Stars & Stripes Salute 2022-2023

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Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 2022-2023 Stars & Stripes Salute, an annual publication that honors the AHG Program Year’s most prestigious award recipients.

Each recipient has cited God’s faithfulness during their journey as well as their need to persevere and deal with adversity. These girls are the hope of the future. They have learned to look at problems as opportunities and they have risen above their circumstances to accomplish great things in His name.

The Stars & Stripes Award teaches girls perseverance, self-respect, and a strong feeling of satisfaction. The goal of the Stars & Stripes Award is the experience and the realization of the servant’s heart that is needed to lead with integrity and humility. The award procedure and project blesses a candidate’s community and develops her skills in organization, communication, time management, and project management.

To learn more about the award requirements, visit

The Stars & Stripes Award is not for the faint of heart. It flexes each girl’s leadership muscle, and by the close of their journey, they have demonstrated an ability to identify a cause for which they have passion. They have managed a large project, recruited volunteers to serve in their cause, publicized the need, raised necessary funds for their project, documented their journey, participated in a Board of Review, earned 16 high-level badges, served in a leadership position in their Troop, compiled a current resume, and reflected on the impact of AHG on their life and the growth of their spiritual walk during those years. The skills acquired during their lengthy journey are sure to buoy them through their adult years.

Attention to detail and ordering one’s steps are vital to the success of a candidate. With this in mind, AHG is committed to providing clarity and maintaining excellence through the Stars & Stripes Award process. The new automated process in AHGfamily promises to guide a candidate through the necessary steps and encourage personal leadership and responsibility. I can’t wait to see this tool utilized next Program Year!

The mentoring and care given to the candidate by the adults involved in the process is nothing short of inspiring and sacrificial. Each girl has much time invested into her success as she grows in maturity and her walk with the Lord.

When I review each Project Summary Report, Spiritual Walk Essay, and Resume, I am amazed and grateful for the blessings the Lord has poured out upon these amazing young ladies. Join me in congratulating this year’s Stars & Stripes Award Recipients. My buttons burst to think that these young women are AHG Alumnae and the future leaders of our nation!

To God be the glory!

2022-2023 Program Year Recipients


A total of

#1 Thing Girls Learned

Benefiting Organizations Served


States represented by our Stars & Stripes Award Recipients

Service Hours


37,610 “Compassionate” Prayer helps reduce anxiety and stress

Average Service Hours per Project

Creed Word Most Used in Writing during the planning process and project workdays!

Total Number of Stars & Stripes Project Advisors Supporting Candidates What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients Like Most About AHG

22 Finding a project that serves an organization and fulfills a passion.


Created a faith-based emotional health curriculum and workshop for children at WatersEdge Church

11.5 Supervisory Hours

192 Overall Service Hours

American Heritage Girls has been a major part of my childhood and has played a large part in shaping who I am today. Starting in second grade, my time with AHG has taught me so many valuable life skills and lessons but, what I truly value most, is the growth that it has helped me to experience in my faith. The Stars & Stripes Award process, from its beginning, was a huge catalyst for that growth as I learned more about my relationship with God, myself, and a greater understanding of the magnitude of God’s power.

Through the process of obtaining my Dolly Madison Level Award, one of the requirements for Stars & Stripes Award Candidacy was to complete the Spiritual Development Badge under Mrs. Rieuf and alongside some of my fellow

Spiritual Walk Essay

Pioneer and Patriot Girls. Mrs. Rieuf mentored us and led us through Kyle Idleman’s study, Not a Fan Not a Fan discusses and teaches against casual Christianity, its main message being that we need to be more than just fans of Jesus—we need to be His followers. That study had a large impact on the way that I practice my faith as it made me realize that despite my good intentions, my relationship with Jesus was one of a fan and not a follower. Using the recommended practices from that study, I began to pray more, read my Bible more consistently, and journal my thoughts and prayers.

Becoming more serious about my faith through that Bible study not only strengthened my relationship with God but also strengthened me as a person. Through more consistent study, prayer, and introspection I began to feel called to the topic of emotional and mental health. Our current cultural climate heavily promotes self-love in a way that is ultimately harmful, pushes us toward sin, and prevents us from seeking God and knowing the truth. So, when seeking to pursue the Stars & Stripes Award, I knew that this was an issue I wanted to address.

The realization that God decided to use my project to make an eternal difference in others has been awe-inspiring and life changing. I plan to continue using the skills I’ve learned during my project to share the message of Christian emotional well-being with others.

Looking back at the time and effort I’ve put into AHG, I feel confident in saying that God used my AHG experience to draw me closer to Him. Through the strong examples of Godly leadership and the authentic friendships I grew through shared faith and experiences, I will forever be grateful for my time as an American Heritage Girl.


Guiding girls through the award procedure




How long have you served as an SSPA?

I’ve served in this capacity since 2015.

What is the most important aspect of your role?

Watching the girls grow more confident through the process. What brings you great joy?

I love to see all the unique and creative projects that the candidates complete. The girls learn a lot about themselves and their leadership style through the process.

What is your hope-filled advice to candidates?

With God all things are possible. Cover each step of the process with prayer. The end result of your project may not look like what you initially envisioned but it will always look like what God envisioned.

The role of a Stars & Stripes Project Advisor is to coach and mentor Stars & Stripes Award Candidates and their mentors through the Stars & Stripes Award process.

Why did you choose to serve as a Stars & Stripes Mentor?

As the Patriot Leader for a fairly new Troop, I thought it was important that I mentor our first Stars & Stripes Award Candidate. I wanted the opportunity to see and understand how the process worked. This was not only to help Jenna complete her AHG journey, but so that I could support the next girls wanting to earn this award in our Troop.

What was the most rewarding moment you had by serving as a Mentor?

Watching Jenna overcome obstacles, delays, and grow as a woman during the process was very rewarding. The most rewarding part was seeing Jenna complete the project and hearing Jenna’s reflection on her growth during the Stars & Stripes Award process at her ceremony.

Can you provide a few recommendations on how to support a girl through the award journey?

As a Stars & Stripes Mentor it is important to check in often with your candidate. Ensure that she knows that you are there to support her and pray for her. When she feels the project may be too overwhelming, be sure to talk to her about breaking her project down into small bites and complete that part first. Also assure her that her project may not turn out exactly as planned, but it will turn out as God intended.




The role of a Stars & Stripes Mentor is to guide, encourage, listen, pray for, and support the Stars & Stripes Award Candidate.

Project Highlights

Celebrating the resilience, resourcefulness, and faith of 155 Stars & Stripes Award Recipients this Program Year. Every American Heritage Girl who earned the Stars & Stripes Award during the 2022-2023 Program Year demonstrated outstanding stamina to complete an important project and make a lasting impact in her community.

#928 Megan Davis | TX0098

#927 Caitlyn Wehner | OH3210

Project: Created a prayer garden for Kirkmont Church

Identify how God is working in your life: Reflecting on my project and the stages of earning my award, I see how I have been walking this path, and, no matter what, God was always walking with me. When I was treading through water feeling lost in what to do or how to go about a certain situation, God was really there guiding me.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My biggest advice would be to really let God guide you through the project. There will be times when you feel like you are swimming by yourself, but really God is the waves helping to keep you going.

Project: Built a sand volleyball court for 2nd Mile Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be, if I had to do this again, I would better assess what exactly the benefiting organization wanted and what they would be willing to forgo. I would ask for more support from my benefiting organization and provide more ideas of how they could help.

#930 Hope Sydow | IN3279

#929 Megan Engel | CA1271

Project: Established an annual Walk ‘N’ Roll event for Joni and Friends Sacramento

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Persevere, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. The Stars & Stripes Award process is challenging and “comfort-zone-stretching.” There may be times when you feel incapable of completing every aspect of your project. Lean on the Lord, and He will give you the strength to persevere. While the Stars & Stripes Award project will vary from candidate to candidate, it will certainly be something you cannot accomplish on your own. You will need support from your family, Mentor, volunteers, and benefiting organization. Even though you are responsible for planning and implementing the project, it is okay to ask for help when you need it. Though it can sometimes be difficult, it is a valuable leadership skill to learn.

Project: Renovated a room in the basement of First Baptist Church

Future plans: I plan to take a gap year while furthering my education at home. Then I plan to attend Vincennes University in the fall of 2023 for a bachelor’s degree in Nursing.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG summer camp has continuously been my favorite AHG memory, year after year.

#932 Mary Angst | OH0226

#931 Gabrielle Lombard | WA0821

Project: Landscaped the main office and adjoining pregnancy care center of St. Pius X Catholic Church

Share your accomplishments since earning your Stars & Stripes Award: I recently graduated with my High School Diploma and an associate’s degree! Other than that, I went on a backpacking trip through the Enchantments, and went skydiving for my 18th birthday!

