Manhattan Resident Managers Club Newsletter-April 2019

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Vol. 40 No. 191

April 2019

Happy Earth Day

Dedicated to the Performance & Advancement for the Real Estate Manager

April 22

Our next CLUB meeting is set for Thursday, April 4th, 2019, starting at 7:00pm. at Connolly's Pub & Restaurant 121 West 45th Street, 3rd Floor.

Professional Dress attire required (Jacket & Tie). Centennial Elevator to present Educational Feature.

A Personal Note of Thanks

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Joe Cervini Past-President Term 2018-2019

I am grateful and honored to have been a part of the team leading this exceptional Club. During my term, I was blessed to work with a group of remarkable people that shared the same vision for our club. As President, there are times you have to lead or follow, but most often it’s about putting aside your personal inclinations and coming together to do what is best for our Club. Every month I would stand in front of you and see all the faces of people I’ve known for years listening to what I am saying, and It makes you realize what an important position it is. Endings are inevitable. It’s like reading a good book and not wanting it to end. Except in this case, the story doesn’t end, just the characters change like pieces on a chessboard. I realized that at our last meeting when someone asked, “Mr. President?” and they weren’t talking to me. But my role has also changed. With the creation of our new website, I will be busy keeping it updated. I look forward to seeing everyone at our meetings, but my perspective will change. Now I will be sitting on a stool at the Bar. So in stepping down, I just want to say Thank You for the honor of allowing me to be your President, Thank You to all those who have supported me, and congratulations and Good Luck to the new Dais.



2019 Election of Dais and Trustees

Below are the results of the 2019 CLUB Elections for new officers of the Dais & Trustees. Congratulations to all and welcome aboard!


President: Vice President: Treasurer: Financial Secretary: Sergeant-at-Arms & Asst. Financial Secretary: Secretary:


Mr. Francis McLoughlin Mr. Steve Mala M Mr. Sevdet “Steve” Kukaj Mr. Scott Hudgins M M M


2 Year term as Trustee Trustee: Trustee:



Mr. John Szabo Mr. Ben Flores

Mr. Fabio Progni Mr. Brian Purovic

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –


– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –





PRESIDENT: Francis P. McLoughLin (646) 525-5272

MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. ORgANizED 1980 P.O. Box 1144 New York, NY 10021

VICE-PRESIDENT: Steve Mala 212-861-2073 TREASURER: Sevdet “Steve” KuKaJ (917) 339-7166 FIN.SECRETARY: SCot HudginS (516) 984-3311 ASSISTANTT FINANCIAL SECRETARY & SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:

Our next CLUB meeting is set for Thursday, April 4th, 2019, starting at 7:00pm. at Connolly's Pub & Restaurant location at 121 West 45th Street, 3rd Floor. Professional Dress attire required (Jacket & Tie). Centennial Elevator to present Educational Feature. CLUB NEWSLETTER

JoHn Szabo 914-672-50887 FIN.SECRETARY:

Louis Parrilla Publisher 917-750-4117

ben floreS 917-860-5811

Brian Purovic

Ben Flores Editor 917-860-5811

Any Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Manhattan Resident Managers Club,Inc., or its members. The Manhattan Resident Managers Club Inc. reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Newsletter or in any Club publication.


Dean Berishaj

Peter Guzman Business Manager 917-837-1390

Fabio Progni


– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

the resident’s essage

pm Francis P. McLoughlin President

2014 Resident Manager of the Year

Fellow Members,

Welcome to the April Newsletter!

It’s an honor to be elected as your President for my second go round. I look forward to working with all the members of the Manhattan Resident Manager's Club as we strive to keep moving forward in a positive direction; while setting the standard for all organizations in our industry.

I wish to thank our outgoing President, Mr. Joe Cervini, for all his hard work and dedication to the Club for the past year. I also want to welcome aboard Mr. Scott Hudgins to our Dais along with Mr. Brian Purovic and Mr. Fabio Progni, who will be serving as our newest Trustees.

