AMC Members Navigate Through Unprecedented Production Levels
Like so many AMC members, Salford Group is growing and experiencing high demand, but they are also struggling to find workers to fill the job openings they have available. By Lee Griffi
Some Companies Seeing Record Growth While Dealing With Labour Issues The agricultural manufacturing sector is experiencing tremendous growth and is a big part of the economic recovery occurring in Canada. This success, however, has at times come with the challenge of being able to find skilled workers to fill job openings, with many companies embarking on hiring sprees. Geography can play a critical role when it comes to the workforce availability as can proximity to a post-secondary institution.
Implement Success | Summer 2021
Business is Booming Many agricultural manufacturers are seeing record orders this year following what was a flat 2020, including Saskatchewan’s Väderstad. Chief Executive Officer Nigel Jones feels there was a lot of hesitancy with big capital purchases because of the pandemic. “The appetite has been different this year and that primarily has been driven by commodity prices. Grain prices, in particular canola, are at record highs so there has been a definite shift in the market. This generates farm receipts and then the
farm operations can spend money.” The company has also signed on several new dealers over the past eight months. “That is now beginning to bear fruit. We are starting to see the orders come through these new channels resulting in an increase in our market share. We are close to three times what we were doing last year in terms of volume. We have never seen order books like this.” Paul Horst is the President of Tubeline Manufacturing Ltd in Ontario and he said the industry is as robust as he has ever seen. “The grain markets are high, so farmers are doing well and they’re spending money.