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Representatives from each of the organizations that received a 2019 grant from the Story County Community Foundation gathered at Reiman Gardens to celebrate the recipients and uplift the nonprofit community serving Story County. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Story County Community Foundation 2020 Letter of Intent Announcement The grant application deadline for the Story County Community Foundation’s Major Grant is at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 31. Qualified applicants that are interested in applying for a major grant must submit a letter of intent. Applications for the Major Grant are by invitation only. Grants may be awarded in the following areas: arts and culture, community affairs and development, education, environmental education and protection, health, historical preservation, human services and youth programs. A completed letter of intent must be submitted electronically by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 31, to be considered for review. The application information is online at Grants are awarded annually
in November. Eligible applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; a governmental body (school, city, county) or a charitable project with a qualified fi scal sponsor. For more specific questions on eligibility, please contact Sunni Kamp, executive director, at skamp@ Past recipients of this grant include: 2019 - City of Zearing Fire Department: Emergency Fire Department Building Retrofit 2018 - The Salvation Army: Van for retail donation program City of McCallsburg: Park shelter addition 2017 - Inclusive Playground & Miracle Field: Rhapsody music line 2016 - Cambridge Volunteer Fire Department: fi re station addition
2015 - Story County Conservation: Discovery Nature Playscape at McFarland Park 2014 - Story County Fair Association: window replacement for the Community Building renovation 2013 - Primary Health Care: remodel space for Story County Community Health Center 2012 - Heartland Senior Services: kitchen remodel 2011 - NAMI – Central Iowa: initial operating funds for mental health wellness center 2010 - Mid-Iowa Community Action: moving cost for Story County Dental Clinic For more information, contact the Story County Community Foundation at (515) 232-9200 or visit The organization is now accepting online donations.
Story Medical Clinic offers free sports physicals to area school-aged athletes With the aim of ensuring the state’s junior high and high schoolers are healthy enough to hit the field (or court, pool, course, etc.), the state requires sports physicals to be completed before athletes are cleared for competition on schoolaffi liated teams. Story Medical Clinic in Nevada will offer free sports physicals from 2 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, and
Tuesday, Aug. 4. The free sports physicals are open to all area school-aged athletes including those at schools in Story, Marshall, Hardin and Polk counties. Precautions are being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All student athletes will be required to wear a mask throughout. If student athletes don’t have a mask of their own,
they will be provided one upon entering the clinic. Only the student athlete receiving the physical will be allowed to enter the clinic. No appointment is necessary, and the sports physical form required by the state’s athletic association will need to be completed for each athlete. Please download and complete the form at
Chad Hart, Iowa State University Department of Agronomy economist, recently spoke to Ame Golden K members during a virtual meeting. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Hart visits Ames Golden K Chad Hart, ISU Department of Agronomy, economist recently spoke to Ames Golden K members who continue to meet virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. Highlights include: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a signifi cant slide in corn and soybean prices nationally and internationally. Hog and cattle prices and supply have been greatly affected
by Covid with drops up to 50 percent due in part to beef and pork plant shutdowns due to Covid outbreaks. There has been some recovery of late. Ethanol manufacturers in Iowa have experienced losses of 50 percent to 95 percent due to the pandemic. The federal government has allocated $16 billion to farmers and ag producers to
make up for some of their losses. Due to ideal weather conditions, corn and soybean planting has been completed considerably ahead of schedule. Indicators show that 2020 corn and soybean crop yields could be the largest ever. For more information about Ames Golden K Kiwanis, please visit www.
Nominations taken for Philanthropy Day Awards Nominations are being sought for the 16th annual Philanthropy Day Awards presented by the Story County Alliance for Philanthropy. The awards recognize individuals, families, groups and businesses throughout Story County who have exhibited outstanding financial or leadership support for any charitable cause. With the occurrence of the coronavirus in 2020, there are many examples of organizations and individuals who have contributed greatly this year. Award categories include: Individual/ Family Philanthropist, Business/Corporate/ Foundation Philanthropist, Individual Volunteer Fundraiser, Group Volunteer Fundraiser and Youth Volunteer Fundraiser. Jean Kresse, president and CEO of the United Way of Story County, commented that, “We are
so proud of the giving spirit of our community and appreciate the opportunity to say thank you for helping to make things even better in our community.” Any individual, group, business, corporation or foundation within Story County may be considered. The first step in the nomination process is to submit a short intent to nominate form, due by June 26, 2020. The form can be found online at www. or submitted in person at the United Way of Story County office located at 315 Clark Ave., in Ames. Full nomination forms, which can also be found on the website or at the United Way office, are due July 31, 2020. Philanthropy Day is supported by many organizations and individuals who give
Editor’s Note: With how rapidly everything is changing related to COVID-19, please visit the Ames Tribune website,, for more information as it becomes available. Follow the Ames Tribune on Facebook as well. Community calendar suspended: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Due to this, and the constantly-changing environment surrounding COVID-19 throughout the county and state, the Ames Tribune will suspend its community calendar until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
their time and talent as members of the Story County Alliance for Philanthropy. The members of the alliance recognize the importance of Philanthropy and volunteer year-round to celebrate and support Philanthropy in Story County. The following individuals, groups, and businesses were recognized in 2019: Re/Max, Story City Friends Endowment, Ruth Harris, Sheila Lundt and Roland-Story Community School District – Student Organizations. Award winners will be honored at the 2020 Philanthropy Day celebration on Nov. 19, 2020, at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center in Ames. For more information, visit or call the United Way of Story County office at (515) 268-5142.