Effective immediately, I am appointing Mr. John Szabo to serve as our Sergeant-at-Arms during our monthly meetings; along with adding Past-Presidents Mr. Mike MacGowan and Mr. Anton Markola to serve as special advisors to the Dais.

The April 4th meeting; which is held at Connolley’s Pub & Restaurant, will be starting at 7pm; instead of the normal 6:00pm due to a scheduling conflict with the meeting room on the 3rd floor. Our educational feature for that evening will be given by Century Elevator where they will discuss the new city regulations regarding mandatory door lock safeties.

The MRM Club will be holding our Annual Golf Outing on Monday, September 23rd at the Clearview Golf Course in Bayside, Queens. Please refer to the flyer in this newsletter for contact information on golfing as well as sponsorships. The monies we raise at this outing, allows us to award educational scholarships to the children of our Regular Members. We truly appreciate all your participation.

A few “Save-the-Dates” for the near future include our Annual Sunset BBQ on Monday, June 3rd at Battery Gardens and this year’s Holiday Party has also been booked at Battery Gardens for Thursday, December 5th. More details to follow in subsequent newsletters.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who participated in the Resident Managers Inter-Club Bowling League. Our Club was represented by: Anton, Steve K, Steve M, Brian, Fabio, Francis, Kevin and Jonathan. These gatherings were so much fun and the Albanian lessons afterwards at KYCLADES had been quite the experience. We all look forward to Season 2 and possibly some softball in the spring.

On the behalf of the Dais & Trustees, we’re looking forward to a great productive year as well as seeing all of you at our next Club meeting on Thursday, April 4th. Remember, 7:00pm! Till then…… Fraternally yours,

Francis P. McLoughlin —5—


– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

TOP TEN WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS 1. Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine 2. Indulge in Physical Activity 3. Get More Sleep 4. Try Relaxation Techniques 5. Talk to Someone 6. Keep a Stress Diary 7. Take Control 8. Manage Your Time 9. Learn to Say ‘No’ 10. Rest If You Are Ill

Happy April Birthday to the following Members of the CLUB: Zoltan Papp, Agim Qela, Pashko Rukaj, Veton Berisha, Patrick Reidy, Tibor Szabo & Andrew Giacomazza. April 1 April Fools Day

April 7 National Beer Day

April 10 Golfer's Day

April 15 Patriot's Day

April 15 Income Tax Day

April 19 Passover begins


April 14 Palm Sunday

April 21 Easter Sunday

What Generation Z brings to the marketplace – MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Born between the early '90s and 2010, the first waves of Generation Z are either working or seeking a job now. According to the consulting firm BridgeWorks, Gen Z accounts for more than 60 million persons in the U.S.--already more than Gen X and two-thirds the volume of baby boomers. What do the Gen Z'ers bring to today's workforce? Lots of people are speculating on that very question. According to Forbes, Gen Z'ers want to make money. They're pragmatic, competitive, and continually refining new skills to stay relevant. Instead of working with a team, they would

rather manage their own projects to showcase their skills and abilities. More Gen Z'ers are passing on college now and moving directly into the workplace. According to a Pew Research study, more than 75 percent of them didn't consider college the only path to a strong education and chose to go to work without delay. Acknowledging their caution, focus on security,

privacy, and sensible careers, Gen Z'ers begin to reflect less the brash millennials and more their grandparents, writes economist Neal Howe, co-author of more than a dozen books about generations. More than any other generation, it's indisputable that to Gen Z'ers, technology is a way of life. They've lived in a world of smartphones and free Wi-Fi for as long as they can remember,


and nine of every 10 have some digital footprint. No wonder that switching among devices comes naturally to Gen Z'ers. They may begin a task in the morning, work on it later on their smartphone, then complete it on their laptop after dinner while watching some TV. Gen Zer's are profoundly entrepreneurial. More than 70 percent of today's high school students

