The Empire Key Issue 1 (2011-2012)

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Table of Contents Page 2

The Official Publication of the New York District

-3 …. Pages 2 … … … … … … 4 ……………… … … …….. Page … .… … s … t n … e t … n … o … Table of C ….Page 5 ……………… r … o .. it … d … E … e h … tor rom t dministra A Message f t ic .....Page 6-7 r t … is .. D … e … h t … …… rom 8 Governor Message f t ic …..…Page r t … is … D … e … h t … rom y… … 9 Message f t Secretar ic r t ……...Page is … D … e h … t … m … or r… Message f t Treasure ...Page 10 ic … r t … is … D … e … … rom th 0 ebmaster… W Message f t ic ……Page 1 r t .… is … D … e h … t … rom 1 Assistant… e Message f iv t u ...…Page 1 c … e x … E … e … h t … tee rom 2 ional Trus Message f t a n …….Page 1 r e … t n … I … e h … t … … rom .Page 13 ……………… Message f .. … … … … … … … … t c … ’s Proje ……...……… … … Governor …Page 14 … … … … … … .… … … … … s … roject ograms…… r P District P d …..Page 15 n a … s … t c … je … o r … P .. nal 6 ……………… … Internatio … …...Page 1 … … … … … … … … e t … a min ion… Page 17 .. Project Eli Reactivat … d … n a … g … n i … Build ……………… … … … .Page 18 New Club .. … … ,, ,, … ,. … … … … …… ……… ……………… … Advocacy… r e ….Page 19 b … b … lu … C … y e … .… hed K 0 enter……… C Distinguis a ...…Page 2 m … u a … r T … … ic r … t … edia 20 ……………… Kiwanis P … s n ……..Page io t .… la … e … R … y il … am ……………… ..Page 21 Kiwanis F … … … … … … … … … … lations… 7 ……………… … … Public Re … ages 22-2 … P … … … .. … … … .… … e…… 3 …………...… … … Comic Tim n Pages 28 -3 o i .. t .. n … e v … n … o …… nal C 4 ……………… Internatio … s …….Page 3 le … ic … t r … A … t h … g … otli ……………… ..Page 35 Ser vice Sp … … … … … … … … … … e……… 6 ……………… … … … Comic Tim …..Page 3 … … … … … … … … … … … ames… 7 ……………… … Fun and G … ......Page 3 … .. .. … t .. ic … r t … is … … the D -40 Club……… y e Calling in K .Pages 38 r .. e t f … A … e … if … L ts… t to .Page 41 lub Distric … Calling ou C … y e … K … r … e … t to Oth ……………… … … ..Page 42 … … Calling ou s e … t o … N … / s … r …… eminde 3 ……………… … Editor’s R … ……Page 4 s r … e … d in .… … m e … and R 5 ……………… … … Resources … .Pages 44-4 … .. … … … … … … … … t … e Lis ……………… … Committe … … … … ist………… Contact L The Official Publication of the New York District

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Editor‘s Letter—Amber Lee Issue 1 Greetings to th e New York D


As your Distric t Editor of the 2011-2012 service year, m y job is to provi de the connection and in formation from the District to a home club by writing a se asonal newsletter as well as doing my best with public relations and co mmunication efforts. With every official p ublication of th e New York District, my go al is to knit clo ser New York’s Key Clu b family. My jo b is also to aid editors aro und the New Y ork District into doing the best in their jo bs.

New Y or Club E k District K ey ditor A mber L ee

This publicatio n is the first ed ition of the Empire Key co ntaining an in troduction to the school year and what you can look forward to for the upcoming year . Following this publicatio n will be two m ore editions to service as a guide to Key C lubbers throughout th is service year. I hope this pu blication has n ot only informed you ab out Key Club, but it has also enlightened yo u on the inspir ation and initiatives that Key Club holds. I can feel it. Th e New York D istrict definitely feels it – this year will b e good, it will be sooo good! Yours in the spirit of service, Amber Lee

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Message from the District Administrator Issue 1 Hi Key Clubbers and Advisors My name is John Goldstein and I am the new Administrator for the New York District Key Club. It is an honor and a privilege for me to be working with you in this great New York District of Key Club. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been in Kiwanis since 1996 and have served as a Distinguished President and Distinguished Lt Governor. I have been on the District Key Club Adult committee for the last 5 years. I served as my clubs Kiwanis advisor to our Key Club for the last 8 years. I work with a group of dedicated adult volunteers called Kiwanis Committee Representatives or KCRs for short. The KCRs work with your Key Club LT Governor by providing training, projects, fundraisers, and general information to your clubs. The structure on the New York District Key is as follows: We have a Governor who presides over the District Board at 6 Board Meetings a year. We have a Secretary who keeps records of the reports submitted by the Clubs. We have a Treasurer who keeps track of the monthly fundraising reports submitted by the Clubs. These three officers are elected at the annual Leadership Training Conference held March 30 – April 1. We also have a Webmaster, Editor (Empire Key) and an Executive Assistant to the Governor. The District is divided into 28 Divisions and each Division has a Lt. Governor who is elected by the clubs in their division in February. We have already started working on the Leadership Training Conference for next year. The date is the weekend of March 30, 31 and April 1, 2012. We will be back at the Holiday Inn on Wolf Road in Albany. We had a great conference last year and we are looking for ways to make it better. Watch for updates on the District Key Club website. The last thing I want to mention is the 2012 Key Club International Convention which is going to be held in Orlando Florida. The convention starts Wednesday July 4, 2012 and ends Saturday July 7, 2012. The District Tour will leave on Sunday July 1st and return on Sunday July 8th. We will be going to different Disney parks SundayWednesday and be having a special behind the scenes tour at Disney on one of those days. The cost has not yet been finalized, but is estimated at about $1100 per Key Clubber. We will send out information and have it posted on the Key Club District website as soon as it is available. I look forward to serving with you.

The Official Publication of the New York District

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Governor‘s Message Domenick Pesce

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Hey New York District Key Club,


Hello, and welcome to the Empire Key. This is the District Newsletter that is put out by our own District Editor, Amber Lee. I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot about the Mighty New York District of Key Club! For those of you new to Key Club this year, my name is Domenick Pesce, and I will be serving as your New York District Key Club Governor. I would like to warmly welcome you all to this 2011-2012 service year. Whether you are a Freshman new to Key Club, or veteran member, I‘m sure this school year will provide us all with great opportunities for service! I have served in the Kiwanis family for the past 6 years at my home club of East Meadow High School on Long Island, New York. My job as Governor for the New York District consists of serving you, the Key Clubbers of the state, in any way that I can. I facilitate Lieutenant Governors and District Board Officers to make the District run smoothly and successfully. As school begins, Key Club becomes a lot busier then usual. Your clubs will begin to plan their own service projects and fundraisers. I encourage you all to get involved in not only your home club events, but Divisionals and Division Projects as well. Be connected throughout Key Club on the club, Division, and District level. The Governors Project also offers clubs to perform a more unique kind of service. This years Governor's Project is called ―Music and Art Within our Hearts‖. It simply advocates and encourages the planning of service projects or fundraising that somehow involves or promotes the music and the arts. With the economy in its current condition, and school administrators cutting left and right, students are beginning to lose out on things such as music, arts, and even Key Clubs! This is an opportune time to show your teachers, parents, and administrators what extracurricular means to you as well as all of the good they accomplish. Finally, please stay in contact with the District by subscribing to our email list at, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (, what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Encourage your Key Club friends to subscribe as well. I‘m extremely excited to be working with so many of you this year and wish you all of the best luck in your school, SATs, college applications, and of course Key Club. Inspire to have an exceptional year!

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Secretary‘s Message—Daniel Ivan Lin

Hello New York District,

New York District Key Club Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin

My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, your district secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. The role of a district secretary is a rigorous one and though it seems to revolve solely around paperwork, that is often just a small part of it. A secretary's job is about responsibility and putting aside your own free time to make sure everything gets done even if it is not something required. But of course, a good secretary can only do so well with the help of his or her district and it is my privilege to be working with you, the amazing, strong, and mighty New York District! We are off to a strong start not only in terms of paperwork, but in terms of service hours and fundraising amounts. In the past two months, I have released the first issue of my newsletter, The Empire Secretarial and Tips for Club Secretaries, a guide which will help familiarize club secretaries with their role. Aside from that, I have recently sent out my first video update, which has been made available on both Facebook and Youtube. I will be releasing a second issue of my newsletter very soon as well as another resource for club secretaries. I look forward to presenting them to you. Keep up the good work and remember, I am here to help you. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to email me at or by any other means I have provided. Please enjoy the remainder of the summer and remember to be happy! Thank you all so much! Hope to see you soon! -Daniel Ivan Lin

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Treasurer‘s Message—Emily Gicewicz Hey New York District! How do you feel??? I hope you are having a great summer! As clubs start to meet, especially the most important club, Your Club please mention dues to members. Even though the early bird dues season has passed, please never fret; as long as your dues are proceeded by November 30th, then it is fine. There will be resources on how to hand in dues to be released soon but if anyone has a question please ask. I am not just here to help treasurers, anyone with a dues question or a questions pertaining to the treasurer, please ask! I do not bite! Since NYDKC treasurers are so hardworking, as you already may know, we have surpassed the high goal of 50 complete Fundraising Report Forms submissions for our entire service year. With that goal blown out of the water 3 months into the year, I have raised the goal to 100. It may seem high but I have extreme confidence in the work ethic of the amazing treasurers in our districts. This goal can not surpass itself though, I need you! Please urge treasurers to complete Fundraising Report Forms and assist them anyway possible with obtaining proofs. As you all know very well, a little help does go a long way!

