Vol. 39 No. 179
Dedicated to the Performance & Advancement for the Real Estate Manager
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 1st, 2018, 6:00pm at Terrace 54 located at 1717 Broadway.
February 2018
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– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
PRESIDENT: anton Markola 212-974-4650 Amarkola1@gmail.com
ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC. ORganized1980 P.O. Box 1144 New York, NY 10021
VICE-PRESIDENT: Joe Cervini 917-588-4922 jcervini@mac.com TREASURER: PatriCk MCenaney 917-699-5231
on Thursday, February 1st, 2018 at Terrace 54 located at 1717 Broadway, 5th Floor.
FIN.SECRETARY: Steve Mala 212-861-2073 Steve.Mala@yahoo.com
Meeting starts at 6:00pm. Dress Code is Business casual. Entry Fee: $60.00
(includes open bar and delicious gourmet food)
ben floreS 917-860-5811 benjieflores3@gmail.com TRUSTEES:
Laslo Karsai
John Szabo
Joe Vela
Dean Berishaj
Steve Kukaj
Louis Parrilla Publisher 917-750-4117 resmgr524@gmail.com
Peter Guzman Business Manager 917-837-1390 pgu3911250@aol.com
Ben Flores Editor 917-860-5811 benjieflores3@gmail.com
Any Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Manhattan Resident Managers Club,Inc., or its members. The Manhattan Resident Managers Club Inc. reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Newsletter or in any Club publication.
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
Anton Markola President
Manhattan Resident Managers Club, Inc.
Welcome to the February Newsletter!
On behalf of the Dais & Trustees of the Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club, I would like to thank you all for attending our January meeting. A special thanks goes out to Mr. Tony Classe of AM Graphics, Mr. Ken Unger of Suburban Pest Control and Mr. Phil Levine from Major Air for their very informative educational features. At this time we would like announce and congratulate our newly selected 2018 Resident Manager of the Year, Mr. Joseph Cervini and the 2018 Vendor of the Year and recipient of The William Key Award, Mr. Wilfredo Montano of Montano Wood Care Corp. Next month, please come and join us at our next meeting which is the CLUB’s “Casino Night” on Thursday, February 1, 2018. Event to be held at Terrace 54 located at 1717 Broadway, 5th Floor. Doors open at 6:00pm. Dress code is business casual. Bring a friend, spouse or a co-worker and have some good fun. Open & Silent Auction to be held as well. Great prizes to be won. This is such a fun time! Entry Fee is $60.00 per person which includes open bar and delicious gourmet food. Upcoming events for the CLUB in 2018 include the Annual Sunset BBQ in June, MRM Foundation Golf Outing in September, the Annual Sunset Dinner Cruise around Manhattan in October and the Three Hands Grand Ball in November. Please mark your calendars; you don’t want to miss any of these events. More CLUB sponsored events to be announced in the coming weeks.
If you have not mailed back your 2018 CLUB dues, please do so ASAP! The CLUB cannot continue to keep members active who don’t pay their dues. Regular & Life members who do not pay their dues by January 31st will be deactivated, and as a result will lose their term life insurance coverage. Our premium payment for the year is due on February 1st and if your payment is not accounted for, we have no choice but to drop you from the official membership roster (which we must hand over to the Insurance Company) and cancel your policy. Please remember to support our Associate Members as they are the primary lifeline that keeps our CLUB in alive. Most of our Associate Members take an ad in our monthly Newsletter, so when you’re in need of a contractor or vendor, please refer to the Newsletter for their services and products. Don’t forget to check the CLUB’s website for updates through the year. It could all be found right there with a click of the mouse. www.mrmclub.com. Also, please visit us on our other Social Media platforms; including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. You should join. It’s FREE!
Anton Fraternally yours,
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
My fellow members & friends,
It is with great sadness that I report to you the passing of Member
On behalf of the MRM CLub's Dais & Trustees, we extend our deepest condolences to the Corrigan family in this time of grief & sorrow.
