Heritage Headlines Magazine Fall 2020

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Dear Friends, Legacy. Webster describes it as “an amount of money or property left to someone in a will.” A Biblical perspective would describe “legacy” similarly, yet differently. In Proverbs 13:22, NKJV it states “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” The Old Testament often refers to the handing down of a tradition or belief from the past, ancestor to ancestor, not just a financial reserve. In the simplest of terms, a legacy is passed from one generation to the next and involves much more than financial assets. For Christians, a legacy is an engraving of the heart from one generation to the next. Joshua 4:6-7 speaks to the desire of God for the Israelites to carry stones from the middle of the Jordan River and to set them up as a memorial of God’s faithfulness. We too can gather stones that represent our legacy. When the AHG Staff moved to its current headquarters, I had a great desire for a tower of stones to be assembled, demonstrating the faithfulness of God over the last 25 years. Although that dream is yet to come to fruition, a plaque does hang on the outside of the pure white building next to the doorbell. That plaque reads from Matthew 5:14, NKJV that a “city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” and following the verse is a bold dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ. The work of the American Heritage Girls is His work. It is Kingdom Building. It is soul engraving. It is a tower of rocks that will not be shaken, for AHG has been built as a living tribute to God’s faithfulness, to His sovereignty, to His omniscience, and to His love. It is not a simple inheritance that can be spent through one purchase, but rather the ministry is precious and invaluable. AHG is timeless and influential. It has been created for girls by women (and men) who wish to pass on their Godly heritage to the next generation. These volunteers pick up their chisels daily and engrave on the hearts of their precious girls “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV) My prayer is that the work of the craftsmen creates a legacy of faithfulness to God that remains through this generation of women and passed on to the next generation. This is the legacy work of the American Heritage Girls.

Patti Garibay AHG Founder & Executive Director






About the Cover What better way to celebrate 25 years of faith, service, and fun than a nationwide coloring contest for girls of all ages?


AHG News Sharing the AHG Program with audiences across the country on the Adventures in Odyssey Podcast, Generations Radio Show, Baptist Press, and more.


Service Stories American Heritage Girls are fulfilling God’s call to be His hands and feet. Read about Troop service projects and their impact on local communities across the country.


Girl Stories Troop activities, special events, girl leadership, and more! AHG gives girls the safe and Spirit-filled space to grow in their identity and abilities.


Badge Stories AHG Badges give girls the opportunity to develop applicable life skills, grow in faith, and discover new passions.


Charter Organization Spotlight The secret to a thriving AHG Troop is a strong, supportive Charter Organization. Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School chartered a Troop in 2001, making OH2011 the longest-running Troop with a single Charter Organization.


Cover Story: Celebrating the Legacy of AHG


Legacy Gala Recap Relive the festivities of AHG’s 25th Anniversary Virtual Legacy Gala—one night of celebration resulting in support for generations of American Heritage Girls to come.


Stars & Stripes Award Recipient Highlight Meet Celia Sterling, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #588 from NE0026.


Alumna Spotlight Meet Emily Rosen, a mother, wife, and educator—she’s continuing the legacy of the ministry as a second-generation AHG family.


High Impact Insight Kelly Snipes, Hometown Mentor and SSPA, shares valuable information on the critical role of Troop recruitment and retention.


AHG, Inc. Updates Exciting updates, changes, and news from the AHG, Inc. Office and Staff in Cincinnati, OH.





“[S]o the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.” –Psalm 78:6, NIV

Check off everyone on your Christmas list,



From stocking stuffers to everyone’s favorite AHG Blanket, the AHGstore is your ONE-STOP-SHOP for every AHG-lover in your life! FOR MOM:




CHECK ONLINE FOR MORE DEALS | store.americanheritagegirls.org




COLORING CONTEST WHO DOESN’T LOVE COLORING? When tasked with finding a special way to honor and include girls in AHG’s 25th Anniversary celebrations, the idea to let the girls’ creativity shine on the cover of this issue of Heritage Headlines was quickly put into action!

AHG Graphic Design Specialist, Becky Lipps, put pen to paper, or rather, stylus to screen, to create this custom AHG coloring page for the girls. Over 250 girls from all five Program Levels, ranging from 5 to 18 years old, entered the coloring contest. Some colored using their digital devices while others took to their good old-fashioned art supplies to customize their pages. The AHG Marketing & Communications Department team sifted through the entries, noting creative use of shading, blending, and pattern, and ultimately chose six winning creations: an overall winner and an honorable mention from each Program Level. Join the AHG Staff in congratulating the following girls on their stupendous creativity and winning designs!


Looking to share this issue with friends, family, or someone you think might love the AHG Program? Share the digital version FREE by visiting issuu.com/americanheritagegirls. Want an extra hard copy for your daughter’s memory box or to give to a potential local Charter Organization? Order today from the AHGstore by visiting americanheritagegirls.org/store!





OVERALL WINNER: Abigail, Explorer, TN2206


AHGNEWS RECENT MEDIA SPOTS FOR THE AHG, INC. OFFICE AHG was all over the airwaves this quarter! Check out the many interviews AHG Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay participated in with news outlets all over the country:

The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast Adventures in Odyssey Fan and Mom Turned Executive Director of American Heritage Girls adventuresinodyssey.com/podcast/patti-garibay

The Great Flip Podcast with Coach Jody Coach Jody Celebrates American Heritage Girls 25th Birthday with Founder Patti Garibay anchor.fm/coach-jody/episodes/23-Coach-Jody-Celebrates-American-HeritageGirls-25th-Birthday-with-Founder-Patti-Garibay-ejejgr/a-a368me1

Intersection Podcast on Faith Radio Intersection Podcast - 2020 Vol. 35

Whether it’s faith, service or fun, communities across the nation are witnessing contributions of local AHG Troops. Heritage Headlines, AHG’s quarterly magazine, seeks to spread those good news stories while encouraging other Troops to follow in their footsteps.



