Corriedale_Spring 2019

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Spring 2019

Corriedale EXTRA



Two Time National Champion MERLAU FARMS

P.O. Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163 Home: 317-861-4250 SPRING 2019 Office: 317-861-4795

CRAIG SHEEP FARM 2016 Cty. Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873 Cell: 217-714-0552

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Dew Drop


“ Home of the Big Bucks and Foundation Females”

Congratulations to

Abigal Thorton

This fall ewe was purchased at the 2018 National, later 1st and Reserve Senior Champion Ewe at Louisville.

We Sel The Go l od Ones!

Check Out Our Youth Program

Rebecca Kugler of Pennsylvania had tremendous success on a ewe bought from us. Good job, Rebecca! Duane 218-640-7800 Page 2

See U At Th s Sale e s

The reigning National Champion Ewe was also Supreme Champion at the MN State Fair for her new owner, Rae Ann Peterson. New York Mills, MN

2018 National Corriedale Queen Jacey Cook had great success with a ewe bought from us. Congratulations, Jacey!

Darin 218-639-8484 The

Corriedale EXTRA

Officers and Executive Board Jim Kin, President Forest, OH • (419) 674–3346 Gary Heibertshausen, Vice-President Alzada, MT • (567) 224–9002


Corriedale EXTRA

is published on a semi-annual basis with Spring and Fall editions by the...

AMERICAN CORRIEDALE ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. Box 391, Clay City, Illinois 62824 Phone & Fax: (618) 676-1046 Cell: (618) 780-7747 EDITOR: Marcia Craig The Corriedale Extra will be mailed free of charge to all active ACA members, AJCA members and associate members. If you wish to receive a copy please contact the ACA office

Marcia Craig, Secretary–Treasurer Clay City, Illinois (618) 780–7747 Alex Wolf Upper Sandusky, Ohio (419) 310-9153 Ryan Gann Leaf River, IL 815/979-3117 Christine Humphrey New Braintree, MA (508) 721-2449  •  (508) 864-1800

Advertising Deadline 2019 Fall Issue — Sept. 27

In order to publish on time, ads need to be turned in by the deadline. The

Corriedale EXTRA Rinda Maddox – Advertising Sales and EXTRA Publisher Week days: (217) 288-9365 Cell/anytime: (217) 474-9365 Fax: (217) 288-9366 P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 The Extra is published through the office of The Sidell Reporter by Owner/Editor Rinda Maddox. SPRING 2019

Advertising Rates set by ACA Front cover/one color........................ $200 Back cover/one color......................... $200 Inside covers.......................Call ACA office Full page............................................ $175 Half page........................................... $125 Quarter page....................................... $75 2” Ad.................................................... $40 Two page ad (2 free photos).............. $300 Photos................................ 1st photo free additional photos $10 each All rams and ewes with christened names in ad will be charged $25 name registration fee. Spot color only available on covers Page 3

What You See Is What You Get.



271 Crum Road, Fairfield, PA 17320 240-818-8871 Page 4


Corriedale EXTRA

President’s Note  Hello to all Corriedale breeders. I hope all of the hard work and planning within your breeding programs have turned out as anticipated. Here in Ohio the winter weather has been a wild ride, with record cold temperatures one week, followed by record warmth the next. Congratulations to all of the junior and open exhibitors at the North American Show. The quality of both shows was very impressive. The results from these shows are shown in this issue. Next up is our National Sale being held with the Big Ohio Sale in Eaton. The junior show will be held on Thursday, May 9 at 7 p.m. The National Show will be the following day, May 10 at 9 a.m. Following the shows,

the week will complete with the sale on Saturday at 10 a.m. Following the National Sale, we also expect to see a quality consignment at the Midwest Sale in Sedalia, Mo. in June. Finally, I would like to say thank you for the honor and privilege it has been to serve the Corriedale Association for the past three years on the Executive Board, as well as vicepresident and recently as president. I look forward to seeing all breeders and exhibitors shortly at the upcoming events. See you in Ohio, Jim Kin

Banquet Reservations

Gathering Place, Eaton, OH 6:30 p.m. Dawn Wallace, 755 N. Hufford Rd, Casstown, OH 45312 (937) 875-0373

Home of fine and dense fleeced Corriedales since 1976.

Wellman Family Corriedale P.O. Box 84, Hamilton, CO 81638 •

John: 970-824-4736 Eric: 970-701-9107 Visitors are always welcome at the Ranch.


