ACG 2020 Meeting News

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Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course

MEETING NEWS Your information source for daily Virtual MEETING events


NEW TO SOCIAL MEDIA? Connect with the GI community on social media



All ACG 2020 courses will offer MOC points



Four members earn the distinction of MACG

A Conversation with ACG’s President:


You were interviewed as you were about to begin your Presidency last year and you were asked about your goals and what you thought the biggest challenges would be. Then, five months into it, the COVID-19 pandemic hit with your hometown of New York City as the epicenter. Can you share your perspective on the impact of the pandemic on the work of the College? What a difference between a year ago and today, for all of us. One of my main goals as the incoming ACG President in October 2019 was to increase the engagement of our members – to let GIs across the country know about the invaluable expertise, guidelines, educational opportunities, and collaborations that the ACG makes available to its members. Little did I know just how much we would need those resources, or the pivotal role they would play, just a few months later. When COVID-19 arrived in the United States, and then New York City became the epicenter of the world, we had to learn about this deadly novel coronavirus with its ever-growing list of clinical manifestations in real time. From how it spreads, to testing recommendations, to recognition of COVID symptoms, data on treatments, and PPE, to how to provide a safe environment for ourselves, our staff, and our patients. It was, and remains, an unprecedented crisis. The ACG – its leadership, faculty, and staff – has focused on providing frequent communications, updates, guidelines, and educational programs throughout this crisis. Unfortunately, this pandemic is not yet over, and our job is still ongoing. But most definitely, the ACG was faced this year with the need to abruptly and rapidly re-focus a significant part of its agenda on addressing the fight against COVID-19 – and to do it all in the virtual setting. Fortunately, the ACG Strategic Plan that we had completed the year before, with our mission, vision, and key priorities, was spot on and allowed for a solid template to work from and guide us. At every new juncture, I looked at that document to help make sure we were going down the right path. I am so grateful to ACG Past Presidents Dr. Sunanda Kane, Dr. Carol Burke and our entire Board who put so much effort into this Strategic Plan. It was my guiding light during these very challenging times. It has been said in a variety of situations, including this year with you as ACG President, that the leadership we have is exactly the one we need. As your term as ACG President is winding down, how do you feel about the experience? This year has been a humbling experience for me. In New York City, I have been overwhelmed by the professionalism and generosity of spirit shown by so many faculty, fellows, and staff who stepped up and put themselves at potential risk to help protect and care for others. As the current ACG President, I feel great appreciation for the former presidents and other leadership who over the years have helped develop the structure, depth, and culture of the ACG to prepare us for any crisis, including those encountered during a year like this. Leadership is about Continued on page 6



Plan to login for distinguished lectures

| OCTOBER 23-28, 2020



Many Open Access Events celebrate ACG and GI

Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall and thank ACG's sponsors



A Conversation with ACG’s Next President:


On Monday evening, October 26, 2020 at the ACG Annual Business Meeting, David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG, will become the next President of the ACG. We asked Dr. Greenwald to share with us some of his ideas and aspirations for the coming year. As you prepare to assume the Presidency of the American College of Gastroenterology during these most unusual of times, do you have specific goals in mind and challenges that you hope to tackle and have these changed in light of the pandemic? Indeed, the “most unusual of times” would be a perfect way to describe this past year, and unfortunately, unpredictable situations may continue to be the rule for some time to come. The COVID-19 pandemic no doubt represents the most important challenge in the upcoming year for ACG members, gastroenterologists, physicians and all of society, both here in the United States and globally. The impact of COVID-19 on the practice of gastroenterology, in all settings, has been and will continue to be unprecedented, and I am confident ACG will help its members meet those challenges directly and effectively. As I think about the upcoming year, three words that begin with the letter “R” come to mind: resilience, respect and relationships. Maximizing each of these will be critical to our personal and professional success over the next 12 months. Our GI community has already shown enormous resilience in meeting the enormous professional and economic difficulties brought on by COVID-19. Resilience is manifested in numerous ways. Many of us transformed ourselves from gastroenterologists to COVID-19 physicians and intensivists nearly overnight when the need arose. In an instant, gastroenterologists went from our “daily routine” as clinicians and proceduralists to thinking carefully about how to protect the safety of our patients and ourselves from a previously unknown infectious threat, and then participated in writing a roadmap to reopening and restarting our practices. We seized a seemingly out of control situation and used the opportunity to do groundbreaking research, and then rapidly published the experiences of some so the rest of the community could benefit. We continue to support each other through these difficult financial and emotional times, and I am confident that our collective resilience will lead us to bounce back even stronger for the experiences that we have had. Respect for one another, again both in the professional and private arenas, continues to be crucial for all of us, especially when spotlighted in a moment of increased national awareness of racial and social injustice. We recognize the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all that we do; achieving that starts with a foundation of mutual respect. As physicians and gastroenterologists, we simply must strive to better understand the background of every one of our patients, Continued on page 14

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2 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News



OVER 70 ORAL ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS, 10 FEATURED LECTURES, INTERACTIVE Q&A SESSIONS, EPOSTER HALL, AND MORE! Virtual ACG 2020 has all of the great clinical content you would expect from our live Annual Meeting, plus so much more! To maximize your learning and minimize your time away from practice, we have shifted the session times later in the day and have scheduled summary sessions with Live Q&A! Explore the rich array of on-demand educational content from all the courses as well as recordings of the live sessions through January 31, 2021. Maintaining ACG’s Focus on Clinical GI Science During a Virtual Year ACG 2020 once again set a record for abstract submissions and participants will benefit with over 70 exceptional oral presentations and more than 2,900 ePoster presentations. The oral abstract presentations are in addition to the clinical symposia, bonus sessions (formerly the breakfast sessions), and featured lectures that will be offered. Plan Your Daily Schedule Take time now to plan your daily schedule and make sure to visit the exhibit hall daily and attend key product theaters and satellite symposia. ACG’s Annual Meeting is the only FREE national meeting in GI and this would not be possible without the support of our exhibitors and corporate supporters. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 Monday will begin with Clinical Pearls and Live Q&A: IBD summary sessions in which experts will discuss key clinical take-aways in IBD. This will be followed by our first round of Presidential Plenary Oral Abstracts – each author will present their research followed by moderated Q&A. The Presidential Plenary is the forum for the best abstract in each category and is an annual showcase of significant research with an impact on patient care in gastroenterology and hepatology. Next is The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture, “Foregut Endotherapy: Cutting Edge Technology for 2020 and Beyond” presented by Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, FACG. The next Clinical Pearls and Live Q&A: Esophagus summary sessions will focus on esophageal topics, and you will then have the opportunity to visit the exhibit hall or attend a satellite symposium. The afternoon line-up will end with the 8th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum which will feature endoscopy cases followed by live voting to select the “Endoscopic Video of the Year.” Don’t miss your chance to cast your ballot! Not able to join us during the day? No problem! Our evening “prime time” programming will begin at 8:00 pm Eastern with a Daily Wrap-Up session which will feature highlights of the day summarized by experts who will reflect on the day’s highlights, lessons learned, and actionable practice pearls from the day’s sessions. Following the wrap-up session, ACG President Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG, will deliver the ACG President’s Address. Don’t miss it!

The night will end with ACG’s Annual Business Meeting at 9:00 pm Eastern. All members and Fellows of the College (FACG) are invited to attend. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Tuesday will follow the same consolidated format with sessions starting later and summarizing the key take-aways. We will begin with Clinical Pearls and Live Q&A: Liver summary sessions for our Hepatology symposium. This will be followed by our second round of Presidential Plenary Oral Abstracts – each author will present their research followed by moderated Q&A. We will then feature the J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecture, “A Septuagenarian’s Evolving Reflections on the Practice of Medicine” presented by ACG Past President and leader in the field of gastroenterology, Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG. At 4:30 pm Eastern, we will have two special events, one on GIQuIC - Measuring

and Improving Quality in Clinical Practice, and one focused on Career Opportunities for Women in GI. These sessions will be followed by our Clinical Pearls and Live Q&A: Functional GI summary sessions,

and you will then have the opportunity to visit the exhibit hall or attend a satellite symposium.

Our evening prime time programming will begin at 7:30 pm Eastern with a Daily Wrap-Up session which will feature highlights of the day summarized by experts who will provide you with practice pearls and clinical take-aways from the day’s sessions. Following the wrap-up session, ACG President Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG, will host Katie Couric as

she presents the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture. Stay tuned following the Couric Lecture and conversation with Katie Couric for our ACG Town Hall: Leading the Way in Advancing Health Equity. Together, Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG, Chair of the ACG Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG, Chair of the ACG Public Relations Committee, will convene a communitywide conversation on the urgent challenges of widespread health disparities and strategies to engage the GI community in advancing healthy equity. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Wednesday, while our last day of programming, is certainly not to be missed. The day will open with the Clinical Pearls and Live Q&A: Endoscopy and Small Bowel summary sessions. We will then

hear from Ira M. Jacobson, MD, FACG as he presents the David Y. Graham Lecture, “From Hepatitis C to COVID-19: Can We Triumph Again?”

At 3:30 pm Eastern, experts will summarize a selection of clinically relevant Noteworthy Oral Papers during six simultaneous summary sessions. This will be followed by time to visit the exhibit hall, learn about GI OnDEMAND, or attend a satellite symposium. At 5:30 pm, we will reconvene to hear leading experts discuss the two recent ACG Guidelines in IBD. The evening prime time line-up for Wednesday will once again provide a summary of the day's content and will end with a Keynote Address from Dr. Howard Koh. Dr. Koh is the former United States Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is currently the Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. He will close out the meeting by sharing insights into public health and the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.


6th Annual

SCOPYCeremony AWARDS Celebrate your colleagues and be inspired by a dynamic virtual panel presentation about some of the best, most innovative, and impactful community education initiatives to raise awareness of colorectal cancer screening and prevention. SCOPY is ACG’s Service Award for Colorectal Cancer Outreach, Prevention & Year-Round Excellence.

Date: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2020 Time: 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM EASTERN TIME Via the Virtual ACG 2020 Annual Meeting platform

 LEARN MORE about this year’s winners in the SCOPY Award booklet, found at!

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 3

New to Social Media?

Here's How to Join the Conversation

Increasingly, physicians are engaging on social media to stay abreast of trends, news, and research in the medical profession. Some GI physicians are leading the way when it comes to sharing links to clinical resources and interesting news. For others, platforms like Twitter are a way to network with other physicians, establish collaborative relationships, and keep abreast of happenings at conferences such as the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. If you have been tentative about exploring social media, here are some practical tips to connect on the major social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Who’s Who in GI on Twitter? Certain ACG members have an active presence on Twitter. As you follow more people in the GI space, you will see recommendations from Twitter for accounts you may be interested in following. You can also search ACG-affiliated hashtags to make connections, including the ACG meeting (#ACG2020), Diversity in GI (#DiversityinGI), and ACG virtual learning (#GIhomeschooling) hashtags. Using these is a convenient way to aggregate social media posts from those in ACG’s GI community. Harnessing the Hashtag in GI A social media project for gastroenterology proposed a “hashtag ontology” to unify all hashtags and organize discussion on specific GI topics. In a 2016 article published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, “Harnessing the Hashtag: A Standard Approach to GI Dialogue on Social Media,” Dr. Austin Chiang, Dr.

Bryan Vartabedian, and Dr. Brennan Spiegel looked at social media as a communications tool in health care and presented what aims to be a comprehensive list of social media hashtags relating to GI diseases and disorders. Read this article at Monitor and Share Insights Using Hashtag #ACG2020 The hashtag for the meeting is #ACG2020. Follow the hashtag by searching #ACG2020 on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Insert #ACG2020 into meeting-related posts on all social media platforms so others can find and engage with your posts. Why Is Social Media Important? In a recent article in the Red Section of The American Journal of Gastroenterology, “The Impact of Twitter: Why Should You Get Involved, and Tips and Tricks to Get Started,” Dr. Mohammad Bilal and Dr. Amy Oxentenko share the impacts and benefits of using Twitter in the GI community and provide tips and tricks for getting started. Read the article at Share and Discuss Red Journal Science on Twitter with @AmJGastro and #AmJGastro The College recently launched a Twitter account for The American Journal of Gastroenterology, to share emerging science from the Red Journal. Be sure to follow @AmJGastro for the latest in clinical GI, where Social Media Editor Dr. Walter Chan shares visual abstracts that communicate study findings and prompts discussion of recent studies published in AJG.

GETTING STARTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER Sign Up: Sign up online at On the site, you can set up a username and password and add a photo and brief description to your profile. Follow ACG: Visit Follow AJG: Visit

FACEBOOK Sign Up: Sign up online at Once you have signed up, you can add a photo and background information that you feel comfortable sharing. Follow ACG: Visit

INSTAGRAM Sign Up: Download the Instagram app from your mobile phone’s app store. Open the app, click “Sign Up,” enter your information, and create a username and password. Follow ACG: With the Instagram app open, click the  icon at the bottom of the screen. In the search bar, type “AmCollegeGastro.” You will see the ACG logo pop up. Tap that logo and click “Follow.”

LINKEDIN Sign Up: Sign up online at On the site, you can add a photo, your professional, educational, and volunteer experience, skills you possess, and more. Follow ACG: Visit and click “Follow.”


If you've signed up for Twitter and are wondering how to get started, this information is for you. What is Twitter anyway? Twitter is an information network made up of 280-character messages called tweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. How is it useful? Twitter contains information you will find valuable. Messages from users you choose to follow will show up on your homepage for you to read. It’s like being delivered a newspaper whose headlines you’ll always find interesting—you can discover news as it’s happening, learn more about topics that are important to you, and enhance your professional reputation. How to start using Twitter 1. DISCOVER SOURCES: Find and follow others. It’s best to begin your journey by finding and following other interesting Twitter accounts. Look for media outlets, professional societies, health and scientific organizations, and academic institutions. 2. CHECK YOUR TIMELINE: See what’s happening. Messages from those you follow will show up in a readable stream on your Twitter homepage, called

your Timeline. Once you’ve followed accounts of interest, you’ll have a new page of information to read each time you log in or refresh. Click hashtagged (#) keywords to view all tweets about that topic. 3. TAKE IT WITH YOU: Connect your mobile. Connect your account to your mobile phone or download the Twitter app to begin reading tweets on the go. How to start tweeting Here are some good ways to start posting your own tweets. People who are interested in what you have to say may follow you and they’ll see all tweets you share with them. 1. BUILD A VOICE: Retweet, reply, react. Use existing information (other people’s tweets) on Twitter to find your own voice and show others what you care about. Retweet messages you’ve found and love, or @reply with your reaction to a tweet you find interesting. Tip: If you’re a new user, others are more likely to find your messages if they are retweets or @replies.

4 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

2. MENTION: Include others in your content. Once you're ready to begin authoring your own messages, consider mentioning other users by their Twitter username (preceded by the @ sign) in your tweets. This can help you think of what to write, will draw more eyes to your message, and can even start a new conversation. Tip: Starting a tweet with an @ mention will direct your tweet to that user and it will not show up in your Timeline. You can avoid this by using a period at the beginning of the tweet, as in “.@AmCollegeGastro” 3. CAPTURE ATTENTION: Use images or short videos in your tweets. People who follow many Twitter users receive a lot of content in their feed. You can make your tweets stand out by including photos or short videos as attachments in your tweet. Common examples in GI social media include photos of attendance at professional meetings, group photos with other GI physicians, articles you publish, issues you care about, and photos or videos of interesting GI procedures.


Please allow 72 hours for your MOC points to appear on your ABIM or ABP record. Contact ACG if you receive a message on the submission page that indicates an error with logging your

ACG is pleased to offer MOC points for all of its Virtual

credits or if points are not applied to your profile.

ACG 2020 CME courses. Attendees can earn MOC credit

ABIM Board Certified physicians with a 2020 year-end MOC

in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) and

deadline will need to complete their MOC submission by December

American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) MOC programs

31, 2020 in order for the MOC points to count for 2020. No MOC

commensurate with the number of AMA PRA Category

credit will be awarded after March 1, 2021 for these activities.

1 Credits™ for each activity, at no additional cost or

ABP DIPLOMATES: AFTER completing your CME evaluation and

extensive time commitment!

submitting for CME credits for an individual course, ABP MOC can be claimed by emailing to obtain the required forms for completion. ABP diplomates can NOT use the MOC link on the evaluation site to claim MOC points. ABP learner completion data should be submitted within 30 days of activity completion. *Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course Bonus Sessions do not include MOC points.

TO RECEIVE MOC POINTS FOR EACH COURSE, PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING STEPS: STEP 1: Complete the course evaluation at Participants who wish to receive MOC points for their participation must FIRST complete their meeting evaluation and claim the CME credit commensurate with their participation in the course. Evaluations can only be completed online at STEP 2: Access the MOC link on the evaluation site

(ABIM diplomates only) Once the CME evaluation has been submitted, the MOC link will be displayed for the course. Click the link next to the activity to complete the required assessment and submit your personal information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credits. You must complete the CME evaluation and claim your CME credits prior to accessing the MOC site. MOC is available for a limited time. Attendees should complete the MOC assessment soon after the course. Full details are provided online before beginning


the assessment.

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 5

A Conversation with ACG's President Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG (continued from page 1)

helping others reach their potential, perform at their best, and elevate others in the process. I believe we all felt empowered to handle this crisis not only because of the dedication and support of the ACG leadership, but also because of the incredible dedication to patient care demonstrated by our over 15,000 members. When asked how he was able to land a jet on the Hudson River, Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger said, “…My entire life up to that moment has been a preparation to handle that particular moment.” I believe that is true about the leadership of the ACG. In many ways, we have all been preparing our entire professional lives, and as an organization, have been preparing since our inception in 1932, to help our members through this crisis and provide the very best guidance, recommendations, and science to allow for the highest quality and safest care for our patients. You ask how I feel? Exhausted by the experience, but energized by the acts of human kindness; horrified by this virus, but grateful for the opportunity to fight it on the frontlines; disappointed by not getting together in person for meetings, but appreciative of the ability to connect virtually. And I feel proud – proud to represent the ACG, and proud to be a part of our greater GI family working side by side with colleagues who put the health and welfare of our patients above all else. Our profession demonstrated that, at its core, we are here to help others. There is nothing more gratifying than that. ACG 2020 has become an Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course like no other in College history. You and the leadership were intimately involved in pivoting to a virtual educational platform this year, including this unprecedented Annual Meeting. Can you share your thoughts on this experience? This year more than any other, I have been grateful for the digital platforms that are available to us – for telemedicine, for video meetings and social connection, and for virtual educational opportunities. I am appreciative not only of the technology, but also the incredible ACG team that made it possible to convert our regional and national courses to a virtual format, while also adding the COVID-related updates in a virtual grand rounds format that have been so critical this year. And of course, the monster of all virtual conferences is this ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. If you think about it, the ACG has spent decades perfecting an amazing annual course and now, within just a few months, we had to change to an online platform, and keep the same collegiality and interactive tone of the meeting that so many of us enjoy year after year. Of course, we would prefer to be meeting in person, but this virtual conference is going to be an amazing experience unlike any other meeting to date. It will have all of the expertise, collegiality, networking, and other mainstays of our annual conferences of past years – just without the travel. It’s going to be exciting and I’m really looking forward to it.

