Fall 2020 Corriedale EXTRA

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Membership Directory Issue

Fall 2020

Corriedale EXTRA


DDF 19-84

TOP SELLING RAM 2020 National Online Sale

Best of luck to the Converse Family DDF 19-82

TOP SELLING RAM Ohio Online Sale Thanks to the Craigs/Merlaus

Dew Drop

Farms FALL 2020

“ Home of the Big Bucks

and Foundation Females” New York Mills, MN Page 1 Duane 218-640-7800 • Darin 218-639-8484


CORRIEDALES Since 1951 “The Better Breed”

Looking forward to seeing you all at the 2021 National Show & Sale in Ohio

Bandt 1200 at Stud Look for his lambs in 2021

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” ~ Romans 12:28

Thanks for all of your support in 2020! Breeding stock for sale at the farm. Put your orders in for 2021. Bandt 1172 sold to the Craig Family of Illinois Mike Bandt • 1650 Sandy Rock Road • Hollandale, WI 53544 Cell: 608/387-5789 • Email: bandtcorriedales@gmail.com Page 2


Corriedale EXTRA

Officers and Executive Board Gary Heibertshausen, President Alzada, MT • (567) 224–9002 garyheib@yahoo.com Alex Wolf, Vice-President Upper Sandusky, Ohio  •  (419) 310-9153 am07wolf@hotmail.com


Corriedale EXTRA

is published on a semi-annual basis with Spring and Fall editions by the...

AMERICAN CORRIEDALE ASSOCIATION, INC. For Registrations and Membership Dues

Associated Sheep Registry

Ryan Gann Leaf River, IL   •  (815) 979-3117 gannfarms@hotmail.com Christine Humphrey New Braintree, MA (508) 867-9113  •  (508) 864-1800 auburnsew@hotmail.com John Merlau New Palestine, IN  •  (317) 861-4250

P.O. Box 231, 420A Lincoln Street Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785-456-8500 FAX: 785-456-8599

The Corriedale Extra will be mailed free of charge to all active ACA members, AJCA members and associate members.

For payment of ads published in EXTRA Make check payable to ACA Mail to: Gary Heibertshausen 411 Black Point Lane Alzada, MT 59311

Corriedale EXTRA Editors: American Corriedale Board of Directors Contact Christine Humphrey: (508) 867-9113 or (508) 864-1800 www.americancorriedale.com

Advertising Deadline 2021 Spring Issue — Feb. 18

In order to publish on time, ads need to be turned in by the deadline. The

Corriedale EXTRA Rinda Maddox – Advertising Sales and EXTRA Publisher Cell/anytime: (217) 474-9365 corriedale@thesidellreporter.com P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 The Extra is published through the office of The Sidell Reporter by Owner/Editor Rinda Maddox. FALL 2020

Advertising Rates set by ACA Front cover/one color............................$200 Back cover/one color.............................$200 Inside covers......................... Call ACA office Full page.....................................................$175 Half page....................................................$125 Quarter page............................................... $75 2” Ad............................................................... $40 Two page ad (2 free photos)................$300 Photos...................................... 1st photo free additional photos $10 each All rams and ewes with christened names in ad will be charged $25 name registration fee. Spot color only available on covers Page 1

President’s Note Hello Corriedale Breeders, As I have said before what a year this has been. As this issue of the Extra goes to press the NAILE in Louisville is on. I urge everyone to go to their website to stay updated on rules and regulations on attending the show. Several things have changed this year due to Covid-19. I applaud all of the Corriedale Breeders this year for all of your work for our breed in a year that has been challenging at best. The Executive Board has been working throughout the year to keep our Association current and active for the membership. Starting with our last Past Presidents Meeting the Executive Board and staff were ask questions that did not have answers for about our Association. As we work on the≠se items and more some changes have and may occur as we move forward. No one likes change, however at times they are needed. In February Marcia informed the Board she would work through our show and sale at Sedalia and then retire. Marcia has worked for this Association for 22 years and helped numerous folks with their Corriedale. Without a national show and sale and events the board thought this fall Extra would focus on all of our breeders and members. Not all of our members choose to exhibit in the show ring and are just as important to our Association. As you can see we are a small group no secrets here. We are truly raising a multi purpose breed meat, wool, show, range, or feedlot Corriedale excel in all. A big thank you to Christine Humphrey for all of her work she did to source the info for this directory. Looking forward to 2021 we have contacted Select Livestock the service who is managing the Ohio sale at Greenville, Ohio to have our National. In closing I would like to thank our members for their patience willingness to help make our association better. Also for the members of the board for making their self available for conference calls and to answer members questions. For those who are interested minutes to all meetings of the Executive Board are available at the office. My thoughts are with everyone as we work through this pandemic and election. Good luck everyone on lambing and for your up coming shows. Gary Heiberthausen