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Official Notice Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet The 2019 Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Banquet with the Election of Officers and National Corriedale Queen selection will be held on Friday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the The Gathering Place, located at 501 Nation Avenue, Eaton, Ohio 45320. This is located just north of the Preble County Fairgrounds. This provides us with the opportunity to enjoy an evening of fun with our many Corriedale friends. Following the meal there will be the presentation of the Guy L. Green Award and the Guthrie Award for the Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. Banquet Reservations Make banquet reservations with Dawn Wallace, 755 N Hufford Road, Casstown, OH 45312, (937) 875-0373 or email her at The banquet is Friday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. at The Gathering Place in Eaton, Ohio located at 501 Nation Avenue, just north of the Preble County Fairgrounds. American Junior Corriedale Association Meeting The 2019 annual meeting of the AJCA will be held during the National Show and Sale in Eaton, Ohio. This meeting will be held on Friday, May 10 following the National Corriedale Show with new directors to be elected. The National Junior Show is Thursday, May 9 at 7 p.m. This will be a great fun-filled weekend in Ohio! Annual Business Meeting In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Corriedale Association, Inc., most items of business are transacted at the Past Presidents/State and Area Directors Meeting. This meeting is scheduled Friday, May 10, 2019 at 1 pm at the Preble County Fairgrounds, Eaton, Ohio. If anyone has any business to come before this meeting, please submit it in writing to the president, Jim Kin, so it can be properly presented and acted upon. Jim’s address is 12831 Township Highway 87, Forest, OH 45843. Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award One of the highlights of our Annual Membership Meeting will be the presentation of the Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award to a deserving junior member under the age of 21. The basis for this award is someone who has had outstanding participation in junior activities, as well as various accomplishments in school, 4-H, FFA, church and community. The application for this award is available on our website at or by calling the ACA office at (618) 780-7747. It is due in the Association office by May 1, 2019 for consideration. The winner will receive a $150 monetary award, certificate and Corriedale note pad. Outstanding Junior Shepherd Award This award will be presented during the Annual Meeting and will be judged on a junior member’s outstanding participation in AJCA activities, as well as accomplishments and the promotion of Corriedales on the junior level. There is no application to fill out and the Executive Board with the help of the AJCA advisors will make this award selection with the individual’s commitment to Corriedales taken into consideration. This is also based on the member’s conduct, presentation of their sheep, as well as their willingness to help other junior members. Page 6


Corriedale EXTRA

Annual Fun Auction Following our Annual Membership Meeting on Friday, May 10, 2019 the annual Fun Auction will be held. This always proves to be great fun and the generosity of those who donate, as well as those who purchase items, are greatly appreciated! Item donations are still needed for this event and can be sent to Marcia Craig at 124 Teaberry Lane, Clay City, IL 62824 or brought with you to this fun filled evening. The proceeds of this event area to be divided equally between the ACA and the AJCA. Junior Show Donations Premiums and prizes awarded to class winners and champions in the National Junior Show are supported by the generous donations of this membership as well as outside donors. Donations may be sent to Dawn Wallace, 755 N Hufford Road, Casstown, OH 45312. Thank you in advance for your support of the National Junior Show! Scholarship Applications The 2019 American Corriedale Association Scholarship will be awarded on Friday, May 10 at the Annual Business Meeting. This year’s scholarship will be for $600 with the AJCA donating $500 of the $600 ACA scholarship. Applications for the scholarship must be turned in to the Association office no later than May 1, 2019. The applicant’s high school and college transcripts must accompany their application. The scholarship application is available at

R & R Farms Welcome to Ohio for The National Sale Congratulations to Zach Claycomb of PA on his continued success with our breeding and his Corriedale Sheep. Roger Clark 5187 Arrow Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-895-2478 • SPRING 2019

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Duane • Joana • Taylor • Thomas

C O R R I E DA L E S We Took the Challenge & Stood with the Best at the 2018 National Show!

Res. Grand Champion Ewe

1st Late Ewe Lamb Member of our 2nd Pair Ewe Lambs

Res. Senior Champion Ram 2nd Place Yearling Ram

Senior Champion Ewe 1st Place Yearling Ewe

Res. Senior Champion Ewe 2nd Place Yearling Ewe She & her twin sister shown left were also 1st Pair

Announcing our new Border Leicester Flock! We added a select set of lambs & bred ewes from Overlook Manor, VA including lambs like this:

Res. Champion Ewe

1st Late Ewe Lamb National Border Leicester Show!

Special Thanks to Thanks To All Scott Bredahl and Craig Fleck Our 2018 crews for handling Buyers! our sheep! Contact us for all your Breeding & Showing needs!

4465 34th St., P.O. Box 67, New Salem, N.D. 58563 Home: (701) 843-8750 • Cell: (701) 400-8744 • Like Friesz Livestock on Facebook! Page 8


Corriedale EXTRA

2018 Ewe Lamb Futurity The 2018 Ewe Lamb Futurity had 26 lambs shown by 17 individuals competing for prize money and we appreciate the participation of these juniors in the program. We especially want to thank those who nominated lambs – you make this program possible for our youth! Our National Show & Sale once again had 100 percent futurity ewe lamb nominations! Twenty dollars of their nomination fee goes to make a $700 purse available to these participants plus $500 which is donated by the AJCA, making the total purse for 2018 at $1,200. Five of the $25 nomination fee goes to make up a purse of $175 for the yearling ewe futurity comeback class at the 2019 National Junior Show. Purchase a futurity ewe lamb and get into the competition for 2019! We will again have a double points show immediately following the purchase of your new futurity ewe lamb, which will follow the National Sale on Saturday, May 11 in Eaton, Ohio. Remember


2018 Ewe Lamb Futurity winner Jordan Vineyard, Ohio, with his ewe lamb BWH 3975. the NAILE Junior Show is double points and staying to show in the NAILE open show garners even more points for your futurity lambs. Placings in the futurity competition were as follows: 1. Jordan Vineyard, OH-BWH 3975 2. Bradyn Wolf, OH-HEIB 612 3. Alec Wibben, IL-FRIESZ 855 Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-HEIB 614 Brady Craig, IL- BWH 3992 6. Thomas Wallace, OH-HEIB 625 7. Chloe Wyllie, OH-BANDT 1153 8. Jacey Cook, MO-DDF 7-78 Katelynn Wallace, OH-DDF 7-70 10. Katelynn Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 822 When you see these people be sure and express your appreciation of their support of this program for our junior members! AJCA-$500 5-H Farms, MT (7) Phillippi Corriedales, MT (5) Bandt Corriedales, WI (4) Dew Drop Farms, MN (4) Friesz Corriedales, ND (4) Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD (4) Morris Corriedales, IL (3) Federer Corriedales, WY (2) Max L. Woolever, IL (2) Page 9

