Stars & Stripes Salute 2021-2022

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& Stripes SALUTE 2021-2022 AHG3270 AHG Stars & Stripes Salute 2022 AHG3270


The Stars & Stripes Award teaches girls perseverance, self-respect, and a strong feeling of satisfaction. The goal of the Stars & Stripes Award is the experience and the realization of the servant’s heart that is needed to lead with integrity and humility. The award procedure and project blesses a candidate’s community and develops her skills in organization, communication, time management, and project management.

To learn more about the award requirements, visit

American Heritage Girls, Inc.

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 2021-2022 Stars & Stripes Salute, an annual publication that honors the AHG Program Year’s most prestigious award recipients. This year’s award honorees have demonstrated outstanding stamina in order to complete this pinnacle award during the aftereffects of a global pandemic.

Each recipient has cited God’s faithfulness during their journey as well as their need to persevere and deal with adversity. These girls are the hope of the future. They have learned to look at problems as opportunities and they have risen above their circumstances to accomplish great things in His name.

The Stars & Stripes Award is not for the faint of heart. It flexes each girl’s leadership muscle, and by the close of their journey, they have demonstrated an ability to identify a cause for which they have passion. They have managed a large project, recruited volunteers to serve in their cause, publicized the need, raised necessary funds for their project, documented their journey, participated in a Board of Review, earned 16 highlevel badges, served in a leadership position in their Troop, compiled a current resume, and reflected on the impact of AHG on their life and the growth of their spiritual walk during those years. The skills acquired during their lengthy journey are sure to buoy them through their adult years.

When I review each Project Summary Report, Spiritual Walk Essay, and Resume, I am amazed and grateful for the blessings the Lord has poured out upon these amazing young ladies. Join me in congratulating this year’s class of Stars & Stripes Award Recipients.

My buttons burst to think that these young women are AHG Alumnae and the future leaders of our nation!

To God be the glory!

AHG Founder & Executive Director

35 Tri-County Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
3 147 147 255 22Leadership Opportunities & Others 37,473 “Helpful”“Start with 2021-2022 Program Year Recipients Benefiting Organizations Served Creed Word Most Used in Writing #1 Thing Girls Learned Average Service Hours per Project Total Number of Stars & Stripes Project Advisors What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients Like Most About AHG States represented by our Stars & Stripes Award Recipients Service Hours Performed prayer!” FACTS AND FIGURES STARS & STRIPES AWARD 36 A total of 3

Hand-In-Hand Encourager:

Created a prayer trail and garden for Calvary Church of the Brethren

12 Supervisory Hours

178.37 Overall Service Hours

Future Plans: Attend Patrick Henry College and become a fiction writer

As I look back across the journey that pursuing the Stars & Stripes Award has taken me on, I can express nothing but sheer astonishment and disbelief. A year ago, I could hardly have imagined the joys, triumphs, challenges, and hardships I would face in a few short months. I would not have imagined the intense relief that would come with a mere email response or the way my world would be shaken by hitting the rock bottom of my confidence pool. Nor would I have imagined the stress and fear that I would suffer as I dug even beyond this depth, humbled to my core by the challenges the Stars & Stripes Award presented me.

But most of all, I never would have dreamed of the incredible encouragement that would rise around me in the midst of my deepest failures through so rigorous a process.

Through the last seven months, I have seen some of the darkest moments of my entire life. I have faced rejection, discouragement, self-disgust, and pain so deep that I felt ready to give up on everything I had my hands in—a dark, dark place for a workaholic like myself. I would hear support from friends and family members on a nearly daily basis, begging me to pull myself back together and press on, telling me that I was doing well and that there was just a little farther to go. Outwardly, I would smile and agree, throwing myself back into the challenges at hand. Inwardly, however, I withdrew and threw aside every comment, growing more and more distant with each passing day. Before long, the world felt hollow, and my tasks felt meaningless, repetitive, and useless.

I felt hopeless.

I cannot recall the day or time that things began to change. For a long time, I failed to see that anything was changing at all, carrying on with the same worthless willpower and grit that had brought me through past challenges, clinging to each deadline as it came and went. Maybe it was during the workdays—getting my hands dirty with a dozen people at my side, all smiling and putting their energy into the tasks I had prepared for them. Maybe it was at meetings with my mentor when I would spend evenings sitting across the table and working away at paperwork and listening to the easy, comforting chatter of my mentor and her daughter. Perhaps it was even in those times alone at night, when I would lay in bed, close my eyes, and run in my nightmares from the requirements posing as monsters.

The change was real, though. After a time, the nightmares began to fade. My shoulders felt lighter, and though the workload did not decrease, I sensed a burden had been lifted. A phrase began to run through my mind, and I realized that another was by my side, carrying me through the days when I could go no farther.

I am enough.

I had no doubt what it was when I first really became conscious of the words, or rather, Who it was. I may have doubted that I was really hearing it, and I doubted that I could let things go. But as time passed, and I began to release my white-knuckle grip on the reins of my project, I realized that they were not reins I was holding, but a yoke. Then—at last—I discovered that the yoke did not have to be carried alone.

I still find it hard to believe that this journey through the Stars & Stripes Award is almost over. Instead, in the old cliché, I prefer to think of it as a beginning. The realization that I was never enough—and more importantly, that there is Another ready to shoulder my burdens—was an epiphany that still continues to ripple through my thoughts. There could have been no greater encouragement that AHG, friends, family, or the Stars & Stripes Award could have given me than the realization that I was never alone. My King is sufficient—and I believe that there could have been no better experience to teach me just that.

Thank you, American Heritage Girls, for forcing me to lean on a Strength greater than my own. Thank you, my friends and family, for walking alongside me even in the moments when I could barely hear your encouragement—and thanks be to God for His Grace.

He is enough for me, and I will learn to lean on Him more every day.





The role of a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor (SSPA) is to coach and mentor Stars & Stripes Award Candidates and their mentors through the Stars & Stripes Award Project Procedure.

How long have you served?

I have served as an SSPA since June 2017, so this is my 5th year as an SSPA and my 3rd year as a Team Lead. I became an SSPA about the time my oldest daughter would have been eligible to earn her Stars & Stripes Award.

What is the most important aspect of your role?

I believe it is important to find a balance between supporting and encouraging a candidate while following the procedure. Supporting candidates as they reach their goals and milestones and seeing them grow through the process is amazing.

What brings you great joy?

I love reading the Project Summary Reports (PSR) and seeing how candidates have been a blessing to their community. I love seeing how they applied the challenges they faced and grew both spiritually and in their leadership skills. What is your hope-filled advice to candidates? Keep an open mind when choosing a benefiting organization; look for where there is a need that God can use you to meet. Choosing a project can be stressful and challenging. Pray and ask God where He wants you to be a blessing to your community. Read the Stars & Stripes Procedure Packet and follow the steps; ask questions if you are in doubt.

Why did you choose to serve as a Stars & Stripes Award Mentor?

It was an absolute blessing to be asked to guide a motivated teenager through a major service project! How could I say no? This opportunity to encourage, coach, and pray for a bright young woman through a successful capstone to her American Heritage Girl experience is a memory that will last a lifetime—for both myself and my mentee.

What was the most rewarding moment you had by serving as a Mentor?

By definition, a Stars & Stripes Project is ambitious. Not only are there challenges around every corner, but there is also a real risk of failure and embarrassment. My mentee faced these moments head-on with determination and grace that she did not know she had. Watching the Holy Spirit move and work inside this young woman was breathtaking. It was a blessing to have a front-row seat. The Lord’s plans for us are amazing and bigger than we can imagine…and just as our Blessed Mother Mary experienced, a simple “yes” sets His plan into motion!

Can you provide a few recommendations on how to support a girl through the award journey?

Prayer, perspective, and perseverance—pray for wisdom and for those who will benefit from the project. Help your mentee apply perspective to the work tasks, successes, and challenges. Help them find patience and spark their creativity when hurdles appear.


The role of a Stars & Stripes Mentor is to guide, encourage, listen, pray, and support the Stars & Stripes Award Candidate.

girls through the award procedure

Project Highlights

Celebrating resilience, resourcefulness, and faith during the aftereffect of a global pandemic during this Program Year. Every American Heritage Girl who earned the Stars & Stripes Award during the 2021-2022 Program Year demonstrated outstanding stamina to complete an important project and make a lasting impact in her community.


Emily Franz #778 | TX1325

Project: Designed and updated landscaping for the entrance to Camp Hope

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would recommend to other candidates and girls who want to achieve this award to complete the required badges before beginning the Stars & Stripes process. It is much quicker and less stressful to do the project planning without badge work.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: It was very satisfying to see how my project transformed Camp Hope. I am glad that I was able to contribute so much to my community through this project. If I was never in AHG, I don’t think I would have ever considered that I could lead such a project.

