Spring 2016
Corriedale ExTra
“Wh y No t”
In Mino t
Spring 201636231
and Family
US Highway 212, Rockham, SD 57470 (605) 472-0856 • Lacie’s Cell (605) 460-2681 laciehoffman@gmail.com
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Corriedale Extra
Duane 218-640-780
New York Mills, MN
“Home of the Big Bucks”
Dew Drop
Darin 218-639-8484
Boys of Winter
Officers and Executive Board Ryan Craig, President St. Joseph, IL • (217) 714–0522 craig_ryan_e@yahoo.com
Corriedale Extra The
is published on a semi-annual basis with Spring and Fall editions by the...
AMERICAN CORRIEDALE ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. Box 391, Clay City, Illinois 62824 (618) 780-7747 EDITOR: Marcia Craig www.americancorriedale.com The Corriedale Extra will be mailed free of charge to all active ACA members, AJCA members and associate members. If you wish to receive a copy please contact the ACA office
Marcia Craig, Secretary–Treasurer Clay City, Illinois (618) 676–1046 • (618) 780–7747 amcorr@frontier.com Bryan Vining–Vice–President Cheyenne, WY • 307–634–6304 bgvining@aol.com Joana K Friesz New Salem, ND • (701) 843–8750 Joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com Jim Kin Forest, OH • (419) 674–3346 Gary Heibertshausen Alzada, MT • (567) 224–9002 garyheib@yahoo.com
Advertising Deadline 2016 Fall Issue — Sept. 22
In order to publish on time, ads need to be turned in by the deadline.
Corriedale Extra The
Rinda Maddox – Advertising Sales and EXTRA Publisher Daytime: (217) 288-9365 Evenings/weekends: (217) 288-9493 Cell/anytime: (217) 474-9365 Fax: (217) 288-9366 corriedale@thesidellreporter.com P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 The Extra is published through the office of The Sidell Reporter by Owner/Editor Rinda Maddox. Spring 2016
Advertising Rates set by ACA Front cover/one color........................ $200 Back cover/one color......................... $200 Inside covers.......................Call ACA office Full page............................................ $175 Half page........................................... $125 Quarter page....................................... $75 2” Ad.................................................... $40 Two page ad (2 free photos).............. $300 Photos................................ 1st photo free additional photos $10 each All rams and ewes with christened names in ad will be charged $25 name registration fee. Spot color only available on covers Page 1
From the desk of the ACA President Hello Corriedale Breeders! I can only hope that many of you are on the downward side of lambing and the season has been productive. I am always excited to see if the breeding decisions made months ago are meeting or exceeding expectations. Here in the Midwest we are coming off of an extremely mild winter and, thanks to the Punxsutawney Phil and an early Easter, spring will be here before we know it. I first would like to congratulate all of the Junior and Open exhibitors at the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. I was extremely impressed with the numbers and quality of animals exhibited. I am extremely excited for 2016 as this will be the first year that my oldest son will participate in the National Ryan Craig Corriedale Junior Show in Sedalia, Mo. For me this will be what raising President Corriedales is all about. Working with him in the barn this winter will be ACA the memories that I will treasure forever. The spring sale schedule will be here before we know it and don’t forget to get your futurity ewe lambs picked out. With that said I would also like to congratulate the Peter’s family for placing first and second in the futurity points show for 2015. Ellen received first with her Lightning Ridge Farm January ewe lamb and Collin finished right behind her in second with his Craig Sheep Farm February ewe lamb. I look forward to seeing everyone this year! Here are a couple of events to mark on your calendar: Big Ohio Sale Entry Deadline – March 10th Big Ohio Sale Show – May 12th Big Ohio Sale – May 13th All American Jr. Show in memory of Ruth Hartman– July 1-3 National Corriedale Show & Sale Entry Deadline- May 1st Midwest Stud Ram Sale National Corriedale Jr. Show – June 20th Midwest Stud Ram Sale National Corriedale Open Show – June 21st Midwest Stud Ram Sale National Corriedale Sale– June 23rd
Corriedale 16th World Conference 2018
The Federal Council sub-committee of Ian MacKinnon, Nick Cole, Bronwyn Ellis and Graham Jenke met by telephone link-up on Feb. 8 to discuss a broad range of items for the World Conference in Australia in 2018. Further details will appear in subsequent newsletters and on the Corriedale website. The proposed timetable has a preconference tour with overseas delegates arriving in Adelaide, South Australia, on Thursday, July 12, 2018. Following visits to Corriedale studs and other tourist attractions, the pre-tour visitors will arrive in Melbourne, Victoria, on Sunday, July 15 Page 2
and then to Bendigo, Victoria, on Tuesday, July 17. The Conference and dinner will be held at the All Seasons Hotel, Bendigo, on Wednesday, July 18. There is judging of the National Pairs at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo Showgrounds, on Friday afternoon, July 20, with the main judging on Saturday, July 21 and other minor judging on the Sunday morning. Depending on interest there may be post-Conference tours organized. *Check out the Australian Corriedale Association website under “journals” to check out their updates. The Corriedale Extra
