Minutes in Pages Issue II

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Minutes in Pages VOLUME I ISSUE II On the week of July 1st to July 8th, New York District Key Club attended a Pre-ICON experience and the 2012 ICON from July 4th to July 8th in Orlando, Florida. During this magnificent ICON experience, the New York District managed to have a condensed board meeting on Friday, July 6, 2012, to give us all updates about the District and goals for the future. The second issue of the “Minutes in Pages� for the condensed summer board meeting features ICON, minutes, and the bonding experience. Note that for this issue, (just like the previous) I will only have one version, because it was a short meeting as a whole. -District Secretary Amber Lee

Before we begin... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1

Cover Note


Secretary’s Message


Table of Contents




District News


Old Business


New Business


Robert’s Rules of Order


Future Business




Pre-ICON Bonding


ICON Experience

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Secretary’s Message Hello New York D


Welcome to the seco nd issue of the “Minutes in Pages” In this issue, it will have a total of two sections: the minutes, and ICON itself. Please keep in min d two goals. 1. Be more inform ed of what occurred during ICON and what N YDKC discussed. 2. Consider attend ing 2013’s Internat ional Convention in our hist orical capital, D.C. Note: A complimen tary video will NO T be created with this issue. The importan ce of this meeting will be men tioned in my Secret ary’s summer broadcast postmarked for th e en d of August. Once again, you do not have to read ev erything written, only the subtitles that yo u fin d im portant. It is encour aged that you try to look through everything , however. If there have any questions, you may always contact me. Yours in the spirit to

serve and lead for th e future,

New York District

Key Club Internatio nal

Contact Information Page 2



SUMMER BOARD MEETING Friday July 6th, 2012

INTRODUCTIONS I. Call to Order—Governor Daniel II. Pledge of Allegiance—LTG Helen III. Key Club Pledge—LTG Paul IV. Invocation—Executive Assistant Tina VI. Role Call—Secretary Amber VII. Introduction of Guests—Governor Daniel

This meeting will be cut short and parts of the agenda will be skipped due to lack of time. Information/updates will be sent out through email.

District News 

The New York District now has two new Lieutenant Governors to join the family. Marcus Mosley from Division XII and Arianna Schneider from Division XVIII.

The 2012-2013 year’s DCON / Leadership Training Conference prices are up! (Page 7)

Please join the District mailing list as Governor Daniel will be sending out information through it very soon. International Trustee Cecelia Ferguson from the Florida District has been chosen to be the New York District’s International Trustee liaison. Our sister Districts will be the mighty Ohio and Capital Districts.

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The New York District upon introducing guests would like to warmly welcome the new Lieutenant Governor for Division 18: Arianna Schneider.


Old Business I. Words from the Administrator II. Words from the Governor A. New Report Forms 1. They were revised and is now posted online. (Links can be found on the bottom of this page. B. New York District Facebook Page should only contain updates; what is said on the page should be revitalized. III. Secretary’s Update A. Club Paperwork 1. District Totals charts will be sent out (already sent) 2. Secretary Amber will be going around during ICON reminding all LTG’s of the clubs in their division that need to submit election report forms. B. Updates on the District Directory 1. The District Directory cannot begin unless all clubs submit their election report forms. A new date will be established. a. The new date is currently AUGUST 5th. IV. Treasurer’s Update A. Annie has been receiving a lot of fundraising report forms. B. LTG’s should raise awareness for clubs who have not been sending in information. C. A lot of clubs still send forms to IP Treasurer Emily. Notify clubs to send forms to Treasurer Annie. 1. Email: annieporfido.treas@nydkc.org V. Editor’s Update A. The Empire Key will be released during the summer. B. June newsletter grades will be sent out soon. VI. Webmaster’s Update A. All board members should have sent an email using their email forwarders. B. District board information should be filled out online. C. Send a list of clubs to Webmaster Barry so it can be updated online. VII. Executive Assistant’s Update A. There are a couple of bi-weekly updates missing for the month of June. 1. These are essential for Lieutenant Governor evaluations. Click the image to the right. The first and second links are the new PDFs for the 2012-2013 year’s Election and Monthly Report Forms respectively.

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New Business

Key Club International’s major emphasis project is aimed towards children. Every year, International works with three organizations (listed above) as the fundraising component of Major Emphasis. The current service initiative is of course the Eliminate Project.

