AHG Stars & Stripes Salute 2019-2020

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Stars & Stripes S A L U T E 2 019 -2 02 0

AHG3095 Stars and Stripes Salute 2020 2





AWA R D Leading with integrity and humility

The Stars & Stripes Award teaches girls perseverance, self-respect, and a strong feeling of satisfaction. The goal of the Stars & Stripes Award is the experience and the realization of the servant’s heart that is needed to lead with integrity and humility. The award procedure and project blesses a candidate’s community and develops her skills in organization, communication, time management, and project management.

Dear Friends, What an honor it is to welcome you to this year’s edition of Stars & Stripes Salute! This publication honors the American Heritage Girls who have achieved the highest award available to all AHG Members. This elite group of girls has excelled in project management, leading volunteers, communicating with benefiting agencies, raising funds, identifying and fulfilling a need in the community, and earning faith awards and dozens of life skill-based badges. These girls are our nation’s future leaders and AHG’s prestigious alumnae. I couldn’t be prouder than to realize that 25 years after its conception, AHG would be enjoying the fruits of its mission through the Stars & Stripes Award Recipients of the 2019-2020 Program Year. May the Lord bless each of these girls and their families, and may our nation be forever blessed by their good works and lights in the darkness. Enjoy learning more about each of these amazing young ladies in the following pages. Blessings,

To learn more about the award requirements, visit americanheritagegirls.org/stars-and-stripes-award

American Heritage Girls, Inc. 35 Tri-County Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 2

Patti Garibay AHG Founder & Executive Director


shows the determination and perseverance this person has, and that is what the world is looking for.” What advice would you give to other AHG girls considering the Stars & Stripes Award journey?


August 10, 1990–June 20, 2020 AHG TROOP OH0998 (1998-2008) RECIPIENT #16 Created a user-friendly resource room for the children’s department at Parkside Christian Church in Cincinnati, OH A few words from Paige’s 2008 Project Summary Report: Favorite Bible Verse? “[C]hoose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15, NIV. Paige wrote under this verse: “Serving the Lord is not a one-time event; it’s a day-to-day commitment lived out in the choices we make.” What was the most rewarding part of earning the Stars & Stripes Award? “This project proved to me that I can be the leader when I need to be, and I’ll be forever grateful for all the lessons I learned through this experience. This project has helped me outside of American Heritage Girls as well. It is an amazing plus to be able to add my experience, leadership, and community service to my resume. People are truly impressed when people work this hard for something. It

“Quicker than I had ever expected the decision to either pursue the Stars & Stripes Award or be content with my journey thus far and quit was upon me. My leaders had encouraged us to try and achieve the Stars & Stripes Award goal since no one in our Troop had ever earned this award before. “Are you up for it?” they asked. I wasn’t sure then. I feared how much time it would take, and juggling a job, school, and extra-curricular activities isn’t easy. Eventually, I decided I was indeed up for the challenge. This award is not an easy award to earn. If it were, everyone would earn it. A lot of planning and hard work goes into it, but in my eyes, the process was well worth it.” How was God working in Paige’s life? “AHG instilled in Paige’s heart a desire to serve others. While Paige did not consider herself a leader (she always referred to herself as a ‘helper”), she did, in fact, lead by example. She was the hands and feet of God to so many people. Paige encouraged, prayed, rallied the many people that God brought into her life. She spoke truth when truth was needed to get someone back on track for God. At her church, Paige served on the Women’s Ministry Leadership Council, and she volunteered in the youth department, nursery, and VBS. Paige loved her small group sessions with the girls where she could be challenged and encouraged,“ shared by her mother, Pennie Roberts. Favorite memories of AHG? Paige loved Father/Daughter dances, AHG Harvest Festivals at Heritage Village Museum in Sharon Wood, Spring Camporees, and participating in trading SWAPS. She also enjoyed being a mini-aide at Camporee. 3



Stars & Stripes Award Recipients for 2019-2020 Program Year

A total of


Benefiting organizations served


“how to be a servant leader”


States represented by our Stars & Stripes Award Recipients

service hours performed


average service hours per project

“Resourceful” was the Creed word most-used overall to describe the Stars & Stripes Award experience.

was the #1 thing girls learned.


Pregnancy centers

Community centers

Homeless shelters

Schools Camps Cities Ranches


Animal shelters Senior citizen homes Parks Wildlife rescues Food pantries


Stars & Stripes Project Advisors approved projects

What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients like most about AHG:


Salute Highlights

I felt like I had strong leadership throughout the duration of my project: whether it was during my scheduled supervisory workdays with volunteers, or it was with my younger siblings. I have learned that I am capable of leading multiple people at a time and that I can be calm when facing problems that arise. I have noticed that I tend to lead people by example, rather than telling them what to do with no context.

EMMA FRANK AHG TROOP MD0413 RECIPIENT #625 Revitalized and added information displays to an existing historical building, Hodgepodge Lodge, at the Howard County Conservancy at the Mount Pleasant Farm in Woodstock, Maryland.

11 Supervisory Hours 200 Overall Service Hours Future Plans: Study Civil Engineering at Marion Military Institute in Marion, Alabama

God has laid many passions on my heart over the years, but the most prominent passion has been to service. My life goal is to serve my country and the people in it. God shaped the perfect path that allowed my desire to serve and to be a part of something larger than myself.

The reaction from Howard County Conservancy’s representative, Mrs. Tabby Fisque, was great. She was excited to see how my project had unfolded, and she loved the different informational boards that I had done. The Conservancy is very happy, and it was a wonderful feeling to walk away knowing my efforts will be loved for years to come. The idea of renovating the educational, informational displays at Hodgepodge Lodge wasn’t my first, second, or third idea for a project, but as soon as I found it, I knew it was the project for me. That leads into a piece of advice I have for any future candidates: make sure that the project you choose is something you are passionate about, and have at least some talent in for you will be pouring your heart and soul into this project. Throughout my experience of working on my Stars & Stripes Award, I have grown closer to God and have found a new meaning in the words “God has a plan for you.” Receiving and being recognized as a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient makes me feel extremely happy, but it will have more meaning to it than that. It will make me feel like I am inspiring all the girls below me to go for earning their Stars & Stripes Award.


Trusting God’ s Plan DESIREE ROBY

A Spiritual Walk Essay

AHG TROOP MS1029 RECIPIENT #532 Created a new education enrichment program (annual spelling bee) for the Jackson Hinds Library System