Official Notice Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet The 2016 Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Banquet with the Election of Officers and National Corriedale Queen selection will be Wednesday, June 22 at 6:30 p.m. in Sedalia, Mo. at the Methodist Church across from the Best Western. This provides us with the opportunity to enjoy an evening of fun with our many Corriedale friends. Following the meal there will be the presentation of the Guy L. Green Award and the Guthrie Award for the Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. Banquet Reservations Make banquet reservations with Barb Youtsey, 125 E Cornhill, Cameron, MO 64429, (660) 359-1136 or email her at barbica24@yahoo.com. The banquet is Wednesday, June 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church, Sedalia, Mo. American Junior Corriedale Association Meeting The 2016 Annual Meeting of the AJCA will be held during the National Show and Sale in Sedalia, Mo. This meeting will be held on Monday, June 20 following the show with new directors to be elected. The National Junior Show is Monday, June 20 at approximately 10 a.m. with Jenny Bradley of Missouri judging. This will be a great funfilled week in Missouri! Annual Business Meeting In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Corriedale Association, Inc., most items of business are transacted at the Past Presidents/State and Area Directors Meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Farm Credit Building, 2600 S Limit Ave, Sedalia. If anyone has any business to come before this meeting, please submit it in writing to the President, Ryan Craig, so it can be properly presented and acted upon. Ryan’s address is 2016 Cr 2200 E, St. Joseph, IL 61873 or you can email him at craig_ryan_e@yahoo.com. Spring 2016
Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award One of the highlights of our Annual Membership meeting will be the presentation of the Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award to a deserving junior member under the age of 20. The basis for this award is someone who has had outstanding participation in junior activities, as well as various accomplishments in school, 4-H, FFA, church and community. The application for this award is available on our website at www.americancorriedale.com or by calling the ACA office at 618/676-1046. It is due in the Association office by May 1, 2016 for consideration. The winner will receive a $150 monetary award, certificate and Corriedale notepad. Outstanding Junior Shepherd Award This award will be presented during the Annual Meeting and will be judged on a junior member’s outstanding participation in AJCA activities, as well as accomplishments and the promotion of Corriedales on the junior level. There is no application to fill out and the Executive Board, with the help of the AJCA advisors,
Postal Changes
Due to earlier mail pick up hours for the post office in Clay City, Illinois you will need to add extra time in submitting your registrations and transfers. Please allow at least 15 days from the day you submit to the day you need in your possession. Anything less than that will be considered a rush fee which is double the standard fees! Page 3
KinCorriedales Brothers Proudly Looking Forward To Our
72 Year
Breeding Corriedales!
Best Fleece & Best Headed Ewe & 3rd Intermediate Ewe Lamb, 2015 NAILE
Watch for our entries at the 2016 National! Thanks to all who purchased our Corriedales in 2015!
High quality Corriedales with top fleeces for sale at the farm!
Kin Brothers
12831 T.H. 87 - Forest, OH 45843 • 419/273-3221 Page 4
Corriedale Extra
will make this award selection with the individual’s commitment to Corriedales taken into consideration. This is also based on the member’s conduct, presentation of their sheep, as well as their willingness to help other junior members. Fun Auction Following our Annual Membership meeting on Wednesday, June 22 we will conduct the annual Fun Auction. This always proves to be great fun and the generosity of those who donate as well as those who purchase items are greatly appreciated! Item donations are still needed for this event and can be sent to Marcia Craig at 124 Teaberry Lane, Clay City, IL 62824 or brought with you to this fun-filled evening. The proceeds of this event area to be divided equally between the ACA and the AJCA. Junior Show Donations Premiums and prizes awarded to class winners and champions in the National Junior Show are supported by the generous
donations of this membership and outside donors. Donations may be sent to Ed and Cindy DeOrnellis, 301 Luzon Lane, Bonnots Mill, MO 65016. Thank you in advance for your support of the National Junior Show! Scholarship Applications The 2016 American Corriedale Association Scholarship and Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship will both be awarded on Wednesday, June 22 at the Annual Meeting. This year’s scholarships will be for $600 each with the AJCA donating $400 of the $600 ACA scholarship and Charles Franklin of Connecticut sponsoring the Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship. Applications for both scholarships must be into the Association office no later than May 1, 2016. The applicant’s high school and college transcripts must accompany their application. The application for both scholarships is identical and this application is available at www.americancorriedale.com. You only need to fill out one application to be eligible for either scholarship.
Weights & Measurements
Memorial Donations to AJCA
Participation in weights and measurements is mandatory during our National Show and Sale in Eaton, Ohio. It is the responsibility of the consignor to get their animals to this weighing and measuring following the show. If you do not participate in this part of the National evaluations then you will not be allowed to sell.
$100 in memory of Dan & Ruth Hartman by Ben & Mary Bow, PA $50 in memory of Ruth Hartman by Barbara Youtsey, MO $50 in memory of Ruth Hartman by Marcia Craig, IL
February 1st—March 31st
www.ketchamssheepequipment.com Visit our website for current prices, promotions, and show schedule!
NEW EQUIPMENT ITEM! RED Lite Chute System Check out our website for details!
Spring 2016
BIG price reductions on select items such as Fence Line, A-Frame, Mineral, & Hay & Grain Feeders, Show Rails, & Show Troughs!
April 1st—June 30th
Prices reduced on select items such as Chute y System Packages, Tilt Table, Circle Pen ductor o tr In ! l Packages, RED Lamb Stand, Gate Feeders, Specia til June 30th n Creep Feeders, and other items! Price u Page 5
Office Closed
The ACA office will be closed June 18-25 to attend the National Corriedale Show and Sale in Sedalia, Mo. Please allow adequate time for registration paper processing prior to these events!
Hettinger Corriedales Helen Hettinger 655 County Road 1675 E, Eureka, IL 61530 (309)467-3809 phhettinger@gmail.com www.hettingercorriedales.com
EXTRA Mailings
The Corriedale Extra will be mailed free to all members, junior members and associate members whose dues are paid up to date. Non-members can order the magazine for $10 per year by contacting the ACA office.
