National Mortgage Professional Magazine March 2018

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12 MONTHS BANK STATEMENTS TO $2,500,000 • 5000-ELITE-12BS - 700 Min FICO – Personal / Business Statements up to 70% LTV – Starting at 4.50%* • 5000-12BS PLUS - 680 Min FICO – Personal / Business Statements up to 80% LTV – Starting at 5.25%*

24 MONTHS BANK STATEMENTS TO $2,500,000 • 5000-ELITE-24BS - 700 Min FICO – Personal / Business Statements up to 70% LTV – Starting at 4.50%* • 5000-24BS - 660 Min FICO – Personal / Business Statements up to 90% LTV – Starting at 5.625%* • 5000-24BS-NP - 580 Min FICO – Personal / Business Statements up to 80% LTV – Starting at 6.25%*

NON-PRIME FULL DOC TO $2,500,000 • 5000-ELITE-FD - 680 Min FICO – 5 Yrs BK, 5 Yrs Short Sale /Foreclosure up to 85% LTV– Starting at 4.25%* • 5000-NP - 600 Min FICO – 2 Yr BK, 2 Yr Short Sale /Foreclosure up to 90% LTV– Starting at 5.625%* • 5000-RH - 500 Min FICO – 1 Yr BK, 1 DAY Short Sale /Foreclosure up to 80% LTV – Starting at 6.25%*


5000-INV-PP - 640 Min FICO – No Income/No Employment/No Reserves Up to 75% LTV – Starting at 7.25%*

• 5000-INV-DTI-PP - 620 Min FICO – No Income/No Employment/No Reserves Up to 80% LTV – Starting at 6.875%* • 5000-INV-FN-PP - Foreign National Borrower – No FICO/No Income/No Employment/No Reserves Up to 70% LTV – Starting at 7.625%*

NEAR PRIME FULL DOC TO $2,500,000 • 5000-1YR TAX - 620 Min FICO – 5 Yrs BK, 5 Yrs Short Sale /Foreclosure up to 85% LTV – Starting at 6.00%*

FOREIGN NATIONAL FULL DOC TO $2,000,000 • 5000-FN - No FICO – Income Docs up to 70% LTV – Starting at 6.25%*

ITIN FULL DOC TO $600,000 • 5000-ITIN - No FICO – Full Doc up to 90% LTV - Starting at 7.5%* !

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The Mortgage Godfather: Hiring Millennials and Minorities By Ralph LoVuolo Sr.


42 Tony’s Corner: A Message From NAMMBA Founder & CEO J. Tony Thompson III, CMB

2 0 1 8






D o

Serving a Diverse Market By Lisa Fenske ........................................66


Marketplace Diversity: Keeping Ahead of the Curve By Mark Spano ..................................................................................70


Sexual Harassment: An mPower Community Conversation By Marcia Davies ................................................................................72


Colorblind By Eric Weinstein ............................................................74


Ocwen’s Global Women’s Network Making a Real Difference ......76 Fostering Lending Diversity From the Inside Out By Ken Perry......78


Empowering Women Through Homeownership By Kelley Dingens ..............................................................................80


Why Reaching the Next Generation of Latinos is Essential to Business Growth in 2018 By Miguel Narvaez ..............................82

50 NAMMBA Top 100


Recruiting and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce By Helen Brown ..................................................................................84


Diversify Your Audience by Offering the Best Mortgage Solutions By Tracy Marks ................................................86


Dream Weaver: Velma Bullock Is Making the “American Dream” a Reality for Low- to Moderate-Income Families in S.C. By Jackie Smith ......................................................88





Every Non-QM Loan Tells a Compelling Story By Tom Hutchens ....8


The Elite Performer: When to Say “Yes” or “No” By Andy W. Harris, CRMS ....................................................................8

60 NMP Mortgage Professional of the Month: Laura Devlin, Production Support Manager for Third Party Originations, ResMac By Phil Hall


Recruiting, Training and Mentoring Corner: Diversity in Hiring By Dave Hershman ............................................................................10


The Results Are In! By Scott Harris ..................................................16


V I S I T Company

Web Site



A D Page

Accio Data ........................................................ ..........................................................68 Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions ............................ ..............................81 & Back Cover Athas Capital Group .......................................... ....................................................5 Brokers Compliance Group.................................. ..................................17 Caliber Home Loans.............................................. ..............................................75 CAMP .................................................................. ......................................................41 Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC ...................... ................................9 & 74 Citadel Servicing Corporation .............................. ..............................................19

90 Carrington Mortgage Services Launches NonPrime Mortgage Loan Products Through Its Wholesale Channel By Rick Grant

Class Appraisal .................................................. ................................................15 DocMagic .......................................................... ........................................................7 Flagstar Bank .................................................... ..................................................11 Gateway Mortgage Group, LLC ............................ ..................................................85 Greenbox Loans, Inc........................................... ..............................................IFC ...................................... ............................................72


Lykken On Lending ............................................ ............................................84


MBS Highway .................................................... ..........................................65 Mortgage News Network (MNN) .......................... ............................58 & 59

of contents




1 0




Mortgage Lenders Change Lives ....................................................18

Dodd-Frank Amending Legislation in the House of Representatives By Gavin T. Ales ................................................20

NAMB Perspective ............................................................................22 The NAPMW Report: Vegas … Here We Come!!! By Cathy Kantrowitz ..........................................................................32 OrigiNation: 2018: The Year of the Broker By Andy W. Harris, CRMS ..................................................................36 Compliance Matters: Credit Transactions Involving Spouses By Jonathan Foxx, Ph.D., MBA ..........................................................40 Drilling Down on Negative Equity Issues By Pam Marron ..............44 Give Your Spring Some Bounce by Getting Prospects Off the Fence By Bubba Mills............................................................46 Size Does Matter in This Business By Brian Sacks ........................54 Retail Lending in 2018: What to Expect From Commercial Lenders By Stephen A. Sobin ......................................56 Looking for a Subservicer for Your MSRs? Do Your Homework. By Lee M. Smith ..............................................62 MBA’s Mortgage Action Alliance: A Message From MAA Chairman Gene M. Lugat ..............................................64

COLUMNS New to Market...................................................................................12 News Flash: March 2018 ...................................................................14 Heard on the Street...........................................................................38 Outstanding Places to Work.............................................................92 NMP Calendar of Events...................................................................93 NMP Resource Registry....................................................................94

A D V E R T I S E R S Company

Web Site


NAMB+ ............................................................ ......................................................21 NAMMBA .......................................................... ........................................................79 NAPMW ............................................................ ....................................................35 & 87 NAWRB ............................................................ ............................................................45 New American Funding ...................................... ......................................96 NMP U .............................................................. ..................................43, 69 & 77 NRMLA.............................................................. ....................................................86 NYC Real Estate Expo.......................................... ..........................................82 OSI Express........................................................ ............................................1 Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Inc. ...... ..........................13, 73 & Inside Back Cover REMN................................................................ ..............................................39 Ridgewood Savings Bank .................................... ..............................................83 Silver Hill Funding ............................................ ............................................71 TagQuest .......................................................... ........................................................37 The Bond Exchange............................................ ..........................................89 United Wholesale Mortgage ................................ ......................................................48 & 49

MARCH 2018 Volume 10 • Number 3


publisher’s desk

The more diverse, the more powerful There is great power in diversity and readers of National Mortgage Professional Magazine 1220 Wantagh Avenue • Wantagh, NY 11793-2202 know this very well. As our companies grow, we have the opportunity to become stronger Phone: (516) 409-5555 • Fax: (516) 409-4600 by adding a diverse group of people to our teams or to become stagnant and less relevant Web site: in a changing world. It’s an important choice and the companies that are choosing to STAFF Eric C. Peck Joel M. Berman recruit, hire, train and lend to diverse groups are winning. Editor-in-Chief Publisher - CEO (516) 409-5555, ext. 312 (516) 409-5555, ext. 310 Building a more diverse company is a goal of many CEOs, but getting that job done can be a challenge. In this issue, we offer tips, tools and techniques to help every company Joey Arendt Beverly Bolnick become more diverse and more powerful. In all, we bring you 11 feature articles on this Art Director VP-Sales & Marketing (516) 409-5555, ext. 323 (516) 409-5555, ext. 316 important topic. Like everything we do to improve our companies, it starts with strategy. What does your Scott Koondel Phil Hall VP of Operations Managing Editor diversity strategy look like? It probably starts with the goal of building the company by (516) 409-5555, ext. 324 (516) 409-5555, ext. 312 finding more borrowers. That’s a great place to start. For help with the strategic side of things, we turn to By Mark Spano, Chief Financial Richard Zyta Francine Miller Social Media Ambassador Advertising Coordinator Officer of Jet Direct Mortgage. He offers us “Marketplace Diversity: Keeping Ahead of the (516) 409-5555 (516) 409-5555, ext. 301 Curve.” Also, see “Diversify Your Audience by Offering the Best Mortgage Solutions,” from Rick Grant Dylan Pollock Tracy Marks, President of LenderSelect Mortgage Group. Both of these pieces start the Special Reports Editor Administrative Assistant diversity conversation off well. (570) 497-1026 (direct) (516) 409-5555, ext. 314 (516) 409-555, ext. 311 As soon as a company sets the goal of broadening its market, management realizes that it must diversity its staff. For insight into how that can be accomplished, we turn to Ken ADVERTISING To receive any information regarding advertising rates, deadlines and requirements, please contact Perry, President and Founder of The Knowledge Coop, for his article “Fostering Lending VP-Sales & Marketing Beverly Bolnick at (516) 409-5555, ext. 316 or e-mail beverlyb@mortgageDiversity From the Inside Out.” We also offer you “Recruiting and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce,” from Helen Brown, Director of Human Resources at Inlanta Mortgage Inc. ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS/PRESS RELEASES To submit any material, including articles and press releases, please contact Editor-in-Chief Eric C. Peck One diversity initiative that has proven incredibly successful for many companies in our at (516) 409-5555, ext. 312 or e-mail The deadline for submissions space involves promoting more female executive into the C-Suite. Once companies is the first of the month prior to the target issue. become more diverse in terms of gender at the highest levels, no one can understand why SUBSCRIPTIONS To receive subscription information, please call (516) 409-5555, ext. 301; e-mail orders@mortgagethey didn’t do it sooner. For those ready to recruit and promote more women, we offer a or visit Any subscription changes may be made to the attention of “Circulation” via fax to (516) 409-4600. wealth of information in this issue. Statements, articles and opinions in National Mortgage Professional Magazine are the responsibility of the We start with a look at Ocwen’s Global Women’s Network (OGWN). This internallyauthors alone and do not imply the opinion or endorsement of Mortgage News Network Inc., or the offigenerated profile takes a detailed look at this women’s group and the real difference it is cers or members of National Association of Mortgage Brokers and its State Affiliates (NAMB), National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW), National Consumer Reporting Association (NCRA) making in empowering women and encouraging diversity and inclusion. and/or other state mortgage trade associations. Participation in NAMB, NAPMW, NCRA, and/or other state mortgage trade associations events, activTom Peters, author and consultant, has long argued that women are the primary ities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and does not reflect the endorsement purchasers in American households. That holds true for the homebuying process. To of the product and/or services by Mortgage News Network Inc., NAMB, NAPMW, NCRA, and other state mortgage trade associations. prepare you for that, we offer “Empowering Women Through Homeownership,” from Kelley National Mortgage Professional Magazine, NAMB, NAPMW, NCRA, and/or other state mortgage Dingens, Marketing Director for Denver-based The Colorado Real Estate Finance Group trade associations do not make any misrepresentations or warranties concerning the regulatory and/or compliance aspects of advertisers, products or services and/or the editorial content contained in Mortgage Inc. News Network Inc. publications. National Mortgage Professional Magazine and Mortgage News Network Inc. reserve the right to edit, reject and/or postpone the publication of any articles, information or data. And, to help executives avoid mistakes here that could cost them a great deal, we bring you “Sexual Harassment: An mPower Community Conversation” By Marcia Davies, Chief Operating Officer for the Mortgage Bankers Association. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst. Ultimately, Loan Originators must position themselves to serve the needs of a more diverse client base. To help prepare for that, we offer you a number of important articles in this issue. We start with a great example in the article, “Dream Weaver: Velma Bullock is making the ‘American dream’ a reality for low- to moderate-income families in S.C.,” by Jackie Smith, Director of Public Relations for South State Bank. And we wouldn’t want to exclude the fastest-growing ethnicity in America today. So, don’t miss “Serving a Diverse Market: As the Hispanic Homebuyer Segment Continues to Grow, Lenders Must be Prepared to Meet Their Unique Needs,” from Lisa Fenske, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Waterstone Mortgage, and “Why Reaching the Next Generation of Latinos is Essential to Business Growth in 2018,” by Miguel Narvaez, Chief Production Officer and Partner for Alterra Home Loans. We’ve very proud of all the information we’ll pulled together for you in this issue of National Mortgage Professional Magazine, but there are plenty of opportunities for you to learn even more about this important topic. Start with the National Minority Mortgage Bankers of America’s CONNECT 2018 event taking place April 12-15 at the Westin Buckhead Atlanta. You can find out more about this event on the organization’s Web site,, or on Mortgage News Network, Even more opportunity is offered by the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) at its 2018 Annual Education Conference “Unmasking Mortgage,” coming up Thursday-Friday, April 5-6, at Harrah’s Casino in Las Vegas. We’re proud to be the Official Publication for both of these events. Visit for more details. That’s a lot of information to pack into a single issue, and we didn’t even touch on the compliance information, trade association news and special departments that you find in every issue of our publication. We hope it serves you well. Enjoy this issue. And don’t forget to make your plans to join us in Washington, D.C, for the NAMB Members Only 2018 Legislative & Regulatory Conference, coming up May 5-8. Visit for all the details on this exciting event. We hope to see you all there. Sincerely, Joel M. Berman, Publisher-CEO NMP Media Corp.

National Mortgage Professional Magazine is published monthly by Mortgage News Network Inc. • Copyright © 2018 Mortgage News Network Inc.


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

NAMB 601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, South Building l Washington, D.C. 20004 l Phone: (202) 434-8250 l Fax: (530) 484-2906 l Web site: l E-mail:


John G. Stevens, CRMS President

Richard Bettencourt, CRMS President-Elect

Nathan S. Pierce, CRMS Vice President


Michelle Velez, CMC Secretary

Rocke Andrews, CMC, CRMS Treasurer

Fred Kreger, CMC Immediate Past President


Linda McCoy, CMRS

Chris Bettis, CMC, CRMS

Wayne King, CMC, CRMS

Michael DeSantis

George Burkley, CRMS

Valerie J. Saunders, CRMS Executive Director

Harry H. Dinham, CMC Chief Operating Officer

Olga Kucerak, CRMS

National Association of Professional Mortgage Women 345 North Main Street, Suite 313 l West Hartford, CT 06117 l Phone: (800) 827-3034 l E-mail: l Web site:


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Cathy Kantrowitz National President (845) 463-3011

Laurel Knight President-Elect (425) 426-2028

Susan Kerr Vice President (703) 871-1310

Glenda Mooney Secretary (314) 703-8714

Judy Alderson Treasurer (918) 250-9080, ext. 300

Lynne Sparks Parliamentarian (678) 872-9000, ext. 10611

National Consumer Reporting Association 701 East Irving Park Road, Suite 306 l Roselle, IL 60172 l Phone: (630) 539-1525 l Fax: (630) 539-1526 l Web site:


Paul Wohkittel President (410) 644-5020

Mary Campbell Vice President (701) 239-9977

Julie Wink Ex-Officio (901) 259-5105

William Bower Director (800) 288-4757

Janet Curtis Director (210) 224-6121

Maureen Devine Director (413) 736-4511

Gary Glucroft Director (800) 877-3908, ext. 100

Brian McKinney Director (706) 373-2200

Helen Meyers Director (800) 782-9094

Mike Thomas Director (615) 386-2285, ext. 285

Debbie Ysebeart Director (425) 264-1024

Delia Zuniga Director (623) 889-8999

Terry Clemans Executive Director (630) 539-1525

Jan Gerber Office Manager/Member Services (630) 539-1525 JGerber@

Big Things on the Horizon for ARMCP This year will bring some great new opportunities to the Association of Residential Mortgage Compliance Professionals™ (ARMCP™), currently consisting of nearly 1,600 members. ARMCP™ will soon be launching its own Web site to fulfill the needs of residential mortgage compliance professionals. ARMCP™ is the first and only independent, national organization in the U.S. devoted exclusively to residential mortgage compliance professionals. Our independence means we are not affiliated with any profit oriented corporation or enterprise. ARMCP™ membership consists solely of those members who have joined it on their own and were not solicited to join it via solicitations from third-party lists or subscriptions. Independence is the key to the value of our advocacy! There are currently two slots remaining for the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will be drafting new by-laws, determining a nominating process, conference planning, and many other areas of interest relating to ARMCP™’s mission. If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee, email


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Every Non-QM Loan Tells a Compelling Story By Tom Hutchens


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


riginators remain skeptical when I say that non-QM loans are no less risky than agency loans and feature competitive rates.

It is true. Five years after Angel Oak pioneered home loans for people excluded from the qualified mortgage (QM) marketplace, our delinquency rates are as low or lower than agency lenders. How can that be? These borrowers have credit and income histories that fall outside conventional guidelines. We succeed by focusing on the story of each person who applies for a loan. Agency lenders must fit square pegs of narrowly defined “safe borrowers” into square holes set by standards from mortgage government-sponsored enterprises (GSE). That system has shut out millions of creditworthy people. Our underwriters manually examine each applicant’s story. We study why that person or couple is unable to secure an agency loan. Each story is different. Often, the negating credit incident or income circumstance does not impair the borrower’s current ability-to-repay. Thus, we have various loan products to assure that borrowers can secure the best terms based on credit rating, income documentation and downpayment. Consider this story of a first-time homebuyer who had been self-employed for eight years and was unable to qualify for an agency loan. Our underwriter noted that he had a perfect credit history, documented average monthly deposits of more than $14,000 for two years, always paid car loans on time, and verified monthly rent payments of $1,800 for many years. The $422,100 loan he sought would only increase his housing payment by $700 and the DTI on the mortgage would be less than 30 percent. That is the epitome of a win-win transaction. While this borrower could not qualify for an agency loan, our bank statement loan enabled him to realize the dream of homeownership. Another applicant was unable to qualify for an agency loan because she had a foreclosure on an investment property, a single vacant lot. After selling her primary residence, she wanted a $612,000 loan to purchase a new home. Despite the foreclosure, our underwriter noted her 718 credit score, perfect payment history on the previous residence, a downpayment of $83,000 and 24 months of reserves. Again, the borrower’s story made perfect sense to the underwriter. The ability-to-repay documentation affirmed a good loan for a deserving borrower. Before the age of computers, every mortgage lender listened to their borrowers’ stories and personally examined their special financial circumstances. When it comes to nonQM loans, the old-fashioned way is the only way, and it works.

Tom Hutchens is Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, an Atlanta-based wholesale/correspondent lender licensed in more than 35 states and operating in the non-QM space for over three years. Tom has been in the real estate lending business for nearly 20 years. He may be reached by phone at (855) 539-4910 or e-mail



elite performer When to Say “Yes” or “No” BY ANDY W. HARRIS, CRMS

ime can be more valuable than money. The problem is that most people don’t look at their time in the same way. As a result, time can be wasted which will directly limit production and revenue. Once time is gone, of course, it can never be regained. It is imperative that we all understand this about the time we have each day and what unique opportunities we can take advantage of right now. We also have to define things that may waste our time throughout the day and make decisions that respect the limited hours of each day. I have always been a person to say “Yes” to meetings and requests over the last many years. While this is the easiest thing to do and the intention is to give everyone my attention, I have found that doing this sets me back considerably. I’ve just started learning to say “No” when necessary or if the meeting will not be in the best interests of my objectives. My priorities are to help others, of course, but only if the objectives meet my goals and the goals of others following the same path. Sales solicitations and unscheduled meetings are usually the largest waste of time I’ve experienced. Volunteering can also result in non-productive meetings and potentially a drain on time unless the objectives are clear and things must get done. I’ve found that these variables over the years set me back so far in my daily schedule, that I must be calculated on what meetings I will take and when I will schedule them to be most productive if in fact it earns the response of “Yes.” I urge everyone to learn how to say “No.” Review your schedule, prioritize your time, and understand it is a valuable resource that you can’t get back. Ask yourself if the task or meeting is worth filling that block on your schedule for the day. If not, kindly reschedule a meeting or trust your gut in saying no and ensuring you’re maximizing your time. If you find productive meetings or opportunities your gut will tell you when to say yes


Andy W. Harris, CRMS is President and Owner of Lake Oswego, Ore.-based Vantage Mortgage Group Inc. and Past President of the Oregon Association of Mortgage Professionals. He may be reached by phone at (877) 4960431, e-mail or visit








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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Unconventional loans forr conventional clients fo


Recruiting, Training and Mentoring Corner

Diversity in Hiring BY DAVE HERSHMAN

have been in and serving the mortgage industry for more than three decades, and during that time, not only has the industry changed, but the world has changed around us. If I went to a “Mortgage Bankers” function three decades ago, we were 95 percent White males in suits. There were some females, especially vendors—as old White males loved to be called on by young females. Fast-forward 35 years and diversity has grown beyond making this a less maledominated business. But the diversity that we have experienced is nowhere close to the diversity that America is experiencing. I grew up on Long Island, N.Y. in the 1950s and 1960s. Yes, the “Leave It to Beaver” era. Our world was actually more diversified that many areas in the country. There were bagel bakeries; Jewish delis; Greek diners; and Italian, Mexican and Chinese restaurants. Today, I just need to travel to a shopping center around my home in Northern Virginia to see the difference. Yes, there are still pizza places, bagel joints, Mexican and Chinese Restaurants, but now we have Korean barbeque, vegetarian and not-so vegetarian Indian, Sushi and Japanese steakhouses, Thai, Ethiopian, Salvadorian, Peruvian, Brazilian and much more. This is very dangerous for me since I happen to like every one of these foods, from an empanada


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to Tandoori to Pad Thai … I am a sucker. This international cuisine is not just because America’s taste buds have grown. It is because America has changed, and this change is accelerating. Want more proof than restaurants? In 2014, there were 20 million Americans under five years of age and 50.2 percent of them were minorities. That included 22 percent Hispanic and 15 percent AfricanAmerican children. And to top that, Asians are the fastestgrowing minority group in America. Not coincidentally, the Harvard Joint Center of Housing Studies projects: “Another major facet of household growth over the next two decades will be the significant share of growth accounted for by Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks, Asians and other minorities. The projections show these households will make up the majority of household growth between 2015 and 2025. In this time, fully 72 percent of all household growth will be from households other than non-Hispanic Whites.” Going back to the mortgage industry, while we certainly are now more diversified as an industry, we are nowhere near where we need to be. Even going back to the issue of women in the mortgages—did you know that single women (17 percent) are purchasing homes

at more than twice the rate of single men (seven percent)? I don’t see twice as many female Loan Officers as male LOs. Thus, diversification is about more than ethnicity. It is obvious that we need to serve this diversity if we are going to survive and prosper in the future—meaning we need to expand our mortgage programs to accommodate these diverse groups. It means expanding our marketing reach to these groups. But more than that, we need to diversify our recruiting efforts as well. Diversifying recruitment efforts will entail more than featuring the required “Equal Opportunity Employer” logos on our advertisements. It will entail reaching out where we don’t usually reach out. This outreach needs to be made not by White males, but by those who represent these groups. That means that minorities must become part of the leadership team. And it also means that we must become experts in training. People come to America to

achieve the American Dream. That includes homeownership. But it does not include working as a Mortgage Banker. No one goes to college to become a Mortgage Banker (or Mortgage Broker). We have to reach people earlier in life. Note that I am not proposing hiring college graduates and throwing them on the street to become Loan Officers, but starting to integrate them into the system so that they can grow in the industry. In our leadership course, we introduce something I have never seen in the industry before. An actual “Experience Assessment” for rookies. There is one for experienced Loan Officers as well. The point is that there are many minorities working in other fields that have great experience that could prepare them to be Loan Officers. Some of them have better experiences than our present Loan Officers. To be diversified, you must look everywhere. If you are interested in our Rookie Loan Officer Experience Assessment, e-mail me at for a sample.

Dave Hershman is a top Author in this industry, with seven books published, as well as the Founder of the OriginationPro Marketing System and the OriginationPro’s online comprehensive mortgage school. Dave is also Director of Branch Support for McLean Mortgage. He may be reached by e-mail at or visit



Well-crafted mortgage lending

requires a high-tech toolbox. For the last thirty years, Flagstar Bank has been an industry-leading mortgage lender. We are a top 10 correspondent investor1 and the #1 FHA wholesale lender2 in the country. We were also recently celebrated for our company-wide diversity and inclusion efforts in 2017.

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Some restrictions may apply. All borrowers are subject to credit approval. Programs subject to change. The information provided herein is for dissemination to and for real estate and financial business entities only, and is not an advertisement for the extension of credit to customers. 1Source: Inside Mortgage (Q3 2017) 2 Source: FHA Neighborhood Watch (Q3 2017)

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Discover more advantages at:

MBA's Diversity and Inclusion


newtomarket UWM Launches Conventional High-Balance Loans, Lowers FICO Requirements on Government Loans

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) has announced that it is now offering Conventional HighBalance loans nationwide, making a more cost-effective loan product available to borrowers in counties and states that previously did not have access to high-balance loans. “The roll-out of High Balance Nationwide opens up a huge business opportunity for mortgage brokers throughout America,” said Mat Ishbia, UWM President and Chief Executive Officer. “This is a win-win for consumers and our Mortgage Broker network, and we are excited for this product to make a big difference to our broker partners and many of their consumers in 2018 and beyond.” Currently, only seven percent of U.S. counties (220 out of 3,234) have access to loan amounts over $453,100, through FHFA Conforming loan limits, and up to $679,650. If a home does not reside in one of those 220 counties, the only program option is a true Jumbo loan. Jumbo loans notoriously comes with higher fees, tedious guideline requirements and stringent overlays. UWM is solving this problem by offering its broker network a Conventional High-Balance loan program in 100 percent of U.S. counties. This program gives consumers access to a $679,650 loan amount, great rates, a streamlined underwriting process, and the accessibility of an $849,570 purchase price with a 20 percent downpayment.

