AHG Stars & Stripes Salute 2018-2019

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Stars & Stripes S A L U T E 2 01 8-2 019





Leading with integrity

A candidate must complete a number of

and humility

requirements to achieve the award including:

The Stars & Stripes Award teaches

Complete the Dolley Madison Level Award

girls perseverance, self-respect,

Apply for candidacy as the first step (no less

and a strong feeling of satisfaction.

than six months before her 18th birthday)

The goal of the Stars & Stripes

Earn a total of 16 Pioneer/Patriot Level badges

Award is the experience and

Hold a Girl Leadership Position and remain

the realization of the servant’s heart that is needed to lead with

active in her Troop •

Plan, develop, and supervise others in a 100+

integrity and humility. The award

hour service project that benefits an organiztion

procedure and project blesses

in her community

a candidate’s community and

Supervise groups of youth for 10 hours or more

develops her skills in organization,

Submit and receive approval on proposal and

communication, time management, and project management.

support documents •

Create a resume, write a spiritual walk essay, and obtain personal references



Pass a Board of Review before her 18th birthday



Stars & Stripes Award Recipients for 2018-2019 Program Year

A total of


Benefiting organizations served


“Trust in the Lord ”


States represented by our Stars & Stripes Award Recipients

service hours performed


average service hours per project

“Per seve rance” was the Creed word most-used overall to describe the Stars & Stripes Award experience.

was the #1 thing girls learned.

BENEFITING ORGANIZATIONS INCLUDED: Pregnancy Care Centers Churches Food Pantries Retirement Communities



Stars & Stripes Project Advisors approved projects

Camps Homeless Shelters Women’s Homes Libraries Schools

What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients like most about AHG:

Friends & service! 3

The final workday was the Carnival Day where 30 volunteers showed up to help run the activities. The carnival was enjoyed by all the residents and by the AHG volunteers. My advice to other American Heritage Girls who want to pursue the Stars & Stripes Award is to keep going and not give up. This is not an easy award to achieve, in fact, it is very difficult due to all the different components that it requires. However, it is worth it because the feeling after you have completed your project is truly unforgettable. Seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter of the residents of Clover Hill during the carnival made me happy. I love to see the elderly having fun and enjoying themselves. Perseverance was and is needed in every aspect of this project. When I became weary and wanted to quit, I had to persevere to keep going. I realized the outcome was going to be all worth the time, stress, and work I had put into it.

JANAYAH GRIESEN AHG TROOP TN0131 RECIPIENT #500 Created sustainable, portable carnival games for Clover Hill Senior Living Center, Maryville, TN

14 Supervisory Hours 247 Overall Service Hours

I am so glad that my project allowed me to serve in my community by giving the residents at Clover Hill a fun-filled afternoon that I hope they will remember. AHG has provided me with practice in setting goals and being resourceful and perseverant in striving to achieve those goals. To be recognized as a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient will be rewarding. This award will remind me of the satisfaction one feels after doing “hard things” that benefit others. I will never forget the smiles on the faces of the residents of Clover Hill as they played the carnival games and enjoyed picking out their prizes.

Future Plans: Attending college and pursuing a degree in Veterinary Medicine My passion for the elderly developed when I started visiting nursing homes with my mom and siblings when I was a preschooler. When our AHG Troop “adopted” Clover Hill Senior Living Center, I knew I wanted to do a Stars & Stripes Award project that would benefit those residents. My project required me to step up and lead in a way I had not before. After the first workday, I felt a little more confident about leading the volunteers. I think my peers will agree that I was nervous about leading them, but I think they all thought I did a good job. There were three work party days to construct the carnival games. It was in the nineties each workday and the heat index was close to 100 degrees. There were a lot of water and popsicle breaks while adjustments were made or figured out. When there was waiting time, the volunteers worked on the bean bags. I was pleased with all that was accomplished with the help of my family and the volunteers. 4

“It’s amazing how a project by one person can affect so many people. The carnival games have entertained over 1,000 kids and seniors to date. They are now available to other non-profit organizations to use. What a blessing this project has been.” Lori Zepeda Life Enrichment Director, Clover Hill Senior Living Center

This project was a wonderful but also challenging opportunity to grow in my leadership skills. I had gained some leadership experiences previously through activities in my school, my AHG Troop, and my church, but none of these–not even close–demanded so much of me to work on and improve my leadership skills as the “Kids in the Kitchen: Making Healthy Snacks” endeavor.

ANN-CAROLIN JAHN AHG TROOP TX0334 RECIPIENT #491 Created “Kids in the Kitchen” course for Great Northwest Library in San Antonio, TX to serve lower income families

14 Supervisory Hours 206 Overall Service Hours Future Plans: Planning on going to college to get a degree in Chemistry and become a chemist The Great Northwest Library serves an area with many lower-income families. Nearly 60% of the children of the surrounding neighborhoods of the library are “latchkey kids” who are by themselves after school. My Stars & Stripes Award project was to present 30-minute cooking lessons to these kids in two sessions per day over four days. Each session focused on one component of the “My Plate” model–protein, fruit, vegetable, and grain. I created a lesson plan to teach the children nutritional information and instruction for the preparation of sample size snacks for each day of the “Kids in the Kitchen” session.

Most of the over 100 children who participated in the eight sessions of “Kids in the Kitchen” were genuinely interested in the presentation of the nutritional information and the preparation of the snacks. Without parents in the room, many children seemed to be more willing to try food items and food combinations that were new to them. It was so much fun to see their faces light up when they made different snacks and seemed surprised by themselves that they liked them! Looking back over nearly nine months of work on my project, I became aware various leadership skills are necessary to bring such a large project to fruition. Some of these skills are inborn, others need to be learned. Only if I actively exercise them–even if it is a struggle–I will grow in competence as a leader.

“Great Northwest Branch Library hosted a special summer cooking series “Kids in the Kitchen” presented by Ann-Carolin Jahn. Ms. Jahn developed a series of programs that taught kids aged 8-12 how to prepare healthy snacks that don’t require cooking or dangerous utensils. We did not expect to receive program guides with this level of attention to detail and descriptions of how to run the program, so seeing the final result was very impressive.” Cate Prazak Manager, Great Northwest Library


Through All of I t A Spiritual Walk Essay

Almost every day, I walk into my house, drop my backpack, holler a greeting, and head to the piano. There I sing and play what I call my ‘life anthem,’ Colton Dixon’s Through All of It. I love this song because it puts a melody and lyrics to my spiritual walk. The chorus starts with the phrase, “I have won.” I won when I decided to give my life to Christ. I am a winner when it comes to quality of life, family, and friends. I realize I have been truly blessed to be given the opportunities I have. The song goes to “I have lost.” I have lost opportunities to share the light of the Gospel. Contradictory to all that I hope to be, I am sometimes faithless, proud, and hypocritical. “I got it right sometimes, and sometimes I did not.” As I start my day with prayer, I ask God to quiet my head and make me aware of the nudging of the Holy Spirit throughout the day so that I may walk in His will. At night as I reflect, I ask myself, “Did I get it right today? Did I glorify Him or myself?” As a senior in high school, it is easy to get caught up in planning the future, however, in the end my life’s ultimate goal is to bring glory to Him through my experiences and gifts. I volunteer often because I know that God calls each Christian to serve. Applying my love of public speaking and the curious minds of kids, I weekly taught large group Sunday School at my church. I mentor other girls and seek out mentors for my own self. Lately, I have been working on the skill of steering conversations toward a place where I can share a little bit of the hope I have. “Life’s been a journey, I’ve seen joy I’ve seen regret. Oh and you have been my God through all of it.” I look at the journey of my life and see the hand of God guiding my way. God is continually calling me to share His gospel and serve His people. Whichever path this worldly life takes, my spiritual one will be the straight and narrow, because he will be my God through all of it. 6

KATHERINE GISI AHG TROOP MN0521 RECIPIENT #487 Made interactive donation box for Minnesota Children’s Museum of Rochester

10 Supervisory Hours 182.5 Overall Service Hours Future Plans: Attending Iowa State University to become an Electrical Engineer

VOLUNTEERINSIGHTS Guiding girls through the award procedure 1. Why did you choose to serve as a Stars & Stripes Award Mentor? I received a phone call from my new Troop Coordinator asking if I would be a Stars & Stripes Award Mentor for her daughter. Although the Troop Coordinator was honest with me about how much time it might require of me to help her daughter through the many steps in this process, I felt honored to be asked to help a young woman reach this goal and grow in her relationship with Christ through this process. So, I just said, “yes!” 2. Would you encourage others to serve as a Mentor? Just say yes! The parents and leaders of these young women need people to come alongside them. These young women need someone other than mom to keep them accountable, to speak God’s truth into their lives, and lift them up when they stumble. 3. What piece of advice would you give to a hopeful candidate/Girl Member?