15.5 Supervisory Hours 441.75 Overall Service Hours Future Plans: Attending Mississippi University and studying Electrical and Computer Engineering I have had the privilege of participating in AHG for twelve years. In those twelve years, I have experienced numerous highs and lows. For the majority of my life, I have been raised in a Christian home where we have always attended church no matter where we happened to be. Even though I was constantly in church, I do not think I truly grasped what it meant to surrender my life to Christ. Some examples of being like Christ are found in the Oath and Creed, but I realized in middle school that I was simply reciting the Oath and Creed and not truly seeking to live out the message. However, instead of trying to change my attitude or outlook, I simply brushed it aside and kept on my own path. During junior high, I hit a rough patch where I looked in every direction for something to fill the hole that was in my heart. I did not want to admit the solution. The ultimate peace giver was Christ; I wanted to rely on myself. The more I thought about it and remembered what the Oath and Creed state, the more I realized how much I needed Christ in my life as my Lord and Savior. I had read a book about Jim and Elizabeth Elliot, and one of the quotes that stuck out to me was: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” When I was 12, I realized that all of the things that I had been 6

chasing were worthless and empty, and I accepted Christ into my life and that there is no price tag on a relationship with Him. It has not been a perfect, smooth ride since then. One of the things that I have struggled with is giving Him control of my life and trusting that His plan for my life will ultimately be better than my plan for my life. He has taught me this lesson over and over again. The first of many memorable instances is when I tore my ACL. I remember creating this perfect plan for my soccer “career”; I was going to play all the way through high school, and I was going to be watched my sophomore and junior year of high school, and by senior year, I would commit to playing at some school. I emphasize the fact that this was a plan because it did not happen; in 2016, I tore my ACL playing in a soccer tournament. I was frustrated because I knew that the injury would change my “plans,” but God showed that His plan was far better. During my year of recovery, He gave me the opportunity to continue to be a light and encouragement to my teammates and allowed me to pray for them before games. God is constantly teaching me to trust His plans, but especially this past year with the death of my cousin. I vividly remember that day and being in a state of shock. As the shock wore off, it turned to anger and questioning God’s judgment, which in hindsight was not my brightest moment. I could not understand why God had taken my cousin’s life away so unexpectedly. Looking back on this past year, I can see that He was teaching me to trust His plan and to realize that His plan is bigger and better than I can understand. He was also teaching me to be completely selfless and share His light in every situation. The week after my cousin passed away, I had another workday for my Stars & Stripes Award project. I remember asking God to give me peace and to have a servant’s heart. The Bible verse that came to mind was, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, NKJV). God’s peace overwhelmed me, and that workday was one of the happiest work days I had during this project. I am so grateful that God has given me peace and reminded me to trust Him continually. I will be continuing to trust in His plan as I prepare for the future. I pray that I never lose sight of my ultimate goal in life: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

VOLUNTEERINSIGHTS Guiding girls through the award procedure In your opinion, what is the most important aspect in your role as a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor? In my opinion, the most important aspect in my role as a Project Advisor is providing guidance to the candidates to help them achieve their goals and succeed as they go through the Stars & Stripes Award process. Additionally, it is also important to ensure the Stars & Stripes Award Candidates follow all of the aspects of the Stars & Stripes Award procedures. Having good written communication skills is essential as we do all of our communication via email. Having the ability to cheer on “my” girls as they succeed and to lift them up when they stumble is important. What brings you the most joy in serving as a SSPA?

LAURENE HUELSMAN AHG TRAILBLAZER STARS & STRIPES PROJECT ADVISOR The role of a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor is to coach and mentor Stars & Stripes Award Candidates and their mentors through the Stars & Stripes Award project procedure.

My greatest joy is reading the conclusion sections of the girls’ Project Summary Reports. I love reading about how they grew spiritually and developed their leadership skills. I also enjoy learning about how they have overcome challenges along the way and have come out stronger from the experience. I love to witness my girls spread their wings and learn to fly. If you could give a hopeful candidate advice, what would it be? As you begin your Stars & Stripes Award journey, pray and seek guidance from the Lord. Choose a mentor that will pray for you and truly support you every step of the way as you experience challenges and successes. When you are looking for a project, identify what you are passionate about, as this will help you discover an organization that will be blessed by your project. Be humble and true to yourself, and you will find the inner strength that will help you succeed. Know that the Stars & Stripes Project Advisor Team is always praying for you.

What piece of advice would you give to a hopeful candidate/Girl Member? PRAY! Seek God’s will for every little aspect of your project, including whether or not to start it. Make sure that it is what He wants for you. Outside of the Lord’s will, this process can quickly become drudgery that results in a hollow award or a single line on your resume. But, if God directs you to pursue a Stars & Stripes Award, He will open the doors necessary to complete it. Knowing that you are doing what the Lord wants you to do can turn the most challenging work into a source of great joy. How rewarding it is to go through this whole, long process all for the glory of God! There is nothing like knowing that He used you—your hands, your heart, and your determination to accomplish His will. You will never be the same Can you provide a few recommendations on how to support a girl through the award journey? Have a sincere conversation with the parents and the candidate about her parents’ role through the process. It can be frustrating if you don’t set up some expectations at the onset. Years ago, my daughter’s basketball coach halfjokingly told all the team parents that the kids would play the game, he would coach, and we could “drive the bus.“ Remembering that, we started lovingly referring to our Stars & Stripes Award Candidate parents as “bus drivers.” It was just a verbal reminder to us all that moms and dads can help with stuff like transportation and cheerleading, but when it comes to the actual planning, communicating, organizing, and leading it all falls to the candidate. Parents, “stay on the bus.” (We also occasionally pull out the phrase, “Be nice to your bus driver; it’s a long walk home.”)


The role of a Stars & Stripes Mentor is to guide, encourage, listen, pray, and support the Stars & Stripes Award Candidate.

Remind your candidate to communicate regularly with her both her parents and her Troop leadership. Even though the candidate is responsible for planning and implementing her project, her parents and leaders have their own responsibilities during this journey. Clear communication will enable them to support her well—this is especially necessary if the mentor and candidate are from different Troops! 7

Alivia McGuire #531 | TN0131 Project: Built a run-in horse shelter for Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite part of the opening ceremony was the devotions, and when I grew older, I knew this would be the responsibility I would enjoy the most. I loved getting to share the Word of God with the girls in my Troop. Advice I would give other candidates: If I had any piece of advice to give to a Stars & Stripes Award Candidate, it would be to set dates and strive to accomplish certain tasks early. It is far less stressful to have a set plan and then work from there.

Lisa Dimond #533 | GA1412 Project: Built and painted a garden box and built a butterfly garden for St. Peter Chanel Favorite thing about AHG: American Heritage Girls has had an incredible impact on my life. I have gained skills, made memories, and forged friendships that will last. I have had access to more opportunities that I can take advantage of with the confidence gained through experiences in AHG. Advice I would give other candidates: I would advise other candidates to get started on their projects early and be prepared, be organized, and be flexible. If you are prepared, then flexibility will follow. If you are organized, it leads to less stress, and you make better decisions as well.

Karenna Blomberg #534 | WA0722 Project: Created an archive of parish’s historical items for St. Mary Magdalen Parish Future plans: I will be attending the University of Washington this fall and hope to graduate with a Bachelor’s in Media and Communications in the next few years. My goal is to go into journalism and arts criticism. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most challenging part of the Stars & Stripes Award process was most definitely keeping myself going when I got discouraged or tired. A lot of things went unexpectedly wrong, and not losing faith in myself or my project took practice!

Macy LaVeau #535 | IL1230 Project: Renovated and refurbished the inside of Hope’s Closet, a thrift store that supports the ministry of Hope Unlimited Family Care Center Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite part about being in AHG is being able to teach younger girls life skills and giving them knowledge that will be useful to them throughout their lives. Advice I would give other candidates: Being in AHG had made me into the person I am today. The Stars & Stripes Award project was an amazing opportunity for me, and I learned so many things from it that I use in my everyday life.