Identify how God is working in your life: I feel that God is calling me to trust Him more fully, especially in this transitional period in my life.

Project: Built a hiking and ATV bridge for MetroParks of Butler County

Future plans: Within the next couple of years, I hope to attend college and pursue a career in Social Work.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I loved watching everyone who came to my fundraiser (a Euchre Tournament) and had a great time instead of just donating because they felt like they had to.

#934 Katie Holt | NY4813

#933 Therese Ramirez | IL2415

Project: Built a chapel for Chesterton Academy of the Sacred Heart

Identify how God is working in your life: God is working by showing me the path He wants me to take, with college and who I am meant to be.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice I have for future candidates of the Stars & Stripes Award is to pick a project you are passionate about because it will be something you want to accomplish. If you are doing your project during the school months, set up a routine to work on the project to get it done a little at a time.

Project: Built a memorial for Father John, our parish priest who passed away, at Our Lady of Fatima Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Definitely my favorite memory was making friends. Before AHG, I didn’t have any friends, but I was welcomed into AHG quickly and made friends in no time. I met my closest friends through AHG, and I’m so grateful for that.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: There are going to be sleepless nights, and you are going to worry about everything that could go wrong. Trying to get around the stress and worry will only make things worse. Instead, use the most powerful weapon you have: prayer. Pray that you can have peace while working on your project. Pray that the Lord will show you His will. Pray that He will remind you that He is always with you.

#936 Hannah Fries | OH1031

#935 Megan White | TX0098

Project: Built a fence for Mid-Cities Women’s Clinic

Future plans: I want to work for a pro-life, Christian women’s clinic that saves the lives of children. I never would have known that if not for AHG.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Go into this knowing that the project is going to be one of the toughest things you will ever do, but also know, it is one hundred percent worth it and the process is as rewarding as it is hard.

Project: Remodeled a dance studio for New Life Dance Ministry

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The floor I originally bought had the wrong texture on it, making it hard to dance on. So, I had to tear it up, return it, and buy a smoother one.

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite verse is Matthew 6:25. I worry about a lot of things in my life. This verse really helped me see that earthly things mean nothing compared to the greatness of God.

#938 Kaylie Moniz | CA7416

#937 Charlotte Lowry | MI1558

Project: Built a prayer trail at Five Pines Ministries

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to first ask why she wants to do it. Because during the process, she’ll be discouraged and need to remember why she is doing it. It can be any reason to go for the Stars & Stripes Award, but I would advise checking with God to see if He wants her to do it. If He is in full support, I would tell her to go for it!

Project: Built book risers for the bell choir at St. Stephen’s in-the-Field Episcopal Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for anyone wanting to get their Stars & Stripes Award: Just start! You don’t have to know everything going into it.

#940 Wendy Jackson | CO0317

#939 Caidyn Strand | MO1410

Project: Painted rooms, built a lending library, and made bookmarks for Birthright

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding part was seeing Birthright respond to my finished project with thankfulness and joy.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to avoid procrastinating. Start as early as possible, ask for help when you need it, and pick what your project is going to be wisely.

Project: Built two planter tables for Life Care Centers of Aurora

Identify how God is working in your life: I feel like God is letting me know that I can accomplish next to anything with His help. I especially feel this after the completion of my Stars & Stripes Award project and the completion of high school.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has meant close friends and a safe group of people who did not hold me to impossible (for me) standards or exclude me [...] They would meet me where I was.

#942 Joyce Middleton | FL3130

#941 Bailey Smith | TN0131

Project: Converted a storage room into an incentive store for children at Everett Hills Baptist Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has taught me a lot about leading other people. For a very long time I have had various tasks, like leading the flag ceremony, being the treasurer, and being the quartermaster. Since I have had many opportunities to be responsible and lead others, it now seems like a natural task. When approached to lead an activity, I don’t feel overwhelmed like others who may not have had similar opportunities. I am grateful for this and know that it will enable me to do much more in the future.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If advising future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates, I would highly suggest that they plan extra time for project completion.

Project: Made two Turnout Gear dryers for the Melrose Fire Department

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The fundraising portion of this journey was difficult as it dealt with a lot of scheduling and logistics, which I was unaccustomed to working with. The fundraising for this project was challenging as it tested skills I didn’t realize that I had and taught me new ones.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates is don’t be upset when things become overwhelming, take a breath, break the big problem into smaller chunks, solve the smaller problems, and the bigger problem will sort itself out.

#944 Larkin Stuppy | TN2011

#943 Abigail Bonebrake | AL0125

Project: Renovated the Billingsley Community Center for the Town of Billingsley, Alabama

Favorite Bible verse: John 13:7, ESV says, “Jesus answered him, ‘What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.’” This verse is always on my heart. It reminds me that through the good and the bad the Lord has a plan, that everything we go through has a time and place in our lives. The reason we go through these things is to bring us closer to Him.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is to take your time, do it right, you have this. God is with you; in Him, you can do anything.

Project: Painted two bathrooms and a large wooden wall in a pavilion, as well as built a beehive deck platform for St. Columba Episcopal Event and Retreat Center

Future plans: I plan to major in Nursing at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice that I would give another Stars & Stripes Award Candidate is to set deadlines for themselves and not procrastinate. Life gets busy, especially Senior year of high school when most people complete this project. It is so hard to prioritize working on it, especially when other things come up, but in the end, it is so worth it.

#946 Liberty Murphy | OK3411

#945 Ashton Powell | TX5160

Project: Built a covered pergola with seating for Grace House Ministries

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: One of the events that has stuck with me was when I was a first-year Pioneer, and my Troop made a trip down to NASA. We spent the night and had the museum all to ourselves. My favorite part of that day was when we made rockets in the parking lot with the employees and got to watch as they shot off into the dark, starry sky.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is this: make sure you really want to do it. This project takes a tremendous amount of effort, hard work, and determination. Stay on fire for the Lord throughout the process. He is going to be the one to truly guide you through anything that you come to face. He will bless you with peace of mind, a positive mindset, the strength, and the wisdom to manage the project for being His hands and feet.

Project: Restored the library for Jubilee Partners

Future plans: At this time, I believe God is guiding me to be a librarian, a position that will allow me to interact directly with many people as well as one-on-one communication.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Stick with a plan that you believe in. If you’re passionate about your project, you will have that drive to get it done. Keep your eyes on the real goal, which is giving back to your community, not on glorifying yourself. Once you begin the process do not become discouraged. If God placed the project on your heart, He will see you through.

#947 Mary Lesher | LA0401

Project: Built a food pantry box for Kings Highway Christian Church

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge during this project was balancing the time between my different commitments. Between school, club sports, high school sports, and working, it could be difficult to make time for my Stars & Stripes Award project. I found that through clear communication with my teachers, coaches, and other leaders, I was able to focus and prioritize my goals and commitments. Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memory was a 36-mile backcountry canoe trip on Ross Lake in August 2021 with my Unit. There were so many good memories made and lessons learned from that trip.

#948 Emily Joy Brockway | GA0513

Project: Updated and refreshed the entry and waiting area for the Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If another candidate were to ask me for advice, I would tell her to be consistent. To be a good leader, a person must be consistent in that she shows up and does the best she can. She ought to let her ‘yes’ mean ‘yes.’ Sometimes, she may not know what to do, and that is okay.

#950 Emiliann Brenner | TX1230

#949 Lillian Windham | GA2012

Project: Built a pavilion for Journey Christian Church

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: There were so many challenges, I really did not think I would get it done. My mom and I talked many times about the fact that if I got this accomplished, it would be only with God’s help. Looking back, that is where I grew the most spiritually, in learning that God can accomplish what I think is impossible. And that He can provide in ways that I never imagined because He loves me and wants to help me because He is a Good Father.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Some advice I would give other candidates is to start early and expect delays. The process is a long one, but you will grow by the end of it in good ways.

Project: Designed and created 50 wooden birds as artistic elements for Christ Church United Methodist

Future plans: I hope to use my passion to its fullest potential by earning a Master of Business Administration. I would like to become a Human Resources/Operations Manager who works with companies to improve their output by way of their employees.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If I could advise other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates, I would tell them to invest their time in a well-written plan and budget more time for the written portions of this process.

#952 Abigail Martin | MI0711

#951 Erin Dillon | TX2237

Project: Landscaped and decorated the outside of a cottage for Texas Baptist Children’s Home

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to keep track of the time you spend on your project diligently. Don’t feel anxious about the major writing parts. Make sure to plan appropriately to get everything done long before your 18th birthday.

Project: Built a fire pit with four wooden benches for Market Street Church

Identify how God is working in your life: I could say that it was me who suddenly had a revelation of what I wanted to be, but it really wasn’t. It was all God. He showed me through several people and experiences that I am going to go into full-time ministry. I still don’t know what that looks like for me yet, but I know God will be in the center of it all.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Perseverance is one word I would say to any other Stars & Stripes Award Candidate. Sometimes, yes, it’s hard and it’s stressful, and all you want to do is give up and go watch a movie, but have perseverance. God will get you through even the hardest day.