Upcoming Deadlines May 1, 2016
4 ACA Scholarship 4 Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship 4 Selden Whitmore Award Check online for applications Send to ACA, P.O. Box 391 Clay City, IL 62824
SUBSCRIBE NOW! Promoting The Improvement of the Entire Sheep Industry 1 Year – $25 2 Years – $45
(301) 662-4197 (800) 331-9122 www.sheepman.com Page 6
1 Year Canada or Mexico – $60 P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 785-5058 • Fax: (309) 785-5050 ads.banner@sybertech.net www.bannersheepmagazine.com The
Corriedale Extra
m We are striving for
Corriedale breed character,
fleeces and the next generation of
future showmen.
Bryan, Gina, nicole & Kayce VininG 1900 County Rd 219, Cheyenne, WY (307) 634-6304 BGVining@aol.com
Spring 2016
Page 7
Dream Big!
Pennsylvannia Corriedale Association Members Kelly Beaver 453 Township Line Road Elverson, PA 19520 Kellyann1010@hotmail.com Dave, Alison & Chris Blackadar 2893 County Line Road Rieglesville, PA 18077 610/428-4277 Ben & Mary Bow 100 Clear Spring Road Annville, PA 17003 717/867-1305 Roger & Nancy Bowman 1402 Old Route 22 Lenhartsville, PA 19534 610/562-4875 Rnmsbowman@aol.com Doug Brewer 2147 Woodbine Road Woodbine, MD 21797 410/489-9671 Page 8
Ralph, Melanie, Mattie & Elon Horchler 230 Busy Lane New Wilmington, PA 16142 724/651-6757 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com Ted & Dawn Knepp 1642 Horse Shoe Pike Glenmoore, Pa 19343 610/942-0789 DRKnepp@aol.com
Sam & Stephanie McGargle & Family 7461 Panorama Pines Lane Alexandria, PA 16611 814/441-8960 ssmcgargle@aol.com Richard & Marie Peterman 7790 Boyertown Pike Boyertown, PA 09512 610/689-8553 Geof, Barb, Carrie & Sam Ruppert 271 Crum Road Fairfield, PA 17320 717/642-6635 ruppertfamily1234@earthlink.net
Rebecca Kugler 320 Covered Bridge Road Oley, PA 19547 610/689-4086 Cell: 484/300-0272 Kugler2003@gmail.com
Monica, Mary & Thomas Sohler 5 Cliston Ave. Merchantville, NJ 08109 856/317-0058 zelcovaserrata@gmail.com
Ralph, Marian & Annette Lovell 516 Maple Spring Road Linden, PA 17744 570/494-0288 lovellfarm@msn.com
George, Beth, Sarah & Jared Vamvakias 113 Winding Road Boyertown, PA 19512 610/369-2935 gvam@dejazzd.com The
Corriedale Extra
In memory of
Ruth Hartman 11/9/2015
Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Mentor, Friend, Coach, Shepherd
Her flock will follow her always.
Pennsylvania Corriedale Association and Kelly Beaver
Spring 2016
Page 9
2015 Annual Minutes Executive Board Meeting
Friday, May 8, 2015, 1 p.m. Preble County Fairgroundsm Eaton, Ohio The meeting was called to order by President Nicholas Miniter with board members present: Ryan Craig, Bryan Vining, Joana Friesz, Jim Kin and Marcia Craig. Secretary’s Report The minutes of the executive board meeting from the Annual Meeting in 2014 were accepted as printed. The financial report was distributed showing a year-end increase of $75 The current balance reported to date was $14,076. The American Junior Corriedale Association had year-end balance of $4655. All items approved as presented. 2015 National Show The 2015 National Show will be July 1720, 2015 in Minot, North Dakota at the state fairgrounds and is to be judged by Jim Kin. There will be a junior show judged by Justin Benz as well as an open show which is in conjunction with the North Dakota State Fair. Joana Friesz has done extensive work to put this show together. In addition to the sheep shows there will be a wool show and spinning demonstrations. Picnics during our stay in North Dakota will be sponsored by the Visit Minot Convention Bureau. Prizes for class winners and champions are to be funded by donations. Comeback Class The payout for the 2015 Comeback Yearling Ewe Class will be 1st place–$200 plus $25 buyers credit; 2nd place–$150 plus a $25 buyers credit; 3rd place–$100 plus $25 buyers credit; 4th place–$75 plus 25 buyers credit; and 5th place–$74 plus $25 buyers credit. This is a total of $575 for our Comeback Class. Awards 2015 Leah Beth Faulkner was selected as the 2015 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. Recipients of the 2015 scholarships (American Corriedale Scholarship and Marie Sherman Memorial Scholarship) are Madeline Jahelka, Colorado and Jordan Page 10
Vineyard, Ohio. Collin Peters was named the Selden Whitmore Youth Award winner. Corriedale Extra Mailing The Corriedale Extra has two issues each year. The advertising keeps this going out to all members, junior members and associate members who have their dues paid up to date. Two complimentary issues will now go to new buyers of Corriedales and if these individuals request further issues the cost will be $10 per year.
