Mortgage Women Magazine 2023 Issue 6

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IS S U E 6, 2023


Team Up

To Be A Greater Force






Picture your dream home. Now look down. There’s a bright red line keeping you out. Join host Katie Jensen as we dive into redlining and the legacy of discrimination. You’ll hear first-hand accounts from those who’ve had to fight back to achieve their dreams. And we’ll challenge industry leaders on how to rewrite this legacy.

Listen by following the link or by subscribing wherever you get your podcasts.

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IS S U E 6, 2023


Team Up

To Be A Greater Force






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The New England Mortgage Expo returns to the fabulous Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino in 2024! With over 2000 attendees in 2023, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to be a part of New England’s largest and most exciting mortgage event — the largest regional mortgage show in the nation. Join your peers for an exiting day of networking, product showcases, educational sessions, motivational speakers, and so much more! Find a mortgage event near you. For mortgage brokers, originators, processors, underwriters, and anyone looking to grow within the industry.

STAFF Vincent M. Valvo CEO, PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Beverly Bolnick ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Kelly Hendricks MANAGING EDITOR Christine Stuart NEWS DIRECTOR Keith Griffin SENIOR EDITOR Erica Drzewiecki, Katie Jensen, Ryan Kingsley, Sarah Wolak STAFF WRITERS Tina Asher, Michele Bodda, Vanessa Bodnar, Laura Brandao, Chrissy Brown, Jack Dunn, Ashley Gravano, Mary Margaret Hogan, Veronica Nguyen CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Alison Valvo DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC GROWTH Regina Morgan ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVE Nicole Coughlin ADVERTISING ASSOCIATE Julie Carmichael PROJECT MANAGER Meghan Hogan DESIGN MANAGER Stacy Murray, Christopher Wallace GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGERS Navindra Persaud DIRECTOR OF EVENTS William Valvo UX DESIGN DIRECTOR Andrew Berman HEAD OF CUSTOMER OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT Krystina Coffey, Matthew Mullins MULTIMEDIA SPECIALIST Melissa Pianin MARKETING & EVENTS ASSOCIATE Kristie Woods-Lindig ONLINE ENGAGEMENT SPECIALIST

Submit your news to If you would like additional copies of Mortgage Women Magazine Call (860) 719-1991 or email © 2023 American Business Media LLC. All rights reserved. Mortgage Women Magazine is a trademark of American Business Media LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Advertising, editorial and production inquiries should be directed to: American Business Media LLC 88 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury, CT 06089 Phone: (860) 719-1991


Shining A Spotlight On What’s Good In The Mortgage Industry


s we wrap up the final issue of Mortgage Women Magazine for the year 2023, it’s impossible not to reflect on the challenges and triumphs that have defined the mortgage industry over the past 12 months. Undoubtedly, it has been a year like no other, marked by resilience, adaptation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. The mortgage industry has navigated through a sea of changes, facing unprecedented hurdles that demanded swift and innovative responses from professionals across the board. As we close the chapter on 2023, we Kelly Hendricks acknowledge the tireless efforts of the incredible women who have played pivotal roles in steering our industry through these turbulent times. Your dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment have not gone unnoticed. In this issue, we shine a spotlight on the industry’s bright spots with a special feature dedicated to celebrating the top employers for women in the mortgage sector. These organizations have demonstrated a commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity, and professional growth, setting a standard for excellence that we hope will inspire others in the years to come. As we approach the end of the year, we encourage you to take a moment to celebrate not only your professional achievements but also the precious moments with family and loved ones. The holiday season offers a well-deserved opportunity to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters. Looking ahead to 2024, we recognize that the mortgage industry will continue to navigate uncertainties. Yet, it’s crucial to approach the challenges with the same resilience that has defined us throughout 2023. Remember that in the face of adversity, there is also opportunity. Embrace change, seek innovative solutions, and continue to support one another as we collectively shape the future of our industry. As we bid farewell to 2023, let’s carry forward the lessons learned, the bonds strengthened, and the victories achieved. Here’s to a new year filled with endless possibilities, growth, and success. May your holidays be joyful, and may 2024 be a year of prosperity and resilience for each and every one of you. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a bright start to the New Year! Warm regards,

Kelly Hendricks Managing Editor, Mortgage Women Magazine




Blazing a Path … Raising the Bar


Passion Perseverance Let Your

Support Your



By LAURA BRANDAO, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine

odi Hall is the founder of DandaRoad Consulting, a company that provides strategic advice focusing on mortgage technology for lenders and tech companies through strategic management and execution education, process automation and business coaching. Jodi is the former president and chief operating officer of Nationwide Mortgage Bankers Inc. and she is currently based in Cambridge Ohio. MORTGAGE WOMEN MAGAZINE • Issue 6, 2023


Jodi grew up in Summerfield, a small farming community in southeast Ohio. She credits her upbringing with giving her a strong work ethic and giving her a grounded and community-based approach to life. She recalls her parents and grandparents as being the hardest working people she knows, and that example has been a guiding principle for her in her life and career. How did you get your start in the mortgage industry? Jodi Hall: I was a graduate student at John Carroll University in 1999 working as a graduate assistant and making $400 a month. I needed to make a better salary, so I attended a job fair at the university and was recruited by Ameriquest Mortgage.

Two weeks later I was handed a 10-inch-thick binder of training documents and a phone book and instructed to study in the morning and make cold calls out of the white pages in the afternoon and evening. I hadn’t really considered the mortgage industry before that, but necessity led the industry to find me.

What does being a trailblazer mean to you? JH: I think being a trailblazer means being the first person to be willing to step out and take a risk. It takes courage and determination, but it shows others that the path is open and able to be traversed.

When I was a kid, I played baseball on the boys team. It wasn’t something girls usually did, and I was the first. I simply asked and insisted on being allowed and they let me. In my mind, there was no reason that I shouldn’t play for a team just because I was a female.

Later in my teen years, I again set a precedent when I went to work at the local marina. Traditionally, they had the girls waitressing at the restaurant and the boys pumping gas and working on the docks. I didn’t want to waitress, so I asked to work the docks. Again, I lobbied successfully and was given the job that appealed to me, regardless of what gender was usually hired there. It never occurred to me that my being a girl would be a barrier to the job I wanted. I suspect that confidence translated to me being able to set my own rules in the game. I have continued to push those boundaries in my working life. I am always looking for the next opportunity and I don’t limit myself based on my gender. I think that is what being a trailblazer is defined as. Being confident enough to be the first and not letting unreasonable obstacles stand in your way. Where do you see yourself and women in general in the industry over the next five years? JH: I see myself continuing to chase my goal of playing a part in revolutionizing the way the mortgage industry does business. I want to be an influence on the next generation of industry leaders and shape the way they see technology and innovation driving the business to grow. When I am retired and sitting sipping a bourbon on the porch at my farm, I want to be able to feel proud of my role in shaping the way the mortgage industry has embraced technology like AI that takes the mindless, repetitive tasks away and let us focus our energy on serving our clients better and in a faster, more efficient way.

I see women being leaders in this drive to improve

“No one gets an iron-clad guarantee of success. Certainly, factors like opportunity, luck, and timing are important. But the backbone of success is usually found in old-fashioned, basic concepts like hard work, determination, good planning, and perseverance.” > Mia Hamm


I feel successful when I know I have helped another leader grow into their role and work towards fulfilling their mission.



the way the industry works. We are present in every facet of the business now and our ideas, energy and passion are being recognized and valued. I want to see that trend continue as more and more young women immerse themselves in technology and the huge part it will play in growing business into the future.

trained as an account executive. They agreed and I made Sales Rookie of the Year within the next year. I took my endless determination and channeled disappointment into an opportunity. That experience further fueled my drive to move up and forward no matter what roadblocks popped up in my way.

What is your professional superpower?

What advice would you give to a woman entering or trying to move up in their mortgage career?

JH: Grit, passion, and perseverance are the cornerstones of what I do every day. My superpower is never giving up or letting an obstacle get in my way. I see them as challenges to be met, conquered, and learned from. I have never considered myself to be the smartest person in

JH: The most important thing is to start. Get your foot in the door and don’t take no for an answer until you reach your goals. You will work hard and have doubts but don’t let those take hold in your

I have never considered myself to be the smartest person in the room, but

there are very few who can match my drive when I am working toward a goal. the room, but there are very few who can match my drive when I am working toward a goal. Tell us something about your career in the mortgage industry that was pivotal to your achievements today. JH: The most pivotal part of my career was

a failure. When I was at Novastar Mortgage, I worked my way up from processor to underwriter, operations supervisor and on to regional ops manager. When the subprime market started to unravel, my employer decided to remove a layer of regional management. Instead of letting me go outright, they decided to let me interview for a higher supervisor’s position. I did, and I was not selected. My ego was badly bruised, and I thought about walking away. Then they offered me a position as an underwriter. I put on my big girl pants, took the job and as soon as the opportunity arose, I asked to be


mind. You are good enough, smart enough, and deserving of success. Let your passion support your perseverance and just keep going. What does success mean to you? JH: I feel successful when I know I have helped

another leader grow into their role and work towards fulfilling their mission. I feel specific success when that mission is one that I too am passionate about.