KIN BROTHERS Corriedales 12831 T.H. 87, Forest, OH 45843 419-674-3346 Page 2


Corriedale EXTRA

ACA National Sale

Online Sale • May 27 Total Gross Sales: $11,155.00 Seller

Buyer, State

Lightning Ridge LRF 1903 Todd Coleman, IL Dew Drop Farm DDF 8-74 Yrl Ewe Marty Hicks, IL Dew Drop Farm DDF 904 Yrl Ram Eric Wellman, CO


$350 $600 $600

RC 316 Reg 579155 Katelynn Wallace, OH $350 RCG 65 Lacie Peterson, SD $300 Merlau 19-21 Darin Bauck, MN $450 Craig 1922 Kathy McClure, IL $450 Dew Drop Farm DDF 19-78 Fall Ewe Katelynn Wallace, OH $500 Dew Drop Farm DDF 19-84 Fall Ram Nathan Converse, MN $1,100 Lightning Ridge LRF 2009 Rachel Reister, WA $400 RC192 Roger Clark, OH $300 Lightning Ridge LRF 2012 Rachel Reister, WA $850 Dew Drop Farm DDF 19-79 Fall Ewe Ryan Craig, IL $700 RCG 68 John Coers, IL $300 RCG 69 John Merlau, IN $250 103 Eric Wellman, CO $250 RCG 73 Darin Bauck, MN $250 Craig 1938 Kathy McClure $1000 ORF 2007 John Merlau, IN $500 Painting Renetta Phillippi, MT $500 Hart Kool Fan Ryan Craig, IL $375 Fleece Joan Jahelka, CO $150

Best wishes to fellow breeders for fall and spring lambing.

5H Farms

Gary and Joyce Heibertshausen Alzada, MT www.5hfarms.com • joyceheib@hotmail.com FALL 2020

Page 3

Associated Sheep Registry of Kansas to now handle all ACA registries On the American Corriedale website, americancorriedale.com, you will find information about the Corriedale sheep breed, its history, show and sale results and activities of the Junior Association. You can also view ads of various Corriedale sheep breeders throughout the country and keep up on the latest events listed on the sale calendar. Each month a new breeder is featured. This Corriedale breeder gets the privilege of posting their ads on the front page. Please contact ACA for more information on advertising. For your convenience use the on line registration and make a pay-

Home of fine and dense fleeced Corriedales since 1976.

Wellman Family Corriedale P.O. Box 84, Hamilton, CO 81638 • wellman5family@gmail.com

John: 970-824-4736 Eric: 970-701-9107 Visitors are always welcome at the Ranch.

Page 4


Corriedale EXTRA

ment with their online shopping cart. To join the American Corriedale Association, use the convenient online application on the corriedale website, print out the form from the website, or use the form shown below and mail to:

FALL 2020

Associated Sheep Registry PO Box 231 420A Lincoln St. Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785-456-8500 Fax: 785-456-8599

Page 5

U.S. 2021 Corriedale Starter Flock Program Purpose? To promote growth and visibility of the Corriedale breed and to promote youth involvement and education with the breed. What comprises the starter flock? The winner will be awarded two ewe lambs. Who is eligible? Any youth age 8 to 18 as of January 1, 2021, whose immediate family does not raise Corriedale sheep. Policy and Procedure: 1. An application and all supporting materials must be submitted to Lacie Peterson by March 20th, 2021. The application will be posted to the ACA website and ACA facebook page. A. An essay must be completed and included with the application. The essay should detail the interest in the Corriedale breed, any other sheep or livestock experience, facilities available for raising