Highlights of the High-Balance Nationwide product include: 680 Minimum FICO; 43 percent Debtto-Income (DTI); 80 percent Loanto-Value (LTV); Primary and Second Homes; lower rates, more flexible guidelines and fewer requirements than jumbo; and fast turn times, averaging 15 days or less from submission to closing. “Jumbo loans are very competitive in our area, and we are in a county that High-Balance is not available, so often we lose business to big banks as a result,” said Brodie Calder, President of Beam Lending in Layton, Utah. “Now we are able to offer a fast and easy competitive loan with a great rate that will not only be beneficial to growing our business, but it will also be a better loan option for our clients.” UWM has also announced that it has lowered its minimum FICO requirement from 680 to 640 on FHA and VA Elite loans, in addition to lowering the minimum loan amounts for Elite loans from $175,000 to $125,000 with no LTV cap. UWM has also announced that it has lowered its minimum FICO on non-Elite FHA, VA and USDA loans from 640 to 620. These changes were designed to give even more borrowers access to lower rates and faster turn times. Equifax Unveils New Analytic Dataset

Equifax Inc. has introduced Analytic Dataset, a new analytic tool that provides borrower-level data in an anonymous and nonaggregated format. The dataset provides key information for

researchers and modelers such as credit risk scores, geography, debt balances and delinquency status at the loan level for all types of consumer loan obligations and asset classes. With this new solution, investors and other market participants have the ability to better model delinquency, default, loss severity and prepayment, as well as the ability to more accurately value securities and understand broader consumer credit trends. Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) and Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) investors, issuers, traders, and ratings agencies researchers can use the tool to analyze and model consumer payment performance across a variety of asset classes such as auto, credit card, mortgage and unsecured personal loans. Also, better modeling may give investors better predictive power to price risk and thus finance consumer debt at the best possible rates. “This data is one of the most important advances in consumer modeling and analytics,” said Professor Tomasz Piskorski, Columbia Business School. Analytic Dataset is created from an unbiased 10 percent statistical sample of the U.S. credit population across all geographic boundaries, with historic data starting in 2005. It provides insights into the credit health and payment performance of U.S. consumers over time and across various economic cycles. “When businesses or government entities are able to apply segmentation and perform analytics by credit quality or asset class, they can better determine important factors such

as how consumers prioritize payments and the impact of behaviors of given loan types on other forms of credit,” said Geoffrey Hickman, Managing Director of Government Credit and Capital Markets at Equifax. “This in turn gives them the ability to drive a deeper level of understanding and improve modeling efforts.” LendingQB Makes FormFree’s AccountChek Asset Verification Part of Its LOS

FormFree has announced the availability of its AccountChek automated asset verification service within LendingQB’s Webbased loan origination software (LOS). The integration enables lenders to order AccountChek Asset Reports directly from LendingQB’s verifications dashboard. FormFree’s AccountChek service lets borrowers demonstrate their ability to repay mortgage loans without tracking down bank statements or other asset documents. The secure process results in a smoother borrower experience that greatly reduces loan processing and underwriting time and reduces the total time required to close a loan. “AccountChek provides an ultra-secure and convenient way for borrowers to submit asset and deposit data using any smart device—and now, through our integration with LendingQB, the experience is just as secure and convenient for the loan officer or processor initiating the AccountChek process,” said FormFree Founder and Chief Executive Officer Brent Chandler. LendingQB President Tim

Nguyen said, “LendingQB’s verifications dashboard gives lenders efficient access to the Day 1 Certainty services they know and trust, like AccountChek by FormFree. By reducing the time and effort required to enable, order and track these services, we are further enhancing the value they already bring to our customers.” OnCourse Learning Launches Mortgage Licensing Exam Prep Tool

Wipro Gallagher Solutions Upgrades Its NetOxygen LOS Wipro Gallagher Solutions (WGS) has announced the release of the latest version of its Loan Origination System (LOS), NetOxygen v5.1.

“We are constantly updating our system to keep pace with the evolving industry landscape, while adding innovative efficiencies to enhance lenders’ speed, productivity and accuracy throughout the entire lending process,” said Scott Dunn, Head of Product Management and Compliance, Wipro Gallagher Solutions. NetOxygen v5.1 provides a loan overview feature to offer users a bird’s eye view of various attributes of a loan in the form of a dashboard. It also provides users the ability to look at various

conditions associated with the loan and indicates the category of a condition, when a condition is due and the status of the condition. As part of WGS’ continued focus to expand its list of service providers, it has added several interfaces to fully integrate with Fannie Mae’s Day One Certainty and help lenders process loans in a more automated and streamlined fashion, while enabling a quicker time to close. NetOxygen v5.1 offers several continued on page 18


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

A new online test preparation tool, Prep xL by OnCourse Learning, is now available to mortgage professionals across the country who are studying for the national portion of the licensing exam. “Prep xL customizes the learning experience by zeroing in on the specific areas where an individual student needs to focus based on their knowledge of the topic,” said Brett Shively, Executive Vice President of Financial Services for OnCourse Learning. “By providing targeted practice based on a student’s exam date and on topics pertinent to mortgage professionals, students leave the experience fully confident in their ability to pass the exam.” Prep xL by OnCourse Learning provides a personalized, engaging experience that addresses each individual’s knowledge gaps and improves learning outcomes. The exam prep platform also includes study support tools like interactive flashcards and learning games. It also offers an impressive mobile experience, allowing students to learn on the go. The newly launched test preparation product assesses each student’s topic knowledge, takes into account different learning styles and abilities, and provides multiple ways for students to prepare and practice for the exam. Prep xL by OnCourse Learning provides multiple ways to help students prepare, including practice questions and sample tests. A tailor-made dashboard rounds out the experience and tracks students’ progress, providing the following actionable data: A personalized study plan to keep students on track as they prepare for their exam; daily goals to guide students to the next step in their study plan; and real-time

feedback via a progress bar that reminds students how far they’ve advanced in their plan and where they left off on the previous visit.


NAMB Pushes Trigger Lead Ban

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) has announced that it is seeking to ban the sale of trigger leads by urging Congress to add appropriate legislative language to Bills HR 4028 and S 1982 (also known as the Protect Act of 2017, Congressional legislative action relating to the recent credit bureau data leak of over 143 million Americans). Mortgage trigger leads are created and sold by the national credit bureaus. These leads are comprised of names, contact information and other data, including a significant amount of personal information, for individuals who have recently applied for a mortgage. “The credit bureaus compile trigger lists daily and sell them to numerous buyers across the U.S., including so-called ‘lead generators,’ who then resell the list to even more companies,” said NAMB President John G. Stevens. At this time, mortgage brokers are unable to prevent credit reporting agencies from including their borrowers’ personal information on the trigger lead lists they sell. “Trigger leads impose danger to consumers in several ways,” said Stevens. “First, they expose borrowers to identity theft and increase the risk of compromising borrowers’ financial passwords. They also increase the borrower’s exposure to potentially unfair and

deceptive activity by unscrupulous mortgage originators looking to impinge on another mortgage professional’s client.” Contacting consumers for the express purpose of encroaching on an in-process transaction can be harmful and confusing during the complex process of obtaining a mortgage, Stevens explained. “Unfortunately, there are people who use all kinds of unethical tactics to target borrowers who have initiated the process of obtaining a mortgage,” said Stevens. “This activity should be classified as an unfair and deceptive trade practice and banned, with the only exception being those that have an ownership interest in the current mortgage for portfolio retention purposes. The only way to protect the consumer is to close this loop hole immediately, and that’s what NAMB is seeking to accomplish.” Hispanic Homeownership Rate on the Increase

Hispanics increased their rate of homeownership from 46 percent to 46.2 percent during 2017,

with a net increase of 167,000 new owner households, according to the State of Hispanic Homeownership Report released by the Hispanic Wealth Project in collaboration with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP). The report claimed that the Hispanic population grew by one million last year, accounting for 51 percent of U.S. population growth. Hispanics were also credited with having a higher workforce participation rate than any other ethnic or racial demographic, with 66.1 percent of adult Hispanics participating in the workforce. However, the report identified three driving forces—a lack of housing inventory, the impact of natural disasters on housing markets with significant Hispanic populations and shifts in the federal immigration policy—as negatively impacting Hispanic homeownership gains in 2017 by slowing Hispanic household formations. “We see from the report’s data the strong enthusiasm for homeownership within the Hispanic community,” said NAHREP 2018 President Daisy Lopez-Cid. “With a growing Hispanic population and the highest rate of workforce participation, Hispanics are expected to drive growth in the housing market for decades.”

Millennials Account for One-Third of Homebuyers

Slightly more than one-third of all home purchases were made by Millennials over the past year, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 2018 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends study. The latest study found Millennials accounting for 36 percent of homebuying, making them the most active generation of buyers for the fifth year in a row. In last year’s study, Millennials accounted for 34 percent of homebuyers. In comparison, Gen X buyers ranked second (26 percent, down from 28 percent in 2017), followed by Baby Boomers (32 percent, up from 30 percent in 2017) and the demographic dubbed by NAR as the “Silent Generation,” those born between 1925 and 1945 (six percent, down from eight percent in 2017). NAR determined that the typical Millennial buyer in the survey had a higher household income ($88,200) than a year ago ($82,000) and purchased the same-sized home (1,800-square-feet) at a more expensive price ($220,000, up from $205,000 in 2017). Millennials carried higher student debt balances than in last year’s survey, and slightly more of this youthful demographic acknowledged that

saving for a downpayment was the most difficult task in buying a home. Fifty-two percent of Millennials bought in a suburban location, with 15 percent opting for a home in an urban area. Only two percent of Millennial buyers over the past year bought a condo.

HUD is within all guidelines and utilizing resources effectively. Warren Predicts New Crash If Dodd-Frank Reform Passes

Carson Calls for Improved HUD Checks and Balances Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is insisting that the passage of S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, will lead to another

motion, which infuriated Warren, who has tried start a social media movement by calling the bill #BankLobbyistAct on Twitter. However, Warren admitted that her vocal opposition to the legislation is creating ill-will with her colleagues. “Since I called out some of my Democratic colleagues for their support, I’ve been taking heat from fellow Democrats,” she wrote in an op-ed for Medium. “I get it—no one likes to be criticized, let alone by someone on their team.” continued on page 16


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson has announced new measures to protect the financial integrity of the Department and correct lax internal processes and controls. Secretary Carson directed HUD’s newly appointed Chief Financial Officer Irving Dennis to design and implement a transformation plan and lead an internal taskforce to combat waste, fraud and abuse. “We simply need to do better,” said Carson. “An updated system of internal controls will provide our agency with greater certainty that the dollars we spend are spent in a manner that satisfies all laws and regulations, and most importantly, the American people. We will approach this as any business would by increasing transparency and accountability. In the end, we will also support a culture that respects the fact that HUD funds belong to the public.” As a former partner at the internationally-recognized accounting firm Ernst & Young, Dennis will institute new processes and controls, empower employees, and strengthen compliance and enforcement-related functions at HUD. “I’m excited to apply a business acumen to a task that is necessary for us as an Agency,” said Dennis. “These new internal controls and management practices must be embedded into our organization to help prevent misuse and misappropriation of assets. The goal is to create more robust processes and systems of checks and balances to ensure our expenditures not only meet all of our requirements but pass a common sense ‘smell test.’” As part of this effort, HUD’s Office of the CFO, with support from the Agency’s Office of the General Counsel, are currently reviewing processes to ensure

Great Recession within a decade. According to a Washington Examiner report, Warren used a Senate floor speech to warn of pending doom and gloom. “I will make a prediction,” Sen. Warren said. “This bill will pass. And if the banks get their way, in the next 10 years or so, there will be another financial crisis.” Earlier this week, the Senate voted 67-32 to end debate on a motion to proceed with the bill, which is designed to roll back some of more onerous aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act. Seventeen Democrats voted in favor of this

The Results Are In! By Scott Harris


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


nmp news flash

continued from page 15

Originations Down, Home Equity Up in Q4 2017

he results are in! Two of our WOW Benchmarks, the “Top 50 Loan Officers” and the “Top 10 Mortgage Companies,” are finalized. We’re excited to recognize 2017's winners.

SocialSurvey’s 2017 Top 50 Loan Officers for Customer Satisfaction was a fierce competition, with more than 20,000 LOs and 200,000 customer reviews! We’re talking about those industry drivers that have distilled the complex process of originating, as well as closing loans and creating a seamless customer experience. Last year, Giuseppe Battaglioli and his team at Hallmark Mortgage earned the number one position for customer satisfaction. He’s back this year, tied for first with Amber Ernst from New American Funding. Both of them represent an almost-perfect five stars out of over 100 reviews. WOW! SocialSurvey’s 2017 Top 10 Mortgage Companies in Customer Satisfaction was also highly competitive with only the top 10 companies from the Small, Medium and Large Lender’s Divisions making this elite list. To qualify, mortgage companies had to have an automated system to collect the true voice of the customer with at least a 40 percent customer completion rate. With New American Funding sending 16 LOs to the Top 100, you bet they’ve made it into the Top 10 spot (Large Division). Check out our winners like Embrace Home Loans, the winner of the Large Company Division with more than 5,700 verified reviews and a 59 percent customer response rate. WOW! SocialSurvey has partnered with Mortgage News Network (MNN) to conduct The WOW Factor Show spotlight interviews with these Top Performer winners, asking questions like what is your competitive edge and how important is your online reputation really. Daniel Jacobs, EVP of National Retail at MiMutual Mortgage, tells us his company’s secret sauce: “You focus—as an entire organization throughout your manufacturing process—on great communication and on-time closings … and live your core values. You can have a ‘WOW Factor’ with great customer service reviews as well.” Check out all the leading players and teams in customer satisfaction for yourself. Look out for those inspiring interviews from winners on MNN’s The WOW Factor Show, sponsored by SocialSurvey.

Scott Harris, CEO at SocialSurvey. For 20+ years Scott has delivered more than a dozen software solution for lenders. His SocialSurvey platform empowers WOW performances in the mortgage industry.


The fourth quarter of 2017 saw the origination of 1.9 million loans secured by residential property, a 20 percent plunge from the previous quarter and a 19 percent tumble from a year earlier, according to new statistics from ATTOM Data Solutions. During the fourth quarter, 818,158 refinance loans were originated, down 17 percent from the previous quarter and down 34 percent from a year ago. The fourth quarter also saw 791,637 residential loans originated, down 22 percent from the previous quarter and down one percent from a year ago, while 293,570 home equity lines of credit were originated, down 25 percent from a nine-year high in the previous quarter and down seven percent from a year ago. The median downpayment on single family homes and condos purchased with financing in the fourth quarter was $18,000, down from a record high $19,100 in the previous quarter, but up 20 percent from $14,950 from the previous year. The metro areas with biggest median down payments in the fourth quarter were all based in California: San Jose ($268,000), San Francisco ($174,500), Santa Rosa ($123,450), Los Angeles ($119,800) and Ventura. “The falloff in refinance originations continued for the third straight quarter, but purchase originations held steady compared to a year ago despite ballooning downpayment amounts that make it more difficult for first-time homebuyers to compete, as evidenced by the three-year low in the share of FHA buyers,” said Daren Blomquist, Senior Vice President at ATTOM Data Solutions. “And while the rise in construction loans in part reflects homeowners reconstructing in the wake of hurricane Harvey in southeast Texas, the widespread rise in construction loans in other parts of the country indicates that more homeowners are staying put and remodeling rather than trying to move up into another home that comes with a big down payment and probably a higher mortgage interest rate.”

Separately, CoreLogic is reporting homeowners with mortgages experienced a 12.2 percent year-overyear equity increase in the fourth quarter, a gain of $908.4 billion since the fourth quarter of 2016. On average, homeowners also gained more than $15,000 in home equity between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the fourth quarter of 2017, with the greatest regional increases in Washington (an average gain of approximately $40,000 in home equity) and California (an average of approximately $44,000 in home equity). From the third quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2017, the total number of mortgaged homes in negative equity decreased one percent to 2.5 million homes, or 4.9 percent of all mortgaged properties. On a year-over-year measurement, negative equity fell by 21 percent from 3.2 million homes, or 6.3 percent of all mortgaged properties, in the fourth quarter of 2016. “Home-price growth has been the primary driver of home-equity wealth creation,” said Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist for CoreLogic. “The CoreLogic Home Price Index grew 6.2 percent during 2017, the largest calendar-year increase since 2013. Likewise, the average growth in home equity was more than $15,000 during 2017, the most in four years. Because wealth gains spur additional consumer purchases, the rise in home-equity wealth during 2017 should add more than $50 billion to U.S. consumption spending over the next two to three years.” Rose City Mortgage Celebrates Donation Milestone

Rose City Mortgage, a Division of Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. (PRMI), donates $100 to a nonprofit organization for every loan it closes. The company believes businesses can make a profit while bettering the world, and after 16 years of giving back to the community, it has reached a milestone of $400,000 in total donations. These funds have benefitted community members, families, animals and more in 50 non-profits, including the Raphael House of Portland, Columbia Land Trust, The Pongo Fund and Dove Lewis. It also closed 136 Kiva loans, raising more continued on page 20


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Mortgage Lenders Change Lives Special Edition: Lending to Women and Minorities


xperts say female and minority homebuyers share characteristics and concerns that set them apart from male homebuyers. Nationally, single women accounted for 21 percent of all home purchases in the year ended this past June, while single men accounted for just 10 percent, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). While there are laws prohibiting discrimination against women and minorities, there are also very few (if any at all) loans specifically for female and/or minority borrowers. There are USDA programs for minorities and “women farmers and ranchers.” Federal, state and local grants are available to aid women and minorities in buying homes. There are also churches that offer resources to local buyers. HUD has programs through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that make lending to new homeowners attractive for mortgage companies. l What about marketing or catering to minorities and female borrowers? l It’s prohibited to exclude, is it prohibited to cater to minorities and women? l Is there precedence set regarding lenders that cater to women or minorities? l Is it considered “discrimination” against non-minorities?

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


This is a taboo topic and these are sensitive questions. It doesn’t have to be. Spanish speaking lenders that target Hispanic borrowers aren’t viewed as discriminatory. A large segment of minority borrowers is VERY capable of qualifying for a mortgage loan or buying a new home. The problem isn’t that no one knows for sure who qualifies or not until underwriters say so. The Mortgage Lending Community (Loan Officers, Mortgage Brokers, Mortgage Bankers and Lenders nationwide) need to get the message out to all qualified borrowers, including women and minorities, who DO qualify. Let them know YOU WANT THEIR BUSINESS. Customer spotlight … Each month, TagQuest gets feedback about their client’s campaign results. Here’s what we heard from one of our mortgage lenders in Texas, Brady M. l Marketing method: TagQuest’s MADI Program—5K data records that met our criteria. l Results: More than 72 targeted leads by our criteria were generated between mail, e-mails, phone, and Web forms. l Highlights of the campaign: “How successful this approached worked, and how well it was received by the borrowers. I thought the add-ons were just a ‘gimmick,’ and now that I have seen how this works firsthand, I believe it.” l Highlights you think would work for others: “I think this approach would work well for any Mortgage Professional with experience in working leads, or has strong support or sales training that will help them capitalize on the responses.” TagQuest Inc. is a full-service marketing firm specializing in marketing for the mortgage industry. Call (888) 717-8980 or visit


new to market

continued from page 13

new self-service tools to enable lenders to perform certain configuration tasks by themselves, thereby boosting operational efficiency and reducing time to market. These features include product and pricing setup, conditions configuration, configurable fee matrices and a user management tool. This version features a welldefined API that allows more seamless integration of thirdparty applications and several technology updates designed to enhance performance of operations and the user experience. In addition to the system’s numerous workflow feature updates, the 5.1 version integrates a combined correspondent and wholesale portal to offer a more simplified experience pertaining to the processing of loans that originate from the correspondent and wholesale channels. “Our innovations are designed to not only meet the regulatory and workflow demands of our valued customers, but also give them a competitive edge to fuel future growth,” said Alok Bansal, Vice President and Business Head of Wipro Gallagher Solutions. “We are very excited about our SaaS offering that will substantially improve lenders’ efficiencies and help them drive digital transformation with the NetOxygen platform.” LERETA Launches Total Tax Solutions Platform LERETA has announced it is providing new automation to the tax industry, with the release of its Total Tax Solutions (TTS), a Web-based platform designed to seamlessly integrate loan servicing and tax service data, for use by standard tax reporting servicers. The platform features dashboards, reporting, workflow management and builtin servicer guidelines for tax payment processing activities. TTS allows servicers to efficiently process a pre-cycle mini-audit, automate tax payments, open items, conduct tax research and review delinquencies and payments. The five modules on the platform are: Pre-Cycle Audit Manager, Tax

Cycle Manager, Escrow Open Item Manager, Delinquency Manager and Task Research Manager. “Existing loan servicing systems have limited capabilities when it comes to managing the functions required for taxes,” said John Walsh, Chief Executive Officer of LERETA. “This causes an increase in servicing costs and the potential for mistakes that can frustrate borrowers. Total Tax Solutions make it easier for servicers to process tax payments, research tax-related inquiries from borrowers or internal departments, manage delinquency reporting and risk and substantially improve customer service. The platform has allowed LERETA to deliver extraordinary service in an industry where the standard for outsource servicing is abysmal. We are proud to now offer our standard tax clients a tool that effectively merges siloed systems and produces a more efficient and secure process.” TTS offer servicers the freedom to process their own tax payments using standard tax reporting services. For those servicers, TTS seamlessly integrate the loan servicing system data and the tax providers’ data so there is no rekeying or guess work required. “An example of the platform’s capabilities was when we used TTS’ the Escrow Open Items manager module to audit/clean-up all payee codes prior to tax season for Washington State,” said Teresa Oates, Escrow Supervisor at Alabama Housing Finance Authority. “This provided accurate information on the TARS for match and pay, which in turn provided true open items under the beta test. We spent less time doing clean up and were able to process and pay all bills in a more efficient manner.” Your turn National Mortgage Professional Magazine invites you to submit any information promoting new “niche” loan programs, new products or any other announcement related to the introduction of a new program, to the attention of: New to Market column Phone #: (516) 409-5555 E-mail:

Note: Submissions sent via e-mail are preferred. The deadline for submissions is the 1st of the month prior to the target issue.

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Foreclosurre, short sale & BK O OK No reserves e 90% LTTV available Bank statemen e ts for income Down to 5 500 Fico, O/O & N/O

Dodd-Frank Amending Legislation in the House of Representatives By Gavin T. Ales


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


he United States House of Representatives recently passed two bills which, if enacted and signed by the President, would impact implementation of compliance rules under the Dodd-Frank Act. The Mortgage Choice Act would amend how certain points and fees are considered under Regulation Z’s qualified mortgage (QM) and high-cost rules. The TRID Improvement Act of 2017 would amend the requirements for how title insurance premiums must be disclosed. The Mortgage Choice Act, House Resolution 1153, was passed by the House on Feb. 8, and would revise the points and fees definition in 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(b)(1). Currently, the definition of points and fees includes any charge which is part of the finance charge under 12 C.F.R. § 1026.4(c)(7) – commonly referred to as 4(c)(7) charges – that is paid to an affiliate of the creditor. For example, charges included in the 4(c)(7) charges include “fees for title examination, abstract of title, title insurance, property survey, and similar purposes”, which if paid to an affiliate of the creditor must be included in the points and fees definition when they otherwise would not be. The Mortgage Choice Act changes the language of the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA) to allow for these 4(c)(7) charges to remain excluded from the points and fees definition even when paid to an affiliate of the creditor, so long as the charge is “a bona fide third-party charge not retained by the mortgage originator, creditor, or an affiliate of the creditor or mortgage originator.” Creditors would also still be barred from any direct or indirect compensation from the charge, “except as retained by a creditor or its affiliate as a result of their participation in an affiliate business arrangement …” The House passed the TRID Improvement Act on Feb. 14. The TRID Improvement Act would modify the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) requirement for a uniform settlement statement that itemizes all charges and instead would require the statement to itemize all “actual charges” imposed on the borrower and also inserting a new sentence which states: “Charges for any title insurance premium disclosed on such forms shall be equal to the amount charged for each individual title insurance policy, subject to any discounts as required by State regulation or the title company rate filings.” This change to the disclosure of title insurance premiums would address a common area of disagreement with disclosures on the integrated disclosure forms, the Loan Estimate (LE) and Closing Disclosure (CD). Currently, the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule requires creditors to use a specific formula for disclosing these premiums which often does not match the title insurer’s state rate filings or the rates required by state regulation.

Gavin T. Ales is chief compliance officer with Torrance, Calif.-based DocMagic Inc. He may be reached by phone at (800) 649-1362, ext. 6446 or e-mail


nmp news flash

continued from page 16

than $4,400 to help alleviate poverty and create a better future for families in 38 countries. “I started the donation program years ago as a way to teach my children to give back,” said Renee Spears, Rose City Mortgage Division Manager. “There is so much need in the world right now and it’s up to businesses to step up and help in any way they can. Knowing that we are making the world a better place is the reason our branch comes to work every day. We love Portland and will do everything we can to take care of it.” Rose City Mortgage held a celebration in early March to thank everyone who contributed to this achievement. During the event, the company asked their attendees to “Be the Change” and make a donation with their pocket change. It raised more than $300 for The Pongo Fund which focuses on fighting animal hunger and providing vital veterinary care throughout the low-income community, money that will bring great food and lifesaving veterinary care to animals who would be left hungry and hurting otherwise. “Rose City Mortgage’s culture of giving is the most authentic type of giving because they give from the heart in the most simple and meaningful way possible,” said Larry Chusid, Founder and Director of The Pongo Fund. “Be it one dollar or one million dollars, it all starts in the same place and that is, from the heart. Thanks to Rose City Mortgage, The Pongo Fund has helped keep 100,000 animals safe at home and out of the shelters, and that is something to celebrate.” NMLS 2.0 Debut Delayed for One Year

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) is postponing the launch of its Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) 2.0 until the second quarter of 2019. NMLS was originally scheduled to debut in September, but the CSBS announced the delay due to concerns raised by industry representatives about the timing of the release ahead of the annual renewal season. “As SRR staff has monitored the progress of NMLS 2.0 development, we determined there were too many risks to being able to confidently deliver a high-quality product by September,” said CSBS Senior Vice President Tim Doyle. “As a result,

the SRR Board of Managers decided on a new target for the launch of NMLS 2.0, to be sometime in the second quarter of 2019. Over the next few months, SRR will continue working with stakeholders to prepare for a successful transition to NMLS 2.0. In addition, the target launch for the State Examination System will be adjusted based on the new NMLS 2.0 timeline.” Mortgage Balances and Debt Up in Q4 2017

Mortgage balances increased by $139 billion, or 1.6 percent, during the fourth quarter of 2017, while mortgage debt rose by $402 billion year-over-year, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The national housing debt level totaled $9.33 trillion by the end of 2017. But while mortgage debt rose, mortgage balances were 4.4 percent below the peak levels set in 2008, while some states that were severely impacted in the recession—including Arizona, California, Florida and Nevada—have balances far below their respective highs. Furthermore, the median credit score of borrowers for new mortgages dropped in the fourth quarter from 760 to 755. Mortgage debt also recorded the second lowest household debt in the household quarter, with 1.3 percent of mortgages in serious delinquency. Mortgage balances account for 71 percent of total household debt, the largest component. There were 52.7 million mortgage accounts in the fourth quarter, up from 52 million on year earlier. Your turn National Mortgage Professional Magazine invites you to submit any information on regulatory changes, legislative updates, human interest stories or any other newsworthy items pertaining to the mortgage industry to the attention of: NMP News Flash column Phone #: (516) 409-5555 E-mail:

Note: Submissions sent via email are preferred. The deadline for submissions is the 1st of the month prior to the target issue.

NAMB+ is an independent, wholly-owned, for-profit marketing subsidiary of NAMB, The Association of Mortgage Professionals. Dear Mortgage Professional, Your NAMB membership connects you with information, programs and events that help you reach your personal and professional goals. But did you know that your NAMB membership can also save you time and money? This is where NAMB+ comes in. NAMB+ is the added value proposition that comes with your NAMB Membership. We have built a strong and growing network of industry-focused vendors who are committed to helping you succeed. Our carefully selected group of NAMB+ Endorsed Providers can help you with everything from commercial loans to digital and internet marketing, lead generation, credit services, social media, mobile apps, insurance, compliance and more! Let NAMB+ help you streamline the process of finding partners to help you take your business to the next level.

Additionally, in most cases, if you take advantage of the special programs and discounts available exclusively to NAMB members through NAMB+, your NAMB membership will pay for itself and then some! So, get the most out of your NAMB membership and accelerate your business by working with the amazing NAMB+ Endorsed Providers listed below. We are in business to help you grow your business! Sincerely,

Mike DeSantis President, NAMB+, Inc.

See below for a complete listing of the current NAMB+ Endorsed Providers and visit for more information. Full-service mortgage credit reporting company serving the nation’s financial community. Avantus provides custom mortgage credit reports, fraud and compliance solutions, and innovative lead generation products available exclusively to Avantus customers. NAMB members receive a discount off Brokers Compliance Group compliance support programs.