DEBBIE ERWIN AHG TROOP CO4316 STARS & STRIPES AWARD MENTOR “Expect to be stretched beyond your comfort zone and see your perseverance, resourcefulness, and faith in God grow through the process of earning your Stars & Stripes Award.”

To the young women considering the challenge of the Stars & Stripes Award: consider finding a Mentor who will keep you accountable with grace and truth. Ask your Troop Coordinator and parents if they know someone with a willingness to learn alongside you and faith in God for help through unexpected things. Your Mentor doesn’t need to be an AHG veteran, they just need a desire to understand all the requirements for the process and have a desire to see godly women raised up in your generation. Expect to be stretched beyond your comfort zone and see your perseverance, resourcefulness, and faith in God grow through the process of earning your Stars & Stripes Award.

1. In your opinion, what is the most important aspect in your role of a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor? First, and maybe it’s obvious, but a desire to help the candidates succeed in the program. I find that I really do come to care about “my” girls and am invested in their growth. Besides that, good written communication skills are a must since everything is done in writing. Sometimes you have to deliver information that you know might upset or overwhelm a candidate and you have to try to do that in a way that is also uplifting for them. It can be a bit of a high-wire act at times, but I try to let them know I have their best interests in mind as I’m guiding them. 2. What brings you the most joy in serving as a SSPA? Reading the girls’ Project Summary Reports and learning how they have come to rely on the Lord because the project that they chose was so overwhelming and something bigger than they have ever imagined. To read their story of how they have grown through the process–it’s just such an honor to be a part of that! 3. If you could give a hopeful candidate advice, what would it be? Pray. Pray. Pray. Look for a non-profit, people-servicing organization that you care about. Look for two or three organizations that you think are interesting. Approach each of them, explain who you are and ask what they need. Ask them to dream big! Don’t settle for something small. Ask God to help you choose which project He wants you to do. Pray some more. Pray with your mentor. Ask your parents to pray for you. Know that your SSPA has your success in mind when he or she sends back those frustrating revisions. Know that we are praying for you too.

STAR GEISZ AHG TROOP MO5160 STARS & STRIPES TEAM LEAD “Don’t settle for something small. Pray. Ask God to help you choose which project He wants you to do. Pray some more. Pray with your mentor. Ask your parents to pray for you.”


Maleah Berendsen #426 | KY1031 Repurposed a room into a playroom for Lifehouse Maternity Home What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? My project helped me grow in compassion towards those in need. I did something bigger than I would usually do to help others. I persevered by pushing myself to continue even when it was difficult. I learned to be resourceful and to think outside the box when I ran into a problem. How is God working in your life? A talent that I used in my project that I will use for the rest of my life is public speaking. Also, the leadership skills that I learned will be used to tell others about God through my words and actions.

Grace Brockway #427 | GA0513 Created an outdoor classroom for Collins Hill Christian School Future Plans: Volunteering in my Troop and attending the University of North Georgia’s Gainsville campus Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11. It reminds me that no matter what happens, God has a plan for a beautiful hope-filled future for me. It will be an adventure, but it will be worth it. Advice: I would encourage any Pioneer or Patriot to work to earn their Stars & Stripes Award. Through all of its trial and tribulations, the end result, lessons learned, and times shared with other American Heritage Girls makes all of the struggles worth it. It is certainly not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.

Miriam Morris

#428 | GA0593

Made birdhouse and wheelchair-accessible garden boxes for Benton House Senior Living Future Plans: Computer Science and foreign languages, and possibly missions What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I could not have completed the project without all the help from my amazing volunteers. Helpful, perseverant, responsible, and resourceful come to mind when I think back on my project implementation. How is God working in your life? Recently I have felt called to prayer. I have been learning to pray and give God thanks daily. This past year my dance ministry started a prayer circle. It has made an impact on me to be surrounded by such Godly sons and daughters in Christ, and it has helped get me through the past year.

Elizabeth Knaupp #429 | AL3110 Refurbished cedar railing posts and columns for Vision Ministry Future Plans: Studying Biochemistry at the University of Huntsville Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 37:4-5. It reminds me that all I need is God. If I delight myself in Him, He will fulfill the desires of my heart! What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Helping the Vision Ministry with a task that would have been challenging for them to accomplish. Learning to trust God with the details, work, and timing of the project. How is God working in your life? He is pushing my limits with all that I have going on and growing me. God is allowing me to go to YMCA’s, various clubs, churches, childcare facilities, and other places to share the Gospel. 8

Danielle Fuller #430 | KY2521 Made a prayer garden for Highlands Latin School Future Plans: Studying a Pre-Law track at Baylor University Favorite thing about AHG: The spiritual development impact. When I was a Pathfinder, I merely wanted to earn badges and make friends. However, my eagerness for accomplishment and comradery evolved into zeal for religious fulfillment with integrity. As AHG promises, I have been trained to be a woman of integrity who honors God, family, community, and country with servant leadership. How is God working in your life? He has worked in my life to bring me to a place where learning combines with worship and connectedness with fellow believers. At Baylor University, I truly feel God’s presence and I am confident in his beautiful plan for me.

Emma Lacy #431 | SC2116 Made books for special needs students at Epworth Early Intervention Center Preschool Future Plans: To continue leading Pathfinders and have a job working with friends. How is God working in your life? My work as a greeter at the coffee shop is in a wonderful, secure, fun place with lots of friends around. It has made it easier for me to step out of my shyer self and greet new people. I am finding that it carries over to other places and I say hello first at the grocery now and other places too! Our church is starting a community-wide special needs ministry for young adults this fall, and I am excited to be able to make new friends and make them feel welcome!

Grace Murphy #432 | NV0410 Restored pews and added pulpit for the outdoor courtyard at Casa De Luz Future Plans: Majoring in Hospitality Management at UNLV Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39. I love this verse because it is a reminder to us as Christians that nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God and our salvation in Jesus Christ. Favorite thing about AHG: I love the wide variety of experiences I have had through AHG including: meeting amazing new friends, learning new skills and picking up new hobbies through badge work, serving with my Troop, camping with my family and Troop, ziplining, high ropes course, hiking at summer camp, and leading Bible devotionals and hearing devotionals from the other girls and leaders.

Meredith Aarestad #433 | TX6122 Started program to match up residents who crochet/knit with charities at The Conservatory Future Plans: Pursuing a Chemistry degree to work in the medical field Favorite Bible Verse: My favorite verse is probably John 14:27. It reminds me of the peace that can only be found in Christ. Even in the most tumultuous of times, God is always there with me and for me providing inexplicable peace that knows no bounds. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Having patience and letting God take control. Nothing went right in my Stars & Stripes Award project. There were times I wanted to just give up, but God showed me his faithfulness and showed me what it looks like to lean on Him and not myself. 9

Christina Gella #434 | CA0222 Renovated clothing system for San Francisco City Impact Future Plans: Pursuing a nursing career in either obstetrics or pediatrics Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 1:6 is one of my favorite Bible verses because it reminds me of how faithful God is. He has a plan for my future so I don’t have to be afraid. Advice: Continue to trust in God through everything and always put Him first because He is there and He will bless you! God is so good and I have been so blessed in this journey and my hope and prayer are to encourage those of you who may read this and hopefully help motivate those of you who may be in the process of working towards earning your Stars & Stripes Award!

Clare Donahue #435 | TN0413 Built furniture and updated space for Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, Inc. Future Plans: Attending Pellissippi State Community College to become a special education teacher What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The timing of the project. I wish I could have completed the project during the summer months when I had less schoolwork. What was the most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I feel I grew spiritually from completing this project by bringing me closer to God because my prayer life increased. I grew to not only see where I needed to improve and persevered but also learned my strengths. I had to rely on God and seek wisdom in making good decisions.

