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Dave Seaton is a long-time volunteer and ticket seller for the Kiwanis Pancake Days in Ames. Here he is wrapping silverware with Kiwanian Jack Cleasby at this year’s event. Seaton recently received the Service Leadership Award presented annually by the Ames Town and Country Kiwanis to a dedicated AKTION Club member. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Dave Seaton receives Kiwanis Service Award The Town and Country Kiwanis Club of Ames recently presented Dave Seaton with the 2019 Service Leadership Award for club leadership and service in the community. Seaton is a long-time member of the Cyclone Country AKTION Club (a local branch of Kiwanis International) which chartered in 2006. Seaton has seldom missed a meeting since he first heard about the club through friends. He has served as a board member and the club’s program chair for many years. Using his many community contacts he has organized interesting programs for the club such as visits from his beloved ISU sports department, including
speakers Jamie Pollard, Fred Hoiberg and the ISU women’s basketball team. Examples of other educational subjects have been the Ames police force, fire department, HIRTA, CyRide, Miracle League Park and Story County Conservation, among many others. He says one of his favorite speakers was former Mayor Ann Campbell, who briefed the club numerous times on Ames council agendas and asked for input into special needs considerations. Besides the fellowship of club members, Seaton says his favorite part of belonging to the AKTION Club is that it gives him ways to help out the community. Seaton has been a regular participant in the 21
AKTION Club food drives at Lincoln Center Hy-Vee, resulting in thousands of pounds of food donated to local food pantries. He helps with Kiwanis Pancake Days annually, and has been the club’s top ticket seller for many years. He has also teamed with his mom, Sue Seaton, in preparing community awareness materials for the club-sponsored Pizza Ranch fundraisers. These support the Kiwanis effort to Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus for underdeveloped countries in Africa. In the past he has volunteered at Ames Public Library. Seaton was employed many years at Hickory Park and now works part-time at
Texas Roadhouse. Despite his busy schedule, he still finds time for personal interests like following the Cyclones, professional Midwest sports teams, and participating in club game night at Mayhem Collectables in Campustown. He is an avid reader, using his special phone to follow the local newspapers as well as enjoying a constant supply of audio books through the Library of Congress and Iowa Department for the Blind. He also regularly attends Ames Fitness to stay physically healthy. Seaton recommends that anyone with special abilities who enjoys serving the community come join the Cyclone Country AKTION
Club family. The club currently has 20 members who actively help in the community in various ways. They meet from 3:30 to 5 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at United Methodist Church to enjoy educational speakers, social activities and to plan their service projects. The club is supported financially and advised through the Ames Noon Kiwanis, Ames Town and Country Kiwanis, and Golden K Kiwanis Clubs. Unfortunately, all Kiwanis meetings are on hold now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact Marion Kresse at mkresse@isunet. net for further updates and membership information.
Editor’s Note: With how rapidly everything is changing related to COVID-19, please visit the Ames Tribune website,, for more information as it becomes available. Follow the Ames Tribune on Facebook as well. Community calendar suspended: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Due to this, and the constantly-changing environment surrounding COVID-19 throughout the county and state, the Ames Tribune will suspend its community calendar until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.