I. Committee Information and Updates A. Co-committee chairs were made to give opportunity to more people. B. Internal Communication 1. All communication in committees should copy their emails to Mr. Goldstein and Governor Daniel. II. Governor’s Project A. Governor Daniel will be speaking to LTG and committee chair Grace. B. Ideas should be sent to both Governor Daniel and LTG Grace for resources. C. This project is a good opportunity to work with AKTION clubs. D. Remember to not neglect the physically/mentally disabled. III. Major Emphasis Project A. MEP was not promoted as well this year. B. Note that International Projects are a fundraising component. The Major Emphasis Initiative involves any service projects aimed towards children. IV. EliMiNaTe Project A. The New York District needs to improve in fundraising. B. Two months should be designated to the EilMiNaTe project. C. Fundraisers should be held during Fall Rally’s. D. Clubs should be correctly reporting money raised for EliMiNaTe. 1. Totals should be written in Fundraising Report forms. 2. Checks should be sent to International . 3. The key to reporting is report forms. V. District Projects A. District Projects should be promoted. B. There should be a month for every District project. C. Governor Daniel has sent letters to the organizations chosen.

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New Business continued… / more... VI. Lieutenant Governor Paperwork A. Divisional Reports should be sent in. 1. Divisionals should be held throughout the summer. B. Members should be encouraged to fill Lieu tenant Governor Evaluation Forms. C. Division Project forms are for service/ fundraising projects held. VII. Executive Board Officers / Lieutenant Governor Awards/Honors A. Robert F. Lucas Award 1. This is the international recognition for being a distinguished LTG 2. It is based on a point system with requirements submitted in a binder. 3. International is currently editing guidelines. a. The change will be based on individual merits; not club’s. 4. Administrator Mr. Goldstein will grade them. 5. Governor Daniel will send general guidebook. B. Executive Board Officers 1. Five District Administrators grade the binders. It is based on stringent criteria. C. All LTG’s and Execs are encouraged to apply. Note: All club officers / club members should apply for Distinguished officers/ Key Clubbers in the District. VIII. Summer Expectations A. Officer Training Conferences B. Fall Rally Planning C. Activity and Divisional Meetings D. Membership and Advisors Communication E. Club Report Forms IX. District Board Calendar A. Events can be added for the District to view. X. Updates from International A. Sponsorships are Hershey’s and Nickelodeon. Wal-mart is unofficial.

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Robert’s Rules of Order As most of us know, Key Club meetings are held under Parliamentary procedure, commonly following Robert’s Rules of Order. Below in bulleted format are just more points commonly used during Key Club meetings. 

Motion: To propose a decision or form of action, one says “I move …” and the motion must always be seconded before the governor opens the floor. More than one motion can be made in between another. (Ex. If one wanted to move to condense the time of discussion), then the most recent motion must be dealt with first.

Point of Information: This is called when someone wants the motion to be repeated.

Call the Question: If one feels that a discussion is being prolonged and almost everyone seems to have made a decision, they can call the question (must be seconded) and debate will end. Voting then proceeds.

Voting: voting is either based on voice.

Division of the House: When voting by voice is unclear, a division of the house is called and voting is made based on visible votes by ballots or raised hands.


Future Business / Adjournment / ... I. Leadership Training Conference (LTC) A. Ideas for workshops. B. Prices for LTC 1. Single room: $500 2. Adult rate: $310 3. Student rate: $270 4. Sergeant at Arms + Conference chairs are to be decided. C. Date: March 22nd—24th D. We may have advisors/adults run workshops specifically for college essays. II. Start of the Year and Key Club week A. Recruit members and submit dues early

Future Business

Robert’s Rules of Order (continued) Majority Vote: The majority vote is chosen with at least 2/3 division of the house.

Orders of the Day: This is called to bring the meeting back into agenda.

Table: One can table an amendment or a part of discussion written on the agenda to another part of the agenda or until next meeting.

 

Recess: A motion can be made (and seconded) to take a break during meetings.

Propose an amendment: To propose / amend a new amendment, not originally on the list, one must first submit a form to the chairs of the House of Delegate session.

Adopt: This motion is made and seconded when one wants to accept a proposed report without discussion.

Nominate: Another person can nominate another to represent them or a certain activity. This nomination (I…(insert name) from (insert place) nominate…) must also be seconded.

Adjourn: A meeting/session is adjourned once someone makes a motion for adjournment and it is seconded.

