Human in Space Symposium 2015

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TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2015 09:00


IAA-HIS-15-PS1-1 Strategy of the Mexican Space Agency to enhance the development of space science and technology in Mexico B. Orozco-Serna1, F. Vazquez-Torres1, E. Pacheco-Cabrera1, F.J. Mendieta-Jiménez1 1

Mexican Space Agency

The Mexican Space Agency (AEM) together with the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) have implemented a sectorial fund in space scientific research and technological development, which will be within the next few years, the primary means of funding for support of the Mexican technological and scientific groups interested in developing space projects. In late 2014 the first convocation of the fund was published, in which a range of proposals to develop all kinds of space projects were received. In this paper we present the results that were taken of the call, will be given an overview of how development groups are distributed in the country, what their needs are, what projects were supported by the fund and which failed to gain support but it would be interesting to foster. Will also expose the priorities in Mexico in terms of space scientific and technological development is concerned.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS1-2 The German Space Life Sciences Program M. Braun1, K. Stang1, H.-U. Hoffmann1 1

German Space Administration (DLR), Bonn, Germany

The German Space Life Sciences Program is managed – like all other space programs and activities in Germany – by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in its role as space agency. Within the current space program, approved by the German government in November 2010, the overall goal for its life sciences part was defined as to gain scientific knowledge and to disclose new application potential by research under space conditions, especially by utilizing the microgravity environment of the International Space Station ISS. For implementing the program, DLR provides the infrastructure and flight opportunities required. For instance, DLR contracts German space industry for the development of innovative research facilities and enables the utilization of so-called small flight opportunities like drop tower, sounding rockets and parabolic airplane flights. The International Space Station ISS is used in the frame of Germany’s participation in the ESA Microgravity Program or via bilateral cooperation with other space agencies. Free flyers such as BION and Shenzhou spacecrafts are used via cooperation with Russia and China; also utilizing the Chinese Space Station is of interest to the German scientific community. In addition, DLR provides the required research funding for the science teams from universities and other research institutes. Three major thematic objectives of the program have been identified with the scientific community in recent years: “Exploring Nature”, “Improving Health”, and “Enabling Exploration”. In our contribution for the Humans in Space Symposium we mainly focus on “Improving Health”; this objective is met by studying the response of the various systems of the human body and their interplay in changing gravity conditions. In addition, effective countermeasures are developed and tested with benefit not only for astronauts, but in particular also for people on Earth. Since the changes that astronauts experience in microgravity resemble those in elderly people, the results of space experiments are particularly important for an ageing society. The presentation will especially highlight some recent progress in human physiology research. Scientific breakthroughs have been achieved via ISS research and accompanying terrestrial studies like Mars500. Some of these findings have revolutionized whole research areas. Also, technology transfer in the area of new non-invasive medical diagnostics has led to important applications in clinical practice and rehabilitation, as well as in sports and occupational medicine. Several examples will be presented that demonstrate the capability of the German Space Life Sciences program to act as a technology driver thus contributing to the high-tech strategy of the German government. With this, the program helps to cope with the health challenges of the ageing society in industrial countries. Results of recent announcements of opportunity have once again proven the great interest and competitiveness of the German scientific community in space life sciences, thus giving excellent perspectives for the future of the German Space Life Sciences Program.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS1-3 Life Science Experiments Onboard the Chinese TZ-1 Mission-Overview and Progress Liping Zhao1, XuZhi Li1 1

Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, CAS, Beijing, China

Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization (CSU) has also been known as GESSA. As one of the branches of the CMSP, CSU is responsible on behalf of the CAS for the organizer, coordinator and integrator of the Space Utilization System of CSMP. TZ-1 is the first Chinese cargo ship. The Space science research is one of the core areas of TZ-1 flight mission. It includes life, physics science etc. in space. The presentation shallfocus on the life research and the experiment facility of this mission. Three kinds mammalian cell, including mammalian germ cell, mammalian stemcell and mammalian bone cell, will be cultivatedand observed in one experiment facility (Named Bioreactor) in the pressurized capsule of Tianzhouspaceship. Scientists from different institute and universities will use this experiment system to study fundamental biological and medical questions that also play an important role on the earth. Meanwhile the progress and the preliminary plan of this flight mission will be introduced in the presentation.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS1-4 Contribution of astronauts and cosmonauts to the education of young generation for a continuing high performance human activity in outer space D. Prunariu1 1

Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania; 2Association of Space Explorers Europe, Strasbourg, France

Space industry is a very demanding activity asking permanently for very good specialists. Space flight is a part of this activity where not only higher education but also a multi-layered specialisation is required from the participants in such an endeavor. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are the main areas of specialization for professionals accomplishing in outer space specific flight, scientific, production and maintenance tasks. To have continuity in employing and using good specialists in space activities one has to raise the interest of young people for such activities and attract them to learn STEM. A main catalyst for doing so are the already experienced specialists, especially persons who have experience in flying and working in the outer space. One of the main activities of the Association of Space Explorers, the nongovernmental association gathering now almost 400 astronauts and cosmonauts from 36 nations, is to attract the young generation and contribute to their education oriented towards space activities. Also, the association is a professional forum to debate for the most authorised persons on the specific tasks, results and recommendations for an improved manned activity in the outer space. The presentation emphasizes specific goals, tasks and activities of ASE members to contribute to the process of education of young specialist that form a good base for selection for industry and space flights, and to contribute to the improvement of specific activities in outer space.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS1-5 ESA’s Utilisation Programme on-board the ISS T.J. Ngo-Anh1, M.U. Zell1 1

ISS Utilisation and Astronaut Support Department Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations European Space Agency

Since 2008 the European Columbus module is for the European Space Agency (ESA) the key laboratory to exploit the unique potential of the International Space Station (ISS) in a broad range of utilisation areas. For ESA, life and physical sciences are still the focal utilisation areas comprising human research, biology/astrobiology, radiation and materials science, fluids and fundamental physics. In addition, an increasing number of technology demonstrations are have started to provide further knowledge necessary for Earth-related services as well as for future human exploration in space. In the meantime ESA has performed more than 150 experiments on the ISS since the launch of Columbus, namely within the scientific context of ELIPS (European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences in Space). The most rewarding part of ISS utilisation is progressing well with a challenging and intense experimental programme. A variety of important new experiments is being continuously prepared for implementation on-board the ISS. In human research – essential for human exploration and earthbound health problems – the second generation of scientific experiments is already in progress in the neurophysiological/cardiovascular/respiratory/musculoskeletal areas and new medical measures and smart biomedical instruments will be tested in this year’s upcoming short-duration mission to the ISS by an ESA astronaut. International science collaboration with ISS partners is still further expanding and has already provided great mutual benefits. The continuously increasing yield of unique scientific knowledge and simultaneous operational optimisations demonstrate the exploitation value of the ISS as a human outpost in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for fundamental science, applications and technology demonstrations. This presentation intends to give a concise overview of the on-going ESA Life Science research conducted on the ISS platform over the past two years. During this time, three ESA Astronauts lived on the ISS for 6-month increments, participating in a large number of ESA sponsored human research. This exceptionally tight sequence posed a unique challenge for the mission integration and mission operations teams working at ESA and in the European industry.

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IAA-HIS-15-1A1-1 Initial Sensorimotor and Cardiovascular Data Acquired from Soyuz Landins: Establishing Functional Performance Recovery Time Constant M.F. Reschke1, I.B. Kozlovskaya2, I.S. Kofman3, E.S. Tomilovskaya2, J.M. Cerisano3, J.J. Bloomberg1, M.B. Stenger4, S.H. Platts4, I.V. Rukavishnikov2, E.V. Fomina2, S.M.C. Lee3, S.J. Wood5, A.P. Mulavara1, A.H. Feiveson6, E.A. Fisher3 1

Neuroscience Laboratories, NASA Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, TX 77058; 2Russian Federation State Research Center, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Department of Sensory-Motor Physiology and Countermeasures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 3Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering Group, Houston, TX; 4 Cardiovascular Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; 5Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA; 6Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Introduction: Testing of crew responses following long-duration flights has not been previously possible until a minimum of +24 hours after landing. As a result, it has not been possible to determine the trend of the early recovery process, nor has it been possible to accurately assess the full impact of the decrements associated with long-duration flight. To overcome these limitations, both the Russian and U.S. programs have implemented joint testing at the Soyuz landing site. This International Space Station (ISS) research effort has been identified as the functional Field Test (FT), and represents data collect on NASA, Russian, ESA, and JAXA crews. Research: The primary goal of this research is to determine functional abilities associated with long-duration space flight crews beginning as soon after landing as possible on the day of landing (typically within 1 to 1.5 hrs). This goal has both sensorimotor and cardiovascular elements. To date, a total of 15 subjects have participated in a ‘pilot’ version of the full ‘field test’. The full version of the ‘field test’ will assess functional sensorimotor measurements included hand/eye coordination, standing from a seated position (sit-to-stand), walking normally without falling, measurement of dynamic visual acuity, discriminating different forces generated with the hands (both strength and ability to judge just noticeable differences of force), standing from a prone position, coordinated walking involving tandem heel-to-toe placement (tested with eyes both closed and open), walking normally while avoiding obstacles of differing heights, and dete rmining postural ataxia while standing (measurement of quiet stance). Sensorimotor performance has been obtained using video records, and data from body worn inertial sensors. The cardiovascular portion of the investigation has measured blood pressure and heart rate during a timed stand test in conjunction with postural ataxia testing (quiet stance sway) as well as cardiovascular responses during sensorimotor testing on all of the above measures. We have also collected motion sickness data associated with each of the postflight tests. When possible rudimentary cerebellar assessment was undertaken. In addition to the immediate postlanding collection of data, postflight data has been acquired twice more within 24 hours after landing and measurements continue until sensorimotor and cardiovascular responses have returned to preflight normative values (approximately 60 days postflight). Summary: The level of functional deficit observed in the crew tested to date is more severe than expected, clearly triggered by the acquisition of gravity loads immediately after landing when the demands for crew intervention in response to emergency operations will be greatest. Measureable performance parameters such as ability to perform a seat egress, recover from a fall or the ability to see clearly when walking, and related physiologic data (orthostatic responses) are required to provide an evidence base for characterizing programmatic risks and the degree of variability among crewmembers for exploration missions where the crew will be unassisted after landing. Overall, these early functional and related physiologic measurements will allow the estimation of nonlinear sensorimotor and cardiovascular recovery trends that have not been previously captured.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A1-2 NASA’s Functional Task Test: Providing Information for an Integrated Countermeasure System J.J. Bloomberg1, A.H. Feiveson1, S. Laurie2, S.M.C. Lee2, A.P. Mulavara3, B.T. Peters2, S.H. Platts1, L.L. Ploutz-Snyder3, M.F. Reschke1, J.W. Ryder3, M.B. Stenger2, L.C. Taylor2, and S.J. Wood4 1

NASA-Johnson Space Center, Houston, USA; 2Wyle Science, Technology, & Engineering Group, Houston, USA; 3Universities Space Research Association, Houston, USA, 4Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, USA

Exposure to the microgravity conditions of spaceflight causes astronauts to experience alterations in multiple physiological systems including sensorimotor disturbances, cardiovascular deconditioning, and loss of muscle mass and strength. Some or all of these changes might affect the ability of crewmembers to perform critical mission tasks immediately after landing on a planetary surface. The goals of the Functional Task Test (FTT) study were to determine the effects of spaceflight on functional tests that are representative of critical exploration mission tasks and to identify the key physiological factors that contribute to decrements in performance. The FTT was comprised of seven functional tests and a corresponding set of interdisciplinary physiological measures targeting the sensorimotor, cardiovascular and muscular adaptations associated with exposure to spaceflight. Both Shuttle and ISS crewmembers as well as bed rest subjects participated in this study. Spaceflight data were collected in three sessions before flight, on landing day (Shuttle only) and 1, 6 and 30 days after landing. Bed rest subjects were tested three times before bed rest, immediately upon getting up after 70 days of 6° head-down bed rest, as well as 1, 6, and 12 days during the subsequent re-ambulation period. The bed rest analog allowed us to isolate the impact of body unloading without other spaceflight environmental factors on both functional tasks and on the underlying physiological factors that lead to decrements in performance, and then to compare those results with the results obtained in our spaceflight study. We have observed that for Shuttle, and ISS subjects, functional tasks requiring a greater demand for dynamic control of postural equilibrium (i.e. fall recovery, seat egress/obstacle avoidance during walking, object translation, jump down) showed the greatest decrement in performance. Functional tests with reduced requirements for postural stability (i.e. hatch opening, ladder climb, manual manipulation of objects and tool use) showed little reduction in performance. These changes in functional performance were paralleled by similar decrements in sensorimotor tests designed to specifically assess postural equilibrium and dynamic gait control. Bed rest subjects experienced deficits similar to spaceflight subjects in both functional tests with balance challenges and in sensorimotor tests designed to evaluate postural and gait control. This suggests that body support unloading experienced during spaceflight plays a central role in postflight alterations of functional task performance. For spaceflight subjects, we also assessed the extent of correlation between the body-support loading history for each subject during in-flight treadmill (T2) exercise and postflight measures of performance. We found that ISS crewmembers who walked on the treadmill with higher pull-down loads had enhanced postflight performance on tests requiring mobility. Taken together, the spaceflight and bed rest data point to the importance of supplementing inflight exercise countermeasures with balance and sensorimotor adaptability training. These data also support the notion that inflight treadmill exercise performed with higher body loading provides sensorimotor benefits leading to improved performance on functional tasks that require dynamic postural stability and mobility.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A1-3 The NASA-Russian Pilot Field Test: Preliminary orthostatic tolerance data S.S. Laurie1, M.B. Stenger1, T.R. Phillips1, S.M.C. Lee1, J. Cesarino1, I Kofman1, M. Reschke2 1

The NASA-Russian Pilot Field Test: Preliminary orthostatic tolerance data

Orthostatic intolerance (OI) is a concern for astronauts returning from spaceflight, but our ability to assess the effectiveness of in-flight countermeasures to prevent OI and protect the ability to perform functional tasks during the first 24 hours of return to Earth has not been possible since the end of the Shuttle era. NASA’s Pilot Field Test provides us the opportunity to measure heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) during a 3.5-min stand-test as many as 3 times during the first 24 hours after return to Earth: (1) in a tent adjacent to the Soyuz landing site in Kazakhstan (~1 hour) or after transportation to the Karaganda airport (~4 hours); (2) during a refueling stop in Scotland (~12 hours); and (3) upon return to NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) (~24 hr) after returning to Earth. Eight crewmembers consented to participate; however, 1 was too ill to participate and 1 stopped before completing the test. Of the remaining 6 male subjects, 3 crewmembers were tested in the tent while wearing Russian Kentavr compression garments. Because of inclement weather at the landing site, the remaining 3 crewmembers were flown by helicopter to the Karaganda airport before initial testing and received intravenous saline before completing the stand test. One of these crewmembers only wore the portion of Kentavr covering the lower leg and thus lacked thigh and abdominal compression. Four crewmembers continued wearing Kentavr during the second testing session in Scotland but did not wear it during testing at JSC. The mean ∆HR from supine to standing in the 3 crewmembers tested in the tent immediately after landing was +14 bpm with a ∆MAP of +1.3 mmHg. The 2 crewmembers tested at the airport wearing the full Kentavr had a ∆HR of +16 bpm and a ∆MAP of +2 mmHg, while the 1 crewmember that did not wear the Kentavr had a ∆HR of +35 with a ∆MAP of -4 mmHg. Compared to the initial testing session, prone HR was slightly elevated in Scotland, but was not different at JSC. Standing HR was similar during the first and second sessions, but was lower at JSC. As a result, the ∆HR from prone to standing was highest within 4 hours of landing (+14 bpm), lower within 8 hours of landing (+8 bpm), and in between (+11 bpm) ~24 hours later at JSC when Kentavr was no longer worn. These are the first stand-test data to be collected in long-duration crewmembers during the first 24 hours of readaptation to gravity on Earth. The ∆HR measured in crewmembers that completed the stand-test while wearing Kentavr within the first ~4 hours after returning to Earth is similar to data collected in previous crewmembers prior to flight without compression, demonstrating the effectiveness of the Kentavr, especially in comparison to the one crewmember who did not wear the Kentavr. However, given that two crewmembers did not complete the test despite wearing Kentavr, lower body compression by itself does not completely resolve all issues related to standing post-flight.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A1-4 Organization of cortical response to stimulation of the soles support zones in cosmonauts after long term flights and healthy volunteers I.B. Kozlovskaya1, I.N. Nosikova1, I.V. Rukavishnikov1, A.D. Rumshiskaya2, L.D. Litvinova2, E.V. Pechenkova2, E.A. Mershina2, A. Van Ombergen3, B. Jeurissen4, F. Wuyts3, E.S. Tomilovskaya1 1

State Research Center RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBMP), Moscow, Russia; 2Federal Center of Treatment and Rehabilitation, Moscow, Russia; 3Antwerp University Research centre for Equilibrium and Aerospace (AUREA), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 4iMinds/Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

It is well known that long time exposure to an altered gravity environment is accompanied with numerous disturbances in the activities of human motor control system. However, the underlying mechanisms of these distu rbances are still unclear. Even less is known about how much these adaptive changes are connected with the activity of the central part of the motor control system, i.e. the motor cortex. Researchers at IBMP RAS and the Scientific Center of Neurology RAMS using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have described during mechanical stimulation of soles support zones in locomotor regimens the activation areas of the cerebral cortex similar to that of imaginary stepping movements (Kremneva et al., 2013).We have suggested that topography of cortical projections of the mechanical stimulation of support zones could be changed during long term exposure to conditions of supportlessness. In this study, we investigated the cortical topography of mechanical stimulation of the support zones of the soles in cosmonauts pre- and post- long-duration space flight and healthy volunteers. We included age- and gender matched controls (n=6, all men, age range: 37-55 years) with no signs of central nervous system pathologies. Three cosmonauts were examined twice before flight and twice after its accomplishment (on the days 7-8 and 180-200). Scanning of volunteers was performed with the same six-month interval. Functional imaging sessions were carried out using a 3T MRI (Discovery 750; GE Healthcare, USA) scanner with a specially developed protocol, where 20-seconds stimulation alternated with 20 seconds of rest (Chernikova L.A. et al., 2012). Mechanical stimulation of the soles support zones with parameters of locomotion (75 steps per minute) was performed using the “Korvit” device (by “VIT” company, St. Petersburg, Russia). The pressure on the heel and metatarsa l areas of the feet varied about 40 kPa. Preliminary results of this study in healthy volunteers group were in accordance with data previously obtained in healthy volunteers with the same equipment and protocol (Chernikova L.A. et al., 2011; Kremneva E.I. et al., 2013). We found changes in topography of these projections of support afferentation in the cosmonauts both after and before space flight. Additional studies are required and going on. The study is supported by RSF grant No14-25-00167 and the European Space Agency (ISLRA 2009-1062, BRAIN DTI).

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IAA-HIS-15-1A2-1 Highlights From ISS Preliminary results from NASA’s Sprint Study: Exercise prescription for protection of VO2-max and muscle strength L. Ploutz-Snyder1 1

USRA, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX USA

Background and Methods: Current exercise countermeasures on the International Space Station (ISS) are insufficient to prevent muscle atrophy, cardiovascular deconditioning and bone loss associated with long-duration space flight. Despite crew allocation of approximately 2.5 hours per day to exercise, decrements in fitness are observed following flights averaging 180 days in duration. Muscle strength is decreased 11% to 17%, muscular endurance approximately 10%, maximal aerobic capacity 17% and bone mineral density 2% to 7%. There is a need to prevent spaceflight-related deconditioning to protect the health and mission readiness of current ISS crew as well as to enable NASA to protect fitness of even longer duration crewmembers for the Moon and Mars missions. The objective of the Sprint study is to evaluate a new exercise prescription using new exercise hardware on ISS. The Sprint protocol uses an evidence based approach to develop a higher intensity, lower duration exercise program utilizing ISS exercise hardware: the Advanced Resistance Exercise Device (ARED) and a second generation treadmill (T2). Accordingly, Sprint differs from standard care primarily on the increased intensity and decreased total exercise time. Results: Preliminary data on the effectiveness of Sprint are not currently available but will be ready for presentation at the conference. Changes in muscle strength/size and aerobic capacity before, during and after flight will be presented. The comparison groups include crewmembers who perform the standard care exercise prescription utilizing the newly designed exercise hardware (ARED & T2), and a historic data set of those who used a standard care exercise prescription using the old exercise hardware. Conclusion: Upon completion of this study, investigators expect to provide an integrated resistance and aerobic exercise training protocol capable of maintaining muscle, bone and cardiovascular health while reducing total exercise time over 180 days of spaceflight. This will provide invaluable information in support of the investigator’s long-term goal of protecting human fitness for longer space exploration missions.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A2-2 The role of ground reaction forces in ensuring the efficacy of locomotor countermeasure during long-term space flights E.V. Fomina1, N.Y. Lysova1, A.O. Savinkina1 1

State Scientific Center of Russian Federation Institute of Biomedical Problems of the russian Academy of Sciences

The present time requires wider knowledge of the integrative mechanisms of adaptation of human body to the conditions of weightlessness and the preservation of its physical status which is required to perform work operations during the mission and after its completion. Hypogravitational motor syndrome is caused by a decrease in the level of supporting afferentation, which performs a trigger role in the tonic regulation, suppression of proprioceptive activity, altering the function of the vestibular apparatus. Numerous studies conducted in space missions and ground-based simulation experiments have shown that exercise on a treadmill are most effective in enhancing afferentation from the support input. The purpose of the study was the comparative analysis of prophylactic effectiveness of different modes of locomotion training differing by the values of the factors “interval mode”, “the axial load,” “passive mode share “ to prevent the negative effects of weightlessness. The effectiveness of training during the space flight based on the assessment of the physiological cost of work was evaluated in the locomotor test involving walk, slow jogging, running at an average speed, fast run and the final walk. The speed of locomotion is elected by a cosmonaut arbitrarily according to the physical condition. Condition of the muscles after a flight was assessed by changes in electromyographical muscle response to walking. During the study in conditions of the space flight, for the first time we have shown conjugation of the depth of rearrangements in the motor system with a degree of compensation for the support unloading determined by such parameters of locomotor training as the interval mode, the percentage of passive mode and the value of the axial load. The most effective workouts were in the interval mode with an axial load of more than 65% of body weight and the proportion of passive mode more than 29% of the total workout. The results of the regression analysis were used to evaluate the contribution of the main parameters of locomotor training in its preventive efficacy. We have identified particular significance for parameters of locomotor training on the various stages of long-term space missions, since the role of the factor “the axial load” increases during the flight. The novelty of the approach used in the work is that for the first time in a long-duration space flight, we have measured and analyzed the vertical components of the support reactions of cosmonauts during locomotion as a quantitative characteristic values of the support afferentation. The value maximal support reactions at various modes of movement of canvases of the treadmill during locomotor training in microgravity were determined. The individual characteristics of locomotion strategies of cosmonauts before, during and after long-duration space flight were analyzed. The uniqueness of individual profiles of the cosmonauts support reactions was shown, which influence the magnitude of maximal support reactions accompanying walking and running in conditions of weightlessness. The prospects of individualization of training process during long-term space missions on the basis of personal characteristics of locomotion were offered. The work was supported by RSCF grant No14-25-00167.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A2-3 Highlights from ISS: Fluid Shifts and Ambulatory Blood Pressure P. Norsk1,2 1

Division of Space Life Sciences, Univer sities Space Research Association, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Division, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA

Acute weightlessness in space induces a fluid shift leading to central volume expansion. Simultaneously, blood pressure is either unchanged or slightly decreased. Whether these effects persist for months in space is unclear. 24-h ambulatory brachial arterial pressures were automatically recorded at 1 – 2 hour intervals with portable equipment in 8 male astronauts, once before launch, once between 85 and 192 days in space on the International Space Station and finally once at least two months after flight. During the same 24-h periods, cardiac output (rebreathing method) was measured 2 – 5 times (on the ground seated), and venous blood was sampled once (also seated on the ground) for determination of plasma catecholamine concentrations. The 24-h average systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures (mean ± se) were in space reduced by 8 ± 2 (p = 0.01, ANOVA), 9 ± 2 (p < 0.001) and 10 ± 3 (p = 0.006) mm Hg, respectively. The nightly blood pressure dip of 8 ± 3 mm Hg (p = 0.015) was maintained. Cardiac stroke volume and output increased by 35 ± 10 and 41 ± 9 % (p < 0.001), heart rate and catecholamine concentrations were unchanged, and systemic vascular resistance reduced by 39 ± 4 % (p < 0.001). The increase in cardiac stroke volume and output is more than previously observed during short duration flights and might be a precipitator for some vision problems encountered by the astronauts. The spaceflight vasodilatation mechanism needs to be further explored.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A2-4 The effects of repeated spaceflights on the state of vestibular function and visual tracking L.N. Kornilova 1, I.A. Naumov 1, D.O. Glukhikh 1, E.V. Habarova 1, A.S. Pavlova 1, G.A. Ekimovskiy 1 1

SSC RF – IBMP RAS, Moscow, Russia

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1.A.3 – SPACE LIFE SCIENCE STUDY IN TZ-1 Co-chairs: Peng Shang

IAA-HIS-15-1A3-1 Preliminary study on bone cell experiments implemented in TZ-1 cargo vehicle mission Zhouqi Yang1, Li Xie1, Yi Lv1, Peng Shang1 1

Key Laboratory for Space Biosci ence and Biotechnology, Institute of Special Environmental Biophysics, Faculty of Life Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

Previous ground-based simulation studies and short-term space flight experiments (normally less than 14 days) demonstrated that microgravity induced some changes in bone cells. For instance, the cell activity, morphology, cytoskeleton structure and intracellular signaling pathways were altered. Especially, the expressions of differention-related factors in osteoblasts and the number of process in osteocytes were distinctly decreased. However, These results are still under unverified during long period space flight. In this study, we untilize the first Tianzhou cargo vehicle (TZ-1) of China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), which will be launched in the end of 2016 and fly for almost one year, to investigate the influences of microgravity on bone cell activity, mophorlogy and cytoskeleton rearrangement. The LifeAct-GFP2 labeled osteoblast MC3T3-E1 and osteocyte MLO-Y4 have been established to observe the real-time dynamic reorganization process of intracellular actin microfilaments (F-actin) during space flight. The microgravity-induced changes in cell morphology and proliferation of bone cells will be acquired by analyzing real-time images. Furthermore, the mineralized nodule formation in osteoblasts after 7-21 days space flight will be examined through alizarin red staining. In addition, the CO2-independent culture medium and the culturing chamber used in space experiments have been screened through the matching experiments on space payload and the first joint rehearsal experiments in Hainan Launch Site of China. The preliminary data indicated that the bone cell experiment system is reasonable and feasible in TZ-1 mission, and the results from this study will be helpful to reveal the cellular mechanism of space bone loss and develop relative countermeasures.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A3-2 Spatial Experiment Technologies Suitable for Unreturnable Bioreacto Tao Zhang1, Weibo Zheng1, Guanghui Tong1, Yongchun Yuan1, Liu Yin Zhang1, Meimin Zhang1 1

Shanghai Institute of Tec hnical Physics, CAS, Shanghai,China

The system composition and main function of the bioreactor piggybacked on Tian Zhou cargo transport spacecraft are introduced briefly in the paper.The spatial experiment technologies which are suitable for unreturnable bioreactor are described in detail,including multi-channel liquid transportion and management,multi-type animal cells circuit testing,dynamic targets microscopic observation in situ etc..The feasibility and effectiveness of these technologies which will be used in space experiment in bioreactor are verified in tests and experiments on the ground.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A3-3 The sensitivity of immune cell subsets to microgravity Hui Chen1, Haiying Luo1, Jing Liu1, Peng Wang1, Dandan Dong2, Peng Shang2, and Yong Zhao1 1

State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 2 Key Laboratory for Space Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shanxi, China.

Immune dysfunction in astronauts is well documented after spaceflights. Microgravity is one of the key factors directly suppressing the function of immune system. However, it is unclear which subpopulations of immune cells including innate and adaptive immune cells are more sensitive to microgravity. We herein investigated the direct effects of modeled microgravity on different immune cells in vitro. Mouse splenocytes, thymocytes and bone marrow cells were exposed to the modeled microgravity (MMg) for 16 hrs. The survival and the pheno types of different subsets of immune cells including CD4+T cells, CD8+T cells, CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg), B cells, monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer cells (NK) were determined by flow cytometry. After splenocytes were cultured under MMg for 16h, the cell frequency and total numbers of monocytes, macrophages and CD4+Foxp3+T cells were significantly decreased by more than 70%. MMg significantly decreased the cell numbers of CD8+ T cells, B cells and neutrophils in splenocytes. The cell numbers of CD4+ T cells and NK cells were unchanged significantly when splenocytes were cultured under MMg compared with controls. However, MMg significantly increased the ratio of mature neutrophils to immature neutrophils in bone marrow cells and the cell number of DC in splenocytes. Based on the cell survival ability, monocytes, macrophages and CD4+Foxp3+Treg cells are most sensitive to microgravity; CD4+T cells and NK cells are resistant to microgravity; CD8+T cells and neutrophils are impacted by short term microgravity exposure. Microgravity promoted the maturation of neutrophils and development of DCs in vitro. The present studies offered new insights on the direct effects of MMg on the survival and homeostasis of immune cell subsets.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A3-4 The effect of microgravity on in vitro differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into germ cells B. Chen1, J. Fang1, K. Kee1 1

Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.

Space has its unique environment of microgravity, high radiation and strong magnetic force relative to our living environment on earth. The effect of microgravity is especially significant to human body in spacecraft. Studying the effect of microgravity on human reproduction is important for both space biology and for long-term spaceflights. Previous studies of microgravity on human reproduction mostly utilized model animals to measure the effects of microgravity or indirect measurement of sex hormone levels of space crews. A direct assessment of reproductive biology to analyze the effect of microgravity on human germ cells has not been developed. We are developing an in vitro differentiation system of human embryonic stem cells to germ cells that allow us to study the effect of microgravity on human germ cell developments, including early germ cells (primordial germ cells) and late germ cells (sperm and oocyte) formation. Our participation in TZ project allows us to compare the formations of the early and late germ cells on earth and in the spacecraft. We will also follow the expression of protein markers specifically expressed in these germ cells by fluorescent reporter system.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A3-5 Studies on culture and osteogenic induction of human mesenchymal stem cells in a CO2-independent condition Jian Chen1, Cui Zhang1, Yiding Feng1, Chen Zong1, Jiarong Chen1, Zihua Tang1, Bingbing Jia1, Xiangming Tong1, Qiang Zheng1, Jinfu Wang1 1

Institute of Cell and Development biology, College of Life Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, P. R. China

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are one of the important factors that regulate bone anabolism. Osteoporosis resulting from microgravity (MG) during space flight may possibly be due to a decrease in osteogenesis mediated by hMSCs. This speculation should be verified through culture and osteogenic induction of hMSCs in a microgravity environment during space flight. Control of CO2 is a key component in current experimental protocols for growth, survival, and proliferation of in vitro cultured cells. However, carrying CO2 tanks on a space flight and devoting space/mass allowances for classical CO2control protocols makes experimentation on culture and osteogenesis difficult during most missions. Therefore, an experimental culture and osteogenic medium was developed through modifying the components of buffer salts in conventional culture medium. This experimental medium was used to culture and induce hMSCs in a CO2-independent condition. The results showed that culture and induction of hMSCs with conventional culture medium and conventional osteogenic medium in the CO2-independent condition resulted in an increase of pH in medium. The proliferation of hMSCs was also inhibited. hMSCs cultured with experimental culture medium in the CO2-independent condition showed a proliferation potential that was the same as those cultured with conventional culture medium in the CO2-dependent condition. The experimental osteogenic medium could promote hMSCs to differentiate into osteoblast-like cells in the CO2-independent condition. Cells induced by this induction system showed high ALP activity. The expression levels of osteogenic genes in cells induced with experimental osteogenic medium in the CO2-independent condition were not signifi cantly different from those cells induced with conventional osteogenic medium in the CO2-dependent condition. These results suggest that the experimental culture and induction system could be used to culture hMSCs and induce the osteogenesis of hMSCs in the atmospheric conditions common to space flights without additional CO2.


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IAA-HIS-15-1A3-6 The effect and mechanism of 3-hydroxybutyrate against osteoporosis under simulated microgravity Qian Cao1, Junyu Zhang1, Haitao Liu2, Qiong Wu1, Jinchun Chen1, Guoqiang Chen3 1

Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 2State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 3Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Microgravity environment leads to bone loss especially in weight bearing bone which results in osteoporosis. This research found that microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) degradation product which also known as the most important component of ketone body, 3-hydroxybutyrate acid (3HB) showed the theraputic effect against osteoporosis induced by simulated microgravity in mice, helping improve bone microstructure and mechanical property. Mice orally administrated with 3HB recovered more quickly from osteoporosis compared with the controls without 3HB treatment. Microgravity induced abnormal activation of osteoclasts and led to large number of bone tissue absorption directly. This research showed that 3HB targeted at hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2 (HCA2) and down-regulated nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1) activation so that 3HB was able to reduce pre-osteoclast differentiation strongly, and as a result, bone absorption was prevented. This research also demonstrated 100 mg/kg 3HB could be an effective and safe dosage against osteoporosis in mice. Based on results above, 3HB should be further developed as novel drug candidates against osteoporosis induced by microgravity.

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IAA-HIS-15-1B1-1 The visual impairment intracranial pressure syndrome in long duration NASA astronauts: an integrated approach P. Norsk1, C. Otto1, M. Shelhamer1, J. Davis2 1

Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX, USA; 2NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA


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IAA-HIS-15-1B1-2 Elevated arterial pressure contributes to increases in carotid artery stiffness with spaceflight R.L. Hughson1, J.K. Shoemaker1, P. Arbeille1 1

Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging, Waterloo, ON, Canada


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IAA-HIS-15-1B1-3 Cerebral and Ocular Fluid Balance as a Function of Hydrostatic Pressure Gradients and Environmental Factors: Insights into the VIIP Syndrome K. Marshall-Bowman1, E. Mulder1, J. Rittweger1 1

Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany

Background: During and after long-duration space flight, many astronauts (>50%) have presented with structural and functional ophthalmic changes. Although the exact causative mechanisms of this visual impairment intracranial pressure (VIIP) syndrome are unknown, it is widely hypothesized that microgravity induced intracranial hypertension is a primary factor. It is further hypothesized that increased ambient carbon dioxide concentrations on the International Space Station exacerbate this increased intracranial pressure. Methods: Using head down tilt as a ground based spaceflight analogue to simulate cephalad fluid shift, several angles of head down tilt were investigated. The study involved 5 different interventions: -6° head down tilt (HDT), -12° HDT, -18° HDT, -12° HDT + 1% CO2atmosphere, and -12° HDT + lower body negative pressure (LBNP). All interventions consisted of 3h of baseline data collection (BDC) in the supine position, followed by 5h in the HDT position. 9 healthy male subjects (mean age: 25 ± 2.4 years; mean body mass index: 24.1 ± 2.4 kg/m2) participated in all study phases. Intracranial pressure (ICP) was measured noninvasively with the Vittamed 205®, Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured using a rebound tonometer (iCare PRO), and various magnetic resonance imaging scans were taken with a 3T Siemens mMR Biograph and a 16 channel head/ neck coil. All measurements were taken baseli ne and after ~3.5h HDT. For statistical analyses, linear mixed effect models were constructed with time, tilt angle, gas exposure and pressure exposure as fixed effects and subject as random effect. Results: Statistical analyses yielded a time*angle interaction (P=0.0016), with -18° HDT evoking substantially greater ICP increases (+4.6 mmHg, SE 1.25 mmHg) than -12° HDT or -6° HDT. For IOP, there likewise was a time*angle interaction (P < 0.001), with significant differences between angles in the order -6°HDT < -12°HDT < -18°HDT (P< 0.001). No interaction effects with time were observed for either 1% CO2 (P > 0.50) or LBNP (P > 0.56). Conclusions: This interim analysis of data demonstrates a linear increase in IOP with head down tilt, as well as a curvilinear relationship for ICP. This deviation implies increasing trans-lamina cribrosal stress with increasing head down-tilt angles. LBNP did not have any sizable effect upon either IOP or ICP, which may suggest that venous congestion in the upper body half is more important to ICP and IOP than centrally available blood volume. The lack of any effects by CO2 exposure may warrant higher CO2 concentrations in future studies.

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1.B.2 – ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY Co-chairs: Satoshi Iwase, Jack J.W.A. van Loon

IAA-HIS-15-1B2 – 1 Artificial gravity by short arm centrifuge of 1.4 m with exercise as the countermeasures for spaceflight deconditioning Satoshi Iwase1, Naoki Nishimura1, Kunihiko Tanaka1, Tadaaki Mano1 1

Department of Physiology, Aichi Medical University, Nagakute 480-1195, Japan *Gifu University of Medical Sciences, Seki 501-3822, Japan.

Crew members often suffer from space flight deconditioning including neurovestibular disorientation, cardiovascular deconditioning, myatrophy, and bone mineral loss. Several countermeasures have been introduced, but no single measure has been proved to be effective as the countermeasure. We have constructed the short arm centrifuge with ergometer with the radius of 1.4 m because the available space in international space station was reported to the inside of the cylinder with the diameter of 2.8 m. Subjects were required to lay down with supine position. Their legs were raised up to 70 cm high, and there, cycling pedals, which was fixed at the level of leg rotation, were stepped during centrifuge. G-level of 1.4 G with ergometric exercise of 60 W was loaded in the countermeasure group while control group were requested to lie down without exercise. Prescription of countermeasure was set at the AG load with exercise from the 1.4 G at the heart level and 4 – 5 G at the foot level, with ergometric exercise of 60 W in cumulated 30 min per day. Head-down bedrest of -6° was required to 6 subjects as an analogue of microgravity exposure with 2300 kcal/day, and the same amount of water drinking as the urine volume was recommended in the next day. Before and after the bed-rest, several measurements were applied to assess neurovestibular, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and bone metabolism, and bedrest studies were carried out comparing the countermeasure and control groups. Orthostatic tolerance was evaluated by determining the anti-G score, measuring the time to the endpoint of centrifugation from 1.0 to 2.0 G with 0.2 steps, and summing up the products of G level and time in seconds. Tilt test was performed to examine the responses to the orthostasis with recording of muscle sympathetic nerve activity by microneurography. Several hormones including renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone as well as vasopressin were determined. Muscle dimension was determined by applying the MRI to measure the cross-sectional area of quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius. Muscle function was tested by measuring maximal forces. Bone metabolism was assessed by measuring the urinary and blood levels of bone metabolism including deoxypyridinoline and other markers. As the results, centrifuge-induced artificial gravity with exercise has been provided significant difference from the control. We concluded artificial gravity is effective in mitigating spaceflight deconditioning in humans.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B2-2 Intermittent gravitation by centrifuge counteracts against the gait alteration in rats induced by two-week simulated microgravity Junichi Tajino1, Akira Ito1, Momoko Nagai1, Xiangkai Zhang1, Shoki Yamaguchi1, Hirotaka Iijima1, Wataru Kiyan1, Tomoki Aoyama2, Hiroshi Kuroki1 1

Department of Motor Function Analysis, Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; 2Department of Development and Rehabilitation of Motor Function, Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Introduction: Microgravity environment induces multiple modifications in kinematics, neurological aspects as well as musculoskeletal, cardiovascular aspects. As for the motion properties, some animal studies have indicated that simulated microgravity causes alteration in walking: such as “toe gait”, which persists after returning to the normal loading conditions. One of potential countermeasures against these multiple modifications including the gait deficits is artificial gravity by centrifugation. However, the main focus of artificial gravity has been limited to musculoskeletal and cardiovascular issues. Despite some studies showing that chronic hypergravity affects on rats’ walking, whether it can counteract to the alteration induced by microgravity is still unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to elucidate the effect of the intermittent centrifugation on the microgravity-induced gait deficits in rats in order to identify another benefit of this countermeasure. Method: The experiment protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the faculty. Male Wistar rats (8-week old, n = 144) were unloaded by their tail for 2 weeks (unloading period) followed by free rearing for another 2 weeks (recovery period). They were classified into 8 groups (n = 18 for each group) according to intensity and duration of the gravitational intervention during the unloading period: (1) Continuously unloaded (UL); (2) Relieved from unloading for 1 hour per day (UL+1G); (3) 2 hours per day (UL+1G2hrs); (4) 4 hours per day (UL+1G4hrs); (5) Relieved from unloading and subjected to hyper gravity (2G) by centrifugation for 1 hour per day (UL+2G); (6) 1.5G for 80 minutes per day (UL+1.5G80mins); (7) 2.5G for 48 minutes per day (UL+2.5G48mins); (8) Free cage control (Control). Evaluations were performed every 2 weeks (n = 6 for each group, each timing). Muscle weight relative to the whole body weight of medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (Sol) and kinematics features of the hindlimbs during walking on a treadmill were evaluated. Each parameter was compared across the groups at each time period (0 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks). For statistics, one way ANOVA and Turkey-kramer test as post hoc test was used. p < 0.05 was set as statistical significance. Results: Muscle relative weight in experimental groups (i.e. except for the Control) recovered to the Control level at 4 weeks after transient decrease at 2 weeks (p < 0.05). Regarding kinematics features, the UL and UL+1G at 2 weeks exhibited significant narrower and forward-shifted oscillation of the hindlimb (p < 0.05, respectively), and the knee and ankle joint at stance phase was significantly extended (p < 0.05, respectively) compared to the Control. Further, these altered motion persisted at 4 week. On the other hand, kinematics features in UL+2G and UL+1.5G80min were close to those in the Control at 2 and 4 weeks. However, the UL+1G2hrs, 4hrs, and UL+2.5G48mins exhibited altered motion similar to those in the UL and UL+1G. Discussion: The results imply that intermittent exposure to hypergravity could attenuate deficits in hindlimb motion of rats’ walking despite little influence in muscle recovery. In addition, excessive gravitation (e.g. 2.5G) would rather augment the alterations.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B2-3 Application of a new mobile segmental bioimpedance spectroscopydevice for tracking fluid shifts during different g-levels A. Stahn1, M.A. Maggioni1,2, F. Villa3, C. Laing4, E. Mulder4, J. Rittweger4,G. Petrat4, G. Merati2, O. Opatz1, H.-C. Gunga1, P. Castiglioni5 1

Center for Space Medicine and Extreme Environments Berlin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; 2Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy; 3Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Milan Italy; 4German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany; 5IRCCS Don Gnocchi Foundation, Milan, Italy

Bioelectric impedance analysis has been shown to be useful for tracking segmental fluid shifts in health and diseases as well as different gravity conditions. However, commercial devices are rather bulky and limited to laboratory settings. Moreover, they typically operate a single frequency (e.g. 50 kHz), which neither allows distinguishing extra- and intracellular spaces nor reflects a constant proportion of fluid spaces between subjects and within subjects if the relation between intra- and extracellular water is altered. In this work we explored the assessment of body fluids shifts by means of a small portable bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) prototype designed to minimize weight, size and power consumption, and to monitor different body segments simultaneously for long periods of time. Moreover, this prototype has the capability of differentiating extra- and intracellular fluid space and overcomes the biophysical shortcomings of single-frequency devices. The prototype consists of a digital board with a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and a custom analog board. The DSP generates the stimulus waveforms, and digitalizes the voltages across three body segments to compute magnitude and phase of body impedance at 10 frequencies between 1 kHz and 770 kHz. The analog board interfaces the DSP with two injecting electrodes and four sensing electrodes that read the voltages across three body segments. The prototype was tested by monitoring BIS in 3 segments of the leg during accelerations between 1G and 3G on a short arm human centrifuge (SAHC) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Current injecting electrodes were placed on the metatarsal area of the foot and 5 cm above the patellar area of the knee; sensing electrodes were equispaced in the area below the knee and above the ankle, allowing to estimate BIS in segments S1, S2 and S3, with S1 closest to the ankle and S3 to the knee. Tests were performed on 20 volunteers in two experimental sessions, each of about 4-h duration, with a 1-month break in between. Results demonstrated the capability of our prototype to detect meaningful effects upon bioimpedance by imposing different gravity levels, likely to reflect morphological differences of each body segment following a fluid redistribution in the lower limbs. Results also suggest a good reproducibility of the BIS measures. For instance, in a representative subject we measured decreasing values of the impedance modulus at 8 kHz from the ankle to the knee (S1=61 Ω, S2=41 Ω, S3=34 Ω) at baseline. During 1G exposures segmental impedance decreased (S1=59 Ω, S2=40 Ω, S3=32 Ω), with even more pronounced reductions at 3G (S1=56 Ω, S2=38 Ω, S3=29 Ω). After one month, we observed very similar baseline data for all three segments (S1=67 Ω, S2=41 Ω, S3=34 Ω) and analogous impedance changes at 1G (S1=62 Ω, S2=38 Ω, S3=31 Ω) as well as 3G (S1=59 Ω, S2=37 Ω, S3=29 Ω). Our results therefore support the use of DSP-based mobile, multi-segmental BIS devices for studying the physiological adaptations during altered gravity conditions.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B2-4 Artificial Gravity for Protection of Human Health during Long-Duration Spaceflight Gilles Clement1,2 1

Wyle Science Technology & Engineering Group; 2NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

The most serious risks of long-duration flight involve radiation, behavioral stresses, and physiological reconditioning associated with prolonged weightlessness. Artificial gravity (AG), by substituting for the missing gravitational cues and loading in space, has the potential to mitigate the last of these risks by preventing the adaptive responses from occurring. The rotation of a Mars-bound spacecraft or an embarked human centrifuge offers significant promise as an effective, efficient multi-system countermeasure against the physiological deconditioning associated with prolonged weightlessness. Virtually all of the identified risks associated with bone loss, muscle weakening, cardiovascular deconditioning, and sensorimotor disturbances might be reduced by the appropriate application of AG. However, experience with AG in space has been limited and a human-rated centrifuge is currently not available on board the ISS. A complete R&D program aimed at determining the requirements for gravity level, gravity gradient, rotation rate, frequency, and duration of AG exposure is warranted before making a decision for implementing AG in a human spacecraft.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B2-5 How and Why Should We Do Biological Research in Partial Gravity? J. Carroll1 1

Tether Applications, Inc.