Past Presidents, State & Area Director’s Meeting
May 8, 2015- 3:00 p.m. Preble County Fairgrounds, Eaton, Ohio President Nicholas Miniter called the meeting to order. Secretary’s Report The minutes from the 2014 Past Presidents, State and Area Director’s meeting were approved as listed in the 2014 spring issue of the Extra. The financial report was accepted as presented. 2015 National in North Dakota The 2015 National Show will be July 1720, 2015 in Minot, North Dakota at the state fairgrounds and is to be judged by Jim Kin. There will be a junior show judged by Justin Benz as well as an open show which is in conjunction with the North Dakota State Fair. Joana Friesz has done extensive work to put this show together. In addition to the sheep shows there will be a wool show and spinning demonstrations. Picnics during our stay in North Dakota will be sponsored by the Visit Minot Convention Bureau. Prizes for class winners and champions are to be funded by donations. 2016 National Show and Sale It was moved and seconded to have the 2016 National Show and Sale in Sedalia, Missouri in conjunction with the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Motion carried. Sale Judge nominations for the 2016 National Show & Sale were Larry McDaniel, first choice and Todd Taylor, second choice. These were to The
Corriedale Extra
be presented to Midwest Sale Committee. Jenny Milligan Bradley was approved as the junior judge. 2015 National Show and Sale Ewe/Ram Ratio There was some discussion regarding the ewe/ram ratio at the Ohio Classic Show and Sale which is where we had our 2015 National. The current rule for participation reads: you must sell two ewes for each ram that you want to sell. The consensus was that we need to let the Ohio Sale Committee know we are not in agreement with this stipulation for our National event. We will be in touch with the Ohio Sale Committee regarding this issue. Corriedales There was lengthy discussion on the declining number of Corriedales in the U.S. They are disease resistant and take less maintenance than other breeds. Wool breeds do take more talent in regards to trimming, which is an art. Different ways to help new breeders were discussed such as doing a natural class which would require no trimming. Slick sheared classes for a ram and ewe were discussed but we are a dual purpose breed so wool is a definite factor in quality. A fitting workshop was discussed for a future event. This would be beneficial to many new breeders as well as our youth. Corriedales must remain sound and productive. They are not just a show animal! The registration paper is not what makes a purebred animal good – it is what this animal can produce and how well it thrives under various conditions. It was suggested we post lamb pictures on our Facebook page. Corriedales need to promote their strengths to try and draw more breeders into our Corriedale family. Currently 30% of or registrations are being done by just a few full-time breeders. We encourage breeders to share their thoughts on this issue as we move into our future. Please send comments either in writing to the ACA, PO Box 391, Clay City, IL 62824 or email thoughts and creative ideas to amcorr@frontier.com Spring 2016
Executive Board Director Elected Gary Heibertshausen, Mont. was elected to a three-year term on the Executive Board.
Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet
Eaton, Ohio, May 8th, 6:30 p.m. Nicholas Miniter, President, called the meeting and large attendance to order. The minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting were approved as printed in the 2014 Spring Extra. The 2014/2015 financial report was distributed to the members. National Corriedale Queen Ellen Peters, Ohio was crowned 2015/2016 National Corriedale Queen. Ewe Lamb Futurity Winners Checks were presented to the 2014 Ewe Lamb Futurity winners. Thank you to the breeders who nominate their lambs and to the AJCA for their continued support! Presentation of Awards The 2015 Moodie Trophy for National Champion Ram was presented to Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD and the Demar Trophy for 2015 National Champion Ewe was presented to Wolf Brothers, Ohio. Bruce Hoffman and Family, were the recipients of the 2015 Best Consignment Award. The most prestigious award presented by the American Corriedale Association is the Guy L. Green Award for service in a variety of ways to the American Corriedale Association over many years. The well deserving recipient was Michael Bandt, Wisconsin. Wolf Brothers, Ohio were honored as the 2015 Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year. The plaque for Breeder of the Futurity Comeback Ewe class winner goes to Lester and Renetta Phillippi, Montana. Leah Beth Faulkner, Tennessee showed the ewe PHILLIPPI 4-583 and she received $200 cash and $25 buyer’s credit for placing first in the futurity yearling ewe class. Leah Beth Faulkner, Tennessee was selected as the 2015 Outstanding Junior Shepherd. The 2015 scholarship winners are Madeline Jahelka, Colorado and Jordan Vineyard, Ohio. The Selden Whitmore Youth Achievement Award Page 11
Our friend Rebecca Bull with her ‘can do’ attitude was fantastic help lambing in February.
C o r r i e da l e s : still unbeaten in providing
FIBER, FOOD and FRIENDS! We will be consigning to the National Sale in Sedalia Sheep for sale year around on the ranch Still offering starter flocks
Look for our Phillippi Corriedale page on Facebook.
Phillippi Corriedales Lester and Renetta Phillippi
2421 Hammond Rd., Hammond, MT 59332 • 406-427-5280 Renetta’s cell 406-925-1352 • Lester’s cell 406-925-1354 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com Page 12
Corriedale Extra
winner was Collin Peters, Ohio. Officer Election Ryan Craig, Illinois was nominated and elected 2015/2016 President of the American Corriedale Association. Elected Vice-President was Bryan Vining, Wyoming. Gavel Presentation A gavel plaque donated by Ed Craig Family was presented to 2014/2015 President, Nicholas Miniter for his leadership and commitment to the American Corriedale Association over these past years.
Website Homepage Auction The homepage months for our new website were auctioned with the total received in homepage ads of $625. Your support of this website is greatly appreciated!! Fun Auction The fun auction, a great way to end the evening with our friends, generated $987 to be split between the ACA and the AJCA. The generosity of this membership in so many ways is truly appreciated and makes this Association great!
Put us to work on your farm Scrapie Susceptibility $11 Codon 171 or 136
Spider Gene $11 Ectodermal Dysplasia $13 Callipyge Gene $13
Dermatosparaxis $24 Ovine Progressive Pneumonia $7 Johne’s $7 Porcine Stress Syndrome $22
We also offer the popular DNA Tissue Collection System. USDA/APHIS APPROVED Testing for 23 years and counting 1175 58th Ave., Ste 100, Greeley, CO 80634 • (800) 822-6740 • Fax: (970) 472-9956 • www.genecheck.com
“The Force Awakens” Morris 933
“Ex t reme Force” Look for more to come from this exciting new stud in the years ahead. Watch for our entries at the National Show & Sale and contact us for opportunities privately at the farm.
