Spring17 extra

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Spring 2017

Corriedale EXTRA


2016 National Champion Ram at the NAILE

Friesz 502 Duane • Joana • Taylor • Thomas

C O R R I E DA L E S 4465 34th St., P.O. Box 67, New Salem, N.D. 58563 Home: (701) 843-8750 • Cell: (701) 400-8744 www.frieszlivestock.com • joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com Like Friesz Livestock on Facebook!

Spring 2017

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Dew Drop

FarmBus cks”

g i B e h t f o e “ Hom Hopefully ourf past is part o! your future

New York Mills, MN Duane 218-640-7800 Darin 218-639-8484 Page 2 Corriedale Extra The

Officers and Executive Board Bryan Vining – President Cheyenne, WY • 307–634–6304 bgvining@aol.com


Corriedale Extra

is published on a semi-annual basis with Spring and Fall editions by the...

AMERICAN CORRIEDALE ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. Box 391, Clay City, Illinois 62824 Phone & Fax: (618) 676-1046 Cell: (618) 780-7747 EDITOR: Marcia Craig www.americancorriedale.com The Corriedale Extra will be mailed free of charge to all active ACA members, AJCA members and associate members. If you wish to receive a copy please contact the ACA office

Marcia Craig, Secretary–Treasurer Clay City, Illinois (618) 676–1046 • (618) 780–7747 amcorr@frontier.com Joana K Friesz – V. President New Salem, ND • (701) 843–8750 Joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com Jim Kin Forest, OH • (419) 674–3346 Gary Heibertshausen Alzada, MT • (567) 224–9002 garyheib@yahoo.com Alex Wolf Upper Sandusky, Ohio (419) 310-9153 am07wolf@hotmail.com

Advertising Deadline 2017 Fall Issue — Sept. 22

In order to publish on time, ads need to be turned in by the deadline. The

Corriedale Extra Rinda Maddox – Advertising Sales and EXTRA Publisher Daytime: (217) 288-9365 Evenings/weekends: (217) 288-9493 Cell/anytime: (217) 474-9365 Fax: (217) 288-9366 corriedale@thesidellreporter.com P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 The Extra is published through the office of The Sidell Reporter by Owner/Editor Rinda Maddox. Spring 2017

Advertising Rates set by ACA Front cover/one color........................ $200 Back cover/one color......................... $200 Inside covers.......................Call ACA office Full page............................................ $175 Half page........................................... $125 Quarter page....................................... $75 2” Ad.................................................... $40 Two page ad (2 free photos).............. $300 Photos................................ 1st photo free additional photos $10 each All rams and ewes with christened names in ad will be charged $25 name registration fee. Spot color only available on covers Page 1

From the desk of ACA President Bryan Vining

Hello, everyone, from the sub tropical region of Southeast Wyoming. We have had one of the mildest winters on record, which has made it a fairly favorable lambing season for Gina and I (she has only had to break ice out of a few water buckets this year.) Thank you for all of your support as I complete my five years on the Executive Board. It has been a rewarding experience and I think our organization is headed in the right direction. Please consider volunteering and bringing some new ideas to the table. Bryan Vining and I would like to congratulate all the Corriedale exhibitors at the grandson, Todd National Show at Louisville this year in both the open and junior shows. Owen Hamlton. In the junior show the Champion Ram went to Ellen Peters and the Champion Ewe was shown by Cody Morris. In the open show, Joana Friesz had the Champion Ram and Wolf Brothers had the Champion Ewe. It looks like we have a busy show season this year with the 2017 National Corriedale Show and Sale to be held May 11-13. The junior show will kick off Thursday evening at 7 p.m. with the open show starting at 9 a.m. Friday morning. The sale will be held on Saturday at 10 a.m. This year we are happy to announce a new natural ewe class and wool show. The class will be broken into two categories: Natural Ewe Class 1. Ewes with a minimum of 1” staple length and no more than 2” staple length. 2. Ewes with over a 2” staple. All wool on the ewe must be same length. Ewes may be tipped or fuzzed off, but not blocked. No coloring or painting of ewe. Hand trimming of tags around legs and dock area is acceptable. Washing legs is optional. First and second place ewes in each class will be qualified to compete in the Senior Champion drive. We will also be adding a Natural Ewe Lamb Class in the junior show for ewes born 1/1/2017 or later. The same rules will apply and the wool length will be its current lamb fleece. Wool Class As far as the wool show, we will also break that into two categories; covered and uncovered fleeces with a ewe and ram class in each category. Fleeces need to be sheared in 2016 or 2017 with no more than a 14 month staple. Bring fleeces on show day for judging and they will be released on sale day. Fleeces can be sold. Indicate if the fleece is for sale with a price written on the entry tag. The wool show will be held, May 12 at 8:30 a.m. If anyone has nominations for the Guy L. Green, or the Guthrie Award, (Outstanding Breeder of the year), please contact Marcia Craig. As always, safe travels and hope to see everyone this summer. President Bryan Vining

Past Presidents and State Directors Meeting Friday, May 12, 1:00 pm Preble County Fairgrounds Page 2

Banquet Reservations

New Location The Gathering Place – 6:30 p.m. 501 Nation Avenue, Eaton, Ohio Dawn Wallace -937/875-0373 twsouthdowns@gmail.com The

