Manhattan Resident Managers Club Newsletter, January 17

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Vol. 38 No. 168

January 2017

Manhattan Resident

ManageR’s Club, inC. Dedicated to the Performance & Advancement for the Real Estate Manager


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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–





anton Markola 212-974-4650

Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC. ORganized­1980 P.O. Box 1144 New York, NY 10021

VICE-PRESIDENT: JoE cErvini 917-588-4922 TREASURER: StEvE Mala 212-861-2073 FIN.SECRETARY: Patrick McEnanEy 917-699-5231

Our Next Meeting

will be held on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at The Saloon NYC Located at 1584 York Avenue starting at 6:00pm. dress­code­is­suit­&­tie. No exception! Our Educational feature will be presented by F & D Partners, an energy broker in the deregulated markets.

Price: $40.00 for Members $60.00 for non Members

SECRETARY: PEtEr GuzMan 917-837-1390



Ben Flores

Laslo Karsai

John Szabo

Joe Vela

Dean Berishaj

Louis Parrilla 917-750-4117

Any Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Manhattan Resident Managers Club,Inc., or its members. The Manhattan Resident Managers Club Inc. reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Newsletter or in any Club publication.


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Welcome to the January Newsletter! n behalf of the Dais & Trustees of the Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2017 New Year.


Thank you to those that attended our Ugly Christmas/Holiday sweater/suit Party. What a tremendous turn out! It was an extremely fun night with great friends, food, music and dancing. Congratulation to our ugly sweater contest winners Mr. Francis McLoughlin and Ms. Amanda Haley. Each winner took home a Gift Certificate valued at $250.00. We also would like to thank all those who bought gifts/toys for our charitable donation Toys-for-Tots. Our next Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at The Saloon NYC Located at 1584 York Avenue starting at 6:00pm. dress­code­is­suit­&­tie. No exception! Our Educational feature will be presented by F & D Partners, an energy broker in the deregulated markets.

Anton Markola President

Manhattan Resident Managers Club, Inc.

At this time, I would like to announce that the Dais & Trustees have selected as their 2017 Resident Manager of the Year, Mr. Ben Flores. It is also my honor to announce that the 2017 Associate Member of the Year and Recipient of the William Key Award is Mr. Phil Levine of Major Air Service Corp. Congratulations to you both! Please remember to support all of our Associate Members as they are the main reason and lifeline that keeps our CLUB in existence. Most of our Associate Members take an ad in our monthly Newsletter, so when you’re in need of a contractor or vendor, please refer to the Newsletter for their products & services. Upcoming events for the CLUB in 2017 will be “A Night of the Races” in February, the MRM Foundation’s Golf Tournament in May, our Annual Sunset BBQ in June, and the increasingly popular Sunset Dinner Cruise around Manhattan in October. Please mark your calendars since you don’t want to miss any of these special events. The CLUB will be attending “The Battle for New York” Hockey Game when the NY Islanders face off against the NY Rangers on February 16, 2017 at Barkley Center in Brooklyn, NY. For tickets contact either Francis at 212-268-0952 or myself at 917-579-1514. there­are­only­a­FeW­tickets­left! Don’t forget to check our CLUB’s website for updates throughout the year. It could all be found right there with a click of the mouse. Visit­ Also, as you may have noticed, we have new look for our monthly Newsletter. Thank you to Louis Parrilla, our Editor-in-Chief, along with Peter Guzman & Ben Flores for all their hard work in making this happen. For information on advertising in the Newsletter, please reach out to Mr. Parrilla. It looks GREAT!! Fraternally yours,



­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Sickness, Distress and Happy Times! Congratulations to the CLUB Secretary, Mr.­Peter­guzman­ and his family on the birth of their granddaughter Julianna, born 7lbs. 4 ounces. Congratulations to our Past-President, Life Member and Newsletter Editor, Mr.­louis­Parrilla,­ on celebrating 30 dedicated years of membership in the #1 Resident Manger’s Organization in New York City; The Manhattan Resident Managers Club. Happy Birthday to Regular Member tom­smajlaj­& Associate Member david­Marebyan!

Happy Chinese New Year 2017, the Year of the Rooster! ~~

Happy Martin Luther King Day! —6—

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Top 10 Reasons to Join the MRM Club! 10. Extra Curricular: applications/resumes!





9. Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the BEST of the BEST in their field at our regular meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month.

8. Promote Awareness: The CLUB helps promote education and awareness about the NYC residential real estate market.

7. Life Insurance: Being a Regular Member of the CLUB affords you a personal life insurance policy in the amount of $125,000.00

6. Philanthropic: The CLUB participates and raises money for a number of local and national charities giving back to the community and those most in need.