You have frequently spoken about the unique and important nature of the Board of Governors notwithstanding the fact that you never served in that role. Now that you have served as President, talk about the lessons learned from and about the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors is such an invaluable part of the ACG leadership and mission. This year, I have been able to experience “up close” just how critical our ACG governors are in our being informed and responsive in the various states and communities across the United States. At a time when we must all work together to fight an unprecedented pandemic – and when identifying and addressing disparities in healthcare is more important than ever – their knowledge and leadership has been truly essential. I don’t know of any other GI organization that has such an essential grassroots network of clinicians with boots on the ground. With everything that has been going on this year, having a network like this to provide the College with local information has been invaluable. We were able to determine the availability of PPE and testing, the degree and timing of the closing down of office visits and elective procedures, then assess the needs of our clinicians and by extension, their patients, to help with safely re-opening and resuming endoscopy. In fact, the chair of the Board of Governors, Dr. Neil Stollman, was one of the co-chairs along with Dr. Costas Kefalas (ACG Trustee and past chair, Board of Governors) of our “Roadmap to Reopening Endoscopy,” which provided critically important information in a document and 3 separate webinars to help all of us get back to caring for our patients in our endoscopy units. During your time on the Board of Trustees, you have been a leader in reviewing and updating the College’s Mission and Vision statements. In your opinion, how have those documents impacted the manner in which the College has dealt with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organization and the membership? Our strategic planning – which includes our vision, mission, and key priorities – is aimed at serving to advance the profession of gastroenterology and improve patient care. The best way to achieve this is to provide our members with the leadership, educational programming, advocacy, opportunities for collaboration, and other resources they need to enhance their ability to offer the highest quality, compassionate, and evidence-based patient care. As I mentioned before, the ACG vision, mission, and key priority statements were critically important to help guide me and our Board when making important decisions. When faced with a challenging issue, I would take out our Strategic Plan document to make sure our actions mapped to our stated priorities. For example, the decision to speak out against racism this year hit directly on 7 of our 10 key priorities and indirectly on the other 3. It was not only the right thing to do, it was part of who we are as a College.

6 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

ACG’s mission also became more critically important in another area this year: COVID-19. It was our job to ensure that our members were able to secure the information and resources they needed to provide optimal clinical care in the safest possible environment during the pandemic. Gastroenterologists around the country needed to receive in real time the latest developments on COVID-19, such as the gastrointestinal symptoms associated with this virus, as well as the appropriate safety precautions to protect themselves, their staffs, and their patients in the office, endoscopic, and inpatient settings. On top of this, in areas where hospitals experienced a surge of COVID cases, gastroenterologists and gastroenterology fellows were an important part of what we at NYU Langone called “The COVID Army”—the collective team of physicians and other healthcare professionals from all specialties who stepped forward to serve in the rapidly expanding inpatient medicine services and intensive care units. I will never forget the first COVID-19 webinar that Dr. David Greenwald and I ran on April 17, 2020 about what we had learned from our colleagues in Wuhan and Italy and what we were beginning to experience at that time in New York City. We realized that gastroenterologists in many parts of the country, along with other internal medicine specialists, were going to need to become internists again and care for COVID patients in the hospital. It was all hands on deck. At the ACG, we once again went to our mission, vision, and key priorities and realized that training gastroenterologists to care for patients with COVID was part of who we are as a College, advancing the provision of “the highest quality, compassionate, and evidence-based patient care.” As you mentioned, amidst the strains related to the pandemic, the country also saw the spotlight on racial disparities in the country intensify following the death of George Floyd. You felt it was vitally important for the College to speak out immediately on the issue of racial injustice and also its relationship to public health and health disparities. And ultimately, the ACG became one of the first medical societies to do so. Can you share your thoughts on these challenges and the productive role organizations like ours can play to advance the country? Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” When we see racial discrimination or injustice, when we see murder, we cannot remain silent. If we remain silent, then we become complicit with the people or the structures that support those acts. I believe it is our responsibility to speak out—as individuals and as organizations, communities, and all the way up. That is why I am so proud of the ACG Board who quickly and unanimously agreed that we must speak out publicly against these horrific acts following

the murder of Mr. Floyd. And this statement meant so much to our colleagues and patients who were hurting so badly. As an organization, the ACG holds diversity, equity, and inclusion as a top priority – in our leadership and in our membership – in race and ethnicity, in gender, in geographical location, in practice type, and across the full range of human experience. The College also has tremendous leadership in this area with Dr. Darrell Gray, our Chair of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee; Dr. Sophie Balzora, our Chair of the Public Relations Committee; and Dr. Renee Williams, a Trustee of the College. Now we need to follow our words with action. For this reason, the ACG created a dedicated work-group which consists of Dr. Williams, Dr. Gray, Dr. Balzora and Dr. Fola May that will work with our DEI Committee to address disparities, equity, and inclusion in the medical profession and healthcare system, and come up with actionable items for the College to initiate.

Ultimately, as physicians, we stand for “do no harm.” We stand for the protection of the health, wellbeing, and dignity of our fellow human beings. Racism and racial discrimination in all its forms are a threat to our public health, to our patients’ health, and to our own and our colleagues’ health and well-being. We know that there is inequity in our communities and in our healthcare system, and the clinical effects of this can be seen across the gamut of care from colon cancer screening to COVID-19. This commitment on behalf of the ACG and other medical societies is essential for the future of the medical profession and for the provision of high-quality clinical care for all. We have to do better and, together, we can do better. College committees continue to be very active in terms of developing new programs and resources while enhancing the ones that already exist, even during these most unusual of times. What are your thoughts about the work done this year by the Committees? Despite all crises we have faced this year, our committees have remained very productive. I think the fact that the committees kept things moving even during these very uncertain times is a testament to the Chairs and the members, especially in terms of educational programming. Some of the highlights include the Patient Care Committee working tirelessly on patient-focused communications related to COVID as well as other GI issues; the Credentials Committee reviewing a record number of membership applications with membership now well over 15,000; the Practice Management Committee creating Toolbox articles and the Practice Parameters Committee developing practice guidelines; the Professionalism Committee instituting a new and updated Conflict of Interest (COI) policy and writing a management of endoscopic complications guidance document; and the Training Committee reenvisioning of “GI Jeopardy” in the virtual space for all of us to enjoy. The Research Committee has also worked with the ACG Institute to increase each Junior

Faculty Development Award to $450,000 over three years while also expanding the number of different research awards starting next year. Of course, the Educational Affairs Committee was highly dedicated in reworking all of our in-person educational events and the Public Relations committee was committed to getting the appropriate messaging out to our members and the public. Despite everything this year, the truth is that the ACG and its membership grew and developed in more ways than we could have imagined. Much of the College’s educational programming has had to pivot to online programming due to the pandemic. The College also began a weekly Virtual Grand Rounds program that has reached tens of thousands of people. Can you talk a bit about your impressions of ACG’s educational offerings and the impact on members? There are some things that will come out of this pandemic that will make the College stronger. I believe our Virtual Grand Rounds (VGR) is one of them. These weekly lectures have been a home run, and I have to give a shout-out to my colleague, Dr. Seth Gross, for giving me the idea. In addition to providing special evening sessions with COVIDrelated webinars, our VGR programming has attracted more than 30,000 participants from late March when they started through the summer. This really demonstrates the passion we all have for our profession and how much we crave to learn about gastroenterology and hepatology. Clearly, we love what we do! I have been extremely impressed by the work of the ACG executive and administration team, as well as our Board, Governors, and committee chairs and members, and all of the speakers in making our regularly scheduled regional and national educational events possible – and also adding the tremendous amount of educational programming around COVID-19 – in the midst of this unprecedented crisis. It was important to address the educational gaps around COVID-19, but also to continue to provide the needed information around gastroenterology and hepatology overall. I found the content to be exceptional, and actually invited our GI faculty and fellows at NYU Langone to view the ACG VGR lectures each week. It has been one of the silver linings of this pandemic. Has your term as President provided you with any unique insight into the College that you would like to share with the membership? The College is special. It really is like an extended family that truly cares. During this challenging time, we were asking ACG staff and leadership to work non-stop at an intensity never before required. Days, nights, and weekends were all the same. I like to quote a fortune cookie I once got, “When times are good, your friends know you. When times are bad, you know your friends.” The ACG is definitely our friend! Instead of backing away from tough issues and decisions during the most difficult time in ACG history, the ACG stepped up and provided guidelines, educational webinars, virtual grand rounds, cuttingedge journal articles, PPE and testing guidance, access to PPE, and now a virtual Annual Scientific Meeting. It’s ironic that I started out my presidency saying in my incoming interview, “I would like all of our members to recognize the incredible resources

the ACG has that can improve their professional lives and the care of their patients.” No one wanted the COVID-19 pandemic, but it did certainly bring to greater light the incredible expertise, resources, and critically important guidance the ACG provides to facilitate the improvement of both our professional lives and the care of our patients. When you look back on your term, what do you think will be the most memorable aspects of being President of the College and what advice might you wish to offer to our incoming President, Dr. Greenwald? There are so many memorable moments. A few of the highlights include: \ Speaking to Brad Stillman in March as COVID became a reality in the U.S. and saying, “I think we’re going to have to recommend immediately closing down elective endoscopy and office visits until we know more about this virus,” and Brad responding, “Okay, let’s start reviewing what needs to get done, what resources we can provide and communicate immediately with our Board and members.” \ Working so closely and collaboratively with the presidents of our sister societies to create joint communications to ensure that our messaging is clear and consistent. \ Sending an email to the Board in May with a draft statement on racial injustice, fearing that it might get rejected, only to find that it was unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed and recommended to be made even stronger. \ Giving the unfortunate news to the Board that we were going to have to go virtual for our Annual Meeting and then being told by the ACG staff that we will find a way to make it engaging, collegial, and personal even without coming together physically. \ Playing virtual bingo with the ACG Board, instead of having the usual group dinner, during our virtual Board meeting in June. \ Seeing time and time again the incredible talent, excellence, and compassion of the College leadership and our over 15,000 members who stepped up to take on one challenge after another. And, of course, working so closely with Dr. Dave Greenwald is also one of the most memorable aspects. He was with us every step of the way during the multiple crises we faced this past year. Dave will make an outstanding President – and the advice I give to him I am sure he already knows: trust yourself, and listen to our amazing team. The ACG executive team led by Brad Stillman, our staff, Board of Trustees, Institute, Journal Editors, Governors, committee Chairs and dedicated committee members elevate us all to reach our great potential as a profession and provide the highest quality care for our patients. They, along with our diverse membership in the United States and around the world, are what make the College special and personal – like an extended family. Dave, you’ve got the con. You’ve got the best ship in the fleet and the finest 15,000+ member crew in the galaxy. May the ACG and all its members live long and prosper .

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Recognized as an outstanding teacher and clinician, Dr. Eugene Bozymski is the 2020 Samuel Weiss Award recipient for his extensive and longstanding service to ACG. This award in commemoration of ACG’s founding father, Samuel S. Weiss, is presented periodically, and not necessarily annually, to a Fellow of the College in recognition of outstanding career service to ACG. ACG Service

Dr. Bozymski has been a tireless and hardworking member of six ACG committees over the years, including the Research Committee, Educational Affairs Committee, and Nominating Committee and he had a tenure as Chair of both the Awards Committee and the Practice Parameter Committee. Dr. Bozymski served not one, but two terms as the ACG Governor for North Carolina - from 1996-1997 and 2002-2005. During his time as Governor, he was very much a visible advocate for both his colleagues and patients. Because of his service to ACG and his standing in the GI profession, the College recognized him as a Master in 2007. Impact as an Educator for ACG Although his work as Governor and his work on the multiple committees for the American College of Gastroenterology is impressive, his real impact and contribution to the College is through his role as a teacher and educator. He participated in numerous postgraduate and regional courses. “He is the master of the case presentation – his medical knowledge base and teaching expertise allowed him to get his learners to expand the differential and think about GI problems in unique ways. From teaching in the large group setting to small group teaching as a poster discussion leader at the American College of Gastroenterology, he

has had a huge impact on multiple generations of gastroenterologists and has served the College well,” wrote one of Dr. Bozymski’s nominators, Dr. Kim Issacs. Academic Career

Dr. Bozymski is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine. He is currently Adjunct Professor at Duke University Medical Center. He is a recognized expert in the field of esophageal diseases and disorders of esophageal motility, therapeutic endoscopy, and inflammatory bowel disease. In 2007, his trainees and colleagues established the Eugene and Mary Kay Bozymski and William and Linda Heizer Distinguished Professorship at the University of North Carolina, a position now held by Dr. Nicholas Shaheen, Director of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education. A graduate of John Carroll University, Dr. Bozymski received his medical degree from Marquette University School of Medicine/Medical College of Wisconsin. He completed a rotating internship at Scripps/Mercy Hospital in San Diego and a 3-year medical residency at Marquette University School of Medicine/Medical College of Wisconsin interrupted by a 2-year stint in the U.S. Army. He then did his Gastroenterology Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1966-1968, at which time he joined the faculty. He served as Chief of Endoscopy in the GI Division for 25 years and as Co-Chief, Division of Gastroenterology for 4 years at Chapel Hill, where he established the Motility Center. During the more than 50 years that he has practiced gastroenterology at UNC, Dr. Bozymski has had a huge impact on hundreds of gastroenterology fellows, medical residents, and colleagues.

Dr. Bozymski has also been very active in the American College of Physicians. He has participated in the abstract selection for the Associates Competition at the Annual Session and at regional meetings. He was a member of the MKSAP IV Board and a manuscript reviewer for Annals of Internal Medicine and a number of other journals. He served with distinction as ACP Governor for North Carolina and has received the North Carolina Chapter’s Laureate Award and was appointed as a Master in the American College of Physicians in 2002. An Exceptional Ambassador for the College “He embodies everything the Weiss Award seeks to recognize, and his career reflects a lifetime of dedication to medicine. He is truly one of the great mentors in our profession,” according to Dr. Shaheen, a mentee and colleague of Dr. Bozymski at UNC Chapel Hill. For his many years of exemplary service to the College, and for embodying qualities of leadership and mentorship both in his professional life and in his work for ACG, Dr. Bozymski is recognized with the Samuel Weiss Award in 2020.

ABOUT THE SAMUEL S. WEISS AWARD The Samuel S. Weiss Award was established as a service award in commemoration of the founding father of the ACG, Samuel S. Weiss, MD, whose efforts and initiative resulted in the establishment of the College in 1932. Since its inception in 1972, it has been presented periodically (not always annually) to a Fellow of the College in recognition of outstanding career service to the American College of Gastroenterology. Nominations are solicited and reviewed by the Awards Committee and the recipients must be approved by the ACG Board of Trustees.

“Endo eLearning”


ACG is proud to offer the first augmented reality hands-on endoscopy training via video conferencing on a national and international stage. Faculty from three remote locations will demonstrate basic endoscopic procedures using hands-on simulation models. A panel of experts will moderate the session and share insights. Submit your questions via Zoom chat during the session and engage with the experts. Anyone registered for any ACG 2020 course can join this special session on Sunday, October 25 from 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Eastern.

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Four Members to be Honored as Masters of the


Distinguished careers in gastroenterology and contributions to the College through service, leadership, and education have earned four colleagues the distinction of Master of the American College of Gastroenterology (MACG).

DELBERT L. CHUMLEY, MD, MACG ACG Past President Delbert L. Chumley, MD, MACG, is a private practice gastroenterologist at Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas, which he established in 1978. He has held several hospital and professional appointments and continues to maintain a clinical faculty appointment of Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. He received his medical degree from The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, where he also served as Chief Resident in Internal Medicine and completed his gastroenterology fellowship. Dr. Chumley has received numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the American College of Gastroenterology’s Senior Governor and William D. Carey Awards; the TSGE Marcel Patterson, Robert Nelson, and Patient Advocacy Awards; and the American College of Physicians' Texas Chapter Laureate Award, among others. In recent years, he has served as President of the Texas A&M Medical and Dental Society, President of the Texas Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (TSGE), and President of the Bexar County Medical Society. Dr. Chumley became a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology in 1986 and has since remained committed to and active in the College. He has served on ACG’s Board of Governors and Board of Trustees and was ACG President from 2010 to 2011. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Chumley and his wife of 45 years, Louise, have remained active in community affairs, including serving as co-chairs for the American Cancer Society Cattle Barons Gala. He most recently served on the Board of Directors for BioMedSA, which focuses on the growth of biomedical research in San Antonio. When asked what he enjoys most from more than 40 years of practice, Dr. Chumley responds, “caring for my patients whose trust and friendship I truly cherish.” He continues to be amazed at advancements in gastroenterology but emphasizes that attentively listening to a patient and performing a complete and careful physical examination remain the foundation of quality healthcare.

FRANCIS A. FARRAYE, MD, MSC, MACG Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, MACG, is Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Center at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville and Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Before joining Mayo Clinic in 2019, he was Professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and served as the Clinical Director in the Section of Gastroenterology at Boston Medical Center. He received his medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, and completed his residency and gastroenterology fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. He also earned a Master of Science in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. Dr. Farraye served as ACG Governor for Massachusetts, Chair of the Patient Care Committee and Board of Governors, and member of the Board of Trustees. He is presently co-chair of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation Membership Committee and chair of the Chapter Medical Advisory Committee for the Central and Northeastern Florida Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. The New England Crohn's and Colitis Foundation named Dr. Farraye Humanitarian of the Year in 2003 and in 2009, the ACG awarded Dr. Farraye the William D. Carey Award for service to the College. Dr. Farraye has been recognized as a "Top Doctor" in Gastroenterology by Boston Magazine and U.S. News and World Report from 2010 through 2019. His clinical interests include the management of patients with IBD. He is studying vaccine optimization, eating disorders, artificial intelligence, diagnosis of C. difficile infection, stigma, and disclosure in patients with IBD. A frequent speaker and invited lecturer on topics such as the diagnosis and management of IBD, Dr. Farraye has authored or co-authored over 450 original scientific manuscripts, reviews, book chapters, and abstracts. He is the coeditor for several books including Curbside Consultation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Gastrointestinal Emergencies. His books for patients include Questions and Answers about Ulcerative Colitis and Questions and Answers about Crohn’s Disease.

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STEPHEN B. HANAUER, MD, MACG ACG Past President Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, MACG, a boardcertified internist and gastroenterologist, is the Clifford Joseph Barborka Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of the Digestive Health Center at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, where he continues to treat IBD patients and conducts research into new therapies. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois, Chicago, and completed his residency in internal medicine and fellowship in gastroenterology at the University of Chicago. Among his many honors, Dr. Hanauer received the ACG’s Fiterman Foundation Joseph B. Kirsner Award in Gastroenterology and the Janssen Award for Clinical Excellence. He has served as a member of the U.S. FDA Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory Committee since 1987, chaired the Committee from 1998-2000, and presently serves the Center for Drug Development and Research as a Special Consultant defining new guidelines for clinical evaluation of IBD patients. In February 2020, Dr. Hanauer received the “Great Teachers” Award from the National Institutes of Health. He is a Past President of the ACG, former Chair of the AGA Inflammation, Immunology, and IBD Section, former member of the Gastroenterology Specialty Board of the ABIM, and a member and former Chairman of the International Organization for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Dr. Hanauer has expertise in designing and leading clinical studies for IBDrelated therapies and has acted as a clinical investigator and/or advisor to pharmaceutical companies in the development of many leading IBD therapies. He has authored over 450 peerreviewed journal articles and numerous books and book chapters, abstracts, monographs, and editorials. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology and currently serves as Associate Editor (IBD) of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Dr. Hanauer is also a member of the editorial boards of other journals, most notably The American Journal of Gastroenterology and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

NICHOLAS J. SHAHEEN, MD, MPH, MACG Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG is the Bozymski-Heizer Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine, and Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at UNC. Dr. Shaheen is currently principal investigator on multiple NIH grants investigating aspects of esophagus disease and is also the co-PI of UNC’s Clinical and Translational Science Award, as well as codirector of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute. Dr. Shaheen’s research interests center on gastroesophageal reflux disease, and precancerous and cancerous conditions of the esophagus. He has a clinical and research interest in early detection and treatment of cancerous and precancerous lesions of the esophagus, including endoscopic treatment of Barrett’s esophagus and has authored more than 300 publications in these areas. He is primary or secondary author on guidelines on Barrett’s esophagus, GERD, eosinophilic esophagitis, and the use of endoscopy. Dr. Shaheen is committed to mentoring and has served as a mentor for many clinical and translational researchers, including GI fellows, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows. He completed a K24 Mid-Career Award from NIDDK to mentor clinical researchers and received the AGA’s Outstanding Mentor Award for the EGD section in 2018. Dr. Shaheen currently serves as the Director of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education. During his tenure, the Institute developed four new grant programs, the Young Physician Leadership Scholars Program, the Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorship Program, and multiple “Schools” in subject areas like Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Functional GI Disorders, and Hepatology, among other initiatives. He encourages his colleagues to make an investment in the future of our profession by donating to the G.U.T. Fund, which provides resources to support and expand the Institute’s work.