Corriedale Extra


* denotes sales where ewe lambs can be purchased for 2017 Ewe Lamb Futurity April 7-8 Illini All-Breeds Spring Sale, Bloomington, IL – (309)785-5058 www.bannersheepmagazine.com May 1 Deadline for ACA Scholarships and Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement applications May 5-6 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival All-Breeds Sale, West Friendship, MD, (309) 785-5058 May 6-7 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, West Friendship, MD, Howard County Fairgrounds; Mara Mullinax (301) 865-4224; www.sheepandwool.org May 11-13 * Corriedale Show and Sale, Eaton, OH, Preble County Fairgrounds (309) 785-5058; www.bannersheepmagazine.com   –Thursday 7:00 pm Corriedale National Junior Show. Judge Alex Wolf.   –Friday 9:00 am National Corriedale Show. Judge Rod Crome AJCA Meeting to follow National Corriedale Show 1:00 pm- State Directors & Past Presidents Meeting-Preble Co Fairgrounds 6:30 pm Annual Banquet/Meeting at Gathering Place, Eaton, OH, 501 Nation Avenue, North of Preble County Fairgrounds   –Saturday 10 a.m.-National Corriedale Sale Following Sale is Double Points Futurity Ewe Lamb Show May 27-28 *Great Lakes Sheep Show & Sale, Wooster, OH; (309) 785-5058 www.bannersheepmagazine.com May 27-28 Great Lakes Fiber Show, Wooster, OH; (330) 264-9665 don47linda@embarqmail.com www.greatlakesfibershow.com June 7 Annual Midwest Jr. Preview Show-Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, MO Kate Lambert (660) 541-0468; www.midwestjuniorpreviewshow.com June 19-24 * Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO; Heartland Livestock (218) 770-2428 www.midwestsale.com; midweststudramsale@gmail.com Online viewing of show and sale - www.dvauction.com Jun29- July2 All-American Junior Corriedale Show, Madison, Wis., Alliant Energy Center Debra Hopkins (401) 647-4676 www.allamericanjuniorshow.com cdcdorset@cox.net info@allamericanjuniorshow.com July 13-16 33rd North East Youth Sheep Show, Big E Complex, West Springfield, MA jhminiter@gmail.com www.nesheep.org Aug 16-20 21st Michigan Fiber Fest-Allegan County Fairgrounds-Allegan, MI www.michiganfiberfest.info Sept. 7-10 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival-Jefferson Fair Park- Jefferson, WI www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Sept. 14-15 72nd Annual Newell Ram Show & Sale; www.newellramsale.com Christy Frerichs (605) 257-2895; Sale Week (605) 456-2941 Sept. 30-Oct. 8 Keystone International Livestock Expo, PA Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA; www.keystoneinternational.state.pa Spring 2017

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Official Notice Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet

The 2017 Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Banquet with the Election of Officers and National Corriedale Queen selection will be held on Friday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the The Gathering Place located at 501 Nation Avenue, Eaton, Ohio 45320. This is located just north of the Preble County Fairgrounds. This provides us with the opportunity to enjoy an evening of fun with our many Corriedale friends. Following the meal there will be the presentation of the Guy L. Green Award and the Guthrie Award for the Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. Banquet Reservations and New Location Make banquet reservations with Dawn Wallace, 755 N Hufford Road, Casstown, OH 45312, (937) 875-0373 or email her at twsouthdowns@gmail.com. The banquet is Friday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. at The Gathering Place in Eaton, Ohio located at 501 Nation Avenue, just north of the Preble County Fairgrounds. **Note that this is a new location for this banquet! American Junior Corriedale Association Meeting The 2017 annual meeting of the AJCA will be held on Friday, May 12 following the National Corriedale Show with new officers and directors to be elected. The National Junior Show is Thursday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. with Alex Wolf judging. This will be a great fun-filled weekend in Ohio!! Annual Business Meeting In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Corriedale Association, Inc., most items of business are transacted at the Past Presidents/State and Area Directors Meeting. This meeting is scheduled Friday, May 12 at 1:00 p.m. at the Preble County Fairgrounds. If anyone has any business to come before this meeting, please submit it in writing to the President, Bryan Vining, so it can be properly presented and acted upon. Bryan’s address is 1900 County Road 210, Cheyenne, WY 82009. His email is bgvining@aol.com. Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award One of the highlights of our Annual Membership Meeting will be the presentation of the Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award to a deserving junior member under the age of 20. The basis for this award is someone who has had outstanding participation in junior activities, as well as various accomplishments in the school, 4-H, FFA, church and community.


6471 Miller Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025


www.ketchamssheepequipment.com Visit our website for our current prices, promotions, show schedule, and to request a FREE catalog! Page 4

Designing and Manufacturing Superior Quality Sheep Equipment for Over 40 Years in Edwardsville, IL USA! The

Corriedale Extra

The application for this award is available on our website at www.americancorriedale.com or by calling the ACA office at (618) 780-7747. It is due in the Association office by May 1, 2017 for consideration. The winner will receive a $150 monetary award, certificate and Corriedale note pad. Outstanding Junior Shepherd Award This award will be presented during the Annual Meeting and will be judged on a junior member’s outstanding participation in AJCA activities, as well as accomplishments and the promotion of Corriedales on the junior level. There is no application to fill out and the Executive Board with the help of the AJCA advisors will make this award selection with the individual’s commitment to Corriedales taken into consideration. This is also based on the member’s conduct, presentation of their sheep, as well as their willingness to help other junior members. Fun Auction Following our Annual Membership Meeting on Friday, May 12 we will conduct the annual Fun Auction. This always proves to be great fun and the generosity of those who donate as well as those who purchase items are greatly appreciated! Item donations are still needed for this event and can be sent to Marcia Craig at 124 Teaberry Lane, Clay City, IL 62824 or brought with you to this fun-filled evening. The proceeds of this event area to be divided equally between the ACA and the AJCA. Junior Show Donations Premiums and prizes awarded to class winners and champions in the National Junior Show are supported by the generous donations of this membership as well as outside donors. Donations may be sent to Tom and Dawn Wallace, 755 North Hufford Road, Casstown, OH 45312. Thank you in advance for your support of the National Junior Show! Scholarship Applications The 2017 American Corriedale Association Scholarship and the 2017 Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship will both be awarded on Friday, May 12 at the Annual Meeting. This year’s scholarships will be for $600 each with the AJCA donating $500 of the $600 ACA scholarship and Charles Franklin of Connecticut sponsoring the Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship. Applications for both scholarships must be into the Association office no later than May 1, 2017. The applicant’s high school and college transcripts must accompany their application. The application for both scholarships is identical and this application is available at www.americancorriedale.com. You only need to fill out one application to be eligible for either scholarship.