Alaina Donnell #779 | MD0414

Project: Built a memorial garden honoring first responders, the military, and Christian martyrs at Eastern Shores Bible Baptist Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I loved seeing God actively answer my prayers during this process.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Make sure you’ve got a GREAT mentor. My mentor and I spent so much time together, and she was a constant source of encouragement. Also, realize that prayer doesn’t have to be this great, elegant ritual; I’d rant about my concerns while I prayed, and there was so much comfort in knowing God could work with my inelegant plea for help.

Lilyanna Stackhouse #780 | VA0316

Project: Built flower boxes for the Youth Ministry at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to keep it simple and manageable. Make sure the project is engaging and appealing for volunteers. Keep times appropriate and reasonable and plan and provide food or meals for your volunteers. Identify how God is working in your life: I prayed to God constantly throughout my entire project, asking for guidance and inspiration to assist me with choosing my service project. I know for a fact without His guidance, support, and placing all the wonderful and supportive people in my path I would have never been able to accomplish my goal to bless the Youth Ministry and Church with these new beautiful flower boxes for their new building.

Lauren Wilde #781 | TX2012

Project: Refurbished a flagpole and surrounding area for Mt. Gilead Cemetery

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Some advice I’d give to other candidates is just to not give up. It’s a ton of work but at the end it’s worth every single bit of it.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: In the AHG Oath, there is a promise to “serve in my community” and for this project I felt I was doing just that. The flag isn’t just a pole sticking out of the ground with a flag on the top of it, it’s a reminder of everyone who fought for our freedom.


Christina Waggoner #782 | TX0541

Project: Created a prayer garden for Pregnancy Resource Medical Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The most valuable piece of advice that I can give to other Stars & Stripes Candidates is to pray on it, pray over it and pray through it. All the way through the process, pray, pray, pray!

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Something I really struggled with was comparing myself to other candidates and comparing my project to theirs. This hurt me more than it helped me, instead let others inspire you to take your own idea and run with it, everyone’s journey and project is different, so don’t let comparison overshadow the blessings or accomplishments.

Sandra McGirr #783 | CA3130

Project: Built six benches for Amy’s Farm

Future plans: As I am already taking full-time college courses, my goal after graduating college is to begin working in Real Estate with my dad.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Pray always, trust continuously in God and His plans, carefully read all of the instructions, and be proactive.

Sadie Smith #784 | WA0954

Project: Converted unused space into a kitchenette for Hope Medical of WA

Identify how God is working in your life: I absolutely did grow spiritually from the experience of my Stars & Stripes! I would not have been able to finish this project if it weren’t for the Lord’s help and guidance.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I truly felt like I was becoming a woman of integrity as I progressed throughout this project. As I took on more responsibility and asked for more guidance, I felt my path with God became more stable.

Kristen Lavallee #785 | PA1234

Project: Built and installed five flower boxes, created a trash can containment system, and renovated the outdoor seating area at Amnion Pregnancy Care Center

Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 46:5 says, “God is within her; she will not fall.” Although this verse is simple, it reveals that as daughters in Christ the importance of allowing God to live within us and opening our hearts is important in order to live a life full of faith. In addition, it reminds us that when we feel like we can’t, God can!

Advice for future Stars & Stars Award Candidates: Plan ahead because it is so important to the success of your project! In addition, make sure to pick a mentor that will push you to do your very best and who will also support you throughout this journey.


Kayden Lindeman #786 | CO5280

Project: Built a storage box for Haven’s Hope

Future plans: I plan to graduate with a bachelors in Nursing, and eventually hope to be a NICU Nurse.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to give yourself time and patience. I would also highly recommend knowing what you’re getting into. Everything will take more time than you think it should.

Allison Medland #787 | AK1130

Project: Built a new base for the St. Joseph Statue at St. Andrew Catholic Church

Future plans: I plan to study Engineering at the University of Wyoming and join the Air Force ROTC.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: One revelation I had about the meanings of the Creed was its mention of perseverance. It’s easy to be perseverant for shorter periods of time, but not for months at a time. The Stars & Stripes Award project takes a long time to complete, so you have to work hard to be patient and especially perseverant throughout it all.

Mary Donahue #788 |TN0413

Project: Built wooden storage cabinets and created therapeutic games for Sangri-La Therapeutic Riding Academy

Identify how God is working in your life: From growing up in a Christian home, to being a member of AHG, and all that I have learned through this project, God has strengthened me as a person and as a soldier for His Kingdom.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would do a project for an organization you love, because sometimes it feels super difficult, and you might want to give up but you need to remember how happy the organization will be when they receive the gift.

Hannah Alsup #789 | OK0511

Project: Built six wooden mailboxes and an activity panel for Coffee Creek Riding Center

Future plans: I plan to attend Oklahoma Christian University in the fall of 2022 and major in Nursing.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: This is your project and journey, no one else’s. If you want to go the extra mile and do more work than needed, then do it! This project won’t be perfect, none will ever be. So, make the most out of what God is placing before you. Constantly be praying for perseverance as well. You’ll need it!


Elise King #790 | GA1331

Project: Built shelving units for Grace Fellowship of South Forsyth

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The AHG Mission Statement stood out to me as a key theme throughout the project. I realized that this was different from an art project I could quit if it became too hard. Nor was it like having my own money to spend however I wanted. Instead, I had the privilege and responsibility to manage money and resources that were not my own. It reminded me that we are called to be good stewards of what God has given us and how we handle projects and funds like these is the way I want to handle what God has entrusted to me.

Alexia Land #791 | IL1230

Project: Created an organizational system for Beyond Uganda’s school and donation rooms

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: My family and I got COVID when I was supposed to start implementing my project and raise money. My biggest challenge was trusting God to keep me calm and level headed to figure out what my next steps were.

Favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I don’t know what to expect living on a college campus and away from home. This verse helps me find comfort in my future.

Eden Rohan #792 | TX0002

Project: Built a paintball and game course for St. Timothy Lutheran Church

Favorite Bible verse: Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” This verse helps me to remember that God doesn’t expect me to be perfect when I get too hard on myself.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My main advice is learn how to manage your time. It’s a skill that even adults struggle with, but it’s truly one of the most important ways to balance the award process, school, and any other responsibilities you might have.

Catherine Breeden #793 | TN0413

Project: Created a prayer garden for Tennessee Right to Life

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to keep an open mind when choosing your project, look for the organization that is meaningful to you. The project will fall into place and will be easy to design when it aligns with something important to you.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I believe God has been preparing me for this project for several years as my interest and knowledge in the pro-life movement has grown. The prayer garden fully embodies the AHG mission of “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.”


Kate Chenault #794 | IL3130

Project: Renovated a meeting room for Monica’s House, Pregnancy Care Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: We’ve all heard some variation of the phrase “It’s okay to ask for help.” I would argue that it is not just an option, however, it is a necessity. You cannot do everything by yourself, because you are just one person. Ask for help from the people around you.

Identify how God is working in your life: I did grow spiritually from the experience. God did not allow me to fail but helped me to succeed. I will strive to remain calm initially in the future and trust that it’s in God’s hands.

Grace Rowlette #795 | FL2031

Project: Renovated outside area for Tampa Bay HEAT Resource Center

Favorite Bible verse: Galatians 5:13 says, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Our freedom displays our character. What we choose to spend our freedom on shows who we are.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Through the Stars & Stripes process, God used situations that put me outside of my comfort zone to show His provision during my project. I had to go out and ask for help and donations which is very uncomfortable for me, but when I did, God orchestrated it in a much better way than I’d planned or expected.

Mary Moore #797 | NC2015

Julia Darnell #796 | FL0014

Project: Refreshed and reorganized two storage areas to be easily accessible for St. Andrews United Methodist Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Completing my project. The Church’s gratitude and seeing how it helped the Kid’s Ministry function better was very rewarding. Favorite Bible verse: Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” It is my life verse. I picked it to remind myself in stressful or worrisome situations that God is with me.

Project: Built picnic tables, benches and park grills for First Baptist Church of Norfolk

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part of my experience was the sense of accomplishment and wonder after my project was all done.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Make sure that you give yourself a lot of time! Something unexpected might set you back (like a global pandemic!), so make sure you have time to adjust. Communication is super important too, so try to communicate with your benefiting organization super clearly.


Megan Moreau #798 | NY0024

Project: Built standing garden beds for Avon Nursing Home

Identify how God is working in your life: As a Patriot, we worked on the PRAY award. I learned about the people God was able to use. He purposefully set out to find the lost, rejected outcasts and use them for incredible parts of His greater story. He used broken people, just like me.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I think the biggest piece of advice that I would give other candidates is to allow enough time for the entire project.