Sarah Drew #536 | MI3489 Project: Remodeled Imagine Planet, a nonprofit science center that benefits special needs students Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Juggling dual roles was the largest struggle for me with the project. While working on my award, I had a job and was trying to focus on graduating from high school. The second challenge was starting from scratch again, as my first location fell through. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The Stars & Stripes Award process taught me to persevere and that under pressure is often when God moves in the most extraordinary ways. I was able to see this again and again as God came through to provide me with exactly what I needed for the project.

Emily Schlegel #537 | MN0579 Project: Planted a rosary garden in the shape of a heart for St. Thomas the Apostle Church Future plans: My plan for the future is attending a school that helps people who are on the Autism spectrum get a little extra help earning their high school diploma and following wherever God takes me. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The thing that I found the most challenging in my Stars & Stripes Award process is having to make sure I saved everything.

Bridget Cathcart #538 | OH8118 Project: Created a portable prayer labyrinth for St. Paul Lutheran Church Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. I like the way it kind of gives love a personality that matches God’s personality. Favorite thing about AHG: I liked earning the badges. It was fun to complete the requirements and then be able to show my family all the badges I’d earned at my Troop’s End-of-Year ceremony.

Sara Brewer #539 | NC0309 Project: Built two benches and a compost bin for a community garden at Wendell Parks and Recreation Future plans: Currently, I am at Johnston Community College, but I will be transferring to Liberty University this upcoming fall. I am planning to double major in Business Administration and Psychology with a minor in American Sign Language. Advice I would give other candidates: Don’t give up! Throughout the project, you will probably face many obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. But do not give up. Pray and trust God to help you through this project. It isn’t always going to be easy, but you can do it!


Kathryn Budd #540 | NC0608 Project: Built a gaga pit for YMCA Camp Hines Favorite thing about AHG: American Heritage Girls has taught me countless things, but one of the most transformative skills I’ve learned through our meeting nights, camping trips, and day hikes is how to work with kids. Growing up in the Troop, I was able to look to the adults and older girls for encouragement, leadership, and help. Now, as one of the oldest girls in the Troop, I get to experience that role myself. Advice I would give other candidates: My advice for other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates is simply to make a plan, gather a quality team, and follow through. But most importantly, I would encourage other candidates to be in constant prayer and fellowship with God throughout the process.

Evangelina Zoe Keyes #541 | FL3414 Project: Built a gaga ball pit and four deck benches for Trinity Wellsprings Church Favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, KJV: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” This verse is important to me because it gave me hope and the willpower to overcome several difficult obstacles. Advice I would give other candidates: I greatly encourage every AHG girl to pray with her family before deciding to pursue this award. This is not just an award but also an awesome opportunity to serve others as you glorify God and grow into a young lady in Christ.

Moira Gellman #542 | NJ0316 Project: Built a sensory garden for The Marie F. Katzenbach School for the Deaf Future plans: Since August, I have attended The College of Saint Rose for Music Education. I started my first semester as a Piano concentration, but I have since switched to Voice. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: What I found the most challenging in the projects was all the little details. Something I didn’t even think about at first turned out to be so crucial in the end.

Amelia Brown #543 | NC4673 Project: Created a playground, and designed and installed a butterfly and bird garden for the Raleigh Rescue Mission Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The paperwork for sure! There were so many reports and essays to write, and then keeping track of everything was very difficult. Also, waiting for all the approvals throughout the process was very hard because I was so excited to get it done. Identify two ways God is working in your life right now: God is continuing to teach me to be brave and bold and do hard things. This pandemic has caused me to become a little more fearful and possibly lazy. I need to serve others and get back to normal as soon as possible! 10

Adelaide Capion #544 | MD0134 Project: Re-landscaped St. John’s House for Rosaria Communities, Inc. Future plans: I am currently attending the University of South Florida, where I am studying Biochemistry, Math, and Spanish. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being involved in AHG was the community. All the other girls and leaders present were wonderful examples of the different ways to live as faithful Christian women.

Emily Kryger #545 | TX3126 Project: Built benches, life-size checker pieces and did landscaping around chessboard for Hunt Retreat Future plans: I plan to take a year off before going to Lone Star Community College, where I plan to get my Veterinarian Technician Associate Degree. Favorite thing about AHG: Camping with my friends is definitely a highlight of my AHG journey. I enjoyed being a role model for younger girls and getting to interact with them. I also looked forward to going to multi-Troop events and getting to see my AHG cousins.

Hannah Holton #546 | ID2911 Project: Built and waterproofed activities to help veterans and first responders with PTSD through scuba diving. She also bought a fullface mask for Neptune Warrior. Future plans: I am currently dual-enrolled at a community college. I plan to attend the community college next semester as a full-time student and finish a Communications degree. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: I believe God is working in my life by teaching me to be content with what is going on and also to trust in Him for the future as I am making decisions about my future. I know I need to trust God to show me what His plans for me are.

Alena Daniel #547 | TN1218 Project: Upgraded bird aviary and built new bird aviary for Middle Tennessee Wildlife Rescue Future plans: I plan to attend Columbia State Community College in Franklin, TN and major in Spanish. I would like to work as a translator. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: One of the most difficult challenges of my Stars & Stripes Award process was writing a completely thorough Project Description. It was also difficult to be flexible and trust God when I had to make changes to my plan during the actual building process.


Toni Smith #548 | NC0309 Project: Refurbished and personalized chairs for The Free Will Baptist Children’s Home Advice I would give other candidates: The advice I’d give another candidate would be staying on schedule! Plan every detail, even when it may seem pointless or over-planning because when it comes to that moment, you will already know the question or plan. Planning is very important, and communicating your plans with other people is very important as well. Reflecting on my AHG experience: AHG taught me how to be compassionate about something I felt led to do, helpful when another AHG girl needed help, honest when truth needed to be told, loyal to keeping my word, perseverant when felt like giving up, pure from sin, resourceful when challenges arrived, respectful to all, responsible for completing assigned work or badges, and reverent of those in charge. In the beginning of my AHG years, those Creed Words were just words. Now I have fully experienced what it means to live by the AHG Creed.

Larissa York #549 | MD0134 Project: Created a stone rosary walk, a lending box, and a prayer garden for St. John Neumann Catholic Church Future plans: In August 2019, I started at the University of Dallas studying Biology and Theology. I soon became sick and came home to recover. Though my pace has slowed, my desire to serve in the medical field has increased. My plan is to persevere and trust God. Reflections on the Stars & Stripes Award experience: I love being outside, dancing, singing, baking, and having fun with friends! In many ways, I am just like you. The reason I was able to make my Stars & Stripes Award dream a reality was because of God’s grace and the support of my community. You can do it!

JoBeth Bates #550 | TX2289 Project: Built and installed little libraries at Camp High Point in Mena, Arkansas for Conifer Area Properties Future plans: I am attending Texarkana Community College to earn an Early Childhood Education degree to become a K-6 teacher and a teacher for students with dyslexia. I plan to go to Texas A&M UniversityTexarkana to earn my Bachelor’s degree after I graduate. Advice I would give for other candidates: Being 6’1 and dyslexic doesn’t mean I can’t accomplish my goals; it just means try harder than others. I want to encourage girls that being different is a good thing. If you put your mind to it, reach out and grab it. Be UNIQUE! Be YOU!