Open Show Results Grand Champion Ram Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Reserve Grand Champion Ram Peters’ Corriedales, OH Grand Champion Ewe Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Friesz Corriedales, ND Best Fleece Brian Heibertshausen, OH Best Headed Brian Heibertshausen, OH Premier Breeder Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Yearling Ram Merlau & Craig, IN/IL-CRAIG 1714 (Grand Champion/Senior Champion) Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 705 (Reserve Senior Champion) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1630 Senior Ram Lamb Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1734 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1738 Jacey Cook, MO-DDF 6-94 Intermediate Ram Lamb Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1800 (Res. Grand Champion/Jr. Champion) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1805 (Reserve Junior Champion) Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 824 Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 823 Peters’ Corriedales, OH –PETERS 1801 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1812 Junior Ram Lamb Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1816 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1820 Pair Ram Lambs Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Friesz Corriedales, ND Peters’ Corriedales, OH Yearling Ewes-Early Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1530 (Grand Champion/Senior Champion) Brian Heibertshausen, OH-BAH 42 (Best Headed/Best Fleece)) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-WOLF 068 Page 10

Yearling Ewes-Late Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 709 (Senior Champion) Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 708 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1636 Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1702 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1633 Pair Yearling Ewes Friesz Corriedales, ND Merlau & Craig, IN/IL Senior Ewe Lamb Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 7-80 (Reserve Senior Champion) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-BWH 3992 Jacey Cook, MO-DDF 7-78 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1736 Intermediate Ewe Lamb Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1807 (Junior Champion) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1806 Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 810 Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 830 Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1807 Junior Ewe Lamb Friesz Corriedales, ND-FRIESZ 85 (Reserve Junior Champion) Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1821 Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1810 Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1813 Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1819 Pair Ewe Lambs Merlau & Craig, IN/IL Friesz Corriedales, ND Peters’ Corriedales, OH Flock Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Friesz Corriedales, ND Wool Show Corriedale Ram Fleeces Kaitlyn Stillion, OH Abigail Thornton, OH Corriedale Ewe Fleeces Abigail Thornton, OH Abigail Thornton, OH Kaitlyn Stillion, OH The

Corriedale EXTRA


CRAIG 1714

DOB 2/2017 Twin

Sire: WOLF 047 Dam: CRAIG 1409 This ram was

National Grand Champion Corriedale Ram

in 2017 as a lamb and in 2018 as a yearling

We thank Ryan Craig for the opportunity to purchase half interest in this ram. We are hopeful for positive contributions from Craig 1714 and MLW 1748 in our future lamb crops. Give us a call or stop by the farm. Max & Donna Woolever 959 Co Rd 1900 E., Greenup, IL 62428 • (217) 923-3952 •


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Executive Board Meeting Tuesday, June 26, 2018 • 5:30 p.m. Missouri State Fairgrounds FFA Building The meeting was called to order by President Joana Friesz with the following board members present: Joana Friesz, Jim Kin, Gary Heibertshausen, Alex Wolf, and Marcia Craig. Ryan Gann joined via conference call. Secretary’s Report The minutes of the executive board meeting from the annual event in 2017 were approved as presented. The financial report

Weights & Measurements Participation in weights and

measurements is mandatory during our National Show and Sale in Eaton, Ohio. It is the responsibility of the consignor to get their animals to this weighing and measuring following the show. If you do not participate in this part of the National evaluations then you will not be allowed to sell.

was passed out with a balance at the end of our fiscal year of $14,658.00. This is an increase of $992 from our previous year. Comeback Class The payout for the 2018 Comeback Yearling Ewe Class will be 1st Place-$200; 2nd Place-$125; 3rd Place-$80; 4th Place$50; and 5th Place-$50 . This is a total of $505 for our Comeback Class All-American Representative Alex Wolf will serve as the Corriedale representative for the 2019 All-American Junior Show. Awards 2018 Jordan Vineyard, Ohio was selected as the 2018 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. The 2018 scholarship winner selected was Ellen Peters, Ohio. National Junior Show It was moved and seconded to allow yearling ewes to show in only one class-either the futurity yearling ewe or the yearling ewe class. So juniors can only enter each animal in one class only. Motion passed. AJCA Advisors The executive board appointed Dawn Wallace, Ohio and Marie McSparen, Missouri as the American Junior Corriedale Association advisors. Double Points Show The judge selected for the Double Points

L ivengood arm F Ron Livengood

2834 Q Ave, Clarinda, Iowa, 51632

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Corriedale EXTRA

Futurity Ewe Lamb Show that follows our sale will be Lyle Warner.