the sheep, and intentions for the sheep. B. A signed letter from parent(s) or guardian(s) stating their approval of the application and all the responsibilities (feed, finances, time, etc.) that go along with the possible receipt of the sheep. C. A signed letter of recommendation from a 4-H/FFA leader, or from a current ACA member. 2. The winning applicant will be notified in writing by April 1st, 2021 and will be awarded the starter flock at the 2021 National Corriedale Show and Sale, held May 6-8 in Greenville, Ohio. Attendance at the National Show and Sale is mandatory. The recipient will be eligible and encouraged to participate in the junior show classes and showmanship at the 2021 ACA National Junior Show. 3. The recipient will be assigned a “mentor” who will be located as close to their residence as possible. The “mentor” will provide knowledge, advice, and support to the winner, and will also occasionally check on the welfare of the awarded animals. Help with breeding the ewes the first year will be provided.

Lightning Ridge Farm Contact us for all your breeding stock and semen needs 774-244-2543 • nminiter@gmail.com John and Nancy Miniter Sherborn, Ma Page 6

Justin and Clara Hukowicz Hadley, MA

Nick Miniter Greene, RI The

Corriedale EXTRA

Breed Type Standards

Corriedale Breeder’s Aim The Corriedale Breeder’s aim is to produce a dual purpose sheep combining maximum clean fleece weight, body weight and fertility, having regard to the breed type standard. 1. General Appearance The Corriedale should at once give the impression of being a well-woolled and evenly balanced sheep, with a remarkably hardy constitution, the ram being of a distinctive character and bold outlook. Being a dual-purpose sheep, consideration should be given to both wool and carcase. 2. Wool The Corriedale carries a heavy, even, bright fleece of good quality with a long dense staple, pronounced crimp, soft handle and an even tip. For visual appraisal purposes, the object quality should be within the range of 50-58 spinning count and emphasis must be placed on quality. The characteristic of a pure Corriedale sheep is a remarkable evenness in the length, density and quality of the fleece throughout. In males, the purse should be covered with wool. Note: As feeding, age, sex and health have a

marked influence on the average fibre diameter of a fleece, a strict limit cannot be included in the Type Standard. However, as a guide, the mean fibre diameter of the fleece under average grazing conditions should be in the range of 25-32 microns. (Mature rams slightly broader, ewes slightly finer). 3. Body Structure A. Head: Hornless, broad, strong and well-woolled, but free from wool blindness. Black or blue spots on the ears are no defect, but black or brown spots on hair or wool are defects. The jaw and bit should be broad, teeth well formed and meet the upper pad at the front. Nostrils preferably dark. Ears thick and soft. B. Neck: Broad and strong, forming a good scrag and long enough to provide good balance C. Brisket: Carried well forward and wide. D. Back: Long, level and broad. E. Ribs: Well sprung and deep. F. Hindquarters: Deep, broad and well muscled. G. Legs: Moderate length with heavy bone and squarely set under the sheep. Colored fibres are a serious defect. Hoofs well formed and preferably dark.

Scott • Mary • Seth • Jason

419-462-5874 FALL 2020

Scott’s cell: 419-982-3185 Page 7

Anthelminics for sheep and goats

Compiled by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist, University of Maryland Extension [last updated 04.19.12] Source: Product labels and Animal Drugs @ FDA Trade name

Drug ingredient

Drug family

FDA approved species

Cydectin® 0.5% Moxidectin ML Beef cattle pour-on for cattle Milbemycin non-lactating dairy Cydectin® 1% Moxidectin ML Beef cattle injectable Milbemycin Cydectin® 0.1% oral Moxidectin ML Non-lactating sheep drench for sheep Milbemycin Dectomax® 1% Doramectin ML Non-dairy cattle injectable Avermectin Swine Dectomax® 5% Doramectin ML Non-dairy cattle pour-on for cattle Avermectin Ivomec® Eprinex Eprinomectin ML Cattle pour-on Avermectin Ivomec® pour-on Ivermectin ML for cattle Avermectin Ivomec® Plus Ivermectin ML Beef cattle injection Clorsulon Avermectin Non-breeding dairy Ivomec® 1% Ivermectin ML Beef cattle, non-breeding dairy injection Avermectin Cervid, Bison Ivomec® Liquid Ivermectin ML Sheep Avermectin Primectin™ drench Prohibit™ soluble Levamisole NIC Beef cattle drench powder hydrochloride Non-breeding dairy, sheep Tramisol® Quest® gel Moxidectin ML Equine Milbemycin Rumatel® Morantel tartrate NIC Cattle, goats Safeguard® Fenbendazole BDZ cattle, goats 10% suspension Strongid® paste Pyrantel NIC Equine Pamoate Synanthic® Oxfendazole BZD Beef cattle liquid suspension Non-lactating dairy Valbazen® Albendazole BZD Cattle, non-breeding dairy Sheep, Non-lactating goats, (liver fluke control) The Page 8 Corriedale EXTRA