#954 Addison Heffron | IL0908

#953 Madelynne Kong | CA1271

Project: Built benches, added signage, and renovated a cry room for Immanual Baptist Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I advise starting the process early and to avoid procrastinating. I regret not planning earlier, as it would have saved me quite a lot of stress! Not only this but plan on lots of communication and learn to be flexible and okay with changes, depending on and trusting in the Lord.

Project: Designed and sewed 11 scapulars for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If I were to give one piece of advice to other candidates, I would tell them to break their project into many little steps and set a timeframe to accomplish each step. When I viewed my project as a whole, it terrified me and seemed impossible. When I broke it into smaller steps that were achievable in a few hours, it was much more doable.

#956 Kyler Blevins | TX6109

#955 Margaret Walter | TN0413

Project: Built a shelf with cubbies and a director’s podium for Saint John Neumann Catholic Church

Identify how God is working in your life: I would say that my spiritual growth has been slow but definitely present. As the project progressed, I found myself praying and relying more on God for motivation and I realized more and more that I was not doing the project just for myself and my satisfaction but for all of the people it would impact and the fact that it would help others bring glory to God.

Project: Built two benches for Brazoria Community Library

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: For all the other candidates out there going for their Stars & Stripes Award, I would say be prepared. You need to be prepared to change projects, to change designs, or to change organizations. You have to have faith in yourself and your project. Your Stars & Stripes Mentor, leaders, Troop, and the AHG family will always be there for you as a sounding board, cheering section, and help, so use them.

#958 Kathryn Morris | FL0412

#957 Gabrielle Curley | OH3210

Project: Built a farmstand for Good Works Farm

Identify how God is working in your life: One thing I have learned during this project is that God is doing so many things in my life, even if I am only aware of a few of them. Through this project and beyond, He has continued to bless me even when I was full of doubt.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: For anyone interested in earning the Stars & Stripes Award, I would stress the importance of being organized. There are a lot of specific parts to each step of the award. Following the guidelines in order will make the process easier.

Project: Remodeled a room for Life Choices Medical Clinic

Identify how God is working in your life: He’s opening up more opportunities in my life where I’m able to become more involved in my community on a service and leadership basis. I can’t wait to see how God works through these experiences.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates would be to take everything one step at a time. I know it’s easier said than done, but the less overwhelmed and stressed you are, the smoother the whole process will seem. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or talk about anything that you find confusing or you have concerns about. And finally, make sure you have a good support system and people you know you can really count on throughout your Stars & Stripes Award journey.

#960 Melissa Balint | VA0633

#959 Olivia Carson | CO8909

Project: Built a playground for Epiphany Lutheran Church

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: One major problem that I ran into was a large section of concrete in my playground area. That section needed to be lowered and leveled. This caused me to have to rent a jackhammer. The rental of the jackhammer allowed us to remove the large concrete piece and made some of the hard clay spots easier to move.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates is to overcommunicate everything. It may seem repetitive but overcommunication is how you make sure everyone understands what is happening.

Project: Designed and organized a room for the Family Faith Formation program at Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: In the moment it feels like a lot of work, and it is a lot of work. Making sure you have a detailed daily plan makes everything run more smoothly. Being flexible is important as you can’t always plan for everything, but when those challenges arise, it gives you the opportunity to be a better leader.

#962 Oceania Lowe | RI3130

#961 Genevieve Johnson | TN5624

Project: Built a community library at One Acre Café

Future plans: As of right now, I am going to attend Middle Tennessee State University in the fall. I will continue to grow the abilities God has given me as I major in English Secondary Education and Psychology.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: For others pursuing the Stars & Stripes Award, this is definitely going to be a lot of hard work. Do not forget that one of the main goals is to glorify God. He is working through you to do big things.

Project: Combined, reorganized, and moved three collections of books within the East Greenwich Free Library

Future plans: I’m planning to attend college to become a nurse. Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: A huge challenge was keeping library patrons and staff aware of the reshelving progress. This involved moving huge numbers of books in an organized way without causing too much disruption to library operations. During this process, I made temporary signs to alert patrons to the changes in the library setup. Finally, I back-shelved the stacks to be more evenly distributed and made permanent signs on the bookshelves.

#964 Evelyn Wood | OR0207

#963 Nadine Drake | CO2517

Project: Created a Walking Rosary around the Catholic block at Greenmount Cemetery

Future plans: Being a missionary in other countries and traveling the world!

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memories are from Summer Camps and my favorite experience is seeing girls that I trained do the flag ceremony.

Project: Built a bench and placed a flagpole for My Father’s House

Future plans: Within the near future, I think that God has been calling me to continue teaching art at the homeschool co-op I’ve gone to for many years.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to set out a good amount of time for this project. Be prepared for the fact that this project will take up a large amount of time to complete.

#965 Kate Espejo | TX0240

Project: Built a deck for American Legion Post 447

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The best piece of advice I could give to anyone would be not to give up. While you don’t need to make it your number one priority and drop all other obligations, preventing yourself from putting it on the back burner is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

#966 Audrianna Vuckovich | MI3130

Project: Built a bench and planted for a flowerbed for Pumpkin Patch School

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates would be to not overstretch yourself. I took on a lot of responsibility this year and tried very hard to balance it all. But I had to let some things go in order to accomplish this project and I wish I had done it sooner. Relying on God’s strength grew me spiritually during this whole process.

#968 Rebecca Rose | KS0252

#967 Julia Stapleton | VA1776

Project: Built a campfire area for SOAR365 at Camp Baker Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Learning to put my faith in God’s perfect plan was a huge part of my journey, but it was super rewarding. God really cares about us in unbelievable ways. I actually had the opportunity to meet a camper who was going to Camp Baker this summer and seeing how excited she was about attending camp made every minute of work on the project worth it.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to remember that it will all work out well in the end. It might get overwhelming, but as long as you plan ahead, it will go well.

Project: Created a library for high school students at Heritage Christian Academy

Future plans: I feel called to study Political Science and Communications in college, with a focus on Pre-Law training. I would like to intern in Washington, D.C. during college, and explore different occupations in the public policy, think tank, or non-profit arena, particularly as it relates to the pro-life movement.

Share your accomplishments since earning your Stars & Stripes Award: Since completing my Stars & Stripes Award project, I’ve joined the yearbook editorial staff at my school, celebrated my 18th birthday, and began a fellowship with Students for Life of America.

#970 Olivia Kirkpatrick | NC2014

#969 Jenna Brodnik | TX2928

Project: Built a Stations of the Cross garden for Katharine Drexel Roman Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to listen to the people around you because everyone wants you to succeed. Being a good leader is not just about telling others what to do, but it is taking everyone’s suggestions and making a decision. A leader is someone who guides, makes decisions, and knows that it is very important to listen to suggestions because you can still lead even if someone has a better idea than you.

Project: Cleaned, repaired, and painted the building for Lydia’s Place

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to not stress so much. The Stars & Stripes Award seems daunting at first and it can feel overwhelming once you’ve started it, but it truly is such a rewarding experience. If your heart and mind are in the right place when you plan this project, God will carry you through. Take deep breaths and just manage each task one at a time.

#972 Alexis Decker | VA9020

Project: Built a shed for the Agape Center

#971 Olivia Holland | CO2000

Project: Built a portable Gaga Ball pit for Spring Canyon Retreat and Conference Center

Future plans: I plan to attend a college and become a nurse. Favorite Bible verse: Proverbs 31:30, because it reminds me of what’s really important and gives me a goal to strive for every day.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I hope the upcoming candidates know that it’s alright to ask for help and that you will not know all the answers to the problems you face. This is something I struggled with in the process. Asking for help does not make you a poorly equipped leader. A good leader takes what they are given and uses it for a particular goal or purpose.

#974 Sarah Mangum | NC4445

#973 Sarah Salazar | FL0001

Project: Painted murals on an outdoor storage building for Safety Town

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was dealing with the outdoor elements. I had to persevere and continue working, even when my workdays were long and tiring. My mom graciously bore the sun and heat for all my workdays and assisted me whenever I needed it, for which I am very grateful.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to future candidates is not to give up. Perseverance is key to completing the Stars & Stripes Award. It is almost guaranteed that you will feel discouraged through the process, but trust in God’s plan and ask for the strength to continue.

Project: Redecorated the children’s building and created a prayer garden for Freedom Biker Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If I were to give any future candidates advice, I would tell them that it is very much worth the work. There were plenty of times where I thought I wouldn’t be able to do what I wanted or that nothing would be done in time, and I just wanted to give up, but I am so very glad that I didn’t.