Generations Radio Show


Part 1: https://www.generations.org/programs/1870 Part 2: https://www.generations.org/programs/1871

KADU/PSALM-FM Northern Minnesota Christian Radio On-Air Live Interview with Kimberly Nyborg psalmfm.org

Baptist Press American Heritage Girls marks 25th Anniversary baptistpress.com/resource-library/news/american-heritage-girls-marks-25thanniversary

Elisa Morgan Blog Untangling the Past elisamorgan.com/post/untangling-the-past

Patti Garibay

Rachael Culpepper



Erin Marco


Becky Lipps


Kelly Sipes

One News Now American Heritage Girls Turns 25, Still Active Despite Pandemic onenewsnow.com/culture/2020/10/07/heritage-girls-turns-25-still-active-despitepandemic

Direct all Letters to the Editor, address changes, or other correspondence to: American Heritage Girls, Inc. 35 Tri-County Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45246 513-771-2025

news@ahgonline.org americanheritagegirls.org




Check out our social media channels for the latest AHG updates and happenings.

GET FEATURED Share your Troop photos with the hashtag #ahgfun on Instagram for a chance to be shared in Heritage Headlines.

THE JUMP www.thejump.com/ ahgcommunity

PINTEREST www.pinterest/ americanheritagegirls @itti_bitti

COMMENTS & CONVERSATION Although American Heritage Girls believes that its program is best delivered in a Troop setting, we also recognize that the current pandemic has made it more difficult for many girls to experience AHG in a traditional Troop setting. No girl should have to miss out on faith, service, and fun—and so, AHG is expanding its Trailblazer Program this Program Year! If your Troop is unable to meet this year due to restrictions caused by the pandemic, or if your girl is currently unable to attend meetings in a typical Troop setting, the Trailblazer Program may provide a way to keep your daughter involved in AHG this year. AHG prays this expansion is a solution to the temporary pandemic-related health concerns facing AHG families today.

“I wondered if the Trailblazer option would expand to cover the COVIDimpacted girls. Bravo AHG!” -Richard Bayless “I loved having the opportunity to be part of the AHG Trailblazer Program as a girl! So glad to see that more girls will be able to still be active even if they can’t be in a Troop setting right now!” -Katie Anne “We were blessed to have a Trailblazer join us this past weekend! She fit right in with our girls and we enjoyed having her and her mom along for that adventure!” -Karen Holzwarth

FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ AmericanHeritageGirls



“This may just be the option I need right now to grow AHG in our area while still following the state regulations. Thanks for another option.” -Karrie Hovis “We are offering in person and virtual at the same time! I’ll have 24 girls in my unit and 6 will be virtual until January for some and the rest will be in person as much as they can. It’s not ideal, but we are trying to include them as much as we can and I’ll be dropping by goody bags to each virtual girl so they have the supplies for upcoming badge work! We are working on the Entrepreneurship Badge together.” -Sarah ‘Moon’ Trout


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YOUTUBE @momjeans88

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Service projects look a little different in today’s circumstances, but that hasn’t stopped American Heritage Girls across the country from giving back to their communities! Troop leaders looking for service ideas that are compatible with social-distancing and virtual settings are invited to download the AHG in a Virtual Setting and Service in a Virtual Setting addendum from AHG’s online resource library.

OHIO TROOP CONNECTS WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES TO SERVE PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS Donation drives are popular service projects among American Heritage Girls, but oftentimes, local businesses can provide the desired products at no cost—all we have to do is ask! Cincinnati-


HAVE A STORY OF SERVICE OR A CREATIVE IDEA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE? Submit your photos and project details to AHG via https://bit.ly/AHGphoto for a chance to be featured on social media or in a future issue of Heritage Headlines!

area Troop OH0412 embodied the AHG Creed by being “resourceful” and reached out to local hotels to see if they could supply the materials needed for their National Day of Service project. Thanks to the generosity of three Monroe-area hotels, the girls were able to collect personal hygiene items and masks for Cincinnatians experiencing homelessness. The girls sorted and packed Blessing Bags to donate to a local homeless shelter, who distributed the bags to those in need.

AHG TROOPS CELEBRATE NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE Troops across the country celebrated AHG’s National Day of Service (NDS), a day dedicated to commemorating AHG’s birthday through volunteerism, in many ways! The girls of IN1468 gave to some

of their community’s youngest members by cleaning the toys and playground at a local Christian Preschool. TX0613 served the elderly in their community by visiting a local memory care hospital and creating sidewalk chalk artwork for the residents to see and said hello, waving to them through windows. “They had speakers to hear us on the inside, so we sang them

some Bible songs and did some activities in the courtyard to bring them some smiles for healing,” said Troop Coordinator, Regina. The girls of TX1910 decorated lunch bags for a Houston-local non-profit group who’s mission is to end childhood hunger in their community by providing free, nutritious meals to children in need each weekend during the school year.

CALIFORNIA TROOP STANDS FOR LIFE WITH PREGNANCY CENTER Girls and volunteers from San Francisco Bay-Area Troop CA0222 donned their masks and AHG Official Class B T-Shirts for a day serving their communities’ newest residents. Options Health, a Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center, needed assistance loading up their mobile clinic with the products all new babies need—diapers, wipes, and food! CA0222 lent a helping hand by stocking the mobile clinic with the donated items in preparation for the Baby Essentials Distribution Event in the area. The event equipped new moms around the community, and the girls learned what it is to respect life and put their faith into action by caring for the families who chose life for their babies.



AHG TROOPS HONOR AHG’S 25TH BIRTHDAY What better socially-distanced way to celebrate 25 years of ministry than a big virtual birthday party? Girls and volunteers from Troops across the country participated in the AHG Birthday Week festivities including singing Happy Birthday, baking birthday sweets (like this cake from TX0012!), attending the Birthday Week Event, and completing the patch program activities. In fact, the Birthday Week Festivities were so popular that the AHGstore sold out of the patch in record time—twice! Over 1,100 girls are currently sporting AHG Birthday Week patches on the back of their uniforms for the 2020-2021 Program Year.


UNIQUE DAY CAMP EXPERIENCES DURING AN UNUSUAL SUMMER When planning camp, the leaders of MI2006 knew this summer needed to look a bit different than in years past. The Troop gathered outside their Charter Organization for a sociallydistanced day of fun like they’ve never had before! The girls were able to learn the art of blacksmithing from instructors from Wolf Prairie Historic Arts. After learning safety and basic skills, the girls made crosses and “S” hooks of their very own. The instructors also taught the history of blacksmithing, including passages in the Bible that refer to the art form. AHG girls are enjoying new experiences in a safe, Christ-centered environment that allow them to discover new talents and passions they wouldn’t otherwise—like blacksmithing! The girls were skeptical that blacksmithing could be fun, but in true childhood no-holds-backfashion, one girl told her Troop leaders, “I thought this was going to be boring, but it is really fun!”



