1-29-20 Story County SUN

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on Sundays




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AMES, IA 50010 PERMIT NO. 22

CALENDAR OF EVENTS JAN. 29 BINGO NIGHT American Legion Post 37 will offer Bingo at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 225 Main St., in Ames. Event is open to the public. Play sheets of three, six or nine squares are available for $6, $12 and $18.

‘SUFFRAGETTE’ Come to Ames Public Library for a free showing of “Suffragette” at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the library’s auditorium. The intense drama tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement in Britain. Wendie Schneider, Iowa State University adjunct associate professor of history, will present opening remarks and facilitate a discussion following the film.

JAN. 30 ‘LEADING LADIES’ OPENING NIGHT The Ames Community Theater (ACTORS) production of Ken Ludwig’s “Leading Ladies” opens at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 120 Abraham Drive. Complimentary opening night hors d’oeuvres will be provided starting at 6:45 p.m. Tickets are available at Alpha Copies, 3615 Lincoln Way, and online at actorsinc.org. The performance will also be at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31; Saturday, Feb. 1; Friday, Feb. 7; and Saturday, Feb. 8; one matinee performance will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9.

Availa Bank representatives stand with Nevada High School ag mechanics students and FFA members after providing $500 to Nevada High School ag education and FFA chapter for the purchase of a 72-compartment bolt bin as well as the the bolts, nuts, washers and a sizing index. Front row, kneeling, from left, Kennedy Steffes and Keegan Jones; back row, from left, Wyatt Lewis, Shelli Eatwell, of Availa, Brad Murty, of Availa, Ron Kemmer, of Availa, and Carson Mather. Not pictured: Kevin Cooper, Nevada High School agriculture education instructor and FFA advisor. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Availa Bank provides $500 to Nevada FFA Availa Bank, Nevada location, provided $500 to Nevada High School agriculture education and FFA chapter for the purchase of a 72-compartment bolt bin. The money also covered the cost of the bolts, nuts, washers and a sizing index. Kevin Cooper, Nevada High

The Ames Golden K Kiwanis will meet at 9:25 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30, at First United Methodist Church, 516 Kellogg Ave., in Ames. Jody Melcher, Nevada Kiwanis Club, will present “Nevada Bottle/Can Redemption Program.” For more information, visit amesgoldenk. org. Visitors are welcome.


LIFT A LIFT event, presented by Living Information for Today for widows and widowers, will be from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 31, at Fisher Theater, Scheman Building, 1805 Center Drive, in Ames. Glenna Bents, from Stevens Memorial Chapel, will meet you inside the lobby at Fisher to be seated together for HERoines-BARJCHE. The 2020 Barjche, Iowa State University dance concert since 1944, honors the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. You can bring a friend and/ or meet LIFT participants. RSVP for $5 by calling Glenna at (515) 290-9039 or Stevens Memorial Chapel at (515) 232-5473.

‘LEADING LADIES’ PERFORMANCE The Ames Community Theater (ACTORS) production of Ken Ludwig’s “Leading Ladies” will be at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31, at 120 Abraham Drive. Tickets are available at Alpha Copies, 3615 Lincoln Way, and online at actorsinc.org. The performance also will be on Friday, Feb. 7, and Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m.; one matinee performance will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9. For more events, see page 7

Beau Drake, of Ames Fastenal, worked up the inventory quote, which originally showed the bolt bin alone at $108, which Fastenal agreed to donate. Last year, Availa Bank provided funds for a stacked Craftsman tool box ensemble with a cordless tool charging shelf.

Ames Middle School Builders Club visits retirement community


American Legion Post 37 is hosting a Fish Fry Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31, at 225 Main St., in Ames. Enjoy a fried fish dinner basket with fries, coleslaw and hush puppies for just $8. Chicken plank meals will also be available. Proceeds go to support the Legion-sponsored children and youth programs in the Ames area.

School agriculture education instructor and FFA advisor stopped by the Availa Bank on Dec. 20, and Brad Murty asked if the school program could use $500 to purchase something it needed. “Certainly” Cooper said. “We need a bolt bin.”

Builders Club members sing Christmas carols at The Waterford at Ames retirement community. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Twenty-three members of the Ames Middle School Builders Club recently made their third-annual holiday visit to The Waterford at Ames retirement community, which is located within walking distance of the school. The school advisor and members of the sponsoring Kiwanis Club escorted them to the community. While there, the Builders Club members sang Christmas carols, shared holiday cookies and chatted with the community’s residents. Students and residents alike enjoyed the interaction of shared treats and conversation. The annual visit is one of the many public projects of the Builders Club. The Ames Middle School Builders Club is sponsored to Kiwanis International by the Town and Country Kiwanis Club.

A Builders Club member chats with a resident of The Waterford at Ames retirement community. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

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