Corriedales Spring 2016
Rodney, Cathy and Cody Morris 7938 E. CR 250 N., Lerna, IL 62440 • 217-273-5299 E-mail: hillcreekfarm6@consolidated.net Page 13
Continuing the Corriedale tradition
2015 National Champion Ewe Merlau FarMs John S. Merlau & Family
P.O. Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163 Home: 317-861-4250 Office: 317-861-4795 Page 14
Corriedale Extra
2015 NAILE Flock Look for the Seals influence in our flocks at the National Show and Sales!
Craig sheep FarM
2016 Cty. Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873 Cell: 217-714-0552
Spring 2016
Page 15
2016 Corriedale Calendar
* denotes sales where ewe lambs can be purchased for 2016 Ewe Lamb Futurity April 1-2 Illini All-Breeds Spring Sale, Bloomington, IL – (309) 785-5058 www.bannersheepmagazine.com May 1 Deadline for ACA Scholarships and Selden Whitmore applications May 6-7 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, West Friendship, MD (410) 531-3647 or visit web at www.sheepandwool.org May 12-14 *Corriedale Show and Sale, Eaton, OH, Preble Co. Fairgrounds (309) 785-5058; www.bannersheepmagazine.com May 28-29 *Great Lakes Sheep Show & Sale, Wooster, OH – (309) 785-5058 www.bannersheepmagazine.com Great Lakes Fiber Show, Wooster, OH – (330) 264-9665 don47linda@embarqmail.com; www.greatlakesfibershow.com June 14-15 7th Annual Midwest Jr Preview Show, Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia Kate Lambert – (660) 541-0468; www.midwestjuniorpreviewshow.com June 20-23 *Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO, Heartland Livestock – (218) 770-2428 www.midwestsale.com; midweststudramsale@gmail.com Entry deadline May 1st – Online entry system and credit card encourage -Monday Approx. 10 am – National Corriedale Junior Show – Judge Jenny Bradley AJCA Meeting to follow National Corriedale Show – election of officers -Tuesday 8 am – National Corriedale Show – Judge Larry McDaniel -Wednes. 10 am – Past Presidents and State Directors Meeting – Farm Credit 6:30 pm – Annual Banquet/Meeting – Methodist Church – Sedalia, MO -Thursday National Corriedale Sale Corriedale Sale follows: Montadales, Polypays, Texels, Dorpers (Montadales begin 8:00 am) Following Sale – Double Points Futurity Ewe Lamb Show Online viewing of show and sale – www.dvauction.com July 1-3 All-American Junior Corriedale Show – Michigan State University This Corriedale show is in memory of Ruth Hartman Debra Hopkins – (401) 647-4676; www.allamericanjuniorshow.com cdcdorset@cox.net; info@allamericanjuniorshow.com July 14-17 32nd North East Youth Sheep Show, Big E Complex, West Springfield, MA jhminiter@gmail.com www.nesheep.org Aug. 17-21 Michigan Fiber Fest, Allegan County Fairgrounds, Allegan, MI www.michiganfiberfest.info Sept. 8-11 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, Jefferson Fair Park, Jefferson, WI www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Sept. 15-16 71st Annual Newell Ram Show & Sale – www.newellramsale.com Oct. 1-9 Keystone International Livestock Expo, PA Farm Show, Harrisburg Oct. 14-15 NY All-Breeds Bred Ewe Sale, Rhinebeck, NY (309) 785-5058 – www.bannersheepmagazine.com Nov. 5-6 New England Fiber Festival, Eastern States Expo, W Springfield, MA www.nesheep.org Nov. 5-18 North American International Livestock Expo, Louisville, KY www.livestockexpo.org Nov. 26 Illini Bred Ewe & Lamb Sale, Bloomington, IL – (309) 785-5058 www.bannersheepmagazine.com Page 16
Corriedale Extra
NAILE Open Show Grand Champion Ram Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH Reserve Grand Champion Ram Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH Grand Champion Ewe Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Thomas Friesz, ND Best Fleece Kin Brothers, OH Best Headed Kin Brothers, OH Premier Breeder Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Yearling Ram 1. Dew Drop Farm, MN-DDF 4-20 (Senior Champion) 2. Limekiln Farm, PA-LF 90 3. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1402 4. Morris Corriedales, IL-MORRIS 933 5. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1410 6. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1401 Senior Ram Lamb 1. Limekiln Farm, PA-LF 171 (Reserve Senior Champion) 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-BWH 3723 3. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1518
2016 All-American Junior Corriedale Show Michigan State University Corriedale Show in memory of Ruth Hartman Debra Hopkins – 401/647-4676 cdcdorset@cox.net www.allamericanjuniorshow.com info@allamericanjuniorshow.com