5. Brotherhood: Being a member automatically gives you a feeling of closeness to other members. You share something that other people are not a part of and really can’t relate to.

4. Enrichment: Being part of a professionally ran Club or Organization is an en- riching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try them out.



3. Exposure: The CLUB will expose you to real life every day experiences you and your peers regularly share and have in common . 2. Growth: Members in Clubs/Organizations are encouraging and supportive of your personal growth. We all have a vested interest in each other.

1. Social: They are a BEST way to meet great people and have a lot of fun! With numerous events happening throughout the year; separate from our monthly meetings, it is impossible to not have some FUN!


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings." ~Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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Happy Chinese New Yoear! ‘January 28, 2017


January 16, 2017

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people." ~Confucius

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Here’s how to beat stress in just a few minutes… Face it. There are times when your work almost makes you dizzy with stress. When it happens, try these ways to get calm and refocused.

* Stop and do nothing for five or ten minutes. Sit quietly and listen to the sounds. This slows heart rate and reduces blood pressure, two of the effects of stress. At the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine they say: Remember that the only thing you can control is the present moment.

Is it possible to get a good job after 50? Conventional wisdom has it that after age 50, you are doomed if you want to find a great job. While there is age discrimination, according to the Wall Street Journal, more people ages 50 and older are working full-time and becoming entrepreneurs. According to the Rand Corporation, more older-worker friendly jobs exist now than 50 years ago. In fact, American employers are having a hard time finding skilled workers with experience, and this is good news for older workers. When there is a shortage of skills, older workers get jobs, the Rand Corporation finds.

* Get background music. In an Australian study, two groups were working on a presentation. Those who worked in silence had increases in blood pressure and heart rates. Those who worked to a calm musical background had steady readings and reported feeling much less stress.

Baby Boomers, nearly retirement age, are better educated than previous generations. A Harvard University study found that older adults have about the same number of years education as 25-year-olds.

* Laugh at something. Laughter is not only one of the most effective stress busters, it also helps your immune system. Even anticipating something humorous will lower your stress level.

More older workers than ever are working full-time. Since 1995, the number of seniors working full time has tripled. According to BLS statistics, 62 percent of workers aged 65 or older work full-time.

* Take a happy-thought break. Think about a vacation or someone you care about for a few seconds, or up to five minutes. Repeating a positive mantra is helpful as well.

Another study, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, a nonprofit research organization in Munich, found that rates of errors by younger workers were higher than older workers in assembly line work. The same group studied workers in an insurance company and found that productivity tends to increase with age.

* Take a walk. Taking a five- or ten-minute walk has a very calming effect, much better than a cup of coffee and a roll, say psychologists at Stanford University School of Medicine.

Seniors are not just working for others, either. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation showed that people between the ages of 55 and 64 accounted for 24.3 percent of all entrepreneur in 2015.

* Practice belly breaths. For several minutes, practice slow, deep belly breaths. They make you stretch your shoulders and loosen the right muscles. Take three or four belly breaths every hour when doing stressful work.

Question for the Month of January!

Of those older workers who launched their own businesses, 24 percent did so to supplement their income. A slightly higher percentage, 27 percent, said they started businesses to pursue their own interests. Only 4 percent said they started a business because they couldn’t find a job.

The secret of keeping New Year’s resolutions, say psychologists, is not making too many, and making only those that you have a chance to keep.

The most popular resolution involves losing weight, probably inspired by those pounds gained by overindulgence in holiday goodies. Others that crop up frequently are the pledge to stop smoking (sometime) in the coming year and to get up earlier in the morning. Our question this month is:

What is your best New Year’s resolution and what steps have you taken to ensure that you can follow it?

Example: If you’ve decided to stop cussing, tell everyone about the resolution and have a piggy bank handy so you can put a quarter into it every time you mutter anything stronger than “gosh darn.”

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "To the old, long life and treasure; To the young, all health and pleasure." ~Ben Jonson

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“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you." ~Winnie the Pooh

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice." ~T.S. Eliot


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." ~Michael Altshuler

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Podcasts: Fun, info for the mobile age Podcasts are like the entertainment industry

for everyone: Everyone can star and no topic is too obscure. Anyone with a microphone and a computer can put together a podcast, which, quite simply, is a downloadable audio file. The audio files are usually stored in phones and on computers. They are good short entertainment useful for listening while mowing the lawn or commuting to work. Whatever topic you search for, you can likely find one to fit your interests. There’s not just a single podcast on any one topic, there are probably dozens on any topic. There are podcasts on cooking, music, current events, comic books, knitting, pets, gardening, and movies and even serious subjects like history and politics.