Madeline Meyer #436 | MO0134 Relocated uniforms and created music library for South Side Striders Homeschool Band Future Plans: Working as a cosmetologist and continuing to do missions trips. Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13. This has been the Bible verse I’ve tried to live by since I was very little. It is hard sometimes to remember just how big God is. When you focus on God and His strength, your problem will melt back to size. For example: I managed to do this project in seven months when it should have taken me longer. I couldn’t have done that without Him! Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about AHG was the comradery that it created for me and, of course, the campouts.

Jillian Sorah #437 | TX1228 Renovated a room into storage/meeting space for Generations of Faith Family Church Future Plans: Attending college while preparing to serve as a missionary What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The planning phase. I am not a detail-oriented person by nature, however, the process and leaders helped guide and equip me. Advice: I understand how hard it is to be a girl growing up in a world that cries God is dead or dormant. Christ lives! Beyond my wildest dreams, God has orchestrated amazing things and He has a plan for you too! Enjoy this season of friends, fellowship, discipleship, and learning. You will use the things AHG instills. Most importantly, pray to God and learn to hear the still, small voice that has a great plan for you. 10

Arianna Santiago #438 | WA0716 Added sound panels for Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Future Plans: Pursuing Finance-related degree; Competitive archer aspiring to be at 2020 World Championships and Paris 2024 Olympics. Favorite thing about AHG: The personal learning and growth that I experienced and the incredible things we did, which I would have never otherwise done. I credit AHG with allowing me to grow in my self-confidence and become accustomed to stretching my comfort “bubble” through speaking in front of groups, helping out with events, and planning projects both large and small. I also loved all of the field trips, overnights, and hiking trips that we took—they fueled my insatiable desire to learn, and allowed me to create some truly awesome memories.

Ashley Ulbricht #439 | MO5160 Added fire pit and patio for Sunrise United Methodist Church Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5. It was a verse I relied on heavily during my Stars & Stripes Award project. Without God’s help, I would have never completed the many difficult and unique project tasks. He showed me humility and trust, not only in Him, but in the people around me. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Perseverance. While I was building the fire pit, we were plagued with stormy days and cold mud. This persisted until the project was complete. It was by far the most difficult part of the task as it left us exhausted both physically and mentally, but rejuvenated us spiritually.

Sydney Huffman #440 | NC0834 Cleaned up and landscaped for Winstead Avenue Elementary School Future Plans: Attending Nash Community College with interest in Physical Therapy Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has had an enormous impact on my life. I have made great friends, learned how to work with different groups of people and learned important life skills. I have had so much fun, and I have wonderful women who show me what it is to be a woman of integrity. How is God working in your life? My faith allows me to trust that God loves me. Although I have had many challenges, I have learned that I am stronger than I think I am. I can always talk to Him about my hopes, dreams, fears, sorrows, and joys.

Charis Boyer #441 | WV0802 Initiated surgery cap and blanket program for WVU Children’s Hospital Future Plans: Pursuing Elementary Education degree at Fairmont State University to help kids have fun with STEM Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Peter 5:7. Even in times of struggle it reminds me that I am not alone and that He will gladly share in the burdens of life. How is God working in your life? I believe that God is always in control and will never give me more than I can handle. I believe the area in which I see God working the most is definitely on the stresses of life and college. Knowing He is there is a constant relief for the insanity that is life. 11

Abigail Cripe #442 | SC1212 Created a playground at Flint Hill Baptist Church Future Plans: Pursuing Computer Programming, but open to the unknown and trusting God Favorite thing about AHG: All that the AHG Program offers allows each girl to have a unique experience. I have taken part in camps, parades, lock-ins, races, hikes, service projects, and more. I had many opportunities to teach younger girls. I like the teamwork AHG encourages and the religious community it constructs. I am thankful for the many Christian camps that were accessible to me. Advice: I am so glad to have been a servant and helped a church reach a dream. I encourage all other Pi/Pa’s to consider completing the Stars & Stripes Award because it truly is rewarding.

Reagan Ashpaugh #443 | IN2324 Created a reading room for Brookside Community Church Future Plans: Studying Christian Ministries at Indiana Wesleyan University to help families be restored What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Knowing that children in a neighborhood that is struggling now have access to books and resources needed to help them succeed. How is God working in your life? I am growing and being challenged at an amazing university. I have the best family and support system. I was given the strength and wisdom to help friends through a suicide of a classmate. I am immersed in a new environment which has allowed me to interact with others. I am continuing to learn what it looks like to have “joy” in my everyday life.

Elissa Essman #444 | WA1900 Transformed rooms for a transition home for new mothers Future Plans: Pursuing a degree in Interior Design What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The project itself. Through all the inspiration, planning, preparation, and completion, I have come to the realization that the Stars & Stripes Award is not about the award, but the process and completion of the project. Advice: See these girls as an inspiration. Even if you aren’t able or called to earn the Stars & Stripes Award, know that you are just as capable of making a difference in your community. Let the girls and their hard work be an inspiration to you. With the strength and support of the Lord, you can do anything He calls you to do.

Rebecca O’Neal #445 | FL1412 Landscaped, organized, and renovated outdoor space for Ringhaver Park Soccer Complex Future Plans: Attending college; wanting to use experience in mentoring and coaching to add value to my community How is God working in your life? God is helping me order my priorities in life so I can be better-equipped to find and follow the path that He has set before me. Additional Thoughts: The leadership that was afforded to me allowed me to pursue my goal of earning the Stars & Stripes Award and subsequently allow me to begin my growth as a leader and mentor in ways that few young people are able. Often, it just takes one person to encourage and mentor a young person in order to achieve success. 12

Claire Baum #446 | MN0521 Built a portable reception desk for a family ministry Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:30. As I live my life, my desire is that this verse will become my theme. I pray that the glory of Jesus Christ will be the consuming passion of my life; that His worthiness would be proclaimed in my thoughts, words, and actions. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The award process has shown me the faithfulness of God in difficult circumstances. Even when I couldn’t see how I would be able to raise the funds for the project or how I would be able to find the right number of volunteers, the Lord was faithful to meet these needs, and He often did so in unexpected ways.

Kristine Guy #447 | CO4316 Made clothing storage closets for TESSA Future Plans: Majoring in Anthropology and History at Pikes Peak Community College; engaged to be married Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 11:28. This world can make someone weary. With corrupt political stands and agendas, it is reassuring to have God who gives us rest when we call upon Him and strength when we need it most. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? My initial project got cancelled. When I called the organization to schedule a time to start, I was told a professional was being hired to do it, and they did not need me anymore. I was heartbroken, but I persevered. I called TESSA that day and found a project I believe needed me more.

Theresa Morthland #448 | VA1115 Built raised sandbox for Nativity Catholic Preschool Future Plans: Majoring in Forensic Biology at WVU to pursue career as a DNA analyst Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being involved in American Heritage Girls was the welcoming atmosphere and all the friends that I was able to meet. AHG was how I met my best friend and was able to have some of my favorite memories with her and the rest of the Troop. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I found that the preschooler’s faces were the most rewarding. They were so happy that they could play in the sandbox, and the teachers were excited about the new playground equipment.

Ashleigh Duquette #449 | FL0001 Made wall to showcase homeless success stories Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has taught me to love and appreciate this great country. As much as I loved the fun camping trips, lock-ins, and trips out of town, I would not trade any of it for the service, team building and character training that our leadership instilled in us. I will treasure so much about AHG as I move into my adult years and continue to discover God’s plan for me. What was the most challenging about your project? My inspiration for the wall stories, Debbie, was tragically killed prior to the completion of the project. I dedicated the “Wall Stories” in her honor.


Cora Dwyer #450 | MO1118 Made art exhibition to bring awareness for mental illness/suicide for NAMI SWMO Future Plans: Becoming a psychologist; attending Rockhurst University What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The lack of motivation at times. During my Stars & Stripes Award project, I lost two dear individuals who meant a lot to me. My faith life and project work were paused. But I realized what an impact this project could make and how proud it would make those two people so I worked through the struggle of loss. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The community’s reaction. People I knew and many I didn’t were coming up to me in tears to tell me how much they were impacted by what I had done.