May he rt in peace.! t
The CLUB would like to take this opportunity to wish a very happybirthday to Regular Members, President Anton Markola, Vice President Joe Cervini and Mr. Frank Pomponi.
February 2nd Ground Hog Day
February 4th SuperBowl Sunday
February 12th Lincoln's BDay
February 13th Fat Tuesday
February 14th Valentine's Day
February 16th Chinese New Year
February 19th Presidents Day
February 22nd Washington's BDay
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
Worknotes: Valentine'sdayand theoffice With increased focus on interpersonal relationships in recent months, you might be asking what you can and can't do on Valentine's Day in an office setting. goodquestion. The rules of relationships are changing, but here are some tried and true guidelines from Forbes. 1. Don't discuss your love life at the office and, if you break this rule, make sure you don't discuss these things with the opposite sex. 2. Don't flirt. This can be misinterpreted in a dozen different ways. Dodge that snare. 3. Skip the personal gifts but feel free to share cookies with all your coworkers. You might stay away from lovethemed cookies and little heart candies. Chocolate chip will do. 4. Don't get physical at the office. Ever. 5. Rethink having your significant other send elaborate gifts of flowers to the office. 6. No emotional displays, please. Not joy. Not sadness.
Workplace 2018: Consider the clear path
Tim Ferriss spoke to 100 of the world's best thinkers and doers for his book, Tribe of Mentors, and some of their thoughts grabbed his attention and held on. One of the ideas that he says he will think about forever was a quote from Chase Jarvis, the hyper-kinetic photographer and CEO of CreativeLive.com. Jarvis said simply this: "What would this look like if it were easy?" After that question come a half dozen others that probe the essence of work and productivity. Blogger Jonathan Vieker asks: Why is this done in the first place? What is slowing down the process? Could I eliminate steps? What can I do differently? These are questions that can clarify both work and home tasks to simplify and create the clear path. In office settings, many paper-based tasks remain. Perhaps these could be digitized, simplified or clarified.
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
yms, fitness centers, and other health clubs have long been absent from most of the malls Getting a small business off the ground or even maintaining a around the country, but a recent trend has successful startup can be a grueling and expensive task but coplaced these businesses right in the middle of an indusworking spaces have been popping up all over to offer a more comtry trying to reinvent itself. pelling option for entrepreneurs. According to The Wall Street Journal, malls have According to Nerd Wallet, co-working offices can provide a lot found that fitness fills real estate. Now-struggling major of key benefits to a small business owner that might not be obvious retailers are leavat first glance and go way beyond just free coffee. ing malls, but fitOne of the best reasons to consider co-working spaces revolves around the competitive pricing they offer as well as the prime ness is a locations. Using the multitude of different tenants as an advantage, high-income earner draw. Fitness club memberships have risen by 26 percent since 2009. Unlike shopping, people have to actually show up at a gym. That's something that can't be outsourced to the inleasing companies are able to take over whole floors of attractive office buildings to then sublet for a profit. According to co-working ternet. company, The Common Desk, businesses can save up to 75 perNew growth in the fitness industry centers on cent of their total costs by using this method. A 2,000-square-foot smaller, boutique-style gyms that provide upscale clienspace for six workers could cost around 4,000 dollars monthly and tele with a more personalized experience. This type of that wouldn't include supplies or utilities. Conversely, one of their club saw increases of 74 percent in client base between monthly memberships would cost only 1,200 dollars per month and 2012 and 2015 compared to the overall industry's 5 perwould include many supplies and utilities such as internet. cent. The ability to plug-and-play is another great advantage for coworking spaces. Because they are already set up with furniture and It's a good fit for malls with vast retail space. After internet access, many businesses just need to bring their laptops to these customers get their workout in, they can shop. get started. There isn't any need for a complicated move, design Studies have shown that shopping centers have been process, or renovation in order to make use of the space and there able to increase rents of neighboring tenants due to are often shared printers and kitchen space to use as well as unlimsales increases of up to 30 percent in the year following ited conference room use. a new gym opening. Perhaps overlooked as a benefit, co-working spaces offer an With fitness clubs acting as anchor stores in a shopexcellent opportunity to network and many places feature an open floor plan that makes meeting new people extremely easy. They ping community, developers are also digging into the might even offer special events to encourage mingling and exchangoverall trend towards being more health-conscious by ing ideas. This type of environment helps to bring like-minded peocreating an entire ecosystem for that demographic. Partple together who are excited about new ideas and projects. These nering with natural food grocers and restaurants, these chance encounters could be the difference between a breakthrough locations can serve as a one-stop-shop that saves people and a long solo slog through a problem. time and money. —9—
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
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Match cards to leisure
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
Look for credit card rewards that match your leisure activities. It's a good way to discount the things you buy anyway, according to The Simple Dollar. A frequent Amazon shopper could take advantage of the company's 5 percent cash back card for Amazon Prime members. Other cards offer points for dining; perfect for the person who likes to try new restaurants. Capital One offers a gaming card that offers points on PlayStation store purchases. Some cards have online shopping portals offering fitness and sports gear.