In the last half century, we have learned that humans can tolerate the absence of sensible gravity for over a year, and return to earth and live normally thereafter. But other findings have been less encouraging. Countermeasures involving exercise, medicines, and diets reduce but do not solve these problems. Other biology experiments also indicate problems. Even singlecell organisms respond to the sustained absence of earth gravity. Limited crew data from Apollo do not clearly show whether lunar gravity is enough to prevent these problems. This has led to many proposals for spinning artificial gravity research facilities to provide partial or full earth gravity. This paper argues for a large manned facility allowing sustained tests at Mars and lunar gravity levels. There is a surprisingly general rationale for this. All bodies in our solar system with surface gravity from 0.07 to 2 gees have gravity levels that cluster near earth, Mars, or lunar gravity. Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all within 10% of earth; Mercury is within a few percent of Mars, and Titan and Jupiter’s 4 Galilean moons all have 0.9 to 1.2 the gravity of our moon. We already have lots of data on biology in earth gravity. What we are missing is data on the biological effects of sustained Mars and lunar gravity levels. There is also another rationale for a focus on these levels: the ratios of Mars to earth gravity, and lunar to Mars gravity, are both roughly 1/e. A facility designed to provide two gravity levels differing by a factor of ~1/e can start off with a faster spin that provides earth and Mars gravity. This gives useful data for Mars, and also shows how much spin itself affects our response to full earth gravity. Slowing the facility spin ~40% provides Mars and lunar gravity, with lower spin-related artifacts than during the Earth/Mars gravity test. Gravity level steps of roughly 1/e magnitude may also be generically useful for fundamental biology studies. Steps of roughly this size also seem useful as a first pass at identifying spin rates and gravity levels suitable for free-space manned facilities and eventual settlements that might be located near small moons, NEOs, or comets. Traveling to the facility center of mass also allows exploration of the effects of repeated transitions between free-fall and partial gravity. This paper discusses allowable spin rates and facility design concepts presented in a 2010 IAC paper, and includes a long list of research questions that might be addressed on such a facility. It also discusses a precursor test that might be done on a manned Dragon or other visiting vehicle on its way to or from the ISS. This test could be similar to the tethered tests done on Gemini XI and XII in 1966. Insights gained into the effects of both partial gravity and slow rotation could be an invaluable aid to understanding our future in space.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B2-6 The Human Hypergravity Habitat, H3, as Research Platform for Obesity Jack J.W.A. van Loon1, Stéphane Blanc2, Donal O’Gorman3, Martina Heer4, Euan Woodward5 1

VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, CNRS & University Strasbourg, France; 3Centre for Preventive Medicine, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland; 4Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Gernamy; 5European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), London, United Kingdom.

The paper reports on the possible application of hypergravity by the Human Hypergravity Habitat, H3. The H3 can serve as a research platform both in preparation for the human space exploration initiative but also as facility for basic and applied science questions regarding metabolism and in particular obesity. We know from paired controlled animal studies where e.g. rodents [Moran et al. 2001], hamster, rat, guinea pig, and rabbit [Katovich, 1978; Pace et al., 1985] or chicken [Smith et al., 1963] have been exposed to long duration chronic accelerations that fat mass decreases while bone density and cardiac capacity increases. Such observations deserve appropriate hypergravity human studies to see if these effects translate to humans. On the other hand it has been shown that human stem cells exposed to simulated microgravity are driven towards adipocytes compared to 1g controls (Zayzafoon et al. 2013) while astronauts exposed to weightlessness for more then weeks show increased blood glucose and -insulin concentrations suggesting insulin resistance (Leach and Alexander 1975, Leach and Rambaut 1977). The H3 is a large rotating facility (diameter~ > 150 m), where increased gravity levels (up to ~1.5g) can be generated for prolonged stays of weeks or even months. On this platform, various facilities can be accommodated while 6 to 8 humans subjects can live autonomously. Adaptation from 1g to higher g levels can be studied extensively. A group of some 70 scientists and engineers from various disciplines are exploring the possibility of this H3 facility which could serve as clinical research platform for a multitude of health problems like obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes but also for issues such as osteoporosis, elderly frailty, inactivity, sarcopenia, cardiovascular problems, connective tissue ageing and immune deficiency. This novel research paradigm will provide fundamental insights into the effects and possible application of hyper-gravity (van Loon et al. 2012).

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IAA-HIS-15-1B3-1 Characterisation of Neutron Radiation on the International Space Station using Bubble Detectors M.B. Smith1, S. Khulapko2, 3, H.R. Andrews1, V. Arkhangelsky2, H. Ing1, M.R. Koslowsky1, B.J. Lewis4, R. Machrafi4, I. Nikolaev3, V. Shurshakov2 1

Bubble Technology Industries, PO Box 100, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada K0J 1J0; 2Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 76A Khoroshevskoe sh., 123007 Moscow, Russia; 3RSC-Energia, 4A Lenin str., 141070 Korolev, Moscow Region, Russi; 4Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1H 7K4

Protection of crewmembers from radiation is a high priority for long-duration human spaceflight, including proposed exploration missions to the moon and Mars. Radiation in deep space is a mixed field due to galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar particle events. In low-Earth orbit (LEO), protons and electrons t rapped in the Van Allen radiation belts also make a major contribution to the radiation field. Neutrons encountered in LEO, for example on the International Space Station (ISS), are produced predominantly by nuclear interactions of GCRs and trapped protons with various elements in the walls and interior components of the spacecraft, and by neutron albedo from GCRs incident on the Earth’s atmosphere. Previous investigations in LEO, including experiments using bubble detectors, have shown that neutrons contribute significantly to the total radiation dose received by crewmembers. For almost a decade, bubble detectors have been used to characterise neutron radiation on the ISS for the Matroshka-R, Radi-N, and Radi-N2 experiments. During the ISS-13 (2006) to ISS-36 (2013) missions, a series of measurements was performed in both the Russian Orbital Segment (ROS) and the US Orbital Segment (USOS) of the ISS. The Matroshka-R and Radi-N2 experiments continued during the ISS-37 to ISS-42 expeditions (2013 – 2015). Recent measurements in the ROS included investigation of the neutron dose and energy spectrum in the Mini Research Modules, MRM1 and MRM2. Meanwhile, the Radi-N2 experiment continued in four modules of the USOS: Columbus, the Japanese Experiment Module, the US Laboratory, and Node 2. The goal of Radi-N2 is to characterise the neutron field in these four locations over a prolonged period of time, enabling an assessment of potential influence quantities such as solar activity and ISS altitude on the neutron contribution. Results of the ongoi ng measurements will be presented and discussed.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B3-2 Radiation measurements in the ISS with the ALTEA detector system L. Narici1,2, M. Casolino2, L. Di Fino1,2, M. Larosa1,2, P. Picozza1,2, V. Zaconte1,2 1

Department of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy; 2INFN Rome2 section, Rome, Italy

The ALTEA detector system has been operating in the International Space Station (ISS) from 2006 to 2012. ALTEA has been developed thanks to grants from the Italian Space Agency. The ALTEA system features six identical Silicon Detector Units (SDU). Each SDU is a telescope with six silicon detecting planes, striped alternatively along the X and Y directions. Each SDU measures the energy released by every passing ion and its trajectory. Under particular conditions an evaluation of charge and kinetic energy can be performed in real time. ALTEA measures all space relevant ions (from protons to above Iron). Protons and Helium are however detected only within a narrow energy window (respectively about 25 MeV to 45 MeV and about 25 MeV/n to 250 MeV/n). In this talk some of the radiation measurements obtained by ALTEA will be presented with a specific focus on the latest measurements (2010-2012). During this period ALTEA surveyed the USLab, under the sponsorship of ESA project ALTEAshield. In this survey the ALTEA system was deployed in the ‘XYZ’ configuration, with two detectors parallel to each of the three ISS axes, and was therefore able to distinguish the radiation environment in these three directions. During the measurements of shielding efficacy ALTEA has been deployed in a ‘flat’ configuration allowing for measuring at the same time the radiation field without further shielding and with the addition of two different amounts of shielding. Flux Dose and Dose Equivalent, time dynamics and spectral characteristics in the different geographic regions will be presented, also focusing at the several Solar Particle Events seen by ALTEA. Measurements of the radiation shielding efficacy of Kevlar, compared to Polyethylene, performed by ALTEA in 2012 in Columbus will also be shown. A high degree of anisotropy, especially for Dose Equivalent, due to the material distribution in the ISS is found, as well as a significant shielding capability of the truss. In order to use these measurements for model validation, a strong need for CAD models of the station and for a way to track changes of mass distributions is also stated. The possibility of constructing a database for deep space – like radiation that, together with the CAD models, would allow for validations of radiation models for space habitats will be briefly discussed. Finally, shielding efficacy for Kevlar is found to be quite similar to that of Polyethylene.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B3-3 Preliminary Report On the Radiation Measurements From the EFT-! Orion Test Flight L. Pinsky1, T. Campbell-Ricketts1, S. Hoang1, A. Bahadori2, B-G. Swann2, C. McLeod2, S. Wheeler2, E. Semones2, R. Garza2, R. Moore2, T. Sweet2, M. Kroupa3, R. Rios3, N. Stoffle3, J. Hauss3, C. Amberboy3, J. Idarraga1,4, D. Turecek1,5,6 1

Physics Department, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA; 2NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA Lockheed-Martin, Inc., Houston, TX, USA; 4Current Address, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 5Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic; 6Current Address, Widepix, Inc., Prague, Czech Republic


Radiation monitoring devices based on the Timepix radiation imaging detector technology from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)-based Medipix Collaboration and IEAP at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, as was reported in the 2014 Humans In Space symposium has been successfully operating on the International Space Station (ISS) since October 2012. As a follow-on to this very successful on-going project, a NASA designed batterypowered device using two Timepix assemblies from the Medipix Collaboration were flown as the only active radiation monitors in the first test of the new Orion manned spacecraft module on NASA’s Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) mission this past December. Preliminary results will be shown from the EFT-1 measurements including data taken within the Orion capsule as it flew through regions of the trapped radiation field that have not been traversed by man-rated vehicles since Apollo. Preliminary comparisons with the passive TLD measurements and pre-flight simulations will be be described. Finally, an update on the plans to instrument future Orion missions with NASA-designed Medipix-based active radiation monitoring instruments will be presented.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B3-4 Quantum imaging dosimetry and directional visualization of space radiation in LEO orbit by compact spacecraft p ayload SATRAM/Timepix onboard ESA Proba-V satellite C. Granja1, S. Polansky1, S. Pospisil1, D. Turecek1, Z. Vykydal1, A. Owens2, K. Mellab2, P. Nieminen2, Z. Dvorak3, M. Simcak3, Z. Kozacek3, P. Vana3, J. Mares3 1

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague; 2European Space Research & Technology Centre, European Space Agency; 3Czech Space Research Center

The compact SATRAM spacecraft payload equipped with the hybrid semiconductor pixel detector Timepix is operating in open space in LEO orbit at 820 km altitude. Launched in May 2013 onboard ESA’s Proba-V satellite the compact low mass payload provides high-resolution high-sensitivity detection and wide dynamic range monitoring of the sp ace radiation environment along the satellite orbit. Single quantum counting sensitivity together with spectrometric and imaging capability of Timepix provide the composition (particle-type) and spectral characterization (energy loss spectra) of radiation components. The high granularity and per-pixel energy sensitivity provide particle-type resolving power as well as directional and energy loss sensitivity for energetic charged particles including microscopic sampling along each particle track across the pixelated sensor. This way, high-resolution wide-dynamic range quantum imaging dosimetry is provided for the mixed radiation field. The payload performs continuous monitoring for detailed spatial-, directional- and time-dependent measurements in wide dynamic range of particle fluxes, deposited energy, absorbed dose and equivalent dose rates. Results include spatial and time correlated radiation Earth/orbit maps. Response of the payload together with current analysis of collected data are presented.


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IAA-HIS-15-1B3-5 A DNA-based radiological dosimeter for space crew applications H. Al Anid1, A. Butko2, B. Lewis3, E. Corcoran4, A. Kerr5, M. DeRosa6 1

PCAire, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2International Safety Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada; 4Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 5Department of Medical Physics, Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 6Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biochemistry, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Radiation is a key factor for any future space mission since it directly impacts the health risk to astronauts both during the mission and after their return. In fact, since there is no protective shielding from the Earth’s magnetic field in free space, effective dose measurements are impor tant for mission operation and radiation protection. The goal of this research is to investigate the use of a personal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) dosimeter that has the potential for use in a space environment. The measurement of DNA strand breaks, as specific indicators of radiation induced damage in biological dosimetry is the backbone of the dicentric, micronucleus, and comet assays. Although DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are considered the most specific to ionizing radiation damage, radiation induced single strand breaks (SSB) occur at a much higher frequency and thus are more amenable to measurement. The construct of the DNA dosimeter consists of a 10-base long nucleotide with a 5’ covalently linked fluorescent chromophore reporter (R) on one end of the strand and a 3’ covalently linked quencher (Q) molecule on the other end. The intact dosimeter has a very low intrinsic fluorescent signal due to the Förster’s Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) through a dipole-dipole coupling between the fluorophore and quencher. With a radiation insult, the phosphodiester backbone can break within the single-stranded DNA, giving rise to a spatial separation of the fluor and quencher molecules. This will disrupt the fluorescence quenching mechanism so that a signal is now produced. The absorbed dose can be correlated to the intensity of the fluorescence signal, which is proportional to the number of DNA single-strand breaks. The dosimeter is embedded in a gel matrix for added stability and robustness. The DNA dosimeter will be compatible and complementary with physical dosimetry and bio-dosimetry methods currently used for radiation exposure monitoring of space crews. Unlike all the other devices currently used for crew radiation health monitoring, the DNA dosimeter is completely biologically-based and capable of detecting doses from all types of radiation, including a mixed-radiation field, and operates over a wide range of exposure as experienced in space. It also does not suffer from individual-sensitivity effects.

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1.C.1 – COUNTERMEASURE RESUME Co-chairs: P. Sundblad, P. Norsk

IAA-HIS-15-1C1-1 Evaluation methods of the physical workload of astronauts Chunhui Wang1, Zheng Wang1, Hao Li1, Fan Li1, Shoupeng Huang1 1

National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, China

Evaluating the physical workload of astronauts is helpful for orbital task design, thus is important for the success of manned space missions. The present study introduces the methods we used for the evaluation of the physical workload and fatigue of astronauts. (1) Predicting physical workload through biomechanical models: biomechanical models could simulate the force of astronauts’ joints and muscles, providing data for astronauts’ physical workload evaluation. Based on the Anybody musculoskeletal modeling system, personalized parameters of virtual human were set and typical orbit tasks in normal gravity environment were simulated. The simulation data, such as the surface EMG and foot forces, are in good agreement with experiment data. (2) Evaluating physical workload analysis through joint torque a nd muscle activity: Based on subjective and physiological data, the relative joint torque and muscle activity were identified as effective indices for physical workload evaluation. Thresholds of local body’s comfort and injury risk could be determined by the relative joint torque. The upper workload intensity evaluation model and a new joint fatigue model were established. The models were able to predict and evaluate the local body workload intensity and fatigue induced by different continuous tasks. (3) Physical workload analysis in weightless environment: as the ground environment and weightlessness environment are very different, the effectiveness of physical workload analysis methods in weightlessness environment was further investigated. Based on the experimental data of the neutral buoyancy facility (NBF) and parabolic flights, effective biomechanical models in zero-g environment were established and physical workload evaluation results were proved to be in agreement with subjective experimental data. Therefore, the physical workload analysis methods, which were established in ground environment, could evaluate the astronauts’ physical workload in weightless environment. In the future, in order to obtain a more accurate evaluation model, we will introduce other influential factors in the evaluation models, such as the muscle antagonism. In addition, due to large physical workload in the extravehicular activity (EVA), establishing an accurate human-EVA spacesuit model is an important work of our future research.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C1-2 Effects of Reduced Strength on Self-Selected Pacing for Long-Duration Activities L. Ploutz-Snyder1, R. Buxton2, J. Ryder1, K. English3, J. Guined2 1

Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX; 2University of Houston, Houston, TX; 3JES Tech, Houston, TX;

Strength and aerobic capacity are predictors of astronaut performance for extravehicular activities (EVA) during exploration missions. It is expected that astronauts will self-select a pace below their ventilatory threshold (VT). Purpose: To determine the percentage of VT that subjects self-select for prolonged occupational tasks. Methods: Maximal aerobic capacity and a variety of lower-body strength and power variables were assessed in 17 subjects who climbed 480 rungs on a ladder ergometer and then completed 10 km on a treadmill as quickly as possible using a selfselected pace. The tasks were performed on 4 days, with a weighted suit providing 0% (suit fabric only), 40%, 60%, and 80% of additional bodyweight (BW), thereby altering the strength to BW ratio. Oxygen consumption and h eart rate were continuously measured. Repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc comparisons were performed on the percentage of VT values under each suited condition. Results: Subjects consistently self-paced at or below VT for both tasks and the pace was related to suit weight. At the midpoint for the ladder climb the 80% BW condition elicited the lowest metabolic cost (-19±14% below VT), significantly different than the 0% BW (-3±16%, P=0.002) and the 40% BW conditions (-5±22%, P=0.023). The 60% BW condition (-13±19%) was different than the 40% BW condition (P=0.034). Upon completion of the ladder task there were no differences among the conditions (0% BW: 3±18%; 40% BW: 3±21%; 60% BW: -8±25%; 80% BW: -10±18%). All subjects failed to complete 5 km at 80% BW. At the midpoint of the treadmill test the three remaining conditions were all significantly different (0% BW: -20±15%; 40% BW: -33±15%; 60% BW: -41±19%). Upon completion of the treadmill test the 60% BW condition (-38±12%) was significantly different than the 40% BW (-28±15%, P=0.024). Conclusions: Decreasing relative strength results in progressive and disproportionate decreases (relative to VT) in selfselected pacing during long-duration activities. Thus, during prolonged, endurance-type activities, large reductions in strength cause notable performance decrements despite no changes in aerobic capacity. These data highlight the importance of both aerobic capacity and muscle strength to the performance of prolonged EVA in exploration mission scenarios.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C1-3 Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training For the Maintenance of Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Function During 70 Days of Bed Rest L. Ploutz-Snyder1, J. Scott1, J. Ryder1, M. Downs2, R. Ploutz-Snyder1, L. Dillon3, M. Sheffield-Moore3, Randall Urban3 1

Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX; 2Wyle Science, Houston, TX; 3The University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Galveston, TX

Background and Methods: Integrated resistance and aerobic exercise training (iRAT) has the potential to maintain cardiovascular and skeletal muscle health during extended disuse. Further, when administered in conjunction with exercise, testosterone (T) has been shown to potentiate the anabolic and functional benefits of exercise training on skeletal muscle. Thus, fitness was assessed before, during and after 70 days of head down tilt bed rest in subjects randomized to one of three groups: 1) sedentary controls (CON) (n=9), 2) iRAT (n=9), and 3) iRAT+T (n=8). Groups were matched for age, height, weight, initial maximal aerobic capacity, and leg strength relative to body weight, and on average similar to crew member fitness. The iRAT exercise program consisted of 3 d/wk of resistance exercise including supine squat, heel raise, leg press, and hamstring curl; on the resistance days subjects also performed 30 min continuous aerobic exercise (separated by at least 4 hr). On the alternating 3 days, subjects performed aerobic intervals (8 x 30 sec, 6 x 2 min and 4 x 4 min). Fitness variables and change in muscle size using MRI of the thigh and calf were measured before and after bed rest. Results: CON sustained functionally and statistically significant decreases in all muscle groups, with the soleus showing the greatest loss ~25% loss (p<0.001 compared to iRAT and iRAT+T). iRAT and iRAT+T protected the thigh muscle mass (p<0.001 compared to CON) with no difference between iRAT and iRAT+T (p=0.669). Both iRAT and iRAT+T mitigated at least half of the loss in the soleus (8% vs. 25%) compared to CON (p<0.001) with no difference in iRAT and iRAT+T (p=0.882). Changes in muscle size were accompanied by a similar pattern of loss in muscle performance measured both with static and dynamic movements. Isokinetic calf strength in CON showed a dramatic loss of both concentric (20%) and eccentric (30%) strength (P<0.001), while iRAT and iRAT+T significantly mitigated the loss to between 5-10%. For concentric strength, the iRAT+T group showed the smallest decline (2%), and was significantly better than the 20% decline measured in CON (p=0.01). By comparison, the iRAT alone group exhibited an 11% decline, though was not significantly different from iRAT+T (p=0.239). Eccentric calf strength was dramatically reduced in CON by 30% (p<0.001), with iRAT and iRAT+T showing an 8% and 4% reduction, respectively (iRAT vs iRAT+T, p=0.314). Muscle power, assessed with vertical jump decreased 18% in CON (p<0.001) compared to only a 2% decline in iRAT and iRAT+T (iRATvs iRAT+T, p=0.924). CON exhibited a 23% reduction (p<0.001) in maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max), whereas iRAT and iRAT+T completely mitigated the loss in aerobic capacity (p=0.792). Discussion: Integrated resistance and aerobic exercise training alone and with testosterone was highly effective at mitigating the loss of muscle mass, strength, power and aerobic capacity after 70 days bed rest. Despite this training program’s widespread success, the calf remains an area of concern since it was most negatively impacted with respect to losses in mass, strength, and power. Notably, this has been observed in other bed rest and spaceflight studies and is a logical area for pursuit of adjuncts to exercise such as testosterone. While the iRAT+T group was not significant ly better than iRAT alone for the variables presented, additional analyses / studies are warranted to fully evaluate the ability of testosterone to potentiate the anabolic and functional benefits of exercise countermeasures such as iRAT, especially in the calf. While the consequence of losses in calf mass, strength, and power following long duration spaceflight remains unknown, it nevertheless demands further investigation.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C1-4 Assessment of in vivo human tibia deformation regimes during different locomotive activities Peng-Fei Yang1,2,3, Maximilian Sanno3, Bergita Ganse2, Timmo Koy4, Peng Shang1, Gert-Peter Brüggemann3, Lars Peter Müller4, Jörn Rittweger2 1

Key Laboratory for Space Bioscience and Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China; 2Space Physiology, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany; 3Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University Cologne, Germany; 4Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, University of Cologne, Germany

Introduction: Bone deformation plays a decisive role in bone adaptation to the environment. Insufficient mechanical loading on bone can lead to osteopenia. However, to date, our understanding of the in vivo human bone loading regimes and deformation amplitude are still limited due to technical difficulties. It is remain unclear that how different locomotive activities affect the mechanical loading environment of bone in vivo. Utilizing a novel established optical approach, the purpose of the present study is to comprehensively understand the human tibia loading regimes and segment deformation amplitude during different locomotor activities. Materials and Methods: Tibia deformation was recorded in five subjects utilizing an optical segment tracking (OST) approach established previously in our lab. Two marker clusters with three non-collinear retro-reflective markers on each cluster were affixed into the proximal and distal anterior-medial aspect of tibial cortex by bone screws. The markers trajectories were captured at 300 Hz with an optical system during different activities, including gait at 5.5 km/h, running with forefoot and rear foot strike at 5.5 and 9 km/h, stair ascent with forefoot and rear foot strike, and isometric maximum volunteer plantar flexion. Tibia loading regimes and deformation amplitude, namely peak-to-peak (p2p) bending and torsion angles, were computed from the relative movement of the proximal cluster with respect to the distal cluster. Results: The proximal tibia primarily bends to the posterior aspect (bending angle: 0.86° – 1.85°) and twisted to the external aspect (torsion angle: 0.65° – 0.90°) for all test subjects during walking at 5.5 km/h. Running, in particular with forefoot strike, has the potential to induce largest torsion and antero-posterior bending deformation. The antero-posterior bending angles for two involved test subjects were 1.67°± 0.15° and 1.80°± 0.18° during forefoot running at 9 km/h, respectively. Comparatively, the torsional angle ranged between 1.72°± 0.08° and 2.25°± 0.21°. The p2p torsional angle was larger with forefoot than rear foot stair ascent and running. The tibia deformation regimes were characterized by torsion (1.35° ± 0.07°) rather than bending (0.52° ± 0.07°) during maximum isometric plantar flexion. When compared to antero-posterior and torsional deformation, the medio-lateral bending angle remained at a rather low level. Discussion: Bending and torsion predominated the tibia deformation regimes during the investigated activities. Unexpected large torsion deformation might be another candidate to drive the long bone adaption. The presented results suggest that forefoot running might be one of the most important exercises which will build the most resistant bones, despite the fact that the importance of different bone deformation regimens on bone adaptation still remains largely unexplored. These findings therefore are relevant to the development the training protocol as the potential countermeasures against osteopenia.

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1.C.2 – COUNTERMEASURE RESUME Co-chairs: P. Sundblad, P. Norsk

IAA-HIS-15-1C2-1 A Study on Spinal Elongation and Neutral Body Posture in Simulated Weightlessness at NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory M. Ellerbeck1, M. Fontain2, T. Dirlich1,3 1

Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany; 2Institute of Ergonomics, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany; 3Institute of Astronautics, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany

The neutral body posture (NBP) in human factor engineering is described as the posture, a human body ‘automatically’ adapts to, when maintaining a relaxed muscular state in a weightlessness environment. This posture has been quantitatively defined as a specific set of body-joint-angle values. Various factors have an influence on the relaxed postural ‘shape’ especially when considering a long-term exposure to microgravity, e.g. on board a space station. The spinal elongation caused by muscular changes during a prolonged stay in microgravity most probably has a decisive effec t on the NBP. The study presented here was conducted to gather a better understanding on the effects of spinal elongation on NBP and possibilities to simulate these effects on Earth in neutral buoyancy under water. The study was conducted by the Institute of Ergonomics at Technische Universität München (TUM) in cooperation with the Anthropometrics and Biomechanics Facility at NASA Johnson Space Center. Underwater experiments were carried out at NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) in 2011. The study design is based on an experimental method to investigate the NBP in simulated weightlessness under water developed at TUM (2009). A mixed gender group of 10 human subjects was selected to perform the experiments in a custom-designed test-rig at 13 m depth in the NBL pool. The subjects where recruited from a voluntary group of safety diver personnel of NBL. Prior to the underwater experiments key anthropometric features of the subjects were recorded. Subsequently the subjects conducted their first NBP experiment. Over the course of this experiment (duration approx. 15 min) each subject performed up to 10 varying ‘effort tasks’ (each task either a ‘stretch’ or a ‘crouch’ strain posture) intermitted by phases of muscular relaxation. The second experiment was conducted with a selected subgroup of 3 subjects. To simulate the effect of spinal elongation as occurring in microgravity an 8 h horizontal rest (camp-out) was performed prior to the second underwater experiment. Directly after the horizontal rest the subjects were transferred into neutral buoyancy conditions to perform the NBP experiment a second time. All experiments were continuously recorded by two underwater video cameras. Each subject was blindfolded throughout the experiment. Postures and body-joint-angle values were extracted from the combined video data of both cameras using the markerless, man-model based, posture recording system PCMAN (developed at the Institute of Ergonomics at TUM, 2007). The data from both underwater experiments with over 300 individual postures of the 3 subjects together with the anthropometric measurements were used for 3D postural modeling and detailed postural analysis to evaluate the spinal elongation effects on NBP. An overview of the final evaluation will be provided and the lessons learned will be discussed. The study set base for ongoing in-orbit experiments on spinal elongation and NBP aboard the international space station ISS.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C2-2 Autoprobiotics in prevention of microbial risks of humans in artificial environment V.K. Ilyin1, N.A. Usanova1 1

Sanitary hygienic safety of humans in artificial environment, Institure for Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia

Presence of humans in artificial environment is accompanied with colonial resistance decrease. The first barrier, suffered from syndrome of colonial resistance decreased syndrome in such conditions if the barrier formed by non-pathogenic protective microflora. Therefore the main effort to strengthen colonial resistance is to use different probiotics. However, the main shortcomings of probiotics, prepared on the base of collection strains, is problem of colonization of human biotope by microbes, which are in content of this drug; and probable sensitization of the organism towards allogenic substance, which such kind of probiotics are. Therefore the most effective technology is application of probiotics based on autochthonous strains of protective groups (autoprobiotics). In the Institute for Biomedical Problems was accumulated positive experience of consummation of autoprobiotics, based on Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus spp, Bifidobacterium spp. These autoprobiotics were tested during Mars-500 experiment, and also in several experiments with dry immersion studies. The preparation of enterococcibased probiotics includeed isolation of culture, testing of the culture on absence of pathogenic genes and preparation of coal tablets with absorbed cultures of enterococci. During the 30-days consumption of autoprobiotic the volunteers avoided the pike of pathogenicity increasing, which is very natural for first 7-10 days of any isolation experiment. After finalizing of autoprobiotics consumption course the positive effect prolonged for 90 days extra. For dry immersion studies translocation of pathogens and growth of indigenous pathogens are quite natural. To prevent, we used indigenous lactobacilli, immobilized in lyophilized collagen stripe. Each stripe contained 107 CFU of lactobacilli. The stripe was attached daily on periodontal surface during entire 7-day experiments. The stripe was dissolved completely within 30-40 min. Lactobacilli spread onto periodontal surface and to throat with mouth liquor. As a result the replacement of pathogens by lactobacilli was gained in the entire mouth biotopes. The further efforts will be concentrated on searching of new autoprobiotics, based on non-pathogenic Corynebacteria spp., salivary streptococci and veilonellae. Besides, new autoprobiotics, based on associations of several auto-strains of different specia are planned to be elaborated and tested.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C2-3 The Development of the Astronaut Injury Protection System for the Current and Future Spacesuits Michal Kracik1, Guillermo Trotti2, Allison Anderson3, Dava Newman3 1

Industrial Design Faculty, Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow; 2Trotti and Associates INC; 3Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Extravehicular activity (EVA), is a critical and enabling capability for human spaceflight. The U.S. spacesuit, the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), is a difficult environment in which to work. Working in gas-pressurized space suits, results in numerous challenges. The main problems are unnecessary fatigue, additional energy expenditure, and injury. These issues are aggravated with the additional hours astronauts spend during training inside the suit, mainly underwater in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL). Despite attempts to improve its functionality and comfort, the EMU still cause injury and irritation. EVA-associated injury has increased with more time spent in the EMU during training and on orbit. The objective of our work is to improve the understanding of the human-space suit interaction and design hardware to eliminate injury. The project was divided in to three phases: The objective of the first one was to investigate, model, quantify, and visualize astronaut injuries during training and operations. The second phase of the project focused on EVA injury countermeasure garment concept design. We have analyzed a large number of various protection concepts which may be added to the current spacesuit system. Trade-studies were conducted including mass, materials selection, fabrication and scalability aspects. The final phase focus on developing protection prototypes to provide personalized solutions to alleviate injury. The design methodology to create the protective devices draw upon several disciplines, including Industrial Design, Ergonomic Design, and Engineering Design. Based on the extensive research in different areas related to the investigated problem, the precise requirements for the design were established. Solutions are modular and personalized so as to be usable by the entire astronaut population in multiple suits. The selected technologies include inflatable, additive manufacturing and mesh components. First group of solutions focus on preventing shifting to ensure proper placement within the suit. Second group focus toward improving comfort by preventing hotspots, abrasions, and contusions. A pressure sensing capability was developed (as a part of the project) to quantitatively determine the effectiveness of the devices. This capability assess where the person impacts the space suit and with what force/pressure profile. This information can be used by spacesuit designers to assess and compare designs and to create additional comfort/protection equipment. The testing of the devices will take place first in a simplified environment for the different loading values, than if approved at NASA JSC Houston. In addition to NASA facilities, industry collaboration such as testing at David Clark Company and building devices with Dainese greatly expands our capabilities. The Spacesuit Trauma Countermeasure System is meant to prevent EVA injury by accounting for the large extraneous suit volume and by reducing rubbing and pressure point injuries between the human and hard suit elements. The significance of this research contributes to the NASA goal to provide human health and performance countermeasures, knowledge and technologies for space exploration by developing a technological countermeasure garment to mitigate the risk of compromised EVA crew health performance due to inadequate EVA suit systems.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C2-4 Serum sclerostin and DKK1 in relation to exercise against bone loss in experimental bed rest D.L. Belavy1,2, N. Baecker3,4, G. Armbrecht1, G. Beller1, J. Buehlmeier3,4, P. Frings-Meuthen4, J. Rittweger4, H.J. Roth5, M. Heer6, D. Felsenberg1 1

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Center of Muscle and Bone Research, Berlin, Germany; 2Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Australia; 3IEL – Nutrition Physiology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 4Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany; 5Labor Limbach, Abteilung für Endokrinologie und Onkologie, Heidelberg, Germany; 6Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, Hellersbergstr. Neuss, Germany

The impact of effective exercise against bone loss during experimental bed-rest appears to be associated with increases in bone formation rather than reductions of bone resorption. Sclerostin and dickkopf-1 are important inhibitors of osteoblast activity. We hypothesized that exercise in bed-rest would prevent increases in sclerostin and dickkopf-1. Twenty-four male subjects performed resistive vibration exercise (RVE; n=7), resistive exercise only (RE; n=8), or no exercise (control, n=9) during 60-days of bed-rest (2nd Berlin BedRest Study). We measured serum levels of BAP, CTX-I, iPTH, calcium, sclerostin and dickkopf-1 at sixteen time-points during and up to one year after bed-rest. In inactive control, after an initial increase in both BAP and CTX-I, sclerostin increased. BAP then returned to baseline levels and CTX-I continued to increase. In RVE and RE, BAP increased more than control in bed-rest (p≤0.029). Increases of CTX-I in RE and RVE did not differ significantly to inactive control. RE may have attenuated increases in sclerostin and dickkopf-1, but this was not statistically significant. In RVE there was no evidence for any impact on sclerostin and dickkopf-1 changes. Long-term recovery of bone was also measured and six to twenty-four months after bed-rest and proximal femur bone mineral content (DXA) was still greater in RVE than control (p=0.01). The results, while showing that exercise against bone loss in experimental bed-rest results in greater bone formation, could not provide evidence that exercise impeded the rise in serum sclerostin and dickkopf-1 levels.


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IAA-HIS-15-1C2-5 Research on Electro-acupuncture Stimulation against Cardiovascular Decondition and Bone Loss in Hindlimb-unloading Rats Yinghui Li1,2, Fang Du2, Bo Ji3, Desheng Wang1 1

China Astronaut Research and Training Center, State Key Lab of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, Beijing, 100094, China; 2Space Institute of Southern China, Shenzhen, 518100, China; 3Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China

Objective: Microgravity in spaceflight induced severely cardiovascular decondition and bone loss, although several physical countermeasures were applied. We all known that acupuncture as a major method of the Traditional Chinese Medicine plays an important role in the regulation of body function and diseases therapy, but little is known whether acupuncture could be used as a novel countermeasure under microgravity. The effects of electro-acupuncture stimulation against cardiovascular decondition and bone loss in the hindlimb-unloading rat to simulate microgravity were investigated. Methods: Forty male Wistar rats about 290 g were randomly divided into four equal-sized groups: control(CON), hindlimbunloading(HU), HU+neiguan acupoint stimulation (HU&NA), HU+ multi-acupoints stimulation(HU&MA). The acupuncture stimulation was performed by electro-acupuncture apparatus 30 min per two days on the acupoint respectively during the four weeks hindlimb-unloading experiment. Multi-acupoints included Shenshu, Pishu and Sanyingjiao. Echocardiographic test, microCT, ELISA were used to evaluate the physiological functions and structure of heart and bone. Results: The results of echocardiographic test showed that Inter-Ventricular Septum end-diastolic thickness(IVSd), IVS end-stolic thickness(IVSs), fraction shortening(FS), left ventricular end diastolic diameter(LVDd), lef t ventricular posterior wall thickness(LVPWd) and left ventricular ejection fraction(EF) significantly decreased by 19.0%, 18.4%, 17.6%, 11.0% 13.1% and 5.1%(p<0.05) respectively and heart rate (HR) increased by 7.7%(p<0.05) in the HU compared with the CON. However, these results in the HU&NA were higher than that in the HU and didn’t show significant differences from the CON. The norepinephrine(NE) and epinephrine(E) levels in the HU were significantly higher by 20.9% and 12.8%(p<0.05) than that in the CON, however, the levels of NE and E in the HU&NA were slightly higher than that in the CON(p>0.05) and significantly lower than that in the HU(p<0.05).The blood phosphorus content in the HU increased by 13.1% compared with the CON(p>0.05), however blood phosphorus in the HU&MA was lower than that in the HU with 19.0%(p<0.05). The level of bone alkaline phosphatase(BALP) in the HU and HU&MA both significantly increased by 33.9% and 28.9 % compared with the CON(p<0.05), also it was lower in the HU&MA by 3.7% compared with the HU(p>0.05). The level of serum vitamin D3(VD3) significantly decreased by 21.9% in the HU compared with the CON(p<0.01), however it has significantly increased by 18.4% in the HU&MA compared with the HU(p<0.01). The microCT scanning showed that BV/TV in the HU and HU&MA both significantly decreased by 23.4% and 22.7% compared with the CON(p<0.01), but slightly higher in the HU&NA than that in the HU(p>0.05).The Tb.N and Tb.Th were similar to BV/TV. Interestingly, we found that bone trabecular number of connection (Conn.D) in the HU and HU&MA both significantly decreased by 34.3% and 25.0%(p<0.05) compared with the CON, moreover it was higher in the HU&MA than that in the HU with 14.3%(p<0.05). Conclusion: These results indicated that left heart disorder could be induced by simulated microgravity and a certain degree of protect ion could be provided by neiguan acupoint stimulation. Furthermore, Multi-acupoints stimulation could partially attenuate the bone loss caused by simulated microgravity. As a countermeasure, electro-acupuncture stimulation had a positive effect in microgravity.

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2015 09:00


IAA-HIS-15-PS2-1 Multilateral Research Opportunities in Ground Analogs B. Corbin1 1

NASA Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, TX 77058

The global economy forces many nations to con sider their national investments and make difficult decisions regarding their investment in future exploration. International collaboration provides an opportunity to leverage other nations’ investments to meet common goals. The Humans In Space Community shares a common goal to enable safe, reliable, and productive human space exploration within and beyond Low Earth Orbit. Meeting this goal requires efficient use of limited resources and International capabilities. The International Space Station (ISS) is our primary platform to conduct microgravity research targeted at reducing human health and performance risks for exploration missions. Access to ISS resources, however, is becoming more and more constrained and will only be available through 2020 or 2024. NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) is actively pursuing methods to effectively utilize the ISS and appropriate ground analogs to understand and mitigate human health & performance risks prior to embarking on hum an exploration of deep space destinations. HRP developed a plan to use ground analogs of increasing fidelity to address questions related to exploration missions and is inviting International participation in these planned campaigns. Using established working groups and multilateral panels, the HRP is working with multiple Space Agencies to invite International participation in a series of 30-day missions that HRP will conduct in the US owned and operated Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) during 2016. In addition, the HRP is negotiating access to Antarctic stations (both US and non-US), the German :envihab and Russian NEK facilities. These facilities provide unique capabilities to address critical research questions requiring longer duration simulation or isolation. We are negotiating release of international research opportunities to ensure a multilateral approach to future analog research campaigns, hoping to begin multilateral campaigns in the latter facilities by 2017. Collaborative use of analog facilities and shared investment in the development of spaceflight countermeasures through multilateral campaigns or missions that leverage the global scientific community will focus high quality research and provide sufficient power to accelerate the development of countermeasures and drive sound recommendations for exploration missions. This panel will provide an overview of efforts to encourage and facilitate multilateral collaboration in analog missions or campaigns and describe the facilities currently under consideration to reach the common goal of enabling safe, reliable, and productive human space exploration.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS2-2 Update On ESA Ground-based Analogue Activities T.J. Ngo-Anh1, M.U. Zell1 1

ISS Utilisation and Astronaut Support Department Directorate of Hum an Spaceflight and Operations European Space Agency

For many years ESA has been utilising a variety of ground-based spaceflight analogues to enhance and supplement our understanding of the effects of space-based phenomena in Life Sciences. An update on the status and recent developments of these activities will be provided. Bed rest studies, a well-established model for some of the major physiological changes in spaceflight, are conducted following a multi-year roadmap. Preparations are underway for two 60 day, head-down tilt studies, during which a reactivejump exercise device will be tested at DLR, Cologne (Germany) as well as a nutritional countermeasure at the bedrest center at MEDES in Toulouse (France). The Antarctic station Concordia is regularly used by ESA for human research, in cooperation with the Concordia partners, the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and the Italian Antarctic programme (PNRA). Interesting research addresses aspects related to extreme isolation and autonomy, but also long-term effects of hypobaric hypoxia, which in a spaceflight context bears similarity with projections for future planetary habitats. In addition, this year ESA has started a pilot season with the British Antarctic Survey on their Halley IV station, which we hope to utilise as normoxic, normabaric control for the Concordia research programme.This year2 ESA-selected experiments will be implemented. The IBER (Investigations into Biological Effects of Radiation) activities are being prepared to be continued at the particle accelerator of the GSI Helmholtz Center, with the intention of contributing to the reduction of the uncertainties of space radiation risk estimates for future human exploration. Finally, both the parabolic flight platform as well as ESA’s Ground-Based Facilities programme continue to yield interesting and unique results preparing for future long-duration human mission to Moon, Mars and beyond.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS2-3 Past and Future JAXA Research in Ground-Based Analogs Go Suzuki1, Natsuhiko Inoue1, Takashi Abe1, Yuhei Yamamura1, Hiroshi Ohshima1, Satoshi Furukawa1, Katsuhiko Ogata1 1

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Japan


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IAA-HIS-15-PS2-4 The possible role of the International Academy of Astronautics in future multilateral collaborations in ground analogs R. Gerzer1 1

DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany

During the recent years the major partners in the International Space Station have intensified their harmonization of study protocols in ground analogs and are regularly meeting to avoid duplication of possible studies as well as to optimize international collaborative efforts when studies of the respective agencies are performed. The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) has recently also shown interest to support joint international study campaigns and offers additional possible benefits. The interest of IAA in such activities is mainly to offer the possibility for participation in such studies also to scientists and to countries that are interested in space life sciences, but have no own programs in their respective home countries. Thus, IAA offers to promote major collaborative studies in ground analogs, to campaign in order to acquire additional funds that will be necessary for new participants and to especially focus on the participation of scientists from emerging countries. Based on these considerations, IAA has now initiated the formation of an IAA virtual institute, termed VISLAM (Virtual Institute of Space Life and Medical Sciences), which is open for participation to IAA members and corresponding members and also allows IAA non-members to participate for a limited time, before they will become IAA members. The VISLSAM will also act as a model for other virtual institutes, which IAA plans. These virtual Institutes, that can be viewed as “Think Tanks”, will all focus on spreading the possibilities to participate in space activities to other than the traditional space countries and will thus help to fascinate especially the young generation globally about human space flight and other space activities. One of the facilities, in which the model of global collaboration could be put to reality, is the facility: envihab at the German Aerospace Center DLR in Cologne. This facility has unique possibilities to be used as “ground based” reference laboratory to the ISS and is especially equipped to answer scientific questions rather than operational procedures. As DLR also supports participation of emerging countries, DLR supports the IAA initiative of the VISLSAM and will establish :envihab as a model facility for this approach. We hope that many institutions internationally will follow this concept and thus furthermore promote the globalization of space life sciences research.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS2-5 Fostering Multilateral Involvement in Analog Research R. L. Cromwell1 1

Universities Space Research Association, Houston, Texas, USA

This abstract is submitted for consideration as part of the proposed panel entitled, “Multilateral Research Opportunities in Ground Analogs” International collaboration in space flight research is an effective means for conducting investigations and utilizing limited resources to the fullest extent. Through these multilateral collaborations mutual research questions can be investigated and resources contributed by each international partner to maximize the scientific benefits to all parties. Recently the international partners embraced this approach to initiate collaborations in ground-based space flight analog environments. In 2011, the International Analog Research Working Group was established, and later named the International Human Space Flight Analog Research Coordination Group (HANA). Among the goals of this working group are to 1) establish a framework to coordinate research campaigns, as appropriate, to minimize duplication of effort and enhance synergy; 2) define what analogs are best to use for collaborative interests; and 3) facilitate interaction between discipline experts in order to have the full benefit of international expertise. To accomplish these goals, HANA is currently engaged in developing international research campaigns in ground-based analogs. Plans are being made for an international solicitation for proposals to address research of common interest to all international partners. This solicitation with identify an analog environment that will best accommodate the types of investigations requested. Once selected, studies will be integrated into a campaign and implemented at the analog site. Through these combined efforts, research beneficial to all partners will be conducted efficiently to further address human risks of space exploration.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS2-6 Isolation Studies and Analogs for Reducing Behavioral Health and Perfrormance Risks for a Mars Exploration Mission L. Leveton1 1

Behavioral Health and Performance Element, Human Research Program, Biomedical Researcha and Engineering Sciences, Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The NASA Human Research Program (HRP) seeks to understand, measure, and mitigate the risks inherent to spaceflight. The Behavioral Health and Performance (BHP) element of the HRP is focused on three risks: Risk of Adverse Cognitive or Behavioral Conditions and Psychiatric Disorders (BMed); Risk of Performance Decrements Due to Inadequate Cooperation, Coordination, Communication, and Psychosocial Adaptation within a Team (Team); and Risk of Performance Decrements and Adverse Health Outcomes Resulting from Sleep Loss, Circadian Desynchronization, and Work Overload (Sleep). Analogs of isolated, confined, and extreme (ICE) environments, which mimic elements of spaceflight and long duration conditions, are essential for building the evidence base from to characterize and quan tify human health and performance risks and develop and validate countermeasures. This presentation highlights the analog utilization strategy, including the use of natural and simulated ICE environments, and presents recent findings from analog efforts for each of the three risks.

