Manhattan Resident Managers Club Newsletter-March 2018

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Vol. 39 No. 180

Dedicated to the Performance & Advancement for the Real Estate Manager

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 1st, 2018, 6:00pm at Terrace 54 located at 1717 Broadway.

March 2018

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

2018 E Ele lection of Dais and Trusttees

The nominating committee of the Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club recommends the following candidates for election to office for the year 2018.

Dais President:

Mr. Joseph Cervini

Vice President:

Mr. Ben Flores


Mr. Patrick Mcenaney

Financial Secretary:

Mr. Steve Mala


Mr. Sevdet “Steve” Kukaj

2 Year term as Trustee


Mr. Jose Vela


Mr. Dean Berisha


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–



­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–




PRESIDENT: anton Markola 212-974-4650

Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC. ORganized­1980 P.O. Box 1144 New York, NY 10021

VICE-PRESIDENT: Joe Cervini 917-588-4922 TREASURER: PatriCk MCenaney 917-699-5231


on Thursday, March 1st, 2018 at Terrace 54 located at 1717 Broadway, 5th Floor.


Meeting starts at 6:00pm.

Steve Mala 212-861-2073

Dress Code for this event is professional attire, suit & tie.

Entry Fee: Memebers $40.00 Guests $60.00


(includes open bar and delicious gourmet food)

ben floreS 917-860-5811 TRUSTEES:

Laslo Karsai

John Szabo

Joe Vela


Dean Berishaj

Steve Kukaj

Louis Parrilla Publisher 917-750-4117

Peter Guzman Business Manager 917-837-1390

Ben Flores Editor 917-860-5811

Any Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Manhattan Resident Managers Club,Inc., or its members. The Manhattan Resident Managers Club Inc. reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Newsletter or in any Club publication.


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Anton Markola President

Manhattan Resident Managers Club, Inc.

Welcome to the March Newsletter!

On behalf of the Dais of the Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club, I would like to thank you all for attending our “CASINO NIGHT” Event this past February. What a tremendous night! Congratulation to all the raffle winners. Those that missed it, really missed out. Don’t you worry, we’ll make sure to repeat it again next year.

Our next CLUB meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 6:00pm. Our guest speakers for the evening will be Mr. Bobby Bellino from Securecom and Mr. Robert Black from Audrey Signs. Dress attire for this event is professional attire, suit & tie. If not dressed appropriately, you will not be permitted to attend the meeting. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Following the educational feature, the CLUB will hold annual elections for the new officers and trustees for the upcoming year. I personally ask that you all support the slate put forth by the Election Committee. The slate has been placed in this Newsletter for your serious consideration.

Congratulations to the 2018 Resident Manager of the Year, Mr. Joseph Cervini and the 2018 Manhattan Resident Manager’s Club Vendor of the Year and Recipient of The William Key Award, Mr. Wilfredo Montano of Montano Wood Care.

Unfortunately, if you are a Regular or Life Member and have not mailed back your 2018 dues by now, you have officially been dropped from our membership roster and you are no longer eligible to participate in the CLUB’s term-life insurance policy.

Please remember to support our Associate Members as they are the driving force that keeps our CLUB in existence. Most of our Associate Members take an ad in our monthly Newsletter; so when you’re in need of a contractor or vendor, please refer to the Newsletter for their services and/or products.

Upcoming events for the CLUB in 2018 include the Annual Sunset BBQ on June 12th, our Golf Outing which is in September this year, the Twilight/Sunset Dinner Cruise around Manhattan in October, and of course The Three Hands Grand Ball in November. Please mark your calendars; you don’t want to miss any of these events.