Past Presidents, State & Area Directors Meeting Wednesday, June 27, 2018-9:00 a.m. Methodist Church – Sedalia, Mo. President Joan Friesz called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Secretary’s Report The minutes from the 2017 Past Presidents, State and Area Director’s meeting were approved as listed in the 2018 spring issue of the Extra. The financial report was accepted as presented. 2019 National Show and Sale There 2019 National Corriedale Show will be hosted in May by the Ohio Corriedale Club during the Ohio Classic Sales in Eaton, Ohio. Executive Board Director Elected Christine Humphrey, New Braintree, Massachusetts was elected to a three-year term on the Executive Board. 2019 National Show and Sale Judge Judge selection for the 2019 National Show and Sale were: first choice-Ryan Hendricks, Kansas and second choice –Ed Julian, Illinois. Breed Evaluation Workshop Gary Ricketts, Illinois, made a presentation regarding the possibility of a breed evaluation workshop at an upcoming National Show and Sale. He stated that it is a good process to look where we as a breed are and where we are headed. A three to five year plan needs to be developed and we as an association need to evaluate new ideas such as promotion. We are still a dual purpose breed and need to evaluate this significance in today’s markets. After we set up our future goals we will need to keep this on the agenda and move forward on it. This keeps the breed thinking about the future. SPRING 2019

Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet

Wednesday, June 27, 2018-3:00 p.m. Methodist Church – Sedalia, Mo. The meeting was called to order by Joana Friesz, North Dakota who thanked everyone for attending. We thanked the caterers for a delicious meal. Christine Humphrey, Massachusetts was introduced as the newly seated board member for a three year term on the executive board if the American Corriedale Association. The minutes of the 2017 annual meeting were approved as printed in the 2018 Spring Extra. The 2017/2018 financial report was distributed to the members. National Corriedale Queen Jacey Cook, Missouri was crowned 2018/2019 National Corriedale Queen. Ewe Lamb Futurity Winners Checks in the total amount of $1320 were presented to the 2017 Ewe Lamb Futurity winners. Thank you to the breeders who nominate their lambs and to the AJCA for their continued support of this program! Presentation of Awards Both the 2018 Moodie Trophy for National Champion Ram and the Demar Trophy for 2018 National Champion Ewe were presented to Dew Drop Farms, Minnesota. Bruce Hoffman & Family were the recipients of the 2018 Best Consignment Award. The most prestigious award presented by the American Corriedale Association is the Guy L. Green Award for service in a variety of ways to the American Corriedale Association over many years. The well-deserving recipient was Darin Bauck, Minnesota. Joana Friesz, North Dakota was honored as the 2018 Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. The plaque for Breeder of the Futurity Comeback Ewe class winner goes to Joe Moody, Ohio-Abigail Weis, SD who showed the ewe JOE M 4 and she received $200 placing first in the futurity yearling ewe class. The total premiums in Futurity YearPage 13

What a difference a year makes!

Hammond our best yearling ram!

He will be consigned to the National Sale.

We will also be taking some yearling ewes and possibly some lambs to the sale. We are offering 120 brood ewes, 45 yearling ewes, 100 ewe lambs for sale at the ranch. We are cutting our flock to a more manageable number for us senior citizens! Contact us for youth beginner flocks.

Phillippi Corriedales

thanks A huge ull for her this ecca B to Reb help during e l b on. Lester and Renetta Phillippi i incred lambing seas 2421 Hammond Rd., Hammond, MT 59332 • 406-427-5280 y z cra

Renetta’s cell 406-925-1352 • Lester’s cell 406-925-1354 • Look for our Phillippi Corriedale page on Facebook.

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Corriedale EXTRA



Visit us at the pens in Ohio & Sedalia Bryan, Gina, nicole & Kayce VininG 1900 County Rd 219 Cheyenne, WY (307) 421-0945

ling Ewe class was $505. Jordan Vineyard, Ohio was selected as the 2018 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. The 2018 scholarship winner was Ellen Peters, Ohio. Officer Election Jim Kin, Ohio was nominated and elected 2018/2019 President of the American Corriedale Association. Elected Vice-President was Gary Heibertshausen, Montana. Gavel Presentation A gavel plaque donated by Ed Craig Family was presented to 2017/2018 President, Joana Friesz, for her leadership and commitment to the American Corriedale Association over these past years. Fun Auction-Comeback Class The fun auction, a great way to end the evening with our friends, generated $1318 to be split between the ACA and the AJCA. Items purchased with proceeds going to the Futurity Comeback Class totaled $425. The generosity of this membership in so many ways is truly appreciated and makes this Association great!

Good luck to all of our fellow Corriedale breeders in 2019!

5H Farms

Gary and Joyce Heibertshausen Alzada, MT • SPRING 2019

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Corriedales in PA,

Corriedales were well represented at the Pennsylvania Kelly Beaver 453 Township Line Road Elverson, PA 19520 Dave, Alison & Chris Blackadar 2893 County Line Road Rieglesville, PA 18077 610-428-4277 Lmalivestock7590 Ben & Mary & Benj L. Bow 100 Clear Spring Road Annville, PA 17003 717-867-1305

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Roger & Nancy Bowman 1402 Old Route 22 Lenhartsville, PA 19534 610-562-4875 Doug Brewer 2147 Woodbine Road Woodbine, MD 21797 410-489-9671 Zach Claycomb - Jr. Member 1642 E Graceville Rd. Everett, PA 15537 814-977-6247 Fay Family 350 Treichler Road Alburtis, PA 18011 610-737-3600

Wyatt Gavitt – Jr. Member 2725 Cleman Hollow Rd. Unityville, PA 17774 Ralph, Melanie, Mattie & Elon Horchler 230 Busy Lane New Wilmington, PA 16142 724-651-6757 msbsuffolks Alex Kase – Jr. Member 2893 County Line Road Riegelsville, PA 18077 484-707-0836 (Julie Kase) Ted & Dawn Knepp 1642 Horse Shoe Pike Glenmoore, PA 19343 610-942-0789

Corriedale EXTRA Corriedale

The The

, Leading the Way!

