behrens Lt. Governor Arianna Schneider


Finalization of District Charities During the board meeting, each District board member presented two charities each and why the board should choose it as part of the ten District charities. After a long process of presentations/voting, the board finally finalized the newly five charities that would be added on to the five mandatory charities creating a total of ten charities for the next service year. 1. Alzheimer’s Association 2. Doctors without Borders 3. EliMiNaTe 4. Front Row Foundation 5. GOAL 6. Kamp Kiwanis 7. Kiwanis Trauma Pediatric Center 8. Local Causes 9. Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation 10. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Click on the name of the charity above for its main website and for more information. District Projects Fundraising Goal: $200,000

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NYDKC Bonding Time

NYDKC International Representative Jack Vielhauer, IP Webmaster: Oscar Tan and Secretary Amber.

Secretary Amber Lee, LTG of Division 9 and 10: Helen Wong and Michelle Ung

LTG of Division 11: Herman Li, Executive Assistant: Tina Lee, Webmaster: Barry Lee, Secretary: Amber Lee, Editor: Holy Cheong, Executive Assistant: Emily Gicewicz (from top to bottom; left to right)

Governor Daniel Ivan Lin and Webmaster Barry Lee

Executive Assistant Tina Lee and LTG of Division 8 Grace Lin

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Governor Daniel Ivan Lin, LTG of Division1: Nicasia BeebeWang, Treasurer Annie Porfido, LTG of Division 7: Jason Roman, LTG of Division 2: Emily DiGiovanna, LTG of Division 3: Alex Mandriota and LTG of Division 6: Paul DeSantis.


Adjournment I. Questions, Comments, and Concerns A. The 65th Annual Leadership Training Conference B. Upcoming Meetings C. LTC Pins 1. Lieutenant Governors should remember to distribute pins. D. Vote on Shirt Color 1. Result: Steel with gold writing. II. Benediction III. Adjournment

Events during Board Meeting Board Meeting Bonding Activities  Johnny Whoops Production  Rope Swinging  Group work  Camping  Working till 3AM at night Many icebreaker games in the woods  Roasting marshmallows 

Reminders 

Stay tuned for the complimentary video that will come along with this newsletter. The video will be entitled “Minutes in minutes”. Our next board meeting will be held during the International Convention week on the first week of July. A newsletter and video will be published as well.

District Secretary Contact Information: Amberlee.sec@nydkc.org 1 (347) 653 3656 1935 Cropsey Ave Brooklyn NY 11214

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