Virtual CME Symposium

1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

Keeping Tabs on Colonoscopy Prep Monday, October 26

Featuring Douglas K. Rex, MD Indiana University School of Medicine Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm edt Learning Objectives At the completion of this activity, participants should be better able to:

Jack A. Di Palma, MD University of South Alabama College of Medicine Mobile, Alabama

1. Review the importance of patient compliance with colonoscopy prep instructions in the effective detection and removal of cancerous and precancerous colon polyps

Lawrence R. Schiller, MD

2. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of currently available

Baylor University Medical Center University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texas

colonoscopy prep agents, including efficacy, safety, tolerability, and patient preferences 3. Discuss efficacy, safety, and tolerability data for a new tablet-based bowel prep agent

Mark vB. Cleveland, PhD Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Consultant Norwell, Massachusetts

Register Now

Jointly provided by Global Education Group and Applied Clinical Education

Supported by an educational grant from Braintree, A Part of Sebela Pharmaceuticals This event is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by ACG. Participants in this virtual symposium must be registered for the ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 11




Foregut Endotherapy:


Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), FACG

Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, FACG

Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ

Director of Endoscopy, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA

 Saturday, October 24, 2020  11:00 am – 11:30 am EDT

Dr. Neena Abraham will share insights on how to understand the risk of upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding in aging cardiac patients, optimize acute GI bleeding management in cardiac patients, and promote intersectional ideas to address GI bleeding in this special patient population during the David Sun Distinguished Lecture. Neena Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), FACG, is Professor of Medicine in the College of Medicine at Mayo Clinic Arizona and is a consultant in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. She is a federally funded principal investigator at the intersection of cardiology and GI disorders, focusing her research in health services and outcomes research. Dr. Abraham investigates how antithrombotic drugs contribute to gastrointestinal bleeding, with particular attention to their effects in cardiac patients, the elderly, and patients with highly co-morbid conditions. To better understand antithrombotic drug risk perception and decision-making style of cardiac patients, she has conducted studies using qualitative and quantitative methodology. This has provided important contextual knowledge regarding the real-life burden of GI adverse events associated with cardioprotective drugs. Her clinical practice is focused on the diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal bleeding and luminal disease in cardiac patients with ischemic heart disease, electrophysiologic disorders, heart failure, and left ventricular assist devices in the nation’s first cardiogastroenterology clinic. This clinical and scientific work has led to her co-authorship of national and international multidisciplinary consensus statements and guidelines to help gastroenterologists and cardiologists understand antithrombotic drug risk, prevent GI adverse events and safely manage antithrombotic drugs in the peri-endoscopic period. She is the medical director of the Mayo Clinic Cardiogastroenterology Clinic, which uses a multi-specialty collaborative care model to improve clinical outcomes for cardiac patients who are at risk of GI bleeding. This model includes improved strategies for prescription drug management, patient engagement in shared decision-making, and risk factor modification. Dr. Abraham served as a Trustee of the ACG from 2009–2015, after serving as a member of the ACG Research, Educational Affairs, Women in GI, and Public Relations Committees. After serving as a Board Member of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education she will become the Institute’s Director in October 2020. She served as the Course director of the ACG Postgraduate Course in 2008. She has delivered over 200 invited lectures and has published over 100 manuscripts, book chapters and consensus statements.

The David Sun Lecture, held during the Postgraduate Course, wasestablished by Mrs. Sun in memory of her husband, Dr. David Sun, an outstanding gastroenterologist and investigator. Each year, a lecturer with a distinguished background in gastroenterology or an allied field is chosen by the ACG President subject to the approval of the ACG Educational Affairs Committee and the ACG Board of Trustees.

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 Monday, October 26, 2020  4:00 pm – 4:30 pm EDT

During The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture, Dr. Christopher Thompson will describe the new methods and technologies on the horizon for use in obesity, esophageal disorders, and gastroparesis. Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, FACG, is the Director of Endoscopy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is also the Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship Program Director and is clinical faculty at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Thompson’s clinical interests include endoscopic surgery in foregut conditions, pancreatobiliary disease, postsurgical complications, and bariatric endoscopy. He helped to pioneer the field of bariatric endoscopy and edited the first textbook on the subject. Most of his time is dedicated to performing these advanced endoscopic procedures, caring for patients in the ambulatory setting, and on gastroenterology inpatient consult service. He also concentrates on research activities in endoscopic surgery, with a focus on device development, endoscopic education, and clinical outcomes. He currently has active clinical, translational, bench, and large animal protocols. He has also led several multicenter clinical trials. His research has resulted in numerous patents, the development of new endoscopic procedures, and over 200 publications. Some of his important clinical innovations include the development of new endoscopic techniques for treating pancreatic necrosis, gastric outlet obstruction, sleeve gastrectomy stenosis, pancreatojejunal anastomotic strictures, and postsurgical complications. In addition to these clinical innovations, he developed an endoscopic part-task simulator used by many fellowship programs. He was a founding member of the original NOTES working group and founding chair for the Association of Bariatric Endoscopy. He has mentored more than 20 fellows and established the first bariatric endoscopy fellowship.

The AJG Lecturer was chosen by the co-editors of The American Journal of Gastroenterology with approval from the ACG Educational Affairs Committee and the ACG Board of Trustees.



A Septuagenarian's Evolving Reflections

From Hepatitis C to COVID-19:



Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG

Ira M. Jacobson, MD, FACG

Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Emeritus Chief of Gastroenterology, New York, NY

New York, NY

 Tuesday, October 27, 2020  4:00 pm – 4:30 pm EDT

Director of Hepatology, NYU Langone Health,

 Wednesday, October 28, 2020  3:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT

Hear ACG Past President Dr. Lawrence Brandt explain the unique privilege and responsibility that comes with being a physician who is entrusted by patients to care for them at their most vulnerable times during ACG’s J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecture.

In the David Y. Graham Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Ira Jacobson will compare and contrast the development of therapeutic regimens for two RNA viruses, HCV and SARS-CoV-2, and use those lessons to understand the latest developments in therapy for COVID-19

Lawrence Brandt, MD, MACG is Emeritus Chief of Gastroenterology at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York, and Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Brandt’s clinical interests include ischemic and vascular disorders of the GI tract, irritable bowel syndrome, C. difficile infection, fecal microbiota transplantation, and the doctor-patient relationship. He has authored or edited more than 250 scientific publications and nine books, including Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease (8th edition), and has given over 500 lectures nationally and internationally. He received his medical degree from SUNY Health Sciences Center in Brooklyn, completed his residency and fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, then served in the Army as a gastroenterologist stationed in Stüttgart, Germany. He has received numerous awards, including ACG’s Clinical Achievement Award and J. Edward Berk Medal, Distinguished Educator Awards from the AGA and ASGE, SUNY Downstate Medical Center’s William Dock, M.D. Master Teacher Award and Alumni Achievement Medallion for Distinguished Service to American Medicine, and the Harry S. Gordon Award for Outstanding Clinical Teacher at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, as well as designation as an honorary NYPD Police Surgeon. Dr. Brandt is a Master of the ACG and served as President from 1992-1993. He is an honorary member of the Argentine and Dominican Republic’s Societies of Gastroenterology. He served three terms as a member of ABIM in gastroenterology and served a 10-year appointment as Editor of the Focal Points section of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

as well as emerging treatments and the vaccine development process.

The J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecture is awarded to individuals prominent in gastroenterology or a related area. The lecturer is nominated by the ACG President subject to approval by the ACG Board of Trustees. The lectureship was established in recognition of the significant contributions made by J. Edward Berk, MD, MACG, to clinical gastroenterology during his long and distinguished clinical and academic career.

The Graham Lecturer is chosen by the ACG President and is subject to approval by the ACG Board of Trustees. Established in 2004 in recognition of the many contributions to clinical gastroenterology made by David Y. Graham, MD, MACG, this named lectureship was made possible through a donation by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., and Meretek Diagnostics, Inc.

Ira M. Jacobson, MD, FACG, is Director of Hepatology at New York University Langone Health. Previously, he served as Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Vincent Astor Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of the Center for the Study of Hepatitis C at Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian Hospital, as well as Chair of Medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center. Dr. Jacobson is a Fellow of the ACG, ACP, and AGA, and a member of AASLD and EASL. In addition to an active practice with a focus on patients with liver disease, he has been an investigator in many trials for hepatitis B and C treatment, serving as Principal Investigator and author of many trials involving novel treatments, with a clinical research focus on hepatitis B and NAFLD. He served on the Gastroenterology and Transplant Hepatology Examination Committees of the ABIM and was Associate Editor of the Journal of Hepatology, and co-chaired the annual Viral Hepatitis Congress in Frankfurt, Germany. He has authored or coauthored over 250 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, and reviews in NEJM, Lancet, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and more. He also edited two books on ERCP and a volume on hepatitis B for Clinics in Liver Disease. Dr. Jacobson earned his medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. After completing an internship and residency at the University of California San Francisco, he trained as a fellow in gastroenterology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

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A Conversation with ACG's Next President David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG (continued from page 1)

co-workers, colleagues and all in society, and respect their values and opinions. Which brings me to relationships. My focus here for ACG members is to focus on your professional relationships and treasure them. Gastroenterologists are often described as “fun.” Indeed, your physician and other professional colleagues are intelligent, caring, sensitive, and have so much to share. We are very lucky to meet so many people through education, training, and throughout our careers, and we have so much to share with each other. Embrace those connections—they are unique—and I‘d like to highlight the importance of those relationships in the coming year. As you know, the organization was started by clinicians in the Northeast, with the first President, Samuel S. Weiss, coming from New York and many others have followed, including our current President, Dr. Pochapin, and your mentor and longtime colleague, Dr. Lawrence Brandt. In what ways do you think this impacts your perspective as you prepare to take on the position of ACG President? The ACG is truly a national and international organization, and I could not be more proud of the 15,000 members and all that they accomplish each day. ACG members serve their communities everywhere, delivering the highest quality care in gastroenterology throughout the nation and the world. So, yes, while it is terrific to represent New York and join some of the wonderful physicians from New York who have had the privilege of leading the ACG, I see this connection mostly as a way to share the experiences from our metropolis with others from afar while we learn from those in other cities and more rural areas. Since you mentioned some from New York, this gives me an opportunity to recognize the critical importance of mentorship in building a successful professional career. Mentors guide you immeasurably throughout a career, and that relationship is built first on shared experiences and grows with trust. Dr. Larry Brandt, an esteemed former ACG President, has indeed been a longtime colleague and mentor, and I cannot thank him enough for his support and guidance. He is also a cherished friend, and that is truly special. I have had so many other mentors as well, too numerous to individually recount here, but please know that each has my eternal gratitude. The current ACG President, Dr. Mark Pochapin, has had a truly extraordinary year, and again, I find myself fortunate to have been able to work side by side with such an outstanding leader. Finally, since you mentioned the Northeast, I was born in New York on Long Island, and my first mentor for sure was my dad, Seymour Greenwald, a practicing internist there for many decades. He was my role model for entering medicine, and so I must thank him and my mom, Miriam, for all their love and support over the years.

You have been at the forefront of advancing colorectal cancer screening both in New York and nationally. We know that health screenings have been impacted by COVID-19. How would you describe the state of this important policy priority and what are the biggest challenges currently faced? One of the greatest public health success stories in the United States has been the effectiveness of largescale programs in colorectal cancer screening. These plans center on increased detection and removal of precancerous polyps and have now led to decreasing rates of colorectal cancer. I have been fortunate to work with ACG colleagues to develop and promote programs to increase awareness of colorectal cancer screening, including the SCOPY Awards. Other critical work has focused on advocacy towards reducing and eliminating barriers to screening. I also have been fortunate to work with outstanding organizations such as the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the New York City Colorectal Cancer Control Coalition (C5). One of the greatest achievements of C5 has been to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in colorectal cancer screening rates in New York City, and we are very proud of that record. Health screenings definitely have been adversely affected by COVID-19 and maintaining a focus on the important message not to delay recommended health care screenings, like colorectal cancer screening, is critical. As you all know, colorectal cancer screening rates in the United States have increased from about 40% several decades ago to about 67% at present. However, that means a full 1/3 of the nation's population remains unscreened for a disease, colorectal cancer, that is largely preventable, treatable, and therefore beatable. We must continue to break down the remaining barriers to increase screening rates, aiming at the NCCRT’s current goal of 80% in every community. You are a major leader in endoscopy practice which led you to serve on the Board of the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC) for a number of years, as well as leader of the GIQuIC Research Committee. Can you share with the membership your insights on GIQuIC’s role in clinical GI, as well as the College’s role in endoscopic quality improvement efforts generally? Quality is the cornerstone of everything we do as physicians and gastroenterologists. We should always be practicing in the most high-quality manner, and we should and must be able to demonstrate that to our patients and to ourselves. The ACG has been a leader in quality efforts in gastroenterology for many years. GIQuIC, founded as a collaborative effort by ACG and ASGE in 2009, is a quality benchmarking registry that allows for tracking outcomes of GI procedures in an efficient and reliable manner. The registry now stores data on over 10,000,000 colonoscopies and approximately 2,000,000 upper endoscopies—a truly extraordinary accomplishment. I was fortunate to serve on the Board of GIQuIC for many years, and the organization owes many thanks to Dr. Irving Pike,

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who was the founder and first President of GIQuIC, a former ACG President, another of my mentors and one of my good friends. GIQuIC is an invaluable tool for clinicians, as each year it is approved as a qualified clinical data registry (QCDR) allowing for reporting of MIPs quality performance measures. As you can imagine, this large database is well suited to answer clinical research questions. I was fortunate to chair the Research Committee of GIQuIC and am very proud of the many research studies and publications that have been developed from the registry. An important ongoing goal is to continue to promote and increase membership in GIQuIC by current ACG members. You have served as a point person for the College in efforts to strike an appropriate balance between policies related to safe endoscopic procedures with strong scientific support while maintaining clinical practicality. What is the current status of those activities and how do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has or will influence this issue? Endoscopy is the bedrock of much of the practice of gastroenterology in the U.S. and around the world; effective and safe reprocessing of the tools we use each day on every patient cannot be underestimated. Even one endoscope or device-related infection can undermine all the good that comes from the endoscopic procedures we do. The public puts their trust in us and in our standards. I have been fortunate over the years to collaborate with many groups, including the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials); AAMI (American Association for Medical Instrumentation); the ASGE and AGA; as well as the FDA and CDC, to develop standards and guidelines for reprocessing endoscopic equipment and accessories. These efforts are ongoing, as the development of new technology leads to new needs in the safety and reprocessing arena. For example, difficulties in cleaning and reprocessing duodenoscope and linear echo endoscope elevator mechanisms were identified in recent years and tied to outbreaks of infections. The response was an investigation, followed by multi-society efforts to update reprocessing protocols, while in parallel encouraging development of newer technologies that might obviate the problem altogether. ACG, along with the other GI societies, has led the way in making certain that updated guidelines are supported only by validated data where it exists. COVID-19 fears only accentuate the concerns about transmission of infection in general, but there is good news… COVID-19 is easily eradicated by standard methods of reprocessing endoscopes. With your elevation to the office of President, the College again turns to someone who has served as Chair of the ACG Board of Governors to lead the organization. Talk about the Board of Governors and its unique role in the life of the College as well as in clinical GI more broadly and what you learned from your service there. The Board of Governors is an amazing group, really highlighting the grassroots nature of the ACG. There are 66 Governors, representing all 50 states and Canada, and there are 10 additional International Governors. This is a unique structure in the world

of gastroenterology and allows the ACG to be well-positioned to get input from each and every member on critical issues through their representative Governors. Having this very powerful network also allows for dissemination of information easily and quickly from the ACG leadership to ACG members through regular communication by the Governors. A key example: this network was used to collect and distribute information about how COVID-19 was affecting ACG members and their practices. The data collected formed the basis for the very successful webinar in April, “Roadmap to Safely Resuming Endoscopy.” I have seen the Governors in action firsthand, having been fortunate to serve as a Governor from New York, then a Regional Councilor, and ultimately as Chair of the Board of Governors. The current Chair of the Board of Governors, Dr. Neil Stollman, has done a superb job along with the Vice Chair, Dr. Patrick Young. I’d like to highlight one activity of the BOG: the annual Congressional fly-in event to the U.S. Capitol each April. Governors gather in Washington, DC to visit the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and meet with their legislators to discuss key issues for gastroenterologists and their patients. The lessons learned are very powerful—advocacy is key, and forming relationships with the Senators, Representatives, and their staffs is a major step towards meaningful change. You have been a major supporter of the ACG Institute and its mission of furthering clinical research and education. You were involved in the decision to appoint Dr. Neena Abraham as the next ACG Institute Director. What drives your interest in this arena and how do you see the near-term future of the ACG Institute? The ACG institute is yet another extraordinary part of the ACG (there are so many!). Through its mission to support clinical research and education, the Institute has been able to award over 21 million dollars in grants to over 640 investigators over the years for research directly relating to the practice of gastroenterology. That is an incredible record of achievement. Under the leadership of Dr. Nick Shaheen over the past 6 years, the Institute has developed innovative programs while maintaining its core strengths. In education, the Institute supports the Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorship Program, which allows for support for visiting scholars throughout the country. In addition, I must give a shout-out to the Young Physician Leadership Scholars Program, developed by a colleague, Dr. David Hass, along with our current President, Dr. Mark Pochapin, and supported by the Institute. This program is teaching current young leaders in gastroenterology the skills they will need to be our future leaders. And yes, I am very supportive of the next ACG Institute Director, Dr. Neena Abraham. Dr. Abraham is a distinguished clinical researcher and educator, and is, in my opinion, the “perfect” next Institute Director. I have no doubt she will succeed, and the Institute will continue to thrive under her leadership. Like your immediate predecessors, you have spent your entire career practicing clinical medicine at an academic center, first at Montefiore and then at Mount Sinai, though you have been the most focused on endoscopy. How do you think that will inform your work with a clinically focused organization like the College?

