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Winter 2013
s w e n e h t All ! a e r a r u o from y 1 See pages 4 - 1
Varied Terms
y Agreement
Assured Tenanc
& Conditions
cy Assured Tenan Agreement n of Terms and
Agreed Variatio
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- 0800 121
1817 - Assured
Tenancy Varied
60 60* or 01795
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- contactus@ 434 606**
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Terms and Conditio
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n’s m o s Sea gs fro n o in z t i r e gre cusHo i Am
Welcome to the winter 2013 edition of news&views. In this edition, you’ll find lots of news, useful information and several competitions for you to enter. Thank you to all the residents who helped us put this edition of news&views together.
Annual Review for you! In October you received a copy of our 2012/13 Annual Review. Residents were involved in its creation every step of the way. View it online at: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/currentannualreview
Why not join us and help
Welfare update If you’re affected by the welfare reforms, we’re here to help. Contact our Financial Inclusion Team today. You can also find advice on our website: www.amicushorizon.org. uk/benefits Look out for Benefit Matters, our welfare reform newsletter, in January 2014.
Benefit matters
Spring / Summer’13
Sit back…rela x…
and pop in a DV D!
make next year’s review
Your annual rev iew 2012-2013
even better?
We’re holding an Annual Review workshop on 8 February 2014. If you’d like to be involved please call the Communications Team or email: comms@amicushorizon.org.uk
Celebrating our neig hb
o ur h
oods and comm unitie s
Ok, it might not be as exciting as the latest James Bond or likely to win an Oscar any time soon…but it will keep you up to date with welfare benefit reform. We want every AmicusHorizon customer to be clear about the changes and how they might affect you. The DVD explains the reforms and also highlights how we’ve helped individual customers (we’ve used actors for this but the events are real). We hope you find it useful. Feel free to share it with family and friends. Please let us know what you think of the DVD. You can email us at; contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk
AH Annual Review
2012-13 v24.indd
09/10/2013 16:37:26
Tel: 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** Web: www.amicushorizon.org.uk Email: contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk Search for AmicusHorizon 1578 - Benefit Matters March'13 plus DVD A3v14 single pages.indd 1
Telephone options
Tell your story...
If you need to speak to us, our award winning Response Team is on hand to take your call. The number to ring is 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606**. We’ve recently updated our telephone options:
We’re looking for residents who’d be happy to share the story of how they’ve been affected by the welfare reforms. We hope to then publish some of these real life experiences of individuals and families living in our homes. Contact the Communications Team or email: comms@ amicushorizon.org.uk
n Press 1 – To pay your rent or talk to our Income Team n Press 2 - To report repairs n Press 3 – For housing management, tenancy or lettings enquiries n Press 4 – For sales and services.
17/05/2013 14:30:23
Contains material sourced from responsibly managed forests, certified in accordance with the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).
When you finish with news&views please pass onto a friend or recycle it.
Your AmicusHorizon
Sign your new tenancy conditions today! In November some of you received your new tenancy conditions from us. If you haven’t already done so, please make sure you sign and send the agreement back to us by 14 December 2013. Alternatively, you can sign online at: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/yourview Everyone who signs and returns their form by 14 December will be entered into a prize draw to win an amazing £250! We’ll pick eight winners coming from all three regions; Kent, Sussex and London & Surrey.
Putting it right… We want to give you a brilliant service at all times. Bu t occasionally things go wrong. If you’re unhappy with our service we’ll aim to pu t things right quickly. Our com plaints resolution procedure has three stages: Stage 1 - A lead officer will spend time looking at your co mplaint. They’ll work with you to find a solution within 10 work ing days. We’ll do all we can to re solve issues at this stage. Stage 2 - If we’re unab le to find a solution, we can offe r you a review. A senior manag er will review your complaint. They’ll send a full written resp onse within 10 working days.