Transfer balances with caution
Know all the details of the offer if you plan to use a splashy credit card balance transfer offer. Here are three points to look at: Deferred interest: With this plan, if you haven't paid off the balance by the time the introductory offer expires, you'll be charged
retroactive interest for the entire amount. New purchase rates: Never make a new purchase on a balance transfer card. According to Forbes, new purchases can and will be charged a fat interest rate. Missed payment penalties: Always set up automatic minimum payments. If you miss one payment on your transferred balance, you will lose your low-interest deal.
Little economies: Saving on soap
Save money on hand soap by making your own gel foam. Buy a big jug of gel soap and then fill your soap dispensers about half way full. Swirl for 30 seconds. Now you have gel foam. It will still get you clean, but it really stretches the soap purchase, according to The Simple Dollar.
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Mortgage interest deduction and the new tax plan A new tax plan passed by Congress in December 2017 allows taxpayers to deduct mortgage interest up to $750,000. This is lower than the previous limit of $1 million. The limit only affects new mortgages, not existing mortgages. Since the median list price of a home is $270,000, most homeowners won't be affected by the limit decrease. The new limit is expected to affect about 1.3 percent of new mortgages on very expensive homes, usually in expensive housing markets such as coastal areas. The new limits on deductions aren't expected to affect many people nationally, according to Realtor.com. That's because homeowners can only take the deduction if they itemize and only about one-third of taxpayers do that. Of those that itemize, just over 21 percent use the deduction. However, it will affect high-cost markets in local areas. Experts are divided as to the impact of the new tax plan on housing. Some see the tax changes as encouraging renting in highcost areas, causing housing prices to fall. On the other hand, with a higher standard deduction, taxpayers in lower brackets could find themselves able to buy a home. That could push prices up, according to Realtor.com.
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Virtual reality enters the critical safety training areas
. . Safety training is no game, but game technology is the future in safety. . . Instead of watching a safety film, trainees will soon be part of the film, in Virtual Reality experiences. . . These new VR technologies are now being applied in highly dangerous scenarios, such as nuclear and crime settings, where one mistake is catastrophic. VR technology is also being used in training for many safety-critical jobs. . . The idea is to create a situation where trainees learn by doing, but where mistakes have no impact. Imagine how useful that would be to teach a trainee how to diffuse a bomb. . . Google experimented with VR training by having two groups learn to make a cup of espresso. One group learned by VR. The second group learned by videos. According to CLO Media, neither group ended up making a great cup of coffee, but the VR group made fewer mistakes. That's the sort of result one hopes for in bomb diffusing.
