Loan Origination
How VA Lending Has Changed An interview with Michael “Mo” Oursler, chief operating officer with VA fintech lender, NewDay USA By Brian Honea
One of the goals of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019, which was passed last year by Congress and went into effect on January 1, 2020, was to make it easier for servicemembers to obtain mortgage loans. Much has happened in the nearly one year since this legislation took effect, including more changes brought on by a global pandemic that first slowed things down for the mortgage industry but then saw things take off as homebuyers and homeowners rushed to take advantage of low interest rates. Michael “Mo” Oursler, chief operating officer with VA fintech lender, NewDay USA, recently discussed with The MORTGAGE BANKER Magazine how this legislation has changed VA lending. The MORTGAGE BANKER Magazine
November 2020