I once hired a person that I thought I had made a mistake with. But after a business coach and I worked with this person, and they made the effort to study and learn, I watched them speak up in an executive meeting and voice their concerns about a potential solution to a problem we were having. I was immensely proud and that made me realize what success was in my mind. From the day of that meeting, this person continued to learn and grow and, I think, surpassed

me in their strength of leadership of our team. Their success was my success and very satisfying. What do you enjoy doing outside of our industry? JH: I love getting home and spending time with my wife and our pets. We have a farm in southeastern Ohio, and I enjoy working on the land and looking after our horses.

On weekends, you can usually find me cutting trails in the woods with a chainsaw and riding our horses or ATV’s. I also adore being Aunt Jojo to my nieces and nephew.

How do you recommend navigating change in an industry that is always changing and growing? JH: You must always be learning and growing

but also looking forward to what the industry is going to look like in the future. Like in a game of hockey, its important for the winger to head to where the puck is going to be and not where it is.

Spending the time to pivot and adapt to changes on the fly is the only way to keep things moving ahead and keeping up with the pace of change in business today. Accept your failures, learn, and move on. Dwelling on what went wrong instead of studying it and using it to make changes to your approach is a waste of precious time. If you fear failing, you’ll never have the courage to try. Do you think it’s important to have a mentor? JH: Absolutely. I don’t always want to be the

trailblazer or the first to try something. It can get tiring being the one in the front all the time, so I like to lean on my mentors for advice and guidance when I need them.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers so bouncing ideas off someone you trust and admire can be a relief and a very effective way of avoiding issues you might not want to have to tackle on your way to a goal. How do you want to be remembered in our industry? JH: I would like to be remembered as someone

who made the industry better than I found it. I want home ownership to be more accessible to everyone and to be a mentor to those coming along behind me.

No one will remember the number of closes or how many companies you started and grew. They will remember how you made them feel when they asked for help or needed support. I want to be remembered for making my colleagues and team members feel valued, encouraged, and confident.

How do you find your voice? JH: First, figure out what makes you feel happy

and useful. Next, start talking to anyone and everyone who will listen and share your ideas, concerns, and solutions. Don’t give up, even if you feel it is falling on deaf ears. Someone who can recognize your value will pay attention and be willing to work with you. Actions can also speak louder than words so be active in your pursuit of what you want to accomplish. What’s your biggest fear and why? JH: My biggest fear is being complacent. No

great achievement was ever recognized by sitting still and waiting. If I am not moving forward, I’m not happy.

What’s your favorite book or podcast that you would recommend and why? JH: I have two books that I highly recommend. “Fixed — How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving” by Amy E. Herman, and my all time favorite, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins.

The first book uses art to show us how we need to look at things differently and clean our lenses of bias for solutions to be sustainable. The second one teaches how to lead. One of my goals is to strive to be a level 5 leader. I am a work in progress and the book is a wonderful guide and inspiration. How do we propel more women into leadership roles within our industry?

JH: We need to recognize that women are truly

unique leaders in their own right.

I think women are less likely to let ego get in their way and will use empathy to work with their team and get great results. Women possess all the business sense, experience and negotiating skills that their male counterparts have and can use them just as effectively when given the opportunity. Women’s servant leadership promotes a healthy work environment and culture that can drive performance and encourage those around them to strive to be their best. Would you like to share anything else? JH: Anything worth doing requires passion, drive, and perseverance. And it is just as important to enjoy the journey.

There will always be doubts and unfairness. You will hear “no” more than once in your career. Do not allow those things to deter you or damage your confidence. Learn from failures and obstacles and keep going. Use your leadership skills to move forward with persistence and grit and you will find success and be gratified by the effort. n



Fight The Pesky


ust when we thought the stress couldn’t get any worse, we are seeing glimpses of what Q4 and Q1 may bring us. Everyone is showing up with increased amount of stress, fear, and anxiety. Does it feel like no matter how hard you try; you are still making mistakes? When even the simplest of tasks seem impossible to finish and you can’t help but feel like a pressure cooker on the brink of explosion? I, recently, attended an executive roundtable where we had the privilege of spending the day with a highly skilled mortgage coach who focuses on the neuroscience behind how we subconsciously respond to our stress, jobs, and even lives. Most of the executives had a similar question. In an environment where quality is so important, why are there so many errors? In an environment where quality is so costly and customer service is crucial, why isn’t everyone showing up as their




By: CHRISSY BROWN, CMB, AMP, CRU, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine


best selves daily? The answer was simple: A heightened level of cortisol.

CORTI-WHAT? Cortisol. It’s that pesky hormone our bodies produce when we’re stressed. While it’s super handy when we’re being chased by a bear (or facing other, more modern-day threats), consistently high

levels can wreak havoc on our brains and bodies. And, unfortunately for us in the mortgage industry, that can spell bad news for our operational work.

OPS AND STRESS: A TRICKY AFFAIR Mortgage operations is no joke. We’re dealing with trying to make our already stressed sales partners happy and successful (in a very challenging environment), difficult qualification scenarios, short contract dates, and the ever-present anxiety of the unknown. It’s stressful. And when we’re stressed, cortisol levels shoot up.

SO, WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? Here’s the low-down: 1. D ecreased Focus & Memory: Elevated cortisol can mess with our brain’s ability to concentrate and

Mood Swingers

AND YOUR MORTGAGE OPERATIONAL TEAM Under stress, our ability to make clear decisions can diminish. recall information. Ever forgotten a crucial step or overlooked an important document? It could be thanks to cortisol clouding your cognitive abilities. 2. Mood Swings: Stress and increased cortisol can make us irritable and moody. Not ideal when “showing up as your best self” is increasingly important. 3. Decision Fatigue: Under stress, our ability to make clear decisions can diminish. This means we might take shortcuts, miss red flags, or simply get overwhelmed by the choices at hand.

4. Burnout: Continual stress can lead to burnout, making it harder to stay motivated and productive in our roles.

TACKLING THE STRESSCORTISOL CONUNDRUM It’s not all doom and gloom, though! There are ways to manage stress and keep cortisol levels in check. Here are some hot tips: 1. Take Breaks: Remember to step away from your desk. A short walk or even just some deep breathing exercises can work wonders. 2. Stay Organized: Reduce chaos by

using tools and strategies to stay on top of tasks. 3. Connect with Others: Share your stresses and successes with colleagues. Sometimes, just venting can help. 4. S tay Active: Exercise is a fantastic stress buster. Even a quick 10-minute workout can help. 5. M indfulness & Meditation: These practices can keep you grounded and help regulate stress. Stress and its buddy cortisol are sneaky foes, especially in an environment of such pressure. But understanding their impact and knowing how to combat them can make all the difference. Let’s keep our cortisol in check and those mortgage operations smooth as butter! n Chrissy Brown is chief operations officer for Atlantic Bay Mortgage.



ELEVATING Your Mortgage Career TO THE

Executive Level




Veronica Nguyen

re you ready to take your career to a new level and secure that coveted executive-level position? Do you ever find yourself questioning whether your skills measure up to the demands of such a role? If these thoughts have crossed your mind, then I invite you to read on. With my extensive experience in hiring top-level executives, I will share insights on what sets certain individuals apart from the rest and how you can position yourself for success.


Just as you invest time in finding the right company to contribute to, the companies you apply to are also evaluating you. It is crucial to have your LinkedIn profile updated and reflective of your skills. A common oversight we often come across is individuals forgetting to update their profile, leading to


It is crucial to have a basic understanding of the company and be prepared to contribute something meaningful during the interview.

discrepancies between the dates and information on their resume. Moreover, when applying for a high-level position, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of what you have written in your resume. Rest assured, hiring teams will scrutinize your resume closely.

PEOPLE TALK — PERIOD In most industries, unless you’re applying for a completely unrelated field, rest assured that people will be inquiring about you through back channels. There are always individuals who are familiar with your work and can provide insights. When applying for an executive position, it implies that you have had an impact on others, and these individuals may offer behindthe-scenes recommendations on your capabilities. While companies consider such information with discretion, it serves as a means to validate your claims and reputation.

KNOW YOUR RESULTS I’ve lost track of the countless instances where I’ve witnessed firsthand how individuals struggle to articulate their performance at X company. Every time I inquire about what they have accomplished, the responses tend to be long-

winded and devoid of any concrete data to support their claims. It is essential to understand that when discussing your achievements, it is most effective to speak in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs). The ability to communicate and emphasize KPIs demonstrates a level of preparedness and proficiency necessary for executive roles. If one cannot effectively convey their performance through KPIs, it suggests they may not be ready to assume such leadership positions.

