Country Talk - April 2014

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A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community


April 2014 The Word "Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is not here; He is risen!" Jesus, Luke 24:5-6

Last Supper Worship and Drama event The family-friendly evening will include a potluck meal and children’s activities. Guests welcomed! On April 17, Amlin UMC will gather for a potluck meal, communion service, and Last Supper Drama. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm in the New Life Center (NLC) with a church potluck and communion service. (Please bring a dish to share.) Communion will become part of our shared meal as we experience fellowship and prepare our hearts for the drama. Infants and children up to second grade will have Easter activities at the NLC as others move to our chapel for a dramatic presentation of The Last Supper. The production, directed and produced by Joan Lasson and Heather Stovall, will recreate Da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper, and feature monologues by the apostles, all played by men who are part of the Amlin church community. The entire evening is designed to be family-friendly and guests are welcome to attend.



You won’t want to miss these exciting church events! Check out the back calendar for more! Andy Clingman became the first church attendee to use the hybrid car plug-in.

Amlin offers radical hospitality with greener energy support On Thursday, March 13, Amlin UMC trustees decided to provide hospitality to worshippers who use plug-in hybrid vehicles. On Sunday, March 16, new praise band member Andy Clingman became the first to accept that hospitality. The initiative, suggested by Pastor Steve, is designed to extend hospitality and highlight our support

for creation care values, which include greener auto technology. “The United Methodist Church has resolutions and statements which support conservation and earth-friendly energy options. For about a nickel per hour, we can provide radical hospitality and communicate that our church supports the environment,” said the Pastor.

In addition to the new initiative, our church also recycles, uses programmable thermostats, and effectively insulated our New Life Center when built in 2005. If you have a suggestion about how our church might promote a healthier planet or create a smaller energy footprint, please contact a trustee or Pastor Steve.

Blessing of the Bikes Sunday scheduled for May 18

Join us for the 2nd annual Blessing of the Bikes Sunday. Last year’s event was a huge success and we’re expecting no less this year! There will also be a potluck meal after second service. There will be more information in the May newsletter. For more information, contact Eugene Pauley.

Every Monday Women’s Bible Study Disciple April 3 Wendy’s Burger Bash fundraiser @ Hilliard Cemetery Road location April 10 @ 7:00 Ad Board meeting April 17 @ 6:00 Maundy Thursday Potluck & Drama April 20 8:30 Easter Breakfast Three Easter Services!

Who Knew? Who’s New? We have 2 new babies. Ava Catherine Gloriosa was born 2/9/14. Her proud parents,Tony and Melinda, brought her home to eager siblings, Rachael and Michael. Even more recently (not sure of exact date) Matthew and Stephanie DeStephen brought Heidi Michelle home to her big sis Harper. Congratulations to both families! Hope to see those little girls soon. How far will a mother Continued on next page

Who Knew? Who’s New? by Mary Vulic

Continued from front page

go to support her daughter? Well, Lynn Kerr recently drove all the way to Orlando so Emily could participate in an international cheer competition. Emily, a perfectionist, has had better performances, but considers the trip an amazing experience. And Julie Ruland drove to Nashville with her daughter Aaliyah Brletic for a soccer tournament. Aaliyah’s team came home with a first place trophy! Here’s an amazing update of one of our “children”. Kurt Justus (whose Eagle Scout project just a few years ago

brought us our church playground) finished his OSU undergrad program in just 3 years and has been accepted into a doctoral program with exciting research opportunities. This past month Carla and Allwyn Swami and Cyndee Thomas accepted the call and commitment of full membership in our congregation. Carla was baptized in Christ. We are so grateful and happy for them! While most of us have grudgingly accepted this “winter without end,” some of us have not waited patiently for warmer times. In February Betty and Mike Baldwin flew away to summer in Argentina where Betty has family. Linda Keller and Sherry Staker enjoyed a wonderful cruise to the Bahamas. And our guitarist, Andy Clingman, boarded a Caribbean ship with about 25 of his favorite bands. They cruised and jammed from sunrise to sunset and beyond. The Ellis family tells us that Gary has qualified for palliative care. Gary joked that a related miscommunication led to his GP calling to express condolences on Gary’s passing. Gary, we all laugh and pray with you.

PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed. People grieving Diane Michelle Gwen Tilley Todd Hanes’ Dad Paige Barrow Tyler Shaw Evan Yoder Phil Jones Elizabeth Creek Lori Clark Dan Jones David USMC Gary Moore II Sarah USMC Nathan Moore Tracy and Marc Barraco Kaci and Stu Osborne Walt Armes

Rebecca Allard Kim & Darren Fogt Anita Melvin Long Allwyn Swami Curtis Thompson Libby Thompson Robin Thompson Steve Mortach Amlin Barb Heckathorn Israel June Stout Epiphany Ministry Trish Jaquemin & Jim Ruby Cecil & Shaw Family Sunday School Teachers Joan Lasson Leah Vulic

Kim Wisecup The Ellis Family Adam Cook Chuck & Mary Kay Withrow Steven Mortach Our Church Ellis’ nephew Parker Roger Clingman Our Community Cathi’s sister, Jennie Emmaus Women’s Walk Nicole Bagchi Andrea & Marisa Julie Ruland & Aaliyah

Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month. The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at

Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.