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2.A.1 – CARDIOVASCULAR AND PULMONARY Co-chairs: R.L. Hughson, P. Dosel

IAA-HIS-15-2A1-1 Discrepancy between changes in cardiac output estimated on ISS by rebreathing and continuous blood pressure device R.L. Hughson1, D.K. Greaves1 1

Schlegel-University of Waterloo Res earch Institute for Aging, Waterloo, ON, Canada

The continuous blood pressure device (CBPD) is used frequently on the International Space Station (ISS) for not only the estimation of arterial blood pressure, but also for estimation of cardiac output using the Modelflow algorithm. On Earth, estimates of cardiac output with the Modelflow algorithm (QMF) have been shown to frequently differ from estimates by other methods such as rebreathing (QRB), but changes in QMF with various experimental manipulations have often been taken to reflect changes by other methods. In an exception to this, we did not find a tight correspondence during the WISE-2005 bed rest study. Here we report preliminary data from the ISS experiment BP Reg. Four astronauts completed 3 repetitions of rebreathing with the Pulmonary Function System while simultaneously wearing the CBPD pre-flight and ~3 weeks before the end of mission. Statistical comparisons were made by one- way repeated measures ANOVA. Pre-flight, QRB (4.59±0.75 L/min) was significantly less than QMF (5.95±1.31, p=0.02). Inflight, QRB (6.84±1.7) was significantly greater than QMF (5.74±0.84, p=0.04). The increase of QRB from pre-flight to inflight was significant (p<0.001) while the change for QMFwas not different. The BP Reg study will soon have data for 9 astronauts to further examine the underlying changes in arterial properties leading to the poor relationship between QRB and QMF. These preliminary results show the estimation of QMF does not provide a valid indicator of the change in cardiac output during spaceflight compared to the changes measured by rebreathing. This has implications for future studies examining cardiac output and blood pressure control mechanisms. Supported by Canadian Space Agency with technical support from Danish Aerospac e, CADMOS and NASA.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A1-2 Individual assessment of adaptive responses in conditions of space flight R. Baevsky1, E. Luchitskaya1, O. Isaeva1, A. Chernikova1 1

SSC RF – Institute of biomedical problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

Introduction The increase in duration of space flights and complication of their programs imposes the need of more careful monitoring of the space crew functional state. Use of systems for individual prenosological control in space medicine is determined by the necessity to check personal health status under conditions of prolonged exposure to extreme factors of space flight. The principle of personalization in assessment and managing of health is realized to the greatest extent in Russian system of space crews medical control. Materials and methods: The main research method was the HRV analysis according to ECG registration in experiment “Pneumocard” aboard the ISS (25 male, age 44±4.2 years). Data at rest and during functional respiratory tests were analyzed. The system of data personalization was applied to assess changes in the autonomic regulation during space flight. This system is based on the ranging of the estimated HRV parameters values. We have used for personalisation heart rate (HR), SDNN (the indicator of cardiovascular risk), pNN50 (a measure of parasympathetic activity), AMo (a measure of stress level). By results of the research were formed personal database, which was used for functional conditions of the crew members assessment. Results: We revealed the presence of pronounced individual adaptive responses. Individual patterns of HRV indicators are observed not only in their values, but in the range of their variability. The average individual values of HR were from 48,14 to 82,13 bpm, and the individual differences between minimum and maximum HR values – from 8,82 to 34,15 bpm. The average individual pNN50 values were from 1.64 to 27,35 %, and the difference between the individual minimum and maximum pNN50 values – from 53,73 to 8.54. The average individual SDNN values ranged from 39,96 to 88,20 ms, and the difference between individual minimum and maximum – from 26,47 to 289,44 ms. The averaged individual AMo values ranged from 28,98 to 53,49 %, and the difference between individual minimum and maximum – from 23,87 to 72.12. By results of the first 20 examinations personal database was formed for each cosmonaut, which was used in the assessment of functional status. This personal ization system allowed us to identify individual risks to health associated with reduced HRV more clearly, especially, when the traditional comparison of individual functional state with different standards does not show significant change. Data from repeated flights (5 cosmonauts) has shown that, despite steady specific features of autonomic regulation in microgravity, updating of a personal database gives more clear evaluations. Conclusion: The functional conditions of healthy people unstable and significantly depends on individual characteristics and limits of the individual norm variability. The system for HRV data personalization allowed to reveal more accurately the dynamics of functional conditions associated with stages of space flight. Our results indicate the need of carrying out individual assessment. This system should take into account the individual characteristics of adaptive reactions in conditions of space flight. Such personalization system can be useful in medical control, under a condition carrying out regular examination.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A1-3 Hemodynamic indices during environmental challenges M. Nordine1, J. Petricek2, P. Dosel2, H.C. Gunga1, H. Habazettl1, O. Opatz1 1

Center for space medicine and extreme environments, Institute of Physiology, Charite Medical University, Berlin, Germany; Institute of Aviation Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic


Introduction: Exposure to hypoxic, hyper-gravitational, and combined hypoxic/hyper-gravity environments can occur during exploration of new and extreme environments. Exposure to these situations can lead to the stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors via hypoxia, as well as baroreceptor stimulation via hyper-gravity, which trigger a compensatory autonomic response, via balanced increases in alpha and beta receptor sympathetic activity. The aim of this study therefore, was to investigate hemodynamic indices throughout a 6 phase profile involving rapid onset exposure to hypoxia, hypoxia/ simulated hypovolemia, and normoxic simulated hypovolemia to observe autonomic nervous system responses to single and dual chemoreceptor/baroreceptor stimulation. Methods: 27 healthy male subjects, who were either flight school students or aerospace physiologist, underwent a 6 phase (P0-5) profile in which they were exposed to acute environmental challenges. During P1, each subject underwent 3 minutes of normobaric hypoxia (Fi02 12%), before being exposed to -70mmHg hypoxic lower body negative pressure (LBNP) (P2) for maximal 60 seconds. P4 consisted of normoxic LBNP exposure for maximal 60 seconds. P0, 3, and 5 were all baseline atmospheric conditions. A cardiac index (CI, L min-1 m-2), stroke volume index (SVI, mL m-2 beat), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI, dynes sec cm-5 m-2), and a shock index (SI) were calculated. Results: Throughout the phase profile, CI and SVRI exhibited significant inverse proportional relationships (p<0.05). CI reached its apex of 4.8 ±0.9 during P1, while decreasing steadily throughout the consecutive phases, reaching a nadir of 3.0 ±0.6 during P4. SVRI exhibited inverse trends, reaching its nadir of 1938.4 ±432.9 during P1, and increasing steadily throughout the subseq uent phases, reaching a peak of 2653.1 ±635.3 during P4. SVI decreased proportionally during P2 (28.2 ±8.6) and P4 (27.6 ±5.7), while SI increased proportionally (P2 1.1± 0.3 and P4 0.9 ±0.2). A one way ANOVA test revealed significant differences for all parameters throughout the phases. Conclusion: Hemodynamic response to rapid onset independent and combined chemoreceptor/baroreceptor stimulation is dynamic. Hypoxia attenuated SVRI, while CI increased. Baroreceptor stimulation, independent (P4), or combined with hypoxia (P2), elicited an upsurge in SVRI and SI, while attenuating CI. Hemodynamic activity thus responds to varying environmental challenges distinctly, via the shifting of available counter-measures.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A1-4 The Effects of Negative Inspiratory Pressure Breathing on Respiration in Ground-based Experiment and the Expected Data from the ISS Board J. Popova1, A. Suvorov1, Yu. Semenov1,2, A. Dyachenko1,2,3, D. Khusnutdinova1 1

Laboratory of Cardiorespiratory System Physiology and Biomechanics, Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Laboratory of Physics of Living Systems, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russian Federation; 3Department of Ecological and Medical Problems, Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Negative inspiratory pressure breathing (NPBin) is discussed as a countermeasure to fluid shifts and intracranial pressure increase in microgravity (Tikhonov et al., 1991, 2003; Donina, Baranov et al., 2013). The decrease of intrathoracic pressure by breathing through a special device is considered to beneficial in central hypovolemia correction for clinical settings (Convertino et al., Lurie et al., 2004-2012). The aim of our study was to investigate the physiological effects of NPBin on respiratory system focusing on breathing pattern and gas exchange characteristics in humans at various conditions. The data on respiratory parameters as well as changes in liquid volumes by measuring the impedance of the body segments in cosmonauts during spaceflight at NPBin will have been demonstrated for the first time. The space experiment on study of capability to correct circulatory shifts in microgravity by NPBin started in 2015. A «Sprut» device for im pedance measurement is employed for estimation of body fluids redistribution during NPBin. The respiratory parameters during NPBin are registered by “Respiratoty” kit. Also, the extended examination of respiratory system function (with measuring lung volumes, forced flow and volume parameters, breath-hold duration) are provided before NPBin. The purpose of the ground-based study was to estimate the effects of different NPBin values on changes in breathing pattern and gas exchange in healthy humans. The seven male volunteers participated in five experiments: the subjects breathed spontaneously by use of special NPBin device (at -10/-15/-20/-25 cm H2O mouth pressure) for 25 min in four series, the subjects used the same breathing equipment without NPBin in control experiment. The volunteers had been in supine position while the ventilation parameters, exhaled and end-tidal gas (O2, CO2) pressure and fractions, O2 consumption, CO2 production, transcutaneous CO2, O2 pressure were continuously measured at tidal breathing before (BDC), during NPBin and at recovery period. The arterialized blood samples for gas and acid-balance analysis had been taken before and at 22-24 min of NPBin (or control) exposure. The minute ventilation significantly increased in the first ten minutes of NPBin exposure at -15 and -20 cm H2O compared with the control data. However, the ventilation shifts at -25cm H2O were nonsignificant: we observed great individual changes (some subjects showed marked hyperventilation, other ones, on the contrary, hypoventilation). The breathing frequency dramatically declined during NPBin (up to 3 breaths per minute in some cases) and tidal volume conversely rose. The blood pCO2 was decreased nonsignificantly in all NPBin experiments. Moreover, the data interquartile range during NPBin exposure enlarged in comparison with contr ol experiment and BDC values. Hence, the NPBin resulted in data variation increase probably due to various individual responses to experimental exposure. No differences in blood pO2 were found between the experimental series and the sham as well as BDC data. The correlations between observed shifts in ventilation and gas exchange during NPBin and individual parameters of respiratory system will be discussed. The commenced ISS experiment would reveal if there were peculiarities in respiratory response to NPBin in microgravity. The study was supported by “Integrative Physiology” RAS Program.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A1-5 ARSIS – Arterial Stiffness in Space and Extreme Environments on Earth A.Sgambati1, T.Koehne1, M.Berg1, Y. Zhao2, B. Kessler2, W.H. Kullmann2 1

OHB System AG, Department Human Spaceflight, Bremen, Germany; 2Institute of Medical Engineering Schweinfurt (IMES), University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany

Long-duration spaceflight cause hard stress on the human body; some researchers even call time in weightlessness an accelerated aging process. A new study reveals that astronauts who spend six months aboard the International Space Station come back to earth with stiffer arteries than before their flights. The technological development in the human physiology equipment is crucial to maintaining crew health during and after missions and ensuring that crew members are in the required physical condition to perform their tasks. Actually, on ISS there are several equipments able to detect the m ain health status parameters, but for the arteries stiffness no instruments are available and only on ground analysis prepost flight are planned. An innovative portable and wearable diagnostic assistant system, developed by IMES, is based on an algorithm able to correlate several health status parameters and provides a complete cardio vascular diagnosis, including arterial stiffness. On basis of single channel ECG signal detection and the simultaneous acquisition of the photoplethysmographic finger pulse wave the diagnostic system permits arterial pulse wave analysis. The non invasive electro-optical detection of the pulse transit time and the determination of global pulse wave velocity provide information on arterial wall stiffness and vessel elasticity. The arterial pulse wave velocity serves as a robust and reproducible key indicator of the state of arterial stiffness on earth. Pulse contour analysis allows the separation of the antegrade and retrograde pulse wave compo nents and it gives additional information on the dynamic properties of the pulse wave. The data acquisition of the electrocardiogram and the pulse wave detection are electronically synchronized by a microcontroller. After analog-digital conversion the detected signals are transmitted to a data evaluation unit (e.g laptop) via the USB or Bluetooth transmission protocols. The diagnostic interpretation of the detected data relating to blood vessel elasticity and arterial stiffness is based on hemodynamic properties and physiological knowledge on vessel elasticity. It is carried out automatically with a self-explaining diagnostic software environment on the data evaluation unit. The sensor unit of the electro-optical cardiovascular diagnostic assistant system in pocket-sized format allows easy implementation as wearable device and portable applications.. The electrical and optical sensors are easy to applicate. The data acquisition system is characterized by a high degree o f usability for users without intensive medical training. As a consequence of the fluid shift in spaceflight microgravity environment the elasticity of the arteries will change the normal physiological cardiovascular conditions. The noninvasive detection of the vessel elasticity and arterial stiffness throughout the space flight on ISS will provide new and additional information on the functionality of the human cardiovascular system. Parallel to the experiments in space the same detector system and the same diagnostic algorithms will be used on earth for comparing the elastic vessel wall effects in space and on earth. The portable electro-optical diagnostic assistant system in pocket-sized format can also be used for research purposes in extreme environments and remote areas on Earth, fostering the synergies between space and terrestrial applications


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IAA-HIS-15-2A1-6 Effect of 6 month spaceflights onboard ISS on the carotid, femoral arteries and jugular, portal, femoral, calf veins P. Arbeille1, R. Provost1, K. Zuj1, N. Vincent2 1

Medecine Physiologie Spatiale (UMPS-CERCOM) University Hospital Trousseau, 37044, Tours – France; 2Laboratoire Informatique (CRIP V) – Universite Paris-Descartes 75005 Paris – France

Purpose: The objective was a) to determine if 6 months in microgravity affects conduit artery diameter and wall thickness b) to check if 6 month in microgravity change significantly the major central and peripheral vein cross section area or volume by redistribution of the venous blood flow. Method: The common carotid artery (CC) and superficial femoral artery (FA), Internal Jugular vein (JV), Portal vein (PV), Femoral vein (FV), and calf veins (Tib V, Gast V) were assessed by echography, performed by 10 astronauts using a volumic capture method at flight day 15 and 135. Results: Intima media thickness (IMT) of the CC and FA were found significantly increased (approx 15%, p<0.05) during the spaceflight. Inflight JV, PV, JUG/PV ratio and FV were found significantly increased from pre-flight (JV: 178% & 225%, p<0.05; PV: 36% & 45%, p<0.05; JV/PV ratio: 102% & 120%, p<0.05; FV: 124% & 169%, p<0.05). Conversely calf vein decreased (Tib: -45% & –53% p<0.05, Gast: -68% & -58% p<0.05). Conclusion: The increase in both CC and FA IMT during the flight suggests an adaptation to microgravity potentially mediated by a metabolic process associated with the mental stress generated by the ISS confined environment or mechanical mechanisms associated with fluid redistribution along the body. The increase JV, PV, and FV during the flight confirm that there was an important venous blood stagnation at 3 levels. Consequence of such fluid stowage on the brain, eye, splanchnic and pelvic organs morphology or function may have to be investigated.

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2.A.2 – MUSCLE AND BONES Co-chair: J. Rittweger, E. Fomina

IAA-HIS-15-2A2-1 Effects of space flight on skeletal muscle: a proteomic study M. Moriggi1,2, M. Vasso3, E. Torretta1,2, K. Albracht4, M.V. Narici5, M. Flück6, O.R. Seynnes7, R. Bottinelli8, P. Cerretelli3, J. Rittweger4, C. Gelfi1,2,3 1

Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, Segrate, Milan, Italy; 2IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italy; 3 CNR-Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology, Cefalu`-Segrate, Italy; 4 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) German Aerospace Center Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Linder Hoehe, Cologne, Germany; 5MRC ARUK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Derby, United Kingdom; 6Departement für Orthopädie, Universität Zürich, Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich, Switzerland; 7Departement of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Defence Institute, Olso, Norway 8 Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Prolonged exposure to microgravity induces a reduction of muscle mass as well as structural and functional fiber changes. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the proteome signature of the soleus muscle of two astronauts, A1 and A2, undergoing 193 and 185 days space flights, respectively, in the ISS. The differential expression of muscle proteome before and after space flight was assessed to define the influence of microgravity and potentially of other associated variables in the decrease or change in muscle mass and, importantly, if some of the changes can be reversible. Biopsies from the soleus of two Astronauts, before spaceflight (PRE), upon spaceflight completion (R0) and after 16 (A1) or 14 (A2) days from spaceflight completion (R16, R14) respectively, were analyzed by two dimensional difference in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). Gel images were processed by a 2D DeCyder software for the quantitative analysis. Statistically significant differences of 2D-DIGE data were computed by paired one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison test (Tukey test) (p < 0.01). To minimize false-positives, data were filtered according to the following criteria: False Discovery Rate (FDR) and 1.15 fold difference in abundance (Fold Change). From 2D-DIGE analysis, about 900 spots were included in the base set for statistical analysis. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows an overview of the spots distribution in the analyzed samples: it indicates that the proteomic data set (A2) obtained from samples PRE and R14 deviates from R0 through the Principal Component 1 (PCA1) and suggests that they are very different from sample R0. In addition, the proteomic data set of sample PRE differs from samples R16 and R14 since these are separated by Principal Component 2. As regards particularly A1, R0 and R16 deviate from PRE through the PCA1, indicating that they are very different from sample PRE. The results indicate that 150 (A1) and 140 (A2) spots, respectively, were statistically changed after one-way ANOVA with p-value < 0.01. Furthermore, the multiple comparison test (Tukey test) indicates 75 (A1) and 74 (A2) spots among which 31 (A1) and 46 (A2) were up-regulated, 44 (A1) and 28 (A2) were down-regulated, were changed in PRE vs R0 both A1 and A2,. 78 (A1) and 48 spots (A2), among which 29 (A1) and 19 (A2) were up-regulated, 49 (A1) and 29 (A2) were down-regulated in R16/R14, were changed in PRE vs R16/R14 both in A1 and A2,. 60 (A1) and 63 (A2) spots, among which (28 (A1) and 20 (A2) were up-regulated, 32 (A1) and 43 (A2) were downregulated in R16/R14 upon space flight completion were changed inR0 vs R16/R14. Identified proteins were grouped as structural and contractile, metabolic, stress response and others. Results indicate a different behavior in the two astronauts, particularly in structural/contractile and stress response proteins, suggesting that further investigation should be performed to clarify the different response to flight exposure among astronauts.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-2 Decline of cell viability and mitochondrial activity in mouse skeletal muscle cell in a hypomagnetic field W. Mo1, J. Fu1,2, Y. Liu1,2, R. He1,2 1

State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China; 2University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China

Hypomagnetic field (HMF), an environmental factor of outer space, has been shown to repress the locomotion of mammalians. However, the underlying mechanisms of the HMF effects on the locomotor system remains poorly investigated. In this study, we simulated an HMF (< 3,000 nT) by eliminating the geomagnetic field (GMF, ~ 50,000 nT) and cultured primary mice skeletal muscle cells under this condition for three days. The HMF-exposed cells showed declined cell viability, while looked normal in morphology and with no significant change in apoptosis rate, as compared with the GMF control. Following 3-day HMF-exposure, glucose consumption was significantly decreased, accompanied with reduced ATP content and increased ADP/ATP ratio. The mitochondrial membrane potential of the HMF-exposed cells declined at day 3. The activity of isolated mitochondria reduced af ter 1 h HMF-exposure in vitro. Our results indicate that the HMF-induced decline in cell viability results from the inhibitory effect of the HMF on mitochondrial activity, which provide evidence at the functional level that mitochondrion could directly respond to the HMF.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-3 CNTF attenuates the changes of myogenesis and myofiber phenotype shift in unloaded muscular atrophy X. Chen1,2, P. Zhang2, H. Liu2, W. Li2, J. He2, F. Wang1, S. Chen1 1

National key Lab of Human Factors Engineering, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, P.R.China; 2State key Lab of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, P.R.China

Although ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has been involved in the muscular atrophy, its controversial effects and mechanisms need to be further revealed. Thus far, no study established the role of CNTF in regulating myogensis and myofiber phenotype shift in unloaded muscle atrophy. At the present, we employed the model of mouse hindlimb unloading to mimic weightlessness, and investigate the effect of CNTF on myogenesis, a shift of slow- to fast-twitch myofiber as well as its mechanism. The mice were divided into the groups with or without CNTF treatment using osmotic pumps implanted subcutaneously. Equal volume CNTF (1.0 ng/microl) or saline were delivered into the muscle’s region at a rate of 1 microl/h from 1 to 7 days during mouse HU, respectively. Our data indicated that after 7 days of hindlimb unloading, the number of activated satellite cells increased and then fused into myofiber, while the expression of myogenic specific fators (MRFs) Myf5, MyoD, Myogenin, and cellcycle inhibitor p21 in the unloaded atrophy soleus with ‘in vivo’ CNTF administration, were significantly up-regulated. In vitro study also demonstrated that the myoblasts isolated from CNTF-treated soleus appeared more and larger myotubes after cultured in differentiation medium for 72 hours than that from the controls without CNTF treatment. Interestingly, ‘in vivo’ CNTF administration selectively inhibited the slow-twitch myofiber loss and fast-twitch myofiber increase. Meanwhile, CNTF also significantly up-regulated the expression of slow-twitch myofiber phenotype MHC-I, MHC-IIa, while down-regulated fast-twitch myofiber phenotype MHC-IIb determined by Rea time PCR and Western blot analysis. These results indicated that CNTF promoted myogenesis and inhibited a shift from slow- to fast-twitch myofiber type in unloading- atrophied soleus. Moreover, we found that CNTF could induce gp130 but not CNTFRα and LIFR expression at both mRNA and protein levels, attenuate the activation of Smad3 phosphorylation selectively in the soleus of CNTF treated unloading mice compared to their saline treated controls. Furthermore, we found that these effects of CNTF were markedly attenuated by either gp130 receptor knockdown with gp130 RNAi or inhibition of Smad3 phosphorylation with Smad3 domain negative (DN) plasmid. Therefore, we for the first time demonstrated that the ‘in vivo’ CNTF administration promotes myogensis and ameliorates myofiber phenotype transition through CNTF/gp130/pSmad3 signaling pathway, indicating that CNTF may further develop as a novel drug for preventive treatment of muscle atrophy in space flight. *Correspondence should be addressed to X.Chen ( Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grants from National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB711003), Natural Sciences Foundation of China (31171144; 81272177), State Key Laboratory Grant of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application (SMFA13A01).


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-4 Impact of Short-term Dry Immersion on NO-dependent Signaling Pathways in Human Soleus Muscle T. Mirzoev1, N. Vilchinskaya1, Yu. Lomonosova1, I. Kozlovskaya1, B. Shenkman1 1

Institute of Bio-medical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

There are marked losses of skeletal muscle mass as well as strength and physiological function under conditions of low mechanical load, such as space flight, as well as ground based models such as bed rest, immobilization and dry-immersion. Disuse atrophy is caused by mechanical unloading of muscle and this leads to reduced muscle mass without fiber attrition. Our study was aimed at the analysis of signaling processes that determine the initial development of proteolytic events in human soleus muscle during short-term simulated microgravity. Gravitational unloading was simulated by 3-day head-out dry immersion. Before and after immersion samples of soleus muscle were taken from 6 healthy volunteers under local anesthesia, using biopsy technique. The content of desmin, total and phospho-nNOS, and phospho-AMPK in soleus of 6 healthy men was determ ined using Western-blotting before and after dry-immersion. Three days of dry immersion resulted in significant decrease in desmin, phospho-nNOS and phospho-AMPK as compared to pre-immersion values. The results of the study suggest that at the 3-rd day of dry immersion there are signs of calpain-dependent proteolysis due to reduced total and phosphorylated nNOS content. Reduction in AMPK phosphorylation could serve as a trigger event for the development of primary atrophic changes in skeletal muscle.The work was supported by RFBR grant 13-04-00888.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-5 TBone investigation: Effect of Space Flight on Bone Quality Using High Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computer Tomography (HR-pQCT) L.Y. Cohen1, L. Grenier1, I. Jean1 1

Canadian Space Agency, Space Exploration, 6767 Route de l’Aeroport, St-Hubert, Quebec, J3Y 8Y9, Canada.

The current gold standard for monitoring bone strength is Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA). This imaging technology enables the calculation of bone mineral density (BMD), which is used to calculate the risk of developing osteoporosis. However because DXA calculates BMD using area (aBMD: areal Bone Mineral Density), it is not an accurate measurement of true bone mineral density, which is mass divided by a volume. Also, DXA has been shown to overestimate the BMD of taller subjects and underestimate the bone mineral density of smaller subjects. Finally, the images do not provide information on trabecular bone architecture and many other factors that influence bone strength. Accurate quantification of bone microarchitecture is significant in understanding bone mechanics and response to disease or treatment. High-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) allows for the quantification of 3D trabecular and cortical structure in vivo, with the capability of generating images at multiple resolutions. The purpose of this study is to understand bone loss and sustained bone loss after prolonged spaceflight using state-of-the-art HR-pQCT in combination with novel image analysis techniques. Information regarding bone architecture and bone strength from HR-pQCT could be used to identify and protect those individuals for whom spaceflight poses a greater risk of loss of bone strength both immediately following space flight and in the future. Information collected after DXA scans of the lumbar spine and HR-pQCT scans of the tibia and radius will be compared to evaluate the diagnostic potential of HR-pQCT in the context of space flight. This Canadian project complements other investigations exploring the potential of computer tomography for reducing health risks of human space flight.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-6 The potential role of miR-214 as a blood biomarker for unloading induced bone loss Yingxian Li1, Shukuan Ling1, Weijia Sun1, Chenyang1 1

State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, China, 100094

Introduction: Bone loss is one of the most important microgravity induced health problems. The ability of rapidly and easily detection the changes in bone balance would be of great value in the early diagnosis and therapies of bone diseases. miRNAs in bone are involved in the regulation of multiple processes of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation, orchestration of bone program and management of cell fate. miRNAs were first found to be present in the cytoplasm, recent studies have shown that they also exist in the extracellular space. These extracellular miRNAs are protected from RNase degradation mainly due to be encapsulated in lipid-bilayered exosomes. It is also known that the signatures of plasma/serum miRNAs can reflect associations with physiological or disease conditions. However, the role or possible involveme nt of circulating miRNA is not known for unloading induced bone loss. Aims: In this study, we focused on the analysis the changes of miR-214 in serum from unloading induced bone loss and aimed to identify it as potential diagnostic biomarker. Materials and methods: Mice were subjected to hindlimb unloading through tail suspension for 28 days. miRNA from serum was extracted using the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (Qiagen, Germany). The relative expression level of miR-214 was determined by the cycle number via Q-PCR, with their levels normalized to the average of cel-miR-39 using the 2-ΔΔCT method. Exosomes were collected by differential centrifugations. Results: We analyzed miR-214 level in the serum from the tail suspended mice and control mice and found that miR-214 levels were substantially increased in tail suspended mice compared to control mice. Next, we isolated exosome from the serum and measured miR-214 level in it. QRT-PCR analysis revealed that miR-214 levels in the exosomes from the serum of tail suspended mice were markedly higher than that of their respective control. To further investigate the clinical significance of miR-214 carried by exosomes as a circulating miRNA to inhibit bone formation, we isolated exosomes from serum and incubated with osteoblast. When MC3T3-E1 cells were incubated with exosomes from tail suspended and control mice, miR214 levels in MC3T3-E1 cells were much higher when these cells were incubated with exosomes from tail suspended mice than that from control mice. Consistently, Alp, Bglap and Col1α1 mRNA levels in MC3T3-E1 cells were obviously reduced. Conclusion: In this study, we found that miR-214 levels in the serum could be up-regulated in the mice of unloading induced bone loss. These circilating microRNAs exist mainly in the form of exosomes. They have an inhibitory role on the function of osteoblasts. These findings underscored the clinical significance of elevated miR-214 in the serum of unloading induced bone loss and suggested its potential role as a marker for osteoporosis diagnosis and a target for therapeutics.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-7 Effects of bed rest and hypoxia on bone and mineral metabolism – Results from the PlanHab study J. Rittwege1, T. Debevec2, P. Frings-Meuthen1, P. Lau1, B. Ganse1, L. Simpson3, I. Macdonald3, A. Choukèr4, O. Eiken5, I. Mekjavic2 1

Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany; 2Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 3University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; 4Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany; 5Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Introduction: Bone losses are well known in response to unloading, and also chronic hypoxemia in patients with pulmonary disease. However, it is unknown whether there is an interactive effect between hypoxia and immobilization upon bone and mineral metabolism. Such knowledge would be relevant to crew operations in future space vehicles and habitats with hypoxic atmospheres. Method: A cross-over designed bed rest study was organized at the hypoxic bed rest facility in Planica (Slovenia). Fourteen young men underwent 2 campaigns of 21-day bed rest with or without normobaric hypoxia (equivalent to 4000m altitude), and a third campaign of 21-day hypoxia under ambulatory conditions. Outcome measures were biochemical markers of bone and mineral metabolism, which were assessed from regular blood samples and 24-hour urine collections. Statistical analyses are based on linear mixed-effect models. Bed rest results: Urinary excretion of the bone resorption marker NTX (n-terminal cross-link) was increased during bed rest (P < 0.001) by 33% to 79% (on days BR4 and BR10, respectively, SE = 11%). There was no difference between hypoxic and normoxic conditions (P = 0.69). Serum levels of the bone formation marker P1NP (procollagen-1 n-terminal peptide) were decreased during bed rest (P = 0.0035) by 7% (day BR21, SE=4%) to 11% (day BR10) with no difference between hypoxic and normoxic conditions (P = 0.88). Serum calcium was increased during bed rest by 0.059 (BR 5, SE 0.05 mM) to 0.091mM (BR 21, P < 0.001), with no additional effect by hypoxia during bed rest (P = 0.199). Likewise, serum phosphate levels were increased during bed rest (P < 0.001) without any additional effect of hypoxia (P = 0.73). PTH serum levels decreased, as expected, during bed rest by 7% (BR5, SE=3%) to 31% (BR21, P < 0.001). Notably, this effect was effectively halved by hypoxia during bed rest (P < 0.001). Finally, urinary excretion of calcium increased during bed rest (P < 0.001), and a trend (P = 0.090) indicated mitigation of this effect by bed rest. Hypoxic ambulatory results: There was no effect upon serum levels of P1NP (P = 0.97), but a trend indicated decreased urinary NTX excretion (P = 0.072). Significant increases were found in levels of serum calcium (P < 0.001), of serum phosphate (P < 0.001) and of PTH (P = 0.0014). For urinary calcium excretion, there was no significant change during the hypoxic intervention, but an increase by 65% was observed on the 3rd day after it (P < 0.001). Discussion: Results suggest that hypoxia under ambulatory conditions has a moderate effect upon phospho-calcic homeostasis and that it may moderately foster bone resorption (P = 0.072). However, hypoxia under bed rest conditions did not cause any further aggravation of the bone catabolic state. Based upon these results it follows that a hypoxic atmosphere in future space vehicles and habitats does not involve an additional risk for bone health. Acknowledgment: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme (2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 284438.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A2-8 Altered gravity leads to changes in activity and diurnal rhythm J. Guo1, Z. Liu2, D. Wang1, P. Wang1, X. Chen2, S. Chen2 1

School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006 China; 2 China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing 100094, China.

Gravity impacts on the physiology and behavior in animals and humans. In a space mission, we found that microgtavity causes significant reduction in the trunk motion. We further confirmed this finding in parabolic flights and water immersion experiments which simulated altered repeated gravity change and gravity reduction, respectively. The data collected on eight subjects during 195 parabolas flights show that the trunk motion counts were reduced by approximately half in ascending leg (hypergravity), relative to motion counts collected before parabolic flights. By contrast, wrist activity was unchanged. The results collected on 11 subjects from 22 water immersion experiments demonstrated that underwater, both the activity of wrist and trunk decreased significantly but the latter was reduced to a greater extent. Together, these data suggest that the gravitational alteration can result in differential influences on the motion of wrist and trunk. We also investigated a variety of diurnal rhythms including sleep-wake cycles, heart rate, urinal ions and hormones, urination and defecation in an orbital study and a 45-day head-down bed rest experiment, and the results demonstrate that simulated weightlessness leads to changes in the diurnal rhythms of these variables. These findings are imporant for further understanding of the impacts of microgravity on activity, astrophy and circadian timing system in microgravity.

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2.A.3 – IMMUNOLOGY Co-chair: Alexander Choukèr, Oliver Ulrich

IAA-HIS-15-2A3-1 Nasal microbiota modulation in volonteers during experiment with dry immersion: complex evaluation of the bacterial implantation method V.K. Ilyin1, M.A. Skedina1, N.V. Kiryukhina1, Z.O. Soloviova1 1

State Research Center Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

Life in extreme environments may impact the functioning of human organ systems, including the upper airways. Investigations of human microbiocenosis in the studies with simulation of some spaceflight factors (bed rest, «dry» immersion, isolation) demonstrated dysbiotic shifts in the microbiota of the upper respiratory tract. Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is a well-documented risk factor of infection and inflammation of the skin and soft tissues and bacteriemia. The standart methods of opportunistic pathogens eradication from the nasal cavity are based principally on the use of antiseptic and antibacterial agents. However, this approach is not advisable in extreme environments as it may cause a dysbiotic shift in the host, alter drug sensitivity, form aggression factors in microbiota. One of the methods of mucous microbiota modulation is implantation of nonpathogenic microorganisms which will extrude opportunistic pathogens without impinging the symbiotic microflora. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the activity of saline spray containing suspension of Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum in volunteers during experiment with 7-day dry immersion The preparation was used for prophylaxis of S. aureus nasal colonisation in 8 healthy volunteers. The control group comprised 10 healthy subjects. Nasal preparation was formulated on the basis of C. pseudodiphtheriticum strain number 090104, which was isolated in 1955 in Moscow from healthy person. The microbial profile in the nasal vestibule of 18 subjects was monitored during the course of the experiment. Routine cultural microbiological methods and non-culture-based microbiological methods were used. Nonculture-based method of microbiota assessment included computeri zed image analysis of Gram stained nasal smear with further determination of morphological, tinctorial and quantitative parameters. Microvasculature of the nasal mucous membrane of 8 volunteers of the experimental group was detected during the nasal spray application using high-frequency Doppler ultrasound «Minimax-Doppler-K» (Russia) with Γ-shaped sensor and operating frequency of 25 MHz. The study protocols were approved by the Institute of Biomedical Problems Biomedical Ethics Committee, each volunteer provided a written Informed Consent before participation in the study. Monitoring of the nasal microbiota in the control group demonstrated dysbiotic shifts to the end of the 7-day experiment, especially growth of nasal S. aureus. The results of the microbiological cultural and non-culture-based methods of microflora assessment in the experimental group showed strong inhibiting effect of C. pseudodiphtheriticum 090104 against nasal S. aureus. High-frequency Doppler ultrasound study demonstrated the absence of significant changes in the microvasculature of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity during the nasal spray application. This fact open a prospect of using C. pseudodiphtheriticum 090104 as a nasal probiotic. The microbial implantation method can be used for the prophylaxis and treatment of S. aureus nasal carriage in human subjects who occupationally have to stay in closed environments or in changed microclimates. In contrast to the standard method of eliminating opportunistic pathogens with the help of antibacterial and antiseptic agents, microbial implantation is free from the risk of dysbiosis and evolvement of antibiotic resistant strains.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-2 Simulated microgravity disrupts intestinal homeostasis and increases colitis susceptibility Q. Ge1, P. Li1, J. Shi1 1

Peking University Health Science Center

The innate and adaptive immune systems can be altered by spaceflight in many aspects. But microgravity-related mucosal immune changes and its clinical significance has not been well studied. To investigate whether simulated microgravity influences the intestinal homeostasis and increases the susceptibility to colon inflammation, a hindlimb unloading (HU) microgravity mouse model was combined with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis model. The changes in histology, circulating and mucosal immune cells, cytokine expressions, and microbiota were analyzed. Compared to ground control mice, the HU ones revealed an impaired intestinal homeostasis and increased susceptibility to DSS-induced colitis. This includes an early change in intestinal microbiota, a decrease in regulatory T cell (Treg) numbers and IL-10 production, an increase in colonic IL-1β expression, an increase in circulating neutrophi ls and colonic neutrophil infiltration. The application of antibiotics ameliorated the Treg and IL-10 reductions but did not significantly dampen neutrophilia and elevated expression of colonic IL-1β. These results indicate that the intestinal microflora and innate immune system both respond to simulated microgravity and together contribute to the proinflammatory shift in the gut microenvironment. The data provide useful insights in the changes of interactions between the hosts and microbiota under microgravity. It also emphasizes the necessity for evaluating the susceptibility of inflammatory bowel diseases in distant space travels.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-3 Acute stress during parabolic flight induces redistribution of immune cells and changes of immune activity B. Yi1 1

Hospital of the University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany.

Appropriate distribution of immune cells in the human body is one of the decisive factors for a functional and effective human immune system. Increasing evidence from model animal studies have indicated that an acute stress response induces a rapid and significant redistribution of immune cells among different body compartments, which is assumed to be a fundamental survival strategy that instructs leukocyte subpopulations to specific target organs during stress, and significantly enhances the speed, efficacy and regulation of an immune response. However, it is still largely unknown about the details of stress-induced mobilization and trafficking of blood leukocytes in humans. The experiments described here were designed to investigate the time-course, trajectory, and subpopulation-specificity of stress-induced mobilization and trafficking of blood leukocytes in human subjects exposed to acute stress during parabolic flight. We have observed elevated cortisol levels, significantly changed leukocyte distribution pattern and aberrant immune activity during parabolic flight. Interestingly, the results indicate a significant association existing between cortisol levels and the distribution pattern of leukocytes under acute stress of parabolic flight, suggesting an important role of cortisol in regulating leukocyte redistribution in response to acute stress.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-4 The Kit Cassette for Immunolab – a new manufacturing approach for experiment unique equipment Klaus Slenzka1 1

OHB System AG, Dept. Life Sciences, Universitaetsallee 27-29, D-28359 Brem en, Germany

The “Immunolab” is a project funded by the German ministry for economy via the German Space Agency DLR. Measuring the immune status of astronauts and cosmonauts is of utmost importance for longer stays of humans in the space environment. Immunolab is a “research only” activity measuring multi-parameter immune makers. The prime contractor Airbus Defense & Space is responsible for the overall system development and manufacturing. OHB System, however, takes responsibility for the so-called kit cassette in which all necessary chemicals based on standard commercial kit will be included to guarantee accurate measurement results is dedicated to single use. Reducing overall costs in parallel guaranteeing all safety and other space hardware requirements lead the project team to analyses new manufacturing technologies like ALM (Additive Layer Manufacturing). The basic concept as well as first test results with the commercial kit chemicals included will be presented and discussed. The author expresses their special thanks to: Dr. H.-U. Hoffman, DLR and Mr. Till Eisenberg – Airbus Defense & Space GmbH


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-5 Use of the Immunolab for new On-Board Analysis Applications Peter Kern1, Till Eisenberg1, Achim Schwarzwälder1 1

Airbus DS GmbH

On-board analysis is a key technology for the upcoming long-term flights of humans in Moon-/Mars-Missions and flights to the Lagrange Points. Airbus DS GmbH is developing under a DLR contract the Immunolab for the analysis of human samples on-board the ISS. Presently the research focus is on Immunology for the in-flight quantification of stress hormones, e.g. IL2, IL6, INFγ by the use of protein arrays for the parallel measurement of multiple parameters in one sample. Preliminary tests showed that the analyser also allows the use of commercial bead based assays to open the application to a large number of parameters and additional research fields, e.g. bone- and muscle loss, cardiac performance, kidney function, etc.. Additionally the system can be used for the quantification of membrane functionalities of suspended cells, like e.g. CD3, CD4 and CD8 on lymphocytes. A number of test results and the comparison of our analyser with commercial reference systems will be presented. Additionally other application formats will be addressed.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-6 Cellular function assays for gravity research R. Hemmersbach1, L. Krause1, S. Brungs1, T. Frett1, J. Hauslage1 1

Biomedical Research, Gravitational Biology, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany

Numerous studies in space and on Earth revealed that cells behave differently under conditions of altered gravity than in 1xg controls, however, the underlying mechanisms have to be elucidated. Besides real microgravity conditions – for which opportunities are rare – various ground-based facilities based on different physical principles have been developed aiming at achieving simulated gravity conditions for studies on ground. Clinostats, random positioning machines, high field magnets, as well as centrifuges were used in our studies with single cells in a comparative manner, finally validated by data obtained in real microgravity. Cellular functions such as gravitactic orientation behavior (Paramecium), displacement of intracellular statoliths (Chara) as well as gravity related sig naling pathways (macrophages) reveal limitations and advantages of the ground-based approaches.


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IAA-HIS-15-2A3-7 Disintegration of circadian regulatory vegetative functions and change in hypersensibility during high montain expedition H.-U. Balzer1, M. Stück2, U. Sack3 1

Chronomar GmbH, Berlin, Gemany; 2DPFA Hochschule Sachsen, Zwickau, Germany; 3Institut für Klinische Immunologie,Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

High mountain expeditions always make extreme demands on the health and performance of all participants. During this special situation, different stressors get active, which affects the health and performance in a negative way. From 1995 to 2014 there have been 5 high mountain expeditions, from 5230m Sangay up to the Cho Oyu (8201m). Those expeditions (all proceeded from the State of Saxony, Germany) had 28 participants. There was a scientific measurement through all expeditions. Among other things, they measured the vegetative-emotional reaction by means of the skin resistance monitoring (system “HIMEM”). 2014 the HIMEM system was replaced by a high complex system, which measures the emotional, nervous, muscular and metabolic reaction as well as the movement behaviour (system smardwatch). In parallel we measured the psychological parameters (mood, activatio n, flow, hypersensitivity, personal traits) well as the measurement of biochemical parameters up to 5400 meters (e.g. T-cells, Interleukins, Cortisol). This extract shows certain results from the Expedition of 1999 to the Cho Oyu (8201m) and Pik Leipzig (5725m). During the Cho Oyu expedition, 8 persons were simultaneously tested according their vegetative-emotional reaction by means of a continuous monitoring with a sampling of 1/min for a period of 45 days. In the period of 14 days, 5 persons were tested by 16 stress diagnostic tests. 2 other participants had a 24 hour long-term monitoring with the smardwatch (sampling rate 10/sec). The data analysis was made using the chronobiological regulation diagnostics. Using the simultaneously measurement of the vegetative-emotional reaction helped, to see interactions between the expedition participants. Due to the special nature of the measurement process in the skin resistance measurement (Stueck 2005), the so-called non-specific hypersensitivity could be detected. This nonspecific hypersensitivity appears after psychological overload and is a pre-indicator for exhaustion. During the phase of acclimatization, the expedition leader (VP 3) showed non-specific hypersensitivity. At the beginning of the “Mountain Phase”, the non-specific hypersensitivity changed abruptly to another expedition participant (VP 8). The analysis of the behaviour protocol shows that VP 8 built negative pressure to VP 3 during the phase of acclimatization. During the mountain phase, the negative pressure stopped towards to VP 3 but focused now on VP 8 so that Vp 8 showed non-specific hypersensitivity. During the last phase of the ascension, the hypersensitivity disappeared but exhausting symptoms appeard, which can be measured in a worse regulatory quality and in an increased rigidity of the circadian and ultradian vegetative- emotional regulation. The analysis of the vegetative regulation (emotional, nerval, muscul ar reaction) during the Pik Leipzig expedition from VP 1 showed that the variability of the ultradian changes of the regulation states are getting less during the ascent phase in comparison with the base-camp phase and that the minimum is just before reaching the summit. The change of the regulation states is getting faster and concentrates on 2 certain areas (area 3 and 4) of the regulation quality). The intraindividual synchronization of the regulation process decrease as well. The regulation rigidity is interpreted as an expression of psycho-physiological exhaustion.