. . At the Northern Centre for Advanced Technology, VR experiences will help new miners with mining techniques, simulating the environment and the experience of cutting rock. . . In construction, VR is already being employed at Gammon Construction Ltd and Bechtel, according to clomedia.com. Iron workers, whose job entails working at tremendous heights, can first be immersed in a VR scene that gives them a chance to become accustomed to working on beams. . . In August 2017, UPS began training student delivery drivers to spot and identify road hazards through VR headsets. . . VR safety has the advantage over movies and presentations in that trainees are likely to be more engaged in the fun and novelty of the experience. . . But, the key to adoption of VR training across the spectrum is software development cost, which is expected to drop as more applications are developed. . . In the meantime, Augmented Reality, like the technology used in games such as Pokémon Go, will take up some slack. Trainees could use AR, a much less expensive virtual technology, to identify slip and fall scenarios, for example. . . Current VR technology has limitations, of course. Among them are the safety considerations of VR itself. Since participants are immersed in the VR environment, they tend to forget the hazards around them. Even in gaming, special rooms are set up so that VR gamers can play without tripping over furniture and humans monitor their physical presence. . . VR is even coming to medicine. The University of Nebraska Medical Center has invested $119 million on a VR training facility for students. It is expected to open in the fall of 2018.
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Science and reason liberate us from the shackles of superstition by offering us a framework for understanding our shared humanity. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to treasure life and enrich the world in incalculable ways. ~ Gad Saad
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EXPRESS HARDWARE & BUILDING MATERIAL Competitive pricing More than 30,000 items in stock Convenient New York City based location Same day / next day delivery
Please call for more information or to open an account today 212-722-1553 917-528-0040 646-469-3123 929-444-1414 917-560-8899 Sales.expresshardware@gmail.com 235 East 123rd Street New York, NY 10035 — 17 —
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
SUPERBUGS HAVE A NATURAL ENEMY The looming scourge of the superbug -- bacteria that antibiotics can't kill -- threatens to bring back the era of death by infection. But there is hope on the horizon. Superbugs will be responsible for over 10 million deaths per year globally by the year 2050, according to the BBC. Even as recently as 2014, around 700,000 deaths can be blamed on infections that couldn't be cured with modern antibiotics. The World Health Organization classifies these bugs as an imminent threat to human health. According to a Time Magazine special report, one treatment currently being researched attacks these superbugs from a completely different angle. This method requires using bacteriophages, or phages, to destroy the bacteria. Phages are nature's bacteria fighter, and there are estimated to be around 10 million trillion different phages throughout the world. Phages work by injecting their DNA into a bacterial cell, where it replicates until the bacteria bursts open and dies. Phages are unique in that each strain seems only to attack a particular type of bacteria. This means that treatment with phages will leave the beneficial bacteria intact within the body and just single out the dangerous kind. Using phages to attack bacteria is not a new idea. They have been used to treat infections throughout the world for nearly a century, but it has had a reputation as an unsafe and clunky treatment. New advances in medical knowledge and technology, however, have shown that this therapy can be a useful cure for cases in which antibiotics have failed, and it remains a promising solution to the impending superbug threat because there is a nearly limitless supply of different phages to use against the bacteria.
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JOSEPH CERViNi Resident Manager of the Year 2018 With gratitude & appreciation for the years of dedication and service to the CLUB — 20 —
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WILFREDO MONTANO of Montano Wood Care Corp.
Associate Member of the Year 2018 In recognition of many years of support & friendship you have show to the CLUB — 21 —
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.– FOODS
Forget the energy drinks. Dietitians say if you want a steady stream of energy without the ups and downs, try whole foods, grains, fruits and vegetables. The key to sustaining energy throughout the day is balance. Start the day with a portion of whole grain and fruit. Throughout the day, eat fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, beans and non-starchy vegetables in small portions. For a pick-me-up, Research Dietitian Aubrey Jarman recommends a slice of apple or one whole wheat cracker with peanut butter. Follow up with water to stay hydrated. Meats and fish are also part of a balanced diet, especially when used modestly.
In some people, antibiotics cause diarrhea, but this might be prevented by taking probiotics at the same time. According to the Tufts Nutrition Letter, take a probiotic containing Lactobacillus or S. boulardii at the same time as antibiotics.
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Food feels good
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.– In a study that will surprise few, scientists in Finland found that eating makes us feel good. The feel-good effect is caused by widespread release of opioids in the brain, which signal feelings of fullness and pleasure, according to the study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. In the study, 10 healthy volunteers either ate pizza or drank a nutrition shake. Afterward, researchers did a brain scan. Both meals triggered release of opioids in the brain. The pizza triggered more. Their conclusion: Overeating could make you a junky for brain opioids. And pepperoni.