New York District Key Club Treasurer Emily Gicewicz

You have heard me say this before but I want to hear from you! I ran for treasurer and was fortunate enough to be elected into my position to serve all of you and I can’t do that to the best of my ability if I do not hear exactly what you need. Please don’t be afraid to ask me to make a resource, answer a question, or give me a suggestion on how I can better serve you. I am only a email, call, or message away! As you go about your communities make the world a better place to live for. Keep the words of Frederick Douglas. ―To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.‖

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Technology Message—Oscar Tan and Executive Assistant’s Message—Yasmin Soliman Issue 1 Hello New York!

New York District Key Club Webmaste r Oscar Tan

My name is Oscar Tan, the New York District Webmaster for the 2011-2012 service year. As webmaster, my job is to connect the District and the club by means of technology, which is a big part of our lives. It is my job to make it easier for you to complete your duties and affairs through the use of technology. On the New York District website,, there are accessible forms and useful contact information on the ―Contact Us‖ page. I will soon be redoing and updating the whole New York District Key Club website. Always stay in touch with us through the website. It is a very essential resource. Feel free to submit an email to any Executive Board member or Lieutenant Governor. We are always there to provide the best of help. Remember to subscribe to the Mailing List on the site which is at the right corner of the website‘s home page. If you aren‘t, you have no idea how much you‘re missing. We will be sending out resources and newsletters through this mailing list. Also, check out our service spotlights on the front page of the website. Submit your service spotlights so that your school can be starred on the District website. You may contact me or District Editor Amber Lee about service spotlights. I will continue to update the website and make communication in the district improve as my duties. If you have any questions, always feel free to contact me.

My name is Yasmin Soliman, and I am the 2011-2012 New York District Key Club Executive Assistant. I serve as a liaison between the upstate and downstate regions of the New York district. I also assist Governor Domenick Pesce by organizing files and spreadsheets to keep track of district paperwork from the Lieutenant governors. As an executive assistant, I abide by the New York District by-laws and review all proposed amendments in conjunction with my duties as the laws and regulations committee chair. The committee makes sure that all articles of the New York District by-laws are upheld by every member/officer in the district, and all proposed changes or requests are reviewed by the district board. I look forward to continuing my work with the 2011-2012 New York District board, which has come a long way since the last leadership training conference. The summer has gone by very quickly with a new school year just beginning and much more success to come for the Mighty New York District.

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The Official Publication of the New York District

International Trustee’s Message—Nick DePorzio Issue 1 Hello to the Mighty New York District! Thank you for all that you have done already and will do this year in your quest to make a difference, and thank you for allowing me to play a humble part in it all. What an unimaginable honor it will be too to serve one of the biggest and brightest districts of Key Club International! In my years with Key Club, I've learned that a year in service is nothing short of an adventure. Never without its discouraging shortfalls but always full of valiant triumphs! Passion drives us forward. It allows us to unite in fellowship and carry on our mission: to make a difference. If even the slightest improvement is made in a year, we are accomplishing our goal, we are making this world a better place.

International Trustee Nick DePorzio

Key Clubbers are like superheroes! An individual Key Clubber can do so much, but together, we can accomplish so much more! So please remember this year that there are tons of people here to support you in your efforts, here to work with you to achieve your goals. Myself as well as your phenomenal District Board are here for you, we've got your back, so use us as much as you can! My wish is to see the service of every member blossom by being well supported and represented. Everything from resources to communication tools should be provided for you, and to see what myself and the International Board is working on, definitely check out my Trustee website at <> . It has blogs, tweets and all those gizmos and gadgets. There, you should learn a bit about me too! Being a total self admitted nerd, mention anything about science or Harry Potter and we'll be best buddies in a snap! And with that, this year should be like one big old friendship! So feel free to Facebook me up, give me call, or shoot me a text anytime! I'm sure each of you possess nothing less than the deepest love, commitment and passion for what we're doing; so, with our Sister Districts of New Jersey and Ohio, let's shake things up this year and really make a difference! In the Deepest Friendship and Service, Nick DePorzio


Official Publication of the New York District

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Governor’s Project—Emma Cheng

Governor's Project By: Lt. Governor Emma Cheng

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Every new service year, we, the members of the New York District, are challenged to fulfill new goals and initiatives. Along with this year's District and International Projects, District Governor Domenick Pesce has specifically selected another initiative that Key Clubbers can contribute to on a local and District level. Last year's project, appointed by Immediate Past District Governor Nadyli Nuñez, focused on education. The project aimed to help spread knowledge to a diverse array of people from children to adults. This year, to put a fun and unique twist on the annually-appointed project, District Governor Domenick Pesce has created the initiative "Music and Art, within our Hearts" for the 2011-2012 service year. How exactly can you contribute to this cause? Any service project or fundraiser can count as long as it focuses on promoting the music and arts, two much neglected subjects during troubling economic times. You can create cards or artworks to donate to a local hospital, give a musical performance at a local senior center, or even donate to an art-based nonprofit organization. Almost anything you do can help achieve the Governor's Project! As chair of the Governor's Project Committee, I will be working with the rest of the committee to regularly release helpful suggestions and service project ideas via publicity materials at All these resources will be easily accessible online, so please take advantage of them as you delve into the project this service year. If you have any questions regarding this topic, never hesitate to contact me at Remember, even the simplest projects can count and you can be recognized for your work towards the Governor's Project at our upcoming Leadership Training Conference!

The Official Publication of the New York District

District Projects— Nicholas Viviano

The question I get asked the most when I go to various Key Club events is, Why did you choose the charities that you did? The answer is simple. All the charities are worthy causes that deserve our time and efforts. There is no questioning the fact that the charities the New York District Key Club chose to endorse for the 2011-2012 year are diversified. When choosing these charities, the district board makes sure that we could help as many people as possible both domestically and internationally. We made sure that we had a fair balance between bigger, well-known organizations and smaller, less-known charities. Lastly, we made sure that these charities could be relatable to the members of our district; relatable in the sense that we can try to understand and sympathize with the people these charities have pledged to help. I encourage everybody to check out and learn more about all these amazing charities a the District website, On the District Projects page, there is a link to every charity’s website where you can learn about the goals and mission of each charity. Some charities you may recognize like the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center or Make-A-Wish. Others you may not recognize like the Christian Appalachian Project or Not-For-Sale. Explore their websites so you can gain every ounce of knowledge you can about all of these charities.

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This year, the District Board set a goal of $200,000 for these charities. I encourage everybody to remember that every little bit counts. You do not need to hold a huge event to make a difference. It is often the bake sales and small fundraising projects that add up to an amount that helps us complete our goal. I know we can do it! If you have any questions about the charities or need help coming up with fundraising ideas, please feel free to contact me or committee members KelseylizHabla, Joshua Hill, and Stephanie Pena. Our information is on the District website. We are all eager to help. All you need to do is ask.

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International Projects and Programs—Sarah Brady y, I is like my bab "My division it and help it re u rt u n to t n wa ything ling to do an il w m I' . w ro g regrets" for it with no

Hello Mighty New York District! While you‘re planning your fundraisers and service projects I ask of you to remember the International Projects and Programs. In my opinion each and every Key Clubber is a partner with our International Service Partners. Just because it doesn‘t say your name as a partner doesn‘t mean you aren‘t. You are a part of Key Club International. In fact you are the most important part of Key Club International, you are a member! This year‘s International Projects and Programs committee is composed of me, Lt. Governor Sarah Brady and Committee Chair, Emily Gonthier, Marcus Mosley, Nickolas Boroda, and Nicole Jones. Our committee basically sets goals for the New York District for the International Projects and Programs. Then throughout the year we publish resources about the organizations along with updates on the current standings of our goals and whatever or not we think will educate and help the District reach its goals. For those of you who are a little foggy on the International Projects and Programs, they are Children's Miracle Network, March of Dimes, UNICEF, and Eliminate. However, my committee focuses on the first three because Eliminate has its very own committee.

rnor e v o G nant e t u e VIII: X Li n o ivisi Of D rady B h a Sar

If you‘re wondering how you and your club can help, there are some service projects that the organization itself has. For example, for UNICEF there is something called Trick-orTreat for UNICEF where you collect money for UNICEF in little boxes and send them to UNICEF. For more information about UNICEF click here. March of Dimes often has fundraiser walks. To see when and where your local walk is click here. For ideas on how to help the Children‘s Miracle Network click here.

International Project


Service Hours

Children‘s Miracle Network

Goal: $10,000 Current: $2,618.98

Goal: 7,000 Current: 112

March of Dimes

Goal: $10,000 Current: $2,385

Goal: 7,000 Current: 0 L


Goal: $20,000 Current: $0 L

Goal: 15,000 Current: 0 L

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I‘m about to sound like Mr. District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin and Miss District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz but make sure you fill out your paperwork. On Monthly Report Forms, make sure you add in the service hours your club did for our International Projects. And when you do complete a fundraiser, especially for an International Project, make sure you fill out a Fundraising Report Form and send in proof. Those will be the only ways our District will reach its goals.