CELEBRATING A TROOP MILESTONE IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS This year VA2345 celebrates 10 years as an American Heritage Girls Troop! As a way to honor this incredible milestone and a decade of faith, service, and fun, the Troop ventured to the mountains of West Virginia to work on their Camping Badge. Sleeping under the stars and cooking over a fire combined with special high adventure activities like white water rafting and zip-lining created Troop memories to last a lifetime!

This fall, the D.C. Metro Area held its inaugural “Arise” event, a Girl Leadership Day for Pioneers and Patriots. The name “Arise” was chosen in reference to Isaiah 60:1, NIV that reads “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” “Our prayer is that through these annual D.C. Metro Area Girl Leadership Days, the girls will learn to ‘Lead from the Heart’,” said Carrie Kilareski, D.C. Metro Area Leadership Development Coordinator. Due to COVID restrictions, the event organizers moved the event outdoors so that girls could safely enjoy the gathering. 42 girls from 11 Troops and three states (Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia) attended the event. Throughout the day, girls had a chance to learn about Biblical Leadership through interactive activities. Event sessions included flag training, a devotional on the book of Esther, a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient Alumnae talk, and a leadership workshop. “Arise was beautiful in so many ways. The event was truly a team event as many people helped both with preparations and in the different sessions. The smiles, laughter, thumbs up and most of all the discussions from the girls was priceless. This is American Heritage Girls: a ministry focused on building Godly leaders that will impact the world for Christ,” said Carrie. Girls enjoyed the opportunity to grow in their leadership abilities and enjoyed meeting fellow American Heritage Girls from other Troops: “It was fun being able to interact with other Troops in the D.C. Metro Area! I learned the importance of leadership and teamwork. I also learned about Esther and how inspirational she was,” said Madison, a Patriot from VA2318. “It was awesome to see all the teamwork and leadership! I’m so glad we all had the opportunity to come and learn and reinforce skills and friendships,” said Erin, a Patriot from VA0128. AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 13


HORSEMANSHIP BADGE Horses have always been a popular animal and a favorite of many girls. Horsemanship means knowing how to care for and ride a horse. Riding and caring for a horse is a big responsibility. Learning to do so correctly is essential for the health and safety of both the rider and the horse.


Elaine, a first-year Explorer in VA1318, earned her Horsemanship Badge as a Tenderheart just last November, and now almost a year later is only one requirement away from earning the badge as an Explorer! Elaine recently began regular riding lessons, as pictured here with her new horse friend! In addition to learning riding skills, both Western and English, she will also be

ROCK CLIMBING BADGE Whether you’re indoors or out, climbing is a challenging sport that offers plenty of excitement and exercise. Climbers of all ages enjoy the thrill of reaching the top of the rock. With some basic skills and safety knowledge, you will be well on your way! The girls of IA2016 took to the challenge of completing a difficult climb at their local climbing gym to fulfill a requirement for the Rock Climbing Badge (previously known as the Climb On! Badge). “Most girls had never tried climbing before, and all said they had fun and learned something new,” said Kara Warme, Troop Coordinator.

CAKE DECORATING BADGE Cake decorating is a fun hobby that utilizes creativity and can be enjoyed at any occasion. Whether it is a practice cake, a character birthday cake for a child, a pretty cake for a special friend, a holiday cake for a party, or a beautiful wedding cake: cakes can be used to honor and encourage others. Create your design and have fun!

involved in total horse care, from brushing and tacking her horse to rinsing the horse down afterwards and feeding her—fulfilling all the badge requirements for this beloved badge!

What’s the most popular badge in the 25-year history of AHG? Cake Decorating of course! The girls of OK0047 picked up their whisks and piping bags and tried their hand at cake decorating, combined with a little healthy Troop competition. Maddie, an Explorer, excitedly presented her confection to the Troop—and as it turns out, purple sparkle unicorns take the cake! While Maddie’s creation was awarded ‘Most Creative’ of the Troop, all the girls celebrated when they got to enjoy their beautifullydecorated sweet treats together!




ARGUABLY THE MOST IMPACTFUL FORCE IN THE WELL-BEING OF AN AHG TROOP IS THE CHARTER ORGANIZATION. Every Troop is owned by a Charter Organization, which is typically a church, school, or similarly-aligned Christian organization. Without the support of their Charter Organization, an AHG Troop would not exist. When the Charter Organization and Charter Representative are involved beyond simply providing meeting space, the AHG Ministry can have an incredible impact on the outreach of the organization.

Why did your church/school/etc. decide to charter an AHG Troop? Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School (MTCES) was founded in 1998 by a group of parents looking to fill a need in the community. One of those parents had grown up with scouting. She knew she needed a program for her kindergartenaged daughter but was not happy with the direction of the scouting organization of her youth. She had heard about AHG and decided that was the right choice for her. So, she called Patti Garibay on the phone and asked if there was a Troop she could join. Patti told her there were no openings, but she could start her own Troop. So she did; in the fall of 1998 Troop OH2011 was founded. This was well before the chartering process existed, so once charters were introduced, MTCES officially became the Troop‘s Charter Organization. How many years has your school had an AHG Troop? Our Troop was founded in the fall of 1998. That makes this our 23rd Program Year. We have grown from a few girls and two adults meeting in a church basement to 87 girls and 49 registered adults meeting in a school gymnasium. Throughout this time, we’ve only had three Charter Organization Representatives. How have you seen growth in your youth programming since chartering an AHG Troop? MTCES, founded in the spirit of St. Teresa of Calcutta, is committed to nurturing the growth of every student—spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially. We believe we are called to model the example of Mother Teresa through volunteerism and community service. As a ministry, AHG provides an additional opportunity to live that mission and core belief for our female students. Our Troop has a unique culture of service, girl leadership, and a sense of community. Dozens of leaders and registered adults mentor our girls. As a result, the girls are able to give back to our community by hosting large scale events for both

our school community and AHG area, acting as mentors to others, and performing upwards of 1,500 hours of community service annually. How else has AHG affected your organization’s ministry efforts? Since the school’s founding, thousands of students have walked through its doors. Every family has been impacted by AHG, whether they realize it or not, via the service projects AHG has done for or with the school, the collection drives students have participated in, school Masses hosted by our AHG Troop to honor religious award recipients, and participation in our annual Veterans Day ceremony whose opening and closing flag ceremonies are performed by our uniformed members. What advice do you have for other potential Charter Organizations looking to charter an AHG Troop? Advice for someone looking to start a Troop: It’s absolutely worth it. AHG is mutually beneficial to the Charter Organization and the members. It builds community and fosters connections both inside and outside the Charter Organization. Looking back on the legacy of our Troop is amazing. We nurtured growth in skills and confidence of both girls and adults to fulfill our Charter’s mission. We have impacted thousands of lives.