RESEARCH BEFORE YOU APPLY It is expected that individuals applying for any job, particularly executive positions, would conduct research on the company they are applying to. It astonishes me how frequently I encounter candidates who are unable to provide any meaningful insight when asked about their thoughts on our company. In some instances, I have witnessed individuals resorting to quickly googling our company during the interview, which leaves me astounded. It is crucial to have a basic understanding of the company and be prepared to contribute something meaningful during the interview. Therefore, I urge all applicants to thoroughly



The ability to communicate and emphasize KPIs demonstrates a level of preparedness and proficiency necessary for executive roles. research the company and arrive with at least some thoughtful remarks to share.

ASK QUESTIONS I find it particularly appealing when candidates applying for executive positions actively engage by asking questions. It demonstrates that you have taken the time to research our organization and also indicates your desire to evaluate if this opportunity aligns with your personal and professional goals, as well as the potential value you can bring to both your life and the company. It’s not just an interview, it’s your chance to interview them too.

WHAT SKILLS SHOULD YOU SHOW OFF? The best way to show off your skills is to convey your results. As a mentor once told me, your results are your best defense. Here are the skills you should be showing off. Communication You need to be a great communicator if you’re applying for an executive position. But good communication isn’t just about speaking well. It also involves being a good listener, speaking clearly, showing empathy, and offering support. For example, imagine you’re leading a team meeting to discuss a new project. As a good communicator, you would actively listen to your


team members’ ideas, clearly explain the project goals, understand their concerns, and provide encouragement to motivate them. In executive roles, effective communication skills are crucial for guiding and inspiring your team to achieve success. Work Ethic Becoming an executive is not an overnight journey. Those who hold such positions have paid their dues and gained valuable experience. If you’re applying for an executive role, it means you understand the dedication required to reach this level. Executives are known for their strong organizational skills, ability to prioritize work effectively, and willingness to put in long hours when necessary. Strong Leadership Skills Executives not only move the company forward and impact their team’s lives, but they are also skilled problem solvers. The best executives understand that challenges and obstacles will arise along the way, and they possess the ability to analyze complex situations, identify solutions, and make informed decisions to overcome them. Their problem-solving abilities contribute to both the company’s success and the overall growth and development of their team members. Showcasing your skills reflects your confidence in your worth.

UNDERSTAND EXPECTATION It’s important to understand what is expected of you so that you know what you’re getting into. You don’t want to be in a position where you’re not meeting your boss’s expectations. To avoid this, a simple way is to ask your boss directly, “What do you expect from me in the first year?” This helps you align your goals with your boss’s expectations and sets you up for success.

ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT As uncomfortable as discussing money may be, it is crucial to have a clear idea of your own value and the amount you believe your services are worth. This helps the company understand your goals and ensures that everyone’s time is used efficiently.

IN CLOSING Applying for an executive position is exciting! It’s a chance to show off your skills, make a significant impact on a company, and step into a leadership role that can change lives. The excitement and passion that come with this opportunity are unmatched. Remember, each organization has its unique hiring process, so it’s essential to stay patient and persistent. n Veronica Nguyen is co-founder and executive vice president of BeSmartee, one of the original mortgage point-of-sale platforms.

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How To Build (& Keep) A High-Performance Team EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP TIPS TO MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR ANYONE By TINA ASHER, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine

“There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team.’ There is a me, though, if you jumble it up.” > Dr. Greg House, from TV’s House


mployers and entrepreneurs often think they must “do it all themselves,” as reflected in the following statements: “No one can do this as well as I can.” “It’s easier to just do it myself than to explain how to someone else.” “I don’t have time to train anybody.” When you think that way, however, you may be overlooking a critical component for success in managing small-to-medium sized businesses. And that is, building the right team.

WHAT’S IN A TEAM? Tina Asher


A team is basically a group of people with complementary skills who are

mutually committed to working together toward a common goal with shared rewards.

HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEAMS … See “the big picture.” This promotes collaboration, increases commitment, and improves quality. Each team member knows the greater goals of the organization and understands the context of their own (and each other’s) roles and responsibilities toward those goals. Have common goals. Effective teams know what the goals are AND know how to determine if they’ve

• Post at non-traditional places like Craigslist (one of the most underutilized places to find people “in the know”).

seeing a project come together, taking on new (bigger) challenges, the creative process, ego gratification, or simply not being bored.


How to keep your team invested in your success: • Offer challenging work and opportunities for learning. This gives people a chance to grow into new roles and encourages responsibility. • Offer freedom and independence in the decision-making process to encourage self-empowerment. Powerful individuals make powerful teams. • Recognize the contribution of your team. This is critical to the success of any company, and most leaders fail at doing so adequately — a HUGE mistake. Noticing (and publicly acknowledging) the effort of each team member is an underutilized (and free) way to ensure team success. Remember, no one does it alone.

Whether you’re building a team from scratch or working with an existing team, here are some key strategies to help make the most of your team.

EFFECTIVE TEAM LEADERS MUST: • Give clear tasks and goals. • Ensure that the team has the necessary support, resources, structure, and training to do their jobs. • Put a deadline on everything — whether it “needs” it or not. Remember, the task on hand will expand to fill the time allotted. • Over-communicate. Better to have the information and not need it than to need it and not have it


Effective teams know what the goals are and know how to determine if they’ve reached them.

reached them (or not). Collaborate. Effective teams are all about interdependency. Collaboration reduces the need for playing “the blame game” while encouraging opportunities for learning and improvement.

WHERE TO FIND YOUR “A-TEAM” Finding the right people doesn’t have to be difficult. • Start with who you know — clients, colleagues, classmates, volunteers. • Check other people’s recommended resources (this is especially good for projects). • Do a search online/post online.

(including timely, constructive, and consistent feedback). • Promote problem-solving within the team. How? By seeing mistakes as opportunities (and encouraging the team to do the same). Instead of hiding mistakes, people become proactive. • Focus on structure. Poor performance is usually due to poor team structure, not individual performance. Poor structure leads to negative, ineffective behaviors in individuals and impedes communication. If team members feel that they are misunderstood or competing against each other, they’re more likely to hold back information or resources.

WHAT’S MY MOTIVATION? People are motivated by many things: getting paid, loving what they do,

• If subcontractors make up your team, offer a retainer for a certain number of hours each month so that they are likely to be more committed to you. • Pay them well. • Create win-win situations by making referrals to contracting superstars and watch their businesses grow (and make referrals back to you!) Finding the right team is not about finding the perfect team, and it doesn’t guarantee success. Team members need consistent and ongoing support. Ideally, team members will be both independent and interdependent. Remember, nurturing a team (even a little) achieves better performance and better results. n Tina Asher is a coach and founder of Build U Up Consulting.





By MARY MARGARET HOGAN, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine


ver the last few years, it’s become evidently clear that the mortgage industry is rapidly acclimating to the demands of the digital age and ultimately, is calling for innovation in branding and a shift in marketing efforts. While this modern landscape stirs up creative opportunities, many may feel hesitant to embrace modernity and experiment with current marketing trends. However, as the new year approaches, now is the ideal time for you and your teams to prepare your content strategies for 2024 and revitalize your brand for long-term success. To begin this shift in strategy, it’s important to pinpoint where your brand could use some revitalization. With so many revolving factors involved in marketing campaigns, it may be hard to distinguish exactly where to begin. However, conducting market research is a great place to start. Are there companies in your industry that have embraced change successfully or not so successfully? Analyzing their shifts in strategy, both appealing and unappealing, can provide immeasurable insight for where you and your team should adjust. Additionally, researching brands outside of your industry can also be impactful while brainstorming brand


Overall, leaning into branding that showcases your company culture to the forefront is an instant win. transformations. No matter their scope or scale, there are so many inventive marketing efforts tackled by these major companies that would work perfectly to bring back to your office and inspire new ideas for your shift in brand strategy.

website or finding your social media. Or perhaps, while they are well-versed in your services and programs, they find that your brand lacks recognizability — they couldn’t pick your logo out of a trade show floor. While some of this feedback may be hard to hear, these critiques will HARD TO HEAR BUT GOOD mostly be addressable and invaluable as you and your team start to make some Once you’ve done this research informed decisions while navigating and and found some areas in need of embracing this era of innovation. improvement, it’s always a good idea to Elevating your brand and expanding check back in with the people that will your overall audience reach can be be impacted the most: your customers. achieved by taking calculated risks. With a pre-established base, you have However, it doesn’t have to be as dreary as the unique power to check-in with it sounds. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: consumers about how your brand holds brands across all industries are finding up in terms of its identity, retention, that content devoid of personality and engagement. Through surveys or performs far worse than narratively general requests for feedback, your team compelling content. To revive your will gain tremendous insight into how brand, dive into the unique aspects of Mary Margaret Hogan your efforts have been perceived from a your company that set you apart from sample of your target audience. the rest of the industry and integrate For instance, your customers, though these subtleties into marketing. Not only thrilled with your service, could struggle to spread your good can these subtleties shake up a brand, but they can also infuse work to others because they have a hard time navigating your



appealing dynamics of personality, allowing you to stand out from the rest as well as attract new customers.