Juliann Bromen #551 | OH0323 Project: She created and hosted a Senior Olympics for Episcopal Retirement Services Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Samuel 22:2-3, ESV says, “My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence.” This verse helps me always remember who God is. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: I learned to pray more often and not be afraid to pray for myself, which at the beginning of the project I thought was selfish. The Lord led me to the project to show me what all I could do with the life He gave me. I cannot wait to be an AHG mom someday. 12

Kristen Gintella #552 | TX0240 Project: Painted a mural for the Pflugerville Animal Shelter to spread cheer to the volunteers and guests coming into the shelter to welcome a new member to their family Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The aspect I found most challenging was paperwork, I had a very clear vision of what I wanted my end results to be, but I struggled most with conveying that idea to others and getting them to see my vision for the wall. Information to share: Random facts: I have over 1,500 hours of service done in my youth. I’ve been horseback riding through the New Mexico Mountains and white water rafting through the Colorado River. I love adventure and helping people, and I hope you find adventure too!

Laura Whitbeck #553 | NY3130 Project: Created a pathway and a garden for The Greene Memorial Library and the Greene Historical Society Museum Future plans: Anticipating bee-keeping training and passing road test to obtain my driver’s license. Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 119:176, NLT: “I have wandered away like a lost sheep; come and find me, for I have not forgotten your commands.” This is my favorite verse because it reminds me that no matter how many mistakes I make, God is still waiting for me to come back to Him.

Sara McClaran #554 | TX0012 Project: Renovated a room with two murals, curtains, chairs, and pillows for A&M Church of Christ Limitless Ministry Future Plans: I am attending Harding University, majoring in Journalism, and minoring in Writing and Math. Favorite thing about AHG: AHG helped me learn life skills and how to be a leader among my peers. The friends I made and the skills I learned helped me to become a capable and responsible adult.

Kaylie Brase #555 | MN0521 Project: Created a relaxation and reflection garden for the Women’s Shelter & Support Center of Southeastern Minnesota Future plans: My future plan is to attend the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN, to study Elementary Education. Identify ways God is working in your life right now: One thing He is teaching me right now during this season of social distancing is how to hold things loosely and fully put my trust in Him, knowing that He has everything under control. He is completely sovereign!


Maricela Collins #556 | TX6201 Project: Built four wooden octagonal picnic tables for the youth of St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church Future plans: I plan on attending Austin Community College to study Graphic Design and Music. I am planning on starting my own art business by selling my own original pieces. I also would like to help out with music for my church’s youth group. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Newly gained confidence in myself and to see the love that my friends and family have for me. I gained newfound confidence by doing my Stars & Stripes Award project. I also saw how much my friends and family loved me by the support they gave me.

Morgan Phillips #557 | TN1218 Project: Built 16 bat houses for Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Favorite Bible verse: Psalms is one of my favorite books in the Bible, and it was something I could go to throughout this award process for reassurance and encouragement. I have many favorite verses in the book, but 20:4 is by far one of my favorite reminders day-to-day. Advice I would give other candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to do something that they are passionate about and is important to them because they will be so much more invested in the project and its impact.

Elianna Kuehn #558 | MN0300 Project: Built raised garden boxes that seniors can use in wheelchairs for Guardian Angels Senior Community-Engel Haus Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The joy on the faces of the seniors after the boxes were built. The area that most changed my life, though, was pitching ideas through public speaking, namely through fundraising. Advice I would give other candidates: I just want to shout out to the girls who are just beginning their Stars & Stripes Award journeys! You got this girl! It may seem challenging at first, but you will get through it, and it will be worth it! Just remember to lean on God and your community!

Emily Fountain #559 | AL2345 Project: Renovated waiting room for the homeless ministry of First Christian Church What have you been up to since earning the Stars & Stripes Award: I have continued to be active in my Troop as a LIT (Leader in Training) this year, as well as working with the kids at my church, working parttime, and considering plans for the future. Favorite thing about AHG: I love how AHG provides so many opportunities for new experiences, learning life skills, serving others, and practicing leadership, all while putting Christ at the center of all of it and having fun with others.


Grace Nemec #560 | TX6201 Project: Built 14 wooden crosses for Stations of the Cross for Regina Mater Catholic School Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has consistently helped me to make friends and step out of my comfort zone. I’ve also obtained so many leadership experiences through AHG that have encouraged me to speak out and step up to lead. Advice I would give other candidates: There are a few things I would definitely do differently if I were to do it all again. First, pick a project you want to learn about. Second, appreciate your volunteers. And third, pay attention to details!

Emma Singleton #561 | GA2911 Project: Built a gaga ball pit and seating area for Living Science Academy Future plans: I have applied and been accepted to Truett McConnel University and will be attending in the fall of 2020. I plan to study Medicine and go onto med-school from there to become a cardiologist. Advice I would give other candidates: I encourage all the girls out there to push themselves to try new things and not to be afraid to do something that seems scary at first. There is no comfort in a growth zone and no growth in a comfort zone.

Holland Wynne #562 | TX0771 Project: Built a theater stage with attached mobility ramp at Camp High Point in Mena, AK for Conifer Area Properties Camp Ground What have you been up to since earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I continue to be involved in my Troop as an AHG Girl Shepherd. I help write and lead Troop devotionals. Future plans: I want to get a doctoral degree in Clinical Counseling Psychology to one day open up my own counseling business. I want to be a founder and CEO of three nonprofits, and I want to start a new AHG Troop. I’m undecided about which college to attend.

Alice McIntyre #563 | WA0627 Project: Made Red Low Mass Vestment set for North American Martyrs Catholic Church Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has fostered my confidence in leadership, taught me valuable life skills, strengthen what will now be lifelong friendships, developed in me a heart of service, and pushed me out of my comfort zone in ways I could never have imagined. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Definitely the amount of writing involved. I’m more of a doer than one who stops to reflect and write or journal, but I realize that it has been good for me.


Allison Himler #564 | IN6033 Project: Made comfort bags for cancer patients, repainted and put new shelving in at Cornerstone Lutheran Church What have you been up to since earning the Stars & Stripes Award? I have been grieving over the loss of my mom, who passed away shortly after receiving my award, but I am slowly moving on and using my moms’ experience through her cancer journey to help inspire other cancer patients never to lose hope. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part throughout all of this was seeing everything come together and seeing the impact it had on cancer patients and their families.

Breanna Tonkery #565 | WV1017 Project: Built benches and birdhouses for Love and Care Assisted Living Future plans: I plan to attend Freed-Hardeman University to double major in Chemistry and Secondary Education. Favorite thing about AHG: I love the badges. They have given me the opportunity to learn different skills and partake in experiences that I would not have had the opportunity to do before.

Rebekah Williams #566 | TN0131 Project: Built two picnic tables for an outdoor classroom and built a new gate for a handicap entrance for Eagleton Middle School Future plans: I am attending Carson-Newman University in the fall to study Nursing. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing was being able to do community service as a group. I also enjoyed all the outdoor activities and the amazing friends I have made.

Julia-Marie Perkins #567 | VA0894 Project: Refurbished two educational classrooms and updated landscaping for Saint Michael Church Future plans: Before starting college, I plan to spend a couple of months traveling with my older brother with the money I have saved up, specifically traveling in Southeast Asia (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia). After which I will attend my local community college. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being involved in AHG was the unique opportunity and knowledge that I was able to experience and learn, which I otherwise would not have been able to do, as well as spending time with and leading the younger girls in my Troop.