#975 Amelia Crumb | OK0412

Project: Created two sensory rooms for Eastwood Baptist Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to first constantly pray and ask the Lord to guide your project. Second, it is important to have good communication with your benefiting organization, Mentor, and Stars & Stripes Project Advisor.

#976 MaryGraceFaustina Pujals | IL1317

Project: Created a new member chapter of a traveling statue prayer garden of Our Lady of Fatima

Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 149:3, ESV says, “Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!” It is my favorite Bible verse because I love to express myself through dance. Every time I go to dance class, my dad reminds me to “dance for Jesus.” I try to keep that in mind whenever I’m dancing, that I’m doing it all for Him.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Do not give up! No matter how many revisions or how difficult it is, keep persevering! It is totally worth all the hard work!

#978 Victoria Martinez | CO2017

#977 Tori Sharker | TX0669

Project: Redesigned and refreshed the front flagpole area and added educational elements at the VFW Lonestar Post 2150

Identify how God is working in your life: This summer I went on a mission trip and became even closer to the Lord. We went without our phones for the three weeks we were gone. When you are across the ocean, eating, sleeping, and living with 14 strangers who all come from very different backgrounds, you learn to talk to God A LOT! When you have a problem and can’t call your parents to tell them that something is going wrong, you talk to God; when something good happens, you talk to God; when someone is driving you nuts, you talk to God.

Project: Provided landscaping for Shelter Pines

Identify how God is working in your life: God used seemingly unrelated advice to remind me to be confident in who He is, and what He is able to do. I needed the reminder that God calls me to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9) and to take the leap of faith, emboldened by the promise that His ways are higher than mine.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice I have for other candidates is to spend time developing and writing out your plans. Even if you do not stick to them completely, they help bring clarity, preparation, and solidify your ideas.

#980 Jenna McLaughlin | FL0529

#979 Alaina Duty | TN0059

Project: Designed and built a memorial garden for lives lost to abortion

Identify how God is working in your life: God has recently been working in my life by giving me the opportunity to travel with the Academy of Arts’ Theatre ministry program. It would be an incredible way to combine my love for Theatre and mission work for God. I pray that if it is God’s will, I will get to go.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was figuring out how to move the pre-existing rocks and manage my volunteers. However, I learned to adapt my plans for how large the garden was going to be, and my volunteers were amazing at jumping in to help me.

Project: Built a fire pit for St. James United Methodist Church

Future plans: I don’t know exactly what career I want to pursue after college, but if there’s one thing that my faith has taught me, it is that God has a plan for my life, and if I trust in Him, I don’t need to worry.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: One piece of advice I would give to future candidates is this: do not wait or procrastinate on the paperwork part, even a little bit every day is better than trying to work for hours on end over the weekend.

#982 Libby Greenbaum | OH1002

#981 Lailyn Hiatt | NC4125

Project: Transformed two storage rooms into a clothing store for American Children’s Home

Future plans: Sharing God with people is my goal. I am currently looking into colleges and plan to study Religion and focus on ministry in some capacity. Whatever path God leads me down, I pray to be a light in other people’s lives and to glorify God in all that I do.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I was not expecting it to take so long to get a response from organizations to start my project. I was not expecting the approval process to take so long either. I learned how important it is to persevere through tough things because the end result is always greater if you don’t give up.

Project: Built and painted wooden trim, board and batten style, on two walls New Path Pregnancy Resource Center

Identify how God is working in your life: I learned I could not have done this project alone. I needed the support of my family, friends, and the New Path staff members, but most importantly, I could not have successfully completed this project without the guidance and grace of God. I made it a goal to pray at the beginning of each of my workdays and to ask that His will be done. It opened my eyes to see how God is working in my community through the mission and outreach of love, support, and encouragement New Path presents.

Shelby Knox, Cedar & Lace Creative

#983 Mikayla Tuttle | TB2020

Project: Built a wooden kiosk with a roof for Covenant Community Church

Future plans: I am now in my freshman year of college. I am pursuing an associate’s degree in General Studies because I do not know what God’s exact calling on for my life when it comes to a college degree and a career.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates may sound a bit basic, but I would tell them not to give up–whatever that may look like for them.

#984 Kaylee Rickerd | MI0408

Project: Remodeled the infant storage room for Guardian Angels

Suitcases 4 Kids

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: If I were to give advice to any AHG Member moving toward the Stars & Stripes Award, it is simple, just go for it. Yes, the process for the Stars & Stripes Award is scary at first and there are times you’d like to throw in the towel because you don’t feel like you can do it, but keep going! God will be your backbone, your parents and your Mentor will be your biggest cheerleaders, and the friends you have made through AHG will help you through your project.

#986 Hannah Russell | TX0407

#985 Elizabeth Anthony | PA0304

Project: Built a bridge and patio with firepit for Dillsburg Jaycees

Future plans: As of right now, my life ambition would be to become an engineer in a way that I can serve others. I would love to incorporate Spanish into what I eventually do.

Identify how God is working in your life: God is helping me learn to trust Him in everything, even when I don’t understand yet. I know that He has a plan for my life if I am willing to follow Him.

Project: Built a playhouse and swing for Grace House Ministries

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: AHG has been one of the most important parts of my life since I started as a Pathfinder way back in 2010. Most of the friends I have today, I met through AHG. I’ve had many life experiences that that wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the different camps, classes, and badges that I have done while I was in the program.

#987 Nalani Roberts | ND0316

Project: Built a garden fence, gate, bench, birdbath, and information board for Harvest Hope Farm

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to pray and ask God for His guidance in all that you do during the project. Before you begin working on each step ask for His grace over the task and ask for Him to give you wisdom and guidance. Without His grace I would never have been able to complete this project.

#988 Rebecca Mainka | MO3565

Project: Designed and built a dog agility course for Nixa Dog Park

Identify how God is working in your life: I know God has made me a creative person. I have thought about teaching and have always wanted to own my own business. God has given me a passion to make a difference in someone’s life. Right now, I am transitioning from being in high school to functioning in the real world.

#990 Anna Christy | KY0608

#989 Elizabeth Harvey | VA1975

Project: Beautified the grounds of Dodona Manor, the historic home of George C. Marshall

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The greatest problems I encountered during the project were obstacles created by digging around tree roots. The existence of major tree roots was often not apparent until we started to dig the hole for a plant. I was able to be flexible in these cases and make design adjustments as needed.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would advise other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates to select a benefiting organization that has meaning or significance to them.

Project: Removed a wall and made a new check-out counter for Being Renewed Clothing Ministry

Future plans: I plan on becoming either a special needs teacher or an intervention specialist in order to help children who have disabilities.

Favorite Bible verse: 1 Peter 5:7, because as I’ve struggled through bad experiences that have caused me to have severe anxiety, it is nice to have a reminder letting me know that, in the end, I’m not in control.

#991 Cora Chester | TX0098

Project: Created a contemplative garden for Mid-Cities Women’s Clinic

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Be realistic. Be prepared to advocate for your project and be confident in your achievements. Preparation is key to an efficient project. Before you apply for candidacy, take some time to sort out your goals, and these will influence how you utilize your experience and skills in the project. If you’re uncertain whether your project is properly representing your qualifications, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

#992 Natalie Winterscheidt | OK0511

Project: Renovated a back room into a meal preparation space for Second Chances Community Thrift

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other candidates would be to start as soon as possible. I made the mistake of trying to finish as much of the required badgework as possible before applying for the Stars & Stripes Award, thinking it would make it easier, when it actually had the opposite effect. There will almost always be unexpected problems or things that come up that can slow down the process, so it is important to leave yourself as much time as possible so there’s still enough time to get everything done.

#994 Teagan Byrne | VA0633

#993 Elizabeth Perry | TN0059

Project: Renovated the supply room for First Cumberland Presbyterian

Future plans: Many people have asked me what I’m going to do after high school, but I’m not exactly sure what God has written in the next chapter of my life. Sometimes it feels like I have to have it all figured out, but one thing I’m trying to remember is that I don’t have to have to know all the details now. Wherever God leads me next, I know He’ll be with me every step of the way, right until the end of my story.

Project: Created spaces for children for Warrenton Pregnancy Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My most helpful advice would be to make a point of setting aside time to truly consider your mission: what you hope to achieve in earning the Stars & Stripes Award and why.

#996 Phoebe Mullen | FL2031

#995 Alexandra Renoe | MO2215

Project: Installed a reading nook, a free pantry with book bags, and read books to students at back-to-school night for New Haven Elementary School

Favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:11, it reassures me that God has a plan for my life.

Advice for Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is to choose a project that is important to you. You will be personally invested, and it will make the process easier.