Activity beats genetics
Some people do have a genetic risk for obesity, but they aren't doomed to be fat. A study published in the journal Diabetes found that genetic risk for obesity and decreased physical activity resulted in higher body fat. But more physical activity beat genetic risk and body fat did not rise as much.
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ARIES 3/21 - 4/19 : Some things are tedious, a sad fact of life. Start planning those into your schedule and you’ll find things go better this month. But don’t let the schedule become a tyrant.
TAURUS 4/20 - 5/20: Look for a familiar pattern this month to avoid a pitfall. Good signs ahead for career initiatives if you don’t let history repeat itself. GEMINI 5/21 - 6/20: You find your general joy of life increasing as you reject negativity around you. A belief you accepted without question is challenged.
CANCER 6/21 - 7/22: Rest is welcome this month as your emotions run high and events move at a brisk pace. Visualize a goal and by the New Moon on the 15th you’ll see progress.
LEO 7/23 - 8/22: The month starts well with romance brewing on the Full Moon Feb. 1. It is a pleasant time, but don’t let it distract you from monthly tasks.
VIRGO 8/23 - 9/22: Face an uncomfortable situation and do your duty. Others will take care of the situation if you let them, but your own happiness increases when you meet the challenge.
LIBRA 9/23 - 10/21: This month could be pivotal for health issues. Gather your courage and resolve. Steps you take now will ripple through the rest of 2018 and even beyond.
SCORPIO 10/22 - 11/21: Your passion takes you far this month. Just make sure you back up your conviction with facts because you will be challenged. SAGITTARIUS 11/22 - 12/21: A frugal approach to finances is in order this month. Identify places to save, but don’t deprive yourself of the little things you love.
CAPRICORN 12/22 - 1/19: A friend’s success makes you happy, but a little bit jealous. Beware of comparing yourself to others. Instead focus on the progress you’ve made. Make adjustments, if necessary.
AQUARIUS 1/20 - 2/18: Drop a friendly text to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Stars say unexpected messages bring happy news and some fun.
PISCES 2/19 - 3/20: Your birthday month reminds you that time flies and it moves in better and more satisfying directions this year. Envy is your enemy.
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One shot could someday reduce heart attack risk
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Gene therapy might lead to a one-time vaccine-like treatment that would permanently lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 88 percent. Heart disease is currently responsible for about one in every four deaths in the United States, adding up to more than 600,000 deaths each year. According to the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, however, new genome research shows great promise of permanently reducing the risk of heart attack. Work on this project first started in France in 2003 when researchers discovered that a specific gene in the liver, PCSK9, seemed to be responsible for cholesterol regulation. Some families with a mutation of this gene had very high cholesterol and were very likely to have early heart attacks. Meanwhile, in Texas, another research group identified a population that had a different kind of
mutation of PCSK9 -- this time a very good mutation. This mutation produced the opposite effect. People with the mutation have very low levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad) cholesterol levels. What's more, they were significantly less likely to have a heart attack. A recently developed gene editing technology called CRISPR/Cas9 allowed these researchers to alter the PCSK9 gene in mice to convert it to the good version that would potentially help them live longer. This change caused the liver to stop producing a particular protein that would prevent the removal of cholesterol in the bloodstream. It also solved the problem that traditional cholesterol drugs have - they don't last very long. Rather than constantly having to get shots or take medicine to reduce cholesterol, scientists hypothesize that it may be possible to have a lifetime change in effect with just one application.
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! ! ! ! ! !
Top 10 Reasons to Join the MRM Club! 10. Extra Curricular: applications/resumes!
9. Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the BEST of the BEST in their field at our regular meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month. 8. Promote Awareness: The CLUB helps promote education and awareness about the NYC residential real estate market. 7. Life Insurance: Being a Regular Member of the CLUB affords you a personal life insurance policy in the amount of $125,000.00
6. Philanthropic: The CLUB participates and raises money for a number of local and national charities giving back to the community and those most in need.