Heather Ganfield #568 | MN0521 Project: Built garden boxes, benches, and a stepping stones path for the Boys & Girls Club of Rochester Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: There was something surreal about seeing the final project after being there for the whole process. It is an amazing experience creating something for others from nothing. I loved seeing the reactions of the staff and students at the Boys & Girls Club. Additional information to share: I love reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies, and painting. Traveling and learning about different cultures is important to me. My mom is from Malaysia, and a couple of summers ago, I volunteered at an orphanage there, which was impactful.

Chloe Billings #569 | NC0512 Project: Created a community garden with 20 raised garden beds for Common Ground Ministry Future plans: After I graduate high school, I am planning to attend Gaston Community College for two years and then transferring to a four-year college. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about AHG is the outdoors aspect. I love going on camping trips with friends and learning about different things outdoors.

Lucy Bartholomew #570 | Trailblazer Project: Created an Altar Server Training Video for Holy Family Catholic Community Future plans: I plan to study either Catholic Theology or Elementary Education and will most likely be attending college at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I have found the skills I learned along the way to be the most rewarding part of the process. I had many challenged during the award process, but those led to better time management, improved communication, and refined leadership skills

Jordyn Byers #571 | TN4031 Project: Built a “Round Pen” for Freedom Reigns Ranch Future plans: I plan to go to Columbia State Community College as a Business major. Eventually, I plan to use the business skills I learn to open up an art studio to give people a place to learn about art and to teach kids how to worship God through their talents. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Definitely the record-keeping. I am not a very organized person, so this aspect of having to keep receipts and dates and written accounts of everything really challenged me.


Rachel Soye #572 | TX0771 Project: Built an outdoor learning center, with six raised garden benches and four benches, for Hatfield Elementary School Future plans: I plan to become a State Park Ranger by getting my basics at a local community college and then work towards a Forestry degree. Favorite Bible verse: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105, KJV. Nature has many trails to choose from, but without a map or direction during the day and without a light at night, you’ll get lost. The Lord is my map, direction, and light.

Claire Manring #573 | MI2819 Project: Built an octoball court for Knox Presbyterian Church Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: One of my biggest obstacles was time itself. I didn’t realize how much time I needed to allow for each step. If I could do it over again, I would push myself to get things started sooner to allow myself more time. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Through this process, I learned how to work on things independently and take up the challenge on my own. Since I wasn’t allowed to get help from my parents or mentor, I learned organization and leadership.

Calli Stephens #574 | MS0097 Project: Built, painted, supplied, and placed two Little Free Libraries at the Bassfield and Jackson Road Stations for Rails to Trails Longleaf Trace Future plans: I plan to attend Louisiana Tech University for an Elementary Education degree, hopefully study abroad during the summer, and graduate from Tech in three years. My ultimate goal is to be able to teach overseas. Favorite thing about AHG: AHG summer camps! They were so fun to go to and to meet new people! All of the girls in my Troop know this already, but I 100% recommend going to AHG summer camps to get the experience that it gives you because it’s so much fun!

Sadie Kessler #575 | OH0333 Project: Created a children’s activity room for Rebekah’s Haven (Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission) Future plans: I plan to attend Word of Life Bible Institute in Pottersville, New York for a one-year in-depth study of the Bible. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: God is showing me how to walk in a Christ-like manner. Showing me my words and attitude reflect my spiritual walk.


Hannah McDermott #576 | IL8510 Project: Built a rosary garden for St. Mary School and the surrounding community in East Dubuque, IL Future plans: I plan to attend Loras Collage and major in Biological Research. My goal is to either participate in medical research or ecological/environmental research, hopefully making a positive impact on the world. Favorite Bible verse: Proverbs 4:23-27. This verse is important to me because it reminds me that my thoughts are what feeds my actions, so to have good actions, I must develop a habit of keeping good thoughts. It also reminds me to always look ahead.

Brynna Phagan #577 | TN0131 Project: Created outdoor educational stations at Carpenters Elementary School Favorite thing about AHG: I have loved having the opportunity to white water raft, climb, belay, hike, and go on so many other adventures with the friends that I have grown close to throughout my time in AHG! Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The Stars & Stripes Award process was difficult, which pushed me to do new things outside of my comfort zone. When I earned my award, it boosted my confidence to know that I was capable of completing such a large undertaking.

Rebekah Abrahamsen #578 | CA0223 Project: Converted an unused room into a ‘family room’ for parents with young children for The Legacy Christian Church Future plans: Currently, I am looking into becoming a Physical Therapist by getting a degree in Kinesiology-Exercise Science and will be attending Fresno City College in the fall. I also hope to be involved in the mission field in the future. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Finding a project (getting started) and really believing that I could complete it was the most challenging in the Stars & Stripes Award for me.

Elizabeth Guffey #579 | TX0131 Project: Created a sensory garden for the preschoolers at Sunshine and Rainbows Early Learning Center Future plans: I plan on attending Collin County Community College in the fall of 2021 to get my Bachelor of Science and Nursing. Favorite thing about AHG: Since I grew up with three older brothers, I enjoy spending time with all the little girls. I see them as my own little sisters!


Clara Otting #580 | OH0333 Project: Built a large fox pen for Nature’s Nursery Future plans: I will be attending Lourdes University and majoring in Nursing. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: There is such a sense of closure. I always wondered if I could do it, and to know that I’m able to pick any project regardless of the difficulty and complete it brings a lot of confidence. It was the perfect way to end my AHG journey.

Melanie DuPont #581 | MO6506 Project: Created an animal crate shelter for the Kansas City Pet Project Future Plans: I plan to attend Northwest Missouri State University to study Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I found it most challenging to balance every part of the project. At times I found I was neglecting one part of the project while I was focusing on another, and found myself having to go back and make sure I was doing everything right.

Alexis (Lexi) Wright #582 | IN0252 Project: Installed benches for Wabash County YMCA Favorite thing about AHG: I got to try things like skiing and rock climbing that I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The benches were really needed at the fields, and I am glad I was able to provide them for the teams. I also appreciated the faithful few that helped me throughout the project financially, with moral support and encouragement, and with their labor.

Keara Mruk #583 | VA2215 Project: Renovating the Church Nursery at Open Door Baptist Church Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13. I struggle a lot with self-doubt, and I am extremely self-conscious; this verse helps to remind me that if I believe in God and trust Him, I can get through anything He lays before me. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Learning how to work out of my comfort zone and being able to do something for the church and people who had a major impact in my life.


Aileen Haggerty #584 | CA0480 Project: Landscaped house being used for formerly homeless families for Family Promise Future plans: I will be attending Patrick Henry College in the Fall of 2020, and I will be studying Political Theory. After college, I plan on attending law school. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about being in AHG was learning to be a servant leader. This skill was sharpened at Southern California Regional Summer Camp, where they offer numerous opportunities for girl leadership, such as the Patriot Leadership Program.

Kira Davies #585 | MN0100 Project: Built a Lost and Found Center for Rochester Public Lutheran School Future plans: I am planning on pursuing a career in Interior Design at the University of Minnesota Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I had some difficulty arranging the supplies and volunteers for the workdays, but I am thankful for God’s help in getting me through these challenges.

Kristan Blankenship #586 | MO1410 Project: Built sensory shelves for the Lutheran Home Favorite thing about AHG: I love many things about AHG but, my favorite is the service projects! I enjoy serving in my community, and I love planning the projects too. Identify ways God is working in your life right now: God is working in my life by keeping me calm and hopeful during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is very hard for me during this time, but God makes it a little easier.