L ivengood arm F Ron Livengood

2834 Q Ave, Clarinda, Iowa, 51632

Spring 2017

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Looking to the future!

Pennsylvannia Corriedale Association Members Kelly Beaver 453 Township Line Road Elverson, PA 19520 Kellyann1010@hotmail.com Dave, Alison & Chris Blackadar 2893 County Line Road Rieglesville, PA 18077 610/428-4277 Lmalivestock7590@gmail.com Ben & Mary Bow 100 Clear Spring Road Annville, PA 17003 717/867-1305 Roger & Nancy Bowman 1402 Old Route 22 Lenhartsville, PA 19534 610/562-4875 Rnmsbowman@aol.com Zach Claycomb 1642 E. Graceville Rd. Everett, PA 15537 814/977-6247 Claycomb6@yahoo.com Page 6

Ralph, Melanie, Mattie & Elon Horchler 230 Busy Lane New Wilmington, PA 16142 724/651-6757 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com Ted & Dawn Knepp 1642 Horse Shoe Pike Glenmoore, Pa 19343 610/942-0789 DRKnepp@aol.com Rebecca Kugler 320 Covered Bridge Road Oley, PA 19547 610/689-4086 Cell: 484/300-0272 rkugler21@gmail.com Ralph, Marian & Annette Lovell 516 Maple Spring Road Linden, PA 17744 570/494-0288 lovellfarm@msn.com

Sam & Stephanie McGargle & Family 7461 Panorama Pines Lane Alexandria, PA 16611 814/441-8960 ssmcgargle@aol.com Richard & Marie Peterman 7790 Boyertown Pike Boyertown, PA 09512 610/689-8553 Geof, Barb, Carrie & Sam Ruppert 271 Crum Road Fairfield, PA 17320 717/642-6635 ruppertfamily1234@earthlink.net Monica, Mary & Thomas Sohler 5 Clifton Ave. Merchantville, NJ 08109 zelcovaserrata@gmail.com George, Beth, Sarah & Jared Vamvakias 113 Winding Road Boyertown, PA 19512 610/369-2935 gvam@dejazzd.com The

Corriedale Extra

2016 NAILE Open Show Results Grand Champion Ram Joana Friesz, ND Reserve Grand Champion Ram Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN Grand Champion Ewe Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN Best Fleece Joana Friesz, ND Best Headed Lightning Ridge Farm, MA Champion Wool Breeds Fleece Reserve Grand Champion Fleece Phillippi Corriedales Premier Breeder Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN Yearling Ram 1. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 502 (Grand Champion/Senior Champion) 2. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1529 3. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-DDF 4-92 4. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-WOLF 047 5. Phillippi Corriedales, MT PHILLIPPI 5-96 6. Ellen Peters, OH - PETERS 1509

2017 All-American Junior Corriedale Show Alliant Energy Center Madison, Wisconsin Debra Hopkins – 401/647-4676 cdcdorset@cox.net www.allamericanjuniorshow.com info@allamericanjuniorshow.com

**Upper age limit will be 21 years of age as of Jan. 1 of the current year across all breeds Spring 2017

Senior Ram Lamb 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1531 (Reserve Grand Champion/Reserve Senior Champion) 2. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1601 3. Phillippi Corriedales, MT-FAULKNER 1244 “HANK” Intermediate Ram Lamb 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 6-4 2. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 608 3. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1605 4. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1600 Junior Ram Lamb 1. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 621 (Junior Champion) 2. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1626 (Reserve Junior Champion/Best Headed) 3. Craig & Merlau, IL/IN-CRAIG 1617 4. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1610 5. Geoffrey Ruppert, PA-RUPPERT 784 Pair Ram Lambs 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN 2. Joana Friesz, ND 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA 4. Ellen Peters, OH Yearling Ewes-Early 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1430 2. Phillippi Corriedales, MT-PHILLIPPI 5-26 3. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 501 4. Abigail Thornton , OH-DDF 4-86 5. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1514 6. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1508 7. Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 509 Yearling Ewes-Late 1. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 514 (Reserve Senior Champion) 2. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1509 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1536 4. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-WOLF 049 5. Ellen Peters, OH-CRAIG 1525 6. Phillippi Corriedales, MT-PHILLIPPI 5-42 7. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1519 8. Katelynn Wallace, OH-DDF 5-42 Page 7

Pair Yearling Ewes 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN 2. Joana Friesz, ND 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA 4. Phillippi Corriedales, MT 5. Ellen Peters, OH Senior Ewe Lamb 1. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH-WOLF 056 (Grand Champion/Senior Champion) 2. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1603 3. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1534 4. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1611 5. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1530 6. Thomas Wallace, OH-DDF 5-70 7. Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 5-72 Intermediate Ewe Lamb 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1601 (Reserve Grand Champion/Junior Champion) 2. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 6-35

SUBSCRIBE NOW! Promoting The Improvement of the Entire Sheep Industry 1 Year – $25 2 Years – $45 1 Year Canada or Mexico – $60 P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 785-5058 • Fax: (309) 785-5050 ads.banner@sybertech.net www.bannersheepmagazine.com Page 8

3. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 611 4. Phillippi Corriedales, MT-PHILLIPPI 601 5. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS -1603 6. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 15 7. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 16 8. Geoffrey Ruppert, PA-RUPPERT 765 Junior Ewe Lamb 1. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 635 (Reserve Junior Champion) 2. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN-CRAIG 1619 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1628 4. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1607 5. Joana Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 620 (Best Fleece) 6. Phillippi Corriedales, OH-PHILLIPPI 669 7. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA-LRF 1624 8. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1608 9. Jacob Ferrel, MO-PHILLIPPI 607 10. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1617 11. Jacob Ferrel, MO-PHILLIPPI 616 12. Geoffrey Ruppert , PA-RUPPERT 778 Pair Ewe Lambs 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN 2. Joana Friesz, ND 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA 4. Phillippi Corriedales, MT 5. Ellen Peters, OH 6. Jacob Ferrel, MO 7. Geoffrey Ruppert, PA Flock 1. Craig & Merlau Corriedales, IL/IN 2. Joana Friesz, ND 3. Lightning Ridge Farm, MA 4. Phillippi Corriedales, MT 5. Ellen Peters, OH