MassMutual Disability Income Through an arrangement with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), NAMB members have an opportunity to apply for individual disability income insurance (DI) at discounted rates. MortgageHippo Swift allows loan originators of all sizes to deliver a modern borrowing experience, significantly improve

PreApp 1003 Founded in 2015, Houstonbased PreApp 1003 was created to fill a growing need for mortgage loan originators to easily and securely prequalify mortgage prospects from the convenience of their mobile devices. Sarma gives you access to their extensive resources including: merged reports from the three top credit bureaus, CreditXpert tools, AVM Reports, SocialValidate, TRV Verification, Interface with over 30 LOS, Fannie and Freddie connection, Verification of employment/deposit and much more.

SYNCRO connects mobile salespeople to their office website leads. NAMB Members receive a 10% discount off regular prices for monthly unlimited SYNCRO Web Chat packages. The Bond Exchange 21 is a national surety agency specializing in providing mortgage license bonds to thousands of mortgage professionals across the country. USA Business Lending, Inc. USA Business Lending is your complete resource for everything commercial lending. With our extensive network of funding sources and specialized loan programs, you can be sure that your clients have access to the most competitive rates and terms available on the market.

NAMB Members will receive a Twenty-Five Percent (25%) discount off of the regular price with their NAMB Membership. Simplii VOIP business phone solutions include all the features and functionality of a high end business phone system without the high costs. We offer all NAMB members a 10% discount off their phone services.

NAMB PLUS Login Instructions Username = Member Number Password = First initial of your first name capitalized and your last name with the first letter of the last name capitalized (example = JStevens)

If you are not a NAMB member please visit and join today to gain access to and the many benefits NAMB members receive!

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

eEndorsements promotes your success by making it easy to capture customer reviews, control your content, and publish your testimonials where they matter to drive new business. Automatically share your reviews on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Easily invite your clients to share reviews to sites like Yelp and Zillow. eEndorsements offers a 34% discount to NAMB Members. The way your prospects think has changed and that is where the massive shift occurred. At we build a complete, dynamic and Profitable Online Presence™ in order to protect you and your valuable repeat and referral business from your competition.

If you want a social and mobile marketing strategy that gets noticed contact Social5 today for a FREE consultation and demo and to receive your NAMB member discount pricing

CalSurance® offers competitively priced Professional Liability Insurance for NAMB members. Multiple coverage options and an easy application process are available.

borrower conversions, reduce origination costs and integrate with other innovative technologies in the mortgage industry. NAMB members will receive a 25% discount.

Message From NAMB 2017-2018 President John G. Stevens, CRMS Who Is the National Association of Mortgage Brokers? I have received many calls, e-mails and texts about who the National Association of Mortgage Brokers is. Whom do they represent? Why should someone become a member of this 45-year-old association? In order to help answer these questions for everyone, please see these excerpts that I have collected from the Web site, as well as statistics from the 2016 NMLS Mortgage Industry report:

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


l The National Association of Mortgage Brokers is the voice of the mortgage industry representing the interests of Mortgage Professionals and homebuyers since 1973. l NAMB members include small business owners, Loan Originators, Account Executives, and other industry professionals. l During 2016, the number of state-licensed mortgage companies grew 2.2 percent. The number of licensed Mortgage Loan Originators grew by 7.6 percent and the number of licenses held by MLOs grew by 19.4 percent. l Mortgage originations by state-licensed MLOs surpassed $1 trillion, up 20 percent from 2015. l Federally-registered institutions have decreased by four percent and registered MLOs grew by four percent in 2016. l NAMB is committed to promoting the highest degree of professionalism and ethical standards for its members. l In addition to mandating members adhere to a professional Code of Ethics, NAMB provides Mortgage Professionals with education opportunities, and offers rigorous certification programs to recognize members with the highest levels of professional knowledge and education. l As the leading national trade association for this industry, NAMB is affiliated with State Associations throughout the country. l NAMB represent the interests of the now 422,579 MLO’s in the United States. l NAMB’s active lobbying and advocacy efforts frequently focus on national and state issues. l NAMB also offers members a host of benefits aimed at increasing productivity and lowering business costs. l Since Mortgage Professionals participate in a large number of home loans originations, homebuyers’ interests are also important to NAMB. The association supports a consumer education and fraud reporting program with information and links available on the Web site. If you have any questions to who the National Association of Mortgage Brokers is, who they represent, and why you should become a member, please reach out to me. Let’s talk and grow together! Sincerely,

John G. Stevens, CRMS President of NAMB

“NAMB is committed to promoting the highest degree of professionalism and ethical standards for its members.”

John G. Stevens, CRMS is President of NAMB and Vice President of National Business Development for Paramount Residential Mortgage Group Inc. (PRMG). John has been actively involved in NAMB and mortgage industry thought leadership since 2010. Feel free to reach John by phone at (801) 427-7111 or e-mail



A Message From NAMB Government Affairs Committee Chair Christopher J. Bettis, CMC, CRMS Opportunity & a Limited Time Offer … We have the opportunity of our work lifetimes before us. Under Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Acting Director Mick Mulvaney, whose term ends per statute in June, has laid out the “Strategic Plan” for the CFPB. The first two of five strategic objectives relates to the consumer. Humbly, I would agree with the CFPB that they have done a great job focusing on and protecting the consumer. The exciting part and where the opportunity comes into play is their re-commitment to industry. Here are the three objectives specific to us: l Outdated, unnecessary or unduly burdensome regulations are regularly identified and addressed in order to reduce unwarranted regulatory burdens; l Federal consumer financial law is enforced consistently in order to promote fair competition; and l Markets for consumer financial products and services operate transparently and efficiently to facilitate access and innovation. (Bureau of Consumer Protection Strategic Plan, FY 2018-2022)

Revised Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure Notice to reflect the actual conventional terms. 8. HOEPA (Section 32) was expanded from only Refinances on OwnerOccupied, to Refinance and Purchase on Owner, Second Home and Vacation Homes. Go to Purchase and Refinance Owner only. 9. Modifications to QM/ATR for Portfolio Loans. 10. Multiple FAQs and the need for clarity. Really item one fixes item 10 going forward. And this is also one of the statements by Director Mulvaney that have me so excited. The CFPB will no longer give initial guidance through action; it should occur through commentary and education. I am going to let my voice be heard. I am going to help the CFPB make the right changes. Are you going to let your voice be heard, or are you going to remain silent? Get involved today. Join NAMB. Get involved with a committee. Give to your Political Action Committee (PAC). And finally … e-mail me your ideas. We are stronger Together! Christopher J. Bettis, CMC, CRMS of Eugene, Ore.based Precision Capital is a member of the NAMB Board of Directors and Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee. He may be reached by e-mail at

NAMB’s Membership Minute: March 2018 By George W. Burkley III, CRMS

Google is one of those companies that has changed the way we all do business today. Their technology has changed our lives and we live with having an ever-changing live encyclopedia at fingertips or voice command. I recently ran a Google Search for “Membership in Mortgage Professional Association.” Guess what professional trade association came up number one of 970,000 results? “NAMB, The National Association of Mortgage Brokers.” The same “National Association of Mortgage Brokers” that was formed in 1973 and will be celebrating its 45th anniversary. On our Web site, our Mission Statement reads as follows:

Membership in NAMB will benefit you in many ways. NAMB will keep you educated, trained and well-informed on everything happening in the mortgage origination industry. It will be the best business decision you make all year! Help NAMB protect your industry. If you look at our history and at the great opportunities and benefits that our members receive for just a $120 annual investment in membership, it’s the best $10 a month you can spend to build and protect your business and your right to work. We need more Professional Members in most of our states, especially those who can go to Washington and lobby for positive change in the mortgage industry. The political environment is at the right place to work on fixing the issues with Dodd-Frank, Loan Officer Licensing and Broker Compensation. We have politicians who are now able to make the right changes to benefit the consumer and small business owners. We have states like Florida, California, Texas and Arizona who have many state association members who do not have an NAMB membership. We need your membership, your involvement and your voice to help our industry and consumers on a national level. The

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

“The Association ‘NAMB’ is committed to promoting the highest degree of professionalism and ethical standards for its members. In addition to mandating members adhere to a professional Code of Ethics, NAMB provides Mortgage Brokers with professional education opportunities, and offers rigorous certification programs to recognize members with the highest levels of professional knowledge and education.”


When speaking with Director Mulvaney, two items in particular make me so optimistic about the opportunity before us. We literally have the chance to change our profession for the better … not reactively, like we had to when battling after Dodd-Frank and all of its unintended consequences. But we can change the profession pro-actively to help the CFPB make responsible regulatory reform. None of the professionals I know want complete de-regulation. This would harm the consumer. But unfortunately, the pendulum swung too far after the economic downturn, as the industry, and ultimately the consumer, was harmed. They were harmed through reduced access to credit and an exponentially higher cost for that credit. Well the time is today. I, for one, am going to do everything in my power to help Director Mulvaney and the CPFB effect smart change. However, knowing he is only there until June creates a tremendous urgency. In effect, “A limited time offer.” Please e-mail me, call me, get your ideas into my hands on how we can make our industry better. Do not limit yourselves. Nothing is off the table. But know that the agency is a data-driven one. So, in addition to your ideas, please send examples and any data supporting what you may have. So far here are a few of the revisions brought to NAMB: 1. Required official commentary periods (for example, post final and pre live and a look back post live). 2. The removal of lender compensation to broker company in the Three Percent Rule. 3. Eliminate the second three-day review period for refinances (three days CD, three days rescission). 4. Bona fide emergency waiver of any waiting periods for purchases (already in rule-making for refinances, example, to avoid foreclosure). 5. Loan Estimate (LE) to accurately show cash to close and monthly payments. 6. Standardization of Fees for LE/CD (example, different lenders have different APR items).




Why Do I Need NAMB? … JOIN TODAY! l l l l l l l l

NAMB Testifies Before Congress NAMB Works With the CFPB NAMB Participates in Multiple Regulatory/CFPB Panels NAMB Webinars Full-Time NAMB Lobbyist on Capitol Hill NAMB Protects Your Business NAMB Forms Industry Coalitions NAMB Education


Are You an NAMB Lending Integrity Seal of Approval Holder?

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n

For detailed information, visit Click on EARN the Seal

(No additional costs to NAMB members)

How to Apply for your National Lending Integrity Seal

NAMB members ONLY–Log in to the Lending Integrity site with your NAMB User ID and Password (If you do not know your User ID and Password, type in your e-mail and click log-in and the system will send you a password. If you have any issues, please call (202) 434-8250 or e-mail Lending Integrity Requirements The Lending Integrity Seal of Approval is awarded only to mortgage originators who meet specific requirements. To earn the privilege to display the Seal, mortgage brokers and loan officers must: l Be an NAMB member l Meet the requirements of the SAFE Act l Pass a national criminal background check l Attend eight hours (or equivalent) of professional development education each year l Attend two hours (or equivalent) of ethics training every other year or each license renewal cycle l Provide professional references l Subscribe to NAMB’s Best Business Practices l Agree to NAMB’s Code of Ethics l Must be renewed annually

bottom line is we need your help to work as a big team moving our agenda for our consumers, originators and brokers and build a long-term relationship. Involvement with NAMB will set you apart from your competitors. It builds credibility and shows your clients that you are committed to your craft as a professional Mortgage Originator. Your clients will know they are working with a true professional when they see pictures of you with your Congressional representative and your reps in the Senate. You need to have your politician’s ear about the mortgage industry. Meet with them on a regular basis, and provide them with sound advice and counsel on the industry and share that with your clients. They will be impressed. It will close deals and build your credibility. It just takes five minutes to go online and join NAMB. Log on to NAMB … our history is no mystery and our future is very bright! Just ask Google! George W. Burkley III, CRMS is Owner and Founder of Goshen, Ind.-based American Mortgage & Financial Services, and NAMB Director, as well as Chairman of the Membership Committee. He may be reached by e-mail at

NAMB Certification Committee Update By Linda McCoy, CMRS

NAMB members are a special bunch of people. I was at a NAMB conference in Las Vegas when I heard some NAMB members talking about how they were getting loans from all across the country because they had gotten their Certified Residential Mortgage Specialist (CRMS) designation which is one of the many certifications available through NAMB. Yes, that really piqued my interest. This was years ago and I came home all fired up and looked up the information on the NAMB Web site about how to obtain my certification. The site had a list of requirements that I had to meet in order to get my certification. I printed out the forms and started filling out the application. To my surprise, I met all the requirements. Then it stated you had to pass a written test at an off-site testing center. At that time, I did not know where to go to get information on what I needed to study to take the test. I called one of the NAMB Board Members to ask for help. He gave me the name of the Chair of the Certification Committee at that time. I called him and he encouraged me to go ahead and send in my application. I asked if there was something I could study that would help me. He said he thought he might still have a study guide used by NAMB previously lying around somewhere if he could find it. I was shocked when UPS showed up about two weeks later with a copy of a study book that personally belonged to this person. I had only talked to him that one time on the phone, a stranger but an NAMB member. I was very grateful … and he even paid for the overnight package for me. I studied the book from cover to cover. It had footnotes of the origin of where the material came from. I found those books and read them too because I really wanted that CRMS designation. I finally took the test and passed the first time, but only because I had help. NAMB lists its members on the Web site in alphabetical order by state. They put their members who have designations at the beginning of each state’s list. I want you to know that I have personally received those calls from all over the U.S. when people are moving to my state because I have the CRMS designation, and in return, go to when I hear of someone moving to another state buying a home and pass on that referral. I am very proud that I got my designation, but I am most thankful that I am part of a special bunch of people known as “NAMB members.” Linda McCoy, CMRS of Mobile, Ala.-based Mortgage Team 1 Inc. is a member of the NAMB Board of Directors, as well as NAMB Certification Committee Chair. She may be reached by e-mail at



NAMB Events on the Horizon

NAMB Members Only 2018 Legislative & Regulatory Conference Saturday-Tuesday, May 5-8, 2018 The Mayflower Hotel I 1127 Connecticut Ave NW l Washington, D.C. Join NAMB for the Members Only 2018 Legislative & Regulatory Conference in Washington, D.C., Saturday-Tuesday, May 5-8 at the Mayflower Hotel. Join your mortgage industry peers to march on Capitol Hill and meet with your elected officials. Featuring networking opportunities, top industry speakers and the unique opportunity to walk the hallowed halls of Congress. As one of the most historic hotels in Washington, D.C., The Mayflower Hotel has welcomed locals and visitors alike into its elegantly gilded hallways and gloriously appointed spaces for nearly a century–playing host to inaugural balls and ladies who lunch, the famous and the infamous, decades of society weddings and legions of guests who just wanted to be in the center of it all. For more information, visit

Schedule of events (Subject to change)

Saturday, May 5 Noon-5:00 p.m. NAMB Board Meeting 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception

Sunday, May 6

Noon-1:30 p.m. NAMB Conference Committee NAMB Conference Committee Chair Kimber White will discuss the role of his Committee, including the planning and organizing of official meetings, conferences and events for the association. Noon-1:30 p.m. NAMB Bylaws Committee In this closed meeting, NAMB Bylaws Committee Chair Mike DeSantis will discuss reviewing the bylaws and proposing changes as necessary to the Board of Directors. 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. NAMB FHA Committee The FHA Committee reviews the policies, underwriting guidelines and activities of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. NAMB VA Committee NAMB VA Committee Chair Ken Bates will review the policies,

3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. NAMB Delegate Council Meeting NAMB’s Delegate Council, moderated by NAMB President-Elect Rick Bettencourt, is the body responsible for representing and being a forum for expressing and realizing regional interests and concerns. 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. NAMB PAC Reception and State Lip Sync Contest to Benefit PAC

Monday, May 7 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NAMB Legislative & Regulatory Conference Speakers and Presentations The agenda for the NAMB Members Only 2018 Legislative & Regulatory Conference will be finalized shortly. Presently, invited guests include U.S. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson, leadership from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), leadership from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) and leadership from the State Regulatory Registry, who manages the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System.

Tuesday, May 8 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Lobby Day Breakfast With NAMB 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Lobby With Your State on Capitol Hill 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Lobby Day Breakdown Reception


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Noon-1:30 p.m. NAMB Membership Committee NAMB Membership Committee Chair George Burkley will discuss his Committee and its responsibilities, including the implementation of an annual membership promotion campaign.

1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. NAMB PAC/LAF Committee Chair Wayne King will discuss NAMBPAC, the National Association of Mortgage Brokers’ voluntary, non-partisan Political Action Committee (PAC). This is the only Political Action Committee that represents the interests of Mortgage Brokers on Capitol Hill.

10:00 am.-Noon NAMB Government Affairs Committee Meeting (will include breakfast) NAMB Government Affairs Committee Chair Chris Bettis will provide an in-depth overview of what’s happening in Washington, D.C., NAMB’s focus, and more.

underwriting guidelines and activities of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).



NAMB Swarm-Phoenix

Wednesday, April 4 Kimpton Hotel Palomar I 2 East Jefferson Street I Phoenix, Ariz. Join NAMB, the Young Mortgage Professionals Association (YMPA) and National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) for the upcoming NAMB Swarm event, sponsored by United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM), on Wednesday, April 4 at Kimpton Hotel Palomar in Phoenix. This day-long event is filled with a variety of speakers that will provide those in attendance with great information and useful tools that you can use to help grow and improve your business! Cost for this session is only $40 per person and includes breakfast and lunch! For more information, please contact Valerie Saunders, NAMB Executive Director at (202) 434-8250 or via e-mail at

Schedule of events (Subject to change) 8:30 a.m. Registration begins

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9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m. Young Mortgage Professionals: Refueling the Mortgage Industry Through Attracting, Connecting and Educating (ACE) Millennials Please join the Young Mortgage Professionals Association for a panel discussion, moderated by Ryan Kelly, Marketing and Communications Manager at Plaza Home Mortgage, covering the topic of Millennials in the workplace. Mortgage companies on a growth path need to recognize the effects Millennials are having on their workforce. Considering the fact that in a few short years, three out of every four global workers will be a Millennial, but that most mortgage employers are set up to cater to Boomer workers, how do we get Millennials to consider a career in the mortgage industry? We’ll discuss tactics on recruiting, educating and retaining Millennials. Join us to learn more about the changes your business may need to make in order to stay relevant in today’s market. Scheduled speakers include: JD Cutri, Regional Account Executive of Plaza Home Mortgage and President of YMPA; Roslyn Zankich, VP, National Account Manager of Essent MI and Affiliate of YMPA; Nate Clear, Senior Account Executive at First Funding and Member of YMPA; and Matt Coles, Sales Manager at Plaza Home Mortgage and Affiliate of YMPA. 10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m. How to Rapidly Win Great Agent Relationships, Presented by Ron Vaimberg, President and Head Coach of NMPU In this 50-minute presentation, you will learn high impact strategies to: l Get the attention of agents in a crowded marketplace l Ask the right questions that allow you to stand out from the crowd l Overcome the most common agent objection like “I am working with another lender”, or “I only do listings” l And much more… 11:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m. A Federal Government Affairs Update, Presented by Roy DeLoach, NAMB Lobbyist Don’t miss this informative session, presented by NAMB’s Lobbyist Roy DeLoach, who will provide those in attendance with a D.C. insider’s view of what’s happening in Washington, D.C. Learn more about important bills of interest and how changes in D.C. may impact the mortgage industry. 12:30 p.m.-1:20 p.m. Jay Josephs, Owner of Josephs Appraisal Group Josephs Appraisal Group Inc. was established in 2003 by Jay A.

Josephs who is the Owner and an active working appraiser. Jay is a Certified Appraiser with more than 26 years of industry experience. Jay is also a licensed Real Estate Broker, as well as an instructor for the Department of Real Estate and teaches a CE class, “Understanding the Appraisal Process for the Real Estate Agent.” 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. Taking Market Share in 2018, Presented by United Wholesale Mortgage In an industry where everyone offers the same products and good pricing is a dime a dozen, it is innovative technology and committed partnerships that will shape the ability to grow your business. Allen Beydoun, Executive Vice President of Sales at United Wholesale Mortgage, will discuss UWM’s commitment to giving business back to the broker, as well as the features and technology it has in place to help capture additional market share. Learn how the combination of game-changing technology and unrivaled client service access will get your borrowers to the closing table faster than other lenders–and how your business will pick up because of it. 2:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m. How to Succeed With Social Media, Presented by John G. Stevens, NAMB President Learn how to get the most from social media and succeed in business from John G. Stevens, NAMB President. John will show those in attendance how to maximize the tools available on the Web and grow your business by creating an effective social media strategy. 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Happy Hour With NAMB and the Arizona Association of Mortgage Professionals (AZAMP)



NAMB Swarm-Ft. Lauderdale

Thursday, April 12 The Westin Ft. Lauderdale I 400 Corporate Drive I Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Join NAMB, the Young Mortgage Professionals Association (YMPA) and National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) for the upcoming NAMB Swarm event, sponsored by United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM), on Thursday, April 12 at The Westin Ft. Lauderdale in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. This day-long event is filled with a variety of speakers that will provide those in attendance with great information and useful tools that you can use to help grow and improve your business! Cost for this session is only $40 per person, and includes breakfast and lunch! For more information, please contact Valerie Saunders, NAMB Executive Director at (202) 434-8250 or via e-mail at

Schedule of events (Subject to change)

get your borrowers to the closing table faster than other lenders–and how your business will pick up because of it.

10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m. Young Mortgage Professionals: Refueling the Mortgage Industry Through Attracting, Connecting and Educating (ACE) Millennials Please join the Young Mortgage Professionals Association for a panel discussion covering the topic of Millennials in the workplace. Mortgage companies on a growth path need to recognize the effects Millennials are having on their workforce. Considering the fact that in a few short years, three out of every four global workers will be a Millennial, but that most mortgage employers are set up to cater to Boomer workers, how do we get Millennials to consider a career in the mortgage industry? We’ll discuss tactics on recruiting, educating and retaining Millennials. Join us to learn more about the changes your business may need to make in order to stay relevant in today’s market.

2:00 p.m.-2:50 p.m. A Federal Government Affairs Update, Presented by Roy DeLoach, NAMB Lobbyist Don’t miss this informative session, presented by NAMB’s Lobbyist Roy DeLoach, who will provide those in attendance with a D.C. insider’s view of what’s happening in Washington, D.C. Learn more about important bills of interest and how changes in D.C. may impact the mortgage industry.

Noon-12:50 p.m. Lunch With Florida’s Office of Financial Regulation Join the Florida Office of Financial Regulation and learn more about the state of Florida’s mortgage industry. This session includes a discussion of audits, compliance, and a question and answer session. Don’t miss this opportunity to communicate directly with your regulator! 1:00 p.m.-1:50 p.m. Taking Market Share in 2018, Presented by United Wholesale Mortgage In an industry where everyone offers the same products and good pricing is a dime a dozen, it is innovative technology and committed partnerships that will shape the ability to grow your business. Allen Beydoun, Executive Vice President of Sales at United Wholesale Mortgage, will discuss UWM’s commitment to giving business back to the broker, as well as the features and technology it has in place to help capture additional market share. Learn how the combination of game-changing technology and unrivaled client service access will

4:00 p.m.-4:50 p.m. Happy Hour With NAMB and the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals (FAMP)

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m. Creating the Loan Officer Action Plan, Presented by Ralph LoVuolo Sr., The Mortgage Godfather Ralph LoVuolo Sr., a coach and mentor, uses his 55 years of diverse knowledge in the mortgage industry to help you see your needs and challenges, and construct a long-term positive, profitable, written, focused and attainable business and life strategy. This session includes: A Self-Valuation Questionnaire for an MLO; a Goals Form; and a Plan of Action.

3:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m. How to Succeed With Social Media, Presented by John G. Stevens, NAMB President Learn how to get the most from social media and succeed in business from John G. Stevens, NAMB President. John will show those in attendance how to maximize the tools available on the Web and grow your business by creating an effective social media strategy.


9:30 a.m. Registration begins



Scenes From the NAMB Focus 2018 Sales and Marketing Conference February 15-17 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Miramar Beach, Fla. Photos courtesy of ACT Appraisal/Photo credit: 4D Photography, Corey Forde

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Scenes From the NAMB Focus 2018 Sales and Marketing Conference February 15-17 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Miramar Beach, Fla. Photos courtesy of ACT Appraisal/Photo credit: 4D Photography, Corey Forde


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018



Scenes From the NAMB Focus 2018 Sales and Marketing Conference February 15-17 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Miramar Beach, Fla. Photos courtesy of ACT Appraisal/Photo credit: 4D Photography, Corey Forde

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Scenes From the NAMB Focus 2018 Sales and Marketing Conference February 15-17 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Miramar Beach, Fla. Photos courtesy of ACT Appraisal/Photo credit: 4D Photography, Corey Forde


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


Vegas ... Here We Come!!! ith the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) 2018 Annual Education Conference “Unmasking Mortgage” right around the corner, Thursday-Friday, April 5-6 at Harrah’s Casino in Las Vegas, the agenda is set and the event is sure to be one to remember. NAPMW has worked long and hard in researching its speakers and

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panelists. Our aim from the get-go was to bring the best and brightest perspectives in the industry to attendees, and judging by our list of illustrious speakers, we are right on track of achieving that goal. In addition to appearances and chats with members of your NAPMW Board and its Committees, we are pleased to present the following who will address those in attendance and impart their rich industry knowledge and wisdom with those on hand in Vegas. Here is what we have in store for you all this year …

Wednesday, April 4

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Steve Richman, Genworth, Presenting “Death by Cliché’ and Other Business Buzzwords” Steve Richman is a national speaker who has energized, taught and motivated more than 120,000 professionals in every state in the U.S. After years of success as a litigation attorney, Steve entered the mortgage and real estate profession and has become an expert in the high LTV borrower market. He has been a Loan Officer, Account Executive and Manager of a mortgage operation. Additionally, Steve has trained real estate professionals through state-accredited continuing education classes on topics including Real Estate Negotiations, Understanding the Real Estate; Contract and Making Settlement Simple.

2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration & Exhibitor Set up 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Opening Welcome Cocktail Reception With Exhibitors

Thursday, April 5 7:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Breakfast With Exhibitors 8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. First Timers Meet & Greet 8:45 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Presentation of Colors/Veteran Recognition 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. President’s Welcome With NAPMW President Cathy Kantrowitz 9:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Break-Expo Preview 9:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Valerie Gordon, Founder of Commander-inShe, “What is the Next Chapter for Your Story?” Valerie Gordon is overseeing feature stories for ESPN, HBO Sports and CBS News among other networks. Now the Founder of Commander-in- She LLC, a communications and career strategy firm, Valerie combines her background in storytelling with her passion for the important conversations and skills women need to harness the power in their stories; and create meaningful next chapters. 11:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Break With Exhibitors

12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch With Exhibitors–Expo Open 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. K. Gus Dimitrelos, Cyber Forensics 360 “Anti-Theme: Cyber Security in the Finance Industry-Anti-Malware, Anti-Hacker, AntiForensic” Showing business owners and operations the five most important tips and steps they can perform daily to verify they are protected or steps to take for protection. Gus will discuss recent attacks on financial institutions and various data breaches siting specific case studies in recent news. 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: Mitigating Loan Risk With Lender-Placed Insurance Products and Services Featuring David Stidham, Angelo Adams and Tobi Libbra of the IL Group, this Sidebar Session will offer an overview of LPI, how it works, coverages and policies, and why your institution needs to be informed!