Hannah Bogs #799 | TX0355

Project: Built a memory garden at St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: God has played the biggest role during my project and that was to keep me going. During my work days on the memory garden, I felt misplaced and in need of guidance at times, but at the end of the day it all worked out thanks to faith in Christ. As Paul tells us in Romans, “All things work together for the good of those who love God” (Romans 8:28, HCSB).

Abigail Songer #801 | TX0641

Gretchen Tschetter #800 | TX0131

Project: Built a food box and closet for Wylie Community Christian Care Center

Future plans: I plan to attend college with a major in History and a minor in Archaeology.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: It was incredibly heartwarming to see how many people, some I didn’t even know, were willing to help me and help those in need. I was reminded how many good people there are in the world. Seeing these people in need reminded me to thank God for everything I have—a nice home, good food, and a loving family.

Project: Built a prayer garden for Lytle South Baptist Church

Future plans: I plan to attend Montana Wilderness School of the Bible.

Identify how God is working in your life: God has shown me that when I seek His will before making my plans, the execution of those plans will run more smoothly than if I rely on my own counsel. I have been striving more and more to follow Him in the plans I set out to accomplish, and this has been a great help in learning to trust God’s plan more than my own doubts and insecurities.


Sadie Clancy #802 | CA0613

Project: Created an inviting, calm space for moms with children to go during church services at Foothills Community Church

Future plans: You can find me at BIOLA University studying Nursing, and also minoring in Spanish! My plans for the later future are open to wherever God leads.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite AHG experience was a fall campout as an Explorer. A leader helped me figure out how to stretch my outdoor cooking skills and build a box oven from carboard, tin foil, tin cans, and coal. I baked pumpkin muffins!

Isabella Gutierrez #803 | NC4445

Project: Built handicap accessible picnic tables for Friendship House & Veggies for Vets

Identify how God is working in your life: God gave me the courage and confidence to do this project. I know that when I walk with God, it may not make things easy, but it makes them possible.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I saw that true leaders keep the end goal in mind and don’t abandon tasks just because things are tough. Mr. Swan exhibited the quality of perseverance that I will be able to take to future projects.

Sadie Dibb #804 | NC0957

Project: Built donation boxes for Village Foster Care

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: AHG has shown me how to have compassion for others, even people I have never met. I am happy I was able to make an indirect difference in the lives of foster children in my community and advance the mission of Village Foster. My Stars & Stripes project is the final piece of my AHG journey and I am very proud of myself for completing it.

Mackenzie Marsh #805 | OH2004

Project: Built wooden backdrops to use for horse adoptions for Fighting Chance Rescue

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Ever since I joined AHG in second grade, I have dreamed of becoming a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient. Throughout my AHG experience, I have had the opportunity to help other girls work towards their Stars & Stripes. Each time someone was presented their award, I just remember thinking to myself that that was going to be me someday.

Identify how God is working in your life: I have grown in my faith and have found the one thing I need to do is to write in my prayer journal and just give it all to God.


Alexandria Phillips #806 | VA2345

Project: Updated fencing and built a Free Library for Treasure Island Park

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: During my project, I felt like I served God by serving my community. I was able to spend time with my family and friends as I worked on my project. I learned I can count on them when I need help. A person must be very compassionate, helpful, and patient to do any community service project this large. It takes commitment and perseverance to stay committed when things become difficult.

Olivia Sampson #807 | TX1248

Project: Created a literacy art room for Project Joy & Hope

Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 12:1-2 says to run your race (life), whether you are at a high or low point, with perseverance looking to Jesus. When I feel like giving up, I remember this verse and God’s promise to me, that whatever I am facing in life, I can give it my all and ask for His help.

Future plans: I plan on joining the US Air Force and earning a degree in Education.

Abigail Fields #808 | AL0125

Project: Created a garden area and updated landscaping for the city of Millbrook, AL

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Be brave and flexible. Primarily you need the bravery to talk with strangers and ask others for help. Flexibility also is definitely essential because a person cannot control everything. When my project went in an unexpected way, or people, myself, or others made mistakes, so long as I stayed calm and flexible, I was able to see God at work.

Adina Baer #809 | VA0711

Project: Built a retaining wall at Camp Highroad

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: This project was a test of faith. There were many difficult times in which I wanted to give up. I would do the project because I saw how much of a blessing it would be, but I was not sure if I could get my Stars & Stripes Award. I felt as though God was pushing me to finish the race, but it does not mean He was going to make it easy for me. My relationship with God grew during this entire experience.


Maya Lofgren #810 | ND0316

Project: Built 28 bee houses for Extension Master Gardener Program

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Start as early as possible and keep on it. Not everything is going to go the way it was planned, but that’s alright. What matters most is that you work diligently, find a way around the problems, and keep pushing through.

Identify how God is working in your life: I grew spiritually from this experience by recognizing times when I could tell that God’s hand was on this project. I do believe that God provided the quick solutions I found to the various obstacles encountered throughout this process. I am very grateful for all of the support, especially the prayer support I received throughout this project from my friends, family, and Stars & Stripes Mentor.

Catherine Fleming #811 | MA0716

Project: Installed native wildlife gardens for urban churches in the Diocese of Worcester

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: The Lord has blessed me so richly through AHG. I have learned life skills through badges and programs, participated in countless hours of service with my Troop, and experienced amazing indoor and outdoor adventures. But the blessing I cherish most, at the end of the day, is the community with which AHG has supplied me. The girls I have met through my Troop are still some of my closest friends, and to this day I love laughing, praying, and going on adventures with them.

Elizabeth Stevens #812 | TX0334

Project: Wrote, directed, and performed puppet Bible classes for kids for Black Hills Church of Christ

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has helped me learn and experience things that I probably would not have if I had not joined. Since I have joined AHG, I have been on campouts, learned about Christ-like leadership, and whittled a spoon (one of my favorite things I’ve done). I would have missed out on all these things and so many more if I had not joined AHG, and I greatly appreciate all the experiences.

Katie Green #813 | CA0356

Project: Created a Biblical timeline for classrooms at Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned that good leaders have to be flexible as things come up, take charge, and try new ideas if things are not working. As a leader, I learned I needed to adapt better, and I believe I did that towards the end. The biggest thing I have learned about my leadership skills is that I need to become better at taking advice and constructive criticism from others. It is hard to sometimes look at it from a different angle, but I can continue to work on it.


Kaitlyn Matlock #814 | IN2324

Project: Built a fire pit and benches for the staff, students, and other groups at Legacy Christian School

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I saw many new girls in my Troop fall in love with service while working on my project.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Find a project that lies in an area about which you are passionate. If you have a project that you would work on, even if there was no prospect of getting an award, you will gain a deeper appreciation seeing your project come together.

Jennifer Burtis #815 | MN0521

Project: Built a mobile shed for Rachel’s Light

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memories are the camping trips and forming friendships with the other girls through these experiences.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience during the Stars & Stripes Award process was seeing the impact on the community and how grateful everyone was.

Anna Chappell #817 | PA3031

Jane Gorman #816 | MD0714

Project: Created a prayer garden for Gabriel Network Maternity Home

Future plans: I plan to attend college in a medical field.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Over the past three years, AHG has given me numerous opportunities to learn and grow as a leader, as a child of God, and as a woman of integrity. I’ve grown as a leader through being Squad Lead and Flag Ceremony Leader and through unofficial leadership roles like being one of the more experienced campers in my Troop.

Project: Built a fire pit, five wooden benches, and a woodshed for New Hope Church

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: My biggest challenge was pushing forward even when I felt like giving up. Having the support of those around me helped a lot.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part of my experience was growing in my leadership skills and bonding with those I had the pleasure of working with on my project.


Eleanor Hébert #818 | TX1613

Project: Created an ESL Virtual Tutoring Program for Allen Public Library

Advice for Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: To work diligently, to be proactive, and to keep the end goal in mind, maintaining a sense of purpose for undertaking the project.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I believe I understand the AHG Mission Statement, Oath, and Creed in a deeper way after completing this demanding project. “Women of integrity” share common purpose and drive and demonstrate themselves to be dependable, assertive, and committed. Completing this project challenged me to stretch myself and grow closer to that woman of integrity I strive to be.

Jaci Burtis #819 | MN0521

Project: Relandscaped the flagpole area and built a storage box for Owatonna Gun Club

Future plans: I plan on going to Basic Training for the Army National Guard next summer and fall, and then going to college after that to get a Bachelor’s Degree.

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was trying to find volunteers. To overcome this challenge, I reached out to the sports teams I am on, the CrossCountry Team, and the Clay Target Team that shoots at the club.