5. Brotherhood: Being a member automatically gives you a feeling of closeness to other members. You share something that other people are not a part of and really can’t relate to.
4. Enrichment: Being part of a professionally ran Club or Organization is an en- riching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try them out.
3. Exposure: The CLUB will expose you to real life every day experiences you and your peers regularly share and have in common . 2. Growth: Members in Clubs/Organizations are encouraging and supportive of your personal growth. We all have a vested interest in each other.
1. Social: They are a BEST way to meet great people and have a lot of fun! With numerous events happening throughout the year; separate from our monthly meetings, it is impossible to not have some FUN!
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The sleepy groundhog stretches
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
For hundreds of years, on February 2, people have wondered if the groundhog would awake to see his shadow. The day probably started with the feast of Candlemas, which celebrates the Biblical story of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. On February 2, exactly 40 days after Christmas, people hoped for the end of the dark days of winter but perhaps were HEALTHY SUPER BOWL MUNCHIES loath to be too confident. The saying was, "If Candlemas be fair and clear, there will be two winters in the year." The Big Game on Feb. 4 demands big food, and it can be So, curiously that saying morphed into a groundhog or badger healthy. or some other creature who, when awakened on February 2, sees Nachos are big during football. Try substituting black his shadow, and thus predict six more weeks of winter. Or doesn't bean salad with beans, corn, onions, and cucumbers. It can see it. Thus we start spring. be served with chips. The date of February 2 is also thought to correspond to hiberTry turkey made with chili instead of ground beef. It's nation patterns. German farmers thought that if a badger emerged tasty and filling but not full of fat. Chicken wings. Who doesn't like these? With no bread- from his burrow and saw his shadow there would be six more weeks of winter. By 1841, German farmers in Pennsylvania were ing, you can serve them up with your favorite sauces from again marking the day, this time with a groundhog's shadow. spicy to sweet (but not too much sugar, please.) As it turns out, both the groundhog and the badger have not Veggie plates and dip. Cucumbers, carrots, and peppers been very good weather predictors. According to the National Clican all be sliced and arranged into a colorful display perfect matic Data Center, groundhog predictions have been correct 39 for dipping. Add optional sauces from spicy to tangy. percent of the time since 1887.
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Renting out a room to travelers?
– ManhattanÂResidentÂManageR’sÂClub,ÂinC.–
Valentine le aboun
Superstitions abound about Valentine's Day and many involve birds. If the first bird a girl sees on Valentine's Day is a robin, she will know she is to marry
Millions of people are renting rooms in private homes instead of hotels. And millions are doing the 'hosting.' Before you join the crowd to rent out a room for that extra dash of cash, review your homeowners insurance. Likely, your homeowners insurance doesn't cover damage or liability if you rent rooms, according to How Stuff Works. Once you rent a room, your home becomes a business. Be sure to talk to your insurance agent before you rent out a room. You might be well advised to get a landlord policy to cover liability and damage. That is especially true if you have a pool. 5@* +*( r 51 +*( =/
a sailor. If she sees a goldfinch, she will marry a millionaire and if she sees a sparrow, she will be the wife of a poor man. But if she glimpses a woodpecker first, she will never marry. So go many of the tales that have become part of the lore (though many have been forgotten) of love and Valentine's Day. Here are a few others: The oldest known valentine card still in existence is on display at the British Museum. This valentine is a love poem written by the Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Christian tradition for Valentine's Day dates back to the third century, when a kindly priest named Valentinus was arrested by Emperor Claudius II for crimes that included helping Christian martyrs and marrying young lovers in secret. Some sources say that, while in jail before his martyrdom, Valentinus wrote a letter to his jailer's daughter, signing it "From Your Valentine." If that is true, Valentinus started a powerful tradition. Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, 1 billion cards are sent for Valentine's Day, second only to Christmas (2.5 billion). Flowers are another tradition of Valentine's Day. Red roses are said to denote true love. A pansy declares loving thoughts, a periwinkle suggests early friendship and a red tulip professes powerful love.