FOCUS ON THE UNIQUE Humanizing your content — whether in printed materials, advertisements, or social media — makes a significant difference in engagement as well as provides a solid ground for brand awareness and longevity. When exploring, know that these unique qualities could be discovered within so many facets of your company culture and be applied to a range of marketing efforts; it’s just a matter of finding the right fit. For example, if your company participates in a softball league, this presents an excellent opportunity to embrace some personal and playful branding. From adding softball-themed swag or sports-related copy into your marketing materials to more grand content, such as recording employees in their gear and holding Q+As on Instagram Live, the possibilities are truly endless. Does your company consist of employees with diverse work histories and backgrounds? Highlighting their stories and experiences throughout blog posts or video content is another great way to connect with customers. With these personal narratives, customers will be ecstatic to hear from a friendly face relaying informative and relatable content. Featuring team members and their expertise, provides the opportunity to both educate your audience and highlight the strength and prowess of the individuals who contribute to your company’s stellar reputation. These moments of novelty and personality will successfully humanize your team and as a result, set you apart from competitors in your field. Taking this more playful path when creating content can be an arduous one, but quite frequently the most rewarding. To be clear, this doesn’t mean making your co-workers take an hour out of their workday to learn a TikTok dance is the best use of your time and resources (although, that does sound hilarious). It does mean, however, exploring various opportunities with your content that challenge all stale standards. More examples of playful approaches could include tapping into trending sounds and audio that can link back


to your products, crafting a “day in the life” Instagram story following your team around the office or traveling to a trade show, or adding in touches of humor to your day-to-day copy to get your audience laughing. While it may require some trial and error, experimenting with these entertaining strategies can bring your brand to wider audiences and ultimately, resonate with customers on a more personal, long-lasting level. Overall, leaning into branding that showcases your company culture to the forefront is an instant win. Whether that means embracing an element of fun or humor, or simply highlighting the energy and persona of your employees, adding personality to your everyday brand will strengthen your audience’s connection with your company. This, in turn, builds trust in you and your team.

LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES For many in the industry, their current marketing strategy is a product of many painstaking years of solidifying workflows, content schedules, marketing materials, and beyond to curate a well-oiled machine. However, there comes a time where the call to try something new must be answered to see an increase in your brand’s recognition and audience impact. As the saying goes: same routine, same results. Now of course, this doesn’t mean we throw all current strategy out the window once the ball drops for 2024. Instead, we should be looking for opportunities to breathe new life into our well-oiled machines with some calculated risk-taking. While embracing these new standards of modernity and personality may feel intimidating, these shifts are necessary to stay relevant in the field. If your marketing efforts approach content creation with your companies’ brand, core values, and mission at the forefront, these bold and brave switches in strategy will resonate with audiences and solidify your brand as an enduring and reliable source in the market. n Mary Margaret Hogan is an event marketing specialist at RCN Capital.


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*Complimentary registration available to NMLS-licensed active LOs and their support staff. Show producers reserve the right to determine final eligibility.



By MICHELE BODDA , Special To Mortgage Women Magazine

very once in a while, we’re presented with opportunities that can change the trajectory of our businesses and take our careers in entirely new directions. These opportunities invariably require significant strategic thinking, collaboration, and grit.

Michele Bodda


Moments that stretch us are by nature uncomfortable, but I promise you, they’re worth it. I recently led the acquisition of four different companies that we merged into one business unit in under two years. This was a serious undertaking (both personally and professionally) and I am incredibly proud of both what we’ve done and everyone who

The most important lesson I’ve learned, is that collaboration and trust are the essence of building successful teams — and mergers and acquisitions are no exception. made it possible. These acquisitions enabled us to compete and serve consumers and businesses in entirely new ways. As we look towards the new year, you may be thinking about opportunities that lie ahead and how to move your vision forward. I wanted to share lessons learned from my experience combining four strong, healthy companies into one stronger, higher growth, innovative entity. Whether you’re exploring an acquisition, strategic investments, or new markets to pursue, these principles can be applied to any strategic shift you may be considering. Know your “why.” Our decision to acquire four former competitors was the direct result of listening to clients. Our clients were looking for alternatives to legacy income and employment verification solutions. At

the same time, employers had been asking to have a company of Experian’s scale and capabilities invest in innovation and provide high-touch customer support to the employer services industry. The acquisitions of Corporate Cost Control, Emptech, Tax Credit Co and CIC Plus enabled us to do just that and much more. They facilitated the launch of Experian Employer Services and Verification Solutions, and the development of Experian Verify — our income and employment verification solution that’s helping mortgage lenders verify income and employment information in real-time. Doing anything big requires buy-in. Your entire team needs to know the “why” and it needs to be compelling so people can get behind it to push them through the hard days.

Prioritize people and culture. As

with everything we do within Experian — we put people and our culture first. When we’re exploring potential acquisitions, company culture is the top priority. Make sure a business’ existing culture will integrate well with yours (and in our case, the other



companies we were acquiring). We’ve turned deals down based on culture alone. It’s a delicate balance of retaining what makes a company special while ensuring they’ll mesh well with the positive culture you’ve created within your organization.

Have empathy for employees and listen. For many of us, the company

we work for is a huge part of our identity. There’s a lot of uncertainty when your company is acquired. You’ve spent time building, selling, and servicing something you are invested in. When you apply for a job, you’re choosing the company as much as they are choosing you. When your company is acquired, your decision in that process is eliminated. As the acquiring company, remember, people chose to work for this company for a reason, and they will actively choose each day to stay with you or not. Listen. Ask what they’re most proud of, how they win in the market, what clients say to them. Their expertise is valuable, and they need to feel like you understand that. They need to know you appreciate it.

Don’t be afraid to walk away.

One of the most challenging aspects of mergers and acquisitions can be knowing when to walk away. There are times where we go through months of intense diligence and the deal falls through. Remember, the due diligence processes exist for a reason. If you must divert from the original plan, keep in mind, there are other avenues beyond a purchase. We’ve forged a lot of great partnerships with companies we were originally looking to acquire. But beyond the company, remember some of the employees may choose to walk away from you. As I 24

said above, people choose their employer — except when their employer is acquired, so once the acquisition is complete, they choose to stay with you or not. Not everyone will be the right fit, and that’s OK. Treat people with respect and honor their service for the original company.

Remember, this is a marathon. Not a sprint.

(Although we had a joke that we were sprinting the first 5 miles of a marathon). Often so much work goes into preparing for an acquisition or a strategic investment that when the deal is complete, it may feel like the perfect time to come up for air or take a break. Truthfully, the work is just beginning. Take a quick breath and celebrate what’s been accomplished, but know the road ahead will take even greater levels of commitment and determination. Don’t lose sight of your vision. In our case, entering the employer services industry allowed us to serve an entirely new market and allowed us to bring new solutions to the mortgage and lending markets we traditionally served. We brought together the best the employer services industry has to offer, and we’re committed to investing in this industry and serving employers and their employees for the long term. The most important lesson I’ve

learned, is that collaboration and trust are the essence of building successful teams — and mergers and acquisitions are no exception. From initial conversations to the completion of a deal, meaningful relationships and change begins and ends with a clear view of each business’ unique vision and an understanding of the greater good that can be accomplished together.

As you look to the year ahead, ask yourself, “what’s my vision and could something new move it forward?” Be bold in your thinking and actions and let that be your compass in 2024. You’ll be amazed at what happens next. n Michele Bodda is prresident of Experian Housing, Verification Solutions and Employer Services.




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n the competitive world of mo lending, PGA HOPE (Helping Everywhere) brings a differen “green” to the industry — on about golf and giving back. H back generate business, thoug can mortgage lenders utilize charitable public relations and community outreac Sue Rector, chair of the board of direc PGA REACH Gateway Foundation, kno mortgage lenders are focused on one th loans. However, she believes that hostin drives and collaborating with charitable like PGA HOPE will bolster business as



ector understands that the mo industry only moves for one th And giving money, or golf club certainly doesn’t help bring money in


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, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine

mortgage g Our Patriots nt kind of ne that’s all How does giving gh? And how e donations for ch? ctors at the ows that most hing: originating ng donation e organizations a whole.

ortgage hing: money. bs, away n. Or does it?