Zoe Macintyre #820 | TB0001

Project: Created a promotional video and scrapbook for Hamilton Acres Baptist Church Camp

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Stay organized and plan ahead.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has taught me many things, probably the biggest lesson I’ve gotten from AHG was when I was going through the PRAY God and Life program so I could get my Level Award. My Chaplain gave me a huge project that took me months to complete, but it helped me dive deeper into God’s Word and learn the story behind the feasts and how they related to both the Messiah and the community.

Abigail Bingham #821 | TX0821

Project: Reinforced a section of trail and painted thirteen picnic tables for the Dallas Off-Road Biking Association

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience was the lesson that God is in control that was taught to me multiple times by volunteer shortages and inclement weather.


Grace Trent #822 | VA2345

Project: Painted a mural and provided tote bags for Foster Care of Giles County, VA

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The project has helped me grow in my leadership skills, nurture my creative and organizational skills, and, above all, learn how to work well with others, even in hard times when I may not want to. My hope of what my project would look like when done is what kept me persevering even when I wanted to quit. The Stars & Stripes project has taught me so much about myself, others, and my relationship with Jesus.

Abigail Hoffner #823 | PA0304

Project: Renovated the children’s playground at Grantham Brethren in Christ

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience was getting to see the finished project and knowing that I will be helping the kids of the church I grew up in have, hopefully, as blessed of a childhood as I did.

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” I love this verse because it tells me that I can do anything as long as I do it through Christ.

Lydia Musil #824 | GA1331

Project: Built shelving units and crisis kits for Helping Mamas

Future plans: I hope to become a Pediatric Physical Therapist or Chiropractor.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: God provided a way for me to serve with compassion and kindness in my community reaching His littlest ones while utilizing and developing organizational and project management skills in me. I saw firsthand how God heard my prayers by providing sponsorship for my project as well as giving me the determination and perseverance needed to complete it. I am honored that God allowed me to serve Him through my service to Helping Mamas.

Joanna Joyce #825 | NC0098

Project: Updated playground including new lights for Roseland UMC

Favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This is a comfort to me as I press on toward the future.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Come up with a plan that encompasses God’s mission and then I encourage you to stick with it, until you see the lasting results. God has a plan for you and these values will show if you put in the work and have faith in Him.


Lara Boné #826 | WV0082

Project: Built a stone fire pit for St. James the Greater Catholic Church

Future plans: I plan to attend college and work on a degree in Health Promotion or Exercise Science.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG brought so many memories that I will forever hold on to. I have been with my Troop for 11 years, and I have made many friends that I know will be with me for a long time after this. Something I loved about AHG was the connectedness of it. Going into college, I am confident what I have learned in AHG will help me bring charity to my school community and participate in activities with readiness and initiative.

Della Spencer #827 | NC0103

Project: Replaced the accessibility ramp that leads to the Pioneer Cabin at Camp Carefree

Future plans: I would like to double major in Biology and Chemistry, with the hopes of getting into medical school. After medical school, I would like to go to school to become a Forensic Pathologist.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Start the process as early as possible, and don’t be afraid to take your time.

Sara Giessler #828 | WV0802

Project: Created a sensory room for those with special needs at Stepping Stones

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Do it! It’s a rare and special opportunity to do something meaningful to serve your community, which is also serving God.

Identify how God is working in your life: I grew spiritually from this experience because it enforced the belief that when God is at work, anything is possible. He guided me and blessed me throughout this entire project. Even when things seemed stressful, they fell into place, and I knew that they would, because He is great.

Qiliana Garcia #829 | AZ0015

Project: Created Stations of the Cross for St. Gabriel Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I never knew I could be a part of something that I imagined and then brought to life. My advice to anyone pursuing something as big as a Stars & Stripes Award project would be to never lose trust in God nor your determination. With these two attributes, you can face those challenges and succeed in any goal you set.


Kyleigh Horne #830 | IN2324

Project: Created a memorial prayer garden for Life Choices Care Center

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The conversations with some of the people in the city who were impacted by this project were rewarding. They had previously lost a baby and this project meant so much to them. It made me realize how impactful this garden would be for others.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I enjoyed the moments we just got to share, laugh, and hang out. Friendship is irreplaceable.

Lisa Dees #831 | NC0834

Project: Added a prayer walk and upgraded the playground at Calvary Chapel of Red Oak

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience was seeing the look on the kids’ faces once they saw the playground, and hearing about how everyone loved the prayer walk.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to not procrastinate and to focus on one step at a time.

Josephine Dierking #833 | NC0138

Jenna Boewe #832 | IN0208

Project: Renovated outside area of eagle enclosure for Utopia Wildlife Rehabilitators

Future plans: I plan to attend college and study Animal Science.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned that leadership requires planning, communication, and compassion. It takes hard work to be a good leader someone would be willing to follow. I also learned that when you are giving service to your community, you are also impacting your family and serving God, as well. These items are very directly related to the AHG Mission and Creed.

Project: Built an outdoor garden area for children and adults to socialize and serve at Central Triad Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Going on my first mission trip; I grew closer to Christ and my friends while serving so many different people.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Pray, pray, pray! This project takes a lot of work, a lot more than I thought. It is so very worth it though. You will receive so many benefits from your efforts as long as you work hard, pray, hope, and don’t worry.


Sierra Ellemberger #834 | AK1130

Project: Renovated two campsites at the Eagle River Nature Center

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Building and sleeping in Quinzhees (a pile of packed snow that is then dug out at the center) at a winter camp one year. We slept in sleeping bags with hot water bottles. Due to the fact that it was below 0 degrees outside, we eventually went back to the cabins early in the morning.

Share what you have been up to since earning the Stars & Stripes Award: I am getting ready to go on a trekking trip in Nepal.

Anjelita Fe De Hoyos #835 | TX0131

Project: Created an educational curriculum with activities about vultures and other raptors for Blackland Prairie Raptor Center

Future plans: I plan to attend community college for two years and then transfer to a major university and get a wildlife-related degree.

Favorite Bible verse: “Above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23 NIV). This is one of my favorite Bible verses because it reminds me of something my Abuelita told me once. She said to “Keep smiling; it’s good for your heart and with a happy heart you can show God’s love.”

Micah Barkley #837 | TX0413

Emiliana Bohrer #836 | OH3124

Project: Built a garden area for teaching at Butler Tech Natural Science Center

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I have made many friends because of AHG. I met some of my best friends through GRACE Camp and the Pen Pal Program. I have an adventurous spirit that I know AHG helped me find through primitive camping, backpacking, badges, etc. AHG gave me a place to belong and a place where I could be me. It has presented me with many challenges and taught me that I could meet challenges like girl leadership, planning and running events, and now completing something as significant as this Stars & Stripes Award.

Project: Built a message board system and flower beds for New Braunfels Family Life Center

Identify how God is working in your life: I have always been a writer, had a way with words, and I have devoured words since I was very young. I was 8 when I first published a trio of poems in a kid’s magazine and published my first book at 16. That book came from God. He inspires me with stories through my dreams, and He gave me the story for my book when I was 14.


Lilliana Herrera #838 | KS2020

Project: Built picnic tables, large outdoor games, and a little library for Veterans Community Project

Identify how God is working in your life: Every time I feel like something is impossible, He provides. I look forward to continuing to grow in this relationship in the future, as I explore different career paths.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Overpreparing lists and charts will make projects easier. It is amazing how far a word of encouragement or high-five will go to boost everyone’s morale. Also, always smile!

Maggie Kilman #839 | CO8909

Project: Rebuilt gardens, mulched, and planted bushes for Castle Rock Community Garden

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: This project has taught me how important the AHG Mission is. It has shown me just how important it is to serve the community. In so many ways, American Heritage Girls has changed my life. I have been in American Heritage Girls for roughly nine years. In that time, I have learned how to serve others and become a better leader, helping the world around me.

Cathryn Wisely #840 | TX0226

Project: Built mini resource libraries for the STEM program at Voice of Hope Ministry

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned the importance of perseverance in my work. If I had given up when it became hard, I would not have been able to accomplish the project. I also realized the significance of responsibility when I was asking for donations, especially from companies. If I needed a donation, it was my obligation to ask for it and follow up. If I failed to do so, I would also fail to receive what I requested.

Laura Kemerer #841 | IN2324

Project: Renovated youth space at Trinity Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My time as an American Heritage Girl has made my life more purposeful. Instead of solely absorbing myself in my own pursuits and interests, I learned to look for the needs of others and do my best to have a heart for service and be full of compassion. I also have many practical skills that many girls my age do not. I can start a fire, repair a clogged sink, and make a realistic budget. I know how to take charge when needed and when to step back and support others.


Hannah Rickenberg #842 | FL2511

Project: Re-landscaped the front property of Trinity Downtown Lutheran Church

Favorite Bible verse: I love the whole Bible so much; I don’t have one specific favorite Bible verse. However, what I call “my Stars & Stripes verse” is James 1:5. This verse comforted me continually reminding me that when I just don’t know, God does. I don’t have to figure things out on my own or have all the answers because God does. I can be confident that He will freely and generously give His wisdom to me when I ask in faith.