Don’t forget to check our Club’s website for updates throughout the year. It could all be found right there with a click of the mouse. Don’t forget the CLUB is also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. These social media outlets are FREE to use and we should all be using them every day for business and pleasure. Always be NETWORKING! Fraternally yours,



Sickness, Distress & Happy Times ­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

My fellow members & friends, it is with great sadness that we report to you the passing of longtime Member, Mr. Joe Pino. On behalf of the MRM Club's Dais & Trustees, we extend our deepest condolences to the Pino family in this time of grief & sorrow. You will be missed Joe. May you rest in peace! We ask that you keep Mr. Jerry Danneberg, a Life Member of the CLUB, in your thoughts and prayers. He recently underwent a kidney transplant and is now home recovering.


A very Happy Birthday to Past Presidents & Life Members Mr. Mike MacGowan & Mr. Louis Parrilla as well as Life Member Mr. Patrick McEnaney Sr. and our CLUB Treasurer Mr. Pat McEnaney Jr.

Congratulations to one of our newest members, Mr. Kole Palushaj & his wife Jessica; as they welcome home their new baby girl, Angelina.

March 1st Purim

March 4th Oscar's Night

International Women's Day

March 8th

March 11th Daylight Savings

March 17th St. Patrick's Day

March 20th Spring Equinox

March 25th Palm Sunday

Mach 30th Good Friday


Mixing in: etiquette for after work events

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Off-the-clock receptions and cocktail hours are still work related, experts say, so bring your work manners even after hours. How people handle these after-work functions can make or break careers. Dress properly. Never go too casual at 'business casual' events. Never be the worst dressed attendee at such a function. Arrive on time. Take the lay of the land by noting the location of food, bar and amenities. Be prepared. If alcohol is being served, eat before arriving so you won't have a drink on an empty stomach. Choose carefully. If food is being served, choose only those foods that can be eaten with a fork or toothpick. Work the room. Find groups of people engaged in light conversation rather than serious discussion and always ask before joining the group. Introduce yourself then listen as each participant is named. Repeat names to help memorization. The Balance also recommends that attendees keep open

body language throughout conversation, focus on listening intently, and involve everyone in the discussion. While it is acceptable to talk about non-work-related topics, remember not to bring politics, finances, gossip, or controversial issues into the mix.


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–




­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Get started on the right track with a new job by doing homework before the first day, getting a lay of the land, establishing a routine with supervisors, and meeting fellow employees. According to Forbes, using this strategy will help to mitigate feeling overwhelmed and will show that a person is ready to be effective and perform at a high level. Even before the job starts, it can be helpful to learn as much as possible about a company through annual reports, newsletters, and social media. Any big news, initiatives, or recent successes will be covered there and will serve as a starting point for future conversations. Contacting a boss ahead of the start time is another excellent way to get a handle on expectations and find out if any documents can be completed beforehand to save time. During the first week or two, while everyone knows a person is new in the office, is the best time to get a feel for where everything is and how the organizational chart is laid out because there are no dumb questions at this stage. After this period wears off, veterans will have much less patience and enthusiasm for helping out. Establishing a clear routine with an immediate supervisor is probably one of the most critical tasks for a new employee because every manager will have a different communication and leadership style. Don't wait to find out what it is through trial and error, but instead ask up front how they would like to hear about progress and issues as well as give direction. Frequent check-ins, especially as projects are completed, ensures that the supervisor can provide immediate feedback and both parties can evaluate whether a workload is too light, too heavy, or just right. Once all of the practical areas of a new job are explored, don't forget to reach out and meet other people in the office. Having a group of peers as a support network will allow an employee to feel more comfortable at work, improve morale, and set the stage for networking opportunities.