If you’ve got any questions about the new tenancy conditions, please give us a call on 0800 032 6219. Assured Tenan cy Please note, Agreement residents in Casa Support or Housing for Older People schemes will not receive the form as the new tenancy conditions don’t apply to them. Assured Tenanc
y Agreement
Varied Terms
Agreed Variatio
n of Terms and
0 £25 - 0800 121
1817 - Assured
Tenancy Varied
60 60* or 01795
434 606** - contactus@
Terms and Condition
s v2.indd 1
& Conditions
.uk - www. amicu
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Stage 3 – We’ll invite m embers of the resident Area Pane ls to take part in a Complaints Re view Panel with you. They’ll look at your complaint and how we tried to put it right. They may sugg est further actions for us to take. If we’re unable to reso lve your case you can contact th e Housing Ombudsman for a revie w. To do this you’ll need to ask one of the following to refer your case: n A Member of Parlia ment (MP) n A local Councillor n A tenant panel. To find out more and do wnload our full ‘Putting it right’ document, visit: www.amicushorizon.o rg.uk/ complaints
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Sussex news
A right royal display! Residents of Royal Terrace Housing for Older People scheme in St. Leonards have been getting green fingered! They planted up borders, hanging baskets and tubs creating a beautiful display at the scheme. The residents applied for a grant from our Local Environmental Action Fund (LEAF). Neighbourhood Manager, Mike Bushell, approved the application and the residents received money to buy the plants and flowers. If you’ve got an idea for your local area and would like to apply for funding, please speak to your Housing Officer.
Staff and residents attended the opening of Park View Farm
New homes in Sussex Residents of Park View Farm, Sedlescombe joined staff to celebrate completion of the development of eight new homes for local residents. The homes, including three 1 bedroom apartments, four 2 bedroom houses and a wheelchair accessible bungalow. They're built on a historically problematic garage site that was prone to vandalism. Kayleigh (22) shares one of the two bedroom homes with her partner and one year old daughter. Kayleigh said: “We moved into our home in July and it’s lovely.”
Clean sweep Town and Country Cleaners have joined us as a new partnering contractor in Sussex. They’re providing a fantastic cleaning service to our sheltered schemes, blocks and community centres. There’ll be no interruption in service and most staff will be the same across the region. Town and Country Cleaners will write to residents in all the affected blocks and schemes, advising of the change. They’ll also ensure information is put on every notice board to let you know the days they’ll attend and what will be done. Residents have worked hard on the floral displays!
If you’ve any questions please call the Estate Services Team on 0800 121 60 60 or 01795 434 606**. Or you can email: contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk
- 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
Anyone for tea? We had a great response to our ‘cream tea’ for older residents held at Leeford Place, a beautiful country house just outside Battle. This was a fantastic opportunity to consult with 200 older residents living in our general needs homes. Robin Deane, Head of Area Services, led the event and explained we’ve lots of services specifically for our older residents. This includes assistance for people who’d like help with their gardening or decorating. As well as help with benefits and information about disabled adaptations in the home. Ron White, Chair of ROAR (Residents of all Rother) gave a talk about the events ROAR
Staff explained the services available to older residents
organises for isolated and older residents in Sussex. See page 16 for more information on our services for older people and details of an online competition.
Are you a budding writer? Sign up for our newsletter writing training course on 11 February 2014. Contact Sussex Resident Involvement Team today!
Triple-P Parenting course Our parenting course covers all aspects of being a parent from family roots and values, to managing behaviour through discipline. Book a place on our next course at Rye Children’s Centre starting on 7 January 2014. Please contact: Zoe Jackson, Community Development Worker.