Farm Show with 16 yearling ewes and 6 full flocks from PA. Rebecca Kugler 320 Covered Bridge Road Oley, PA 19547 610-689-4086 Cell: 484-300-0272 Ralph, Marian & Annette Lovell 516 Maple Spring Road Linden, PA 17744 570-494-0288 Sam & Stephanie McGargle & Family 7461 Panorama Pines Lane Alexandria, PA 16611 814-441-8960


Richard & Marie Peterman 7790 Boyertown Pike Boyertown, PA 19512 610-689-8553 Ann & Bill Ruppert 489 Crum Road Fairfield, PA 17320 717-642-5436 Geof, Barb, Carrie & Sam Ruppert 271 Crum Road Fairfield, PA 17320 717-642-6635 Monica, Mary & Thomas Sohler 5 Clifton Ave. Merchantville, NJ 08109 856-317-0058

George, Beth, Sarah & Jared Vamvakias 113 Winding Road Boyertown, PA 19512 610-369-2935 Haley Weidman – Jr. Member 338 Main Street Oley, PA 19547 610-587-8306 610-207-9208 haleyweidman Mark & Loni Willis & Family 291 Willis Road Jefferson, PA 15344 724-966-9642 Farmsomewife Page 17

2019 All-American Schedule Updates on www.allamericanjunior Tuesday, July 2: Noon – Sheep barn open for arrival Wednesday, July 3: All Day – All barns open for arrival 10:00 am - 5:00 pm – Welcome Table open 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Vet Check available 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm - Early Pick-Up of entry packets & exhibitor T-shirts Thursday, July 4: Noon – ALL SHEEP MUST BE IN PLACE 8:00 am – Noon – Welcome Table open Vet Check continues Pick-Up of entry packets & exhibitor T-shirts continues 9:00 am – 1:00 pm – Registration paper check-in (Make sure health papers have been vet checked)----Promotional & Wool Show check-in 10:30 am – 1:00 pm – Market Lamb weigh in & classifying NOON: Lamb Camp 1st Session 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Skillathon open 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm – Judging Contest 2:00 pm – 5: 00 pm – Promotional & Wool Show judging 3:00 pm – Ice Cream Social (Sponsored by Kansas Dairy Commission) 3:30 pm – 5: 00 pm – Weaver Fitting clinic 5:00 pm – Lead Line & Dress-A-Sheep competition Friday, July 5: 8:00 am – Opening Ceremonies, group & state photos 9:30 am – Skillathon & Virtual Shearing open 9:30 am – Individual & Team Showmanship: RED RING – Judge: Tim Hall Class 1: Age 4 & Under/Class 2: Age 5/Class 3: Age 6/Class 4: Age 7/ Class 5:Age 8/Class 6: Age 9/Team Class 1 & 2 (breaks posted) WHITE RING – Judge: Ryan Hendricks Class 7: Age 10/Class 8: Age 11/Class 9: Age 12/Class 10: Age 13 Class 11: Age 14/Class 12: Age 15/Team Class 3 & 4 (breaks posted) BLUE RING – Judge: Matt Scramlin Class 13: Age 16/Class 14: Age 17/Class 15: Age 18/Class 16: Age 19 Class 17: Age 20-21/Team Class 5 & 6 (breaks posted) Noon - 4:00 pm – AAJS Sales & Thank You Booth open 2:00 pm: Breed Classes Begin RED RING – Judge: Tim Hall – Tunis & Montadales (move to another ring if needed) WHITE RING – Judge: Ryan Hendricks-Natural Coloreds & Shetlands & Romneys (move to another ring if needed) BLUE RING – Judge: Matt Scramlin-Dorset Advantage & Lincolns & Targhees (move to another ring if needed) 5:00 pm – Skillathon & Virtual Shearing closes for the day Page 18


Corriedale EXTRA

7:00 pm – Blome Pizza Party & 3-On-3 Basketball tournament at the Hutchison Sports Arena (Sponsored by Hutchinson Convention & Visitors Bureau) Saturday, July 6: 7:00 am – Exhibitor Breakfast (Sponsored by Kauffman Seeds and Tom & Sandy Clayman) 8:00 am – Breed Classes begin RED RING – Judge: Tim Hall-Oxfords//Suffolks/Cheviots (move to another ring if needed) WHITE RING – Judge: Ryan Hendricks-Hampshires/Columbias/Merinos/Rambouillets/ Horned Dorsets (move to another ring if needed) BLUE RING – Judge: Matt Scramlin-Southdowns/Katahdins (move to another ring if needed) 9:00 am – Skillathon & Virtual Shearing Opens 9:00 am – AAJS Sales & Thank You Booth Opens 10:00 am – Raffle Tickets for Sales Incentive Program turned into AAJS booth 10:00 am – Scholarship applications must be turned into Show Office Noon: Lamb Camp 2nd session 2:00 pm – Skillathon closes 4:00 pm - Virtual Shearing Closes 4:00 pm – AAJS Sales & Thank You Booth closes 7:00 Pm – Kansas Family BBQ & Fun Night SUNDAY, JULY 7th: 7:00 Am – Exhibitor Breakfast 8:00 Am – Breed Classes Begin RED RING – Judge: Tim Hall-Dorpers/White Dorpers WHITE RING – Judge: Ryan Hendricks-Polled Dorsets/ Border Leicesters BLUE RING – Judge: Matt Scramlin-Shropshires/Corriedales 9:00 Am – NOON – AAJS Sales & Thank You Booth open Immediately following end of breed shows: 3-On-3 Basketball Final Game – on grounds To be followed 20 minutes later by Closing Ceremonies including Lamb Camp Graduation, Award Presentations and Raffle Drawing. All Sheep released immediately following Completion of Closing Ceremonies. For the health of the animals PLEASE ONLY LOAD TACK prior to closing ceremonies. Any sheep leaving the show grounds prior to closing ceremonies will forfeit show premiums. 12:00 Am - BARN OFFICIALLY CLOSES. ALL SHEEP must be out.