Mychal Ellis will join many area youth in the musical Tetelestai at the Upper Arlington Lutheran Church at Mill Run. The work portrays the last days of Christ’s life on earth. The performance schedule locally is at UALC at 7 pm April 4 and 5 and 3 pm on April 6. No tickets are required. Move over Cruea Crew! It’s been rumored that there are 7 chairs in each row at the NLC to accommodate the Cruea, Kerr, and Holstein group that fill one regularly. Diana Walker’s group (Jenna and her kids along with her friend Greg and his son Isaac) has been nearly filling one on many Sundays lately. Sherry Erwin, the Kents, and the almost family Bevingtons if they all showed up together at second service would fill one nicely. Any other nominees for a “pewtiful beautiful award”? After undergoing joint replacement surgery this winter, Mike Ferguson has completed 3 weeks in rehab and is now back to work. John Woerner will be celebrating his 90th birthday on April 25th. Send a good oldfashioned greeting card to celebrate!

CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: Website: Church Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30 - 4:00 Fridays: 9:30 –12:30 Or by appointment

Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: Phone: (614) 668-5001

Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: Phone: (614) 562-2868

Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos

Treasurer Dee Elkins (614) 771-1904

Financial Secretary Becky Kent (614) 446-2359

The Pastor’s Message

to be understood, rather than first seeking to understand. This is far from the pattern of Jesus. As we search the scriptures, we see him asking questions regularly, even From Pastor Steve Putka asking what people need before healing them. Might there be a model for us in that? Are You Listening? Whenever the church gathers, we look for unity but often see different points of view. Sometimes denominations If you had to pick the most profound and churches can even grow frustrated when others don’t see exactly eye to eye. Rather than jumping toward sides verse ever uttered in the Bible by a regular or pointing fingers, wouldn’t it help to begin by saying, human, just one, what would it be? A verse “Speak, for your servant is listening”? I believe that many reflecting great wisdom, or bold action, or deep conviction? family conflicts, marital disagreements, and parent-child Would it be prophetic words, words of mercy, or words of conflicts could be worked through if everyone judgment? sought first to understand others. The same For me, it’s a simple sentence spoken by a can be said of rivalries, work and school relachild. Words that I need to take to heart. Words We are tionships, and neighborhood conflicts. that need to shape my life and ministry even surrounded by Our church’s strategic planning process will more deeply. Perhaps these words will speak to constant noise, involve lots of listening. Lots of our listening you as well. regular distractions, will involve meeting people from our neighborThey are words spoken by a young boy after and a world that hoods who are not connected with Amlin. he heard God call out to him in the night. He reseems to move Listening deeply to them will have a deep and plied in the darkness while lying in his bed: faster and faster. profound impact on our planning. “Speak, for your servant is listening.” How often do we Finally, I do believe that listening is the most We are surrounded by constant noise, regular stop and listen, effective way to share our faith and underdistractions, and a world that seems to move stand the beliefs of others. I believe I have faster and faster. How often do we stop and lisreally listen, for only earned the right to share my faith after I ten, really listen, for God’s word to us? God’s word to us? have deeply listened to the beliefs of another. Not many of us hear God’s voice the way that Saint Paul demonstrated this method again Samuel did, as described in 1 Samuel 3. But God and again as he travelled to different commuspeaks to all of us in many ways. It may be God’s nities. While preaching has its place, I believe the most voice as you read the words of Jesus in your Bible, or the effective faith sharing happens in a relationship of mutual, words of a good friend who encourages you, or even the respectful listening. words of another that challenges you to stretch and grow. As we continue together on our Lenten journey, I enWhen we listen to God, we learn and grow. courage you to listen more. Listen to God, listen to your But these words don’t only ring true regarding God speakfamily, listen to your neighbor, and even listen to your ing to us. They can be applied to others as well. Jesus has enemy. And don’t hesitate to give me a call for some mucalled us to be great by serving others. I am convinced that tual listening. I’d love to understand you better! far too often I miss opportunities to understand and serve my See you on Sunday! brother or sister by not listening deeply to them. How can I Pastor Steve serve if I don’t understand the need? In conflict, I often seek

Mark your calendar for Special Church Funding Team events

Strategic Plan Launched

It’s time to re-enroll your Kroger Plus card for 2014 rewards. Just visit and click on Columbus and Enroll. Ask your friends and neighbors to enroll, all you need are a Kroger Plus card. Every time you swipe your card we automatically earn a rebate. Your fuel perks will not change they accumulate as they do now. Rebate checks are issued each quarter to our church. Our new fund raiser is UMCmarket. Set up your account at site, select Amlin as your origination, then shop. Retailors will donate a percentage of your sale to the church at no cost to you. There are many retailors: Amazon, Expedia, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Petco, and Office Depot just to name a few. Don’t forget to join us for both Wendy’s Burger Bash events on April 3 and August 28 at the Wendy’s Cemetery Road in Hilliard. If you have questions, ask Sally Pauley, Doreen Cole or Margy Johnson. Thank you for helping us raises funds for church landscaping and grounds improvements.