Weights & Measurements Participation in weights and measurements is mandatory during our National Show and Sale in Eaton, Ohio. It is the responsibility of the consignor to get their animals to this weighing and measuring following the show. If you do not participate in this part of the National evaluations then you will not be allowed to sell. The

Corriedale Extra



Phillippi Corriedales Lester and Renetta Phillippi

2421 Hammond Rd., Hammond, MT 59332 • 406-427-5280 Renetta’s cell 406-925-1352 • Lester’s cell 406-925-1354 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com • Look for our Phillippi Corriedale page on Facebook. Spring 2017

Page 9

Executive Board Meeting Tuesday, June 21, following open show Missouri State Fairgrounds Sedalia, Missouri

The meeting was called to order by President Ryan Craig with the following board members present: Ryan Craig, Bryan Vining, Joana Friesz, Jim Kin, Gary Heibertshausen and Marcia Craig. Secretary’s Report The minutes of the executive board meeting from the annual meeting in 2015 were accepted as printed. The financial report was distributed showing a yearend decrease of $434. The current balance reported to date was $13,657. The minutes of the 2015 annual meeting and the financial report were approved as presented. 2016 National Show and Sale There was a discussion regarding the location of the 2017 National Show and Sale. Items taken into consideration were timing

of shows, availability of transportation throughout the U.S. A proposal was made to host elsewhere so President Ryan Craig will contact that individual and this can be considered if we receive a written proposal with more details. The Executive Board feels that the Ohio Classic Sale in May does offer many significant assets and the sale averages have remained high. Comeback Class The payout for the 2016 Comeback Yearling Ewe Class will be 1st place-$175 plus $25 buyers credit; 2nd place-$100 plus a $25 buyers credit; 3rd place-$50 plus $25 buyers credit; 4th place- $25 plus 25 buyers credit; and 5th place-$25 plus $25 buyers credit; and 6th place-$25 plus $25 buyers credit. This is a total of $525 for our Comeback Class. Awards 2016 Kaitlyn Stillion, Ohio was selected as the 2016 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. Recipients of the 2016 scholarships

R & R Farms wishes to welcome you to Ohio for the 2017 National Sale.

We welcomed these ewe lambs that were part of a group of great ewe lambs from Phillippi Corriedales and a set of triplets to Ohio last fall.

Roger Clark • 5187 Arrow Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-895-2478 • rogerclark80@yahoo.com Page 10


Corriedale Extra

(American Corriedale Scholarship and Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship) are Kaitlyn Stillion, Ohio and Kayce Vining, Wyoming. Kayce Vining was named the Selden Whitmore Youth Award winner.

Past Presidents, State & Area Directors Meeting Wednesday, June 22-10:00 a.m. Farm Credit Building Sedalia, Missouri

President Ryan Craig called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Secretary’s Report The minutes from the 2015 Past Presidents, State and Area Director’s meeting were approved as listed in the 2016 spring issue of the Extra. The financial report was accepted as presented. 2016 National Show and Sale Different locations for the 2017 National Show and Sale were discussed. The decision was made to let the final location be determined by the Executive Board at a later date. All items will be taken into consideration to offer the best location for our members to benefit from this sale. 2018 National Show and Sale It was suggested we consider doing our banquet on Tuesday night and then have

our junior activities on Wednesday during this event in Missouri. This would allow for our breeders to watch the Supreme Drive and participate in Wednesday activities at the fairgrounds. One of the reasons we do a Wednesday night meeting and banquet is to encourage buyers to come in the night before the sale and participate in these events. We also need to have our Past President’s and State Director’s Meeting prior to the Annual Meeting and Banquet so it would have to be moved up to Tuesday also. We appreciate any comments from our membership regarding this issue. Feel free to contact your board members or email the office at amcorr@frontier.com to share your thoughts on this change. Corriedales-Trimming Thank you goes out to Ryan Craig and Lacie Hoffman for demonstrating basic fitting procedures and answering questions after the junior show Natural Class The future of Corriedales was discussed and it is the general feeling that people want an easier project so the introduction of a natural class at our National Sale would encourage more participation and highlight the dual purpose of our breed. Many suggestions came up during this lengthy discussion – a slick sheared class with fleece evaluated also off the animal similar to what has been done in the past; a market lamb class; using a new scorecard

Upcoming Deadlines

May 1, 2017

4 ACA Scholarship 4 Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship 4 Selden Whitmore Award Check online for applications Send to ACA, P.O. Box 391 Clay City, IL 62824 Spring 2017



3535 Hoaglin Center Rd. Van Wert, Ohio 45891 419-587-3822 wkkemler@tds.net Page 11

for a slick sheared class; a short fleece class; and some class option in both junior and open shows. It was moved and seconded that we do a new class in both our open and junior shows in 2017 and the class divisions by age, weight or length of fleece will be determined by the Executive Board. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Board Director Elected Alex Wolf, Upper Sandusky, Ohio was elected to a three-year term on the Executive Board. 2017 National Show and Sale Judge Judge selection for the 2017 National Show and Sale were: first choice, Rod Crome, of Illinois and second choice, Doug Gehring, of Missouri.

Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet

Wednesday, June 22-6:30 p.m. United Methodist Church Sedalia, Missouri Ryan Craig, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed the large number in attendance. The minutes of the 2015 annual meeting were approved as printed in the 2016 Spring Extra. The 2015/2016 financial report was distributed to the members. National Corriedale Queen Kaitlyn Stillion, Ohio was crowned 2016/2017 National Corriedale Queen. Ewe Lamb Futurity Winners Checks in the total amount of $1400 were presented to the 2015 Ewe Lamb Futurity winners. Thank you to the breeders who nominate their lambs and to the AJCA for their continued support of this program! Presentation of Awards The 2016 Moodie Trophy for National Champion Ram was presented to Dew Drop Farms, Minnesota and the Demar Trophy for 2016 National Champion Ewe was presented to Wolf Brothers of Ohio. Friesz Page 12

Corriedales were the recipients of the 2016 Best Consignment Award. The most prestigious award presented by the American Corriedale Association is the Guy L. Green Award for service in a variety of ways to the American Corriedale Association over many years. The well deserving recipient was Van Cruit Family of Illinois Bruce Hoffman and Family, South Dakota were honored as the 2016 Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. The plaque for Breeder of the Futurity Comeback Ewe class winner goes to Dew Drop Farms of Minnesota. Katelynn Wallace of Ohio showed the ewe DDF 5-70 and she received $175 cash and $25 buyers credit for placing first in the futurity yearling ewe class. Kaitlyn Stillion of Ohio was selected as the 2016 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. The 2016 scholarship winners are Kaitlyn Stillion and Kayce Vining of Wyoming. The Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award winner was Kayce Vining of Wyoming. Officer Election Bryan Vining of Wyoming was nominated and elected 2016/2017 President of the American Corriedale Association. Elected Vice-President was Joana Friesz of North Dakota. Gavel Presentation A gavel plaque donated by Ed Craig Family was presented to 2015/2016 President, Ryan Craig for his leadership and commitment to the American Corriedale Association over these past years. Website Homepage Auction The homepage months for our new website were auctioned with the total received in homepage ads of $575. Your support of this website is greatly appreciated! Fun Auction-Comeback Class The fun auction, a great way to end the evening with our friends, generated $1135 to be split between the ACA and the AJCA. Items purchased with proceeds going to the Futurity Comeback Class totaled $525. The generosity of this membership in so many ways is truly appreciated and makes this Association great! The Corriedale Extra

Class Additions To The 2017 National Sale Natural Yearling Ewe Class 2017 National Show and Sale

1. Ewes with a minimum of 1-inch staple and no more than 2-inch staple. 2. Ewes with over a 2-inch staple. All wool on the ewe must be same length– ewes may be tipped or fuzzed off, but not blocked. No coloring or painting of ewe. Washing legs is optional. Hand trimming of tags around legs and dung balls in dock area can be done. First and second place ewes in each class will be qualified to come out for Senior Champion.

Natural Ewe lamb Class 2017 National Junior Show

Junior Ewe Lamb Class (ewes born 1/1/17

or later) Wool Length – current lamb fleece. All wool on the ewe must be same length– ewes may be tipped or fuzzed off, but not blocked. No coloring or painting of ewe. Washing legs is optional. Hand trimming of tags around legs and dung balls in dock area can be done. First and second place ewes in each class will be qualified to come out for Senior Champion.

Wool Show 2017 National Show & Sale

1. Covered and Uncovered Fleece–Ram 2. Covered and Uncovered Fleece–Ewe Fleeces need to be sheared in 2016 or 2017 and no more than a 14 month staple. Bring fleece on show day for judging and is released sale day. Fleeces can be sold – indicate if for sale and a price on entry tag at time of bringing it on show day, May 12 at 8:30 a.m.

Hope to see


in Eaton, Ohio!

5H Farms Gary and Joyce Heibertshausen Alzada, MT • 567-224-9002 www.5hfarms.com joyceheib@hotmail.com Spring 2017

Page 13


2016 Cty. Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873 Cell: 217-714-0552

We are pleased to announce Rachel and Ryan were married December 5, 2016! We will be entering sheep at the 2017 National Corriedale Sale in Ohio. Stop by the pens and check out our entries that will be sired by 2015 National Champion Wolf Buck & DDF 4-92 Page 14


Corriedale Extra


John S. Merlau & Family P.O. Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163 Home: 317-861-4250 Office: 317-861-4795

We won 8 out of 13 classes at the 2016 NAILE:  Reserve Ram  Reserve Ewe  Ist Flock  Premier Breeder

Spring 2017

Page 15

Ohio Corriedale Club Roger Clark – R & R Farms 5187 Arrow Road, NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-895-2478 • Rogerclark80@yahoo.com

Kaitlyn Stillion

14827 Old Glory Rd., Lore City, Ohio 43755 740-584-6818

Wayne Kemler – Kemler Family 3535 Hoaglin Center Rd. , Van Wert, OH 45891 419-587-3822 • wkkemler@tds.net

Jim Kin – Kin Brothers 13329 TH 87, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 419-273-3221

Scott Peters – Peters’ Corriedales 9809 Boyer Rd., Versailles, OH 45380 937-526-9809 • scottrpeters@gmail.com www.freewebs.com/peterscorriedales

D & L Reichert 2474 N. Firestone Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9665 • don47linda@embarqmail.com

Kathy Robinson – Robinson Farms 7451 Co. Rd. 121, Fredericktown, OH 43019 419-201-0865

Scott Romine – Romine Corriedales 9522 Co. Rd. 20, Galion, OH 44833 419-462-5874 romine.scott.mary@gmail.com

Mary Thomas

7595 Co. Rd. 19, Fredericktown, OH 43019 614-313-7261

Abigail Thornton

11070 Royalton Rd., Amanda, OH 43102 740-601-2145

Jordan Vineyard

9300 Blue Rock Church Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 740-674-4499

Tom Wallace

755 Hufford Rd., Casstown, OH 45312 937-875-0372 tomwallace@hartzell.com

Galen Wilson

6405 Cutler Lake Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 740-674-4327

Kody, Adam & Alex Wolf – Wolf Brothers 6795 CH 97, Carey, OH 43316 419-310-1336 • wolfie2011@aim.com www.wolfbrothersfarm.webs.com