Mark youcralendar!

May 1, 2019 ✔ ACA Scholarship  ✔Selden Whitmore Award

Check online for applications. Send to ACA, P.O. Box 391, Clay City, IL 62824

National Show & Sale Eaton, Ohio

National Junior Show – Thursday, May 9 - 7:00 pm National Corriedale Show – Friday, May 10 - 9:00 am National Corriedale Sale – Saturday, May 11 - 10:00 am SPRING 2019

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Held in conjunction with the




FRIDAY • 9:00 am

SAT • 10:00 am

Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr., IN Location: New Rabbit Barn

Auctioneer: Gary Saylor, OH Location: New Rabbit Barn

MAY 10 MAY 11


EATON, OHIO We invite all Corriedale breeders to “Come to the Heart of It All”! We are expecting over 100 Corriedale entries & 1,000 head in total at the Big Ohio Sale Weekend!



Judge: Rodney Morris, IL The 2018 Futurity will come to an end... and 2019 will begin! Page 20

P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 309-785-5058 • Fax: 309-785-5050 The

Corriedale EXTRA

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS for 2019 * denotes sales where ewe lambs can be purchased for 2019 Ewe Lamb Futurity

May 1 Deadline for ACA Scholarship and Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement applications May 3-4 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival All-Breeds Sale- West Friendship, MD (309)785-5058 May 5-6 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival- West Friendship, MD Howard County Fairgrounds May 9-11 * National Corriedale Show and Sale-Eaton, OH, Preble Co Fairgrounds (309)785-5058; May 9 7:00 p.m. National Corriedale Junior Show. Judge Rodney Morris. May 10 9:00 a.m. National Corriedale Show. Judge John Mrozinski AJCA Meeting to follow National Corriedale Show 1:00 pm- State Directors & Past Presidents Meeting, Preble Co. Fairgrounds 6:30 p.m. Annual Banquet/Meeting, Gathering Place, Eaton, OH 501 Nation Avenue, North of Preble County Fairgrounds May 11 10:00 a.m. National Corriedale Sale Following Sale– Double Points Futurity Ewe Lamb Show May 24-25 *Great Lakes Sheep Show & Sale, Wooster, OH (309)785-5058 May 25-26 Great Lakes Fiber Show, Wooster, OH (330)264-9665; June 1 9th Annual Midwest Jr. Preview Show, Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, MO Kate Lambert (660)541-0468; June 25-28 * Corriedale Show & Sale, Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO; Online viewing of show and sale, June 25 Corriedale Show (5th breed to show-begins 8 a.m.) June 27 Corriedale Sale, Corriedales are 8th breed to sell (sale starts at 8 a.m.) July 4-7 26th All-American Jr. Corriedale Show, Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, KS Debra Hopkins-401/647-4676;; July 19-21 35th North East Youth Sheep Show, Big E Complex-West Springfield, MA; Aug. 15-18 23rd Michigan Fiber Fest, Allegan County Fairgrounds, Allegan, MI Sept. 6-8 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, Jefferson Fair Park, Jefferson, WI Sept .19-20 74th Annual Newell Ram Show & Sale; Christy Frerichs (605)257-2895; Sale Week (605)456-2941 Sept. 27-Oct 6 Keystone International Livestock Expo; PA Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA Nov 15-21 North American International Livestock Expo, –Louisville, KY SPRING 2019

Page 21

Ohio Corriedale Club Roger Clark – R & R Farms 5187 Arrow Road, NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-895-2478 •

Luke Schroeder 15587 Road 263, Defiance, OH 43512 419-789-1287

Brett Coopshaw 15640 C. Rd. K, Wauseon, Ohio 43567 567-454-7172 •

Mary Elizabeth Sherman 14328 SR 139, Minford, Ohio 45653 740-352-2136 •

Wayne Kemler – Kemler Family 3535 Hoaglin Center Rd. , Van Wert, OH 45891 419-587-3822 •

Kaitlyn Stillion 14827 Old Glory Rd., Lore City, Ohio 43755 740-584-6818

Jim Kin – Kin Brothers 13329 TH 87, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 419-273-3221 Joseph Moody 6084 Lux Rd., Minerva, Ohio 44657 330-205-4869 • Scott Peters – Peters’ Corriedales 9809 Boyer Rd., Versailles, OH 45380 937-214-1974 • Hannah Petersen 1256 Bark Rd, Magnolia, Ohio 44643 330-495-2833 • D & L Reichert 2474 N. Firestone Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9665 Kathy Robinson – Robinson Farms 7451 Co. Rd. 121, Fredericktown, OH 43019 419-201-0865 Scott Romine – Romine Corriedales 9522 Co. Rd. 20, Galion, OH 44833 419-462-5874

Mary Thomas 7595 Co. Rd. 19, Fredericktown, OH 43019 614-313-7261 Olivia Thomas 12308 US 6Bryan, Ohio 43506 • 419-508-9278 Abigail Thornton 11070 Royalton Rd., Amanda, OH 43102 740-601-2145 Jordan Vineyard 9300 Blue Rock Church Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 • 740-674-4499 Tom Wallace 755 Hufford Rd., Casstown, OH 45312 937-875-0372 • Galen Wilson 6405 Cutler Lake Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 740-674-4327 Kody, Adam & Alex Wolf – Wolf Brothers 6795 CH 97, Carey, OH 43316 419-310-1336 • Chloe Wylie 13664 County Road H, Bryan, OH 43506 419-633-1179

OHIO CORRIEDALE CLUB 755 N Hufford Rd, Casstown, OH 45312 • Phone: 937/875-0373 Tom Wallace, President • Kody Wolf, V-Pres. • Dawn Wallace, Secretary -Treasurer Page 22


Corriedale EXTRA

“Corriedales are back in Texas!”