The Official Publication of the New York District

Eliminate Project—Sean O’Connor

Hey All!

or n r e v t Go n a n e IX: X Lieut n isio v i D of nor n o C O‘ Sean

I am Lieutenant Governor Sean O'Connor from the fabulous Division 19 in Central New York! I hope all of you are back in swing with your schools, clubs, and activities (and I hope Key Club is in your priorities too)! As you all should know, Project eliMiNaTe has been selected as one of our District Projects this year. I am the chairman for this committee. Governor Domenick Pesce and I are looking forward to making sure that this cause is emphasized as soon as possible. For those of you who don‘t know, eliMiNaTe aims to cure Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus. This deadly disease takes away the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. This project is a joint project with the worldwide Kiwanians. With the joint efforts of Key Club and Kiwanis, it is definitely possible to eliMiNaTe Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus!

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New Club Building and Reactivation—Carla Pacheco

Hello Mighty NEW YO RK District,

or ern v o nt G IIIA a n V ute on i s Lie i eco Div h c f a O la P r a C

My name is Carla Pach eco, I am one of the lie sion 8A, but most im utenant governor of div portantly I serve as th ie committee chair for Building & Reactivatio the New Club n Committee . Some of the roles my committ bers and I play on im ee memproving the district is providing resources an that will help lieutena d information nt governors in their process of chartering clubs; whether it’s a Knew K-family kids Club, Builders Cl ubs, Key Clubs, Circl Aktion Club or a Kiwa e-K Club, nis Club. The New Club Build ing & Reactivation Co help improve the statu mmittee has the honor s of clubs all over the to district; our goal (per this service year is to division) for charter at least 2 K-fam ily Clubs and to re-act clubs in each division ivate at least 2 ; if any are inactive or suspended. My comm of myself and 3 other itt ee consists lieutenant governor’s Ltg division 15: Katie division 21: Bryan Co Co ley, Ltg manici, Ltg division 26 : Andrew Abbey. We, tee will be creating ne as a commitw resources to help aid any questions you ma y ha ve. Many of you are curre ntly or may have prev ing: ―What is it exac iou sly ha ve be en wo tly that the New Club nderBuilding & Reactivati tee is working on?‖ Be on Commitsides having bi-week ly committee meeting ing on a newsletter th s; we are workat will be released once every 2 months, this ne contain many of the ne wsletter will w resources we are cu rrently working on, as previous resources th well as the at have been passed do wn to us by previous chairs. Another topic committee our committee has be en discussing is new me communication for th thods of e ENTIRE district reg arding chartering clubs activating existing clubs; an d rea Facebook group (fo r all Key Clubbers) an group (for district board d a Google officers) these two top ics will be discussed an voted on at the Fall Bo d ard meeting. Many of you don’t know this bu New Club Building & t the Reactivation Committ ee has released an excel sheet to district board officers with the statu s of each club accordin both: Key Club Interna g to tional and the New Yo rk District; the excel sh will be updated on a eet bi-weekly basis, so the information may vary as increase. as well If you wish to attain a copy of this sheet you tenant governor or em can ask your lieuail me at carlapacheco.l Lastly, New Club Building & the Reactivation Committ ee will be releasing a PD version of the most im F portant sections our co mmittee binder to all tenant governor’s of th lieue New York District; which must be passed to their respective div down isions. As the New Cl ub Building & Reactiv Committee works day ation and night to improve our already fantastic dis we ask the help of as trict many willing Key Club bers as possible to sen questions that they ma d in y have regarding; chart ers, reactivations and thing Key Club status anyrelated so that we ma y have a better underst of how to create more anding resources, publication s, and methods to sim the process as well as plify increase the desire to create new K-family clu responses must be em bs. All ailed to carlapacheco.l If you have any quest ions don’t hesitate to the other committee ask me and/or any of members.

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Advocacy—Holly Flores

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Advocacy For the 2011-2012 service year, Holly Flores, the Lieutenant Governor of Division III is the Committee chair of the Advocacy committee. The Advocacy Committee is also run by Lieutenant Governors Katie Coley, Michelle Hand, and Jessica Green. Advocacy is categorized to be the public support for a specific cause. As Key Clubbers, our goal is to accommodate as much advocacy points as possible. For every signature on an advocacy letter, the district will earn one point. For every advocacy event held, the district earns five points. Advocacy points should be recorded on Monthly Report Forms every time you send it in to the District. Start thinking about advocacy points as the school year is beginning and try to accommodate as much as possible starting now.

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Distinguished Key Clubber—Jay Wong and Antonio Xu Liu

Distinguished Key Clubber Award (DKC) Howdy to all of you Key Clubbers of the mighty New York District! How do YOU feel?! Now that we’re embarking upon this new service year under Key Club International, serving our homes, schools, and communities, it’s important to keep in mind one crucial philosophy: those who work hard should be recognized for their dedication and selflessness.


Consequently, as the chairs for the Distinguished Key Clubber committee, we are encouraging all of you to apply for this award, which does not discriminate towards anyone. As long as you fulfill the criteria and acquire a certain number of points, you get the award. Whether you’re a division officer, a club officer, or just a regular member, keep in mind that every bit of service counts. Each and every one of you have an equal opportunity to obtain this prestigious award.

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This year, we’re setting the bar really high. We recommend that ALL of you keep a JOURNAL/LOG of every Key Club-related activity you engage in so that it can facilitate the application process. The worst thing that could happen is that you forget all of the service you’ve done.

―Worry about your character, not your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is who people think you are‖ -Antonio Xu Liu

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And if you’re wondering what’s on this DKC application, we have mandatory criteria and additional criteria. To win this award, ALL applicants must fulfill the mandatory criteria, along with acquiring a certain number of points from the additional criteria. To give you an idea of what activities will get you points and will bring you one step closer to getting this DKC award, we have the number of Divisional meetings attended, hours accrued from the Governor’s Project, District Projects fundraisers, advocacy, etc. We will be producing and finalizing this application VERY soon, so please check out the New York District website <> Lastly, other awards targeted towards individual seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen, and even club officers will be available on the website soon as well. As for now, keep a record of all of your service!

The Official Publication of the New York District

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center—Becky Hopkins

Hello Mighty New York District! I guess I’ll start off by introducing myself, Becky Hopkins, as the Chair of the KPTC Committee. Committee members are my fellow lieutenant governors; Gresa Shala, Annie Porfido, and Helen Chen. For those of you who don’t know, KPTC stands for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, which is a complex program that draws on the vast resources of the hospital and Kiwanis to give critically injured children the best of care. Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Centers are located at the North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, Albany, and Buffalo. Our goal for the New York District this year is to raise over $8,500 for KPTC. Key Clubbers are encouraged to raise money for this prestigious district charity and in return for their donation, clubs can receive fellowships to award deserving members. Another goal for our committee and district this year is to expand the ―Safe Kids‖ program that KPTC in is partnership with, in order to prevent children from trauma in the first place. We’re also aiming to increase Key Clubbers’ awareness and knowledge of KTPC.

The Official Publication of the New York District

nor r e v t Go I n a n V te Lieu ision ns v i i of D opk H ky Bec

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Kiwanis Family Relations– Ellen Dooley, Public Relations—Daniel Ivan Lin Kiwanis Fa mily Relati ons What is th e Kiwanis F amily? Plain Each mem and simple ber whethe w r they are a their job ha s young as th e are a family of help s one goal: a ers. 4 to serve ou tions Com r communit grade or are retired fr mittee our om y. As the K main focus Family mem iwanis Fam is to impro bers. One il v y e Relarela go the amoun t of Kiwanis al that we have set fort tions with all Kiwanis h K for this yea New York District has. ids (K-Kids) and Build r ers Clubs th is to increase Currently, at the Migh our goal is ty for each div ision to bu il d at least one K -Kids or Bu ilders Club in a lo cal elemen tary or junior/m iddle high school. Th e in the Kiwanis troduction to Fa young age w mily at a ill encoura ge the smaller chil dren to con tinue in the Kiwa nis Family to Key Club and b eyo spreading th nd, further e good in o ur community.

c our Publi y d n a y r a job t secret year. The ur distric e o ic y v , r e in s L s 2 niel Ivan 2011-201 help and resource a e D h t is r e o f m Chair My na rovide t, and ee is to p ommittee r's Projec ir, t o C it n s r m n e v m io o o t Rela ns C he G cha bership, t ear as committee lic Relatio b m e u P m e , h n t y of his icatio year. commun se lines. T es of the mitregarding that run along tho u at the right tim o ions Com y s t r m la o e e f it R s e y c c n li r ma esou e Pub recruit provide r packet, th membership and r e t s o p l I hope to oal to egarding a seasona t of our g r r a t m e p o k r c is f a e is p Asid mem ar. Th ting a school ye icers and e distribu f e b f h l o t il b f w o lu e c g e t nin ovide will be the begin and to pr hat help t e e t t n e it h m ment for w m s e co hope tha im e t d iv n e t a c h t a l t e fu a r e need es us orkbe a mo help they se resourc look forward to w e e h h t t d h in it f w bers . We u will questions h! e hope yo r W u . o y d e r e d e ne answ muc be able to ear! Thank you so they will y is you all th ing with

Page 20

nor r e v t Go n a n te XVI n o i Lieu ivis y of D oole D n Elle

t istric D k y Yor retar New c e S Club in Key an L v I l e Dani

The Official Publication of the New York District

Hey New York, it’s Comic time!

g— Carin The Official Publication of the New York District

ife L f o ay W r u


Page 21

New York District Goes to the International Convention

2011-2012 Key Club International Convention in Phoenix, Arizona n on i i t n e onv in C l a tion be held ! a n r ll te IDA s In 012 wi R ‗ O 2 L 201 July 2 O, F D LAN OR

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The Official Publication of the New York District

The Official Publication of the New York District

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Lt. Governor Helen Chen Division 9 This year’s Key Club International Convention was held on June 29th – July 3rd in Phoenix, Arizona. The New York District Board took a three day tour (before the convention) in Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, to explore the beauty and historical sites in the United States. We tour around Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and more! On the day of the convention, we were able to meet a lot of Key Clubbers from all over the nation and the world. We traded pins, talked about our Key Clubs, etc. The experiences during the convention were truly amazing. Not only did we vote on the new Key Club International board members, but we also voted on amendments, and made new friends. Key Club isn’t just a service organization that helps our community, it is also a big family, where we help each other to build and change the community around us. All I can say is, I am a proud Key Clubber.