Emily Warrington #587 | FL2031 Project: Built an outdoor gathering/play area for Balm Baptist Church Favorite things about AHG: I have made lasting friendships, learned skills that I never thought I could learn, I’ve learned how to be an example that kids want to look up to, and I’ve learned what being a Godly woman of integrity looks like. Advice I would give other candidates: If I were to give a piece of advice to other candidates, I would have to start by saying that it’s alright to feel like you’re a failure in the hard moments. But the truth is, you aren’t, and you never will be. This process is hard, very hard. The truth is, it’s so rewarding.


Celia Sterling #588 | NE0026 Project: Raised six flagpoles, created an animal enrichment project for veterans to participate in and brought animals to a veterans’ home for Scatter Joy Acres. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Learning many leadership skills that will benefit me in the future and seeing (and hearing about) how grateful the veterans were to see the flags raised. Additional information to share: I received a letter from U.S. Congressman Don Bacon congratulating me on my Stars & Stripes Award project. I also still do volunteer work at the ranch where I did my project. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, and I’m learning Norwegian.

Hannah Ledden #589 | OH1031 Project: Planted an organic garden for Vineyard Community Church and The Center of Hope Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most challenging part in my Stars & Stripes Award process was time management. Time management has been a struggle for me, but this process has given me great practice in this area. Favorite part about AHG: I was first introduced to camping through AHG. I’ve always enjoyed my camping experiences both with AHG and outside of AHG. There are many unforgettable memories, including canoeing, frog catching, closing campfires, kayaking, and much more!

Hannah Carter #590 | OR0613 Project: Updated two classrooms for children at Harvest Christian Church Favorite Bible verse: Romans 5:3-5. It reminds me of why we suffer and what we can gain from it. My favorite part is about hope because I believe lies that tear down my hope. But God does powerful things with our hope and faith in Him. Favorite part about AHG: Making amazing friends and seeing my growth over the years. When I was a Tenderheart, I thought the requirements were hard! AHG has given me the opportunity to be an influence to younger girls, and I take that seriously, while still having fun.

Ashley Cooke #591 | TX0226 Project: Reorganized and remodeled the kitchen pantry for Calvary Chapel and made birthday boxes as an outreach program for families who couldn’t afford a birthday party for their child. Future plans: I will be attending Dallas Baptist University, where I will major in Studio Art. I also plan to join DBU’s Worship Team to be a part of their Chapel Services. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The leadership skills I gained and the growth in my relationship with God. Leading a project that big taught me to rely on God for the help and wisdom I needed to implement such a daunting task.


Juliana Akeroyd #592 | TX1325 Project: Built a playground for individuals with sensory disorders in her neighborhood, Spring Creek Oaks Future Plans: I will be starting dual credit with Lone Star College. Besides that, I do not know what God has in store for me. Although I am not becoming a Leader In Training (LIT), I plan on keeping in touch with my AHG friends and providing support through their Stars & Stripes Award efforts. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: This process showed me that there are genuinely good and pious people in the world. I was given the opportunity to express my love to my two brothers with autism. I was able to show the younger girls in my Troop that this is something they can achieve.

Isabella Raicu #593 | TX1027 Project: Designed and built an interactive information structure for Coppell Nature Park and Biodiversity Education Center Future plans: I have always known that I want to impact the world in my career. My goal is to become a doctor, but not for the title or the money. I hope to help people every day and use my passion for science to overcome issues for a better future. Advice I would give other candidates: My advice to future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates would be to make sure they start their project with plenty of time.

Tara Teter #594 | TX6201 Project: Built a butterfly memorial garden for the Texas Baptist Children’s home Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 5:9, BSB. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.” This verse has always resonated with me because my parents taught me to be a peacemaker. This way, I love others well by living at peace with them (Romans 12). Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Surrendering the situation to God was definitely the hardest for me. I’ve always been considered a smart girl, able to do well at most things I put my mind to. This process forced me to recognize that a lot of things are out of my control.

Elisabeth Gehman #595 | MI1226 Project: Built library furnishings for Hunters Creek Community Church Future plans: As of now, I am planning on attending Grace Christian University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Favorite Bible Verse: My favorite Bible verse is 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. I like this verse because it clearly shows us that we can have hope for the future.


Katherine Anthony #596 | PA0304 Project: Planned and implemented the construction of a watersealed science equipment storage area for The Craighead House Future plans: I plan to attend Messiah University in the Fall to major in physics. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I found it challenging not to become stressed and bogged down by the details of my project. Instead of just trusting that it was in God’s hands, it was very easy for me to try to take control on my own.

Brinna Fortman #597 | TX1378 Project: Improved the front yard with bricks, roses, handrails, and potted plants for American Legion Post 271 Favorite thing about AHG: Through American Heritage Girls, I’ve become more responsible and organized, and have gained great mentors from my Troop Unit Leaders and the Board. Advice I would give other candidates: It’s good to find someone you can easily talk with so that if any concerns pop up, you can address them and fix them right away.

Kathryn Johnson #598 | NC0244 Project: Designed, planned, and constructed docks for the Prairie Ridge Eco Station and North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Favorite Bible verse: Proverbs 12:25, ESV. “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” I struggle a lot with fears and overthinking things, and this verse reminds me that it’s just anxiety weighing me down, and I deserve to have good words said about myself. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing was making friends and doing service projects. I met some of my closest friends through AHG, and I love doing things for other people.

Mackenzie Tkach #599 | OH0413 Project: Made a memorial garden for the Miami County Women’s Center Future Plans: After I graduate, I will be serving and sharing the love of Christ in Africa and Asia with a gap year program called the World Race. After my Gap Year, I will attend Ohio Wesleyan University and study Communication with a Media & Film concentration. Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite part of AHG was being a mentor and role model for the younger girls. I loved having the opportunity to help them find their identity in Christ while strengthening my leadership skills.


Calista Steffen #600 | FL0001 Project: Made a children’s reading garden and library for Grandma’s Place Future plans: I will be attending college at the University of Florida (go Gators!). I plan to pursue a major in either Health Sciences or Behavioral Neuroscience. Advice I would give other candidates: Receiving this award can be a huge challenge, but it is so worth it in the end! I never expected to change so much throughout the process, but now that it is complete, I can truly appreciate how much I was able to grow in my own life and in the Lord.

Molly Mattingly #601 | IN1911 Project: Updated the teen room and prayer path at Graceland Baptist Church Palmyra campus Future Plans: I am attending Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, IN, majoring in Criminal Justice. I plan to become a Conservation Officer or pursue a position in the National Parks Department. Additional information to add: I have been to 48 states. I love to swim competitively. I love to try new food, even though I sometimes don’t like it! Trying new things is sometimes scary, but it can also turn out to be fun!

Melody Lorenz #602 | GA0513 Project: Created a garden to be used as an outdoor classroom for North Gwinnett Middle School with the food being donated to North Gwinnett Co-op Favorite thing about AHG: Joining American Heritage Girls has given me friendships that have lasted since I was eight years old, and will continue to grow and strengthen. It has given me knowledge about how to be the best person I can be. Whether that is as a servant to God, my community, or just the people around me—I know how to serve and love on others. Advice I would give other candidates: If I were to advise another candidate, it would be even if it seems like nothing is going right, and the project is going to crash and burn, don’t give up. Take some time, and think of a new approach to the problem. It is likely not as dire as it may seem.