For more information on the chartering process, visit americanheritagegirls.org/start-a-troop/ charter-organizations/


Leaving a Lasting Legacy: 25

Celebrating Years of American Heritage Girls

Our world is desperate for change: for light, hope, love.


AHG is committed to leading girls to the cross


ur culture is simultaneously erasing God and thirsting for the

life-giving water only He can provide. The American Heritage Girls Ministry has a rich history of sharing the promises of Christ with the next generation.


Creating a Sustainable Impact In 1995, Patti Garibay welcomed a group of parents into her home to discuss what was next for their girls. Knowing they couldn’t continue with their beloved scouts, it was time to step out in faith and develop something new. Patti felt God’s tug on her heart, and with the support of her family and friends, she answered the call. But Patti’s story is not one of unwavering confidence or instant success. Patti’s story is AHG’s story—she was not called because she was equipped; she was equipped because she was called. God has a plan and a calling in place for each and every one of His children. American Heritage Girls is committed to leading girls to the cross, to the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ, and guiding them in discerning the vocation God has laid out for their lives. “We started with 12 girls and three adults, all in one Troop. Today, there are over 54,000 Members in all 50 states. God has done an amazing work through AHG, touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of girls and adults with the Gospel message,” said Patti. As the Executive Director of American Heritage Girls, Inc., Patti is at the helm of orchestrating the kingdom-work of the ministry, but as a grandmother to a second-generation American Heritage Girl in the Tenderheart Program Level, Patti has a first-row seat to the legacy impact of the ministry she created 25 years ago. What started as a program for a select group of frustrated families has blossomed into something more. AHG is a solution to the pressure and doubt in the hearts and minds of girls 5 to 18 years old across the country. It’s an answer to the struggle parents have in raising their daughters in

model is simple—by combining faith, service, and fun, girls learn new life skills, develop their leadership talents, and grow in confidence—both in themselves and in the God they serve. Kristen Hundhausen, former Vice Coordinator and current volunteer for Troop ID1412 at Boise Church of Christ and mother of four American Heritage Girls, expressed thoughts about her mission in their AHG Troop that sums up this vision: “We want to show our girls that God is all around us. Whether it is baking cupcakes, hiking, or doing service work, we want to be able to point them towards God. And we get to have some fun adventures while doing all of it.” Girls who recognize God in the everyday will become the women of integrity who will carry and pass the torch of our Christian faith for the next generation that follows.

Continuing the Legacy Work Begins with Worthy Habits The Mission of American Heritage Girls Ministry is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. To achieve this Mission, we must meet girls where they are, and tailor the program to their needs. When we evaluate the ways our girls learn and behave in today’s world, it’s vital to recognize the actions of the adults in their lives. When parents, grandparents, and mentors each exemplify a healthy spiritual life, the influence is undeniable. Positive role models who consistently live out their faith are necessary in the mission of building women of integrity. For girls, faith can’t only exist on Sunday. Church can’t be the beginning and the end of acknowledging God in their lives. Today especially, in the midst of rampant rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide, girls need to know that they can rely on God

habits—like media fasts and screen-free zones. In the age of virtual classrooms and binging TV shows for hours each day, time in an AHG Troop meeting might be the only consistent space where some girls are without a device, better yet, screen-free and outside. In fact, studies show the “average American child is said to spend 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors, and over 7 hours a day in front of a screen.” Teaching girls they can live without technology is a worthy goal in today’s culture—one you might even consider to be part of your Troop’s legacy. Screen-free meetings are a tangible way to make it happen! Embrace the lack of technology during Troop time and lean into the unplugged time. Use this tech-free time to capture a girl’s full attention so that you can affectively teach her about her identity through faith, service, and fun. As we settle into the colder months of the year, resist the urge to stay cooped up indoors! There is great value in experiencing the sights, smells, sounds, and limitless feelings of nature (even if you have to throw on an extra layer or two to stay warm!). It comes as no surprise that countless studies show kids who have access to nature are less anxious, more attentive, and happier. Time outdoors is vital to thriving instead of just surviving, especially amid social distancing and months of isolation. With a little extra preparation, AHG Troops can still plan Troop meeting activities, camping trips, and outdoor adventures during the winter months. AHG is proud to give girls the opportunity to connect with the Creator through His creation. Without the distraction of phone notifications and app-induced FOMO (fear of missing out), girls can discover their true selves—the selves who can exist in God’s world, not just the universe of perfection neatly packaged

E v e r y t h i n g a b o u t A m e r i c a n H e r i t a g e G i rl s i s r o o t e d i n J e s u s. today’s culture. Why? Because everything about AHG is rooted in Jesus. AHG isn’t merely about girl power; AHG is about girl power because of God’s power. AHG is God’s ministry, and He is using it to develop the next generation of leaders our world so desperately needs. The American Heritage Girls Ministry


in every moment of every day. Your Troop can make a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of girls for the rest of their lives. You have the ability to create a legacy. Equipping our American Heritage Girls to tackle their everyday fears, in addition to the ones we all see reported by the nightly news, means forming new healthy

and pushed through social media. For over two decades, AHG has helped every girl connect with the person God uniquely made her to be. AHG helps a girl discover who she is, and Whose she is in Christ. Thousands of accomplished AHG Alumnae from the last 25 years confirm this to be true.

