SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMM EKATERINBURG / RUSSIA 4 to 10 july 2015 Joint European Project TEMPUS 544083 «Enhancement of Russian creative education: new Master program in Digital Arts in line with EU standards [ENMDA]»
MEDIA-ART DIGITAL: EKATERINBURG ARTENAUTAS AND MANDALAS First moment (5 of July, 2 hours) Second moment (7 of July, 2 hours) Third moment (9 of July, 1 hour)
Amílcar Martins Ekaterinburg Artenauta (by Teresa Alexandrino)
Actor of Artenauta, Art-Educator, Professor, Universidade Aberta
José Coelho Computer Arts, Professor, Universidade Aberta
Resources of the Portuguese Artists: Espiga Pinto (1940-2014) Painter, Sculptor, Set Designer, Creator of Artenauta for Television Margarida Videira Architect, Art-Educator, Creator of Mandalas
Teresa Alexandrino Designer, Art-Educator, Creator of Artenautas
ABSTRACT The Media-Art Digital workshop: Ekaterinburg Artenautas and Mandalas, is a proposal to hold the Summer School Programm in Ekaterinburg. The Russian Federation is home to burgeoning artists in the multiplicity of expressive forms and known languages: literature, theater, dance, music, cinema, visual arts, architecture, design, fashion, etc. This diversity of artistic expression translates the complex world of imaginary representations of their creators, and also affirms the spiritual dimension of their aesthetic and artistic process and identities. In Portugal, the Russian artistic culture is recognized in its aesthetic splendor, especially after our "Carnation Revolution" of April 25, 1974, which opened the political space, cultural, artistic, technological and economic in the sense of building multiple cross-cultural achievements. The starting point is the desire to meet and exchange between two people, able to drive the further development of cooperation, through the creative interaction and the growing development of friendship. Linked to this creative spirit of intercultural art cooperation between Portugal and Russia, we propose three progressive moments for the workshop: First moment (5 of July, 2 hours): – Introduction of the concepts involved, Artenautas and Mandalas, followed by a short introduction to Processing and Programming. Second moment (7 of July, 2 hours): – Conception, creation and production laboratory, of digital Ekaterinburg Artenautas and Mandalas. Third moment (9 of July, 1 hour): – Presentation of creative digital Ekaterinburg Artenautas and Mandalas, made by the participants in the workshop.
Ekaterinburg Mandala (by Margarida Videira)
ARTENAUTA CONCEPT ArteNauta = Art + Nauta (Travel, Navigator) ArteNauta-Navigator + ArteNauta-Storyteller + ArteNauta-Animator + ArteNauta-Educator + ArteNauta-Curator + ArteNauta-Researcher The ArteNauta is an Art-Traveler Traveling feeds what is most challenging, deep and questioner invented to discover and learn. We are Art-Travelers through life! The ArteNauta is an Art-Storyteller Travelling generates the raw material which translates into potential to tell tales. We are Story-Travellers, narrative designers who transform us into Storytellers! The ArteNauta is an Art-Animator Animate suggests impregnate the ideas, the places, the people and pathways where it operates, our sensitive soul, empathy and solidarity with others and with places. We are Art-Animators! The ArteNauta is an Art-Educator Educating with and through Art is a trajectory with the highest virtues and degrees of fertility for personal, artistic and cultural development. We are Art-Educators! The ArteNauta is an Art-Curator Cure/Care announces the creation of a space of light and sharing. Cure/Care presupposes a surrender value to preserve, to disclose and to enjoy. We are Art-Curators! The ArteNauta is an Art-Researcher Search Art explores the poetics of creative processes supported in the dynamics of subjectivity-objectivity of Arts Researcher and their research object . We value action – research approaches in search and knowledge creation. We are Art-Researchers with its epicenter in Art, Education and Culture!
1 st GENERATION: 1960-1977 Languages: Theatre, Dance, Design, Cinema and Television...
Black and White... Objectif: Discover the Artenauta and Mandala in the Narrative Space’s Black and White. Narrative: The Artenauta in interspacial travel descover our planet. The metaphor of Artenauta is revealed as inspiration of a traveler profile, discoverer, researcher able to induce a sense of adventure, creation and knowledge.
2 nd GENERATION: 1977-2015 Languages: Performative Arts, Design, Cinema and Television... Media-Art Digital...