The annual Key Club International Convention, was held in Phoenix, Arizona—the city of sunshine and perpetual summer days. We first landed on the Vegas strip and we were able to tour the magnificent Hoover Dam. We were also lucky enough to see one of the seven natural wonders of the world and a World Heritage Site—the Grand Canyon. With its powerful and inspiring landscape, it truly took my breath away. Overall it was an experience that I’ll never forget and I hope all the skills and information will help me be the best of service this year as Lt.Governor. New York District LTG of Division 10—Gresa Shala

At first glance, the main purpose of Key Club‘s International Convention is to go to workshops and caucuses as well as to elect the International Board for the upcoming year. However, there is so much more to the week than just caucuses. Commented Division 17 Lieutenant Governor Kelsey Habla, ―Some of the most memorable moments of the trip were the hours spent getting to know everybody on the tour. I became such good friends with everyone who went and became closer with Board members that I had only briefly spoken to previously.‖ Even though all of us had looked over the itinerary countless times, nobody knew what to expect. As far as the itinerary goes, everybody had a great time going to the Hoover Dam, an authentic gold mine, the Grand Canyon, and white water rafting. Located minutes away from a mall filled with shops and restaurants and minutes from the heart of Phoenix, the 4 star JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa provided the perfect backdrop for the workshops, caucuses and pin trading. Everyone enjoyed the workshops which taught everything from Icebreakers to how to organize a benefit concert. However, the memories that we all left Phoenix with came from the long bus rides, the talks in the hotel hallways before curfew, and the breaks in between the workshops. Said Division 25 LTG Andrew Abbey, ―I‘d have to say that my favorite part of the trip was meeting people from all around the country. I had fun hanging out with my new friends at the pool and at the dance.‖ Any free time that we had was spent either at the mall or relaxing at one of the ten hotel pools( my personal favorite being the lazy river). On a personal note, I must say that my week at ICON will never be forgotten. The late nights in the pool, the dances, and the amazing and slightly weird Key Clubbers I met from all around the country will stay with me for the rest of my life. Start fundraising now because I expect to see all of you in Orlando for 2012‘s International Convention.

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The Official Publication of the New York District

International Convention (ICON) was from June 29th-July 3rd in Phoenix, Arizona. For those of you who don’t know what ICON is, to sum it up briefly, it is a weekend full of 1,600 Key Clubbers from across the world (mostly the United States) that get together to swap pins, service ideas, learn from workshops, and elect our new International Officers. I, as a Lt. Governor, was lucky enough to be able to attend this great Convention. But, to back it up a little, before ICON, your District Board went on a tour of the west to see the Grand Canyon, the El Dorado Gold Mine, Ethel M’s Chocolate Factory and white water rafting. The consensus of the board was that though the bus trips were long it was overall probably the best week of our lives. Once we finally reached the actual convention we were all very excited to meet people from around the country. We even met people from Aruba and the Bahamas. The workshops were very educational and entertaining. I personally attended the Eliminate Project workshop where I learned that all it takes to save one mother and her children from dying of Maternal/Neonatal Tetnis is one dollar and eighty cents. That’s less than two dollars to save another’s life! I also attended a workshop on Graphic Standards. Those workshops really taught me great things that I can't learn any other place! Did I have the best week of my life? You better believe it! Am I dying to go again next year? Yes, I cannot wait for next year’s ICON. It will be held in Orlando, Florida. Do I believe you should join me there for all the fun in the sun? YES! New York State District LTG of Division 18: Sarah Brady

The 2011 Key Club International Convention has been the experience of a lifetime. Everything was quite memorable; whether it be the plane ride where everyone was asleep, the touring under the hot sun or the convention itself. This was the first time I had ever traveled without my family and I felt extremely privileged to be able to travel with my fellow district board members. Having never been in Vegas, it was great to visit the area for the first time (though the Las Vegas sign was not as grand as I thought). The Grand Canyon was amazing and having friends with me made walking on the edge of a narrow path hundreds of feet above ground a lot less scary. The convention itself was a great experience and it was fun to meet Key Clubbers from all around the country. The immense Key Club spirit was very enlightening and it felt so nice to make more friends. Though caucuses were six hours long and there were two rounds of caucuses, it was fun and inspiring to see people running for positions in the mission to serve. Though I'm not a dancer, the dances were surprisingly fun. I am extremely grateful to have had the privilege to attend such a great convention with such great people and I look forward to attending International Convention next year in Orlando, Florida! KEY CLUB IS THE BEST! -Daniel Ivan Lin New York District Secretary

New York District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin, LTG of Division 9: Helen Chen and LTG of Division 18: Sarah Brady

New York District‘s Governor (Domenick Pesce and District Secretary (Daniel Ivan Lin

Annie Lewandowski (Key Club International President), Daniel Ivan Lin (NY District Secretary), Yoo Eun Kim (International Trustee of California-Nevada-Hawaii District), Catt Lovins (Key Club International Vice President)

The Official Publication of the New York District

Page 25

Attending ICON in Phoenix, Arizona was one of the best experiences I will ever have. Not only did I get to see the Grand Canyon and go white water rafting on the District Tour, I also had the opportunity of getting to know the District Board, and even some members of the old board. You never really understand a group of people until you spend a lot of time with them, and on this trip the District Board certainly spent many long hours together. Whether we were sitting on the outrageously long bus rides with our crazy bus driver or walking along the Grand Canyon looking at one of the most amazing views in the world, the time I got to spend with my friends on the board was surely an unforgettable one.

LTG of Division 26: Andrew Abbey and LTG of Division 13: Stephanie Pena

- New York District LTG of Division 16: Ellen Dooley

Hey Key Clubbers! I don’t know about you guys, but my summer vacation has flown by too quick! As many of you already know, the New York District Board spent one week in the Arizona/Utah area for ICON 2011. For me, this trip was an unforgettable experience that was a nice combination of workshops, meeting new Key Clubbers, and having a good time with the Board. Throughout the weekend at the hotel, there was always something to do whether that be trading pins with other districts, taking a swim in the pool, or meeting the international office candidates.

LTG of Division 16: Ellen Dooley at the right

For those of you that are still wondering about ICON, it is basically LTC on the International Level. I recommend that everyone should go to ICON because even though it is a learning experience, it’s also a great way to make new friends. Overall, this was one of the best trips I’ve been on and can’t wait for next year’s ICON that is being held in Orlando, Florida. Hopefully I’ll see some of you there! Yours in Leadership and Service, Andrew Abbey, Division 26 Lt. Governor

LTG of Division 21: Bryan Comanici International convention was a crazy event where Key Clubbers from around the globe came together to spread and promote Key Club fever. The easiest way to describe ICON is our LTC but grown exponentially. There were still rounds of workshops, a house of delegates, and mind-boggling entertainers. At ICON we elected our international board. In my experience of the convention, the district tour however was by far the highlight of the trip and we got to visit some of the great landmarks of the southwest. ICON was a great time and I hope many of you go in the future. New York District LTG of Division 21—Bryan Comanici

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The Official Publication of the New York District

International Convention has been by far the greatest experience of my entire life. During this week, I traveled all across Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, while the actual convention portion of the experience was held in none other than Phoenix, Arizona. From driving through Las Vegas to seeing the breath-taking Grand Canyon up close and personal, to looking over the Hoover Dam that was built over 70 years ago to White Water Rafting, to visiting the same gold mine that Westerners traveled to during the 19th century, I cannot even begin to describe the

LTG of Division 17 :KelseyLiz Habla and LTG of Division 7: Jay Wong

beauties that I saw. It’s no wonder that the Grand Canyon remains as one of the 7 wonders of the United States! Being able to eat out with all of the members of the District Board while swimming and hot-tubing with Key Clubbers from across the country and across the world at our amazing hotel was certainly an experience I’ll never forget. At the actual Convention, we danced, saw an incredible magic show, attended workshops, and elected our new International Board. I was able to meet amazingly dedicated, intelligent, hilarious, and of course, gorgeous individuals from the Southwest, California, Ohio, etc. The eclectic mixture of over 1,000 Key Clubbers from all of the world made me realize how much MORE service, enthusiasm, and passion we are capable of bringing to the table. After countless sunburns, 117 degree weather, 6 hour bus rides and even longer plane rides, I’m glad to be home in the presence of my own division. New York District LTG of Division 7– Jay Wong