“American Heritage Girls really allowed me to find my inner confidence,” said Katy Bunn (née Garibay), AHG Alumna and member of founding Troop OH0895. “If you think about being a young girl, it is so challenging to have confidence, especially in today’s world. I really, really feel for the women and young girls of today. AHG taught all of us that we are children of God; that all of us were created


hen girls start to form faith-

filled habits early in life, like daily prayer or Scripture journaling, they are more likely to keep Christ at the center of their lives as they grow.

in God’s image and that we are beautiful, and we are special, and we are here for a reason, and it’s not all the same reason as the person next to you, and that’s okay. That’s actually what makes it so incredibly wonderful.”

Creating Space for Christian Legacy As you look at your schedule, is there space for legacy work? So often, the nourishment of our spiritual lives requires

the sacrifice of time. Creating space for Christian legacy, also known as discipleship, is at the core of AHG. Raising Godly girls to become women of integrity requires creating healthy, intentional spiritual habits—something AHG has been doing for over two decades. Forming new habits takes time, especially if it means ‘breaking’ old ones. We’re all creatures of habit. For some, strict daily rituals provide a sense of predictability and comfort. Others may take some attentiveness to solidify. Bottom line: we all fall into routines, so it’s important to analyze how current habits might be helping or hurting us, and subsequently, our girls. While some routines can be healthy and productive, others might be taking us away from more important parts of life. Consider how you are guiding the girls in your family or Troop to incorporate healthy, faith-filled habits into their everyday lives. Do you exemplify healthy spiritual habits? Make it your legacy goal to instill a healthy faith in the girls you serve. If you’re ready to add something new to your everyday routine, consider tacking on the new habit to something that you already do. On average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes a habit. Over the course of about 66 days, our bodies start to recognize the pattern— then it becomes automatic. Establishing healthy spiritual habits in the lives of our girls is an important step in raising them to be women of integrity. When girls start to form faith-filled habits early in life, like daily prayer or Scripture journaling, they are more likely to keep

Christ at the center of their lives as they grow. Your Troop’s legacy is ultimately about bringing girls closer to Christ. Building healthy spiritual habits, like prayer and reading Scripture, are applicable ways to help you achieve this ultimate goal.

Keeping the Flame Aglow In 1995, AHG was a candle lit in the darkness. Today, its flame still burns brightly. AHG has proven to be an effective catalyst for building women of integrity who follow Christ. AHG’s legacy has been the spread of Christ’s redeeming love in our world, ultimately growing His kingdom. The Holy Spirit has left an indelible mark on the hearts of generations of girls through AHG. In 25 years of ministering to girls, families, and communities nationwide, we can already see the impact AHG’s legacy is making. Hundreds of thousands of girls and adults have participated in the Kingdombuilding work of AHG. Communities across the country are changed thanks to intentional and sustainable service projects. Hearts have been softened to the gospel by the courageous and kind girls in neckerchiefs and sashes. What an incredible legacy we have built together during these 25 years of ministry through AHG. It is our duty to continue this incredible ministry He has given us and share the love of our Heavenly Father with His girls. Would you pray for AHG?



od, we thank You for the legacy that You are weaving through American Heritage Girls. We are thankful that You have orchestrated every girl and

volunteer to find joy and peace in the faith, service, and fun You provide through AHG. We thank You for the provision and the favor You have shown over the last 25 years. We pray that Your Will be continually done through the work of AHG, and that the legacy of this ministry would bring glory to You for generations to come in Jesus’ name, Amen. AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 21



YEARS OF KINGDOM IMPACT. Francesca Battistelli

On September 17, 2020, alumnae, friends, members, and benefactors joined American Heritage Girls to celebrate God’s faithfulness over the last quarter-century Dr. Meg Meeker

at the AHG 25th Anniversary Virtual Legacy Gala. The inaugural event honored the past, present, and future impact of the AHG Ministry on hearts, minds, and communities across the nation. The virtual event featured video testimonials from accomplished AHG Alumnae and current AHG families, praise and music with Dove- and Grammy-Award winning Christian recording artist, Francesca Battistelli, and a keynote address from acclaimed author and Christian-parenting expert, Dr. Meg Meeker.

Here’s what other gala attendees had to say about the event: “After watching I knew this was something I wanted my daughter and I to be involved in; it was such a blessing.” “The event deepened our appreciation for American Heritage Girls and strengthened our sense of connection to the ministry.” , OH 45865 MINSTER .2 PERMIT NO

“Hearing the stories of how AHG has and is impacting the lives of girls and mothers was very inspiring. There are so many things pulling the family apart. I have always thought of AHG as a tool to pull families together. Francesca Battistelli was amazing!” PAID


Across the country, viewers tuned in (some even dressed to the nines!) to join the festivities. Pictured here is MO3110 Troop Coordinator Kelly and her daughter.

“Loved hearing from current and past girls! Enjoyed the worship and Dr. Meg Meeker has such wisdom and timely encouragements.” “I loved hearing from all the alumnae, hearing how AHG has shaped their lives, how it is important to them, and seeing them from Troops all over the country. It gave a bigger picture of AHG than just here in my part of the country.”


During the event, AHG National Board Members Rob Rye and Marci Powell introduced the new AHG Legacy Donor Club. This new initiative gives AHG supporters a way to regularly contribute to the AHG Ministry and stay in the loop on how their donation is furthering the mission of building women of integrity. AHG thanks the following AHG Legacy Donor Club Members for their ongoing support of this transformational ministry: Earl & Portia Blanks

Cynthia Hermann

David & Lorraine Schroeder

Julie Wilson

Michael Briski

Tym & Amy House Sarah Mackie

Connie Stoots in honor of Saylor Stoots

John Wolterbeek

Cherie Bruce Katherine Bunn

Kathryn Meyer

Henry Engo in honor of Sr. M. Elizabeth Grace, Meghan, Clare, and Mary Donahue

Brad & Sarah Mueller

and all of our anonymous donors

Jody Token

LeAnn Russell

Emily Walls Gail-Marie & John Walter in honor of John Kassel

For 25 years, generous benefactors have fueled the transformational effects of the American Heritage Girls Program in communities nationwide. The AHG 25th Anniversary Virtual Legacy Gala honored the commitment of those who support the ministry, celebrate AHG’s success, and usher in the future of AHG. It is with grateful hearts that AHG extends its sincere thanks to the following event donors: WV0082 (St. James Catholic Church) Michelle Beckham-Corbin in honor of Ken & Loyce Beckham Ron Beerman in honor of Kelly Beerman Ronda Botello Carri Burghojann Becky Coleman Mary Culbreth Art & Sharon Cunningham Jennifer Dellacrosse in honor of TX0002 Michelle Edmonson