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –


When the company loses an employee costs add up

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Ever think about what it costs a company to lose an employee to turnover? According to Inc., the figure in December 2018 was 33 percent of the employee’s salary. Far worse, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management reports the cost could range to five times the annual salary of the vacant position. What drives an employee to take another job and leave a company with such a monetary vacuum? TinyPulse, a respected source

in employee-engagement pulse surveys, analyzed data from more than 25,000 employees globally from January to October 2018. Their message: Those who disapprove of their supervisor’s or manager’s performance are four times as likely to seek employment elsewhere. The study also revealed that 40 percent who do not rate their supervisor’s performance highly have interviewed for a new job in the last three months. This response, in contrast to just 10 percent of those who rate their supervisor highly. Also, nearly 22 percent of workers who don’t feel acknowledged for good work have interviewed elsewhere in the last three months-- compared to just 12.4 percent who do feel appreciated. According to the report, employees who approved of their worklife balance are 10 percent more likely to stay at their company. On the other hand, if they feel work is keeping them away from their family and personal priorities, they’re more likely to be looking around for a better situation. Employees who rate their company culture poorly are 24 percent more likely to leave. In fact, the research found that a company’s culture has an even more significant impact--24 percent--on an employee’s decision to stay or leave than their benefits agreement. A slightly higher number-26 percent--reported that a low level of respect among co-workers would make them more likely to leave their jobs. Employees who feel they’re progressing in their careers with a company are 20 percent more likely to stay for another year. Meanwhile, those who don’t feel support in their pursuit of professional opportunities are 300 percent more likely to be seeking a position elsewhere.

How to fund your small business

To start a small business, most entrepreneurs tap into their funds first, even when they also plan to procure debt financing in the form of a small business loan, equity financing from angel investors, or a venture capitalist. Otherwise, virtually every lender expects the person seeking a business loan or equity investment to make a personal financial contribution. If you don't have ready cash, look to your personal assets as potential sources of startup money. These sources include real estate, vehicles, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, or any other asset that can be mortgaged, sold for cash, or used for collateral. According to the small business website, home equity loans are among the most cost-effective methods for borrowing. Compared to other types of financing, their interest rates are meager, and financial institutions are prepared to lend up to 80 percent of the value of a home. At the same time, credit cards are a familiar source of startup money for asset-poor entrepreneurs despite the soaring rates of interest. The next most prevalent source of small business startup funds is family, friends, or a combination of both. This sort of small business financing often takes the form of a personal loan. Statistics indicate that about half of the investors in businesses are family members, 30% are friends and neighbors, and the remaining 20% are colleagues or strangers. Of course, one of the main advantages of family and/or friend financing is flexibility. Family and friends are much more likely to seek a lower rate of return on their investment and wait longer to get their money back. They are less likely to require collateral and scrutinize a business plan as would a financial institution. Even so, borrowing money from family and friends is not without its potential pitfalls. Loans from one or more family members to another can produce jealousy or resentment. Family or friends who've invested in the business venture may feel they have a right to make or participate in the owner's business decisions. Even worse, if the business fails and the owner is unable to repay the money owed, his or her relationship with the family members and/or friends may be forever impaired.


– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

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Caution lights for the 2018 tax filer

A mental error that can keep you in debt

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) may not mean reduced taxes for every taxpayer, but it figures prominently for the American population as a whole. According to and other sources, the tax rates of past years are gone. Almost every tax rate and bracket for each filing status have been changed. Except for the 10% and 35% tax rates, tax changes modified most bracket rates from 1 to 4 percentage points. The standard deduction has been increased for every filing status. Now it's $12,000 for a single person, $24,000 for married couples filing jointly and the surviving spouse, $12,000 for married couples filing sepa-

rately, and $18,000 for the head of a household. However, the higher standard deductions mean that fewer people can itemize deductions. This change has its pros and cons, as new limits on certain itemized deductions indicate some taxpayers will lose substantial amounts they could have deducted in the past. Depending on how many people live in the household, the increase of the standard deduction may or may not be sufficient to offset the loss of the personal exemption. Also, under the new reforms, no longer can the taxpayer claim the $4,050 personal exemption for each dependent. Gone too are miscellaneous itemized deductions that exceed 2% of adjusted gross income (AGI). Among these deductions are unreimbursed employee expenses, safe deposit fees, investment management fees, and union dues. Also, when previously there was no cap on state and local income taxes, now those expenses are limited to $10,000. Meanwhile, the Child Tax Credit increases from $1,000 to $2,000, plus a new $500 credit applies for non-child dependents. With the repeal of the Affordable Care Act's mandate, no longer does a person choosing to forego health care coverage in 2019 pay tax penalties. As for the mortgage interest deduction, filers who purchased a home in 2018 can deduct interest up to $750,000 in mortgage debt instead of the previous $1 million.