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Flour doesn't last forever
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If you buy flour in December for special baking, you will probably have some left over in February. The good news is that, if you've stored it in an air-tight container, it's probably still good for Valentine's Day cakes. A good rule of thumb is to throw away wheat flour in four to six months, according to Eat by Date. Self-rising flour, which has baking powder in it, has a shorter shelf life. Corn flour can last up to a year. Buying the right amount helps prevent waste. One five pound bag of flour equals 17.5 cups.
Cheap, and useful, tool
Curtain tension rods aren't just for curtains. The useful little devices can help you create all sorts of things: - Under the kitchen sink, use tension rods as a hanger for spray cleaners. - In cabinets, tension rods can be used upright for plate or pan lid separators. - In closets, use them to hang shoes, according to HGTV. - In craft spaces, use them to hang spools of ribbon. - In kitchens, use them to hang rolls of paper towels in cabinets or under the sink.
Google is trying to improve mental health
People concerned enough about their mental state to search for ways to find help will find encouragement in the form of a new screening questionnaire from Google. According to Engadget, the tech giant is acknowledging the fact that only about half of Americans who battle with depression actually get help for it. When users search for terms related to mental health or post-traumatic stress disorder, they will be presented with a set of screening questions that can help identify the problem they have and give them useful information they can take to a doctor. By raising awareness of the issue and giving people a clear path to starting on their road to recovery, Google hopes to make it easier for someone in need to ask for professional help.
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DEPRESSION: A major risk factor for heart patients
The leading risk factor for death within five years of a coronary artery diagnosis is depression. This conclusion was part of a study published in the August 2017 issue of European Heart Journal Quality of Care and Outcomes. Researchers found that, in patients with significant coronary artery disease, depressed patients have double the risk of death compared to patients who were not depressed.
B12 for proper brain functioning The super vitamin B12 is a multitasker. It helps regulate how you feel, how well you think, and even appetite. Vitamin B12 is known to help the brain produce chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood and anxiety. When people don't have enough B12 they experience symptoms such as fatigue, mouth or tongue soreness, constipation and a loss of appetite. They may be confused, have poor memory or feel depressed. Although certain cereals and breads are often fortified with B12, animal proteins are really the only natural sources. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 2.4 mcg of B12 daily from three ounces of beef or three cups of milk. Foods rich in B12 include liver, meat, eggs, poultry, shellfish, milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt. The stomach acid needed to absorb B12 declines with age, disease and behavior. Heavy drinking and even potassium supplements block absorption. So can heavy use of antacids. Diseases such as celiac and Crohn's may render people unable to absorb adequate amounts of B12 from food.
– ManhattanResidentManageR’sClub,inC.–
One cannot be strong without love. For love is not an irrelevant emotion; it is the blood of life. ~ Paul Tillich
You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
A wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can't play the part of a wise man. ~ Malcolm X
The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything. ~ Katharine Hepburn
That is the simple secret. Always take your heart to work. ~ Meryl Streep
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“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” You become courageous by doing courageous acts...Courage is a habit. ~ Mary Daly
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We are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world. ~ Christina Hoff Sommers
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2018 E Ele lection of Dais and Trusttees
The nominating committee of the Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club recommends the following candidates for election to office for the year 2018.
Dais President:
Mr. Joseph Cervini
Vice President:
Mr. Ben Flores
Mr. Patrick Mcenaney
Financial Secretary:
Mr. Steve Mala
Mr. Sevdet “Steve” Kukaj
2 Year term as Trustee
Mr. Jose Vela
Mr. Dean Berisha
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718.729.4900 • ROSENWACHGROUP.COM • 43-02 Ditmars Boulevard, 2nd Fl. • Astoria, NY 11105
Mr. Louis Parrilla, Newsletter Publisher 524 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021
To PLACE An AD in ThE nExT nESwSLETTEr PLEASE CALL Louis Parrilla 917-750-4117 • resmgr524@gmail.com