**Upper age limit will be 21 years of age as of Jan. 1 of the current year across all breeds Spring 2016
Intermediate Ram Lamb 1. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH-WOLF 047 (Grand Champion/Junior Champion) 2. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH-WOLF 048 (Reserve Grand Champion/Reserve Junior Champion) 3. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3776 4. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1510 5. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 515 6. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1509 7. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1501 8. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 502 Junior Ram Lamb 1. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-SEALS 251 2. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3778 3. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3777 4. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1521 Pair Ram Lambs 1. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL 3. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD 4. Thomas Friesz, ND 5. Peters’ Corriedales, OH Yearling Ewes-Early 1. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-SEALS 184 (Grand Champion/Senior Champion) 2. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 403 3. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3646 4. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH-WOLF 029 5. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1404 6. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3694 7. Rachel Painter, PA-BWH 3660 8. Katelynn Wallace, OH-WOLF 029 Yearling Ewes-Late 1. Thomas Friesz, ND-ORF 1441 (Reserve Grand Champion/Reserve Senior Champion) 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG1415 3. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH-WOLF 037 4. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1313 5. Thomas Wallace, OH-LRF 1440 Pair Yearling Ewes 1. Thomas Friesz, ND 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL Page 17
3. Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH 4. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD Senior Ewe Lamb 1. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3701 2. Thomas Friesz, ND-FAULKNER 154 3. Kin Brothers, OH-BWH 3710 4. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3701 5. Limekiln Farm, PA-LF 169 6. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1432 7. Rachel Painter, PA-WOLF 040 Intermediate Ewe Lamb 1. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3740 (Junior Champion) 2. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 501 3. Kin Brothers, OH-KIN 930 (Best Headed/Best Fleece) 4. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-LRF 1505 5. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1509 6. Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 5-31 7. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-CRAIG 1505
8. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ PHILLIPPI 5-9 9. Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 509 Junior Ewe Lamb 1. Collin Peters, OH-CRAIG 1525 (Reserve Junior Champion) 2. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1516 3. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-SEALS 256 4. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL-SEALS 277 5. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD-BWH 3741 ET 6. Katelyn Wallace, OH-DDF 5-42 7. Peters’ Corriedales, OH-PETERS 1529 Pair Ewe Lambs 1. Thomas Friesz, ND 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL 3. Kin Brothers, OH 4. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD Flock 1. Thomas Friesz, ND 2. Merlau & Craig Corriedales, IN/IL 3. Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD <<<< Bow 4078
Champion Corriedale Ewe Keystone International Livestock Expo in October.
Bow Ben & Mary Bow & FaMily
100 Clear Spring Rd., Annville, PA 17003
(717) 867-1305
Page 18
1st Pair Ram Lambs
Bow 5003 1st Early Spring Ram Lamb Bow 5123 2nd Place Early Spring Ram Lamb Congrats to all Jr. Corriedale exhibitors. Thanks to all our past buyers. Visitors are always welcome. The
Corriedale Extra
Missouri Corriedales AN EXCITING FUTURE Our breeders: Milligan Corriedales 49022 Locust Hill St. Novelty, MO 63460 660-739-4050 milligansheep@hotmail.com Stanley Jesse Family Thompson, MO 573-682-2498 Jacey Corriedales Hamilton, MO 816-583-7375 jrjcook@yahoo.com
Jerry Stenson Fayette, MO 573-745-0374 wiley141945@hotmail.com M & M Corriedales Moberly, MO 660-651-3486 marlastegall@att.net Dana Harding/Shannah Harding Lake St. Louis, MO 636-696-5103 H1DannoH1@gmail.com
M isso uri wel com es the 20 16 Na tion al Co rrie dal e Sh ow & Sa le National Junior Show
Monday morning, June 20, following Junior Katahdin Show
Entries: www.midwestsale.com
Spring 2016
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Champion Ram – NAILE Jr. Show Taylor Friesz
NAILE Junior Show Grand Champion Ram Thomas Friesz, ND Reserve Grand Champion Ram Collin Peters, OH Grand Champion Ewe Thomas Friesz, ND Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Thomas Friesz, ND Best Fleece Kaitlyn Stillion, OH Best Headed Grant Hunter, TN
American Junior Corriedale Association President Treasurer Collin Peters, OH Ellen Peters, OH Vice–President Directors Jordan Vineyard, OH Gary Brandt,WI Secretary Rachel Painter, PA Leah Beth Faulkner, Abigail Thornton, OH TN Mary Thomas, OH Page 20
Champion Ewe – NAILE Jr. Show Thomas Friesz State Flock North Dakota Senior Ram Lamb 1. Jordan Vineyard, OH-DDF 4-94 2. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 12 3. Jordan Vineyard, OH-DDF 4-97 Junior Ram Lamb 1. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 502 (Champion Ram) 2. Collin Peters, OH-PETERS 1509 (Reserve Champion Ram) 3. Collin Peters, OH-PETERS 1501 4. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1521 5. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 515 6. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-BWH 3752 7. Hunter Grant, TN-CHERRY FARM 0591 Yearling Ewe 1. Thomas Friesz, ND-ORF 1441 (Champion Ewe) 2. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 403 (Reserve Champion Ewe) 3. Collin Peters, OH-PETERS 1404 4. Rachel Painter, PA-BWH 3660 5. Thomas Wallace, OH-LRF 1440 6. Katelynn Wallace, OH-WOLF 033 7. Luke Schroeder, OH-PETERS 1416 8. Hunter Grant, TN-CHERRY FARM 0565 (Best Headed) 9. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-PHILLIPPI 4-583 10. Abigail Thornton, OH-THORNTON 10 11. Luke Schroeder, OH-RC 239 The Corriedale Extra