3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: VA Panel This VA Panel Discussion features Robin Hart from Alterra, Jackie Weedin from Wells Fargo, and Kerri Parker from Veteran’s Land Board with a Q&A session on VA purchasing, marketing and the loan process. 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: MI Panel Discussion The MI Panel Discussion will feature execs from National MI, Genworth, Arch MI, Radian and Essent Mortgage, as different types of coverages will be discussed, as well as the current state of the MI marketplace. 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: Under Writing ProTips Featuring Michael Whitbeck, Co-Founder of Uberwriter Tips for LOs, Processors and Underwriters, this session will help increase the number of approved loans by truly understanding ins/outs of guidelines. The session will conclude with an open Q&A. 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: Compliance Discussion Featuring speaker Kimberly Lundquist of FIC, this session will cover the different areas of mortgage regulatory and compliance issues that lenders encounter daily, with real-life examples and outcomes. Includes an interactive FAQ session with attendees! 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Sidebar Session: Credit Reporting May Warrick of ACRAnet will lead an interactive discussion on understanding credit and your rights and responsibilities under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Friday, April 6 8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Breakfast With Exhibitors 8:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m. General Session: FNMA, FHA, HUD Panel Discussion A diverse panel of agencies will be addressing recent and upcoming changes within the mortgage industry in an interactive Q&A session with attendees. 10:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Break—Expo Open 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Guest Speaker: Ken Perry, President and Founder, The Knowledge Coop Since diving into the industry in 1998, Ken Perry has been a relentless innovator in the mortgage and real estate world. His company was one of the nation’s first training companies to be approved by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) to provide pre-licensing and continuing education for originators, Ken has had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of thousands of professionals throughout the country on topics including mortgage and real estate compliance, title and escrow laws, economic and industry updates and forecasts, business development and strategy, and social networking and media. Ken is madly in love with, and quite addicted to, reading laws. He researches and analyzes every law, rule and regulation he can get his hands on, and has become famous for bringing a unique, “not-what-you-expect” style of education to his clients by mixing passion and humor with extreme knowledge 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. NAPMW Member Information Swap Meet

12:30 p.m.-2:00 Lunch With Tina Asher: Building and Communicating With Your Team Tina Asher, President of Asher Career Coaching will explore team dynamics and what to do to achieve optimal results. Tina will detail the 12 Driving Forces that impel people into decision-making and the history behind it; how to minimize conflicts between team members with opposing drivers and behaviors; how to approach individuals with different styles in order to become more effective in communicating, selling and managing; how our brain and body respond to stressors and conflict, and the costs associated with not managing them appropriately. You will also learn what words “not to use” and what words “to use” when speaking with various behavior styles to find common ground. See live examples of Committee and NAPMW Board Members in a team dynamic wheel with opposing styles. 2:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Break–Expo Open 2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. National Annual Meeting 6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Cocktail Mixer With Exhibitors 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Awards Gala Dinner, Mortgage Masquerade & Installation of 2018 NAPMW New Officers

Saturday, April 7 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Breakfast 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. NAPMW Board Meeting 11:00 a.m.-Noon NAPMW Local Association President Training 11:00 a.m.-Noon NAPMW Local Association Treasurer Training Don’t miss out on this event. Join your peers in Vegas for an action packed agenda, and walk away with tips and tricks to take your business to the next level. For more information on the 2018 Annual Education Conference, visit, e-mail or call (860) 719-1991. See you in Vegas!

Cathy Kantrowitz is President of the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW) and Mortgage Operations Manager at Quorum Federal Credit Union. She may be reached by phone at (914) 641-3842 or e-mail


hat will you do when you really want to help someone? How far will you go to find the answer? How much time do you devote to answering the challenge? I go pretty far, and this month I’ve been reading and reading, and asking and asking. How can we, collectively, start to attract younger people into the mortgage industry: Younger people of any ethnicity, sex, origin or background? When starting to delve into this challenge, it began as an association to help my clients, both companies and branches, establish a workbook, a pattern and a methodology that would work across all the areas mentioned above. But the more I studied, the more confusion enveloped me. I like simplicity, so I’m always pretty sure that there are simple answers to complicated questions ‌ to wit: E = MC2. Check these statistics out, gleaned from the Web site,


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l In the previous five years, 40 percent of the time 1824 year olds used to spend watching traditional TV has moved to other, largely digital, activities. l Forty-six percent of Internet users review social media for reviews and other information when making a purchase. l Sixty-seven percent of Twitter users are more likely to buy from brands they follow on Twitter. l Eighty percent of consumers search organizations and individual sales professionals online prior to making a purchase. l Peer-generated reviews are much more highly trusted by Millennials than

g Millennials and rities

This is not an easy question, but there is an answer

information obtained through an organization’s Web site or by “Experts” (such as real estate agents).

Meet the people you want to encounter and convince of your benefits on their ground, on the field where they feel most comfortable. This means that you cannot be asking someone to come to your office and confronting them with the facts that you think are important. More pointedly, confrontation is

colleges and speaking to the placement officers. We should be having special events at colleges for the people we want to have work with us. We should be having them teach U.S. rather than we preach to them. The world is not yet buying all their real estate on the Web, not making all their financial decisions by watching videos and listening to podcasts. There are plenty of people who want to talk to someone and we need to find them. And they need to look like all of the society that lives here.

Ralph LoVuolo Sr. has nearly 60 years history in the mortgage business. He was a Co-Founder/President of the NYAMB and a long-term member of the Board of Directors of NAMB. The Mortgage Godfather is available to help your salespeople do more business. He does sales rallies, Webinars, personal coaching. Call, text or e-mail (917) 5761230 or e-mail 35

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

l Fulfill my youthful desire to help people. If I was able to obtain financing for someone to purchase a home, that was performing a good and positive act for society in general l My burning desire to complete my need to be part of the capitalist society would be accomplished by earning an acceptable income that would allow me to retire by the age of 55. So, what could be better? By the way … I wrote it down and found that piece of paper about 20 years ago.

need to do is ask them what will help them accomplish their goals. Supposedly Millennials don’t like to be told “No!” They see bosses like they were their parents who treated them like equals when they were growing up. They want the trophy even though they don’t deserve it. They go for a job interview and when they are offered the job they must call their mom to ask them what to do. They hate conflict, so negotiating is anathema to them. We should be going to

People of a certain generation, specifically, those classified as Millennials or any minority of any kind want to be dealt with on their own level. The key to communicating what you have to offer is to make the offer in language and methodology that they accept and understand. If we try to build a relationship using the same practices that drew us into the business we have accepted, we are going to fail miserably. Recently, I was interviewed by Michael Brown, a Producer at Mortgage News Network. He was exploring my thoughts on my own entrance into the mortgage industry. It was so easy, I explained. I just wanted to be in the same business as my father. Additionally, my own political, philosophical, psychological and financial goals were easily met. I saw the mortgage industry as a way to:

not something they are used to. So, avoid that. Find out what they want, find out what they need, find out much more about them than you ever did in prior years of interviews. If you feel uncomfortable with this approach, spend time studying the general makeup of the people you want to have work with you. As an example, when I was called in to interview a staff of people, knowing there was an undercurrent of strife that existed, my approach was to never act as if my purpose was to confront. Never to act like a superior. Everyone who has a job sees a consultant as someone who is looking to find out what is wrong in a company and their job is to cut the fat, fire people and create a lean mean machine. It was natural for people to see me as that person. To eliminate that thought, I never met with anyone in a closeddoor environment, never sat on one side of a desk or table opposite to the person I was talking to. I tried to find an open area, quiet and comfortable. There is much more to understand about hiring that should be practiced and instituted that is much like sales. It takes time to accomplish your goals. We all together need to lower the average age of the salespeople, the diversity needs to look more representative of our society, both in terms of ethnicity, color and sex. But it’s going to take time. If you want to change the world, it is not going to happen overnight. And those senior people in the “C” Suite should be looking at the average age and diversity of their sales force and thinking about the long-term health of their company and their culture. I was told by a couple of people at a recent NAMB event that we need to understand better what the people we want to hire think. That’s too obvious. What we

2018: The Year of the Broker


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n

By Andy W. Harris, CRMS

s many are aware, I have been writing about the power of independent origination and wholesale for the past decade. While I won’t get into the analytics and my strong opinions which I believe to be supported by math and facts, no one can deny that wholesale lending is on a significant rise. The first quarter of 2018 seems to be the highest demand since the financial crisis for originators on the “employee” side to convert to the “business partner” side and embrace lender competition and choice. Margin, pricing, technology, execution, control, speed. We have never before seen the bar raised this high in wholesale and competition offering the best of all worlds with independent origination. Wholesale is the only transparent channel that requires and can provide this for the originator that embraces it. Education seems to be replacing sales and I’m personally motivated to see people excited about their careers again. The time for dictatorship and special interests seems to be coming to an end and partnership and transparency seem to be the driver today. While it will take some time for many to realize what they’ve been missing over the years, it’s no doubt the margin restriction and consumer demands will continue to grow wholesale lending. With the ability to provide more value at a lower cost to the borrower, this will produce a competitive advantage for the Mortgage Broker or employee of a Mortgage Brokerage firm versus retail lender. The biggest challenge today is awareness and access to information that most are shielded from. With the voice getting louder in wholesale–this shift a decade in the making is certainly here. Are you an originator? Send your stories! To have your topics considered in future editions, please e-mail me with “OrigiNation” in the Subject Line at These can be


confidential or your name and company can be referenced if you wish. You can also join the Facebook Group by searching for “OrigiNation.”

“Your margin is my opportunity.” —Jeff Bezos Founder, Chairman and CEO of Amazon

Andy W. Harris, CRMS is President and Owner of Lake Oswego, Ore.-based Vantage Mortgage Group Inc. and Past President of the Oregon Association of Mortgage Professionals. He may be reached by phone at (877) 4960431, e-mail or visit

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

voicemails e added the extra magic g to increase my resp e onse rates.”

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heard street on the

Our Heard on the Street column is a chronicle of events, changes and passages in the lives of the people and companies shaping the mortgage industry.

Trade Groups Unite on Diversity Efforts

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is teaming with the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA) on a formal strategic partnership to designed to promote diversity and inclusion within the industry. In this partnership, the two associations collaborate on certain conferences and meetings, as well as producing industry advocacy and research and promoting efforts aimed to further a diverse workforce, including recruitment and professional development scholarships. MBA will offer a discount to NAMMBA members on their purchases of qualified MBA products, including many MBA Education offerings. “The real estate finance industry must continue to enhance diversity and inclusion in order to retain and recruit the best workforce possible,” said David H. Stevens, President and Chief Executive Officer of the MBA. “Our industry helps individuals and families achieve the American dream; we have to make sure that dream is available to everyone, and that our workforce reflects the customer base we serve.” Tony Thompson, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of NAMMBA, said, “Forging a partnership with the MBA to promote inclusion is paramount to furthering NAMMBA’s mission to provide education and professional development to women and minorities in mortgage lending. Together,

MBA and NAMMBA can respond to the clarion call in our industry for more diversity so that we may better serve our customers no matter where they live or what they look like.” Angel Oak Companies Enjoy Record-Breaking 2017

Angel Oak Companies has announced a record-breaking year for its three affiliated lending units, Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, Angel Oak Home Loans and Angel Oak Prime Bridge. In addition to growing staff and expanding geographically, the lending units surpassed $1.1 billion in nonqualified mortgage originations in 2017–the highest volume in the companies’ history. Angel Oak now sets its sights on meeting growing demand in 2018. “Our lending growth reflects a new era in mortgage credit,” said Angel Oak Companies Managing Partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer Mike Fierman. “The mortgage industry has excluded too many creditworthy borrowers for too long. However, in 2017 the industry finally started to embrace non-QM products in a big way. As we look ahead, a strong housing market and solid economic fundamentals will continue to drive demand for innovative mortgage products. The difference today is that everyone from borrowers to realtors to Wall Street now recognizes the quality of non-QM

products from Angel Oak.” Among the milestones Angel Oak’s lending units achieved in 2017: The three lending affiliates combined to originate over $1.1 billion in non-QM loans in 2017; total originations across the lending platform rose by 40 percent from the year prior, signaling growth in demand and confidence in Angel Oak’s nonQM products; Angel Oak increased the number of employees in the lending companies by 40 percent in 2017 as more borrowers sought access to mortgage credit; Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, the wholesale mortgage affiliate, expanded by adding Account Executives in Birmingham, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Columbus (OH), San Antonio, Houston, and Nashville, expanding the company’s geographic footprint to meet demand in some of the country’s hottest housing markets. They also added licenses in five additional states, bringing the total to 38. The plan is to be in 46 states by the end of 2018; Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions also established a correspondent lending channel, opening the door to potentially exponential growth as large national lenders seek access to Angel Oak’s nonQM products; National Mortgage Professional Magazine named Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions a Top Mortgage Employer for the second time; and Angel Oak Prime Bridge, the investment property lending space expert, expanded to 15 states, matching increased demand from

investors. With another seven states planned for 2018, it is primed to match its 300 percent growth in origination volume from this past year. “Our growth is the direct result of our people, who offer unparalleled experience and service to our customers. Combine that with our unique product lineup, and it’s easy to recognize why Angel Oak is the leader in the non-prime mortgage industry,” said Steven Schwalb, Managing Partner of the Angel Oak lending platform. “We believe that the non-QM market will grow from its current size of a few billion dollars per year to over $100 billion in the coming years. Angel Oak has already positioned itself as the leader in non-QM lending, but we see huge potential for future growth. We’re working every day to meet and capture that growing demand.” NAMB Names Franklin American Mortgage a Double Diamond Industry Partner

Franklin American Mortgage Company (FAMC) has announced that it will be a Double Diamond Industry Partner with NAMB for 2018. This recognition is given annually to NAMB’s top contributing partners. “It is an honor to be a NAMB Double Diamond Industry Partner,” said Andrew Taylor, FAMC’s Executive Vice President, Director of National Sales. “Franklin American Mortgage has supported the Mortgage Broker community for over 22 years and through our

Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. (PRMI) has expanded its footprint in Florida by announcing the opening of a new branch located near the Miami International Airport under the management of long-time resident and mortgage professional, Jorge Tabares. Jorge’s team has more than continued on page 41





n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


REMN Wholesale, a division of HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. DBA Real Estate Mortgage Network. This is a business - to - business






Credit Plus has announced that it has integrated with SimpleNexus, a leader in bringing the mortgage process to mobile devices. The integration enables Mortgage Loan Originators to obtain credit reports from

PRMI Opens New Miami Branch



Flagstar has closed its previously announced transaction to purchase the mortgage warehouse loan portfolio from Santander Bank, including approximately $1.7 billion in mortgage warehouse loan commitments. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed, and Flagstar stated it will hire Santander’s existing relationship managers. “We’re delighted to welcome Santander’s customers and employees to Flagstar,” said Alessandro DiNello, President and Chief Executive Officer of Flagstar Bancorp. “This transaction combines two talented warehouse teams dedicated to customer service, and the biggest winner is our new, combined customer base that will now be dealing with the fourth largest warehouse lender in the country. Customers can look forward to custom-crafted solutions delivered by knowledgeable, experienced warehouse lenders.” The acquisition is expected to reduce the Company’s Tier One leverage ratio by approximately 40 basis points and should be moderately accretive to 2018 earnings. “The purchase also adds volume in an attractive asset class with good spreads and very low credit risk,” added DiNello. “It’s complementary to our existing business, bringing relationships that average around $40 million in commitments—four times larger than our existing book. While the pricing is slightly narrower than Flagstar’s book, these loans typically have approximately 50 percent longer days online and so

Credit Plus Integrates With SimpleNexus

Credit Plus through customized, mobile solutions. SimpleNexus provides private-label mobile apps that connect mortgage lenders with borrowers and real estate agents, allowing all parties to easily exchange data and documents throughout the lifecycle of a mortgage loan. “This partnership makes it easier for lenders to easily access our credit reports to make smart lending decisions. We’re excited to work with a company that is at the leadingedge of technology,” said Greg Holmes, Managing Partner at Credit Plus.


Flagstar Closes on Acquisition of Santander Mortgage Warehouse Portfolio

enhance our net interest income. We plan to add the new business to our existing platform.”


NAMB partnership we reaffirm our commitment to the Wholesale channel.” Franklin American Mortgage’s NAMB sponsorships include regional and national NAMB shows, as well as a NAMB industry partnership. These sponsorships have helped FAMC grow to become one of the top wholesale lenders in the nation.

By Jonathan Foxx, Ph.D., MBA

Credit Transactions Involving Spouses


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n

Question e opt to furnish information on our mortgage loan transactions. We have a few questions involving the reporting of these transactions to consumer report agencies or other creditors. What are our requirements to furnish information involving spouse? Are we required to maintain files in a certain manner? Do we have to keep separate files for each participant to a joint account? Also, what information is furnished when the spouse assumes the mortgage loan?


Answer Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), creditors are not required to furnish information to the consumer reporting agencies or other creditors, although creditors may be subject to other requirements under which they must furnish information on consumers to consumer reporting agencies.1 When a creditor furnishes

credit information to consumer reporting agencies or other creditors, the creditor must designate: 1. Any new account to reflect the participation of both spouses if the applicant’s spouse is permitted to use or is contractually liable on the account (other than as a guarantor, surety, endorser, or similar party); and 2. Any existing account to reflect such participation, within ninety days after receiving a written request to do so from one of the spouses.2 With respect to maintaining files, the creditor is not required to create or maintain separate files in the name of each participant on a joint or user account, nor is it required to maintain any other, particular system of recordkeeping or indexing. ECOA requires only that a creditor be able to report information on consumer accounts in the name of each spouse. If a creditor receives a credit inquiry about a wife, the creditor should be able to locate

her credit file without asking the husband’s name.3 Regarding the spouse assuming the mortgage, when new parties who are spouses undertake a legal obligation on an account, as with the

assumption of a mortgage loan, the creditor should change the designation on the account to reflect the new parties and must furnish subsequent credit information on the account in the new names.4

Footnotes 1—12 2—12 3—12 4—12


Supplement I to Part 202, Official Staff Interpretations §202.10-1. §202.10(a). Supplement to Part 202, Office Staff Interpretations §202.10-4. Supplement I to Part 202, Official Staff Interpretations §202.10(a)-1.

Jonathan Foxx, Ph.D., MBA, is the Managing Director of Lenders Compliance Group, the first and only full-service, mortgage risk management firm in the United States, specializing exclusively in outsourced mortgage compliance and offering a suite of services in residential mortgage banking for banks and non-banks. Information contained in this article is not intended to be and is not a source of legal advice. If you would like to contribute a question, please submit it to

heard on the street

corporate debt. The companies did not announce the specifics of PHH’s absorption into Ocwen and whether there would be layoffs or nationally recognized mortgage office closures as a result of the lender than can provide the transaction. experience, service and platform “We are pleased to have to grow and help my clients,” reached an agreement with Ocwen, Tabares said. “There are so many and we look forward to working loan programs out there to with them to bring this transaction support home buyers and most to a successful close,” said Robert people have no idea they exist. B. Crowl, President and Chief My team provides excellent Executive Officer at Mount Laurel, service, and we care about these N.J.-based PHH “We are excited people and families deciding to by the opportunity to build a enlist us to represent them with stronger combined company for such an important decision.” our servicing and subservicing clients, our borrowers and our Ocwen Acquires PHH employees.” Mortgage for $360M Ron Faris, President and Chief Ocwen Financial Executive Officer of West Palm Corporation has Beach, Fla.-based Ocwen, said, announced that it “PHH is a high-quality servicer with will acquire PHH complementary capabilities and Corporation for business lines to Ocwen, making it $360 million. a great strategic match for us.” According to a statement issued by the JMAC Lending companies, the closing is Opens New HQ expected to close in the second half of this year, with enough available cash on PHH’s balance sheet to enable $260 million of the $360 million purchase price to JMAC Lending has announced be funded from that source. the opening of its new state-ofOcwen will also assume $119 the art corporate headquarters, million of PHH’s outstanding located in Orange County. The

continued from page 39

100 years of experience combined in assisting clients with homeownership. “Our team is ready and focused to educate and assist community members in Southern Florida with their dreams of homeownership,” said Tabares. Tabares is a Miami native and has been in the mortgage industry for 15 years. He is fluent in Spanish and American Sign Language. Jorge is joined by his wife, Jeniffer Tabares Fuentes, Sales Manager. Before joining PRMI, both Jorge and Jeniffer were Loan Originators at Banking Mortgage Services. They are currently members of several Miami industry organizations, including Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust, City of Miami Down Payment Assistance program, and Miami-Dade Mortgage Credit Certificate program. In his new role, Jorge will be responsible for the overall management of the branch, recruitment and assisting individuals with their home loan needs. “I came to PRMI to join a

new modern working environment more than doubles JMAC’s current office space, providing a central operating center to support the company’s clients and strategic business initiatives. “Our new office provides a dynamic and collaborative work environment for our team,” JMAC Lending’s President Christina Pham said. “In a contracting market, JMAC is growing. We are expanding our operations to better support the needs of our broker clients.” The company completely renovated the second floor of the JMAC Lending building to create a state-of-the-art workplace for up to 200 employees. JMAC Lending will occupy 25,000-square feet. The office features communal spaces with sofas and unique meeting areas for presentations, training and conferences. To celebrate, JMAC Lending hosted a ribboncutting ceremony with 150 employees and invited guests, including Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan and mortgage industry commentator Rob Chrisman. “Our new headquarters is continued on page 45


Wednesday, April 11 California District Attorney's Association (Elk's Tower) 921 11th Street, Ste 300, Sacramento, CA 95814 Join CAMP in the halls of the State Capitol in Sacramento, California and learn about current policy issues that face today’s mortgage professionals. You will attend meetings with your legislators and their staff, which will help educate them on the importance of your profession.

For more information:

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Members only

CAMP State Lobby Day 2018

Tony’s Corner

A Message From NAMMBA Founder & CEO J. Tony Thompson III, CMB

NAMMBA: Building Bridges, Connecting Women and Minorities in the Mortgage Space

Why You Should Connect Now


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


ou can’t ignore it: The mortgage industry is changing at lightning

speed. New tech is rolling off the assembly line before you’ve adjusted to the latest gadget in your inventory. Innovation and fresh ideas are rampant. Competitors backed by investors with deep pockets are entering the mortgage space. New mortgage startups are sprouting up every day. Fintech is evolving, and longestablished companies that once specialized in one line of business (real estate, for example) are diversifying their products to offer consumers the chance to get a home loan. Change is inevitable, but getting crushed under its own weight can be avoided, but how? By seeking opportunities to learn what’s coming down the pike. By finding out how to avoid the latest regulation landmines. And by hearing directly from some of the most respected and knowledgeable leaders in the industry today. Enter Connect 2018, a two-and-a-half-day mortgage conference sponsored by the National Association for Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA). NAMMBA was launched in 2015 to offer training, education and professional

Lenders will need to understand and utilize cultural competency to do business with minority homebuyers, and that’s what Connect 2018 aims to do: Give you the tools necessary to make your business a draw for these consumers.

development opportunities to women and minorities in the mortgage industry so they can grow their business. At the heart of its mission is establishing a network where people find camaraderie among like-minded professionals who understand where they are and want to help them get ahead. Connect is the culmination of that vision. The conference will converge on the Westin Buckhead hotel in Atlanta, Thursday-Sunday, April 12-15. It’ll feature experts discussing an array of topics that include offering insight into how to conquer the builder market, to explaining the impact on the industry by the reemergence of the wholesale lending market. The goal is simple: We want to equip conference attendees with a toolkit packed with resources that will make them

the best Mortgage Originator or Mortgage Broker in their market. We want to cultivate top talent that’s smart, competent and confident. We want participants to understand we work for them, and we want them to feel inspired and encouraged knowing they have the backing of some of the industry’s most influential thought leaders. Put another way, we aim to Educate. Empower. Enlighten. Not convinced? Here are three reasons Connect 2018 is worth the investment. The lineup Nima Ghamsari, David Stevens, Marcia Davies, Mat Ishbia … sound familiar? These names reverberate through the industry right now, and they’ll all be delivering keynote addresses or leading sessions at Connect 2018.

Now’s your chance to hear from outgoing Mortgage Bankers Association CEO David Stevens about the future of the industry before he leaves his post in September. Curious about what the movers and shakers in Washington are planning for the industry? We’ll have speakers from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac deliver updates on important changes within the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and how they could ripple across the housing market. Feeling jittery about new compliance regulations and how that will affect your business? Ben Slayton of Mortgage Compliance Magazine will answer all of your burning questions. Connect puts you in contact with some of the most skilled, accomplished and astute professionals working in the mortgage space. The diversity As much of a buzzword as it’s become in business these days, diversity is increasingly important in the way mortgage lenders operate. Here’s proof: A 2017 report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) shows that diversity in the mortgage industry creates space for perspectives that challenge “groupthink” among people

deep dive into the intricacies of our business, learn from your peers and expand your network with the best and brightest in the lending space. Don’t miss this opportunity to build your

skills, tap into much-needed resources and grow your influence. To register or find more information about Connect 2018, visit

J. Tony Thompson III, CMB is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA), an organization dedicated to increasing the engagement of women and minorities with the Mortgage Bankers Association at the local, state and national level. As the Founder/CEO of NAMMBA, Tony’s vision is to create a platform where women and minorities can connect, grow and become leaders in the mortgage industry while providing a platform to recruit and train the next generation of mortgage professionals. He may be reached by e-mail at


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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

The recalibration Ever find yourself stuck in your career? You love what you do but it’s a grind. Your focus has shifted. Your motivation is hard to find. You need to get away, breathe and hit the reset button to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. Connect can help you rediscover that passion in a place where no holds barred discussions on the obstacles you face in lending are encouraged. That’s why the MBA’s Tamara King is spearheading our mPact event, to give Millennials a platform to

network and connect with their peers and build community. That’s why we’ve orchestrated ForHer, a summit led by women that focuses on women in lending and strives to help them process and overcome the struggles they face in the workplace. And that’s why we’ve allied with three chief economists to give Connect attendees a broader look at the economic landscape and get the lowdown on what’s happening with rates, Treasury yields and the bond market. Connect is a chance to take a

with similar backgrounds. It helps companies tap into new market segments and develop innovative financial products that meet the needs of customers across multiple demographics. And those demographics are steadily changing. By 2044, the nation’s minorities will become the majority, the U.S. Census Bureau says, meaning the faces of homeownership will change. The MBA estimates that nearly six million more Hispanic households will be formed in 2024 than were formed in 2014. Lenders will need to understand and utilize cultural competency to do business with minority homebuyers, and that’s what Connect 2018 aims to do: Give you the tools necessary to make your business a draw for these consumers. But you shouldn’t think those moves are limited to the Connect conference. Others are adopting similar approaches. Freddie Mac recently named Jacqueline M. Welch as the Head of its Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion Division and as its Chief Diversity Officer. Some lenders, such as Envoy Mortgage, are weaving diversity into their business models to tap into multicultural markets. Just recently, NAMMBA and the MBA forged a stronger partnership to advance each other’s efforts of promote inclusion and diversity in the industry. The takeaway … supporting diversity in mortgage lending doesn’t just make for good optics, it’s good business.