Evelynn Foster #603 | VA2911 Project: Interviewed long-time members, cataloged items related to the history, and created a rotation schedule to display these items for Manassas Church of Christ Future plans: I am planning on attending Harding University this coming fall and have plans to study History or Health Studies. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: What I found most challenging was getting the youth supervisory hours.


Bethany Meier #604 | MN0100 Project: Painted interactive and age-appropriate games on the sidewalks for the Osage Community Daycare Favorite Bible verse: “Count it all joy...” - James 1:2, NKJV. Your attitude frames your experience. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: It was a sweet joy to complete the project, the write-up, and interview in time to achieve the award!

Grace (Courtney) Solomon #605 | FL0001 Project: Designed and built a multi-lingual book cart for an ESL program at First Presbyterian Church Future plans: My plan for the future is to attend Broward College in Florida to get my degree in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability. Maybe adopt some quails. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most awarding part of the entire process was finishing my book cart and filling it with books. It was fun to watch everything that I did come together.

Bailey O’Donnell #606 | TX6122 Project: Made a flag retirement box and mobile planter boxes for Veterans Park for the city of Rhome, Texas Future plans: I am excited to say that I will be attending Texas Wesleyan University in the fall on a four-year, full-ride scholarship. I will be playing on their NAIA golf team and studying Forensic Science. After that, I wish to earn a welder’s license. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: God is showing me gratefulness. The Covid-19 outbreak caused me to cancel my award ceremony, and it was disappointing. However, I had to remember to look up and see the blessings He has been raining down on me and be grateful in the midst of chaos!

Abigail Coleman #607 | KY3130 Project: Installed new carpet and baseboards as well as painted a mural for Dreams with Wings Future plans: I decided that I am going to go to college and get an undergrad degree in Psychology then go to law school after for family law. In the future, I would love to work in child advocacy and be a part of placing children in permanent homes to allow them to be loved and just be kids. Advice I would give other candidates: I would just say do not procrastinate.


Camryn Sillies #608 | OH1843 Project: Refreshed the food pantry for St. Vincent DePaul Little Flower Food Pantry Favorite things about AHG: AHG introduced me to some of my best friends, it made me go out of my comfort zone, and it gave me the opportunity to try new and exciting things. Advice I would give other candidates: Advice I would give to future candidates is not to procrastinate and go into everything with an open mind and a pure heart.

Eleanor Rowe #609 | TN0131 Project: Made benches for the playground at Everett Hills Baptist Church Favorite thing about AHG: My time at AHG has taught me the meaning of togetherness. I was taught to work together with my peers for the betterment of others, to be kind, and to work hard for the rewards of a project well done. Advice I would give other candidates: For other candidates, I would strongly advise completing the project implementation early. I have seen from my own experience and the experiences of other candidates that finishing the project early should be a first and foremost requirement. I would also add that candidates should choose a project that they feel passionate about and use the gifts that have been given to them.

Ashley Sigman #610 | TX1228 Project: Improved their outdoor ministry by planting trees and a prayer garden, building parking barriers, and installing an outdoor shade and a multipurpose concrete pad for Generations of Faith Family Church Future plans: I plan to go to community college to complete the basics. It will also give me time to discover the career choice I am passionate about. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most challenging part for me was simply starting. Initiating a project of this magnitude scared me. I had to step back and take it one step at a time.

Elizabeth Smith #611 | MN0397 Project: Built an outdoor classroom for Henning Public School Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has had a positive impact on my life because it has given me an opportunity to lead younger girls, helped me develop skills in camping, first aid, Bible skills, and outdoor skills. Advice I would give other candidates: Some advice I have for future candidates would be to start thinking about Stars & Stripes project ideas earlier in your career and earn your required badges early so you can enjoy working on your project. I would also tell them to think of needs in your community and pray about what to do if you are at a crossroads.


Kiersten Thomson #612 | VA1556 Project: Built two new benches and a free little library, as well as painted several items and mulched the playgrounds for Greenwood Park Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about AHG is the people and how you always felt you were welcomed no matter how long you had been with AHG. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, and thankfully God has been helping calm me when I need to be, like when I was on TV. God is also helping me decide what to do in the future.

Taylor Briggs #613 | TX1202 Project: Built a set of handicap accessible mounting blocks with a wheelchair ramp for SpiritHorse Liberty Therapeutic Riding Center Favorite Bible verse: One of my favorite Bible verses is Ester 4:14. I love this verse because it reminds me of how important I am to God and that I have an important part to play in His plan. We all do. We are created with a purpose, and I cannot wait to fulfill mine. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most challenging thing for me was all of the paperwork involved simply because it was so time-consuming. Making sure I crossed my t’s and dotted all my i’s. Of course, all that paperwork was very helpful later on.

Laura Poon #614 | CA0222 Project: Renovated the basement for First Christian Church Future plans: I have applied to Thomas Aquinas College, a Liberal Arts college in Southern California Advice I would give other candidates: I am very glad that AHG exists. I know lots of people who work hard to keep it running at a national level and locally in individual Troops. It is nice to know that other girls for years to come will be able to experience what I have in AHG.

Madeline Walling #615 | MO0220 Project: Built four outdoor showers with one being accessible to disabilities at Camp Cleary for Cleary Baptist Church Future plans: I am going to college to become a vet, but I am undecided as to where. Additional information: I am currently a first-degree black belt in Uechi Ryu karate.


Rachel Pacheco #616 | CO4316 Project: Redecorated two interview rooms for the Court Appointed Special Advocates Favorite thing about AHG: AHG has brought me some of my best friends, and God has used AHG to show me His unfailing love. AHG has introduced me to people and organizations that God is working through. Advice I would give other candidates: I would advise girls to pursue the Stars & Stripes Award because it will encourage them to serve in their community as well as grow as a leader! It will allow them to think about how much they can do within their hometown. It will show them how God is working through so many people. They will be reminded that no matter what, no matter where they are, God is present and He is working in all kinds of people.

Natalie Pfaff #617 | TX0312 Project: Renovated an unused outside area by building six fire pit benches, a woodpile stand, updated picnic tables, and cleaned the area up for University United Methodist Church Future plans: I will be attending classes at San Antonio Community College in the fall. I will be studying Nursing. Favorite Bible Verse: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139:14, NIV. I sometimes struggle with my body image, and it’s always wonderful to hear this verse because it reminds me that even though I have flaws, I was well thought out. I wasn’t a last-minute decision.

Elizabeth Neely #618 | MO2005 Project: Made a physical donation reception box for The Sparrow’s Nest Favorite thing about AHG: American Heritage Girls has impacted me by helping me to believe I can do hard things. AHG is special in that it helps girls use wisdom, discernment, and prayer in choosing which hard things they need to accomplish and when. Advice I would give other candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to begin each phase earlier than you think you need to. There’s no such thing as starting “too soon”!

Gabrielle Johnston #619 | TN0131 Project: Built and put up 10 wooden birdhouses and three informative wooden signs for Crockett Tavern Museum Favorite thing about AHG: Friends that I have made in my AHG Troop. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The paperwork and organizing materials and volunteers for the workdays.