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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-1 The closed chamber study at the JAXA isolation chamber Go Suzuki1, Takashi Abe1, Inoue Natsuhiko1, Tamiyasu Shimamiya1, Yuhei Yamamura1, Tomoko Kikuchi1, Satoshi Furukawa1, Hiroshi Ohsima1, Katsuhiko Ogata1 1

Flight Crew Operations and Technology Department, Human Spaceflight Mission Directorate, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Long-term psychological stress in a closed environment causes performance to decline and increases the risk of accidents. We are planning to develop total stress evaluation measurements (e.g. physiological measurements, behavior measurements, questionnaire, substances from the body) to evaluate stress reactions, which would be useful to determine original countermeasures for Japanese and other crew members. No standardized methods exist to evaluate stress accumulation; hence we are planning to develop total stress evaluation methods which comprise physiological measurements (e.g. immunology, endocrines, autonomic nerves and sleep) and behavioral measurements. To consider countermeasures for Japanese circumstances, we need to consider the Japanese lifestyle (e.g. Japanese food, baths), human relationships and language education. To consider coutermesures for all crew members, we need to improve the environment (e.g. in terms of food, cleanliness, noise and odor), teamwork, sleep and exercise etc. Based on astronauts’ experience, the relaxing effects of plant and fish have proved effective.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-2 Crew interaction in Lunar Palace 1: Combination of ethnology and psychology viewpoint R. Wu1, Q. Ma1, Y. Wang1 1

Institute of Psychology and Behavi our, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191, China

With the development of technology, the duration and distance of space missions have been increased gradually. Being in space is a wonderful and precious experience which can cause both positive and negative impact on crewmembers. The changes of emotional state, interpersonal relationships and interaction among crewmembers during lone-term space mission become an important investigating filed. Beside traditional psychological method, ethological study is also conducted via video record and automated analysis software. One confined analogy space mission is performed from February 3, 2014 to May 19, 2014 at Lunar Palace 1, which is built by Beihang University, Beijing, China. One comprehensive cabin and one plant cabin were included in Lunar Palace 1. There are 4 crewmembers selected from 7 candidates, including 2 male and 2 female. Crewmembers were asked to accomplish different tasks every day which imitated the real tasks of astronaut in space missions. These imitable tasks provide data for scientists to improve living condition and explore schedule for astronauts. Besides these tasks, we applied observation and measurement to analyze the emotional state and interactions of crewmembers. Lunch time was recorded by video, because lunch had flexible time without specific goal like other tasks. Crewmembers spent lunch time at the table together with communication. By their communication and interactions, various behaviors of individual and inter-individual can be observed. Through video device, everyday lunch time of all crewmembers was recording. Then, these events were scored on the Observer XT software and FaceReader 4 software. Behavior models of crewmembers showed during medium-term isolated and confined space missions are important tools to study their own emotional state and interpersonal relationships among crewmembers. With Observer XT, it is possible to gain programmable data through observation and description of individual actions (for example cooking, washing, cleaning, talking), inter-individual actions (visual interaction, body interaction, object interaction for instance), facial expression (smile) and collateral acts. In this study, the research focuses on the changes of different component of behavior and the changes of frequency of behavior observed during the confined and isolated environment, what these changes mean and how crewmembers’ emotional states changed during missions. Meanwhile, all crewmembers were asked to complete 3 questionnaires. Profile of Mood States (POMS) was accomplished every week, and Group Environment Scale (GES) and Work Environment Scale (WES) were completed every two weeks. Observer XT provides programmable data for scientists, while quantitate data are offered by three psychological questionnaires will be compared to the ethnological data to identify crew states of fatigue, stress, and cohesion.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-3 Features of dynamics of some parameters of psychoneuroendocrine status of men and women in the conditions of 120-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia I.A. Nichiporuk1, G.Yu. Vassilieva 1 1

Laboratory of immunity and metabolism

Recent decades the profession “cosmonaut” becomes habitual not only for men, but also for women, however there are few comparative data about features of the psychophysiological and hormonal status of different sexes in the conditions of microgravity and its simulations, while such knowledge is important both from fundamental, and practical approaches, especially in the view of planned long-term interplanetary space flights of the mixed crews, construction of Lunar basessettlements, etc. Problems of the present research consisted in comparative study of psychoneuroendocrine status’ dynamics at healthy men (n=11) and women (n=4) which separately participated in 120-day antiorthostatic hypokinesia (head-down bed rest, HDBR) without use of countermeasures. Withdrawal of venous blood samples in the morning, on an empty stomach was done for cortisol and growth hormone measurements, and then within day-time volunteers carried out the task for operating activity, filled questionnaires of Cattell, Strelau, Eysenck and SUPOS-8 (O. Mikshik, 1980) before the beginning and with periodicity of 30-60 days during HDBR. After the end of research and necessary measurements and calculations, the comparative analysis of all file of primary experimental data has been carried out with use of the battery of methods of mathematical statistics (applied programs Statistica for Windows, v. 6.0 and SPSS, v. 12). Results of analysis have shown, that in the conditions of long-term HDBR prominent features of psychoneuroendocrine status distinguishing men and women were found: distinctions in dynamics and expressiveness of frustrating, personal and social anxious, mobility of nervous processes and force of processes of inhibition in the central nervous system, manifestation cyclotimia-schizothymia, impulsive reactivity, domination-subordination in interpers onal relations, in stability to stress, expressiveness of feelings of force and energy, mental discomfort, distinction in efficiency of calculating-logic activity, in blood concentrations of growth hormone, but not cortisol. Results of research, as a whole, do not contradict known distinctions of the psychophysiological and hormonal status of men and women within daily life in a normal inhabitancy, however the accentuations of personality features not peculiar to representatives of opposite sexes (for example, high sensitivity, shyness, timidity, low emotional stability in men, obstructionism, isolation, emotional coldness in women) have been revealed in the conditions of HDBR which development during real long-term space flight can influence essentially on interpersonal relations and working capacity


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-4 The probabilistic approach to the crew errors risk management in space flight A.P. Nechaev1 1

Institute for Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Despite measures to ensure the cosmonauts profeccional reliability, errors in their activity continue to occur during flight. Negative changes of human functional state, behavior, and working capacity under influence of extreme flight factors may be considered as the reasons of their arising. It is very difficult to predict such errors because they are consequence of human psychophysiological troubles caused by concrete flight situations. In our previous investigations the data collected by experts of the Moscow Mission Control Center during nine “Mir” station missions (18 Russian cosmonauts, 226 flight weeks, 194 crewmembers errors (CE)) have been analyzed. Peculiarities of behavior, motor activity, sleep, speech, mood, emotional reactions, well-being and sensory sphere, trend of dominant interests and volitional acts, and signs of deprivation phenomena were used to evaluate cosmonaut’s psychophysiological state (PPS). Sleep-wake phase shifts, workload, and manifestations of psychosomatic discomfort in crewmembers were indicators of work-rest schedule (WRS) intensity. Probability (or frequency) of CE in every flight week was a quantitative assessment of the error risk. As a result of the data processing the significant dependence of CE frequency on cosmonauts’ PPS as well as the significant dependence of cosmonauts’ PPS on WRS intensity have been established. These findings allowed to: - identify a role cosmonaut’s PPS in error origin, and - consider WRS intensity as “the operating factor” in relation to both cosmonaut’s PPS and CE frequency. The last conclusion has been put in a basis of the methodological approach to the crew errors risk management. Its development has demanded the additional analysis of the data, as a result of which the significant interrelation between CE frequency and WRS intensity has been established. It means that the required level of cosmonauts’ performance reliability may be supported by purposeful planning work and rest. The developed approach allows to: - identify a role of deviations from requirements to rational organization of work and rest of cosmonauts in the analysis of CE reasons, - assess the CE risk caused by WRS peculiarities, and - plan rational WRS.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-5 Enhancing the human-machine interface using VISR – an interactive 3D visualization/ desensitization training tool in a variable gravity model Poonampreet Kaur Josan1, Dr. Pablo de Leon2, Chrishma Singh-Derewa3 1,2

Department of Space Studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA; 3Systems Engineering Division, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA

The human body is used to a 1-G environment and behaves differently in lower gravity. Mars gravity is about 1/3rd of Earth’s, and Extra Vehicular Activities using rovers and spacesuits will be challenging. Lower gravity planetary environments with distinctive terrain require trained space explorers with interactive human-machine compatibility. Current available visualization methods, such as Oculus Rift goggles, can be adapted to display a generalized view of planetary surface featuring a visual 3-D interface, yet lacking an ‘actual’ immersive environment due to the lack of lower gravity conditions. In order to better understand human behavior in alternate environments, it is important to study the psycho-physiological components of a subject in a real-time immersive environment. With the potential to perfect planetary EVA procedures and address vital human factors associated with space planetary exploration, our team is working on a concept called VISR (Visual Immersion for Simulated Robotics) system. VISR provides an immersive 3-D planetary Virtual Reality model utilizing high performance computing, image processing, and 3-D rendering. The software manipulates image processing speed with a variable gravity parameter as an input. VISR is compatible with multiple planetary bodies and asteroids whereas the current system applications are limited to the space station and Mars. The device assists in the study of psycho-physiological effects (human limbs – eye coordination) associated with deep-space travel and low gravity environments. Mars has a vast, geologically complex terrain with existing environments models allowing topographical visualization. VISR users experience these features in an immersive and interactive environment enhancing human performance in real situations, and assisting scientists and mission planners in system and mission design. VISR integrates the UND developed planetary suit NDX-2, currently used as a simulation facility for ‘Astro naut training’, human factors and related Psycho-physiological studies. The system design includes different phases such as development of terrain maps, and their integration with visual device sensor, development of a model which can locate and import physical planetary parameters from available databases, varying the speed of image output to the user by manipulating the gravity parameter, and integrating it with already developed terrain models. This device can be further used to feed real-time physiological performance data to a separate sensor based system, and study the related effects on human subjects. VISR will be an effective tool which would equip the researchers, mission planners and space travelers for future planetary manned missions.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-6 Creative activity in isolation: activities to support human reliability during long duration space mission I.L. Schlacht1, K. Nebergall2, O. Bannova3, A. Ono4, G. Ceppi1, S. Häuplik-Meusburger5 1

Design Department, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; 2Day Five LLC, Chicago, USA; 3Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA), University of Houston, Houston, USA; 4Education, Japan Mars Society, Tokyo, Japan; SpaceCraft; 5Space-craft & Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria;

Supporting crew morale and psychology to avoid escalation of depression and asthenia during long-term space exploration missions is a vital concern in a confined environment of a space habitat. Moreover, analog experiments suggest that understimulated environment isolation can lead to mental drowsiness and affect astronauts’ performance. Astronau ts have to be ready to deal with an unforeseen situation and emergencies and be alert and creative. This paper presents ideas, interviews and experiments results on creative activities as a method to express personal emotional state in support of psychological health and mental awareness. Our senses can be stimulated or calmed by interior design and imagination motivating environment. Environmental design has to incorporate means for crew’s inner senses of cognition and intuition stimulation through fiction, games, arts, music, and other creative activities. Our senses can be stimulated or calmed by interior design and imagination motivating environment. Such environment has to incorporate means for crew’s inner senses of cognition and intuition stimulation through fiction, games, arts, music, and other creative activities. Therefore, the interior has to allow creative flexibility and optimization during the mission, reflecting evolution of crew needs and objectives as the mission progresses. Recently, aspects of boredom, frustration and “flow” have been analyzed for game design, to the point of millisecond quantification. Crew members will experience those psychological problems during a longterm space flight and humor-stimulating means can help morale and boost immune responses supporting physiological health. Based on interviews and experiments during space missions and space mission simulation, this paper surveys such problems and solution sets addressing mission planning with a systematic approach at a fundamental level while suggesting promising areas for future research.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B1-7 Concordia antarctica winteroverers: psychological content analysis of weekly video diaries B. Ehmann1, L. Balazs1 1

Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, RCNS, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Background: Antarctic overwintering is considered as a well-suited model for the study of adaptation to environmental challenge also pertinent in spaceflight conditions and particularly in long duration space missions. In addition to the winterover syndrome that includes several detrimental symptoms such as insomnia, depression, irritability and social withdrawal, hypoxic conditions at Concordia Station represent an additional challenge with the possibility of the development of Acute Mountain Sickness and transient cognitive deficits. There is a well-established arsenal of psychological tests for the exploration and measurement of individual and group processes in ICE-groups. However, the repeated use of tests has some limitations, including the crew’s habituation to them. In our days, the swift progress of corpus linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies allows for a stateof-the-art solution to this problem: psychological content analysis. Study and Objectives: In the scope of the ESA COALA Experiment (Psychological Status Monitoring by Computerised Analysis of Language phenomena), 10-minute-long, semi-structured video diaries were collected on weekly basis from a total of 14 Concordia winteroverers in English, French and Italian languages. These texts were subject to automatized psychological content analysis. The aim of the study was to develop and use a methodology for the investigation of the patterns of psychological states and processes of both the individuals and the group as a whole. Method: A total of 394 text files were translated into English and content analyzed by LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Counts; and NooJ software ( In accordance with Antarctic seasons, the files were ranged into three groups according to PreDark, Dark and PostDark periods, each consisting of 10 to 12 weeks. These three periods were compared according to a series of content analytic measures. One group of word categories included psychological constructs, such as Emotionality, Cognition, Achievement and Time Consciousness; the other group of categories comprised functional word groups referring to Personal References, Negation and Stereotypy markers. Results: Preliminary analyses with LIWC indicated several informative changes. /1/ The frequency of words expressing Affect decreased mainly due to decreased mentions of Positive Emotions while Negative Emotion words showed no significant changes. /2/ Words indicative of Cognitive Mechanisms were lowest in the Dark period, and increased significantly in the PostDark period. /3/ Achievement and Job-related words showed monotonous significant decrease over the three periods. /4/ Time-related words – indicative of time consciousness – were the lowest in the Dark Period, and showed mild decrease in the Post-Dark Period. The paper will also report on certain NooJ findings with more refined analyses, and the interpretation of the results. The above findings are essentially in accordance with our current knowledge of the psychological consequences of prolonged isolation in Antarctic conditions.

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2.B.2 – NEUROSCIENCE Co-chairs: G. Clément, L. Balazs

IAA-HIS-15-2B2-1 How do humans shut “down” equipment when cues about “down” are ambiguous? O. Bock1, N. Bury1 1

Institute of Physiology and A natomy, German Sport University, Köln, Germany

ISS Integration Standards (NASA–STD–3000/T) stipulate that equipment is turned off and levels are reduced by turning actuators “down”. However, the meaning of “down” is not always clear: it relies on gravitational, egocentric and allocentric (visual) cues which sometimes are absent or conflicting. Here we evaluate the case of missing allocentric cues and conflicting gravitational and egocentric cues. It has been shown that in this case, perception is dominated by gravitational cues, but it is unknown if the same holds for motor control In a practice phase, visual, gravitational and egocentric cues about the vertical coincided, and subjects practiced to flip a switch down to silence an alarm. In an experimental phase, visual cues were absent while gravitational cues were dissociated from egocentric ones by body roll. Among 24 subjects, one deflected the switch in accordance with the gravitational “down”. The other 23 subjects used an egocentric reference with a 10% gravitational bias. Importantly, the egocentric “down” varied widely between individuals, ranging anywhere between their long body axis and their interaural axis. From this we conclude that internal representations of space are not the same for perception and for action: when allocentric cues are absent, gravitational cues predominate in perception but egocentric cues predominate in action. The latter is advantageous for spaceflight, where gravotational cues are absent and allocentric cues are ambiguous.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B2-2 Distance and Depth Perception in Astronauts on board the International Space Station G. Clément1 1

IMPACT Team, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Bron, France

Exposure to microgravity during spaceflight is known to induce orientation illusions, errors in sensory localization, postural imbalance, changes in vestibulo-spinal and vestibulo-ocular reflexes, and space motion sickness. We investigated whether an alteration in cognitive visual-spatial processing, such as distance and depth perception, was also taking place during prolonged exposure to microgravity. This presentation will give an overview of the objectives and results of three neuroscience experiments performed on 25 astronauts during 18 expeditions lasting 5-6 months on board the International Space Station between 2008 and 2014. Results show that after several months in microgravity astronauts in orbit exhibit significant biases in the perception of their environment. Objects’ height and depth were perceived as taller and shallower, respectively, and distances of objects relative to the observer were generally underestimated in orbit compared to Earth. Depth perception was also altered, as indicated by a diminished susceptibility to reversible perspective figures in orbit compared to Earth. After landing, the responses returned to baseline within two days. These changes may occur because the perspective cues for depth are less salient in microgravity, or the eye-height scaling of size is different when an observer is not standing on the ground such as when free-floating. This finding has operational implications for human space exploration missions because accurate judgments of depth and distance are required for manual control and piloting tasks.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B2-3 Changes in Electrocortical Activity During Head Out Water Immersion A. Stahn1, K. Brauns1, D. von Meer1, V. Lieu1, H.-C. Gunga1, O. Opatz1, P. Castiglioni2, G. Merati3, M. A. Maggioni1,3 1

Center for Space Medicine and Extreme Environments Berlin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; 2IRCCS Don Gnocchi Foundation, Milan, Italy; 3Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

Thermoneutral head-out water immersion (HOWI) is well known as analogue for simulating the fluid shifts observed during weightlessness. Various studies have demonstrated that HOWI can induce cardiovascular changes similar to those observed in spaceflight, however no investigations have studied the effects of HOWI on brain function thus far. While magnetic resonance imaging, the state-of-the-art for brain imaging, is bound to specialized laboratory, recent advances in portable electroencephalogra phy (EEG) technology allow studying brain function in various settings. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the effect of fluid shifts during short-term HOWI on electrocortical activity, with respect to cardiovascular changes. 32 young healthy men were exposed to either 60 min of seated HOWI or seated dry control (CON), preceded by a 10 min baseline seated measurement. 3 periods of 2-min electrocortical activity and cardiovascular data (impedance cardiography and continuos blood pressure monitoring) were recorded with eyes closed: 1) immediately before intervention, 2) after 30 min, and 3) after 60 min of each condition, respectively. EEG was determined by a 20-channel wireless system (International 10-20-system) at the following electrode sites: Fp1, Fp2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, C3, Cz, C4, T7, T8, P7, P3, Pz, P4, P8, O1, O2 with a common mode (CMS) and driven right leg electrode (DRL) placed on the right mastoid for differential referencing. Artefact-corrected and epoched data were subjected to FFT based spectral power analysis in the following sub-bands alpha-1 (7.5-10.0 Hz), alpha-2 (10.0-12.5 Hz), beta-1 (12.5-16.0 Hz), beta-2 (16.0-20.0 Hz) and beta-3 (20-28 Hz). In addition, exact low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) was used to determine the 3-dimensional distribution of electrical activity at each voxel in the neuro-anatomic Montreal Neurological Institute space. Cardiovascular data and static FFT EEG were analysed by a 2 x 3 repeated measures ANOVA; functional localization of EEG data was assessed using a non-parametric randomization procedure. The level of significance was set at alpha = 0.05 for all testing. A significant interaction between group and time was observed for cardiovascular recordings. Specifically, CO increased by about 1 L min-1, whereas MAP and TPR decreased (approx. -15 mmHg and 300 dyn s cm-5, respectively) during HOWI compared to CON (p < 0.05). These changes were complemented by reductions in beta frequency bands in HOWI vs. CON (p < 0.05). In addition, there was also a trend for reduced alpha bands during HOWI. eLORETA analysis revealed that these changes could be attributed to electrocortical changes within the left temporal and left parietal brain areas (decline for alpha-2 and beta-1 activity, p < 0.05). For the first time we showed that resting state electrocortical activity is reduced during HOWI compared to age-matched controls. Moreover, these alterations seem to be particularly pronounced for the left temporal and parietal hemisphere, suggesting a link between cardiovascular stress and changes in electrocortical activation of these regions. The simultaneous decrease in MAP and TPR suggest that the present findings are likely mediated by variations in baroreceptor discharge as a result of the external hydrostatic pressure associated with HOWI.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B2-4 Structural brain alterations due to parabolic flight: a voxel-based morphometry study A. Van Ombergen1, B. Jeurissen2, S. Sunaert3, S. Laureys4, P.M. Parizel5, V. Dousset6, F.L. Wuyts1 1

Antwerp University Research centre for Equilibrium and Aerospace, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 2Minds/ Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 3Radiology Department, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 4COMA Science Group, Cyclotron Research centre, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; 5Radiology Department, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium; 6Radiology Department, CHU Pellegrin, Bordeaux, France

Since the beginning of human spaceflight, it has been shown that weightlessness affects several significant central nervous system functions and can lead to postural and visual illusions, sensorimotor changes and locomotion. However, not much is known on the underlying neural basis of weightlessness. Technical and organizational limitations such as the high cost and payload restrictions of the ISS have made it impossible to apply current neuroimaging techniques in weightlessness. To our knowledge, brain morphology as well as structural and functional brain changes associated with spaceflight in humans have not been investigated. This study is part of a larger, ongoing study (BRAIN DTI project) were we investigate astronauts with the same protocol. So far, we tested 16 first-time parabolic flyers on a 3T MRI scanner in Bordeaux and another 8 will be tested in an upcoming parabolic fl ight campaign in May 2015. We hereto used, among other MRI techniques, voxelbased morphometry (VBM), an unbiased and automated technique, to assess anatomical differences throughout the brain. Significant clusters (p<0.001, uncorrected) of GM volume decrease after parabolic flight were found in the hippocampus, the middle temporal gyrus (with V5/MT area) and the occipital lobe. We did not find any significant clusters when we corrected for false discovery rate (FDR). Our preliminary results suggest that gravity shifts have an impact on brain morphology and possibly also connectivity, in regions that are know to play a pivotal role in the integration of neurosensory information (vestibular, visual and proprioceptive info). These results provide crucial information for the development of adequate countermeasures and are pivotal for future interplanetary missions and space habitats.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B2-5 Attention related brain responses reveal reduced activity in microgravity E. Takács1, I. Barkaszi1, I. Czigler1, L. Balázs1 1

Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Event related potentials (ERP) and event related spectral perturbations (ERSP) were investigated in an ESA cognitive neuroscience experiment (Neurospat). Two visuo-spatial, delayed match-to-sample tasks were presented to five astronauts before, during and after space journey in nine measurement sessions total. The amplitude of the P3b ERP brain component elicited by the matching and non-matching stimuli decreased in space reflecting diminished controlled attentional capabilities. This effect was accompanied by a similar, significant decrease of ERP responses (P3a component) to distractor stimuli which indicates changes in the non-controlled, automatic aspects of attention. Early, sensory ERP components were stable in microgravity ruling out possible accounts of general decrease of brain responsivity. Brain responses in the time-frequency domain (ERSP) were analyzed with Morlet wavelets. We separated evoked and induced responses using the methods of Herrmann et al. (2014). Induced spectral perturbations are not observable in the classical event related potentials as they are cancelled out due to different phase of signals. Our results show that brain responses are dominated by evoked responses after the appearance of stimulus, and induced responses are more prevalent in the prepa ratory period before the next stimulus. Regarding the effect of microgravity our results were less clear in the time-frequency domain, probably because the ERSP is a less sensitive method in case of small sample sizes. The observed decrease in the effectivity of both controlled and automatic attentional processes means that astronauts might face restricted cognitive capabilities in space.

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2.B.3 – NEUROSCIENCE Co-chairs: Deng Yulin, A. Stahn

IAA-HIS-15-2B3-1 Spaceflight yields diminished perception of directions and increased reliance on external visual framework L. Balázs1, I. Barkaszi1, G. Cheron2, I. Czigler1, J.M. McIntyre3, E. Takács1 1

Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; 2Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium; 3CNRS, Paris, France

Perception of visual orientations in microgravity was investigated in two delayed match-to-sample tasks conditions in the ESA cognitive neuroscience experiment Neurospat. In addition to the assessment of general psycho-motor performance the tasks were designed to test hypotheses related to the role of orienting visual frameworks as well as the modification of the oblique effect. Five astronauts completed the experiment twice in microgravity and in several pre- and post-flight control sessions. The ‘Lines’ task involved decisions whether two consecutively presented lines were of similar direction. More complex processing of spatial directions was required in the ‘Clock’ task. Subjects were to decide if the position of a dot appearing on the perimeter of an imaginary circle corresponded to the clock time represented by a previously presented number. The Clock task was presented in two variants once in a circular view field without any visually orienting object in view and once in a rectangular visual framework. The most prominent result was the marked slowing of reaction time and decreased accuracy in weightlessness in both tasks. This performance decrement was also evident in the early post-flight measurements. Both speed and accuracy returned to the baseline in one month post-flight. The oblique effect manifested itself in the advantage of horizontal and vertical lines as compared to the oblique directions. In accordance with previous studies the oblique effect was maintained in 0g, however a non-significant tendency toward decreased oblique effect was observed. In accordance with our initial hypothesis, weightlessness brought about increased reliance on orienting cues in the visual background. The advantage of the rectangular frame condition over the circular frame was still evident in the early postflight sessions. This later observation indicates that not microgravity per se, but rather the processes of adaptation and re-adaptation are responsible for the effect. The substantial decrement in psycho-motor performance during and shortly after spaceflight revealed by this study could be partly attributed to specific processes of orientation perception, however astronauts’ fatigue due to sleep deprivation, adaptation stress and workload could also have a role.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B3-2 Charged particle-induced changes in CNS functionality Vipan K. Parihar1, Nicole Chmielewski1, Barrett Allen1, Erich Giedzinski1, Charles L. Limoli1 1

Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-2695, USA

Galactic cosmic rays contain a spectrum of fully ionized highly energetic nuclei that pose significant risks to astronauts engaged in space travel beyond Earth’s magnetosphere. While the consequences of exposure to High Z High Energy (HZE) ion irradiation are multifaceted, the CNS is of particular concern due to the adverse cognitive effects resulting from such exposures. Side effects associated with radiation exposure to the CNS have been linked to progressive and debilitating cognitive dysfunction that resemble many phenotypes found in a number of neurodegenerative conditions. Consequently, we have undertaken an extensive investigation of the effects of HZE ion exposure on neurons throughout different regions of the brain to elucidate the underlying mechanisms responsible for radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction. Male transgenic mice 6 months of age containing brightly fluorescent neurons to facilitate morphometric analyses were subjected to whole body low dose (5, 30 cGy) exposure to 16O or 48Ti ions and analyzed for alterations in behavioral performance, and the structural and synaptic integrity of hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortical (mPFC) neurons 6, 12 and 24 weeks afterwards. Mice subjected to Novel Object Recognition (NOR) and Object in Place (OiP) behavioral tasks that interrogate cortical and hippocampal function exhibited significant decrements at all times analyzed. At these low doses, and coincident with behavioral deficits significant reductions in dendritic complexity (length, branching), the number and density of dendritic spines on hippocampal and mPFC neurons were found. Significant changes in the expression levels of a variety of pre- and postsynaptic proteins (synaptophysin, PSD95) were also found to coincide with behavioral and struct ural decrements at these post-irradiation times. Interestingly, changes in synaptic puncta (expression and localization) and spine density were predictive of individual behavioral performance, and could be used to estimate the risk of developing cognitive deficits. These findings demonstrate persistent changes in the structure and function of the brain following low dose exposure to HZE ions, and suggest that radiation-induced alterations to the structural and synaptic integrity of neurons is causal to the onset and progression of neurocognitive sequelae.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B3-3 Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Morphology Of Human Brain Nervous Tissue R. Wang1, Y.Q. Zhang1, X.H. Wang1, F.L. Wang1, F. Zeng1, Y.Y. Ran1, H.J. Gao1, Y.L. Deng1, H.Qing1 1

School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

During the development of spaceflight, space microgravity effects on astronauts’ problems are more remarkable, especially that the nervous system problems should be solved. To explore the potential relations between nerve tissue morphology and astronauts’ neurophysiological changes and maintain astronauts’ health, a ground simulated microgravity study on nerve tissue morphology was carried out. For this purpose, we mechanically separated the nervous tissues from surgical brain cancer patients, then cultivated by primary explant methods. After 7 days, cultured plates were randomly divided into two groups, one group for static culture, and the other for rotary processing with 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and 14 days. After treatment, cultures of the two groups were collected at each time point for analysis. We use the inverted microscope to observe the morphology changes of cells and tissue blocks, and HE staining for internal structure. Using immunofluorescence to analyze the distribution of β-tubulin through laser confocal scanning microscope. Moreover, we use TMR-Red Tunnel detection measured cell apoptosis of cultures. Here we show that compare with control, tissue explants morphologies of short-time treatment for 1 day and 3 days have no significant change. When the rotary time extended to 7 days and 14 days, cell somas became significantly larger, and adhesion ability was decline. And that, explant culture lost radial ‘growth halo’ around tissues, the arrangement of cells migrated from tissue block was disorganized, and the migration distance was shorter. β-tubulin was expressed abundantly in control group, appearing as thick tubulin filaments organized into bundles, while in rotary group, was highly disorganized, and significantly decreased in expression. In conclusion, simulated microgravity treatment for one week affected the morphology of nervous tissue, caused highly disorganized distribution of cytoskeleton and increase of cell apoptosis. These morphological changes might be one of the causes for apoptosis induced by simulated microgravity effects.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B3-4 Four-dimensional recording of autonomous nervous system activity B. Cotuk1, D. Duru1, O. Pelvan1, C. Karagozoglu2, O. Ates1, S. Bereket3, V. Perlitz4 1

Sport Health Sciences, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey; 2Sportpsychology, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey; Movement and Training Sciences, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey; 4Psychosomatics, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany


Long term, continuous and individual monitoring of the autonomous nervous system (ANS) in astronauts to evaluate stress and dysfunctional physiological processes remains a fundamental challenge. In this context, the ultimate aim should be prevention of disease development and/or implementation of salutogenic measures like biofeedback. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures have been extensively used for this purpose. Various frequency and time domain parameters as well as geometric/complexity measures were utilized to asses changes in the so-called “sympatho-vagal” balance in response to social confinement or environmental impact like gravity changes. However, such assessment is prone to pitfalls as baroreceptor and respiration related rhythmical activity in the autonomic nervous might profoundly influence HRV parameters. To obtain information that is more concise, we propose a new 4-dimensional approach to monitor autonomic nervous system status. HRV parameters constitute the first dimension, but are supplemented by photoplethysmographic (PPG) measurements of the rhythmical variations of skin blood content as the second, and recordings of skin conductance responses (SCR) as the third dimension. The respiratory rhythm (RR) is recorded as the 4th dimension. We have shown that a rhythm at 0.15-Hz emerged in blood content fluctuations of the facial skin of awake human subjects relaxing naïvely or practicing hypnoid relaxation. This 0.15-Hz rhythm is the succinct marker of relaxation (or the trophotropic mode of operation of the ANS), and disappears on sympathetic (orthostatic) challenges. Interestingly, the 0.15-Hz is not affected by hyperventilation but tends to synchronize with respiration at integer number ratios for extended periods (Perlitz et al 2004). On the other hand, SCR denotes the activation of the sympathetic branch of the ANS. By simultaneous time series analyses of the rhythms in these four dimensions (HRV-PPG-SCR-RR) and by employing mathematical algorithms sensitive to transitions (e.g. wavelet transform), different operational modes of the ANS can be distinguished. We will present such patterns of ANS activity during relaxation and in response to changes of body position (supine, head-up and head down tilt), mental workload, and emotional arousal.


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IAA-HIS-15-2B3-5 The influence of gravity on humans’ speed perception Yu Tian1, Chunhui Wang1, Duming Wang2, Wei Gao2, Shanguang Chen1,3 1

National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering,China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing, China; Department of psychology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China; 3China Manned Space Engineering Office, Beijing, China


Accurate perception of the speed of moving objects is important for many tasks, such as intercepting moving targets, driving a car or control a spacecraft. Gravity is reported to be a factor that impacts humans’ speed perception. The current study aims to investigate one specific question in this area: whether the speed perception characteristics of human are different between normal gravity (1G) and weightlessness/simulated weightlessness ? By adopting the time to contact (TTC) para digm, we developed a software running on a notebook for testing humans’ speed perception characteristics, the deviation rate between the time estimated by the participant and the actual time to contact is the primary index considered in this study. We then used the following two ways to create normal gravity (1G) and weightlessness/simulated weightlessness, and performed the TTC tests among participants under the two gravity conditions: (1) In the 112th parabolic flight campaign organized by ESA and NOVESPACE in 2014 in Bordeaux, France, 6 participants took the TTC tests in 1G periods and 0G periods; (2) On ground studies, we simulated weightlessness by headdown-bed-rest (HDBR), and 30 participants took the TTC tests when they sat upright and when they were head down tilted. Results show: (1) Compared to the 1G condition, participants show significant higher deviation rate in time estimation under the 0G condition in the parabolic flights; however, the deviation rate i s not significant different between the upright position and the head-down-tilted position on the ground. (2) No matter on the plane or on the ground, under the 1G condition, the participants’ perception of horizontal movement is more accurate than the perception of vertical movement; while in the weightlessness/simulated weightlessness condition, no significant difference is found between participants’ perception of horizontal movement and vertical movement. From these data, we deduce that gravity has an impact on human perception of speed in the sense of TTC judgment: the accuracy of humans’ speed perception and the perceptual characteristics of movement in different directions may change as gravity condition changes. The results also demonstrate that the head-down tilted condition on the ground and the 0G condition in parabolic flights may cause different effects on humans’ perception.

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2.C.1 – SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND HABITATS Co-chairs: K. Slenzka, R. Cromwell

IAA-HIS-15-2C1-1 Augmented Reality technology for the development of GUIs in the space industry D. Tedone1 1

Physical Architecture and Ergonomics

Over last years Augmented Reality technologies are powerfully getting more and more into the human spaceflight applications area, rapidly taking the place of the more traditional Graphical User Interfaces devices shown on 2D displays. Thales Alenia Space Italia faced this innovative trend starting from 2009 with a study in which the main application scenario was focalized on Moon-Mars human exploration missions where interactions are mainly conceived as human robot collaboration and where the actors involved cooperate in the same harsh environment and towards common goals. During this study an innovative GUI utilizing Augmented Reality technologies (GUI-AR) have been developed and relevant interaction methods and metaphors have been conceived. The monitoring and control interfaces of several applications (robotic arm control, path planner manager, crew and systems health monitoring, assembly and maintenance procedures aid, technical assistant for experiments execution, …) have been integrated into a fully wearable system utilizing data gloves and accelerometers as digital and analogue multimodal interaction devices and making use of Augmented Reality technologies for providing the operators (the crew) with a GUI able to trigger interactions and display graphical information directly from / on the objects placed on the real “world”. Several User Review sessions have been performed in order to evaluate from the user point of view the overall HMI system itself as well as the different interaction methods newly conceived. More recently the GUI-AR concept, initially developed for being utilized in a Moon-Mars human exploration scenario, have been selected by ESA within an ITT aimed at implementing an AR system to be used for AIT, AIV and space Operations activities. The new study conducted by TAS Italia, TAS France, the Finnish research Centre VTT and the Greek University ICCS, started just on March 2015 and has the aim of providing, through the use of AR technology, solutions to improve several different space related applications, ranging from training to operations, within several different domains: AIT/AIV, SpaceCraft Operations, Human Spaceflight. The system under development integrates the GUI-AR concept previously described with an Engineering Data Layer and an AR Authoring Tool. The Engineering Data Layer shall be able to abstract the different engineering data sources used by the Space Applications and provided in a heterogeneous and domain-specific format so to be ‘transparently’ utilized as data input for the AR system while the AR Authoring Tool is in charge of developing a user friendly workbench intended to map the engineering data to the AR visualization layer. The final AR system demonstrator will be delivered to ESA on September 2016.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C1-2 Design and establishment of an analog planetary habitat facility to serve as a basis for human machine interface studies Chrishma Singh-Derewa1, Poonampreet Kaur Josan2 1

Systems Engineering Division, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA; 2Department of Space Studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

Expanding human presence beyond low-earth-orbit is an essential step in the development, utilization, and understanding of the solar system. Inevitably, robotic systems will lay the foundation of these human tended mission. As such, while several analog crewed habitat studies are being conducted across North America and Europe a facility located in the high desert of the Antelope Valley of Los Angeles County offers unique research opportunities. As per space policy (Global Exploration Roadmap), the next anticipated manned deep space mission will be to an asteroid followed by Mars. Training for such hostile environments under variable planetary conditions with robot ic systems requires proximity to the robotic systems to be used, as well as the engineers and programmers responsible for them. A habitat and robotic test site in the deserted terrain north of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory will ultimately operate as a base for crewed analog habitat studies using JPL developed mission hardware. This hardware will includes rovers, robots, mining devices, geologic sampling tools, gloves; planetary surveillance aircrafts, helicopters, balloons and more. The terrain resembles proposed manned mission targets, and given its proximity to JPL, the VISIONA (Virtual In Situ and Operations Node/Analogue) will provide access to experts required for test and verification of the human-machine interface. Virtual reality devices will be used for Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) preparation and mission planning. The facility focuses on sustainable metabolic needs for the crew and plants, in addition to power and environmental control requirements. Semiclosed loop life support systems (LSS) will be employed, with emphasis on attaining a fully closed loop environment control and L SS within 5 years. The habitat will also be used to study microbial and plant behavior in closed environments with grown food and recycled water used in crew’s diet. Waste will be processed using low energy, semi-closed loop techniques. Mission planners will study the psychological implications of long duration space missions analyzing sleep patterns, stress cycles, and crew behavior in isolated environments. The crew will conduct specific tasks with imbedded flight control teams providing communications, operations and high fidelity simulations. Ground operations and mission planning will be studied simultaneously in close proximity. The entire system will be designed for autonomy minimizing interference and maximizing the effects of isolation. An optimized humanmachine environment will improve mission success rates and help prepare a new generation of space-farers for the long journey beyond low earth orbit.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C1-3 Human Factors and Habitability for the SHEE Test-bed B. Imhof1, W. Hoheneder1, R. Waclavicek1, S. Ransom1, J. Gancet2, J. Salini2, H. Kumar Madakashira2 1

LIQUIFER Systems Group, Vienna, Austria; 2Space Application Services, Brussels, Belgium

The paper will present the interior layout for SHEE (Self-Deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments), a test-bed developed under the 7th European Framework programme in a three-year project. SHEE is a simulation habitat for future exploration missions to the moon and Mars and is currently under construction. SHEE will be finalised and made available to the European and International Research Community in December 2015. The autonomous deployability of the overall habitat structure required a foldable design of an interior configuration. NASA standards, and the requirements to design a space for a two-person crew to live and work for two weeks in this habitat, defined the habitability criteria for SHEE. SHEE has an approximate area of 28m2 with heights between 1.93m (e.g. crew quarters) to 2.25m (galley and middle space). The interior functions comprise two crew quarters, a galley, two workstations, a hygiene facility, a small laboratory area, an entrance (docking) area and an option to dock a suitport. The habitat configuration was informed through an extensive Human Factors analysis which included ergonomy of passageways and traffic paths, reachability in deployable compartments (working space), ergonomy of control room and work stations, dining and kitchen utilisation and common displays. An immersive virtual reality simulation environment designed by combining Unity3D, an Oculus Rift and a gamepad controller also provided another assessment method beyond conventionally used methodologies. Additionally, a partial gravity environment analysis accounting for habitat size and jump height factors was performed. Further, the team looked at mobility aids and restraints to evaluate the layout in respect to Lunar or Martian adaptations. The interior configuration and habitability also had to take into consideration accommodating Life Support Systems. The paper will include the challenges of designing an interior within the given constraints of a three-year project within a limited budget and will showcase the convertibility of SHEE into an astrobiology laboratory and a greenhouse. Finally, lessons-learned and to be considered for future habitats will be summarized.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C1-4 Human exploration and terrestrial analogues: the Ibn Battuta Centre in Morocco G.G. Ori1,2, E. Flamini3 1

Ibn Battuta Centre, Universite’ Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco; 2IRSPS, Universita’ d’Annunzio, Pescara, Italy; 3Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Via del Politecnico, Roma

The analysis of Mars analogue environments on Earth is of important for the interpretation of the data from past, present and future orbital and landed missions, as well as mission planning. Whereas testing single instruments dealing with collection and analysis of single specimens can be performed in restricted environment, the testing of instrument suites, rovers, landers and operations must be conducted in large-scale analogue environments. Therefore, analogue terrains are also of paramount importance for the human exploration of Space. Human planetary missions will face tremendous challenges that can be mitigated by a careful planning based on testing of human mission on planetary analogues. However, test for robotic and, chiefly, human missions requires environmental characteristic of the analogues different from the environments used for scientific analogues studies. Human mission testing (along with the robotic – rover – missions) needs broad, arid and vast landscapes. Relief must be smooth and scattered over a large area. Landmarks must be negligible or absent. Surface water must be absent as well as vegetation. The perfect test range for human planetary mission is an arid or semi-arid warm desert with broad landscape unlike the US Southwest arid land. The Ibn Battuta Centre for exploration and field activities was established in 2006 by the International Research School of Planetary Sciences (Pescara, Italy) to prepare and execute tests of rovers, landing systems, instruments and operations related to the exploration of Mars and Moon. Human exploration simulations have been already executed. In particular, the Centre participated to the control, organized in Holland by ESA, of the NASA simul ation experiment Desert RATS in Utah. Moreover, with the Austrian Space Forum, a month-long simulation test was performed in two desert sites near Erfoud. The Ibn Battuta Centre deals with both scientific and operational analogues. In both case it take advantage of the long geological history of Morocco and the remarkable geological and geomorphological diversity. The Centre is both using the remarkable diversity of the Moroccan desert and also is investigating other areas such as Patagonia, the Arctic, the Mediterranean volcanic edifices, and other desert areas in Africa. The Sahara in South Morocco exhibits a large-scale scenario that can be similar to the broad Martian landscape. This allows the creation of large test range that can mimic the Martian surface over 100s of km. This characteristic allows the test of aerial operations like spacecraft descent, test of touch down and also of launching to mimic a sample return missions. For the ExoMars missions the Ibn Battuta has test ed Dreams, the atmospheric instrument that will be aboard ExoMars 2016 lander. Moreover, it is testing the EDL operations, software and hardware of both ExoMars missions.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C1-5 The Refurbishment of CAST KM6 Horizontal Test Cabin Li Chunyang1, Chen Jinming1, Xiang Shuhong1, Liu Guoqing1 1

Committee of science and technology, Beijing institute of spacecraft environment engineering, Beijing, China

In order to support the joint crew-spaceship-spacesuit test, the KM6 horizontal test cabin of CAST was refurbished with new functions pertinent to the ground test for manned space mission. Besides the perfection of the vacuum-sealed cabin hatch, five newly added subsystems were equipped through the refurbishment, namely the repressurization system, environment control system, oxygen compatible vacuum system, fire extinguish system and overall control system. After the refurbishment, a comprehensive series of commissioning was carried out, which suggested that through the refurbishment the facility has been empowered with the capability to undertake the joint crew-spaceship-spacesuit test and the other thermal vacuum test as well. In this paper the overall introductions of the refurbishmen t, the commissioning, and some recent test were presented.

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2.C.2 – SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND HABITATS Co-chairs: K. Slenzka, R. Cromwell

IAA-HIS-15-2C2-1 Expansion of The Aerospace Corporation’s Concept Design Center to Accommodate Crewed Vehicle Studies K. Ferrone1, D. Judnick2, O. Rossi3, D. Nigg4 1

Business Development Directorate, The Aerospace Corporation, Houston, TX, United States; 2Planetary and Robotic Missions, Science Directorate, The Aerospace Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, United States; 3Propulsion Department, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA; 4Programmatic Assessments, Advanced Studies and Analysis Directorate, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA

The Aerospace Corporation’s Concept Design Center (CDC) has served US Government customers for nearly 20 years, performing concept analysis and trade studies for space vehicles, architectures, ground systems, and payloads. In 2012, recognizing the growing number of human spaceflight providers, Aerospace initiated a new capability within the CDC, the Human Spaceflight Team (HST). Development of the HST is ongoing, leveraging the capabilities and expertise of the long-standing CDC teams, as well as inputs from experts in human spaceflight. The HST has completed several milestones throughout 2013-2015, including the recreation of a known crew capsule design, and a proof-of-concept exercise executing a design reference mission from a “clean sheet.” While major modifications to the CDC spacecraft design tools were needed across all subsystems, new development in the area of Human Factors, Environmental Control and Life Support Subsystem (ECLSS), Entry Descent and Landing (EDL), Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA), and capsule structural modeling were required. The future of the HST is to serve US Government customers, as well as commercial and international spaceflight providers, in their quest to transport humans to and from space. This presentation will describe the drivers behind creating the HST, challenges and lessons learned experienced when expanding the design process to include human-rated systems, successes in tools development based on limited data, and plans for future enhancements to the HST and the CDC overall.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-2 The Design and Implementation of the Manned Environment Control of “Tiangong-1” Spacecraft Hong Yang1 1

Institute of Manned Spacecraft System Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China.

Based on the new characteristics of the manned environment control of “Tiangong-1”, aiming for satisfying the comfortableness of the astronauts, various manned environment control methods were performed in “Tiangong-1”, such as the atmosphere environment control design, noise control design, radiation control design and combined vehicle thermal support design, to control the atmosphere pressure, temperature and humidity, wind speed, gas components, noise and radiation level within the comfortable limits of astronauts. “Tiangong-1” flight mission indicated that the manned environment system design was correct, which provided strong supports for the health and working efficiency of astronauts during spaceflight missions.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-3 Innovative ISS-Experiments of the Blue Dot Mission of Alexander Gerst V. Schmid1, J. Weppler1, D. Konigorski2, K.D. Relotius3, Hans-Joerg Beestermoeller3 1

Human Space Flight, ISS and Exploration, German Space Agency (DLR e.V.), Germany, Bonn; 2Airbus, Germany, Hamburg; Space Infrastructure Operations & Training, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Germany, Bremen


During the Blue Dot mission the German ESA Astronaut Alexander Gerst lived and worked on the International Space Station for 166 days. He accomplished an extensive scientific programme, which comprised about 100 experiments of the ISS partners. Amongst these experiments were some DLR contributions. The presentation will highlight a few innovative examples of the successful national experiments with first results. The scientific and technical disciplines are rangeing from the DLR magnetic field experiment MagVector, the wireless sensor network technology industrial experiment WiSe-NET, the student earth observation experiment COLUMBUS-EYE and other examples. Some of the experiments were fast track payloads, which were developed and completed in a timeframe less than 2 years. These experimen ts of the Blue Dot mission might have a potential for future technologies and applications.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-4 3D Pat 3D Visual Training Generation Development M. Ferrino1, E. Flesia1, E. Della Sala1, L. Ravagnolo2, F. Nicolini3 1

Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p. A.; 2ALTEC, S.p.A. Italy; 3ESA/EAC Germany

TAS-I italia (Configuration/Layout/HFE and Operational teams) was asked by ESA to provide dedicated 3D CAD scenarios of the ESA Columbus module, for a “3D Visual Training” technology demonstration to be performed on board the ISS (International Space Station). The project is managed by ESA EAC in the frame of the short duration mission of the European astronaut Andreas Morgensen within the2015. The objective is to test on-board-training capabilities using 3-dimensional procedure visualization, and provide tools more flexible to be managed by the final users in future Orbit Training (OBT) lessons. The “collaborative practice” applied in the 3D CAD scenarios development was mainly oriented to the identification of 3D data exchange software compatibility i ssues to optimize data transfer, and it highlighted the importance to improve synergies between Engineering and OPS communities in support of future ISS Operation Mission. The applied process work flow and a dedicated repository data base permitted to orient the review of the operational products and the simplification of the 3D models allowing configuration controlled CAD data export. Based on the ODFs procedures seelcted by ESA TASI-Italia improved the Columbus 3D CAD scenarios adding new features, textures, Ops nomenclature and crew I/Fs based on dedicated brainstorming experts teams iterations within TASI (CONF, Layout, HFE, OPS Cosmo), ALTEC and ESA EAC instructors. Video’s and imagery data base have been reviewed to orient the redesign of additional 3D CAD items/interfaces to provide effective support for ODFs animation in 3D Pat tool. The need to sharing knowledge has been recognised as an added value and it will permit to exploit new ways of working and improve valuable “knowledge data base” to support future “Virtual Training” products. The focus on the emerging final user’s needs and OPS requirements will help to optimize future training tools design development and to improve learning operation steps and managing information via 3D interactive environment.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-5 Technological solutions for culvation of Chlorella vulgaris in space S. Belz1, J. Bretschneider1, G. Detrell1, H. Helisch1, S. Mardaneh1, E. Nathanson1, N. Henn2, H. Hartstein3, P. Kern3 1

Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; 2DLR Space Agency, Bonn, Germany; 3Airbus DS GmbH, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Life Support Systems (LSS) are a key subsystem in human spaceflight. Humans have to survive, to live and to work in space. Existing physicochemical technologies used on the International Space Station (ISS) enable water and oxygen generation. Far-distant and long-term exploration missions (e.g. a surface habitat on the Moon, a manned mission to Mars or to an asteroid) require a higher closure of the water, oxygen, and carbon loop. Especially the carbon loop can only be closed by biological technologies, i.e. food production in space. Higher plants offer an in-situ resource for food. These systems are of a high biological order and require a specific environment to grow. High engineering effort is necessary to provide such an environment in space, especially under microgravity conditions and higher radiation loads. However, microalgae as single-cell organisms compared to higher plants need no soil, have a higher harvest index, an up to 10-fold higher growth rate, a higher light exploitation and only inorganic substrates are needed besides light and carbon dioxide. Microalgae enable an efficient use of photosynthesis in space (conversion of carbon dioxide into biomass and oxygen). Chlorella vulgaris is very nutritive compared to human food requirements. Up to 35% of human diet can be covered by biomass from Chlorella vulgaris, considering the high protein content as the limiting factor. Engineering solutions are developed to provide the optimum growth condition of a microalgae species such as temperature, pH value, dissolved carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations. The Institute of Space Systems investigates cultivation techniques since 2010 in cooperation with the DLR. Knowledge and expertise on cultivation, feeding, harvesting, gas supply and gas extraction are now the basis for the spaceflight experiment PBR@ACLS (Photobioreactor at the Advanced Closed Loop System) starting in 2015. The objectives of the experiment are functionality of a hybrid approach by using the carbon dioxide from the Advanced Closed Loop System, demonstration of continuous growth and demonstration of the stability during the cultivation time of half a year. The hybrid approach and cultivation duration are a novelty in biological LSS technology development. The on-going results and development of breadboard testing are presented, especially for gas management, feeding and harvest ing, LED illumination and cultivation operation.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-6 Advanced microscopy for space Ch. J. Schwarz1 1

Mechanical Engineering Department, D-TEC, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Light microscopy still is the premier instrument in life sciences and has evolved over the last decade rapidly, extending its methods and performances dramatically. This development has enabled many new scientific achievements on ground. Here we present a possible new design of an advanced microscope that fulfills a major requirement, compactness, for later use in space, while still keeping some of the advanced functions, most prominently 3D imaging. Bringing such a microscope on board the ISS and making it available to a wide range of users still has further challenges that need to be addressed in the near future. Nevertheless it promises to open up a whole new area of possibilities of new micro- and hypergravity research.


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IAA-HIS-15-2C2-7 Remote echography and Doppler in isolated environment using a tele-operated ultrasound system and motorized probe transducer. Application to space exploration and isolated medical centre D. Chaput1, E. Andre2, A. Saccomandi2, Ph. Arbeille3 1

CNES, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France; 2MSP (Maison de Sante Pluridisciplinaire), France; UMPS-CERCOM (Unit Med Physiol Spatiale), Faculte de Medecine Hopital Trousseau, Tours, France


The objective was to design an integrated ultrasound system equipped with motorized probe which could be fully teleoperated by a sonographer far away from his patient. The system is composed of two work stations connected via internet network. The sonographer uses the “expert work station” (conventional laptop) for a remote control of functions of a commercial ultrasound system (gain, depth, freeze, PW colour Doppler, 3D capture, measures..) heart of the “patient work station”. A tele-operated ultrasound probe is used; the two engines inside the probe allow tilting and rotating the transducer from away according to movements of expert sonographer hand applied on a dummy probe. A non-sonographer person, by the side of the patient, locates the motorized probe on the patient, on top of the acoustic window of the organ as indicated by the expert via videoconference, existing between the expert and patient work stations. Then the expert controls the orientation of the transducer, until he gets the appropriate view of the organ. He also adjusts the image displayed (Gain, depth..) and activates at hisconvenience the dif ferent functions (PW or Colour Doppler, TM, 3D, measures…) using the laptop keyboard of the expert work station. At last he captures images or video directly on his computer.