Maybe a little debt doesn't feel too bad, but sooner or later people ask themselves, "Is it too much?". That's when they start comparing themselves to peers. Friend A goes on a cruise twice a year. Debt doesn't seem to be an issue. Friend B doesn't make a lot of money, but is still a credit card clothes horse. According to financial blogger Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, comparing yourself to others is false security. It makes you think debt is normal. It also makes you think you can afford to have it.

Insurance to buy in your 30s

Term life insurance is dirt cheap when you're young, but it becomes dramatically more expensive the longer you wait. It's tempting to wait to buy life insurance until you have children or a mortgage. Typically, people wait until age 30 to 35 to buy life insurance. People aged 25 or younger usually are busy just trying to pay the bills. But, there is a steep penalty for waiting. A 30-year term policy with a $100,000 face amount is about $13-$15 per month for a healthy 30-year-old male. For a 40-year-old male the premium is about $20 per month. If you wait until your 50s, when you might have some medical issues, you might pay $70-$80 per month or more for a shorter term policy.

Insurance to buy in your 50s

Long-term care insurance can help to protect your savings should a spouse go into a nursing home. But, like all things insurance, it is best purchased long before you need it. Long-term care insurance is best purchased in your mid50s, when rates will be better and chances of getting accepted are higher. About 23 percent of applicants in their 60s are declined coverage, while only 14 percent of those in their 50s are declined according to Investopedia.

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From the night shift to a good day's sleep

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Starting out on the night shift can leave a person with sleepless days and sluggish nights but, it can get better. At the root of this dilemma is the disruption of the body's circadian rhythm, the natural light-dark cycle that's controlled by an internal body clock. The most significant threat of night shift work is that a continued lack of sleep diminishes reaction time, the ability to make decisions, process and remember information, and maintain awareness. These can cause preventable errors, accidents, and injuries--especially in high-risk situations. The good news is that with a few changes in the light-dark cycle and sleep schedule, a person's circadian rhythm can be tailored to working a night shift. When that's accomplished, the body is naturally prepared to sleep during the day. The most critical phase in leaving a night shift is to minimize exposure to morning light. Wear dark sunglasses before walking outside, then continue to lessen as much exposure to light as possible before first going to sleep. The next step is to follow a consistent program of sleep. Rather than dosing throughout the day, schedule the best time to sleep as long and soundly as possible. Eventually, strict adherence to this schedule creates a new circadian rhythm that enables the body to be alert through the night and sleep during the day. When it's challenging to sleep long enough to feel rested, get up and stay up. Do not go back to bed in an hour or so in an attempt to fall asleep again. Instead, proceed with the normal daily routine. The next morning, when home from work, be sure to go to bed on time. Eventually, patience will prevail. After a while, the body accumulates enough sleep debt that it will welcome a good day's sleep.

What to do when the first responder turns out to be you

You see a crash on a dark road. You witness a co-worker injured in a machine accident. These are cases when the first responder isn't wearing a uniform. The first responder is probably you. The first thing you may have to do is stop the bleeding.

ject could be holding back bleeding. - Use the cleanest cloth you have to apply direct pressure to the wound. Don't use a wad of material since it reduces pressure on the wound. There will be bleed-through, but don't remove the cloth. Add another layer of cloth while you keep applying pres-