13: Stephanie LTG of Division 18: Sarah Brady, LTG of Division 9: Helen Chen, LTG of Division r: Emily Treasure District NY Baum, Zachary Pena, NY District Secretary: Daniel Ivan Lin, IP LTG: Gicewicz This year, 25 key clubbers attended Key Club’s international convention from June 27 th –July 3rd. During this week, we spent three days touring the surrounding attractions and the remainder of the time at the convention. The main purpose of the touring was to allow the NY district board to get to know one another better so that we would be able to work together more effectively. We spent MANY hours on the bus, allowing us to view the spectacular surroundings and the vast differences there were from upstate NY. The first place we toured after our flight arrived was the Hoover Dam, where we went ~300 ft under the surface in less than one minute in an elevator. Once we left we went to Ethel M’s chocolate factory and finally, went to the hotel. The following day was the tour of an old gold mine, followed by white water rafting. For the grand finale of our tour, we went to see one of the 7 wonders of the world… The Grand Canyon! On our way to the convention after seeing the Grand Canyon, we held a lengthy board meeting while stuck in standstill traffic. Discussing updates and other important information, we impressed the bus driver with our professionalism and showed him what Key Club is really about and what young leaders we are. After arriving at ICON, the first thing was to exchange pins. Everyone immediately went about trading LTC pins with all of the other districts. Attending workshops on things like graphic standards, Project Eliminate, and CMN, we learned vital information to help make our year a success. Also held there was a large service fair where clubs from all over showed off some of their projects and exchanged ideas. It was huge and inspired many other clubs to do more than the usual. On top of all of these fun activities, we spent 10 hours in caucus and the House of Delegates, electing our new international officers. Watching talent shows, guest speakers/entertainers, and seeing people receive awards, on top of everything else really made this a wonderful experience. I highly recommend everyone who can to attend next year’s ICON in Orlando, Florida. I assure you it is an experience you don’t want to miss! New York District LTG of Division 15—Katie Coley

The Official Publication of the New York District

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Service Spotlight Articles If you have a Club Spotlight article and want the article to be featured on the next issue of The Empire Key or the New York District Key Club website monthly, send your article to your Lieutenant Governor of District Editor at entitled ‗Service Spotlights‘

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Calling New York District’s Service Spotlights

Division 15’s Service Spotlight

Division 1’s Service Spotlight

Division 18’s Service Spotlight

Division 4’s Service Spotlight

Our District Governor: Domenick Pesce showing a side of service.

New York City’s Divisions give some help.

The Official Publication of the New York District

Page 29

Service Spotlights Issue 1 CARWASH! By Emilie Schmelzer On Sunday, June 5, members of Westhampton Beach's Key Club spent their day in the sun at a car wash benefitting the club. Some members stood on the side of the street, attracting the attention of passerby with bright-colored signs, while others washed, rinsed, and dried the cars so nicely that they sparkled in the midday sun. Luckily, many cars out on the road were dirty with the remnants of springtime's pollen, so the Key Club members ended up washing a about 25 cars, pickup-trucks and convertibles alike. $249.00 was raised by the afternoon. The car wash lasted from 10:30 a.m. to about 2:00 p.m., and took place in the parking lot of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post on Montauk Highway in Quogue. The Key Club decided to donate $50.00 of the money raised to the VFW, an organization that works to improve war veterans' health care and benefits. Because of the fundraising success, the club plans to hold a couple more car washes by the end of the summer. In this way, Westhampton Beach's Key Club will be able to start off the school year with enough money in the bank for their various community service projects. ―It was really great to get all of the support we did for the car wash. It’s great to know that our community can come together to support a local cause so readily‖ Alyssa Saccente WHB president

Division I The Morning After By Pat Nicolello

ior Prom of corated fro m the Jun the With the gym still de pa y Club pre res for New Hyde Park Ke is a on he nc Lu the night before, the en tiz Ci ng in. ―The Senior fili be ll de wi Hy o w wh Ne s senior ing where good foo d and danc great day filled with ciation for all pre ap ir the ity un mm Park can show the co visor Ms . Bocad d sai r,‖ ghout the yea their support throu chino . d other Student Council an With help fro m the teers lun vo s ask school, the Key Club nd ha le, clubs throughout the tab t ffe bu serve food at the to help prepare and y Senio r Citizen rt, and da nce with an sse de d an out drinks the live band plays nce floor. ―Beca use willing to go the da dance floor is the e, lik r Citizen’s music that the Senio esn’t matter if their nior Citizens. It do usually filled with Se seemed to want y od ryb er person, eve alone or with anoth Polizzi. Clubber Katherine to dance,‖ said Key ed with , the buffet table fill Besides the dancing lun r. Vo teers are another crowd please amazing food is also lty dish while cia spe r pasta, rice, or a asked to make eithe the tes na do Park Inn the local New Hyde part. the food is the best , me or ―F . en ick ch it se cau be d is great The home cooked foo n’t do y all rm no u yo t may be something tha and inach Pie or Sausage eat at home like Sp r nio Se the e giv r, we Peppers. Even bette to take the leftover Citizens Tupperware t y Club President Pa food home,‖ said Ke Nicolello. tja Anuth, Said Key Clubber Ka our thanks w sho to do ―It’s the least we can great the all let us do for the people who r.‖ yea the t ou things we do through

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Division VIII-A

Division IV

On May 7th, 2011 , William Cullen Bryant Key Club participated in th e Special Olympics as volunteers. Special Olympics held for people of is a tournament all ages who have mental and phys disabilities. This ical event gives these people a chance fun as they play ba to have sic sports with ot hers. This year’s Olympics Tourna Special ment was held in Victory Field, Fo Park in Queens. rest It was a worthy ev ent of attendance truly a memorab . It was le experience caus ing a type of impa everyone who atte ct on nded the event. O ur immediate pa Lieutenant Gover st nor of Division 8 before its split, Ch tina An and our riscurrent Lieutena nt Governor of D 8-A, Carla Pachec ivision o attended this ev ent with five mem from our Key Cl bers ub. We were statione d to help out at th game, which diffe e softball red from the tradi tional softball to commodate thos ace with special ne eds. Francisco, ou president, guided r vice the people who we re participating to station and back to the awards tabl our e. Every participan an award to show t got that they are truly appreciated. Car Christina, and tw la, o other members from John Adam Club were statione s Key d in one court. C indy (from Martin Luther Key Club ), Koko, Luisa, An nuary, and I were help the particip to ants throw bean sacks (which were impersonate softb used to alls for safety reas ons) and cheer th on. em Seeing the smiles on the player’s fa ing simple tasks wa ces after plays a blessing for ev eryone and it wa because of Key C s all lub. This happen ed thanks to a lo members in Key t of Club. A simple ta sk that we do can hundreds of smile bring s to their faces. Th e smiles they gave was heart warmin us g, they showed us that our presence support meant th and e world to them. Their smiles mea world to us. nt the By: Mahenoor Ba ig

The Official Publication of the New York District

Service Spotlights Continued... Issue 1

Special O lympics

Division VI

Division 6 Lt. Governor Becky Hopkins and District Governor Domenick Pesce set up for a Kiwanis Italian Cook-Off which raised over $1,200 for various Kiwanis community efforts.

ub’s Ca r Wash Oceanside Key Cl mon Si ax By M

its first ol Key Club held anside High Scho ce r popuO ou ly, gh Ju ou of th rday, the 30 one indeed! Al us ro pe os pr ra dius ry So this past Satu ile ve da yone in a 10 -m y, many years; an that funneled an at r wash ca he car wash in man r se ou ten to in e e d only by th beach and cam e th to go oking ’t lo r dn larity was thwarte at di t, but a shiny ca cool off. Those th a $5 lighter walle r ly ou on m to the beaches to th fro wi t d lef ort we receive ey did as they y woul d the amazing supp da r were sure glad th fo is t th no le, If sa w. ke ne ly brand aged the ba almost complete s mom who man , our club will more than $300 and our secretary’ t ng en isi id Ra es s. Pr s wa ni it Kiwa success as ojects that will be been as big of a only start new pr t no to we ry ey surely not have ssa on ce m donate the with the funds ne also we hope to ll as start off the year annual list, but b’s ict projects as we str clu r di e ou th to of in e m so to ng ks di en un come defined ch at ge rength: aimed of the year in lar of Share Our St ise ra up to make at the end ro le bg ab su a be le, ll ican Bake Sa ut the year, we wi ho ug ginro be th a , The Great Amer lly to efu als. Cheers ica by 2015. Hop district project go e th of hunger in Amer y an m in make dents enough money to l service year! fu er nd wo a ning of th

Division VII

The Official Publication of the New York District

- Christo pher Won g Edward R . Murrow done man Key Club y events fr has o m April 2 sent. But, 011 to th there was e preone event most mem that we th orable. Th in k was is e vent was Olympics the Specia at the Un l it e d Cerebra York City l Palsy of , or UCP N . e T w h e Special on May 2 Olympics 7, 2011 a w t a th s e UCP Bro ERMHS Key Club oklyn Sch o p o a rticipated l. along wit in this ev h our LT ent, G of cours children e! We help play in m ed the any of the events, lik activities e mini go a n d lf, obstacle more. It w courses, a as fun to n d help the c though, so hildren p me of the la y . Alevents, th not partic e children ipate in, w could e continu and supp ed to enc ort them. ourage We liked UCP as a to think of th place whe e re it isn’t what we c about win an or can ning or n o t d o. It’s a p ing, lovin lace of gro g and lau ghing. W wcomplish e feel con ed, and a tent, acw e so me since help othe we were a rs have fu ble to n. We ho Key pe that ev ery other Club-

Division IX

Page 31

Service Spotlights Continued...

