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We are here to help. Talk to us about how you can build awareness of your products and drive increased sales through outreach. We will help you build a plan to meet your goals.

Cultivate. Advocate. Collaborate.

Why Advertise with AMC

Your efforts to reach the right audience are achieved by putting your campaign in front of an attentive audience that is engaged at a rate higher than industry average because of the quality of our communications.

Want to reach our audience to encourage digital discovery? Try our options for website, email or digital magazine insert.

Want year-long exposure at our members' fingertips? Place an ad in the Membership Directory for easy reference.

Looking for visibility with the next generation of talent, academia or industry partners? Place your message on Careers in Ag’s platforms.

Seeking increased exposure to a broader audience? The Implement Success magazine hits the mark with multiple audiences year-round.

Our Reach


Shortline Manufacturers and Their Suppliers

Working with other AMC Members is easier when they find you and your services quickly.

Advertising in AMC communications expands your reach by targeting your potential new customers.

Advertising Packages

Our 2025 bundles have been shaped to offer you simpler options to ensure you reach your audience. Purchase ahead or group your ad buy to secure added value for your advertising dollars!

Pricing Discounts:

We reward advertisers who find value in placing multiple messages in front of our audience. All pricing has a frequency discount that reduces the price per insertion as outlined below. Only printed ads are available for 1x inserts, digital buys start at 3x inserts, with discounts at 6x & 12x.

For Print:

1x = Price per ad for either publication

2x = Price per ad, for 2 print ads total, in either publication

3x = Price per ad, for 3 print ads, one in each of our print publications

Membership Directory

AMC’s annual Membership Directory is your go-to guide for member contact information and a valuable index of products and services. It is YOUR guide to connecting with our community.

Want your company to stand out?

You can add a greyscale or colour logo above your listing.

Print copies are provided exclusively to members.

Membership Directory Advertising Specifications

Space Deadline Mar 7, 2025 BleedSize:6.375"x8.75"

Materials Deadline Mar 14, 2025

The Membership Directory is a print only publication.



Implement Success

Implement Success is a semi-annual magazine published and produced by AMC, focusing on industry trends and challenges and includes member profiles.

Printed copies are distributed to the AMC membership, government officials and key AMC stakeholders, ensuring awareness across North America.

ADDED VALUE: Your printed ad appears within the online version of Implement Success, adding digital readership to amplify your brand’s exposure.

Implement Success Advertising Specifications

Space Deadlines

Spring/Summer 2025: Mar 14, 2025 Fall/Winter 2025: Aug 22, 2025

Materials Deadlines

Spring/Summer 2025: Mar 28, 2025 Fall/Winter 2025: Aug 29, 2025

All editions of Implement Success are also produced digitally and published online on AMC’s website

Print Insert Rates

*Black and white available upon request

Show your creative content, display dynamic ads, present your product in context, or develop other original ways to use video that will keep your audience talking.

Convention and Expo

Printed event programs allow you to deliver your message directly into the hands of key decision-makers and leaders in the Canadian agricultural equipment manufacturing industry.

Your ads will be part of a key resource accessed by delegates with dedicated attention during our keystone events.

These events happen twice each year, so consider bundling this as part of your overall advertising plan to increase exposure and further develop consistent brand awareness for your company.

Need help creating an impactful message? Our advertising team can help you get started.

Space Deadlines

Convention: May 9, 2025

Expo: Sept 19, 2025

Material Deadlines

Convention: May 23, 2025

Expo: Oct 3, 2025

AMC Website

Our website is built to connect you with key industry decisionmakers, and designed with you in mind.

Choose your ad page placement and frequency for your ad to appear. Whether you want to make a splash in a certain season or have your ad visible year-round, you can choose the right opportunity ranging from 3 months to the full year!

Artwork can be rotated monthly to ensure you receive maximum engagement for each of your targeted messages.

Book early to be sure to get your preferred position and month! Space is limited.

Ad Creation: $100/hour


Sessions 3 min

3x: Your ad run on for 3 months

6x: Your ad run on for 6 months

12x: Your ad run on for 12 months

Need help designing and writing your ad materials? 2 Steps Ahead will be happy to provide a quote to

Careers in Ag Website ONLINE Platforms

Our website connects members with the future workforce they need! Potential employees and students visit our website, where they can explore ambassador testimonials, relevant articles, and industry events, as well as discover opportunities for a successful career in this thriving industry.