Drilling Down on Negative Equity Issues

Connecting MLOs to HUD-Approved Housing Counselors as a Valid Referral Partner Being Considered BY PAM MARRON

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


onsumers across the nation who haven’t considered homeownership in the past are now investigating a home purchase due to rising rent costs. Many have credit issues or they simply need to build credit. And based upon the turnout at the recent Tampa Bay Homeownership Fair, many are now investigating how to purchase a home for the first time. HUD-approved housing counseling services are not commonly known to many in the mortgage industry. l Housing counselors are trained in all aspects of the home owning process from pre-purchase to default. They provide custom tailored solutions based on consumer needs and help the consumer navigate the homebuying process. l For in-depth credit help, credit counselors are available to assist clients with short-term credit issues and longer-term debt management. Credit counselors provide credit counseling and debt management … not credit repair or debt settlement. Credit counselors work for non-profit agencies, advise consumers on managing their money, offer solutions to reduce or eliminate debt loads and develop personalized action plans to help prevent future problems. Most credit counselors are also HUDapproved housing counselors. Many of these credit counseling agencies belong to the National


Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or On May 15, 2017, the NFCC was included on a HUD Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC) panel entitled “Challenges in Credit Reporting Post-Crisis: An Opportunity for Housing Counseling Agencies.” Speaker Matt Ribe explained that the NFCC was working to integrate credit clarification into pre-purchase housing counseling as a service for clients with a demonstrated need. Clients would pay for this cost of service upfront, but could receive a credit towards closing costs on a new mortgage from their lender or Mortgage Loan Originator after completing the counseling. In the last three months, Loan Originators have experienced an increase in the number of consumers inquiring about purchasing a home, and many for the first time. Consumer inquiries appear to be due to increased rent costs, but some that investigate homeownership aren’t ready yet. Credit issues, credit building and saving money are the top issues that face these clients. Often, consumers are referred to credit repair companies who apply “fixes” that are temporary and costly. Even worse, when the consumer applies for a new mortgage, the “fix” usually must be undone and old credit can reappear along with decreased credit scores. Many times, clients are referred to credit repair companies simply because the Mortgage Loan Originator or consumer were not aware of

services that housing and credit counselors can provide. HUD-approved housing counselors and credit counselors can help these same consumers with short- and long-term issues and prepare them for all aspects of homeownership. Lenders are already aware of the benefits of housing and credit counseling services and many already work with counseling agencies, referring “not quite ready” or lender-denied consumers to counselors. These lenders can provide funding to HUD-approved housing counseling agencies to work with clients who want to overcome obstacles. So why can’t Mortgage Loan Originators … who are often the first to see the consumer’s credit, income and assets … do the same? Behind the scenes, a few HCFAC Committee members from the mortgage and housing counseling sectors have been working with four to six housing and credit counseling agencies on an effort to start and monitor a pilot program to refer clients who need assistance to get “mortgage ready.” What we have learned so far: l Each agency has a different depth of credit experience. l Agencies that can work on shortterm credit issues can refer clients to an intermediary agency






for more in-depth credit counseling. There is a way to include “Mortgage Loan Originator” as a referring partner to Housing Counseling Agencies (HCA). There is a way to designate and add a “Mortgage Loan Originator” on the “Release of Information” Form at the HCA, so that the Mortgage Loan Originator can be apprised of the consumer’s progress at the HCA. These benefits provide accountability of the Mortgage Loan Originator to keep in touch with a referring Realtor on the progress of the consumer and to support the consumer as they become “mortgage ready.” Mortgage Loan Originators can provide a credit towards closing costs on a new home purchase for consumers who may incur an upfront fee for service at the HCA. A voiced concern is a requirement that non-profit HCA’s must provide the consumer with three referrals for lenders or services when the consumer is “mortgage ready,” so as not to steer the consumer. A consumer that knows they will get a credit towards closing cost from the referring Mortgage Loan Originator is likely to return to the same Loan Originator. Stay tuned.

Pam Marron (NMLS#: 246438) is Senior Loan Originator with Innovative Mortgage Services Inc. (NMLS#: 250769) in Tampa Bay, Fla. She may be reached by phone at (727) 375-8986, e-mail or visit, or

heard on the street

JMAC’s investment in our business partners,” said JMAC Lending’s Chief Financial Officer Anthony Pham. “This sets the tone for our commitment to providing a stable operations center backed by our industry-leading mortgage technology and expertise. We want to demonstrate to our broker clients that they are partnered with the right lender.”

continued from page 41

hackers and reducing the risk of profit loss.” Tim Nguyen, President of LendingQB, said, “LendingQB has always held a strong focus on cybersecurity. In an era of the ever-increasing volume of cyberrelated crimes, there can never be enough precautions for financial data. Our partnership with PitchPoint reaffirms our commitment to the importance of data security and extends it to

our valued lenders. PitchPoint’s fraud detection tool doesn’t just detect fraud, it offers our lenders peace-of-mind.” Mortgage professionals to watch l Carrington Mortgage Holdings has announced that Rick Sharga has rejoined the company as an Executive Vice President, serving as the primary spokesman for Carrington, and responsible for public relations and communications, as well as branding and marketing strategies for all of the

Carrington Companies. l Silver Hill Funding has announced that Michael Boggiano has been accepted into the Forbes Real Estate Council, an invitation-only community for executives in the real estate industry. l New Penn Financial has announced the promotion of Kevin Harrigan to the position of President. Harrigan joined New Penn in 2013, and most recently served as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. continued on page 64

New LendingQB Partnership to Protect Against Wire Fraud


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

LendingQB has announced a partnership with PitchPoint Solutions to provide lenders stronger tools to protect against wire transfer fraud. Through this integration, customers of LendingQB have access to PitchPoint’s Bank Account Verification and Settlement Agent Vetting tools. Bank Account Verification verifies an account holder’s name, routing number and account number via a secure financial network, while Settlement Agent Report vets the settlement company to ensure it is in good standing and our clients are compliant with CFPB and investor requirements. This integration helps lenders deal with increasing levels of wire fraud, which increased 480 percent last year, totaling more than $748 million in losses. The partnership also enables lenders to comply with Fannie Mae and Consumer Financial Protect Bureau (CFPB) recommendations announced in bulletins encouraging lenders to “confirm before you fund.” “Ensuring comprehensive fraud detection and verification services remain our top priority, especially in an environment where hackers are growing more sophisticated by the day,” said Ron Hughes, Senior Vice President of Business Development for PitchPoint Solutions. “Our partnership with LendingQB enables rapid and secure verification of wire instructions protecting lenders from

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Give Your Spring Some Bounce by Getting Prospects Off the Fence By Bubba Mills


—Anonymous being sold. It sets up a simple, but extraordinarily effective, scenario where people feel compelled to act so that they don’t lose out. And it’s so simple: Act by this date and you don’t lose. In fact, you win by getting a better price or some other benefit. It’s foolproof and you should use this tactic every day. It’s particularly useful in the mortgage industry primarily because of interest rates. If they’re predicted to rise, buyers need to act or lose money on their monthly mortgage. If they look like they’ll be dropping, then you can promote refinancing. l Give examples of other clients who didn’t wait and

saved money because of it. Marketing professors call this “Social Proof.” People look at what others do to decide how they should act. Example: Have you ever noticed that people waiting to cross a busy street will follow the guy who decides to walk even against the red hand sign. Sure, there are no cars coming, so he walks. And everyone else is right behind him! It’s the same principle with sales. People will buy what others are buying. Think of the long lines

47 l Don’t make it a sales call, make it an educational call. In essence, make the call appear like a favor. You’re giving them information that can help them. The script might sound something like this: “I just wanted to call as a courtesy to let you know interest rates are looking pretty good right now, good enough to save you a lot of money on a mortgage.” When you put it like that, you employ another powerful persuasive element called reciprocity. When someone does a favor for you, you feel compelled to return that favor. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. It’s worked for eons and it still works today … like a charm! Let me hear from you. What plans do you have to connect with those folks on your waitlist? How can you make those calls more effective so that prospects are more receptive to your message? Do you have a script you can polish?

Bubba Mills is Chief Executive Officer and Owner of Corcoran Consulting & Coaching Inc. He may be reached by phone at (800) 957-8353 or visit

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

l Explain what they could lose by waiting. Consumers faced with a buying scenario all have one thing in common … they don’t want to lose out on something good. It’s a huge motivator. It’s why you always see a deadline date for practically anything that’s

“Warning: Dates on this calendar are closer than they appear.”

outside Apple stores when a new iPhone is introduced.

pring is one of the most important times of the year for mortgage professionals. Why? The thaw begins. Not the thaw of snow melting, but the thaw of real estate activity. It’s the time of year all those folks on your “Waitlist”—those who’ve said they’re going to wait to buy— begin to come out of hibernation. Or at least that’s what you hope they do. And my best advice: Be there to greet them. Not only that, but also take the initiative and begin communicating with them. When you do make that call, the key to remember is this: These people have already procrastinated once, so you don’t want them to do it again. They’re on the fence and your job is to get them off the fence and help them resolve their mortgage needs. How do you get them off the fence? Here are my tips:

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n



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MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


The National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA) and National Mortgage Professional Magazine have compiled a list of the top Women and Minority Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) in the nation, ranked by the top 50 MLOs based on loans and volume in the NAMMBA Top 100. Qualified nominees represent minority groups or must be female, and originate loans with an active NMLS number. All production has been verified by a letter by a sales manager or another authorized party. Due diligence was conducted on all submissions. Congratulations to 2018’s NAMMBA Top 100 on being recognized for this honor ...

NAMMBA Top 50 MLOs by Loan Volume Heather Enochs New American Funding (720) 252-3165

Hung Le Movement Mortgage (504) 210-6697

Vick Bedi SD Capital Funding (732) 910-4202

Gene Frazier PrimeLending (240) 387-7132

Desteni C. Mason KTL Performance Mortgage Ltd. (937) 548-8222

Becky Brown New American Funding (678) 478-1612

Melissa Gibson New American Funding (770) 870-5136

Basel S. Mazahreh Creative Financial Network (609) 877-3330

Pamela Caldwell Certainty Home Loans (336) 259-8187

Diego Giraldo Texas Bank Mortgage Company (817) 386-8085

Phyllis McDaniel PrimeLending (928) 239-3320


Debbie Cash Certainty Home Loans (713) 463-9939

Vanya Griffith-Mayes Certainty Home Loans (903) 870-0576

Chris Minjarez CMG Financial (512) 874-3702


Joseph Chacko C2 Financial Corporation (619) 758-5858

Norma Guerrero-Cowes DHI Mortgage (512) 533-1312

Erin Moore PrimeLending (928) 779-9500

Karen Chiu New American Funding (626) 437-4481

Tammy K. Hajjar Miller The Federal Savings Bank (773) 726-4374

Susan Moore Certainty Home Loans (682) 433-5105

Diane Clark PrimeLending (877) 875-7356

Deb Higgins New American Funding (618) 467-5626

Carolina Moreno Texas Bank Mortgage Company (817) 386-8085

Carlo Colantonio CMG Financial (210) 801-8801

Alex A. Jimenez Hancock Mortgage (615) 243-3774

Stephanie Morgan PrimeLending (210) 483-4953

Carey Ann Cyr CMG Financial (615) 567-8866

Cindy Laffey Inlanta Mortgage Inc. (913) 568-9074

Andres J. Munar Movement Mortgage (814) 308-3276

Samir Dedhia SD Capital Funding (908) 227-6042

An Le PrimeLending (817) 284-5626

Brandy Nelms Guild Mortgage Company (360) 280-1467


Nichole Allison New American Funding (404) 323-4748

A M B T O P 1 0 0

0 0 1 P O

Maria Salas Texas Bank Mortgage Company 817-386-8085

Sofia Travayiakis Mortgage Network Inc. (617) 686-1873

Gloria Price PrimeLending (972) 248-7866

Shashank Shekhar Arcus Lending Inc. (408) 615-0655

Alexander J. Varela PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company (972) 250-9603

Joy Prisching Key Mortgage Services Inc. (630) 430-1048

Mary Jo Smith CMG Financial (615) 567-8905

Amy Wolff Direct Mortgage Loans LLC (443) 541-5545

Ridhi Raheja Movement Mortgage (630) 660-6376

Nicole Smith Flagstar Bank FSB (561) 900-4855

Brenda Worthen PrimeLending (432) 550-2011

Camilo Rodriguez The Federal Savings Bank (312) 738-6067

Laura Sosa-Rocha Witte Northpointe Bank (404) 456-8291

Samantha Zumwalt Paramount Residential Mortgage Group (760) 217-9687

Jodi Ryder C2 Financial Corporation (951) 805-3110

Wendy Thompson Brighton Bank (901) 461-8858








Rocio Portella Paramount Residential Mortgage Group (305) 228-7600

NAMMBA Top 50 MLOs by Dollar Volume Nichole Allison New American Funding (404) 323-4748

Karen Chiu New American Funding (626) 437-4481

Monika DeJesus United Northern Mortgage Bankers (516) 351-4021

Vick Bedi SD Capital Funding (732) 910-4202

Diane Clark PrimeLending (877) 875-7356

Heather Enochs New American Funding (720) 252-3165

Becky Brown New American Funding (678) 478-1612

Carlo Colantonio CMG Financial (210) 801-8801

Mattie Ford Delta Community Credit Union (404) 677-4938

Pamela Caldwell Certainty Home Loans (336) 259-8187

Carey Ann Cyr CMG Financial (615) 567-8866

Gene Frazier PrimeLending (240) 387-7132

Joseph Chacko C2 Financial Corporation (619) 758-5858

Samir Dedhia SD Capital Funding (908) 227-6042

Melissa Gibson New American Funding (770) 870-5136

Alex A. Jimenez Hancock Mortgage (615) 243-3774

Stephanie Morgan PrimeLending (210) 483-4953

Wendy Thompson Brighton Bank (901) 461-8858

Fritz Julien Key Mortgage Services (630) 701-0636

Andres J. Munar Movement Mortgage (814) 308-3276

Ana C. Tolentino Atlantic Coast Mortgage (703) 731-7663

Cindy Laffey Inlanta Mortgage Inc. (913) 568-9074

Kyle Murata CMG Financial (808) 892-2580

Sofia Travayiakis Mortgage Network Inc. (617) 686-1873

An Le PrimeLending (817) 284-5626

Brandy Nelms Guild Mortgage Company (360) 280-1467

Alexander J. Varela PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company (972) 250-9603

Hung Le Movement Mortgage (504) 210-6697

Rocio Portella Paramount Residential Mortgage Group (305) 228-7600

Amy Wolff Direct Mortgage Loans LLC (443) 541-5545

Misty Leonard Guild Mortgage Company (408) 802-5533

Gloria Price PrimeLending (972) 248-7866

Brenda Worthen PrimeLending (432) 550-2011

Jill Lyons CMG Financial (925) 983-3073

Joy Prisching Key Mortgage Services Inc. (630) 430-1048

Samantha Zumwalt Paramount Residential Mortgage Group (760) 217-9687

Robin McCauley Caliber Home Loans (240) 346-9945

Camilo Rodriguez The Federal Savings Bank (312) 738-6067


Laura Sosa-Rocha Witte Northpointe Bank (404) 456-8291


Erin Moore PrimeLending (928) 779-9500


Julie Howell PrimeLending LO. (972) 672-5107


Nicole Smith Flagstar Bank FSB (561) 900-4855


Chris Minjarez CMG Financial (512) 874-3702


Tammy K. Hajjar Miller The Federal Savings Bank (773) 726-4374


Shashank Shekhar Arcus Lending Inc. (408) 615-0655


JoAnn Merrill Alpine Mortgage Planning 714-330-6080


Norma Guerrero-Cowes DHI Mortgage (512) 533-1312


Jodi Ryder C2 Financial Corporation (951) 805-3110


Sharon McCormick PrimeLending (866) 301-2343


Diego Giraldo Texas Bank Mortgage Company (817) 386-8085

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


“… the truth is that the person who has the largest marketing budget can generate more deals, or at least more opportunities.”


Does Matter in This Business By Brian Sacks

ow before you get your mind wandering all over the place, let’s try to keep it clean okay? To be successful in this business, there are key numbers that you must know. I will give you a list of them here, but common sense says that the bigger your list of referral partners, past clients and prequals are, the more money you will make.


Realtors Let’ suppose your average loan is $250,000. To close $20 million, you will need to close 80 loans. Now do you have 20 real estate agents who can give you four loans a year? If not, you need to make this your mission in 2018. Get 20 agents you can depend on for four deals a year. If they give you more, that is fantastic. But you need to concentrate your efforts not just on any Realtor who will refer you, but instead, on the ones that sell at least four houses a year. Notice I did not say list four houses, but sells four houses.

Loan size: Once again, size matters It actually often takes more of an effort to close a $100,000 loan than it does to close a $400,000 loan. Once again, you must go back and know your numbers. What is your average loan size? Who are the agents or referral

Your past client and other referral sources database How big is this database? Unfortunately for many of you reading this, the better question may be, “Do you even have a database of referral sources and past clients?” The more loans you close, the more opportunities you have to grow your list. The greatest day for most originators is when you start getting a consistent flow of referrals from past clients and referral sources other than Realtors. How big is your marketing budget? Bet that’s not one you had thought of before … is it? But the truth is that the person who has the largest marketing budget can generate more deals, or at least more opportunities. Think of the big company we

all know that has its own arena and advertises all over TV, the Internet and on the radio. They literally spend millions weekly and they have become the top lender in the U.S. by volume. You might be reading that and be discouraged because your marketing budget is ZERO, but I have to tell you that there are still ways to compete with these big players even on a modest budget. It’s so important that I actually just covered this with my Top Originator Mastermind members ( deo1). Stop and take a careful look at all of these areas of your business I hate to sound corny, but the expression “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail,” really is true. You simply must know your numbers or you will be open to all of the shiny objects and scripts that are being pushed on us. Know your numbers and know that size does matter and bigger is better. Now go out there and make your production the biggest it’s ever been!

Brian Sacks is a nationally-renowned mortgage expert who has career closing of more than 5,924 transactions for more than $1 billion. He has trained, consulted and coached tens of thousands of loan officers and company owners over the past 32 years on how to close more loans, make more money, and still have a life. Brian is the host of “Top Originator Secrets,” which can be seen weekly on Mortgage News Network and on his blog. You can get more information and grab your free report on “How to Get Agents Chasing You” at


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Want to close $20 million? This would be a stretch for some of you reading this, and for others, it would be what you close each quarter. Regardless, the concepts are very much the same, so please pay attention.

Pre-quals These, of course, are the lifeblood of our production and income. How many pre-quals you do will determine ultimately how many loans you close. So sticking with our number of 80 loans a year, you need to be asking yourself the following important question: What is my percentage of pre-qual to closed loans? This will tell you how many you need to have each and every week to reach your goal. Let’s say your figure is 80 percent. Then you need to prequalify 100 people if you want to close 80 loans. The truth is that this is a bit deceiving because pre-quals may take months, and in some cases, years. So best to make this number 20 percent higher. To close 80 loans in 2018, I need to prequalify 120 clients. Write this down for your own production goals.

sources in your area who are selling the more expensive homes and how can you build a relationship with them? Yes … this may sound like Captain Obvious, but are you actually doing it?

Yes … it is that simple So let’s dive into the numbers and check out what you need to be paying very close attention to.

This is where size matters. The more referrals you can count on, the more loans you will close … bigger is better! You also must realize that you need to always be adding to this list of real estate agents since some will either stop using you, quit the business or stop using you for some other reason.

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Retail Lending in 2018: What to Expect From Commercial Lenders By Stephen A. Sobin


higher vacancy rates in most areas of the country. The difficulties facing the retail sector have caused commercial mortgage lenders to be very conservative when it comes to lending on retail properties. Most lenders have cut back their loanto-values ratios and increased their debt service coverage ratios when they underwrite retail mortgage loans. Underwriters will perform an in-depth analysis of the rent roll and tenant base. They will look for long-term tenants whose businesses are less likely to be negatively impacted by e-commerce and other forms of competition. They will reward retail locations that still generate foot traffic, such as local service providers, entertainment locations and food service. Investors in this market area should anticipate less aggressive mortgage terms and more due diligence from their lender. There will definitely be winners and losers in the retail space and certain retail properties will be hit harder than others. Commodity retailers and retailers that don’t have some brand loyalty/uniqueness will be more challenged by e-commerce than those who do. Understanding these challenges will be important to successfully invest and finance in this sector.

Stephen A. Sobin, an industry veteran with 35-plus years of mortgage lending experience, is the President and Founder of Select Commercial Funding LLC, a nationwide commercial brokerage firm. Sobin is a proud member InterCapital Group, a nationwide alliance of commercial mortgage professionals. For more information, call (516) 596-8537 or visit


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

thought immune to this trend, have been suffering lately as well. Northeast supermarket chain Tops Markets LLC just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Amazon’s recent purchase of Whole Foods has also put pressure on many other national grocery chains. Traditionally, grocery stores have been considered great anchor tenants for local shopping centers, as grocery stores drive foot traffic to the center, thereby increasing walk-in traffic to other retail stores at the center. Amazon is expected to change this trend with its acquisition of Whole Foods, creating uncertainty in this segment of the market as well. In addition, many big box retailers, such as WalMart and Target have added food and groceries to compete more heavily with grocery chains. Despite a strong finish to 2017 for retailers spurred on by improved consumer spending and an expanding economy, demand for U.S. retail property was weak for the year overall, according to CoStar research. CoStar anticipates retail vacancy rates to continue to rise modestly in 2018 based on the slowdown in demand and increase in supply of available property. Recent reports have shown declining rent growth and

he retail sector continues to be one of the most closely scrutinized sectors for commercial mortgage lenders. Retail lending includes loans on large anchored shopping centers, local and regional malls, smaller strip centers and single tenant retail locations. A recent article in Trepp makes some interesting observations: “E-commerce sales continue to grow far faster than overall retail sales. As of the third quarter of 2017, e-commerce is growing at a roughly 16 percent year-over-year growth rate, while overall sales are growing at a roughly four percent growth rate. E-commerce constitutes about nine percent of overall retail sales. On the one hand, nine percent is a minority of overall sales. On the other hand, even at just nine percent, e-commerce has caused serious problems for some brick-and-mortar retail centers. Even if e-commerce sales growth slows from its blistering pace, it will continue to grow faster than overall sales and be increasingly disruptive to retailers.” Even strong regional shopping malls in prime locations are beginning to feel the pinch of flat rent growth, higher vacancies and lower foot traffic as ecommerce continues to take market share from traditional retail locations. Many large big box retail locations and national tenants have not been able to withstand the competition from e-commerce. Kmart, Toys “R” Us and many other large retailers have announced store closures. Toys “R” Us recently announced plans to close another 200 stores, in addition to 170 previously announced store closures. Grocery stores, once

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


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NMP Mortgage Professiona Laura Devlin Production Support Manager for Third Party Originations, ResMac BY PHIL HALL

aura Devlin is Production Support Manager for Third Party Originations at ResMac. Based in Boca Raton, Fla., Laura coordinates, manages and leads a team who provides training and support to the company’s national TPO sales force. National Mortgage Professional Magazine recently spoke with Laura about her career in the mortgage profession.


How did you get into the mortgage profession? Was it your initial career choice? No, it wasn’t my original career path. I got into the mortgage business in 1994. I had a background in finance and a BS in management and marketing, and decided this was interesting. Little did I know back then how interesting it would become. I started as a Loan Originator, then went into closing and processing. I was processing for five years before I opened my own business, Southeast Capital Group, with a fellow worker, and we ran that for 10 years. After the market drastically changed, I stepped away from the business for seven years to work in another industry, and then my longtime friend,

Greg Lutin, asked me to come and work with him at ResMac. It was an exciting challenge, because I always wanted to work on the lender side. What makes ResMac different from the competition? The boutique style of service that we offer. Our team is so dedicated to ensuring our customers have a great experience with us, every time. We are a very dynamic company that offers a lot of hands-on, truly heartfelt customer service. Even though we are not a small company, we maintain that smaller feel in how we interact internally as well. We share a common goal and we’re all heading for the finish line together.

What do you see as the current state of the mortgage industry? We have enjoyed nice, low rates for a long time, but as rates jump up a little, we do start to see some people panicking a bit. We all need to see what will happen with regulations down the road as well, but no matter what happens, we have to be flexible and capitalize on the opportunities at hand, while serving our customers in the best way possible. Would a loosening of regulations that were imposed after 2008 be a good thing for the mortgage world? Personally, I feel that it would be a positive for the industry. Things were perhaps pulled in a little too tightly. A looser

structure in terms of compliance would definitely be more helpful to all parties. We all know there are countless numbers of potential buyers who are ready, willing and able to purchase, yet some of the restrictions have made it impossible. With the recent revival of some of the non-QM products, we are now seeing many of those potential buyers now realizing the dream of homeownership. There has been much talk about the aging of the mortgage profession and the problems in getting young people to come into the industry. What do you feel can be done to attract more young people to mortgage jobs? We could start by sharing

onal of the Month

information about the diversity of the industry and the many different opportunities that are available. Some may feel there is only one path to follow in this industry, when in reality, there are so many different paths to choose from: Closing, processing, loan origination, secondary, marketing, compliance, etc. There are so many different ways to go and they are all exciting. Young people need to realize that if they do get into the industry as an Originator, they are essentially able to write their own ticket. In addition, it will give them the opportunity to hone their skills in many areas, as many skills apply to being a successful Originator, such as marketing and social media, social skills, organizational skills, etc.

Looking back on your career, what do you see as your greatest challenges and greatest achievements? Owning my own business, and being able to go through that and everything it entailed was one of the most gratifying things I’ve done. Also, I feel working with ResMac has given me the opportunity to apply many skills and I have definitely grown exponentially by working with this company. Outside of work, how do you spend your leisure hours? I truly embrace my spare time and try to make sure I spend it doing the things I enjoy most, like spending time with my family, playing tennis, golf, kickboxing, fitness, watching movies, reading and laughing as much as possible.

“Young people need to realize that if they do get into the industry as an Originator, they are essentially able to write their own ticket.�

Phil Hall is Managing Editor of National Mortgage Professional Magazine. He may be reached by e-mail at

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Looking for a Subservicer for Your MSRs? Do Your Homework. By Lee M. Smith


MSR owners can leverage their asset and manage their capital efficiently to create the liquidity to buy more assets and grow their business. So, if you decide to use a subservicer, what should you look for in a partner? Here are some tips to consider as you undertake your due diligence:

Leveraging the asset creates liquidity to potentially buy more MSRs and grow your business. l Look for a subservicer that has access to, and experience in, the secondary market who can pool and securitize reperforming loans on your behalf quickly and efficiently to maximize gain on sale revenue opportunities. l Ask if your subservicer has recapture capabilities, which is a great way to protect your MSR asset. This will slow down the run-off of the asset, and it also enables the owner to replace older, more vulnerable assets, with newer, more valuable assets. Recapture typically requires a subservicer to have a directto-consumer mortgage origination platform and comprehensive reporting around the effectiveness of such a recapture program. As more investors enter the MSR market, they’ll be looking for subservicers who can help them maximize yield, while minimizing risk. Be sure to select a subservicer who understands the operational aspects of MSR management in order to help you protect and leverage your asset.

Lee M. Smith is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Flagstar. Lee joined Flagstar in May 2013 as Chief Operating Officer. He brings to Flagstar extensive experience in financial management and operations.