Jeff Finckenor

Lauren Meadors

Rachel Vinarcik

Robert Frey

Tracy Ann Minyard in honor of Rebekah Esch and Mimi Westcott

Jennifer Whalen in honor of Gianna and Chiara Whalen

Melissa Montesano

JoDell Wilson in honor of Jocelynn Elyse Wilson

Ralph Goe Elizabeth Gully Heavenly C Ministries Barbara Hecht in honor of Dr. James Dobson Amanda Hughes Paul Kirkpatrick

Kelly Mullins

Teresa Woolford

Michael Nass

The Womack Family in honor of Shirley Ann Scott

Shelley Oberlander in honor of Mary Hope Oberlander, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #461

Monica Zamora

David Overstreet

Deborah Kozura

Alma Santiago

Danny Leach Sarah Mackie in honor of AK1920

Wade Smith in honor of Emma and Lucy Smith Angela Vinarcik in honor of

Additional Honorary Gifts were made on behalf of the following: Sarah Edison

The leaders of MD1212 OH9910

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A special thank you to our Table Sponsors, who by sponsoring a Table also joined the Legacy Donor Club: Larry & JoAnne Cunningham

Sothy & Linda Grinalds

Carolyn Moore

Timothy & Angela Vermilion

Thomas & Rebekah Esch in honor of the Leaders of MD1212

Mark Hancock with Trail Life USA

Rick & Marci Powell

Randy & Liza Wilhelm

Pat & em Patti , 2020 ber 17Garibay

Nick & Juli Harshfield

Greg & Rebecca Schmidt

and our anonymous Table Sponsors

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Rob Garibay with Clarity Pro

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Dr. Tom & Deb Krzmarzick

Dwight Stephenson with St. Benedict’s Abbey

18 Table Sponsors hosted their peers and colleagues at the event $83,661 pledged toward the $100,000 goal 93 donors gave during the event 383 Registered Attendees 517 video downloads and views AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 23



Benefitting Organization:

SCATTER JOY ACRES Location: Bellevue, NE Project: Raised six flagpoles, created an animal enrichment project for veterans, and brought animals to a veterans home. Total Supervisory Hours: 14 Overall Service Hours: 240



Total 2019-2020 Program Year Recipients: 108 Benefiting Organizations Served: Most rewarding part of the Stars & Stripes Award process: Learning many leadership skills that will benefit me in the future and seeing (and hearing about) how grateful the veterans were to see the flags raised. Any advice to share with future candidates: Do not procrastinate! Start your planning and plan your time wisely. Give yourself more time than you need because you never know what might come up.

108 Creed Word Most Used in Writing: RESPONSIBILITY Total Service Hours: 24,0312 Average Service Hours per Project: 223 Total of Stars & Stripes Project Advisors: 20

“We are very proud of Celia Sterling in achieving her Stars & Stripes Award from American Heritage Girls. The “Salute to Veterans” is an impact point for people who come to Scatter Joy Acres. We have received a number of compliments on the flag display. We were honored to be chosen to be a part of this project. Celia has been a wonderful volunteer assisting with our Animal-Assisted Therapy program.” -Joy Bartling Executive Director, Scatter Joy Acres

What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients like the most about AHG: WORKING WITH YOUNGER GIRLS #1 Thing Girls Learned: PATIENCE IN THE WAITING




(and daughter Olivia!)

EMILY IS A MOTHER, EDUCATOR, AND AHG ALUMNA OF THE FOUNDING TROOP OH0895. Emily Rosen, then Emily Behan, joined the original American Heritage Girls Troop, OH0895, in the late nineties as a quiet, shy pre-teen. She stayed in the program throughout her junior high and high school years, completing the Pioneer and Patriot Program Levels.


Since 1995, the Mission of American Heritage Girls has been to build women of integrity. While the AHG Program targets those in girlhood, the sincerity and faith-filled spirit that is nurtured and grown through AHG continues as girls develop and mature into women.

“I learned a lot about positive leadership from my involvement in AHG. I was (and still am) quite shy, and had a little bit of social anxiety as a teenager. AHG puts its girls into leadership roles and the Troop structure allows them to develop, implement, and lead programming for the younger members. This was such an important way for me to learn to become comfortable in leadership and felt safe and fun even though I was being pushed into new roles,” said Emily. “There were so many opportunities in AHG for me to explore my gifts and to really discern how God was calling me to use those gifts, and I’ve continued to use those leadership skills as a wife, as a mother, and as a high school teacher.” As an American Heritage Girl, Emily enjoyed earning science and outdoorfocused badges. Like so many AHG alumna, Emily looks back on her formative years in AHG as a time where she discovered and fostered her passions. “When I look back, the badge that sticks out to me is the Outdoor Cooking Badge. I remember learning all kinds of new methods, including building and using a solar oven, at our spring Camporee. I can remember feeling so accomplished preparing an entire meal, including dessert, using outdoor cooking methods.” Today, Emily teaches high school physics and engineering at St. Ursula Academy, an all-girl, Catholic college-preparatory high school in Cincinnati. Emily is equipping girls to discover their own leadership abilities in the classroom. Each school day, Emily encourages the young women in her classes to develop a love for science in a faith setting, an important endeavor in today’s advancing world. To Emily, this model for faith in every aspect of life and learning is a fond memory and life lesson from her time in AHG. “AHG was there at a critical time in my adolescence and allowed me to grow in

friendships with other girls who also shared my faith in Christ. Having that faith as the backdrop to all that we did, including the fun and silly things, helped to strengthen the idea that my faith and relationship with Christ should be at the center of all that I do and all of my daily actions, big and small, exciting or mundane, can serve as a prayer.” Today, American Heritage Girls is experiencing a beautiful phenomenon that comes with 25 years in ministry: the girls who first joined the program as young girls in the mid-1990s are returning to the program, now mothers to a next generation of American Heritage Girls. The legacy of AHG lives on through the founding families and original members, who now serve as leaders in their daughter’s Troops. Emily and her eldest daughter Olivia, along with another mother-daughter-duo in their Troop are among the first second-generation AHG families! Olivia is currently an Explorer in north Cincinnati-area Troop OH0251 and Emily volunteers as the Troop Fundraising Coordinator. “We’re really excited to see Olivia continue to grow as a woman of God and to see what American Heritage Girls can offer her as she does that. We are so appreciative of all the gifts that AHG has given us. It’s been a wonderful journey, and we’re really excited to continue.”