Heavy bleeding can drain out as much as 40 percent of the body's blood in just 4 minutes, according to First Aid for Life. More than that is life threatening. So it is crucial to work quickly. Here is what you must do: - Make sure you are safe first. Get out of the traffic lane. Turn off machinery. You have to be safe yourself to help the victim. - Locate the wound and call for help. Calling for help and starting treatment should be done simultaneously if possible. So, find the wound while calling 911. Never remove a foreign object from a wound. The ob-

sure. Never lift the cloth to see if the bleeding has stopped. The key is direct, constant pressure. Do that until emergency personnel arrive. - Especially in cases of dramatic injuries far from help, a tourniquet might be required. Choose a sturdy length of material at least 1.5 inches wide. Tie tight and knot about five inches above the wound. Get an object like a knife or stick and knot again around it. Twist to tighten. Leather belts might not work because they can't be twisted tightly enough around the knife or stick (windlass). A shoelace may be too thin.

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The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. ~ Dolly Parton

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

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Please call for more information or to open an account today 212-722-1553 917-528-0040 646-469-3123 929-444-1414 917-560-8899 235 East 123rd Street New York, NY 10035 — 17 —

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

An Easter favorite goes back to Biblical era

It's fairly easy to connect the dots on any number of Easter traditions -- except for how a giant bunny became involved, perhaps -- but what about jelly beans? How did that maddeningly addictive sugar capsule become such a key player in a Christian holiday? After Halloween, more candy is sold during Easter than any other holiday, according to, which reports that more than 16 billion jelly beans are made in the U.S. each year for Easter. The website posits a theory about their place in the Easter tradition, saying that eggs have long been associated with Easter as a symbol of new life and Jesus' resurrection. And the egg-shaped jelly bean became associated with Easter in the 1930s. Reader's Digest says jelly beans used to be a Christmastime sweet until the realization that they resembled an egg shifted the focus. Christmas is second to Easter as the most popular time to eat them, according to the article. Jelly beans' actual origins appear to date back to a

Biblical-era concoction called a Turkish Delight. Turkish Delight is a jellylike candy coated in powdered sugar and it gained some fame as a favorite treat of the character Edmund in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. And National Geographic surmises that jelly beans are a cross between Turkish Delight and Jordan almonds - putting a hard outer coating onto a jellyish candy.

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SEvDET “STEvE” KUKAJ Resident Manager of the Year 2019 With gratitude & appreciation for the years of dedication and service to the CLUB — 20 —

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –




Northeast Plumbing Specialties

Associate Member of the Year 2019 In recognition of many years of support & friendship you have show to the CLUB — 21 —

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Family-friendly board games to go big into AR

Fun for the family or parties, the favorite drawing game Pictionary is going high tech this year. In June, Mattel is expected to introduce an Augmented Reality version of the popular game. Once, earthlings used paper to draw pictures as clues for people to guess a secret word. With the AR version, as you might expect, the paper is gone. Instead, players use a wand to draw in the air and the image appears on their phone, tablet or smart TV screen. And, no, the player drawing in the air can't see what they are drawing, which judging by most Pictionary games, won't make hints any worse than they are on paper. Many AR games are already on the market for mobile phones but this is one of the few aimed at the family/party group market where being in the same room with other gamers is important. According to, we will soon be seeing AR versions of Clue, The Game of Life, and others.

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What can consumers do against security threats?

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

- Do not share personal information with strangers over the phone, email or text messages. - Sign up for free credit report monitoring to receive alerts about your credit activity. - Get a free dark web scan to see if your Social Security number, email or phone number has been compromised. Hackers sell stolen information on the

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

How old is that tree? Find out without cutting

Did that grand white oak tree in the woods live through the Civil War? That would be 159 years ago. A white oak can live up to 300 years. So it's possible. We can calculate the age of the white oak if we know its circumference and growth factor. The circumference of a white oak has to be 100 feet for it to be 159 years old. But that is only for a white oak. Other trees grow at different rates. Here's how to do the tree age math: Using a tape measure, find the circumference of the tree (starting four feet off the ground). Divide the circumference by 3.14 (pi) to find the diameter. Now multiply the growth factor by the diameter.

