05-27-2020 Story County SUN

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on Sundays




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Ames Public Library offers curbside pickup Ames Public Library has introduced a new, contact-free Curbside Holds Pickup service. Curbside Holds Pickup will allow library cardholders to request physical items such as books and DVDs, then schedule an appointment to pick them up in front of the library. Director Sheila Schofer says staff is excited to get materi-

als moving out the door again. “We’ve been working hard to safely provide as many of our services as possible to as many people as possible,” Schofer said. “We were able to ramp up our online offerings quickly when this started, but we wanted to be very thoughtful in planning a safe way to circulate physical items.”

Ames Public Library opened up Curbside Holds Pickup on May 18 for customers who had held items already waiting for them. “Since we closed, the holds shelves have been absolutely packed. We knew we needed to get some of those items out of the way before we could handle a flood of new requests,” Schofer said. “With

that experience, and a lot more space, we’re ready to open the service up to all of our library cardholders.” For more information about Curbside Holds Pickup or to schedule an appointment, visit www. amespubliclibrary. org/curbside. While community members may check out items through Curbside Holds

Pickup, Ames Public Library’s building remains closed to the public. On May 13, Ames City Council directed that City Hall and city facilities not reopen before Wednesday, July 1, 2020. During the closure, Ames Public Library is offering a variety of programs and videos online, a weekly show on KHOI Community Radio and online

“Stay Inside & Thrive” challenges. The library has also expanded access to its collections of downloadable and streaming content, such as e-books and movies. In addition, many premium learning and research resources are available online for free with an Ames Public Library card. Visit www. amespubliclibrary.org for more information.

Members of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club and Story County Conservation rest after a recent work project at the Tedesco Environmental Learning Corridor. Front row, from left, Sue Griffith, club member; Beth Waage, conservation naturalist and project leader; and Jess Lancial, conservation; back row, from left, club members Dan Franklin, Leo Timms and Paul Brackelsberg. Not pictured: Erica Place, conservation volunteer coordinator, who also assisted with the work. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Town and Country Kiwanis, Story County Conservation work together at Tedesco Environmental Learning Corridor The Tedesco Environmental Learning Center is located in the ISU Research Park. The 37-acre center brought together Story County, the city

of Ames, Iowa State University, the State of Iowa and other partners to illustrate useful cooperation near commercial development, quality of life

and natural resource conservation in a very pleasant and assessable setting. The club and conservation members recently planted native

prairie seedlings near the deck overlooking the center. The plant material was secured from ISU. In several years, the plants will the show

colors of the prairie to center observers. The Town and Country Kiwanis Club has an annual agreement with Story County Conservation

to police and remove garbage at the corridor. The club members can assist with projects such as the planting of these seedlings.

Editor’s Note: With how rapidly everything is changing related to COVID-19, please visit the Ames Tribune website, www.amestrib.com, for more information as it becomes available. Follow the Ames Tribune on Facebook as well. Community calendar suspended: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Due to this, and the constantly-changing environment surrounding COVID-19 throughout the county and state, the Ames Tribune will suspend its community calendar until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

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