On March 13, Amlin's Administrative Board decided to move forward with developing a strategic plan for our church. A strategic plan for a church provides specific focus and direction for the ministries of a church. Where and how do we believe that God is calling our church to fulfill the mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world? A bold planning process can provide these answers. Of course, deep and frequent prayer is a critical component of this initiative. Ad Board Chair Tony Ganim has been building a dynamic team. Following the call for volunteers in last month’s newsletter, additional members have been added to the team. We have been taking care to include a blend of folks from both services, among long-time mem-

bers and new arrivals, and both men and women. The team thus far includes Tony Ganim, Eugene Pauley, Keith Justus, Christian Mateos, Mary Vulic, Carla Swami, and Pastor Steve. The team has enlisted the support of Rev. Jim Waugh (Retired) to serve as our “Guided Process Servant,” a leader experienced with leading church strategic planning processes who will help us to follow the process and stay on track. The process will engage our entire church. The planning team has already distributed a congregational survey, and will be using additional methods to seek participation and engagement by the church. We invite everyone to be in prayer for the success of this initiative, that the Holy Spirit would guide our direction and focus. If you’d like to serve on our prayer team, please contact Carla Swami, Tony Ganim, or Pastor Steve.

Marybeth Walters, director AmlinCommunityPreschool@gma 04 771-19 (614) g C.or inUM Aml

My Dearest Amlin Friends, are belt. We had a Marvelous March and we Another wonderful month is under our looking forward to Awesome April! will will be preparing for our Art Show. We April will bring us Easter lessons and we putting our finishing touches on our be practicing our songs and we will be art work. We will be learning about ducks We will be studying pond life this month. e g up our lesson on the planets. We hav and frogs and turtles. We are wrappin our classroom. Please take a moment a wonderful "stuffed world" hanging in to peek at it. It's fabulous! tion about our program. We are Please remember to pass on our informa working on filling our spots for the fall. e very special children. They are Our mornings are wonderful with thes y are helpful and funny caring and kind towards one another. The sed here at the Amlin. and happy to be here. We are very Bles ready to play on the playWe are looking forward to spring. We are walk. It's the simple things in ground and draw with chalk on the side life that are the most fun! s maintain the building, A special thank you to everyone who help s, writes checks for payroll change the light bulbs, clean bathroom and empties the trash. Thank you! Love, Your Preschool Gal, Marybeth Walters

We are here to


Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church. You can… ♥

Participate in serving at the West Side Free Store and then stick around for the church spring clean‐up day on Saturday, May 3. Contact Mary Vulic or the trustees for more information.

Take part in the planning of the Blessing of the Bikes Sunday, May 18. Contact Eugene Pauley.

Participate in the tradition by walking in the Cystic Fibrosis Walk as part of Emily’s Garden with the Kerr family on Sunday, May 4. Contact Bruce or Lynn Kerr for more information.

Share the good word with family and friends about our own Amlin Community Preschool. Regis‐ tration is open for fall classes now and there are several spots to fill. Contact Director Marybeth Walters for more information. See the preschool page for contact information.

To present your mission ideas to the Risk‐Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.

W! Support UM Cut this out on and post it ! your fridge

Free Store Lunch This year the UMW will continue to support the Westside Free Store by serving lunch. Please mark your calendar and join us! We will serve on the first Saturdays of: March May September November

Monthly Meeting The next meeting will by April 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome all women of the church to meet with us!

Heifer Project Ice Cream Social We’re in the beginning stages of planning for this fun summer event. Mark your calendar for the afternoon of June 21st and plan for a fun family event. We’re always looking for help with the planning, too! The team is working to connect with local businesses for donations and support. If you have any connections, please let us know!

Fair Trade Coffee/Tea A reminder that we continue to have coffee and tea for sale through the Fair Trade Coffee Project. These are available in the NLC each week. This UMCOR project is not a fundraiser, but is designed to ensure that farmers and their families earn living wages.

Suggestions Needed for Missions Bring ideas to the next meeting or send suggestions to Jen Bevington ( Current suggestions include: ♦ Third world sister church ♦ Soups, Salads & Sundaes in October ♦ Make Your Own Cookbook event in November

Service Ministries Schedule

If you would like to provide Hospitality refreshments between the early service and the late service, or if you are interesting in Service Ministries as a Lay Reader, Usher or Greeter, please contact Eugene Pauley @ 614-570-8706 or e-mail @ Thank you!



Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Rd. Dublin, OH 43016



Tue 1











7:00– Lent Study

7:00– UMW



7:00– Lent Study

7:00-Team Mtgs. 8:15– Ad. Board




5 9:00 am– 30 Hour Famine Begins 6:30 ALS benefit @ King Ave 5



18 Dublin Community Church: Ecumenical Service and Cross Walk 12:00 pm (Meet at Dublin Coffman High School for the walk)


7:00– Lent Study

17 6:00 pm Maundy Thursday Potluck & Drama





20 Easter 8:00 Sunrise 8:30 Breakfast 9:30 Traditional 11 Contemporary




27 12:30 New Member Class 6:00 Youth





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