AHG Alumnae often report back on how much the AHG Program has benefitted their lives. These young women are making a remarkable difference in the world around them. AHG is looking to connect with its alumnae and create some exciting opportunities for them to reconnect with old friends and learn how they can share their leadership abilities! Are you an AHG Alumna? Visit americanheritagegirls.org/alumnae to update your contact information and share what you’ve been up to! AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 27

HIGHIMPACT INSIGHT ADVICE FROM DEDICATED HIGH IMPACT VOLUNTEERS Kelly Sipes has been a volunteer with TX0317 since 2011. She has been a Hometown Mentor since 2017 for local Troops near West Houston, Texas and a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor since 2019.

Leaving a legacy is what happens when you’re having fun in American Heritage Girls! Creating a lasting Troop legacy is a balancing act of two critical efforts: recruitment and retention. All that we do in AHG revolves around the girls. Our legacy is not the number of years that we served, the positions that we held, or the activities that we organized. Our true legacy is the number of girls who were impacted because we were willing to invest in a program to serve them. Finding creative ways to welcome more girls into our Troops and keeping them happy and engaged in the program will increase the impact and hopefully draw them closer to the Lord. Why should you actively recruit girls and their families to join AHG? Think back to a time in your life when what mattered most was if someone noticed you or if they talked to you. You worried about what others thought of you and what they might say about you. All you wanted was to fit in and to be a part of the group. Girls today still crave belonging. AHG offers a place for girls of any age to create relationships. It is a place where girls can learn who they are and whose they are. AHG is that group for our daughters and can be for many other girls.

and me to another group of girls, a local AHG Troop. As a new parent involved in a different organization, I was overwhelmed but anxious to learn all I could about AHG for my daughter. I watched my daughter make new friends by enjoying meetings filled with badge work, service projects, and field trips—all while looking up to the older girls as role models. It gave me a sense of belonging and community. We had finally found a group of like-minded friends, both girls and adults. I realize now that our AHG family has blessed us with so many amazing friendships, not only in our Troop but across the state and throughout the country. When recruiting girls and families to join AHG, think about why you and your family joined. Those reasons are still applicable to girls and families today. Now, more than ever, families are looking for an organization that builds women of integrity and honors God. We should be looking for ways to reach these families and share American Heritage Girls, especially during these difficult days. These ideas may not be new, but they may serve as helpful reminders of simple ways to recruit new girls:

In 2011 my then eight-year-old daughter was whole-heartedly involved in another organization. I felt God directing my family

SIMPLE WAYS TO RECRUIT NEW GIRLS: • Bring a friend to Troop meetings. • Promote AHG through local parades, flyers at local businesses, or yard signs in your neighborhood. • Connect with your Charter Organization or home church if different, about service projects for your Troop. This visibility may attract new girls because of their passion to serve others. • Ask your Charter Organization to partner with you on promoting the AHG Ministry to their church families—it helps them recruit members too! • Share AHG through your school, whether you attend public, private, charter, or homeschool. There may be families who have not heard about AHG, but they are looking for this type of organization to minister to their family.


• Ask fellow co-workers to support your family’s AHG Troop fundraiser. This opens the door to conversing about AHG and what it’s done for your family. • Partner with local businesses to increase awareness through fundraising in your community. • Promote in local newspapers, church bulletins, and community centers about the activities and events your Troop is doing. • Use social media! Did you know AHG is on The Jump, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Are you also on those platforms? Consider posting what your family loves about AHG so your followers can be a part of this great organization as well.

How do we retain the girls and their families, keeping them coming back each year each Program Year? My family has personally remained in AHG for so many years because of the ministry it has provided us in all seasons of life. The number one reason girls join AHG is to make friends! If a girl does not connect with at least one other AHG Member, she may lose interest. To form those friendships, regularly attending Troop meetings and events is critical. Starting each meeting or event with an age-appropriate ice-breaker game is an excellent way for girls to connect. Once the friendship is formed, it grows by consistent contact with one another through Troop meetings and events. Explore different ways to keep the girl and her family engaged in AHG. Attending events outside of the Troop or creating multi-Troop event opportunities are ways to engage girls in a whole new way. When a girl can be a part of a local MultiTroop, Area Team event, or national event, it provides her with several opportunities:

• She can step out of her comfort zone to make a new friend with similar interests outside of her Troop and possibly from another city/state. • She can be a part of something bigger than just her local Troop. • She can feel a sense of ownership over her journey in AHG and, in turn, grow in her leadership skills. Parents, look for opportunities that your daughter will enjoy and don’t be afraid to attend events beyond your Troop, even if others in your Troop do not. As a parent and volunteer involved in AHG with my whole heart, I believe God has called me as a Hometown Mentor to pray for and support the Troops and their ministry teams in my Hometown who serve and encourage girls and their families. As a Stars & Stripes Program Advisor (SSPA), I pray for and advise the young ladies as they work to earn the Stars & Stripes Award, the pinnacle award in the AHG Program. At the end of each girl’s AHG journey, I pray she has made at least one, if not many, friends for life.