MANDALA CONCEPT The Mandala, "kyilkhor" in Tibetan, means "center and periphery", "center and environment". The design of a Mandala it is a representation of the structure of pure spirit, taking center one of its main principles and the periphery its development, its manifestation. Thus the central principle and its development are together the structure is Mandala. (cf. Lama Denis Teundroup) Ekaterinburg Mandala (by Margarida Videira)
A Mandala is a symbolic diagram that presupposes a confluence various fields of energy, by expressing them from a combination circles, triangles and squares. It is an iconographic organization which finds its inspiration both in the material world, as in subtle world. (cf. Amílcar Martins, 1997) The Mandalas are interpreted as diagrams which are the best way to represent the invisible universe of forces governing the cosmos. All these features it allows Mandalas come forward as supports meditation. (cf. David Fontana, 1995)
Poem by Pushkin, in Ekaterinburg Mandala (Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Пу́шкин, 1799-1837) Translation into Portuguese, by Jorge de Sena
Não penses, meu amor, que no meu seio guardo o tumultar do sangue, o frenesim de que ardo, os uivos dela, os gritos de bacante em cio, quando, como uma cobra, sob mim se torce, e em beijos que remordem e na carícia urgente vem o estertor final da consumada posse. Mais doce és tu, amor, tão sossegada e calma – pelo prazer dorido com que eu sou todo alma quando, após longamente suplicar-te ansioso, com púdica modéstia cedes ao meu gozo e a mim te dás enfim, mas desviando o olhar, aos meus ardores tão fria e sem me ouvires falar, mas despertando... ah quão tu devagar despertas... até que, a contragosto, o meu prazer é o teu.
!?! Artenauta Amilcarins in Ekaterinburg, Russia ?!?
3th generation: 2015 and future Media-Art Digital Creation, Production and Presentation of Ekaterinburg Artenautas and Mandalas ?!? ...
PROCESSING, coding tool for image creation Short introduction to Processing and Programming (5 of July)
Conditionals More than one fixed sequence of instructions in a program. Output dependent on the input. [color, second, minute, fill, rect]
JosĂŠ Coelho &utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share
Introduction and Installation What is Processing? What is a program? Installing processing (, and generating the first image by coding. [size, background]
Cycles More graphical objects than instructions in a program. What is better than copy/paste? Shadows and random effects. [noStroke, quad, ellipse, arc, random, int()]
Processing setup/draw Can images became dynamic? Can they interact with the user? Another recursive function, a follow the mouse and fade effect. [pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY]
Objects What is an object? What is a class? An example of a class CDimention, that may be reused in other programs.
Variables How to memorize values, write expressions and draw dots and lines. [stroke, strokeWeight, line, point]
Set of objects Vectors and Functions How to deal with a set of data? What is even better than cycles? The most important tool in computer science: Functional Abstraction. [min, radians]
How to deal with several objects at the same time? Another example of a class, CColor, and its use. Slight changes in a program, different final effects. A fixed sequence of instructions, can lead to an arbitrarily complex image.
DIGITAL MANDALAS, from Ekaterinburg Conception, creation and production laboratory: Digital Ekaterinburg Artenautas and Mandalas (7 of July)
José Coelho &utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share
Graphical objects and text Creativity is an instable task. It must be easy to add new graphical objects of different types, and to redefine everything. The use of class hierarchy is the approach used, that will allow us to change our minds. We present a generic graphical object (CGObject), and a subclass (CTitle) to print a title. [PGraphics, createGraphics, loadFont, textFont, text, beginDraw, endDraw, image]
A class (COpenClipartShapes) will help in loading a set of clipart’s, and a subclass of CGObject (CShapeOC) will help to use it in a proper scale, and use it where we want. [PShape, shape]
the center, or in two or more zones, all facing the center, to give order in the chaos. [pushMatrix, popMatrix, rotate, TWO_PI]
Zone effects To make a mandala diverse, we need to make different effects throughout the mandala. The more the effects, the more diverse will be the mandala. But we do not want a completly random mandala without order, so the same effect should be used in several zones of the mandala in an ordered manner. That would be the task for other object, here we will concentrate on creating a subclass of CGObject (CZone), to build effects, as many our imagination allows us. [translate]
Set of rings It is all done, now we just need to keep conceiving rings and get them together, to build a digital mandala.
Random Tests You can start by checking a set of randomly generated mandalas, and gather some ideas to use on your mandala. Once you have the idea, you need to get the resources, pictures or clipart’s that fit best, select the effects or build new ones, colors, borders, and whatever your imagination leads you.
Open clipart shapes It is not necessary to build everything from scratch. Part can just be loaded and used, like clipart’s and images. is a site where artists make available there work, and it is free to use or redistribute. More than 8000 clipart’s from the artists “johnny_automatic”, “Anonymous”, “rejon”, “nicubunu”, and “Gerald_G” was downloaded in 2013, and can easily be used.
Centrality drawing To make mandalas, the concept of centrality is essential. We need a way to allow us to easily draw from a center, and for that propose we will use another subclass of CGObject (CRing), to facilitate drawing each ring. In the ring the objects will be placed in