Here are growth factor rates for some common trees: 2.0: Aspen, Cottonwood 3.0: Silver Maple, Pin Oak, Linden 3.5: River Birch 4.0: American Elm, Green Ash, Red Oak 4.5: Black Walnut, Red Maple 5.0: Sugar Maple, White Birch, White Oak, Black Cherry 7.0: Dogwood, Ironwood, Redbud

In the case of the white oak, the circumference was 100 feet divided by 3.14 (pi). That equals 31.84. Now, multiply by the growth factor of 5. You come up with 159.23 years old. It was a small tree when the North and the South fought the Civil War. And it lived through the emergence of cars, planes, power lines, and greatly expanded farming. — 24 —

We usually work to limit our kids' screen time, but what if that time spent on video games could actually earn your teen a college scholarship? It's true: geeks (or are they nerds?) can get sports scholarships, too. Or in this case, esports. Esports is live video game competitions. According to ESPN, varsity collegiate esports began in 2014 when Robert Morris University announced a scholarship-sponsored League of Legends team. Today, there is a national governing body called the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) and 98 varsity programs across the U.S. and Canada, according to a Nov. 2018 article in The New York Times, which added that NACE's executive director said the organization had helped to facilitate $16 million in scholarships the previous two years. And according to a story in The Washington Post's "On Parenting" section, there's even talk of adding esports as a "demonstration sport" in the 2024 Olympics. There's also a pro circuit, where players compete in front of hundreds or thousands of fans. The Washington Post article says pro games are broadcast on video channels, including YouTube Gaming and Twitch, and even televised on ESPN and DisneyXD. Professional gamers can compete for multimillion dollar prizes, and the Washington Post article said conservative estimates project the global esports market to be a $1.5 billion industry by 2020.

– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Horoscopes Aries 3/21 - 4/19: Security is on your mind and with your sign governed by Mars, you are just the person to build the castle. Taurus 4/20 - 5/20: A rocky relationship brings concern. If you can make a healing step, stars say the time is right.

Gemini 5/21 - 6/20: It isn't what you wanted, but a change might bring peace of mind. Be watchful for now.

Cancer 6/21 - 7/22: Apply your sense of humor to break tension. Keep comments light and focused on issues.

Leo 7/23 - 8/22: Drama isn't bad, if you are in a theater. Beware the jugglers who want to draw you into riddles.

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22: Life isn't as tidy as you might think. Find pleasure in a messy Easter by joining excited children.

Libra 9/23 - 10/21: Problem solving is your calling as the Full Moon enters Libra on the 19th. Put first things first.

Scorpio 10/22 - 11/21: In matters of love and health, the stars on your side this month. Kiss your love twice! Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21: A long weekend works wonders. By mid-month you have a new chance to seize (or reject.)

Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19: You see life full of promise and meaning this month. Try to keep that feeling and build on those ideas.

Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18: The road blocks may be illusions -- or real. You'll know when you focus on your journey.

Pisces 2/19 - 3/20: Gather your tribe of friends, family, and children. Come to the rescue. Accept help. Untangle the tangles. You can be the hero this month.

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Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. ~ Oprah Winfrey

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If your goal in publishing a memory book is to tell family history, there are many approaches. A basic book might start with a family group and in succeeding pages tell their individual stories. So you could start with great-grandparents and go up to the current family. Imagine how welcome this would be at a family reunion. Specialty books focus on one element or talent

of the family. If your family has a history of sports, crafts, or cooking, you could tell the family history through this lens. You might want to publish your family recipe book, for example. Profile books feature one person and his or her history. You find these made many times as memorials after the person has passed away. Heirloom books share pictures and stories about family keepsakes and who has them. For genealogical research, a descendant tree book is a great way to save your research, complete with footnotes. The numbered genealogical systems such as Gedcom will be of interest mainly to future genealogists, but they can preserve the years of work that went into building a family tree. Vacation books describe that fabulous trip you finally took, complete with photos and stories. Archival-quality paper books might outlive software changes so they might be better choices than simple electronic files.

What can be done about plastic?