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

l Align with a solid, wellcapitalized counterparty that has a strong risk and compliance infrastructure and comprehensive reporting to ensure you’re doing business with a safe and sound partner, who is in tune with all regulations and investor guidelines. l Inquire if the subservicer has the capacity and a robust onboarding process and team in place to ensure a seamless loan transfer, particularly if the loans are being moved from one platform to another. l Ask to see monthly scorecards from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae/HUD. These agencies offer ranking statistics against peers. Also review the most recent service organization controls report for insights into the quality of the control framework of the subservicer. l Check out collections management and roll rate reports. The cost to service seriously delinquent loans versus performing loans is exponentially higher, and so it’s important to minimize the flow of loans to 60-plus days delinquent.

l Drill down into how loans 60plus days delinquent are handled. Transparency and reporting are important to MSR owners, particularly when dealing with serious delinquencies. Ensure a subservicer can meet all required filing dates to minimize your operating losses from tardy pipeline management and unreimbursed advances. A subservicer with a robust default servicing platform and oversight team can significantly reduce costs and mitigate risk for an MSR owner. l Don’t overlook claims management. It’s at the end of the process, but should still be a top priority. This is where you can save or lose material dollars. Having an efficient process for claims management to ensure timely and accurate collections of advances is as important as being aware of the various programs offered in the market that can lead to quicker and more efficient recoveries, such as some of the programs offered by HUD. l Check for financing opportunities around the MSR asset and servicing advances.

f you’re an owner of mortgage servicing rights— MSRs—you’ll need to decide whether to service the underlying loans yourself or hire a subservicer to do it for you. Even as MSR owners become more sophisticated from a regulatory, operational and asset management point of view, there are compelling reasons to use a subservicer. The first consideration is usually around cost, and this has scale implications if you’re considering servicing the loans in-house versus using a subservicer. We estimate an MSR owner would need to service more than 200,000 performing loans before considering bringing servicing in-house cost effectively. Having a subservicer also gives MSR owners flexibility and a pure variable cost model, which is helpful and more predictable as they grow, or alternatively, should they decide to exit the business or sell a portion of their portfolio to raise cash. With a subservicer, it’s a vendor relationship and a clean exit, with no infrastructure to eliminate or reduce as the portfolio is unwound or decreased in size. Additionally, MSR owners can take advantage not only of the expertise associated with the servicing process itself, but also with the ancillary benefits subservicers may offer, including recapture capabilities and financing options around the MSR asset, along with servicing advances. This is another way

MBA’s Mortgage Action Alliance A Message From MAA Chairman Gene M. Lugat xcitement is building as we get closer to this year’s National Advocacy Conference (NAC), taking place in Washington, D.C., TuesdayWednesday, April 24-25. Hundreds of Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) members from across the country will gather to learn more about the issues facing our industry and get a chance to speak directly to their members of Congress. Although advocacy is covered at a number of MBA events throughout the year, NAC is always special and this year’s Conference promises to be the biggest one yet. This year’s NAC comes just in time to make our industry’s voice heard before the midterm elections, with several issues critical to our industry being considered by Congress. MBA is a consistent voice for the housing finance industry in Washington, but MBA’s members truly convey the impact policy changes can have on businesses across the country by providing a local face to these complex issues. This year, MBA is pleased to announce several high profile speakers, including U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Representative Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN). Secretary Carson will share his priorities for the Department and the nation’s housing policy as they relate to the current Administration’s domestic agenda. Chairman Crapo will discuss the Senate Banking Committee’s 2018 legislative priorities, such as housing finance reform and regulatory relief. House Financial Services Committee member Hollingsworth will address attendees at the Advocacy Reception to touch on the Committee’s ongoing work to remove impediments to lending and economic growth, including such items as regulatory relief, housing finance reform and flood insurance reauthorization. Additional details regarding other speakers will be announced as they are confirmed. To register for the NAC, please visit Even if you cannot make it to NAC, there are easy ways for you and your company to get involved with the Mortgage Action Alliance (MAA) and advocate for our industry. Last year, we launched the MAA App, which you can download at or by texting “MAA” to 31-31-31. The app allows users to join MAA, take action, contact your elected officials, learn about MORPAC and track bills that MBA’s legislative staff are monitoring, offering a one-stop-shop for all of MBA’s advocacy programs on your Apple or Android devices. I hope to see many of you here in D.C. at the NAC next month. The larger the group, the louder the voice and larger the impact we can have for our industry!


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Gene M. Lugat is chairman of the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Mortgage Action Alliance. Gene is executive vice president, national industry and political relations for PrimeLending Inc.

heard on the street l The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has appointed Deborah Dubois as President of the MBA Opens Doors Foundation, the trade group’s philanthropic subsidiary that provides rental and mortgage payment assistance to families with critically ill children. l Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. (PRMI) has announced that Division President Bobbie Dyer of Dyer Mortgage Group has been named to the Florida Institute of Technology Board of Trustees. Dyer was one of three new members welcomed to this prestigious position. l HomeBridge Financial Services has announced the promotion of Jamie Zeitz to the newly created position of Renovation Producing Area Sales Manager for the Southeast Region. In his new role, Zeitz will focus on further expanding HomeBridge’s renovation business throughout the Southeast, including within his home state of Florida. l Franklin First Financial Ltd. has announced that David P. Stein has joined the company as Chief Operating Officer, responsible for overseeing all areas of operations within the company. l Waterstone Mortgage Corporation has announced the promotion of Ericka Smith to the role of Vice President of Marketing at the company’s Pewaukee, Wis.-based corporate office. l Recovco Mortgage Management LLC has announced that John Guy has joined the company in the newly created position of Director of Business Development. l Pete Carroll has joined CoreLogic’s Government Affairs team as Executive for Public Policy and Industry Relations. l Bay Equity Home Loans has named Letty Huffman as its new Regional Sales Manager for the Southern Arizona region. l Mortgage Quality Management and Research LLC (MQMR) has hired Mitchell Nomura as

continued from page 45

Internal Audit Manager. l SunTrust Banks Inc. has named Todd Chamberlain as Executive Vice President and head of the Mortgage Division. He replaces Dorina Smith, who will retire on March 31 after 22 years at the Atlanta-based company. l The William Fall Group, a Toledo, Ohio-based provider of residential and commercial appraisal services, has named Laurie Egan as Vice President and General Manager of its Residential Staff Appraiser Division. l Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions has announced the addition of six more Account Executives to help brokers grow their business. Adding additional coverage across the country, Dee Buckley has joined Angel Oak in Atlanta; Dino Biorac, Eric Olson and Gigi Bronstrup in the Los Angeles area; Christina Ciceric in San Diego; and Andrea Johnson in Memphis. l New American Funding has named Christine Eskina as Sales Manager, covering the company’s Southern California territory throughout the Inland Empire, San Bernardino Mountains, Greater Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. l Silver Hill has named Nina Hamilton-Lee as Head of Operations, overseeing management of the processing, closing, and quality control departments. She is also responsible for effectively overseeing risk management relevant to loan considerations within the company’s loan portfolio. l Ellie Mae has announced that Carina Cortez has joined the company as Executive Vice President of Human Resources, responsible for leading the company’s human resources organization with a focus on attracting and retaining top talent, managing workforce planning, as well as leading the talent development strategy to ensure Ellie Mae remains a best place to work. l Docutech has named Amy




Operations Manager to Senior Director of Operations for the company. l South State Bank has announced that it is expanding its team and presence with the addition of eight Richmond, Va.-based mortgage team members: Paul Carioti, John Gregory, Todd Kern, Kendra Lengua, Michelle Melton, Shellee Mildrum, Hang Shaia and Iris Vogelmann. Your turn National Mortgage Professional

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Note: Submissions sent via e-mail are preferred. The deadline for submissions is the 1st of the month prior to the target issue.

Why choose MBS Highway? BARRY HABIB— THE ORIGINATOR OF THE MARKET ADVISORY SERVICE Daily guidance and insights from Mortgage Market expert Barry Habib. He closed over $2 Billion in production as a Loan Originator, called the bottom of the Housing Market and currently provides sales and market training to thousands of Loan Originators across the country. STATE OF THE ART, USER FRIENDLY WEBSITE We've taken great pride in building a website that uses new technology, and enhances the user experience. No matter where you are on our site, you'll always have market data in sight. Never miss a lock alert with our real time market news and alert system.

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


integrated best-of-breed mortgage fintech, compliance, analytics and reporting solutions, and Kenneth Kerfoot was added to the OpenClose integration team, who previously was the LOS Manager at University Bank. l EverBank, a division of TIAA FSB, has announced that Nick DeSimone has joined the Retail Lending Division as a Retail Loan Originator. l Datos-In-Harmony (DIH) has announced that Pamela Best has been promoted from


Brandt as its new Chief Executive Officer. Brandt, formerly President and Chief Operating Officer (COO), will continue to serve as the company’s President and will assume the CEO role from Founder Ty Jenkins, now the company’s Chairman. Inlanta Mortgage Chairman John Knowlton has announced the promotion of Paul Buege to the role of President. Buege is currently Inlanta’s Chief Operating Officer, and will continue those responsibilities. Nicholas DelTorto will remain as company CEO. Inlanta has also announced the expansion of its market in Missouri, naming Neil C. Volkmann Manager of the company’s new branch. Volkmann will serve as Senior Loan Officer and Branch Manager, having personally originated, managed, and/or directed mortgage production in excess of $4 billion dollars. Harry Gardner, Executive Vice President of eStrategies for Docutech, has been named Chair of the Board of Directors for the Electronic Signatures and Records Association (ESRA) for 2018. Gardner has participated in ESRA’s activities since its inception and joined the organization’s Board of Directors in January of last year. Capsilon has named Ginger Wilcox as SVP Marketing, where she will be responsible for leading marketing, brand positioning and growth for all Capsilon products. A startup veteran and recognized leader in the mortgage, real estate and technology industries, Wilcox was most recently part of the team that launched digital mortgage startup, Sindeo. Nationwide Title Clearing (NTC) has announced that Debbie Lastoria has been promoted to the role of Vice President of National Sales. Lastoria previously served the company as Vice President of Business Development. OpenClose has announced that it has added staff to its integration and customer support departments. Julie Hoefs comes to OpenClose as a previous user of its LenderAssist LOS and

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Diversity in Mortgage Lending


Serving a Diverse Market As the Hispanic homebuyer segment continues to grow, lenders must be prepared to meet their unique needs By Lisa Fenske


n the mortgage industry, loan professionals who are the most successful are often those who are always looking ahead.

Whether in terms of upcoming technology, new loan programs, or trends in the housing market, staying informed of what lies before you–and determining how to apply this knowledge to best serve your customers–is crucial to success. Understanding the preferences and needs of various homebuyer segments is another way to stay ahead of the pack. In recent years, Millennial homebuyers have been all the buzz. And while homebuyers of this generation are still very much relevant to the mortgage industry, it’s also a good time to take a look at another up-and-coming group: Hispanic homebuyers. The U.S. is home to nearly 59 million Hispanics, who make up the most rapidly growing population demographic, according to the 2017 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report. The same report notes that Hispanics are expected to add 6 million additional households in the U.S. by 2024. As mortgage industry professionals, it’s imperative for us to be aware of this quickly growing segment of homebuyers. More importantly, we must create initiatives and processes that are designed to meet their needs and preferences.

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

continued on page 68

Understanding Hispanic homeownership preferences and obstacles For many Hispanics, homeownership is a desirable goal. Approximately 81 percent of Hispanics believe that owning a home is an ideal long-term investment, according to Fannie Mae’s October-November 2017 National Housing Survey. As more and more Hispanics consider the possibility of homeownership, it becomes our responsibility to determine how to best fit their needs and address any concerns they may have. For instance, when it comes to getting a mortgage, 32 percent of Hispanics are concerned with their credit history or lack of credit, 28 percent don’t think they could afford a downpayment, and 23 percent worry that they have insufficient income for mortgage payments (Fannie Mae National Housing Survey, October–November 2017). Recent data from the Pew Research Center also shows that mortgage applications from Hispanic homebuyers are denied more frequently than those from non-Hispanic homebuyers. Moreover, the same data showed that the top reason Hispanics were rejected for a home loan was that their debt-to-income (DTI) ratio was too high. These are important details to keep in mind, especially when developing programs to inform and engage the Hispanic homebuying segment. Loans that offer no- or low-downpayment options, expanded credit guidelines, and expanded DTI ratios, for example, should be considered. While some Hispanic homebuyers may seek a conventional mortgage, others may be more interested in these alternative, niche options. As a loan professional, it’s essential for you to communicate the various loan solutions that fit well with your Hispanic homebuyers’ unique scenarios. In terms of preferences, Hispanic homebuyers are more likely to live in multi-generational households than non-Hispanic


a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

serving a diverse market

homebuyers. Multi-generational households–defined as homes that have two or more adult generations under one roof– account for about 25 percent of all Hispanic households, according to an August 2016 Pew Research report. Again, this is important data for loan professionals to understand. Although the multigenerational household structure will not apply to every Hispanic homebuyer, it’s a preference that Loan Originators may encounter when working with homebuyers in this segment. Getting to know Hispanic Millennials Many Hispanic multigenerational households are also home to at least one Hispanic Millennial. In fact, there are more than 24 million Hispanic Millennials in the nation, according to a recent Viant report entitled “The Marketer’s

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


continued from page 67

Guide to Hispanic Millennials.” Many of these Hispanic Millennials will make a significant impact on the homebuying market in coming years. Understanding the preferences of Hispanic Millennials is the first step toward creating a positive home loan experience for them. In general, Hispanic Millennials are digitally-savvy individuals who use their mobile devices and smartphones frequently. The 2017 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report found that Hispanic Millennials spend about 25 percent more time on their phones than non-Hispanics. Many Hispanic Millennials also engage regularly on social media. Almost half of Hispanic consumers have reported using a brand’s hashtag or posting comments about a brand online, as compared to only 17 percent of non-Hispanic consumers, according to the Viant report. Overall, individuals in this

growing demographic are very tech-savvy, and they are likely to seek homebuying solutions that fit their preferences and goals. Implementing Hispanic homebuyer initiatives Of course, understanding the needs and preferences of Hispanic homebuyers is the first step in the process. Lenders must take this knowledge one step further by implementing initiatives that are designed to equip their loan professionals to serve Hispanic homebuyers in the most effective and impactful ways possible. As with any company initiative, it’s important to devote the time, research and efforts needed to create the best outcome. Overall, many lenders may find the following to be helpful: l Marketing materials. Offering marketing materials, such as flyers, that include information in both English and Spanish can be a desirable option for many Hispanic homebuyers. Digital marketing should also be a priority. Spanish-language email campaigns, social media posts, blogs, and Web sites can also be valuable sources of information for Hispanic homebuyers, and particularly Hispanic Millennial homebuyers. l Technology solutions. Going hand-in-hand with digital marketing, it’s also essential for lenders to implement innovative technology solutions that make the home loan process more accessible and streamlined. An intuitive mobile app, for instance, will appeal to make Hispanic homebuyers who are accustomed to utilizing their smartphones to make purchasing decisions. l Cultural competency training. Offering employees the option of taking cultural competency courses, to better understand Hispanic homebuyer preferences and needs, can also be a helpful initiative. These trainings can be beneficial for everyone– including those who work

directly with the customers and those who are behind the scenes. Developing a stronger sense of cultural awareness will help loan professionals make better-informed choices when it comes to working with homebuyers of diverse backgrounds. l Ongoing evaluation. Delivering an exceptional loan experience for Hispanic homebuyers should only be the first step in a much larger, more-detailed plan. As preferences and needs change, it’s important for lenders to re-visit their multicultural marketing and customer service initiatives–in order to determine which strategies are working well and which can be improved upon. Even those strategies that worked well in the past may not be applicable to today’s homebuyer. Looking to the future As with any segment of homebuyers, it’s imperative to remember that not all Hispanic homebuyers will have the same goals and preferences when it comes to homeownership. Every homebuyer brings a unique situation to the table, and deserves individualized attention. However, by understanding some of these common themes, you will be better equipped to provide a seamless and positive loan experience for your Hispanic customers. When working with your customers, you should always ask yourself a few basic, straightforward questions: l What are their unique needs? l How can I make this process a positive one for them? l How can I ensure that they stay informed? l What can I take away from this experience that will help me serve future customers? When you focus on these ideas while serving Hispanic homebuyers–or any homebuyer, for that matter–you will find that a successful Loan Origination business follows naturally.

Lisa Fenske is Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Waterstone Mortgage, based in Pewaukee, Wis. She may be reached by e-mail at



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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Goal of the program: To provide step-by-step training and resources for any leader to recruit, manage and lead a high performance production originator team

Who the program is for: Company owners, branch managers, sales managers, anyone managing an origination team or looking to build one

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Marketplace Diversity: Keeping Ahead of the Curve

By Mark Spano

f there is one constant that always remains true in the mortgage industry, it’s that longevity isn’t determined solely by your current market share or past success. Rather, it is often awarded to the company with the ability to recognize market trends, adapt to those changes, seize the opportunities presented to them, and harness these new developments to their advantage. It is in this spirit that members of the mortgage industry would do well to embrace current shifts in our country’s makeup and pay the concept of diversity more than just lip service.


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Diversity in the mortgage industry In essence, diversity may be described as the concept of inclusion where there is no bias or judgment on the basis of factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, demographics, race and so on. However, it might be interesting to note that diversity is not just about accepting people from diverse backgrounds without bias. Instead, it is about creating a platform where different people can share their diverse thought processes, experiences and ideas and bring something unique to the table. The major shift in the country’s demographics is something that certainly that cannot go unnoticed, much less ignored. That said, there is also a similar situation in the mortgage industry as well. For instance, single women, now than ever, are buying real estate properties both for investment, as well as self-use purposes. The American marketplace is becoming increasingly diverse with people of different ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, gender and age groups soaring to higher ranks at their workplaces and enjoying better lifestyles. It goes without saying that the clientele for the mortgage industry is also getting more and more diverse with an urgent need for the latter to also embrace diversity in its workforce.

(CFPB) last year, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion and the representatives from the mortgage industry discussed about the importance of introducing diversity and inclusion in the business. According to then Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, the primary mission of the Bureau is to preserve the individual interest of their customers from the largely diverse American marketplace. In the meeting, the delegates also discussed about the advantages of integrating inclusion and diversity workshops in all the financial services industry organizations across the country. Here are some of the major benefits of introducing diversity and inclusion in the mortgage industry as discussed at the roundtable meeting.

What is the need for diversity in the mortgage industry? In a roundtable conference convened by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Creating a positive work environment One of the most important advantages of having a diverse workplace is that it creates an

“One of the most important advantages of having a diverse workplace is that it creates an environment conducive to growth and productivity both of the individual employees, as well as the industry as a whole.”

environment conducive to growth and productivity both of the individual employees, as well as the industry as a whole. Introducing diversity and inclusion in the mortgage industry will help in promoting a more positive image of the individual real estate and finance institutions in the minds of the potential homebuyers, which, in turn, would lead to stronger and longer-lasting client relationships. The company’s higher management and leadership positions play a critical role in not only introducing diversity and inclusion, but also sustaining it in the long run. Growing the talent pool A company that actively recruits employees from diverse backgrounds and does not differentiate on the basis of age, gender, cultural preferences, ethnicity and so on is essentially viewed as progressive by the potential candidates. As such, it is a brilliant opportunity for the industry to not only attract a wider pool of talent for their vacancies,

but also to catch hold of exceptionally competent and proficient employees too. In addition to that, creating a more diverse environment helps in enhancing employee satisfaction and promoting greater employee retention since everyone loves to work in an organization that values talent and skills over an individual’s demographic background or gender. Boosting employee productivity As mentioned, an organization that embraces the concepts of inclusion and diversity is generally viewed as positive by the potential candidates, as well as the existing employees. That being said, such an organization provides a more amicable work environment where the employees can unleash their hidden creativity and talents without any inhibitions of not being accepted on the basis of their gender, sexual preferences or ethnicity. It essentially introduces a sense of equality at the workplace and encourages employees hailing from different backgrounds to feel confident and put their best foot forward. In essence, inclusion and diversity at the workplace helps in promoting employee morale, consequently allowing them to be more genuinely productive and creative. Widening customer base Another extremely important advantage of introducing inclusivity and diversity at the workplace is that it actively helps the company in exploring the market and acquiring an extensive customer base. As such, this is of particular importance in the mortgage industry, where the market is largely varied and you need to be more inclusive and diverse in your approach to suitably reach out to your target consumer base. When you have employees from diverse ethnic backgrounds, gender, age groups, color and geographical locations, it is easier for you to tap into the specific segments of the real estate market and attract your target customers to your company that is viewed by them as both progressive and reliable. Providing tailor-made products and services By hiring candidates from diverse backgrounds and racial groups, a company can essentially benefit from their diverse and unique experiences, opinions and ideas. It


is easier for a company to develop stronger and lasting relationships with its clients if it possesses a workforce that understands the needs and expectations of the target consumers well. Different people have different concerns. As such, when you have workers coming from different backgrounds in your company, it is a brilliant opportunity for you to use their knowledge and experiences as a member of a particular racial group or gender, and provide more personalized solutions to your clients that belong to the same racial group or gender. Needless to say, this helps you nurture more meaningful client relationships and build your repute in the market based on how you value your clients enough to provide tailormade solutions to their mortgage needs. In addition to this, introducing diversity in your company will also help in identifying the needs and expectations of your target consumer groups, and design unique products and services that will help you stay relevant in this highly competitive market.

addressed and enjoy the complete freedom of homebuying, irrespective of their cultural or racial background.

Mark Spano is Chief Financial Officer of Jet Direct Mortgage. For more than 15 years, Mark has worked as both a licensed originator and is currently licensed in 11 states. In addition, Mark has significant experience with mortgage compliance, regulation, and lending software integration. He may be reached by phone at (631) 574-1306, ext. 602 or e-mail








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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Celebrating the customer The fact is that every individual in this world has the right to dream of a home and work towards realizing this dream in their lifetime, irrespective of gender, age, race, sexual orientation and cultural background. This is particularly relevant to the mortgage industry as this is exactly where people come to have their dream of

in the mortgage industry will help provide prospective homebuyers with a convenient platform where they can have their concerns

Promoting innovation A company that differentiates on the basis of gender, age, cultural backgrounds, racial groups and creed is seriously limiting its ability to create and innovate. On the flipside, by introducing inclusion and diversity at the workplace, a company essentially enables people of different backgrounds, working styles and life experiences to come together under one roof and brainstorm their way to unique and never-before heard of ideas and concepts. It not only helps the workers to share opinions and provide feedback, but also allows them to execute their unique ideas in the real world. In essence, it is more like playing on one another’s individual abilities, talents and strengths and collaborating to innovate new ideas that can help push the company to unprecedented heights of growth and development.

homeownership fulfilled. Introducing diversity and inclusion in the mortgage industry will help in enhancing the overall homebuying experience for people, regardless of where they come from or their sexual preference. In essence, the mortgage industry is a largely customeroriented industry where one needs to focus more on the human aspect of borrowing. That said, introducing inclusion and diversity

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Sexual Harassment: An mPower Community Conversation MBA’s COO shares responses to mPower’s Sexual Harassment Survey

This article originally ran in MBA Insights (Jan. 24, 2018). s the leading voice for the real estate finance industry, the Mortgage Bankers Association created mPower to provide a platform for women to strengthen their networks, achieve professional growth and development, and to exchange ideas and information about our industry. Our community started as a conversation about the place women have in this industry, and the realization that we needed to continue that conversation year-round. These days, much of the national conversation is


focused on sexual harassment in the workplace. It continues to dominate the news, from national politics to entertainment events like the Golden Globes or Screen Actors Guild Awards. The women in mPower have been eager to discuss this issue head-on, specific to real estate finance. Ultimately, our goal is for the conversation to be productive and lead to actionable solutions. To that end, we recently conducted a voluntary survey of mPower members to initiate a conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace and gain a snapshot of the experiences that members of our community have had with sexual harassment while working in the industry,

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


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attitudes towards the issue, and the impact we feel this has had on our professional development and career. To be clear, this was not intended nor is it a scientific survey, and we cannot attribute the results to the broader population of women working in real estate finance. The response rate reflects the experience of some—not all women in the mPower network. In addition, because we were interested in understanding the life experiences of our mPower members, our survey asked respondents if they had experienced harassment at any point in their careers in the real estate finance industry. While there are men participating in our mPower network, and many men attend our mPower events, this poll was meant for women. Ultimately, 13.5 percent of the 2,000 women who were sent the survey responded. We thought some of the results would be worth sharing, as a means to facilitate a broader conversation. To be sure common language was defined, we asked participants to respond based on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definition of sexual harassment in the workplace, stated as “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or resisting of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive work environment.” Between Dec. 11-22, 2017, mPower community members answered our survey. Our key takeaways are as follows: l Three of every four respondents (75 percent) said they had experienced at least one work-related sexual

By Marcia Davies

harassment incident. l Of those respondents reporting at least one incidence of sexual harassment, 87 percent reported that an incident occurred while they were in their twenties, followed by 56 percent reporting an incident in their thirties. l The most frequent location of an incident was at the office and the most frequent offending behavior was inappropriate comments. l More than 50 percent of those reporting at least one incident reported inappropriate touching and just under 50 percent reported unwanted sexual advances. l Of those experiencing at least one incident, only eight percent had reported an incident to human resources and only 20 percent ever told someone in the chain of command about an incident. l And, in perhaps an initial sign of hope that our current moment portends well for the future: respondents to our survey said that recent events were more likely to make them call out perpetrators and to report incidents to someone in command or in human resources. While our survey was quite simple, the EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace undertook a massive study of workplace sexual harassments complaints released in 2016. The meta-study noted that existing studies indicated that as many as 85 percent of women report having experienced harassment in the workplace, depending on how the surveys were conducted and how that term was defined. The EEOC Select Task Force also noted that roughly 75 percent of individuals “who experienced harassment never even talked to a supervisor, manager or union representative about the


industry who are sharing their story. The next step for the mPower community is to learn how to grow from here. How do we take the trends suggested by our informal surveys and others and turn them around? How do we proactively change corporate culture so that women, and everyone, in our industry is able to fully realize their goals as a career professional? How do we rebalance the power disparity

that would prevent someone who has been harassed from coming forward?

This is the conversation we’re having at mPower. Please join us:

Marcia Davies is Chief Operating Officer for the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA). As COO, Marcia is the implementation of strategic initiatives, as well as maintaining oversight of key organizational Marcia is the Founder of mPower—MBA Promoting Opportunities for Women to Extend their Reach—MBA’s networking platform for women in the real estate finance industry.


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

harassing conduct.” From the outlined points above, we see some trends emerge. One that particularly stands out from our results is the relationship between age and likelihood of experiencing sexual harassment among our respondents. Another is that women suffering from workplace sexual harassment who responded to our survey do not feel or did not feel they have a recourse through HR or through their supervisors. This speaks to the power dynamic that makes workplace sexual harassment such an insidious and pernicious issue. Some of our survey questions allowed participants to offer personal details of their incidents. There is a range of experiences and reactions, but it is clear that many women in our industry have had to put significant effort into dealing with workplace sexual harassment of themselves or their colleagues. We do not need a scientific survey to estimate how many women before we start to take action, because one is too many. Time magazine named its Persons of The Year as “The Silence-Breakers,” highlighting those in the #MeToo movement and allies who at all levels of the economy and in all different kinds of industry have stood up and shared their story, making it easier for others to come forward. While we were readying this article, Claire Weber, Chief Operating Officer of MBAmember FormFree, submitted an article on workplace sexual harassment and an incident involving a young colleague at a recent conference. It’s not easy to read, but it’s important that we do. While it is excellent that this young woman had Claire as a supervisor and female mentor at her company, able to intervene in the situation and offer her support, Claire sums up the impact this has on the career satisfaction and career development of professional women. I encourage you to read Claire’s article, “Industry’s Diversity Aspirations Undercut by Subculture of Disrespect,” which can be found online at Bringing voice to this issue is so important, and we are grateful for the women in this

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M


By Eric Weinstein

hen I owned my company, I did not see white, black, brown or yellow. All I saw was green. Who would make me the most money? I wouldn’t care if the Loan Officer was a Martian. Avarice is colorblind. Many times, being a national company, I would hire someone on the phone based on their reputation, last W-2, pipeline or experience not knowing if they were male or female, African-American or White, gay or straight. Pat, Sandy, Sasha ‌ who can tell? Moreover, why would you even care? Loan Officers are pretty much self-sufficient producers of cash flow for the company. Why would anyone in their right mind NOT hire a competent manufacturer of loot for the company? Maybe there are a few White Supremacist mortgage companies still out there, but really, is that a big problem? I would say the vast majority of business owners would agree with me on this one.