Not all anthelminics listed in the table are FDA-approved for use in sheep and goats. It is recommended that sheep and goats always be dewormed by mouth (OS), preferably with drench formulations. Other routes of anthelmintic delivery promote development of anthelmintic-resistant worms. Specificity

Labeled dosage for approved species


Stomach and intestinal worms, 5 ml/110 lbs. topical 0 days lungworms, external parasites Stomach and intestinal worms, 1 ml/110 lbs. SQ 21 days lungworms, external parasites Stomach worms, lungworms, 1 ml/11 lbs. by mouth 7 days external parasites or 1 ml/5 kg Stomach and intestinal worms, 1 ml/110 lbs. (cattle) 35 days (cattle) lungworms, external parasites 1 ml/110 lbs. (swine) SQ or IM 24 days (swine) Stomach and intestinal worms 5 ml/110 lbs. topical 45 days Lungworms, external parasites 5 ml/110 lbs. topical Stomach and intestinal worms, 5 ml/110 lbs. topical slaughter: 0 days lungworms, external parasites milk: 0 days Stomach and intestinal worms, 1 ml/22 lbs. topical 48 days lungworms, external parasites Stomach and intestinal worms, 1 ml/110 lbs. SQ 56 days lungworms, external parasites, liver flukes Stomach and intestinal worms, 1 ml/110 lbs. (cattle) 35 days (cattle) lungworms, external parasites 1 ml/75 lbs. (swine) 28 days (swine) SQ Stomach and intestional worms 3 ml/26 lbs. OS 11 days slaughter (adult, L4) Milk – ? lungworms, nasal bots Stomach and intestinal worms Depends upon dilution 3 days (sheep) lungworms 2 days (cattle) Small strongyles

0.4 mg/2.2 lbs. OS

Mature roundworms 0.44 to 4.4 g per lb. of feed Stomach and intestional worms 2.3 ml/100 lbs. OS lungworms Small and large strongyles 3 mg/lb. OS Stomach and intestinal worms lungworms, tapeworms Stomach and intestional worms, (adults and L4), lungworms tapeworms, liver flukes FALL 2020

NA 14 (cattle) 30 days (goats) 8 days (cattle) 6 days (goats) NA

2.5/110 lbs. OS

7 days

3 ml/100 lbs. OS (sheep) 4 ml/100 lbs. OS (cattle) 4 ml/100 lbs OS (goats)

7 days (cattle) 7 days (sheep) 7 days (goats) Page 9

Champion Ewe, Rese Reserve Champion Ra 2019 N CRAIG SHEEP FARM 2016 Cty. Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873 Cell: 217-714-0552 craig_ryan_e@yahoo.com Page 10


Corriedale EXTRA

erve Champion Ewe, am, Premiere Breeder

NAILE MERLAU FARMS P.O. Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163 Home: 317-861-4250 Office: 317-861-4795 FALL 2020

Page 11


Membership Directory CALIFORNIA George M. Saunders Southern California Sheep & Wool 22386 Pico Street Grand Terrace, CA 92313 (909) 783-0196 saundegm@thevine.net ✷Selling sheep & wool Alan Wilkinson Wilkinson Ranch P.O. Box 10784 Terra Bella, CA 93270 (559) 920-3616 Elyssa M. Wilkinson P.O. Box 10784 Terra Bella, CA 93270 (559) 920-3616



Roger Clark 5187 Arrow RD NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-771-7222 rogerclark80@yahoo.com Page 12