Many entrepreneurs are in a hurry to get away from corporate life to start their own small business but Inc. Magazine uses two ex-Goldman Sachs employees to explain that many of these same people will benefit greatly from their time at a large company. Rather than starting a business right out of college, or even during school, the exposure to a successful company's people and processes will help provide a benchmark for solo success. Having a name that people recognize on a resume, meanwhile, might mean the difference between being funded or failing to launch in the future. Large companies were once small businesses themselves, and the culture that formed the backbone of the initial startup was likely a significant reason for their success. Innovation and work ethic can all be a direct result of the culture of a business, and even if a potential entrepreneur doesn't agree with the current state of affairs, it will be a point of reference from which to deviate. Part of that company's culture will have had something to do with performance, and it is likely that there are many incredibly talented people working in a large business that have accomplished great things during their careers. Not everyone wants to make it on their own, and these kinds of companies also draw bright young talent each year after college. Having these individuals as peers and mentors should not be discounted and provides a healthy dose of competitive spirit for the young up and comers. A great culture of performance, armed with talented people, will drive systems to help secure the success of a large business well into the future and these processes are found within training programs, logistics, human resources, and every other part of running a vast enterprise. Having systems and processes are crucial if a business is going to scale past the initial stages and it is easy to lack appreciation and knowledge of this without seeing it firsthand.


Eliminating the penny from circulation would save everyone time and money, according to the Brookings Institute. As recently as the 1940s a penny had the purchasing power of about 66 cents of today's money and allowed stores to price a lot of cheap goods at that denomination. Fast forward to the year 2018 and


almost nothing can be bought for a penny. They take up space in registers and pockets and create unnecessary wastes of time in the checkout line. More egregious is that pennies currently cost about two cents to make at today's costs, so the government and taxpayers are effectively losing money with every minted coin.

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

What to do in an eye emergency Specks in the Eye -Don't rub the affected eye. -Flush the eye with lots of water. -See a doctor if the speck doesn't wash out.


Put retirement before future college funding

It is more important to securely fund retirement accounts than to save heavily for a child's college education, according to USA Today. This might sound selfish to those who think preparing their kids for the future is a nobler goal. But, in fact, it is wise. While children can take out student loans to pay for college, it is unlikely that parents can finance their way through retirement. College students have many options to pay for their education and having a fully funded savings account might tempt the family to place less importance on free grants and scholarships that will often require more work up front but don't have to be paid back.


As many as 73 percent of parents with adult kids have given them money during the previous year, according to Time. It's one statistic that hints at the reality of young adults who remain financially dependent on parents. According to The Simple Dollar, this is defined as any child that requires constant financial support from their parent to maintain their lifestyle even if they aren't currently living in the same house. The situation becomes a financial hardship on parents who will have to work longer years to support themselves as they age. One of the most common issues with adult children is that they fail to move out on their own, even after college. In fact, Business Insider points out that about 29 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds will move back in with their parents after graduation. Living at home costs young adults, too. In Australia an estimated 25 percent of young adults aged 20 to 34 still live in the parental home. A household income study revealed that young adults who left home after age 25 earned $6,000 less per year than those who left home earlier, according to the Herald Sun.

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Cuts, Punctures, and Foreign Objects in the Eye -Don't try to remove a foreign object stuck in the eye. -Seek immediate medical attention.

Chemical Burns -Immediately flush the eye with water or drinkable liquid. Open the eye as wide as possible. Continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, even on your way to seeking medical care. -If a contact lens is in the eye, begin flushing over the lens immediately. Flushing may dislodge the lens. -Seek immediate medical attention. Blows to the Eye -Apply a cold compress without pressure, or tape crushed ice in a plastic bag to the forehead and allow it to rest gently on the injured eye. -Seek immediate medical attention if pain continues, if you have reduced vision, or if blood or discoloration appears in the eye.


To stop the spread of cold or flu in the household, take these precautions: - Isolate toothbrushes from others. Replace the brush when the person is well. - Thoroughly clean humidifiers. You don't want them throwing around viruses. - Sleep separately and launder bedding frequently. Even if it is just the pillow cases, hot water washing prevents the spread of germs. - Clean television remotes. While the sick person binges on television all day for a few days, they are also leaving germs on the remotes. - Empty trash cans. A lot of sniffling and nose blowing goes on with flu and colds. Make sure tissues have their own trash can and the cans are emptied twice a day.