Chloe Wylie

Luke Schroeder 15587 Road 263, Defiance, OH 43512 419-789-1287

13664 County Road H, Bryan, OH 43506 419-633-1179

OHIO CORRIEDALE CLUB 755 N Hufford Rd, Casstown, OH 45312 • Phone: 937/875-0373 Tom Wallace, President • Kody Wolf, V-Pres. • Dawn Wallace, Secretary -Treasurer Page 16


Corriedale Extra

World Corriedale Congress 2018 The Australian Corriedale Association (ACA) is busy planning the next World Corriedale Congress to be held in Australia on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at the Quality Resort All Seasons, 171-183 McIvor Road, Bendigo, Victoria. Accommodation is available from July 1722. A welcoming cocktail party will be held on Tuesday evening, July 17, pre Congress. The Congress has been planned to coincide with the Australian Sheep Breeders Association (ASBA) sheep and wool show, held annually at the Bendigo showgrounds from Friday July 20 to Sunday July 22, 2018 with a Merino ram sale on Monday, July 23. Judging of Corriedales is on Friday afternoon and Saturday, with junior judging

and interbreed classes on Sunday. The Congress Committee comprising of Nick Cole, Di MacKinnon, Bron Ellis, Rick Hoolihan and President Graham Jenke have planned a pre Congress tour. Participants will need to arrive in Sydney by Tuesday evening, July 10. Points of interest will be visited in New South Wales, before flying to Adelaide on Thursday July 12, then travelling through South Australia to Victoria via Mt Gambier, Hamilton and then on to Bendigo, arriving on Tuesday July 17. Details can be found on the ACA website www.corriedale.org.au. More information will be available on the website as planning continues. We encourage you to put these dates in your diary and look forward to meeting you in Australia for the 2018 World Corriedale Congress. Graham G. Jenke ACA Federal President

These are a portion of our spring lambs for 2017.


Thanks to our former buyers and we will see you at Maryland Sheep and Wool festival first week in May.

Ben & Mary Bow & FaMily

100 Clear Spring Rd., Annville, PA 17003 • (717) 867-1305

Spring 2017

Page 17

Proven to perform on range, farm and show

Wellman Family Corriedale P.O. Box 84, Hamilton, CO 81638

John: 970-824-4736

Eric: 970-701-9107


Thanks to all of you for keeping Corriedales, “The Better Breed”


m “Life is Good”

Stop by our pens at the National Show in Ohio and the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Missouri.

Bryan, Gina, nicole & Kayce VininG 1900 County Rd 219, Cheyenne, WY • (307) 634-6304 • BGVining@aol.com Page 18


Corriedale Extra

NAILE Basket Auction 2015 “Leather Shepherd’s Lament” “North Dakota T-shirts” “North Dakota T-shirt s” “North Dakota T-shirts”

Friesz Corriedales, ND Minot Show Minot Show Minot Show

$70 $20 $15 $10

William Seals Angie Thornton Darin Bauck Laura Peterson

2016 “Leather Shepherd’s Lament” Friesz Corriedales, ND “Felted Wool Sheep Picture” Friesz Corriedales, ND “Bluff Creek Wine Set” Dew Drop Farms, MN “Wooly Bag of Stuff” Chris Humphrey/Nancy Miniter “Nesting Baskets with Lamb” Marcia Craig JAM Corriedales, Ferrel/McSparen, MO “Taster of MO” “Fall Basket” Lacie Hoffman, SD ”Necklace/Earrings” Brooke Hendrickx, MN “North Dakota T-shirt” Minot, ND Show “ T-shirt-Nat’l Jr Show” Ketcham Equipment

$110 Steve Sink $80 Sarah Fleener $62 Marie McSparen $55 Dew Drop Farms $50 Melissa Wolf $30 Renetta Phillippi $22 Carla Draise $21 Brode Kessler $5 Heather Stoltman $3 Marcia Craig


Hoffman and Family

Evolving our flock to meet the needs of all Corriedale breeders. See you in Ohio! 36231 US Highway 212, Rockham, SD 57470 (605) 472-0856 • Lacie’s cell (605) 460-2681 • laciehoffman@gmail.com Spring 2017

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Corriedale Extra

2016 Ewe Lamb Futurity The 2016 Ewe Lamb Futurity had 17 lambs shown by 12 individuals competing for prize money and we appreciate the participation of these juniors in the program. We especially want to thank those who nominated lambs. You make this program possible for our youth! Twenty dollars of their nomination fee goes to make a $820 purse available to these participants, plus $500 which is donated by the AJCA, making the total purse for 2016 at $1320. Five

dollars of the $25 nomination fee goes to make up a purse of $205 for the Yearling Ewe Futurity Comeback Class at the 2017 National Junior Show. Purchase a futurity ewe lamb and get into the competition for 2016. We will again have a double points show immediately following the purchase of your new futurity ewe lamb which will follow the National Sale on Saturday, May 13 in Eaton, Ohio. Remember the NAILE Junior Show is double points and staying to show in the NAILE Open

Kaitlyn Stillion with her ewe, WOLF 054, the ewe she tied for first place Futurity.

Thomas Wallace with DDF 5-70, the ewe he tied for first place Futurity.


A full line of high quality sheep equipment‌built to last! Kenneth Townsend, Owner Spring 2017

4141 S. 25 W, Trafalgar, IN (317) 736-4047 toll free: (866) 736-4047 sales@townsendequipment.com Eastern Warehouse, Andy Farley Jackson, OH, 740-352-0123

townsendequipment.com Page 21

Queen’s message

Show garners even more points for your futurity lambs. Placings in the futurity competition Greetings from Wooster, Ohio. As I sit were as follows: here I realize that before long I will be 1&2 TIE turning in my sash and passing on the Thomas Wallace, OH-DDF 5-70 tradition of queen Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 054 to the next 3. Katelynn Wallace, OH-KIN 964 recipient. I hope 4&5 TIE she appreciates the Jacob Ferrel, MO-PHILLIPPI 607 honor as much as Jacob Ferrel, MO-PHILLIPPI 616 I have. I am very 6&7 TIE proud to have Cody Morris, IL-BWH 3828 joined a long list Cody Morris, IL-FRIESZ 618 of past queens. I 8. Abigail Weis, SD-BANDT 1116 don’t see this as the 9. Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 5-72 end of something, 10. TIE but more as the Colton Bredahl, SD-ORF 1619 beginning because Maryselle Lea, TN- FRIESZ 660 of all of the great people I have met When you see these people be sure and express your appreciation for their support of this program for our junior members!