Share what you have been up to since earning the Stars & Stripes Award: I have been serving my young Troop as a LIT (Leader in Training) in the Explorer Unit, working on my dual enrollment classes, and planning for future college.

Amanda Edwards #843 | NY4813

Project: Built a patio with a centered fire pit for Trinity Lutheran Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Just being able to try new things and hang out with friends. Especially camping and any other outdoor activities!

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is to always be in prayer with God if you feel unsure about anything.

Emily Chacon #844 | OK0412

Project: Renovated the Green Room for Clark Youth Theatre

Future plans: I plan to attend college and become a Mental Health Therapist.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Even before fully committing to the award, I have had the blessing of feeling the Lord’s hand in this so strongly. When it came time to decide on a project, I decided on a completely different project and benefiting organization than the one I ended up doing. All throughout the research and preliminary planning for that project, I felt God telling me my project was meant to be done for Clark Youth Theatre.

Eva Shahid #845 | SC1318

Project: Built a pergola with sensory toys, cleaned up the playground, and added stepping stones for St. John’s Catholic School

Future plans: I plan to attend Ave Maria University in FL. I wish to major in Biology, and God-willing, become a Pediatrician. Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The principal of St. John’s emailed me and told me her teacher cried at the first viewing of my project. It was a heartfelt moment for me to know my project was affecting the people at St. John’s so much.


Isabella Grandinetti #846 | MO3565

Project: Created an organizational system for Republic Pregnancy Care Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to start working on the initial paperwork as early as possible. I would also advise them to not get stressed out about things and to trust the process. Going over plans several times also would be helpful.

Future plans: I plan to attend college and study Wildlife and Conservation Management.

Essie La Tour #847 | AR1815

Project: Installed five hammock poles for Fayetteville Parks and Recreation

Identify how God is working in your life: He is teaching me how to sacrifice some of my busy life to honor Him. Also, God gives me more opportunities to prioritize Him.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would tell candidates to be ready and open to be molded by God through this process and take Him with you in prayer at all times.

Catherine Perzinski #848 | CO0317

Project: Built a vegetable & flower garden for Marisol Health Clinic Denver

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to stay on top of everything and do not procrastinate. It is easy to forget when you have multiple other things going on.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I think what stood out the most was having the ability to serve my community because I wanted to help show people that life is precious. Perseverance, being Compassionate, and wanting to be Helpful to Marisol were my growth spots.

Hannah Barker #849 | MO4610

Project: Cleaned, redefined, and beautified a walking trail for Pulaski Baptist Association Camp

Identify how God is working in your life: To this day, I am still learning and growing by reading God’s Word, praying, and asking questions. I am trying to be more like Christ and follow God’s plan for me.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: “Cherish my family” became real for me during the summer and fall of 2021. All of my immediate family came together to help me work on this project. They provided a lot of the physical labor and support that I needed to complete this task.


Juliette Lang #850 | TX0138

Project: Built wooden street signs with raised garden beds, drew a digital map of the campus, and named the St. Joseph Catholic Church’s streets and parking lots after Saints

Future plans: I plan to attend college (I am not sure where yet!), apply to veterinary school, and open my own veterinary clinic. That being said, I will see where God’s will take me as I finish high school and start college!

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memories were when I went to summer camp! I loved all the activities and badges that I got to do (especially archery and canoeing!).

Rachel Frantz #851 | GA2007

Project: Created a workstation area for parents at Ronald McDonald House

Identify how God is working in your life: I feel that right now God is calling me to draw closer to Him. Lately, I have been focusing more on the academic side of learning about God and the Bible, and now He is turning my focus back to growing deeper in my relationship with Him.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to remember that the important thing is that they are serving others as Jesus calls us to.

Allysa Welling #852 | OH3130

Project: Built twenty birdhouses for Joyce Park Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for future candidates would be to remember to have fun and remember that this project is instilling great leadership and management skills that will help you greatly in the future. I would also recommend doing nothing last minute and not procrastinating. I would remind them that they should not be afraid to ask for help and not worry about asking “dumb” questions.

Victoria Teague #853 | NC0512

Project: Built a patio and firepit for First Presbyterian Church

Identify how God is working in your life: At first, I had no clue what I was going to do. I was stressing out about how to plan my project and every detail. I was listening to the radio, and it said have courage and do not wait or you will regret things. So, I prayed about it and God helped me with what I asked for. So many times, I wanted to give up and say “I am sorry I cannot do this,” but God helped with that.


Elizabeth Ulbricht #854 | MO5160

Project: Built shelves and re-organized storage for Strong Tower Ranch

Future plans: I plan to attend college and study Equine Rehabilitation.

Identify how God is working in your life: Spiritual gifts are uniquely given by God to us. He wants us to use them to help guide more people to Him. I believe God has given me the spiritual gifts of intuition and service, and I feel as if he is slowly feeding the gift of leadership into my life. I have clearly seen growth in that gift during my Stars & Stripes project.

Abigail Mitchem #855 | VA2345

Project: Refurbished tennis courts and built benches for Giles High School

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned to persevere during this project when things became difficult. There were many times I wanted to quit but knew that persevering to the end was more important. During this process, I learned to be patient. It was hard for me to wait for approval from supervisors. Trustworthiness, honesty, and helpfulness are as important as the project is completed. This project benefited the high school since the work improved something used by many individuals.

Sophie White #857 | TX1508

Katherine Heaton #856 | ID0334

Project: Created a Holy Family mural for St. Paul’s Catholic School

Future plans: My future plans are to complete a business degree and start a faith-based helpline for those in need of hope.

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: It’s almost a guarantee that the project will be stressful, and many individuals will try your patience, but it will be worth it if you stick to it. Spiritually, I found that helping others out and being creative has opened new doors. I found that utilizing the qualities of respect and resourcefulness has always helped me with the challenges faced during this adventure.

Project: Built three odor walls for Arlington Police Dept. K-9 unit

Future plans: My future plans are to have a career in Law Enforcement.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: As a result of my project, I gathered a better understanding of myself and my strengths in leading others. I can better tackle large obstacles and guide others to success as well. I also gathered a better understanding of the AHG Mission in building integrity through service to the community.


Xe’Nedra Willard #858 | TX2912

Project: Built a covered pavilion with seating & tables for Greenbriar School & Community

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: AHG’s Creed, Oath, and Mission were very useful in this project. During this process, I have learned and fully understood what it means to be resourceful when things do not go as planned. I am so happy that I had God, all of my friends, and my family to love and support me throughout this massive journey of growth and self-improvement. I will never regret this choice.

Lydia Hansen #859 | VA4789

Project: Constructed eight garden beds for Love Thy Neighbor Food Pantry

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award

Candidates: I learned some important lessons from this project. I have heard that some girls had problems getting supervisory hours, so I planned for them each work day. I learned the hard way I needed to gather more funds than I thought I would need to cover unexpected purchases. A couple of people gave unexpected donations right when I needed it, so it did not become too much of an issue. My project took much longer than expected, but I kept a thorough journal.

Haley Searls #860 | MN2931

Project: Created a video & moveable mural for Lake Superior Life Care Center

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Through my years in American Heritage Girls, I have been blessed to meet some of my closest friends. When I was younger, the only friends I had that were girls were my fellow Troop Members. I have also learned about areas of study that I never would have explored on my own (e.g., Astronomy) through badges.

Clara Burgess #861 | TN0516

Project: Built a wheelchair accessible picnic table for the Sensory Garden for the Blind - Lions Club

Future plans: My future plans are to go to Bryan College to major in Biology and become a Chiropractor. Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: Figuring out the details for building the table was my greatest challenge. I overcame this by having faith and talking with trustworthy people who knew what to do. For me, I like figuring out things for myself, so this was a new experience for me and a humbling one.


Madelyne Elbert #862 | CO5280

Project: Rebuilt batting cages for Pomona High School

Identify how God is working in your life: During this experience, I believe God has taught me lessons that will take me far in life. Not only did He work in my life through this project, but I was able to experience the great joys of seeing how His plan works best.

In times of struggle during this project, I would more often than not get frustrated and angry. But once things finally started to progress, I was able to look back and realize everything happened for a reason.

Ciara Woosley #863 | MO3565

Project: Created a wooden bench & plywood cutouts for a rest area for Ozark Greenway Trails

Future plans: My future plans are to attend college in the fall of 2022 to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite experience was being able to attend a weekend camp about learning servant leadership and how to become a better leader, while having fun and meeting new people. I have learned how to be a servant leader, find joy in serving in the community, and have learned about hard work. I have grown closer to God through AHG, and I have loved my time in it.