Money trumps racism. Greed is good for diversity. I do take exception with the concept however, that we should hire less qualified people as some sort of affirmative action to help a particular minority. This does not serve the customer or business owner at all. There are plenty of qualified people to hire of all races. You may disagree, but I believe employment should be strictly based on merit. I am sure as a customer, you would agree with me on that. When I would hold a holiday party, it was like a convention at the United Nations. Every race, religion and sexual orientation was represented. It was not intentional. It is because all of them met the high standards for employment ‌ period! I do not think it is a matter of “Increasing engagement to minoritiesâ€? or “Recruiting a more diverse workforce.â€? Though these are some really cool buzzwords, but I believe if you open opportunity to all, in an equal fashion, they will come on their own in equal

“I noticed, our customer base tended to mirror the diverse makeup of our sales force ‌ build it and they will come. Diversity breeds diversity, and diversity is good.â€?

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


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proportions and numbers. When we were a big national company, I once tried to recruit the number two man of a competitor who just happened to be headquartered in Texas. When the candidate came to my office and saw that my President and Chief Operations Officers were women, and my Chief Compliance Officer was African-American, he said his boss would never do that. Being Jewish, I am sure he never would have hired me either. I didn’t feel bad for the owner being a bigot. I feel bad for him being such a bad business person. What an idiot! Why not hire the best qualified person for the job? Similar to my hiring practices, good or bad, I never especially targeted any particular minority or group to get loans. I think low rates and good service are universal traits all cultures can appreciate. I did notice, however, that certain of my minority Loan Officers did a disproportional amount of business with their own particular minority. It made sense. For example, a Guatemalan Loan Officer might do

a lot of business in the small Guatemalan community of their town. This is because of the trust factor you would have with someone similar to yourself. Since it is up to the borrower to choose which Loan Officer to which they want to send their business, if the customer wants to discriminate, that’s fine with me. I noticed, our customer base tended to mirror the diverse makeup of our sales force ‌ build it and they will come. Diversity breeds diversity, and diversity is good. It think I heard that concept somewhere else ‌ “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door!— The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation Inc. That poem works for mortgage companies as well as nations— Martians welcome!

Eric Weinstein worked in banking, on the commercial real estate side until 1991, when he fell in love with residential lending. In 1995, he started a small mortgage company in his basement called Carteret Mortgage Corporation, which in 2003, grew to one of the largest mortgage broker companies in the United States. Eric is semi-retired, doing mortgages by referral only. He may be reached by phone at (703) 5058692 or e-mail

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Caliber Home Loans, Inc., 1525 S. Beltline Rd Coppell, TX 75019 NMLS ID #15622. 1-800-401-6587. Copyright©2017. All Rights Reserved. Equal Housing Lender. For real estate and lending professionals only and not for distribution to consumers. This communication may contain information that is privileged, confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Distribution to the general public is prohibited. (DEC2017_NMP)

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Caliber retains the servicing for 96% of our loans. Most wholesale lenders don’t do this. This gives us a

Connecting with your borrowers at exactly the right time can sometimes be challenging. How will you


a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Ocwen’s Global Women’s Network Making a Real Difference cross corporate America, discussions about gender inequity, diversity, and inclusion are dominating conversations. At Ocwen Financial Corporation, Lola Oyewole, Director of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer; Barbara Holmes, Director of Internal Review Group; and Toni Harrigan, Chief Market and Credit Risk Officer, are three of the leaders of Ocwen’s Global Women’s Network (OGWN). OGWN, which is part of the company’s global diversity and inclusion initiative, is a companywide affinity group aimed at empowering women and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Ocwen’s global diversity and inclusion initiative was launched in 2015. National Mortgage Professional Magazine recently had a chance to catch up with Lola, Barbara and Toni to hear about OGWN and the positive impact it has been having across the company.


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Lola Oyewole Director of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer Ocwen Financial Corporation

Barbara Holmes Director of Internal Review Group Ocwen Financial Corporation

Toni Harrigan Chief Market and Credit Risk Officer Ocwen Financial Corporation

year during which the group sponsored programs and events in the United States, India and the Philippines. Educational and networking activities are planned and carried out in each global location at least once a quarter.

Why is OGWN so important? Thank you for making the time Toni Harrigan: For many women in the financial services industry, to speak with National gender struggles have been a Mortgage Professional Magazine. Can you please start way of life. There are incredibly smart and well-qualified women by offering our readers some who need to be at the leadership background on the Ocwen’s table. Unfortunately, there have Global Women’s Network been very few seats available to (OGWN)? women. Our leadership team has Barbara Holmes: OGWN recognized that diversity and provides members with an inclusion isn’t just a politicallyenvironment that promotes correct thing to do—it’s a mentoring, professional business imperative. In the first development, workplace quarter of 2015 the company flexibility, and representation of launched a global D&I initiative. women at all levels of the Today, Ocwen’s “gender company. The group is a evolution” is well underway platform for sharing information thanks to the commitment of our and ideas and accelerating leadership team, anchored by employee skills and knowledge Phyllis Caldwell, one of the few through networking. female Board Chairs in the OGWN is open to all Ocwen financial services sector, and employees worldwide. One year Ron Faris our Chief Executive into this important initiative, the Officer. network has more than1,000 members—both women and men—representing more than 13 Can you give our readers some background on diversity percent of the company’s global at Ocwen? full-time workforce, and our Lola Oyewole: Women numbers continue to grow. represent 42 percent of Ocwen’s Launched in January of 2017, global workforce of more than OGWN is celebrating multiple 7,500 team members, and accomplishments from its first

people of color represent 41 percent of the company’s U.S. employee population. The rising number of female employees in key positions in the company is a testament to Ocwen’s investment of time and resources in diversity and inclusion initiatives. What would you say is OGWN’s key accomplishment in year one? Oyewole: The true measure of OGWN’s success is the very real progress being made by women in the company. Since January 2017, 50 percent of leadership promotions at the director and above level in the U.S. have been females, 25 percent of the employees hired into U.S. leadership positions at director and above were female, and 50 percent of hires into senior manager roles in the Asia-Pacific region have been females. After just one year, we see membership in OWGN empowering our female colleagues to take on more responsibility and build out their skills with greater confidence. And we have gained a better understanding the unique challenges facing our female employees—especially those in overseas offices—and how we can best help them overcome these challenges through cultural improvements.

Can you share with us some of the programs undertaken across the OGWN network this past year? Harrigan: It has been amazing to see the diversity of programming and unique ideas teams from every location have brought to the table. Programs have included everything from informal coffee sessions and panel discussions with senior executives, to “Dress for Success” clothing drives, selfdefense classes, a fundraiser for colleagues affected by Hurricane Maria, and seminars to encourage screenings during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In observance of International Women’s Day in March, OGWN hosted “Be Bold for Change” events across the globe, in which attendees discussed the actions they could take to become responsive and responsible leaders in creating a more diverse and inclusive environment. These actions were documented and posted in break rooms as a daily reminder of the goals they set for themselves. To recognize OGWN members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made a meaningful impact on the organization, the group has created an annual OGWN Leadership Award to be presented in January of each year. The award recognizes the honorees for their outstanding leadership and efforts to make a difference in the lives of other team members across the company. We hope that by celebrating these women’s accomplishments, many more will be inspired to join and dedicate themselves to OGWN’s mission. Is there anything else you would like to cover? Holmes: Fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion doesn’t happen overnight. It takes effort, carefully crafted plans, and an ability to recognize that the best ideas may come from someone in an office thousands of miles away. This collaborative spirit and group effort is not only helping women at Ocwen feel more empowered, it is helping make the company—and our industry—better. As OGWN gears up for 2018, it is clear to see change is in the air, and it is inspiring.


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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

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a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Fostering Lending Diversity From the Inside Out By Ken Perry hen’s the last time you’ve heard someone say, “Well, I’m a racist so …” Never? Of course not! The problem with discrimination, in most cases, is that we don’t even know that we’re doing it. People tend to think they’re acting based on objective facts even when they’re acting based on stereotypes. Discrimination is subtle, often subconscious and people just assume that it’s not part of who they are. This makes it a difficult topic to talk or teach about. But when I teach or speak, it’s necessary that I talk about it. As an industry, we have a duty to make sure that our own prejudices do not in turn cause prejudiced lending practices. When I’m in front of a group trying to talk about this touchy topic, if I just stand up there and tell people they’re probably discriminating even if they don’t realize it, it’s going to make them defensive. Instead, there’s an exercise I like to use. First, I distribute signs for people to wear. They say things like “I’m ignorant,” “I’m dangerous,” “I’m beautiful,” or “I’m ugly.” The only rule is you can’t look at your own sign. They don’t know which sign they were wearing, but they can read everyone else’s. Then they complete a project together. At first, everything goes smoothly. Then something shifts. When the person with the ignorant sign comes up with something, another person says, “That’s a stupid idea.” And the person with the ignorant sign would say, “What the heck?” and wonder why he was being treated that way. After this happens a couple of times, the person with the ignorant sign just stops talking. Similarly, group members would start scooting away from the person with the “dangerous” sign. This in turn led to the dangerous person becoming frustrated and aggressive. Do you see what’s happening here? Over time, every single person starts being treated like their sign. And this makes each person in the group start acting like their sign.


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


“Having a staff that reflects the homebuying population is both ethically sound and good business.” The group begins to experience the pernicious results of stereotyping. Unfortunately, these effects are not limited to a classroom experiment. Clearly, discrimination is still a reality in our society. And the mortgage business is not immune. For instance, a study by the Social Science Research Council found serious and deeplyrooted economic inequality in housing market lending practices. While white households have recovered from the worst effects of the Great Recession, black households, which were more likely to be subject to predatory lending practices, are still struggling to make up lost ground. Consider too that women still face a 27 percent wage gap and a lack of advancement opportunities according to the National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB). However, there are concrete steps we can take as an industry to promote diversity both in our businesses and among our clientele. The changing demographics of home ownership From a business perspective, those

who fail to address discrimination head on will suffer in the marketplace. For instance, one major growth area in lending is Hispanic homebuyers. The Hispanic Wealth Project reported an increase of 167,000 homeowners from this group in 2017. With a greater percentage of the Hispanic population participating in the workforce than any other racial group—66.1 percent—experts predict that the number of homeowners will only continue to rise. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), more than a third of the 13.9 million to 15.9 million new households by 2024 will be Hispanic-owned. Bill Emerson, Chief Executive Officer of Quicken Loans, told Housing Wire that the industry’s future is with homebuyers from all different backgrounds. “There will be 17 million new households from now to 2025 and 12 million of those will be from people of color,” said Emerson. “In 2025, the minority will be the majority.” This is part of why Quicken has hired Spanish-speaking staff at every step of the lending process.

Tujuanna Williams, Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Fannie Mae, said that old models simply aren’t going to work for the mortgage lending business. “Your homebuyer will no longer be the one-breadwinner family,” Williams said in The Home Story. “Millennials will be generating virtually all future growth, and they are the most racially diverse generation in history.” Gender diversity in homeownership is also evolving— the NAWRB reports that more single women now own homes than single men. With women pursuing higher education at rates higher than ever before, expect that this emerging trend will continue. Embracing diversity at every level This is why it’s critical for every business in the mortgage industry to foster inclusion within its ranks. The landscape of home ownership is changing. Companies that respond quickly and effectively will thrive. This includes hiring and retention practices. Having a staff that reflects the homebuying population is both ethically sound and good business. This isn’t a given in the mortgage industry. Attracting and maintaining a diverse staff remains a challenge for many companies. Keith Polaski, Chief Operating Officer and Principal of Radius Financial Group, said in The Home Story that although homebuyers are becoming more diverse, mortgage professionals are typically “Old, white and male.” He said that there was plenty of rhetoric but not much in the way of action. So Radius instituted a “Next Generation” training program across all departments that included a racially diverse first class as well as six military veterans. A report from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) found that leadership buy-in and persistence can make or break inclusion efforts. When leadership demonstrates that diversity is a priority and one of the organization’s fundamental values, it provides leverage to develop and carry out programs at every level. Leadership buy-in also reduces resistance to change within the organization. Sociology Professors Frank Dobin and Alexandra Kalev warn that although many companies have diversity programs and might talk a good game, they aren’t


getting results. Their studies have shown that while management’s commitment to inclusion is important, it doesn’t stem from heavy-handed efforts. Instead, allowing employees to create and implement their own solutions yields better results. “It’s more effective to engage managers in solving the problem, increase their on-the-job contact with female and minority workers, and promote social accountability— the desire to look fair-minded,” they wrote in the Harvard Business Review. By providing clear expectations and emphasizing the link between diversity and business goals, leaders can point their organizations in the right direction. Carrying out these values could include:

you approach your job. So instead of just saying to yourself, “I don’t discriminate,” or “I’m not racist,” start from a place of awareness that you could be acting in a discriminatory way without realizing it. Taking that first step to think about what you say and how you act can make all the difference. In the mortgage industry, this is particularly important when hiring and interacting with colleagues and customers. It’s important to

pay attention to how we treat people on a daily basis and to recognize that every person deserves to be treated the right way. This isn’t an easy task—it’s one that takes constant attention

and effort. While policies, programs, and leadership can help, ultimately it’s a question of individuals sustaining a strong workplace culture that values all perspectives.

Ken Perry helps companies stay compliant so they can keep doing what they do best … selling loans. He started his journey in mortgage lending in the late 1990’s as a Loan Originator and then went on to become President and Founder of The Knowledge Coop in 2003 after seeing an opportunity to make the mortgage lending world a better place through training and CE that’s easy and fun.

APRIL 12-15, 2018 / ATLANTA,GA

No simple solutions In the signs exercise I mentioned at the beginning, I think one of the most important lessons people learned was empathy. Group members left saying, “Wow, I can’t believe how that felt. That was horrible.” This, hopefully, will lead to more awareness of how you interact with other people and how

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

The flip side of this coin is a staff of people with similar backgrounds and experiences. This can result in a “groupthink” atmosphere where employees are likely to agree with each other and accept the status quo. In this atmosphere, individual creativity and independent thought aren’t valued. Today’s business climate demands innovative solutions to difficult problems, and a stagnant approach isn’t likely to be successful.


l Training programs designed to make employees active participants in carrying out the company’s mission l Lending products tailored to meet the needs of diverse communities l Changing hiring practices by expanding job advertisements in a range of publications, investing in finding the best talent, and seeking candidates who have direct ties to the communities they serve l Adopting engagement programs that encourage employees to provide open feedback to leadership and pro-actively respond to employee concerns l Fostering a workplace culture that values respect for all and encourages bringing in fresh perspectives

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Empowering Women Through Homeownership By Kelley Dingens

s a child, I always thought you bought a house when you married your husband because that’s what mother and grandmother did. Today, we are in a totally different era. As a recent female college graduate, my stereotype has been shattered as I have seen many of my single female friends, advisors and colleagues purchase their own properties in the past few years. Women are taking over the homebuyer arena and have been since 1981. Did you know that last year, single women were buying homes at TWICE the rate of single men? According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 17 percent of homebuyers were single females, while only seven percent were single males. More female consumers are pursing homeownership for a number of reasons. Owning a home gives women a sense of stability and security. It allows them to live how and where they want. These women are not waiting for a spouse or partner to reap the benefits of homeownership. They can establish roots in one place, have the freedom of owning pets, create a stable home for children or future children, and connect with their community wherever they decide to live. Women are earning higher degrees, helping them attain higher wages, and allowing the thought of owning a home turn into a reality. Even with average incomes being lower for women than for men, women are still outpacing men in the homebuyer arena. This is because women are willing to make scarifies to establish a sense of stability and security. Reportedly, around 70 percent of women said that they have made financial sacrifices or worked multiple jobs to be able to save for a downpayment. Buying real estate is one of the biggest decisions a woman can make and she is clearly willing to work hard to achieve it, so how are you going to stand out and be her future lender? I’ll give you a hint:

about the mortgage process. Write articles, like this one, etc.


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


“Did you know that last year, single women were buying homes at TWICE the rate of single men? According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 17 percent of homebuyers were single females, while only seven percent were single males.”

Service and knowledge. These are the two things women value most during the home financing process, so here are some tips to capitalize on: 1. Be easy to contact. Not having your phone number and e-mail listed on your Web assets, as well as every other manner to contact you, is hurting your business. Make it easy for them to get a hold of you in whatever manner they see fit (phone, text, e-mail, Facebook Messenger, carrier pigeon, etc.). 2. Make relationships a priority. Studies show that women appreciate personal connections. Take the time to listen to her, learn her situation, and make sure you address all of her questions and concerns. 3. Be straightforward. She will see right through any BS. Be real and honest. It will also help you to build trust.

4. Have her back. Show her you are looking out for her money, give her different options and make suggestions based on your expertise. Perhaps she needs to wait a year to save more money. Perhaps she needs to work on improving her credit score. Perhaps buying a home is not the right move. This is the kind of advice that will guarantee future business with her and/or her referrals, but it will come back to you because you watched her back. 5. Be a source of information. Women want to see that you know what you are talking about and that you are a credible source. Create social media posts on renting versus buying. Blog about tips for the home financing process. Create a video for the five most important things women should know

When looking at the data, I found information that broke down the generations of homebuyers. When looking at that data, the highest percentage of single female homebuyers is in the 62- to 70-year age group. I honestly assumed it would be the 36 and younger age group, but the 52 to 61 and 62 to 70 age groups have the two highest percentage of single female homebuyers. So, I did some further research, and it does make sense. This age group is part of the Baby Boomer generation, and right now the Baby Boomers control 70 percent of the disposable income in the United States. The single female homebuyers in this age range are usually buying a new home to be closer to their friends and family. They are potentially not tied down with any children, could be retired at this point, and they may have the flexibility and means to purchase a new house. However, when marketing to the female audience, I would not discount the 36 and younger group because buyers 36 and younger represent more than a third of the homebuyer market and continue to be the largest generational group of homebuyers. First and foremost, women are multi-taskers, and from a marketing standpoint, capturing their attention is hard. On top of that, different generations of single female buyers will respond to different types of advertising and marketing. Layering through different avenues like social media, e-mail, mail and online advertising, just to name a few, will be important when getting through to women and establishing a connection with them. Story-telling should always be a major part of your strategy. As females, we tend to have strong right-brain


connections, which is the home of emotional memory, intuition and experience. Telling relatable stories that women can make connections with will draw them into your brand. Make them specific to your target, as well. For example, if you are targeting Baby Boomers (51-years of age and older), tell a story that they will relate to and explain how you can help them. If you are targeting Millennials, create a different message. For example, statistics show that many single female homeowners, aged 51 and up, bought their house to be closer to family and friends. Knowing this, you could create a post on how you can help bring your clients closer to their family and friends through a new home. For the 36 and younger crowd, they are more likely to be seeking the freedom and independence that comes with homeownership, so focus on how those single women can accomplish that through a new home. Make sure to avoid stereotypes! Most women hate

stereotypes, especially in advertising. If you are going to put an ad or a blog post together, make sure to use appropriate imagery and language. Especially when targeting single women. Do not use pictures of couples, but instead, use a picture of a woman pursuing her own interests. Studies show that marketers looking to target women should be authentic, relevant and transparent. Women are on the Internet, so you should be too. The majority are going to look you up and read all of your reviews before your first meeting. Make sure you have your clients write reviews and rate your business because the number of reviews matter as much as your rating. Make sure your Web assets are mobile-friendly as well. In the age of smartphones, a majority of the Internet surfing is through a phone or a tablet. Use social media! All generations of single women are on some sort of social media, so make sure you are on all those platforms. Studies

show women tend to gravitate to more image and video based social platforms, which is why Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest should be priorities when marketing to women. Single female homebuyers are a huge niche that will continue to grow. If you want to attract these women, then make sure you are putting them first. Focus on how you can help these women achieve their goals through homeownership,

whether that means moving closer to friends and family or establishing a sense of security, stability and freedom. By supporting them through this process and watching out for their best interests, you will leave a lasting impression on your single female clients, which will turn into repeat business and future referrals. Women talk, so give them an amazing experience that they can talk about.

Kelley Dingens is the Marketing Director for Denver-based The Colorado Real Estate Finance Group Inc. As the Marketing Director, Kelley is in charge of all of the CORE Finance Group’s social media pages and content. She may be reached by phone at (303) 770-2262, ext. 106 or e-mail 81

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a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Why Reaching the Next Generation of Latinos is Essential to Business Growth in 2018 By Miguel Narvaez ost lenders understand the need to serve the Latino market, but very few are aware of the cultural nuances within this segment and how to reach the next generation. Millennial Latinos make up a large and influential segment of the Latino population and the general market, yet they are often overlooked and misunderstood in company efforts to reach and serve them. Lenders must understand the cultural values and expectations of Millennial Latinos and how to effectively connect with them to stay relevant for the future.


According to the 2017 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, released by the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) and the Hispanic Wealth Project, nearly 30 percent of the Latino market is comprised of Millennials. The report states that this segment has a significantly higher wealth trajectory than the previous generation of Latinos. While Latino Millennials make an average of $10,000 less than their non-Hispanic White counterparts, they out-earn Hispanic Baby Boomers by about 29 percent. In addition to increasing wealth, the next generation is also highly influential in the

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


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“In order to effectively reach this influential market of Latino Millennials, companies must understand their duality of culture.” traditional Hispanic market’s buying decisions. As noted in NAHREP’s report, Hispanics are more likely to be persuaded by other family household members to make purchases, and they are 74 percent more likely than nonHispanics to be influenced by their children to make a buying decision. At my company, Alterra Home Loans, 63 percent of our loans are to Hispanic borrowers, and this is largely due to our work in connecting with the Hispanic market through culture. A recent study by Nielsen notes that “multicultural Millennials” take extra steps to ensure their connection to culture is interwoven and maintained through all aspects of their lives. Some of the best ways we have found to reach this segment are through culturally competent customer service, community outreach and education, and a mix of inperson and digital communication. Below are three strategies to reach this market: Understand the cultural nuances of Latino Millennials In order to effectively reach

this influential market of Latino Millennials, companies must understand their duality of culture. According to Maria Lopez-Knowles, Latino marketing expert, “Culture differs among generations in the Latino community.” The culture of a first-generation, Spanish language-dominant consumer is going to be more focused on the family and collective group than themselves. However, younger generations value self-reliance and independence. “They are hybrids in the sense that they are collective and self-reliant, holding a duality between cultures,” Maria said. Cultural nuance plays a critical role in reaching and touching your audience. It is essential that companies provide cultural competence training and hire diverse talent who understand the culture of these communities. In-language education and marketing According to AdAge, while only 40 percent of Millennial Latinos are bilingual, over two-thirds report a high level of cultural connection to their Latino heritage. By appealing to this demographic in Spanish, you


demonstrate a value for culture. In addition, this segment is likely to be sharing this information with their parents, who are much more likely to be Spanish-language dominant. We encourage our employees to share education in the community. For example, Julia Adame, a Branch Manager in Oklahoma, explained she grows her business through a commitment to educate the Latino community. “Last year, I had a monthly homebuyer’s class, only in Spanish, and I also write weekly articles for this cause,” said Adame. Digital communication While many borrowers want the ease and convenience of an app through which they can apply for a mortgage, they also want the comfort of an expert to answer any questions they have. According to Ellie Mae’s 2017 Origination Insights Survey, a combined 58 percent of Millennials and Gen Xers

reported beginning their mortgage origination process online and completing it with a person. This preference for online and on-site service is most evident in the Latino Millennial segment, which carries this duality of culture. Recently, we launched a mobile app that appeals to our Latino audience through a digital application process, ease of communication and bilingual language options. Our app, called Pronto, allows Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents to collaborate through a channel the borrower also has access to, allowing for transparency, efficiency and higher consumer satisfaction. Lastly, we are currently working to develop relevant social media content and communication to support authentic outreach to the Latino Millennial community online. In a report by Viant, Hispanic Millennials tend to skew heavily toward use of Instagram and Twitter as compared to non-Hispanics. In fact, they spend 25 percent

more time on their phones than do non-Hispanics. We believe this is a critical initiative for companies to reach these consumers where they are. Millennial Latinos are some of the most influential

consumers in the marketplace, driven by their cultural connection with the traditional Hispanic market and Millennial growth. Companies should create a strategy to effectively serve this market in order to be successful in years to come.

Miguel Narvaez is Chief Production Officer and Partner for Alterra Home Loans, responsible for overseeing sales, marketing, affinity programs, new business and driving the growth of Alterra in more than 32 states over the last eight years. In 2005, he founded Alianza Hispana, where he partnered with well-respected Realtors to educate the Hispanic community about real estate and mortgage through media, in both TV and radio shows in different cities across the USA. 83

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n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018



a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Recruiting and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce By Helen Brown hen it comes to designing and implementing effective recruitment strategies, it can be a challenge for mortgage companies to attract a diverse group of qualified prospective candidates such as minorities, women, veterans and people with disabilities. Many organizations still rely on a one-size-fits-all approach to their recruiting, yet, they expect to see candidates from various backgrounds and populations. Just as it is with marketing to consumers, a far more effective strategy is to use a targeted approach. Companies must tailor their messages, as well as the methods and platforms used to distribute these messages, for their target audience in order to effectively


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


communicate the availability of career opportunities to potential candidates who might not otherwise be aware that such opportunities exist. While increasing diversity within an organization seems like an easy task, efforts can often be hindered when managers think that diversity is a “nice to have” goal rather than a “must have” priority. Many managers will argue that they cannot find quality candidates and, therefore, it is not worth the effort to look for them. Rather than viewing the recruitment of “non-traditional” candidates as a waste of time, shift your mindset and consider the value that these candidates bring to the table. At a time when the mortgage industry is aligned with the communities they serve by providing loans to a diverse network of homebuyers, so too should employers tap into the

unlimited potential of a diverse workforce. Mortgage companies that do not have a workforce that reflects their customer base are at a strategic disadvantage. With the U.S. Census Bureau projecting that the nation’s Hispanic and Asian populations will triple, the Black population will increase by 71 percent, and the female population will increase by 23 percent by 2050, it’s more important than ever to keep their needs in mind. Without a workforce that includes members of these communities, companies miss the broader perspective provided by a diverse employee base and a unique opportunity to understand how different communities view homeownership, manage their finances, and use banking services. In turn, companies develop a better understanding of their customers’ needs and how they can provide better loan products and services when they make a diverse workforce a top priority. Therefore, in order to better meet the financial needs of its diverse customer base, diversity and inclusion becomes a business imperative and companies must commit the resources to acquire a diverse workforce with deeper connections to the different communities to help build their business. So, how does a company do this? There are several ways in which you can accomplish this. First, a successful diversity recruitment strategy requires leadership buy-in, and one in which diversity and inclusion is a fundamental principle of the corporate culture. Because leaders play the most important role in shaping the organization’s success in diversity and inclusion, they need to be the ones who drive the strategy, model positive behavior and actions consistently, and incorporate this “message” across the entire organization. Mortgage lenders that have leaders who value diversity and inclusion are more likely to be perceived as attractive to nontraditional applicants. Second, employers should update their

recruitment Web sites, profiles and advertising materials to include statements referencing their ongoing commitment to diversity efforts and images that represent the target audience. Third, hiring managers should align themselves with professional consulting services that specialize in and have industry-specific expertise in diversity recruiting. In addition, companies should consider developing relationships with a variety of different recruitment sources such as educational institutions, internship and work experience programs, minority trade organizations, non-profits, social service agencies and career fairs. Another good strategy for diversity recruitment is to work with employment agencies who often have their own community outreach programs that automatically connect your advertised position with candidates from an established list of community partners. On a smaller scale, you should utilize peer networking groups or implement within the organization an employee resource group or diversity council. Employee resource groups provide forums for employees to engage with others who have similar interests or backgrounds and provide an excellent avenue for conducting community outreach. Diversity councils are a great way for employees to encourage diversity and inclusion as part of the business, and members act as champions for diversity initiatives which in turn is very effective when trying to help build a talent pipeline. While this article mainly focuses on recruitment, it is also important to note that success in attracting and hiring a more diverse workforce is only effective if you can also retain these employees long after the recruitment process. Therefore, efforts should also be focused on ways to continually promote inclusiveness by implementing practices that foster an environment in which everyone feels included and valued. We need to ensure that the right programs are in place to promote inclusion and that the doors of opportunity exist for all. This begins with assessing your organization’s current cultural climate, determining where you have room for improvement. As


stated earlier in this article, a culture that promotes diversity and inclusion starts at the top, so monitor how much time is spent discussing diversity at management level. Be aware of unconscious biases and assumptions about a candidate’s suitability during the recruitment process and work to reduce unconscious bias among your own staff. Companies should also create a diversity management plan that outlines your goals and initiatives, actionable steps to achieve them, and who is leading each of the initiatives. All diversity and inclusion plans should include ongoing diversity and sensitivity training for all employees, as well as broader diversity efforts that focus on reducing stereotypes and biases. Providing a variety of opportunities for employees to interact with each other and participate in activities that appeal to them also fosters inclusion. Host company social events, create a mentorship program, participate in charity projects and events, and

encourage a healthy work-life balance. You can also implement focus groups with representatives from various backgrounds to discuss issues and develop ideas for improvements or new initiatives. Last, it is imperative that mortgage companies understand how and why data collection and analysis play a fundamental role in supporting an organization’s strategy for diversity. Understanding the diversity within the financial industry itself and the available talent pool, the demographics of the communities being served, and the organization’s own diversity efforts all contribute to its ability to be successful. Transparency is key when analyzing data within your organization as it affects every level of the company. Define any leadership gaps that you may have and develop a strategy for improvement. Data collection can be qualified if you survey or conduct interviews within your organization. Then you can start to analyze your workforce data. This can include hiring,

promotions, compensation, retention, etc. Analyzing data on qualified talent pools within the mortgage industry labor market and internally within your own organization can provide information on whether your business is recruiting broadly enough, where to recruit the best talent from, and if you are effectively advancing the skills of your existing workforce. Implementing some of these strategies will help attract a more diverse pool of talent, especially if applicants know that an organization supports recruiting non-traditional

candidates. The investment will be well worth the effort as your company will secure access to talent that it otherwise may have overlooked. Implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace enhances interactions and spurs innovation to help gain a competitive advantage. The hard work of promoting diversity and inclusion is challenging as it requires continuous focus to engage employees, hold people accountable, and strike the right balance based on the size and resources of the organization, but the outcomes are worth it.