The ACG is the preeminent organization for clinical gastroenterology and serves a wide-ranging constituency. The Board of Trustees, who I must publicly thank for their tremendous help and support, reflects this diversity of interest and clinical focus, and that then guides the ACG’s programming. Although many of us have subspecialized into areas such as hepatology, nutrition, inflammatory bowel disease and interventional endoscopy, we are all gastroenterologists at our core and have the same “roots.” Just as my focus has really been in clinical care in gastroenterology, that common base for ACG members is in strong clinical education. It brings to mind another incredible ACG resource, the Education Universe. This is a truly outstanding collection of educational materials, which is available for use by GI training programs and for ACG members alike. Currently led by Dr. David Rubin, the Universe is an online self-directed CME learning center. Another example of innovation in clinical education has been the launch of the wildly popular Virtual Grand Rounds series, just when attending conferences in person became impossible. These weekly lectures, held mid-day on Thursdays since March, have regularly had many hundreds, and sometime over a thousand, attendees. One of your major areas of focus in the early years in College leadership was frequently focused on educating and developing resources for patients through the Patient Care Committee where you also served as Chair. What drew you to these issues and how can the College best meet the needs of our membership and their patients? Really, the way the ACG meets the needs of the membership and their patients is through the committees. So much work is done in the 23 committees, and that effort comes from some of the most dedicated and hardworking physicians I have ever seen. Committee membership is a great way for ACG members to “get more involved”— I urge everyone to select a committee that interests them and take an active role. We have an unbelievable group of committee Chairs, and we are now meeting regularly with that entire group, so each committee is apprised on what is going on in the other committees. The Patient Care Committee is a great example, and I was lucky to chair that committee at a time when we were actively engaged in putting out patient-friendly brochures on common GI conditions. Those words from those brochures now populate the web-based resources that are so helpful to our patients. You are taking on the Presidency during a most unusual time and in an unusual way – virtually. As an organization which has tried to create opportunities for connection at the national and regional level to learn face-to-face together with colleagues, how do you think we navigate these times when in-person meetings are not possible without losing what makes the College so special? As others have said, great challenges lead to great opportunities. So, yes, this is a very unusual time and a strange set of circumstances, but we have worked very hard to make this ACG Annual Meeting set and be the new standard for a virtual meeting. Yes, we are truly excited about the 2020 ACG Annual Meeting. Our goals are to deliver high-level education, as we always do, and maintain the collegiality that is part of

every ACG meeting. And, yes, we think we have done that. The ACG staff has worked tirelessly, yes, tirelessly to recraft the meeting in an innovative and thoughtful way. They deserve so much credit and so much praise. Special thanks to Brad Stillman, Maria Susano, Meridith Phillips, Elaine McCubbin, and Anne-Louise Oliphant, but it is truly a team effort. Everything has been prepared so carefully, with pre-recorded material, live lecture highlights, live discussion panels, radio broadcasts, virtual hands-on learning, prime time “specials,” and so much more. So, while COVID may have prevented us from all meeting in person in Nashville, COVID won’t prevent us from having a “rocking” great meeting. You and Dr. Pochapin have seemed to have an especially close working relationship over the years which has served you and the College well during this most unusual year. Can you share some of your experiences from this year that you think the membership would find interesting? Just thinking about working with Mark so closely this year makes me smile. We had “danced” around working with each other for nearly 25 years. Mark was a GI Fellow at Montefiore and completed his Fellowship the day before I arrived there. He led the Jay Monahan Center in New York City and we discussed working together there, but it didn’t happen. When Mark moved to NYU to become Division Chief, we again discussed working together, but again it never happened. Who would have thought that in the end, we would be placed together by our ACG colleagues, and be able to spend so much time together? And then the pandemic “happened” with New York City as an epicenter, followed by the country grappling with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. So we were finally “working together” and it has been amazing. There were entire nights and weekends where we spoke or at least texted almost hourly. We’ve laughed a lot together and shared some really difficult moments together. We planned out a great surprise for the meeting in Nashville together one afternoon (which we will have to do another time). We worked on the initial COVID multi-society documents late one Saturday night into Sunday. We helped ACG release a statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. We shared our excitement as the lunchtime webinars had incredible and lasting popularity, and the evening webinars had thousands of participants. In short, we have tried hard to find as many ways as we could for ACG to be a beacon, guiding the way for ACG members and gastroenterologists worldwide through the pandemic. Mark is a special friend, and he has had an incredible year of leadership as ACG President. I salute him and all he has accomplished!! Any final thoughts? Yes, I have two. First, there’s always room for more kindness and more gratitude in this world, and we can lead the way. And, second, take a moment, hug your family, hug your loved ones, cherish those who support you. In my case, those people are Beth and my two children, Allison and Michael, and I can’t thank them enough for all they have done for me.

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 April 9 – 11, 2021  Boston, Massachusetts

 December 5, 2020  Virtual



 January 30, 2021  Virtual

 August 13 – 15, 2021  St. Louis, Missouri




 February 26 – 28, 2021  Naples, Florida

 September 10 – 12, 2021  Williamsburg, VA


ACG 2021 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING AND POSTGRADUATE COURSE  October 22 – 27, 2021  Las Vegas, Nevada


ACG Weekly Virtual Grand Rounds Register Now at

 March 5 – 7, 2021  New Orleans, Louisiana



DECEMBER 9–12, 2020






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for Fostering a Culture of Service and Educational Excellence

Hari Conjeevaram, MD, MSc, FACG is recognized by the College for his commitment to serve and develop resources for care in underserved communities locally and globally, and his dedication to developing the next generation of service-oriented gastroenterologists. He has been actively involved with students in providing service in the city of Detroit through ‘Street Medicine,’ and extending his work beyond Michigan into Illinois and Ohio where he coordinates medical camps focused on health screening and education in communities of need. He has also led multiple international medical relief missions to India, Guyana, Sri Lanka, Haiti, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, and, mostly recently, Ecuador. For this spirit of service and educational excellence, Dr. Conjeevaram is the recipient of the 2020 ACG Community Service Award. Dr. Conjeevaram is a tenured Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, at the University of Michigan (U-M). He is currently the Program Director for Gastroenterology Fellowship and Medical Director of the StudentRun Free Clinic, providing free medical services to uninsured or underinsured members of the community, while furthering the medical education of students and fostering a culture of volunteerism. He has also coordinated nationally to work with young adults across the country and with local officials to provide medical relief in disaster-stricken areas of Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Conjeevaram has been active in the global education of medical students, residents, and GI fellows and instrumental in mediating collaborative international educational partnerships, arranging the exchange of medical students, residents, and fellows between U-M and other international institutions. In 2015, he helped establish the first ever GI Fellowship Program at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, coordinating ongoing virtual educational sessions between U-M and St. Paul’s. In October 2017, St. Paul’s graduated their first two GI fellows—the first fellows in any specialty—and, to date, all graduated fellows have joined as junior faculty in gastroenterology at St. Paul’s or other institutions in the city.

In addition to his leadership and coordination of medical care programs, Dr. Conjeevaram is an active volunteer who directly provides much-needed medical care, both locally and internationally. He is a member of the Sathya Sai International Organization (SSIO) that provides free medical care and health education across the globe, where he serves on several committees. He actively coordinates and volunteers in medical camps twice yearly in India in a remote village that serves 500-2,000 patients daily, and helped set up a gastroenterology clinic and endoscopy unit that provides free GI care and free endoscopies in South India to anyone in need. His clinical research focuses on viral hepatitis in NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and he is currently involved in several NAFLD clinical research studies. Dr. Conjeevaram has won numerous awards for his teaching and community service activities, including

the H. Marvin Pollard Award for Outstanding Teaching of Residents, University of Michigan’s Dean’s Award for Community Service, and the University of Michigan Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, twice. In 2015, he was inducted as a faculty member into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and in 2017, was honored as an Academiae Laureati Medici inductee into the University of Michigan Clinical Excellence Society. Most recently, he was the 2019 recipient of the ACP Michigan Chapter’s Volunteerism and Community Service Award. Please join the College in congratulating Dr. Conjeevaram on his achievement.

ABOUT THE ACG COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD The Community Service Award is bestowed upon an ACG Allied Health Member, Resident Member, Trainee Member, Member, Fellow, or Master who has initiated or been involved in volunteer programs or has provided extensive volunteer service posttraining. The service must have been performed on a completely voluntary basis and not for the completion of training or position requirements. Such service may include but is not limited to the following: community education programs (e.g., colon cancer awareness); working in free clinics; mentoring advocacy groups or local government committees; teaching in under-served schools related to health education; and political work on committees for comprehensive health insurance or other issues.


Virtual 5K Run

Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Public Relations Committee

A Special Virtual Run / Walk to Benefit ACG Summer Scholars and Celebrate Diversity Join your ACG colleagues and the GI community for the Diversity in GI Virtual 5K to celebrate the diversity of the GI profession, shine a light on a critical issue in gastroenterology and medicine, and – importantly during a challenging year – create a fun, healthy, and thoughtful event with potential for widespread social media visibility and engagement – not to mention enthusiasm from a vocal core constituency of ACG members who run!  REGISTER: There is a nominal registration fee of $20, but thanks to generous sponsorships from Ironwood and Braintree/Sebela, proceeds will benefit the ACG Summer Scholars mentorship program for medical students and residents from groups under-represented in medicine.

HOW IT WORKS: Run or walk on your own, log your activity online, take photos in race “swag,” and celebrate via social media during the Virtual ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting in October. This is a chance for the entire GI community to show their support, involve colleagues and families, and get some exercise. Register now and participate through November 9, 2020.

ACG is working with a virtual race company that will ship the race tee by U.S. Mail. You will download and print the race bib.

ABOUT #DIVERSITYINGI SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN Thanks to the vision and leadership of Dr. Sophie Balzora and Dr. Darrell Gray, the #DiversityinGI social media campaign launched in 2019 and aims

18 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

to increase visibility of and promote diversity and inclusion within GI. The primary goals are to motivate students and trainees who aspire to a career in the GI field and enrich the pipeline of trainees and providers from underrepresented populations.

Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG Chair, ACG Committee on Minority Affairs & Cultural Diversity


SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA & CELEBRATE DIVERSITY After you run/walk wearing your #DiversityinGI 5K race tee shirt, be sure to post photos on social media using #DiversityinGI and tag @AmCollegeGastro.

 REGISTER NOW! $20 Benefits ACG Summer Scholars REGISTER:



EARNS THE INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP AWARD The College is proud to present the 2020 International Leadership Award to Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, FACG. Dr. Goenka is one of the most prolific and experienced endoscopists in India, has pioneered innovative endoscopic techniques, and been instrumental in providing training in basic and advanced endoscopy in India and internationally. In addition to his clinical excellence, he has served as a medical educator and mentor, provided community aid and educational campaigns, and demonstrated his sustained commitment to the College by expanding the network of ACG members in India. Dr. Goenka is currently Director of the Institute of Gastrosciences at Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals at Kolkata—a department he built successfully—and Director of Medical Education. Dr. Goenka is the Program Director of Liver Transplantation and led the transplant team that performed the first successful cadaver liver transplant in Eastern India. His areas of clinical interest include therapeutic endoscopy, particularly ERCP, cholangioscopy, and hemostasis of GI bleeding. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Digestive Endoscopy, the official journal of the Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India. Dr. Goenka is well known throughout India and in international circles for his skills in therapeutic endoscopy including ERCP and small bowel

enteroscopy. He has delivered several keynote and stateof-the-art lectures in various international and national meetings, showcasing his exceptional demonstration skills and explanation of procedures. Teaching for more than 30 years, he has been a mentor not only of students in India, but also to short term trainees in GI endoscopy from all over the world. Dr. Goenka is associated with UNICEF and the West Bengal Blind Welfare Association and conducts hepatitis awareness and vaccination camps, print and TV education programs, and other philanthropic activities.

gastroenterologists. Along with Co-Director Dr. Nalini Guda, he encouraged more than 600 Indian gastroenterologists to apply for ACG membership and secured funding for their first two years of membership. Due to his thoughtful planning and meticulous attention to detail, he has secured support for at least two more “Best of ACG in India” programs, slated for 2021.

He has been involved in institutional, multi-center, and international research and has published over 150 manuscripts, editorials, and book chapters. Dr. Goenka served as Chairman of the organizing committee and President of the Asia-Pacific Digestive Week meeting, the second-largest meeting in Asia for gastroenterologists, and is a Past President of the Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India. He was awarded the SISCO-PENTAX oration by the Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India and the J. Mitra Award by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology. Dr. Goenka has been a Fellow of the College since 1996 and became Governor for India in 2017. Most recently, he was instrumental in organizing the first “Best of ACG in India” in January 2020, held in three major cities in India and attended by over 1,100

ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP AWARD The International Leadership Award is given to a Fellow or Master of the ACG in recognition of outstanding and substantial contributions to gastroenterology, to the College, and to the international gastroenterology community. Substantial contributions internationally may include, but are not limited to, the following: the training of individuals from other countries who have gone on to become leaders in gastroenterology in their communities; leadership in international organizations that has resulted in improvement in the care of patients; and participation in humanitarian efforts.

How to Get Published:

AN ACG JOURNAL EDITOR ROUNDTABLE ACG’S JOURNAL EDITORS REVEAL ANSWERS TO THE “TOP 10 QUESTIONS” they receive about the publication process and share pearls of wisdom about what works—and what doesn’t work—when submitting papers for publication. LEARN ALL ABOUT... Launching your publishing career Choosing the right journal Presenting your research for publication success Best practices throughout the publication process

The ACG Educatio n Universe is FREE AND OPE N TO ALL!


Visit the ACG Education Universe to view the full presentation: UNIVERSE.GI.ORG

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 19




Virtual ACG 2020 offers special events aimed at strengthening your pride in the College and in the GI community at this time. Join your colleagues for significant community experiences such as the ACG Leadership Awards, SCOPY Awards celebration, and GI Jeopardy – ACG’s favorite quiz show! A schedule shift for 2020 creates evening “prime time” sessions to maximize participation in such signature sessions such as the President’s Address, GI Jeopardy, and a live ACG Town Hall addressing Healthy Equity.


The ACG Training Committee is pleased to once again offer a session for Fellows-in-Training during “prime time” at ACG 2020. Join us on Friday evening as a panel of leaders in GI discuss, “The Leadership Journey: Paving Your Own Path for a Successful Career.” Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. This is a free program for attendees at ACG 2020.

 AJG “MOST READ IN RED: COVID-19”: A CONVERSATION WITH AJG CO-EDITORS IN CHIEF Saturday, October 24 • 3:30 pm EDT Red Journal Co-Editors-in-Chief discuss the publishing landscape for COVID-19 related science and analyze key papers published by AJG this year.

SCOPY AWARDS PRESENTATION Saturday, October 24 • 8:00 pm EDT Join us as we present the 2020 SCOPY Awards recognizing the achievements of ACG members in their community engagement, education, and awareness efforts for colorectal cancer prevention.

ACG LEADERSHIP AWARDS CEREMONY Saturday, October 24 • 8:30 pm EDT Celebrate with recipients of the College’s highest honors at the ACG Leadership Awards Ceremony. ACG President Dr. Mark Pochapin will host this tribute to winners of the Weiss Award, Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award, International Leadership Award, Community Service Award, and President’s Special Recognition Award, and will introduce the newest Masters of the American College of Gastroenterology.


Sunday, October 25 • 10:15 am EDT Grab some coffee and spend Sunday morning with your ACG colleagues for a fascinating and highly relevant “How I Approach It” session with master endoscopists discussing innovative approaches to endoscopic practice.

 CHIEF’S ROUNDS AT ACG 2020 – IN CONVERSATION WITH ACG PRESIDENT DR. MARK POCHAPIN Sunday, October 25 • 3:30 pm EDT A lively conversation with special guests in the style of Dr. Pochapin’s SiriusXM radio show, Chief’s Rounds. Bringing the same energy and excitement to Virtual ACG 2020 as the live SiriusXM radio show traditionally broadcast from the Annual Scientific Meeting. Don’t miss engaging and enlightening guests tackling the topics that matter most to the GI profession and for the College today.

 WOMEN AND DIVERSITY IN GASTROENTEROLOGY RECEPTION (Supported by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.) Sunday, October 25 • 7:00 pm EDT

20 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

GI JEOPARDY COMPETITION Sunday, October 25 • 8:15 pm EDT GI Jeopardy returns in 2020! Login Sunday night at 8:15 pm EDT for ACG’s favorite game show and cheer as the top five GI training programs who emerged as the top scorers from the preliminary rounds face off live in front of the Virtual ACG 2020 audience. Test your knowledge, shout out the answers at your computer screen, join the intensity, and witness the valiant spirit of competition that is GI Jeopardy hosted by Dr. Ronald Szyjkowski.

The President uses this opportunity to welcome attendees, highlight accomplishments over the past year, and bid farewell as the leadership passes on to the next President-Elect.

The 5 teams competing this year are: • Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School • UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine/UCLA Medical Center • University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics


Monday, October 26 • 8:00 pm EDT

Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG, ACG President, will present the Presidential Address to mark the beginning of the ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting.

Supported by Takeda Pharmaceuticals, U.S.A., Inc.

GI ONDEMAND: INTEGRATED GI CARE GOES VIRTUAL! Wednesday, October 28 • 4:30 – 5:30 pm EDT Learn how GI OnDEMAND can amplify the expertise and value your practice brings to patients by providing access to expert Registered Dietitians, GI Psychologists, and Genetic Counselors. Join GI OnDEMAND leaders William D. Chey, MD, FACG, Jordan Karlitz, MD, FACG, and Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, as they unveil the next generation of GI OnDEMAND, discuss the latest scientific evidence and unique value propositions for adopting an integrated care model—and how GI OnDEMAND is taking integrated GI care, virtual.

SPECIAL KEYNOTE ADDRESS DR. HOWARD KOH Wednesday, October 28 • 8:15 pm EDT Howard Koh, MD will present a Special Keynote Address and share insights into public health and the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Howard K. Koh is the Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard Kennedy School as well as Faculty Co-Chair of the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative. From 2009 to 2014, Dr. Koh was the 14th U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

DAILY WRAP UP Tuesday, October 27 • 7:30 pm EDT


Supported by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

Supported by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Monday, October 26 • 8:30 pm EDT

Daily highlights summarized by the experts providing practice pearls and clinical take-aways from the day’s sessions.

Supported by Gilead Sciences, Inc.

DAILY WRAP UP Wednesday, October 28 • 7:45 pm EDT

Join ACG leaders and expert faculty for a synthesis of the day’s clinical take-aways and significant findings offering a quick daily summary of noteworthy sessions and key presentations.

Join ACG leaders and expert faculty for a synthesis of the day’s clinical take-aways and significant findings offering a quick daily summary of noteworthy sessions and key presentations.


The ACG Women in GI Committee is hosting a program geared toward residents and trainees who are facing difficult decisions regarding the future of their medical careers. Female gastroenterologists from a variety of medical backgrounds will address the issues of being a female subspecialist, balancing career and family, and opportunities for women in medicine, and more specifically, gastroenterology.

Join us at this exclusive event presented by Healio Gastroenterology and Liver Disease, as we honor Disruptive Innovators in eight different categories. Each of these awardees has changed the face of gastroenterology and pushed the status quo toward the betterment of the field. As a true testament to Healio’s peer-tested approach, their Peer Perspective Board and Healio 200 vote on the awardees.


GIQUIC SESSION: MEASURING AND IMPROVING QUALITY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Tuesday, October 27 • 4:30 pm EDT The GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC) is hosting a session for current and prospective GIQuIC registry participants. GIQuIC Board members will provide an overview of the registry and users will share ways of using GIQuIC for quality improvement in their practices.