Why don’t you…get involved? The Sussex Resident Involvement Team runs many different activities and events throughout the year. They collect your views on matters affecting you and others in your neighbourhood. If you’d like to join in, transport is available and we pay for child care/carers for dependents. Call or email the Sussex Resident Involvement Team for more details or check out our website: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/getinvolved
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Hastings Area Panel
0300 123 6010 hastingsap@amicushorizon.org.uk
Welcome to our newest members The Hastings Area Panel held their General Meeting in September. Six new members were elected onto the panel. Here’s the new line up: Resident members
Independent members
Roderick O’Regan – Chair Sgt Dave Townsend – Sussex Police Gill Fulton Cllr Kim Forward – Pat Baker Hastings Borough Council Joy Hockney Peter Thorpe - Hastings Voluntary Action Keith O’Hara Louise White Maria Doyle Pauline Folland
Thank you and good bye Residents and staff would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Carl White, Mark O’Shea and Bev Winchester who all recently left the panel. We appreciate the time and energy you’ve given. All residents are welcome to attend Area Panel meetings. The next one’s on 27 January 2014. If you’d like to come along, contact Karen Earl, Resident Governance Officer on 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434606** or email: contactus@ amicushorizon.org.uk
Older people’s artwork An art exhibition featuring the work of local residents aged over 55 attracted around 200 people. We organised the event at Sussex Coast College, Hastings, in recognition of national Older People’s Day. It included mosaics created by residents living in our older people schemes with the help of local artist Emma Law. Linda Benson, Scheme Manager said: “Our local community group, ROAR have been funding art classes for several months in our older people schemes. The quality of work was so high we decided to organise an exhibition. We’re so glad the community turned out in force to offer their appreciation of our great local talent.”
- 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
ook Skips and sp
ith Mayfield We worked w orough d Hastings B residents an n ) to deliver a Council (HBC ington day in Whatl n o ti c a te ta s e was half term. It Way, during e ce to clear th n a h c t n ia ll ri ab n site e had skips o estate and w of could get rid so residents re e f rubbish. Th o s m e it e s rg la from the Dog g in p ip h c g o was d C. bies from HB e e fr d n a t s Tru joyed the estate en Children on fun y Halloween some spook za all inting and piz with face pa round!
Improving Properties and Improving Lives
Coastal Space We’re working with Hastings Borough Council to transform 51 run down properties in St Leonards into quality housing. Our ‘Coastal Space’ project will see £6.2 million invested over the next two years. We’ve started work in Carisbrooke Road for the first phase of the project. We're also delivering a community service helping local residents access training, further learning and work placements. Look out for more information in the next news&views or visit our website: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/ CoastalSpace
Young residents enjoyed the day
We’ve lost pounds and gained £££’s A group of ladies from Halton Heights older people scheme decided to lose some pounds. Gladys, Joyce, Maureen, Katie and Shirley had six months of healthy eating and gentle exercise. The champions Joyce and Gladys lost four stone between them! The group managed to lose 139 pounds in total and they raised £150 for the local hospice. Big congratulations to them all!
Money worries? We can help! If you need advice and help to get your finances on track, sign up for our budgeting courses running in February 2014. We’ll cover: personal budgeting, loans and debt management, benefits advice, fuel poverty and much more. Contact Joyce Rook, Community Worker to find out more.
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East Sussex Area Panel 0300 123 6010 eastsussexap@amicushorizon.org.uk
ROAR ROAR (Residents of All Rother) was originally formed by the members of the TUG Umbrella Group. ROAR represents the views and interests of residents living in rural Rother.
East Sussex Area Panel
Welcome to our newest members East Sussex Area Panel held their General Meeting this autumn. Val McDonald became Chair and Rachel Kemp was elected as Vice Chair. David Stone has done a great job as Chair for two years. Members and staff thank him for the time and energy he's put into this role. David’s staying on the Panel as a resident member. The full line up is: Resident members Chris Feeney-Miles Dan Lake David Stone Don Fellows Marrissa Stepanek
Independent members Cllr Joy Hughes – Rother District Council Cllr Keith Glazier – Leader of East Sussex County Council Martin Fisher – Rother Voluntary Action
Their aim is to promote and encourage community spirit by organising social events and other community activities throughout Rother. ROAR is supported by AmicusHorizon. Earlier this year the local police presented Chairman of ROAR, Ron White with a cheque for £200. The police were keen to recognise the services they provide for older people and wanted to contribute toward the many events and activities they organise throughout the year. Many of theses events were aimed at older people living in our schemes.
Martin Osment Rachel Kemp Val McDonald You’re welcome to attend the Area Panel meetings. The next one is 6 February 2014. If you want to come along, contact Karen Earl, Resident Governance Officer.