Pamela M. Wilkinson P.O. Box 10784 Terra Bella, CA 93270 (559) 920-3616

COLORADO Bob & Deb Schroth Broken S Corriedales 5899 SCR 157, Strasburg, CO 80136 (303) 622-4617 bschrothd@msn.com ✶Corriedale sheep, fleeces John, Eric & Debbie Wellman Wellman Family Corriedales P.O. Box 84 Hamilton, CO 81638 H: (970) 824-4736 C: (970) 701-9107 wellman5family@gmail.com ✷Corriedale breeding stock, hand spinning fleeces, roving & yarn leasing rams Eric Wellman P.O. Box 84 Hamilton, CO 81638 (970) 701-9107 edwellman88@gmail.com The

Corriedale EXTRA

IOWA Lein Corriedales Nathan, Jamie, Kjell & Anja Lein 7295 I Ave. Arlington, IA 50606-8213 (319) 415-2574 wimi69@hotmail.com ✷ Corriedale breeding stock, fleece & pelts; meat & locker lambs Michelle & Ben Heckart Nonpareil Corriedales 14623 190th Ave Danville, IA 52623 (319) 457-0501 heckart@danvilletelco.net ✷Corriedale breeding stock Dennis L. Sorge 13282 O Ave. Randalia, IA 52164-8540 (319) 283-0863 Keith Chamberlin (419) 496-6075 ✷Registered Corriedales, sheep management services

ILLINOIS Ryan, Rachel, Brady, Dylan & Caleb Craig Craig Sheep Farm 1706 Juniper Ct. St. Joseph, IL 61873 (217) 714-0552 craig_ryan_e@yahoo.com ✷Corriedale & Natural Colored sheep FALL 2020

Helen Hettinger Hettinger Corriedales 655 County Rd 1675E Eureka, IL 61530 C: (309) 824-5412 H: (309) 467-3809 phhettinger@gmail.com ✷Corriedale & Cormo breeding stock, fleece, yarn & roving dyed & natural; locally processed W.K. Mitchell KeenMah Farms 1187 30th Ave. Roseville, IL 61473 (309) 299-6543 ✷Corriedale rams & ewes available at most times Rachel’s Woolly Wonders 1706 Juniper Ct. St. Joseph, IL. 61873 (216) 570-8103 Gary Ricketts 1825 Prairie Winds Cr. Urbana, IL 61802 (217) 367-2098 arickett@illinois.edu ✷Corriedales since 1948 Associate member Max Woolever 959 Co. Rd. 1900 E Greenup, IL 62428 (217) 923-3952 max@woolever.com ✷Registered Corriedales Page 13

INDIANA Dan & Dave Hampton 4211 N 680 E Darlington, IN 47940 (765) 794-4830 dan-kathy@att.net ✷Corriedale friends Rebecca Bull 7365 Lakeside Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 (317) 797-6383 rebeccabull@comcast.net ✷Corriedale sheep & wool, including hand spinning fleeces, batts, roving, yarn & comforters John S. Merlau Merlau Farms P.O. Box 406 New Palestine, IN 46163 (317) 861-4795 john@merlau.com ✷Corriedale breeding stock

MICHIGAN Andrea Krieger Krieger Club Lambs & Corriedales 2641 Chickering Rd. Beiding, MI 48809 (616) 498-0770 Kriegerclublambs@gmail.com ✷Registered Corriedales, Club lambs, Kalmbach & High Noon feed dealer E. Selden Collins Collins Farm 1628 W Town Line Rd. Pickford, MI 49774 (906) 647-2011 esc413@centurytel.net ✷Registered and commercial Corriedales, white & natural Colored, spinning fleeces Page 14

MINNESOTA Darin & Duane Bauck Dew Drop Farm 38118 510th Ave. New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 dewdrop@lakesplus.com ✷Corriedale, Columbia & Rambouillet sheep; “Home of the Big Bucks” Isaiah Bauck 38118 510th Ave. New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 640-7800

MONTANA Gary & Joyce Heibertshausen 5-H Farms 411 Black Point Lane Alzada, MT 59311 (567) 224-9002 joyceheib@hotmail.com ✷Registered & commercial Corriedales, breeding stock & wool for sale Lester & Renetta Phillippi Phillippi Corriedales 2421 Hammond Rd. Hammond, MT 59332 H: (406) 427-5280 C: (406) 925-1352 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com ✷Registered & commercial Corriedale rams & ewes Meghan Phillippi Camp Sheep Co. 2470 Hammond Rd. Hammond, MT 59332 (406) 529-8007 meghan.phillippi@gmail.com The