Placing your company's ad on our website ensures that aspiring young professionals have you at the top of their minds as they explore a career in agriculture.

Big Box Ads include the option for an additional article story, as shown below, which can support a profile of your company.

Plan your ad to align with your peak or seasonal employment needs.


Book your spot today to ensure your preferred website placement.

Connection eNewsletter

Deliver your message directly to the inboxes of key decision-makers and leaders in the Canadian agricultural equipment manufacturing industry. Link your ads to the landing page of your choice for maximum effectiveness.

Distributed biweekly, AMC’s Connection eNewsletter keeps members informed about AMC events, government relations, Careers in Ag initiatives, industry news, upcoming events, new member welcomes and more. This valuepacked communique receives higher than average open and click-through rates, ensuring your content is visible and grabs our readers’ attention.

Compass eNewsletter

This monthly eNewsletter is delivered directly to the inboxes of key decisionmakers, HR team members and leaders in the Canadian agricultural equipment manufacturing industry.

Direct your ad to a landing page that tells the story about your job offer or company culture. Let AMC help you get the message out with this exclusive newsletter opportunity.

Need help designing and writing your material? Our Advertising Team will be happy to provide a quote to have us design and/or write it for you!

Custom eBlasts ONLINE


Put your message into focus mode by sending dedicated eBlasts to connect with a valuable and receptive audience! Make an impact with a fully customizable, creative email sent to all members about your products or services.

You have a full email to dedicate to your story, your way. An eBlast is ideal for introducing new products or special offers. What better way to educate your potential customers than to send this to their inbox from a trusted sender.

These are an exclusive option with limited spaces available. Reserve your spot today to ensure your booked timeline aligns with your campaign launch or product release dates.

Entirely Customizable Build


Sample eBlast

Technical Specifications

Publication Specifications







Artwork Requirements

Alldigitalcolourandgreyscaleartworkmustbe suppliedatmin.300dpi.Lineartmustbe suppliedat600dpi.High-resPDF,EPS,TIFF andJPEGfilesareaccepted.Imagesfromthe webarenotsuitableforprinting.Allcolour printartworkmustbeinCMYKmode; greyscaleartworkmustbeineithergreyscale orbitmapmode.RGBmodeartworkisnot acceptedandifsuppliedwillbeconvertedto CMYKmode,resultinginacolourshift.All screenandprinterfontsaswellaslinked imagesmustbesuppliedifnotembeddedin thefile.

Note:Textplacedoutsidetheliveareawithin anyfullpageorDPSadsmaybecutoff.Please keeptextwithintheliveareaatalltimes.

Artwork, Revisions and Proofs

There is a $100/hour artwork surcharge for artwork creation or changes This additional fee will appear on your final invoice if the artwork submitted is not publishing ready

Submitting Material

Submit to: Heather Brekelmans

Note: Please compress files to less than 7 MB

Video Specs

Videos can be linked from your YouTube or Vimeo URL (16:9 ratio and high resolution). Video visual sizing can be custom to fit in your ad spacing

Advertising Specs

Colour Specifications

GREYSCALE: Please use greyscale in designing

COLOUR:AlladvertisementsmustbeCMYK. Lab,Duotone,PantoneorMultichannelswillbe converted;wewillnotberesponsibleforany resultingalterationorloss.


Forbestresults,werecommendthatblackbe usedfortext.NotethatAdobePhotoshopfiles arenotrecommendedasthatsoftwaremay converttofour-colourprocess.


PDF:CMYK,accurateformat,300dpi,no transparency,embeddedfonts.

ILLUSTRATOR:CMYK,accurateformat, embeddedimages,300dpi,textconvertedto outlines.

PHOTOSHOP:EPS,PSDandTIFF:CMYK,300 dpi,accurateformat,allartflattened.

JPEG:CMYK,300dpi,accurateformat,allart flattened,compressionquality12(maximum quality),standardbaselineformat.

INDESIGNCC(orearlier):allfonts,images (photos,logos,etc.)mustbesupplied.



OpenTypefontsarerecommendedbecause theyaremorerecentandmultiplatform.


CorelDraw,Paint,Excel,Word,PowerPoint, Publisher,AutoCad,FrameMakerandother non-standardelectronicpublishingsoftware fileswillnotbeaccepted.

Low-resolutionGIFandJPEGdownloadsare notrecommended.Iftheyaretheonlyfiles available,wewillnotberesponsibleforprint quality.

CompressedPCfiles(.exe,.rar,etc.)willnotbe accepted.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.