Issue 1 Service Project: 4th Annual Tour de Queens By Kenny Eng

Chinatown B eautification Day -Kevin Deng Greetings Key Clubbers! On August 21 st, 2 volunteers fro 011, m all division s ga thered togeth at the Chines er e Consolidated Benevolent A ciation in Ch ss o inatown. It is basically a Ch community ce in ese nter where th e Chinatown Initiatives ho Youth sted this won derful event. all given brigh We were t red shirts w ith cute little on them. But pictures they weren’t ju st for show! O that day, man n y teenagers w alked around streets of Chin th e atown with gl oves on and br brushing. Th o oms ere were diffe rent teams, al certain street l gi ven s to clean, an d with patien did our best tr ce , w e ying to pick u p garbage. It nitely was NO d ef iT a clean job , but everyon have their lau e did ghs. The day was long and after the hard h ot, but work, everyon e seemed to n how empty an otice d clean the st reets were! W success and fa it h ces of satisfac tion, we ended day with a few our drinks and a closing cerem the event site o n y at . Every day, m ore than a mil people pollute li on our streets; h owever, we kn that our action ow is of a good an d kind heart. with faith and And hope, we can open the eyes many others of to help and sa ve this world live in. that we

Division VIII

Page 32

The school year had ended and summer had arrived, but that didn’t stop members from showing their dedication Division XI to our Key Club. On Sunday July 10th , there was the Fourth Annual Tour de Queens, a 20-mile bike ride across the borough. Due to the ―few more able bodied‖ Key Clubbers that signed up to volunteer at the event, the group was split in half for different shifts: one was at registration in Flushing Meadows Corona Park and another at a rest stop at Forest Park. Those who assisted in registration directed people to the start location and handed out stickers as the riders signed in. Others sold t-shirts and bicycle lights at a nearby tent. The rest stop crew helped feed the hungry riders as well as keeping them hydrated for the next half of the ride. From setting a smooth start to keeping riders energized, we helped make sure it was a bike ride to remember.

l Schoo s High ior" g in r p en aS ed a "S t aratog The S lub organiz ens this pas Key C senior citiz ingly well. az for Prom d it went am made up of n " a e , e l t i t mi early Apr m com bers met n d of o r p " m n A t the e 3-5 me about k, starting a ing until e u e every w y and contin day of the Januar h, 2011, the d in order hel 30t April e event was rove the h T imp event. se funds to e Saratoga i a to r o be g at th mmin t of funds t r a r g o r n p ve u o o t am rose e targe well that it ations of h T . s n n so got ovatio ure do b did for ren he Key Clu e able to sec . They even tiy e n o s t r r ci ut em ion we as rais me event, b b members nd decorat c. The senio lub ll e w a i s i us ra st-t rs, yC Clu Cente '60s m luntee this fir ool Ke r. Key Senior was $250 at nior Cente pcakes!), vo lay '50s and ga High Sch lready plan u a e p c o S s d t 't i d s e a e n s r n u b i ra icio fit th ers ca ime a that the Sa ll! The clu deeee-l o bene their t memb a $400 t petizers and s to donate y requested ce in the F 2, and the d on prom n an 01 he ap oo food ( d the Byego t time that t g a square d Spring of 2 d donated f n e n a n i a e h a t d r y e g u s ered Bet ha ienc . incl m in ad suc nces a year-- Senior" Pro ber volunte nding exper h s n e z o l" em da great b ze six lub m annua organi hold a 2nd ingle Key C out to be a s d o cik ning t lmost every and it turne i Krul t Krist n e d i wait! A night, s e lub Pr d By; C e t t i m Sub

Division XV

The Official Publication of the New York District

Service Spotlights Continued...

Issue 1 0-2011 Year

201 AIDS Walk 2011 and Finale to

from all over the city and Imagine a day where Key Clubs For veteran members, er. metropolitan area come togeth mind when I say that. to we all know which event comes too will know what I am For new members, I hope you is a yearly event talking about. The AIDS Walk t amount of money highlighted not only by the grea caring volunand raised but also by the devoted of the events I one teers and walkers it hosts. It is g and walkkin wor look forward to. Key Clubbers le cause. sing a er ing with one another united und

Tamarac Ser ves -Arianna Sch Soldiers neider.

Division XVIII

Tamarac asse mbled seven boxes full o these boxes f goodies fo were as full r our troops! as they could We made su be without re that bursting op en! Molly W and Ariann ar ri ngton a Schneider assembled these boxes, the Friday af ter regents ended. They went shopp ing with their adviso r to pack up , lab finally, ship the boxes. T el, and he Tamarac advisor is se nding them o ut during July, because we thought that it would be nic e fo gift during th r them to receive a e summer si n schools sen d boxes duri ce many n g the school year. We ho pe to contin ue this project and sen d many mo re boxes

and renowned diviDivision 11, one of the largest brought a large sions in the district, has always S Walk. This year number of students to the AID to see students ased was no different. I was very ple honor to volthe from many of the schools. I had and wave own my n unteer with a school other tha as your district ing ng girl, serv er ue of a you to walkers from Division 11. Aft ed on a stat and developed b h ri wit sc er nte in volu is not bings Earth," bulletin editor, I find it hard to mi paper atomic bom r. Peace on to my left was ing eating origa wish, time of the is o ur praye Sitt . cr e is city e h th the r T m ove at o all y. h a rs cr g bbe im r Key Clu Hirosh anted a her nursin "This is ou es will be gr is of Staten High School of Sciwho lived in he spent her time in 1,000 cran S ako Sasaki, a Key Clubber from the Bronx es bas . ad n e ak S o th m ti ia as er d that g story w at whoev Key Clubber from o m the ra for a nation e legend th his inspirin ey T leukemia fr th n ence. Sitting to my right was a l e. o il iv lf m al g fu in ay to is st g isri ra reg to F in d was ir I n as e, an es O w tim d e . g h , cranes dangers only wis of helpin Bayside High School. At the sam d radiation , in hopes ars old her ose less an an h ye th p Hig is 2 r cal Ja 1 hni fo r am at Tec e n fo yn u d iv okl h an Wis akes, ts dwill al tering a Key Clubber from Bro ’s event, A ce and goo ant earthqu Island Tech e together on one fro m const spirit of pea cam s il e ool o sch th s. nt rm es ere ep diff tu r en ke g Fou . ar n to ci School r raise aw is experien th it was everyone’s job er cranes fo forming to are the odds of that 5 , creating pap ing and per es at tiny section of the park. What to an n in o cr d l rt day, April 1 y al b fo e and ef s and sm d suffering m bers put tim l as mesh bags of star o b fr happening on any regular day? lu fortunate an c C si u ey m K el e w es ech y big family. When They say that Key Club is a ver endous amount of trem a families break apart there is t now. I have righ feel I pain that is felt. That is how There have rs. yea r fou been a part of this family for t experience bes the was been ups and downs. Yet, this graduation, to n dow nt of high school. As the days cou r. It is the successes that so do my days as a Key Clubbe Club forever. This make me want to remain in Key t to congratulate wan I year was filled with successes. my successor and as nt Amber Lee on her appointme r. yea b Clu wish her the best for this Key Jensen Cheong I.P. District Bulletin Editor

an dT es as Club to Jap Staten Islan n for our event. Cran The estyle Dance local band, io re e at F th ar y p b d s re an p ce b in an lu ntry and C ks rm u c ee fo si co w er u e p thre ter ridden hamber M as C ent, where is ev d m e o d fr th g othan y g d in at ing melo ’s sufferin ce of help were sold s, an uplift e import an eo of Japan rt d courth ea vi f H en o a s y g m n b o in io d d Kingd d donat nderstan companie an u r ac ee u s, fr o le t e 00 rt er gh ,5 u w li 1 shments a total of Awk ward T to enhance and hig h crisis . Refre r that day, the f ie o ed rl gh e p ea u el m b h ti ro r lu le th peop by Key C ief fund an in thei p el d R Ja el h y al ll n le ia io sa ec at e rn ak ers, and esp ds the Inte ition of a b ith the add icated towar aged, and w ed with proceeds ded alma and visor Ms. P rais ad as b w u s cl ar ll to o d ose in thanks d helping th origami ith special Red Cross. successful w e to the community an as as ch w su b s lu le C ap ltural st out servic eld by Key cu ab h g l t n te a culal ti en ra is ea b ev b cr le is lu Th gether and order to ce lub! Key C to in C g i ss in sh ro rk all, we all su C o the Red ay than w arth. After hand-sewn w E r d n te o an et b ce ea at wh vocate p need, and ture and ad . it n live o in Jessica Fed Written by

A Service Spotlight Article from out IP District Bulletin Editor: Jenson Cheng

The Official Publication of the New York District

Division X

Page 33

Hey New York, it’s Comic time!

Page 34

The Official Publication of the New York District

Fun and Games in this word search Try to Find These words


Make your own crossword puzzle with your own words that fit the shape above! All related to Key Club. It could be names, objects, anything! Answer next issue!



