SYNOPSIS: REACTION PAPER (AUGUST 2016) [10 MARKS] NAME: AMIR FAUZAN AMIRUDDIN ID: 0321844 LECTURER: MR NAZMI ANUAR TUTORIAL TIME: 1400-1600 SYNOPSIS NO: READER TITLE: Towards a critical regionalism AUTHOR: Kenneth Frampton From the given text of “Towards a critical regionalism” by Kenneth Frampton, it stated about two parts which is “critical regionalism and world culture” and “the resistance of place-form”. In the beginning, he argued about critical practice of arriere-garde on discussing the present architecture. He seems don’t want the arriere-garde movement to falsely discuss on the regionalism. Later, Frampton discussed about the strategical impact of critical regionalism on universal civilization. From what I understand critical regionalism should sensitively consider the light, climate, tectonic form, and geographical condition in relation with the cultural context on given site. It is important to express those elements as inspiration in order to enlightenment the quality of regional architecture within the universal civilization. Although it is very hard to approach a value or style on regional architecture due to lack of sense of place but by maintaining high level of critical self-consciousness, it may mediate the impact. I believe critical regionalism is a problematic issue within a modern world of architecture especially in Malaysia. In my opinion as long it has contextual relation with regional identity, regionalism of restriction can be liberate if it is apply in the modern tradition. According to Frampton’s, urban forms are barely hard to define throughout the development of world today and it becoming theoretical subject to discuss. Rapid modern development that race onto megalopolis has entered into a state of crisis. He highlighted two similar examples of a statement about place-form. First by Martin Heidegger’s essay “Building, Dwelling, Thinking”. He stated that a place formed by existing that is clearly bounded by institutional sense. On the second example by Hannnah Arendt, place are formed by human appearances in particular political power or entities. Those are elements of developing place-form. As a reflection from Kenneth Frampton’s essay, the critical regionalism is very hard and challenging to maintain due to resistance of various experiences that existing in the cultural density which we can see it clearly today such as, some clients who does not care about those considerations may become the resistant when designing. Anyway, I believe it is a progressive approach to design that seeks to mediate between the global and the local languages of architecture. It is an architect’s job to consider the needs of the public, the function-form of spaces and contextual relevance when designing. In place-form, I agree that today it is define as an area of territory owned or controlled by a ruler or government. Urban metamorphosis that formed into megalopolis made it unable to maintain the form of city planning due to challenge on high population density and demand.
Key points (2.5) Appropriateness of Terminologies (2.5) Clarity in Opinions and Reactions (2.5) Logical Progression (2.5) DATE: ASSSESSED BY:
SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Grades Marks Key points (2.5)
Clarity in Opinions and Reactions (2.5) 1.8 - Evidence of Appropriate use of Outstanding 2.5 outstanding Terminologies In Clarity in opinions understanding of Key discussing the Issues/ and reactions points through clear Concepts/Theories Supported with explanation strong Logical explanation 1.5 - Evidence of Reasonable use of Reasonable 1.79 understanding of Key Terminologies In clarity in opinions points through discussing the Issues/ and reactions reasonable Concepts/Theories with Supported with explanation Minor unfamiliarity Logical explanation 1.25 - Evidence of Some Acceptable use of Acceptable 1.49 Understanding of Key Terminologies In Clarity in opinions points through discussing the Issues/ and reactions acceptable Concepts/Theories with Supported with explanation Noticeable unfamiliarity satisfactory explanation
Logical Progression (2.5)
1 - Evidence of Some 1.24 Understanding of Key points through not quite acceptable explanation
Evidence of Terminologies however poorly communicated in discussing The Issues/ Concepts/Theories With
Weak Clarity in opinions and reactions Supported with Lengthy explanation
Poor Articulation of logical expressions ending with noticeable ambiguous statements
0 - Insufficient Evidence 0.99 of Understanding of Key points through weak explanation
Insufficient Evidence of Terminologies in discussing the Issues/ Concepts/Theories With
Improper opinions and reactions. Not Matching the Issues/ Concepts/ Theories Inadequate Reasons
Unable to Articulate / illogical expressions. Poorly written synopsis.
Appropriateness of Terminologies (2.5)
Outstanding Articulation of logical expressions ending with welldeveloped paragraphs Reasonable Articulation of logical expressions ending with welldeveloped paragraphs Acceptable Articulation of logical expressions ending with some ambiguous statements