Riley Bird #864 | CO3130

Project: Built a shed to serve as a chicken coop & storage for Guided Hope

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: American Heritage Girls has made a significant impact on my life by teaching me many things since I joined as a Pathfinder. The leaders in my Troop were well-prepared and insightful in what they taught—whether it be us learning survival skills or people skills. I learned how to use people’s strengths and weaknesses to the advantage of a situation. I was taught how to connect with people in a way that works for both of us.

Emmaleigh Clark #865 | TX5413

Project: Created a pollinator garden for Centerville Elementary School

Future plans: I am currently accepted into a clinical program and want to become a Pediatric Nurse.

Identify how God is working in your life: This experience made me grow closer to God. My trust and faith in God have expanded tremendously. I had to wait and let God work several times throughout this program. The hardest part was putting my trust in God when things went wrong. It was hard, but seeing Him, helped me accomplish my project and has helped me feel more comfortable putting my full trust in God.


Isabella Cameron #867 | OR0001

Project: Constructed a test trap prototype for catching Pacific Lamprey of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is not to panic when something goes wrong with your project. Take a step back, breathe, take some time to pray, put your trust in Jesus, and He will guide you through. He has given me resources and people that I can turn to when I need help. God uses these unexpected hindrances to teach us something valuable. It is important to give everything to God no matter the situation.

Jessica Pacheco #868 | CO4316

Project: Painted & created a mountain mural in classrooms for Spring Community Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Service to God and my community has always been a huge part of my Troop and my AHG experience; however, doing this project on my own—planning, leading, and executing it—gave me a new perspective for serving my community. I definitely experienced many parts of the Creed throughout this project. I grew in Perseverance while finding a project, Responsibility for having to plan and organize the project, and Helpfulness as I wanted to make sure that my project was something that was needed and that was going to help the church.

Morgan Madsen #870 | MN1412

Amber Callon #869 | UT0001

Project: Built a challenge obstacle course for Camp UTIBACA

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: American Heritage Girls has been a part of my life since second grade. It has brought a whole new level of opportunities to me and my family—making things possible that we would never really have thought about or been able to do before. Being in AHG means faith, service, and fun. I think this project brought all three to life! Service, perseverance, resourcefulness, responsibility, and so much more was needed and shown during this project by everyone involved.

Project: Built privacy fencing, painted a mural & organized storage for Terebinth Refuge

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I grew spiritually during this process. It was not super easy and there were a lot of changes that I had to make, so I just needed to trust that if God wanted me to do this, He would make sure I got it done. I needed to have faith that everything was going to work out even when it did not seem like things were going to be finished in time because things did not go how I thought they would. But God gave me the strength to do everything that I needed to through this entire process.


Claire Caton #871 | TX1022

Project: Built raised garden beds and a bench for the Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: The greatest challenge in my project was working through my errored measurements and making sure that the boxes still had the aesthetics I wanted I just needed to take a step back and ask for help instead of getting frustrated.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite experience in AHG was summer camp at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch. This camp was super-hot but awesome! I remember there being water sports such as water skiing, tubing, and rock climbing.

Emma Balentine #872 |TX1221

Project: Updated a room with flooring, paint, furniture & decorations for Mercy House Ministries

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The project was a true reflection of my heart and my goal in life. God truly showed me things about myself through this process. I know I can do hard things and that God can change me to be a completely different person than how I started out. I never would have thought I would transform from a shy little girl who would not say a word to anyone she did not know into a young lady who is not afraid to get up in front of people and lead.

Courtney Goad #873 | MO2005

Project: Built & stained benches for Raintree Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: It’s not as easy as it looks, but it is a very fun learning experience that takes a lot of work. I would recommend having enough helpers for the project, and if girls are doubtful, then I would recommend advertising by reaching out to their church or youth group. I do believe I grew stronger in my faith with this experience. This project taught me patience, planning, and preparation.

Ashley Stivers #874 | TX2928

Project: Created a video studio for House of Charity

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned that living out the qualities listed in the AHG Oath and Creed is not about being perfect all the time—it’s more about trying your best. During the project, there were times that I didn’t inwardly feel like a good example of someone living out the Oath or Creed. I just had to remember that trying my best is all that I can do.


Sarah Cress #875 | MD2540

Project: Created a video of interviews for career and education path options for St. John Francis Regis Catholic Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Simply by its magnitude, the Stars & Stripes Award project tested my responsibility. I was in charge of deadlines, volunteers, paperwork, and bringing this project together. Perseverance and resourcefulness took on new meaning as I confronted challenges and problem-solved. Additionally, during the interviews, l listened to women’s stories. They provided wonderful insight into what it means to be a woman who gives her life in service to her Lord, family, and community.

Madison Staggs #876 | TX1160

Project: Built picnic tables for Lifeline Church

Identify how God is working in your life: He is always working in my life and sometimes it’s hard for me to notice. Lately, I’ve noticed that He has been trying to teach me to know how to budget my time by showing me how little time I have in a day. So, I have been really trying to focus my energy on keeping myself on task.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to future candidates is that they should start this process as early as possible. Preferably, they would be able to get it done before they start their senior year because then, during their senior year, they can focus on college applications.

Marlyn Card #878 | TB2020

Jenna Matula #877 | TX0317

Project: Updated play area & refreshed courtyards for Children’s Safe Harbor

Identify how God is working in your life: During this project, I definitely grew spiritually. I think the biggest thing for me was finding an organization that was receptive to the idea of my project. I felt like this was the project that God had intended for me to do. Because of my many years in AHG, I have developed some great leadership skills, determination, a deeper love for the Lord, and the willingness to do hard things.

Project: Built a playground for Fellowship Baptist Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Be openminded to change, don’t expect things to go as planned, and be patient. I grew closer to the Lord by seeking Him all throughout the months of doing this project and making sure I was following His will. One crucial thing I learned was not to get distracted with doing something that may be easier, but instead, follow the paths God marked out for me to fulfill the purpose of the project.


Emma Crocker #879 | TX0217

Project: Built a picnic table, tree-stump stools, and a garden bed for Percy W. Neblett Elementary School

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part was seeing the joy on the students’ faces and knowing I helped make a difference at this elementary school.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Some advice I would give another candidate would be to always remember to pray and to never give up. Even if it starts to get hard, do not give up because it is worth it to have the satisfaction of knowing you helped and made a difference.

Lauren Dickinson #880 | KS0138

Project: Refurbished dressing rooms for Performing Arts Department at St. Thomas Aquinas

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has given me many skills that I have used and will continue to use in my life. I have learned about different skills used outdoors and even skills like cooking and caring for my house. I have also learned many leadership skills that have helped me both in school and my job. Without this program, I never would have made some of the closest friends I have. Thanks to AHG, I have friends from all around the country and I will always be grateful.

Gianna Troncoso #881 | VA1115

Project: Updated front garden, created signage & painted a rock garden for Sydenstricker Schoolhouse

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memories in AHG were planning Daddy-Daughter events, because it was fun to see the interaction of the girls having fun with their dads. I also enjoyed making friends, AHG is where I met one of my closest friends!

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to take advantage of the time you have and not let it go by, enjoy every moment because this is an amazing opportunity, and don’t stress about it!

Allie Manning #882 | NC1224

Project: Built picnic benches & gaga pit for Church of God Children’s Home

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part was when one of the house parents saw us setting up. She came over to ask what we were doing. We told her we were going to install benches and build a gaga pit. She couldn’t believe it because she had been wanting a gaga ball pit, but the funds, manpower, and time were not available.


Amanda Moran #883 | FL0031

Project: Built four tables & redecorated walls in the youth space at First Baptist Church of Melbourne

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Do not wait until the very last moment to plan a project like this. Give yourself as much time as you need to thoroughly research your organization, contact them, plan the project, implement the planned workdays, and finish with the summaries and reports. Another piece of advice I would give is to enjoy every part of the journey no matter if it may seem hard or stressful at times. This is such a great learning experience that you can consider the rest of your life. Not only will you learn new leadership skills and talents, but you will also grow spiritually.

Catherine Angelo #884 | OH0056

Project: Built a stone grotto for the Daughters of St. Elias at Old St. Mary Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: The AHG Creed values of Helpful, Perseverant, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, and Reverent all came into play and helped me be successful throughout my Stars & Stripes Award process. Service to God and community, as mentioned in the AHG Mission, and similar values in the AHG Oath, are a major part of the Stars & Stripes project. These are all qualities important for a woman of integrity to possess so she can face the world and remain a Daughter of the King.