Although "Plastics" may have represented the future as envisioned by the adults doling out advice to a young Dustin Hoffman in the movie The Graduate, "removing plastics" is more aligned with the current day's theme. And a college dropout of about the same age as Hoffman's character has famously set out to rid the Pacific Ocean in particular of the plastics that have collected there for 60-some years. Dutch inventor Boyan Slat, 24, created a system intended to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch -- a plastic debris field located between California and Hawaii that has become twice the size of Texas -- in five years' time. The garbage catcher, "System 001," launched in Sept. 2018 to great fanfare and backed by thousands of investors. How has it fared thus far? It's received mixed reviews. The device's 2,000-foot-long screen broke apart just before New Year's and had to be towed in for repairs. Although the device hadn't yet captured the plastic it was built for, Slat said in interviews that he and his team of 80 engineers and oceanographers expected a year's worth of back-and-forth with the prototype. Some type of breakdown was to be expected, he said, and although disappointed, Slat and his team intend to continue their work. In the meantime, anti-plastic technology focuses on many areas: - Reuse - Some advocate building with plastic. - Reduce - Carry non-plastic bags to the store. Don't accept plastic bottles. - Bio-technology - Research continues on plastic-eating fungus and enzymes. - Biodegradable plastic may be the wave of the future.

Why would you want a salt lamp?

It sounds a little odd at first: a lamp that looks like a pink or salmon-colored geode and is made out of a hunk of salt. Would it make you thirsty? Would your sinuses get overly dried out? Is it a little too new-agey? Himalayan salt lamps are hugely popular right now, thanks in no small part to celebrity mentions and the popularity of sea salt in general. The theory with the lamps is that the salt absorbs allergens and dust in the home via negative ions, thereby purifying the air (the nasty stuff has all positive ions, the thinking goes, and the lamps neutralize the charge). While the detoxifying benefits of salt have a long history -- or even the bonuses provided by a saline flush -- studies on the effectiveness of the lamps are hard to come by. The good news is that you can find them everywhere and give one a try for as little as $20 or so. And fans point to the calming glow of the lamp as much as any other attribute. As for the pink and the Himalayan? An article on said pink Himalayan salt "is made from rock crystals of salt that have been mined from areas close to the Himalayas, often in Pakistan. It gets its rosy hue from trace minerals in the salt, like magnesium, potassium and calcium."

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Top cybersecurity threats in 2019 – MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

Data breaches, hacking, and skimming -- all of it poses a threat to consumers and business during 2019. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), data breaches increased sharply in 2018 with 1,027 breaches reported and 57,667,911 records compromised. Today's hackers are very deft at outsmarting security measures, said Michael Bruemmer, Experian Vice President of Data Breach Resolution, adding that, "cybercriminals always seem to stay a step ahead of new security gates." Experian's top five threats for 2019 are: 1) Biometric hacking and detecting flaws in touch ID

sensors, passcodes, and facial recognition. Although biometric data is the most secure method of authentication, it can be stolen or altered. 2) Skimming a major financial institution's national network with hidden devices to steal credit card information, and invading bank network computers with undetectable malware. 3) Attack on a significant wireless carrier with simultaneous effect on iPhones and Androids, stealing personal information from millions of smartphones and possibly disabling all wireless communications in the U.S. 4) A breach in the security operations of a top cloud vendor will jeopardize the sensitive information of major companies. 5) The gaming community will be faced with cybercriminals posing as gamers for access to its computers and the personal data of trusting players. According to the ITRC, significant breaches from 20052017 rose from about 200 per year to more than 1,300. Billions of data pieces have been exposed, allowing cybercriminals to monetize stolen data, leading to an increased risk of identity theft.

RENOVATION SERVICES Whether you are planning a small refresh or a total renova on, you can trust UMS to provide expert assistance from start to nish.

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For more information, contact Drita Lamaj P. 718-522-3232 C. 917-299-5106 E.

In select markets, we provide contrac ng and labor services for all your interior renova ons, as well as cabinet and counter installa ons, ooring, ligh ng, and much more.