Syrah Rosado #620 | TX1027 Project: Made produce crates and a portable pollinator garden for We Over Me Farm Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I loved working with many different companies and people. I loved seeing the need then being able to access and fulfill that need. All of the hard work is worth it. Favorite thing about AHG: One of my favorite experiences was participating in a retirement ceremony for the American Flag. My favorite badges were the Camping, Dance, Living and Working in Space, and Outdoor Skills Badges.

Margaret Raymond #621 | IN2237 Project: Planted a children’s garden for First Baptist Church Future plans: I’m going to work for a year or two and save up for a mission trip. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: Right now, God is calling me back to Springhill camps for one more summer. After I get back, I will start saving for a mission trip.

Molly Maxwell #622 | IL0516 Project: Made 65 wooden spoon therapy puppets with different emotions for Unit 4 School District Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11. This verse gives me hope to see the plan the Lord has for me. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: Through the Stars & Stripes Award process God really affirmed my strengths and helped me work on some of my weaknesses.

Cecilia Wright #623 | TN0131 Project: Built a teen area for Maryville Vineyard Youth with a tetherball, horseshoe ring toss, hopscotch pathway, garden with tulips and lavender, and a fire pit. Future plans: I am planning to go to Johnson University for Visual Design Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Finding a day that it was not raining. It rains a lot in Tennessee.


Anaiis Lopez #624 | FL2019 Project: Made two new raised garden beds for Firehouse Greens project for St. Cloud Fire Department Station 31 Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Project implementation for sure. I felt very nervous bringing the volunteers in because I wanted to make sure I was doing things right and wasn’t wasting their time. Advice I would give other candidates: Don’t be intimidated by the badge work, just tailor it to your interests! For example, one of the best things about living in Central Florida is being close to the theme parks, and I earned my Golf Badge golfing at the Disney World golf courses!

Kaley Somers #626 | MA0716 Project: Redid the basement by cleaning the floor, cleaning and painting the walls, and putting up storage shelves for First Concern Pregnancy Center. Future Plans: I committed to Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio for Criminal Justice and Social Work. Favorite thing about AHG: I have loved all the friendships that I have made. I love spending time with them, during meetings and campouts, and getting to know them.

Esther Olson #627 | IL1190 Project: Created a picnic area for Trinity International University Future plans: Next year, I will be attending the University of Northern Iowa to study Social Studies-Teaching. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: It’s hard to see with everything going on in the world right now, but being home has given me more time to reconnect with God and spend time learning more about Him.

Morgan Barchett #628 | WV1412 Project: Built 3D Archery range for the archery program; 20 targets with backstops and bow racks for each target for Bulls-eye 4H Shooting Sports Club Future plans: I plan to attend Marshall University in Huntington, WV, and earn a degree in Graphic Design. I hope to study abroad as part of my education. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most challenging part was finding volunteers and getting enough leadership hours.


Sarah Loop #629 | OK3411 Project: Created a sensory room for children experiencing trauma for No Boundaries International Favorite thing about AHG: My favorite thing about AHG was that I was able to form good friendships with other Christian girls. Also, my leaders and how they encouraged me to experience new things. I liked the opportunities that AHG gave me to be a leader. Additional information to share: I want to thank my Stars & Stripes Award Mentor and my family and friends for all the work and support they gave me during this project.

Meredith Darlington #630 | TN0215 Project: Built bookshelves and supplied children’s books as well as Christian resources for the adults for Thrive Lonsdale’s family house Future plans: I plan to attend the University of Tennessee and enroll in their Human Resources Management program Favorite thing about AHG: I loved having a community of Christian girls that I looked forward to seeing every meeting. The close friendships I have formed with girls my own age is definitely my favorite part.

Morgan Bratton #631 | GA2007 Project: Beautified and repaired the outside play area of the Wesley Community Center of Savannah, Inc. Future plans: I want to continue working with underprivileged children and volunteering in projects that better my community. I don’t know exactly what that looks like for me yet, but I do know that calling is on my life. I am excited to see what God has planned! Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: It was challenging to finish this award during the COVID-19 quarantine. The inability to meet in person was often confusing, but the support of my Troop, parents, and mentor was remarkable. I am so appreciative of their encouragement.

Rebecca Hunt #632 | NC4673 Project: Painted scripture murals on the blank interior walls of the building, installed bathroom hardware, and created a “Kids” corner for A.C.T.S. (Area Christians Together in Service) of Henderson food pantry and soup kitchen Future plans: I plan to take a super senior/gap year and get a job before graduating next year. I then hope to attend Liberty University to study Aeronautics. I also hope to get my Private Pilot’s License! Advice I would give other candidates: During the most stressful workday of my project, God provided me with an opportunity to share the Gospel with a man who had come to get a meal. It was an awesome experience, and I will never forget it as long as I live! 32

Alexandria Ortiz #633 | FL3120 Project: Built shelves, creating an organization system, and decluttered various spaces for a food pantry storage space for The Church of Odessa Favorite Bible verse: My Favorite Bible verse is Psalms 91. It is so important to me because I love the imagery it gives me of God rescuing me and being my refuge. I will always need God to rescue me and to be someone I can run to, and He always is. Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: God is teaching me humility and contentment. Pride and jealousy are so easy to creep into your walk with God. The Lord is teaching me how to humble myself before others and to be content with what I have and who God has made me to be.

Victoria West #634 | TN1557 Project: Built a library for Celebration Church Children’s Ministry Library Identify the ways God is working in your life right now: The Lord had been opening my eyes to negative thoughts toward myself, and He has helped me believe I am chosen and worthy. Favorite things about AHG: My favorite thing I did during AHG was learning self-defense.

Anna Sophia Cline #635 | VA1975 Project: Built onto and transformed a preexisting Marian Garden by building a patio and Rosary Box for Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is John 6:47-58, where Jesus explains that he is the Bread and Blood of life because receiving Him in the Eucharist is a very important part of my life. Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Hearing how much people enjoyed my project and how the outdoor patio allowed more people to stop by to pray during the quarantine was one of the most rewarding parts of my project. I also enjoyed challenging myself.

Mary Ann Pitts #636 | TN1557 Project: Remodeled two rooms in the residential home for women and their babies at Hope House Future plans: I will be attending East Tennessee State University and plan to major in Nursing Most rewarding part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Gaining leadership skills and being able to make a difference in the lives of women and their children were the most rewarding parts of this project.


Alyssa Hannahs #637 | MI0408 Project: Built a My Little Library, a picnic table, and a bench for Woldumar Nature Center Future plans: I will be attending Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek to narrow down my career options and then transfer to a fouryear university. Advice I would give other candidates: You really get to grow as a person. This award is hard work, but every bit of it is completely worth it.

Mattie Drew #638 | TX2407 Project: Xeriscaped and mitigated the risk of falls in the carpet area for Northwest Church of Christ Future plans: I’m attending Texas A&M this fall as a member of the class of 2024. My major is currently Forensics, but I plan to attend the nursing school at A&M after my sophomore year. I’ll become an ER nurse, and maybe later a Nurse Practitioner. Advice I would give other candidates: Get outside your comfort zone! I think everyone in my Troop can vouch for the fact that I push them to do things they’re not confident in, but that’s the best way to learn! If you just try, you’ll find that you can do more than you ever imagined!







Stars & Stripes Award Medallion

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Amy Starnes Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

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