Madison Chitwood #451 | OH0323 Built towers and made blankets for Ohio Alleycat Resource Future Plans: Majoring in Biomedical Engineering at The Ohio State University Favorite thing about AHG: Camping, love of the outdoors and the friends I’ve made. At my first campout, I was riding horses, shooting arrows, and scaling a rock wall. You never know who your friends are until you are in a tent in a thundering downpour and someone needs a bathroom buddy! What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The teamwork and leadership I learned. With a lot of people come many different ideas about how to accomplish a task. I had to keep everyone on track. Being able to work in a group setting will help me reach my future goals.

Elizabeth Conrad #452 | NE0026 Cleaned up outdoor space, installed basketball hoops, and gaga pit for Grace Central Church Future Plans: Majoring in Psychology at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, preparing to achieve a doctorate in Occupational Therapy Favorite thing about AHG: I love the leadership training and the friendship. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? It required a lot of planning and patience. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I loved seeing everything come together and everyone who came out to help. How is God working in your life? He is helping me to grow in trust in Him.

Claire Hoxie #453 | CA1012 Refurbished crosses for veterans’ gravesides at an American Legion cemetery Future Plans: Attending John Paul the Great Catholic University, majoring in Communications Media and Business. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Time management was the hardest part in working towards my Stars & Stripes Award. Memorial Day was a set in stone day and there was no wiggle room for delays or mistakes. Some of the work rested on my shoulders towards the end because there wasn’t enough time to schedule another work day. Thankfully everything ended up okay. Advice: If you’re reading this because you’re not sure if you should work toward earning the Stars & Stripes Award, this is your sign. Do it! It is so rewarding and you will thank yourself later. 14

Emily Dowell #454 | FL2031 Retrofitted trailer into mobile store for Good Samaritan Mission Future Plans: Pursuing mission work locally and internationally while continuing to study Theology Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 11:36. It’s a clear beautiful statement declaring God’s power and that all glory belongs to Him. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Leaning on and experiencing God through all of it, especially the little things that messed up. God had a plan for it all. I loved getting to see the finished project and being able to see how the trailer I transformed into a mobile store impacted the community.

Aimee Gaston #455 | WA0722 Replaced main sign for St. John Mission Future Plans: Studying nursing; considering becoming an Army or Air Force officer. Favorite thing about AHG: Spending time with girls my age. Since I come from a family with only boys and was homeschooled, I did not have many opportunities to be around girls my age. During my Pi/Pa years, my Unit became like my second family. I am still close friends with many of these girls. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? To beautify the vicinity with a new sign and to preserve the history of the previous signage. One of the complaints of the prior sign was visibility. I was able to implement some design elements so the font and color were more noticeable.

Jenna Ringuette #456 | CA0356 Built portable partitions for Christ Community Church Future Plans: Attending University of California Berkeley to pursue a career in higher education Favorite Bible Verse: My favorite Bible verse is Mark 30-31. I love this verse because it so clearly lays out the mission of a follower of Christ on this earth, to first love God and then to love others. How is God working in your life? Over the last few months God has presented me with opportunities to use and show my artistic abilities. This summer, I was able to teach art and direct the play at a summer camp for foster children. It was amazing working with the children and being able to talk to them about Jesus while painting.

Emily Callan #457 | TX0355 Built benches and painted dorm for Camp His Way Future Plans: Start “Simple Truth Photography” and stay active in the pro-life community What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The paperwork and waiting for things to be approved. I prefer to do things myself, but this project required that I put trust in others. How is God working in your life? While working at camp, I was sick. I had a sore throat, cough, cold, and I lost my voice. Some people at camp saw this so they asked if they could pray over me. They prayed for healing. While they prayed, I literally felt my body tingle, and myself getting better. My voice came back, and I wasn’t sick anymore. God is mighty and merciful! 15

Hannah MacNutt #458 | GA0594 Built shelving units for a food pantry at Chicopee Baptist Church Future Plans: To go to college and get job caring for or training animals Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 62: 1-2, because when anxieties about life start making their way into my head, I am always assured that I can find peace through God. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Seeing the project being used and knowing that many people will benefit from it. How is God working in your life? God is giving me the courage to learn to drive, even though I’ve always been terrified of it, I’m putting my trust in Him to keep me safe on the roads.

Elizabeth Taylor #459 | VA2010 Created outdoor garden and chapel for New Covenant Christian Church What was the most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I learned a lot about myself and the power of leadership through that. A positive, God-based attitude is like kindling to a fire; naturally, it helps fuel other’s will to serve and work for the Lord. Thanks to the support and love from my Troop, family, and friends, this outdoor chapel will bless my Charter church for several years to come. The Stars & Stripes Award experience has blessed me in a way nothing else has. It has given me a taste of real life.

Katie Angst #460 | OH0226 Built three-part compost bin for Butler County MetroParks Future Plans: Possibly nursing; seeking God’s will Favorite thing about AHG: From diverse badge work to once in a lifetime trips, and especially leadership roles, everything in AHG gives you a chance to gain more life experience in many different ways. Advice: Every Stars & Stripes Award journey is different. No matter your journey, know that it isn’t worth much unless it’s done for God. If you can’t find it in yourself to take on this process, just give it to Him. He sees every struggle you endure, no matter how big or small, and no amount of work you do on His behalf goes unnoticed. That small exercise will help your faith grow in ways you never imagined.

Mary Oberlander #461 | VA0711 Expanded storage and created quilt for Loudoun Free Clinic Future Plans: To become a nurse and missionary; attend Liberty University Favorite thing about AHG: Its incredible impact. AHG has made me into a woman of God, given me lifelong friends, and has taught me so many new skills. I have learned to be a leader, a public speaker, and an ambassador for Christ. I would not trade my twelve years of AHG memories and character building for anything. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The Stars & Stripes Award project was substantially harder than I expected, and it took more perseverance than I thought I could ever give, but it has taught me things that I never would have experienced. 16

Anna Gates #462 | OH0215 Built donation bin, created shelving and organized for Isabella’s Closet Future Plans: Pursue degree in Medical Laboratory Science; continue with local theater Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12. That verse was the most encouraging to me during the Stars & Stripes Award project. It felt challenging to lead other adults because it didn’t seem like my place. But I would think of this verse, and I knew I was leading others with His blessing. How is God working in your life? God is showing me how to rely completely on Him. Often I still try to handle things on my own before I go to God in prayer, but He keeps guiding me onto His path and teaching me that He should come first.

Noelle Chapman #463 | CA2911 Founded God’s Heart Ministry within Riverpark Church Future Plans: Majoring in Aviation at Liberty University to become an airline pilot Favorite Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 is especially important to me, as it is a great reminder of what Christ has done. As someone who is somewhat of a perfectionist, this verse reminds me to rest in Christ’s finished work on the cross and have peace in the salvation I have been given through no work of my own. How is God working in your life? As a naturally risk-averse person, flying is outside of my comfort zone. However, God has helped me earn my Private Pilot Certificate and my Instrument Rating, overcoming the obstacles I face, giving me strength, courage, and determination.

Rachel Van As #464 | OH0412 Built mobile computer workstations for a children’s therapy center Future Plans: Pursue an Art degree Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 139:14. He knit me together in my mother’s womb, I am fearfully and wonderfully made! What is the most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? When I realized I had too many volunteers because we didn’t have all the materials yet, I handled this by calling one family before the work time and canceling their shift. How is God working in your life? I plan to continue to serve in my community, a strong value that was reinforced through AHG.

Laura Lienemann #465 | NE0026 Built obstacle course and picnic tables for Scatter Joy Acres Future Plans: To attend college; still undecided. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I found completing paperwork on time the most challenging. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I found the lessons I learned about planning and leadership and the knowledge that the project will be enjoyed by many children rewarding. How is God working in your life? God is teaching me about perseverance through my studying, and revealing to me that developing Godly character is something I should always be working on. Advice: God can and will use every experience He has given you to accomplish His will for your future. 17

Katie Steineker #466 | KY3130 Painted mural and landscaped for Bethel St. Paul Church Future Plans: Attending the University of Louisville to pursue a career in Interior Design Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6. This Bible verse has helped me countless times to calm down and be still in the Lord’s presence in stressful situations. Favorite thing about AHG: Being able to be a leader for the younger girls in the Troop. How is God working in your life? This has been a season of growing in my relationship with God, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians. Advice: As you decide whether or not to pursue this award, remember to pray to God for advice, guidance, and a clear answer.