- 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
Eastbourne residents ‘Get On’ with successful training! Twelve participants were presented with awards to mark their achievements on our ‘Get On Plus’ training programme in Eastbourne. ‘Get On Plus’ provides practical training courses and workshops to help people build their confidence and skills to move into volunteering and paid work. The course includes modules residents can choose from including: ‘Working in the community’ and ‘Making IT work for you’. We’ll run the courses again in 2014. If you’d like to sign up please contact the Sussex Community Development Team.
DIY SOS scheme
Christmas event in Sidley
A common room for young people has been transformed thanks to a team of volunteers on our DIY SOS scheme. They spent five weeks refurbishing the room at Victoria Hall, in Bexhill-onSea.
can use at home and to gain employment.
Our DIY SOS programme offers a group of unemployed volunteers the chance to learn decorating skills. They meet in local community venues to practise techniques they
We’ll be running more DIY SOS courses in Sussex in 2014. If you’d like to get involved please contact the Community Development Team.
Residents celebrate their achievements
Community group, ‘Heart of Sidley’ will be running a Christmas event on 19 December 2013 from 5pm to 7pm at the New Inn, Sidley. Residents of Sidley are welcome to come along for the carol singing, mince pies, mulled wine, Santa’s grotto and lantern parade.
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Our performance in Sussex Repairs
Performance indicator Satisfaction with how long it took to complete a repair (average score out of 10) % repair satisfaction
April – August 2013
Our target
Target met
Just under 99% of residents were satisfied with their repair. Satisfaction with how long it took to complete a repair was also above target, great news! Lettings
Performance indicator
April – August 2013
Our target
Average time to re-let homes – general needs
12.7 days
14 days
Target met
On average we took just under 13 days to relet homes. This means less homes standing empty and an increase in income to improve our services. Income
Performance indicator
August 2013
Target to end of August
% rent arrears – general needs
Target met
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who paid their rent on time. We want to do better so we can use the money to improve our services and homes. We’re working with Citizens Advice Bureau and Money Advice Services to give financial help to residents. If you’re struggling to pay your rent please contact our Income Officers. Anti social behaviour (ASB)
Performance indicator
April – August 2013
Our target
Satisfaction with handling of anti social behaviour
Target met
This year so far just over 88% said they were satisfied with how we handled their ASB case. Our Sussex ASB Team is reviewing comments from residents to address any recurring issues. We’ll contact residents in person or over the phone to gather feedback. We’re also working with the Chartered Institute for Housing to improve our case management. Our ASB Team is here to help so please get in touch if you need them.
10 - 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
The happening
Here’s what’s happening for young people around Sussex...
Youth clubs Come to your local youth club. The sessions run during term time for local young people aged 13-19yrs:
Graffiti project Well done to Bleu Marchant, one of the members of our youth forum, who raised grant money for a graffiti project in Sidley. Over the school holidays local young people got involved with the project run by a local graffiti artist and Targeted Youth Support (TYS). Young people were able to create their own graffiti designs on a canvas they could then take home. They also learnt the skills needed to produce a larger design. They created a big canvas to represent the area they live in. This will be displayed at their local youth club.
Wheels on fire! Hollington Bowl in St Leonards was the venue as more than 70 young people wowed the crowd at the Positive Future’s skateboarding, scooting and BMX event. Categories included: ‘best parent and young rider’, best biker in fancy dress and this year, for the first time, a competition just for the girls. Resident Involvement Manager, Graham Morrow, said: “It’s no mean feat to perform in front of so many people. Well done to everyone who took part!"
