06-10-2020 Story County SUN

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on Sundays




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From left, Kris Lager, David Amensen, Helene Adams and Janet and Russ Melby. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Brent Pierce, Northcrest’s Residents’ Council Chair, presents a check for $19,835 from 104 Northcrest residents to the Emergency Residence Project. $19,835 from 104 contributors was presented to Jodi Stumbo, Northcrest’s executive director, on June 2.CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Northcrest residents donate nearly $20K to Emergency Residence Project Each year, a Community Outreach Gift is collected voluntarily from Northcrest residents to be given to a worthy charity in Story County. The charity is selected by the Residents’ Council from suggestions offered by

the residents. This year, the annual outreach gift was given to the Emergency Residence Project, definitely a worthy cause during these uncertain times. In all, 104 Northcrest residents do-

nated $19,835 to the Emergency Residence Project. A check for $19,835 was presented to Jodi Stumbo, ERP executive director, on June 2 by Brent Pearce, Northcrest’s Residents’ Council Chair.

Patel awarded scholarship by Arcadia Lodge 249

One Heart Equestrian presents to Sons of Norway Sons of Norway Kong Sverre Lodge held its March event in Story City with the program “One Heart Equestrian Therapy Update” presented by Kris Lager, cofounder and executive director of One Heart Equestrian Therapy. Member David Amensen hand carved a wooden piece of art, a number one with a red heart, and presented it to Kris as a token of the relationship between the lodge and One Heart

Equestrian Therapy. One Heart Equestrian Therapy of Ames offers therapy to individuals demonstrating physical, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations and special needs. Kris shared updates on their new facilities and programming, then highlighted the unique relationship One Heart has had with Kong Sverre Lodge for many years. One Heart was founded in 2001 and became a reality with the help of

Kong Sverre Lodge conducting fundraisers for three years, which raised money to purchase their fi rst two Norwegian Fjord horses, custom-made harnesse, and had two wooden driving carts made which were painted with Norwegian Rosemaling by Story City artist Helga Kennedy. Sons of Norway Events are open to all interested in learning more about Scandinavian heritage and culture and guests are always welcome.

Block discusses world tour with Town and Country Kiwanis

Arcadia Masonic Lodge has awarded Nathan Matthew Patel with one of two $1,000 scholarships. Nathan is a 2020 graduate of Gilbert High School, and has an outstanding scholastic record. He has been involved with Y-Disciple Youth Ministry as an assistant group leader, and Ames Youth and Shelter Services as a mentor, and Key Club as a founding member. He has participated and lettered in both cross-country and track and field, and was awarded Academic All State. Nathan plans to attend Iowa State University in the engineering field. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

David Block, retired professor of architecture, at Iowa State University, recently visited the Zoom virtual meeting of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club. He presented pictures of and described his trip around the world to the members and guests of the club. His fi rst stop was the Society Islands of Tahiti and Bora Bora. Then to Australia, visiting Sidney, Melbourne and other locations, including the Great Barrier Reef; then to Bali of Indonesia, and the fi nally in the Saharan Desert and Medina of Fes in Morocco. He found the Society Islands of Tahiti

David Block, retired professor of architecture, at Iowa State University, recently visited the Zoom virtual meeting of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

and Bora Bora to be beautiful places in the world spending several days in Bora Bora. Then to Australia, including Sidney and the Harbor with the famous Sidney Opera House, where he admired the

Editor’s Note: With how rapidly everything is changing related to COVID-19, please visit the Ames Tribune website, www.amestrib.com, for more information as it becomes available. Follow the Ames Tribune on Facebook as well. Community calendar suspended: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Due to this, and the constantly-changing environment surrounding COVID-19 throughout the county and state, the Ames Tribune will suspend its community calendar until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

archetechel uniqueness of the space. He swam and scuba dived in the area of the Great Barrier Reef. He visited a former student and viewed the Hindu Temple of Bali of Indonesia. He then went to Casablanca, Morocco, where he toured the Hassan II Mosque, the seventh-largest mosque in the world. He then on a camel riding expedition into the Saharan Desert; and fi nally toured Medina of Fes in the city of Morocco. The club members and their guests saw places of beauty and serenity found in very different parts of the world shared by David Block on this trip.

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