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


Here's the thing about rights. They're not actually supposed to be voted on. That's why they're called rights. ~ Rachel Maddow

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Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a new take on an Irish favorite

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

The origins of the Reuben sandwich are widely contested, but it is certain that many a palate has savored the rich deli taste of the corned beef, Swiss cheese and sauerkrautladen stack. One story related to famed chef Craig Claiborne, by Patricia Taylor, contends that her father, Arnold Reuben, made the first Reuben sandwich in 1927 or 1928 in his New York deli. It was actually rye, ham, and Swiss cheese with a topping of coleslaw and Russian dressing. Reuben Kulakofsky, a wholesale grocer and restaurateur in Omaha, made the sandwich for his poker buddies and it later appeared on the menu of the Blackstone Hotel.

While the Reuben sandwich could be Jewish or Nebraska homegrown in origin, corned beef is an Irish staple for celebrating St. Patrick's Day.

Irish Reuben Casserole 3 cups toasted pumpernickel bread cut into one-inch cubes 1 pound corned beef deli slices or slices from a boiled slab 12 slices Swiss deli cheese 1 cup sauerkraut 1 bottle Thousand Island dressing for garnish or condiment

Layer the bottom of a large rectangular glass baking dish with half the cubes of toasted Pumpernickel. Layer six slices of the Swiss cheese on top. Next, add a layer of the corned beef and another layer of Swiss cheese. Spread the sauerkraut evenly over the top of the Swiss cheese layer and spread the remaining toasted cubes of bread on the top. Bake at 350 degrees until the top layer of bread becomes firm and crusty. Drizzle the dressing lightly across the top and place a bowl of it on the table as a condiment. Green Goddess dressing can be substituted as the drizzle for a St. Paddy's Day touch.

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By mid-January, the flu season had already made a name for itself as the most widespread on record since officials began keeping track 13 years ago, according to the Washington Post. Flu had a vigorous early start in October 2017 and, by January 2018, officials did not believe it had peeked. About 9,000 people had been hospitalized with the flu during that period. This year's flu had already caused more deaths in children than was typical by July, with 10 child deaths by Jan. 13. Part of the reason for the relative nastiness of the season is the star of the show: the H3N2 version of the virus. Centers for Disease Control flu expert Daniel Jernigan said that this 50-year-old strain is quick to mutate to defeat the body's immune system. "Of the viruses we hate, we hate H3N2 more than the other ones," Jernigan said. The CDC estimates that flu has resulted in between 9.2 million and 35.6 million illnesses and 12,000 to 56,000 deaths each year in the United States since 2010. The season could last well into March 2018 and possibly later.

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


No one starts out with the answers. You figure them out as you go and you learn from the people who figured them out before you. ~ Andrew Klavan

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

“QUOTES 2 LIVE BY” While we may not mind being used, we resent deeply being made to feel discarded. ` Chris Matthews

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

EXPRESS HARDWARE & BUILDING MATERIAL Competitive pricing More than 30,000 items in stock Convenient New York City based location Same day / next day delivery


Please call for more information or to open an account today 212-722-1553 917-528-0040 646-469-3123 929-444-1414 917-560-8899 235 East 123rd Street New York, NY 10035 — 17 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Doctors debate value of chemotherapy for breast cancer The breast cancer trifecta was once indisputable: Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy. This combination has led to great numbers of cancer survivors, but is it all necessary? According to a 2015 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a study of more than 10,000 women found very low rates of cancer recurrence in women who had early-stage breast cancer with no lymph node involvement and who were

treated with hormonal therapy alone. This study and others are leading oncologists to ask if, in early-stage treatment, chemotherapy is overprescribed. Cancer mortality rates have been much improved since the 1980s, with a nearly 40 percent decrease in deaths, and credit for that win goes generally to chemotherapy. But chemo is a dramatic chemical attack that comes with its own problems. With new advances in genomic testing and tumor biology, some oncologists are asking if it is always necessary. In fact, use of chemotherapy to treat early breast cancer has been declining. In a study of about 3,000 early-stage tumor patients, use of chemotherapy declined to 21 percent from 34 percent. But cancer experts warn that withholding chemo is justified in only a fraction of cases. Focusing on the bad side effects of chemotherapy misses the point, some doctors’ say. Chemotherapy has saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, they say.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


JOSEPh CERVINI Resident Manager of the Year 2018 With gratitude & appreciation for the years of dedication and service to the CLUB — 20 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–



WILFREDO MONTANO of Montano Wood Care Corp.