Project: Refurbished the youth room, fire pit, picnic tables, basketball court, volleyball court, and built a Gaga Ball pit for Westminster Presbyterian Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I think one of the biggest things that I would pass along to other candidates is to listen to where God is leading you. I was so sure I knew what I wanted to do that I was not willing to see what God had for me. It took me a year to find the project that would become mine. So, that is my biggest advice. Be sensitive to God‘s leading.

#998 Lorelei O’Donnell | TX6122

#997 Emily Lindgren | VA1010

Project: Cleared the remains of the old garden and built seven raised beds for Prince William County Office of Historic Preservation

Future plans: In the future I hope to attend college and pursue a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies or Business Leadership.

Identify how God is working in your life: Throughout my life, my circle of friends has been very small. The past few years I have had the desire to expand that circle. After lots of praying, I’ve found a new youth group and met so many amazing new friends.

Project: Refurbished two picnic tables, made two benches, and enclosed the base and filled three carports with granite for Patriot PAWS Service Dogs

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience of my Stars & Stripes Award process was seeing my benefiting organization’s reaction to the custom benches I made for them. They had searched for a taller bench without any results, so I was very pleased to fulfill that need.

Share your accomplishments since earning your Stars & Stripes Award: I am currently in the planning phase for another large community service project benefiting veterans, finishing high school, and actively working on the training for a scholarship I won.

#1000 Holly Foss | MN2016

#999 Zoe Zurvalec | CA0356

Project: Built a storage shed for Christ Community Church

Future plans: After high school, I hope to attend medical school and become a doctor. I enjoy helping people, and I feel that God is calling me to help others in this way.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would advise other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates to not only start planning their project early like I did, but to actually execute it in a reasonable timeframe. Once school started, I had much less free time than I anticipated, and many of my weekends were taken up by school commitments, so, if possible, I think summer is a better time to implement the project.

Project: Cleaned debris out of a wooded area and installed three fences for All Saints Catholic Church

Favorite Bible verse: Joshua 1:9, it helps me to remember to trust God and not be afraid.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Candidates: Stay strong, lean on God, and be confident!

#1002 Sophie Hoffmann | MN2016

#1001 Maria Sampers | MN2016

Project: Built a Marian Garden with a paved seating area and two benches for Saint Joseph Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidate: Some advice I have for other candidates is to make sure you really want it because it takes a lot of work and determination. Also, to be very detailed in the project description and to write from the perspective that whoever would read your instruction has no idea what is going on with your project.

Project: Built cabinet units for St. Joseph’s Preschool

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for other candidates would be to have a clear plan in mind but also not to become discouraged when your plan is disrupted or needs to be altered. I would also remind them that it is good to ask for help when they need it.

#1004 McKenna Graf | NE1877

#1003 Kathryn O’Brien | CA0356

Project: Built a Gaga Ball pit for Abiding Savior Lutheran School

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: One major piece of advice I would offer future candidates is to pray and ask God for His guidance. He will guide you to your project as He sees fit. Another bit of advice would be to start your project early. Also, pay attention to all the directions to avoid careless mistakes that lead to wasted time. And, when writing up the reports, I would advise other candidates to be more detailed than they think they need to be.

Project: Decorated and made projects for the waiting room at Victory Riding Academy

Future plans: Going to college—attending the culinary school’s Baking and Pastry program.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice is to stay organized, stay on time, be detailed, and, most importantly, pray.

#1006 Audrey Butler | TN4031

#1005 Kayla Dotson | VA1024

Project: Built a little library and updated welcome entrance for Mercy Mall

Future plans: I plan on relying on God and His plan as I pursue a degree in Clinical Psychology and Art Therapy. Through God and my education, I hope to bring His healing powers to those in need through art therapy and Christian-based therapy.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice I have for other candidates is to allow flexibility in your timeline but have a set end date, and to allow more time for fundraising than you think is necessary.

Project: Converted a storage room into a classroom for The Branch’s ESL classes

Identify how God is working in your life: I learned that God gave me leadership abilities that I never knew that I had, and I realized how big of an impact I could make in my community.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would tell the candidates not to see the Stars & Stripes Award as a monster of a task, but to see it as a way to grow and work together with their Mentor. The last piece of advice that I would give the candidates would be to be ready to make the Stars & Stripes Award a priority as soon as they get their Project Description approved.

#1008 Grace Tobin | MN3130

#1007 Elizabeth Skrzypczynski | IL0908

Project: Built a memory garden for the Parents & Friends of the Ludeman Center to honor those lost in the community due to COVID-19

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: On my final workday, I held a dedication ceremony to honor those lost and present my project to the community, the appreciation I received that day made it all worth it. I realized it was no longer about an award but about fulfilling a need in a community important to me.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Allow plenty of time to meet deadlines, stay patient on responses of others, do not feel afraid to ask family and friends for labor or monetary support, you are not a burden, and most people are honored to help you out.

Project: Built benches for Faith Baptist Church

Future plans: I am still trying to find the perfect career for me that lines up to the passions God has set on my heart, but an EMT or firefighter would be auspicious choices for me because it links the medical field with being outside.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The advice I would give to a girl interested in doing the Stars & Stripes Award project is simply to take a step in the Stars & Stripes Award process every day. This is really beneficial instead of sitting for hours writing the Stars & Stripes Award Project Description hurriedly. You can do a little bit each day and that is less fatiguing and distracting.

#1009 Marie Culbreth | TX2928

Project: Built soccer field benches, updated playground turf, and installed privacy fencing for Resurrection Catholic School

Future plans: I currently plan to specialize in Human Resource Management so that I can serve the employees and human aspects of a business, who are the most vital and invaluable asset of any business. However, recently I have discovered that I am very passionate about giving back to those who have supported me, and this has led me to want to become more involved in serving my church. This summer, I plan to intern with my church’s youth ministry program to explore this possibility, but even if this does not end up being my calling, the Stars & Stripes Award process has helped me to grow significantly in flexibility and I am prepared to go wherever God takes me.

#1010 Mackensie Skiles | VA0633

Project: Built a gravel path from the main camp road to the gravel berm for Cub Adventure Camp

Identify how God is working in your life: I wouldn’t have been able to make it through this project without my relationship with God, the stress of things out of my control during the project was something I could only deal with through prayer. Praying was something I was able to do a lot over the course of the project. Novena prayers for weather and installation being prayed by myself and those supporting me are something I realized I couldn’t have succeeded without.

#1012 Jada Moss | CA1321

#1011 Faith Lajuwomi | TX1221

Project: Renovated a room for children’s Sunday School at Deeper Life Bible Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memory was teaching Explorers about theater etiquette. I taught them by singing a song I wrote and then talking to them, answering questions, and asking them questions. It was fun.

Project: Organized baby and children’s clothing items and built shelving in a storage unit for Birth Choice of Temecula

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would strongly encourage any future candidates to ask for help when needed; whether it’s from your Mentor, Stars & Stripes Project Advisor, or your mom! Talking to another older girl who has completed the Stars & Stripes Award, or is in the process of doing so, is also a really good idea.

#1013 Hollee Khuzadi | CA4673

Project: Refurbished the outside area including new fencing, outdoor turf, and built picnic tables for Orange County Christian School

Identify how God is working in your life: From this experience, I without a doubt grew spiritually. I would say that before this experience my faith life was a real struggle. Doing this project, forced me to realize that I am weak, my God is strong, and that I need Him to actually survive and complete this. It took a lot of work and a lot of growth, but I attribute much of who I am today as a Christian to doing the Stars & Stripes Award.

#1014 Adrienne “Ella” Pennington | TX0317

Project: Revamped three upstairs youth rooms at Faith Methodist Church

Future plans: I plan to go to Texas A&M to pursue my degree in Education.

Identify how God is working in your life: He is allowing me to become a camp counselor at Camp Eagle to help young girls in their walk with Him.

#1016 Lilly Twait | IL2415

#1015 Catherine Wolterbeek | CA0613

Project: Created inspirational Scripture-based artwork to donate to Door of Hope

Future plans: Moving forward, I’m hoping to achieve a college education with a major in Communication, and minors in Creative Writing and Mathematics. My dream job would be to work at AHG, Inc., hoping to spread the ministry to impact other girls just like AHG impacted my life for the better.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to future candidates would be to trust God, pray a lot, and don’t give up. I came really close to not finishing, but God encouraged me to push through the procrastination and finish.

Project: Built a fire ring, patio area, and Rosary path at St. Luke Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Although the thought of a project of this magnitude may be startling at first, I would advise any American Heritage Girl considering pursuing her Stars & Stripes Award to definitely follow through with it because it is such a great learning experience. I am so glad that I decided to pursue this achievement. Additional advice that I would offer to another candidate is to only give details the attention they are due. Do not hyper-fixate on minuscule details, otherwise the big picture of the project and the end result might suffer.