• Cleveland Clinic Foundation

• University of Pennsylvania Health System

ACG ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Monday, October 26 • 9:00 pm EDT All Members and Fellows (FACG) are encouraged to attend the virtual Annual Business Meeting where College business will be discussed and voted on.

Balzora, MD, FACG, Chair of the ACG Public Relations Committee, will convene a community-wide conversation on the urgent challenges of widespread health disparities and strategies to engage the GI community in advancing healthy equity.

ACG TOWN HALL - LEADING THE WAY IN ADVANCING HEALTH EQUITY Tuesday, October 27 • 9:00 pm EDT Together, Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG, Chair of the ACG Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and Sophie M.

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ACG Announces

2020 SCOPY AWARD WINNERS The College takes great pride in the GI community’s passionate and unwavering commitment to support colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention. In 2015, ACG introduced a prize to recognize the most innovative and impactful CRC awareness efforts: SCOPY—Service Award for Colorectal Cancer Outreach, Prevention & Year-Round Excellence.

This year’s judges awarded a total of 16 SCOPY Awards to an

16 winners were selected by the 2020 SCOPY Awards judges:

outstanding slate of CRC awareness champions. Their initiatives

Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Public Relations Committee NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY

demonstrated a motivating spirit of collaboration, a dedication to reaching underserved communities, a focus on quality care and public health intervention, an understanding that patient stories have an impact, and an unyielding mission of community service.

Jacques C. Beauvais, MD NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY

SCOPY AWARDS FOR 2020 Best CRC Community Outreach During COVID: Allegheny Health Network and Highmark Health; Pittsburgh, PA; COLOVID-19: The 2020 Story Before, During, and After Best Culturally Inclusive Social Media Event: Duke Division of Gastroenterology/Durham County Colorectal Cancer Screening Workgroup; Durham, NC; Duke Cancer Institute Facebook Live Event for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Best Culturally Conscious Social Media Campaign: Rachel Issaka, MD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA; Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Folasade P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; #ItsTimeGetScreened

Best Public Health Intervention for a Medically Underserved Patient Population: UC San Diego Health; San Diego, CA; The UC San Diego Health-Family Health Centers of San Diego Colon Health Program: A Partnership to Screen Those Most At-Risk Best Public Service Announcement Written and Delivered by a Gastroenterologist: Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG & Wichita Falls Gastroenterology Associates; Wichita Falls, TX; Wichita County Health Department 2020 Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Message Best TV PSA Featuring an ACG Governor: Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG; Gastroenterology Associates, Inc.; Providence, RI; Don’t Die of Embarrassment – Get Screened Today

Best International Effort: Mukesh Sharma Paudel, MD; Lumbini City Hospital; Butwal, Nepal; Colorectal Cancer and Colonoscopy Lecture, Video, and Poster

Grand SCOPY: Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center's Office of Outreach and Health Disparities; Houston, TX; Light the Night Blue: A Colorectal Cancer Awareness Initiative

Best Multi-Channel Colorectal Cancer Awareness Initiative: Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital; Houston, TX; Colorectal Cancer Awareness – “Go Blue and Get Your Screen On”

Making CRC Awareness Fun Award: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Birmingham, AL; Love Your Bum: Get It Screened 2020 Campaign

Best Multi-Faceted Health Initiative by a Hospital: Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG & The Valley Hospital; Ridgewood, NJ; CRC Community Awareness and Educational Programs at The Valley Hospital – 2020

Most Inspirational Original Cancer Awareness Song: Carlos Keebo Santos; Mayo Clinic; Jacksonville, FL; Cancer Doesn't Discriminate

Best Patient-Provider Communication Instruction: Adewale Ajumobi, MD, FACG; Eliane Coffler, MD; Joline De Castro, MD; Sushant Soni, MD; and Eisenhower Health; Rancho Mirage, CA; Colonoscopy During the COVID-19 Pandemic & How to Discuss CRC Screening with Your Patient Via Telemedicine Best Polypectomy Video: Ronald Hsu, MD, FACG; Sutter Roseville Endoscopy Center; Roseville, CA; Colon Cancer Prevention Education Video: Choices

22 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

SCOPY Best Bilingual CRC Screening Video: Renugadevi Swaminathan, MD, MPH & Arturo Lopez, MD; Louisiana State University Health; Shreveport, LA; A Clean Colon is Half Your Colonoscopy SCOPY Social Media Acumen and Authentic Leadership Award: Aline Charabaty, MD; Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital; Washington, DC; #ColonCancerAwareness Month: #ScreenMoreFearLess


Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG

diversity, equity and inclusion, and standing up to structural

Chair of the ACG Public Relations Committee, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

racism and healthcare disparities, the ACG Board of Trustees presents the President’s Special Recognition Award. Periodically, the College has chosen to recognize people for their unique and outstanding contributions to the organization through a President’s Special Recognition Award. Dr. Sophie Balzora and Dr. Darrell Gray have acted as beacons during this difficult time of health care disparities and structural racism. They have been a guiding light by working together with their committees to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ACG, the medical profession, and our patient communities. This

Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG Chair of the ACG Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Director of Community Engagement and Equity in Digestive Health, and Deputy Director at the Center for Cancer Health Equity at The Ohio State University’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, The James

year we saw the stark realities of the COVID-19 pandemic unmasking deeply rooted disparities in health care, and the horrific death of George Floyd further emphasizing the dire need to address structural racism in our society. Together, they assembled a dedicated work group to identify areas where we can provide leadership for actionable change to address these critically important issues which affect the health care of our patients, and our ability as physicians to uphold the mission and vision of the College. The Board of Trustees honor Dr. Sophie Balzora and Dr. Darrell Gray for their outstanding leadership and contributions by enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College, our profession, and our community.

A TREATMENT THAT’S MADE FOR THEM Visit the Entyvio Virtual Booth

ENTYVIO is a trademark of Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is used under license by Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. ©2020 Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Produced in U.S.A. US-VED-0526v1.0 09/20

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 23

Transforming Quality Improvement from Aspirational Goal to Measurable Results Since its inception, participation in the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC) registry has demonstrated an improvement in overall outcomes across a number of measures, including adenoma detection rate (ADR). In 2011 (the first full year of data), registry-wide ADR was under 25%, but by 2019, that number had climbed to just over 40%. That increase is particularly meaningful since it has been established that for every 1% increase in ADR, there is a correlated 3% decrease in the rate of colorectal cancer and a 5% decrease in mortality. (Corley DA, et al., Adenoma Detection Rate and Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Death, N Engl J Med 2014;370:1298-1306)

GIQuIC Adenoma Detection Rate

GIQuIC Adenoma Detection Rate 45

Registry users have the ability to run a myriad of reports (like this one) in order to benchmark performance at the provider and facility levels and to compare them to established performance targets and the GIQuIC national cohort which consists of more than 4,500 physicians and more than 11 million colonoscopies. These customized reports provide valuable information to allow participants the opportunity to perform ongoing, peer-based performance evaluation, identify gaps in services, and make adjustments to address those disparities and ultimately improve the quality of patient care.

Adenoma Detection Rate (%)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0










GIQuIC and the MIPS 2020 QCDR Reporting Option

Translating New Guidance into Practice

For the seventh year in a row, CMS has approved GIQuIC as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) for reporting to the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Being an approved QCDR allows GIQuIC users to report on measures that are meaningful to their specialty practices in order to decrease negative payment adjustments and even increase CMS payouts. The GIQuIC QCDR supports reporting to the Quality, Promoting Interoperability, and Improvement Activities performance categories.

Updated follow-up intervals for colonoscopy were published earlier this year by the GI societies in both AJG and GIE as Gupta, et al., Recommendations for Follow-Up After Colonoscopy and Polypectomy: A Consensus Update by the U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer.

GIQuIC hosted an informational webinar on July 28th, providing the background and guidance your practice needs to successfully navigate the 2020 reporting year, including details about the Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Exception in relation to the COVID pandemic. To access the slide deck and recording of this webinar, visit or you can find them on the registry homepage under News.

 Visit to view the article.

To educate practices on the updated guidance, a webinar was conducted by Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG, along with GIQuIC and society staff that examined what practices need to know in light of this new guidance, “What the Updated Surveillance Colonoscopy Intervals Mean for Your Practice.” You can access a recording of the webinar and download a PDF of the slides on the ACG Universe and under the News section of the registry homepage. For more information about GIQuIC, please contact Therese Basham, Member Relations Manager, at

Nominating Committee Proposes


The ACG Nominating Committee, composed of ACG Past Presidents Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, Irving M. Pike, MD, FACG and Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG, and ACG Governors James C. Reynolds, MD, FACG, and Sita Chokhavatia, MD, MACG, met by telephone conference call on June 3, 2020 and proposed the following slate of Officers for 2020 – 2021 and the following slate of Trustees for 2020 – 2022: Nominating Committee Proposes Slate of Officers

Nominating Committee Proposes Trustees for two-year terms

OCTOBER 2020-2021

OCTOBER 2020-2022

• President: David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG

• Jean-Paul Achkar, MD, FACG

• President-Elect: Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG

• Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG

• Vice President: Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG

• John R. Saltzman, MD, FACG

• Secretary: Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG

• Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG

• Treasurer: Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG

• Renee L. Williams, MD, MHPE, FACG

 ACG’s Secretary, Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG, has announced that the College’s 2020 Annual Business Meeting will be held on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 9:00 pm (EDT) via the virtual meeting platform. The Nominating Committee will present its proposed slate of officers and trustees at that time, and all Fellows and Members are encouraged to attend and to vote on this and all other items of business at the meeting. 24 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News




Monday, October 26, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Eastern time) Cases Demonstrate Interesting Endoscopic Findings and Techniques Encountered in Daily Clinical Practice This Video Forum Symposium will feature the best video presentations submitted


by colleagues from across the U.S. and around the world. Submitted during the Call for Abstracts and peer-reviewed and selected for oral presentation, the cases will feature endoscopy techniques and challenging or unique cases. During the session, the audience, along with the judges, will vote to select the best video of ACG 2020. Attendees will view videos showcasing interesting endoscopic findings and techniques encountered in daily clinical practice.

Moderators: Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG

Judges: Sameer A. Al Awadhi, MD Jodie A. Barkin, MD Harish K. Gagneja, MD, FACG Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG Laith H. Jamil, MD, FACG Lauren G. Khanna, MD, MS Allison R. Schulman, MD, MPH

Presenting Authors are underlined V1. (S1871) EUS-Guided Combined Hepaticogastrostomy Biliary Drainage and Cholecystoduodenostomy Using Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent for the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer to the Liver Ahmed M. Elmeligui, MBBCh, MD1, Ameya A. Deshmukh, BA2, Javier TejedorTejada, MD3, Enad Dawod, MD4, Jose Nieto, DO, FACG5; 1Kasr Alainy Hospital / Cairo University, Cairo, Al Jizah, Egypt; 2 Midwestern University - CCOM, Downers Grove, IL; 3Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega, Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain; 4New YorkPresbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; 5Borland Groover Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

V3. (S1873) Patient With High-Risk Main Duct IPMN Successfully Treated With EUS-Guided Chemoablation Kayla M. Hartz, DO1, Matthew E. Dixon, MD1, John M. Levenick, MD2, Matthew Moyer, MD, MS2; 1Penn State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA; 2Penn State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and College of Medicine, Hershey, PA



V4. (S1874) EUS-Guided Cyanoacrylate Glue Embolization of Rectal Varices Prior to EMR of Large Rectal Polyp Robert Tamai, MD1, James Buxbaum, MD, MS2, Ara B. Sahakian, MD2; 1LAC+USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA; 2University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

V5. (S1875) Endoscopic Incisional Therapy for Refractory Esophageal Stricture


Jasmine Sinha, MD, MPH, A. Aziz Aadam, MD; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL

V6. (S1876) Use of a Novel Dynamic Rigidizing Overtube in Difficult Colonoscopy Due to Looping Alexander Abadir, MD1, Nabil El Hage Chehade, MD1, Nathan Park, MD2, David Eng, MD1, Jason Samarasena, MD3; 1University of California Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA; 2 University of California Irvine Medical Center, Irvine, CA; 3University of California Irvine, Orange, CA


V2. (S1872) Purely Endoscopic Appendectomy Using Double Balloon Endolumenal Interventional Platform Sergey V. Kantsevoy, MD, PhD; Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

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Learn about the latest clinical research from colleagues from across the U.S. and around the world when you visit ACG’s virtual ePoster Hall. Over 2,900 ePosters will be viewable online beginning October 9, and will be accessible for up to one year after the meeting. This year, 208 abstracts have been honored with a Presidential Poster Award. Determined by the ACG Abstract Selection Committee, approximately 5% of accepted abstracts annually receive this distinction for high-quality, novel, unique, and interesting research. Listed below are this year’s Presidential Poster Award recipients, which will be recognized in the ePoster Hall by a blue ribbon icon.

ACG 2020 ACG PRESIDENTIAL POSTER AWARD RECIPIENTS P0020. Predictors for Improvement of Chronic Pancreatitis Symptoms After Single Operator Pancreatoscopy With Intraductal Lithotripsy or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Large Main Pancreatic Duct Stones P0045. Polysomy and Deletion 9p21 Found on Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) at ERCP in PSC Patients Increases Risk of Subsequent Hepatobiliary Cancer P0075. Virtual Reality Can Reduce Pain and Opioid Use in Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) Type III: A Prospective Pilot Study

P0338. Rare Cause of Pancreatic Cystic Lesion: Pancreatic Lymphangioma P0360. Sump Syndrome: A Forgotten Complication From the Pre-ERCP Era P0373. Young Onset Colorectal Cancers Have Somatic Variants in NOTCH1 With Measurable Changes in Functional Activity P0385. Vedolizumab Is Effective in Refractory Microscopic Colitis: A Single Tertiary Center Case Series P0399. Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Growing Threat to Women’s Health and Call for Action

P0082. Outcomes of Malnutrition in Acute Pancreatitis

P0403. Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) Induced-Colitis (IMC) Refractory to Immunosuppressive Therapy

P0086. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Induced by Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Case Series

P0412. Outcomes of Pediatric Hospital and Community-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection

P0110. Balancing Risks of Pancreatic Malignancy-Related and Non-PancreaticRelated Mortality in Surveillance of Low-Risk Presumed Mucinous Pancreatic Cysts

P0413. Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Clostridioides difficile Infection in an Immunocompromised Population

P0127. Incidence and Predictors of New Onset Diabetes Mellitus Following Surgical Resection of Pancreatic Cystic Lesions P0181. An Atypical Presentation of COVID-19 as Acute Pancreatitis P0192. Outcome of the Use of Corticosteroids for Treatment of Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP) in a COVID-19 Patient P0193. Acute Obstructive Suppurative Pancreatic Ductitis (AOSPD) as Initial Presentation for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma P0215. Immune Checkpoint InhibitorInduced Pancreatic Injury: An Atypical Presentation P0220. Acute Cholangitis Secondary to Surgical Clip Migration After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy P0287. Hard to Stomach: Gallstone Ileus as a Result of Mirizzi-Induced Bouveret Syndrome P0294. The Unseen Complication of Binge Drinking: Purtscher-Like Retinopathy in Acute Pancreatitis P0334. An Unusual Case of Biliary Obstruction Due to Invagination of the Major Papilla

P0418. Underwater Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (UEMR) for 10 Mm or Larger NonPedunculated Colorectal Polyps: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P0419. Diarrhea Is Associated With Increased Disease Severity in COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P0420. Crosstalk of Multi-Omics Reveals Specific Characteristics in Active Ulcerative Colitis Patients With Depression and Anxiety P0422. Oral Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Capsules Are Effective and Safe for Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis P0440. Do Racial and Gender Disparities Exist in Young Onset Rectal Carcinoma? Untold Story of Ten Years P0441. Distinct Genomic Landscape of Appendiceal Cancer Among Young Patients P0445. The Association Between Microscopic Colitis and Celiac Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P0446. Patient Factors Affecting Cecal Intubation Time During Colonoscopies Preformed by Gastrointestinal Fellows

26 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

P0448. Gastrointestinal Toxicities of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Multi-Center Retrospective Analysis P0453. Safety of Cold vs Hot Snare Polypectomy in Polyps 10-20mm: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis P0467. Mucosal Association of Clostridioides difficile in the Colon May Play a Role in Infection Recurrence P0478. Automated Polypectomy Time During Live Colonoscopy Using Convolutional Neural Networks - A Video Validation Study P0480. Does Bevacizumab Increase the Risk of Colonic Perforation With Placement SelfExpandable Metal Stents (SEMS) in Patients With Obstructive Colorectal Cancer? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P0555. Topical Cannabidiol (CBD) for the Treatment of Anal Fissures: A Case Series P0568. A Case of Rhodococcus Related Colonic Malakoplakia in a Renal Transplant Patient P0599. Effect of Nivolumab Therapy for Metastatic Lung Cancer on Human Microbiome Alterations P0661. The Diagnosis of Rectosigmoid Endometriosis Using EUS and EUS-Guided FNA P0662. An Unusual Diagnosis of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer on Pap Smear P0674. Volvulus in the Time of COVID P0682. Gut Friend or Foe: A Case of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Endocarditis from Probiotic Use P0724. Improvement in Adenoma Detection Using a Novel Artificial Intelligence-Aided Polyp Detection Device P0732. Utilization of Telemedicine for Colorectal Cancer Outreach During the COVID-19 Pandemic: COLOVID-19 P0749. A Team-Based Approach Is Effective in Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in a Community-Based Resident Clinic P0755. Increased Incidence of Sessile Serrated Adenoma/Polyp and Colorectal Cancer Detection in Veterans With Elevated Charlson Comorbidity Index and Positive Fecal Immunochemical Test P0763. Rate and Burden of Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia in Adults Approaching the Screening Age: An Opportunity to Reduce the Incidence of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer P0778. Colorectal Cancer Screening Gender and Race Disparities in Western PA … Is There Really a Difference? P0799. Per-Oral Savary Tip Endoscopic Recanalization of the Esophagus (POSTER): A Simple Approach Sheds Light at the End of the Tunnel P0801. Intraluminal Duodenal Diverticulum: Double Barrel Lumen Treated With Water Immersion Septotomy and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection P0805. Straight from the Big Apple: Endoscopic Removal of a Foreign Body P0806. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Patient With Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and High-Grade Duodenal Stricture Across Dual Lumen Apposing Metal Stents P0808. Single Session Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Transgastric ERCP (“EDGE”) in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Patient With Pancreatic Mass and Biliary Obstruction With Intentional Maintenance of Gastrogastrostomy P0813. EUS Gastric Access for Therapeutic Endoscopy for Management of Walled-Off Pancreatic Necrosis With a Lumen Apposing Metal Stent in Gastric Bypass Anatomy