Corriedale EXTRA

MISSOURI Gene & Joyce Milligan Milligan Corriedales 40922 Locust Hill Street Novelty, MO 63460 (660) 739-4050 milligansheep@hotmail.com ✷Corriedale sheep Jenny & Pete Bradley 50019 N River Street Novelty, MO 63460 (660) 216-8518 Jennyleigh01@hotmail.com

NEW ENGLAND Sarah Para, Asa Johnson 16 King Phillip Trail Baldwinville, MA (978) 790-3862 ✷Registered Corriedales Neil H. Watson D.V.M. Baptist Hill Farm 93 Sunken Bridge Rd. Corinna, ME 04928 (207) 270-1189 Garrett & Trisha Martin Maple Crest Farm 2718 Union Street Herman, ME 14401 (207) 848-4969 martinbarger@ad.com ✷Corriedale sheep, wool, yarn & freezer lamb FALL 2020

Christine Humphrey Owl Ridge Farm 665 Hardwick Rd. New Braintree, MA 01531 (508) 864-1800 auburnsew@hotmail.com ✷Registered Corriedales, hand spun yarn, Baaay state blankets The Miniter Family Lightning Ridge Farm P.O. Box 729 Sherborn, MA 01770 (774) 244-2543 jnen@aol.com ✷Registered Corriedales Martha & Ron Rice Sleepy Hollow Farm 128 High Street Terryville, CT 06786 Mart: (860) 309-1191 Ron: (860) 329-7729 sleepyhollowfarm@hotmail.com ✷Corriedale sheep

Hettinger Corriedales Helen Hettinger 655 County Road 1675 E, Eureka, IL 61530 (309)824-5412 phhettinger@gmail.com www.hettingercorriedales.com Page 15

NEW YORK Donna Abbruzzese Abbruzzese Corriedales 6489 Posson Rd. Altamont, NY 12009 (518) 944-7030 dabbruzzese@netscape.com ✷Corriedale sheep, hand spinning fleeces for sale Meegan, Chris, Cosette & Macey Veeder-Shave Patchwork Pastures 475 N. Quaker Lane Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 380-9639 patchworkpastures475@gmail.com ✷Corriedale fleeces, yarn, NY Make it With Wool director


Show Cattle & Registered Corriedales

Republic, Ohio

419-217-4057 Brian, Carter & Camden Heibertshausen Wool Buyers

Page 16

NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA Shari Rossow Rossow Ranch Corriedales & Lincolns 11136 US Highway 83 Herreid, SD 57632 (605) 216-2223 shari.rossow@sdstate.edu ✷Raising quality Corriedale, Lincoln, Suffolk sheep and Boer goats Joana, Duane, Taylor, Thomas & Jaime Friesz Friesz Livestock (Corriedales) P.O. Box 67 New Salem, ND 58563 (701) 400-8744 joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com ✷Breeders of registered Corriedales & Lincolns selling breeding stock, retail lamb, wool & handmade wool items. Like us on Facebook Bruce Hoffman & Family 36231 US Hwy 212 Rockham, SD 57470 Bruce’s home: (605) 472-0856 Bruce’s Cell: (605) 460-1899 Lacie’s Cell: (605) 460-2681 Laciehoffman@gmail.com ✷Registered and commercial Corriedales Travis & Meagan Hoffman 3779 Bell Blvd. E West Fargo, ND 58078 Travis: (970) 222-7569 Meagan: (601) 916-5967 travis.w.hoffman@ndsu.edu Lacie Peterson 37039 US Hwy 212 Zell, SD 57469 (605) 460-2681 The