The Official Publication of the New York District

Page 35

Calling In the District : What do you have to say?

nteer. I ved: volu lo I g in do someth b ontinue to c lu C to a y it st n that? at the han Ju pportu o idea th ted to just : More T me the o n a b e ic d v lu a d a e C h g d I y it e t b K use , bu a clu join beca nt people tter then ouie of differe wanted to others. What be t I lo t a a t th e b e By Sara L body was a clu help t to m y student Club was happy to would ge m y I e f e t o m K a , e ty th ir d ri a d fa jo l an sm at the ma nization the schoo d it alway asthe fact th hout the world. huge orga alked into middle school an a to w s I a it w n d e y Club w it te h g u u W attrib I knew n thro nds. ughout d that Ke ly o s. ie ze ro n ti n fr li o b n o th a e st d ti lu ll re a m a se ta C I h c ey clo tI t to re. xpe did this eing in K viting, bu me of my istrict, no eople th e ssed my e doing. B zing. I undersincere p far surpa ice and in rough the whole d p being so re n y u st e b o w d re b n e m y e e w lu d a y th C n ld th he am st a hat Key eet wou great. T ing truly extended f the nice cause they loved w ha. ;) would m of som eth like a beaver. Ha Club were at this amiability e et some o b y rt m e a s people I I a p K w a t. E a s S it a , th th e M w it c S d I ze n d otho li H a e w a d k y to e li re n d rs ey Ik g an to show idn’t le in m I unde because th e a Key Clubber. would sin lute best The peop iendly people. I d t re C 2010, so e h T b g L th a u , y o ’t e b c n m th n o d to were h fr ond nfere ub and d filled wit ople in it , I have been prou and without a sec ining Co my own cl . The pe n in y rship Tra o re h il e e it d n m h a e w e fa e t L th b a . n t e to ily de At my firs b…it was more lik er imagined. From it’s a fam vice presi so happy ev ip role as b isn’t just a club, ople were clu h e e a v p rs a e st h se d e a ju ld le th ’t u n y ea Clu I co stood wh ose to tak ore then ly is. Key meant m rence, I ch hat Key Club tru fe n o c e w After th atness of ers the gre Brooklyn Tech Key Club hosted Division 9 Beach Clean-Up By: Jim Chan On August 7th, 2011, Brooklyn Technical High School’s Key Club hosted its 2nd Annual Division 9 Coney Island Beach Cleanup. Despite the cloudy weather, almost all of our Division 9 schools were able to make it—Abraham Lincoln, John Dewey, Midwood, Brooklyn Tech, Murrow, and even Madison (This school’s Key Club was previously inactive). The day started off with members meeting us at Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs. We walked to the Boardwalk and were greeted by two Parks Department workers who were eager to have us. They explained to us how to use the supplies (sifters, stabbers, and grabbers), we each took a pair of gloves, and we were off! During this clean-up, we first worked on removing the glass from the beach using the sifters. In fact, a lifeguard came up to my group and asked, ―Are you guys forced to do this [community service]?‖ We laughed and replied no—we were doing this out of the goodness of our hearts. He thanked us for our hard work and mentioned that little kids frequently got injuries from stepping on hidden glass in the sand. After that, we moved onto the garden, using stabbers/ grabbers to pick up napkins, tobacco stubs—basically any litter left behind by apathetic beach goers. Those three hours passed so quickly—all of us were having fun while making the beach a safer, cleaner place to go to. Though I had to wake up on early on a Sunday morning, and got sunburned after the event, I personally felt that this was the very message of Key Club. When I joined Key Club, I pledged on my honor to serve my community. And that was exactly what I did that day.

Key Club. To some people these two words represent just a club where they can volunteer toget credits and hours. However to me, these two words mean more than just a club, it's a group of family members who love to do what I do. Everytime I go to events with Key Clubbers to clean up a neighborhood or to help out with the walks, it's like going with family members to volunteer. Key Club is like a family to me, and I will continue to be a member even after I finish high school.

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Calling Out from the District: to life after Key Club

Hello members of the New York District of Key Club International, My name is Josephine Lukito and I am serving as the 2011-2012 District Governor to the New York District of Circle K International (NYCKI)! For those who do not know, Circle K International is like the college version of Key Club; we are the largest collegiate community service organization in the world, a sponsored youth program of Kiwanis International, and the next step in your Kiwanis Family journey! We live to serve, and love to serve and, just like you, we aim to help out our community, whether it be the elementary school nearby or the hospital in Kenya. As you move on from high school, growing from freshman to future high school graduates, many of you will start to think, ―Well shoot. Now that there’s no more Key Club, what am I supposed to do with my life?‖ And that’s perfectly normal! As a past Key Club member and officer myself (Bronx Science 2008!), I know exactly how that feels. Then, I discovered Circle K International! If you’re a high school student that wants to go to college, I highly encourage you to look into Circle K International as your next step. We have amazing clubs throughout the New York District, and if you want to see what we are all about (or see what college is all about), don’t hesitate to ask any CKI members, including myself, about what it means to be a college student and proud CKI member! If you have any questions regarding Circle K International, particularly within the New York District, feel free to shoot me an email:! I look forward to working with you in this exciting 2011-2012 year!

(Left) District Governor of New York District Circle K International: Josephine Lukito, (Right) District Secretary of New York District Key Club of Key Club International: Daniel Ivan Lin

New York District of Circle K International Live to serve, love to serve.

Greetings Mighty New York District! My name is Kelly Chan and I am serving as club president of the Queens College Circle K as well as the Marketing & K-Family Relations chair for the New York district (NYCKI) for this service year. My passion and dedication to the K-Family was founded in the Bayside HS Key Club. It was during those years where I learned what it meant to be selfless through serving my home, school and community. Going to service projects, being able to put a smile on other’s face’s, hearing the words ―thank you‖ and being exhausted after a long day were the reasons why I fell in love with service. It was those incredible experiences that ensured me to know that although I was graduating high school, I was not leaving the K-Family. I knew that it was my call-of-duty to continue serving and to fully develop myself into the leader I am today and will be. It is my job as NYCKI’s K-Family chair to push you, Key Clubber’s, to make the same choice I made when I graduated- to stay in the K-family. Think about all the lives you were able to impact, the friend’s you’ve made and the leader Key Club has built you into. Now think about how much this can skyrocket by joining Circle K and staying in the K-Family. If you never had the chance to hold a leadership position in KCI, CKI will give you that opportunity. CKI will not only give you service and leadership opportunities, it will give you the chance to build fellowships with people who inevitably become your second family. It will allow you to reach your full potential and give you that rewarding feeling of doing good. This service year, I challenge you to reach out to the different branches of the K-Family because we are one family. Go see what your family has to offer, whether it be the youngest ones in K-Kids, the middle school kids in Builder’s Club, Circle K, Kiwanians or the adults with disabilities in Aktion Club because after all, we all have dedicated ourselves to service.

The Official Publication of the New York District

Page 37

Calling Out from the District: to other Key Club Districts

Greetings from C

Hello New York!

alifornia! It is my pleasure to be writing to yo u all today! My na am currently wor me is Christine C king as the Bulletin hen and I Editor for Cal-Nev District of Key C -Ha KIWIN‘S, th lub International. e 32 nd I am currently a Se School and have be nior at Palos Ver en part of the KIW des High IN‘S family for fo who are not famili ur years now. For ar with KIWIN‘S those , we are part of K share similar goal ey Club Internatio s and dedication nal and to service as Key C from California, lubbers. Our Dist Nevada to Hawai ri ct extends i. Ju st Mission. One Wor as our district mot d: KIWIN‘S‖ sugg to, ―One Family. One ests, we are a clos in over 50 clubs th e knit group with at are spirited and m embers passionate in serv derstanding the im ing our commun portance of team ity and unwork.

Bee: California– NevadaHawaii District Mascot

Page 38

After our current board was elected in spring, we have for this upcoming all been working year. We have be hard en planning a numbe cluding, Fall Rally r of district events , District Convent inion, and district-w This year we have ide community pr a major goal to ac ojects. complish. Our D dette Lim, establish istrict Governor, ed Project ONE, Bernaa project aiming to elementary school improve and prom education within ote the local and glob we working towar al context. Not on ds bettering elem ly are entary school educ also working alon ation locally, but g with One Dolla we are r For Life (a partne $6,500 to renovate r of Kiwanis) to ra and rebuild a scho ise over ol in Indonesia. T jects that our mem his is one of man bers will be partic y proipating over the co urse of this year. Despite being on the other side of the country, I belie yours share many ve that my district of the same qualiti and es and dedication to the incredible serv service. I commen ice you all have ac d all of complished and en in bettering our co courage you all to mmunity. As we continue are all just high sc we, as Key Club In hool students, I th ternational, have ink that accomplished man this letter has allo y remarkable feat wed you to get to s. I hope kn ow us better and visit us one day in I warmly welcom California! e you all to Yours In Spirit an d Service, Christine Chen Cal-Nev-Ha KIW IN‘S :32nd District of Key Club Intern District Public Rel ational ations/ Editor

The Official Publication of the New York District

Calling Out from the District: to other Key Club Districts continued...

trict, lorida Dis F y n n u s om the

odeling pr o M d n a s fr a lesentoring Greeting bers teach lubs ose the M b h c lu C m a y e e oug R have K sked c overnor D ea behind it is to students. We’ve a nts for G r u o , r a This ye ct. The id to serve younger equireme he only r y or’s proje a T n r w . e n y v s e o r a g e d il is d gram as h d. It’s a simple an hools and tutor ch il c s h c r e a g son to isit youn vents or v : e ld o h to are to count ught a project is being ta n o s s le ild 1. A ht to a ch g u ta is our n sso Last year, t. 2. The le c je o r P ON in TE ard at IC LIMINA w E a e e th th is d chale t has been sking our distric te walk. We receiv n io in is h iv s u d a p h Another e Elimina CI. This year, eac easurer Eric Riser th t a 0 0 r ,9 oney in K District T aised $11 DCON r raising the most m minate as well as for oject. ards Eli Phoenix draiser pr oney tow n m fu e e is a id r ision w Marco lenged to hold a div CON on we h D c a is e n a to them here, rida Kiw d our Flo ving in Florida.) T r the dise d n e tt a ts to li all ove recently ith the benefi ians from ict board f n o tr a is e iw d n K r (o and sat w u t s to r O ir o k a s a e p e r p s d to islan our K lit up in d got to beautiful kshops an s Key Clubbers sp h them and build . r o w Island, a ir e r area act wit any of th anquet, u s to inter ding day with you u went to m ay night for the b r fo y a rd great w ily bon trict. Satu s. It was a ommend a K-fam n ia n a iw c K highly re different nship. I o ti la e r y famil