According to research done by Google Cloud, 82% of shoppers prefer a consumer brand’s values to align with their own. Additionally, three-quarters of shoppers reported parting ways with a brand over a conflict in values. Rector is no different. “Personally, when I see businesses getting involved in the community, I want to do business with them,” Rector said. “A business shows that they’re willing to help others when they support different aspects of the community. I want to become friends with that business.” The benefits of charitable support in your community don’t stop with public relations. They extend all the way to internal relations. Corporate philanthropy can work as a great morale boost for employees and help recruit talent. In a 2021 global survey by IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), more than two-thirds of respondents said they are more likely to apply for and accept jobs with environmentally and socially responsible organizations. Nearly half would accept a lower



“A business shows that they’re willing to help others when they support different aspects of the community. I want to become friends with that business.” > Sue Rector, chair, PGA REACH Gateway Foundation


salary to work for these companies. “I always give the people who donate kudos, but it just brings joy to know that you’re helping somebody,” Rector said. “That act of helping others is just so powerful. It can totally turn around my day.” To answer the million-dollar question, starting charitable drives and donations can be impactful for mortgage lenders by bolstering their public image and raising employees’ pride in their workplace. Answering one question normally brings about another, though. How can a mortgage lender start their own PGA HOPE donation drive? Delmar Mortgage is a familyrun mortgage lender licensed in 39 states, but they started small with their collection. “Community engagement has consistently been a core value at Delmar Mortgage, and we’re thrilled to announce our partnership with PGA Hope as part of our commitment to supporting veterans,” said Scott Cange, Chief Marketing Officer at Delmar Mortgage. “When Lillie Danzer, our Homes for Heroes Program Director, learned about PGA HOPE’s need for golf clubs, she quickly reached out and initiated a drive. Our dedicated staff wholeheartedly rallied behind the project without delay.”



efore understanding the mission of PGA HOPE and how you can contribute to their cause, it’s important to understand its parent organization, PGA REACH, the charitable foundation of the PGA of America. The PGA of America isn’t the organization representing the golfers you watch on TV. They represent local golf professionals and instructors across the country.

“Within the PGA of America there are 41 sections in the United States. The PGA REACH Gateway Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Gateway PGA of America section,” said Rector. “The PGA of America is not about the professional golfers out there on the weekends that we love to watch. The PGA of America is about supporting the local golf professionals that are out there growing and teaching the game.” PGA REACH consists of three programs. PGA Jr. League provides an opportunity for boys and girls to learn and enjoy the game of golf. PGA WORKS is designed to diversify the golf industry’s workforce. PGA HOPE, however, is the flagship military program of PGA REACH. They introduce golf to veterans and active-duty military through monetary and golf club donations. “Our programs are six- to eightweek golf development programs,” said Rector. “They’re taught by our PGA professionals that are specifically trained in adaptive golf techniques.” Veterans participating in these programs are sometimes disabled. While swinging a golf club ordinarily requires the use of your entire body, utilizing adaptive golf techniques allows disabled veterans to learn how to swing.

“The PGA of America will send a specific trainer that knows all about working with individuals who have some form of physical or mental challenges,” said Rector. “In order to conduct a PGA HOPE clinic, you must to attend one of these trainings.” Teaching veterans the game of golf is great, but Rector notes that it’s not the most rewarding part of the program. “We love this about our PGA HOPE clinics because they’re not just about teaching golf,” Rector continues. “These gatherings of veterans and active-duty military become a network of friends. Looking at the whole picture of a person, we want to use these clinics to enhance their mental, social and emotional wellbeing. We’ve had veterans tell us that this program not only changed their lives, but it saved their lives. They’ve told us they had no reason to leave their house, but this program has introduced them to other veterans inviting them out. This program has given a lot of veterans a purpose.”



ector knows that most people don’t have a great understanding of the PGA of America and all that it does, but she



has advice for those people that are still looking to contribute. “I would start by contacting the national PGA REACH Foundation of PGA of America. You need to first find out if

there’s a PGA HOPE program in your area,” Rector said. “It doesn’t necessarily need to be complicated with the different layers of the PGA REACH Foundation. There may not be a PGA HOPE clinic in your area as we’re still working on branching out, but we often need to know where the need is before we start a clinic in a new area.” Instead of waiting for interest rates to drop to spark new business, start raising interest in your business today though charitable drives and donations in your community. It’s evident that some mortgage lenders are already discovering the power of working with charitable organizations like PGA HOPE. Remember: Just as a golfer’s swing can improve with each stroke, so too can a lender’s reputation when they support powerful charitable causes. Reach out to your local PGA REACH Foundation section to learn about how you can start a donation drive and make your community better, one swing at a time! n 30

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BY SARAH WOLAK, Staff Writer, Mortgage Women Magazine veryone knows of these iconic duos: Bonnie and Clyde, peanut butter and jelly, and Lennon and McCartney. But what few know is what they have in common: they each teamed up with the other to form a greater force. Whether it’s creating a nowclassic delicacy or a dynamic songwriting team, collaborations are designed to bring the best of both worlds together. So it’s not breaking news that some mortgage companies decided to take note and form their own collaborative teams, often referred to as joint ventures (JVs). Their reasoning is simple: why don’t we


collaborate with one another to offer more products and specialties? The Mortgage Collaborative (TMC) is one such space that prompted mortgage-centered companies to collaborate and network together. The San Diego-based company was founded in 2013 with the idea to bring small and mid-sized mortgage businesses together. Faith Howard-Mooney, TMC’s vice president of member engagement, says that the collaborative’s mission is to bring together companies not just for engagement and networking purposes, but to share leads and ideas. Howard-Mooney says that her role at TMC

perity, H

call monthly for those in similar roles to discuss navigating the workplace and the industry.


r New Leads?

is to help TMC’s partners — small to midsize independent mortgage lenders, depository banks, and credit unions — facilitate conversations and create mini networks with each other. “We focus on smaller companies because they may not have the resources that larger lenders have,” she explained. “We have about 300 partners and offer a ton of resources to help them grow independently and with each other.” Howard-Mooney explained that these resources range from role-based focus groups to collaboration labs, which consist of like-type organizations — such as community banks that are similar sized and noncompeting — to discuss healthy business strategies. “Usually about six to 12 lenders are in a group, and we facilitate day-and-a-half forums for them to discuss whichever questions or concerns they have about their businesses,” she said. “We collect data upfront to make sure that lenders are getting what they need and want out of the labs.” Howard-Mooney hosts the capital markets role-based group, which consists of one 45-minute

oward-Mooney says that there’s a reason that TMC has a high retention rate of lenders. “We have resources besides the focus groups,” she elaborated. “We have TMCU which is our educational arm of the business, it’s basically customized training for lenders. We also offer an Ask TMC chat forum in which lenders can ask us questions in a Reddit-style format, and we have a program called TMC Connect which is an educational platform that offers web broadcasts, podcasts, etc.” And these aren’t just TMC employees droning on about trivial advice. Erin Dee from LoanPeople and Jodi Hall from Nationwide Mortgage Bankers are two mortgage industry > Jeffrey Kvalelog, chief strategy talking heads who have officer, New American Funding contributed to TMC Connect. But TMC’s hidden bread and butter is the ventures that TMC’s lenders get out of the program. “[Collaborations] happen organically,” Howard-Mooney said. “We don’t get involved or facilitate those conversations. But we’ve

“You don’t get into JVs because you’re going to make a bunch of money … The reason why you do it is to grow your organization long-term.”




> Faith Howard-Mooney, vice president of member engagement, The Mortgage Collaborative

> Jeffrey Kvalevog, chief strategy officer, New American Funding

seen companies within our partner network merge together. TMC is all about establishing a comfort level and exploring similarities in company cultures.” One of TMC’s partners, New American Funding (NAF), recently decided to take the plunge into the joint ventures (JVs) realm. Jeffrey Kvalevog, who is chief strategy officer at NAF, says that this is the first time that the lender has stepped into the JV space. “This was really pushed by our CEOs, Patty and Rick Arvielo,” Kvalevoge explained. “They said that we ought to get ourselves out there. On the surface, it’s more funded loans, access to clients, and market share, and you don’t have to spend millions of dollars on marketing.” Kvalelog says that the first step to venturing into the JV space was making the strategic decision of hiring Al Miller in December. Miller, who is experienced in the area of strategic partnerships, helped both NewRez Financial Services and Citi Group with their partnership channels. “Al is the smartest person in the room, and he’s really helped to facilitate NAF’s entrance to JVs,” Kvalelog said.



valelog says that NAF is entering the JV space at an odd time: companies aren’t investing or growing that much right now or diversifying their products, and some are folding altogether. Plus, Kvalelog says that JVs consist of putting a lot of money in to ultimately just split the profits. “You don’t get into JVs because you’re going to make a bunch of money. In fact, it’s traditionally a 50/50 split so you’re giving half of that profit away,” he explained. “The reason why you do it is to grow your organization long-term, and the partnerships that [NAF is] looking for are in areas that we’re lacking or that are good partners to associate with.” Kvalelog also explained that most traditional JVs come from two main audiences: real estate