Corriedale EXTRA


Bill Blair Blair’s Corriedales 10337 Co. Rd. 101 Belle Center, OH 43310 (937) 464-2421 ✷Corriedale sheep Roger Clark R&R Farms 5187 Arrow Rd NW Minerva, OH 44657 (330) 771-7222 rogerclark80@yahoo.com Brian Heibertshausen Corner Post Farms 2362 N St. Rt. 19 Republic, OH 44867 (419) 217-4057 shorthorn15@yahoo.com ✷Registered Corriedales, wool buyers Wayne Kemler 3535 Hoaglin Center Rd. Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 587-3822 ✷Registered Corriedales Jim & Al Kin Kin Brothers Corriedales 12831 Twp Hwy 87 Forest, OH 45843 (419) 674-3346 ✷Registered Corriedales Joe Moody & Clare Soehnlen Swallow Barn Sheep Farm 6143 Beth Ave . Navarre, OH 44662 (330) 205-4869 Joe.moody@aacalibration.com ✷Registered Corriedales & commercial flock. Rams & ewes for sale FALL 2020

Scott Peters Peters’ Corriedales 9809 Boyer Rd. Versailles, OH 45380 (937) 214-1974 scottpeters@gmail.com ✷Registered Corriedales for sale Don & Linda Reichert 2474 N. Firestone Rd. Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 264-wool donreichert47@yahoo.com ✷Corriedale & National Colored Corriedale & hand spinning fleeces Scott & Mary Romine Romine Corriedales 9522 County Rd 20 Galion, OH 44833 H: (419) 462-5874 C: (419) 982-3185 romine.scott.mary@gmail.com ✷Corriedale breeding stock, hand spinning fleeces Jordan Vineyard Vineyard Corriedales 9300 Blue Rock Church Rd. Blue Rock, OH 43720 (740) 674-4499 jordanvineyard14@gmail.com ✷Registered Corriedales Chloe Wyllie, Dana & Michelle Missler Bittersweet Family Farm 13664 County Rd. H Bryan, OH 43506 (419) 633-1179 (419) 212-0350 mlwyllie@hotmail.com ✷Corriedale, Lincoln, Natural Colored wool products, needle felting Page 17

Tom, Dawn, Karelynn & Thomas Wallace TH Wallace Farms LLC. 755 N. Huffon Rd. Casstown, OH 45312 (937) 875-0372 thwallacefarmsllc@gmail.com ✷Registered Corriedale and commercial sheep, retail meat sales

Celebrating 50 years 3 GENERATIONS – 1 BREED

Lein Corriedales Informed by the past, shapIng the future

Breeding stock always available.


7295 I Ave. Arlington, IA 50606-8213

PENNSYLVANIA Geof Ruppert Ruppert’s Corriedales 271 Crum Rd. Fairfield, PA 17320 (717) 642-6635 ruppertfamily1234@earthlink.net ✷Prime wool, imported bloodlines Ben & Mary Bow & Family Locust Ridge Farms 100 Clear Springs Rd. Annville, PA 17003 (717) 867-1305 locustridgefarms@gmail.com ✷Corriedale & Suffolk, lambs, rams & fleeces Benjamin L. Bow Locust Ridge Farms 100 Clear Springs Rd. Annville, PA 17003

Dew Drop


“ Home of the Big Bucks and Foundation Females”

Pictured on the cover are two of the top fall rams from Dew Drop Farm. We annually sell our top stock at the sales and we also use the private treaty sales, too. Contact us anytime. Duane Darin 218-640-7800 218-639-8484 Page 18


Corriedale EXTRA

Roger & Nancy Bowman Winterside Farm 1402 Old Rt. 22 Lenhartsville, PA 19534 (610) 562-4875 Rnmsbowman@aol.com ✷Corriedale lambs; wool fleeces, yarn & roving

WISCONSIN Mike & Lisa Bandt Bandt Corriedales 1650 Sandy Rock Rd. Hollindale, WI 53544 (608) 387-5789 bandtcorriedales@gmail.com ✷Corriedale breeding stock, lamb & wool; semen. See us on Facebook.

WYOMING Bryan & Gina Vining Federer Corriedales 1900 Rd 219 Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-0945 bgvining@aol.com

Advertiser’s Index Bandt....................Inside front cover Banner............................4 Bauck........Front cover, & 18 Corner Post...............16 Craig/Merlau..... 10-11 Friesz..........Back Cover, & 19 Heiberthausen...........3

Hettinger...................15 Kin....................................2 Lein...............................18 Miniter...........................6 Ohio......................Inside back cover Phillippi.......................20 Clark.............................12 Romine..........................7 Wellman........................4

We hope to see everyone in 2021!

We have a great selection of ram and ewe lambs for sale on the farm. Watch for our spring online sale in May 2021 on Integrity Livestock Sales.