Jenny Tintner—Florida District Key Club Editor


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Page 39

Calling Out from District to other Districts continued...

l and so, ona l Pa ternati ildren rs were ick E ge erand 11 In y ill ch embe and N ally lar for s riously , o c c i m sl se om 20 nt xi Me of the seriou of our reside ograph y of ro s with nterna e w e m i r t e P k t o g o n or an le tw ice sf e co i a, N tric ur zon ost dis d bead ued as onal V eads o eaves p hich w ecome ice . W e chil i r th b ti h ie rv ,w tl sl gA in din s the rs carr k cont nterna ichard e Wes harity b, has gful se tonio, t! He, u l c A c lu anin : An stric n rth! be strea , as I sa R in th his i t yC s al , i lub r ion on ea Key C n' hot easure Vane e here rage. T of Ke rm me masco west D t a n b i r p , u o c r r l h s f k y/T o u a d t per ern f Co e he Inte y Cl ove ed a smo t sp r Sou lub of Ke ly sizzl . Our ecreta nt Gov All tha eads o ith th ther to ur bel t the C ey ou us re tS ge ict ko s. sB dw ain of K t distr e cert l tetan ur pas e. Cur e mile year, i ict, an ing to can as one ab t c i s k r o e a y r or ou ist a, w nat istr the ust ver ns, otte qua st D the h Arizon al/neo t Lovi nal Tr ,000 s ect for west D er of w ions? Y hing e e w t t c j h atio 250 Pro Ca uth st be nix, tea pow ues out tern r e So ay ju Phoe E ma Board: Intern nearly istrict the S ds the Any q ds and h T ' dito an ross he D ere in rstan erve. frien E s, m ion in INAT onal a s n x a i ac lso t ht h unde we s M rnati nor, Te vent let new s a r g ubs ELI e Bul I l l Con ed to he Int t Gove ting cl s, and ded ri rtainly other a aking erve!' C o s t arr k m c e n t ct K aC wal ted to ur pas conne projec as fou trict c t each tion, ady to istri n n D s o n r i , e c e w A est ele orzio, h flair avorit ilies, est D suppo Conve and r thw f w DeP rict wit f our eir fam South ds and nd at bly hot Sou u o dist ! One and th ! The groun ng aro ncredi k i n i e n c o s c i e a m i i t v ildr aniza rent b im roa west, h c ill al org diffe see h South y tion man u may in the m o lse fr ! Yo per yone e p e p ever like


er — Pepp ascot i l i h C ict M The Distr t s e w outh

A Big thank to Cal-Nev-Ha, Florida, and Southwest District Key Club Editors OUR 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION WAS HELD IN THE SOUTHWEST DISTRICT

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The Official Publication of the New York District

Editor’s Notes 

Editor’s Note: If you want your ―Calling In the District‖ articles to be starred in the EK, just send an email to me with your article (relevant to that season's topic) via This issue’s topic was anything revolving your experience in Key Club. Next issue‘s topic will be What does Key Club mean to you? How has it changed you? Include your own picture!

My family: The New York District Board! Fun fact: I still aim for the most points in my Home Club, because Key Club is

The Official Publication of the New York District

Send in Service Spotlights to yo ur LTG for them to post in th eir monthly newslet ters.  Send in Se rvice Spotlights to District Editor Amber Le e or District W ebmaster Oscar T an to be posted on the District web site. We accept all articles/pictures as long as it ha s to do with service.  Raise mon ey and gather hours for the District Proj ects.  Check out the District web site from time to time.  Participate in events that ha ve to do with the Governo r's Project. Below is a beaver design ed by our Dis tr ic t Governor Domen ick Pesce after th e announcing of The Governor’s Project ―Music an d Art Within our Hearts‖  Save your calendar for the 2012 International Con vention and Lead ership Training C onference in M ar ch in Albany, New York.  Check for new updates on the District website. Jo in our mailing list and New York District Key C lub face book group.  Contact us all the time. W e will answer and we have very help ful resources for al l of you form m ember to officer.  STAY TU NED FOR TH E NEXT ISSUE.

Page 41

Resources and Reminders Issue 1

This section will contain helpful links to websites that you may find resourceful.—The New York District Key Club Website. There are past newsletters, online forms, contact information and other updates about District Projects that you may find on this site.—The Key Club International Website. This website provides us with detailed information from becoming a member to running for international office. It provides essential resources and documents for Club officers to work with as well.— The New York District Circle K. Did you enjoy reading about life after Key Club? Well, more information will be provided here about Key Club at a college level.—Google Group for Secretaries. It is recommended that all New York Club Secretaries join this group so that you can obtain the latest secretarial updates for your home club.— Google Group for Treasurers. It is recommended that all New York Club Treasurers join this group so that you can obtain the latest treasury updates for your home club.

otal ts, if the t ric je o r p e vic pprop For all ser ut in an a o d e ll fi t listed o hours is n the service project er, . ate mann e counted will not b

Page 42

Remember to submit all forms on time like the LTG Evaluation Forms, MRF‘s, and Club Status Reports.

A Club is still required to submit a Monthly Report Form even if they did not have any service projects that month.

Always submit an Fundraising Report Form (FRF) after each Fundraising event held.

Remember that Service Spotlights are highly urged and they can we used as part of service for MRF forms as well.

Club spotlights may earn the recognition to be starred on the NYDKC website so write an article after each successful event attended.

Stay in touch with your sponsoring Kiwanis.

Look into knowing the District Projects this year.

Read The Empire Key for important updates from the District.

Enjoy the school year and welcome to a new service year at Key Club!

The Official Publication of the New York District

Committee List Issue 1

Governor‘s Project

Distinguished Key Clubber

Chair: Lt. Governor Emma Cheng Lt. Governor Stephanie Pena

Chair: Lt. Governor Antonio Xu Liu & Lt. Governor Jay Wong

Lt. Governor Kelsey Habla

Lt. Governor Annie Porfido

District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz

Lt. Governor Helen Chen

Lt. Governor Michelle Hand

Kiwanis– Family Relations District Projects

Chair: Lt. Governor Ellen Dooley

Chair: LT. Governor Nick Viviano

Lt. Governor Josh Hill

Lt. Governor Stephanie Pena

Lt. Governor Nicole Jones

Lt. Governor Kelsey Habla

Lt. Governor Andrew Abbey

Lt. Governor Josh Hill Lt. Governor Alexandra Marrone

International Projects and Programs Chair: Lt. Governor Sarah Brady Lt. Governor Marcus Mosely Lt. Governor Nicole Jones Lt. Governor Nickolas Boroda Lt. Governor Emily Gonthier

New Club Building and Reactivation Chair: Lt. Governor Carla Pacheco Lt. Governor Katie Coley Lt. Governor Bryan Comanici Lt. Governor Andrew Abbey

Public Relations Chair: District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz Lt. Governor Nickolas Boroda District Bulletin Editor Amber Lee

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Chair: Lt. Governor Becky Hopkins Lt. Governor Gresa Shala Lt. Governor Annie Porfido Lt. Governor Helen Chen

Laws and Regulations Chair: Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman

Advocacy Chair: Lt. Governor Holly Flores Lt. Governor Katie Coley Lt. Governor Michelle Hand Lt. Governor Jessica Green

The Official Publication of the New York District

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Domenick Pesce

District Governor

Daniel Ivan Lin

District Secretary

Emily Gicewicz

District Treasurer

Amber Lee

District Bulletin Editor

Oscar Tan

District Webmaster

Yasmin Soliman

District Executive Assistant

Nicole Jones

Lieutenant Governor Division 1

Annie Porfido

Lieutenant Governor Division 2

Holly Flores

Lieutenant Governor Division 3

Nicholas Viviano

Lieutenant Governor Division 4

Nickolas Boroda

Lieutenant Governor Division 5

Becky Hopkins

Lieutenant Governor Division 6

Jay Wong

Lieutenant Governor Division 7

Antonio Xu Liu

Lieutenant Governor Division 8

Carla Pacheco

Lieutenant Governor Division 8A

Helen Chen

Lieutenant Governor Division 9

Page 44

The Official Publication of the New York District




Gresa Shala

Lieutenant Governor Division 10

Emma Cheng

Lieutenant Governor Division 11

Marcus Paul Mosley

Lieutenant Governor Division 12

Stephanie Pena

Lieutenant Governor Division 13

Katherine Coley

Lieutenant Governor Division 15

Ellen Dooley

Lieutenant Governor Division 16

KelseyLiz Habla

Lieutenant Governor Division 17

Sarah Brady

Lieutenant Governor Division 18

Sean O‘ Connor

Lieutenant Governor Division 19

Bryan Comanici

Lieutenant Governor Division 21

Jessica Green

Lieutenant Governor Division 22

Joshua Hill

Lieutenant Governor Division 23

Emily Gonthier

Lieutenant Governor Division 24

Alexandra Marrone

Lieutenant Governor Division 25

Andrew Abbey

Lieutenant Governor Division 26

Michelle Hand

Lieutenant Governor Division 27

The Official Publication of the New York District

Page 45


317-875-8755 ♦ US AND CANADA: 800 KIWANIS

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