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THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2015 09:00


IAA-HIS-15-PS3-1 Addressing Human System Risks to Future Space Exploration W.H. Paloski1, D.R. Francisco2, J.R. Davis2 1

Human Research Program and; 2Health and Medical Technical Authority, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX USA

Introduction: NASA is contemplating future human exploration missions to destinations beyond low Earth orbit, including the Moon, deep-space asteroids, and Mars. While we have learned much about protecting crew health and performance during orbital space flight over the past half-century, the challenges of these future missions far exceed those within our current experience base. To ensure success in these missions, we have developed a Human System Risk Board (HSRB) to identify, quantify, and develop mitigation plans for the extraordinary risks associated with each potential mission scenario. The HSRB comprises research, technology, and operations experts in medicine, physiology, psychology, human factors, radiation, toxicology, microbiology, pharmacology, and food sciences. Methods: Owing to the wide range of potential mission characteristics, we first identified the hazards to human health and performance common to all exploration missions: altered gravity, isolation/confinement, increased radiation, distance from Earth, and hostile/closed environment. Each hazard leads to a set of risks to crew health and/or performance. For example the radiation hazard leads to risks of acute radiation syndrome, central nervous system dysfunction, soft tissue degeneration, and carcinogenesis. Some of these risks (e.g., acute radiation syndrome) could affect crew health or performance during the mission, while others (e.g., carcinogenesis) would more likely affect the crew member well after the mission ends. We next defined a set of design reference missions (DRM) that would span the range of exploration missions currently under consideration. In addition to standard (6-month) and long-duration (1-year) missions in low Earth orbit (L EO), these DRM include deep space sortie missions of 1 month duration, lunar orbital and landing missions of 1 year duration, deep space journey and asteroid landing missions of 1 year duration, and Mars orbital and landing missions of 3 years duration. We then assessed the likelihood and consequences of each risk against each DRM, using three levels of likelihood (Low: ≤0.1%; Medium: 0.1%–1.0%; High: ≥1.0%) and four levels of consequence ranging from Very Low (temporary or insignificant) to High (death, loss of mission, or significant reduction to length or quality of life). Quantitative evidence from clinical, operational, and research sources were used whenever available. Qualitative evidence was used when quantitative evidence was unavailable. Expert opinion was used whenever insufficient evidence was available. Results: A set of 30 risks emerged that will require further mitigation efforts before being accepted by the Agency. The likelihood by consequence risk assessment process provided a means of prioritizing among the risks identified. For each of the high priority risks, a plan was developed to perform research, technology, or standards development thought necessary to provide suitable reduction of likelihood or consequence to allow agency acceptance. Conclusion: The HSRB process has successfully identified a complete set of risks to human space travellers on planned exploration missions based on the best evidence available today. Risk mitigation plans have been established for the highest priority risks. Each risk will be reassessed annually to track the progress of our risk mitigation efforts.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS3-2 The ISS as a Platform for a Fully Simulated Mars Voyage L. Narici1, G. Reitz2 1

Department of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata & INFN Sect. Roma2, Rome, Italy; 2Radiation Biology Department, German Aerospace Center, Aerospace Medicine, Köln, Germany The ISS is the best available platform that can mimic the impact microgravity, radiation, living and psychological conditions that astronauts will face during a cruise to Mars. NASA has suggested a ‘full-up deep space simulation on last available ISS Mission: 6/7 crew for one year duration; full simulation of time delays & autonomous operations’. We should push further this challenge. The most challenging venture for humanity asks for a final, real ‘dry-run’, a mission which is as close as reasonably possible to what will be the real voyage, lasting 400-800 days, mimicking most of the challenges which will be undertaken during a deep space mission: length, isolation, food provision, decision making, time delays, health monitoring diagnostic and therapeutic actions and more. The Mars ISS dry run should not be a collection o f “single experiments”, but a complete exploration simulation were all the pieces will come together for the first in space simulated Mars voyage. The Mars ISS dry run objective will help in focusing the attention of the many space and space related programs to the quest for Mars, while maintaining a high level of attention of the funding institutions. The Mars ISS dry run should simulate: i) the trip to Mars; ii) the permanence on the planet; iii) the return to Earth. This implies that all conditions during a Mars flight needs to be simulated: 1) No arrivals/departure of spacecrafts; 2) Proper communications delay with ground; 3) Decision processes migrated from Ground to ISS; 4) Simulation of the permanence on Mars. For operational reasons Mars ISS dry runwill use just a portion of the ISS which will be totally isolated from the rest of the ISS. The other portions of the Station will provide the needed operational support for the ISS survival while still in place for emergency situations. This talk will provide a discussion about the many scientific issues still open to be addressed (see for example the disciplinary reports of the THESEUS project#), the operational challenges, as well as all those issues not likely/possible to be simulated.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS3-3 Coordination of international risk-reduction investigations by the Multilateral Human Research Panel for Exploration J. Charles1, V. Bogomolov2 1

NASA Human Research Program, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Institute for Medico-Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Effective use of the unique capabilities of the International Space Station (ISS) for risk reduction on future deep space missions involves preliminary work in analog environments to identify and evaluate the most promising techniques, interventions and treatments. This entails a consolidated multinational approach to biomedical research. The Multilateral Human Research Panel for Exploration (MHRPE) was chartered by the five ISS partners to recommend the best combination of partner investigations on ISS for risk reduction in the relatively short time available for ISS utilization. In 2011, NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) and the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) of the Russian Academy of Science, acting for MHRPE, developed a joint US-Russian biomedical program for the 2015 one-year ISS mission (1YM) of American and Russian crewmembers. This was to evaluate the possibilities for multilateral research on ISS. An overlapping list of 16 HRP, 9 IBMP, 3 Japanese, 3 European and 1 Canadian investigations were selected to address risk-reduction goals in 7 categories: Functional Performance, Behavioral Health, Visual Impairment, Metabolism, Physical Capacity, Microbial and Human Factors. MHRPE intends to build on this bilateral foundation to recommend more fully-integrated multilateral investigations on future ISS missions commencing after the 1YM. MHRPE has also endorsed an on-going program of coordinated research on 6-month, one-year and 6-week ISS expeditions that is now under consideration by ISS managers. Preparatory work for these missions will require coordinated and collaborative campaigns especially in the psychological and psychosocial areas using analog isolation facilities in Houston, Köln and Moscow, and possibly elsewhere. The multilateral Human Analogs research working group (HANA) is the focal point of those planning discussions, with MHRPE coordinating between the national programs and then supporting implementation on ISS. Experience gained during preparations for 1YM has identified improvements in both American and Russian processes to enable well-integrated investigations on all subsequent ISS expeditions. Among those is that the greatest efficiency is to be gained with investigations that are fully integrated from their conception, with co-principal investigators, a consolidated proposal and integrated plans for crewmember time and other flight-related resources. Analog investigations preceding future ISS expeditions will employ these lessons in efficiency to evaluate the techniques and tools to be validated aboard ISS. In this way, the resources and capabilities of ISS can be applied most efficiently to solving the problems facing astronauts of all nations in missions deep into the solar system.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS3-4 Main findings of psychophysiological studies in the MARS-500 experiment I.B. Ushakov1, B.V. Morukov1, Yu.A. Bubeev1, V.I. Gushin1, G.Yu. Vasil’eva1, A.G. Vinokhodova1, D.M. Shved1 1

Institute for Biomedical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

The main goal of the project implemented in 2010–2011 by the Russian Space Agency and the RAS Institute of Biomedical Problems, was to study medical and biological aspects of an autonomous manned flight to Mars. An international crew of six people aged 25 to 40: three Russians, two representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA), and a representative of the Chinese Space Agency participated in the 520-days mission. The conditions of autonomous existence were created by limiting the amount of resources available to the crew and stopping the re-supplies on the 36th day of the experiment. The project was the first to simulate an increasing communication delay between the Mission Control Center (MCC) and the interplanetary mission crew, which reached 12 minutes. Moreover, communication with the crew was stopped completely on days 320–327. During the period of high autonomy, the crew used e-mails and video messages to communicate with the MCC. It was the first time that scientists studied not only an extremely long 520-day isolation imitating an interplanetary flight but also simulated a landing on the surface of Mars with the execution of the key research operations planned under the scenario developed by Roscosmos and RAS. The results of the experiment confirmed N. Kanas and D. Manzey’s (2003) hypothesis about the possibility of developing of the psychological separation from Earth and groupthink phenomena during a autonomous interplanetary mission. In the Mars 500 project, this phenomenon manifested itself in the decreasing dependence of the crew on the MCC decisions and recommendations and the increasing number of independent decisions based on the knowledge, values, and goals of the isolated small group. However, unlike the above-mentioned authors, we consider this phenomenon as a part of the general adaptation and autonomization processes (Gushin et al, 2001), which is necessary for an isolated crew to survive and operate. An important component of the separation phenomenon was the growing need for psychological support from “significant others” (people who instill personal confidence) with the increasing period of isolation and lack of communication with outside callers. These “significant others” included members of the national psychological support groups, as well as family and friends. The Mars 500 participants said in their postexperimental interviews that it was not the length of communication delays, but the very fact of its presence that mattered. A number of cases related to decision making showed that a lack of opportunity to immediately elicit reinforcement of one’s opinion or meet a demand associated with information deficit and makes communication less effective. Both parties not only developed a sense of dissatisfaction with the contact and felt it to be deficient, but were much worse at making the subsequent decisions, which were based not on understanding of the mutual positions, but on conjectures. The extremely long isolation and the autonomy factor also demonstrated the importance of taking into account the culture-based needs (food, etc.) of the crew members during preparation for an interplanetary mission.

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3.A.1 – SPACE PSYCHOLOGY IN MARS-500 Co-chairs: I. Šolcová, Vadim Gushin

IAA-HIS-15-3A1-1 Cultural heterogeneity during Mars mission simulation: benefit or threat? Iva Polackova Solcova1 1

Institute of Psychology, The Czech Academy of Sciences

The success of a long-duration space mission depends on various technical demands as well as on the physiological and psychological adaptation of crewmembers. Disregarded seems to be the sociocultural adaptation of the crew that could implicitly effect the quality of interactions within the crew. The present paper deals with dis/advantages of cultural heterogeneity of the multinational and multicultural crew during a simulated flight to Mars (project Mars-500). To understand the experience of cultural heterogeneity in isolation the qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews were held fourteen days after the end of isolation with each crew member. Results showed that crewmembers experienced small difficulties with cultural differences (e.g. food rituals, nutrition, leadership, organizational factors, etc.). However results showed that the benefits of cultural diversity were stronger than threats: for example cultural heterogeneity blocked information deprivation and information craving, ironically helped with communication and bonding within the crew etc. Retrospectively the crew was strongly positive about cultural differences in isolation. Regarding the findings our results may improve the understanding of multicultural phenomena during long term isolation.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A1-2 The dynamics of group cohesion in autonomous conditions during simulated interplanetary flight (experiment “Mars-500”) A.G. Vinokhodova1, V.I. Gushin1, A.I. Chekalina1, P.G. Kuznetsova1 1

State Research Center of Russian Federation – Institute of Bio-medical Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Introduction: In a small group working in the autonomous conditions (e.g. space crew, polar wintering), intergroup processes actively proceed: changes occur in intragroup structure, functional roles, and relationships between members of the crew. Long duration of spaceflight as well as high heterogeneity of crew composition (national, cultural, gender-related) significantly increase the possibility of conflicts. That’s why issues of group cohesion become very important for the success of the space missions. Methods: We studied different aspects of “Mars-500” crew cohesion, using the following methods: Cohesion as a result of interpersonal sympathy was assessed by a computerized test PSPA (Personal Self-perception and Attitudes), based on repertory grid technique and aimed at the study of interpersonal perception, self-esteem and values of professional culture (Gushin et al., 1998; 2014). To study the hidden, unconscious interpersonal tensions and defense mechanisms used by the crewmembers, we applied the MIPG test (Matrix of Intra- and Interpersonal Processes in Group), aimed at assessment of the various aspects of self-esteem (Abraham, 1973). The structure of emotional preferences was evaluated, using classical sociometric questionnaire by J. Moreno. All methods were applied monthly during the 520-day isolation of the international crew of 6 volunteers, men aged 25-40 years, in the mock of the Martian ship (project “Mars-500”). Results: We made a content-analysis of the criteria of interpersonal perception obtained before the isolation and after its ending. The Schwartz’s classification of values was used as the scales (categories). The content analysis of categories of interpersonal perception revealed changes in the value system of the crewmembers: we found a tendency to decrease in the importance of individual values and the growth of collective and mixed values. These data testify that the crewmembers preferred to maintain intragroup concordance as opposed to their individual interests under the 520-day isolation and autonomy conditions. Maintenance of intragroup unity and harmony reflected in the stability of the group structure and strengthening of personal identification with group (convergence of images of interpersonal perception and self-esteem). At the same time, reaching of certain intragroup harmony was accompanied by strengthening of psychological defense mechanisms such as displacement, denial, transfer of aggression on other people. All these phenomena are very common for isolation conditions and seem to be necessary for the successful adaptation in an isolated small group. Conclusion: Summarizing all test data, we can conclude about the favorable nature of the relationship between the crew members, as well as about high level of group identity and cohesion. That helped the “Mars-500” crew to show good group effectiveness during isolation and successfully cope with the implementation of a complex scientific program of the experiment.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A1-3 Software for instant diagnostics of the bio-psycho-social state of a crew J. Sykora1, K. Justa1, R. Bahbouh1, K. Bernardova1 1

QEDGROUP Ltd, Advise and Research Institution, Prague, Czech Republic

The following information presents a study of software functionality that is needed for ensuring quick diagnostics and a subsequent positive influence on a spaceship crew that finds itself in a state of a massive stress (emergency situation) restricting the ability to work while steering the spaceship during a prolonged space flight. Experiments aiming to clarify the possibilities of influencing group cohesion of spaceship crews during prolonged space flights were thoroughly examined during their course. The results of those experiments that our research team has participated in in the last 30 years clearly indicate a necessity of an immediate active contribution of researchers as soon as an upcoming emergency situation is detected. However, there are several problems which have a crucial influence on the shaping of the subsequent interpersonal relationships of a crew (a small social group). First, the discovery of the upcoming (or already existing) emergency situation will have an influence on the crew behavior. Also, the adjustment to possible unexpected changes of the internal environment, the necessity of an immediate initiation of rescue operations, especially the delays in communication with respect to the distance between the Control Center (CC) and the crew, and many other negatively working factors will have further influence on the crew behavior. We have also found that a very important factor, maybe the main one, is not only communication within the crew but also its communication contact with the CC that is an integral part of the spaceship crew, in our opinion. As one of our basic findings, we have identified an existence of two communicational channels of formal and informal nature which are equally important, at the least. The success of the whole flight depends on these bonds and that is why an immediate transfer of situational data is literally vital. Therefore, it depends on the communication speed. We have tried to address this issue by an unusual way consisting in the principal of an instantly responsive communication device which was permanently placed on “the body” of each crew member in a non-burdening way (e.g.: as a massive wristwatch, small-dimensional tablet, or so called “smartphone”, etc.). This device was equipped with special software which allowed the transfer of the obtained data not only to the CC but also directly to the research team. (Such a procedure would be only valid after a prior agreement with the experiment designers as, for example, in the previous MARS 500 experiment this procedure was not followed due to the designers’ objections.) The research team would immediately evaluate the content of the received data and transform it into a graphical form (sociomap) expressing the actual current state of the interpersonal relationships of the crew. Simultaneously, in a case of an upcoming (or already existing) emergenc y situation, the deduction of immediate suggestions of corrective measures would take place in order to maintain the integrity of the crew and to ensure the desired ability to work. In the above introduced way, these evaluations and suggestions would be in no time send to the CC and directly to the crew after a prior agreement as mentioned above. The method of an immediate reaction, however, is not the only case. Also, a long-term data registration of interpersonal (within the crew) and intergroup (between the crew and the CC) states would be carried out continuously in selected intervals. Similarly, it has already been done so in the MARS 500 experiment. A complete course of the registration of received data would be greatly facilitated by this two-directional way in the future experiments and also maybe in the actual flights. Real active and instant help in maintaining the desired crew cohesion would also be achieved by this. Thus, this proposed system would ensure a timely detection of possible failures of the crew in emergency situations but also in situations of discomfort resulting from “social” fatigue during the course of prolonged space flights.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A1-4 Intra- and intergroup (crew-MC) communication during MARS-500 interplanetary flight simulation D. Shved1, V. Gushin1, A. Lačev2, J. Sýkora3, A. Yusupova1, B. Ehmann4, L. Balazs4 1

Psychology and psychophysiology, Institute for Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia; 2Institute of Education and Communication, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic; 3QED Group, Prague, Czech Republic; 4Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary

Communication between space crews and Mission Control is an important instrument of successful fulfillment of space missions. Furthermore, communication itself is a source of valuable information about psychophysiological state of crewmembers and psychological climate within the crew (Myasnikov & Simonov, ed., 1982). The objective of our study was to investigate crew communication during various stages of adaptation to simulated interplanetary flight conditions (extremely long duration – 520 days, with a long period of high autonomy). We used method of computerized quantitative content analysis to investigate psychologically relevant characteristics of the crew’s messages (both textual and video) content. Content analysis is a systematic, reproducible method of reducing of a text array to a limited number of categories by means of preset scientifically substantiated rules of coding (Berelson, 1971, Krippendorff, 2004). All statements in the crew’s messages to MC were coded with certain psychologically relevant content analysis categories (e.g., ‘Negativism’, ‘Interaction’, ‘Time perception’) (Gushin et al, 2012). To assess intragroup communication (within the crew) and its psychological significance, a computerized questionnaire Sociomapping was used (Bahbouh, 2011). During the Mars500 experiment the questionnaire was fulfilled once in every 2 weeks. The crew evaluated its mutua l frequency of current communication, desired frequency of optimal communication as well as quality of their communication on given scales. Resulting data was transformed to summarizing parameters that allowed us to detect significant changes that could be predictors of possible failures and misunderstandings. In general, strong connection between studied characteristics of communication and specifics of MARS-500 schedule was revealed. It was shown that crewmembers most frequently mentioned themselves and other people, as well as interactions with them, in their messages (category ‘Interaction’) during some ‘special’ (‘key’) periods of MARS-500 (beginning of high autonomy, planetary landing simulation, etc.). Frequency of time-related semantic units’ utilization in the crew’s messages was significantly increasing during or before the key events of the experiment. It is known that time perception changes under stressful and anxiety-producing conditions of time shortage or waiting for significant events (Friedman, 1990). Affective tone of the crew’s messages was also most negative in the key periods: there was a significant number of messages containing complaints, blaming and sharp criticism (‘Negativism’ category). We suppose that the crewmembers preferred to displace their negative emotions (caused by stressful conditions) outside to prevent breaking of crew cohesion (Kanas & Manzey, 2008). Difference between ‘desired optimal’ and factual overall frequency of intra-crew communication positively correlated with the key events as well, reaching its maximum in the period of Mars landing simulation. Significant differences in communication patterns between ‘landing’ and ‘orbital’ parts of the crew were found. Two of the crewmembers, previously described as sociometric leaders (Tafforin et al, 2015), were especially active both in intra-crew and crew-MC communication, in some cases establishing connections between other crewmembers, providing social support and increasing self-assessed work performance of the crew. On the other hand, crewmembers who were most socially distant from the others (with low frequencies of communication and low influe nce), usually needed support the most.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A1-5 Personal goals of crewmembers during extended isolation: MARS-500 study I.Stuchlíková1, Y. Mazehóová1, M. Šerý2 1

Psychology, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; 2Physics, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

When a small group works on a specific task in a isolated environment, like a crew of simulated flight to Mars, the steady motivation to contribute to the group mission is essential. However, the dynamics of individual goals under such conditions is quite unclear. Although the commitment to the mission could be seen as stable and predominant, each crew member’s individual goals are developing and changing (Suedfeld, Legkaia, Brcic, 2010). The interaction between these individual and flight-related goals may vary, and thus the overall strength and adaptivity of motivation (Klinger, Cox, 2004) may fluctuate as well. According to the Self-Determination Theory, the conditions supporting the satisfaction of basic needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness foster high quality forms of motivation and engagement for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity (Deci, Ryan, 2002). The aim of the presentation is to discuss the changes in crewmembers’ personal goals and their subjectively perceived satisfaction of basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The most salient personal goals were recorded every 3 months during the 17 months of isolation of MARS-500 crew and analysed in relation to their implicit motivational tendencies, subjective feeling of purpose in life and self-determination.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A1-6 Evaluation of psychological support methods and the effects for volunteers of MARS-500 Bin Wu1, Fang Liu1, Xiaolu Jing1, Yue Wang1, Weifen Huang1, Yanqiang Bai1 1

Department of astronaut selection and training, China astronaut research and training center

Objective: Through providing psychological support and evaluating the effects for Chinese volunteer who attended simulated Mars manned flight experiment, codenamed “Mars-500”, to afford the consultations of on-orbit psychological supports for astronauts’ mid-long term space flight. Methods: The international crew, composed by one Chinese and five foreign volunteers, executed a simulated Mars flight mission in a sealed facility for 520 days. According to the three flight phase, we designed a psychological support system for Chinese volunteer including a variety of professional psychological support methods and social psychological support methods then implemented. The effects of entire psychological support system and every specific psychological support method were evaluated in the light of the volunteer’s performance during the experiment and chief complaint after the experiment. Results: When faced with particularly difficulties during the experiment, the specific psychological supports improved the volunteer’s emotional state and promoted psychological adaptation. As the experiment progressed, more loneliness accumulated, social psychological supports increased the volunteer’s sense of belonging and relieved loneliness effectively. There might be some differences in how adjusted mental state effectively by different kinds of professional psychological supports and social psychological supports, but each method played unique role. Comprehensive psychological support system played an important role in guaranteeing the Chinese volunteer achieved the experiment. Conclusion: The psychological supports, we designed and supplied for Chinese volunteer participating in “Mars-500”, are effective. And that would provide psychological supports guidance for Chinese astronauts on orbit of mid-long term space flight.

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3.A.2 – EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Co-chairs: R. Gerzer, D. Prunariu

IAA-HIS-15-3A2-1 Educating the Next Generation for Shared Global Space Exploration: The National Space Biomedical Research Institute Career Development Program Marlene MacLeish1, Amanda Hackler2, Ron McNeel3 1

Medical Education, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 2Education, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Houston, Texas, USA; 3Education, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Houston, Texas, USA

The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) established in 1997 through a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) competition, is a 12 university consortium of scientists, physicians and educators working on countermeasures to address health-related problems germane to long-duration human spaceflight and developing innovative technologies to monitor, diagnose and treat space explorers in extreme environments. Knowledge generated from these activities is disseminated by the NSBRI Career Development and Outreach Program (CDOP), which supports NASA’s Strategic Education Framework’s vision—“to capture the imagination of students…strengthen the nation’s future science workforce…and [improve] the overall teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.”[1] NSBRI’s CDOP offers training opportunities for K-12 students and teachers, undergraduates, graduates and post-graduates in space life sciences. Graduates of these programs have secured positions within industry, academia and government. This presentation will focus on the accomplishments of the NSBRI CDOP programs, including: K-12 Program, First Award Fellowship Program, Mentored Research Program, Summer Apprenticeship Program and Morehouse School of Medicine Summer Research Program. This comprehensive, innovative education model has efficacy for developing global space life sciences knowledge transfer partnerships among space-faring and space-aspiring nations. NSBRI’s K-12 Programs have engaged teachers, students and communities in activities that communicate space life sciences information, created curriculum materials and conducted teacher professional development to promote career awareness for science workforce development. These educational materials, which are aligned with the NSBRI’s Science and Technology Programs, have been implemented within classrooms throughout the global community ( NSBRI’s interactive, educational flight projects featuring spiders, butterflies and plants that flew aboard the International Space Station have captivated students and the general public across the globe. The First Award Fellowship Program provides a mentored laboratory experience for young scientists addressing priority research areas critical to NSBRI and NASA. First Fellows have generated 371 peer-reviewed publications, 14 book chapters, 783 abstracts/presentations, and seven inventions disclosures. Since 2004, NSBRI has awarded 44 two-year First Award Fellowships. The Mentored Research Program at Texas A&M University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology produces exceptional young scientists. Competitively selected graduate students are enrolled in an intensive academic program focused on bioastronautics and space life sciences. Twelve students have earned their doctorates since the program’s initiation in 2004, and 35 have received support. The Summer Apprenticeship program enables undergraduate, graduate, medical and veterinary students to contribute to on-going space biomedical research projects at NASA centers. Since 1998, 234 have participated and represent 107 different educational institutions across 37 states and four foreign countries. From 2011-2015, apprentices have delivered 33 publications/abstracts with authorship. The Summer Research Program (SRP) at the Morehouse School of Medicine enrolls young scientists pursuing careers in biomedical research to engage in an immersive, mentored space life science research experience. Participating young scientists are also competitively selected from the Summer Research Program to do research with NSBRI-funded scientists at the Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard Medical School. [1]. The New Age of Exploration: NASA’s Direction for 2005 and Beyond, NASA, Washington, DC, 2005.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-2 The Helmholtz Space Life Sciences Research School (SpaceLife): Two Generations of Doctoral Candidates C.E. Hellweg1, L.F. Spitta1, C. Schmitz1, G. Reitz1, R. Gerzer1 1

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Radiobiology, Cologne, Germany

Training young researchers in the field of space life sciences is essential to vitalize the future of spaceflight. In 2009, the DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine established the Helmholtz Space Life Sciences Research School (SpaceLife) in cooperation with several universities, starting with 22 doctoral candidates. SpaceLife offers an intensive three-year training program for early-stage researchers from different fields (biology, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, physics, sports, nutrition, plant and space sciences). The candidates pass a multistep selection procedure with a written application, a self-presentation to a selection committee, and an interview with the prospective supervisors. The selected candidates from Germany as well as from abroad attend a curriculum tau ght in English. An overview of space life sciences is given in a workshop with introductory lectures on space radiation biology and dosimetry, space physiology, gravitational biology and astrobiology. The yearly doctoral students’ workshops are also interdisciplinary. During the first doctoral students’ workshop, every candidate presents his/her research topic including hypothesis and methods to be applied. The progress report is due after ~ 1.5 years and a final report after ~ 3 years. The candidates specialize in their subfield in advanced lectures, journal clubs, practical trainings, lab exchanges and elective courses. The students attend at least one transferable skills course per year, starting with a research skills development course in the first year, a presentation and writing skills course in the second year, and a career and leadership course in the third year. The whole program encompasses 303 hours and is complemented by active conference participation. The doctoral theses cover different topics from the fields of space physiology, radiation measurements and radiation protection, radiation and gravitational biology, and astrobiology. Students are in involved in data analysis of radiation measurements performed on Mars using the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). Understanding of the cellular response to space radiation might enable development of pharmacological countermeasures and help to reduce the uncertainty in risk assessment. In gravitational biology, students use microgravity for tissue engineering of cartilage, they study possible components of food production systems for space missions such as algae, freshwater plankton, and plants, and determine the effects of altered gravity on the immune system. To control the microbial flora on spaceships, the bacterial resistance towards antibacterial surfaces is analyzed. In astrobiology, the tolerance of microorganisms against extreme physical and chemical environmental parameters is investigated. Training and immobilization studies will reveal muscle, bone, and cerebral and ocular fluid balance alterations, including ultrastructural and molecular changes. Modeling of the responses in bone and in the cardiovascular system complements the studies. Acknowledgements: SpaceLife was funded by the Helmholtz Association (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft) over a period of six years and received additional funds from the DLR. The German universities of Aachen, Bayreuth, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Frankfurt, Hohenheim, Kiel, Köln, Magdeburg, Marburg, Münster, Regensburg, the Free University Berlin, the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, the University of Zurich, Aarhus University, the King’s College London, the Beihang University in Beijing and the German Sports University Cologne are SpaceLife partners.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-3 Human Spaceflight – Perspectives of the Next Generation M. Rathnasabapathy1 1

Space Generatio n Advisory Council, Vienna, Austria

The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) is a global non-governmental organization (NGO) and network that aims to represent university students and young space professionals at the United Nations, space agencies, industry, and academia. SGAC was founded in 1999, as an outcome of the UNISPACE III conference in Vienna, Austria, to provide the next generation of space leaders with a forum and a voice in the international space sector. In order to achieve that aim, SGAC has obtained permanent observer status in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and is a member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). SGAC organises the Space Generation Congress (SGC), an annual conference which brings together the top 130 students and young professionals globally to focus on key space topics. Every year topics closely related to human spaceflight are being addressed. In 2014, a dedicated working group focused on the topic “Ethic and Policy of new Human Space Exploration Strategies”. The Working Group discussed expansion of current policies and establishment of new regulations to support new human space exploration strategies while addressing ethical concerns that arise from increased risk associated with proposed missions. Report on recommendations which represent the views of the young generation is developed based on the congress. This report is in turn presented at the UN COPUOS and various conferences. The SGC takes place in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). In addition, the SGAC Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) is a US space event that highlights international thinking geared towards young professionals. This event, held in conjunction with the Space Symposium, gathers a selected group of 50 top young adults from various areas of space – government, industry, and academia. Intense, interactive panel discussions are moderated by today’s international space sector leaders and gather the perspectives of tomorrow’s space leaders on today’s key space issues including the ones related to the humans spaceflight – for example “Human Spaceflight: Potential Architectures and Goals for Exploration” addressed during SGFF 2014. The panel discussed how the future of human spaceflight might differ from the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER) developed by the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG). In this paper, the past, current and future activities of SGAC within the field of human spaceflight are presented that reflect the views of the next generation of space professionals. The paper summarises the recommendations and outputs from the various human spaceflight related activities of the organisation.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-4 The question of students education in aerospace industry in Life Science area L9 L. Strogonova1, V. Gushin2 1

Professor, Moscow aviation Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Leader of laboratory; IMBP RAS; Moscow; Russian FederationLL

World space industry projects in 21 century lead to expansion and complexity of national and international programs on account of high priority political, economical and social tasks as well as cultural and safety questions. One of the most important reasons for the successful development of space program is ample study of the humanitarian aspects of space science and their impact on society in a whole. Institute Medical Biology Problem (IMBP) and Moscow Aviation Institute (Airspace faculty) work together realizing training specialists are able to respond on contemporary challenges. The main goal of the education program is integration efforts of investigators and teachers of Aviation University in different science areas. Education of engineers in airspace medicine area carry out side by side integration of natural and technical disciplines with a deep study of biology, physiology and living systems mechanisms. The students specializing in the area of Engineering in life science apply their knowledge successfully at different airspace firms as well as at leading medical manufactures and companies involving in design and operating new medical equipment including telemedicine. Training of specialists capable of comprehensively within a systematic approach to solve design problems in the field of the habitability of space objects conducts at the undergraduate Engineering Life Science (airspace medicine). Such training expansion takes place at masters and postgraduate of Moscow Aviation Institute on the base of Institute Medical Biology Problem (IMBP) with involving interested airspace companies in Russia. New courses are developed in the field of habitability and safety of space activities had been looked often at the education section IAC conferences. The courses were highly appreciated. At present time new training and cognitive course “Engineering psychology and ergonomics (airspace activities)” for students of design, testing and maintenance of technical specialties of Moscow Aviation Institute was developed with participation of professor V.Gushin from Institute Medical Biology Problem (IMBP). For the above listed specialties new course has innovative component. Security of human, operator or astronaut determines not only reliable of space crafts, launch vehicle, launch pad and technical complex but also so-called human factor. Security depends directly of quality crew training, technical staff qualification, knowledge of persons had been involved in design, development, production space product, degree of harmonization human characteristics and technique, impact of environmental condition, health of the crew, organization and management of prelaunch preparation and flight, as well as many other factors. In this case we have a complex multi factorial system “external environment-human-machine” and a set of factors that affect the safety of space activities. The course examines the role of the human factor in decision of predictive tasks to achieve acceptable risk level, safety and reliability. Unfortunately, failures of space technique, even in case of emergency situation in space activities, in majority cases are caused by this factor. In conclusion, the course gives a opportunity to students to get skills of joint work and to realize that Space exploration is just beginning.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-5 How To Inspire The Next Generation of Women To Join The Space Industry V. Marwaha Madill1 1

Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) In Support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, Vienna, Austria

With only 8% of engineers in the UK being female, 15% in Germany, the space industry is lacking a diverse technical talent pool needed to develop the next generation of exploration missions. Girls decide at the age of 11 to move away from sciences, making the ages of 8-11 immensely critical to provide these girls with the resources and education to enable a greater percentage of female participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Only one in five UK A-level physics students are female, a figure that has not improved in 20 years. STEM subjects also accounted for 35% of the higher education qualifications achieved by women in 2010/11, a decrease since 2006. A greater number of female undergraduates are studying languages than are studying computing, engineering, physical sciences and mathematics combined. The number of male undergraduate students in these scientific subjects is more than triple that of female stu dents. These education and career choices are made through a combination of peer pressure influence, access to role models and gender stereotypes. Girls at the ages of 8-18 would benefit from a greater understanding of the career options available to them in the space industry. An effective way of carrying this out is by showing this group examples of successful female role models in the space industry. Through founding a platform called Rocket Women (, my aim is to inspire women to study STEM and consider a career in the space industry. I am completing interviews with women in the space industry, providing them with a voice to inspire others and presenting tangible examples to young girls alongside necessary interaction with women in the space industry. Interactions with these role models provide girls with examples to look up to when they’re making the most critical decisions in their education. I aim to present a discussion of how to both inspire women to consider the space industry and retaining those currently in space related roles through results from these interviews with women globally. This type of outreach will get a greater number of girls interested in space and STEM, ensuring that they are able to reach their potential. Improving gender diversity in the space industry will not only mitigate the talent shortage of women in technical roles, but guarantee that there will be role models for future generations to look up to and aim towards.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-6 Expedition Mars – educational competition for youngsters interested in astronautics S. Hrzal1, M. Halousek2, M. Vyvlečka3 1

Children Press Agency Domino, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Czech Space Office, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Expedition Mars is unique international educational competition for young people in age 13 – 18, who are interested in astronautics, astronomy and another scientific fields. The competition is being organized by Children Press Agency Domino, Czech Space Office and Slovak Organization for Space Activities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 2004. Patrons of the competition are the first Czechoslovak cosmonaut Vladimír Remek and first Slovakian cosmonaut Ivan Bella. The goal of the project is popularization of modern trends in scientific space research and motivation for studies of science and technology. It supports the education and desire of young generation to overcome obstacles on the way to their dream. As a tool to reach this goal the modern way of experiential pedagogy is being used. Expedition every year organizes simulated flight of children’s crew to the space, during which the participants get a practical experiences from wide fields, which they can use later in their life. The competition gets every year about 200-250 applications from young people, who are interested about science and technology. These participants have to fulfill different tasks during the three selective rounds. During the final, there is a crew of 10 – 12 kids, which performs the training as simulated flight to the Mars at the Euro Space Center in Transinne, Belgium. This contains the landing on Mars, which is also connected with scientific work on the surface, such as collection of geological and biological samples. The interesting fact about this competition is that it is being managed and realized by young students, who had with no exception participated in one of its previous finals. In the following years, they work as commanders and officers of particular professions (architects, astronomers, documentarists, engineers, doctors), or as members of the other groups (IT, PR, preparatory team). The participants of Expedition also have a huge contribution in popularization of cosmonautics in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They participate as organizers in many significant events in the field (Congress Association of Space Explorers, Prague 2009, International Astronautical Congress 2010 in Prague, visit of American astronaut Andrew Feustel in the Czech Republic during 2011, visit of NASA geologist James Rice in the Czech Republic during 2013, or opening of the statue of Jurij Gagarin in Prague 2014.) Many of our participants are also successful on the international field, in competitions like Intel ISEF, NASA Space Settlement Contest or they study at prestigious universities such as Cambridge or TU Delft. Others had participated in the International or European Space Camps and they received many different awards for their research. Expedition Mars is the only educational project in the Czech Republic that was awarded with prestigious medal of Alexej Leonov for excellent activities in education in cosmonautics and modern science.


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IAA-HIS-15-3A2-7 Indian Space University – An initiative to nurture “Brahmanauts” for future human space flight Chrishma Singh-Derewa1, Srikanth Raviprasad2, Poonampreet Kaur Josan3 1

Systems Engineering Division, NASA- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA; 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manipal University, Manipal, India; 3Department of Space studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

Space exploration requires a new breed of explorers. A Brahmanaut (Indian Astronaut) will be more prepared for the challenges of the future then counterpartse when trained; the establishment of an Indian Space University will provide rigorous mental and physical training to candidates. Space missions, 15-20 years into the future will involve drilling asteroids for possible energy resources, setting up fuel extraction facilities on Mars, lunar mining, etc. Pilots, mission and payload specialists require advanced physical, mental and technical training. The Indian Space University’s comprehensive curriculum and training schedule provides this. Manned deep space missions have many adverse psycho-physiological effects on human body such as bone density loss in low gravity, DNA degradation resulting from the radiation environment, reduced spatial orientation and vestibular functions, as well as isolation concerns. Inter-disciplinary knowledge will help spacefarers understand the complex connections within the space industry. The rigorous program consists of lectures on eight courses varying from navigation and propulsion to topics on physiology and spiritual sciences. Coupled with team projects and intensive physical training patterned after Yuri Gagarians curriculum participants are prepared to meet rigors of these new mission objectives. Fast twitch muscle enhancement, bone mass stimulation, hand-eye reactions and yoga along with deprivation techniques such as controlling heart rate, shallow breathing (Ujjayi Pranayama), body muscle relaxation derived from the Vedic Surya Namaskar exercise and more. The students will also undergo intensive physical and intellectual projects as a team to help understand their fellow Brahmanauts, hone their leadership skills and increase their compatibility. Brahmanauts unify intellectual, physical, and spiritual sciences to forge a new frontier for mankind. Thousands of years of yogic training, intellectual innovation and spiritual awakening makes their training uniquely prepared to meet the challenges of long term and long distance space exploration. He/she will be equipped with abundant knowledge about the space science, ancient traditions, as well as the unique power of critical analysis. Frequent guest talks from experts in the space industry and daily lectures by experts from NASA, ESA, CASA and others a wide range of topics will create a one of a kind international experience. Who are Brahmanauts? How are they different from Astronauts or Cosmonauts? Why do we need a Brahmanaut? What does it take to become a Brahmanaut? We answer these questions and introduce several new ones as we embark on the next leg of humanities journey into the star

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IAA-HIS-15-3B1-1 Exposure Levels in Transit to and on the Surface of Planets G. Reitz1, D. Matthiae1, T. Berger1 1

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Aerospace Medicine, Radiation Biology Department, 51147 Koeln, Linder Hoehe, Germany

Radiation risk estimates requires the knowledge of the organ doses in the human body and their sum, the effective dose. The ESA facility MATROSHKA, a human phantom torso equipped with radiation sensors, allowed for the first time to measure the depth dose distribution inside and outside the International Space Station (ISS) and to calculate organ doses and effective dose for an astronaut working in intra- and extravehicular environments. The data received were compared with transport calculations employing radiation models and the GEANT4 transport model. Same was done with data received by the radiation assessment detector of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. In addition the human phantom was used in several ground simulation experiments, such as simulation of a solar energetic particle event (SEP)event or in different heavy ion fields, thereby using the data to benchmark the transport model. Building on all information th e doses in a human phantom were calculated on Moon, interplanetary missions and on Mars.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B1-2 Space Radiation Environment: Model Calculations, Recent Measurements, and Biological Consequences P.B. Saganti1, F.A. Cucinotta1,2,3, S.D. Holland2, G.M. Erickson1, H. Wang1,4, J.R. Rhone1,2, M. Rahman1, S.E. Saganti1, X. Hu1, K.I. Okuyama5 1

Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX 77446; 2NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058; 3University of Nevada, Los Vegas, NV 89154; 4Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322; 5Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT), Fukuoka 8048550, Japan

Long duration human expedition missions during the past decade have been increasing in record number of days for both male and female explorers. However, for the past 40 years, all human expeditions have been limited to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and mostly to International Space Station (ISS). To further expand our understanding of long-term biological radiation risk; we need to greatly increase our knowledge of long-term radiation data and develop the required radiation risk mitigation strategies. Along with several spacecraft based deep-space radiation data, we plan to present our recent accomplishments of a detector system for measuring and mapping radiation exposure over long periods of time in solar orbits. Variations in the space radiation environment due to changes in the GCR (Galactic Cosmic Ray) from the past (# 23) solar cycle to the current one (# 24) has been intriguing in many ways, with an unprecedented long duration of the recent solar minimum condition and a very low peak activity of the current solar maximum. Model calculated radiation data and assessment of variations in the particle flux – protons, alpha particles, and heavy ions of the GCR environment is essential for assessing radiation risk of future deep-space human explorations. Radiation environment measurements in Mars orbit were first obtained (onboard the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft) during the past (#23) solar maximum condition. Radiation measurements on the surface of Mars are being currently measured (onboard the Mars Science Laboratory, 2012 – Curiosity) during the current (# 24) solar peak activity (August 2012 – present). We present our model calculated radiation environment variations at Mars during both solar cycles (# 23 and # 24). We compare our earlier model calculations (Cucinottaetal., JRR, 43, 2002; and Sagantietal., JRR, 43, 2002) with recent radiation measurements on the surface of Mars (2012 – present) and assess long-term biological consequences of radiation.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B1-3 Radiation environment onboard spacecraft in deep space L. Sihver1, O. Ploc2, I. Ambrožová2, S. Kodaira3, V. Shurshakov4 1

Radiation Physics, Atominstitut, Technische Universität Wien, Venna, Austria; 2Department of Radiation Dosimetry, Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Radiation Measurement Research Section, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan; 4Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

It is well known that outside the Earth’s protective atmosphere and magnetosphere, the environment is very harsh and unfriendly for any living organism, due to the micro gravity, lack of atmosphere, and high energetic ionizing cosmic radiation. The space radiation exposure leads to increased health risks, including tumor lethality, circulatory diseases and damages on the central nervous systems. In case of powerful solar energetic particle (SEP) events, exposures of space craft crews may be lethal. Space radiation hazards are therefore recognized as a key concern for human space flight. For long-term interplanetary missions, they constitute a limiting factor since current protection limits might be approached or even exceeded. Better risk assessment requires knowledge of the radiation quality, as well as equivalent doses in critical radiosensitive organs, and different risk coefficient for different radiation caused illnesses and diseases must be developed. The use of human phantoms, simulating an astronaut’s body, provides detailed information of the depth-dose distributions, and radiation quality, inside the human body. In this paper we will therefore first review the mayor phantom experiments performed at LEO [1]. However, the radiation environment in a deep space is different from LEO. Based on fundamental physics principles, it is clear that hydrogen rich, light and neutron deficient materials have the best shielding properties [2]. It ha s also been shown [3] that water shielding material can reduce the dose from TP, low energetic part of GCR, and obviously from SEP events of similar energy spectrum shape. However, we will also show that the total dose from GCR in deep space might even to some extend increase when increasing the shielding thickness due to the buildup of secondary fragments, protons and neutrons [4]. Examples of promising shielding materials are polyethylene and hydrogen rich carbon composite materials. Nevertheless, not even these shielding materials have been proven to significantly reduce the radiation health risks compared to e.g. aluminum shielding due to the large radiobiological uncertainties in the GCR risk projection [5]. A better understanding of the radiobiological effects of CR are therefore needed, as well as better cancer risk models, and models for estimating the risks for circulatory diseases and damages on the central nervous systems. To reduce the health risks for astronauts in deep space, a combination of passive and active shielding might be a realistic option for long term interplanetary missions, in combination with an acceptance of an increased risk for carcinogenesis than what is stated by current dose limits.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B1-4 The PERSEO project (“PErsonal Radiation Shielding for intErplanetary missiOns”): status and perspectives M. Vuolo1,2, G. Baiocco1,3, M. Giraudo2, C. Lobascio2, A. Ottolenghi1,3 1

Department of Physics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 2Thales Alenia Space Italia; 3INFN, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Sezione di Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Currently passive space radiation shielding approaches represent the only available technology to permit human exploration deep-space missions. The PERSEO project (“PErsonal Radiation Shielding for interplanetary missions”) aims at studying a wearable innovative radiation protection system to mitigate the effects of Solar Particle Events (SPE) on astronauts. SPE can be considered as related only to deterministic effects of the cosmic radiation, with hazards to man arising for physical doses above 2 Gy, when symptoms of the hematopoietic syndrome appear. In view of future space exploration missions, an increasing duration and level of complexity will be required for Extra Vehicular Activities (EVAs), e.g. in the case of the construction of a permanent outpost on the lunar surface: the occurrence of a SPE in such scenario might not leave enough time for the astronaut to reach a safe shelter, and existing suits do not offer sufficient protection to prevent radiation sickness. Concerning Intra Vehicular Activities (IVA), an adaptable shielding level of the newly conceived suit could make it comfortable enough to be worn on board most of the time while carrying on ordinary activities. An adaptable and selective shielding strategy is required, focusing on the most radiosensitive areas, for meeting the requirements of shielding both in EVA and IVA situations. The goal of the PERSEO project is to demonstrate the validity of this approach and drive the evolution of future spacesuits. To this aim, traditional and innovative materials were reviewed and Monte Carlo simulations were performed using a realistic SPE radiation environment and both a slab geometry and a 3D human phantom placed in an “inside the spacecraft” situation. Different shielding strategies were considered including the use of multilayers with a high density material in the external region (arranged in bars, plaques, fibers, etc.) and a flexible material in the region close to the human body. As it could be concluded an inflatable structure might fit very well the desired requirements in terms of shielding, using polymeric material pockets filled with water or organic gels from spacecraft waste. These are the most readily available materials on a spacecraft and they could be easily used to fill the inflatable suit and then reintroduced in the module hydraulic system. The PERSEO project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA Contract No 4000111396/14/NL/MV).


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IAA-HIS-15-B1-5 Towards neuron morphology dependent space radiation damage models M. Alp1, F.A. Cucinotta1 1

Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Neurons are the cells in the central and peripheral nervous system that facilitate information processing, behavior and control of motor functions. Neurons can be diverse morphologically including cell volume, surface area, extend of arborization of dendrites and spines, organization and numbers in an organ type. Functional variations of these cells continue as different neuronal types can have different input, integration, output duties in neuronal networks. Yet, similarities in submicron scale dominate as neuronal sub-compartments including dendrites, spines and filopodia are investigated to understand how molecular machinery and biochemical processes are working for viability of these subcompartments both to survive and perform its duties reliably within a neuron. Space radiation, seen as intracellular energy deposition events at nanoscopic scale, disrupts neuronal functions and may lead to c hanges in the neuronal morphology and cell death. Great efforts have been underway to understand processes that start with breakage of chemical bonds, creation of radiolytic species, interaction between molecules, repair of large proteins, changes in radiation dependent gene expression, protein levels and leading to neuronal damage. The damage can be local like pruning of filopodia, spines and neurons can still survive at low doses. However, it is probable that local energy deposition on the main dendritic branch or close to nucleus schemes may lead to either loss of neuronal function or death. Then, there is an interplay of radiation quality variables like, protons versus high charge and energy (HZE) particles, total dose, as well as the type of neurons irradiated and neuronal damage assessed. We are unifying microdosimetry with neuronal morphology of subtypes of neurons mainly in the hippocampus to predict changes in neuronal morphology as elimination of synapses, spines, filopodi a and pruning of dendritic branches. Microdosimetry models of different type of neurons combined with experimental observations can help elucidate the sensitivity of neuron compartments to microscopic dose deposition events and risk associated with losing these morphologically different subtypes of neurons. This presentation will describe some of our neuronal microdosimetry studies, possible outcomes as neuronal damage and functional outcomes at the neuronal network level.