Associate Member of the Year 2018 In recognition of many years of support & friendship you have show to the CLUB — 21 —

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

POWERFUL ANTI-DEPRESSANT? A hallucinogenic drug, Ketamine, is being evaluated for its anti-depressant qualities, according to New Atlas. Ketamine was originally developed in the 1960s as an anesthetic but it has developed a reputation for its anti-depressant properties. Now a study by Columbia University Medical Center appears to support this belief. In the study, 80 patients with clinically significant suicidal thoughts were given either ketamine or a sedative. In one day, the ketamine group displayed major improvement in reduction of suicidal thoughts that appeared to last through the six-week follow-up period.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

New interest in old antibiotic

The frightening possibility of antibiotic resistance would make wounds deadly and surgery dramatically risky. Australian scientists are part of the world-wide effort to find a solution to the problem and they are focusing on a class of drug called octapeptins. Discovered in the 1970s, octapeptins were not selected for development because so many other promising antibiotics were being developed. According to the journal Cell Chemical Biology, tests on this class have shown octapeptins are better antimicrobial agents than other antibiotics and are not toxic to the kidneys.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


ARIES 3/21 - 4/19: Your life may seem a little crazy right now. Offer a smile to someone who doesn’t expect it. The full moon on the 31st returns the vibes you give.

TAURUS 4/20 - 5/20: The quarter moon March 24 slows your roll some. Forget controversies and focus on solutions in your own world.

GEMINI 5/21 - 6/20: Your loved one is on a mission. No point in trying to rethink it. Hang in there. You could have more influence by next month.

CANCER 6/21 - 7/22: Energy is on your mind -- yours and others. Focus on nutrition and get enough sleep. This will become essential as you move through March, a month that could be surprisingly demanding.

LEO 7/23 - 8/22: Consider planning a long weekend now, rather than a budget-blowing vacation this summer. The stars predict unexpected expenses. You’ll want to be prepared.

VIRGO 8/23 - 9/22: Does every project have to be started and completed in one shot? Counter your perfectionist tendencies by working on ordinary tasks during short time spaces.

LIBRA 9/23 - 10/21: The equinox on March 20 is Libra’s day. Take the day to consciously balance romance and friendship. Your spouse or partner can use a little extra of one or the other.

SCORPIO 10/22 - 11/21: To improve a relationship this month, give more than is expected; expect less in return. Someone who loves you needs your extra effort just now but won’t ask for it.

SAGITTARIUS 11/22 - 12/21: Flexibility serves you well as the month comes to a close. Don’t hesitate to try something new. A surprise is in store.

CAPRICORN 12/22 - 1/19: Spring. Ideas. Those two go together as the changing season sparks new plans. Consider your available time and resources then choose the most promising.

AQUARIUS 1/20 - 2/18: Stay alert for people who blame others for everything and avoid the blamers this month. What you hear may or may not be the truth so don’t act on rumor. Get information.