Mary Grace Watkins #467 | NC0608 Made blessings box for Lewisville United Methodist Church Future Plans: To earn a degree in Elementary Education Favorite Thing about AHG: My time in my Troop has given me opportunities to lead that no other organization that I am part of has. I have also gained friendships that will last forever. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Through all the time and effort I put into this project, I never thought it would end up serving me as much as it would serve the community. How is God working in your life? I am growing in my faith by trusting in God and waiting for His timing in everything.

Veronica Ryan #468 | OH1206 Transformed empty plot into a garden for Ben Franklin Community Garden Future Plans: Attending Cuyahoga Community College What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Sometimes when I was under a lot of pressure, it was hard to be patient and understanding of those around me, but I learned how to step back, breathe, and consider how others feel before I react. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I could not have come this far without the help of God and the support of the people in my life. I have a heart for service and a love for others, and whatever I may accomplish in life, I pray that everything I do is done in love.

Sabrina Halstead #469 | VA0633 Built scavenger hunts for Serving Our Willing Warriors Future Plans: Majoring in Computer Science at University of Mary Washington Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 6:10. This verse shows that God does not forget and that when you help others, you are also helping yourself. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being in AHG is interacting with everyone from different backgrounds, doing the activities through the badges, and going camping. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Completing the paperwork. Advice: Let the process enrich you but also teach you different things. I have learned multiple things about the families that would be using my scavenger hunts. 18

Emily King #470 | GA1331 Made hippotherapy sensory trail for North Georgia Equine in Motion Future Plans: Majoring in Computer Science at the University of Georgia Favorite thing about AHG: The opportunities for friendship, mentoring younger girls, and learning life skills. I have enjoyed building new friendships and strengthening old ones as we camped in hammocks, honored our veterans, practiced bowling, stayed at camp, led projects, and so much more. Advice: This is your Stars & Stripes Award. It is not your leaders’ nor your parents’ award. You must earn it rather than letting others do the work for you. However, do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Earning this award is hard work, but the journey is priceless, and an opportunity like no other.

Amber Bormann #471 | TX2407 Built convertible picnic tables/benches for The Geneva School of Boerne Future Plans: Attending SMU in Dallas this fall majoring in Business and minoring in Songwriting and Music Industry Practices Favorite Bible Verse: James 1:2-5. It can be hard to stay joyful in our trials. When it feels like there is no end in sight, I must persevere in seeking God’s wisdom for the plan He has for me. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The opportunity to practice the Oath, Creed, and Mission Statement. I was able to serve God, my community, and my country, and it was truly amazing to see hard work pay off! I loved seeing my project being used by students, and it was humbling to see the joy they brought to others.

Natalie Guisinger #472 | IN3712 Built a Marian garden for St. Vincent Scout Lodge Future Plans: Attending Ball State University for Elementary Education. Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 49:16. This is a verse that especially comforts me when I feel lonely. Favorite thing about AHG: I love being a leader and role model for younger girls, and the love and dedication of my leaders have made me feel part of another family. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Recruiting child volunteers and giving them appropriate jobs to do on workdays were things I found difficult. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Growing closer with a lot of my leaders and volunteers who pitched in.

Madeline Haas #473 | VA1975 Cleaned, painted, and built information board for St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Future Plans: Pursuing a Systems Engineering degree at George Mason University What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The connection I had with my Troop. Many of the girls and leaders went above and beyond what I expected in terms of participation. They showed up for the full day to most, if not all, of the project work dates. Advice: Have a plan before proceeding with the project. Even when my plan changed, I had an idea of what the priorities were. Therefore, I could deal with anything from a fundraiser falling through to revising a construction plan. Good planning served me well in writing my project description. 19

Isabela Estigoy #474 | TB0001 Built a rabbit enclosure at Possumwood Acres Wildlife Sanctuary Future Plans: Working on Veterinarian Assistant Certification; to pursue a degree in Marine Biology What was most challenging about Stars & Stripes? As a Trailblazer, I had to find people to help me without knowing anyone, nor having a Troop nearby. I had just moved to a new area when I started the process of my project. I made presentations at multiple places to find people. Also, I had to sometimes cancel on the actual workdays because my volunteers would call and cancel. This frustrated me because I was on such a strict deadline before I turned 18, and I needed 10 youth supervisory hours. However, I was blessed enough to have 12 hours!

Grace Perrin #475 | MI0226 Painted mural and installed safety fence at Brookside Missionary Baptist Church Future Plans: To pursue a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science; to join an AHG Troop Board Favorite thing about AHG: I love the community I have with the other girls, both my age and younger. How is God working in your life? God is showing me how much I depend on other’s praise. He is teaching me to let go of that desire and to rest in His love for me. It is not always easy, but it is very freeing. Advice: Don’t underestimate yourself. A large project may seem daunting, but with hard work and God’s power, you can do great things.

Mariana Zuniga #476 | TX2912 Built garden beds for Bastrop County Master Gardeners Association Future Plans: Studying Engineering at the University of North Texas Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 18:24. This verse is a reminder that everyone should always be themselves. If you are yourself, then you will find your true friends. Favorite thing about AHG: I love the leadership opportunities. AHG has so many roles where everyone can find one that they are interested in, no matter your age or how introverted/extraverted you are. I also like the fact that AHG has many events where I could meet girls from other Troops and learn new things.

Hayley Hall #477 | NV0314 Built fire pit and landscaped for Lake Mead Baptist Church Future Plans: To pursue a career in Animal Science/Care, or Agriculture while producing music in my free time. Favorite Bible Verse: One of my favorites is Romans 8:31. This verse is important to me because it talks about how God cares about us and how we don’t have to worry about anyone who is against us. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Being a leader. I’m more of a follower than a leader, so at first, having to lead an entire project was a bit scary to me! As I went through it all, I got used to it though. This part of the process really helped me grow.


Elise Zollinger #478 | TX0595 Constructed a gaga ball pit for Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church Future Plans: To become a writer Favorite thing about AHG: Service projects. The joy they bring is beyond compare! What is God doing in your life now? He has made me more confident and willing to serve. I never would have dreamed of directing service projects or staffing at camps before AHG. Advice: If ever you feel that you can’t do something, whether it’s a service project or some other large undertaking, know that you can do it through God’s help. He has placed people in your life to help you. Cherish those people and don’t be afraid to ask them for help too. Never ever give up on God or His plan for you.

Jennifer Welling #479 | OH3130 Added seating, storage, and gravel for fire pit for Fairfield Church of Christ Future Plans: Attending Sinclair Community College; pursuing a Civil Engineering degree so I can build and design roller coasters. Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 because it reminds me even when it does not look like it, God has a plan for me. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about AHG is all the friends I made. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I really enjoyed managing the money for my project. I love excel spreadsheets because it would color coordinate everything for me. What is God doing in your life now? He has helped me get through all the hardships of finding the right college.

Genevieve Tautkus #480 | OH0031 Made a prayer garden for Damascus Catholic Mission Campus Future Plans: To pursue a career as a radiographer at The Ohio State University Advice: If you are considering the Stars & Stripes Award, go for it! It is a rigorous process that will take much of your time and energy, but it is extremely rewarding in the end. There will be days you wonder why you decided to do it and wish you hadn’t, but do not lose hope! You will grow in many life skills and you will benefit others with a gift from your heart through the service project aspect. It will change you only for the better and further help you blossom into the woman of grace Christ is calling you to become.

Danielle Burtis #481 | MN0031 Built memorial and shelving system for 20 Rifle and Pistol Club Future Plans: To earn my Bachelor’s Degree and to join the U.S. Navy Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 11:28-30. These verses remind me that I never have to worry about anything. I can come to God with everything, and He will take care of me. What is God doing in your life now? I can see through the programs I am involved in that I am able to shine God’s light in the lives of others. People have made positive comments about me. It is thrilling to know that people can see a difference between me and others who do not know Jesus and to know that God is using me to make a difference.