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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-1 Celestial heavy ions and clustered DNA damage K. Pachnerová Brabcová1, L. Sihver2 1

Department of Radiation Dosimetry, Nuclear Physics Institute of the AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic; 2 Radiation Physics, Atominstitut, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria

Due to exposure to space radiation, astronauts have an increased risk of carcinogenesis, cardiovascular diseases, and central nervous systems damages. The risk of cancer is as a possible hindrance for manned interplanetary missions. However, before being able to make a final decision about the acceptability or unacceptability of the increased health risks during long term space missions, a better understanding of every aspect in the chain of reactions leading to these illnesses must be achieved. The current knowledge allows estimating the risks only with large uncertainties and with limited knowledge of heavy ion radiobiology. Celestial heavy ions, often called HZE particles, are rare but a very hazardous component of space radiation. When traversing a cell, the HZE particles deposit their energies in densely localized clusters along the particles paths and thus induce complex DNA damages and chromosomal aberrations, two basic markers of cancer risks. If statistically significant sets of data of humans exposed to HZE for long terms in space exist, it would improve the cancer risk predictions, as well as our understanding of the risks for damages on the circulatory and central nervous systems. Since such data sets are not available, we mostly rely on ground-based experiments and extrapolate the results to humans in space. Our research projected, which is supported by European Space Agency, is focused on studies of clustered DNA damages, induced by gamma, protons and heavy ions with different linear energy transfer (LET) in subcellular plasmid-scavenger system. Compared to isolated lesions, the clustered DNA damages are repaired with decreased effectiveness depending on types of the contributing primary lesions, mutual spatial distribution, and physical locations within the DNA. Until now, neither the exact relation, nor the dependence on LET and the ionization density have been fully understood. Measurements of the clustered damages are incomplete due to limited detection of DNA fragments. The solution has been to use invalidated simulations to correct for the missing short fragments. We show that this very important missing information can be achieved by using atomic force microscopy.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-2 Whole-body irradiation of wild type mice results in chemokine-dependent increased adhesiveness of aortic endothelium, an early pro-atherosclerotic change K. Gupta1, D. Chanda1, J.H. Kabarowski2, D.F. Kucik1,3,4 Departments of 1Pathology, 2Microbiology and 3Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA; 4Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Increased risk of atherosclerosis is a well-known consequence of exposure to terrestrial radiation such as x-rays, but th e risk from galacto-cosmic radiation (GCR), which interacts very differently with tissues than x-rays, remains to be defined. Epidemiology studies are not possible, because humans have never been exposed to the GCR levels expected on a Mars mission. Therefore, risk will necessarily be extrapolated from animal studies, which will introduce uncertainty into risk estimates. We showed earlier that, in ApoE-/- mice, 56Fe accelerates atherosclerotic plaque development, similar to what has been seen both in humans following x-ray therapy and experimentally in ApoE-/- mice after x-ray exposure. Mice are known to be relatively insensitive to radiation-induced atherosclerotic plaque formation, however, from comparison of epidemiological studies of x-ray therapy patients to x-ray experiments using mice. Therefore, it is possible that lower 56Fe doses may be dangerous for humans. Even in the absence of a precise risk estimate, however, a better understanding of the mechanism of radiation-induced atherosclerosis may enable development of countermeasures to mitigate any potential radiation effects and better ensure astronaut safety. Although the mechanism for atherosclerotic plaque formation is multi-factorial, increased endothelial adhesiveness is a necessary early event. Monocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium results in localized inflammation, which, once initiated, can be self-perpetuating. This may explain how a single dose of radiation often has cardiovascular consequences many years later. Mice that are genetically modified to have decreased monocyte adhesiveness, however, are relatively protected from plaque formation. Increased endothelial adhesiveness can result from adhesion molecule expression, activation of integrins (one type of adhesion molecule), or both. We showed earlier in an in vitro system (consisting only of endothelial cells) that, indeed, both x-rays and 56Fe increase endothelial adhesiveness. In that system, for both x-rays or 56Fe, adhesiveness was increased by chemokine-mediated integrin activation, even in the absence of increased adhesion molecule expression. The absolute requirement for chemokine signaling was demonstrated by blocking adhesiveness increases with pertussis toxin (PTX), which abrogates chemokine-mediated integrin activation. In a whole-body irradiated man or animal, however, many other effects of radiation, such as inflammatory mediators released from other vessel components and/or other organs, could potentially contribute to vascular adhesiveness. This has important implications for any therapeutic intervention that might be attempted as a countermeasure. Here we show that, in 10-week old C57BL/6 wild-type mice exposed to either x-rays or 600 MeV 56Fe, adhesiveness of the aortic endothelium for monocytic cells was increased within 2 weeks. At 6 weeks post-irradiation, adhesiveness was even more pronounced, consistent with a self-perpetuating inflammatory response. The doses required for this effect in vivo were much lower than those required for either x-rays and 56Fe in vitro. Importantly, for 56Fe, a space-relevant dose of 0.5 Gy was sufficient. We found that aortic adhesiveness stimulated by whole-body irradiation of wild type C57BL/6 mice could be blocked by PTX alone. This suggests that chemokine-mediated adhesion activation is a key point in the mechanism of radiation-induced atherosclerosis, which has important implications for countermeasure development.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-3 Starvation following Co60 Y-Ray radiation enhances Glioma cell line U251 metastasis Y.L. Deng1, T. Zhao1, H.L. Wang1, H. Ma1, J. Xiang1 1

School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China

Radiotherapy is the first choice to treat glioma due to the high risk of surgery and low brain blood barrier permeant ability of medicine; however, the major limitation in this treatment is the high prevalence of radio-resistant. Patients that show postradiotherapeutic recurrent usually have low survival rates by reason that the survived glioma cells obtained an increased metastasis ability after radiation. Simultaneously, vasculature damage is observed in the course of radiation treatments. As the main nutrient transport path, damage of vasculature could cause the dystrophy of tumor cells and further induce tumor cells under a starvation condition. We hypothesized the cell starvation is a prime factor that could induce tumor metastasis during the course of radiotherapy treatments, and thus we used genomics and bio-molecular methods to compare and analyze the DNA and protein expression changes between control and starvation groups of glioma cell line U251 after ϒ-ray radiation. To simulate the course radiation treatments condition, we starve cells 12 hours respectively before and after radiation, and our findings indicate that, comparing with the control group, U251 cells irradiated under starvation condition show more significant changes both in DNA and protein level. The DNA and protein expression changing of tumor metastasis relative factors including cytoskeleton, adhesion and extracellular matrix trend to promote tumor metastasis in irradiated starving U251 cells than the cells in control group. These changes may cause an enhanced metastasis ability of the irradiated starving U251 cells.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-4 Mitigating Radiation-Induced Impairments in Neurobehavioral Performance By Targeting the Monoaminergic Neurotransmitter Systems C.M. Davis1, R.D. Hienz1 1

Division of Behavioral Biology, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Studying the risks to astronauts of living in a space radiation environment necessitates the use of animal models to pinpoint the likely neurobehavioral effects on the CNS following radiation exposure. One step in this direction is to employ an animal model that more closely approximates the manner in which one would address this question for astronauts living in space. Such a model would accentuate the analysis of individualized effects of radiation as well as aid in the development of novel radiation mitigators or countermeasures. To approximate human risk assessments from exposure to space radiation, the present report describes performance data obtained with the rPVT (rat Psychomotor Vigilance Test), an animal analog o f the human PVT test currently employed in a variety of operational settings. The human PVT was developed as a highly sensitive and standardized assay capable of quantifying temporally dynamic changes in sustained attention and circadian rhythm, and requires responding to a light stimulus as soon as it appears; a response extinguishes the stimulus and displays the reaction time to the stimulus. Simple to perform, the PVT is widely used in human risk assessments and has been recently developed and adopted for use on the ISS as a “self test” to provide feedback on crew neurobehavioral performance capacity (e.g., changes in alertness, fatigue). In the current study, rats were trained to perform the rPVT and were then shipped to the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where they were exposed to head-only protons (150 MeV/n) at 25 or 100 cGy or sham-irradiation. Following radiation exposure, rats were returned to Hopkins and continued daily rPV T assessments. Rats were then characterized as radiation sensitive—i.e., those rats displaying radiation-induced rPVT deficits, or radiation insensitive—i.e., irradiated rats performing the rPVT at sham-irradiated control levels. Several different classes of drugs were then assessed as countermeasures for these deficits in radiation sensitive rats, and were also assessed in radiation insensitive rats to determine if any performance disruptions would occur. d-Amphetamine, a dopamine releaser, dose-dependently improved performance in radiation sensitive rats, whereas d-Amphetamine impaired rPVT performance in radiation insensitive rats at the highest dose tested. Atomoxetine, a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, did not affect rPVT performance in either group at the doses tested. Additional compounds with activity at the dopamine system were assessed as well, and these results will be presented. This data further supports the role of the dopamine neurotransmitter syst em in mediating individual differences in radiation-induced deficits in neurobehavioral performance as assessed by the rPVT.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-5 Space Experiment „Cellular Responses to Radiation in Space, CELLRAD“: Hardware and Biological System Tests C.E. Hellweg1, S. Dilruba1, A. Horn2, C. Schmitz1, L. Briganti2, M. Franz2, J. Segerer2, S. Feles1, L.F. Spitta1, C. Baumstark-Khan1, G. Reitz1 1

Radiobiology, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany; 2EADS Astrium ST, Abt. TO53, 88039 Friedrichshafen, Germany

One factor contributing to the high uncertainty in radiation risk assessment for long-term space missions is the insufficient knowledge about possible interactions of radiation with other spaceflight environmental factors. Such factors, e.g. microgravity, have to be considered as possibly additive or even synergistic factors in cancerogenesis. Regarding the effects of microgravity on signal transduction, it cannot be excluded that microgravity alters the cellular response to cosmic radiation, which comprises a complex network of signaling pathways. The purpose of the experiment “Cellular Responses to Radiation in Space” (CellRad, formerly CERASP) is to study the effects of combined exposure to microgravity, radiation and general space flight conditions on mammalian cells, in particular Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) cells that are stably transfected with different plasmids allowing monitoring of proliferation and the Nuclear Factor κB (NF-κB) pathway by means of fluorescent proteins (HEK-pNF-κB-d2EGFP/Neo L2 cells). The cells will be seeded on ground in microtiter plate units (MPUs), transported to the ISS, and irradiated by an artificial radiation source after an adaptation period at 0 x g and 1 x g. After different incubation periods, the cells will be fixed by pumping a formaldehyde solution into the MPUs. Ground control samples will be treated in the same way. For implementation of CellRad in the Biolab on the International Space Station (ISS), tests of the hardware and the biological systems were performed. The sequence of different steps in MPU fabrication (cutting, drilling, cleaning, growth surface coating, and sterilization) was optimized in order to reach full biocompatibility. The MPUs and tubes in direct or indirect contact cells were biocompatible as tested by direct growth observation and cytotoxicity tests. Cell culture medium stored in the hardware tanks supported cell growth appropriately. Different coatings of the foil used as growth surface revealed that coating wit h 0.1 mg/ml poly-D-lysine supports cell attachment better than collagen type I. b-emitting promethium-147 was chosen as radiation source. Exposure of HEK-pNF-κB-d2EGFP/Neo L2 cells to the promethium-147 source by opening a shielding curtain resulted in dose-dependent reduction of cell growth and dose-dependent increase in NF-κB activation. The signal of the fluorescent proteins after formaldehyde fixation was stable for six months after fixation, allowing storage of the MPUs after fixation for several months before the transport back to Earth and evaluation of the fluorescence intensity. In conclusion, these preparatory tests show the feasibility of CellRad on the ISS with the currently available transport mechanisms.


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IAA-HIS-15-3B2-6 Development of Countermeasures for Radiation Exposure and Oxidative Stress during Exploration Class Space Missions J.A. Jones1,2, D. Johnston3, C.A. Montesinos4, L. Putcha5, H. Wu5, R. Ansari6, M. Epperly11, F. Karouia7,8, D. Popov9, G. Hasse10, V. Shurshakov12, A.V. Safrikin12, J. Greenberger11 1

Baylor College of Medicine, Center for Aerospace Medicine; Houston, TX, USA; 2US Navy Reserve Medical; Fleet Logistic Support Wing, Fort Worth, TX, USA; 3US Army Resiliency Directorate, G-1, Pentagon, Washington, D.C., USA; 4AstroMed Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA; 5NASA- Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA; 6NASA- Glenn Research Center, Cleveland Ohio, USA; 7NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA; 8University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; 9Advanced Medical Technologies and Systems, Richmond Hills, Ontario, CA, USA; 10Children& rsquo;s Hospital University of Colorado Denver, Colorado, USA; 11University of Pittsburg Medical Center, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Pittsburg, PA, USA; 12Radiation Safety and Radiobiology Institute for Biomedical Problems, Moscow, Russia

Due to the continuous exposure to ionizing radiation within the space radiation environment, the long term health and safety of the astronauts are at considerable risk as a consequence of stochastic and/or deterministic effects. Radiation exposure has been cited as one of the principle limiting factors for exploratory-class spaceflight, beyond the Earth’s protective geomagnetosphere. Future human spaceflight missions under study by the international space community include: one year+ in deep space travel towards an asteroid and possible 600-900 days roundtrip missions to the surface of Mars. Three primary sources of radiation pose potential health risks to the crew occupants, outside the Earth’s geomagnetosphere: 1) chronic low dose and energy solar wind protons/photons, 2) chronic low-dose exposure to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and particles, and 3) possible short-term exposures to the solar energetic particles (SEPs) that sporadically emanate from the Sun via solar flares / coronal mass ejections. Also, transient exposure to trapped radiation during transition from earth orbit to a deep space trajectory. Elucidating all the biological consequences of ionizing radiation has been challenging. A major mechanism is the ionizing damage directly inflicted on the cells’ DNA by radiation. Unrepaired DNA damage is known to lead to genetic mutations, apoptosis, cellular senescence, carcinogenesis, and death. Radiation injures at the cellular level when ionizing particles collide directly with cellular molecules or oxidize water in a cell to form free radicals that break up or change molecular bonds. The products of acute inflammation: reactive oxygen species, pro-inflammatory cytokines, adhesion molecules, prostaglandins, and compliment proteins all contribute to the progression of radiation injury leading to the symptoms of ARS. Damage to DNA molecules has particular clinical significance since alterations to the genetic blueprints of affected cells are passed onto progeny cells. While single-strand breaks in a DNA molecule can generally be repaired correctly given the double -strand redundancy in DNA structure; double-strand breaks can result in altered genes and genomic instability when full repair is unsuccessful, leading to permanent mutations in gene expression and regulation. The ionizing effects of radiation also generate oxidative reactions that cause physical and biochemical alterations in proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, impairing their structure and/or function, including degradation, or cross-linking of cellular macromolecules. There are 2 principle strategies of radiation protection during deep space missions which include 1) limiting radiation exposure via rapid transit, favorable trajectories, timing of EVA and vehicular-based and individual crewmember shielding, and 2) cellular/organ protection via biological countermeasures. Countermeasures can take several forms, including, e.g., orally ingested countermeasures for protection from chronic daily low dose exposures, and episodically-administered countermeasures which can be delivered before or at the time of increased exposures, associated with measured solar events. Our research team has been developing both forms of countermeasures, to reduce the risk of sub-cellular oxidative damage, as well as to reduce the potential progression of genetic events which could lead to neoplastic transformation. Efficacy studies have been carried out in murine models, which showed improved health parameters and survival in animals receiving both a dietary fo rmula, and parenterally-administered countermeasures, e.g. liposomes containing Mn-superoxide dismutase, alone and in combination. Safety studies have been conducted in humans, which showed good tolerability over a 6 month period with few side effects or discontinuances, and maintenance of subjective and objective (laboratory) wellness parameters.

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3.C.1 – CHALLENGES OF FUTURE SPACEFLIGHTS Co-chairs: J. Charles, M. Zell

IAA-HIS-15-3C1-1 Physiological Health Challenges for Human Missions to Mars P. Norsk1,2 1

Division of Space Life Sciences (DSL S), Universities Space Research Association (USRA), Houston, Texas, USA; Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Division, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA


During the next decades, manned space missions are expected to be aiming at the Lagrange points, near Earth asteroids, and Mars flyby and/or landing. The question is therefore: Are we ready to go? To answer this with a yes, we are currently using the International Space Station to develop an integrated human physiological countermeasure suite. The integrated countermeasure suite will most likely encounter: 1) Exercise devices for aerobic, dynamic and resistive exercise training; 2) sensory-motor computer training programs and anti-motion sickness medication for preparing EVAs and G-transitions; 3) lower limb bracelets for preventing and/or treating the VIIP (vision impairment and intracranial pressure) syndrome; 4) nutritional components for maintenance of bone, muscle, the cardiova scular system and preventing oxidative stress and damage and immune deficiencies (e. g. omega-3 fatty acids, PRO/K, anti-oxidants and less salt and iron); 5) bisphosphonates for preventing bone degradation.; 6) lower body compression garment and oral salt and fluid loading for landing on a planetary surface to combat orthostatic intolerance; 7) laboratory analysis equipment for individualized monitoring of biomarkers in blood, urine and saliva for estimation of health status in; 8) advanced ultrasound techniques for monitoring bone and cardiovascular health; and 9) computer modeling programs for individual health status assessments of efficiency and subsequent adjustments of countermeasures. In particular for future missions into deep space, we are concerned with the synergistic effects of weightlessness, radiation, operational constraints and other spaceflight environmental factors. Therefore, increased collaboration between physiological, behavioral, radiation and space vehicle de sign disciplines are strongly warranted. Another venue we are exploring in NASA’s Human Research Program is the usefulness of artificial gravity for mitigating the health risks of long duration weightlessness.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C1-2 Human Factors and Habitability Challenges for Mars Missions Mihriban Whitmore1 1

Habitability and Human Factors, Human Research Program,  NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA

As NASA is planning to send humans deeper into space than ever before, adequate crew health and performance will be critical for mission success. Within the NASA Human Research Program (HRP), the Space Human Factors and Habitability (SHFH) team is responsible for characterizing the risks associated with human capabilities and limitations with respect to long-duration spaceflight, and for providing mitigations (e.g., guidelines, technologies, and tools) to promote safe, reliable and productive missions. SHFH research includes three domains: Advanced Environmental Health (AEH), Advanced Food Technology (AFT), and Space Human Factors Engineering (SHFE). The AEH portfolio focuses on understanding the risk of microbial contamination of the spacecraft and on the development of standards for exposure to potential toxins such as chemicals, bacteria, fungus, and lunar/Martian dust. The two risks that the environmental health project focuses on are adverse health effects due to changes in host-microbe interactions, and risks associated with exposure to dust in planetary surface habitats. This portfolio also proposes countermeasures to these risks by making recommendations that relate to requirements for environmental quality, foods, and crew health on spacecraft and space missions. The AFT portfolio focuses on reducing the mass, volume, and waste of the entire integrated food system to be used in exploration missions, and investigating processing methods to extend the shelf life of food items up to five years, while assuring that exploration crews will have nutritious and palatable foods. The portfolio also delivers improvements in both the food itself and the technologies for storing and preparing it. SHFE sponsors research to establish human factors and habitability standards and guidelines in five risk areas, and provides improved design concepts for advanced crew interfaces and habitability systems. These risk areas include: Incompatible vehicle/habitat design, inadequate humancomputer interaction, inadequate critical task design, inadequate human-automation/robotic interaction, and performance errors due to training deficiencies. To address the identified research gaps within each risk, SHFH’s research plan includes studies in the laboratory, in analogs, and on International Space Station (ISS). In addition to establishing and maintaining the risk-based research portfolio, SHFH is also implementing a qualitative approach to determine how we at NASA evaluate human performance. Via interviews with experts, such as trainers, flight controllers, and flight surgeons, we are collecting the metrics by which they assess human performance, evidence of performance issues, and potential or actual consequences. The Human Performance Data Project will determine what human performance data have been collected in the past at NASA, and what data should be collected in the future in order to complete our knowledgebase and reduce risks related to human factors and habitability.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C1-3 Dental Treatment during a human Mars Mission with remote support and advanced technology Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger1, Herwig Meusburger2 1

Vienna University of Technology / space-craft Architektur; 2Dentaltechnik Meusburger GmbH

Health Issues of Astronauts are high priority issues on long-term missions. Currently a wide range of examinations prior to mission begin and at least two crew medical officers ensure a basic medical supply on board. Medical equipment and instruments are available for a number of medical likely procedures. This is also valid for tooth ache. In case of an emergency, pain can be suppressed until medical help (back on Earth) is available. In extreme emergency, tools are available to extract the tooth. Although dental accidents occurrences were minimal so far, they are expected to rise significantly on long-term missions. Reasons for injuries in that area are manifold: moving objects can cause injuries in microgravity, as well as a higher risk of gingivitis (nutrition issues), caries and pulpitis are among the most obvious. In any case an immediate restoration is vital in order not to cause permanent damage to human health, to prevent loss of (limited) manpower and finally to ensure mission success. However, on contrary to earth conditions, a dentist or dental technician will not be available. This paper showcases an ongoing research project that combines the technical feasibility of 3D Technology in combination with dental technology. This innovative approach presents a new field for human space flight. The authors will give an introduction to the historic background and rational for dental emergency situations. They will further outline the process of detecting, diagnosing and treating a dental problem during a human mission, including advanced manufacturing methods for dental treatment. To demonstrate the workflow of a dental treatment with remote support, the technical procedure will be simulated under ‘simulated Mars’ conditions during the ‘AMADEE-15 Mission’ by the Austrian Space Forum. The results will be evaluated concerning future potential applications.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C1-4 Research from the NASA Twins Study and Omics in Support of Mars Missions C. Kundrot1, M. Shelhamer1, G. Scott2 1

Human Research Program, NASA, Houston, USA; 2National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Houston, USA

The NASA Twins Study, NASA’s first foray into integrated omic studies in humans, illustrates how an integrated omics approach can be brought to bear on the challenges to human health and performance on a Mars mission. The NASA Twins Study involves US Astronaut Scott Kelly and his identical twin brother, Mark Kelly, a retired US Astronaut. No other opportunity to study a twin pair for a prolonged period with one subject in space and one on the ground is available for the foreseeable future. A team of 10 principal investigators are conducting the Twins Study, examining a very broad range of biological functions including the genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, gut microbiome, immunological response to vaccinations, indicators of atherosclerosis, physiological fluid shifts, and cognition. A novel aspect of the study is the integrated study of molecular, physiological, cognitive, and microbiological properties. Major sample and data collection from bo th subjects for this study began approximately six months before Scott Kelly’s one year mission on the ISS, continue while Scott Kelly is in flight and will conclude approximately six months after his return to Earth. Mark Kelly will remain on Earth during this study, in a lifestyle unconstrained by this study, thereby providing a measure of normal variation in the properties being studied. An overview of initial results and the future plans will be described as well as the technological and ethical issues raised for spaceflight studies involving omics.

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3.C.2 – CHALLENGES OF FUTURE SPACEFLIGHTS Co-chairs: J. Charles, M. Zell

IAA-HIS-15-3C2-1 Defining behavioral competencies for exploration crew – psychological challenges before mission Natsuhiko Inoue1, Satoshi Furukawa1, Katsuhiko Ogata1 1

Flight Crew Operations and Technology Unit, JAXA, Japan

Currently, the strategy for participating in a space exploration program are examined at the government level in Japan. In addition, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is also examining various possibilities in a bid to contribute to future space exploration programs, that include an earlier operational start of the asteroid sample return mission “HAYABUSA2”. Regarding human explorations, JAXA is promoting diverse research. For example, the Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate has been conducting researches on developing Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), space radiation protection technology, and hardware elements of a new-generation space suit; moreover, the Flight Crew Operations and Technology Unit to which I belong is also conducting various studies alone or jointly with researchers at home and overseas, including a simple stress evaluation method using a closed environment developed by Flight Surgeon Suzuki, who participated in the Analog panel. As a psychological challenge for future missions to Mars, I would like to briefly describe the mission crew selection criteria, which include psychological competencies. In the ISS program, by the multilateral cooperation among astronauts, training experts and psychological support experts, “Behavioral competencies” consisting of eight categories (e.g. Cross Cultural, Teamwork, Group Living) has been set. JAXA selected astronauts in 2008-2009 according to these competencies, with particular emphasis on commandership on the ISS. Basically, given that mere written exams and brief interviews fail to fully cover the evaluation of psychological skills possessed by candidates, ten candidates were narrowed down through medical checks, written exams and interviews, isolated for a week in a isolation and confinement facility, and given various tasks to address individually or collectively as a team. Psychological/Psychiatry experts, JAXA management, and other astronauts evaluated the candidates by monitoring their performance. The evaluation was followed by the selection of three astronaut candidates, including Kimiya Yui who is scheduled to stay onboard the ISS beginning this summer. In addition, JAXA has been identifying psychological risks for future human exploration, such as Moon mission, and examining their training requirements since last year. Referring to the ISS program as a good model, by concurring such unified psychological criteria (though each country keeps) will help to result in more effective crew activities on expedition missions. Among the several mission plans currently presented by the participating countries, whichever may be chosen, it is never too early to start tackling the challenge of exploring the desirable vision of astronauts for manned space exploration of the Moon, Mars, asteroids, and other possibilities. The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), consisting of space agencies and researchers from many countries, will be an appropriate institution that offers opportunities for scientific discussion related to the above, while the International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF) offers opportunities to create a policy framework for international space exploration in the future.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C2-2 Astro-Omics – Personalizing the Exploration of Space G.B.I. Scott1, J.W. Belmont2, C.A. Shaw3, T.L. Johnson4, J.P. Sutton5 1

National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), Center for Space Medicine (CSM), and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Department of Human & Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA; 3Department of Human & Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 4National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), Houston, Texas, USA; 5National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), Center for Space Medicine (CSM), and Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA

The term “Astro-Omics” describes experimental and computational activities focused on the detailed characterization and quantification of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites (etc.), that are extracted from biofluids or tissues derived from organisms before, during, and after spaceflight. When fully integrated, these omic datasets can powerfully inform the understanding of unique phenotypic or personal responses to the space environment at a fundamental biomolecular level. The Astro-Omics lab is one of four new laboratories located within a Consolidated Research Facility (CRF) that is jointly operated by the Baylor College of Medicine Center for Space Medicine (BCM-CSM) and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI). The CRF is fundamentally transforming the research activities of both organizations. In 2008, NASA published a study that reported chromosomal damage in lymphocytes obtained from 19 astronauts analyzed after their long duration (~ 6 month) space missions.1 Understanding the nature of genomic changes down to the single nucleotide level and characterizing the implications of somatic mutations for gene expression are essential if we are to provide individual astronauts with appropriate medical screening, counseling, and personalized treatment plans. Captured gene sets (comprising oncogenes, cardiovascular (CV) relevant genes, and central nervous system [CNS]) relevant genes) derived from retired NASA astronauts will be sequenced and analyzed to identify somatic mutations (evidence of mosaicism) that have accumulated, potentially over and beyond the entire active flying career of each astronaut subject. Analyzed data will be presented detailing and contrasting the frequency distributions for rare genetic mutations that have been detected in the individual genomes of a cohort of retired U.S. Astronauts, as well as a from a cohort of healthy aged and sex matched controls. This is a groundbreaking study that is the first of its kind to sequence large gene sets captured from retired US astronauts. The project is particularly important because the highly unusual environmental exposures that characterize space flight, particularly galactic cosmic radiation, microgravity, close confinement and stress, (risk of death), may predispose crew members to increased rates of somatic mutation. The health consequences of somatic mutation are poorly understood but may include increased risk for cancers, blood dyscrasias, neurological disorders, and other diseases.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C2-3 Methodologies to derive radiation levels for Human Moon Missions Susan M. P. McKenna-Lawlor1 1

Space Technology Ireland Ltd. National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Human exploration missions to the Moon require knowledge (ground truth) concerning the energetic particle radiation environment due to Galactic Cosmic Radiation and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) radiation that potentially pertains at target areas of the lunar surface during dierent phases of the solar cycle. The present paper seeks to gather information concerning the Short Term and Career Dose Limits adopted/under consideration for adoption by the major space agencies for their astronauts on future lunar missions, together with information on the radiation models individually used in arriving at the values selected.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C2-4 International cooperation in preparation and realization of interplanetary spaceflights O.I. Orlov1, M.S. Belakovskiy1, D.V. Komissarova1, A.R. Kussmaul1 1


Recently the interest of the world community to the interplanetary space flights has increased signifi¬cantly. Despite well-known achievements in the remote exploration of deep space by means of unmanned vehicles, human involvement may expand considerably the field of investigations and help in obtaining of newest unique knowledge. For the day large experience of biomedical support of long-term space flights has been obtained, but it is necessary to acknowledge that biomedical support of interplanetary missions requires the development of new approaches and new tasks decisions. The results of unique analogue stud¬ies carried out in the Institute’s experimental facility have become important stages in the understanding of the solutions for prolonged SF biomedical problems. The present stage of the manned cosmonau¬tics evolution is characterized by the development of the international cooperation in the exploration of near-Earth environment. IBMP has been engaged in wide-ranging international scientific-technical cooperation with space agencies, research centers, universities, industrial companies and commercial firms in more than 50 countries. The experience of international collaboration in the Realization of scientific biomedical investigations and experiments was gained during the joint Russian/ US “Soyuz” and “Apollo” flights (1975), the flights on board “Salyut-6”, “Salyut-7” and “Mir” orbital stations, including “Interkosmos” program. Implementation of Russian-US “Mir-Shuttle” and “Mir-NASA” projects has become a demonstrative example of such cooperation and laid a foundation for conducting investigations and ex¬periments on board the ISS, also in the frame of multilateral collaboration. Today most of the business contacts of the Institute representatives with foreign ex perts are connected with the activities related to the ISS and is implemented through the functioning international bodies. Bilateral work groups on space biology and medicine established together with foreign partners (NASA, ESA, DLR, JAXA, and others) are a flexible instrument for effective and mutually beneficial scientific-technical cooperation. An interplanetary mission will require a thorough preparation on the Earth, numerous theoretical, techno¬logical and biomedical researchers, RD, and, in our opinion, consolidation of all international resources: diplomatic, financial, scientific, organizational, and others. Foreseeing major problems we’ll face with, IBMP has started the establishment of the Research Center to study biomedical aspects of interplanetary flights and extraterrestrial colonies, and is planning to involve all interested foreign partners to its work and to grant it the international status.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C2-5 Tele-echography on patient in isolated medical centre, from the University hospital using a tele-operated echograph and motorized probe. A Validation For Future Space Remote Investigation Ph. Arbeille1, E. Andre2, A. Saccomandi2, D. Chaput3, M. Georgescu1 1

UMPS-CERCOM (Unit Med Physiol Spatiale) – Faculte de Medecine Hopital Trousseau – Tours. France; 2MSP (Maison de Sante Pluridisciplinaire) – Richelieu. France; 3CNES Centre d’Etude Spatiale – Toulouse – France

The objective was to validate an integrated echograph with motorized probe unit fully controlled from away by an expert. between an isolated medical centre and the University hospital. Method: The function (Gain, depth, freeze, PW colour Doppler, 3D capture, measures..) of a commercial echograph (Sonoscanner Paris France) were controlled via internet. Two engine inside a probe allowed to tilt and rotate the transducer from away (Vermon Tours France) according to the movement of expert hand on a dummy probe. A non sonographer person by the side of the patient located the motorized probe (400 g, 240 cm3) on the patient, on top of the acoustic window of the organ as indicated by the expert by visio conference. Then the expert controlled the orientation of the transducer, until he got the appropriate view of the organ. He also adjusted the image display (Gain, depth..) and activated at his convenience the different function (PW or Colour Doppler, TM, 3D, measures of distance area velocities…) using a conventional PC keyboard. At last the expert recorded the images and video on his own compute r. Results: The system was successfully tested through terrestrial and satellite network on 100 patient with abdominal, vascular and small parts pathologies (At medical at Richelieu city in France) and pregnancies (Hospital of Ceuta in south Spain and Apatou dispensary in French Guyana) all being far away from a university hospital. The right diagnostic was found in 90% of the cases. Conclusion: The ergonomy of the tele-operated echograph and probe unit was found particularly well adapted for investigating patient in isolated places were no sonographer was available. It is now schedule to be used for investigating human in extreme environment like space, or hostile and restricted places.


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IAA-HIS-15-3C2-6 Crew 154 – Space Outreach and Analogue Mission at Mars Desert Station O. Doule1,2, Z. Janáček3 1

Space Innovations, s.r.o., Řečany nad Labem, Czech Republic; 2Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA; 3TBD

Mars Desert Research Station is a well-known and well tested medium fidelity habitat simulator in excellent location of Utah desert resembling surface of planet Mars. Crew 154 has been selected to perform unique three week mission focused on simulation and outreach at the same time. The topic of simulation is grasped from very intriguing point of view of acting while survival is still a stake in hand. This paper summarizes experience of crew 154 and provides the first insight in the outcomes, success and fails of this mission with particular focus on humanities, organizational and managerial topics of teamwork in extreme environment, human adaptation as well as artistic aspects and influence of the MDRS systems and location on human performance. The experience which main goal is its transmission to general public in understandable and entertaining way is addressing research of Dr. Robert Zubrin, founder of Mars Society and MDRS and is continuation of Crew 135 experience and mission goals established by Dr. Ondrej Doule space architect and commander of crew 135.


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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2015 09:00

PLENARY SESSION 4 – SPACE TOURISM Co-chairs: J. Kolar, M. Belakovskiy

IAA-HIS-15-PS4-1 Evolution of requirements of the medical screening of space tourists Y.I. Voronkov 1, N.V. Degterenkova1, E.I. Dobrokvashina1, M.A. Skedina1, G.P. Stepanova 1, I.B. Ushakov1 1

Russian Federation State Research Center Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS (IBMP)

Long-term experience of successful space flights on spacecraft “Soyuz” predetermined the possibility of realization at the end of the twentieth century of a new type of tourism – space tourism. Flights on near-earth orbit in entertaining or research purposes are paid from private finances. As is well known, Russia’s Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and the American company “Space Adventures” organize tourist mission. All believe that the employee of Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) Mr. Toyohiro Akiyama (Japan) and Helen Sharman (UK) became the first commercial space travellers. The representatives of these countries had flights to the space station “Mir” in 1990 and 1991. From 28 April 2001 (cosmic flight of Dennis Tito, USA) to the present time, the flights are carried out on the Russian segment of the International space station (ISS). The selection of a space flight participant (SFP), which is a member of the crew, is quite strict and consists of several stages. However, medical requirements for the tourists are different from the requirements for professional astronauts (cosmonauts). In order to ensure the medical fitness of space tourist, the representatives of the countries, operating the ISS, approved a special document entitled “Flight Crew Medical Standards and Spaceflight Participant Medical Acceptance Guidelines for Commercial Spaceflight”, published in a special volume “C”(MED vol. C). The document, which includes requirements for medical examination and the list of the disqualifying conditions, is intended only for the participants of the space mission to the ISS, the duration of which is not more than 30 days. After passing of full medical examination, the materials for a particular tourist are provided on the Main medical commission of the Russian Federation (MMC), and also on the multilateral commission on space medicine – MSMB (Multilateral Space Medicine Board), which define acceptable risks. If a risk for a tourist is laid in 1-2% of annual case and it does not influence on the program of mission and safety of all crew, then he, as a rule, is included in the visiting program. MMC, which includes representatives of the IBMP and the CPC allows for flight training, which takes place in Star City near Moscow in «The Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Center» (GCTC). Tourists are developed individual prophylaxis, on-Board first aid kit, and everything is done to ensure their safety. For tourists are developed personal means of prevention, on-board first aid kit, on-Board first aid kit, and everything is done in order to ensure their safety.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS4-2 Design of the Passenger Unit on the DLR Spaceliner A. Khouni1 1

Institute of Architecture and Design, Vienna University of Technology

Hypersonic flights have come within reach to facilitate the development of point to point commercial suborbital flights. Connecting high transit poles of the five continents in less than 90 min flight-time is the goal set for the SpaceLiner which is under investigation since 2005 by DLR the German Aerospace Agency. To fly on board this new spacecraft no tedious astronaut’s training is required. No stewards. No windows. Hypersonic speed, 12g forces at launch and weightlessness at the edge of space. These are the conditions for which my task is to setup the interior layout, design the passenger unit and rethink the process from check in to check out to meet the extreme inflight requirements, passenger security and comfort and transcend air travel as known today. The goal is to present, the evolution of commercial hypersonic suborbital point to point air travel, Spaceplanes in development and the design of an ergonomic passenger unit as the next step in airborne seatings as elaborated in my Master thesis of Architecture in summer2015 Welcome aboard!


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IAA-HIS-15-PS4-3 Pre-Flight Habituation Therapy to Prevent Motion Sickness in Space Travelers M. A. Chagas1 1

International Space University

It is well known that most of the astronauts experience symptoms of space sickness. Medications like scopolamine can help, but the side effects, which include sleepiness and lack of mental acuity, present another set of potential problems for traveling in space. Moreover, the world of commercial space tourism will likely spotlight the need for some space sickness countermeasures. It will be required for suborbital or orbital tourists to spend days or weeks in training, depending on the complexity and travel time. Motion sickness is mainly characterized by symptoms of vomiting, drowsiness, fatigue and idiosyncratic changes in autonomic nervous system responses such as heart rate and skin temperature. In order to minimize the potential impact of this syndrome, this work aims to demonstrate that physical therapy for vestibular rehabilitation has been shown to act physiologically on the vestibular system. Ind eed, it is being a therapeutic resource based on central mechanisms of neuroplasticity known as adaptation, habituation and substitution to obtain the vestibular compensation. This type of exercises facilitates self-regulation and autogenic training which lead to better control over motion tolerance. There is a straight relationship between habituation therapy with motion stress responses because it is focused on visual and vestibular provocative stimuli and balance training with gradual increase in difficulty. In fact, Habituation therapy is a non side effect alternative reduction of symptoms and improvement of function for prevent debilitating motion sickness. This kind of exercises can improve the Vestibular interaction during head movement, expand static and dynamic postural stability in conditions which produce conflicting sensory information and also diminish individual sensitivity to head movements. Such pre-flight preparation could also be beneficial to both civilia ns traveling by sea and military personnel stationed at sea who face sea sickness.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS4-4 Environmental Challenges for Space Law Barbara Skardzińska1 1

Department of International Aviation and Space Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

According to the simulation-based material research, published in Geophysical Research Letters, 1 thousand commercial space flights per year could potentially change the global circulation of atmospheric gases, including ozone. This would mean an increase in temperature in the polar regions by 1 degree Celsius and the reduction of sea ice in the polar region by 5-15 per cent. Even if above presented facts can be questioned, there is no doubt, that the space tourism would make an significant impact on the space and earth environment. Although the problem seems to be huge, there is no provisions regulating the environmental liability for damages made by commercial companies during their space tourism activities. Not only because of the fact, that the most of international space agreements were concluded, when the space activities had been conducted exclusively by governmental agencies, but also due to the structure of environmental law, whic h has been only recently developed. Although over the years the impact of environmental regulations on the international law has increased, its fundamental rules still have no equivalents in space law. Even the Outer Space Treaty, which provides the obligation to carry out activities in outer space pursuant to international law and to avoid harmful contamination, contains no regulations describing the liability, causality chain, fault or methods of the valuation of the damage in outer space. Current provisions focus mainly on damages made by the space objects. Author believes that the creation of legal framework in order to prescribe the liability for damages caused to the space environment is essential to develop space tourism and other commercial activities in outer space.


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IAA-HIS-15-PS4-5 Experiences of a Commercial Spaceflight Familiarization Program Maybritt Kuypers1 1

XCOR Space Expeditions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Introduction: We examined the psychological and physical responses of actual future commercial spaceflight participants (SFPs) during a tailor-made familiarization program mimicking the accelerations of the planned spaceflight. Methods: 26 future SFPs completed a total of 35 training sessions. The program consisted of a sophisticated simulator training exposing the subjects to maximum of +3.0 Gz, and an aerobatic or high-performance jet-trainer aircraft training that exposed the participants up to +4.0 Gz. We monitored for severe symptoms like G force induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) and vomiting. Hemodynamic data were collected during the simulator sessions. Subjects completed a questionnaire before training (self-report on anxiety level and susceptibility to motion sickness) and after training (on multiple symptoms; gastro-intestinal, neuro-vestibular, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular). Results: The participants were predominantly male (80%) age: 23-75 years with a mean of 50 years. 42% of the SFPs had a medical history of mild or stable chronic diseases, mostly hypertension or endocrine disease. The subjects reported a low susceptibility to motion sickness (88%) and a low score for anxiety (mean 3,5 on a 10 point scale). Out of the 35 training sessions there were two (5,7%) cases of G-LOC. 63% of the subjects experienced some light symptoms of nausea, 50% were slightly anxious, 42% experienced light vertigo, 42% experienced palpitations, 29% some light-headedness. There was one SFP with symptoms of hyperventilation. No one vomited and no one experienced any musculoskeletal problems. Discussion: SFPs seem to be predominantly male with a mean age of 50 years and a high likelihood of having a stable/mild chronic disease like hypertension or endocrine disorders. It is not unthinkable that subjects signing up for a commercial spaceflight have a form of selection bias and this might explain why their anxiety levels and susceptibility to motions sickness are low. They performed quite well with very low rate of G-LOC and no vomiting, only mild symptoms were reported and all were able to complete their training.


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POSTER SESSION IAA-HIS-15-P01 The bioresponse of osteocytes and its regulation on osteoblasts under vibration Xin-Tong Wu1, Lian-Wen Sun1, Hong-Yu Qi2, Hao Shi2, Yu-Bo Fan1,3 1

Key Laboratory for Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Ministry of Education, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China; 2School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China; 3.National Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical Aids, Beijing, China.

In order to explore the mechanism of low magnitude and high frequency (LMHF) vibration’s efficacy on osteocytes, the bioresponse of osteocytes under vibration of different frequencies was investigated, as well as the regulation effect of vibrated osteocytes on osteoblasts. Additionally, a finite element model (FEM) based on the real geometrical shape of an osteocyte was also built to compare the mechanical behaviors of osteocytes under LMHF vibration and shear stress. After 1h of LMHF vibration, F-actin stress fibers of osteocytes was enhanced under 10Hz, 30Hz and 60Hz but became loose and discontinuous under 90Hz especially on nuclei periphery. FEM analysis showed the cell membrane deformation was small with a peak value of 1.09% under LMHF vibration while 6.65% under shear stress. Among the employed frequencies, 30Hz was the most beneficial for osteocytes’ secretion of signal molecules as well as their effect on osteoblasts early differentiation. These results suggested that osteocytes were able to sense LMHF vibration of different frequencies but not dependent on cell membrane deformation.


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IAA-HIS-15-P02 The Effects of 21 Days of Bed Rest on Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity H.C. Kenny1, F. Rudwill2, M. Heer3, S. Blanc2, L. Breen2, D.J. O’Gorman1 1

Centre for Preventive Medicine, School of Health and Human Performance, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland; 2National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Ireland; 3Université de Strasbourg, Institut Pluridisiplinaire Hubert Curien, Départment d’Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie. CNRS, UMR7178, Strasbourg, France; 4Profil Institute for Metaboliic Research GmbH, Hellersbergstrasse 9, D-41460 Neuss, Germany.

Introduction: Sedentary behaviour is independently associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Bed rest represents a unique model of physical inactivity that has been likened to accelerated ageing given the changes in cardiovascular, neural and metabolic function. In particular, reduced skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity and a reduction in intrinsic mitochondrial function in response to physical inactivity may have broad implications for human disease. Purpose: The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport capacity are diminished in response to 21 days of -6˚ head down tilt bed rest. Methods: The O2 flux capacity of permeabilized skeletal muscle fibres obtained by muscle biopsy from the vastus lateralis was measured using high resolution respirometry before and after 21 days of bed rest. Subjects were assigned to the resistive vibration exercise (RVE) group (n=11), nutrition and exercise (NEX) group (n=8) and the control group (n=11). We measured the capacity of the electron transport system with high-resolution respirometry by applying two substrateuncoupler-inhibitor-titration (SUIT) protocols. Citrate synthase activity was used to normalize for mitochondrial content. Mitochondrial protein content was determined by Western blot analysis. Results: O2 flux expressed per mg of wet weight of muscle tissue was lower during LEAK respiration following 21 days of BR (P=0.024). LEAK respiration was measured in the presence of pyruvate and malate and in the absence of ADP. The decrease in leak respiration was partially offset during the NEX trial. OXPHOS and ETS capacity, indicative of maximal capacity, were unchanged following bed rest while citrate synthase activity was significantly reduced (p=0.01). The protein content of COXIV and SDHa were unchanged following bed rest. COX Va was reduced after bed rest (P=0.07). Conclusion: A reduction in LEAK respiration is an indicator of reduced mitochondrial uncoupling which, independently of mitochondrial content, has been associated with an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and dysregulation of lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle. The decrease leak respiration was not accompanied by a decrease in maximal respiratory capacity or the content of ETS proteins. This subtle change in mitochondrial metabolism may be an early adaptation to inactivity and, with repeated bouts, may be responsible for altered cellular metabolism, ectopic fat storage and insulin resistance.


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IAA-HIS-15-P03 Motor imagery of body movements that can’t be executed on Earth M. Kalicinski1, N. Schott2, O. Bock1 1

Institute of Physiology and Anatomy, German Sport University Cologne, Cologne, Germany; 2Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Introduction: Before participating in a space mission, astronauts undergo parabolic-flight and underwater training to facilitate their subsequent adaptation to weightlessness. A quick, simple and inexpensive approach that could be used to prepare astronauts both for the absence and for the renewed presence of gravity is motor imagery (MI). MI is described as an active cognitive process during which the representation of a specific action is internally reproduced in working memory without any overt motor output from a first-person perspective (Decety & Grèzes, 1999). Training protocols based on MI have repeatedly been shown to modify brain circuitry and to improve motor performance in healthy young adults. An accurate MI performance is thereby seen as an important prerequisite. Whereas it is well known that healthy adults are able to imagine familiar movements accurately, it remains unclear if they are also able to imagine movements that are impossible to perform under the pre sence of gravity. Methods: 68 adult (23.94 ± 3.07 years; male n = 33) participants completed a modified version of the CMI test (Schott, 2013). With eyes closed, subjects were asked to imagine, that they are moving their body parts according to six consecutive verbal instructions (e.g. take a step with your right feet to your right side). They were not allowed to move any part of the body during the instructions. After the sixth instruction, participants opened their eyes and arranged the segments of a doll into the assumed final body configuration. Each shown element and each final body configuration were scored with 1 point when correct; hence the full scores after all instructions were 50 for Elements (10 trials with a maximum of 5 points each trial) and 10 for Final. The time in seconds needed to assume the final configuration (Quickness) was measured. In a first condition, participants were instructed to imagine themselves standing on the ground and received only instructions for moving body segments (CMIground). In a second condition, participants were instructed to imagine themselves floating above ground and received instructions for moving body segments and full body rotations around the three body axes (CMIfloat). After each condition, participants were asked to rate their subjective visual and kinesthetic vividness of MI. Results: Condition differences emerged for the mean scores for Elements (CMIground = 45.7 ± 4.1; CMIfloat = 41.2 ± 5.3; F (1, 66) = 62.596; p <. 001 η² =. 467), Final (CMIground = 7.1 ± 2.3; CMIfloat = 4.5 ± 2.4; F (1, 66) = 83.131; p <. 001 η² =. 557), and Quickness (CMIground = 10.9 ± 3.8; CMIfloat = 17.0 ± 8.1; F (1, 66) = 56.694; p <. 001 η² =. 462). Condition differences were also represented in the ratings for vividness (F (1, 66) = 50.929; p <. 001 η² =. 436). Conclusion: Motor imagery is degraded when participants are asked to imagine body movements while floating. This confirms that preflight training of MI while floating might be beneficial for astronauts’ mission performance.