P0814. Endoscopic Closure of Esophagogastric Anastomotic Dehiscence Using a Cardiac Septal Defect Occlusion Device P0815. Neck Bulging During Expiration: A New Sign to Diagnose Killian-Jamieson Diverticulum P0816. Cricopharyngeal Per Oral Myotomy (C-POEM) for Treatment of a Cricopharyngeal Bar: A Novel Technique P0832. Role of Endoscopic Functional Luminal Imaging Probe (EndoFLIP) for the Management of Post Myotomy Clinical Failure P0834. Esophageal Dilation Alone Is a Safe and Effective Long-Term Treatment Strategy in Patients With Difficult to Treat Eosinophilic Esophagitis P0847. CDX2 Immunohistochemical Staining Confirms Barrett’s Esophagus in the Absence of Goblet Cells and Confers Significant Risk for High-Grade Dysplasia and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma P0857. Prevalence of Barrett’s Esophagus in Female Scleroderma Patients P0868. Straight Leg Raising Improves Hiatal Hernia Detection in Patients Undergoing High Resolution Esophageal Manometry P0870. Helicobacter pylori and Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis P0878. Improved Histopathologic Features in Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Results and Analyses From a Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Budesonide Oral Suspension P0894. Esophago-Gastric Outlet Obstruction in the Absence of a Hiatal Hernia Should Be Evaluated by Endoscopy and Impedance Planimetry P0898. Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Diffuse Esophageal Spasm (DES) Have a Higher Risk of Developing Barrett’s Esophagus P0912. Abnormal Findings Are Detected With Functional Luminal Imaging Probe and Provocative High-Resolution Manometry Among Patients Otherwise Classified as Functional Dysphagia P0913. Prucalopride Improves Esophageal Contractility Ineffective Esophageal Motility: Prospective Clinical Trial P0919. Comparative Analysis of Added Value Between Multiple Rapid Swallows and Apple Viscous Swallows in High-Resolution Manometry for Diagnosing Esophageal Motility Disorders P0947. Not Your Average Diverticulum: A Unique Case of a Massive Esophageal Diverticulum After Laparoscopic Gastric Banding P0964. Esophagopleural Fistula Following the Treatment of Acute Esophageal Variceal Bleeding With Endoscopic Banding and Minnesota Tube Placement P1000. The Utilization of Bethanechol in Myotonic Dystrophy Patients With Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and Esophageal Dysmotility P1008. A Case of Jackhammer Esophagus Post Bariatric Surgery P1017. Effect of Naloxegol on OpioidInduced Esophageal Motility Disorder P1023. Submucosal Lifting Agent-Induced Foreign Body Reaction Mimicking Recurrent Malignancy P1030. Holding Pressure: The Use of a Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube in the Setting of Atrioesophageal Fistula Hemorrhage P1038. Topical Application of Mitomycin C for Patients With Upper Gastrointestinal Stenosis: A Single Center Case Series

P1043. Immune Checkpoint InhibitorMediated Eosinophilic Esophagitis and Gastroenteritis

P1463. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Perceptions of Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

P1105. Virtual Patient Simulation Improves IBS Diagnosis and Treatment: A CME Study

P1468. Efficacy and Safety of Tofacitinib Retreatment for Ulcerative Colitis After Treatment Interruption: An Update of Results From the OCTAVE Clinical Trials

P1124. The Role of Copper and Zinc in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Mendelian Randomization Study P1128. Role of Mast Cells in FODMAPInduced Colonic Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction and Mucosal Inflammation P1135. Validation of a Point of Service, Disposable Rectal Expulsion Device (RED) to Identify Constipated Individuals With an Evacuation Disorder P1177. What Is the Ideal Dietary Regimen for Patients Scheduled for Colonoscopy: Low Residue Diet or Clear Liquid Diet? A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials P1197. Variability in Endoscopic Tattoo Practices Among Colorectal Surgeons and Gastroenterologists: A Nationwide Survey P1209. Complications of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Patients With Previous Bariatric Surgery: A Population-Based Cohort Study P1210. Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inpatient Gastrointestinal Procedures: A Single Center Study P1215. Characteristics and Outcomes of Endoscopies Before and After the SARSCoV-2 Outbreak in New York City P1223. Healthcare Costs of Colonoscopy With and Without Complications Among Patients at Average Risk for Colorectal Cancer in the United States (US) P1228. Prevalence of GI Symptoms in COVID-19 Patients and Their Impact on Clinical Outcomes, from the Epicenter of COVID-19: Multicenter Study of Academic Centers in Brooklyn P1240. Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis: The Great Masquerader P1250. The First Reported Case of Diffuse Colonic Lipomatosis in a Patient With Lynch Syndrome P1254. Liquid Nitrogen Spray Cryotherapy Is a Safe and Effective Treatment Modality for Extensive Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia With Dysplasia P1285. Use of Over-the-Scope Clip for Ulcers With High Risk Stigmata Is Effective and Efficient Without Added Cost P1292. The Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients P1298. Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients With COVID-19: Outcomes With and Without Endoscopic Evaluation P1374. Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome in an Adult Successfully Treated With Sirolimus P1408. An Endoscopic Approach to an Unusual Cause of Gastric Remnant Outlet Obstruction After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass P1410. Mucormycosis: An Unusual Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in an Immunocompetent Host

P1883. Nasopleural Drainage of Empyema via Esophago-Pleural Fistula: A Novel Endoscopic Rescue Technique

P1478. Decreasing Prevalence of Colectomy for Ulcerative Colitis Coincides With Increased Utilization of Biologic Medications: A Temporal Analysis From 2000-2019

P1894. Successful Treatment of Persistent Bile Duct Leaks Using Choledochoscopy and Glue Embolization During Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography

P1510. Evaluation of Symptom Improvement During Induction in Patients With Crohn’s Disease Treated With Mirikizumab

P1896. Use of Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent for Management of Pouch Outlet Stenosis After Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

P1522. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Is Not Associated With Severe Outcomes of COVID-19: A Cohort Study From the United States Epicenter

P1907. EUS-Guided Gallbladder Drainage for Malignant Biliary Obstruction

P1540. Carriage of HLA-DQA1*05 in Hispanic IBD Patients Is Common and Also Associated With Development of Antibodies to Anti-TNFs but Not Other Biologics

P1914. Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection of a Large Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Using a Novel Dual Scope Technique

P1558. Children With a History of UC and IPAA Experience a More Rapid Progression to Pouch Failure Compared With Adults and Historical Controls P1569. Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis: Risks of Postoperative Complications With Preoperative Use of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Biologics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients P1590. Herpes Zoster Infection in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Receiving Tofacitinib: An Update as of May 2019 P1614. Is There a Benefit of Immunomodulator and Anti-TNF Combination Therapy Over Monotherapy in the Real World, Long-Term Management of IBD? Assessing Multiyear Treatment Persistence and Mucosal Healing P1617. Patients’ Preferences for Subcutaneous or Intravenous Administration Methods in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases P1647. The Vedolizumab Pregnancy Exposure Registry: An OTIS Pregnancy Study Update P1650. Pharmacokinetics and Immunogenicity of Maintenance Therapy With Ustekinumab: 2-Year Results From the UNIFI Long-Term Extension Study P1686. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Dosing Regimen With Adalimumab in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis: Results From the SERENE-UC Maintenance Study P1715. A Rare Case of Acquired Hemophilia A P1720. Pulmonary Necrobiotic Nodules; A Rare Manifestation of Ulcerative Colitis P1752. A Devastating Case of Transverse Myelitis in an Inflectra-Treated Crohn’s Disease Patient P1837. Effect of Opiate Usage on Patient Outcomes After Gastric Per-Oral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy (GPOEM) for Refractory Gastroparesis P1841. Emergent vs Urgent ERCP in Acute Cholangitis: A 20-Year National PopulationBased Analysis

P1449. Not Your Usual Variceal Bleed: A Rare Case of Ectopic Variceal Bleeding in the Gallbladder With Gallbladder Rupture

P1848. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Gallbladder Drainage vs Percutaneous Cholecystostomy vs Transpapillary Cystic Duct Stenting in Non-Surgical Patients With Acute Cholecystitis: A Large Tertiary Care Center Experience

P1458. Successful Endoscopic Therapy of Acute Lower GI Bleeding From Serosal Vessel Within a Contained Perforation Abscess Cavity

P1859. Outcomes of en-bloc vs Piecemeal Endoscopic Resection for Colorectal Polyps With High-Grade Dysplasia or Intramucosal Cancer

P1460. The Incremental Rate of Thromboembolic Events in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Compared to Patients Without Immune-Mediated Diseases

P1868. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Biopsy of Prevertebral Lesion in the Diagnosis of CD30-Positive T-cell Lymphoma

P1434. Disseminated Mucormycosis: A Rare Cause of GI Bleeding

P1877. Providing Stability to Your Work - A Novel Rigidizing Overtube Facilitates Complex Underwater EMR of a 7-cm Ascending Polyp

P1912. Endoscopic Removal of an Inverted Appendix

P1919. Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy (EVT) for the Successful Treatment of Duodenal Fistula P1964. Evaluation of the FAST Score in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and High Liver Stiffness Measurements P1967. Hepatotoxicity of Remdesivir for COVID-19: Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis P2000. Rates of Vaccine Administration After Liver Transplantation at a Large Tertiary Care Center P2002. Predictors and Outcomes of Palliative Care Consultations for Cirrhotics: Results of a Cohort Study of 75 Million Medical Records P2010. A Phase 3 Study Comparing Switching: Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) to Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) With Continued TDF Treatment in Virologically Suppressed Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B: Final Week 96 Results P2066. Safety and Efficacy of Switching to Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF) in Virally Suppressed Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) Patients With Hepatic Impairment: Week 48 Results From a Phase 2 Open Label Study P2075. Evaluating the Efficacy of Treatment for GAVE in Patients With Cirrhosis: A Large Single Center Analysis P2077. Low Yield of Head Computed Tomography (HCT) in Cirrhotic Patients Presenting With Altered Mentation P2094. Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Acute Hepatic Porphyria Treated With Givosiran Who Stopped Hemin Prophylaxis at Study Entry: A Post Hoc Analysis of Data From the Phase 3 ENVISION Study Through Month 12 P2105. The Risk of Cirrhosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Population-Based Study P2116. Inflammation May Explain Gender Disparities in NAFLD and NASH P2121. Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Manifestations of COVID-19: A Case Series of 711 Patients P2151. Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy in the Early Second Trimester Masquerading as Autoimmune Hepatitis P2175. Passive Transfer of HBsAb and HBcAb from IVIG: Implications for HBV Prophylaxis P2184. Budd-Chiari Syndrome Secondary to SARS-CoV-2 Infection P2240. The First Documented Case of Fulminant Liver Failure From Herpes Simplex Virus in an Immunocompromised Patient Taking Tofacitinib

P2274. A Case of Ketogenic Diet-Induced Elevated Cholesterol and Hepatitis in an Elderly Patient P2285. Pneumatosis With Hepatic Portal Venous Gas in COVID-19 P2310. When Liver Meets Heart: A Case Report of Polycystic Liver With Cardiac Compression Leading to Atrial Fibrillation P2323. A Case Series of "Macro"-AST: A Clinical Entity Worth Recognizing P2355. Excessive Vaping Leading to BuddChiari Syndrome P2409. An Unexpected Cause of Refractory Liver Abscesses P2428. Granulomatous Hepatitis: An Uncommon Presentation of Lymphoma P2489. A Rare Consult for Liver Injury: Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis P2499. Incorporation of Obesity Medicine Into the Care of Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: 1-Year Interim Results P2500. Identifying Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Who Require Pharmacotherapy for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Using the FAST Score P2505. The Effect of Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies on Diabetes Outcomes: A Systematic Review P2514. The Impact of Obesity Among Patients With COVID-19 Pneumonia P2517. Impact of Obesity on Illness Severity in Patients With COVID-19 P2518. The Incidence and Treatment Outcomes of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Among Various Bariatric Surgery Procedures: A Two Decade Tertiary Care Center Experience P2521. The Associations Between Obesity and Early Onset Colorectal Cancer: A Propensity-Weighted Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) P2524. Relationship of Body Mass Index to Mortality After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis P2527. The New Face of Malnutrition in the Era of Obesity Epidemic P2529. Impact of Medication Compliance on Tissue Response to Proton Pump Inhibitor and Topical Steroid Combination Therapy in Children With Eosinophilic Esophagitis P2533. Prediction of Surgical Intervention for Crohn’s Perianal Fistula in Children: Predictive Patient Demographic and Anatomic Features by MRI P2534. Pediatric ERCP: A Retrospective Single Center Analysis of Clinical Factors and Outcomes P2544. National Based Survey of All Gastroenterology Fellowship Trainees During COVID-19 Pandemic P2562. Scheduled vs Actual Procedure Times in a Tertiary Care Endoscopy Unit P2571. Impact of COVID-19 on a Large, Vertically Integrated Gastroenterology Community Practice P2573. TeleHealth in GI: A United States Survey to Assess Its Impact Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic P2576. Inappropriate Use of Fecal Immunohistochemical Testing (FIT) in the Hospital and Emergency Department: FIT Is Un-FIT for Inpatient and Emergency Use P2577. Do New Gastrointestinal Symptoms Warrant COVID-19 Testing? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P2581. Evaluation of Gender Disparity in Gastroenterology Societies’ Leadership P2584. Improving Vaccination Rates in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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P2600. A Novel Cause of Odynophagia From Unintentional Foreign Body Introduction During EGD With Dilation P2602. Mesenteric Panniculitis-Associated Risk of Malignancy – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P2604. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis: A Tale of Two Phenotypes P2606. Small Intestinal Microbiome Differs in Relationship to Clostridioides difficile Infection

P2632. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Clostridium difficile of the Small Bowel: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis P2644. Bouveret Syndrome: Using Electrohydraulic Lithotripsy to Clear the Way P2656. Drunk on Life: Auto Brewery Syndrome P2674. Abdominal Actinomycosis Mimicking Malignancy

P2608. Quality of Capsule Endoscopy Reporting in Patients Referred for Double Balloon Enteroscopy

P2728. New Onset Esophagitis and Ulcerative Duodenitis in a Patient With Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection

P2609. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19): Single Center Experience

P2737. A Case of COVID-19-Related Small Bowel Disease in Patient With Melena

P2613. Effects of Income and Resource Insecurity on the Clinical Course of Celiac Disease During the COVID-19 Pandemic P2614. Development of Brain Fogginess Symptom Questionnaire (BFSQ): Phase 1 Psychometric Study P2625. Clinical Characteristics and Gastrointestinal Manifestations Among Veterans Admitted With COVID-19 in Detroit, Michigan P2626. Mucolytic Treatment of Small Bowel Aspirates Improves Symptom Correlation and Identification of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Based on Culture and 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing P2627. Gastrointestinal Manifestations in COVID-19 Patients in the United States P2629. CNN Analysis of Video Capsule Endoscopy Frames Reduces Miss Rate of Relevant Lesions P2631. The First Advanced Network Analysis of the Small Bowel Microbiome in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Reveals That Escherichia and Klebsiella Are Disruptive to Network Integrity: Data From the REIMAGINE Study

P2777. Duodenal Primary Pure Duodenal Squamous Cell Carcinoma P2795. Etiology and Prevalence of Gastroparesis in Adults and Children in the United States: Analysis From a National Claims-Based Database P2797. High Discovery Rate of Previously Undiagnosed Patients With Eosinophilic Gastritis and Duodenitis Using a Systematic Endoscopic Biopsy Protocol: Screening Data Analysis From ENIGMA, a Randomized Controlled Trial P2800. Integrative Analyses Reveal Bile Acid Receptors Are Novel Prognostic Markers for Gastric Cancer P2810. EndoFLIP and Pyloric Dilation for Gastroparesis Symptoms Refractory to Pyloromyotomy/Pyloroplasty P2811. Gastrointestinal Symptoms Among Patients Admitted With COVID-19 and its Relation to Outcome: A Multi-Center Retrospective Analysis P2816. Impact of Chronic Nausea and Vomiting Syndrome on Work Productivity and Quality of Life: A Prospective CaseControl Study

P2818. A Study for Every Second Day Administration of Vonoprazan in Maintenance Treatment of Erosive GERD (ESD Von GERD): A Multicenter Randomized Crossover Study P2825. Gastrointestinal Symptoms Predict the Outcomes of COVID-19 Infection

P2935. Kaposi's Sarcoma Presenting as Linitis Plastica P2949. No Dermatologist Needed for This Collagen Filler: The Rare Presentation of Collagenous Gastritis in a Patient With Eosinophilic Esophagitis

P2882. Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: A Rarer Cause of Refractory Gastric Ulceration

Outstanding Poster Presenter Recognition The College is pleased to once again provide recognition for “Outstanding Poster Presenter” at this year’s Annual Meeting. ACG hopes to cultivate the ability of clinical GI researchers to use critical storytelling and presentation skills essential for a career as a clinical investigator and scientific communicator. Starting on Friday, October 9, expert faculty judges will begin reviewing posters on the ePoster Hall site and listening to recordings made by poster presenters. Each judge will select one or more presenters who are best able to communicate their key findings, the significance of their data, and articulate the potential impact of their work for clinicians and patients via the 3-minute recording. Outstanding Poster Presenter recipients will be indicated with a red award icon on the ePoster Hall site, and will receive a certificate after the meeting.

SEE OUR LATEST SAFETY DATA 1-3 UP TO 7 YEARS Visit the Entyvio Virtual Booth

References: 1. Loftus EV Jr, Feagan BG, Panaccione R, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2020;1-13. doi:10. 1111/apt.16060. 2. Data on file. Final CSR C31008, April 2020. Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. 3. Data on file. Internal communication, September 2020. Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. ENTYVIO is a trademark of Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is used under license by Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. ©2020 Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Produced in U.S.A. US-VED-0526v1.0 09/20

28 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News



Dr. William D. Chey is this year’s Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Awardee for his significant and distinguished contributions to clinical gastroenterology. This annual award recognizes not only clinical excellence, but also contributions in patient care, clinical science, clinical education, technological innovation, and public and community service.

Dr. Chey has built a reputation as a talented and skilled clinician in gastroenterology, and in particular, functional gastrointestinal disorders. He is currently the Timothy T. Nostrant Collegiate Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Michigan. In 2015, he was awarded a joint appointment in the Department of Nutrition Sciences. Since 2009, Dr. Chey has been Co-Director of the Michigan Bowel Control Program. This is a multi-disciplinary program that provides state-of-the-art care to patients with chronic constipation and fecal incontinence. Since 1993, Dr. Chey has served as the Director of the GI Physiology Laboratory, which performs 12 different tests and over 5,500 procedures per year. In 2008, Dr. Chey introduced the low-FODMAP diet to the Department of Nutrition and Division of Gastroenterology. He was the primary author for the American College of Gastroenterology’s Clinical Management Guideline on H. pylori Infection originally published in 2007 and most recently updated in 2017. He has also served on the American College of Gastroenterology IBS Task Force which published a management monograph on irritable bowel syndrome in 2009 and updated in 2018. He served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2010-15) and as an Editor of ACG’s online open access journal Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology (2011-14). ACG Service Dr. Chey has been a Fellow of the College since 1998 and has served on the ACG Board of Trustees since 2010 as well as the Board of Directors of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education from 2014-2015. He also served on the National Affairs Committee in 2001-2004, Annual Scientific Meeting Committee in 2003-2004, Practice Parameters Committee in 2004-2007 and 2010-2015, IBS Task Force in 2007-2009 and 2017, Research Committee in 2007-2009, Publications Committee in 20102015, Public Relations Committee in 2016-2018, and the Communications Council in 2013-2015. He was Course Director or Co-Director of numerous ACG courses, most recently the ACG Functional GI Disorders School in 2019-2020. Academic Career Noted for his skillful application of clinical acumen to his role as a leading clinician educator, Dr. Chey is described by one of his nominators for the Berk/Fise Award as an “outstanding, one-of-a-kind physician, clinical scientist, teacher and leader.” Many medical students, residents and fellows have trained under

Dr. Chey’s approachable and practical clinical care and teaching style.