#1018 Sarah Sasser | GA4224

#1017 Natalie Abbott | DE0412

Project: Made three blessing boxes, filled them with nonperishable food, and spread them out among the state of Delaware for High Tide Church food pantry

Future plans: I plan to go to college and study Culinary Arts.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience was getting closer with some of the younger AHG Members while working on my project.

Project: Created a reading area in the Children’s Ministry room for Four Points Church

Identify how God is working in your life: God is continually growing my faith in His strength, power, and ability. Instead of worrying about my own abilities, I simply trust in Him and faithfully do what He has called me to do.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was managing the project with time constraints. I made the mistake of starting my Stars & Stripes Award process later than I should have. However, with hard work and the support of my Mentor and community, we were able to meet all of the project deadlines.

#1019 Sarah Girges | WA1911

Project: Created and built receptacles to house retired American flags and organized a yearly flag retirement ceremony for the VFW

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience for me was the fact that I was able to share Christ through my compassion for the nonprofit I was able to help, and the fact that I was strengthening my relationship with God through service, which is my favorite aspect of American Heritage Girls. When I finally dropped off the boxes and saw the joy and appreciation on the veteran’s faces that one young person was helping to honor our nation’s flag, it made the whole journey worth it.

#1020 Hallelujah Moore | NC2015

Project: Renovated an outdoor fellowship area that consisted of seven picnic tables, two buffet tables, and a picnic shelter for Brookwood Baptist Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: When I was younger my Troop would have an annual princess party where we would all sleep at the church and have fashion shows and dance, then in the morning we always had pancakes for breakfast.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Have a lot of patience with the process and with people.

#1022 Lillian Cornett | IN1334

#1021 Zoe Thompson | TX0317

Project: Constructed two storage benches, repainted five existing bookshelves, organized thousands of books, and created a study reading nook for Fort Bend Hope

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was time management; I overcame this by planning out the tasks that needed to be completed and assigning a time to each task.

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 18:20 because it reminds us that the best way to seek God is with others. God designed us to seek fellowship and this verse reminds us of that.

Project: Converted a storage room into a usable craft room for women’s transitional housing

Future plans: I plan on having a Piano Performance or Pedagogy degree. I hope to teach music professionally and share God’s gift of music.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Have open communication between everyone, your Mentor and the benefiting organization. Also write down everything and keep it in an organized folder or notebook of some kind.

#1024 Hannah Chryst | MN2206

#1023 Mary Katherine Blackburn | NC0244

Project: Constructed a toy shed, built PVC bike and ball racks, and made stepping stones for Families Together

Future plans: Next year I will be attending Covenant College and playing on the soccer team there with my older sister. I plan on majoring in Early Elementary Education and minoring in either Spanish or Biology.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I can’t pick just one! I really love camping. We went to Stone Mountain when I was an Explorer and this campout really stuck out to me because of what we got to see while playing near the campsite. We hiked up the mountain and saw an incredible view and got swarmed and bitten by ladybugs!

Project: Built four backyard games for the Church of St. Paul

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I would have to say that my biggest challenge was trying to balance my project and all my other activities, like school. I overcame this by setting really short-term goals so I wouldn’t overwhelm myself thinking about everything I needed to do.

Favorite Bible verse: 1 Peter 4:8, ESV, says, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” I chose this verse because it reminds me to love everyone the way that God does. And that’s something I really value.

#1026 Veronica Heaton | ID0334

#1025 Marella Santiago | WA0716

Project: Constructed supplies for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite experience from American Heritage Girls would be backpacking in the wilderness for four nights with the PI/PA Unit. From hiking to building a fire to cooking outdoors, it was a test of our skills. The best part was being able to spend time together and create fun new memories each day!

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Don’t give up! This project will test you but know you can do this and just persevere through it all! I’ll be praying for you!

Project: Repaired statue, added mural, and improved surrounding landscape for St. Paul’s Catholic Church

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The most important piece of advice I have is that you should choose your Stars & Stripes Mentor wisely. Your Mentor must be patient with you and with the project process. She must help you through your times of frustration and stress. Be a team. Work together, as I did with my Mentor. She was the best and most perfect choice I had, and I am glad I chose her.

#1028 Elise Woodlief | NC0103

#1027 Agnes Hamilton | OH0215

Project: Transformed an unused room into a hospitality area for New Day Christian Church

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: One of the biggest challenges was planning for the Bible verse to put on the testimony wall. My original idea was to paint the letters on the wall, but the representative from NDCC preferred a more professional look with vinyl lettering. I am unfamiliar with vinyl lettering, so it was stressful trying to figure out the right materials and how to apply it to the wall. In the end, the verse was printed at a local company.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: For future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates, I would tell them to take a lot of notes because it’s easy to forget things you think you’ll remember.

Project: Implemented a permanent organization system and created a permanent celebration station for the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina

Future plans: I hope to attend college in order to become a Physical Therapist.

Favorite Bible verse: Matthew 19:14, ESV, says, but Jesus said, “’Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’” This is my favorite Bible verse because I love working with children and sharing the light of Christ with them.

#1031 Kyla Michael | CO2000

#1029 Gloria Bennett | OK3411

Project: Built and installed wood signage, solar lighting and a flagpole for Camp Asher owned by Oklahoma Team

Future plans: When Jehovah Bara (Creator) designed me, He instilled in me an attention to details and over the years He has shown me how He is the God of the details and the small things just as much as the big things. He designed me with artistic talent which I could use to glorify Him as I design new things. He designed me to have intelligence, curiosity about nature, and a love of animals. I feel God is calling me to the mission field. I want to spread God’s Word with every word I speak and everything I do.

Project: Built three sets of rolling bookcases for High Country Home Educators

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I developed extreme fatigue and started sleeping 14 hours a day. My condition made the Stars & Stripes Award project seem impossible to accomplish. However, God was with me through this difficult time, and He gave me a team of adults who stood with me and encouraged, empowered, and enabled me to persevere.

#1032 Natalie Pond | OH0702

Project: Built a Gaga Ball pit, two benches, and painted rocks for Tri-County Baptist Church

Favorite Bible verse: Matthew 5:14-16. I have always wanted to be a leader and it helps remind me to let my light shine to glorify God and do all the work I do for Him.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: Any overnight/camping trip, I love the bonding that goes on in tents and cabins, the latenight talks, and having to tell each other to be quiet so we don’t wake the adults.

#1033 Sarah Freeman | CA0818

Project: Created a prayer and meditation garden with benches and a statue for Solano Catholic Church

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13, because it reminds me to live life to the fullest, dream big, and do everything through Christ. Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was scheduling workdays and not procrastinating. I overcame this by taking healthy breaks to keep up the motivation and keeping good communication.

#1034 Melissa Matthys | MN0200

Project: Built a sign for Glory to Glory Christian Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The best advice I could ever give to other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates is to not be afraid to push yourself to do your hardest work. Praying and trusting God is something that you should do through this entire project to ensure you are following God’s wisdom in every step.

#1035 Jasmine Estrada | CA0356

Project: Created an outdoor mobile library for Christ Community Preschool

Future plans: I am planning on attending UCLA and majoring in Business Economics with the aspiration to attend law school and become a corporate lawyer.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would advise future candidates to be diligent about writing all the details of their project down and setting deadlines for themselves throughout the project to ensure they are staying on top of everything they need to do.

#1037 Faith Montee | TN4008

#1036 Arabella Hobson | VA1412

Project: Built a wheelchair ramp for American Legion Post 49

Identify how God is working in your life: God has shown me that serving others is an essential aspect of life. My dream is to work with children with special needs or who have had trauma in their lives. God has developed in me a foresight into what children need and made me very sensitive to their feelings. With my spiritual growth starting as I get older, it is great to see how God prepares us even as we are young and don’t know that He is preparing us.

Project: Built and stained two benches, a cross, and upgraded Sarah’s Garden, a memorial for the unborn at Upper Cumberland for Life

Future plans: I plan to attend college somewhere in Tennessee. Currently, I feel like God is pointing me toward non-profit work. God has given me the great joy of wanting to help people. AHG has helped prepare me for whatever my future career might be.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: It is hard to choose; I have had so many great experiences in AHG. All my favorite experiences involve camping. It has been really fun sleeping in a tent or cabin, playing games, cooking, and building a fire with girls my age. We still had fun even when it rained and our camp stuff got wet.

#1039 Katie Whitmer | ID2911

#1038 Olivia Sarine | NC4125

Project: Built a swing set for the children of the congregation at Shannon Hills Bible Chapel

Future plans: I will be attending Appalachian State University in two to three years where I will study Culinary Arts.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: You’ve got this! Keep your chin up and your eyes on God. The journey may seem hard right now, but you will be well rewarded with the fruits of your labor, and others will see the light of Christ shining through you!