WRITING THAT PERFECT RECOMMENDATION YOU DON’T WANT TO WRITE.. Lehigh University economist Robert Thornton tells how to write a recommendation for a job candidate you don’t really have anything good to say about. For the person who can’t get along with others: “I am pleased to say this person is a former colleague of mine.” For the person who doesn’t like to work very much: “In my opinion, you will be very fortunate to get this person to work for you.” For the person who is a criminal: “He’s a man of convictions, or I’m sorry we let her get away.” For the untrustworthy person: “Her true ability is deceiving.” For the unskilled worker: “I most enthusiastically recommend this person with no qualifications whatsoever.”

While many podcasters are enthusiasts, some are professionals in the broadcasting world. You can listen to National Public Radio’s shows or messages from your favorite radio announcer. You can find them on online music platforms like iTunes, Spotify, and Pandora too. You can also download podcasts from Audible, or listen from outlets like NPR. Apple’s podcast app,, and

Popular podcasts to explore: The Productive Woman, Listen Money Matters, CraftLit, The Comedy Button, This is Your Life, The Fantasy Footballers, This American Life.

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BEN FLORES Resident Manager of the Year 2017 With gratitude & appreciation for the years of dedication and service to the CLUB — 20 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


PHIL LEVINE of Major Air Service Corp

Associate Member of the Year 2017 In recognition of many years of support & friendship you have show to the CLUB — 21 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­– It is easy for occasional drinkers to get carried away on New Year’s Eve, but you don’t have to end up feeling lousy the next day if you follow some simple rules.

If you must drink alcohol, try these guidelines: • •

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The most obvious: Don’t drink and drive. Analyze your intake with this rule of thumb: For a 160-pound person, the maximum alcohol intake is five ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or one and a half ounces of spirits. If you weigh less, drink less. Measure your drinks. Pour spirits using a measure before you mix. If you don’t measure, you can’t know how much you are taking in. Using the one-per-hour method, you might finish the drink in less time. One idea is to keep diluting the drink as you go. This especially works for wine if you wish to add club soda as you go. You will have a full glass, but your alcohol intake will be stable. Don’t hold your glass! Put the glass down while you visit with others. Drink a cocktail immediately before dinner but after that, skip the straight stuff. Never drink shots. One way to push yourself over the edge in a hurry is to drink shots of straight liquor. Make sure you are not thirsty. Beer is often said to be a thirst quencher, and with the first beer, it probably is, since it contains a lot of water. But with each subsequent beer, the body becomes more than more dehydrated. Hangover is usually associated with this dehydration. Drink water to satisfy your thirst and then sip a beer.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Car Sick! Tips to help kids travel… Nothing makes a family car trip more miserable than a kid with motion sickness. You feel sorry for the child, sorry for yourself, and sorry you ever tried the trip in the first place. Still, trips are a part of life and you can make it easier.

According to, be sure before you start out that you are prepared, but haven’t primed the pump, so to speak. Don’t remind kids of their motion sickness or, focus on old stories. Emphasize what fun the trip will be and remind them that you are well prepared if they do get sick.

Nonetheless, prepare.

1 Keep a sick kit on board with a dry towel, wet towel, wipes, container and plastic bags. 2 Prepare some ginger drinks before the trip. Ginger helps prevent and treat nausea. 3 Prior to the trip, practice deep breathing. Inhale slowly through the nose for four seconds. Exhales slowly for the count of four.

Plan the drive:

1 Take a straight route, no matter what. Turns are the enemy. 2 Put towels or blankets over the windows if it is possible that sunlight will come in during the trip. 3 Make sure the car is cool and well ventilated. 4 Prepare some podcasts or audible entertainment. No screens or books.

Finally, remind the kids if they feel bad they should let someone know. There is plenty of time to stop.

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Health institute focuses on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The National Institutes of Health is putting some serious research muscle into efforts to learn more about a condition that is, to some, considered controversial.

The NIH dedicated more than $7 million to research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2016, and the agency will fund new research centers focusing on the condition, which is also sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis.

While the initiative was applauded by CFS sufferers, University of Toronto medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter has sounded a skeptical and cautionary note. CFS, he claims, appears to fall into a collection of historical non-diseases that caused epidemics mainly because people believed in them.

“I realize that these words will fall unreceptively upon some ears, and I regret that some CFS patients may feel slighted by the disbelief I have expressed in this post. Yet there are larger stakes here. In the way that lives were once ruined with such toxic diagnoses as ovarian hysteria, lives today are ruined by CFS. Many sufferers cease to be productive members of the community and end up flat on their backs. If there are lessons that we may draw from the history of medicine, they may be learned here.”