> Justin Demola, president, Lenders One

brokerages and builders. “Both of those audiences are front and center with their clients,” he explained. “So as NAF looks to enter a venture, we’re looking for trusted lenders to get both of us front and center with customers. It’s not just about getting money or customers, either. We have a lot of conversations with companies and we have to consider whether they align with NAF’s values or not.”



or Lenders One, a self-described mortgage cooperative, hard times are some of the best times for mortgage lenders to join an environment that promotes partnership. Justin Demola, president of Lenders One, says that as a mortgage alliance group, his company offers programs that give partners discounts and other incentives to help them compete with larger companies, especially in a market downturn. And membership is heavy despite the odds. “At any given time we have between 230 and 250 different banks, credit unions, and IMBs,” Demola said. “What we do for them is pull their aggregate volume to negotiate better terms for them on the products and services side. So we offer reseller products and services to manufacture loans and since we’re a larger cooperative, we can offer special prices.” Like TMC, Lenders One offers continuing education programs to ambitious LOs looking to expand their credentials. While Demola says that Lenders One isn’t a joint venture by any means, he, like Howard-Mooney, finds that the lenders he works with often merge businesses — especially in downturns. “The M&A internally is valuable because everyone wants to do business with people they like and trust,” Demola said. “Even if people want to explore a collaboration, they’re more likely to approach a strong connection from Lenders One since the trust and networking are already there.” n


COMERICA WELCOMES NEW REGULATORY PROFESSIONAL Banking regulations have grown more complex, and one company has responded accordingly by bringing in new leadership. Comerica Incorporated just named Kristina Janssens senior vice president and chief compliance officer, reporting to Susan Joseph, executive vice president of financial intelligence and corporate compliance director. “As we continue strengthening the foundation of our risk and compliance management, it remains critically important that we add resources and expertise that help fortify our decisions,” said Joseph. “Kristina brings an extensive understandKristina Janssens ing of compliance, and her experience will ensure that Comerica’s business actions and decisions align with our long-term strategy, maintain risk levels within our established risk appetite, and comply with our policies and standards, as well as laws and regulations.” Janssens will be responsible for leading Comerica’s Compliance Program, ensuring it continues to evolve and grow as regulatory expectations continue to increase. She joins Comerica from Flagstar Bank, where she spent nearly the last decade, most recently as executive vice president, chief compliance and privacy officer. Prior to that role, she served as deputy general counsel, supporting the company’s mortgage, banking, information security, and privacy units. Janssens also led the design and

implementation of the talent engagement and development strategy for Flagstar’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program. Janssens came to Flagstar from her own private practice, where she specialized in providing banks and financial institutions guidance on regulatory compliance matters.

MORTGAGE INFORMATION SERVICES HIRES MICHELLE MCCLELLAN AS ONSITE MANAGER Mortgage Information Services Inc. (MIS), an Ohio-based provider of title insurance and settlement services, opened a new office for title and escrow services in Fort Worth, Texas. The new office will operate as Mortgage Michelle McClellan Information Services of Texas LLC and be led by Michelle McClellan, a 25‐year veteran in Texas title and escrow operations, as the licensed escrow officer and onsite manager. In addition to serving the traditional mortgage and real estate market, MIS specializes in working with reverse loan originators and borrowers and handling mobile/ manufactured transactions. “The Texas real estate landscape offers unique opportunities to grow our business across all lines and be better partners for our clients,” says Aaron Stein‐Sapir, CEO for MIS. “Being able to offer direct services in Texas has been high on the wish list for many of our clients and we are excited to bring our unique brand and outstanding customer service here, as well as to develop new relationships inside the state,” adds David Stroop, MIS’s senior

vice president of national business development. MIS has been a national real estate information provider to the mortgage market since 1990 and offers title insurance and settlement services to loan originators, servicers, and mortgage insurance companies.

NATIONS LENDING HIRES JENNIFER SMITH AS BRANCH MANAGER Nations Lending, a full-service national mortgage lender, announced the opening of its newest branch in Orlando, Fla. The company has hired Jennifer Smith as the branch manager, who will be servicing the Orlando area and the broader Florida region. With a diverse Jennifer Smith background in real estate and mortgage, Smith has gained in-depth knowledge of the customer buying experience from beginning to end. Throughout her 14-year career, she has consistently performed at the highest level, receiving Top Performers status, and now is expanding Nations Lending’s footprint in the Florida area. “I am looking forward to growing my business with Nations Lending and leveraging their resources and platform,” said Smith. “My goal is to become a leading provider in my industry, and with the support of Nations, I am confident I can achieve that level of success.” “Jennifer and her team are a great cultural fit, and we are excited to have her as we continue to focus on building in the Southeast,” said Corey Caster, executive vice president of national production.




CENLAR ON AN ACTIVE HIRING SPREE Cenlar FSB has grown its ranks with the appointment of five new directors and the promotion of three. Including this latest announcement, the subservicer has hired or promoted over 20 people since the beginning of 2023. New directors include: S. Courtney Collier-Beyer, to director of HR compliance and Employee Relations. She has more than 15 years of experience in providing thought leadership on workplace practices and policies, and creating programs that ensure a respectful work environment to optimize performance. Before joining Cenlar, Collier-Beyer served as vice president of employee relations at State Street Bank. Ajanta Jain, S. Courtney to director of Collier-Beyer information security, Cyber GRC. Jain has over 25 years of audit, risk and consulting experience within the financial services industry. Prior to joining Cenlar, she held various leadership roles at Sallie Mae, Vanguard, and Wells Fargo. Jain earned her MBA from Drexel UniAjanta Jain versity and is a graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Promoted leaders include: Andrea Leisten, to director of corporate education. Her project-focused training initiatives have helped Cenlar heighten organizational performance,


improve financial performance, and increase employee development and retention. Leisten has been a part of the Cenlar team since 2013 when she joined as the ELearning Education Manager and expanded to Senior Manager of Instructional Design. Laura Ann Pontelandolfo, to director, assistant general counsel. Pontelandolfo advises the organization regarding new and existing federal and state statutes/regLaura Ann ulations and Pontelandolfo offers legal interpretations to implement any required changes. Before joining Cenlar in 2016, Laura Ann worked at the Office of the Public Defender in Trenton, N.J., where she redeveloped the New Jersey Foreclosure Mediation Program.


Lindsey Neal

Leslie Colley

Depth, a provider of consultative B2B marketing, public relations, and reputation management services for technology companies within the residential mortgage finance, financial technology (fintech), and regulatory technology (regtech) industries,

announced the promotions of Lindsey Neal and Leslie Colley to executive vice president. “Anyone who knows our firm knows Lindsey and Leslie are integral to Depth,” said firm Founder and President Kerri Milam. “As vice presidents of client service for the last four years, they have guided their teams to meet the needs of companies weathering unprecedented challenges: a pandemic, a record-setting refi boom and a dramatic plummet in volume. By consistently delivering strategic leadership and incontestable value, they’ve positioned Depth to grow throughout each of these scenarios,” Milam said. Neal earned her Master of Business Administration from the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia and her bachelor’s degree in communications with a concentration in public relations from Berry College in Rome, Ga. Colley holds a master’s degree in communication management from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s degree in advanced rhetoric and composition from Georgia State University. “Depth bet the house, literally, on the U.S. mortgage industry and its fintech innovators in 2006, earning the trust and loyalty of its best-known brands with a consultative service delivery model prioritizing immediate and long-range strategy, project management and thought-provoking content that drives action,” said Milam. “Leslie and Lindsey are the best business continuity investments we’ve made on behalf of our clients and our industry.” Depth’s business model was conceived to fill a knowledge and service gap for growth-focused technology innovators driving the modernization and digitization of housing finance. n




Saluting The Top Employers For Women


omen are a growing and influential demographic in the mortgage industry, and many companies are rightly reforming their company culture to be more accepting and inclusive. Companies are racing to provide benefits to their female employees with the intention of making the work environment conducive for women. Four companies are Top Employers For Women in 2023. They are known for creating experiences that matter; providing women all the tools, resources, and support they need; working hard

to foster a diverse community with employees of all different backgrounds; having women in visible leadership positions; and so much more. Some of these companies are even helmed by women. Mortgage Women Magazine salutes those employers that have gone above and beyond. In the following pages, read about those companies taking strides to break the glass ceiling and make the mortgage industry a welcoming environment for women. See the companies make a strong effort to create opportunities for women to grow throughout the mortgage industry. n






Sagent | King of Prussia, Pa. Daniel Sogorka, President & CEO Company Mission Statement Sagent powers banks and lenders to make loans and homeownership simpler and safer for millions of consumers. We bring the modern experience customers now expect from loan originations to loan servicing, where lifetime customer relationships are managed and grown. Sagent platforms let consumers manage their home-owning lives from anywhere while giving servicers lower costs, scale compliance, and higher servicing values through full market cycles. What makes your company a Top Employer for Women? Sagent champions its female employees, promotes an inclusive culture, and empowers employees with a flexible working environment. With an approach rooted in respect and inclusivity, Sagent gives women the support needed to thrive at all organizational levels and at every stage of their careers and lives: from mentorship opportunities to awards to resource groups to family planning benefits. Sagent recognizes that over 75% of caregivers in the U.S. are women,

$10k reimbursement for family planning, with services available for all age groups and all types of families, including LGBTQ+.

and its remote workforce has the flexibility to make their own schedules (carpooling, volunteering, sick kids, elder care, pet care, and more). How does your company support women in the workplace? Sagent supports women in the workforce with a number of different benefits. Employees receive between 12 and 14 weeks fully paid maternity leave for maternal and infant health and bonding. Sagent also hosts Our Women’s Network (OWN), an employee resource group focused on fostering the strong community of women at the company. Through OWN, women have access to a regular speaker series, mentorship opportunities, and ongoing support for their career goals. Sagent also partners with Carrot to deliver fertility support and

Sagent champions its female employees, promotes an inclusive culture, and empowers employees with a flexible working environment.