Hollyn Middleton #482 | IN0909 Cleaned and rearranged a space and added therapy items for Springhurst Legacy Memory Care Center Future Plans: Attending Palm Beach Atlantic University; pursuing a Ph.D. in Marine Biology to teach and research at a university Favorite thing about AHG: Camporees and other outdoor activities. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The memory care center staff’s excitement and appreciation of the completed project. What is God doing in your life now? God has been teaching me to trust Him through the process of applying and preparing for college.

Keziah Paterka #483 | TX2407 Beautified the outdoor space for Strong Foundation Ministries Future Plans: Taking online courses at RZIM; to work in real estate Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7. It reminds me that God does not want us to be fearful. Having a fearless, sound mind is a choice we often forget we have the ability to make because of the daily grind of life. Favorite thing about AHG: The leadership skills I learned and getting outdoors—camping, sports, etc. Anything additional to share? Things seem crazier when you’re in the middle of it. Stay calm. Be patient with others. You never know what other people have been through or are going through in life. Honesty is the best policy with others and yourself!

Maria May #484 | KY1031 Built a Marian garden for St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church Future Plans: To attend college Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 5:8. This one is important to me because it tells me how much God loves me. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being involved in AHG is all the opportunities to do things I was given as a part of the program. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The details required in the paperwork. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Being done and receiving my award! What is God doing in your life now? He has given me new friends and helped me trust in Him more.

Marissa Schmidt #485 | NC0244 Created a garden for The Point Church Care Pantry Future Plans: To become an EMT Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:8. It was very helpful to me at a time when I was very anxious and worried about everything. Favorite thing about AHG: The fun activities and making friends. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Getting everything in the project description. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Finishing and receiving my award!


Jessica Kunkel #486 | MO3469 Built picnic tables and bench for Firm Foundations Christian Academy Future Plans: Majoring in Engineering at Missouri Baptist University What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Being out of my comfort zone. I was nervous asking for donations. Although this was stressful, I utilized core AHG values and God’s guidance to help make me stronger. It was a great experience to learn to stretch myself in this area. Advice: AHG is a great faith-based organization that teaches girls how to glorify God while taking pride in our nation through vigorous activities and new ways of learning. I would encourage any girl to participate in the AHG Program until the age of 18 regardless if she plans to earn the Stars & Stripes Award.

Therese Ohotnicky #488 | TN0629 Organized and displayed collection of relics for The Minor Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul Future Plans: Attending Christendom College; to be a church organist, choir director, and Latin teacher Favorite Bible Verse: My favorite Bible verse is Luke 1:78-79. This is important to me because it speaks beautifully of how God gives us hope and peace. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Learning more about the Catholic Saints whose relics I was cataloging and researching. What is God doing in your life now? I think God is working in my life right now through my wonderful family and church, and through my pursuit of His glory through my music.

Phoebe Hupe #489 | CA0760 Built a pergola for Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center Future Plans: To go to college to be a marine mammal veterinarian What was most challenging with your Stars & Stripes Award project? The pergola I ordered had the wrong directions. This made construction difficult. However, with help from the volunteers, we were able to put it together like a puzzle. What was most rewarding with your Stars & Stripes Award project? The growth in my faith. During the project phase, I found myself praying and speaking with God more than before. I would ask for guidance and the success of my project. I was able to see God’s work through FPRC, this faith-based organization that helps women. I saw how God works every day.

Virginia Norred #490 | TX2012 Improved outdoor space for In My Shoes Future Plans: Pursuing a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana Tech University. Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16. It reminds me that God loves us so much that He gave his only Son so we could live an eternal life with Him. What is God doing in your life? God helps me see that I’m not alone, especially during those times of stress. During freshmen orientation, I found a Catholic group to join at just the right time—that was a God moment. Advice: The Stars & Stripes Award process may seem overwhelming, but take each step one at a time. Lean on your support system for direction or advice. It was a rewarding experience and definitely worth it. 23

Kaitlyn Shipp #492 | CO3125 Installed flagpole and lights for Mountain States Children’s Home Future Plans: Pursuing a Physical Therapy Assistant certification at Laramie County Community College Favorite Bible Verse: John 14:27. It reminds me that Jesus is our peace even when the world seems to be out of control. Therefore, we shouldn’t worry or be afraid. It reassures me that He will provide for me. Favorite thing about AHG: The relationships that were built and how we encouraged and challenged one another. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Seeing how thankful the people in the community were to see the finished flagpole. This had been on the to-do list for several years so they were excited which made it worth it for me.

Emma Stewart #493 | TX0313 Built prayer garden for The Saint Constantine School Future Plans: Majoring in Law and Politics, and Accounting at FreedHardeman University; to be a homeschool mom. Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has taught me so many basic life lessons while making memories with some of my closest friends! What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I am not a detail-oriented person, so when it came to having to think about every detail and type it out, I struggled with doing it. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? After and during the process of building the prayer garden, I had so many people thank me for what I was doing. It was amazing to do something that helps so many people.

Cassandra Watkins-Lanich #494 | OH3021 Built outdoor firepit and amphitheater for Abundant Life Tabernacle Future Plans: Attending Sinclair Community College for an Associates Degree; to obtain a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education to be a teacher who shares the love of Jesus Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13. It reminds me daily that there is nothing impossible with God! Favorite thing about AHG: Community service and meeting new people while serving! What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Since I did my project for my church, I get to see the benefit it brings people. Advice: Trust in the Lord through this journey, in both the good and bad days. He sees the big picture and He’s right there beside you every step of the way!

Bryanna Goad #495 | MO5160 Built picnic tables for First Baptist Church of Cedar Hill Future Plans: To become a beautician Favorite thing about AHG: Through AHG I have found some of my best friends and have found who I am. I am who I am today due to what I was taught as an American Heritage Girl. Advice: When working on a big project like the Stars & Stripes Award, don’t procrastinate. When you ride the deadline, you hurry, and it becomes stressful. Be patient and kind when working with your community. Realize that this is for the good of others, therefore you have to persevere to finish what you started. The impact of your project is more important than the award you receive.


Samantha Wright #496 | OR0001 Created playground at Santa Clara Church Future Plans: To go to college Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11, this verse gives me hope. Favorite thing about AHG: Being able to spend time with the younger girls. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I got to see the playground being used this summer, and the Stars & Stripes Award process has made me stronger in my faith. What is God doing in your life now? I’m not sure at this moment, but He is sending me to a great college!

Millie Johnson #497 | TX0098 Built a storage shed for a church Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6-7. This verse commands me to not be anxious but to thank God and trust Him. When I pray it, His peace can replace my worries. Favorite thing about AHG: Making really good friends and going camping. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Sending paperwork back and forth and fighting the time limit. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Finding that when I trust God and obey Him when it’s uncomfortable or scary, He can work through me and even do the impossible. What is God doing in your life now? God is teaching me how to obey Him and to desire to get to know Him better.

Faith Gleason #498 | TX0317 Built rehabilitation equipment for rescue horses for Houston SPCA Future Plans: Complete my education at Lone Star College Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 12:11. This verse reminds me that hard situations usually lead to good results. Favorite thing about AHG: Camping and enjoying the great outdoors. I also love the opportunities AHG has given me to grow all around. What is God doing in your life now? He is teaching me to trust Him more and in everything. Advice: My encouragement to those who want to earn the Stars & Stripes Award would be to contact someone who has already earned it and talk to them about it. Ask them any questions you might have. We are willing to share our journey with anyone who asks.

Hannah Myatt #499 | NC0880 Created curriculum and materials for Chapel Hill Bible Church Future Plans: Studying Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill; to work in the field of regenerative medicine to impact the special needs community. Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 94:18-19. An AHG friend sent this to me before a big test. I now turn to it in moments of fear or anxiety, because I know that God is there and already knows the outcome and loves me regardless. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I have been working with the special needs ministry at my church for about five years and have really been able to see the challenges and blessings that come from having special needs. To be able to design and implement a specific curriculum for these kids was very rewarding. 25

Sarah Joyner #501 | TN0139 Built closet, painted walls and mural for Thrive Community Church Future Plans: Majoring in Psychology at The Ohio State University Favorite thing about AHG: How it helped grow my confidence. I was shy and insecure, but I am now comfortable speaking to strangers and even a roomful of people. I also made lifelong friends, learned life skills, and learned how to help younger girls grow in Christ. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The amount of spiritual growth I experienced. With prayer and petition, anything is possible. Although I was unsure I could complete my project in time, I remained calm and focused. I laid everything at Christ’s feet and had confidence that He would provide.