PISCES 2/19 - 3/20: Hard work and focus take you far but don’t forget your larger life. Save a little of your energy for your pet and dollop of charm for the people who love you.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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Call us for a complimentary consultation

Call 914.488.5400

www. — 26 —


­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–



t. Patrick's Day, it is said everyone is Irish and a sweet sentiment it is, too, but the fact is Irish immigration to America has slowed to a trickle and even the Irish seem to have lost their connection to the old country. According to, 34.1 million Americans claim Irish heritage - just over 10 percent of the population - second only to the number of Americans who claim German heritage. But in 2018, we are 175 years past the potato famine that gutted Irish populations and sent them fleeing to America. In some of those early years, 20,000 Irish per month legally immigrated to the U.S. That number is now down to a few thousand per year, according to What this means is that the strong Irish communities with strong ties to Eire have mostly melted into America. And chances are they don't remember the old country. About 37 percent of Irish-Americans under 45 have never been to Ireland, according to a

recent NYU/Irish Central/Amarach Research study of 1,388 Irish-Americans. Only 34 percent have joined Irish organizations. About 50 percent have only been to Ireland once. Observers believe that this is the last Irish-American generation with a connection to Ireland in the family.

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Market Report: PRICES RISING Since there are relatively few homes for sale nationwide, the prices of the homes that are for sale are going up. An important home price survey, released in January, showed that home prices nationwide were rising in November 2017. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller survey found that national home prices have continued their run up, rising 6.2 percent annually. That rise is three times faster than the rate of inflation, suggesting that owning a home is a great investment as the home value rises and far outpaces inflation.

How long this combination of low supply and rising prices will last might depend on new home construction. Home builders are ramping up production, but building is still below historical levels for the market. Meanwhile, there is a lot of demand for homes, encouraged by a robust economy. Some things have changed since the report on the November market, however. For one thing, historically low mortgage interest rates are up to about 4 percent, which is still very good, and some analysts think rates will rise to 4.5 or even 5 percent during 2018. All this suggests that it’s a good time for both buying and selling. Sellers will reap the benefits of higher home prices, but buyers will continue to benefit from low mortgage rates. If your plans include a spring home, now is the time to get in the game.

Buying your first house

Buying a new house is easy: Dive into some websites. Pick a house you like. Press “Add to Cart” and 10 minutes later you’re picking new furniture. ...Nah. Doesn’t work that way. Like all pivotal decisions in life, the fun part is rarely the most important. The best way to buy a home is to start answering the dull questions first. Start by building a basic financial profile about yourself: First, pull your credit report and get your credit score. You can do this at or at other sites, such as If your score is under 620, you’ve got some work to do on your credit. Start by making absolutely sure every account is paid on time, every time, not one day late. During your credit building period, make sure you don’t apply for loans on cars or anything else. Do everything you can to pay off any loans or credit cards you may have. With a credit score of at least 620 in hand, start gathering documents that

show how much money you make and what your expenses are. You’ll need pay stubs and a list of your bills. You will also need cash. A good rule to remember: The more cash you have, the better the terms of any deal you make. You’ll have more flexibility and loans will cost you less, especially if you also have a high credit score. But how much is enough? Down payments vary depending on the type

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of loan. With an FhA loan, for example, you might need no more than 3.5 percent of the selling price. But you’ll also need some cash available for closing costs — maybe up to 2.5 percent or more. One of the best places to start the process is with a lender. Gather your financial information and chat with your bank or credit union to find out how much house you could possibly afford. They will tell you how much cash you will need. Once you have the cash, get a pre-approval from your lender. Then the fun part begins. Visit some websites and find your best home. Good idea: Start small with a home, buying one that is easy to afford with a short mortgage. Then, add some elbow grease to fix it up to increase its value, while paying off the mortgage. Soon, you’ll have value in the house and you can sell with more money to put down on your next house. This is the way wealth is built over time.