What percentage of your employees are women?

Benefits available to women within your company: • Paid Time Off • Conference • Flexible Schedule • Academic/ Degree/ Certificate programs • Work From Home Opportunities • Continuing Education • Maternity Leave • Personal/professional Networking


What contributions does this company make to women in the mortgage industry? One way Sagent supports women in mortgage is through partnership with NEXT, an organization designed to build a community of women executives in the mortgage industry. Further, women at Sagent win prominent industry awards including MWM’s Rising Star, Housing Wire’s Women of Influence, and NEXT Powerhouse Partner (this year alone). Beyond that, Sagent provides opportunities for its women employees to travel, attend, participate, and present at leading mortgage conferences (including “The Future of Housing & The Women Building It” at this year’s Digital Mortgage conference). What programs, strategies or formal mentoring/sponsorship programs does this company have specifically aimed at developing women leaders? Sagent provides mentors to all new hires and delivers mentorship opportunities through OWN, its Employee Resource Group for Women. Further, Sagent sponsors organizations, events, and sessions that highlight women in mortgage leadership, including: NEXT, National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA), the Women of ALICE, and the Executive Women’s Summit. n


What percentage of your executive team/C-suite are women?

• Mentors and/or coaches • Association Memberships • Professional Workshops & Seminars




Pennymac | Westlake Village, Calif. David Spector, Chairman and CEO Company Mission Statement Building the foundation of homeownership by enabling Americans to achieve and sustain their aspirations of home. What makes your company a Top Employer for Women? Pennymac creates a diverse and inclusive environment and supports and empowers women to maximize their potential and remain intentional about their career goals. We increase gender diversity within our workplace and leadership teams. Through company programs and initiatives, we honor the unique perspectives, talents, and contributions that women bring. We implemented a leadership key performance indicator (KPI) to increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities (URM) in management positions. With success, women or URM comprise 75% of the workforce company-wide, with 32% holding positions at the senior-most executive level as of December 2022. How does your company support women in the workplace? The Women Empowering Mentorships, Relationships, and Growth (wEMRG) program supports professional and leadership development. The program held workshops to help members verbalize their goals and develop personal branding and leadership styles. wEMRG hosted a panel discussion where women at Pennymac shared their backgrounds and insights around successfully

managing their careers. wEMRG also hosted a two-part spotlight on “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” where women across Pennymac shared their unique experiences navigating the mortgage industry. We host a runPennymac: Women’s 5K Challenge, where employees across the company came together to raise funds for Girl Scouts and Women Who Code. What contributions does this company make to women in the mortgage industry? We are committed to closing the gender gap in industries where women are underrepresented. Pennymac is a Diamond Plus sponsor of

the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA). We partner with NAMMBA in its effort to empower women and minorities to broaden their leadership skills and create an impact in their communities. Our goal is to drive positive and systemic change by diversifying the next generation of minority mortgage and real estate finance professionals and giving them the tools they need to promote equitable and sustainable homeownership. Does your company offer accommodations for nursing mothers? (Ex. lactation rooms, break time & space to express milk, access to baby at work, etc) In a number of Pennymac office sites, we offer wellness rooms that provide employees the opportunity to recharge and maintain well-being through a number of self-care activities. These private rooms are available to support a variety of physical health, mental health and personal needs, including lactation, meditation and reflection/prayer. n

Pennymac creates a diverse and inclusive environment and supports and empowers women to maximize their potential and remain intentional about their career goals.


What percentage of your employees are women?

Benefits that are available to women within your company. • Paid Time Off • Equal Pay • Flexible Schedule • Conference • Paid Leadership Development • Academic/ Degree/ Certificate programs • Work From Home Opportunities • Continuing Education • Maternity Leave • Personal/professional Networking


What percentage of your executive team/C-suite are women?

• Corporate Sponsored leadership training programs • Mentors and/or coaches • Association Memberships • Professional Workshops & Seminars






CMG Financial | San Ramon, Calif. Chris George, President & CEO Company Mission Statement Delivering the right loans for the right reasons in a way that exceeds all expectations. That’s our business. What makes your company a Top Employer for Women? Women are leading the charge at CMG. The critical hire of Courtney Thompson, executive vice president, head of servicing, allowed us to pivot into the total mortgage space earlier this year. The massive efforts and negotiations from General Counsel Shannon Leight, were key to our successful Homebridge retail acquisition. Kim Callas, our executive vice president, chief operating officer, was recently honored as one of the Powerful Women of Mortgage Banking. CMG attracts top-talent women in the industry because they know they’ll succeed here, grow their careers, and play a crucial role in big-time company moves. How does your company support women in the workplace? It starts from the top, from CEO Chris George.

There’s no one more supportive of women leading the charge at CMG than Mr. George. He has established a culture that lets them thrive and grow their careers all the way to executive positions. In Kim Callas’ own words, “Chris and I strive to ensure that our company — especially our leadership — has diverse perspectives and we keep gender inequality in mind when making decisions.” They make sure women are paid equally, getting to maximize work work-life balance, and are given all the tools and opportunities they need to excel. What contributions does this company make to women in the mortgage industry? We give them a place to make their name known, we push them to the top, we make sure

CMG attracts top-talent women in the industry because they know they’ll succeed here, grow their careers, and play a crucial role in big-time company moves.


What percentage of your employees are women?

Benefits available to women within your company: • Paid Time Off • Equal Pay • Flexible Schedule • Conference • Work From Home Opportunities • Personal/professional Networking • Maternity Leave • Corporate Sponsored leadership training programs


they’re well-represented in every room. Kim thinks one of the biggest problems for women in the industry is the lack of representation. “There is a severe lack of women’s perspectives missing industry-wide,” she said in her Powerful Women of Mortgage Banking profile. That’s why we’ve made it a point to keep our company over 60% women. And within executive leadership, we promoted two more women to the team this past year, bringing the balance to nearly 50%. What programs, strategies or formal mentoring/sponsorship programs does this company have specifically aimed at developing women leaders? Our unique program, CMGAdvance, helps employees get the training and mentorship they need to reach the next level through training, live instruction, mentorship, on-the-job learning, and certification in their desired role. Mentorship between women is huge. Additionally, we often have departmental summits where people fly to corporate HQ to meet, and we had an offsite senior female leadership retreat in the spring of 2021. Does your company offer accommodations for nursing mothers? (Ex. lactation rooms, break time & space to express milk, access to baby at work, etc) We don’t offer lactation/break rooms at every single CMG office country-wide, but we do offer flexible remote work capability. n

46% / 33%

What percentage of your executive team/C-suite are women?

• Mentors and/or coaches • Association Memberships • Professional Workshops & Seminars




Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation | Madison, Wis. Steve Jacobson, Founder and CEO Company Mission Statement Fairway’s objective is to provide an atmosphere in which all employees can make the “Fairway experience” be exactly what they want it to be for themselves and their families. Fairway provides the systems and the culture that enable each of its employees, its branches, and the corporate structure to grow in the residential mortgage finance industry. What makes your company a Top Employer for Women? We were humbled to be recognized as a Mortgage Women Magazine Top Employer for Women Award 2022. In 2022 and 2023, we had women leaders receive the MWM Mortgage Star Award and MPA Elite Women Award, and in 2022 our president of products was recognized as a Women of Influence by Housing Wire. We offer several ERGs that provide support and networking opportunities for employees from underrepresented groups, including women. Our Women’s Empowerment Group is our largest group with 680+ members, which doubled a year ago (18% of women employees). We have organized three successful women’s summits at various locations across the country. How does your company support women in the workplace? We have Progyny Fertility Benefits helping make the dream of parenthood come true. Progyny’s Smart Cycle benefit includes bundled fertility treatment coverage for every unique path to parenthood. Employees receive access to a national network of fertility experts and guidance

swag on our company store that supports women-owned vendors. We also feature a non-profit of the month focusing on women-related causes and have contributed over $4,000 in the last year. At Fairway, 48% of our managers are women and within the last two years, we promoted 10 women into executive positions. from a dedicated patient care advocate throughout their family building journey. Fairway has LifeMatters to help employees learn to balance work and family. Our EAP offers a variety of resources to guide women and families, from postpartum resources to caregiver advice. We also have a parenting ERG, short term disability, hospital indemnity, income replacement benefits, and a healthy pregnancy program.