Tessa D’Souza #502 | KY7070 Did exterior renovations for an organization that helps abused women Future Plans: Studying Cybersecurity at Taylor University to fight human trafficking Favorite Bible Verse: Nehemiah 2:18. Doing the work God’s commanded of you is often a lonely task. This verse reminds me that God has put people in my life who He’s already called to do the good work with me. Favorite thing about AHG: Mentoring younger girls. I helped grow them in their love for God and others. What is God doing in your life now? My spiritual gift is leadership. I love leading others. Recently God has been giving me opportunities to follow others and let go of control. I’m realizing that God has the ultimate control in every situation.

Grace Nelson #503 | IL1317 Started a Spring Soiree Senior Prom for St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly Future Plans: Majoring in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering at Benedictine College; to go to Pharmacy school What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Staying on track and not being overwhelmed at the amount of work ahead of me. I had an amazing mentor and leaders who really encouraged me, helped me stay focused and complete one step at a time. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I felt so great after seeing the impact the Senior Prom made on the morale of the elderly residents. They really enjoyed interacting with the teens, and it was amazing to see them singing along and dancing to their favorite songs.

Carolyn Phillips #504 | GA3125 Built a gaga pit at Kingsland United Methodist Church Future Plans: To attend Shorter University and pursue a wildlife biologist career Favorite Bible Verse: James 1:12. Because of this verse I know that my persistence in difficult times will be rewarded. Favorite thing about AHG: I have loved the local service opportunities and the outdoors activities. I have gotten to know my peers and friends better through them. What is God doing in your life now? As someone who has had trials, I have been able to help and encourage people I know going through rough circumstances. God is also using my transition from my hometown to a new city to bring good changes in my life and the lives of others. 26

Emily Dukes #505 | GA3125 Created a shading structure for The Humane Society of Camden County Future Plans: To get a Masters in Psychology to become a therapist. Favorite Bible Verse: Psalms 31:25. I look at the verse and it encourages me to be a woman of integrity. Advice: When I initially didn’t get the supervisory hours, I was frustrated because I wanted to earn the award. However, my father said, “Not every good deed will get an award, but you can look back on that experience and see that you overcame the obstacles, and you were able to help others.” That helped me feel better if I didn’t receive the award. Luckily, I did. Don’t give up and even if you don’t get the award, you can say you helped others!

Pastashia Clark #506 | WV0082 Created garden for Saint James the Greater Catholic Church Future Plans: to be involved in the Pro-Life Movement, standing up for the unborn What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? My fundraising was rewarding. I could receive a free bench if I collected 500 pounds of film plastic within six months. Through my community, I surpassed that, successfully collecting 650 pounds in four months! What is God doing in your life? God is opening my eyes to things outside of my environment to make me well-rounded. I have been exposed to people who are less fortunate than me when I serve others. God has also made me grateful and made me realize that my freedom is not something to be taken for granted.

MaKayla Craig #507 | VA1976 Landscaped gazebo for Our Father’s House Christian Home Future plans: To pursue a degree in Communications, Marketing, or Journalism Favorite thing about AHG: AHG helped me realize that leadership is one of my gifts and gave me the experience and confidence to effectively develop this gift. Advice: To those pursuing this award, start as soon as you can, and read the Stars & Stripes Award Procedure Packet thoroughly. Focus not so much on receiving the award, but rather on making an impact. This award is about growing, serving, praying, seeking and researching an organization that speaks to you. Pick a place that you are passionate about what they are doing. Lastly, have fun. You only get to do this once so make it worthwhile.

Gena Porotsky #508 | OH1843 Created book benefiting the Diabetes Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Future Plans: Pursuing a pre-med track at The Ohio State University Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13. This verse reminds me that I can achieve much more with the help of God than I ever could on my own. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Coordinating everything. My project took additional steps to make sure it was approved, and there were many individuals involved with submitting artwork and information. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Knowing that I am impacting children. The Diabetes Center is currently handing out the books to families of children who were recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. 27

Evelyn Richardson #509 | TN0131 Made play structures for Stepping Stones Preschool at Maryville Church of Christ Future Plans: To teach or be involved in public relations; participate in international travel, missions and serve others What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The preschool director was thrilled with the finished projects and the response of the children to the games and toys. What was the most challenging about the Stars & Stripes Award? Time management as I was up against my birthday. When things didn’t go as planned, I had to persevere, trusting God was in control. There were waiting periods for scheduling workdays and getting materials. I had faith and trust that my project would get finished, but I experienced patience like I never have before.

Abigail Johnson #510 | TX1011 Remodeled Children’s Chapel for Dogwood Church Future Plans: Training for vocational Christian ministry at the Moody Bible Institute Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 gives me hope that even when I cannot see what the path looks like, God is making it straight if I am submitting to Him. What is God doing in your life now? God is using my testimony to share His work of redemption to other young women that are in my social groups. Additional Thoughts: The Stars & Stripes Award has grown me as a leader and organizer. I have more confidence and focus. Although it was difficult, I am glad I completed my project and earned the award. God can and will use that period of my life for His glory.

Sarah Jensen #511 | TX1613 Launched an annual “Future Fair” to prepare high school students for college and careers Future Plans: Earning a dual degree in Graphic Design and Business Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 139: 13-14. This verse reminds us that God made us exactly the way we are, and we were created to praise Him. Favorite thing about AHG: Befriending and helping teach the younger girls in my Troop. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Communicating with adults via email and explaining what I wanted from others. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Creating something that will have a long-lasting impact. I get the privilege of attending the fair this year as a civilian.

Gina Kim #512 | IL1926 Created library and reading space for Life Community Church Future Plans: Majoring in Mechanical Engineering at Grove City College in the fall Favorite thing about AHG: The unique experiences and skills I acquired through earning badges and volunteering! Many of my nonAHG friends never had the chance to ride a horse, go skiing, learn how to build a fire, or go camping. Those badges gave me skills that I can use comfortably and confidently. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Writing and revising the Project Description. I wasn’t sure of the format nor did I fully realize the detail that was needed. I was also balancing AP classes and school activities. Thankfully, my Troop rallied behind me with a lot of support! 28

Kathryn Manly #513 | TX0771 Made porch swing and garden for Christ’s Haven for Children Future Plans: Majoring in English in college; publish some books Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 6:28-34. This verse is about not worrying and where we should set our sights. Favorite thing about AHG: I love learning new skills with my friends and watching girls grow in the Lord. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I learned a lot about patience and responsibility. I also got to teach kids new things and watch the project recipients’ faces when they saw the finished swing and garden. Advice: This award was difficult but worth it. I learned so much and had fun leading. If you’re considering earning your Stars & Stripes Award, go for it!

Blakely Logsdon #514 | AL0009 Built a fire pit and seating for Vineyard Ozark Christian Retreat Center Future Plans: Studying General Biology at Liberty University; to receive a master’s degree in Marine Biology Favorite Bible Verse: Psalms 23:4 It reminds me that even if those around me persecute me, the Lord is with me and will protect me according to His will. Favorite thing about AHG: I love the Christ-focused nature of the activities in AHG. It teaches girls that you can have fun in serving the Lord and glorifying Him. What is God doing in your life now? God is developing in me a heart that hungers for Him and the leadership abilities to display to others His love and guidance.

Esther King #515 | FL0031 Built benches, a bridge, and added security signs for Bernhard County Wickham Park Future Plans: To earn a double doctorate in Marine Biology and Zoology Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13. This verse reminds me that with God’s help, I can do whatever I set my mind to. I can overcome all the problems I am faced with. Favorite thing about AHG: Learning how to be a Godly leader and being an example of Jesus to younger girls. Also, I enjoyed the outdoor activities. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Working with those around me to achieve my goal. Also, the knowledge I was able to do something for my community like Jesus did was one of the greatest rewards.