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

MEN SPORT vESTS, FANNY PACKS FOR 2019 FASHION Harnesses, fanny packs, puffer coats, and berets...welcome to Men's Fashion 2019, as envisioned by some of the top trend-setters and observers in the business. First, the harnesses. They've popped up on some notable celebrities, though it's unclear how best to describe these statement pieces. As an article in the Wall Street Journal pointed out, even Louis Vuitton described one as an "embroidered bib" and another as a "cut away vest." The article, noting the look, questioned whether they are supposed to represent bedazzled gun holsters, sparkly black lederhosen, or perhaps toddler reins for adults.

Thankfully, other trends are a bit more normal, albeit still unique. Fanny packs re-emerged from the 1990s last year and are still going strong. A Vogue article on men's street style pointed to a beret comeback, as well as animal prints for men, smaller puffer jackets -- is that an oxymoron? -- and more flare on pants (bye-bye, skinny jeans?). A GQ UK article pointed to short-shorts, hiking sandals, and suits worn with no shirts. And don't forget the handbag. Yes gentlemen, a handbag. Every fashion article worth its salt mentioned handbags as well as cross-body bags and shoulder bags. Meanwhile, Pinterest tracks trends that appear to apply to actual people rather than models on runways. And according to Pinterest, 2019 trends include light-wash denim, throwback wristwatches, corduroy (searches were up 509 percent), scarves, and quarter socks.

My lender recommended a USDA loan. Isn't that a farm loan? No, you don't have to buy a farm or milk cows to qualify for a USDA loan. In fact, this government-backed mortgage is more widely available than you might think. A USDA loan is typically issued through a private lender and guaranteed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The idea is to provide homeownership opportunities to low and moderate-income households as well as to stimulate economic growth in rural and suburban communities. The loans offer $0 down payments and competitive interest rates to first-time homebuyers. There are a number of guidelines related to credit score, income limits, and debt ratio, as well as location of the property. The USDA website includes a map where you can search areas of the country and learn whether or not they are in eligible areas. Perhaps surprisingly, eligible areas can be found in every state and are pretty widely available; the more stringent eligibility requirements are on the buyer. "Eligible applicants may build, rehabilitate, improve or relocate a dwelling in an eligible rural area," according to the USDA website. "The program provides a 90% loan note guarantee to approved lenders in order to reduce the risk of extending 100% loans to eligible rural homebuyers." The USDA provides guaranteed loans and direct loans. With guaranteed loans, an approved lender issues the loan, which is backed by the USDA, while a direct loan is what it sounds like -- it's issued directly from the USDA. A direct loan is aimed at low to very-low income households who don't have access to safe and sanitary housing; any subsidy received is paid back when title to the property transfers or the borrower is no longer living there.

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Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. ~ Clarence W. Hall Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime. ~ Martin Luther

It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning. ~ Louis L’Amour

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. – 10. Extra Curricular: Looks great on employment applications/resumes!

9. Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the BEST of the BEST in their field at our regular meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month. 8. Promote Awareness: The CLUB helps promote education and awareness about the NYC residential real estate market.

7. Life Insurance: Being a Regular Member of the CLUB affords you a personal life insurance policy in the amount of $150,000.00

6. Philanthropic: The CLUB participates and raises money for a number of local and national charities giving back to the community and those most in need. 5. Brotherhood: Being a member automatically gives you a feeling of closeness to other members. You share something that other people are not a part of and really can’t relate to. 4. Enrichment: Being part of a professionally ran Club or Organization is an enriching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try them out.



3. Exposure: The CLUB will expose you to real life every day experiences you and your peers regularly share and have in common . 2. Growth: Members in Clubs/Organizations are encouraging and supportive of your personal growth. We all have a vested interest in each other.

1. Social: They are a BEST way to meet great people and have a lot of fun! With numerous events happening throughout the year; separate from our monthly meetings, it is impossible to not have some FUN!

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Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. - Dr. Joyce Brothers

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

The 25th Anniversary

Three Hands Grand Ball Saturday, October 26, 2019 at

141 West 54th Street Cocktail hour starting at 7pm

Tickets: $425

Tickets and Sponsorships are now availble! Contact Chairman Mike MacGowan 1175 York Avenue New York, NY 10065 212-319-8375 Fax: 212-702-0193

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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –

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