Res. Champion Ram – NAILE Jr. Show Collin Peters (Shown by Ellen, Emma Peters)
Res. Champion Ewe – NAILE Jr. Show Thomas Friesz
Senior Ewe Lamb 1. Rachel Painter, PA-WOLF 040 2. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-WOLF 041 (Best Fleece) 3. Cody Morris, IL-JM x611 4. Thomas Friesz, ND-FAULKNER 154 5. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-FAULKNER 144 6. Jordan Vineyard, OH-DDF 4-84 January Ewe Lamb 1. Thomas Friesz, ND-FRIESZ 501 2. Ellen Peters, OH-LRF 1505 3. Cody Morris, IL-SEALS 248 4. Thomas Friesz, ND-PHILLIPPI 5-9 5. Abigail Thornton, OH-DDF 5-31
6. Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 509 7. Jordan Vineyard, OH-PETERS 1502 8. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-KEMLER 659 February Ewe Lamb 1. Collin Peters, OH-PETERS 1516 2. Collin Peters, OH-CRAIG 1525 3. Katelyn Wallace, OH-DDF 5-42 4. Kaitlyn Stillion, OH-CRAIG 1527 5. Ellen Peters, OH-PETERS 1529 6. Alec Wibben, IL-A&A 23 7. Hunter Grant, TN-CHERRY FARM 0594 8. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-PHILLIPPI 5-95 State Flock North Dakota
Best Fleece – NAILE Jr. Show Kaitlyn Stillion Spring 2016
Best Headed – NAILE Jr. Show Grant Hunter Page 21
2015 Ewe Lamb Futurity The 2015 Ewe Lamb Futurity had 23 lambs shown by 11 individuals competing for prize money and we appreciate the participation of these juniors in the program. We especially want to thank those who nominated lambs – you make this program possible for our youth!! Twenty dollars of their nomination fee goes to make a $ 900 purse available to these participants, plus $500 which is donated by the AJCA, making the total purse for 2015 at $1400. Five dollars of the $25 nomination fee goes to make up a purse of $225 for the yearling ewe futurity Comeback Class at the 2016 National Junior Show . Purchase a futurity ewe lamb and get into the competition for 2016. We will again have a double points show immediately following the purchase of your new futurity ewe lamb which will follow the Na-
Banquet Reservations Contact Barb Youtsey 125 E Cornhill, Cameron, MO 64429 (660) 359-1136 • barbica24@yahoo.com
Tooth Rule
The Executive Board is authorized to appoint a person to be given the authority to disqualify any yearling ram or yearling ewe entered in the National Corriedale Show and Sale that exhibits more than four permanent teeth.
tional Sale on June 23 in Sedalia, Mo. Remember the NAILE Junior Show is double points and staying to show in the NAILE open show garners even more points for your futurity lambs. Placings in the futurity competition were as follows: 1. Ellen Peters, OH-LRF 1505 2. Collin Peters, OH- CRAIG 1525 3. Katelyn Wallace, OH-DDF 5-42 4. Abigail Thornton, OH-DF 5-31 5. Rachel Painter, PA-WOLF 040 6. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-KEMLER 659 7. Leah Beth Faulkner, TN-PHILLIPPI 5-95 8. Alec Wibben, IL-PETER 1507 9 & 10. Cody Morris, IL-SEALS 249 Thomas Wallace, OH-FRIESZ 509 Thomas Friesz, ND-FAULKNER 165 When you see these people be sure and express your appreciation for their support of this program for our junior members! AJCA-$500 Dew Drop Farms, MN (6) 5-H Farms, MT (6) Gann Corriedales, IL (5) Bruce Hoffman & Family, SD (5) Friesz Corriedales, ND (4) Phillippi Corriedales, MT (3) Craig Sheep Farm, IL (2) Leah Beth Faulkner, TN (2) Federer Corriedales, WY (2) Wayne Kemler & Family, OH (2) Lightning Ridge Farms, MA (2) Peters’ Corriedales, OH (2) S Bar S Ranch, CA (2) Wolf Brothers, Oh (2) 4141 S. 25 W, Trafalgar, IN (317) 736-4047 toll free: (866) 736-4047 sales@townsendequipment.com
A full line of high quality sheep equipment…built to last! Kenneth Townsend, Owner Page 22
Western Warehouse, Colter Steinmetz Hot Springs, SD, 605-490-0212 Eastern Warehouse, Andy Farley Jackson, OH, 740-352-0123
townsendequipment.com The
Corriedale Extra
Ellen Peter of Ohio with her winning futurity ewe lamb, LRF 1505, bred by Lightning Ridge Farm, MA.
Spring 2016
Collin Peters of Ohio with his second place futurity ewe lamb, CRAIG 1525 bred by Craig Sheep Farm, IL.
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Corriedale Extra
Abigail Thornton named Ohio Queen Abigail Rose Thornton, age 15, was chosen 2015-16 Ohio Corriedale Queen. Abigail is the daughter of Tom and Angie Thornton of Amanda, Ohio where she resides on the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grain and cattle farm with her brother, Isaac. Abigail is a sophomore at Teays Valley High School where she is active in FFA. Her growing flock of Corriedale and Club Lambs keep her very busy.
Abigail with her two 1st Place Corriedale Fleeces from the 2015 North American International Livestock Exposition.
Abigail won Junior Fair Grand Champion Fleece at the 2015 Ohio State Fair and is shown with her six fleeces entered.