AJCA, $500 Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD (6) Bandt Corriedales, WI (4) 5-H Farms, MT (4) Friesz Corriedales, ND (4) Dew Drop Farms, MN (3) Gann Corriedales, IL (3) Owl Ridge Farm, MA (3) Phillippi Corriedales, MT (3) Leah Beth Faulkner, TN (2) Federer Corriedales, WY (2) Wolf Brothers, OH (2) Craig Sheep Farm, IL (1) Kin Brothers, OH (1) Lightning Ridge Farm, MA(1) Morris Corriedales, IL (1) Thornton Farms, OH (1)

National Show/Sale – Eaton, OHIO National Junior Show Thursday, May 11 - 7 pm National Corriedale Show Friday, May 12- 9 am National Corriedale Sale Saturday, May 13- 10 am

Page 22

over the last several years traveling and showing Corriedales. I feel like I have been accepted into the Corriedale family! Part of my college requirements here at The Ohio State University ATI include a summer internship. This will keep me very busy, but I hope to see everyone this summer at some of the shows. Lastly, I would like to thank The Ohio Corriedale Association for providing the starter flock program to people like myself. This made a huge impact on my life. Hope to see everyone at Eaton! 2016-2017 American Corriedale Queen Kaitlyn Stillion

Hettinger Corriedales Helen Hettinger 655 County Road 1675 E, Eureka, IL 61530 (309)467-3809 phhettinger@gmail.com www.hettingercorriedales.com The

Corriedale Extra


“The Callicrate ‘WEE’ Bander is well worth the investment.” John Blevins, California


“The Callicrate Bander is phenomenal.” George Chambers Carrolton, Georgia


ate Castr Tails k c o D pses Prola Treat



CallicrateBanders.com Spring 2017

Page 23

2016 NAILE Junior Show Grand Champion Ram Ellen Peters, OH Reserve Grand Champion Ram Kaitlyn Stillion, OH Grand Champion Ewe Cody Morris, IL Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Ellen Peters, OH Best Fleece Ellen Peters, OH Best Headed Ellen Peters, OH State Flock Ohio

Grand Champion Ram, Best Headed Ellen Peters

Page 24

Reserve Grand Champion Ram Kaitlyn Stillion

Senior Ram Lamb 1. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-RC 153 (Reserve Grand Champion Ram) Junior Ram Lamb 1. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1605 (Grand Champion Ram/Best Headed) 2. Cody Morris, IL-MORRIS 973 3. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1600 4. Luke Schroeder, OH-LGS 1 5. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1610 6. Jordan Vineyard, OH-JDV 1604 7. Mattie Horchler, PA-MH 6023

Grand Champion Ewe Cody Morris

Reserved Grand Champion Ewe, Best Fleeced, Ellen Peters The Corriedale Extra

Yearling Ewe 1. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-CRAIG 1527 2. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1508 3. Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 509 4. Abigail Thornton , OH-DDF 4-86 5. Ellen Peters, OH-CRAIG 1525 6. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-STILLION 15 7. Katelynn Wallace, OH-DDF 5-42 8. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1519 9. Jordan Vineyard, OH-PETERS 1502 10. Cody Morris, IL-MORRIS 964 Senior Ewe Lamb 1. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 054 2. Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 5-72 3. Cody Morris, IL-BWH 3828 4. Thomas Wallace, OH-DDF 5-70 5. Cody Morris, IL-FAULKNER 1260 January Ewe Lamb 1. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1603 (Reserve Grand Champion Ewe/Best Fleece) 2. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-RC 274 3. Mattie Horchler, PA-MH 6075 4. Mattie Horchler, PA-MH 6024 5. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 16 6. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 15 February Ewe Lamb 1. Cody Morris, IL-FRIESZ 618 (Grand Champion Ewe) 2. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1608 3. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1607 4. Maryselle Lea, TN-FRIESZ 660 5. Nathaniel Trojanoski, CT-NJT 1617 State Flock Ohio

Office Closed The ACA office will be closed May 10-14 to attend the National Corriedale Show and Sale in Eaton, Ohio. Please allow adequate time for registration paper processing prior to these events! Spring 2017

From the Junior President’s Desk Hello all! I hope all have had a safe and fruitful winter and lambing season. This has been my first year I haven’t been home for the entirety of lambing due to going back to college, but I got my full dose during my time home. As the spring lambing season is drawing to a close, this marks the beginning to what I know will be another successful and exciting show season. This means the 2017 National Corriedale Show and Sale is rapidly approaching. I hope everyone has made arrangements to make the trek to Eaton once again for another year of competition and fun. This year’s show and sale will be May 11 through May 13. The junior show will be held on Thursday, the open show will be Friday, and the sale will be Saturday. I look forward to seeing everyone to kick off the show season and to catch up with everyone about the events of the year! See you in Eaton! Collin Peters Page 25

