Legal focus
Common Characteristics of Equine Sale Disputes - And Ways to Avoid Them By Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law Equine sales are on the upswing these days,
with one. Based on these inquiries, here are
to reach buyers – social media, online
and many believe we’re now in a seller’s
five common characteristics of equine sale
auctions, horse purchase/sale web-
market, with high prices and eager buyers.
sites, and others. The problem is, buyers sometimes fall in love with photos
As a busy lawyer with over 35 years of expeBuyers purchase horses sight unseen.
and videos, without inquiring about
from horse buyers or sellers who are consid-
Thanks to a robust online marketplace,
important details. For all you know, the
ering a lawsuit or who have been threatened
sellers have numerous opportunities
beautifully trained and well-mannered
rience, my phone rings frequently with calls
Spring 2022 | Riding Instructor