Annika Schmidt #885 | NC0244

Project: Built two unique compost tumblers for Cary Compost Education Center

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: My biggest challenge was the independence that came from this project and the decision-making which came down to me. I learned to trust in my knowledge and judgment and, more importantly, to trust in the wisdom and planning of God.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to future candidates is to trust in God and to trust in those around you, but to also trust in yourself. No matter what, this will be a learning experience and if this is something you want to do, don’t let a few pesky challenges stop you.

Eden Morris #886 | VT0565

Project: Updated trails for Northfield School

Favorite Bible Verse: Hosea 12:6, ESV says, “So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God.” This verse is something that I meditate on as it has such a deep truth about who God is and who I need to be.

Identify how God is working in your life: He is showing me that His plans are not my plans, what I thought would be the best path was not what God had planned for me.


Katherine Ramsey #887 | OH0226

Project: Created a Rosary Memorial Garden for the Unborn for Queen of Peace Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice that I would give to future candidates is not to give up. I cannot say that it will be easy, because it is not. Be perseverant. In the end, it is totally worth it. Stand up for your ideas, but be humble enough to listen to advice. The Stars & Stripes Award journey is a learning experience. Allow yourself to be open to grow from it.

Elena Rudaitis #888 | FL0147

Project: Created hanging banners for the sanctuary at St. Paul Catholic Church

Future plans: I will be pursuing a degree in Film Production and Directing.

Identify how God is working in your life: God was present in many small and large ways throughout the procedure. Some smaller ways were when I received funds so quickly, when I was able to use a larger trailer twice, and when a friend let me use a bigger canopy for the workdays. The biggest moment was when He showed Himself to me while I was delivering the racks to the Jensen Beach location. Seeing the family excited about the bike racks made me realize how many people these bike racks would impact.

Sophia G. #889 | HI0001

Project: Created a video to bring awareness of religious life for Diocese of Hawaii

Most rewarding experience during the Stars & Stripes Award process: I made the video in order to showcase the life of service by the women religious communities in Hawaii. Spending time and getting to know these individuals has fostered a new appreciation for the service of others. Many people are living their lives just to serve others and it can sometimes be easy to overlook that.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make mistakes.

Shannon Meuter #890 | FL2545

Project: Built five wooden bike racks for Savannas Preserve State Park

Most rewarding experience during the Stars & Stripes Award process: When God showed Himself to me as I was delivering the racks to the Jensen Beach location. Seeing the family excited about the bike racks made me realize how many people these bike racks would impact.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is to be patient, plan ahead for possible problems, double check everything, and don’t be afraid to ask others for advice.


Elisa Williams #891 | TN0131

Project: Built an arts & craft table with a sensory board for Isaiah 117 House

Future plans: My future plans are to attend college.

Identify how God is working in your life: Ever since I can remember, I have had a relationship with God. I grew up in the church and was surrounded and influenced by people who were dedicated to the church. I had the opportunity to volunteer in the children’s church. I started to feel a connection with the kids and I could feel the Lord working through me. Through the difficult times in my life, I have always known that I can turn to the Lord to help see me through and give me purpose.

Tatyana Hobbs #892 | IN2324

Project: Created a pollinator garden and conservation kits for Legacy Christian School

Identify how God is working in your life: I have definitely grown spiritually from this experience. I have developed a boldness in my faith. My family has often shared little events where God met needs. But during this project, almost daily I saw how He helped with paperwork and fundraising; how store managers couldn’t wait to donate things; and how volunteer workers materialized. He even provided opportunities for me to speak about some of His little miracles with secular groups. I saw how God was in control.

Clara Hughes #893 | MI0214

Project: Created a rosary garden for St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Future plans: My future plans are to attend a trade school or community college in Culinary Arts.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: American Heritage Girls has had a huge impact on my life. I think that the person I am today is very different than I would have been if I had never joined AHG, or if I had left early on. I learned leadership skills, and I am a lot more comfortable taking the lead than I was a few years back.

Hannah Young #894 | CO2118

Project: Created a bound book with photos and journal records for Congregation Roeh Israel

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Through this fun, crazy, and stressful experience, I learned so much about my faith and just letting God work through me. I always want to be in control of every aspect of my life and have a set plan for my everyday life. However, through this process, I learned very quickly that that will never happen. This taught me to just have fun with it and when my plans change to not freak out but just take time to think and pray about how I can adapt to the situation.


Lilly Ehlig #895 | OR4519

Project: Built a mud kitchen, six wheelbarrows, and a multisensory area for Rogue Valley YMCA

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned to go with the flow and listen to my peers and be okay with asking questions when I didn’t know what to do. I learned to delegate better and be ok with not doing everything the way I had originally planned. The most important thing that I learned was that my plan and God’s plan are not always the same. When things aren’t going as planned, trust God and keep moving forward.

Emma Workmaster #896 | VA0681

Project: Moved invasive plants from a creek area and planted new trees and shrubs for Fall Church Scouting Association Building

Future plans: I plan to participate in an ROTC program and study Mechanical Engineering.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My time in AHG has created some of the happiest, most fulfilling, and spiritual memories of my life. Camping, badge work, and service projects have been a major influence in the way I interact with other people. AHG has helped me connect to girls who share my faith and see the value in serving the community without expecting anything in return.

Abigail Kilanowski #897 | MN1412

Project: Converted a closet into a library with a Narnia theme for Calvary Classical Academy

Identify how God is working in your life: I think I grew spiritually through this experience. So much of the process was uncertain and out of my control. I had to rely on others and, ultimately, on God to provide. I had to trust that He would provide funds, volunteers, leaders, good weather, and a smooth process. As someone who likes to be in control of situations, especially when things are uncertain, this was a difficult task. But God kept providing, which gave me peace that it would all work out.

Mary Heitkemper #898 | KY1031

Project: Built Lego models for the Louisville Astronomical Society

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: When I was homeschooled for five years, AHG was my main peer group, and, as such, influenced everything about me, from speech to hobbies to skills, and of course, values. AHG has given me a systematic list of things to look up to and values to incorporate into my lifestyle. The organization has also given me a love for the outdoors, some skill in too many art mediums to count, and close friends to cherish.


Lisa Kelley #899 | TX1325

Project: Built a custom organizational cabinet for Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN)

Identify how God is working in your life: I believe that I did grow spiritually from this experience. The fact that my project involved so much woodworking meant that I was frequently reminded of Jesus because He was a carpenter. Learning how to build things out of wood made me feel closer to Him. I also had to learn to trust that God would make it all work out in the end according to His plan.

Skylar Arnold #900 | NC1224

Project: Created a multi-ability sensory plan area for Wings of Eagles Ranch

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I have learned valuable leadership skills while working on and earning all the Level Awards, but these have all been expanded exponentially through the Stars & Stripes Award process. Holding a Girl Leadership Position has allowed me the opportunity to get to know girls of all ages throughout my Troop, create meaningful bonds with them, and give them a positive role model to emulate.

Audrey Cox #901 | TX6122

Project: Built donation boxes, yard cleanup, and a clothing drive for Stepping Stones Foundation

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I have learned that I still struggle with asking for things and being honest about problems. I want to believe in the bestcase scenario and hope that when it comes down to it, I can just pull through it. Through this project, I have learned that it is not weakness or incompetency to use your resources and ask for help. I believe I am taking steps to grow from this fault.

Abigail Driesner #902 | IL0516

Project: Built four concrete pads and table seating for the Christian Center

Identify how God is working in your life: I learned to trust God more over the course of this project, especially when it came to worrying about bad weather on days when we wanted to get work done. The Lord was gracious to provide what we needed when we needed it. God provided when we prayed for dry weather on the day we poured concrete. He made a way for us to get a donation of cardboard for painting when we needed it. Last but certainly not least, God kept us all safe throughout the whole project, a fact for which I am incredibly grateful.


Abigail Weber #903 | IL0516

Project: Constructed three carnival games for Cornerstone Baptist Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The project helped me realize the importance of service to God and to your community both of which are stressed in the AHG Mission and Oath. Service to my church is service to God. While serving my church with new carnival games, I helped enable my church to serve the community. The carnival games will be fun for youth and adults and provide an opportunity for the church to minister to the community.

Danielle Leverett #904 | TX0228

Project: Built three wooden donation boxes for Gracebridge Outreach

Identify how God is working in your life: One way I specifically grew through the project was trusting God through prayer. Leading up to building days, I would pray, and ask my friends to pray with me so that it would be productive and go smoothly. I also prayed that God would give me wisdom and patience to instruct and manage the volunteers. When something went wrong during the build days, I would pray in my head that He would give me peace and I wouldn’t get upset that everything wasn’t going according to my plan. Throughout the whole process, I had to continually remind myself that the result was up to Him despite my preparation.