Twist of Fate Spinnery, LLP Featured Breeder:

locks. After picking the fleece, an anti static agent is applied to the fiber and it rests for Rick and Allison Trojanoski a minimum of one hour before moving on Hope Hollow Farm to the carding process. The carding machine has a series of drums. The worker drums It was a twist of fate that led us to the wool comb through the fibers and align them. processing business. In 2004 we stumbled The stripper drums remove the fiber from across an article about Belfast Mini-mills, one worker and move it onto the next for a company that manufactured small scale further alignment. At the end of the process fiber processing equipment for the cottage the web that comes off the carding machine industry. Prior to finding out about them can either be consolidated into a roving or the only way to get into the business was collected on a drum to form a batt. to purchase an old large fiber mill and scale The batts can be further processed into it down as much as possible, which still left felt sheets or are ready for use by felters and you with equipment that was of a scale too quilters. Roving at this point is ready for the large for our needs. hand spinner to use. If you wish to have your The wool market in the Northeast was fleece made into yarn the process continues nonexistent at the time and we felt that a at the draw frame. This machine blends two small scale wool mill would not only benefit of the roving together and stretches them us personally but could also help other out to form a thinner product called a sliver. producers in the area, too. Our facility has The sliver proceeds to the spinning frame the capability to produce batts or roving for where it is drawn out even thinner and hand spinners and felters, as well as sheets twisted into a single ply yarn. of felt and yarns of many weights for those The single ply yarns are then moved to wishing to have a more finished product. the plying machine where two or more are New this year we will also be offering twisted together to produce a plied yarn finished socks for our clients. that will have a more consistent finished People don’t realize the many steps look and be much stronger than the single needed to make a yarn. The wool must first ply yarn. Because wool is a natural fiber it be skirted and scoured. Wools are washed has a memory and wishes at a temperature of 180 to revert back to its natural degrees. The process takes state. To overcome this, the three hours with two wash yarn must now be steamed cycles and three rinse cycles. to set the twist. Once set and Minimal agitation is used dried again, the yarn is ready in the scouring process so to be put into skeins. as to not felt the wool. After    We normally put the yarn scouring, the wool is moved up in four ounce skeins with to racks for air drying which varying yardage depending takes 24 to 48 hours to dry on the weight of the yarn. For the wool, depending on the example, a worsted weight weather and the fineness of yarn has 250 yards to the skein the fibers. while a bulky weight yarn Once the fleece is dry it is only 150 yards to the four moves to the picker. This ounce skein. machine combs through Nathaniel Trojanoski has been the fleece to break up the committed to Corriedale since age 7.   When we first acquired Page 26


Corriedale Extra

the mill we anticipated processing our own wool and the wool of other small scale sheep producers in the area. Quickly we found out that not only sheep producers were interested in our custom processing services but also llama and alpaca producers, too. We are always up for the challenge and have even processed fibers such as dog, bison, yak, mohair, cashmere, and even raccoon. We did however draw the line at skunk! Our son, Nathaniel, has been committed to the Corriedale breed since he was seven. He saw his first Corriedale at that age and was adamant that was the breed he wanted. From that first ewe his flock has grown over the years to now encompass 15 ewes. Because Corriedales are a truly dual purpose breed, we knew we had to develop a market for the wool. The mill has afforded us the opportunity to utilize our fleeces in a manner that is profitable for the farm. Corriedales have provided us with a wool clip that is in high demand because of its luster and soft handle. Fiber artists seek us out at fiber festivals and farmer’s markets because of the high quality of the Corriedale wool. Twist Of Fate Spinnery and Supply has expanded its services and offers an array of products for fitting and showing and also offers sharpening services. The mill is located in Portland Conn. and the supply trailer travels to shows around the northeast. Visitors are always welcome so if you ever find yourself in Connecticut please give Rick a call at 860-759-9334 or visit us at our web site twistoffatespinnery.com.

The carder infeed. Spring 2017

The spinning frame.

The picker.

The carder and barrels of roving. Page 27

Director Profile Hello from North-Central Ohio. My name is Jim Kin and I was elected to the Executive Board at Sedalia in 2014. My wife, Oleta, and I are parents of four children. We have three daughters, Jamie, Dawn and Krysta, as well as a son, Scott. We are proud to be the grandparents of nine grandchildren and another on the way. All of our children have exhibited at the county and state fair levels. Our two oldest grandsons have also started showing at our local county fair. The Corriedale breed has always been a part of my life. My father, Al, and his brothers, started raising Corriedales as 4-H and FFA projects. They purchased their first ewes in 1944 and have continued ever since. Over the many years the flock has taken part in shows successfully from coast to coast. From 1971-1991 the operation held production sales every other year. One of the sales had sheep sell to 14 different states, as well as Canada. I have been thankful to have served as president of the Ohio Corriedale Club. My father is also a past American Corriedale Association President and board member. Our operation currently lambs out approximately 50 ewes. At one time we lambed as many as 230 ewes. I also operate a grain farm along

with my brother, Phil, and our dad. I can without a doubt say that my association with the breed has allowed me to meet a lot of great people over the years. It has also made it possible to travel all across different parts of the country. It has been an honor to be selected to this post and help advance the Corriedale Breed. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming National Show and Sale in Eaton. Thank You.

Index Banner.................................................... 8 Bauck...................... Inside Front Cover Bow.......................................................17 Callicrate No Bull...............................23 Clark......................................................10 Craig......................................................14 Friesz................................... Front Cover Heiberthausen...................................13 Hettinger............................................ 22 Hoffman...............................................19 Kemler..................................................11 Ketcham................................................. 4 Page 28

Livengood............................................. 5 Merlau..................................................15 Midwest Sale.......... Inside Back Cover National Show & Sale.......................20 Ohio Club.............................................16 Pennsylvania Association.................. 6 Phillippi.................................................. 9 Townsend............................................21 Vining...................................................18 Wellman...............................................18 Wolf.......................................Back Cover The

Corriedale Extra

Spring 2017

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Corriedale EXTRA



Wolf Brothers Corriedales 2016 NATIONAL C H A M P I O N E W E Jeff & Kody, Alex & Bradyn, Adam, Olan & Oden

Page 2

12615 County Hwy. 330, Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351 Corriedale Extra 419-310-1336 • wolfie2011@aim.com www.wolfbrotherscorriedales.webs.com The

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