In loving memory of my best friend and Corriedale breeder Ruth Hartman. You will live on in our hearts forever! Donna Abbruzzese
Spring 2016
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Corriedale Extra
In Memoriam Ruth A. Hartman Ruth A. Hartman, 89, of Limekiln, Penn. passed away Nov. 9, 2015 in the Reading Hospital and Medical Center. She was the widow of William D.L. Hartman who passed away Jan. 25, 2015. Born in Leesport, she was a daughter of the late John F. and Annie (Kissling) Kramer. Ruth was a graduate of Reading High School and attended East Stroudsburg State Teachers College. She was a pioneer for women’s athletics and was a Physical Education and Health Teacher for the Reading School District for 36 years. Ruth was one of the original members of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, along with other young women, that played professional baseball during World War II. She was known as Ruth “Rocky” Kramer and played for the Fort Wayne Daisies (IN) and the Racine Belles (WI) during the summers of 1946 and 1947. The league was the inspiration for the hit movie “A League of Their Own.” She is a member of the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., and had a season ticket for a seat next to the Fightin Phils dugout in First Energy Stadium. The Fightin Phils franchise dubbed her the first-ever “Queen of Baseballtown” in 2008. Ruth began teaching physical education and coaching volleyball, track and swimming in the Reading School District in the 1950s. In 1976 she founded the Reading High School softball program. In 18 seasons at the helm of the Red Knights her teams went 217-7. Spring 2016
Ruth’s love of baseball carried into the American Junior Corriedale Association where every year she played baseball with our juniors during our annual event. She had such a positive impact on both her student athletes and those she met in the Corriedale business, always teaching them all kinds of new things about how to get animals ready, how to present them better, and how to exhibit them. Ruth was also known as a perennial champion breeder of Corriedale Sheep. She was a founding member of the Pennsylvania Corriedale Association in 1995 along with Geoff Ruppert, Ben Bow, Dawn Knepp and Roger Bowman. She was a great supporter of 4-H and encouraged many youth both locally and nationally, many of which are still in the Corriedale business today with fond memories of Ruth. In 2006 Ruth received the Outstanding Corriedale Breeder of the Year and had the National Champion Ram at the North American International Livestock Expo. In 2013 at the age of 86 Ruth received 20 awards at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Ruth is survived by a daughter, Karen A. (David) Kase of Exeter Township; a granddaughter, Kelly A. (Seth) Beaver of Elverson; a brother, Gary J. Kramer (G. Ray Zerbe) of Maidencreek and a nephew, John C. Kramer of Charleston, SC. The American Corriedale Association extends it’s deepest sympathies to the Hartman family. The All-American Corriedale Junior show will be in memory of Ruth Hartman as she touched the lives of many young Corriedale exhibitors throughout the US, always advising them to help make them successful!
Ohio Classic Sale
Ram/Ewe Ratio Changes First ram can be sold with no ewe sold but for each ram thereafter the consignor must sell two ewes for each additional ram sold. Page 27
Socially speaking Births
S arah Nadine Kuschel was born Sept. 12, 2015 to Danny and Kate (DeOrnellis) Kuschel, who reside in Pershing, Mo.
Weddings Shepherds Ridge Corriedale’s has gained a new shepherd. Staci Busch was married on Oct. 15, 2015 to Cody Wangen. They were married in Albert Lea, Minn. Cody and Staci live in Hayward, Minn. Staci is a third grade teacher in Albert Lea and Cody works for Zumbro River Brand, also in Albert Lea.
Mr. and Mrs. Cody Wangen Page 28
Four generations include Great-Grandpa Willard Hoffman; Grandpa Bruce Hoffman holding Titus and Dad Tyler Hoffman. Titus John Hoffman, son of Tyler and Laura (Youtsey) Hoffman, made his debut on June 30, 2015 weighing 7 lbs. 9 ozs. and 20-1/2” long. Grandparents are Barbara Youtsey and Doug Youtsey and Bruce Hoffman and the late Cheryl Hoffman.
Abbruzzese.......................................................25 Banner................................................................... 6 Bauck................................................ Inside front Bow......................................................................18 Craig/Merlau.............................................14-15 Friesz......................................Both Back covers Gene Check......................................................13 Hettinger............................................................. 6 Heartland...........................................................24 Hoffman..........................................Front Cover Ketcham’s............................................................ 5 Kin........................................................................... 4 Milk Specialties...............................................26 Missouri Assoc.................................................19 Morris..................................................................13 Pennsylvannia Assoc.................................. 8-9 Phillippi...............................................................12 Sheepman Supply........................................... 6 Sydell...................................................................23 Townsend’s.......................................................22 Vining.................................................................... 7 The
Corriedale Extra
We Stood With The BEST At NAILE Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Grand in Junior Show
1st Pair Yearling Ewes Open Show!
Res. Champion Ewe Junior Show Junior Champion Ewe 2014 National Show
We had Champion Fleece Over All Breeds at NAILE!
Champion Ram Junior Show 1st Junior Ram Lamb
1st Place Pair Ewe Lambs Congratulations to ourt North Dakota Team thaard won the State Flock Aw in the Junior Show
1st January Ewe Lamb 1st Place Flock Thanks to all our buyers and bidders in 2015! Special thanks to Alex and Kody Wolf for their show help at NAILE!
We invite you to plan a visit and come see our Corriedales in 2016! Duane • Joana • Taylor • Thomas
C o r r i e da l e s 4465 34th St., P.O. Box 67, New Salem, N.D. 58563 Home: (701) 843-8750 • Cell: (701) 400-8744 www.frieszlivestock.com • joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com Join Friesz Livestock on Facebook! Spring 2016
Page 1
Corriedale ExTra
P.O. BOx 391 Clay City, illinOis 62824 tO:
National Champion Corriedale Ewe Supreme Champion Ewe North Dakota State Fair Friesz 403
Duane • Joana • Taylor • Thomas Page 2
C o r r i e daCorriedale les The
4465 34th St., P.O. Box 67, New Salem, N.D. 58563 Home: (701) 843-8750 • Cell: (701) 400-8744 www.frieszlivestock.com • joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com Join Friesz Livestock on Facebook!