Quentin Noelke of Texas Champion Ram in Open ORB Class at the 2018 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.

Khloe Noelke of Texas Reserve Champion Ewe in open Other Wool Breeds, 2019 San Angelo Stock Show.

Queen’s message Spring is around the corner and I cannot wait! It has been a long winter. I have missed 14 days of school due to the winter weather. This is my senior year of high school and I am excited about graduation, then looking forward to show season. I am so ready to be outside working with my sheep, walking and training them for exhibition. I will be attending the All-American this year, as well as many other shows. I have seen lots of lambing photos on Facebook and enjoy seeing how everyone is doing this winter. The lambing season has been tough-

Past Presidents and State Directors Meeting Fri., May 10, 1 p.m. Preble County Fairgrounds Eaton, OH SPRING 2019

Jacey Cook er than usual for us in the Midwest due to this weather. Be sure and submit your registrations to the ACA office so you will have them in time for show season and sales. I look forward to seeing many of you this summer! Good Luck and Best Wishes Your 2018/2019 Queen Jacey Cook Page 23

2018 NAILE Junior Show Grand Champion Ram Brady Craig, IL Reserve Grand Champion Ram Jordan Vineyard, OH Grand Champion Ewe Kaitlyn Stillion, OH Reserve Grand Champion Ewe

2018 NAILE Jr. Show Best Headed-Bradyn Wolf, OH

Brady Craig, IL Best Fleece Kaitlyn Stillion, OH Best Headed Bradyn Wolf, OH State Flock Ohio Senior Ram Lamb Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1734 (Grand Champion Ram) Jordan Vineyard, OH-BWH 3977 (Reserve Grand Champion Ram) Jacey Cook, MO-DDF 7-94 Junior Ram Lamb Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1820 Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 076 Ellen Peters, OH- PETERS 1800 Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1801 Yearling Ewe Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1633 (Reserve Grand Champion Ewe) Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1702 Ellen Peters, OH-CRAIG 1715 Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 071 Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 702 Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1719 Katelynn Wallace, OH-BAUCK 6-89 Senior Ewe Lamb Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 075 (Grand Champion Ewe/Best Fleece) Brady Craig, IL-BWH 3992 Jacey Cook, MO-DDF 7-78 Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 7-80 Jordan Vineyard, OH-BWH 3990

2018 NAILE Jr. Show Flock – Ohio Page 24


Corriedale EXTRA

2018 NAILE Jr. Show – Champion Ewe Best Fleece – Kaitlyn Stillion, OH January Ewe Lamb Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1807 Jordan Vineyard, OH-BWH 3975 Bradyn Wolf, OH-HEIB 612 (Best Headed) Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1807 Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-HEIB 614 Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1805 Katelynn Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 822 Mary Elizabeth Sherman, OH-RC 182 Mary Elizabeth Sherman, OH-RC 181 February Ewe Lamb Brady Craig, IL-CRAIG 1821 Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1810 Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 077 Alec Wibben, IL-FRIESZ 855 Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1706 Thomas Wallace, OH-HEIB 625 State Flock Ohio

NAILE Jr. Show – Res. Champion Ram Jordan Vineyard, OH

2018 NAILE Jr. Show – Champion Ram Brady Craig, IL

2019 All-American Junior Corriedale Show Kansas State Fairgrounds Hutchinson, KS Debra Hopkins – (401) 647-4676 2018 NAILE Jr. Show – Res. Champion Ewe Brady Craig, IL SPRING 2019

**Upper age limit will be 21 years of age as of Jan. 1 of the current year across all breeds Page 25

2018 AJCA Minutes The American Junior Corriedale Association met on Friday, June 25, 2018 following the National Junior Show. The motions voted on and approved were to support the Ewe Lamb Futurity in 2019 in the amount of $500 and to do the give-away ewe lamb in the upcoming National Sale – the first ewe lamb that brings $300. They also voted to continue to support the American Corriedale scholarship. Some discussion was done about doing a Corriedale calendar again or a bake sale at the NAILE as a fund raiser. The judge suggested for the 2019 National Junior show was Rodney Morris, Ill. New officers elected as shown at right. Pizza donated by Dew Drop Farms was enjoyed by all!