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IAA-HIS-15-P04 The system of physical training, ensure the preservation of health and human immune status at the appropriate level in isolation in hermetic-object duration 520 days E. Fomina1, K. Uskov1, E. Antropova1, S. Ponomarev1, T. Berendeeva1, M. Rykova1 1

Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation;

Physical exercise is the leading means in the prevention of negative effects microgravity in the Russian system of countermeasure. In order to determine the effect of physical training of various kinds and duration pauses in training for about a month at the level of physical performance and condition of the human immune system has been used to study the model within the insulating Mars-500 experiment simulating an interplanetary flight to Mars and return to Earth. The study involved six subjects from different countries: Russia, France, Italy and China. Crew members were divided into groups of 2 people. Flight time was divided into six periods of training and 3 rest periods. 6 training period included three period s of resistance training and 3 periods of cyclic exercises – running and pedalling on a bicycle ergometer. Resistance training is carried out using a Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space (MDS), with bungee cords and vibration platform Galileo 2000. MDS simulator allows the load on different muscle groups in the isokinetic and isometric modes. Every 30 days passed the test session on simulator MDS. This simulator allows to determine the maximum voluntary force in such tests as “Bench Press”, “Biceps” (in concentric mode) and “Leg Press” (in isometric mode). The results of the model experiment showed that the proposed system of physical training in a reduce of motor activity allowed to maintain the level of physical performance of the crew close the background. Periods of pauses in training led to some decrease the level of performance that restored the next training period. Analysis of the state of the immune system of the crew before and after the cycle of resistance training has shown that after the completion of the training period, there were no significant changes in subpopulations of peripheral blood lymphocytes – CD3-CD16 + 56 + -, CD19 + -, CD3 + -, CD3 + CD4 + -, CD3 + CD8 + -, CD3 + CD25 + -, CD4 + CD25bright + -, CD4 + CD45RA + -, CD4 + CD45RO + -cells. Analysis of the functional status of immune cells revealed ability of increasing CD3 + -T-lymphocytes expressing on its surface in response to an adequate stimulation activation marker CD69. A feature of the phenotype of monocytes was increased content in peripheral blood cells expressing TLR2 + and CD206 + receptors. Thus, the proposed system of resistance training did not cause pathological changes in the functioning of the immune system. Showed signs of positive activation of T-level adaptive immunity and innate immunity PRR cells indicate that the intensity of the training process was adequate opportunity to the body and boosted the adaptive capacity of the immune system. At the same time, a break in training led not only to reduce the level of physical performance, but also to a decrease in the serum level of immune response regulator – IL-4, 6, 8, 12. This work was supported by RFBR grant 13-04-02182.


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IAA-HIS-15-P05 Exercise in Virtual Environments: a promising countermeasure for space exploration A. Solignac1 1

I.C.E.B.E.R.G., Paris, France

In operational environments where crew time, power and room are limited, compact countermeasures that combine with embedded hardware to address multiple stressors are precious assets. Exercise in Virtual Environments (EVE) represents an innovative psycho-physical countermeasure for long duration / long distance spaceflight. Combining with mandatory exercise performed by astronauts, 3D virtual landscapes displayed inside a stereoscopic HMD (Head Mounted Display) open a realm of potential countermeasures, including: maintenance of motivation for regular physical exercise, prevention and treatment of sensory deprivation, and -hypothetically- prevention of Space Adaptation Syndrome and changes in the vestibular system of astronauts. Space programs have been traditional developers of Virtual Reality (VR) devices and uses for decades: e.g. in the training of space crews. However, and despite suggestions by experts, immersive VR remains absent from extreme environments field operations, apart from a few neurosciences scientific protocols using simple 3D graphics as a stimulus. Regular physical exercise on ergometers is a mandatory activity in confined settings, all the more in space, to prevent osteomuscular deconditioning. It also provides opportunities to relax and unwind mentally from monotony, or from the opposite: heavy workload. As suggested by scientific literature, immersive VR can act as a complement to physical exercise sessions, by helping to maintain motivation during repetitive sessions, with no detriment to the beneficial effects of exercise. Such technologies could therefore maintain the motivation of crewmembers living and working in extreme operational contexts, throughout long missions. As a matter of fact, ISS crews already use music and movies to enhance their daily exercise sessions. Thanks to the feeling of presence brought by VR, confined crews could also experience natural and terrestrial elements that are strongly lacking in their artificial working and living environment: fauna, flora, climate, landscape, and last but not least, diverse horizons and distance perceptions in stereoscopy. Finally, by replacing the whole visual field, immersive VR represents an interesting platform to measure vestibular changes related to microgravity, and could potentially help astronauts to foster their adaptation to space, and back to planetary gravities. Incidentally, the physical characteristics of space create interesting new technical constraints for modern VR hardware: stricter technical requirements, unusual magnetic field, and last but not least, microgravity. Physical characteristics of the milieu can even affect fundamental components of recent VR systems (e.g. stability of head tracking, if the system relies on magnetism or gravity for drift correction). To pave the way for further research in space and analogues, the ICEBERG research group developed a proof-of-concept prototype, demonstrating how VR -combined with physical exercise- could provide applied countermeasures for crews spending extended periods of time in confined settings, such as space stations, submarines and remote polar outposts. In order to prepare its use in these operational contexts, the EVE prototype was tested under unusual magnetic and gravity parameters. During a 2014 summer campaign in Antarctica, the prototype successfully performed, both in close proximity to the South magnetic pole, and behind the thick metallic hull of a polar ship. In early 2014, a first parabolic flight also demonstrated proper functionality of the hardware in transient microgravity. Beyond spaceflight, terrestrial applications are also considered with the general population, and with patients undergoing functional rehabilitation.


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IAA-HIS-15-P06 Cupping of the negative impact of real and modeled weightlessness properties of muscles with active and passive resistive training T. Kukoba1, E. Fomina1 1

State Scientific Center of Russian Federation Institute Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Actual is to assess the role of active and passive means used in the countermeasures of negative effects of weightlessness and selection of the optimum regimes resistive training in preparation for interplanetary missions. In this regard, the aim of the present study was a comparative analysis of the two regimes resistive exercises performed by the Russian crew members during long-duration space missions on ARED, and determining the effectiveness of training with the use of suit axial loading “Penguin-3” in the experiment with “dry” immersion. Method. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of two regimes of resistive exercises on the simulator ARED during spaceflight was performed based on the selection of two groups of cosmonauts that differed in volume of “weight” load when performing resistive training. In group A (n=8) the magnitude of the load was 50-60% of a repetition maximum (RM), in group B (n=8) – 70-80% from the RM. In both groups 3 – 4 approach to 12 – 20 reps of each exercise was performed. Determination of the effectiveness of the suit “Penguin-3” was carried out in conditions 5-day “dry” immersion, where in group C (n=4) countermeasures tools was not used, and in group D (n=4) daily suit “Penguin-3” was used for 4 hours with “weight” load 16 kg applied load. Evaluation of maximum voluntary strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the lower limbs of subjects, before and after long-duration space missions, before and after 5-day “dry” immersion was performed using isokinetic testing following the united protocol. Maximum voluntary force hip muscles was determined on the angular velocity of 60°/s, lower leg muscles – in three speed ranges: 150°/s, 90°/s, 30°/s. Testing the strength endurance of the hip was performed on the basis of an assessment 22 flexion and extension in the knee joint with a maximum rate and strength on the angular velocity of 120°/s. Results. Training with the “weight” load 50-60% of RM were not effective enough, in group A there was a decline in the maximum voluntary strength lower leg muscles at all studied angular velocities (P≤0.05), while in group B was effectively preserved the arbitrary maximum power on the angular velocity of 30°/s and 90°/s. Strength endurance of the hip was also reduced in group A (P≤0.05), while in group B this quality was maintained. A positive effect of the axial loading suit “Penguin-3” manifested in the preservation of power endurance of the muscles of the thigh. At 0 and 3 days after immersion in the group D strength endurance of the muscles of the hip was significantly higher than in group C (P≤0.05), with decrease in this quality, but it has not reached significance of difference with BDS. Thus, for long-term space missions can recommend resistive exercises on strength training equipment with the “weight” load of 70 – 80% of the PM, alternating with periods of use suit “Penguin-3” The work was carried out with support of RFFI grant RSF No 14-25-00167


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IAA-HIS-15-P07 Regulation of heart rate in long-duration space flights A. Chernikova1, I. Funtova, R. Baevsky1 1

SSC RF – Institute of biomedical problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

Introduction: Implementation of long-term space flight places high demands both to the health of cosmonauts, and to medical care system. Humans are able to live and work in space for a long time, but “pay” for it a certain price by reduction of their functionality, particularly evident after returning to Earth. Our work is focused on studying the heart rate (HR) changes after long space flights in relation with results of pre-flight and in-flight examinations. Materials and metods: We present the results of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis based on ECG in experiments “Pulse” (7 cosmonauts) and “Pneumocard” (25 cosmonauts) and contactless seismocardiogramm (SCG) in experiment “Sonocard” (21 astronaut) on board the ISS. We have analyzed data for 5 minutes samples at rest, supine position, during orthostatic test, as well as during night sleep. Studies at rest were conducted before flight, monthly during flight and at 4-5 day after flight. Active orthostatic test was carried out before flight and at 4-5 day of readaptation period. Studies during night sleep were conducted before flight, twice a month during flight and at 4-5 day of readaptation period. HRV analysis was carried out in the time and frequency domains. Results: We have found that HR at rest during flight is significantly higher than HR before flight (63,05±0,65 bpm vs 57,05±1,32 bpm, p = 0,001). HR during night sleep was significantly higher after flight in attitude to preflight and flight values (respectively 64,03±1,86, 57,38±1,49 and 54,36±1,23 bpm). During active orthostatic test at readaptation period HR was significantly higher than before flight (86,7±2,3 vs 71,57±1,8 bpm, p=0,001). Cosmonauts were classified to three groups according to HR augmentation during active orthostatic test at 4-5 day of readaptation in relation to pre-flight results. Comparison of these groups revealed that the group with the highest increase in HR after flight is characterized by significantly lower pre-flight HR values in supine and standing positions (55,15±1,26 and 69,6±1,87 bpm), low LF/HF ratio in supine position (1,29±0,15), and higher pNN50 va lues (26,47 ± 4,01%). This group during flight has a more pronounced increase in resting HR (63,7±0,81 bpm) and reduction in pNN50 (13,75±1,53%).The highest correlation with pre-flight HR values was found according to experiment “Sonocard” data: with HR during and after flight (0,63 and 0,7 respectively). Correlations between HR values before flight with HR during flight and HR after flight in supine position were less (0,54 and 0,53 respectively). HR values during active orthostatic test before and after flight correlated slightly (r = 0,3). Conclusion: The HR values during sleep in microgravity and after flights are more dependent on preflight HR values. At the same time, in wakefulness, especially during readaptation period, under the action of gravity and orthostatic stress, HR is associated not only with the baseline HR pre-values, but with HR regulation characteristics and their changes during flight. HR values are linked not only with autonomic function, so we plan to analyze velocity and volume indicators of cardiovascular system, as well as effects of preventive measures.


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IAA-HIS-15-P08 NASA’s Functional Task Test: High intensity exercise improves heart rate responses during functional tasks and their recovery after 70-day bedrest S.S. Laurie1, S.M.C. Lee1, T.R. Phillips1, E.L. Dillon2, M. Sheffield-Moore2, R.J. Urban2, L. Ploutz-Snyder3, M.B. Stenger1, J.J. Bloomberg4 1

Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering Group, Houston, TX; 2University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Internal Medicine, Galveston, TX; 3Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX; 4NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Cardiovascular adaptations that occur during spaceflight can be modeled with 6° head-down tilt bed rest (BR) and result in decreased orthostatic tolerance. As part of NASA’s Functional Task Test, we investigated if high-intensity resistive and aerobic exercise with and without testosterone supplementation would improve cardiovascular responses to a 3.5-min stand test and whether heart rate (HR) responses during this contro lled orthostatic stressor were reflective of the cardiovascular stress experienced during functional tasks representative of exploration mission activities. During 70 days of BR subjects performed either no exercise (Control, n=10), high intensity supine resistive and aerobic exercise (Exercise, n=9), or supine exercise plus supplemental testosterone (Exercise+T, n=8; 100 mg i.m., weekly in 2-week on/off cycles). We measured HR while subjects completed a standardized stand test and a suite of functional tasks twice before and 0, 1, 6, and 11 days after BR. In addition, plasma volume (PV) was measured twice before and 0, 1, 3, 6, and 11 days after BR. Mixed-effects linear regression models were used to evaluate group, time, and interaction effects. Compared to pre-bed rest, prone HR was elevated on BR+0 and BR+1 in Control, but not Exercise or Exercise+T groups, and standing HR was greater in all 3 groups. The increase in prone and standing HR in Control subjects was greater than either Exercise or Exercise+T groups. By BR+6, prone and standing HR were not different from pre-bed rest in any group. Prone HR and standing HR were similar between Exercise and Exercise+T groups during all testing days. PV was lower on BR+0 in all groups, but returned to pre-BR levels by BR+1. While the stand test was the most controlled orthostatic stressor, HR also was elevated compared to pre-BR in all groups after BR during other upright functional tasks including Tandem Walk, Activity Board, Dynamic Visual Acuity, and Rock Translation. While previous studies have reported that HR is elevated after BR during quiet standing and exercise, for the first time we have demonstrated that the elevated HR response measured during a controlled orthostatic stress during quiet standing also occurs while performing functional tasks. Despite the rapid recovery of PV following BR, HR during standing and functional task performance on BR+1 remained elevated, adding to previous work suggesting that other BR-induced cardiovascular adaptations may impact orthostasis and work performance for several days. While these exercise countermeasures were partially protective, additional or modified countermeasures may be needed to fully prevent increased cardiovascular stress during functional tasks representative of exploration-class mission activities.


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IAA-HIS-15-P09 Cardiovascular system response to enhanced negative inspiratory pressure Yu. Semenov1,2, A. Dyachenko1,2,3, J. Popova1, A. Suvorov1 1

Laboratory of physiology and biomechanics of cardiorespiratory system, Institute of biomedical problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2Deparment of biological and medical physics, Moscow institute of physics and technology, Moscow, Russia; 3 Laboratory of physics of living systems, Prokhorov general physics institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Our study relates to development of a method to counteract hemodynamic changes taking place in microgravity, first of all, blood shift in cranial direction that leads to edematous phenomena and possible increase in intracranial pressure. The method is based on negative pressure breathing (NPB). Negative (with respect to atmospheric) pressure can be applied during whole breathing cycle or at certain phase. M. Tikhonov et al. (USSR patent 1690673 of 15.11.199 1) suggested NPB during the whole cycle. V. Baranov et al. 2000, M. Tikhonov et al. 2003 applied NPB with and without LBNP-simulated orthostatic challenge and proposed to use it as countermeasure technique during space flight. NPB during inspiration only (NPBin) is considered as a technique to counteract negative effects of central hypovolemia (Convertino et al., Lurie et al., 1995-2015). Experimental evaluation of changes in cardiovascular system of healthy volunteers during applying of NPBin was the purpose of our study. Special attention was paid to oscillations of cardiovascular system parameters during single breath cycle. Two experimental series (main and control) was conducted with every of 8 healthy male volunteers. Experimental protocol of each series included three stages: normal breathing for 10 minutes, 20 minutes of NPBin (-20 cm H2O), 6 minutes normal breathing. During control series we used sham NPBin device, it was the only difference between main and control series. In both series subject was supine, head-down tilted (-80). The systolic (SAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial blood pressures, heart rate (HR) were measured beat-to-beat by means of FinometerPRO device. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance were evaluated by embedded software. The mouth pressure was also registered by Finapres with the help of add-on device. We analyzed changes in average values of registered parameters computed for whole stage and changes taking place during a single breath cycle. For one-breath analysis we cut recorded curves to fragments corresponding to each breath cycle and superpose them on one plot. Procedure was conducted for individual curves registered in each test subject. After analyzing individual superposed curves we calculated group characteristics. We found no physiologically significant changes in average values of measured parameters. Changes taking place during single breath cycle were dramatic. We found decrease in SV and MAP and increase in HR during inspiration in every subject in main series as well as in control series for all stages. NPBin increased amplitude of these changes twice. Changes in MAP always corresponded to changes in SAP meanwhile DAP reaction on breathing was almost negligible even when NPBin was applied. Changes in HR compensated oscillations of SV, so CO remained unchanged. Observed reaction could be provoked by decrease in left ventricular blood filling pressure due to increase in lung blood filling during inspiration. Results of this study allow to consider NPBin as a mean to control the cardiovascular system. This study was supported by the Programs “Integrative Physiology” and “Basic sciences to medicine” of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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IAA-HIS-15-P10 Simulated microgravity disturbs cell cycle in human megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01 A. Sokolovskaya1, M. Mesitov1, T. Klementeva1, A. Moskovtsev1, A. Kubatiev1 1

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia

Megakaryocytes are specialized cells responsible for the production of platelets. Recently it has been reported several cases of thrombocytopenia in astronauts after spaceflights, but the reason for the decrease in number of platelets is not known. One of the causes of thrombocytopenia can be decreased platelet production. For better understanding the mechanisms that may be involved in possible changes of processes of thrombopoiesis in humans under microgravity conditions, we investigated the effects of simulated microgravity on megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01 as a model system. Using a Desktop random positioning machine (RPM) we studied the cell cycle distribution of MEG-01 under simulated microgravity at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. MEG-01 cells with a density of 0.3 × 106 cells/mL were placed in 3.0 mL tubes. Next, the tubes were fixed onto the Desktop RPM at the center of the platform and cultured at 37° C in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO2. The cell cycle distribution of MEG-01 cells was analyzed by propidium iodide staining of cellular DNA content and flow cytometry FACSCalibur. The percentages of cell population in G0/G1, S or G2 phases were calculated from histograms by using the Cell Quest software. Flow cytometry analysis showed a significant increase in the percentage of cells in G0/G1 phase after 72 h of RPM-simulated microgravity as compared to the control group (1g control). To elucidate the underling mechanisms we attempted the analysis by examining cyclin expression in cells grown under simulated microgravity. We did not find a significant difference in cyclin B1 expression between cells exposed to RPM-simulated microgravity and 1g control. Effect of RPM-simulated microgravity on cyclin D1 expression was not significant. We can postulate that simulated microgravity inhibits cell cycle progre ssion of MEG-01 cells from G0/G1 into S phase. We suggest that these changes in cell cycle progression in megakaryoblasts under conditions of microgravity with insufficient physiological compensation may lead to decreased platelets production. It should also be noted that the human cell line MEG-01 due to its possibility to generate platelet-like particles could be useful model to study the effects of simulated microgravity on platelet production.


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IAA-HIS-15-P11 Effect of lower body negative pressure on cardiac output during moderate exercise transients in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome patients A. Bringard1, F. Barbic3, A. Adami1,4, N. Fagoni2, T. Fontolliet1, C. Moia1, R. Furlan3, G. Ferretti1,2 1

Departments of Anesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Care and of Basic Neuroscience, Faculty of medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2School of Medicine, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy; 3Medicina Interna, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy; 4Division of Respiratory & Critical Care Physiology & Medicine, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance (CA), USA

Patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) suffer from symptoms like lightheadedness, palpitations, presyncope, dizziness, syn cope, fatigue, and are subject to chronic orthostatic intolerance (Furlan et al., 1998). They exhibit higher heart rate (HR) and lower blood pressure (BP) than healthy subject, mediated by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The syncopal events have similar characteristics as those affecting astronauts upon return from space flight. Potential alterations of the autonomic nervous system justify the hypothesis of altered dynamics of cardiovascular responses to exercise in these patients. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the rapid cardiovascular response to exercise under exposure to lower body negative pressure (LBNP). 10 POTS and 8 healthy subjects, matched for sex and age, performed 3 repetitions of the same moderate exercise (50W) in 4 conditions: upright, supine and with adjunction of -15 and -30 mmHg of LBNP. HR was measured by electrocardiography. Cardiac output (CO) was calculated by the Modelflow method applied on beat-by-beat pulse pressure profiles, recorded on a left hand’s finger, by Portapres. In each condition, the 3 repetitions were put together (Bringard et al., 2014). Then biexponential modeling was applied on the rest-to-exercise CO and HR transients, whereby a time constant and an amplitude of response for a rapid response phase (tau1 and A1, respectively) and for the slower primary response phase (tau2 and A2, respectively) were computed. Statistics were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA, with Tukey post-hoc test. POTS had higher HR than control at rest (97.3 ± 19.9 versus 82.4 ± 15.0 bpm). Both groups had higher baseline HR upright than supine and with -15 mmHg LBNP, so that also in these conditions HR was higher in POTS than in controls. These differences were maintained at exercise. CO was unaffected by LBNP in controls. Conversely, POTS had higher baseline CO upright and supine than with -30 mmHg LBNP (5.64 ± 1.38 and 5.84 ± 1.37 versus 4.20 ± 0.91 l.min-1). They had also higher CO at exercise steady-state upright and supine compared with -30 mmHg LBNP (9.59 ± 1.99 and 9.34 ± 2.09 versus 7.62 ± 1.36 l.min-1). Tau1 was similar in both groups in all conditions. Tau2 for HR was significantly higher for POTS than for control (73.9 ± 44.6 versus 39.2 ± 24.6 s). However, this was not the case for CO. POTS exhibited smaller A1 and A2 for CO than controls (A1: 1.78 ± 0.82 versus 2.27 ± 0.83 l.min-1; A2: 1.88 ± 0.83 versus 2.38 ± 0.92 l.min-1). A1 was larger upright than supine and with -15 mmHg LBNP for POTS (2.50 ± 0.70 versus 1.26 ± 0.48 and 1.47 ± 0.96 l.min-1). The higher HR for POTS at rest and exercise steady-state suggest stronger sympathetic activation. However, the slower tau2 indicates decreased sensitivity of the sympathetic system. These results suggest that POTS are characterized by complex autonomic responses to exercise. The Frank-Starling mechanism is preserved in POTS.


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IAA-HIS-15-P12 Physiological Aspects of Walking in Simulated Hypogravity Thomas Salisbury1, Rafael Reimann Baptista2, Joan Fei2, Felipe Susin2, Thais Russomano2 1

Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; 2Microgravity Centre, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil,

Understanding the biomechanics and energetics of walking in a hypogravity environment has recently received renewed interes t with projects such as the possible manned missions to Mars. We know that hypogravity environments result in a significantly altered gait to terrestrial based gaits, as well as alterations in metabolic energy requirements for locomotion. The challenge is further studying this and trying to understand the reason for these altered energy requirements. Body suspension devices (BSD), provide this possibility by partially sustaining the individuals’ weight and are an economical and practical alternative to other hypogravity simulation techniques. It is through this that we intend to study the differences in gait between land (1G), lunar (Lunar G) and Martian (Mars G) based ambulation. 9 volunteers were placed in a BSD and had baseline VO2 and heart rate (HR) measured along with measures of comfort, pain and exertion. The BSD was then engaged and the subjects underwent 10 minutes of walking at a self-selected speed, in a simulated Mars G environment, followed by a rest period to ba seline HR. A lunar environment was then simulated for another 10 minutes’ walk, followed by a walk at 1G for 10 minutes. Our findings demonstrate that as gravity is reduced self-selected walking speed decreases and any level of activity beyond rest increases heart rate. However, there was no significant difference in HR between altered Gs. Metabolic activity as shown through relative and absolute VO2 was found to be significantly different between rest and 1G, however no difference was found between the other levels of hypogravity. While it might be expected that VO2 change between rest and hypogravity, it has been previously noted that hypogravity requires levels less than 0.5G to manifest metabolic changes. It may therefore be that the combination of self-selected speed and hypogravity reduced changes in VO2 to below significance. Borg’s exertion scale showed a difference between 1G and Lunar G which may indicate that the change in exertion was only detectable in the subject when hypogravity was greater than Mars G. Both pain and comfort scale ratings comparing 1G with Mars and Lunar G found statistical significances between these, however it is difficult to differentiate whether this is due to exertion and adaptation to new gait patterns or discomfort induced from the harness. Further research is required into this field and this experiment will be repeated using a lower body positive pressure device which will enable comparison of results.


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IAA-HIS-15-P13 Forecast of individual changes of the heart activity of cosmonauts (according to ECG data) at the stage of nominal descent to Earth after space flights of different duration on the basis of in-flight ECG M. Koloteva1, A. Kotovskaya1 1

Moscow, SSC RF – Institute of biomedical problems of RAS

Electrocardiography data (ECG) have a very important place in the system of assessment of the state of health and tolerance to different functional tests in the process of selection and training of cosmonauts. ECG is one of the sources of objective information about the state of the heart activity of cosmonauts during overloads effects at the stages of insertion of space ships (SS) to the orbit and their descent to Earth. It is very important to have information about possible changes of the heart activity in each cosmonaut in advance, at the stage of on-ground examinations before SF, especially at the stage of SS descent to Earth with the aim of taking necessary countermeasures and preventing possible disorders in SF. ECG analysis has been conducted in 32 cosmonauts in 36 short-term space flights (SSF) (with the duration from 8 to 30 days) and in 66 cosmonauts in 81 long-term space flight (LSF) (with the duration from 73 to 198 days), beginning from the stage of clinical-physiological examination (CPE), in SF, finishing by medical examination after completion of SF with the aim of determination of possible disorders and degree of their expression. In the flights ECG was registered in lead DS. A method has been developed of assessment of the heart activity (on ECG data) in points, allowing to determine quantitatively ECG changes at different stages of observation. Each deviation from normal parameters of ECG was given its point depending on the degree of significance. Statistical analysis of ECG changes was conducted with the use of multivariative analysis of variance. For the first time possibility was determined on the basis of pre-flight ECG data to forecast in advance individual changes of the heart activity in each cosmonaut (according to ECG) at the stage of nominal descent of SS of “Soyuz” type. Favourable prognosis was confirmed in most observations – in 84.6 % (n=22 from 26, SSF) and in 90.3 % observations (n=65 from 72, LSF) – absence of significant negative dynamics during the whole period of observations. Unfavourable prognosis was possible in 27.7 % of cases (n=10, SSF) and in 12.5 % of observations (n=9, LSF), that was completely confirmed in 100 % of cases – in the process of selection and training of cosmonauts for SF on ECG changes on ECG were registered, that, at the stage of descend of SS on Earth became more expressed. Favourable prognosis was not confirmed in 15.3 % (n=4, SSF) and in 9.7 % of observations (n=7, LSF) – in those cases in examinations before SF on ECG there were not significant individual peculiarities, but at the stage of descend in cosmonauts reliable (p<0.01) serious deterioration of ECG was observed. The conducted investigations prove possibility of beforehand prognosis of different changes on ECG of cosmonauts on Earth with the aim of taking necessary countermeasures and preventing of possible disorders in SF.


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IAA-HIS-15-P14 Bone loss in dental implant during simulated microgravity: Salivary biomarkers in Space dentistry B. Rai1, J. Kaur2 1,2

JBR group of Aeronautical and Space Dentistry, JBR society; 1Program director, Kepler Space Institute, USA

Space flight unavoidably involves human interaction with microgravity which effect on fluid balance, cardiovascular output, calcium balance, muscular atrophy, osteoporosis, oral cavity physiology etc. No known study was conducted on the effect of simulated microgravity on dental implants. This study evaluated peri-implant bone changes around a dental implant placed in 12 subjects who spent 3 months in Mars simulated bed rest environment. Measurements were performed by three experts before starting study (baseline) and after 3 months. Standardized periapical radiographs and saliva were taken, and data were analyzed. Saliva samples were taken. Gel electrophoresis was used to analyze the proteomic. The significant difference was found in mesial and distal surfaces with loss of bone height mesially of 0.12 (0.4) and distally of 0.11 (0.2) mm after 3 months. Five proteins were found to be differen tially expressed after 3 months of study as compared to baseline (p < 0.005). Significant corrections (r2=0.89, p =0.0001) was found between bone height loss and salivary proteomics. This implies that the proteins may have the potential to be used as biomarkers for the prediction of bone loss during space flight.


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IAA-HIS-15-P15 Influence of IMD-0354, NF-kapaB-signaling blocker, on the E3-ligases expression in rat soleus during gravitational unloading S. Belova1, T. Nemirovskaya2 1

Institute of Bio-medical problems, RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2Faculty of Basic Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Skeletal muscle atrophy caused by unloading is accompanied by increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis. Muscle proteolysis results from the activation of calpain and ubiquitin-proteasome systems. Ubiquitination of myofibrillar and cytoskeletal proteins is carried out by muscle-specific E3 ubiquitin ligases – MuRF-1 and Atrogin1, expression of which is significantly increased on the third day of muscle unloading. But what is the triggering factor of the E3 ligases expression? Until recently FOXO3 was considered to be the only transcription factor that triggers MuRF-1 expression. Recently Kandarian S. and coauthors have shown that NF-kB, but not FOXO3, is required for MuRF-1 transcriptional activation. Therefore the aim of present study was to test hypothesis about the key role of NF-kB transcription factors in the initiation of E3 ligases expression and deve lopment of skeletal muscle atrophy during unloading.We have treated rats with IMD-0354 (an inhibitor of IKKβ, blocking the phosphorylation of IκBα) during the 3-day hindlimb suspension. 21 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: intact control (C), rats suspended for 3 days (HS) and rats that were suspended and injected with IMD0354 (10 mg/kg) (IMD). It was found that the weight of soleus in HS and IMD groups was significantly decreased compared to control (P<0.05). We observed an increased levels of MuRF-1 and Atrogin-1 mRNA expression levels in both suspended groups (HS and IMD) as compared to control, but there parameters in IMD group were significantly higher than in the HS group. The similar pattern was obtained on the protein level of MuRF-1 (P<0.05). The protein level of transcription factor P105 in the cytoplasm was significantly reduced only in the HS but not in IMD group compared to control (P<0.05). This result may serve as an evidence of the effect of the inhibitor on NF-κB signaling pathway in IMD group. Levels of NF-κB transcription factors Bcl-3 and p50 in the cytoplasm did not change in HS and IMD groups compared to control. pFOXO3 content was lower in the HS group (P<0.05), whereas in IMD group pFOXO3 content was higher (P<0.05) compared to control. We also investigated the links of Akt-mTOR-S6K and MAPK/Erk anabolic signaling pathways. There was a decrease in p-Akt and p-p90RSK-1 content in both suspended groups compared to control (P<0.05). Our results suggest that at the early stages (3 days) of unloading the main factor inducing the E3 ligases expression could be an alternative pathway (e.g. Akt/FOXO3), but not NF-κB, which seems to be activated at a later stage. We did not observe any effect of the IMD on prevention of soleus atrophy at the early stages of unloading. This work was supported by RFBR grant No. 14-04-01632.


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IAA-HIS-15-P16 Effects of Herbal mouth wash on Bone Metabolism in a simulated Microgravity Environment B. Rai1,2, J. Kaur1 1

JBR group of Aeronautical and Space Dentistry, JBR society; 2Kepler Space Institute, USA

We studied the effects of herbal mouth wash (patented) on changes of bone metabolism in human during simulated microgravity environment. We found that Herbal mouth wash effectively decreased in the ratio of salivary Ca/P, decreased activity of salivary alkaline phosphatase activity and increased levels of estradiol after using mouth wash. So herbal mouth wash was effective in prevention of bone loss in the space and earth environment. In conclusion, this study suggests that herbal mouth wash might be helpful for adaptation to a space and earth environment


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IAA-HIS-15-P17 Nonlinear parameters of interference EMG signal under bed rest in patients with ICUAW A. Meigal1, O. Tretjakova1, A. Spasova1 1

Laboratory for Novel methods in Physiology, Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia

Skeletal muscle wasting and dysfunction are major complications of critical illness, resulting in the intensive care unit acquired weakness (ICUAW) in as early as one week. Neurologically, ICUAW is characterized by critical illness polyneuropathy (CIN), myopathy (CIM) and polyneuromyopathy (CINM). In our study, 24 patients (6 females, 18 males, aged 21-76 years, most of them mechanically ventilated) with diagnosed ICUAW, spent from 7 to 188 days in bed in intensive care unit of the Republican Hospital (Petrozavodsk, Russia). That can be regarded as analogue for a bed rest study (BR). The control group was built of 11 healthy subjects. Two patients were examined 3 times along BR. The purpose of the study was to search for specific neuromuscular modifications under BR in ICUAW using the surface electromy ogram (sEMG). Samples of interference sEMG were collected from the m. biceps br. (BB) and m. gastrocnemius (GC), bilaterally, during voluntary muscle activity, whenever possible. Such nonlinear parameters as fractal dimension (D), correlation dimension (CD) and correlation entropy (K2), which characterize the time structure of a signal, were computed. Mean frequency (MNF, Hz) of sEMG was also calculated. Medical Research Council (MRC) and Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS, Part II) scales and a variety of biochemical blood parameters were obtained to assess condition of the patient for further coupling it with sEMG features. Additionally, motor unit (MU) potentials were recorded from the m. triceps br. The major finding was that sEMG of patients with ICUAW on first 7-30 days of BR was characterized by decreased D, in comparison to healthy controls both in BB (1,716±0,097 and 1,745±0,056) and GC (1,732±0,096 and 1,796±0,02, respectively). Then, D ha d tendency to increase by the day 130 (1,740), with further decrease by the day 180 (as low as 1,690). The CD and K2 of sEMG in ICUAW were higher than in the healthy controls, and they also have increased over the BR course. These data evidences that sEMG signal in ICUAW is simultaneously more complex and may contain more recurrent fragments (clustering) than in the control group. The MU potentials in ICUAW patients were shorter and smaller by amplitude, though statistically insignificant. No significant correlation was found between BR duration, NRC, SAPSII and sEMG parameters. The variability of sEMG values was high enough to suspect both neuropathic and myopathic modifications in skeletal muscles of ICUAW patients that probably caused the lack of statistically significant intergroup differency. Indeed, in few patients we observed sEMG signs of CIN in one BB, and that of CIM in the contralateral one. In a whole, our data are mostly indicative of the myogenic modification (atr ophy) of the sEMG parameters and MU potential features, rather than the neurogenic. Further studying is needed, backed by the muscle biopsy and electroneuromyography.


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IAA-HIS-15-P18 Noninvasive Ultrasound Radiation Force can Mitigate Bone Loss and Promote Regeneration under Disuse Osteopenia Condition Y-X. Qin1, H. Yue, S. Uddin1 1

Department of Biomedical EnStgineering Stony Brook University,New York, USA

Mechanotransduction has demonstrated potentials for tissue adaptation in vivo and in vitro. Although a wide range of studies have been done, mechanism for this mechanical effect on bone regeneration is unknown and still under active investigation. A potential mechanism, by which bone cells may sense mechanotransductive signals, is through deformation and streaming of bone cells and their surface structures, to trigger osteogenesis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of acoustic radiation force (ARF) in bone remodeling and osteogenesis, and biological responses of stem cells to induced fluid flow and mitigation of osteopenia. Loading induced bone fluid flow (BFF) creates a pressure gradient that further influences the magnitude of the mechanotransductory signals, which can be elevated by ARF. Our group has recently evaluated ARF on multi-scale osteogenic potentials at cellular, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and in vivo disuse plus fracture model. It has demonstrated that ARF significant increases in ALP, OSX, RANKL, RUNX2, and decreases in OPG in the treated cell cultures of MSC compared to non-treated groups. ARF exposure also restored OSX, RUNX2 and RANKL expression in osteoblast cells. In a functional disuse in vivo model, ARF has shown significance in promoting initial callus forming and mineralization, as well as enhanced mechanical strength in fracture. It is indicated that ARF induced fluid flow can regulate osteogenesis, MSCs turnover and enhance fracture healing.


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IAA-HIS-15-P19 A possible role of stress response in the transition of myosin heavy chain phenotypes of antigravitational soleus muscle in response to gravitational unloading T. Yoshioka1, S. Yokoyama2, S. Nishizawa3, T. Koya3, Y. Ohno2, A. Nakai4, T. Sugiura5, Y. Ohira6, K. Goto2 1

Hirosaki Gakuin University, Hirosaki, Japan; 2School of Health Sciences, Toyohashi SOZO University, Toyohashi, Japan; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan; 5Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan; 6Graduate School of Health and Sports Science, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Japan; 7Department of Physiology, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Toyohashi SOZO University, Toyohashi, Japan


Slow-to-fast transition of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) phenotypes of antigravitational skeletal muscle in response to unloading is well known. Calcineurin-associated translocation of nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) into the nucleus play a role in MyHC phenotypes in skeletal muscles. However, the underlying mechanism of the transition in response to unloading is still elucidated. Recently, we have reported that slow-to-fast transition of MyHC phenotypes is inhibited in soleus muscle of heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1)-null mice. In mammalian skeletal muscle, stress response is mediated by HSF1. However, it is still unclear that the interrelationship among MyHC phenotypes, NFAT, and stress response in skeletal muscles. Nuclear export of NFAT is induced by kinases such as glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). Therefore, HSF1 deficiency may modulate the expression level of GSK3 in skeletal muscles. The purpose of this study was to investigate the eff ects of HSF1 deficiency on the expression level of GSK3 in soleus muscle by using HSF1-null mice. The basal expression level of GSK3β in soleus muscle was lower in HSF1-null mice, compared with wild-type mice. Two-week hindlimb unloading depressed the expression of GSK3β in wild-type mice, but not HSF1-null mice. HSF1 and/or HSF1-mediated stress response might modulate MyHC phenotypes in response to unloading via the regulation of GSK3β activity. This study was supported, in part, by JSPS KAKENHI Grants Numbers 26560372, 26350818, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, the Naito Foundation, and Graduate School of Health Sciences, Toyohashi SOZO University.


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IAA-HIS-15-P20 New perspectives for studying immunity in crew members on board the International Space Station M. Rykova1, A. Chouker2, S. Ponomarev1, E. Antropova1, T. Berendeeva1, T. Eisenberg3, G. Vassilieva1, P. Kern3, J.-I. Pagel2, H.-U. Hoffmann4 1

Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123007 Moscow, Russia; 2Stress and Immunology research group, Department of Anesthesiology, Hospital of the University of Munich, 81366 München, Germany; 3Life Science, Orbital Systems & Space Exploration, Airbus Defence and Space 88039 – Friedrichshafen, Germany; 4German Space Agency (DLR), 53227 Bonn, Germany

Disorder of the immune system, which is one of the key integrative and regulatory systems of the human body, aimed at preserving and maintaining its genetic homeostasis, is among the factors that may limit an increase in the duration of a human’s stay under the conditions of a space flight. Accumulated results obtained in studies of the cosmonauts’ immune system after finishing long-duration orbital flights show that adaptation to complex flight factors result in both quantitative and qualitative changes of innate and adaptive immunity. Some of the alterations that have been observed at the first day after landing include altered: content of monocytes and granulocytes expressing signaling pattern recognition receptors (TLR2, TLR4, and TLR6); functional potential of natural killer and T cell; cytokine production patterns. Undoubtedly, the interest has much increased to study the immune system of cosmonauts during a mission aboard the space station. Unfortunately, research conducted on cosmonauts at different stages of the flight, are to date a rare exception. However, such experiments revealed changes in humoral immunity, mediated by antibodies produced by B lymphocytes, and cell-mediated immunity, mediated by T lymphocytes of crewmembers and made it possible to conclude and outline that it is essential to monitor key elements of the immune system directly during spaceflight. Due to this need, one of the key challenges of space immunology is to realize an automated clinical immunological laboratory, which will make it possible not only to evaluate the immune status at preflight and postflight stages but also to constantly control the state of immunological resistance throughout the flight. One of the directions to solve the problem of in-flight immune changes is the development of the “IMMUNOLAB” equipment. It is a fully-automated analyzer, which is a combination of pre-analytical and analytical hardware to allow accurate protein quantifications, respectively. Also it is easy to use and offers high reliability. This is provided by an extensive list of procedures such as automated sample processing, including the addition and mixing of reagents, conduction of necessary reactions and measuring without interfering crew members with the process. Potential application fields of the “IMMUNOLAB” equipment on board the International Space Station will be the measurement of several parameters, including humoral (cytokines, immunoglobulins) and cell-bound (receptors) factors.


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IAA-HIS-15-P21 Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Cytoskeleton and Apoptosis of Human Brain Nervous Tissue R. Wang1, Y.Q.Zhang1, X.H.Wang1, F.L. Wang1, F.Zeng1, Y.Y.Ran1, H.J.Gao1, Y.L.Deng1, H.Qing1 1

Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioseparation and Bioanalysis, School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

To investigate the influence of simulated microgravity on the morphological structure, skeletal system and apoptosis of the nervous tissue. Human brain cancer cells were cultured by separated cell methods for 7 days, then randomly divided into two groups, one for static culture, and another for rotary processing. The morphology and ultrastructure were observed under inverted microscope and transmission electron microscopy. The surface topography was observed by scanning electron microscopy. A second layer of TRITC-conjugated antibody for β-tubulin and the cytochemical labeling phalloidin-FITC for F-actin showed the distribution of cytoskeleton. When the rotary time lengthened to 7d and 14d, cell somas became significantly larger, adhesion abil ity was decline. The 14d rotary group showed that, organelle structures became a fewer in cytoplasm, mitochondrial cristae were clear and disassociated with each other, and large vacuoles produced. The rotary group indicated that F-actin and β-tubulin were highly disorganized, and significantly decreased in expression. F-actin formed a loop around the nucleus. Even the nucleus dissociated into several micronuclei. The results indicate that simulated microgravity can affect the morphology and ultrastructure of nervous tissue cells, causes highly disorganized distribution of cytoskeleton, with the increasing of cell apoptosis since a week.


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IAA-HIS-15-P22 Neuroplasticity induced by long-duration spaceflight: preliminary results of the BRAIN-DTI project A. Van Ombergen1, A. Demertzi2, E. Tomilovskaya3, B. Jeurissen4, L. Litvinova5, E. Pechenkova5, A. Rumshiskaya5, C. di Perri2, E. Amico2, I. Rukavishnikov3, I.B. Kozlovskaya3, V. Sinitsyn5, S.L. Laureys2, F.L. Wuyts1 1

Antwerp University Research centre for Equilibrium and Aerospace (AUREA), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; COMA Science Group Cyclotron Research centre, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; 3Institute for Biomedical Problems (IMBP), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 4iMinds/Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 5 Radiology Department, Federal Center of Medicine and Rehabilitation, Moscow, Russia 2

Space is a hostile environment and involves several stressors on human health. These can be physical (e.g., microgravity, ionizin g radiation), habitability-related (e.g., noise, vibration) or psychological (e.g., isolation, confinement). Although humans can adapt very well to a new environment, some changes may be maladaptive and can have detrimental effects on different physiological systems. To date, the somatic (mal)adaptations have been extensively studied (e.g. cardiovascular system, bone and muscle loss, …). However, to the best of our knowledge, no neuroimaging study has yet been performed to assess neuronal function in space-travelers. This study aims at characterizing the impact of long-duration spaceflight on the brain measured by an advanced neuroimaging protocol. We applied a functional MRI (fMRI) protocol twice; 30 days before launch and 9 days after re-entry enabling pairwise comparison. During both assessments, sessions of 10-min scanning in a resting condition and a session while executing mental tasks (i.e., imagining to play tennis, imagining to walk around at home) were performe d. These protocols were chosen on the grounds that they can identify changes at the whole-brain level and at the motor system, respectively. A group of age- and gender-matched healthy controls was included in the analysis to account for data variance. Results will be presented at the meeting and provide not only a first ever insight in spaceflight induced neuroplasticity but also contain crucial information for the development of adequate countermeasures and are pivotal for future interplanetary missions and space habitats.


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IAA-HIS-15-P23 Dynamic changes of autophagy in neuroblastoma cells in response to heavy ion radiation Y.L. Deng1, R.H. Lei1, H.Y. Zhu1, J. Xu1, H. Qing1, F.Y. Zhuang1, H. Ma1 1

Beijing Institute of Technology

Heavy ion radiation has been widely used for tumor radiotherapy. But the radioresistance of glioblastoma put radiotherapy for brain cancers into dilemma and the mechanism is still elusive. In this research, U251 human glioblastoma cells were radiated by heavy ions and a time course and dose related changes of autophagy was examined. It was found that high level of autophagy was induced after low dose (1 Gy) of exposure and decreased in a time and dose dependent manner. It was proposed that, heavy ion radiation could induce autophagy efficiently which will be reduced by increased dose of radiation and time cumulative effect of damage. The increased autophagy plays a role of protecting glioblastoma cells from heavy ion radiation induced cell death time cumulative effect of damage.


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IAA-HIS-15-P24 Predicting Individual Differences in Sensorimotor Adaptability using Measures of Sensory Noise T.K. Clark1,2 1

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Jenks Vestibular Physiology Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA USA; Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Man Vehicle Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA USA 2

The altered gravity environments encountered during space exploration missions require astronauts to make sensorimotor adaptations. Until adaptation is complete, astronauts experience sensorimotor impairment, which could impact tasks such as piloted landing or docking, as well as vehicle egress and extra-vehicular activity. While nearly all astronauts eventually adapt, there appear to be substantial individual differences in how quickly and effectively this adaptation occurs, which are not well understood. Here we investigate a novel hypothesis that individual differences in sensory noise along orientation perception pathways may help explain the differences in sensorimotor adaptability. It is thought that sensory conflicts – unexpected sensory signals – when sustained, drive adaptation. However sensory conflict can be due to eit her a change in the environment (e.g. altered gravity environments) or just sensory noise. Presumably, if the conflict is sustained the CNS can become more certain it is due to a change in the environment and thus warrants an adaptation. We test the hypothesis that sensory noise is a limiting factor in sensorimotor adaptability by measuring vestibular perceptual thresholds (i.e. how small of a motion can reliably be perceived). We present evidence that an individual’s vestibular perceptual thresholds (i.e. sensory noise) is correlated with their adaptation rate to an altered gravity environment. Specifically we measure adaptation in roll tilt perception errors in hyper-gravity, as produced using a centrifuge. These measures of vestibular perceptual thresholds may prove to be a reliable pre-flight predictor of individual differences in sensorimotor adaptability to the altered gravity environments experienced during space exploration missions.


