09-09-2020 Story County SUN

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TEEN MAZE, a Signature Project of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club ChildServe executives recently was awarded a Silver prizepresent by Kiwanis International program to Ames Golden K Kiwanis Each of the Division’s experiences. TEEN MAZE, a Signaclubs contribute funds to The program was develture Project of the Town support this service project and Country Kiwanis Club oped to serve seventhSubmitted ChildServe is a 92-year-old organizaIn the nine years, these recently was awarded a graders in Story,tion Boone formed in Des Moines/Johnston in have contributed Silver prizeArea by Kiwanis Greene counties. 1928, This and whoclubs opened care centers in Ames Director of and ChildServe $52,000 and in provided 8,600 International. age was for the City in 1981 and Ames 2000. Their Kate Reynolds, Executive Director ofselected the Iowa hours of service. The club has presented reason it is a period of tranChildServe Foundation Erica Axiotis, mission is to partner with families to The Town and Country this program yearly the past sition for teens who often and Chair of the ChildServe Board of Di- help children with special healthcare Kiwanis Club submitted nine years. It was developed are exposed to the use of needs live a great life. 15% rectors Teri Wahlig were featured speakthis Teen Maze{100,000} project of for teen-agers with 10 other alcohol, other drugs and healthcare needs. ers at a Clubs recent K weekly tohave Kiwanis International Kiwanis in Ames DistrictGoldenhave self-esteemIowa issueschildren and ChildServe's staff of 1,400 serves 4,500 Thursday meeting, which continues viracknowledging its success Eleven of the Nebraskasexual activity. children currently, with a goal of serving tually via ZOOM. Reynolds, a 15-year is the result of the work Iowa District of Kiwanis. The project requires 10,000 by their 100thvolunteers anniversary in ChildServe veteran, expressed of many in The award was hundredsher of volunteers 2028.hours The Story location thanks on behalf of ChildServe for Ames theCounty/Ames Clubs of the Kiwanis announced in the July 2020 and more than 2,500 began with 150Family children 2000 and curGolden K's $13,200 since andinthe participatNebraska-Iowa Districtin donations yearly for planning, setup rently serves 600 children. 2007. Newsletter. Teen Maze and leading teens through ing seventh-grade students was developed to provide the activity stations and through the years. Youth prevention services to evaluations. This Kiwanis and Shelter Services continyouth addressing relationFamily event is assisted by ues to furnish administraAKTION, Builders and Key tive services to support the ships, substance abuse, life Clubs in the local area. project. skills and mental health

Roland-Story Agriculture I students learn about basic provisions Submitted

Forty-one students in Agriculture I class have learned about the importance of agriculture as it provides for basic provisions such as food, clothing and shelter. The students in both sections of the class worked on a STEM based activity called ‘Basic Provisions’ which taught them about how agriculture has developed over the years. According to Taylor, ‘this activity was a part of our lesson over introduction to agriculture and focused on how aff ordable food is in our country due to the effi ciency and technology that we have available.’ As the students worked through the activity, they were exposed to how in the earliest of times we were hunters and gathers, and then moved into the era of trade and barter to the times we now have that allows us to have many luxury items besides providing Aaron Zilber Mann, left, with hisfor grandfather, J. Adin Mann Jr. Aaron graduated basic needs. withour a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, which is the school where his grandfather is a professor emeritus in chemical engineering. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Zilber shares college graduation with grandfather at Case Western Photos: Students from the different sections demonstrating how to cooperatively work together to analyze information on how agriculture practices have He also received the Aaron Zilber Mann changed throughout the Glenn Nicholls Character completed his bachelor of years. SUBMITTED PHOTOS of Distinction Award from science in engineering at

Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He received the Craig J. Miller Memorial Award

Greek Life. Aaron is grateful for the excellent education he received in the Ames School

Aaron’s grandfather, J. Adin Mann Jr., who got his education at Iowa State University: bachelor’s degree in chemical technology in 1954 and doctorate degree in physical chemistry in

Dr. Wahlig noted that ChildServe is not a hospital, but is focused on eff orts such as Pediatric Rehabilitation Programs, Post Acute Services, Speech Therapy, Behavioral Health, and Complex Medical issues. Their recently drafted Strategic Plan will concentrate heavily on Program Growth in Child Health, doing better as an Organization, and establishing further partnerships with other organizations--profi t and non-profi t. All 3 speakers shared details on the challenges presented by COVID-19 and how ChildServe has successfully adapted.




Ms. Reynolds concluded the presentation by sharing a video "Believing in The Spirit of a Child" which illustrates how a parent can be positively aff ected by Childserve. She also noted that recent Ames Golden K monetary gifts have been used to purchase IPads and other classroom equipment, and some funds were also used to help fi nance a recent Playground renovation at the Ames facility. For more information about Ames Golden K, please see their website www.amesgoldenk.org

A “birds-eye view” of Teen Maze at the Boone Country Fairgrounds. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Ames Town & Gown P.E.O. STAR Scholarship presented announces to Ames High School’s Barkosky virtual off ering for fall 2020 The prestigious P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for the 20202021 academic year was recently presented to Vera Barkosky, a graduating senior at Ames High School. Vera is the daughter of Richard Barkosky and Anne Cooper, and was recommended for this scholarship by Chapter HO of Ames. Vera has been accepted and will attend the University of Iowa where she plans to double major in political science and sociology beginning this fall. The P.E.O. STAR Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship based on excellence in leadership, extracurricular activities, community service, academics, and potential for future success.


The Ames Town & Gown Chamber Music Association has announced an online concert series this fall, presenting fi ve special programs through its website free of charge, (amestownandgown.org) from Sept. 18 to Dec. 18. THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY LINCOLN CENTER: CMS -"FRONT ROW " is a fascinating series of programs conceived by CMS artistic codirectors cellist David Finckel and pianist Wu Han in March 2020, when COVID-19 made it impossible to hold concerts for live audiences worldwide. Curated from an extensive archive of more than 900 concerts recorded in See SCHEDULE, Page 5A

The prestigious P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year was recently presented to Vera Barkosky, a graduating senior at Ames High School. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Ames Main Street receives 2020 National Main Street accreditation Submitted

Ames Main Street has been designated as a 2020 Accredited Main Street Americ program. Accredited status is Main Street America’s top tier of recognition and signifi es a demonstrated commitment to comprehensive commercial district revitalization and proven track record of successfully applying the Main Street Approach™. “We are proud to recognize this year’s 860 Nationally Accredited Main Street America programs that have dedicated themselves to strengthenSee MAIN, Page 3A

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