on Sundays
CALL DAN AT 515.230.1547
AMES, IA 50010 PERMIT NO. 22
Cara Heuer, Gilbert High SchoolMalia Pratt, Nevada High School
Emily Ruben, Roland-Story High SchoolSamuel Sirna, Roland-Story High School
Altrusa awards $500 scholarships to four Story County high school graduates Altrusa International of Ames Inc. gave four $500 High School Service Awards to Story County 2020 graduates.
We received a great number of impressive applications and are proud of all of them for their selfless service to their com-
munities. We honor graduating high school seniors that have made serving their community a part of their
The Story City Friends Endowment recently presented a $500 check to the Story City First Responders. The Story City First Responders serve Story City and Lafayette Township and cover 100 square miles. From left, Chief Mike McGuigan and Assistant Chief Adam Tryon accept the check from Dwayne Fiihr, Story City Friends Endowment president.
Story City First Responders
presented check for $500 from the Story City Friends Endowment The Story City Friends Endowment recently presented a $500 check to the Story City First Responders. This award, part of the Endowment’s annual contribution back to the community, is one of several awards
which will be given out during 2020. It will be used to purchase much needed equipment, such as a pulse oximeter, which measures oxygen saturation levels. The First Responders serve Story City and Lafayette Town-
ship and cover 100 square miles. For information on how your donations to the Story City Friends Endowment help to support the community on an on-going permanent basis, please contact Dwayne Fiihr, (515) 733-4486.
busy lives. Our scholarship recipients for 2020 are Cara Heuer of Gilbert High School; Malia Pratt, of Nevada High
School; Emily Ruben of Roland-Story High School; and Samuel Sirna of Roland-Story High School. Congratulations to
all award winners from Altrusa International of Ames, Inc., Mary Mekemson, Altrusa Service Committee Chair
Iowa State University professor emeritus of animal science Leo Timms socializes with the Jersey cows at the ISU Dairy Barn. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Timms talks dairy to the Town and Country Kiwanis Leo L. Timms, professor emeritus of animal science at Iowa State University and member of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club recently presented the topic: “Iowa Dairy Industry: Past, Present, and Future! You Make the Call”: to the members and guests of the club. Professor Timms told his audience Iowa had 1.5 million cows in 1934; Today, there are 220,000 cows distributed in more than 1,000 herds. Most are located in northwest
and northeast Iowa. Also, the average milk production is about 25,000 pounds per cow per year. Total Iowa production is about 5.3 billion pounds of milk in Iowa per year. Milk is used for fluid use, butter, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy foods. About 65 percent of Iowa’s milk is used for cheese production. In 1940, more than a quarter million pounds were used for making butter. Timms empha-
sized each Iowa cow provides $25,454 of economic value to the state. Iowa is a major leader in the U.S. dairy industry, ranking 12th in milk production after California, Wisconsin, Idaho, New York and Texas (ranked from first to fifth). He also discussed the financial impact of the COVID-19 virus pandemic on milk producers and the industry generally. He seems optimistic for their future. Timms reminds all June is Dairy Month.
Editor’s Note: With how rapidly everything is changing related to COVID-19, please visit the Ames Tribune website,, for more information as it becomes available. Follow the Ames Tribune on Facebook as well. Community calendar suspended: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Due to this, and the constantly-changing environment surrounding COVID-19 throughout the county and state, the Ames Tribune will suspend its community calendar until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.