Project: Built a playground area for Journey Church

Future plans: I plan to go into the field of Psychology.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Don’t get down on yourself when things don’t go perfectly, or you mess up. You have to keep in mind how powerful prayer time with the Lord can be.

#1042 Felicity Rost | IL0078

#1040 Rachel Wilkinson | TX3126

Project: Designed and constructed a clothing room for the Oak Forest Foster Closet

Identify how God is working in your life: God has really been teaching me the importance of balance right now. I have been reading through the Gospels, and something that has really been standing out to me is that Jesus experienced human emotion and had human needs. Jesus observed the Sabbath. Jesus rested. Jesus took time to be alone with God and pray. Jesus wept. Jesus did all these things and had time to teach, heal, and simply make time for others. Jesus had balance, and He is the example of how we should live our lives.

Project: Built five convertible picnic tables to benches for Amazing Grace at Logan’s Place

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite verse is Psalms 136:1 because even during trials and tribulations I always found something to give thanks to the Lord for.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: During my years as an Explorer, I loved camping with my Troop and earning the Survival, Search, & Rescue Badge.

#1044 Isabelle Gibson | PA0423

#1043 Autumn Feltz | NJ0316

Project: Built a prayer garden that consists of a stepping stone walkway, two stone benches, and a Blessed Mother statue with a grotto and pedestal for St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church

Future plans: I plan to attend college next year for Art Education and become an Art Teacher!

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was organizing the project, but I overcame it with some help from my Stars & Stripes Mentor and ultimately putting aside my procrastination.

Project: Documented gravestones and helped to expand the digital database of the Find a Grave app for Vienna Historical Society

Future plans: I plan to study Spanish Education at Kent State University.

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:6, ESV, says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” This is my favorite Bible verse because I struggle with anxiety and it is comforting to know that my God will listen to my requests, and I don’t have to be anxious about Him.

#1046 Savannah Morgan | AL3130

#1045 Anastasia Brown | PA0423

Project: Designed and installed new signs and improved the surrounding landscape for Rose Point Reformed Presbyterian Church

Identify how God is working in your life: God has surrounded me with amazing friends and mentors who have been showing me how to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12, ESV). God has set our paths before us, and He is with us at every moment, so we can be joyful even in difficult times.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Make sure your project is one that you are genuinely passionate about. You will have moments when you want to give up, and if your goal is just personal glory or pride, you won’t have the stamina to see it through to the end.

Project: Renovated existing playground equipment and built a new wooden structure for Bethel Baptist Church

Identify how God is working in your life: God is working in my life right now by preparing me for college, grounding me further in my faith, and helping me grow more into the woman of integrity that He has called me to be.

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: The most rewarding experience during this process was getting to work with my dad, and learning from him, not only about the different tools we used, but also about life lessons. It was also rewarding to get to work alongside each of my friends from my Troop and my youth group and grow closer with them.

#1048 Martha Williams | NC0608

#1047 Hannah Burns | WV0802

Project: Built a goat playground for the goats used in an animal husbandry program at Camp Ara

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was procrastination. If I didn’t know the answer or I was stuck, I waited to make decisions. One way I overcame this was by setting deadlines for myself and telling others my plan. By having friends and my Stars & Stripes Mentor hold me accountable, I was able to chip away at the task and stay on track.

Project: Cleared land, poured concrete pad, and built two picnic tables for Hillsdale Baptist Church and Preschool

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice to other Stars & Stripes Award Candidates would be to have faith in yourself. It is also important to schedule regular times to talk with your Stars & Stripes Mentor—mine was very helpful making small “to-do lists” each time we met so I was not overwhelmed. I am not a very organized person, and my Mentor helped me keep things in place and stick to my plan.

#1050 Emily Adams | TX0771

#1049 Hope Shelton | TN4031

Project: Building a set of wooden outdoor Christmas decorations for Morning Star Sanctuary, a domestic violence shelter run by AGAPE Nashville

Future plans: I will be attending Tennessee Tech University to major in French and minor in Music Performance for classical piano. I hope to become an interpreter and possibly pursue the mission field at some point.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Invite God into your project through prayer! It makes everything so much more meaningful when you make God a part of even the little things throughout the course of the project.

Project: Built five large picnic tables for Camp High Point

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Never compare yourself or your own project to someone else’s! It doesn’t matter how big it is or how long it took you, always remember everyone has a different pace.

#1051 Grace Wilson | MD0317

Project: Created a boutique type room in one of the offices at Care Net Pregnancy Center

Most rewarding part during your Stars & Stripes Award process: Over the course of this project the organization director did not go into the space or see any of the parts that went into it. At the end of the last workday she walked in and was totally speechless. Her reaction and the reaction of others was part of what made this project so special for me.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: One of the biggest things for me was having an awesome support system. Surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you and are excited for your accomplishments even if they do not know anything about the process will help you get through.

#1052 Lydia Stenberg | MO3565

Project: Built a Gaga Ball pit, asphalt games, and storage box for play equipment for Selmore Baptist Church

Identify how God is working in your life: He has been growing me in wisdom and maturity especially as regarding dealing with people and being flexible. I have learned to take advice and criticism, decide what feedback is beneficial, and apply my findings. I have grown deeper in my knowledge and understanding of His Word, discerning how to put it into action.

#1054 Sophia Vargas | FL3031

#1053 Sarah Melinsky | TN5624

Project: Renovated the cat room to provide a better place for people to adopt pets at the Appalachian Highlands Humane Society

Future plans: I am planning on going to college and double majoring in Exercise Science and Biology, and then going onto graduate school for either Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy or go onto medical school.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: I feel like my greatest challenge whilst trying to accomplish this project was organizing my time well to make sure I adhered to the deadlines. I overcame this challenge through prayer and seeking wisdom from my Stars & Stripes Mentor.

Project: Built an outdoor space for victims of human trafficking

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:37-39 because it goes to show no matter how far we walk away or how far we feel from God, His love is always present and abounding.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: Be receptive to help and encouragement. Pray continuously and do not be afraid to ask for help and donations, people are more willing to bless you than you might think. Also, have a good plan for how to get it done in the right amount of time; just be practical about it.

#1056 Lydia Gregory | MN0100

#1055 Emily Anderson | TX0771

Project: Built six bookshelves, three raised garden beds, three sensory boards, and 24 craft caddies for Special Abilities of North Texas

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite verse is 2 Chronicles 15:7 because it gives encouragement that all my hard work will pay off.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for future candidates is to have grace with yourself during this process.

Project: Transformed an empty room into a calming study/ library/devotional room for Next Chapter Ministries

Future plans: I will be attending the Free Lutheran Bible College for their two-year program to receive a degree in Biblical Studies. Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite parts of American Heritage Girls have been making new friends, both older and younger, and the many fun camping experiences.

#1057 Mia Craig | TX0413

Project: Created a sensory trail to be used in therapy, including sensory boxes, a bridge, and a mounted xylophone for Hope Reins

Future plans: Currently I plan to go to college and work to be involved in equine therapy. I look forward to the next adventure God has planned.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge was effective time management. I overcame it in two ways, first through lots of prayer. The second way was to pick the most important thing I had to do that day and do it first.

#1058 Stormy Kirkland | AL3130

Project: Designed and constructed a Rest and Recreation Station that includes a pergola with three hammocks and three hand-built swings for Under His Wings

Favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 139:9-10. I found this verse while earning the Daughter of the King Badge as a Pioneer, and it has resounded with me ever since. It serves as a reminder to me that God is always with me, there is nowhere where that can hide my substance from Him and His infinite love and mercy, and that I can trust Him to lead me through life and whatever challenges I encounter.

#1060 Emma Walling | MS0220

#1059 Madelyn Music | OH1225

Project: Converted a storage room into a prayer room for Faith Bible Fellowship Church

Identify how God is working in your life: Growing into a woman of God was a big part of it. Learning to lead is a big part of growing up and becoming a woman. I have learned so many new things about our world, our past, and skills in life in AHG that I never would have learned otherwise.

Project: Planned, organized, and constructed props and a backdrop for Cleary Baptist Church

Future plans: God has given me a passion for fitness and nutrition from a very young age. Because of this passion, I plan to obtain a degree in Nutrition and a Doctorate in Kinesiology, so I can become a Registered Dietitian and Physical Fitness Trainer.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The best advice I could give is to keep in mind what your main goal should be—glorifying God. Rely upon God as your source of strength and remind yourself of His goodness and perfect will throughout your project because leaning on your own source of strength leads to endless worry and doubt.

#1062 Raegan Sparks | VA4610

#1061 Hailey Stevens | ID1412

Project: Remodeled the Teen Room at Boise Church of Christ

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: One of the biggest obstacles was that I did not get the amount of monetary donations I had hoped for. However, several generous skilled workers volunteered their services. A couple of organizations generously donated or gave us substantial discounts on some of the largest expenses. As a result, we ended up needing a lot less money than originally anticipated.