� Tuesday, 5pm - 7pm. Adventure Playground, Hastings. � Wednesday, 5.30pm - 7.30pm. Ore Community Centre, Hastings. � Thursday, 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Hollington Youth Centre, St Leonards. � Thursday, 6pm – 8pm. Downs Farm Community Centre, Hastings. � Thursday, 6pm – 7.30pm. Broomgrove Community Centre, Hastings. � Saturday, 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Hollington Youth Centre, St Leonards
Young tenancy This six week course will build your skills for living on your own. Learn how to manage your tenancy, do household jobs and think of others living around you. If you're aged 16-24 book a place for January 2014. Contact Zoe Jackson, Senior Community Worker or email: contactus@ amicushorizon.org.uk
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11 11
Your Home
Repairs service improvements – BIG and small Did you know you can request: Mrs and Mrs White with Rick the Handyman
Handyperson help This year we launched three new ‘added value’ services to give you extra help in your home. The services are for older adults (over 65) and those on Disability Living Allowance/ Personal Independence Payment who don't have anyone else at home who can help. To be eligible residents need to: � Have a clear rent account � Be aged 65 and over, OR � Be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment � AND not sharing their home with anybody under 65, adult and non disabled. A couple aged 65 or over are eligible. Mr and Mrs White of Merrymead signed up for our decorating service to have their hallway painted. Under the scheme, we’ll decorate one room every three years. Mrs White supplied the paint and our handyman “Rick” supplied the labour. Mr White said: “It was so nice to have someone who knew what he was doing.” Could you benefit from our decorating, gardening or handyperson service? For some of the services you can split the costs with your neighbours. For more information contact us or visit our website for more details: www.amicushorzion.org.uk/addedvalue
� A phone call if it's likely to be dark when our repair operative will get to you � A Wednesday evening appointment if you need it? And we’re making lots of improvements to the way we work. Using the latest mobile technology means we can save time and reduce work. It also means our staff will have all the latest information about your home and repair work at their fingertips. This all goes towards creating a more efficient service for you! This year our Response Team received special training to help them deal with your repair issues. Our London repair partner, Morrisons, ran a ‘common defects’ training course. This will help us get to the bottom of your repair problems faster and with greater technical understanding.
Remember – all our staff and contractors carry identity badges. If they don’t show you it, don’t let them into your home.
12 - 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
Repairs and Maintenance Panel (RAMP)
Cold weather payments Our Repairs and Maintenance Panel (RAMP) members are a caring bunch. With the cold, dark nights well and truly with us and fuel bills on the rise, they want to make sure you’re getting all the help you’re entitled to. This year’s Cold Weather Payment scheme started on 1 November 2013. Payments are made when your local temperature drops below zero degrees (freezing) for seven days in a row. You’ll get a payment of £25 for each seven day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. You don’t need to apply. If you’re eligible you’ll automatically receive it.
You’ll get it if you receive any of the following benefits: Pension Credit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit. Not sure you’re eligible? Contact your Financial Inclusion Officer for more information or check online at: www.gov.uk/cold-weather-payment/eligibility
Seasonal safety tips from RAMP If you’ve old Christmas lights, consider buying new ones which meet higher safety standards Keep lights switched off until the tree is decorated Don’t let children play with fairy lights Remember to switch off lights when going out of the house or to bed Keep decorations and cards away from fires and heat sources such as light fittings Don’t leave burning candles unattended, make sure you put them out before going to bed
If you’re trying out new gadgets or appliances make sure you read instructions Falls are the most common accident so try to keep clutter to a minimum. Make sure stairs are free from obstacles!
Stay safe and have fun! ‘Merry Christmas’ from RAMP!
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Your services
Save energy, save money Here’s what we’re doing to help you keep warm and reduce your energy bills:
Giving Something Back Casa Support’s Estates House, is an independent living scheme for people with learning difficulties. Michelle and Jason moved to Estates House in 2011. Previously Jason had lived with his parents and Michelle lived in a residential setting. Jason and Michelle hadn’t met before moving to the scheme but this soon changed. Michelle offered Jason support and friendship, regularly checking if he was ok. After a year, the couple decided they wanted to live together, so with staff support they started to search for a suitable home. Casa staff also supported Michelle to set up a bank account so the couple had money to furnish their property. In December 2012 Jason and Michelle were offered a 1 bed flat. The flat was very basic and the couple felt they were starting from scratch. The living room was due to be decorated by a local man, but after being paid he left the room unfinished. Jason felt the flat didn’t feel like home. So Estates House staff, Pat, Maureen and Sam stepped in. They redecorated the living room as a ‘Casa Support, giving something back project’. They also advised the couple about buying furniture and arranged white goods for their property. For six weeks following the move, Pat and Maureen continued to support the couple to ensure they settled in. Since moving to their own property Michelle and Jason volunteer in the community and have recently been on holidays, visiting family around the UK.