Benefits of joining a professional organization for millennials ­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

Professional organizations could feel like a dated idea for many millennials but a recent Buzz Marketing survey shows that new groups founded by peers of an age similar to them are spiking a fresh surge of interest in a popular way to learn and grow early in one's career. In fact, 92 percent of respondents believed that these kinds of groups provide value and more than two-thirds that don't already belong to one have plans to join in the future. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, these organizations provide a lot of tangible benefits to a group

that tends to embrace technology over face-to-face relationships. Chief among these benefits are the job opportunities that naturally develop when young people are mingling with established players in their industry. Even without a job offer, having the mentorship of a veteran is a great way to meet other people higher up the ladder as well as learning about openings before anyone else. Industry organizations can also be a great place to work on leadership, public speaking, and other skills that will translate nicely to a day job. Speaking to groups about relevant topics, participating in newsletters, and generally being involved with the minutia of a business are great resume builders as well as practice for real-world applications. Of course, professional groups aren't all about work and there are definitely benefits to being a member of certain clubs. Often, there are discounts or even free opportunities for things like education, coaching and business software to ones like travel, healthcare, and other deals. Inc. magazine highlights the fact that making connections with vendors and banks can also help secure better deals on supplies and credit for new businesses.

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­â€“ Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­â€“

haCkeRs­Can­take­COntROl­Of­yOuR COMputeR's­webCaM In the 'always on' modern age, it should come as no surprise that your computer's webcam might be on too, only without your knowledge. Accord-

ing to Engadget, this issue is so widespread that even the former director of the FBI, James Comey, recommended that everyone cover their webcams with tape in order to prevent being spied upon unaware. It might be easy to dismiss the comment as paranoid, but other people such as high-profile Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has also been seen taping his laptop's camera and microphone. There are many ways for a webcam's security to be compromised and Make Use Of explains that one of the easiest is to use Remote Administration Tools (RATs) to take control of an entire system. These tools weren't created to cause mayhem, but rather to track stolen machines and perform technical support from a remote location. By installing these programs on unwitting users through email attachments, nefarious websites, and other methods, however, hackers can gain full access to an entire computer while leaving no trace. To make matters worse, some hackers have discovered that they don't have to do much at all to gain access to various webcams that have faulty or buggy software. In recent history, cameras used in home security and baby monitors have merely required a remote user to know

the public IP address of the camera to gain control without even having to input a password. With this in mind, it is important to research any security cameras you're thinking of purchasing to look for any inherent flaws or weaknesses that could be exploited. Fortunately, there are things a user can do to avoid being spied on through their devices. In addition to covering the camera, be sure to use a reliable antivirus scanner at all times and keep it up to date. Keeping operating systems, browsers, and other general software up to date is also crucial so that hackers can't gain access through unpatched vulnerabilities. As always, avoid clicking any links that you aren't entirely sure are legitimate and be wary of any email attachments that you weren't expecting. 5@* +*( r 51 +*( =/


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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

How to choose a dog

- Try an older dog. You will not only save a life, but you will get a loving, grateful companion without high-energy puppy behaviors. - Size counts. Vets used to say you should never get a dog you can't lift onto an exam table. Still, if you have a large secure yard, a larger dog could offer some home security. But make sure you have the space to accommodate a larger dog. If not, go small. Avoid small dogs that are highly active, like Jack Russell Terriers. - Consider grooming. Some might really enjoy fussing over their pet's coat and taking the little fella to the groomer. But it's not for everyone. Short haired dogs are lots of fun and less trouble. - Consider the dog's future. If you are going to get a dog, have some sort of plan in place for the dog's future. If you become disabled, what will happen to the dog?


The benefits of having a dog for a senior

here are many benefits to seniors of owning a dog, and the AARP explains that they include staying more physically fit, socially engaged, and mentally grounded. All of these perks come naturally as part of owning and caring for a dog and only require that the owner is mobile enough to go for a daily walk. Studies from the Gerontologist have shown that dog owners tend to get more exercise than people without a dog simply because they are more likely to go for walks if their pet enjoys them. Having a consistent walking routine is incredibly important for all adults, but especially for seniors to help prevent mobility issues and health problems stemming from a sedentary lifestyle. It often results in fewer chronic conditions, a lower body fat index, and fewer visits to the doctor. Dogs also act as a natural social lubricant and provide an excellent excuse for seniors to stop and talk to neighbors and children in the community. This behavior is great for keeping up outside relationships and creates a bigger social network to call on for help during a time of need. It's good for the dog as well because they often enjoy meeting new people and getting the extra attention. Aging can cause mental stress for seniors, and explains that pet ownership provides a lot of intangible benefits to the owner because pets are always living in the here and now, are almost always happy, and have unwavering love and affection for their owners. This kind of behavior can rub off on an owner and studies have shown that they are less likely to suffer from depression or loneliness. Psychologist Penny B. Donnenfeld has also seen many cases of seniors showing improved memory as a direct result of caring for and playing with a new pet.