NEWTROOPS See more every Tuesday at Facebook.com/AmericanHeritageGirls


St. William Catholic Church/Guntersville



Calvary Chapel Saving Grace/Yorba Linda

NY0408 Palermo United Methodist Church/Fulton


Cross Fellowship Church - Palmer Park/ Colorado Springs


Goodwill Church - Port Jervis/Montgomery


Gallup Hill Baptist Church/Ledyard


Heritage Church/Washington Court House


Rocket Town Church/Titusville


Our Lady of Visitation Church/Cincinnati


Kings Baptist Church/Vero Beach


Calvary Bible Church/Cortland


Grace Lutheran Church/Winter Haven


Manchester Fellowship/Manchester


Dunkirk Nazarene Church/Dunkirk


Lucas Christian Academy/Lucas


Right to Life of Owensboro/Owensboro


Van Community Church/Van


First Baptist Church of Perryville/Perryville


NoVA Outdoor Adventure Resource/ Annandale


Faith Family Life Center/Rogers


Immanuel Lutheran Church/Sheboygan


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church/ Columbia

Everetts Church of Christ/Pinetown

#NewTroopTuesday *A Troop number is comprised of the state abbreviation and a four digit number of the Troop's choosing. The number often references a meaningful Bible verse. AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 29










HELLO NEW STAFF SPOTLIGHT The AHG, Inc. Office Staff is growing! New Staff members come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, but all are called to share their talents with the AHG Ministry.


Rachel Craddock, Curriculum Development Specialist

Each summer, the AHG Staff gathers to celebrate the accomplishments, or “wins” of the previous Program Year. With COVID restrictions top of mind, the AHG Care Specialist and member of AHG’s founding Troop, Laurie Cullen, was determined to arrange a socially-distanced outdoor celebration! Each member of the staff gathered at a shelter at Sharon Woods just up the hill from the Heritage Village that, decades ago, hosted the very first official AHG Office space. The group read aloud a list of dozens of accomplishments, like a successful Girl Handbook launch, the Raising Godly Girls Minute being aired in radio markets across the country, successfully transitioning to a fully-remote tele-workspace, and more! In the face of much adversity this year, the AHG Ministry was still able to accomplish a great deal of the strategic plan set in place. Meredith Briski, AHG Training Specialist, put her expert-baking skills to work and made an extra-special, badge-shaped and patriotic-themed cake to celebrate AHG’s birthday and silver anniversary.

John Yoshida Applications Specialist

AHG LEGACY DONOR CLUB INTRODUCED For 25 years, generous benefactors have fueled the transformational effects of the American Heritage Girls Program in communities nationwide. With financial support, AHG can continue its mission to build women of integrity and girl leadership programs, introduce the ministry to more churches and schools nationwide, and in turn, grow the kingdom of God. The new

AHG Legacy Donor Club, introduced to AHG 25th Anniversary Virtual Legacy Gala attendees, is an exciting way for AHG supporters to continue the Kingdom work of this important ministry. There are four AHG Legacy Donor Club levels from which to choose based on how AHG supporters feel God is leading them to give: Legacy Partner (one-time gift of $500), Legacy Builder ($50/month recurring gift), Legacy Keeper ($75/month recurring gift), and Legacy Champion (one-time gift of

$5,000). Legacy Donor Club Members receive exclusive benefits including quarterly emails from AHG Founder & Executive Director, Patti Garibay, about donation impact on the ministry, early access to Raising Godly Girls content, commemorative Christmas ornaments, and more. To become a member of the Legacy Donor Club, visit: americanheritagegirls.org/ donate

DIOCESE OF DALLAS WRITES GLOWING ENDORSEMENT OF AHG The Diocese of Dallas became the tenth of 177 Catholic dioceses in the United States to formally recommend AHG to their parishes. Bishop Burns and Auxiliary Bishop Kelly wrote a shining recommendation, noting that “American Heritage Girls is intentionally Christian from the national level down to the local Troop while encouraging members of Catholic Troops to learn, practice, and be unapologetically Catholic.” The letter went on to highlight the value of the program’s Christcentered approach, and the value in the individual Charter Organization’s ownership of each Troop. To learn more about the relationship between AHG and the Catholic Church in the United States, please visit americanheritagegirls.org/nationalcatholic-committee 30 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS


How long have you been working at AHG? I have been professionally working for AHG for 21 years. I was a volunteer for five years prior, serving in many positions. What do you do in your position?

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, NIV

My current position focuses on being a specialist for the AHG Level Awards, the Stars & Stripes Award program, and special projects. What’s your favorite part of working at AHG? I do enjoy the work that I do, but most especially, I enjoy working alongside so many amazing people within the AHG Staff as well as the Stars & Stripes Project Advisors, who I work most intimately with. These are very rewarding and meaningful experiences. What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 Corinthians 13:1–7. Love never gives up. If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. What is your favorite part about visiting or being involved in a Troop? I was involved in a Troop for 16 years. I’ve served as Troop Coordinator, Unit Leader, and in many other positions. However, my most favorite (position) was serving as a Patriot Unit Leader where I assisted many girls in achieving their goals, including achieving the Stars & Stripes Award. Anything else you’d like to add? I’m a proud mother of two amazing daughters who happen to be Stars & Stripes Award Recipients–Amanda Kuznicki and Sarah Conway!

AHG FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RELEASES MEMOIR This August, Patti Garibay, Founder & Executive Director of American Heritage Girls, released her memoir, Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle. Chronicling the childhood years and adolescence that shaped her journey to founding AHG, Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle is a must-read for all AHG volunteers. As we celebrate 25-years of ministering to girls, the story of American Heritage Girls from its humble beginnings gives fresh perspective to its readers. Armored with trust and obedience, Patti’s message resonates with others who have a passion for making a difference yet struggle with the fear of inadequacy. With Christ, all things are possible. Appropriate for mature audiences, parental discretion advised. Purchase a signed copy at whycursethedarkness.com also available in the AHGstore.

25TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE LINE LAUNCHED IN THE AHGSTORE There’s always something new to discover in the AHGstore! This anniversary year, the AHGstore sourced commemorative items to celebrate 25 years of AHG. From Christmas ornaments and bracelet charms to stickers and patches, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The AHGstore also released new activity patches, like Backyard Camping, Make a Mask, Virtual Award Ceremony, and Family Hiking, to honor the activities and memories girls are making during these unprecedented times. Shop all the new arrivals at americanheritagegirls.org/store


American Heritage Girls was born in 1995 out of the need for something new.


Your financial contribution to the Ministry of AHG can keep that flame aglow. It gives girls across the country the same opportunity, 25 years later, to emanate Christ’s light to their communities. Give your End-of-Year, tax-deductible gift today: AMERICANHERITAGEGIRLS.ORG/DONATE


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