Helen Brown is Director of Human Resources at Inlanta Mortgage Inc. A native of Australia, Helen moved to Milwaukee, Wis. in 2007. She is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR) with a decade of human resources experience and nearly 15 years of banking and finance experience. She is also a member of both the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Society of Human Resources Professionals (SHRP). 85

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Diversify Your Audience by Offering the Best Mortgage Solutions By Tracy Marks s a mortgage lender, people are your primary focus—you listen to their homebuying goals and offer solutions to meet their mortgage needs. Today, more than ever, there is an incredible amount of diversity in the United States, and it’s imperative that lenders offer a suite of mortgage products and programs that appeal to a wider segment of the population. Doing so provides more individuals the opportunity to become homeowners, and it also expands your business—a true win-win situation. Determining which mortgage products and programs fit your customers’ needs will depend on many factors, such as location, age, income and more. It also requires you to be aware of trends related to the current housing market in order to offer the solutions that will help your


customers become homeowners. For 2018, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has predicted a 29 percent decrease in refinances as compared to the previous year—and a rise in the 30-year fixed rate mortgage (FRM) interest rate to an average of 4.8 percent (MBA Mortgage Finance Forecast, January 2018). These factors alone will have a significant impact in defining who the homebuyers of 2018 will be—and it’s up to you to adapt your business to remain a competitive force within the lending industry. Defining your target borrower When it comes to diversifying your client base, you’ll first need to know exactly who your audience is. Taking the time to carefully understand the breakdown of your borrowers will help you tailor your suite of products and programs to meet each of their needs in a mortgage loan. Nationwide, there is a significant

MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


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products your financial institution offers don’t quite fit your borrowers’ homeownership goals. The next step is to fully understand how all mortgage products and programs work, and how you can market them to your target audience. For example, the options below may or may not be offered at your lending institution, but as you’ll see, incorporating them into your mortgage lineup could considerably expand your audience.

differentiation between markets and it will be up to you to determine what the borrowers in your area need. Serving a borrower in Virginia Beach, Va. will be quite different than serving a borrower in Knoxville, Tenn. In Virginia Beach, the median income is l First-time homebuyer loans: There nearly 50 percent higher than that of are several loan types that fit the Knoxville—which could explain why needs of many first-time buyers, there are fewer renters in Virginia including the FHA loan and the Beach than Knoxville, where the renter USDA loan. Both loan options are population is currently 17 percent designed to help low- to moderatehigher. These East Tennesseans may income creditworthy families by not feel as though they’re able to offering mortgages with little-to-no purchase a home if they don’t have a down payment requirements (3.5 large down payment available and percent for FHA and zero percent for thus, settle for renting instead. This is USDA, respectively) and less why offering a full suite of mortgage restrictive qualifying criteria. options and marketing them According to Brian Buffini’s 1st effectively can help grow your Biannual 2018 Real Estate Report, business significantly. Working with a the FHA loan was chosen by over a buyer who doesn’t have 20 percent to third of first-time buyers. Lenders put down on a home? That’s not a who offer the FHA loan have the problem if you offer a low opportunity to serve first-time downpayment option such as an FHA buyers, which, according to Zillow’s loan–he or she can put down as little 2017 Consumer Housing Trends as 3.5 percent and be well on their Report, represent nearly 50 percent way to homeownership. of all buyers. Knowing your local market is The USDA loan is available to essential, but it’s equally important to borrowers looking to purchase a be in tune with what’s happening home in rural areas. With 100 across the country—who is today’s percent financing available, a quick homebuyer and how do they compare search for eligible properties may to the next generation? This will allow offer a solution to first-time buyers. you to not only market your products l 203(h) loan: This FHA loan program effectively now, but will also prepare provides an option to help those who your business to assist future buyers. lost their homes as a result of a While the median age of homebuyers natural disaster—in a Presidentially nationwide in 2017 was 40 with a declared disaster area—get back on median household income of $87,500, their feet. Certain parts of the country according to Zillow’s 2017 Consumer are more susceptible to natural Housing Trends Report, favorable disasters, making it worthwhile for economic conditions are driving more these regions to offer the 203(h) loan Millennials to consider to meet the needs of residents in a homeownership—and this generation catastrophic event. For example, tends to prefer urban areas and will 2017 was a particularly rough year for sacrifice square footage if it means hurricanes, leaving a trail of finding a place that fits their budget. destruction in parts of Texas, Florida Perhaps due to riddling student loan and Puerto Rico—many residents in debt, a whopping 25 percent of these locations would have qualified Millennial buyers intend to put down for this loan program in an effort to five percent or less on a new home— rebuild their lives. As a lender, another convincing reason why it’s offering the 203(h) loans means you’ll important to offer mortgage products be fully ready to serve the needs of and programs that fit the needs of all your borrowers at a moment’s notice. buyers. l VA loan and VA renovation loan: Offered exclusively to veterans, Offering the right mortgage active duty military and their families, options for your audience the VA loan program allows lenders Once you’ve done your research, you to offer an affordable option of up to should have a clearer picture of who 100 percent financing available for your audience really is and what their these individuals. Additionally, a VA wants and needs are when it comes renovation loan option provides to home buying. Along the way, you borrowers up to an additional may have realized that the mortgage


“Knowing your local market is essential, but it’s equally important to be in tune with what’s happening across the country—who is today’s homebuyer and how do they compare to the next generation?” 87

Tracy Marks is President of LenderSelect Mortgage Group. An executive with more than 35 years of diverse sales experience, Marks is experienced in business development, systems and operations, and managing sales acquisition and production. As the President of LenderSelect Mortgage Group, he built and strengthened the Third-Party Origination (TPO) Division of Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group.

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

reach their goal of homeownership. In order to fully serve the needs of your borrowers, there are several ways in which you can proceed. Working with a correspondent lender or broker that will ensure your borrowers are properly served will allow you to have direct access to investors without additional overlays that constrict your access to the secondary market. Understanding your audience and their needs are important for Forging a path toward meeting determining how to best reach them, your borrowers needs of course, but it’s also even more As our society evolves and becomes critical now with the recent updates to more diverse, it’s more critical than the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act ever to expand your mortgage (HMDA). In fact, rather than simply options to meet every borrower’s providing the required data to your needs. Selling or servicing only one regulator, why not use it to judge the type of government-sponsored effectiveness of your focus on enterprise (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, diversity? The information you have Ginnie Mae or Federal Home Loan before you can help you see if you’re Bank) is no longer sufficient if you aim on track or if there’s room to to increase your market share. reevaluate who your audience is and Offering a greater variety of loan how to best reach them. In the end, options means you’ll have the ability painting an accurate picture of your to provide a greater segment of the target borrower will help you remain population with the opportunity to competitive within the lending industry.

$35,000 for renovations and repairs, which may be imperative for disabled veterans returning from duty with a service-related injury. For many individuals, a barrier to homeownership is affording the downpayment, so lenders who provide a VA loan option—especially in an area heavily populated by the military— can significantly expand their customer base.

a special focus on DIVERSITY IN MORTGAGE LENDING a special focus on DIVERSITY IN M

Dream Weaver Velma Bullock is making the “American dream” a reality for low- to moderate-income families in S.C. By Jackie Smith hen I arrive, Velma Bullock is on the phone. She waves me into her office as she finishes her call. “My apologies,“ she said, “I’m working on a loan, and I needed to be sure we had everything tied up so we can make this happen for this family.” If you talk to Bullock even for a short time, you definitely get the sense that she’s making things happen for lots of residents in upstate South Carolina. She is one of South State Bank’s three Community Loan Officers, whose sole focus is helping low- to moderate-income clients attain the American dream of homeownership. Two years ago, South State took an unconventional approach to reaching these communities by hiring people with a banking background and a passion for serving the community, and train them to be Mortgage Loan Officers. Bullock was one of these hires. Through this program, she and her colleagues have had a dedicated trainer to help them learn the mortgage origination industry, as well as a dedicated mentor and trainer to help them learn how to develop their network, set up a business plan, and meet their business goals. Steve House, Mortgage Sales Manager for South State, trains the Community Loan Officers on how to develop their business, market themselves, and set and meet a business plan. “Velma has been a shining example of someone who is very well-connected in the community and is developing into a great lender,” said House. Bullock came to the role with a unique background that has helped spur her passion for her job and for the community she serves. She started her banking career in collections.


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“For many of her clients, Bullock is a dream weaver—turning their dreams into reality in a way that nobody has ever been able to—or even offered to.”

“I was good at it, but I was always delivering bad news,” Bullock said. “I started watching those folks on the other side, in mortgage and in loans. They were delivering good news most of the time. I decided I might be happier doing that.” So, she became a Loan Officer and later an Account Executive. During the economic crisis, Bullock became a Foreclosure Counselor for a community development center in Wilmington, N.C., where she served people who were at-risk or on the verge of foreclosure. She can impressively rattle off many instances where she was able to give counsel or restructure loans to save her clients’ homes: The $1.75 million house on the beach in Wilmington, the real estate agent who relied on Bullock to save her primary residence and three investment properties, the

doctor who drove across the state just because he heard about her abilities and needed help saving his home and practice. “Once I helped one family save their house, it was like a wave … they told everyone on the beach,” Bullock said. While she had no shortage of challenges or clients, her success in helping people save the homes they had worked so hard to purchase in the first place gave her the energy and drive to go back to school to become a U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)Certified Housing Counselor. With her certification in hand, Bullock went to work as a Housing Counselor for a nonprofit agency in North Carolina, connecting those in need of housing with affordable housing options and working with local leaders, developers and builders to

create housing solutions in the community. While she was in that role, she became interested in grant writing and wrote a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce so she could go to school and learn how to write grants. She got the grant and was able to obtain her certification in Grant Administration and Public Management. Bullock’s next career move was putting that new-found grant-writing experience into practice. She became a grant writer for the Greenville County Human Relations Commission in Greenville, S.C. It was through the Human Relations Commission and her work writing grants that she became connected to the community and the territory she now serves in upstate South Carolina. Today, Bullock establishes and maintains relationships with community-based organizations, Realtors, builders and government agencies, which result in the origination of mortgage loans to the underserved, low- to moderate-income applicants to ensure compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act. Some might see reaching these communities and developing mortgage clients from these constituents as a challenge. Not Bullock. In fact, it’s part of what drew her to the role. “When I took the job, nobody was really focusing on low- to moderate-income people in the area except for South State, as far as I could see,” said Bullock. “I grew up in a household with 10 kids. I was taught not to look at anything as a challenge. I was taught to look at everything as an opportunity. I carry that with me today, and I look for every way that I can make that loan work. What I love about this job is that it has really allowed me to bring all of my experience together and put it to work for people who need it.” For many of the low- to


moderate-income applicants, Bullock has to draw heavily on her previous housing counseling experience, making her much more than just a Mortgage Loan Officer for these families. “You need a road map to figure out some of my clients’ finances,� Bullock said. “But I really am able to offer them advice that can make all the difference. I’ll tell them, ‘While we wait for your house to be built, you need to work on paying down this debt or that debt to get your credit score up.’� For many of her clients, Bullock is a dream weaver— turning their dreams into reality in a way that nobody has ever been able to—or even offered to. “Some of my buyers are the first child—even first grandchild—in their family ever to buy a house,� Bullock said. “The biggest reward for me is knowing that I am helping people become homeowners— that I am helping them create

a source of wealth. We have to change things from how it’s been. We’re all part of the human race, and I think we have to serve everybody.â€? House says that thanks to the success of the Community Loan Officer model, South State might consider expanding the concept. “Now we have a platform for doing it more successfully and more efficiently with more people,â€? Bullock said. When asked what she would attribute her success in her current role to, Bullock sits back in her chair and looks up, pondering her answer. “I think it’s that I’m always looking to meet people I haven’t met yet and thinking of ways to help people,â€? she says. “I start thinking about how I can connect with this agency or that agency, or this Realtor or that builder that can lead me to my next customer. There’s a whole world full of people I haven’t met yet ‌. and lots of people who still need my help.â€?

Velma Bullock, a Community Loan Officer with South State Bank, goes the extra mile to help her customers purchase homes in upstate South Carolina

Jackie Smith serves as Director of Public Relations for South State Bank. Jackie joined South State in 2018 and is responsible for shaping public perceptions of the company through media relations. She may be reached by phone at (803) 231-3486 or e-mail 89


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


Still paying the same old price?

Carrington Mortgage Services Mortgage Loan Products Throu arrington Mortgage Services LLC (CMS) is now offering a number of nonagency mortgage loan programs through its Wholesale Channel. The offerings include loan programs for purchase, refinance and cash-out refinance with loan amounts up to $1.5 million, with 85 percent loan-to-value (LTV) and no need for private mortgage insurance (PMI). The loans are available in both fixed and adjustable-rate options. Perhaps best of all for Mortgage Brokers interested in expanding their businesses this year is that the programs are available for borrowers who have suffered recent credit events and who have credit scores as low as 500. In addition, CMS is accepting bank statements to verify income in place of IRS Tax documents. With estimates from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) calling for a decrease in overall mortgage business next year, Brokers will be working harder to attract business. Loan programs that allow them to serve additional borrowers could be welcome. The MBA expects to see overall loan volume fall to $1.60 trillion this year, from $1.69 trillion in 2017. “The industry’s best estimate is that there are about 100 million people who have FICO scores below 650 in this country, and there are very, very few lenders are doing business with these folks,” said Ray Brousseau, President of Carrington Mortgage Services. “There is a great deal of pent-up demand for that business and we knew we could do it profitably, so we’re headed in that direction.”


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


Only risky for some This is a direction that other lenders have traveled in the

recent past and have not always experienced good results. When asked why Carrington felt non-prime borrowers were worth the risk, Brousseau explained that it was simply a matter of experience. “Carrington was born out of the crisis of the last decade,” Brousseau said. “When the market went sideways, we had the choice of getting out of the business or getting more deeply involved to ensure that the loans backing our securities liquidated properly and provided a return. So we purchased a servicing platform from New Century, and that was the birth of Carrington as you see it today.” For the last five years, CMS has been lending to underserved borrowers, particularly those with FICO scores below 650. About half of the business the company writes today is to these borrowers, but virtually all of it is qualifying business as it’s written to FHA, VA or USDA guidelines. But without launching its own programs, Brousseau said the company was leaving too many prospective borrowers out of the market. “When you think of all the challenges we’ve seen over the last decade, we know that lots of good folks had bad things happen to them that now prevent them from meeting agency guidelines,” Brousseau said. “There are many non-QM loan programs out there right now, but most are focused on the jumbo borrower or no income documentation loans for wealthy business owners. Ours are focused on those underserved borrowers that fall outside of the typical guidelines due to credit.” While this may make a typical bank credit risk manager nervous, Brousseau says it doesn’t make him nervous. “CMS has always approached

our lending business from a credit management perspective,” Brousseau said. “We understand these borrowers. We have a very strong underwriting team in place with the experience to know how to examine these fully-documented loans. They know what will work and what won’t. Then, we have our own specialty servicing shop and we retain these loans to ensure that they perform over time by helping our borrowers stay on track. No one else in the market right now knows how to service these borrowers as well as we do.” But a bit more time to process While Brousseau says he expects Mortgage Brokers to embrace the new programs, he warns that these loans cannot be processed as quickly as the streamlined refinance transactions that many Brokers are most familiar with. “It does take longer, because we must take the time to ask the right questions and get the additional documentation required to support the borrower’s circumstances,” Brousseau said. “We are very upfront with the Brokers we work with, and they understand that this will take a bit more work.” But Brousseau says his company makes one promise

to every Broker they do business with. Brousseau said, “We tell the brokers when we’re bringing them onboard, that if they do a good job on the front end by taking a complete 1003 and making sure they document all of the circumstances and gather all of the documentation that’s required on the checklist we provide, we’ll do an exceptional job for them and their borrower on the back end.” Brousseau pointed out that doing a good job for the underserved borrower always pays dividends to everyone involved in the transaction. “What we have found is that once you help that underserved borrower, they become extremely loyal,” commented Brousseau. “If you help them get back on track financially, they’ll come back to you in six to 12 months when they can qualify for a better product and that Broker will have an opportunity to serve them again and they’ll bring their families with them.” For more information about the CMS non-prime mortgage loan offerings, visit the company’s Web site at

Rick Grant is Special Reports Editor for National Mortgage Professional Magazine and Mortgage News Network. He may be reached by phone at (570) 4971026 or e-mail

s Launches Non-Prime ough Its Wholesale Channel By Rick Grant


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

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calendar of events

APRIL 2018 Wednesday, April 4 NAMB Swarm-Phoenix Kimpton Hotel Palomar 2 East Jefferson Street Phoenix, Ariz. For more information, visit

Monday-Tuesday, April 23-24 Mortgage Bankers Association 2018 State and Local Workshop Capital Hilton 1001 16th Street NW Washington, D.C. For more information, visit

Wednesday-Friday, April 4-6 NAPMW 2018 Annual Conference Harrah’s Las Vegas 3475 South Las Vegas Boulevard Las Vegas For more information, visit

Tuesday-Wednesday, April 24-25 Mortgage Bankers Association National Advocacy Conference 2018 Capital Hilton 1001 16th Street NW Washington, D.C. For more information, visit

Thursday, April 12 NAMB Swarm-Ft. Lauderdale The Westin Ft. Lauderdale 400 Corporate Drive Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. For more information, visit

MAY 2018 Thursday-Sunday, May 3-6 MBAG’s 2018 Annual Convention Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Sunday-Wednesday, April 15-18 Resort & Spa Mortgage Bankers Association 2018 4000 South Sandestin Boulevard National Technology Conference in Destin, Fla. Mortgage Banking Conference & For more information, visit Expo Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Saturday-Tuesday, May 5-8, 2018 Center NAMB Members Only 2018 400 Renaissance Drive, Legislative & Regulatory Renaissance Center Conference Detroit The Mayflower Hotel For more information, visit 1127 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, D.C. For more information, visit

Sunday-Wednesday, May 20-23 Mortgage Bankers Association Commercial/Multifamily Servicing & Technology Conference 2018 InterContinental Miami 100 Chopin Plaza Miami For more information, visit Mortgage Bankers Association National Secondary Market Conference & Expo 2018 New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway New York, N.Y. For more information, visit Monday-Tuesday, May 21-22 NRMLA 2018 Eastern Regional Meeting Intercontinental New York Times Square 300 West 44th Street New York City, N.Y. For more information, visit JUNE 2018 Thursday-Friday, June 21-22 NEXT June Conference Hotel Zaza 2332 Leonard Street Dallas For more information, visit

AUGUST 2018 Wednesday-Saturday, August 15-18 Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals 2018 Annual Convention & Trade Show Walt Disney World Dolphin 1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard Lake Buena Vista, Fla. For more information, visit SEPTEMBER 2018 Friday, September 7 UAMP Annual Mortgage Expo Marriott @ City Creek 75 South West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah For more information, visit OCTOBER 2018 Sunday-Wednesday, October 14-17 Mortgage Bankers Association 2018 Annual Conference & Trade Show Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW Washington, D.C. For more information, visit DECEMBER 2018 Saturday-Monday, December 8-10 NAMB National 2018 Caesars Palace 3570 South Las Vegas Boulevard Las Vegas For more information, visit

To submit your entry for inclusion in the National Mortgage Professional Calendar of Events, please e-mail the details of your event, along with contact information, to *Looking for additional exposure at key industry events? Call 516.409.5555, ext. 4 to discover how to maximize your event coverage.


n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018

Thursday-Sunday, April 12-15 CONNECT 2018 Westin Buckhead Atlanta 3391 Peachtree Road Atlanta For more information, Visit

Monday-Wednesday, April 30-May 2 American Mortgage Conference 2018 Pinehurst Resort 80 Carolina Vista Drive Pinehurst, N.C. For more information, visit

Thursday, May 17 NYAMB’s 30th Annual Wholesale Conference & Trade Show The Woman’s Club of White Plains 305 Ridgeway White Plains, N.Y. For more information, visit

JULY 2018 Monday-Tuesday, July 30-31 Summer CAMP 2018: Destination Coronado! Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa 2000 Second Street Coronado, Calif. For more information, visit

Thursday, April 12 27th Annual Rocky Mountain Mortgage Lenders Expo Sports Authority Field at Mile High 1701 Bryant Street Denver For more information, visit

April 29-May 2 Mortgage Bankers Association Legal Issues & Regulatory Compliance Conference 2018 JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. Live 900 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles For more information, visit

Thursday, May 10 Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association Annual Conference 2018 Loews Annapolis Hotel 126 West Street Annapolis, Md. For more information, visit






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MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n

Social Media and Web audits, on-line training sessions, governance documents, and our audit protection plan. Available in all 50 states. We have hands-on experience with regulators and audits. No theories here; we were Bankers. If you find yourself in federal court, we can handle that as well. Contact Nelson Locke at (800) 656-4584. Or you may e-mail us at All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. This is not an offer for legal services, but rather for his expert review and opinion about your particular compliance situation. All fact patterns are different so the results will vary. No guarantees are expressed or implied. Licensed by California and Federal Bar. NMLS 149450.


ACES Risk Management (ARMCO) 1000 West McNab Rd. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (800) 858-1598

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$100,000 to $5 mil - 75% LTV - Fixed Rate No personal guarantees & no prepayment penalties TEMPLES, SYNAGOGUES, ALL PLACES OF WORSHIP Originator Quote protected against circumvention for 45 days â—? BONUS: A loan to a place of worship opens the door to residential mortgages for the congregation members

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Certified Military Home Specialist Beverly Ray Frase "Training Boots on the Ground" Since 2009 • Trained 3,000 CMHS course grads • Trained for Depts of HUD, Treasury & more • 20+ years' experience in real estate & finance, military life COMING TO YOUR CITY!



BROKERS COMPLIANCE GROUP 167 West Hudson Street – Suite 200 Long Beach | NY | 11561

Direct Private Money and Bridge Lender specializing in Stated Loans in CA 866-668-2663 Send Scenarios to

Division of Lenders Compliance Group, BCG is the first and only mortgage risk management firm in the U.S. devoted to supporting the unique compliance needs of residential mortgage brokers. Leveling the Playing Field for Mortgage Brokers

ACES Risk Management delivers web-based audit technology solutions, as well as powerful data and analytics, to the nation’s top mortgage lenders, servicers, investors and outsourcing professionals. A trusted partner devoted to client relationships, ARMCO offers best-in-class quality control and compliance software that provides U.S. banks, mortgage companies and service providers the technology and data needed to support loan integrity, meet regulatory requirements, reduce risk and drive positive business decisions.


Low Cost Monthly Membership Includes: • Free Weekly Hotline • Access to Subject Matter Experts • Policies and Procedures • Webinars *Special Pricing* • Quality Control • Exam Readiness • Licensing • Legal Reviews

LENDING CRITERIA ¡ Collateral: Stated 1st and 2nd position loans on N/O/O invest. properties (SFR, Condo, 1-4 units), Mixed-use, 5+ units, Retail, Industrial, Warehouse and Etc. ¡ Fix & Flip program up to 70%-80% of the Purchase price on all types of properties ¡ Loan amounts/Terms: $50,000 up to $5,000,000 and loans from 6 months to 10 years. ¡ LTV: Purchases up to 70%-80% LTV; Refinances up to 60-65% LTV; 2nd Position up to 65% CLTV ¡ BROKERS ALWAYS PROTECTED AND RATES STARTING AS LOW AS 8.50%




TagQuest 888-717-8980 TagQuest is a full service marketing firm created specifically for the ever changing mortgage business. We have tested and proven campaigns for FHA -VA - HARP - CONVENTIONAL loan types. TagQuest knows what it takes to generate quality leads whether through direct mail marketing, telemarketing, internet leads, data lists, tracking systems, or any combination thereof. TagQuest will brand your company, prepare targeted marketing campaigns that generate interest in your company, and most importantly, show you how to turn sales leads into repeat customers.



Greenbox Loans, Inc 3250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1900 Los Angeles, CA, 90010 (800) 600-9198


REMN Wholesale 866-933-6342 REMN has FHA, USDA, 203k, VA and Conventional solutions to fit the needs of your customers. But, at REMN, our most valuable product is our people. The REMN Sales and Operations Teams give you - and your loans - the time and attention that you deserve. Even better, at REMN, same-day approvals are guaranteed.* You can rely on us to get the little, yet vital, things taken care of on time. Interested in joining our Wholesale Division? Send your resume to

n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n MARCH 2018


Greenbox Loans, Inc. is a proven leader in the Non-QM & Non-Prime lending environment offering bank statement programs, foreign national lending solutions, along with programs allowing for recent short sale, foreclosure, bankruptcy for borrowers as low as 500 Fico Score. Greenbox Loans, Inc. is a national lender offering its programs through a multiple of channels including Retail, Wholesale, and Investor Specialty division.


MARCH 2018 n National Mortgage Professional Magazine n


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Get MORE with Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions. Š Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions LLC NMLS #1160240, Corporate office, 980 Hammond Drive, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA, 30328. This communication is sent only by Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions LLC and is not intended to imply that any of our loan products will be offered by or in conjunction with HUD, FHA, VA, the U.S. government or any federal, state or local governmental body. This is a business-to-business communication and is intended for licensed mortgage professionals only and is not intended to be distributed to the consumer or the general public. Each application is reviewed independently for approval and not all applicants will qualiffyy for the program. Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions LLC is an Equal Opportunity Lender and does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, other classifications protected under Fair Housing Act of 1968. MS172_0118

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