Dr. Chey has both a very productive research career, and a busy clinical practice. As an independent clinical scientist and educator, his expertise is in chronic upper gastrointestinal disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease, dyspepsia, and functional bowel disorders. He has been principal investigator or co-investigator on over 80 funded clinical research studies. Much of his more recent research studies have focused on diet-related treatment approaches in functional GI and motility disorders and high quality randomized clinical treatment trials in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A prolific clinical investigator, Dr. Chey has authored more than 300 manuscripts, reviews, and book chapters. Honors In honor of his clinical skills, Dr. Chey received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Clinician at the University of Michigan in 2014. In the same year, his clinical prowess and standing amongst his peers was recognized by induction into the Department of Internal Medicine’s “Clinical Excellence Society.” He has been listed in Best Doctors in America since 2001, the top 1% of U.S. gastroenterologists in U.S. News & World Report in 2012 and 2013, and one of the 190 “Gastroenterologists to Know” in Becker‘s ASC. An Outstanding Role Model, Collaborator, and Mentor According to his Michigan colleague, Dr. Grace Elta, “Bill’s accomplishments as a physician, clinical researcher, innovator and leader are based, in part, upon characteristics found in many successful people including dedication, a tireless work ethic, and intelligence. However, what sets Bill apart from his peers is his boundless enthusiasm, grasp of the ‘big picture’, and ability to get people to share in his vision and collaborate to achieve a common goal.”



COLORADO George R. Winters. III, MD, FACG

ITALY Edoardo G. Giannini, MD, PhD, FACG

LOUISIANA Jordan J. Karlitz, MD, FACG

PUERTO RICO Willie Vazquezi, MD, FACG

UTAH Michael J. Sossenheimer, MD, PhD, FACG



On the merits of his numerous and significant contributions to clinical practice, education, research, and leadership, Dr. Chey fulfills the qualifications and embodies the spirit of the Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award. ABOUT THE BERK/FISE CLINICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award, formerly the ACG Clinical Achievement Award, is presented to no more than one member/Fellow of the College in any year, and is made in recognition of distinguished contributions to clinical gastroenterology over a significant period of time. In addition to a career of distinguished clinical practice of gastroenterology, specific criteria include contributions in patient care, clinical science, clinical education, technological innovation, and public and community service.

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SCAVENGER HUNT THE ACG SCAVENGER HUNT IS A GAME FEATURE WITHIN THE ACG 2020 MOBILE APP. Tap the Scavenger Hunt tile in the mobile app to start playing, then visit the participating exhibitors to access the QR code located in the Resources section of their virtual booth and answer a question. Answer all questions correctly and you will be in the running to win prizes including complimentary hotel, airfare, and registration for one person to attend ACG 2021 in Las Vegas, Beats by Dr. Dre™ wireless headphones, complimentary registration to the ACG 2021 Postgraduate Course, or complimentary registration to any ACG-sponsored 2021 Friday Course in Las Vegas. PARTICIPATING EXHIBITORS AbbVie

GI Supply

Allergan Ironwood


American College of Gastroenterology

Micro-Tech Endoscopy USA




Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


 OFFICIAL RULES: The Exhibit Hall Scavenger Hunt is only open to ACG 2020 registered attendees*. You must visit all participating companies and answer all Scavenger Hunt questions correctly in order to enter the drawing. Winners will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries and will be notified via email. This contest closes Wednesday, October 28th at 9:30 pm Eastern Time (players must complete the Scavenger Hunt by then to be eligible). *Exhibitors are not eligible to enter. All attendees are encouraged to visit the exhibitors, whose participation and support help offset costs for the meeting.

Restoration: An Evolution in Approaches SUNDAY

4:45 PM – 6:15 PM ET

25 OCTOBER 2020

Register now for this complimentary CME symposium

What’s on the horizon for emerging microbiota restoration therapies? Find out at a live virtual CME symposium, An Evolution in Microbiota Restoration Approaches and Results in C. difficile. Dr. Paul Feuerstadt, Dr. Sahil Khanna, and Dr. Gautam Mankaney share their approaches for the management and prevention of recurrent C. difficile. Sponsored by the Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning Supported by an educational grant from Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc. This event is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by ACG.

30 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

CME Virtual Satellite Symposium – held during Virtual ACG 2020


Updated Guidelines and Therapeutic Advances to Manage an Evolving Disease

Friday, October 23 • 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm EDT AGENDA


Ikuo Hirano, MD

Professor of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL

Introduction A Closer Look at Pathogenesis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

FACULTY Mirna Chehade, MD, MPH

Case Presentation

Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine Director, Mount Sinai Center for Eosinophilic Disorders Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, NY

Overcoming Diagnostic Challenges in EoE

Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH

Case Presentation

Professor of Medicine Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of North Carolina School of Medicine Chapel Hill, NC

Highlights of the New Guidelines and Treatment Options for EoE Question and Answer

Add to your Virtual ACG schedule!

© 2020 iLoveCoffeeDesign/

This continuing medical education activity is provided by

VINDICO medical education

This activity is supported by an educational grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

This event is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by ACG.

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 31

ACG MEMBERS Connect and collaborate within GI

The ACG GI Circles are Sponsored By:

ACG’s Online Professional Networking Communities Login or sign-up now at: 32 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News





Saturday, October 24, 2020 4:15 – 5:45 PM ET / 3:15 – 4:45 PM CT / 2:15 – 3:45 PM MT / 1:15 – 2:45 PM PT

WILLIAM D. CHEY, MD, FACG, AGAF, FACP, RFF (CHAIR) Michigan Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan



BROOKS D. CASH, MD, FACG UT Health Science Center at Houston Houston, Texas

ANTHONY LEMBO, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts


VIRTUALLY! DAKSESH B. PATEL, DO AMITA St. Francis Hospital Evanston, Illinois

Accredited by

For more information, please visit:

Provided by

This event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by ACG. Supported by an educational grant fromAnnual QOL Scientific MedicalMeeting LLC. & Postgraduate Course Meeting News ACG 2020

| 33

The ACG Edgar Achkar

Visiting Professorship Providing Noteworthy Speakers for Training in Your Communities

By Nicholas B. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG, Director, ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education The Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorship Program (EAVP) was developed to address an unmet need in GI training programs. This year, in response to travel restrictions due to COVID-19, the program has evolved to offer programs in both a virtual and in-person format. The ACG Institute for Research & Education recognized the value of interactions with world leaders in gastroenterology, which allow learning in an informal, small group setting, with a focus on the fellows-in-training. The Institute makes it a priority to match EAVP speakers with GI training programs which offer a broader opportunity for community involvement. Inviting ACG members in the local area and encouraging evening events with local gut clubs broadens the audience and adds value to the visits. To date, 79 institutions have hosted 51 speakers from coast to coast in the United States, as well as Canada. The feedback from both the speakers and the attendees has been outstanding— the speakers find the learners to be bright, engaged, inquisitive, and eager. Trainees report the speakers are knowledgeable, inspirational, and approachable. Leaders in gastroenterology have been enthusiastic in serving as visiting professors, despite their busy schedules and many other commitments.

ROY SOETIKNO, MD, MS visited the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on January 9, 2020 at the invitation of Sarah McGill, MD, MS. Dr. Soetikno presented on how to optimize the detection and resection of nonpolypoid (flat) colorectal neoplasms to the Triangle Gut Club. The audience, mostly private practice physicians and other providers, was very engaged and had many questions on the pros and cons of different resection techniques. The visit included an online course presented to UNC GI fellows and faculty just prior to the visit. Dr. Soetikno presented the literature on over-the-scope clip use for GI bleeding and several videos showing live cases of gastrointestinal bleeding and how the clips were used in those cases. Dr. Soetikno also led a detailed handson course on “Simulation Based Mastery Learning of Clipping Over The Scope Technique.” In two 3-hour sessions, Dr. Soetikno led UNC GI fellows and faculty

members in the endoscopy unit to set up the overthe-scope clips, deploy them, and use the accessory anchors. Attendees used bleeding models to deploy six to eight clips per learner, and also learned the movements of the technician. Dr. Soetikno also had dinner with the fellows and GI attendings on Friday night. According to Dr. McGill, “the biggest impact of Dr. Soetikno’s visit was that almost all of our fellows and most of our luminal GI faculty learned a new endoscopic skill set— the use of over-the-scope clips in GI bleeding. This was via preparation (via the online module) and repetition (during the hands-on course). For the GI faculty, we were exposed to a ‘flipped’ learning model and saw how to acquire a new endoscopic skill outside of fellowship training. I think the fellows appreciated most the ability to learn a skill that has direct applicability to patients we treat. The learners were engaged and excited. We are excited and hopeful that this allows us to more effectively treat GI bleeders and send fewer patients onto therapies that can have more complications, such as interventional radiology and surgery.” “This was a wonderful program and far exceeded my expectations! Thank you, ACG, for supporting this important educational activity! We really appreciate the opportunity to advance our endoscopic skills.“ - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Fellows

LAURA E. RAFFALS, MD, MS, FACG was invited to Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska on February 12, 2020, to present on IBD at the request of Erin T. Jenkins, MD. Dr. Raffals gave three lectures. The first was GI grand rounds and was attended by GI fellows, residents, GI faculty, and colorectal surgeons. In addition, Dr. Raffals gave a career development lecture for the fellows and later gave internal medicine grand rounds which was very well attended. Additionally, Dr. Raffals presented at Creighton University Internal Medicine grand rounds. The hospitalists and general internists were very engaged and asked numerous questions about preventative care recommendations in inflammatory bowel disease patients in inpatient and outpatient settings. Gastroenterologists and other specialists in attendance were also impacted by her discussion regarding shared decision-making with patients. “I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with the fellows who were very engaging and asked great

34 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

questions related to IBD and career development. This is an outstanding opportunity to bring in a speaker from outside one’s institution allowing exchange of ideas, professional and career development.” “Dr. Raffals discussed work life integration and career development with our fellows, both informally at dinner and formally during a didactic session. The fellows were inspired by her mentorship, advice, and personal examples about this topic, particularly in regard to gaining leadership skills and finding enjoyment and passion in work. She also inspired us to continue to make innovations to our new gastroenterology fellowship program. This is the aspect of the program that impacted fellows the most.” - Creighton University Fellow

STEPHEN B. HANAUER, MD, MACG had a virtual visit with Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania on August 7, 2020 at the invitation of M. Joshua Shellenberger, DO. Dr. Hanauer participated in Grand Rounds where fellows presented 10 cases and had specific questions for Dr. Hanauer to answer. During the 2-hour Grand Rounds, Dr. Hanauer fielded questions and offered input on the following: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and biologics. The audience was comprised of a range of fellows in the GI department. In a one-hour session, Dr. Hanauer presented on biologics and the “Best Practices in IBD Treatment 2020,“ focusing on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The virtual presentation was attended by Geisinger fellows and faculty members. Dr. Hanauer’s presentation emphasized the concept of treating to target and using clearly defined and objective biomarkers and endoscopy/radiology to prevent progressive bowel damage and complications. In addition, a large focus of what he shared focused on the use of histopathology to assess musocal healing in IBD. Dr. Hanauer gave advice on how to tailor the treatment to the individual patient and the best ways to monitor patients through the proactive assessment of inflammation. Ultimately, his research proved that earlier biologic treatment is associated with better clinical remission outcomes. “I very much enjoyed the virtual visit. The world has moved, temporarily or not, to virtual meetings. These are most successful when technology adapts to need for communications, which includes face to face interactions. “ - Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, MACG

For 2020, ACG Visiting Professors include: ROY M. SOETIKNO, MD, FACG  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  January 9-11

CHRISTINA HA, MD  University of New Mexico  Postponed until later in 2020

LAURA E. RAFFALS, MD, MS, FACG*  Creighton University  February 12

DAVID A. JOHNSON, MD, MACG  Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine  Postponed until later in 2020

STEPHEN B. HANAUER, MD, MACG  Geisinger  August 7 (virtual)

BRIAN E. LACY, MD, PHD, FACG  Allegheny General Hospital  Postponed until later in 2020

JOHN E. PANDOLFINO, MD  Providence-Providence Park Hospital  September 9-10

MILLIE D. LONG, MD, MPH, FACG  Tufts Medical Center  Postponed until later in 2020

PAUL Y. KWO, MD, FACG  University of California, Irvine  September 16 (virtual)

DAVID T. RUBIN, MD, FACG  Methodist Dallas Medical Center  Postponed until later in 2020

SUNANDA V. KANE, MD, MSPH, FACG*  Washington University in St. Louis  November 18

BRUCE E. SANDS, MD, MS, FACG  University of Kansas Medical Center  Postponed until later in 2020

CAROL A. BURKE, MD, FACG  Atrium Health in Charlotte, North Carolina  Postponed until later in 2020

*Received funding in 2019, visit scheduled in 2020

News from the ACG Institute Developing innovative programs focused on quality science, clinical research, and excellent educational offerings ACG Clinical Research Awards

Young Physician Leadership Scholars Program

The ACG Institute continues to support a robust research program, with the aim of supporting clinical research in gastroenterology and hepatology for a range of researchers. For 2021, the ACG Institute is funding 8 different award types, supporting researchers throughout the course of their careers from medical school to mid-career and senior clinical scientists. Of note, funding for the Junior Faculty Development Awards, the ACG’s career development award supporting 50% protected research time for three years, has increased from $100,000 per year to $150,000 per year ($450,000 over three years).

The primary goal of the ACG Young Physician Leadership Scholars Program is to develop future leaders in clinical gastroenterology. This program offers leadership and policy training to GI trainees in their third and fourth year of fellowship and includes opportunities to participate for junior faculty or private practice physicians who are less than 5 years out of training.

This year, two new award types are being offered by the ACG Institute—the Mid-Career/Senior Clinical Scientist Bridge Funding Award, which supports investigators in need of bridge funding to continue their research projects, and the ACG/Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, supported by a partnership with ASGE, to study endoscopy quality outcomes utilizing the GIQuIC registry. See grant announcement details for deadline and submission details: The ACG Institute is excited to announce the new award categories:

The Young Physician Leadership Scholars Program includes:

Pre-course learning Friday Course & Tuesday Session at ACG 2020 Participate in ACG Governors’ Washington, DC Fly-in April 2021 Participants will be immersed in course work on effective leadership, impactful networking, emotional intelligence, effective negotiation, group dynamics, and team building. The ACG Institute is excited for the participation of the third class of Young Physician Leadership Scholars. Learn more:

NEW Mid-Career/Senior Clinical Scientist Bridge Funding Award NEW ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy The ACG Institute continues to offer opportunities for early career physicians, including the opportunity to travel to the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting, for medical students and medical residents. Learn more:

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DEADLINE: December 4, 2020

THE ACG INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH & EDUCATION ANNOUNCES THE 2021 ACG CLINICAL RESEARCH AWARDS: The ACG seeks original, patient-oriented research in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, defined as: 1. Research conducted with human subjects 2. Research on new diagnostic and therapeutic intervention 3. Research on material of human origin such as tissues and specimens 4. Research that is translational in nature; i.e., have direct applicability to clinical care NOTE: Studies involving animals will not be considered unless the work cannot be done in humans.







 450k/ 3-year award (150k/ year)

 50k/ 1-year award

 15k/ 1-year award

 Research in clinical gastroenterology

 Research in clinical gastroenterology

 Requirements: • One investigator must be an ACG Member at time of submission

 Does not require pilot data

 50% protected time & career development  Requirements: • ACG Member at time of submission • Junior Faculty: <7 years out of fellowship

• Open to U.S., Canadian, and International physicians

• U.S. or Canada based

• GI or hepatology fellows (with a mentor)

• Full-time faculty position (instructor or assistant professor) • NOT for established investigators

• Not for residents or medical students • Pilot data required

 Requirements: • One investigator must be an ACG Member at time of submission • Open to U.S., Canadian, and International physicians • GI or hepatology fellows (with a mentor) • Not for residents or medical students

ACG 2021 “SMALLER PROGRAMS” CLINICAL RESEARCH AWARD  35K/ 1-year award  Does not require pilot data  Requirements: • ACG Member at time of submission • Full-time faculty position (instructor or assistant professor) • U.S. or Canada based • Smaller institutions: <15 FTE faculty across program sites (pediatric programs <7 FTE) • NOT for established investigators


36 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News



ACG 2021 MID-CAREER / SENIOR CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR BRIDGE FUNDING AWARDS  300k/ 2-year award (150k/ year)  Experienced physician faculty in need of bridge funding  Requirements: • ACG Member at time of submission • Physicians, full-time faculty (U.S. or Canada) • > 8 years out of fellowship or terminal training program • Evidence of recent concluded funding, or new anticipated funding (one of the following): 1. Recipient of a recently concluded (within 2 years) NIH R01, VA Merit Award or National Science Award 2. Evidence of an ongoing application for renewal for federal funding, or 3. Evidence of new federal funding (scored but not funded research grant) to be re-submitted

MEDICAL RESIDENTS AND MEDICAL STUDENTS RESEARCH AWARDS The purpose of these awards is to recognize and support promising trainees as they develop a career in clinical research in gastroenterology and hepatology. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to travel to the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting in October 2021. ACG 2021 RESIDENT CLINICAL RESEARCH AWARD

DEADLINE: December 4, 2020

ACG/ASGE EPIDEMIOLOGIC RESEARCH AWARD IN GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY  50k/ 1- or 2-year award  Seeks to promote use of GIQuIC national registry  Requirements: • ACG or ASGE member at time of submission

 10k/ 1-year award

• MD, DO, or PhD (North America or Canada)

 Requirements: • U.S. & Canadian Residents

• If applicant is a trainee, letter from Division Chief required

• 1st or 2nd year internal medicine or pediatric residents • Mentor must be an ACG Member at time of submission • Patient-oriented research: QI projects, retrospective cohort studies, meta-analysis, etc.

• Letter of support from GIQuIC




 5k/ 6-10 week research project  Requirements: • U.S. & Canadian Medical Students • 1st, 2nd or 3rd year medical students • Short-term research experience in GI and hepatology • Mentor must be an ACG Member at time of submission






LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ACG INSTITUTE The Clinical Research Awards are a project of the ACG Institute and are supported by charitable contributions to the G.U.T. Fund. The G.U.T. Fund is the Institute’s campaign whose mission is to Grow, Uplift, and Transform GI Research and Education. Visit for more information.

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 37

Unlock premium disease content and more. Try epocrates+ for 14 days — free. Learn how 38 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

COVID-19 Resources for Gastroenterology & Endoscopy Clinical Guidance & Insights for ACG Members

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has been a leader with up-to-the minute resources and insights for clinical gastroenterologists. Now with the focus on re-opening and ramping up endoscopy practices, ACG has provided a great roadmap to help our members at every turn on \ Resources and Webinars from ACG’s Endoscopic Resumption Task Force

\ Patient Education Handouts in English & Spanish

\ Latest COVID-19 Clinical Science from The American Journal of Gastroenterology

\ Links to Registries for COVID-19 Patients with GI and Liver Diseases \ ACG In the News during the Pandemic

\ Policy, Practice Management & Telehealth Insights



The ACG Endoscopy Resumption Task Force:

GUIDANCE ON SAFELY REOPENING YOUR ENDOSCOPY CENTER ACG Task Force on Endoscopic Resumption: Roadmap for Safely Resuming or Ramping-Up Endoscopy in the COVID-19 Pandemic May 2020 Resuming endoscopy during this pandemic is a tremendous challenge, with a daily deluge of new information, regulatory guidelines, expert opinions, and society recommendations. The ACG Task Force on Endoscopic Resumption critically reviews the available information and offers practical guidance for our members.  Read:

INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SYMPOSIA Industry-sponsored satellite symposia provide additional educational opportunities for attendees. These programs are independent of the Virtual ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course programs. The ACG is not the continuing medical education provider of these programs. These programs are listed in the Sessions section of the virtual platform and are open to all attendees. To register, add the program to your schedule within the virtual platform. All times are listed as Eastern Time. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23


Keeping Tabs on Colonoscopy Prep

A Focus on Type 2 Inflammation in Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

An Evolution in Microbiota Restoration: Approaches and Results in C. difficile

Jonathan Spergel, MD  11:00 am – 12:30 pm Hear an expert review the disease presentation of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) and the role of Type 2 inflammation. Our speaker will describe the nature of coexisting Type 2 diseases in patients with EoE and discuss the roles of epithelial barrier dysfunction, eosinophilic inflammation, and allergic inflammation in EoE.

Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG, Sahil Khanna, MD, MBBS, MS, FACG, Gautam Mankaney, MD  4:45 pm – 6:15 pm Join us for a live virtual symposium with an expert faculty panel as they discuss microbiota restoration therapy for C. difficile infection. Topics will include a comprehensive review of the evolution of fecal microbiota transplantation for C. difficle infection and a look into the next frontier of microbiota restoration therapies. Faculty will contextualize these results and discuss what the next year may look like.

Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACP, MACG, Jack A. Di Palma, MD, MACG, Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, MACG, Mark vB. Cleveland, PhD  6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Tablet bowel preparations may help offset patient avoidance of colonoscopy or inadequate cleansing through improved palatability compared with liquid products. This session reviews the rationale for using tablet preparations; efficacy, safety, and tolerability data for current and emerging tablet formulations; and how to discuss this option with patients and other providers.

This program is sponsored by Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Updated Guidelines and Therapeutic Advances to Manage an Evolving Disease Ikuo Hirano, MD, FACG, Mirna Chehade, MD, MPH, Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH, FACG  12:30 pm – 2:00 pm In this CME Virtual Satellite Symposium, expert faculty will provide guidance on the criteria for diagnosing Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) as well as review the updated guideline recommendations and treatment options for the optimal management of patients with EoE. Add this CME Virtual Satellite Symposium to your Virtual ACG 2020 schedule! This activity is supported by an educational grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.


Rethinking CSID: Time for a Paradigm Shift? Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG, William D. Chey, MD, FACG, Anthony J. Lembo, MD, FACG, Daksesh B. Patel, DO  4:15 pm – 5:45 pm Once believed to be a rare disorder, congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is increasingly recognized as an overlooked cause of unresolved GI symptoms in patients diagnosed with and treated for various functional gastrointestinal disorders. This genetic condition is characterized by reduced or absent sucrase-isomaltase enzyme activity, leading to undigested sugars and starches in the small intestine and colon and symptoms associated with carbohydrate malabsorption such as chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, and bloating. This program is sponsored by QOL Medical.

Supported by an educational grant from Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Transitioning Treatment Through New Immunological Pathways in Inflammatory Bowel Disease William J. Sandborn, MD, FACG, Kim L. Isaacs, MD, PhD, FACG, Bruce E. Sands, MD, MS, FACG  6:15 pm – 7:45 pm Drs. Sandborn, Isaacs, and Sands will summarize new evidence on investigational agents with unique mechanisms of action that are in late-stage development for the treatment of moderate-tosevere inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They will evaluate the most recent clinical findings on the safety and efficacy of therapies that target immunological pathways. They will also assess therapeutic regimens for moderate-to-severe IBD for their ability to improve outcomes in patients who are tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor-naïve or have previously received TNF inhibitors. This activity is supported by an educational grant from Genentech, Inc.


Integrating Biosimilars in the Management of IBD: Navigating the Maze David T. Rubin, MD, FACG, Bincy P. Abraham, MD MS, FACG  12:30 pm – 2:00 pm In this symposium, Drs. David Rubin and Bincy Abraham, two experts on biosimilars for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), review the science and regulation of biosimilars, discuss strategies for integrating biosimilars into clinical practice, and share tips for gaining patient and clinician acceptance of these therapies. This program is supported by an independent educational grant from Samsung Bioepis.

40 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

Supported by an educational grant from Braintree, A Part of Sebela Pharmaceuticals.


Clinical Review of an Oral Prescription Treatment Option for Adults With Ulcerative Colitis Bincy P. Abraham, MD, MS, FACG, Michael V. Chiorean, MD, FACG  12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Drs. Bincy Abraham and Michael Chiorean will discuss the clinical data and safety profile of a prescription treatment for adult patients with moderately to severely active UC. This program is sponsored by Pfizer.

Raising the Bar for Diagnosis & Management of Gastroparesis: Current Understanding in 2020 Thomas Abell, MD, Linda Anh B. Nguyen, MD, Henry P. Parkman, MD, FACG  6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Educational Objectives: Briefly describe the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of gastroparesis, highlight the burden of gastroparesis on patients and healthcare systems, and illustrate the challenges in diagnosis and long-term management. This program is sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

EXHIBITOR PRODUCT THEATER EVENTS Open to all Virtual ACG 2020 attendees, these sponsored presentations provide additional educational opportunities for attendees. No CME is provided for Theater presentations. These programs are listed in the Sessions section of the virtual platform. To register, add the program to your schedule within the virtual platform. All times are listed as Eastern Time. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24


Seeing Results Clearly

Seeing The Unseen - Identifying Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Chronic Pancreatitis

Asher Kornbluth, MD  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Join us to learn about a treatment for patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s Disease. This event is sponsored by AbbVie.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Understanding a Treatment Journey for Patients With Short Bowel Syndrome: A Clinical Perspective on the Potential Role of GATTEX® (teduglutide) in Adult Patients With SBS Robert Carroll, MD  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a serious and chronic malabsorption disorder resulting from physical loss and functional deficiency of portions of the intestine, primarily due to surgical resection. This program will discuss the role of GATTEX in patients with SBS and will highlight a patient case study. Sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 Treatments for the Active Management of IBS-C, CIC, and IBS-D Featuring Telemedicine and Phase 3B Data for a Treatment Option for IBS-C Darren M. Brenner, MD, FACG  2:00 pm – 3:00 pm IBS-C, CIC, and IBS-D are prevalent disorders with chronic and burdensome symptoms that impact many adult Americans. Currently, only a fraction of those experiencing symptoms actually seek care with their HCP, which leaves many untreated and still suffering. Please join us for a virtual product theater with Dr. Darren Brenner to review clinical data on treatments that may help your patients. This program is sponsored by AbbVie and Ironwood.

Tyler Stevens, MD, MS, FACG  2:00 pm – 3:00 pm This product theater, sponsored by AbbVie, is designed to help medical professionals recognize exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Throughout this program, we will review the symptoms and clinical consequences of EPI and provide insights on how to diagnosis EPI through the use of supplemental laboratory tests. This program is sponsored by AbbVie.

Hear a Leading Expert Discuss a Treatment for Moderate to Severe Crohn's Disease (CD) Asher Kornbluth, MD  4:30 pm – 5:30 pm This program is sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

Learn about Motegrity (prucalopride), a treatment option introduced in 2019 Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG  5:30 pm – 6:30 pm This speaker program will discuss an approved treatment option, Motegrity. Hear Dr. Brooks D. Cash explain and answer questions about clinical trial design, mechanism of action, safety and efficacy data, and dosing/ administration information for Motegrity. This event is sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 See EoE: A Closer Look at Diagnosing and Managing Eosinophilic Esophagitis Ikuo Hirano, MD, FACG, Jonathan Spergel, MD, PhD  2:00 pm – 3:00 pm This event is sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

Investigating the Potential of Immuno-Oncology Research Speaker TBD  4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Immuno-Oncology (I-O) research is the investigation of innovative approaches that aim to harness the body’s natural immune response to fight cancer. BMS offers an unbranded educational speaker program; the goal of this program is to increase awareness of the potential of I-O research.

Understanding the Data on Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACG  4:30 pm – 5:30 pm This event is sponsored by AbbVie.

This Expert Theater is sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb.

Jumping JAK-STAT: Translating Science to Understanding Disease – the JAK-STAT Pathway in IBD Florian Rieder, MD, FACG  5:30 pm – 6:30 pm This program will provide education on the JAK-STAT pathways by reviewing how different cytokines influence cellular mechanisms and modulate gene transcription. The aberrant cytokine signals mediated by JAK-STAT pathways, play a key role in the pathogenesis of IBD. This Exhibitor Program is sponsored by Gilead Sciences, Inc.

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 41

Leveraging our rich biologics experience for making quality biosimilar medicines • Over 20 years at the forefront of innovator biologic medicines for inflammation1

• Worldwide leader in biologics manufacturing with a reliable track record of delivering high-quality medicines3

• Four FDA-approved biosimilar medicines, two with GI indications2

• One of the world's leading independent biotechnology companies3

One of our most exciting pursuits is the exploration of biosimilar medicines What are biosimilars? Biosimilars are biologic medicines that are highly similar to the existing licensed biologic products (reference products or originator biologics), with clinically no meaningful differences in terms of safety and efficacy4

Why biosimilars? With increased availability of lower-cost biosimilars, patients, healthcare providers, and payers have a range of treatment options and a degree of flexibility in treatment choice4

Are biosimilars generics? A biologic molecule is grown in living cells, which leads to inherent variability; therefore, a biosimilar is highly similar, though not structurally identical, to an originator product5

By inhibiting specifically targeted biochemical pathways of inflammation, clinical remission may be possible with the advent of biologics for chronic inflammatory diseases, offering additional treatment plan options to healthcare providers and patients6,7

Scan to discover more! FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GI, gastrointestinal. 1. Amgen History. Accessed September 11, 2020. 2. FDA Approved Biosimilar Products. approved-products. Accessed September 11, 2020. 3. Quick Facts. Accessed September 11, 2020. 4. Biosimilar and Interchangeable Biologics. Accessed September 11, 2020. 5. Sekhon BS, et al. Dovepress. 2011;1:1-11. 6. Therapeutic Area Heritage. Accessed September 11, 2020. 7. Keyser FD. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2011;7:77-87. 42 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News Inc. All rights reserved ©2020 Amgen


ACG 2020 EXHIBIT HALL THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF MEDICINE IS EVER-CHANGING AND ADVANCING THE PRACTICE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. Showcasing these latest advances in technology and therapeutics is the ACG 2020 Virtual Exhibit Hall where more than 70 companies will display and demonstrate their products and services. Companies that exhibit include pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical instrument suppliers, research companies, technology companies, publishers, non-profit organizations, recruiters, and many others.






• epocrates

• Advanced Pathology Solutions

• ERBE USA, Inc.

• Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases HMP Global

• Ferring Pharmaceuticals

• Mother to Baby pregnancy studies conducted by The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists • Nestlé Health Science

• Allakos

• FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. Endoscopy Division

• Allergan

• Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News

• Olympus America Inc.

• Altus Biologics

• Genentech a Member of the Roche Group

• Pentax Medical

• American College of Gastroenterology

• GI & Hepatology News

• Pfizer

• Amgen


• Provider Solutions & Development

• Arena Pharmaceuticals

• GI Pathology, PLLC

• RedHill Biopharma

• ARJ Infusion Services

• GI Supply

• Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

• Baptist Health Medical Group

• Gilead Sciences, Inc.

• Sanofi Genzyme & Regeneron

• Boston Scientific


• SciMentum

• Bristol Myers Squibb


• SonarMD

• CDx Diagnostics

• IM HealthScience

• Sonic Healthcare USA/Aurora Diagnostics

• ChiRhoClin, Inc.

• Indiana University Health

• SSM Health

• Commonwealth Laboratories, Inc.

• STERIS Endoscopy

• Cook Medical

• Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Business of Medicine Physician MBA

• CRH Medical

• Janssen Biotech, Inc.

• Tesseraet Medical Research

• Diversatek Healthcare

• LifePoint Health

• UCB, Inc.

• Eli Lilly & Co.

• MDCalc

• Wealth Management Strategies

• EndoGastric Solutions

• Medtronic

• Wolters Kluwer

• EndoTherapeutics, Inc.

• Micro-Tech Endoscopy USA

• World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO)

• Norton Healthcare

• Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

• Modernizing Medicine Gastroenterology/gMed

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 43


Visit the


ACG Virtual Store The Virtual ACG Store will be open

OCTOBER 9-30, 2020 ï‚‹




by Case Reports edited by Journal of An Online Case Reports edited s Journal of An Online & Hepatology Fellow s Gastroenterology & Hepatology Fellow Gastroenterology

LEARN FROM LEADING EXPERTS Join the discussion with Dr. Kornbluth to learn more about the clinical profile of Entyvio

TUNE IN ON Tuesday, October 27, 4:30pm ET Entyvio Virtual Booth Asher Kornbluth, MD

Don’t miss our clinical discussions with two featured Entyvio speakers JOIN US ON Monday, October 26, 6:00pm ET Wednesday, October 28, 4:30pm ET

Brian G. Feagan, MD, FRCPC

Brian L. Bressler, MD, MS, FRCPC

These events are neither sponsored by nor endorsed by ACG.

ENTYVIO is a trademark of Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is used under license by Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. ©2020 Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Produced in U.S.A. US-VED-0526v1.0 09/20

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 45

Meet the 2020–2021 ACGCRJ Editorial Board New Co-Editors-in-Chief Reflect on the ACG Case Reports Journal

By Ahmad N. Bazarbashi, MD, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA & Isabel A. Hujoel, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Ahmad N. Bazarbashi, MD Co-Editor-in-Chief Brigham and Women's Hospital

Isabel A. Hujoel, MD Co-Editor-in-Chief Mayo Clinic

We are thrilled to serve as Co-Editorsin-Chief of the ACG Case Reports Journal. This long standing fellow-run journal represents the College’s commitment to supporting gastroenterology trainees by promoting academic and professional growth. Pursuing a career in gastroenterology and hepatology has many challenges, one of which is the growing competitiveness of this dynamic field. Research in gastroenterology has become an essential part of a trainee’s application. We are fortunate to train in a field with a plethora of radiologic, endoscopic, and laboratory-based findings which allow for the publication of interesting case reports. The process of writing, submitting, and ultimately publishing these case reports is a significant opportunity to develop the skills required for academic pursuit. ACG Case Reports Journal has provided the perfect platform for medical

Neal Mehta, MD Associate Editor Cleveland Clinic

Mike T. Wei, MD

students, residents, and fellows interested in gastroenterology and hepatology to both enhance their applications but, more importantly, to contribute to medical literature.

WRITING A CASE REPORT EMPOWERS CRITICAL THINKING, ALLOWS FOR ROBUST LITERATURE REVIEW, AND HELPS DEVELOP THE SKILLS NEEDED TO BUILD A CAREER IN RESEARCH. We have both been fortunate to serve as associate editors for this journal. During our year in this role, we have learned how to read and carefully dissect case reports, provide constructive feedback, make editorial decisions, and most importantly, learn from outstanding rare and interesting case reports from all over the world. We are now humbled and honored to serve as Co-Editors-in-Chief with an outstanding group of talented

An Invitation We invite the GI community, nationally and internationally, to look through our journal, learn from the various case reports, images and videos, and to browse through the editorials written by current and past associate editors. We invite gastroenterology fellows to apply as reviewers for the journal in order to learn and practice the fundamental skills of peer reviewing manuscripts. Finally, we invite gastroenterology trainees to apply to our journal as associate editors next year and join the ever-growing family at ACG Case Reports Journal.

Ramzi H. Mulki, MD

Malav P. Parikh, MD Associate Editor SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

Associate Editor The University of Alabama

Hirsh D. Trivedi, MD

Cassandra D. Fritz, MD

Associate Editor Stanford University

Associate Editor Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Sobia N. Laique, MD

Katherine A. Falloon, MD

Associate Editor Cleveland Clinic

associated editors, each with their own interest in various subspecialties and strong clinical and research backgrounds. We are excited to serve the GI and liver community with interesting case reports and provide a platform to allow professional and academic growth for those who are seeking a career in gastroenterology.

Associate Editor Cleveland Clinic

Associate Editor Washington University

 View all published cases without a subscription:

Thanks to outgoing ACGCRJ Editorial Board members!

Sanchit Gupta, MD Associate Editor Brigham and Women's Hospital

Judy A. Trieu, MD Associate Editor Loyola University Medical Center

We thank the outgoing members of the Editorial Board for their outstanding service to the Journal and wish them continued success in their careers. Editor-in-Chief • C. Roberto SimonsLinares, MD

• Yuri Hanada, MD

Editors • Brett W. Sadowski, MD

• Akshata Moghe, MD

• Alexander J. Podboy, MD

46 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

• Kenechukwu O. ChudyOnwugaje, MD • Kalpit H. Devani, MD.


INNOVATIVE GI and HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH Published by ACG  Open access journal in GI and hepatology 2019 IMPACT FACTOR:

 Fully indexed, online-only journal published continuously


 Translational studies, methods primers, reviews, and more  Discounted APC pricing for ACG members and AJG transfers

We Need Reviewers!

CTG Needs Experienced Reviewers with Basic Science, Genetics, or Translational Expertise to Peer Review Manuscripts!

Sign up today by emailing

with your areas of interest.

Learn More: *2019 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2020)

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 47



Spring 2020


Spring 2019





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48 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News



IS IT TIME TO MAKE THE EHR SWITCH? Are you settling for late-night documentation, efficiency issues, or not being able to connect with remote patients just because you’ve heard that switching EHR systems is painful? Come talk to representatives from Modernizing Medicine® Gastroenterology at ACG 2020 Virtual and see how simple it can be to switch to our suite of gastroenterology-specific products and services, such as:

3gGastro , our GI-specific, data-driven EHR system 3Practice Management system, plus Business Operations Services Solutions for patient engagement 3and empowerment ®

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Stop by our booth at ACG 2020 Virtual to request a demo and find out why now is the right time to switch. or call 561.235.7505 *2020 Black BookTM | ©2020 Modernizing Medicine Gastroenterology, Inc.

ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News | 49


American College of Gastroenterolog y


LEARN THE LATEST CLINICAL UPDATES, get the answers you seek, and exchange ideas with colleagues at ACG . Designed with the busy GI clinician in mind, a end for one day for one or more optional Friday courses, two days for the weekend Postgraduate Course, three days for the Annual Scientific Meeting, or a combination of the three. Combine your educational experience with the glamour, glitz and fun of Las Vegas. The Premier GI Clinical Meeting & Postgraduate Course 50 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

Sterile. Single-Use. Problem Solved. Ambu® aScope™ Duodeno The new Ambu® aScope™ Duodeno is a single-use duodenoscope for ERCP procedures. aScope Duodeno is familiar in form and function, delivering reliable performance for you. With the aScope Duodeno, you can have a brand new sterile, single-use duodenoscope straight from the pack every time. For decades, interventional endoscopists have used duodenoscopes to perform lifesaving ERCP procedures. There is, however, growing concern that even with the most stringent cleaning procedures, patient cross-contamination can occur with reusable duodenoscopes. Our single-use endoscopes are trusted by more than 3,800 hospitals worldwide.

To learn more or schedule a product demo, visit

GI Supply is bringing you more by expanding our portfolio for Gastroenterologists

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GI Supply is proud to offer Solar HRM, Solar HRAM and Ohmega from the Laborie product portfolio in addition to Spot™ EX and EverLift™.

Visit today to learn more about these exciting additions to our product line. G-1761 ©2020 GI Supply. All rights reserved.

52 | ACG 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course Meeting News

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