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u.s.­aiRlines­aRe CheCking­MORe­inbOund­eleCtROniC deviCes International travelers are increasingly faced with searches of electronic devices, according to Customs and Border Protection. According to USA Today, searches involving laptops, cellular phones, and other electronic devices increased by more than 50 percent in the year 2017. Despite privacy concerns, officials say that the increased searches have helped uncover evidence related to fraud, child pornography, and terrorist activity. 2017 scored a perfect safety rating among airlines According to USA Today, more than

four billion passengers flew safely on 38 million flights during 2017 with zero fatalities. The foundation of safety in the airline business rests on the industry's focus on proactive safety improvements. Safer planes, improved pilot skills, increased oversight, and extensive accident investigation are all trends that have been developing since the first manned flight in 1903. Despite the success, there are still dangers on board commercial aircraft, and questions remain on how to deal with lithium batteries, runway safety, and the dramatic increase in unmanned aircraft entering the airspace.

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


You never know what doors are going to open up and why they are going to open up. You've got to be ready to walk through them.

~ Lester Holt

Great achievers are driven, not so much by the pursuit of success, but by the fear of failure.

~ Larry Ellison, Cofounder and CTO of Oracle

We find joy in thinking, doing and discovering in improving people's lives and catalyzing positive change in the world.

~ Robert Smith, Founder and CEO of Vista Equity Partners

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


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Helping co-op/condo achieve energy ef ficiency and occup Yees, you can have both (inn fact, they go haand-in-hand)!

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


Freedom of speech and thought matters, especially when it is speech and thought with which we disagree. The moment the majority decides to destroy people for engaging in thought it dislikes, thought crime becomes a reality. ~ Ben Shapiro

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There is no quick fix. At the end of the day, you still have to do the work to maintain your weight. It can't be a diet. You have to change your life. ~ Al Roker

­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–


Treat your past as a book that you learn from instead of a hammer that you beat yourself up about.

~ Bill Whittle

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­– ! ! ! ! ! !

Top 10 Reasons to Join the MRM Club! 10. Extra Curricular: applications/resumes!





9. Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the BEST of the BEST in their field at our regular meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month. 8. Promote Awareness: The CLUB helps promote education and awareness about the NYC residential real estate market. 7. Life Insurance: Being a Regular Member of the CLUB affords you a personal life insurance policy in the amount of $125,000.00

6. Philanthropic: The CLUB participates and raises money for a number of local and national charities giving back to the community and those most in need.

5. Brotherhood: Being a member automatically gives you a feeling of closeness to other members. You share something that other people are not a part of and really can’t relate to.

4. Enrichment: Being part of a professionally ran Club or Organization is an en- riching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try them out.



3. Exposure: The CLUB will expose you to real life every day experiences you and your peers regularly share and have in common . 2. Growth: Members in Clubs/Organizations are encouraging and supportive of your personal growth. We all have a vested interest in each other.

1. Social: They are a BEST way to meet great people and have a lot of fun! With numerous events happening throughout the year; separate from our monthly meetings, it is impossible to not have some FUN!

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­– Manhattan­Resident­ManageR’s­Club,­inC.­–

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718.729.4900 • ROSENWACHGROUP.COM • 43-02 Ditmars Boulevard, 2nd Fl. • Astoria, NY 11105


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