American Junior Corriedale Association President


Ellen Peters, OH

Abigail Thornton, OH



Emma Peters, OH

Jacey Cook, MO


Brady Craig, IL

Leah Beth Faulkner,

Morgan Reed, MO


Katelynn Wallace, OH


CORRIEDALES This Yearling Ram is headed for the 2019 National Sale. There are more at home just like him. His lambs look spectacular! Stock for sale at home. Reducing flock size this year. Call for details. Mike Bandt • 1650 Sandy Rock Road • Hollandale, WI 53544 Cell: 608/387-5789 • Email: Page 26


Corriedale EXTRA


Welcome to Adaline Rey Bauck, born Feb. 1, 201 at 8:51 a.m., weighing in at 6 lbs., 5 ozs. 19-1/4 inches long. She is the daughter of Isaiah and Emily Bauck of New York Mills, MN. Meighan Stevens, Ohio who won the Ages 22 and up in 2018 NAILE Ladies Lead leading Kaitlyn Stillion’s ewe lamb

2018-19 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen Kaitlyn Stillion

Hettinger Corriedales Helen Hettinger 655 County Road 1675 E, Eureka, IL 61530 (309)467-3809 SPRING 2019

Ellen Peters, Winner ages 17-21, NAILE Ladies Lead

Office Closed

The ACA office will be closed

MAY 8 thru May 12

to attend the National Show and Sale in Eaton, OH. Please allow adequate time for registration paper processing prior to these events! Page 27

PHIL REISTER Phil Reister, 71, of Washougal, Wash., went to be with his Lord on Oct. 21, 2018 surrounded by family. The only son of Carl and Zedta Reister, Phil grew up on a livestock farm in McMinnville, Oregon. He attended and graduated in 1968 from Oregon State University where he played basketball, judged livestock and was an active Alpha Gamma Rho member. He fostered a love of sheep at a young age when he chose Corriedales as a 4-H project and continued breeding them until his passing. He served as president of the American Corriedale Sheep Association from 1985-86, was awarded the Guthrie Award for Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the year in 1978, and was an honored lifetime achievement breeder with the Guy L. Green award in 2007. He bred and exhibited many past national champion Corriedales in the sale and the showring. He was an American delegate to the World Corriedale Congress and attended when it was held in Australia, New Zealand, and Uruguay where he fostered many international friendships. Phil exhibited and sold sheep throughout the nation where he was routinely seen enjoying friends and competitors. An active member of Zion Lutheran church, Phil loved to see youth succeed. He financially supported their youth group on several mission trips. As a fair board and Farm Bureau member, he led scholarship committees supporting college bound youth who participate in the local county fair and local agriculture. He founded the nonprofit organization, Youth Efforts Against Hunger (Y.E.A.H), connecting youth meat animal projects with the Food Bank of Clark County to provide fresh meat to those in need. Phil mentored kids of all ages as an avid basketball coach and a 4H leader for many years even before his own children were born. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Marie, and their two children Jake Reister of Washougal, Wash. and Lindsey Hendricks of Page 28

Phil Reister enjoying his father- daughter dance with Lindsey Reister-Hendricks.

Phil Reister showing his Res. Champion Ram Lamb at the 1988 NAILE. From left, Don Murray, Hal Walker, Russ Jackson, Rebecca Bull and Phil. Leonardville, Kansas. He doted on and loved his three grandchildren. Phil was known for his love of stout competition and to encourage others to “Go Line ‘Em Up!” He is loved and missed. Memorials are welcome to be donated to the American Corriedale Junior Sheep Association care of Executive Secretary Marcia Craig. The American Corriedale Association extends their deepest sympathy to the Reister family. The Corriedale EXTRA

Call or visit our website for a April 1—June 30, 2019 catalog! free Call or visit our tcham’s Sheepin’ SUPER Weekend SALE



April 1—June 30

website for a Eaton, Ohio free catalog! Ketcham’s Sheepin’ Weekend Call or visit our SUPER SALE October 25-26, 2019 website for a April 1—June , 2019 Eaton, 30 Ohio free catalog! Ketcham’s Sheepin’ Weekend

30, 2019 OctoberApril 25-1—June 26, 2019

Ketcham’s Sheepin October 25-26, 2019

October 25-26

Eaton, Ohio

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Designing & manufacturing superior quality equipment for for over 4040years over years in in equipment Edwardsville, Illinois USA! Edwardsville, Illinois USA! superior quality lt Tables TiltDesigning Tables & manufacturing Check updated Check outout ourour updated 40 years in equipment for over 2019 Show Schedule! 2019 Show Schedule! Chute Systems hute Systems Edwardsville, Illinois USA! Receive deliveryto to Receive freefree delivery

any of the shows we Tilt Tables any of out the shows we Big Bale Feeders Check our updated are attending. g Bale Feeders attending. are 2019 Show Schedule! Chute SystemsGates Walk Through Receive free delivery to any of the shows we alk Through Gates Big Bale Feeders are attending. Fence Line Feeders nce Line Feeders Walk Through Gates KSEM, Inc. Trimming Stands Fence Line Feeders 6471 Miller Drive imming GoatStands Walker Inc. Trimming 6471KSEM, MillerILDrive 62025 Panels andStands Edwardsville, oat Walker 6471 Miller Drive Goat Walker MORE! (618) IL 656-5388 Edwardsville, 62025 anels and Edwardsville, IL 62025 Panels and

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MORE! MORE! __________________ SPRING 2019 February 2019

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Designing & ma _______ Page 29 Page 15


Hoffman and Family

36231 US Highway 212, Rockham, SD 57470 (605) 472-0856 Lacie’s cell (605) 460-2681

Thank you for the continued support. We are bringing an epic set of sheep to Ohio.

Congrats Jordan

on all your success! Page 30


Corriedale EXTRA


Page 31


Corriedale EXTRA




DDF 6-83


P.O. Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163 Page 32 Home: 317-861-4250 Office: 317-861-4795


2016 Cty. Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873 Corriedale EXTRA Cell: 217-714-0552 The

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