Eliana Locke #905 | TX0297

Project: Built four welcome signs for Chico, Texas

Identify how God is working in your life: I found Scriptures that helped with different things I was going through. He has gotten me through losses, sadness, and obstacles and blessed me with victories, joy, and love from my wonderful family and friends. He put AHG into my life so I could learn and grow in His light. I know I am forever changed for the better because I have been able to live a life filled with Christian people who illuminate God’s great work.

Elizabeth Schussman #906 | CA0319

Project: Created an explanatory exhibit for the Cross of Matara for Our Lady of Peace Church

Identify how God is working in your life: I learned to trust that God would take care of what I could not. I grew in my work ethic. I also grew in humility during the experience. Before the project, I had a problem with pride. So, when I made mistakes, I became upset because my pride had been hurt. But once I began to grow in humility, the mistakes I made no longer upset me so much because I no longer had any pride to hurt.


Caroline Crotts #907 | NC2911

Project: Updated the library at Center United Methodist Church

Future plans: I plan to attend college and study Forensic Science.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Plans are going to change and dates might get rescheduled, but I encourage candidates to have a timeline and goals and stick with them. I struggled with that, especially when my project went months past its anticipated timeline. Mostly, keep an open mind and be flexible.

Cassandra Kennedy #908 | MI3498

Project: Built three Little Libraries for residents at the St. Louis Center

Identify how God is working in your life: I think that this project was one of the first times I needed to consistently pray for so many different aspects of the same goal. This helped me to learn that it is not selfish to pray longer for personal help than for the needs of others. This really helped me feel like I could bring more of my problems to God. I think that I couldn’t have done it without my mentors, my parents, and most importantly God’s help.

Madison Campbell #909 | IN2004

Project: Purchased, organized, and packaged household supplies for four apartments for Lifeline Ministries

Identify how God is working in your life: I grew spiritually from this experience, I trust God more, and I will always remember to seek wise counsel. A revelation I had during this experience about the meaning of the AHG Mission, is that a woman of integrity always trusts God and seeks wise counsel.

Hannah Madsen #910 | MO2005

Project: Created six sewing workshops for Dayspring Arts & Education Program

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Start fundraising early and don’t underestimate the amount of time fundraising may take. I was blessed that my benefiting organization had money budgeted for this project, which allowed me to take my time with fundraising as we went along, but with some organizations, you may not have that luxury. I would also advise candidates to make sure they know the skill level of volunteers ahead of time because work flows much easier and faster when you can give assignments ahead of time.


Autumn Kotrba #911 | ND0316

Project: Built a gaga pit (game structure) for Holy Spirit Catholic Church & School

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned throughout this project that while I am a natural leader, I also need support from others when doing much grander things. There were times throughout this project when it was hard to see it successfully working out because of challenges like unexpected weather. I learned that I am stronger than I thought, and that people look up to me as a leader.

Claire Summerlin #912 | MS0220

Project: Built 35 wooden parking lot barriers for Hickory Ridge Baptist Church

Future plans: I plan to attend college in a medical field of study.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Throughout the five years I have been in American Heritage Girls, I have learned so much about how to love Christ, others, and myself. AHG leaders have shown me how we should love and care for others by showing it to me. They have always provided a loving and welcoming environment to every girl that has been in the program. By leading by example, AHG leaders and the other girls have shown me how a kind gesture can significantly impact a person’s life.

Amelia Powers #913 | TX0334

Project: Built a library for Salvation Army Shelter

Favorite Bible Verse: Esther 4:14, NIV says, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place... And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”

Identify how God is working in your life: I grew spiritually through this experience. Completing a project this large has helped grow my faith and made me rely more on God for help with things that are out of my control. I have also been praying more often.

Claire Lewis #914 | NV0323

Project: Provided vestments, altar linens, and room re-do for St. Martin’s Anglican Church

Identify how God is working in your life: I really felt my faith grow closer to God over the years. It truly went from me not knowing what or why I believed, to me having faith in Him, to now knowing why I believe. I also learned how to trust that He has a greater plan in store than just the project I was doing. His plan involved more than just me completing a youth room or just making vestments for the church. It was about reaching people in the community.


Jordyn Wilson #915 | VA1412

Project: Built shelving unit for veterans with disabilities for END22

Future plans: I plan to become a Missionary.

Identify how God is working in your life: I know that God has prepared me to be a servant to others by putting me into American Heritage Girls. I have had countless opportunities for community service that I would not have had otherwise. God has been working in my life and shaping my heart for mission work long before I ever considered being a missionary. It’s awesome to see how God calls and prepares us for something we’re not even considering.

Mary Kathryn Dunbar #916 | TX2928

Project: Constructed 12 benches for the amphitheater at Camp Valor

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Use your communication skills. It is important to keep in close contact with your mentor and with the beneficiary so that everyone is on the same page. It is also important to be in communication with God in prayer throughout the project. Choose a project that you are deeply passionate about that fills a need in your community. This project was important to me because it spreads the Gospel by centering the amphitheater around the cross.

Emilyn Shortridge #917 | MI0413

Project: Constructed a pergola for Plymouth Township Brentwood Park

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: This project is in fulfillment of several aspects of AHG’s Oath and Creed. The Oath says to “serve in my community,” which has been the goal of the project from the beginning. Implementing this has helped me to understand more about being Helpful to my community, Loyal to my original goals, Perseverant through tribulation, Resourceful with materials and costs, Respectful to all the people who have helped in the project, and Responsible with my duties as a Stars & Stripes Candidate.

Abigail Esh #918 | MD0134

Project: Prayer Garden for St. Joseph Carrolton Manor Roman Catholic Church

Most challenging part of your Stars & Stripes Award process: There were times during the procedure when I encountered difficulties, and I felt both frustrated and discouraged as I tried to overcome them. However, as I completed my project, I realized that I needed to put my faith in God and trust that He has a plan for everything. It was extremely difficult not to worry about all the little details and just have faith, although I did still worry, I realized that praying can help alleviate my nerves. The award procedure helped me to learn to trust in God through all things.


Katherine Stace #919 | TN4031

Project: Updated children’s playground for Southpoint Community Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I learned the meaning of perseverance and resourcefulness. I had to work very hard, even when I didn’t want to because I was tired, or I had to skip something else to work on my project. I also had to be resourceful on the fly; sometimes an idea would look great on paper, but it just wouldn’t work in practice. I sometimes had to come up with a quick fix or ask other people for their ideas, and lots of people had so many good ideas.

Lianna Tidwell #920 | TX1516

Project: Built a dog agility course for Safe in Austin Organization

Identify how God is working in your life: I did grow spiritually from this experience because I learned to trust more in God as He leads you to great things. It took a lot of trust to get through this project, so I am thankful God was with me through every part of this process. Completing this project has given me a sense of accomplishment and I feel like I have positively impacted a lot of people.

Rebekah Libby #922 | CA0222

Rachel Davis #921 | KS1111

Project: Painted a Kansas Map on the basketball play area and built picnic tables for Rainbow United

Future plans: I plan to attend college in the field of Dentistry.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I didn’t initially realize how far back my Stars & Stripes Award journey went. After completing my Final Award Submission, I realized that my entire time in AHG has been connected to it, in small ways. Whether it was as simple as participating in a flag ceremony or something a bit larger, such as going on a campout or completing a badge; it all is related to this award in one way or another.

Project: Built four garden boxes and planted bushes for First Christian Church

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: American Heritage Girls has impacted me by gifting me with skills that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise and by providing me with opportunities to visit new and exciting places with other people. To be recognized as a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient would mean that I have proved to myself that I can achieve much more than I previously believed possible and that I can overcome more challenges than I thought. It would mean that now I truly understand what it means to be perseverant.


Arianna Dalton #923 | TX4214

Project: Created a music and art therapy room for Houston Ronald McDonald House

Future plans: I plan to attend college and study Adolescent Psychology.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Don’t give up when things get overwhelming or hard. This is a big commitment and a big responsibility. You’re taking on a project that will make a difference in the world and will continue making a difference after you are finished and not directly involved. It is worth the hard work. Write down everything; everything that goes right and everything that goes wrong. This helps when writing your final paperwork.

Tre’Ana Zuniga #925 | TX2912

Project: Built a mobile closet for Sergeant Major’s Place

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I showed leadership through problem-solving, ability to teach, and being respectful.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: American Heritage Girls has been a huge part of my life. I was able to build relationships, make memories, learn new skills, build a relationship with God, and get real-life experiences. Through the years, I have learned how to be responsible and patient.

Caroline Duggan #926 | TX0838

Project: Created a Station of the Cross for All Saints Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I learned to thoroughly outline and organize every detail of a large project. I also learned to plan out each job and how to assign particular jobs or tools. The most important thing that I learned is that even if a job seems like it will not take long, it will. In the future, I will give myself way more time than I planned. I would also strongly suggest to over-plan for your budget and give yourself lots of extra time for each step.


Project Highlights


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