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IAA-HIS-15-P25 Simulated Microgravity Changes Expression of Mitochondrial Metabolic Proteins in Rat Hippocampus Yun Wang1, Yongqian Zhang1, Yahui Liu1, Song Lu1,Jie Hong1,Hong Qing1, Yulin Deng1 1

School of life Science,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing,China

Previous evidence showed microgravity changed the proteins expression in the energy metabolism. However, global microgravity-related mitochondrial proteomic changes in the rat hippocampus have not been reported. Thus, in this study, we used quantitative mass-spectrometry based proteomics to explore the alterations in protein expression in mitochondria isolated from the rat hippocampus that are related to cognition, memory storage and retrieval. Rat tail suspension model was used to study the changes of metabolic protein expressions in hippocampus under 7 days exposure to simulated microgravity (SM).A comparative O18-labelled quantitative proteomic strategy was applied to observe the dierential expression of metabolic proteins under SM. Microgravity up-regulated proteins involved in three aspects of energy metabolism, i.e glycolysis, citric acid cycle (TCA) and transport of glutamic acid. Besides, microgravity down-regulated proteins were related to ATP synthesis, lipid catabolic process and oxidation reduction. Our study revealed that microgravity inuences the expression of metabolic proteins in hippocampus resulting in discrepancies in the energy budget of the neurons. However, there was no obvious cell apoptosis observed under simulated microgravity. Mitochondrial proteomic changes under SM indicate that brain mitochondria might be more resistant to the microgravity than previously report.


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IAA-HIS-15-P26 The influence of support and weight unloading on the characteristics of spinal reflex T.A. Shigueva1, A.Z. Zakirova1, E.S. Tomilovskaya1, I.B. Kozlovskaya1 1

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The goal of study was to reveal the contribution of spinal structures to hyperreflexia of stretch reflex. The model of Dry Immersion (DI) has been used for simulation of microgravity effects. In order to obtain information on the role of support and weight loading in the control of motor activity the participants of the experiment were divided into three groups, in one of which (named «Control») the immersion was pure, i.e. subjects were not exposed to any other influences in the course of immersion. In group 2 (named «DI+S») in the course of DI the mechanical stimulation of the soles’ support zones was applied daily for 20 min at the beginning of each hour for 6 hours per day. In the third group (named «DI+W»), the subjects wore the axial loadin g suit «Penguin» for 4 hours per day with the loads of 16 to 18 kg each day during DI. Characteristics of H-reflex in the resting calf muscles under DI conditions were studied. A state of excitatory and inhibitory spinal mechanisms was defined by characteristics of H-reflex recruitment curves of mm. soleus and gastrocnemius lat. before, during and after DI. H-reflex thresholds, absolute maximal amplitudes of H- and M-responses and H/M ratio were analyzed. Characteristics of spinal reflex activity changed in the course of DI significantly. All the groups demonstrated tendency to decrease of H-reflex threshold in both muscles under study. In group «Control» the threshold of H-reflex in shin muscles decreased by 48% (p<0,05) in m. soleus and by 47% (p<0,05) – in m. gastrocnemius lat. In the group «DI+S» the changes were of the same direction, but less pronounced: in m. soleus the decline of H-reflex threshold consisted 23%; in m.gastrocnemius lat. – 26% (p<0,05). In the group with the weight loading («DI+W») the decrease of thresholds in both muscles was analogous to the previous group, but less evident. Amplitudes of reflexes in the «Control» group increased by 5th day of immersion. The bigger changes were observed in m. gastrocnemius lat. (40% increase, p<0,05). In two other groups the amplitudes of reflexes in both muscles decreased. Weight loading and support stimulation under conditions of Dry Immersion smooth the effects of supportlessness on parameters of the reflex mechanisms. The decrease of H-reflex thresholds revealed in this study can reflect hypersensitivity of spinal reflex mechanisms which was described in real and simulated weightlessness before [Kozlovskaya I.B., 1988]. The study of the effects of weight loading is supported by project RSF No14-25-00167, the study of the effects of support stimulation is supported by RFBR grant No13-04-12091 OFI-m.


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IAA-HIS-15-P27 Effects of microgravity on blinking rate during cognitive tasks: preliminary results A. Altbäcker1, E. Takács1, I. Czigler, L. Balázs1 1

Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

During spaceflight, fatigue has been identified as a risk factor which is influenced by poor sleep, high workload and artificial light exposure and may cause decline in psychomotor and cognitive performance. One of several psychophysiological measures, the change in blinking parameters is a reliable indicator of fatigue and cognitive demand. Furthermore, it is associated with ocular symptoms, which are often present in astronauts and may be persistent long after returning to Earth. As a part of the Neurospat ESA cognitive neuroscience experiment our aim was to (1) create a method for detecting eye blinks from EEG signals, (2) and to explore whether there is a change in blinking parameters during cognitive tasks in extended spaceflight as well as in pre- and post-flight conditions. EEG (64 channels) was recorded in 5 astronauts pre- during and post spaceflight. ICA-based artifact correction method was used on EEG data; eye components were selected and further analyzed. Eye blink was defined as a sharp high amplitude wave ≥100 μV with duration between 100 and 500 ms. The following blink parameters were investigated during visual orientation tasks: blink rate, duration, peak amplitude, eyelid closing and reopening time. The preliminary analysis between pre- during and postflight conditions showed no clear change in blinking parameters, probably due to small sample size and high individual differences, however a tendency for decreased blinking frequency and increased blink duration has been observed in spaceflight relative to ground control conditions. This observation is consistent with increased fatigue in spaceflight. Our results nevertheless provide evidence that our method provides good accuracy in eye blink detection and can be used in extreme conditions such as microgravity.


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IAA-HIS-15-P28 Spatial orientation of tilted subjects depends on required response type N. Bury1, O. Bock1 1

Institute of Physiology and Anatomy, German Sport University Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Background and objectives: Human spatial orientation can be anchored in three reference frames – gravicentric (pull of Gravity), allocentric (alignment of familiar visual objects) and egocentric (orientation of the own body). In the absence of Gravity, astronauts align the subjective vertical either with the egocentric or with the allocentric reference frame. In the absence of allocentric cues on Earth, subjects align the subjective vertical with the gravicentric frame, notwithstanding a small egocentric bias. While the latter studies explicitly instructed their subjects to orient by Gravity, we now explore subjects’ intuitive orientation without referring to Gravity. Methods: Twenty-four participants (12 male, 12 female; 22.1 ± 2.9 years) were placed into three angles of pitch (upright 0°, supine -90°, head-down tilt -110°) while they were strapped on a plate inside a gym wheel and vision of the surrounding room was eliminated. In three different tests, they 1. adjusted the pitch angle of a displayed tree until the tree appeared normal; 2. stopped their passively moved forearm when it intuitively appeared horizontal or vertical; 3. spelled out their own body orientation with respect to the thought face of a clock. Findings: When subjects were pitched (-90°, -110°), their responses in test 1 were bimodally distributed: one mode reflected a gravicentric and the other mode an egocentric reference frame. Both modes were comparably high, and subjects were moderately consistent in choosing the one or the other mode on repeated trials. In contrast, responses of pitched subjects in test 2 and 3 were unimodal, reflecting only a gravicentric reference frame. This was the case even for subjects who preferred the egocentric frame in test 1 on the same day. Gravicentric responses were more precise in test 1 than in test 2 and 3. Responses in test 2 showed an E-effect, and those in test 3 an A-effect. Conclusion: We conclude that the reference frame for the intuitive subjective vertical depends on response type and individual preference. We further conclude that the accuracy and precision of the intuitive subjective vertical depends on response type, selected reference frame and body tilt. It therefore is difficult to generalize findings on spatial orientation that were yielded with only one single response type.


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IAA-HIS-15-P29 Design of a Mars habitat using in situ resources M. Arnhof1 1

Department of Building Construction and Design, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

As Mars is so distant from Earth, in order to establish an extended, sustainable human presence on the planet, extraction and processing of Martian materials is necessary to drastically minimize the Earth launch burden and significantly reduce costs of such an undertaking. Therefore, in situ resource utilization (ISRU) will be essential in supplying settlers not only with propellant and life support, but also with a large variety of construction material. The Martian surface is full of readily accessible minerals and compounds that could be used to produce metals, glass and other potential building materials. The author’s design for a Martian colony suggests the following: Initially, a growth and research oriented elementary surface base delivered from Earth would be set up. As soon as feasibility is secured, the expansion with in situ resources would start. The design envisions full usage and reusage of available resources. Reacting to the users’ needs and the environment, the settlement would be evolving continuously. For enduring performance of the base, a very adaptable structure will be necessary to incorporate development with growth. The presented work comprises the design of a human settlement on Mars that utilizes local resources and energy to grow and achieve increasing self-sufficiency.


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IAA-HIS-15-P30 The transfer of experience in management of complex international experiments in space research and clinical practice E. Bersenev1,5, A. Aubert2, P. Arbeille3, C. Brandt4 1

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Moscow, Russia; 2Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology and Interdisciplinary Centre for Space Studies, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 3Unité de Médecine et Physiologie Spatiales (UMPS-CERCOM), Centre Hospitalier UniversitaireTrousseau deTours,Tours, France; 4Cardiology Department, Clinique Médicale B, CHRU Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France; 5”Innovation Center of Space Medicine” LLC, Moscow, Russia.

Introduction: Simulation of space experiments on Earth to gain knowledge about the psychological and physiological effects of living in a confined space and microgravity for the new technology of telemedicine monitoring of the human condition and provide the necessary assistance. Providing comprehensive research several research groups are difficult for many reasons. The data of the physiological, psychological, biochemical studies heterogeneous. Digital data collection includes different devices, mathematical formats and methods of information transfer. Often almost identical tests conducted by different principal investigators (PI) occupy a large amount of time, although it is enough to agree on the research Protocol and distribute information personally to every researcher using “cloud storage”. Methods: Before, during and after confinement at MARS 500 project, a 24-h ECG records were obtained from the six crew members who participated in the mission. Was investigated 24-hour of dispersion mapping of ECG. Autonomic activity was evaluated through time and frequency domain indexes of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Circadian rhythmicity was assessed both by averaging hourly HRV along wake and sleep scheduled periods and by fitting a 24-h harmonic to the hourly means. Data 24-hour ECG was obtained by using 2 different devices, by two research groups which was alternated 1 time per month. For daily assessment of psychological status, was developed a special program that allows for 1-2 minutes to assess subjective psychological status and group interaction. Electronic auscultation measurements were carried out using a wireless device and special techniques check heart tones and breathe sounds. Data obtained were saved in the form of audio files. The state of the peripheral (upper and lower part of the body) and central arteries and veins in several points of measurements were carried out using an echography investigation. Videos were processed offline, however, have had the possibilities of streaming video. Results: During confinement, sleep-wake differences of HRV showed a progressive decrease of the relative amplitude of the high frequency component. Also, circadian HRV rhythms were dampened during con fi nement (Vigo DE et al., 2012, Bersenev EYu et al, 2012). The ECG dispersion mapping revealed unusual seasonal changes, uncharacteristic for a closed space in which complied with the standard constant climatic conditions (Ivanov GG et al, 2012). Performing echography the untrained subjects were able to capture enough echographic data to reconstruct the vessel image from which the parameters were measured. The increase in intima media thickness should be in relation with the stress generated by the confined environment or absence of solar radiation (P.Arbeille et al., 2014). Developed algorithm for automated analysis of auscultatory sounds comparable in accuracy with the expert assessment (E. Anderes, 2012). Conclusion: The results of complex experimental formed the basis of several developments. In particular, based on the data obtained collecting in the experiment Mars 500, are became possible to conduct the onboard experiment “Kosmokard.” Developed a prototype device will be able to transmit streaming video in DICOM format for future usage in the apparatus in the place of landing astronauts. At nearest time will be designed the personal devices for use with remote telemedical E-auscultation technology with a wide range of measured frequencies.


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IAA-HIS-15-P31 Perspectives for space and astrobiological research at Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic J. Elster1, J. Kvíderová1 1

Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic

From point of view of a polar microbiologist, the space research, to which polar science might contribute, could be divided into two areas: 1) Space exploration Since the polar microorganisms, especially terrestrial ones, are exposed to increased levels of UV and secondary cosmic radiation, they had to develop effective adaptation/acclimatization mechanisms. Therefore, these microorganisms may become a part of regenerative life support systems (LSS). Moreover, the polar stations could provide excellent test facility for LSS due to extreme conditions there. At polar stations, the LSS or its individual compartments may be useful in water regeneration, microbial waste water treatment and biomass production. The polar regions may serve as a base for testing of planetary protection management, since the exchange of the microorganisms between the polar and temperate areas is limited, especially in the Antarctic. However, as the number of people visiting the polar regions increases each year, the probability of introduction of new microorganisms increases as well. With respect to warming in the polar regions, these newly introduced microorganisms better adapted to elevated temperatures represent serious threat to native ecosystems. 2) Astrobiology At present, the polar regions provide several terrestrial analogues for Mars and icy moons, for example Dry Valleys, Antarctica, for Mars or Borup Pass, Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic, for Europa. Due to long-term successful survival in extreme environment, the polar microorganisms can serve as model organisms for evaluation of limits of survival and study of adaptation /acclimatization mechanisms At the Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic (CPE), we are focusing on multidisciplinary description of polar ecosystems by combination combining physical (geology, climatology, hydrology) and life sciences (microbiology, botany, zoology). Concerning the space and astrobiological research, we focus on development of mass cultivation in cold environment that may be useful for development of LSS, and on study of adaptation strategies and limits of survival of polar microorganisms. The CPE can provide access to Svalbard to Josef Svoboda Czech Arctic Station consisting of laboratories in České Budějovice (headquarters), “Payer’s house” facility in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, “Nostoc” field camp in Petuniabukta, Central Svalbard (available from 2016) and “Clione” ship (available from 2016). More at CPE webpages


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IAA-HIS-15-P32 iNBP – Individual Neutral Body Postures Found in Experiments with Human Subjects in Simulated Weightlessness Under Water T. Dirlich1,2 1

Institute of Astronautics, Technische Universität München; 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg

The NASA Human Integration Design Handbook (HIDH) provides rules and guidelines for the design of tools and equipment for astronauts in microgravity. The HIDH is aimed at supporting the design of working and living environments causing minimal physical stress and discomfort. Especially while performing tasks in microgravity during space flights certain postures and movements cause physical discomfort. The HIDH provides a quantitatively defined body posture model, the so called Neutral Body Posture (NBP), as a guideline and reference for the layout and the design of equipment and spacecraft interiors. The NBP model represents one set of body-joint-angle mean values to cover the complete user group. Yet, experiments by NASA and ESA had early given evidence of distinct individual differences in the neutral body postures of crewmembers in weightlessness environments. As part of the study presented here experiments in simulated weightlessness under water were performed to further investigate this issue (2009 to 2013 in collaboration with the Institute of Ergonomics and the Institute of Astronautics at Technische Universität München). The experiments were focused on the question whether subjects would exhibit repetitively stable individual body postures when relaxing their muscles in weightlessness conditions. A custom-designed test-rig with a special fixation for the human subject was used to control changing levels of buoyancy caused by the subject’s breathing. Fresh air was supplied with diving gear stored in the test-rig by a long pressure tube. The subjects were blindfolded and not disturbed by tactile contact throughout the experiments. They wore minimal nonconstraining clothing during the experiments. The experiments lasted for up to 20 minutes and were continuously recorded by two fixed video cameras. Series of body postures were extracted from the video material of each experiment and quantitatively analysed anthropometrically in 3D using the PCMAN software (developed at the Institute of Ergonomics, 2007). The subjects performed a series (6 to 10 times) of defined ‘effort tasks’ (‘stretch’, ‘crouch’, and ‘asymmetric’ effort postures). Acoustical signals informed the subject at the start of each ‘effort cycle’ to perform one of the three ‘efforts’. The subjects were instructed to relax while waiting for the next signal. Experiment durations varied from 900 s to 1200 s depending on the subjects’ diving experience and physical stamina. More than 1000 3D body postures from 17 selected subjects were anthropometrically analysed. The data indicate a wide range of individually differing ‘shapes’ of the relaxed body postures. In most of the subjects (e.g. 12 out of 17 subjects following ‘crouch’ task) individually stable postural behaviour was found. The data of several subjects with typical postures are presented in detail in the following paper demonstrating the individual postural ‘shapes’. The results support the concept of individually typical Neutral Body Postures (iNBP), which, however, may distinctly differ for different subjects. In addition an overview of the complete results of the study will be given and several influence factures on the relaxed body posture will be discussed.


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IAA-HIS-15-P33 Spacetex – Innovative and Highly Functional Fabrics for Humans in Space and on Earth J. Beringer1, H.-C. Gunga2, C. Philpot3 1

Function and Care, Hohenstein Institute, Boennigheim, Germany; 2Institute of Physiology, Center for Space Medicine, Charité, Berlin, Germany; 3Institute for Space Systems, DLR, Bremen, Germany

Spacetex is a joined endeavor between the Hohenstein Institute, Charité Berlin, Schoeller Textil AG and DLR German Aerospace Centre. Spacetex investigated innovative and highly functional fabrics for Humans in Space and on Earth and was performed on the ISS during the ESA “blue dot” mission with Alexander Gerst in increment 40/41. The project generated the very first thermophysiological data from astronauts during their daily exercise while wearing the Spacetex garments in comparison to conventional cotton garments. Spacetex aimed to test new fabrics with improved thermal and sweat management on astronauts on the ISS. This research comprised: 1) increase in our basic knowledge about the heat transfer/heat exchange from the human body to environment under terrestrial and micro-g conditions, especially the evaporative part of heat loss in space during rest and physical exercise; 2) improvement of the overall comfort and well-being of the astronauts on board of the ISS; 3) test of potential of new fabrics which might facilitate heat transfer/heat exchange from the human body in space and reduce microbiological/fungal contamination on board the ISS due to faster fabric drying avoiding thereby developing skin problems due to a warm and humid environment on the surface of the human skin which is an ideal environment for bacterial, viral, and fungal super infections, rashes of the skin and could contribute negatively to a depression of the immune system of the astronaut, in general. Recent data – yet unpublished – from 10 astronauts show that during a short-term exercise of less than 20 minutes the body core temperatures in humans can increase above 39 °C. The rapid increase in core temperatures leads to an activation of the sweat glands and the production of sweat. Under terrestrial conditions this sweat is evaporated to the environment by convective forces, thereby cooling the human body. Due to a lack of convection in microgravity, this evaporative heat loss is hampered. Therefore, as recent data shows, the body core temperatures remain prolonged elevated post exercise (recovery phase) in comparison to terrestrial environmental conditions. The fabrics were investigated during the usual daily exercise pre-, in-, and post-ISS-flight. After these exercises the Astronaut filled in a short electronic questionnaire regarding the overall thermophysiological wearing comfort, their subjective perception regarding humidity, odour and heat exchange of the different fabrics. To determine the odour development and linked microbial contamination, the sets were stored in bags for their return to Earth. Finally, these data sheets were evaluated regarding the question, which kind of the fabrics are the most suitable ones for astronauts under micro-g conditions and potential terrestrial improved application. The gathered data will be helpful in designing and optimising “stationwear” garments for astronauts for future missions in space and longterm missions like the journey to Mars planned for 2030. The presentation shows the results of the Spacetex project and presents the findings for the clothing physiological interaction between body, climate and clothing of cotton vs. high performance fibers under zero gravity.


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IAA-HIS-15-P34 Sensory properties of water for detecting the affecting of the spaceflight environment on biological systems V. Tsetlin1, N. Belisheva2, S. Muraviev2, A. Martynova2, S. Pryanichnikov2 1

Radiation monitoring of the environment of astronauts, SSC RF Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Scientific Department for Medical and Biological Issues, Kola Science Centre RAS, Apatity, Russian Federation

Studying the integral effects of spaceflights environment on the human body requires the special sensors. Moreover, the sensor readings should correlate with specific functional state of the human body. We propose a method of integral evaluation of habitat quality in a spacecraft. The method is based on electrochemical amperometry in an electrochemical cell filled with high purity water. The daily measurements of electrical current and of the oxidative properties of the water shown that the electrical currents, the redox potential and pH in aqueous electrochemical cells permanently vary with different periodicity. Detected periods were coinciding with the periods of virial oscillations of the Earth’s shells, with the atmosphere fluctuations, with periods of the terrestrial days and the solar days, as well as with the seasonal variations. Diverse disturbances in the Earth’s spheres were reflected in fluctuations of oxidative status of water up to 10% and more. Preliminary experiments (carried out in the Apatity) showed that the hourly values of the currents in the cell with water detected in two different recording channels, a significantly correlated with neutron monitor count rate corrected on atmospheric pressure. It means, that water properties reflects the density flux of the primary cosmic rays (CRs) which penetrate the atmosphere at the latitude of the research (neutron monitor station PGI KSC RAS in Apatity). The correlation coefficients between neutron count rate corrected on the atmosphere pressure and electrical current in water were r = 0.63 and r = 0.46, p <0.05 for two recording channels, respectively. The correlation coefficients of currents pressure in two channels with atmospheric pressure were r = 0.67 and r = 0.58, p <0.05, respectively. Significant correlations were found between the values o f the currents in water and local variations Geomagnetic field (GMF, Z-component). The correlation coefficients for the two channels were r = 0.55 and r = 0.62, p <0.05, respectively. Along with these, it was found that the ratio of the low-frequency (LF) to the high-frequency (HF) components (LF/HF) spectral components of heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy persons significantly correlated with values of Z-components of the GMF and with the values of currents in the cell with water. Performed studies have shown that water is a universal sensor corresponding to the necessary conditions: 1. It has universal sensitivity to effects of the cosmophysical and geophysical agents regardless of the latitude, longitude and altitude at the site of registration. 2. It has sensitivity to the affecting of the global, local and the integral influences of the diverse nature. 3. Fluctuations in its properties are reflected in the synchronous oscillations of the functional state of biological systems. The synchronicity between the response of the biological systems and of the changes in the water properties under exposure of the same physical agents shows ability to use of the aqueous electrochemical cell as a sensor for detecting the affecting of the spaceflight environment on biological systems.


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IAA-HIS-15-P35 Project Hydronaut – planned use of Hydronaut H3, underwater experimental facility P. Bohacek1,4, P. Carvan2, O. Dzvonik3, F. Harant1, M. Sanda1, M. Sazel3 1

Hydronaut – Space Research Center, n.g.o., Prague, Czech Republic; 2Research Technologic Institute, Ltd, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Institute of Aviation Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; 4Central Military University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic

The Hydronaut H3 Underwater Research Laboratory and Training Station will serve as a ground-based space analog research and training facility. It enables implementation of a wide range of scientific experiments focused primarily on issues of physiological responses and the adaptation of the human to extreme, confined and isolated environments. For example body thermoregulation, changes of pulmonary and visual functions, healing of wound etc. in a hype rbaric environment. We will provide support and research in the related psychological stressors, like confinement, reduced interpersonal contacts, reduces spare-time activities, lack of privacy, sleep disturbances, changes between high workload and monotony, or continuous dependence on artificial life support system. The Hydronaut module is also suitable for practicing specific procedures in tactical medicine and rescue operations in difficult high-risk situations, such as flooded areas or during spaceflight. Due to its size, capabilities and specifications, the Hydronaut H3 module is adaptable for research in the field of human factors in emergency situations and for developing and practicing new emergency procedures for crews training for deep sea and deep space missions. One of our objectives is also the training of professional divers ranging from the basic course LEVEL I (to30m) to deep saturation diving LEVEL III. An important part to the construction of our facility are some new types of life support and waste management systems. We hope that after completion the Hydronaut H3 will be available not only to scientists from space agencies around the world but also to Rescue Services and the Armed Forces, for which we want to prepare special physical and psychological training course based on knowledge from training of astronauts. This course will be focused on staying and working in an enclosed, isolated and hostile environment.


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IAA-HIS-15-P36 From depth to Mars M. Rozloznik1,2,3 1

Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2DN B consult, s.r.o., Kezmarok, Slovakia; 3Department of Biomedical Sciences, Medical Faculty, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Recent advances in recreational technical diving allowed for extreme SCUBA dives up to a depth of several hundred meters and clearly showed technology readiness for such dives. This was associated with development of specialized training procedures, rescue processes and logistic, since such record dives are usually performed in remote areas and may last for several hours. In addition, dives beyond recreational limits and long exploratory dives in overhead environment are usually considered as extreme, since chance of eective rescue by support team in case of emergency is rather virtual than real. Nevertheless, SCUBA a diving is generally considered as a safe sport activity. The most common cause of death of SCUBA divers is drowning, with almost no technical failure of equipment (1). In contrary, once dives are performed with semi closed or closed circuits the fatality risk increases ten folds. Here we will review the most current diving training practices and the most current technological breakthroughs, allowing to perform such extreme dives in a relatively safe way. The special emphasis will be put on possible cross-link between extreme diving approaches and more advanced human space exploration, such as on Moon and on Mars. (1) Denoble PJ, Marroni A, Vann RD. 2010. Annual Fatality Rates and Associated Risk Factors for Recreational Scuba Diving in Denoble PJ, Lang MA (eds), Recreational Diving Fatalities Workshop Proceedings, Durhan NC, Divers Alert Network,p.73-85.


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IAA-HIS-15-P37 Exploring Innovative Ways to Utilize Space for Disaster Relief S. A. Nasseri1, A. Blanc1, M. Czapski1, S. Madry1, D. Williams1, F.M. Asrar1 1

International Space University, Strasbourg, France

The International Space University’s 2014 Space Studies Program (SSP) was held in Montreal, Canada. During this program, a team of 30 individuals from 14 different countries took on an international, interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to investigating the utilization of space assets to assist with disaster relief and public health. This team project was entitled Space4Health or S4H. After a detailed analysis of the different areas where space assets could support disaster management and public health, including tele-epidemiology, telemedicine, medical spin-offs, medical research in space, this team chose to look at the use of space systems to support disaster relief and public health during and after natural disasters. We summarize the major findings of the S4H team report.


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IAA-HIS-15-P38 Assessing WASH status in schools L. Boateng1 1

L.Environmental Health,University of Education, Winneba Mampong,Ghana

The survey, “assessing WASH status in schools” was conducted to investigate into practicality of hygiene in schools and create awareness about its importance to students in the Obuasi Municipality, in order to suggest ways to overcome the challenges of the practice. This is because, worldwide, one in five children of upper-primary-school age is out of school, including one in four children in South Asia (UNESCO, 2010). Girls in developing countries disproportionately drop out of school, particularly around puberty, which some have attributed to the lack of school sanitation facilities for menstruating girls (Moojiman et al. 2005). In an attempt to identify the status water, sanitation and hygiene in schools in our part of the world, to enable us take appropriate measures resulted into need for this research. The significance of the research to stakeholders, demanded for carefully tested questionnaires that strictly based on the subject under study, to collect primary data from the randomly selected schools from the study area. The study pointed out that, establishments have been in existence and it’s still ongoing to aid the improvement of WASH, but the role to put them under good management and appropriate maintenance practices are what render WASH facilities unable to respond to standards of hygiene and health requirements. In view of the fact that school is in better position to enforce certain behaviours (hand washing with soap before eating and after going to the toilet) in children and provide an arena where sanitation can be shown at its best, demonstrate why hygiene promotion in school should not be handled as it is in our schools now.


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IAA-HIS-15-P39 SGAC: A Forum For The Next Generation of Space Leaders M. Rathnasabapathy1 1

Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) In Support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications

The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) is a global non-governmental organization (NGO) and network that aims to represent university students and young space professionals at the United Nations, space agencies, industry, and academia. SGAC was founded in 1999, as an outcome of the UNISPACE III conference in Vienna, Austria, to provide the next generation of space leaders with a forum and a voice in the international space sector. In order to achieve that aim, SGAC has obtained permanent observer status in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and is a member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). SGAC organises the Space Generation Congress (SGC), an annual conference which brings together the top 130 students and young professionals globally to focus on key space topics and develop a report on recommendations which represent the views of the young generation. This report is in turn presented at the UN and various conferences. The SGC takes place in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). In addition, the SGAC Space Generation Fusion Forum is a US space event that highlights international thinking geared towards young professionals. This event, held in conjunction with the Space Symposium, gathers a selected group of 50 top young adults from various areas of space – government, industry, and academia. Intense, interactive panel discussions are moderated by today’s international space sector leaders and gather the perspectives of tomorrow’s space leaders on today’s key space issues. SGAC is proud to act as the forum for the next generation of space sector leaders to discuss and debate current topics in international space policy through various project groups. These project groups include topics such as; commercial space; near Earth objects; space safety and sustainability; small satellites; space law and policy; space technologies for disaster management; global navigation satellite systems; space exploration. Each project group is supported by a network of space professionals who act in an advisory role. Main outputs include reviews of papers, original article development, conference representation, public outreach activities and competitions to spread awareness of these topics and SGAC’s co-operations with other organisations.


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IAA-HIS-15-P40 The Galileo Project and Possible Opportunities for the Czech Space Industry H. Crhonkova1 1

Tomas Bata University, Zl in, Czech Republic; Airbus UK Ltd., Broughton, UK.

Nearly everybody knows what GPS means. People use this abbreviation in their everyday lives but more or less they mean car navigation devices rather than the satellite navigation system. However, people do not realise how much they are affected by GNSS and furthermore they cannot see the consequences of not being able to use it. The dependence on American GPS and the possibility of banning its signals for Europe made the European Union start developing Galileo, the European satellite navigation. The Galileo project is currently in its deployment phase and European citizens cannot see its benefits yet but from all corners of Europe one specific question can be heard. Why do we need Galileo? Unfortunately, people see the expenses without considering the bigger picture. Galileo is expensive but it will improve position reliability and precision. It will stimulate the economy and improve EU’s competitiveness in GNSS field. Galileo will create new jobs and boost industry in European countries, including the Czech Republic. The biggest opportunity is seen in the development of applications mainly due to its limitless character. Simply said, each one of us, if having an idea, can profit from Galileo. Even though the Czech Republic is the member of ESA space activities are mostly viewed as a scientific field. However, Galileo and all space related programmes have to be seen as an opportunity for our industry. They are strategic tools that might help Czech companies and academic institutions to become more competitive. Therefore, it is fundamental to inform the Czech community about space activities and programmes which affect our country. In order to succeed in ESA tenders the Czech authorities have to raise awareness among business and academic professionals and foster cooperation between all involved entities. Being aware goes hand in hand with understanding and upon understanding support can be built. It might be too early to predict whether Europeans start using the word Galileo instead of GPS or whether Galileo meets all expectations. Huge and expensive projects are hard to justify before they actually work but in the words of Galileo Galilei “facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.”


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IAA-HIS-15-P41 Interactive display application of spacecraft payload SATRAM/Timepix radiation data on board ESA Proba-V satellite S. Polansky1, C.Granja1, S. Pospisil1, D.Turecek1, J. Jakubek1, A. Owens2, K. Mellab2 1

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physiscs (IEAP), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Czech Republic; European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Technology Center, The Netherlands


The compact SATRAM spacecraft payload equipped with the hybrid semiconductor pixel detector Timepix is operating in open space in LEO orbit at 820 km altitude. Launched in May 2013 onboard ESA’s Proba-V satellite the low-power lowmass payload provides high-resolution high-sensitivity detection and wide dynamic range monitoring of the space radiation environment along the satellite orbit. Collected payload data must be analyzed with respect to satellite navigation data (time, attitude, position/GPS, temperature, magnetic field). For this purpose an integrated interactive software tool has been built including correlated and dynamic display of payload response (high-resolution track visualization of space radiation) with the satellite navigation stamp. Spatial- and time-correlated distribution maps of the measured radiation field are also included. The tool allows stud ying the composition of the mixed radiation field along the satellite orbit with the closer region of the inner Van Allen radiation belt around Earth. Two working modes of operation of the tool are provided: “presentation mode” – where the application automatically replays measured data, evaluates it and displays relevant information, and “interactive mode” – where the user configures and can fully control the application and displayed data.


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IAA-HIS-15-P42 Cosmic radiation monitoring on board International Space Station: long-term data I. Ambrožová1, K. Pachnerová1 Brabcová1, J. Kubančák1, V.A. Shurshakov2, R.V. Tolochek2 1

Department of Radiation Dosimetry, Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia

Cosmic radiation and related cancer risk poses one of the main health issues for manned interplanetary missions. Up to now, the cancer risk has been estimated only with large uncertainties resulting from several factors; among others, also from accuracy of the data on cosmic radiation environment and its changes in shielding compartments. Measurements on board International Space Station contribute to a reduction the uncertainty of the cancer risk associated with future space exploration. Complexity of the cosmic radiation, regarding particle types, energies and fluxes, requires broad-spectrum detectors, which operate through small to large linear energy transfer (LET) values. This can be hardly met in a single detector, but can be achieved by combining of responses from multiple, complementary detectors. Furthermore, space dosimetry has specific requirements due to limited transport space and astronauts’ tight time schedule; thus small, light passive detectors, without need of power supply and a service, are optimal. Department of Radiation Dosimetry has participated on the dosimetric experiments on ISS since 2007; every year, packages of passive detectors are sent to the station and exposed in various locations. The packages include thermoluminescent detectors (TLD) measuring absorbed dose due to low-LET radiation such as photons and high energy protons; and track etched detectors (TED) registering particles of higher-LET such as heavy ions. Combination of TLD and TED complementary results enables obtaining of total absorbed dose and dose equivalent. The dosimetric characteristics resulting from experiments performed during 2007–2014 illustrate dependence on location within the station and time evolution in correlation with solar activity.


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IAA-HIS-15-P43 ER-bodies in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings are sensitive to simulated microgravity and ionizing radiation S. Romanchuk1 1

Cell biology and anatomy, Institute of Botan y of NASU, Ukraine

Bodies have been for the first time described in root epidermal and cortical cells of Raphanus sativus by H.T. Bonnett and E.H.Newcomb as local dilations of granular endoplasmic reticulum cisterns (GER). Later, it was shown that ER-bodies are characteristic for other species of the family Brassicaceae, e. g. Arabidopsis thaliana, Caparis spinosa, Cleome spinosa, Sinapis alba, Thlaspi arvense producing glucosinolates (β-thioglucoside-N-hydroxysulfates) and other sulfur-containing secondary metabolites. Identification of the enzyme β-glucosidase (EC as the major protein component in ERbodies attracted a heightened interest to study their formation and function in plant cells. Now, it is known, that A. thaliana genome encodes 47 β-glucosidases, which are grouped into ten subfamilies. Recently, it was shown that ER-bodies in A. thaliana root cap statocytes, epidermal and cortical cells of the root distal elongation zone are sensitive to slow horizontal clinorotation (2 rev/min) by using electron microscopy and biochemical methods. It was suggested an opportunity to utilize A. thaliana as a biodosimeter by tracking the physical changes of irradiated species over time. In this connection, we performed the study of ER-bodies in roots of A. thaliana seedlings irradiated by X-rays in doses 0.5 Gy, and 8.0 Gy on the X-apparatus RYM-17 with a dose rate 0.43 cGy/sec (Russia). As under clinorotation, ER-body number and area per cell in the distal elongation zone grew with radiation dose increasing. It was also established by using PCR that β-glucosidase gene expression rose under clinorotation and X-irradiation in comparison with control, especially under increased term of clinorotation and irradiation dose. All together these data, it may be suggested that the detected behaviour of ER-bodies under clinorotation and X–irradiation confirm a general rule for intensification of catabolic processes in cells in response to the influence of unfavourable factors, that provides organism resistance and adaptation, as β-glucosidase belongs to hydrolases (EC 3.2).


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IAA-HIS-15-P44 Validation of the electromagnetic physical processes with software Spenvis F. Loffredo1,2, M. Pugliese1,2, M. Quarto1,2, V. Roca1,2, V. Pisacane3, R. Aurigemma4 1

Physics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy; 2Nuclear physics, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Naples, Italy Euro.Soft s.r.l., Naples, Italy; 4Consorzio Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea (SAM), Naples, Italy.


The Space Radiation represents a serious risk for astronauts during space missions. The risk related to the space radiation exposure could involve acute and/or late effects. The Solar Cosmic Radiation that consists of protons (≈98%) with a very wide spectrum in energy (up to several GeV), is the major source of exposure for the crew. In this paper we present the results of the validation of the electromagnetic physical processes with the aim to contribute to the study of radiation protection for astronauts, in particular against the radiation due to the Solar Particle Events (SPE). The simulation was performed using MULASSIS, a module to the softwa re Spenvis, with protons as source, in the energy range from 800 MeV to 1.2 GeV, on a slab of aluminum of mass thickness of 20 g / cm2. SPENVIS is an interactive tool developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and it provides information on some space parameters, such as orbit, total mission duration, solar radiation pressure, perigee and apogee altitude etc. MULASSIS is a module of SPENVIS based on the use of the toolkit Geant4 (Geant4-9.2p1), for study and simulation of the effects of radiation on the shielding in space environment. The values of the electronic stopping power obtained using the codes, with relative uncertainty, was compared with those calculated by PSTAR, a database of the NIST. Finally, a comparison between Spenvis and Geant4-9.6p2 was performed.


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IAA-HIS-15-P45 The device for studying the effects of the hadronic component of secondary cosmic rays in ground-based experiments N. Belisheva1, Yu. Balabin2, D. Petrashova1, E. Maurchev2 1

Scientific Department for Medical and Biological Issues, Kola Sience Centre RAS, Apatity, Russian Federation; 2Polar Geophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation

Space explorations are associated with certain risk for cosmonaut health. The assessment of the level of risk, the determination of the cancer types and the probability of their induction during a specific mission and the effects of radiation on long-term life support systems is an inevitable task. (G. Reitz et al., 2005). Our research have been carried out during of contrast periods of solar activity in the ground-based experiments. It has been shown that biological effects of cosmic rays could be comparable with the effects of charged particles on biological objects in space environment (Belisheva et al., 2005; 2006; 2012). Certain biological phenomena, including DNA damage and cell lesions, were associated with the increase in neutron intensity at the Earth’s surface during solar proton events in October 1989. The neutron fluxes over a wide energy range, in cluding “cascade peak“ with energy of neutrons about 100 MeV, near the Earth’s surface during events in October 1989 were revealed by using simulation of particle cascades in the atmosphere (Monte Carlo PLANETOCOSMICS code based on GEANT4: E. Maurchev et al, 2013; Balabin et al., 2013). Moreover, the cell systems during such events were exposed to half the daily dose irradiation measured on the board of space stations (Reitz et.all, 2005). Since the contribution of separated energy range of neutrons in genetic disorders of cellular systems is not clear, we have created a device for studying the effects of the hadronic component of secondary cosmic rays. The device comprises a paraffin shielding with an inner chamber for incubation of biological objects. Thickness paraffinic shielding was designed in such a way as to cut off the all the neutrons with energies up to 50 MeV. Neutrons with > 50 MeV of energy interact mainly with large nuclei (e.g. C, N, O, Ca) in tissue in violent events, producing many low-energy charged particles with a broad distribution of LET, and can produce secondaries such as α-particles, protons, deuterons and other neutrons. With increasing energy, the frequency of neutron-induced nuclear disintegration, which produces high-LET α-particles, increases. Exposure to high-energy neutrons is thus quite distinct from exposure to low-energy neutrons, in which only a single recoil proton with LET extending to 100 keV µm–1 is formed. The initial LET values of recoil protons are less than about 30 keV µm–1 and increase to about 100 keV µm–1 as the protons come to a stop. At 100 keV µm–1, the spatial separation of the ionizing events is about 2 nm, comparable to the diameter of the DNA helix, therefore increasing the probability of double-strand breaks in DNA (IARC, 2000, V.75, P.364). Our studies may contribute to the unders tanding of the processes of interaction of secondary charged particles with the genetic material of cells during spaceflight and evaluate the dose causing irreversible genetic damages. The presentation will present preliminary experimental results on the effects of exposure to hadronic component of secondary cosmic rays with energies> 50 MeV on biological objects.


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IAA-HIS-15-P46 High senisitivity and low thermal fading RADFET design for space radiation dosimeter D.-H. Lee1, U.-W. Nam1, J. Lee1, M. Kim2 1

Space Science Division, Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute, Daejeon, S. Korea; 2Neosys Korea, Daejeon, S. Korea

We present a new design of a passive type RADFET sensor with a high sensitivity and a low thermal fading capabilities to apply for space human dosimetry.


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IAA-HIS-15-P47 Mining the Moon N. Jain1 1

Singularity University; NASA partner

In this presentation, Mr. Jain co-founder of Moon Express, would talk about his mission to adv ance space travel and commercialism by combining best practices of traditional aerospace know-how with the innovation and entrepreneurial culture of Silicon Valley. He will explain how Moon Express is developing innovative, flexible and scalable new robotic spacecraft that will radically reduce the cost of space exploration and unlock the mysteries and resources of the Moon. Attendees will hear best practices for partnering with organizations like NASA to advance their goals. The company’s first technology demonstrator mission is planned for 2015 making this a timely presentation.


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IAA-HIS-15-P48 Biomimesis: The case of outer space design D. Linaraki1 1

Technical University of Crete, Greece, 2Columbia University, New York

The proposed paper presents a research project for a space station design, according to biomimetic principles, on Venus clouds. The research follows a multidisciplinary approach in order to examine the way that biology could contribute in the architectural design of a space station. The choice of study area is based on the research of Geoffrey A. Landis, Colonization of Venus, Feb. 6.2 2003, in which he describes the possibility of a floating city in the Venusian atmosphere. The design aims to create a beneficial biosphere, it is trying to transfer an earth-like environment in the clouds of Venus, with new approaches of architectural design. The community is designed for 40 people, (about 17.000sqm) but it can accommodate another 20 and it has the capability of future expansion. The design occurred from a research in human anatomy. Metaphors from the biological system of human body in architecture are used in order the space station to adjust in Venus extreme environmental conditions. As an unborn child drains his basic nutrition’s for growing from his mother’s body, in the same way the space station drains its essential elements for development from Venus atmosphere. Specifically, the station uses the carbon dioxide found in the clouds of Venus in order to de constructed. The result is an aerodynamic shape, with functions similar to the human organism, which float in the clouds of Venus. The station has sensors and it responds according to the human needs, or to the environmental issues. The research suggests a new way of architectural design for the space stations, based on the field of biology science, in order to be able to adjust in the extreme environment of space. New experiences are formatted according to environmental parameters and human feelings.


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IAA-HIS-15-P49 EVA Suit Design and Operational Recommendations Necessary for Long-Duration Exploration V. Marwaha Madill1 1

Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Vienna, Austria

Essential technology design considerations for extravehicular activity (EVA) will be required for long-duration human exploration. The implications for a long-term extended duration exploration mission will bring unique challenges to the crew, without room for complacency during EVA operations. An evaluation of crew communications will be discussed, including the need for crew autonomy during mission planning and troubleshooting. There will be a need to reset expectations of hardware and system longevity for long-term missions, removing the assumption of consistent system behaviour. Potential failure scenarios are in need of being evaluated in detail ahead of time, depicted through the example of a recent high visibility close call during EVA. The fine line between maximising crew productivity during a long-range mission and adopting a safety conscious posture should be realised. The importance of on-board training and procedural changes are highlighted, particularly taking International Space Station (ISS) hardware and crew training lessons learned into account. An increased capability and flexibility in the use of EVA suits, will be required, providing the ability to withstand the deepspace, Martian and lunar environments. Issues investigated in relation to EVA suit design include lunar and Martian dust. The high degree of abrasion experienced by the Apollo astronauts’ spacesuits whilst conducting lunar EVA emphasised the need for a solution. Exposure to fine-grained particles of lunar dust is additionally indicated to cause numerous health problems for the astronauts. An evaluation of these issues along with recommendations discussed for future crew exploration environments will be presented. Hardware lessons learned during ISS operations including suit operation, part lifetime and wear in a microgravity environment should be incorporated into future suit design. These factors must be taken into account during the design process of an EVA suit for use on a planetary surface along with dust mitigation technologies. Analyses from this review are updated in the context of future exploration mission reference architectures, including the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) Global Exploration Roadmap (2013). Based on the aforementioned review, recommendations for EVA training, suit design and operational procedures are suggested. Extensions of original designs and recommendations based on my conclusions and successive independent analysis will be presented.


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IAA-HIS-15-P50 Commercial Communications Services beyond Earth Orbit. Is there a need? J. Friend1, S. Jason1, D. Liddle1, C. Saunders1 1

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

Exploration missions, whether robotic or human, are technologically challenging. The need to deliver these missions under constrained and decreasing budgets is a global reality. It is widely recognised that the Global Exploration Roadmap can only be achieved via a combination of International and National Agencies, Public and Private Partnerships as well as purely commercial initiatives. Commercial communications services are one example of how industry can fill the supporting infrastructure gap analogous to the geostationary communication market. The great benefit is that this will enable agencies to focus their efforts on mission critical technological developments, whilst also making commercial exploitation of space more achievable for startup and small-medium companies as there will be less of a technological barrier to overcome. The Moon is an area of great interest for its potential for exploitation, a venture which will be enhanced by the availability of a dedicated communications system. This paper outlines the roadmap for the implementation of these services starting with a demonstration mission targeting a 2018 launch. This demonstration mission is the first step in a long term plan to implement a lunar communication system with full coverage of the lunar surface. The aim of this first mission is to de-risk the technologies and operational proce dures that will be required of the fully operational system. The mission will demonstrate a high data rate link with Earth from the first and second Lagrangian points in the Earth-Moon system. This will be achieved in a single mission by exploiting the dynamics of the 3 body problem to allow the spacecraft to perform a free transfer from one Lagrangian point to another. It will also aim to demonstrate links with assets in Low Lunar Orbit and the lunar surface, subject to the availability of spacecraft and surface assets to communicate with. The 2nd generation will be the first to provide continuous coverage of the vast majority of the lunar surface and will offer a range of data services including high and low rate services between the Earth and the Moon and point–to-point communications for lunar assets. The 3rd generation will further improve the service offering, by providing additional data capacity and navigational services. This approach will estab lish the technologies, operations and services needed for exploration communications, and should be a first step towards a similar system in the Martian neighbourhood.


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IAA-HIS-15-P51 Legal Frameworks for Humans in Space Mukesh C Bhatt1 1

School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK

As more humans venture into space for the exploitation of resources and emigrate to artificial and planetary settlements, the current treaties and agreements regulating the use of space will be stretched beyond recognition. What are the ways in which the use of space is currently restricted, and how will these restrictions need to be modified in view of a greater human presence in space? The current phase of exploration is subject to treaties and conventions developed in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and are clearly outdated in the newer technological environment of the 21st century. Whereas the Outer Space Treaties cover celestial bodies without defining these, they do not include mining settlements, asteroids or artificial habitats. Further, space exploration is currently dominated by a few countries, each with their separate cultures and rationales to space and utilisation. However, the geo-politics and the applicable laws have either stagnated, or have not yet been formulated for application off Earth. There is a clear need to develop newer legal frameworks regulating space, both with regard to the specific exigencies of the spatial environment, and with regard to the dangers of cultural recidivism posed by exporting unnecessary and outdated ideologies, conflicts, and cultural mores developed in a terrestrial environment. A simple overview will explore current and possible newer approaches for the regulation of the human presence in space.

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