CFS sufferers disagree.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about a million people are said to have CFS. Many others have conditions that are similar to chronic fatigue syndrome (or CFS).

In order to get a diagnosis of CFS, the CDC says that a person must meet three criteria. Those criteria include the following: 1. Severe chronic fatigue persisting for at least six months that is not associated with other medical conditions. 2. Fatigue so strong that the person has trouble with work and other daily activities. 3. Concurrent suffering of at least four of the following issues: * Tiredness after activity that lasts at least 24 hours. * Sleep that does not leave one feeling rested. * Significant concentration or memory issues. * Muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, sore lymph nodes in arm and neck, recurrent sore throat.

Controversy is not new for people with this condition. In 2011, researchers released a study that reported that patients with CFS/ME experienced moderate improvements in their symptoms if they did a program of graded exercise or cognitive behavior therapy. — 25 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this — To rise above the little things." ~John Burroughs

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." ~Oprah Winfrey

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


Aries 3/21 - 4/19: At mid-month, you wake with the daylight and have exceptional clarity on important issues. At work, consider the advice of experts. They know their stuff.

Libra 9/23 - 10/21: You will be able to accomplish more in the new year than you now think will be possible. Remember that follow-through matters.

Gemini 5/21 - 6/20: It’s the New Year, but your thoughts go back to spending at Christmas. Make a plan and get it off your mind.

Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21: Instincts serve you well in the area of finances. After thinking about it, you won’t take a risk that could spell trouble, and you will have the self-discipline to back off.

Taurus 4/20 - 5/20: Start the morning, or the afternoon, with a fresh mind so you can focus on one task at a time. Don’t let domestic matters dominate your thoughts.

Cancer 6/21 - 7/22: ‘Tis the time for the spirit of renewal to dominate relationships. At work, look at an old project with a new eye. Time to get it off your desk. Leo 7/23 - 8/22: You could think that your boss, or an associate, is not on your side. The fact is that only you can trip yourself up. Think positively about people and options.

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22: Creativity and energy come together as you make a final push to emphasize your plans and ideas about how the work should be done in the coming year.

Scorpio 10/22 - 11/21: Avoid becoming involved in an idea you don’t really like. You won’t have to say anything. Others will read between the lines.

Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19: Consider whether you are at the top of your game when a sudden offer is presented. It might be a genuine opportunity, but the timing has to be right.

Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18: It’s time to add people to your circle. An opportunity presents itself to join a group that will expand your social circle and address your social consciousness. Pisces 2/19 - 3/20: When assessing relationships, consider that being able to be yourself is intimacy’s greatest prize. If you feel unable to be yourself, the relationship will not be intimate.

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MRMC Building and Health Tips 5 Property Winterrization Tips

1 2 3 4 5

Stock up on ice melt, shovels and test all machines in advance of a storm forecast. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and act early. Waiting until bad weather is imminent (or worse, has already arrived) could leave you in a bind.

Make sure all boilers or steam rooms are in good working order to ensure you don’t experience a system failure when it’s most dangerous. Clean units and replace parts and filters as needed, emergency repair services will be much more costly than preventive measures. Fully inspect the building exteriors, including the roof, walls, doors as wel as window frames around your mechanical rooms, especially in high-rises. Inspect all pipes for proper insulation, especially those in exterior walls or in colder parts of the building.

Check for and remove any damage trees or weak branches that may not survive the high winds, icy freezes or snow accumulation of a winter storm. Fallen or blown tree limbs could damage property & cause injury.


Supports Cognitive Function: Curcumin supports healthy brain cells and optimal overall cognitive function.

Supports a Heaathly Inflammatory Response: Curcumin has been scientifically shown to promote a properi nflammatory response.

Supports Cadiovascular Function: Curcumin supports heart health by promoting a healthy response.

Promotes Healthy Mood Balance: Studies have shown that curcumin may support a healthy mood balance.

Supports Joint and Muscle Health: Curcumin promotes a healthy response and eases aches and pains. Promotes Youthful Radiant Skin: Curcumin promotes soft, smooth, and glowing skin and fights fine lines and wrinkles. — 35 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” "Be at war with your vices; at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." ~Benjamin Franklin

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718.729.4900 • ROSENWACHGROUP.COM • 43-02 Ditmars Boulevard, 2nd Fl. • Astoria, NY 11105


Mr. Louis Parrilla, Newsletter Editor 524 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021

To PLAcE An AD in ThE nExT nESwSLETTEr PLEASE cALL Louis Parrilla 917-750-4117 •

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