Lilly Coln #516 | MO2005 Created a tutoring ministry for Immanuel Evangelical Free Church Future Plans: Majoring in Athletic Training in college and playing collegiate field hockey Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:30-31. It reminds me that even when life is difficult and isn’t going well, God is still there and will be my strength, whether I feel it at the moment or not. Favorite thing about AHG: Camping and the friends I’ve made! What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Time management and getting discouraged when setbacks occurred. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Once I finished the project, I could look back and see all the challenges I’d overcome and pushed through. 29

Madison Zimmermann #517 | VT0565 Built playground for Covenant Orthodox Church Future Plans: Studying at Texas Tech to be an equine vet/surgeon What is God doing in your life now? As the daughter of an Air Force family, I’m used to moving around often. But I truly feel God’s hand on us when we are here in Vermont. He led us to a wonderful church where we’ve made some of our best friends, and now all of us feel like one big family. I feel that my faith has matured since then, I’ve learned the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded believers and how it can impact your Christian walk. I truly feel that this move has been God’s blessing to my relationship with Christ!

Anna Vermilion #518 | VA0226 Updated supply closets for Good Shepherd Alliance Future Plans: Majoring in Vocal Performance and minoring in Business at Liberty University; pursuing a career in worship Favorite thing about AHG: The service opportunities. AHG has revealed to me how much of a passion I have for serving. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Learning to improvise and be flexible. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Hearing the feedback from the organization and seeing the ladies feel so blessed and impressed by the work we were doing. What is God doing in your life now? God has been showing me the power of prayer and that He has a greater plan for everything in my life.

Sarah Pittman #519 | FL3130 Remodeled choir room for Friendship Bible Church Future Plans: Praying that God will open up a door for what He has planned for my future. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Other things planned on my workdays. I had to work around a college graduation when scheduling. What is God doing in your life now? God is helping me to tell what I’ve learned from AHG and disciple other girls like me who need to know Him better. God is also showing me how to be a good friend every day. Advice: God can get all girls through the Stars & Stripes Award if they diligently seek Him.

MaKayla Eastman #520 | MN0300 Expanded performance platform at Faith Family Life Center Future Plans: To share the word of God with those around the world; continue in Culinary Arts Favorite thing about AHG: Teaching younger girls a badge and seeing their faces light up when they understand what I am teaching them. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Communicating with the adults working with me. What is God doing in your life now? God is using me to spread His word through the two mission trips that I had planned this year. In my family, He is helping us complete building our house. God is also working in me through my friends, which helps build more patience and discernment in my spirit. 30

Christine Bach #521 | NC0103 Built Chimney Swift house for Camp Carefree Future Plans: Planning to major in Psychology at Liberty University Favorite Bible Verse: Luke 1:37. Even though we are Christians we will have hardships, but with faith and God on our side, He can make anything and everything possible. Favorite thing about AHG: Being surrounded by God-loving girls and leaders and learning from one another; how we can serve God in the world and have fun while doing it. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? To be a great example of what God can do with a little bit of faith. When times and this project became tough and demanding, God helped me persevere through it.

Sarah Shoulders #522 | CO2000 Enhanced playground for St. Peter’s Catholic School Future Plans: Majoring in Elementary Education and English at CCU; teaching and running a mission trip. Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 31:30. It reminds me who I need to be. Favorite thing about AHG: Camping trips What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Earning all the badges. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The gratitude from the SPCS students.

Ruth Finckenor #523 | AL7361 Updated a garden for Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center Future Plans: Earning a degree in the engineering field. Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39. This verse shows the persistence in having faith and the love of Christ that all Christians hold. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? After I finished my project, the workers at the center all signed a card with sweet, handwritten notes, thanking me for my work. Everything was worth it just for that. What is God doing in your life now? He’s working through the people with whom I share my faith. God is also showing me His beauty in nature and the world around me.

Jessica Kaiser #524 | MN0100 Built mobile storage cabinet for Olmstead County 4-H Dog Project Future Plans: Finish high school and pursue Elementary Education in college Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has been a blessing in my life. I have made lifelong friends, done service projects, mentored younger youth, attended camps, and earned badges. I loved that AHG was a place that I could always talk freely about and praise God. I have learned lifelong skills in leadership and problem solving and have learned to be a Godly woman who is strong and of good character. What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Planning to have enough youth and leaders for each project workday. I had to learn to be flexible with scheduling the workdays. 31

Elizabeth Stillwell #525 | TX0771 Built firewood storage bins for Conifer Area Properties Future Plans: To attend a community college; to pursue my passion for music and/or writing Advice: The Stars & Stripes Award process is about the journey, not the award. It builds integrity, and it helps prepare you for the responsibilities of adulthood. If you desire to grow in self-confidence, character, and servant-leadership, the Stars & Stripes Award journey awaits you. Know that your award is not an outward trophy on a shelf as much as an inward display of integrity. Parents, if your daughter pursues this, pray for and encourage her. The Stars & Stripes Award process is designed to be a safe place for a girl to spread her wings, with room to fail and grow.

Sarah Hynfield #526 | OH0226 Painted mural for West Side Christian Church Future Plans: Majoring in Community Arts at Miami University What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Fundraising. People were generous, but I was nervous asking for donations. What is God doing in your life now? God works in my life by nudging me into new opportunities. While volunteering at VBS, I got to paint a giant welcome sign for the kids. In addition, the author I’m illustrating for found me largely by chance, picking me for a piece of art I made on a whim. It’s truly fascinating how God works in my life, leading me from one project to the next. It helped me to realize that this is my calling.

Emilia Grunden #527 | IN0909 Refurbished art shed for Rest & Restore Ministries Future Plans: Pursue a degree in Elementary Education at Taylor University; serve as missionary in South America What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? Watching volunteers willingly come, serve, and donate their time, resources, expertise, and donations were beautiful. The genuine hearts that sought to bless me and the beneficiaries of the Selah Shed encouraged me throughout the procedure and made the end product so sweet. What is God doing in your life now? God is opening my heart to great gratitude. I have collected many stones of remembrance, and He is using this time to reflect back on His faithfulness. He has also been convicting me of my confidence in my walk with Him.

Moriah Donadic #528 | CO4316 Built a garden for MacLaren School Future Plans: To be a zookeeper at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo; become an AHG leader Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16. To think that God himself gave up his son for a sinner like me is incredible! What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? It has been fun to see my “Kinder-garden” grow and it warms my heart to think back and remember how excited everyone was to bless those kindergartners. Advice: If you’re considering earning the Stars & Stripes Award, I encourage you to pray about it. If God is leading you down that path, what are you waiting for? You’re going to touch so many lives through this program! Trust me, it’s worth it. 32

Bethany Mikayla Prevost #529 | AL3110 Created a garden for Huntsville Innercity Learning Center Future Plans: To pursue a professional-level education in medicine Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has nourished my faith with supportive leaders and girls just as unique as me. The order of it attracted me to the program. But the things I learned led me closer to God. What was most rewarding about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I was so humbled by the number of people who helped me implement my Stars & Stripes Award project. Advice: At the end of the day, give all you are doing to God through prayer. Put Him first because nothing you are doing matters unless He is in it.

Rachel Brownlee #530 | OH1225 Built picnic table and benches for Haven of Rest Ministries Future Plans: Majoring in Visual Communication Design and minoring in dance; to dance with the Radio City Rockettes Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11. This verse has brought comfort as I searched for colleges and degrees, and as I start my first year of college. I know that my future is in God’s hands. Favorite thing about AHG: I love all of the outdoor activities! I try to attend every campout, and our annual Pioneer/Patriot high adventure trip! What was most challenging about earning the Stars & Stripes Award? The amount of paperwork. I prefer to work quickly and get it all done at once. This project made me slow down and go through all of my work.

Stars & Stripes Award Recipients can reduce their BJU tuition. Scholarships up to $2,500, for new incoming freshmen, are available for students who have received the Stars & Stripes Award from American Heritage Girls and have been admitted to Bob Jones University.

GET STARTED Direct questions to the BJU Financial Aid Office by calling (864) 241-1637 or by email at finaid@bju.edu. Š 2019 Bob Jones University. All rights reserved. BJU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, national or ethnic origin, protected disability or veteran status. (22249) 9/19




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