Project: Implemented a sensory hallway at Natural Bridge Elementary School

Identify how God is working in your life: God is working in my life by helping me become a strong leader in my community. I will continue to serve others, act as a role model to younger children, and to show Christ’s love with kindness and encouragement.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I’ve had countless favorite memories and experiences throughout my time in AHG. However, one of top experiences was when my Troop helped pack 850 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at a local church and volunteer at a national distribution center.

#1064 Carly Scheihing | OK0511

#1063 Ruby Nelson | OH0128

Project: A mosaic of Miamitown’s logo intended to improve the town’s branding and provide décor for Miamitown Historical Society

Future plans: I plan to attend Cedarville University for Industrial and Innovative Design for the next four years, after which I intend to start a career in either Product or Architectural Design.

Identify how God is working in your life: I think that right now, God is preparing me for the future. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to face in the years to come. I’ve seen the ways God is preparing me through things like AHG that are equipping me with leadership skills and a heart willing to serve.

Project: Cleaned up and repurposed the retention pond area in the parking lot of Vintage Church

Favorite Bible verse: A favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-8. These verses are a reminder that God is in control and all I need to do is keep my eyes on Him.

Identify how God is working in your life: God is teaching me patience. I always thought I was a patient person, but I’ve come to learn I’m not as patient as I thought. Between the Stars & Stripes Award process, my job, and figuring out future plans, God has taught me to be patient in the waiting, in the chaos, and in the unknown.

#1065 Erin Gardner | VA0128

Project: Installed a Marian statue at Holy Cross Academy

Most rewarding experience in your Stars & Stripes Award process: The first workday was the most rewarding, as that’s when the whole project started to really move forward and come to fruition. I was able to learn about masonry and actually start working, rather than just planning it all out and fundraising.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: One of my favorite memories was at a summer camp completing the Survival, Search, & Rescue Badge. We slept in our own lean-tos we made of sticks and leaves. I also really enjoyed getting to know and bond with the other girls doing that badge.

#1066 Sedona Ellemberger | AK1130

Project: Designed and built a memorial for the unborn for St. Andrew Catholic Church

Future plans: I aspire to live as God intended me to live—a holier life. Where that will lead me, I am unsure. I hope that whatever I do with my future, my actions, and my words continue to be guided by God and glorify Him.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: For other candidates planning their Stars & Stripes Award project, I would suggest researching every item you will be working with. I had quite a bit of landscaping to do for my project, and research really helped me to figure out how to do it with minimal outside expertise.

#1068 Madison Abbott | DE0412

#1067 Isabel Rielly | MA0716

Project: Built two tent platforms for Greater Worcester Land Grant

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: The biggest piece of advice I would give another candidate is to stay on top of it and know that you can rely on God. I would tell another candidate to just keep up the good work and keep pushing through; it is worth it. God is always there.

Project: Built three picnic tables and beautified the landscaping for VFW Post 3238

Favorite Bible verse: One of my favorite Bible verses is Joshua 1:9—when you think about the future you can know God will be with you whenever you go no matter what.

#1070 Grace Kacenjar | OH1225

#1069 Grace Nilsson | CT0003

Project: Built a small, portable library designed to serve the youth at Gallup Hill Baptist Church

Future plans: I plan on attending Carroll College to study Environmental Sciences.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would advise making sure to pick a project that interests you and allowing plenty of time to complete the award process.

Project: Created a prayer garden for the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I loved every single camping trip. I love the outdoors and, even though it’s always raining, being with my friends out in nature is something I will always enjoy and cherish.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My greatest challenge in the making of the garden was adapting. There were a lot of changes made to the plot of land as I was working on it, which threw off my plan. However, I was able to improvise and still plant a beautiful garden for the church.

#1072 Reagan Spencer | TN1004

#1071 Ellie Zuniga | MI3498

Project: Created a nature trail for the St. Louis Center residents and volunteers

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13 is a very encouraging verse. I have it hanging above my bed.

Identify how God is working in your life: God is helping me as I grow, especially through this new chapter of graduating, and finishing AHG.

Project: Created an outdoor devotional area for Concord Road Preschool

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: All of the service opportunities which my friends and I have been lucky enough to participate in!

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for future candidates is to lean on the Lord and your community!

#1073 Anne Kelley | CA0786

Project: Created fun activities and 10 shareable videos to teach math to Pacific Coast Academy

Future plans: I hope to transfer to the University of California in a year, earn a degree in Math, work toward a Ph.D., and become a Math professor.

Identify how God is working in your life: God is calling me to delve deeply into my faith by researching arguments for the faith and reading about the lives of the saints. He continually invites me to take the next step in my faith journey, challenging human weaknesses holding me back from Him.

#1074 Simone Smith | MN2011

Project: Built bookcases and mounted art frames for Hope House

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I have two favorite memories: attending my first Mother Daughter Afternoon Tea and attending my first Daddy Daughter Dance.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice for future candidates is to not give up and give yourself plenty of time to complete the Stars & Stripes Award.

#1075 Bethany Mitra | SC1516

Project: Created an enrichment garden at Holy Angels

Most rewarding experience during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My most rewarding experience was being able to provide a different service experience for the girls in my Troop. I am the first Stars & Stripes Award Recipient from my Troop, so this was our first opportunity to work together on a construction service project.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to complete your paperwork and reports as soon as you can so that your project workdays are fresh in your mind. You will remember a lot more details that way.

#1076 Rebekah Daniel | TX1524

Project: Cleared existing trails and built a sensory trail for Starbrite

Identify how God is working in your life: God has helped me persevere during this project and is pulling my heart to serve others. I am currently asking Him for guidance for the future and wisdom while making decisions on college and my major. He’s been working through my life since the beginning. I was blessed to be adopted into a loving Christ-led family, and I will continue to be a servant for God.

#1078 Caroline Brown | IN4655

#1077 Tatum Briggs | TX1202

Project: Built seating and table space for the staff and volunteers of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network

Identify how God is working in your life: As I get older, I can better feel the presence of God in my everyday life. I can recognize when and where God is working in my life. I thank Him every day for the amazing life He has given me and the incredible journey He has set me on.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: One piece of advice that every candidate should know is to always wear your full Class A Uniform when making a large purchase for your project, even if you get some strange looks. Explain to these companies what the Stars & Stripes Award is, and ask if they offer a discount.

Project: Installed an outdoor Stations of the Cross for St. Lawrence Catholic Church

Future plans: I plan to go to Ivy Tech Community College for a degree in Business Administration. I also plan to travel around the state with my friends before college begins.

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: My advice would be to do the paperwork promptly and consult your Stars & Stripes Project Advisor.

#1080 Emma Childs | SC5207

#1079 Anna Garrett | NC0244

Project: Designed and built an elevated play loft for the preschoolers at Trinity Park Church

Future plans: I will be applying to colleges in the fall of my senior year and plan to study Industrial Engineering. I am interested in applying engineering to improving healthcare and the patient experience.

Most challenging obstacle you overcame during your Stars & Stripes Award process: My lack of construction knowledge presented a challenge while designing the loft and leading a team to build it. To overcome this challenge, I reached out to multiple church and community members for advice on the designs and the construction to ensure that the loft would be safe and long-lasting.

Project: Built a stage in the church youth room and updated the outdoor playground at Five Forks Baptist Church

Identify how God is working in your life: God is always working in my life, even though it can be hard to notice at times. Right now, God is helping me realize how important it is to use my talents and abilities to help others.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: My favorite memory from AHG was participating in Night Ops with my friends. Night Ops was a great opportunity to grow closer in relationships with the people in my squad, practice my outdoor skills, and best of all, be in the woods at night. It was one of the best ways to learn valuable skills while still having fun.

#1082 Sierra Miller | OH0323

#1081 Jessica Moore | TX1722

Project: Built two desensitization structures and shaded in an area in the horses’ paddock for the Trot 2 Your Heart organization

Future plans: I have been preparing to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall of 2023. I have been continuing my Biblical journey and advancing as a Technical Sargent through Civil Air Patrol.

Favorite memory or experience in AHG: I have explored activities and fields I never would have investigated. I have gained many lifelong friends and many memories that I will treasure forever.

Project: Made communication boards for children who cannot communicate with words for Carter Center

Future plans: I moved to Arizona to work in the Grand Canyon National Park, and I will be attending school online.

Favorite Bible verse: John 3:16 is my favorite verse because it was the first verse I learned, and it’s always reminded me where I came from.

#1083 Lucille Dax | WI1917

Project: Built a woodshed for Catholic Ecology Center

Advice for future Stars & Stripes Award Candidates: I would advise future candidates to stick to their plan. You really need to keep moving forward. Work on something every day, even just for a little bit. Procrastination is your worst enemy. Set deadlines and hold fast to them.

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