To make a motion, second, or speak on behalf of it, the chair must always be addressed in a proper manner. A motion cannot be discussed until the chair repeats the motion and announces that discussion can begin. Note that if you are addressing a point, you should stand up.

Adjournment I. Questions, Comments, and Concerns A. We may have new Lieutenant Governors joining us for vacant divisions. B. Division XII LTG has been replaced by IP LTG Marcus Mosley. II. Benediction—Executive Assistant Emily III. Adjournment

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NYDKC Pre-ICON Bonding

Ready for dinner with LTG Grace, Secretary Amber, LTG Carla, and LTG Michelle (left to right)

Lunchtime in Animal Kingdom with Executive Assistant Tina, Webmaster Barry, Secretary Amber, and IP Webmaster Oscar.

Hearts from IP Webmaster Oscar, LTG Carla, LTG Michelle, and Governor Daniel

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On our way to the Magical Kingdom with LTG Shelby, LTG Nabiha, and Secretary Amber.

After waiting on a long line with LTG Emily, LTG Jason, Key Clubber Thomas, Treasurer Annie, LTG Nicasia, and LTG Alex.

MULAN with LTG Jessica, LTG Josh, LTG Stephanie, LTG Shelby, and LTG Nabiha.

On the week of July 1 to July 4th, the New York District had a District tour experience at Disneyworld's many parks from the Typhoon Lagoon to Hollywood Studios to the Animal Kingdom. It was a true bonding experience in the sun and sudden rain.


2012 International Convention In Orlando, Florida. Page 9

The 2012 International Convention, held in Orlando Florida definitely took my breath away. This experience not only enabled districts to bond with other districts of 33 different nations, but it also brought together our own. From the District cheers to all the different pins received, we were Key Clubbing all the way.


ICON Experience The Experience One can’t forget the amazing dances as we danced to eliminate and danced from the 80’s to the 21st Century. I’m sure every single Key Clubber during that week also bought our hearts out in the Key Club Store. Every session from the opening to recognition to the closing was phenomenal thanks to Keynote Speaker Eden Sher giving us such a innovative speech as well as our Entertainer: Justin “Kredible” Willman performing a magic show that definitely made the whole audience stand on their feet. Aside from fun, we also participated in voting for the new international board in the District caucus sessions, nominating conference, Meet the Candidates session, and finally House of Delegates. The House of Delegates, though taking a very long time was one of my favorite experiences, because we learned so much about politics, itself as we moved to approve/deny amendments proposed. The informative workshops were definitely a plus as well.

CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to the IP International President’s Annie Lewandowski’s 20112012 International board for leading Key Club International for a successful year. Congratulations to IP International Trustee Nick DePorzio for serving the New York District. Congratulations to New York’s Diamond Clubs recognized by International: North Shore High School Ogdensburg Free Academy Congratulations to Robert F. Lucas award recipients IP LTG of Division 9: Helen Chen IP LTG of Division 11: Emma Cheng IP LTG of Division 15: Katie Coley Congratulations to Jack Veilhauer for being elected International Trustee form the New York District. Congratulations to the 2012-2013 Key Club International board led by International President Rebecca Riley.

With that said, I am definitely going back to ICON next year and seniors, Key Club and service isn’t over. As 2011-2012 Circle K International President Steven Spriggs and Kiwanis International presidentdesignate Mr. Thomas Dejulio said, there is always Circle K and Kiwanis to show that service lives on within our hearts and our purpose is to serve and lead for the betterment of our future. -Amber Lee District Secretary

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Fun in workshops with Treasurer Annie, Secretary Amber, IP International Vice President Catt, Governor Daniel, IP International President Annie, and Webmaster Barry.


ICON Experience continued... Opening Session

Pin Trading / District to District bonding

Paco the Penguin

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ICON Experience continued... The EliMiNaTe Dinner

Recognition Session in District Unity

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ICON Experience continued... Workshops

Closing Session

80’s NEON Dance

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Final Remarks Key TV

Click the picture above to watch KeyTV

International Convention next year Don’t miss out our 2013 International Convention next year in Washington D.C !

Reminders 

The complimentary minutes video for the first “Minutes in Pages” ISSUE I was just released. This issue’s video will be incorporated in the secretary’s summer broadcast.

Our next board meeting will be the Fall board meeting, held during the Fall, in the month of September.

District Secretary Contact Information: Amberlee.sec@nydkc.org 1 (347) 653 3656 1935 Cropsey Ave Brooklyn NY 11214

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