Joana, Duane, Taylor, Thomas & Jaime Friesz


FALL 2020

4465 34th St., New Salem, N.D. 58563 (701) 400-8744 Like Friesz Livestock on Facebook! Page 19

Phillippi Corriedales Phillippi Corriedales flock started in 1961 as Renetta’s 4-H project. No dual purpose breed has ever rivaled Corriedales in maternal capabilities or be as easy keeping and gentle. The gentleness of these beautiful sheep was especially important when I was a beginning 4-Her, as well as now in my senior years.


Our granddaughter Gloria won her ladies lead class at the Wyoming State Fair


Wyoming State Fair

Rams and ewes available at the ranch year around. We offer starter flocks, as well. Lester and Renetta Phillippi

2421 Hammond Rd., Hammond, MT 59332 • bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com • 406-427-5280 Renetta’s cell 406-925-1352 • Meghan’s cell 406-529-8007 • Lester’s cell 406-925-1354 • Look for our Phillippi Corriedale page on Facebook. Page 20


Corriedale EXTRA

Ohio Corriedale Club Roger Clark – R & R Farms 5187 Arrow Road, NW, Minerva, OH 44657 330-895-2478 • Rogerclark80@yahoo.com Karissa Clark 7759 James Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 330-231-3481 Brett Coopshaw 15640 C. Rd. K, Wauseon, Ohio 43567 567-454-7172 • beckyjo9879@gmail.com Wayne Kemler – Kemler Family 3535 Hoaglin Center Rd. , Van Wert, OH 45891 419-587-3822 • wkkemler@metalink.net Jim Kin – Kin Brothers 13329 TH 87, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 419-273-3221 Joseph Moody 6084 Lux Rd., Minerva, Ohio 44657 330-205-4869 • joe.farmer312@gmail.com Scott Peters – Peters’ Corriedales 9809 Boyer Rd., Versailles, OH 45380 937-214-1974 • scottrpeters@gmail.com Hannah Petersen 1256 Bark Rd, Magnolia, Ohio 44643 330-495-2833 • jennylpetersen@gmail.com D & L Reichert 2474 N. Firestone Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9665 don47linda@embarqmail.com Scott Romine – Romine Corriedales 9522 Co. Rd. 20, Galion, OH 44833 419-462-5874 • romine.scott.mary@gmail.com

Mary Elizabeth Sherman 14328 SR 139, Minford, Ohio 45653 740-352-2136 • crystalrsherman@gmail.com Kaitlyn Stillion 14827 Old Glory Rd., Lore City, Ohio 43755 740-584-6818 Kathy Sherman Swendal 1103 State Route 97, East Bellville, OH 44813 419-201-0865 Mary Thomas 7595 Co. Rd. 19, Fredericktown, OH 43019 614-313-7261 Olivia Thomas 12308 US 6Bryan, Ohio 43506 jkwija@hotmail.com • 419-508-9278 Abigail Thornton 11070 Royalton Rd., Amanda, OH 43102 740-601-2145 Jordan Vineyard 9300 Blue Rock Church Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 • 740-674-4499 kellyvnyd86@yahoo.com Tom Wallace 755 Hufford Rd., Casstown, OH 45312 937-875-0372 • thwallacefarmsllc@gmail.com Galen Wilson 6405 Cutler Lake Rd., Blue Rock, OH 43720 740-674-4327 Kody, Adam & Alex Wolf – Wolf Brothers 6795 CH 97, Carey, OH 43316 419-310-1336 • wolfie2011@aim.com www.wolfbrothersfarm.webs.com Chloe Wylie 13664 County Road H, Bryan, OH 43506 419-633-1179


755 N Hufford Rd, Casstown, OH 45312 • Phone: 937/875-0373 Scott Kin, President • Jordan Vineyard, V-Pres. • Dawn Wallace, Secretary -Treasurer FALL 2020

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2019 National Champion Corriedale Sale Ewe & 2019 National Champion Corriedale Ewe at the NAILE in Louisville for Merlau/Craig Joana, Duane, Taylor, Thomas & Jaime Friesz

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4465 34th St., New Salem, N.D. 58563 The (701) 400-8744 Corriedale EXTRA Like Friesz Livestock on Facebook!

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