� Little Green Bags – These free packs are full of advice and devices to help you save money on your energy and water bills. Pick one up from your local office or call Jade Wilson, Sustainability Officer � We’re providing home energy advice visits and running energy workshops in blocks of flats. Look out for more details, coming soon � We’re loaning energy monitors to help you save money on energy bills. You can borrow a monitor from your local office � Our fantastic Resident Green Ambassadors are attending events in their communities to give energy advice � We’re testing new ways of helping residents to heat their homes more efficiently with simpler controls, a smart phone or via the internet � Energy efficiency investment We’re installing insulation in our least energy efficient homes.
14 - 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk
If you’d like to read the Residents’ Council meeting minutes please visit: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/ResidentsCouncil
Residents’ Council
Your Residents’ Council The Residents’ Council is a big part of our resident governance structure. Each Area Panel nominates two of its members to sit on the Residents’ Council. It represents all residents by: Monitoring standards and service delivery Focusing on resident issues and making sure they’re addressed by the Strategic Board and senior staff.
Residents’ Council elections New Chair
New Vice Chair
Glen Cady
Monica Barnes
“I'm pleased to be voted as Chair of Residents’ Council. Both Monica and I want to ensure our involved residents are engaged to focus on improving services for our residents so they get value for money for their rent.”
“As the Vice Chair of Residents’ Council my priority is to work closely with Glen, AmicusHorizon staff and more importantly, involved residents, to make sure services provided by AmicusHorizon to all residents reflect 5 Star Governance.”
Resident Board member update Thanks to everyone who contacted us about the Resident Board member post. We’ll announce the new resident board member in the next issue of news&views.
The Dorn Moller Award 2013
The Dorn Moller Award Dorn Moller worked as an involved resident for many years before he died. He was a member of the Residents’ Council and Area Panel, this award is dedicated to his memory. Do you know someone like him who: Strongly supports their local community and provides help for people in need Leads their community and really makes a difference? If so, get in touch and nominate them for this award. Contact your local Resident Governance Officer for a nomination form or visit: www.amicushorizon.org.uk
Take time to recognise someone great in your community!
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Your notice board
We all matter
Winter word search Fancy winning £25 in high street vouchers? Then give our winter word search a go. The competition closes on Friday 31 January 2014. Congratulations to Ms Carpenter of Sittingbourne, our previous word search winner! n Presents n Cards n Tinsel n Carols n Advent S
n Stocking n Holly n Turkey n Sparkle n Angels S H L
We care about equality. So, we’ve published our 2013 -16 Single Equality Scheme. It sets out our equality objectives for the next three years. You can read the document in full on our website: www.amicushorizon.org. uk/weallmatter
ality Schem e 2013-16
Please fill in your contact details: Name:...................................................... Address:................................................... ................................................................. ...............................Post code:................. Telephone:.............................................. Mobile: ����������������������������������������������������� Email: ������������������������������������������������������� Freepost RSBU-ASLS-XTXZ AmicusHorizon PO Box 322 SITTINGBOURNE ME9 8PQ
Single Equ
www.amicus hori
Services for Older People On 1 October 2013 we celebrated National Older Person’s Day by launching a new set of leaflets and online services for older people. We worked with our Older People’s Forum to put together the information about the support we give to older residents. You can pick up a set of leaflets in our offices or call us and we’ll send them to you. Have a look at our web pages, specially created for older people, visit: www.amicushorizon.org.uk/ OlderPeople Take a look at the pages and enter our online completion to win £50 in vouchers. This is open to all AmicusHorizon residents until 31 December 2013.
16 - 0800 121 60 60* or 01795 434 606** - contactus@amicushorizon.org.uk - www.amicushorizon.org.uk