What programs, strategies or formal mentoring/ sponsorship programs does this company have specifically aimed at developing women leaders? We continue to offer learning opportunities for all employees at different levels. One platform we have is Fairway Ignite, which is a coaching platform for sales and operations. We encourage all employees to join as members and attend our weekly connect calls to learn how to succeed.

What contributions does this company make to women in the mortgage industry? Fairway offers Ignite Coaching which provides resources and tools for success. Our ERGs have been a great for mothers returning to work along with our women’s empowerment group. Our Women’s Empowerment Group has

Does your company offer accommodations for nursing mothers? (Ex. lactation rooms, break time & space to express milk, access to baby at work, etc) Yes. We have private lactation rooms at our corporate locations and some employees are remote/hybrid which allows more work life balance as parents. n

Our recruiting practices and career advancement opportunities have helped promote and employ women.


What percentage of your employees are women?

Benefits available to women within your company: • Paid Time Off • Maternity Leave • Flexible Schedule • Conference • Work From Home Opportunities • Personal/professional Networking


What percentage of your executive team/C-suite are women?

• Corporate Sponsored leadership training programs • Mentors and/or coaches • Professional Workshops & Seminars



Mortgage Moms


No Need To Fear The



Ashley Gravano


very year many of us take weeks, months even, to prepare for the holiday season. Some have yearly traditions, some wing it and go with the flow (that’s me, YIKES). As much as I am a planner/control freak (yes, I admit it) I tend to fall behind on planning and scramble before the holiday. Holidays are also about sharing and being thankful for your friends and family. As I do each issue, I connect with a few of our Mortgage Moms and share ideas, thoughts and most recently tips and recipes. We all can use some inspiration. Holidays are not just about feasts, gift giving, and parties. They are about showing thanks/gratitude to our family,

friends, clients, and colleagues. They are also about giving back. How can we practice gratitude? How can we show our thanks to our friends, clients, and family? Each holiday season Michelle’s family finds a different way to give back. No two years are the same. One year they served meals in the café on base for active-duty airmen and women on Thanksgiving, and another year they made meals for a local shelter. For Cecilia the most important part of showing thanks to our colleagues and customers is to be genuine in our actions. Taking time to understand who they are, what fills their cup, and what they enjoy outside of work is critical to showing sincere appreciation. She is a big believer that breaking bread with someone is

We all should practice gratitude. Daily. It is not an easy task although it may appear to be. Oreo Cook


1lb Oreo co



ie Balls STEPS:

1. Crush th 1 8oz crea ec m c h e e se lock bag an ookies — zip d rolling pin (softened) works as does a food proce ssor. You 1lb candy c choose! oating (pick your favorite), 2 . Add crushe d cookies melted — softened c with (I use rea vanilla) mixing bow m cheese to a l — mix w ell. Edible Glit 3. Roll the ter (if you d ough into s so desire) mall (1-inch) balls and th en place o na sheet with parchment baking paper. 4. Place in the freeze r for a bo ut 3 0 minutes

5. After fr oz melted can en, dip them in the dy coating .A cool and re frigerated llow to to set. 6. I also us ee decorate th dible glitter to e candy co a for a festi ve appeara ting nce. This is why I us e the vanill a candy coating — provides a white surface fo r any colo r glitter to look amaz ing!

where we can really learn about that person and when you know who a person really is, you find all kinds of ways to show them thanks. Most importantly, they will know you value them simply because you took the time to get to know them. Also, not all gifts of appreciation must cost money — simple acts of kindness, writing a genuine thank you note can go a long way. We all should practice gratitude. Daily. It is not an




Cardinal Financial


Managing Director/ Independent Consultant BlueJ Strategies


Chief Compliance Officer Cherry Creek Mortgage

easy task although it may appear to be. Tara starts her day with gratitude by reflecting on three things she is thankful for, whether it’s the support of loved ones or the warmth of the morning sun. She also makes it a goal to express gratitude to at least two people daily, often with a simple ‘Thank you.’ This practice boosts her positivity and strengthens her connections with others, both personally and professionally. Sabrina has gratitude rituals. She reflects on her days while on an evening walk. I would say that is a win win since you’re getting physical activity as well Sabrina! Gratitude activities for adults • Gratitude Jar • Gratitude Journaling • Gratitude letters • Gratitude vision boards. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie We are thankful for many things. Our friends, our experiences, our family. Many of us are thankful for our industry. This is where all of us call home more than half of our week. Especially when it is busy! Our work shapes and defines many of us. Sabrina is most grateful for the community in the industry. The network serves as a wellspring of encouragement, collaboration and mutual learning that she truly values.



Sabrina prefers to shop for meaningful gifts year-round rather than rushing to find everything during the holiday



(1 OF 3 INGRE ) DIENT S (FOR T 6 cups HE A P of peele PLE FI d, core LLING d, and slic ): 1 /4 teas ed apple p o on grou s (such a nd s Gran nutmeg ny Smith 1 table or Hon spoon le eycrisp 1/2 cup mon ) granula ju ic e ted sugar 1 teasp oon va 1 table nilla spoon a e x t ract llpurpos e flour 1 teasp For the oon gro Crumb u le n d cinnam Toppin g: on 1 cup o ld-fash ioned rolled o ats

season. She has found that makes the shopping much less stressful. Michelle’s tip is to be selective! Growing older has taught her the value of meaningful interactions, where spending quality time with loved ones takes precedence and not overpacking her schedule. The selective approach is key, especially with accepting party and event invitations. Quality over quantity. Cecilia, who is a planner at heart, has many tips for us but her top few are as follow. She makes sure all holiday OF 3) events are captured on the APPLE CRISP (2 family calendar, so everyone is aware of what is happening INSTRUCTIONS: and when. She is not afraid Preheat the Oven: 350°F to delegate and ask for help. Preheat your oven to ch And most importantly, set -in 13 (175°C). Grease a 9x ized r-s realistic expectations. When it ila sim a ba ki ng dish or comes to decorations, she takes h. oven-sa fe dis one full day to fully immerse lling: Prepare the Apple Fi herself in the holiday decorating combine the In a large mi xing bowl, experience. Once that day is ar, flour, sug ed lat sliced apples, granu complete, make sure to put all tmeg, nu d un gro n, ground cinnamo boxes away so there is nothing t. Toss rac ext illa van d an lemon juice, lingering causing stress. . ted coa until the apples are well Tara has similar tips to our other moms! Be sure to plan ahead, prioritize tasks, communicate availability, use APPLE tech wisely, delegate, and set clear CRISP (3 OF 3 work-life boundaries. ) Top th These are great tips from our e Appl es: Moms, I may need to follow these! n Sprinkle over the the crumble to p apple m ixture in ping evenly Bake: the bakin g dish. Place th e b a king dis oven an h in d until th ba ke for 40 -45 the preheated e toppin minutes , g the app le filling is golden brow or n, and is bubbli ng.

1/2 cup all-pur pose flour 1/2 cup brown sugar (packe d) 1/4 tea spoon s alt 1/2 cup (1 stick ) unsalte d butte r, cold and cu bed

Dish: Transfer to Baking xture to the mi le app the r sfe Tran eading it out spr greased baking dish, evenly. Topping: Prepare the Crumble bine the In a separate bowl, com ar, and salt. sug rolled oats, flour, brown r to the dry tte bu ed Add the cold, cub or your ter cut try pas a mi xture. Use tte bu r until fingers to incorporate the rse crumbs. coa the mi xture resembles

Cool Sl ig h A llow th tly and Ser v minutes e apple crisp t e: o b warm. S efore ser v ing. cool for a few It’s best er v ice it s er whipped w cream. ith Ice cream o ved r



Educate. Innovate. Motivate. The mortgage industry is going through a significant change. For mortgage origination professionals, it’s a struggle to keep on top of all the changes, and to keep your sales strategies and marketing initiatives at their peak. You need to keep your pipeline filled, and you need the tools and directions to stay profitable, efficient, and effective. We’ve brought together the best in the business to create a top tier event specifically designed for mortgage origination pros.


01 | 2024 Marriott Atlanta Northeast | ATLANTA, GA Attend for free by using the code NMPFREE Complimentary registration available to NMLS-licensed active LOs and their support staff. Show producers reserve the right to determine final eligibility.

Picture your dream home. Now look down. There’s a bright red line keeping you out. Join host Katie Jensen as we dive into redlining and the legacy of discrimination. You’ll hear first-hand accounts from those who’ve had to fight back to achieve their dreams. And we’ll challenge industry leaders on how to rewrite this legacy.

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